package; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Kevin Wang: inner class used by method intelliElements iterating in */ public class IntelliElements { //fields public static final int DIRECTION_UNDEF = -1; public static final int DIRECTION_UP_TO_DOWN = 0; public static final int DIRECTION_DOWN_TO_UP = 1; public static final int DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 2; public static final int DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT = 3; public static final int ACTION_SEQUENCING = 0; //default public static final int ACTION_REPLICATION = 1; // replicate/copy the elements // The following two const are only used in method generateSimpleFormula public static final int FORMULA_NONE_PARA_SAME = -1; public static final int FORMULA_HOR_PARA_SAME = 0; public static final int FORMULA_VER_PARA_SAME = 1; private int direction = DIRECTION_UNDEF; // drag direction private int action = ACTION_SEQUENCING;//default private boolean isStyleSupported = true; //default //arguments passed in as members private ElementCasePane reportPane; private TemplateElementCase report; private Rectangle oldCellRectangle = null; private Rectangle dragCellRectangle = null; /** * Intelligent response to user's dragging right bottom of a cell selection region */ public static void iterating(ElementCasePane reportPane, Rectangle oldCellRectangle, Rectangle dragCellRectangle) { IntelliElements intelliElements = new IntelliElements(reportPane, oldCellRectangle, dragCellRectangle); //set options intelliElements.setAction(IntelliElements.ACTION_SEQUENCING); intelliElements.setStyleSupported(true); //do intelligent action now intelliElements.doIntelliAction(); } /** * Constructor * * @param reportPane ElementCasePane object */ public IntelliElements(ElementCasePane reportPane, Rectangle oldCellRectangle, Rectangle dragCellRectangle) { this.reportPane = reportPane; = reportPane.getEditingElementCase(); this.oldCellRectangle = oldCellRectangle; this.dragCellRectangle = dragCellRectangle; } /** * Specify the action when this drag operation * * @param action either IntelliElements.ACTION_REPLICATION or * IntelliElements.ACTION_SEQUENCING, presently */ public void setAction(int action) { this.action = action; } /** * Specify if copy/sequence both content and style, or simply do it for content only * * @param isStyleSupported specify if support content only. Default is true. */ public void setStyleSupported(boolean isStyleSupported) { this.isStyleSupported = isStyleSupported; } /** * Auto-generating elements in the drag region according to those in the old region * This is one of the few public methods of this inner class */ public void doIntelliAction() { // just do it! analyzeDirection(); // Assumption: elements in old region are of the same type if (this.action == IntelliElements.ACTION_REPLICATION) { doReplication(); return; } if (this.direction == IntelliElements.DIRECTION_UP_TO_DOWN) { U2DDHelper.doIntelliAction(); } else if (this.direction == IntelliElements.DIRECTION_DOWN_TO_UP) { D2UDHelper.doIntelliAction(); } else if (this.direction == IntelliElements.DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { L2RDHelper.doIntelliAction(); } else if (this.direction == IntelliElements.DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { R2LDHelper.doIntelliAction(); } //设置GridSelection. reportPane.setSelection(new CellSelection(this.dragCellRectangle.x, this.dragCellRectangle.y, this.dragCellRectangle.width, this.dragCellRectangle.height)); reportPane.repaint(); } /** * Hmm..., I copied some of Peter's codes from former method * doMouseReleased in */ private void doReplication() { if (this.direction == IntelliElements.DIRECTION_UP_TO_DOWN) { U2DDHelper.replicate(); } else if (this.direction == IntelliElements.DIRECTION_DOWN_TO_UP) { D2UDHelper.replicate(); } else if (this.direction == IntelliElements.DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { L2RDHelper.replicate(); } else if (this.direction == IntelliElements.DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { R2LDHelper.replicate(); } } private abstract class DragHelper { protected abstract boolean havetoModify(); protected abstract void copy(CellElementsClip cellElementsClip); public abstract int getStart(); public abstract int getEnd(); public abstract int getStep(); public abstract int[] getRect(int i); public void replicate() { if (havetoModify()) { ElementsTransferable elementsTransferable = GridUtils.caculateElementsTransferable(reportPane); CellElementsClip cellElementsClip = null; Object firstObject = elementsTransferable.getFirstObject(); if (firstObject != null) { if (firstObject instanceof CellElementsClip) { cellElementsClip = (CellElementsClip) firstObject; } } //cellElementsCopy if (cellElementsClip != null) { copy(cellElementsClip); } //设置GridSelection. reportPane.setSelection(new CellSelection( IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.x, IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.y, IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.width, IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.height )); } } public void doIntelliAction() { for (int colIndex = getStartColumnIndex(), colEnd = getEndColumnIndex(); colIndex < colEnd; colIndex++) { for (int rowIndex = getStartRowIndex(), rowEnd = getEndRowIndex(); rowIndex < rowEnd; rowIndex++) { TemplateCellElement sourceCellElement = getSourceCellElementByColumnRow(colIndex, rowIndex); if (sourceCellElement == null) { sourceCellElement = new DefaultTemplateCellElement(); } TemplateCellElement newCellElement = new DefaultTemplateCellElement(colIndex, rowIndex); applyStyle(newCellElement, sourceCellElement);//style if (sourceCellElement.getValue() instanceof DSColumn) { DSColumn dsColumn = (DSColumn) sourceCellElement.getValue(); newCellElement.setValue(dsColumn); newCellElement.setCellExpandAttr(sourceCellElement.getCellExpandAttr()); } else if (sourceCellElement.getValue() instanceof Number) { newCellElement.setValue(processNumber((Number) sourceCellElement.getValue())); } else if (sourceCellElement.getValue() instanceof Formula) { Formula formula = (Formula) sourceCellElement.getValue(); formula = this.generateSimpleFormula(formula, 1); newCellElement.setValue(formula); } else { try { //richer:不改变原单元格 newCellElement.setValue(BaseUtils.cloneObject(sourceCellElement.getValue())); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { FRContext.getLogger().error(e.getMessage(), e); } } report.addCellElement(newCellElement); } } } protected abstract int getStartColumnIndex(); protected abstract int getEndColumnIndex(); protected abstract int getStartRowIndex(); protected abstract int getEndRowIndex(); protected abstract TemplateCellElement getSourceCellElementByColumnRow(int columnIndex, int rowIndex); protected abstract Number processNumber(Number i); protected abstract ColumnRow processColumnRow(ColumnRow org, int diff); private Formula generateSimpleFormula(Formula formula, int diff) { Formula newFormula; try { newFormula = (Formula) (formula.clone()); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { newFormula = new Formula(); FRContext.getLogger().error(e.getMessage(), e); } String formulaContent = formula.getContent(); StringBuffer newFormulaContent = new StringBuffer(); String colRowRegex = "[a-z|A-Z]+[0-9]+"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(colRowRegex); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(formulaContent); int start = 0; while (matcher.find()) { int tokenStart = matcher.start(); int tokenEnd = matcher.end(); //jack 这个地方就是为了让参数的形式不扩展。 char isParam = formulaContent.charAt(tokenStart - 1); if (isParam == '$') { continue; } String colRow = formulaContent.substring(tokenStart, tokenEnd); ColumnRow newCR = processColumnRow(BaseUtils.convertCellStringToColumnRow(colRow), diff); String newColRow = BaseUtils.convertColumnRowToCellString(newCR); newFormulaContent.append(formulaContent.substring(start, tokenStart)); newFormulaContent.append(newColRow); start = tokenEnd; } newFormulaContent.append(formulaContent.substring(start, formulaContent.length())); newFormula.setContent(newFormulaContent.toString()); return newFormula; } } // 顺时针的拖拽,包括从左到右和从上到下 private abstract class ClockwiseDragHelper extends DragHelper { @Override public void copy(CellElementsClip cellElementsClip) { for (int i = getStart(); i < getEnd(); i += getStep()) { int[] rect = getRect(i); cellElementsClip.pasteAtRegion(reportPane.getEditingElementCase(), rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3], rect[4], rect[5]); } } } // 逆时针的拖拽,包括从右到左和从下到上 private abstract class CounterClockwiseDragHelper extends DragHelper { @Override public void copy(CellElementsClip cellElementsClip) { for (int i = getStart(); i > getEnd(); i -= getStep()) { int[] rect = getRect(i); cellElementsClip.pasteAtRegion(reportPane.getEditingElementCase(), rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3], rect[4], rect[5]); } } } private DragHelper L2RDHelper = new ClockwiseDragHelper() { @Override public int getStart() { return oldCellRectangle.x + oldCellRectangle.width; } @Override public int getEnd() { return IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.x + IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.width; } @Override public int getStep() { return oldCellRectangle.width; } @Override public int[] getRect(int i) { return new int[]{i, oldCellRectangle.y, i, oldCellRectangle.y, //peter:最后不能越界. Math.min(oldCellRectangle.width, IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.x + IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.width - i), oldCellRectangle.height }; } @Override public boolean havetoModify() { return IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.width > IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.width; } @Override public int getStartColumnIndex() { return IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.x + ((CellSelection)reportPane.getSelection()).getColumnSpan(); } @Override public int getEndColumnIndex() { return IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.x + IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.width; } @Override public int getStartRowIndex() { return IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.y; } @Override public int getEndRowIndex() { return IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.y + IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.height; } @Override public TemplateCellElement getSourceCellElementByColumnRow(int columnIndex, int rowIndex) { return report.getTemplateCellElement(columnIndex - IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.width, rowIndex); } @Override protected Number processNumber(Number i) { return FunctionHelper.asNumber(i.doubleValue() + 1); } @Override protected ColumnRow processColumnRow(ColumnRow org, int diff) { return ColumnRow.valueOf(org.column + diff, org.row); } }; private DragHelper R2LDHelper = new CounterClockwiseDragHelper() { @Override public int getStart() { return oldCellRectangle.x - oldCellRectangle.width; } @Override public int getEnd() { return IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.x - oldCellRectangle.width; } @Override public int getStep() { return oldCellRectangle.width; } @Override public int[] getRect(int i) { return new int[]{ i, oldCellRectangle.y, Math.max(i, IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.x), oldCellRectangle.y, //peter:最前面的时候不能越界 Math.min(oldCellRectangle.width, oldCellRectangle.width - (IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.x - i)), oldCellRectangle.height }; } @Override public boolean havetoModify() { return true; } @Override public int getStartRowIndex() { return IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.y; } @Override public int getEndRowIndex() { return IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.y + IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.height; } @Override public int getStartColumnIndex() { return IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.x; } @Override public int getEndColumnIndex() { return IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.x; } @Override public TemplateCellElement getSourceCellElementByColumnRow(int columnIndex, int rowIndex) { return report.getTemplateCellElement(IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.x + (columnIndex - IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.x) % (IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.width), rowIndex); } @Override protected Number processNumber(Number i) { return i; } @Override protected ColumnRow processColumnRow(ColumnRow org, int diff) { return ColumnRow.valueOf(Math.max(0, org.column - diff), org.row); } }; private DragHelper U2DDHelper = new ClockwiseDragHelper() { @Override public int getStart() { return oldCellRectangle.y + oldCellRectangle.height; } @Override public int getEnd() { return IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.y + IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.height; } @Override public int getStep() { return oldCellRectangle.height; } @Override public int[] getRect(int i) { return new int[]{ oldCellRectangle.x, i, oldCellRectangle.x, i, oldCellRectangle.width, //peter:最后不能越界. Math.min(oldCellRectangle.height, IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.y + IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.height - i) }; } @Override public boolean havetoModify() { return IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.height > IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.height; } @Override public int getStartColumnIndex() { return IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.x; } @Override public int getEndColumnIndex() { return IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.x + IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.width; } @Override public int getStartRowIndex() { return IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.y + ((CellSelection)reportPane.getSelection()).getRowSpan(); } @Override public int getEndRowIndex() { return IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.y + IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.height; } @Override public TemplateCellElement getSourceCellElementByColumnRow(int columnIndex, int rowIndex) { return report.getTemplateCellElement(columnIndex, rowIndex - IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.height); } @Override protected Number processNumber(Number i) { return FunctionHelper.asNumber(i.doubleValue() + 1); } @Override protected ColumnRow processColumnRow(ColumnRow org, int diff) { return ColumnRow.valueOf(org.column, org.row + diff); } }; private DragHelper D2UDHelper = new CounterClockwiseDragHelper() { @Override public int getStart() { return oldCellRectangle.y - oldCellRectangle.height; } @Override public int getEnd() { return IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.y - oldCellRectangle.height; } @Override public int getStep() { return oldCellRectangle.height; } @Override public int[] getRect(int i) { return new int[]{ oldCellRectangle.x, i, oldCellRectangle.x, Math.max(i, IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.y), oldCellRectangle.width, //peter:最前面的时候不能越界 Math.min(oldCellRectangle.height, oldCellRectangle.height - (IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.y - i)) }; } @Override public boolean havetoModify() { return true; } @Override public int getStartRowIndex() { return IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.y; } @Override public int getEndRowIndex() { return IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.y; } @Override public int getStartColumnIndex() { return IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.x; } @Override public int getEndColumnIndex() { return IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.x + IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.width; } @Override public TemplateCellElement getSourceCellElementByColumnRow(int columnIndex, int rowIndex) { return report.getTemplateCellElement(columnIndex, IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.y + (rowIndex - IntelliElements.this.dragCellRectangle.y) % (IntelliElements.this.oldCellRectangle.height)); } @Override protected Number processNumber(Number i) { return i; } @Override protected ColumnRow processColumnRow(ColumnRow org, int diff) { return ColumnRow.valueOf(org.column, Math.max(0, org.row - diff)); } }; private void analyzeDirection() { //vertical if (this.dragCellRectangle.x == oldCellRectangle.x && this.dragCellRectangle.width == oldCellRectangle.width) { if (this.dragCellRectangle.y == oldCellRectangle.y) { this.direction = IntelliElements.DIRECTION_UP_TO_DOWN; } else if (this.dragCellRectangle.y < oldCellRectangle.y) { this.direction = IntelliElements.DIRECTION_DOWN_TO_UP; } } //horizontal else if (this.dragCellRectangle.y == oldCellRectangle.y && this.dragCellRectangle.height == oldCellRectangle.height) { if (this.dragCellRectangle.x == oldCellRectangle.x) { this.direction = IntelliElements.DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT; } else if (this.dragCellRectangle.x < oldCellRectangle.x) { this.direction = IntelliElements.DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT; } } } /** * Apply style for each element * * @param newCellElement A new CellElement object * @param oldCellElement A reference CellElement object. Its style be cloned and * then used by the new one. */ private void applyStyle(CellElement newCellElement, CellElement oldCellElement) { if (this.isStyleSupported) { // must clone, but not simply use the other's style newCellElement.setStyle(oldCellElement.getStyle()); } // else: simply use the default style assigned when the object is created } }