/* * Copyright(c) 2001-2010, FineReport Inc, All Rights Reserved. */ package com.fr.grid; import com.fr.base.DynamicUnitList; import com.fr.design.ExtraDesignClassManager; import com.fr.design.cell.editor.CellEditor; import com.fr.design.cell.editor.FloatEditor; import com.fr.design.cell.editor.FormulaCellEditor; import com.fr.design.cell.editor.GeneralCellEditor; import com.fr.design.cell.editor.GeneralFloatEditor; import com.fr.design.cell.editor.TextCellEditor; import com.fr.design.constants.UIConstants; import com.fr.design.file.HistoryTemplateListPane; import com.fr.design.fun.GridUIProcessor; import com.fr.design.gui.itextfield.UITextField; import com.fr.design.mainframe.DesignOperationEvent; import com.fr.design.mainframe.ElementCasePane; import com.fr.design.mainframe.JTemplate; import com.fr.design.utils.gui.AdjustWorkBookDefaultStyleUtils; import com.fr.design.utils.gui.GUICoreUtils; import com.fr.event.EventDispatcher; import com.fr.general.ComparatorUtils; import com.fr.grid.event.CellEditorEvent; import com.fr.grid.event.CellEditorListener; import com.fr.grid.event.FloatEditorEvent; import com.fr.grid.event.FloatEditorListener; import com.fr.grid.selection.CellSelection; import com.fr.grid.selection.FloatSelection; import com.fr.grid.selection.Selection; import com.fr.report.ReportHelper; import com.fr.report.cell.CellElement; import com.fr.report.cell.DefaultTemplateCellElement; import com.fr.report.cell.FloatElement; import com.fr.report.cell.TemplateCellElement; import com.fr.report.cell.cellattr.CellGUIAttr; import com.fr.report.cell.cellattr.CellImage; import com.fr.report.cell.cellattr.core.RichText; import com.fr.report.elementcase.ElementCase; import com.fr.report.elementcase.TemplateElementCase; import com.fr.stable.StringUtils; import javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI; import java.awt.AWTEvent; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Window; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; /** * Grid used to paint and edit grid. * * @editor zhou 2012-3-22下午1:58:12 */ // TODO ALEX_SEP 能不能把CellSelection作为Grid的属性,以此来分开CellSelection & FloatSelection public class Grid extends BaseGridComponent { /** * If editing, the Component that is handling the editing. */ public static final int NO_PAGINATE_LINE = 0; // 不显示分页线 public static final int MULTIPLE_PAGINATE_LINE = 1; // 绘制多条分页线 public static final int SINGLE_HORIZONTAL_PAGINATE_LINE = 2; // 仅绘制一条水平分页线 private static final int VERTICAL_EXTENT_INITIAL_VALUE = 50; private static final int HORIZONTAL_EXTENT_INITIAL_VALUE = 40; transient protected Component editorComponent; transient private Point2D editorComponentLoc; transient private TemplateCellElement editingCellElement; private boolean showGridLine = true; private Color gridLineColor = UIConstants.RULER_LINE_COLOR; // line color. private int paginateLineShowType = MULTIPLE_PAGINATE_LINE; // 分页线类型 private Color paginationLineColor = Color.RED; // line color of paper private boolean isShowVerticalFrozenLine = true; private Color verticalFrozenLineColor = Color.black; private boolean isShowHorizontalFrozenLine = true; private Color horizontalFrozenLineColor = Color.black; private Color selectedBackground = UIConstants.SELECTED_BACKGROUND; private Color selectedBorderLineColor = UIConstants.SELECTED_BORDER_LINE_COLOR; private boolean editable = true; // 整体的总开关,控制格子是否可以编辑. private FloatElement drawingFloatElement = null; private int dragType = GridUtils.DRAG_NONE;// Drag的标志. // peter:Drag格子的时候,需要显示的边框,当为null的时候不画. private Rectangle dragRectangle = null; // ToolTip private Point tooltipLocation; /** * The object that overwrites the screen real estate occupied by the current * cell and allows the user to change its contents. */ transient private CellEditor cellEditor; /** * The object that overwrites the screen real estate occupied by the current * float and allows the user to change its contents. */ transient private FloatEditor floatEditor; /** * Identifies the column of the cell being edited. */ transient private int editingColumn; /** * Identifies the row of the cell being edited. */ transient private int editingRow; // A table of objects that display and edit the contents of a cell. transient private Hashtable defaultCellEditorsByClass; // A table of objects that display and edit the contents of a float. transient private Hashtable defaultFloatEditorsByClass; // Vertical and Horizontal value. private int verticalValue = 0; private int verticalExtent = VERTICAL_EXTENT_INITIAL_VALUE; private int horizontalValue = 0; private int horizontalExtent = HORIZONTAL_EXTENT_INITIAL_VALUE;// marks:这个值从原来的10换成20,因为现在电脑都是宽屏,10已经没有办法满足需求! // denny: verticalBeginValue and horizantalBeginValue private int verticalBeginValue = 0; private int horizontalBeginValue = 0; private int resolution; // 判断SmartJTablePane是否显示,做为动态虚线标识符 private boolean notShowingTableSelectPane = true; private GridMouseAdapter gridMouseAdapter; private boolean needRequestFocus = true; // 截取缩略图时需透明(不能用默认白色填充),否则会遮挡组件样式的背景,其余情况的绘制可以用白色等默认颜色填充 private boolean isTranslucent = false; // 是否绘制单元格内容区之外的网格线 private boolean showExtraGridLine = true; public Grid(int resolution) { this.resolution = resolution; // 能触发processEvent,不管是否给component增加listener enableEvents(AWTEvent.KEY_EVENT_MASK | AWTEvent.MOUSE_EVENT_MASK | AWTEvent.MOUSE_MOTION_EVENT_MASK); GridKeyAction.initGridInputActionMap(this); gridMouseAdapter = new GridMouseAdapter(this); this.addMouseListener(gridMouseAdapter); this.addMouseMotionListener(gridMouseAdapter); this.addMouseWheelListener(gridMouseAdapter); this.addKeyListener(new GridKeyListener(this)); // JDK1.4 this.setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled(false); this.setOpaque(false); this.updateUI(); } public void setResolution(int resolution) { this.resolution = resolution; } public int getResolution() { return this.resolution; } /** * 应用界面设置 * * @date 2014-12-21-下午6:32:43 */ @Override public void updateUI() { GridUIProcessor localGridUIProcessor = ExtraDesignClassManager.getInstance().getSingle(GridUIProcessor.MARK_STRING, new DefaultGridUIProcessor()); ComponentUI localComponentUI = localGridUIProcessor.appearanceForGrid(this.resolution); setUI(localComponentUI); } /** * 是否显示格子线 * * @return 是否显示格子线 * @date 2014-12-21-下午6:32:13 */ public boolean isShowGridLine() { return showGridLine; } /** * Sets whether to show grid line. * * @param isShowGridLine whether to show grid line. */ public void setShowGridLine(boolean isShowGridLine) { this.showGridLine = isShowGridLine; this.getElementCasePane().repaint(); } public GridMouseAdapter getGridMouseAdapter() { return this.gridMouseAdapter; } /** * Gets grid line color. * * @return grid line color. */ public Color getGridLineColor() { return this.gridLineColor; } /** * Sets grid line color. * * @param gridLineColor the new color of line. */ public void setGridLineColor(Color gridLineColor) { Color old = this.gridLineColor; this.gridLineColor = gridLineColor; this.firePropertyChange("girdLineColor", old, this.gridLineColor); this.getElementCasePane().repaint(); } /** * Gets pagination line color. */ public Color getPaginationLineColor() { return this.paginationLineColor; } /** * Sets pagination line color. * * @param paginationLineColor the new color of pagination line. */ public void setPaginationLineColor(Color paginationLineColor) { Color old = this.paginationLineColor; this.paginationLineColor = paginationLineColor; this.firePropertyChange("paginationLineColor", old, this.paginationLineColor); this.getElementCasePane().repaint(); } /** * 是否显示垂直冻结线 * * @return 是否显示垂直冻结线 * @date 2014-12-21-下午6:29:35 */ public boolean isShowVerticalFrozenLine() { return isShowVerticalFrozenLine; } /** * Sets to show vertical frozen line. */ public void setShowVerticalFrozenLine(boolean showVerticalFrozenLine) { this.isShowVerticalFrozenLine = showVerticalFrozenLine; this.getElementCasePane().repaint(); } public void setNeedRequestFocus(boolean needRequestFocus) { this.needRequestFocus = needRequestFocus; } /** * Gets vertical frozen line color. */ public Color getVerticalFrozenLineColor() { return verticalFrozenLineColor; } /** * Sets vertical frozen line color. * * @param verticalFrozenLineColor the new color of vertical frozen line. */ public void setVerticalFrozenLineColor(Color verticalFrozenLineColor) { Color old = this.verticalFrozenLineColor; this.verticalFrozenLineColor = verticalFrozenLineColor; this.firePropertyChange("verticalFrozenLineColor", old, this.verticalFrozenLineColor); this.getElementCasePane().repaint(); } /** * 是否显示水平冻结线 * * @return 是否显示水平冻结线 * @date 2014-12-21-下午6:29:35 */ public boolean isShowHorizontalFrozenLine() { return isShowHorizontalFrozenLine; } /** * Sets to show horizontal frozen line. */ public void setShowHorizontalFrozenLine(boolean showHorizontalFrozenLine) { this.isShowHorizontalFrozenLine = showHorizontalFrozenLine; this.getElementCasePane().repaint(); } /** * Gets horizontal frozen line color. */ public Color getHorizontalFrozenLineColor() { return horizontalFrozenLineColor; } /** * Sets horizontal frozen line color. * * @param horizontalFrozenLineColor the new color of horizontal frozen line. */ public void setHorizontalFrozenLineColor(Color horizontalFrozenLineColor) { Color old = this.horizontalFrozenLineColor; this.horizontalFrozenLineColor = horizontalFrozenLineColor; this.firePropertyChange("horizontalFrozenLineColor", old, this.horizontalFrozenLineColor); this.getElementCasePane().repaint(); } /** * Gets the selected background. */ public Color getSelectedBackground() { return this.selectedBackground; } /** * Sets the selected background. * * @param selectedBackground the new selected background. */ public void setSelectedBackground(Color selectedBackground) { Color old = this.selectedBackground; this.selectedBackground = selectedBackground; this.firePropertyChange("selectedBackground", old, this.selectedBackground); this.getElementCasePane().repaint(); } /** * Gets the selected border line color. */ public Color getSelectedBorderLineColor() { return selectedBorderLineColor; } /** * Sets the selected border line color. * * @param selectedBorderLineColor the new color of selected border line. */ public void setSelectedBorderLineColor(Color selectedBorderLineColor) { Color old = this.selectedBorderLineColor; this.selectedBorderLineColor = selectedBorderLineColor; this.firePropertyChange("selectedBorderLineColor", old, this.selectedBorderLineColor); this.getElementCasePane().repaint(); } /** * 组件是否可以被编辑 * * @return 组件是否可以被编辑 * @date 2014-12-21-下午6:29:09 */ public boolean isEditable() { return editable; } /** * Sets whether to editable. */ public void setEditable(boolean editable) { this.editable = editable; } /** * @return */ public FloatElement getDrawingFloatElement() { return drawingFloatElement; } /** * @param drawingFloatElement */ public void setDrawingFloatElement(FloatElement drawingFloatElement) { this.drawingFloatElement = drawingFloatElement; } /** * @return */ public int getVerticalValue() { return verticalValue; } /** * @param verticalValue */ public void setVerticalValue(int verticalValue) { this.verticalValue = verticalValue; } /** * @return */ public int getVerticalExtent() { return verticalExtent; } /** * @param verticalExtent */ public void setVerticalExtent(int verticalExtent) { this.verticalExtent = verticalExtent; } /** * // denny: add the get and set method of verticalBeginValue * * @return */ public int getVerticalBeginValue() { return verticalBeginValue; } /** * @param verticalBeginValue */ public void setVerticalBeinValue(int verticalBeginValue) { this.verticalBeginValue = verticalBeginValue; } /** * @return */ public int getHorizontalExtent() { return horizontalExtent; } /** * @param horizontalExtent */ public void setHorizontalExtent(int horizontalExtent) { this.horizontalExtent = horizontalExtent; } /** * @return */ public int getHorizontalValue() { return horizontalValue; } /** * @param horizontalValue */ public void setHorizontalValue(int horizontalValue) { this.horizontalValue = horizontalValue; } /** * denny: add the get and set method of horizontalBeginValue * * @return */ public int getHorizontalBeginValue() { return this.horizontalBeginValue; } /** * @param horizontalBeginValue */ public void setHorizontalBeginValue(int horizontalBeginValue) { this.horizontalBeginValue = horizontalBeginValue; } // /////////////editor begin /** * 是否处于编辑状态 * * @return 是否处于编辑状态 * @date 2014-12-21-下午6:28:45 */ public boolean isEditing() { return this.editorComponent != null; } /** * 当前编辑对象是否为单元格 * * @return 当前编辑对象是否为单元格 * @date 2014-12-21-下午6:28:18 */ public boolean isCellEditing() { return this.isEditing() && cellEditor != null && notShowingTableSelectPane; } /** * @param f */ public void setNotShowingTableSelectPane(boolean f) { this.notShowingTableSelectPane = f; } /** * 是否处于智能选择单元格阶段 * * @return 是否处于智能选择单元格阶段 * @date 2014-12-21-下午6:27:36 */ public boolean IsNotShowingTableSelectPane() { return this.notShowingTableSelectPane; } /** * 当前是否在编辑悬浮元素 * * @return 是否在编辑悬浮元素 * @date 2014-12-21-下午6:26:46 */ public boolean isFloatEditing() { return this.isEditing() && floatEditor != null; } /** * Returns an appropriate editor for the cell specified by * column and row. * * @param column the column of the cell to edit, where 0 is the first column; * @param row the row of the cell to edit, where 0 is the first row * @return the editor for this cell; if null return the default * editor for this type of cell * @see com.fr.design.cell.editor.CellEditor */ public CellEditor getCellEditor(int column, int row) { ElementCasePane reportPane = this.getElementCasePane(); ElementCase report = reportPane.getEditingElementCase(); CellElement cellElement = report.getCellElement(column, row); // 获得对象. Class objClass = Object.class;// 默认对象是Object. if (cellElement != null && cellElement.getValue() != null) { objClass = cellElement.getValue().getClass(); } return this.getDefaultCellEditor(objClass); } /** * Gets the component that is handling the editing session. If nothing is * being edited, returns null. * * @return Component handling editing session */ public Component getEditorComponent() { return this.editorComponent; } /** * Gets the index of the column that contains the cell currently being * edited. If nothing is being edited, returns -1. * * @return the index of the column that contains the cell currently being * edited; returns -1 if nothing being edited */ public int getEditingColumn() { return editingColumn; } /** * Sets the editingColumn variable. * * @param editingColumn the column of the cell to be edited */ public void setEditingColumn(int editingColumn) { this.editingColumn = editingColumn; } /** * Gets the index of the row that contains the cell currently being edited. * If nothing is being edited, returns -1. * * @return the index of the row that contains the cell currently being * edited; returns -1 if nothing being edited */ public int getEditingRow() { return editingRow; } /** * Sets the editingRow variable. * * @param editingColumn the row of the cell to be edited */ public void setEditingRow(int editingColumn) { this.editingRow = editingColumn; } /** * Gets the cell editor. * * @return the CellEditor that does the editing */ public CellEditor getCellEditor() { return cellEditor; } /** * Gets the float editor. * * @return the FloatEditor that does the editing */ public FloatEditor getFloatEditor() { return this.floatEditor; } /** * Sets the cellEditor variable. * * @param anEditor the CellEditor that does the editing */ public void setCellEditor(CellEditor anEditor) { CellEditor old = this.cellEditor; this.cellEditor = anEditor; firePropertyChange("CellEditor", old, this.cellEditor); } /** * Sets the FloatEditor variable. * * @param anEditor the FloatEditor that does the editing */ public void setFloatEditor(FloatEditor anEditor) { FloatEditor old = this.floatEditor; this.floatEditor = anEditor; firePropertyChange("FloatEditor", old, this.floatEditor); } /** * Gets the cell editor to be edit Object class. * * @return the default cell editor to be used for Object Class * @see #setDefaultCellEditor * @see com.fr.report.cell.CellElement#getValue */ public CellEditor getDefaultCellEditor() { return this.getDefaultCellEditor(Object.class); } /** * Gets the float editor to be edit Object class. * * @return the default float editor to be used for Object Class * @see #setDefaultFloatEditor * @see com.fr.report.cell.FloatElement#getValue */ public FloatEditor getDefaultFloatEditor() { return this.getDefaultFloatEditor(Object.class); } /** * Sets the cell editor to be edit the Object class. * * @param editor default cell editor to be used for Object Class * @see #getDefaultCellEditor */ public void setDefaultCellEditor(CellEditor editor) { this.setDefaultCellEditor(Object.class, editor); } /** * Sets the float editor to be edit the Object class. * * @param editor default float editor to be used for Object Class * @see #getDefaultFloatEditor */ public void setDefaultFloatEditor(FloatEditor editor) { this.setDefaultFloatEditor(Object.class, editor); } /** * Gets the editor to be edit the class. The Grid installs * entries for Object, Number, * Boolean,and all values that supported by CellElement. * * @param objectClass return the default cell editor for this Class * @return the default cell editor to be used for this Class * @see #setDefaultCellEditor * @see com.fr.report.cell.CellElement#getValue */ public CellEditor getDefaultCellEditor(Class objectClass) { if (objectClass == null) { objectClass = Object.class; } CellEditor editor = this.prepareDefaultCellEditorsByClass().get(objectClass); if (editor != null) { return editor; } else { return getDefaultCellEditor(objectClass.getSuperclass()); } } /** * Gets the float editor to be edit the class. The Grid * installs entries for Object, Number, * Boolean,and all values that supported by FloatElement. * * @param objectClass return the default float editor for this Class * @return the default cell editor to be used for this Class * @see #setDefaultFloatEditor * @see com.fr.report.cell.FloatElement#getValue */ public FloatEditor getDefaultFloatEditor(Class objectClass) { if (objectClass == null) { objectClass = Object.class; } FloatEditor editor = this.prepareDefaultFloatEditorsByClass().get(objectClass); if (editor != null) { return editor; } else { return getDefaultFloatEditor(objectClass.getSuperclass()); } } /** * Sets the editor to be edit the class. The Grid installs * entries for Object, Number, * Boolean,and all values that supported by CellElement. * * @param objectClass set the default cell editor for this Class * @param editor default cell editor to be used for this Class * @see #getDefaultCellEditor * @see com.fr.report.cell.CellElement#getValue */ public void setDefaultCellEditor(Class objectClass, CellEditor editor) { if (editor != null) { this.prepareDefaultCellEditorsByClass().put(objectClass, editor); } else { this.prepareDefaultCellEditorsByClass().remove(objectClass); } } /** * Sets the float editor to be edit the class. The Grid * installs entries for Object, Number, * Boolean,and all values that supported by CellElement. * * @param objectClass set the default float editor for this Class * @param floatEditor default float editor to be used for this Class * @see #getDefaultFloatEditor * @see com.fr.report.cell.FloatElement#getValue */ public void setDefaultFloatEditor(Class objectClass, FloatEditor floatEditor) { if (floatEditor != null) { this.prepareDefaultFloatEditorsByClass().put(objectClass, floatEditor); } else { this.prepareDefaultFloatEditorsByClass().remove(objectClass); } } /** * 开始单元格编辑 * * @date 2014-12-21-下午6:25:17 */ public void startEditing() { this.startEditing(false); } /** * 开始单元格编辑 * * @param byKeyEvent 是否为键盘触发 * @date 2014-12-21-下午6:25:17 */ protected void startEditing(boolean byKeyEvent) { ElementCasePane reportPane = this.getElementCasePane(); ElementCase report = reportPane.getEditingElementCase(); Selection s = reportPane.getSelection(); if (s instanceof FloatSelection) { FloatElement selectedFloatElement = report.getFloatElement(((FloatSelection) s).getSelectedFloatName()); this.stopEditing();// 需要先停止. Object value = selectedFloatElement.getValue(); if (value == null) { this.floatEditor = this.getDefaultFloatEditor(); } else { this.floatEditor = this.getDefaultFloatEditor(value.getClass()); } if (this.floatEditor == null) { // peter:清空editorComponent. this.editorComponent = null; return; } this.editorComponent = this.floatEditor.getFloatEditorComponent(this, selectedFloatElement, resolution); if (this.editorComponent == null) { removeEditor(); return; } floatEditor.addFloatEditorListener(innerFloatEditorListener); this.setFloatEditor(floatEditor); if (this.editorComponent instanceof Window) { this.editorComponent.setVisible(true); } else { this.ajustEditorComponentBounds(); this.add(this.editorComponent); this.validate(); this.editorComponent.requestFocus(); this.repaint(10); } } else {// james: // Edit CellElement. CellSelection cs = (CellSelection) s; startCellEditingAt_DEC(cs.getColumn(), cs.getRow(), null, byKeyEvent); } } /** * 开始单元格编辑 * * @param column 列 * @param row 行 * @param cellTypeClass 单元格类型 * @param byKeyEvent 是否为键盘触发 * @return 编辑是否成功 * @date 2014-12-21-下午6:25:17 */ public boolean startCellEditingAt_DEC(int column, int row, Class cellTypeClass, boolean byKeyEvent) { if (this.isEditing()) { this.stopEditing();// 需要先停止正在进行的编辑. } if (!this.isEditable()) {// 判断总开关,是否可以编辑. return false; } if (row < 0 || column < 0) { return false; } ElementCasePane reportPane = this.getElementCasePane(); TemplateElementCase report = reportPane.getEditingElementCase(); editingCellElement = report.getTemplateCellElement(column, row); this.cellEditor = cellTypeClass == null ? this.getCellEditor(column, row) : this.getDefaultCellEditor(cellTypeClass); if (this.cellEditor == null) { this.editorComponent = null; return false; } // 必须保证editingCellElement不是null。 if (editingCellElement == null) { editingCellElement = new DefaultTemplateCellElement(column, row); AdjustWorkBookDefaultStyleUtils.adjustCellElement(editingCellElement); } editorComponent = getCellEditingComp(); if (editorComponent == null) { return false; } this.setEditingColumn(column); this.setEditingRow(row); if (editorComponent instanceof Window) { editorComponent.setVisible(true); } else { // 如果是从KeyEvent启动的话,如果是文本或者数字,需要清空内容. if (byKeyEvent && editorComponent instanceof UITextField) { ((UITextField) editorComponent).setText(StringUtils.EMPTY); } startInnerEditing(column, row); } return false; } private Component getCellEditingComp() { // marks:这个地方获得editor Component eComp = this.cellEditor.getCellEditorComponent(this, editingCellElement, resolution); if (eComp == null) { removeEditor(); } else { this.editorComponentLoc = this.cellEditor.getLocationOnCellElement(); cellEditor.addCellEditorListener(innerCellEditorListener); this.setCellEditor(cellEditor); } return eComp; } /** * 就在单元格里面编辑 */ private void startInnerEditing(int column, int row) { this.editingRow = this.editingCellElement.getRow(); this.editingColumn = this.editingCellElement.getColumn(); this.ajustEditorComponentBounds(); this.add(this.editorComponent); this.getElementCasePane().ensureColumnRowVisible(column, row); this.validate(); // 需要重新绘制界面 this.repaint(10); if (this.needRequestFocus) { this.editorComponent.requestFocus(); } } /** * 停止编辑状态 * * @date 2014-12-21-下午6:24:54 */ public void stopEditing() { // 首先判断是哪种类型的编辑. if (this.isCellEditing()) { this.stopCellEditingInner(true); } if (this.isFloatEditing()) { this.stopFloatEditingInner(true); } } /** * Stop editing. 当编辑器因为点击按钮失去焦点后,不需要Request Focus. */ private void stopFloatEditingInner(boolean isRequestFocus) { if (!this.isFloatEditing()) { return; } if (floatEditor == null) { if (this.editorComponent != null) { this.remove(this.editorComponent); } return; } Object newValue = null; try { newValue = floatEditor.getFloatEditorValue(); } catch (Exception exp) { // 捕捉错误信息. } if (newValue == null) {// If return null, do nothing. removeEditor(); return; } ElementCasePane reportPane = this.getElementCasePane(); Selection selection = reportPane.getSelection(); if (selection instanceof FloatSelection) {// kunsnat: 类型判断, 经常在删除悬浮元素时 遇到停止编辑错误. FloatSelection fs = (FloatSelection) reportPane.getSelection(); FloatElement selectedFloatElement = reportPane.getEditingElementCase().getFloatElement(fs.getSelectedFloatName()); Object oldValue = selectedFloatElement.getValue(); if (!ComparatorUtils.equals_exactly(oldValue, newValue)) { if (newValue instanceof CellImage) { CellImage cellImage = (CellImage) newValue; JTemplate currentEditingTemplate = HistoryTemplateListPane.getInstance().getCurrentEditingTemplate(); currentEditingTemplate.setPictureElem(selectedFloatElement, cellImage); if (cellImage.getStyle() != null) { selectedFloatElement.setStyle(cellImage.getStyle()); } } else { selectedFloatElement.setValue(newValue); } reportPane.fireTargetModified(); //加这句话是为了在编辑完悬浮元素公式的时候,点击确定,右上角面板会立即刷新 reportPane.getCurrentEditor(); } } removeEditor(); if (isRequestFocus && !this.hasFocus()) { this.requestFocus(); } } /** * Stop editing. 当编辑器因为点击按钮失去焦点后,不需要Request Focus. */ private void stopCellEditingInner(boolean isRequestFocus) { if ((!this.isCellEditing())) { return; } if (cellEditor == null) { if (this.editorComponent != null) { this.remove(this.editorComponent); } return; } ElementCasePane reportPane = this.getElementCasePane(); TemplateElementCase tplEC = reportPane.getEditingElementCase(); Object newValue = null; Object oldValue = null; // CellAdapter this.editingCellElement = tplEC.getTemplateCellElement(editingColumn, editingRow); try { newValue = cellEditor.getCellEditorValue(); } catch (Exception exp) { // 捕捉错误信息. } if (cellEditor instanceof TextCellEditor) { oldValue = ((TextCellEditor) cellEditor).getOldValue(); } if (isValueEmpty(newValue)) { reportPane.clearContents(); if (cellEditor instanceof FormulaCellEditor || !isValueEmpty(oldValue)) { reportPane.fireTargetModified(); } removeEditor(); return; } // 必须保证editingCellElement不是null。 if (editingCellElement == null) { editingCellElement = new DefaultTemplateCellElement(editingColumn, editingRow); tplEC.addCellElement(editingCellElement); AdjustWorkBookDefaultStyleUtils.adjustCellElement(editingCellElement); } if (setValue4EditingElement(newValue)) { shrinkToFit(tplEC); reportPane.fireTargetModified(); } removeEditor(); if (isRequestFocus && !this.hasFocus()) { this.requestFocus(); } } private boolean isValueEmpty(Object newValue) { return (newValue == null || ComparatorUtils.equals(newValue, StringUtils.EMPTY)); } /** * @return editingCellElement 的字符串表示 */ public String getEditingCellElement() { return editingCellElement.toString(); } /** * 将新值赋给editingCellElement * * @param newValue * @return true if the value changed */ private boolean setValue4EditingElement(Object newValue) { if (newValue instanceof TemplateCellElement) { TemplateCellElement cellElement = (TemplateCellElement) newValue; editingCellElement.setValue(cellElement.getValue()); editingCellElement.setCellExpandAttr(cellElement.getCellExpandAttr()); return true; } else if (newValue instanceof CellImage) { CellImage cellImage = (CellImage) newValue; newValue = cellImage.getImage(); boolean styleChange = false; if (!ComparatorUtils.equals_exactly(cellImage.getStyle(), editingCellElement.getStyle())) { editingCellElement.setStyle(cellImage.getStyle()); styleChange = true; } Object oldValue = this.editingCellElement.getValue(); boolean imageChange = false; if (!ComparatorUtils.equals_exactly(oldValue, newValue)) { JTemplate currentEditingTemplate = HistoryTemplateListPane.getInstance().getCurrentEditingTemplate(); currentEditingTemplate.setPictureElem(editingCellElement, cellImage); imageChange = true; } if (styleChange || imageChange) { EventDispatcher.fire(DesignOperationEvent.CELL_IMAGE_VALUE_MODIFY); return true; } } else { if (newValue instanceof RichText) { setShowAsHtml(this.editingCellElement); } Object oldValue = this.editingCellElement.getValue(); if (!ComparatorUtils.equals_exactly(oldValue, newValue)) { editingCellElement.setValue(newValue); return true; } } return false; } private void setShowAsHtml(CellElement cellElement) { CellGUIAttr guiAttr = cellElement.getCellGUIAttr(); if (guiAttr == null) { guiAttr = new CellGUIAttr(); cellElement.setCellGUIAttr(guiAttr); } guiAttr.setShowAsHTML(true); } /** * 当单元格里的内容过长时,自动调整单元格 * * @param tplEC */ private void shrinkToFit(TemplateElementCase tplEC) { if (editingCellElement == null) { return; } Object editElementValue = editingCellElement.getValue(); if (valueNeedFit(editElementValue)) { int mode = this.getElementCasePane().getReportSettings().getShrinkToFitMode(); GridUtils.shrinkToFit(mode, tplEC, editingCellElement); } } //是否需要根据内容自动调整, 目前只有字符串, 数字, 富文本需要 private boolean valueNeedFit(Object value) { if (value == null) { return false; } return value instanceof String || value instanceof Number || value instanceof RichText; } /** * 取消编辑状态 * * @date 2014-12-21-下午6:24:34 */ public void cancelEditing() { if (this.isEditing()) { removeEditor(); this.requestFocus(); } } /** * 移除选中组件 * * @date 2014-12-21-下午6:24:16 */ public void removeEditor() { if (this.isCellEditing()) { this.removeCellEditor(); } else { this.removeFloatEditor(); } } /** * 移除单元格组件 * * @date 2014-12-21-下午6:24:00 */ public void removeCellEditor() { CellEditor cellEditor = getCellEditor(); if (cellEditor == null) { return; } if (this.editorComponent != null) { if (this.editorComponent instanceof Window) { editorComponent.setVisible(false); ((Window) editorComponent).dispose(); } else { this.remove(this.editorComponent); this.validate(); } } cellEditor.removeCellEditorListener(innerCellEditorListener); setCellEditor(null); setEditingColumn(-1); setEditingRow(-1); this.editorComponent = null; this.editingCellElement = null; this.getElementCasePane().repaint(); } /** * 移除悬浮元素组件 * * @date 2014-12-21-下午6:23:38 */ public void removeFloatEditor() { FloatEditor floatEditor = getFloatEditor(); if (floatEditor != null) { if (this.editorComponent != null) { if (this.editorComponent instanceof Window) { editorComponent.setVisible(false); ((Window) editorComponent).dispose(); } else { this.remove(this.editorComponent); this.validate(); } } floatEditor.removeFloatEditorListener(innerFloatEditorListener); } setFloatEditor(null); this.editorComponent = null; this.getElementCasePane().repaint(); } /** * 用这个方法来初始化defaultEditorsByClass, 是为了加快Grid对象的初始化速度. * 当用户编辑的时候,才将那个CellEditor的初始化. */ private Hashtable prepareDefaultCellEditorsByClass() { if (this.defaultCellEditorsByClass == null) { this.defaultCellEditorsByClass = new Hashtable(); defaultCellEditorsByClass.put(Object.class, new GeneralCellEditor()); } return this.defaultCellEditorsByClass; } /** * 用这个方法来初始化defaultFloatEditorsByClass, 是为了加快Grid对象的初始化速度. * 当用户编辑的时候,才将那个FloatEditor的初始化. */ private Hashtable prepareDefaultFloatEditorsByClass() { if (this.defaultFloatEditorsByClass == null) { this.defaultFloatEditorsByClass = new Hashtable(); defaultFloatEditorsByClass.put(Object.class, new GeneralFloatEditor()); } return this.defaultFloatEditorsByClass; } // /////////////editor end /** * 鼠标点击事件 * * @param evtX x坐标 * @param evtY y坐标 * @date 2014-12-21-下午6:22:56 */ public void doMousePress(double evtX, double evtY) { dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(this, MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, (int) evtX, (int) evtY, 1, false)); } /** * 计算oldRectangle,因为CellElement的合并会变成多大的区域. * * @param report 当前格子报表 * @param oldRectangle 之前的选中区域 * @return 插入的区域 * @date 2014-12-21-下午6:22:21 */ public Rectangle caculateIntersectsUnion(ElementCase report, Rectangle oldRectangle) { Rectangle newRectangle = new Rectangle(oldRectangle); Iterator cells = report.intersect(newRectangle.x, newRectangle.y, newRectangle.width, newRectangle.height); while (cells.hasNext()) { CellElement cellElement = (CellElement) cells.next(); Rectangle tmpCellElementRect = new Rectangle(cellElement.getColumn(), cellElement.getRow(), cellElement.getColumnSpan(), cellElement.getRowSpan()); if (newRectangle.intersects(tmpCellElementRect) && !newRectangle.contains(tmpCellElementRect)) { newRectangle = newRectangle.union(tmpCellElementRect); } } // 检查十分需要从新再循环一遍. if (!GUICoreUtils.isTheSameRect(newRectangle, oldRectangle)) { return this.caculateIntersectsUnion(report, newRectangle); } return newRectangle; } /** * @param event * @return */ @Override public Point getToolTipLocation(MouseEvent event) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(this.getToolTipText())) { return null; } if (tooltipLocation == null) { tooltipLocation = new Point(); } return this.tooltipLocation; } /** * peter:重新调整editorComponent的宽度和高度,几乎是界面有变化就调整. */ public void ajustEditorComponentBounds() { // 没有编辑器或者对于弹出的Window不需要调整Bound. if (this.editorComponent == null || this.editorComponent instanceof Window) { return; } ElementCasePane reportPane = this.getElementCasePane(); ElementCase report = reportPane.getEditingElementCase(); // four anchor values. DynamicUnitList rowHeightList = ReportHelper.getRowHeightList(report); DynamicUnitList columnWidthList = ReportHelper.getColumnWidthList(report); // 调整X, Y, width, height double x, y, width, height; Selection s = reportPane.getSelection(); if (s instanceof FloatSelection) { FloatElement selectedFloatElement = report.getFloatElement(((FloatSelection) s).getSelectedFloatName()); int h = reportPane.getHorizontalScrollBar().getValue(); int v = reportPane.getVerticalScrollBar().getValue(); x = selectedFloatElement.getLeftDistance().toPixD(this.resolution) + columnWidthList.getRangeValue(h, 0).toPixD(this.resolution); y = selectedFloatElement.getTopDistance().toPixD(this.resolution) + rowHeightList.getRangeValue(v, 0).toPixD(this.resolution); width = selectedFloatElement.getWidth().toPixD(this.resolution); height = selectedFloatElement.getHeight().toPixD(this.resolution); } else { x = columnWidthList.getRangeValue(this.horizontalBeginValue, this.editingColumn).toPixD(this.resolution); y = rowHeightList.getRangeValue(this.verticalBeginValue, this.editingRow).toPixD(this.resolution); int columnSpan = this.editingCellElement != null ? this.editingCellElement.getColumnSpan() : 1; int rowSpan = this.editingCellElement != null ? this.editingCellElement.getRowSpan() : 1; width = columnWidthList.getRangeValue(this.editingColumn, this.editingColumn + columnSpan).toPixD(this.resolution) - 1; height = rowHeightList.getRangeValue(this.editingRow, this.editingRow + rowSpan).toPixD(this.resolution) - 1; } applayRect(x, y, width, height); } private void applayRect(double x, double y, double width, double height) { // peter:需要检查Loc来调整editorComponent的location. if (this.editorComponentLoc == null) { this.editorComponent.setLocation((int) (x + 1), (int) (y + 1)); } else { this.editorComponent.setLocation((int) (x + this.editorComponentLoc.getX()), (int) (y + this.editorComponentLoc.getY())); } // 专门处理TextField, TextField的长度需要跟着文本的总长度来变化. if (this.editorComponent instanceof UITextField) { Dimension textPrefSize = this.editorComponent.getPreferredSize(); // peter:对于文本左右需要调整 4 个像素,来让显示更加完美. // peter:需要检查Loc来调整editorComponent的location. if (this.editorComponentLoc == null) { this.editorComponent.setSize((int) Math.max(width, textPrefSize.getWidth() + 1), (int) height); } else { this.editorComponent.setSize((int) (Math.max(width, textPrefSize.getWidth() + 1) - this.editorComponentLoc.getX()), (int) (height - this.editorComponentLoc.getY())); } } else { if (this.editorComponentLoc == null) { this.editorComponent.setSize((int) width, (int) height); } else { this.editorComponent.setSize((int) (width - this.editorComponentLoc.getX()), (int) (height - this.editorComponentLoc.getY())); } } } // CellEditorListener, 当开始编辑的时候,这个Listener会被加入其中.停止编辑后这个listener会被删除. private CellEditorListener innerCellEditorListener = new CellEditorListener() { /** * This tells the listeners the editor has stopped editing */ @Override public void editingStopped(CellEditorEvent evt) { Grid.this.stopCellEditingInner(false); // if(Grid.this.) } /** * This tells the listeners the editor has canceled editing */ @Override public void editingCanceled(CellEditorEvent evt) { Grid.this.cancelEditing(); } }; // FloatEditorListener, 当开始编辑的时候,这个Listener会被加入其中.停止编辑后这个listener会被删除. private FloatEditorListener innerFloatEditorListener = new FloatEditorListener() { /** * This tells the listeners the editor has stopped editing */ @Override public void editingStopped(FloatEditorEvent evt) { Grid.this.stopFloatEditingInner(false); } /** * This tells the listeners the editor has canceled editing */ @Override public void editingCanceled(FloatEditorEvent evt) { Grid.this.cancelEditing(); } }; /** * @param dragType */ public void setDragType(int dragType) { this.dragType = dragType; } /** * @return */ public int getDragType() { return dragType; } /** * @param dragRectangle */ public void setDragRectangle(Rectangle dragRectangle) { this.dragRectangle = dragRectangle; } /** * @return */ public Rectangle getDragRectangle() { return dragRectangle; } /** * @param x * @param y */ public void setTooltipLocation(double x, double y) { if (tooltipLocation == null) { tooltipLocation = new Point(); } this.tooltipLocation.setLocation(x, y); } public int getPaginateLineShowType() { return paginateLineShowType; } public void setPaginateLineShowType(int paginateLineShowType) { this.paginateLineShowType = paginateLineShowType; this.getElementCasePane().repaint(); } public boolean isTranslucent() { return isTranslucent; } public void setTranslucent(boolean translucent) { isTranslucent = translucent; } public boolean isShowExtraGridLine() { return showExtraGridLine; } public void setShowExtraGridLine(boolean showExtraGridLine) { this.showExtraGridLine = showExtraGridLine; } }