package; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.swing.*; import javax.xml.transform.*; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import java.awt.*; import*; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class RemoteEnv extends AbstractEnv { private static final int TIME_OUT = 30 * 1000; private static final int PLAIN_SOCKET_PORT = 80; private static final int SSL_PORT = 443; private static final int MAX_PER_ROUTE = 20; private static final int MAX_TOTAL = 100; private static final String REMOTE_PLUGIN = ""; private static final String CERT_KEY = ""; private static final String PWD_KEY = ""; private static final String HTTPS_PREFIX = "https:"; private final static String[] FILE_TYPE = {"cpt", "frm", "form", "cht", "chart"}; private String path; private String user; private String password; private Clock clock = null; private String userID; private Timer timer; private int licNotSupport = 0; private boolean isRoot = false; private Timer logTimer = null; private static ThreadLocal threadLocal = new ThreadLocal(); private boolean isReadTimeOut = false; public RemoteEnv() { this.clock = new Clock(this); } public RemoteEnv(String path, String userName, String password) { this(); this.path = path; this.user = userName; this.password = password; } /** * 返回env配置路径 */ @Override public String getPath() { return this.path; } public void setPath(String s) { this.path = s; } /** * 当前设计环境的用户名,用于远程设计 */ public String getUser() { return user; } public void setUser(String user) { this.user = user; clearUserID(); } public String getPassword() { return password; } public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; clearUserID(); } public Clock getClock() { return this.clock; } public void setClock(Clock clock) { this.clock = clock; } private void clearUserID() { this.userID = null; } public void setThreadLocal(String value) { synchronized (this) { threadLocal.set(value); } } public String getThreadLocal() { return threadLocal.get(); } /** * 所有与服务器端交互前,都要调用这个方法生成UserID */ private String createUserID() throws EnvException { // 如果登录之后userID还是null if (this.userID == null) { if (! && licNotSupport <= 0) { licNotSupport++; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Inter.getLocText("FR-Lic_does_not_Support_Remote")); } throw new EnvException(Inter.getLocText("Env-Invalid_User_and_Password")); } return this.userID; } private HttpClient createHttpMethod(HashMap para) throws EnvException, UnsupportedEncodingException { return createHttpMethod(para, false); } /** * 根据nameValuePairs,也就是参数对,生成PostMethod */ private HttpClient createHttpMethod(HashMap para, boolean isSignIn) throws EnvException, UnsupportedEncodingException { String methodPath = this.path; if (!isSignIn) { methodPath = methodPath + "?id=" + createUserID(); } return new HttpClient(methodPath, para); } /** * 根据nameValuePairs,也就是参数对,生成PostMethod,不同之处在于,参数拼在path后面,不是method.addParameters */ private HttpClient createHttpMethod2(HashMap para) throws EnvException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(path); sb.append('?'); sb.append("id=").append(createUserID()); return new HttpClient(sb.toString(), para, true); } /* * Read the response body. * 拿出InputStream中所有的Byte,转换成ByteArrayInputStream的形式返回 * * 这样做的目的是确保method.releaseConnection * * TODO 但如果不做method.releaseConnection,有多大危害呢?不确定... */ /** * execute method之后,取返回的inputstream */ private ByteArrayInputStream execute4InputStream(HttpClient client) throws Exception { setHttpsParas(); try { int statusCode = client.getResponseCode(); if (statusCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { //数据加载太多,屏蔽掉 //doWithTimeOutException(); throw new EnvException("Method failed: " + statusCode); } } catch (Exception e) { FRContext.getLogger().info("Connection reset "); } InputStream in = client.getResponseStream(); if (in == null) { return null; } ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { Utils.copyBinaryTo(in, out); // 看一下传过来的byte[]是不是DesignProcessor.INVALID,如果是的话,就抛Exception byte[] bytes = out.toByteArray(); // carl:格式一致传中文 String message = new String(bytes, EncodeConstants.ENCODING_UTF_8); if (ComparatorUtils.equals(message, RemoteDeziConstants.NO_SUCH_RESOURCE)) { return null; } else if (ComparatorUtils.equals(message, RemoteDeziConstants.INVALID_USER)) { throw new EnvException(RemoteDeziConstants.INVALID_USER); } else if (ComparatorUtils.equals(message, RemoteDeziConstants.FILE_LOCKED)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Inter.getLocText("FR-Remote_File_is_Locked")); return null; } else if (message.startsWith(RemoteDeziConstants.RUNTIME_ERROR_PREFIX)) { } return new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); } finally { synchronized (this) { in.close(); out.close(); client.release(); } } } private void doWithTimeOutException() { boolean isNotNeedTip = ComparatorUtils.equals(getThreadLocal(), "HEART_BEAT") || ComparatorUtils.equals(getThreadLocal(), "LOG_MESSAGE"); if (!isReadTimeOut && !isNotNeedTip) { isReadTimeOut = true; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(DesignerContext.getDesignerFrame(), Inter.getLocText(new String[]{"Data", "read_time_out"})); isReadTimeOut = false; } FRContext.getLogger().info("Connection reset "); } /** * nameValuePairs,这个参数要接着this.path,拼成一个URL,否则服务器端req.getParameter是无法得到的 * * @param bytes 数据 * @return 是否成功提交 * @throws Exception 异常 */ private boolean postBytes2Server(byte[] bytes, HashMap para) throws Exception { HttpClient client = createHttpMethod2(para); client.setContent(bytes); execute4InputStream(client); return true; } /** * 把InputStream转成一段String * * @param in InputStream输入流 * @return 转换后的字符串 */ public static String stream2String(InputStream in) { if (in == null) { return null; } BufferedReader br; try { br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, EncodeConstants.ENCODING_UTF_8)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String line; try { while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append('\n'); } sb.append(line); } } catch (IOException e) { FRContext.getLogger().error(e.getMessage(), e); } return sb.toString(); } /** * 测试连接服务器 * * @return 测试连接成功返回true * @throws Exception 异常 */ public boolean testServerConnection() throws Exception { return testConnection(true, true, DesignerContext.getDesignerFrame()); } /** * 测试当前配置是否正确 * * @return 链接是否成功 * @throws Exception 异常 */ public boolean testServerConnectionWithOutShowMessagePane() throws Exception { return testConnection(false, true, DesignerContext.getDesignerFrame()); } /** * 主要用于在环境配置面板中的测试连接按钮时,不要注册进远程环境 * * @param messageParentPane 弹框的依赖的面板 * @return 是否测试连接成功 * @throws Exception 异常 */ public boolean testConnectionWithOutRegisteServer(Component messageParentPane) throws Exception { return testConnection(true, false, messageParentPane); } private boolean testConnection(boolean needMessage, boolean isRegisteServer, Component parentComponent) throws Exception { extraChangeEnvPara(); HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "test_server_connection"); para.put("user", user); para.put("password", password); if (path.startsWith("https") && (!DesignerEnvManager.getEnvManager().isHttps())) { return false; } HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para, true); String res = stream2String(execute4InputStream(client)); if (res == null) { if (needMessage) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(parentComponent, Inter.getLocText("Datasource-Connection_failed")); } return false; } else if (ComparatorUtils.equals(res, "true")) { if (!clock.connected && isRegisteServer) { //服务器中断又重新启动之后,重新向远程服务器注册 register2Server(); } return true; } else if (ComparatorUtils.equals(res, "invalid username or password.")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(parentComponent, Inter.getLocText(new String[]{"Datasource-Connection_failed", "Registration-User_Name", "Password", "Error"}, new String[]{",", "", "", "!"}) , Inter.getLocText("FR-Server-All_Error"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return false; } else if (res.indexOf("RegistEditionException") != -1) { if (needMessage) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(parentComponent, Inter.getLocText(new String[]{"Datasource-Connection_failed", "Version-does-not-support"}, new String[]{",", "!"})); } else { FRLogger.getLogger().info(Inter.getLocText(new String[]{"Datasource-Connection_failed", "Version-does-not-support"}, new String[]{",", "!"})); } return false; } else if (ComparatorUtils.equals(res, "war not support remote design.")) { if (needMessage) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(parentComponent, Inter.getLocText(new String[]{"Datasource-Connection_failed", "NS-war-remote"}, new String[]{",", "!"})); } else { FRLogger.getLogger().info(Inter.getLocText(new String[]{"Datasource-Connection_failed", "NS-war-remote"}, new String[]{",", "!"})); } return false; } else { throw new EnvException(res); } } private void extraChangeEnvPara() { //在env连接之前, 加载一下不依赖env的插件. 看看需不需要改变参数. DesignerEnvProcessor envProcessor = ExtraDesignClassManager.getInstance().getSingle(DesignerEnvProcessor.XML_TAG); if (envProcessor != null) { this.path = envProcessor.changeEnvPathBeforeConnect(user, password, path); } } private void setHttpsParas() { if (path.startsWith(HTTPS_PREFIX) && System.getProperty(CERT_KEY) == null) { DesignerEnvManager envManager = DesignerEnvManager.getEnvManager(); System.setProperty(CERT_KEY, envManager.getCertificatePath()); System.setProperty(PWD_KEY, envManager.getCertificatePass()); } } private void register2Server() { try { SignIn.signIn(this); } catch (Exception e) { FRLogger.getLogger().error(e.getMessage()); } } /** * 心跳访问,用来更新当前用户的访问时间 * * @throws Exception */ public void heartBeatConnection() throws Exception { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "heart_beat"); para.put("user", user); para.put("userid", userID); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para, true); execute4InputStream(client); //这做法不好, 30秒刷一次, 刷新的时候会重新构建树, 构建完会把子节点都收缩起来, 效果太差. //为什么不保存刷新前树的伸缩状态, 因为刷新后的树和刷新前的树的结构未必是一致的. //服务器通知客户端更新左上角文件树面板 // try { // if (ComparatorUtils.equals(stream2String(execute4InputStream(method)), "true")) { // DesignerFrameFileDealerPane.getInstance().refresh(); // } // } catch (Exception e) { // FRLogger.getLogger().error(e.getMessage()); // } } /** * 返回描述该运行环境的名字 * * @return 描述环境名字的字符串 */ public String getEnvDescription() { return Inter.getLocText("Env-Remote_Server"); } /** * 登录,返回userID */ public void signIn() throws Exception { if (clock != null && clock.connected) { return; } String remoteVersion = getDesignerVersion(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(remoteVersion) ||, ProductConstants.DESIGNER_VERSION) < 0) { throw new Exception("version not match"); } clearUserID(); startLogTimer(); HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "r_sign_in"); para.put("user", user); para.put("password", password); simulaRPC(para, true); //neil:调用Clock方法,10秒向服务器发送一个字节,确保没掉线 if (clock == null) { Clock clock = new Clock(this); setClock(clock); } clock.start(); // 远程登录的心跳访问, 防止设计器强制关闭而没有Logout if (timer != null) { timer.cancel(); } timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { public void run() { try { RemoteEnv.this.setThreadLocal("HEART_BEAT"); RemoteEnv.this.heartBeatConnection(); } catch (Exception e) { FRContext.getLogger().error("Server may be disconnected.", e); } } }, RemoteDeziConstants.HEARTBEAT_DELAY, RemoteDeziConstants.HEARTBEAT_DELAY); } private void startLogTimer() { if (logTimer != null) { logTimer.cancel(); } logTimer = new Timer(); logTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() { public void run() { try { RemoteEnv.this.setThreadLocal("LOG_MESSAGE"); FRContext.getCurrentEnv().printLogMessage(); } catch (Exception e) { FRLogger.getLogger().info(e.getMessage()); } } }, 10000, 10000); } private void stopLogTimer() { if(logTimer != null) { logTimer.cancel(); logTimer = null; } } /** * 根据userID sign out * * @return 成功签出返回true * @throws Exception */ public boolean signOut() throws Exception { if (userID == null) { return true; } stopLogTimer(); // richer:登出的时候就把定时发送的时钟停掉 clock.stop(); // richer:把轮训使用的定时器也去掉 timer.cancel(); HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "r_sign_out"); para.put("id", userID); return simulaRPC(para, false ); } protected boolean simulaRPC(HashMap para, boolean isSignIn) throws Exception { HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para, isSignIn); // execute method取到input stream再转成String String resJSON = null; try { resJSON = stream2String(execute4InputStream(client)); } catch (Exception e) { FRLogger.getLogger().error(e.getMessage()); } if (resJSON == null) { return false; } if (resJSON.indexOf("RegistEditionException") != -1) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Inter.getLocText("FR-Lic_does_not_Support_Remote")); return false; } try { JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(resJSON); if (isSignIn) { if (jo.has("id")) { userID = jo.getString("id"); } if (jo.has("isRoot")) { isRoot = jo.getBoolean("isRoot"); } if (userID != null) { return true; } } else { if (jo.has("res")) { return jo.getBoolean("res"); } } String exception = jo.getString("exp"); if (exception != null) { throw new EnvException(exception); } } catch (JSONException je) { // 返回的resJSON不是JSON格式的,那就直接返回resJSON作为userID return true; } return true; } protected boolean doLockOperation(String[] filePathes, String cmd) throws Exception { if (filePathes == null || filePathes.length == 0) { return true; } JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(filePathes); HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", cmd); para.put("pathes", ja.toString()); return simulaRPC(para, false); } /** * 取路径filePath下面文件的lock *

* 处于同一个原子操作,要么拿到所有的锁,要么一个锁也没有拿到 */ public boolean getLock(String[] filePathes) throws Exception { return doLockOperation(filePathes, "design_get_lock"); } /** * 解锁文件 * * @param filePathes 文件路径 * @return 成功解锁返回true * @throws Exception */ public boolean releaseLock(String[] filePathes) throws Exception { return doLockOperation(filePathes, "design_release_lock"); } /** * 当前Env下,tplPath目录下是否存在模板 * * @param reportPath 路径 * @return 是否存在 */ @Override public boolean isTemplateExist(String reportPath) throws Exception { if (reportPath == null) { return false; } HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_report_exist"); para.put("report_path", reportPath); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para); InputStream input = execute4InputStream(client); return ComparatorUtils.equals(stream2String(input), "true"); } /** * 解锁当前模板,用于远程设计。当远程设计某张模板 时,在解锁之前改模板处于锁定状态 * * @param tplPath 路径 * @throws Exception */ @Override public void unlockTemplate(String tplPath) throws Exception { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_close_report"); para.put(RemoteDeziConstants.TEMPLATE_PATH, tplPath); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para); InputStream input = execute4InputStream(client); String info = Utils.inputStream2String(input, EncodeConstants.ENCODING_UTF_8); FRContext.getLogger().error(info); } public class Bytes2ServerOutputStream extends OutputStream { private ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); private HashMap nameValuePairs; public Bytes2ServerOutputStream(HashMap nameValuePairs) { this.nameValuePairs = nameValuePairs; } public HashMap getNameValuePairs() { return nameValuePairs; } public ByteArrayOutputStream getOut() { return out; } public OutputStream getZipOutputStream() throws Exception { return IOUtils.toZipOut(out); } /** * post ro Server 提交到服务器 * * @return 是否提交成功 */ public boolean post2Server() { try { return postBytes2Server(out.toByteArray(), nameValuePairs); } catch (Exception e) { FRContext.getLogger().error(e.getMessage(), e); return false; } } /** * 刷新数出流,并提交 * * @throws IOException */ public void flush() throws IOException { super.flush(); post2Server(); } /** * 将指定字节写入输入流数组 * * @param b 写入的字节 * @throws IOException */ @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { out.write(b); } } /** * 测试数据连接是否能够正确的连接上 * * @param database 数据连接 * @return 如果能正确的连接到数据库则返回true * @throws Exception 无法正确连接到数据库则抛出此异常 * TODO alex_ENV 个人以为,这里应该是测试所有Connection的连接,所以Connection与TableData接口的关联需要思考 */ @Override public boolean testConnection( database) throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // 把database写成xml文件到out DavXMLUtils.writeXMLFileDatabaseConnection(database, out); HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_test_con"); InputStream input = postBytes2ServerB(out.toByteArray(), para); if (input == null) { return false; } return Boolean.valueOf(IOUtils.inputStream2String(input, EncodeConstants.ENCODING_UTF_8)); } /** * ben:取schema */ @Override public String[] getTableSchema( database) throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DavXMLUtils.writeXMLFileDatabaseConnection(database, out); HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_get_schema"); InputStream input = postBytes2ServerB(out.toByteArray(), para); if (input == null) { return null; } return DavXMLUtils.readXMLFileSchema(input); } /** * b:分别取Table,View,Procedure,实际应用时更有意义 */ @Override public TableProcedure[] getTableProcedure( database, String type, String schema) throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DavXMLUtils.writeXMLFileDatabaseConnection(database, out); HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_get_tables"); para.put("__type__", type); para.put("__dbschema__", schema); InputStream input = postBytes2ServerB(out.toByteArray(), para); if (input == null) { return new TableProcedure[0]; } return DavXMLUtils.readXMLSQLTables(input); } public List getProcedures( datasource, String[] schemas, boolean isOracle, boolean isOracleSysSpace) throws Exception { HashMap schemaTableProcedureMap = new HashMap(); List sqlTableObjs = new ArrayList(); TableProcedure[] sqlTableObj = null; int len = schemas.length; if (len > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { String schema = schemas[i]; sqlTableObj = this.getTableProcedure(datasource, TableProcedure.PROCEDURE, schema); if (sqlTableObj == null) { sqlTableObj = new TableProcedure[0]; } sqlTableObjs.add(sqlTableObj); schemaTableProcedureMap.put(schema, sqlTableObj); } } else { sqlTableObj = this.getTableProcedure(datasource, TableProcedure.PROCEDURE, null); if (sqlTableObj == null) { sqlTableObj = new TableProcedure[0]; } sqlTableObjs.add(sqlTableObj); schemaTableProcedureMap.put(null, sqlTableObj); } DataCoreUtils.putProcedureMap(datasource, schemaTableProcedureMap); return sqlTableObjs; } /** * 在当前路径下新建文件夹 * * @param folderPath 文件名 * @return 成功创建返回true * @throws Exception */ @Override public boolean createFolder(String folderPath) throws Exception { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_create_folder"); para.put("folder_path", folderPath); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para); InputStream input = execute4InputStream(client); if (input == null) { return false; } return Boolean.valueOf(IOUtils.inputStream2String(input, EncodeConstants.ENCODING_UTF_8)); } /** * 新建一个文件 * * @param filePath :目标文件相对路径 * @return 成功新建返回true * @throws Exception */ public boolean createFile(String filePath) throws Exception { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_create_file"); para.put("file_path", filePath); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para); InputStream input = execute4InputStream(client); if (input == null) { return false; } return Boolean.valueOf(IOUtils.inputStream2String(input, EncodeConstants.ENCODING_UTF_8)); } public boolean renameFile(String newPath, String oldPath) throws Exception { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_rename_file"); para.put("newPath", newPath); para.put("oldPath", oldPath); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para); InputStream input = execute4InputStream(client); if (input == null) { return false; } return Boolean.valueOf(IOUtils.inputStream2String(input, EncodeConstants.ENCODING_UTF_8)); } /** * 判断文件是否存在 * * @param filePath :目标文件相对路径 * @return 文件是否存在 * @throws Exception */ @Override public boolean fileExists(String filePath) throws Exception { if (filePath == null) { return false; } HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_file_exists"); para.put("file_path", filePath); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para); InputStream input = execute4InputStream(client); if (input == null) { return false; } return Boolean.valueOf(IOUtils.inputStream2String(input, EncodeConstants.ENCODING_UTF_8)); } /** * 判断文件是否锁住 * * @param filePath 文件路径 * @return 文件被锁住了,返回true * @throws Exception */ public boolean fileLocked(String filePath) throws Exception { if (filePath == null) { return false; } HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_file_locked"); para.put("file_path", filePath); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para); InputStream input = execute4InputStream(client); if (input == null) { return false; } return Boolean.valueOf(IOUtils.inputStream2String(input, EncodeConstants.ENCODING_UTF_8)); } /** * 注册环境,用于检测是否启动定时器,主要用于本地环境来监测远程 * * @param env 用户环境 */ public void registerUserEnv(UserBaseEnv env) { } /** * 用于检测用户环境 * ,启动定时器 */ public void startUserCheckTimer() { } /** * 停止定时器 */ public void stopUserCheckTimer() { } /** * 删除文件 * * @param filePath 文件地址 * @return 删除成功返回true */ public boolean deleteFile(String filePath) { if (filePath == null) { return false; } try { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "delete_file"); para.put("file_path", filePath); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para); InputStream input = execute4InputStream(client); if (input == null) { return false; } return Boolean.valueOf(IOUtils.inputStream2String(input, EncodeConstants.ENCODING_UTF_8)); } catch (Exception e) { FRLogger.getLogger().error(e.getMessage()); } return false; } /** * 远程设计器设计时,假如开了权限就不可预览了。这边放一个全局的map来开后门 * * @param key 键值 * @param value 值 * @return 如果写入成功,返回true * @throws Exception */ public boolean writePrivilegeMap(String key, String value) throws Exception { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "write_privilege_map"); para.put("current_user", this.user); para.put("current_password", this.password); para.put("key", key); para.put("value", value); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para); //jim :加上user,远程设计点击预览时传递用户角色信息 InputStream input = execute4InputStream(client); if (input == null) { return false; } return Boolean.valueOf(IOUtils.inputStream2String(input, EncodeConstants.ENCODING_UTF_8)); } /** * DataSource中去除当前角色没有权限访问的数据源 */ public void removeNoPrivilegeConnection() { DatasourceManagerProvider dm = DatasourceManager.getProviderInstance(); try { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fs_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "env_get_role"); para.put("currentUsername", this.getUser()); para.put("currentPwd", this.getPassword()); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para); InputStream input = execute4InputStream(client); JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(stream2String(input)); ArrayList toBeRemoveTDName = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); i++) { String toBeRemoveConnName = (String) ((JSONObject) ja.get(i)).get("name"); dm.removeConnection(toBeRemoveConnName); Iterator it = dm.getTableDataNameIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String tdName = (String); TableData td = dm.getTableData(tdName); td.registerNoPrivilege(toBeRemoveTDName, toBeRemoveConnName, tdName); } } for (int i = 0; i < toBeRemoveTDName.size(); i++) { dm.removeTableData(toBeRemoveTDName.get(i)); } } catch (Exception e) { FRContext.getLogger().error(e.getMessage()); } } /** * 列出WEB-INF目录下指定路径的文件夹与文件 * * @param rootFilePath 指定目录 * @return WEB-INF目录下指定路径的文件夹与文件 * @throws Exception */ @Override public FileNode[] listFile(String rootFilePath) throws Exception { return listFile(rootFilePath, false); } /** * 列出WEB-INF上层目录下指定路径的文件夹与文件 * * @param rootFilePath 指定目录 * @return WEB-INF上层目录下指定路径的文件夹与文件 * @throws Exception */ @Override public FileNode[] listReportPathFile(String rootFilePath) throws Exception { return listFile(rootFilePath, true); } private FileNode[] listFile(String rootFilePath, boolean isWebReport) throws Exception { FileNode[] fileNodes; HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fs_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_list_file"); para.put("file_path", rootFilePath); para.put("currentUserName", this.getUser()); para.put("currentUserId", this.createUserID()); para.put("isWebReport", isWebReport ? "true" : "false"); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para); InputStream input = execute4InputStream(client); if (input == null) { return new FileNode[0]; } // 远程环境下左侧目录树暂不需要打开xlsx,xls文件 fileNodes = DavXMLUtils.readXMLFileNodes(input); ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < fileNodes.length; i++) { al.add(fileNodes[i]); } FileNode[] fileNodes2 = new FileNode[al.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < al.size(); i++) { fileNodes2[i] = al.get(i); } return fileNodes2; } /** * 列出目标目录下所有cpt文件或文件夹 * * @param rootFilePath 指定目录 * @return 列出目标目录下所有cpt文件或文件夹 * @throws Exception */ public FileNode[] listCpt(String rootFilePath) throws Exception { return listCpt(rootFilePath, false); } /** * 列出目标目录下所有cpt文件或文件夹 * * @param rootFilePath 指定目录 * @param recurse 是否递归查找其子目录 * @return 列出目标目录下所有cpt文件或文件夹 * @throws Exception */ public FileNode[] listCpt(String rootFilePath, boolean recurse) { List fileNodeList = new ArrayList(); try { listAll(rootFilePath, fileNodeList, new String[]{"cpt"}, recurse); } catch (Exception e) { FRContext.getLogger().error(e.getMessage(), e); } return fileNodeList.toArray(new FileNode[fileNodeList.size()]); } private void listAll(String rootFilePath, List nodeList, String[] fileTypes, boolean recurse) throws Exception { FileNode[] fns = listFile(rootFilePath); for (FileNode fileNode : fns) { if (isAcceptFileType(fileNode, fileTypes)) { nodeList.add(fileNode); } else if (fileNode.isDirectory()) { if (recurse) { listAll(rootFilePath + File.separator + fileNode.getName(), nodeList, fileTypes, true); } else { nodeList.add(fileNode); } } } } private boolean isAcceptFileType(FileNode fileNode, String[] fileTypes) { for (String fileType : fileTypes) { if (fileNode.isFileType(fileType)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * 获取指定数据集的参数 * * @param tableData 数据集 * @return 数据集的参数 * @throws Exception 获取参数失败则抛出此异常 */ public Parameter[] getTableDataParameters(TableData tableData) throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // 把tableData写成xml文件到out DavXMLUtils.writeXMLFileTableData(tableData, out); HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_td_pars"); InputStream input = postBytes2ServerB(out.toByteArray(), para); if (input == null) { return new Parameter[0]; } return DavXMLUtils.readXMLParameters(input); } /** * 获取存储过程中的参数 * * @param storeProcedure 存储过程 * @return 返回存储过程中的所有参数组成的数组 * @throws Exception 如果获取参数失败则抛出此异常 */ public Parameter[] getStoreProcedureParameters(StoreProcedure storeProcedure) throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // 把tableData写成xml文件到out DavXMLUtils.writeXMLFileStoreProcedureAndSource(storeProcedure, out); HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_sp_pars"); InputStream input = postBytes2ServerB(out.toByteArray(), para); if (input == null) { return new Parameter[0]; } return DavXMLUtils.readXMLParameters(input); } /** * 根据指定的参数生成一个实际可预览的数据集 * * @param tableData 带参数的数据集 * @param parameterMap 参数键值对 * @param rowCount 需要获取的行数 * @return 实际的二维数据集 * @throws Exception 如果生成数据失败则抛出此异常 */ public EmbeddedTableData previewTableData(Object tableData, java.util.Map parameterMap, int rowCount) throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // 把tableData写成xml文件到out DavXMLUtils.writeXMLFileTableDataAndSource((TableData) tableData, out); // 把parameterMap转成JSON格式的字符串 JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(parameterMap); String jsonParameter = jo.toString(); HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_preview_td"); para.put("pars", jsonParameter); para.put("rowcount", String.valueOf(rowCount)); InputStream input = postBytes2ServerB(out.toByteArray(), para); if (input == null) { return null; } return (EmbeddedTableData) DavXMLUtils.readXMLTableData(input); } /** * 根据指定的参数生成一个实际可预览的数据集 * * @param tableData 带参数的数据集 * @param parameterMap 参数键值对 * @param start 开始 * @param end 结尾 * @param cols 列名 * @param colIdx 列序号 * @return 实际的二位数据条 * @throws Exception 异常 */ public Object previewTableData(Object tableData, java.util.Map parameterMap, int start, int end, String[] cols, int[] colIdx) throws Exception { return previewTableData(tableData, parameterMap, -1); } /** * nameValuePairs,这个参数要接着this.path,拼成一个URL,否则服务器端req.getParameter是无法得到的 * * @param bytes 数据 * @param para 参数 * @return 从服务器端得到InputStream * @throws Exception 异常 */ public InputStream postBytes2ServerB(byte[] bytes, HashMap para) throws Exception { HttpClient client = createHttpMethod2(para); client.setContent(bytes); return execute4InputStream(client); } /** * Read XML.
* The method will be invoked when read data from XML file.
* May override the method to read the data that you saved. */ public void readXML(XMLableReader reader) { if (reader.isChildNode()) { String tmpVal; if ("DIR".equals(reader.getTagName())) { if ((tmpVal = reader.getAttrAsString("path", null)) != null) { this.path = tmpVal; } if ((tmpVal = reader.getAttrAsString("user", null)) != null) { this.user = tmpVal; } if ((tmpVal = reader.getAttrAsString("password", null)) != null) { this.password = tmpVal; } } } } /** * Write XML.
* The method will be invoked when save data to XML file.
* May override the method to save your own data. * * @param writer the PrintWriter. */ public void writeXML(XMLPrintWriter writer) { writer.startTAG("DIR").attr("path", this.path).attr("user", this.user).attr("password", this.password).end(); } public static class Clock { private static final long CONNECT_INTERVAL = 3000L; private boolean connected = false; private RemoteEnv remoteEnv; public Clock(RemoteEnv remoteEnv) { this.remoteEnv = remoteEnv; } /** * 开始连接 */ public void start() { if (connected) { return; } connected = true; new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // richie:连续三次尝试连接都没有响应才判定为丢失连接 while (connected) { try { attemptConnect(); } catch (Exception ex) { try { attemptConnect(); } catch (Exception ee) { try { attemptConnect(); } catch (Exception exc) { stop(); if (exc instanceof NoRouteToHostException) { //网络问题导致的连接中断 if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, Inter.getLocText("FR-Remote_Connect2Server_Again"), UIManager.getString("OptionPane.titleText"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { //调用重新连接服务器的方法 connectedAgain(); } } else { //服务器关闭引起的连接中断 if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, Inter.getLocText("FR-Remote_Re_Connect_to_Server"), UIManager.getString("OptionPane.titleText"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { //调用重新连接服务器的方法 connectedAgain(); } } } } } } } }).start(); } /** * 服务器连接中断后重新连接 */ private void connectedAgain() { try { if (!remoteEnv.testServerConnectionWithOutShowMessagePane()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(DesignerContext.getDesignerFrame(), Inter.getLocText(new String[]{"Datasource-Connection_failed", "check_communication"}, new String[]{",", "!"})); DesignerFrameFileDealerPane.getInstance().refresh(); return; } String remoteVersion = remoteEnv.getDesignerVersion(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(remoteVersion) ||, ProductConstants.DESIGNER_VERSION) < 0) { String infor = Inter.getLocText("FR-Server_Version_Tip"); String moreInfo = Inter.getLocText("FR-Server_Version_Tip_MoreInfo"); FRLogger.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, infor); new InformationWarnPane(infor, moreInfo, Inter.getLocText("FR-Designer_Tooltips")).show(); return; } SignIn.signIn(remoteEnv); LicUtils.resetBytes(); HistoryTemplateListPane.getInstance().getCurrentEditingTemplate().refreshToolArea(); } catch (Exception em) { FRContext.getLogger().error(em.getMessage(), em); } } /** * 停止连接 */ public void stop() { connected = false; } private void attemptConnect() throws Exception { Thread.sleep(CONNECT_INTERVAL); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[/:]+"); String[] strs = pattern.split(remoteEnv.path); String shost = strs[1];//host,如: int sport = Integer.parseInt(strs[2]);//端口,如:8080 Socket socket = new Socket(shost, sport); //OOBBINLINE:是否支持发送一个字节的TCP紧急数据,false表示服务器不用处理这个数据 socket.setOOBInline(false); socket.sendUrgentData(0xFF); socket.close(); } } /** * 读报表运行环境所需的配置文件,如datasource.xml, config.xml,这些文件都保存在WEB-INF/resources目录下面 * * @param resourceName 配置文件的名字,如datasource.xml * @return 输入流 * @throws Exception */ @Override public InputStream readResource(String resourceName) throws Exception { return readBean(resourceName, ProjectConstants.RESOURCES_NAME); } /** * 读取路径下的svg文件 * * @param path 制定路径,是基于报表目录下resource文件夹路径 * @return 读到的文件 */ public File[] readPathSvgFiles(String path) { String cataloguePath = StableUtils.pathJoin(new String[]{CacheManager.getProviderInstance().getCacheDirectory().getPath(), SvgProvider.SERVER, path}); //检查缓存文件保存的目录下serversvgs文件夹是否存在 ,先用来暂存服务器读过来的svg文件 File catalogue = new File(cataloguePath); if (!catalogue.exists()) { catalogue.mkdirs(); } ArrayList fileArray = new ArrayList<>(); try { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_read_svgfile"); para.put("resourcePath", path); para.put("current_uid", this.createUserID()); para.put("currentUsername", this.getUser()); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para); InputStream input = execute4InputStream(client); JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(stream2String(input)); for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); i++) { JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) ja.get(i); String svgFileName = (String) jsonObject.get("svgfileName"); String svgfileContent = (String) jsonObject.get("svgfileContent"); File file = new File(StableUtils.pathJoin(new String[]{cataloguePath, svgFileName})); InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(svgfileContent.getBytes(EncodeConstants.ENCODING_UTF_8)); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file); IOUtils.copyBinaryTo(in, out); fileArray.add(file); } } catch (Exception e) { FRContext.getLogger().error(e.getMessage()); } return fileArray.toArray(new File[fileArray.size()]); } /** * 写svg文件 * * @param svgFile svg文件 * @return 是否写入成功 * @throws Exception 异常 */ public boolean writeSvgFile(SvgProvider svgFile) throws Exception { testServerConnection(); HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_save_svg"); para.put("filePath", svgFile.getFilePath()); para.put("current_uid", this.createUserID()); para.put("currentUsername", this.getUser()); // 通过ByteArrayOutputStream将svg写成字节流 Bytes2ServerOutputStream out = new Bytes2ServerOutputStream(para); OutputStreamWriter outWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF-8"); StreamResult result = new StreamResult(outWriter); Source source = new DOMSource(svgFile.getSvgDocument()); try { Transformer xformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); try { xformer.transform(source, result); } catch (TransformerException ex) { FRContext.getLogger().error(ex.getMessage()); } } catch (TransformerConfigurationException ex) { FRContext.getLogger().error(ex.getMessage()); return false; } try { HttpClient client = createHttpMethod2(out.getNameValuePairs()); client.setContent(out.getOut().toByteArray()); String res = stream2String(execute4InputStream(client)); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(res)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Inter.getLocText("FR-Already_exist") + res); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { FRContext.getLogger().error(e.getMessage()); return false; } return true; } /** * 写报表运行环境所需的配置文件 * * @param mgr 管理各个资源文件的管理器 * @return 写入xml成功返回true * @throws Exception 写入xml错误则抛出此异常 */ @Override public boolean writeResource(XMLFileManagerProvider mgr) throws Exception { testServerConnection(); HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_save_resource"); para.put("resource", mgr.fileName()); para.put("class_name", mgr.getClass().getName()); para.put("current_uid", this.createUserID()); para.put("currentUsername", this.getUser()); // alex:通过ByteArrayOutputStream将mgr写成字节流 Bytes2ServerOutputStream out = new Bytes2ServerOutputStream(para); XMLTools.writeOutputStreamXML(mgr, out); try { HttpClient client = createHttpMethod2(out.getNameValuePairs()); client.setContent(out.getOut().toByteArray()); String res = stream2String(execute4InputStream(client)); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(res)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Inter.getLocText("FR-Already_exist") + res); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { FRContext.getLogger().error(e.getMessage()); return false; } return true; } /** * 读取文件 * * @param beanPath 文件名 * @param prefix 当前Env下得工程分类,如reportlets,lib等 * @return InputStream 输入流 */ public InputStream readBean(String beanPath, String prefix) throws Exception { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fs_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_open"); para.put(RemoteDeziConstants.PREFXI, prefix); para.put("resource", beanPath); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para); // return Utils.toZipIn(execute4InputStream(method)); //Utils.toZipIn这边有bug,远程连接的时候datasource.xml不能读取,先还原了 return execute4InputStream(client); } /** * 写文件 * * @param beanPath 文件名 * @param prefix 当前Env下得工程分类,如reportlets,lib等 * @return OutputStream 输出流 */ public OutputStream writeBean(String beanPath, String prefix) throws Exception { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fs_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_save_report"); para.put(RemoteDeziConstants.PREFXI, prefix); para.put(RemoteDeziConstants.TEMPLATE_PATH, beanPath); return new Bytes2ServerOutputStream(para); } /** * 返回数据库表的列名 * * @param selectedName 所选择数据库名 * @param schema 数据库模式,用于存储过程 * @param tableName 所选择数据库名 */ @Override public String[] getColumns(String selectedName, String schema, String tableName) throws Exception { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_columns"); para.put("dsName", selectedName); para.put("schema", schema); para.put("tableName", tableName); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod2(para); InputStream input = execute4InputStream(client); if (input == null) { return null; } String colums = stream2String(input); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(colums)) { return null; } return colums.split("\\."); } /** * 返回模板文件路径 */ @Override public String getWebReportPath() { return getPath().substring(0, getPath().lastIndexOf("/")); } @Override public String getProcedureText(String connectionName, String databaseName) throws Exception { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_get_procedure_text"); para.put("procedure_name", databaseName); para.put("connectionName", connectionName); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); InputStream input = postBytes2ServerB(out.toByteArray(), para); if (input == null) { return StringUtils.EMPTY; } return DavXMLUtils.readXMLProcedureText(input); } @Override public StoreProcedureParameter[] getStoreProcedureDeclarationParameters(String connectionName, String databaseName, String parameterDefaultValue) throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_get_sp_parameters"); para.put("__name__", databaseName); para.put("__default_value__", parameterDefaultValue); para.put("connectionName", connectionName); InputStream input = postBytes2ServerB(out.toByteArray(), para); if (input == null) { return new StoreProcedureParameter[0]; } return DavXMLUtils.readXMLStoreProcedureParameters(input); } /** * 获取datasource.xml文件的修改表 */ public ModifiedTable getDataSourceModifiedTables(String type) { try { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "get_datasource_modified_tables"); para.put("type", type); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para); InputStream input = execute4InputStream(client); if (input == null) { return new ModifiedTable(); } return DavXMLUtils.readXMLModifiedTables(input); } catch (Exception e) { FRContext.getLogger().error(e.getMessage()); } return new ModifiedTable(); } /** * 写修改表 * * @param modifiedTable 修改表 * @param type 操作类型,是数据连接还是服务器数据集 * @return 写入成功返回true */ public boolean writeDataSourceModifiedTables(ModifiedTable modifiedTable, String type) { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // 把tableData写成xml文件到out DavXMLUtils.writeXMLModifiedTables(modifiedTable, out); try { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "update_modifytable_to_server"); para.put("type", type); InputStream input = postBytes2ServerB(out.toByteArray(), para); if (input == null) { return false; } return Boolean.valueOf(IOUtils.inputStream2String(input, EncodeConstants.ENCODING_UTF_8)); } catch (Exception e) { FRContext.getLogger().error(e.getMessage()); } return false; } public String[] getProcedureColumns(StoreProcedure storeProcedure, java.util.Map parameterMap) throws Exception { String[] columns; HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "list_sp"); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para); try { InputStream input = execute4InputStream(client); if (input == null) { return ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; } columns = DavXMLUtils.readXMLSPColumns(input); return columns; } catch (Exception e) { FRLogger.getLogger().error(e.getMessage()); } return new String[0]; } ; public String[] getProcedureColumns(String name) throws Exception { String[] columns; HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "list_sp_columns_name"); para.put("name", name); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para); try { InputStream input = execute4InputStream(client); if (input == null) { return ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; } columns = DavXMLUtils.readXMLSPColumns(input); return columns; } catch (Exception e) { FRLogger.getLogger().error(e.getMessage()); } return new String[0]; } /** * 输出日志信息 * * @throws Exception */ public void printLogMessage() throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "get_log_message"); InputStream input = postBytes2ServerB(out.toByteArray(), para); if (input == null) { return; } LogRecordTime[] records = DavXMLUtils.readXMLLogRecords(input); for (LogRecordTime logRecordTime : records) { DesignerLogHandler.getInstance().printRemoteLog(logRecordTime); } } public String getUserID() { return userID; } //TODO: /** * 预览存储过程 * * @param storeProcedure 存储过程 * @param parameterMap 参数map * @param rowCount 行数 * @return 返回取到的存储过程 */ @Override public ProcedureDataModel[] previewProcedureDataModel(StoreProcedure storeProcedure, Map parameterMap, int rowCount) { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // 把tableData写成xml文件到out DavXMLUtils.writeXMLFileStoreProcedureAndSource(storeProcedure, out); // 把parameterMap转成JSON格式的字符串 JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(parameterMap); String jsonParameter = jo.toString(); try { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "list_sp"); para.put("pars", jsonParameter); InputStream input = postBytes2ServerB(out.toByteArray(), para); if (input == null) { return null; } TableData[] tableDatas = DavXMLUtils.readXMLTableDataArray(input); if (tableDatas == null || tableDatas.length == 0) { return new ProcedureDataModel[0]; } ProcedureDataModel[] procedureDataModels = new ProcedureDataModel[tableDatas.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tableDatas.length; i++) { if (tableDatas[i] instanceof EmbeddedTableData) { procedureDataModels[i] = ((EmbeddedTableData) tableDatas[i]).trans2ProcedureDataModel(); } } return procedureDataModels; } catch (Exception e) { FRLogger.getLogger().error(e.getMessage()); } return new ProcedureDataModel[0]; } public String getAppName() { return "WebReport"; } /** * 是否为Oracle数据连接 * * @param database 数据连接 * @return 是返回true * @throws Exception */ public boolean isOracle(Connection database) throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DavXMLUtils.writeXMLFileDatabaseConnection(database, out); HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_get_isOracle"); InputStream input = postBytes2ServerB(out.toByteArray(), para); if (input == null) { return true; } return DavXMLUtils.readXMLBoolean(input); } public String[] getSupportedTypes() { return FILE_TYPE; } /** * 在模板面板中是否支持增加打开所在文件夹、重命名、删除三个工具栏选项 * * @return 不支持返回false */ public boolean isSupportLocalFileOperate() { return false; } /** * 判断是否有文件夹权限 * * @param path 路径 * @return 有权限则返回true */ public boolean hasFileFolderAllow(String path) { HttpClient client = null; try { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fs_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_filefolder_allow"); para.put("current_uid", this.createUserID()); para.put(RemoteDeziConstants.TEMPLATE_PATH, path); client = createHttpMethod(para); InputStream input = execute4InputStream(client); if (input == null) { return false; } return Boolean.valueOf(IOUtils.inputStream2String(input, EncodeConstants.ENCODING_UTF_8)); } catch (Exception e) { FRLogger.getLogger().error(e.getMessage()); return false; } } /** * 是否是管理员身份 * * @return 是则返回true */ public boolean isRoot() { return isRoot; } /** * 是否为压缩包部署 * * @return 是则返回true */ @Override public boolean isPackDeploy() { return false; } @Override public String getDesignerVersion() throws Exception { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_get_designer_version"); para.put("user", user); para.put("password", password); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para, true); try { return stream2String(execute4InputStream(client)); } catch (Exception e) { FRLogger.getLogger().error(e.getMessage()); } return null; } public InputStream getDataSourceInputStream(String filePath) throws Exception { return readBean(filePath, "datasource"); } @Override public ArrayList getAllRole4Privilege(boolean isFS) { ArrayList allRoleList = new ArrayList(); try { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "get_all_role"); para.put("isFS", String.valueOf(isFS)); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para); InputStream input = execute4InputStream(client); JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(stream2String(input)); for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); i++) { String roleName = (String) ((JSONObject) ja.get(i)).get("name"); allRoleList.add(roleName); } } catch (Exception e) { FRContext.getLogger().error(e.getMessage()); } return allRoleList; } @Override public String getLicName() { return LicUtils.FILE_NAME; } @Override public void setLicName(String licName) { //do nth } @Override public void checkAndRegisterLic(FileNode node, PluginXml plugin) throws Exception { } /** * 获取当前env的build文件路径 */ public String getBuildFilePath() { return ResourceConstants.BUILD_PATH; } /** * 设置当前env的build文件路径 */ public void setBuildFilePath(String buildFilePath) { } /** * 编译Java源代码,方便二次开发的进行 * * @param sourceText 源代码 * @return 编译信息,有可能是成功信息,也有可能是出错或者警告信息 */ public JavaCompileInfo compilerSourceCode(String sourceText) throws Exception { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_compile_source_code"); InputStream in = postBytes2ServerB(sourceText.getBytes(EncodeConstants.ENCODING_UTF_8), para); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, EncodeConstants.ENCODING_UTF_8)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(sb.toString()); JavaCompileInfo info = new JavaCompileInfo(); info.parseJSON(jo); return info; } public void readPluginLicenses() throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_plugin_licenses"); InputStream inputStream = postBytes2ServerB(out.toByteArray(), para); String pluginsLicensesStr = IOUtils.inputStream2String(inputStream, EncodeConstants.ENCODING_UTF_8); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(pluginsLicensesStr) && pluginsLicensesStr.startsWith("[")) { JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(pluginsLicensesStr); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { PluginLicense pluginLicense = new PluginLicense(); pluginLicense.parseJSON(jsonArray.getJSONObject(i)); PluginLicenseManager.getInstance().addRemotePluginLicense(pluginLicense); } } } @Override public String pluginServiceAction(String serviceID, String req) throws Exception { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_get_plugin_service_data"); para.put("serviceID", serviceID); para.put("req", req); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para); //jim :加上user,远程设计点击预览时传递用户角色信息 InputStream inputStream = execute4InputStream(client); return IOUtils.inputStream2String(inputStream); } /** * 远程不启动,使用虚拟服务 * @param serviceID */ @Override public void pluginServiceStart(String serviceID){ } @Override public File[] loadREUFile() throws Exception { File target = new File(CacheManager.getProviderInstance().getCacheDirectory(), ShareConstants.DIR_SHARE_CACHE); StableUtils.deleteFile(target); StableUtils.mkdirs(target); File cacheDir = null; File zip = null; OutputStream out = null; try { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_read_reufile"); para.put("current_uid", this.createUserID()); para.put("currentUsername", this.getUser()); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para); InputStream input = client.getResponseStream();//拿到服务端传过来的整个共享文件夹的压缩文件的文件流 zip = new File(StableUtils.pathJoin(CacheManager.getProviderInstance().getCacheDirectory().getAbsolutePath()), ""); cacheDir = new File(StableUtils.pathJoin(CacheManager.getProviderInstance().getCacheDirectory().getAbsolutePath()), ShareConstants.DIR_SHARE_CACHE); StableUtils.deleteFile(cacheDir); StableUtils.mkdirs(cacheDir); StableUtils.makesureFileExist(zip); out = new FileOutputStream(zip); IOUtils.copyBinaryTo(input, out);//放到本地缓存目录下 IOUtils.unzip(zip, cacheDir.getAbsolutePath(), EncodeConstants.ENCODING_GBK);//先解压到临时目录 if (cacheDir.exists() && cacheDir.isDirectory()) { return cacheDir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File file, String s) { return s.endsWith("reu"); } }); } } catch (Exception e) { FRContext.getLogger().error(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (out != null) { out.flush(); out.close(); } StableUtils.deleteFile(zip); } return new File[0]; } @Override public boolean installREUFile(File reuFile) { if (reuFile == null) { return false; } File tempFile = new File(CacheManager.getProviderInstance().getCacheDirectory(), "temp_remote"); IOUtils.unzip(reuFile, tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); String shareXMLName = StableUtils.pathJoin(tempFile.getAbsolutePath(), ShareConstants.NAME_XML_MODULE); String helpXMLName = StableUtils.pathJoin(tempFile.getAbsolutePath(), ShareConstants.NAME_XML_HELP); try { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_install_reufile"); para.put("current_uid", this.createUserID()); para.put("currentUsername", this.getUser()); para.put("reuFileName", reuFile.getName()); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para); client.setContent(IOUtils.inputStream2Bytes(new FileInputStream(new File(shareXMLName)))); InputStream input = execute4InputStream(client); client.release(); para.put("isComplete", "true"); HttpClient client1 = createHttpMethod(para); client1.setContent(IOUtils.inputStream2Bytes(new FileInputStream(new File(helpXMLName)))); InputStream input1 = execute4InputStream(client1); return ComparatorUtils.equals(stream2String(input), "true") && ComparatorUtils.equals(stream2String(input1), "true"); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } @Override public boolean removeREUFilesByName(String fileName) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(fileName)) { return true; } try { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_remove_reufile"); para.put("current_uid", this.createUserID()); para.put("currentUsername", this.getUser()); para.put("reuFileName", fileName); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para); InputStream input = execute4InputStream(client); return ComparatorUtils.equals(stream2String(input), "true"); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } @Override public String getSharePath() { try { HashMap para = new HashMap(); para.put("op", "fr_remote_design"); para.put("cmd", "design_get_share_path"); para.put("current_uid", this.createUserID()); para.put("currentUsername", this.getUser()); HttpClient client = createHttpMethod(para); InputStream input = execute4InputStream(client); return stream2String(input); } catch (Exception e) { return StringUtils.EMPTY; } } @Override public boolean isLocalEnv() { return false; } @Override public boolean hasPluginServiceStarted(String key) { // TODO: 2017/5/22 return true; } }