/* * Copyright(c) 2001-2010, FineReport Inc, All Rights Reserved. */ package com.fr.poly; import com.fr.base.BaseUtils; import com.fr.base.FRContext; import com.fr.base.GraphHelper; import com.fr.base.ScreenResolution; import com.fr.design.DesignState; import com.fr.design.DesignerEnvManager; import com.fr.design.actions.edit.CopyAction; import com.fr.design.actions.edit.CutAction; import com.fr.design.actions.edit.PasteAction; import com.fr.design.constants.UIConstants; import com.fr.design.designer.EditingState; import com.fr.design.designer.TargetComponent; import com.fr.design.file.HistoryTemplateListPane; import com.fr.design.layout.FRGUIPaneFactory; import com.fr.design.mainframe.*; import com.fr.design.mainframe.cell.QuickEditorRegion; import com.fr.design.menu.MenuDef; import com.fr.design.menu.ShortCut; import com.fr.design.menu.ToolBarDef; import com.fr.design.roleAuthority.RolesAlreadyEditedPane; import com.fr.design.scrollruler.HorizontalRuler; import com.fr.design.scrollruler.ScrollRulerComponent; import com.fr.design.scrollruler.VerticalRuler; import com.fr.design.selection.QuickEditor; import com.fr.design.selection.SelectionEvent; import com.fr.design.selection.SelectionListener; import com.fr.design.utils.gui.LayoutUtils; import com.fr.general.ComparatorUtils; import com.fr.grid.selection.Selection; import com.fr.poly.actions.DeleteBlockAction; import com.fr.poly.creator.*; import com.fr.poly.hanlder.DataEditingListener; import com.fr.poly.hanlder.PolyDesignerDropTarget; import com.fr.poly.model.AddedData; import com.fr.poly.model.AddingData; import com.fr.report.ReportHelper; import com.fr.report.block.Block; import com.fr.report.poly.PolyWorkSheet; import com.fr.report.poly.TemplateBlock; import com.fr.stable.ArrayUtils; import com.fr.stable.StringUtils; import com.fr.stable.unit.FU; import com.fr.stable.unit.OLDPIX; import com.fr.stable.unit.UNIT; import com.fr.stable.unit.UnitRectangle; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * @author richer * @since 6.5.3 聚合报表的设计块,不包括底部和右边的滚动条以及左边和上边的像素标识条 */ /* * August: 1.PolyDesigner应该有个SelectableElement,类似于ElementCasePane的selection, * 那么究竟是creator可选还是editor可选呢? 2.考虑到creator本来就是存在的,而editor是由于点击了creator才生成的, * PolyDesigner的SelectableElement是creator * 3.加入聚合块是ECBLOCK时,那么其选中的东西应该是什么呢?是聚合块还是里面的单元格或者悬浮元素? */ public class PolyDesigner extends ReportComponent implements ScrollRulerComponent { /** * 选中的类型--1.什么都没选中2.选中一个聚合块内部的内容3.选中聚合块本省 */ public static enum SelectionType { NONE, INNER, BLOCK } public JComponent polyArea; private SelectionType selectedtype = SelectionType.NONE; private AddingData addingData; private AddedData addedData; private DataEditingListener editingListener; private BlockCreator selection; // 水平和垂直滚动条的值 private int horizontalValue = 0; private int verticalValue = 0; private transient ArrayList clip_board = new ArrayList(); // richer:鼠标滚轮每滚动一下,PolyDesignPane的尺寸就改变ROTATIONS这么多 private static final int ROTATIONS = 50; private static final int MIN = 10; private JScrollBar verScrollBar; private JScrollBar horScrollBar; private PolyComponetsBar polyComponetsBar = new PolyComponetsBar(); private JComponent[] toolBarComponent = null; private JPanel ployareaPane; private JSliderPane jSliderContainer; private int resolution = (int) (ScreenResolution.getScreenResolution() * JSliderPane.getInstance().resolutionTimes); private float time; private boolean isCtrl = false; public PolyDesigner(PolyWorkSheet report) { super(report); setDoubleBuffered(true); // 为了处理键盘事件,需要FormDesigner能够获取焦点 setFocusable(true); setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled(false); initInputActionMap(); this.addedData = new AddedData(this); enableEvents(AWTEvent.KEY_EVENT_MASK | AWTEvent.MOUSE_EVENT_MASK | AWTEvent.MOUSE_MOTION_EVENT_MASK | AWTEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL_EVENT_MASK); setOpaque(true); initComponents(); this.initDataListeners(); this.initPolyBlocks(); this.setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled(false); new PolyDesignerDropTarget(this); toolBarComponent = new JComponent[]{new CutAction(this).createToolBarComponent(), new CopyAction(this).createToolBarComponent(), new PasteAction(this).createToolBarComponent(), new DeleteBlockAction(this).createToolBarComponent()}; this.addSelectionChangeListener(new SelectionListener() { @Override public void selectionChanged(SelectionEvent e) { BlockEditor current_editor = selection.getEditor(); elementCasePane = selection.getEditingElementCasePane(); addEditor(current_editor); current_editor.setBounds(selection.getBounds()); LayoutUtils.layoutRootContainer(PolyDesigner.this); current_editor.resetSelectionAndChooseState(); current_editor.requestFocus(); } }); } private void initComponents() { jSliderContainer = ((JWorkBook) HistoryTemplateListPane.getInstance().getCurrentEditingTemplate()).reportComposite.getjSliderContainer(); this.setLayout(FRGUIPaneFactory.createBorderLayout()); ployareaPane = new JPanel(new PolyDesignerLayout()); polyArea = new PolyArea(this, resolution); ployareaPane.add(PolyDesignerLayout.Center, polyArea); horScrollBar = new FormScrollBar(Adjustable.HORIZONTAL, this); verScrollBar = new FormScrollBar(Adjustable.VERTICAL, this); ployareaPane.add(PolyDesignerLayout.Vertical, verScrollBar); ployareaPane.add(PolyDesignerLayout.VRuler, new VerticalRuler(this)); ployareaPane.add(PolyDesignerLayout.HRuler, new HorizontalRuler(this)); this.add(ployareaPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); this.add(polyComponetsBar, BorderLayout.WEST); this.addKeyListener(showValSpinnerKeyListener); } KeyListener showValSpinnerKeyListener = new KeyListener() { @Override public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { } @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { if (e.isControlDown()) { isCtrl = true; } } @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { isCtrl = false; } }; private void initPolyBlocks() { for (int i = 0, count = this.getTarget().getBlockCount(); i < count; i++) { TemplateBlock block = (TemplateBlock) getTarget().getBlock(i); BlockCreator creator = PolyUtils.createCreator(block); LayoutUtils.layoutRootContainer(creator); addedData.addBlockCreator(creator); } repaint(); } public void setResolution(int resolution) { this.resolution = resolution; } public int getResolution() { return this.resolution; } public void updateUI() { ((PolyArea) this.polyArea).setResolution(resolution); polyArea.repaint(); // this.polyArea = (JComponent) new PolyArea(this, resolution); } /** * 是否含有聚和报表块 * * @param targetComponent 目标组件 * @return 是则返回true */ public boolean containsBlocks(TargetComponent targetComponent) { for (int i = 0, count = this.getTarget().getBlockCount(); i < count; i++) { TemplateBlock block = (TemplateBlock) getTarget().getBlock(i); if (ComparatorUtils.equals(targetComponent.getTarget(), block)) { return true; } } return false; } private void initDataListeners() { this.polyArea.removeMouseListener(editingListener); this.polyArea.removeMouseMotionListener(editingListener); this.editingListener = new DataEditingListener(this); this.polyArea.addMouseMotionListener(editingListener); this.polyArea.addMouseListener(editingListener); } @Override public void setTarget(PolyWorkSheet t) { super.setTarget(t); selection = null; this.addedData = new AddedData(this); this.initPolyBlocks(); initDataListeners(); this.polyArea.removeAll(); polyArea.repaint(); } public JPanel getPloyAreaPane() { return this.ployareaPane; } /** * 增加组件 * * @param currentEditor 组件 */ public void addEditor(BlockEditor currentEditor) { this.polyArea.add(currentEditor); } /** * 移除组件 * * @param currentEditor 组件 */ public void removeEditor(BlockEditor currentEditor) { this.polyArea.remove(currentEditor); } /** * 权限编辑状态 * * @return 权限编辑面板 */ public AuthorityEditPane createAuthorityEditPane() { if (elementCasePane == null) { return new NoSupportAuthorityEdit(); } ElementCasePaneAuthorityEditPane elementCasePaneAuthorityEditPane = new ElementCasePaneAuthorityEditPane(elementCasePane); elementCasePaneAuthorityEditPane.populateDetials(); return elementCasePaneAuthorityEditPane; } @Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { this.time = (float) resolution / ScreenResolution.getScreenResolution(); resetEditorComponentBounds(); LayoutUtils.layoutRootContainer(this); g.setColor(Color.black); GraphHelper.drawLine(g, 0, 0, this.getWidth(), 0); GraphHelper.drawLine(g, 0, 0, 0, this.getHeight()); super.paintComponent(g); } private void resetEditorComponentBounds() { if (selection != null) { selection.setResolution(this.resolution); selection.getEditor().setBounds((int) (selection.getEditorBounds().x * time), (int) (selection.getEditorBounds().y * time), (int) (selection.getEditorBounds().width * time), (int) (selection.getEditorBounds().height * time)); LayoutUtils.layoutRootContainer(this); } } /** * 增加组件 * * @param creator 组件 */ public void addBlockCreator(BlockCreator creator) { TemplateBlock block = creator.getValue(); getTarget().addBlock(block); addedData.addBlockCreator(creator); repaint(); } /** * @return */ public AddingData getAddingData() { return addingData; } /** * @param addData */ public void setAddingData(AddingData addData) { this.addingData = addData; } /** * @return */ public AddedData getAddedData() { return addedData; } /** * @param addedData */ public void setAddedData(AddedData addedData) { this.addedData = addedData; } /** * @return */ public TemplateBlock getEditingTarget() { if (selection != null) { return selection.getValue(); } return null; } @Override /** * */ public BlockCreator getSelection() { return selection; } /** * 选中一个聚合快 */ @Override /** * 选中一个聚合快 */ public void setSelection(BlockCreator selectElement) { //聚合块不参加权限编辑 if (selectElement == null) { if (BaseUtils.isAuthorityEditing()) { JTemplate jTemplate = HistoryTemplateListPane.getInstance().getCurrentEditingTemplate(); if (jTemplate.isJWorkBook()) { //清参数面板 jTemplate.removeParameterPaneSelection(); } noAuthorityEdit(); } QuickEditorRegion.getInstance().populate(QuickEditor.DEFAULT_EDITOR); setChooseType(SelectionType.NONE); return; } if (this.selection != selectElement) { this.selection = selectElement; fireSelectionChanged(); } } /** * 选中的是否是报表块 * * @return 是则返回true */ public boolean isSelectedECBolck() { return this.selection instanceof ECBlockCreator; } /** * 不支持权限编辑 */ public void noAuthorityEdit() { EastRegionContainerPane.getInstance().replaceUpPane(new NoSupportAuthorityEdit()); HistoryTemplateListPane.getInstance().getCurrentEditingTemplate().setAuthorityMode(false); } private void stopEditingState() { if (selection != null) { // 移除编辑器的时候当然也要退出编辑状态 removeEditor(selection.getEditor()); selection = null; } repaint(); } /** * @return */ public int getHorizontalValue() { return horizontalValue; } /** * @param horizontalValue */ public void setHorizontalValue(int horizontalValue) { this.horizontalValue = horizontalValue; } /** * @return */ public int getVerticalValue() { return verticalValue; } /** * @param verticalValue */ public void setVerticalValue(int verticalValue) { this.verticalValue = verticalValue; } @Override /** * */ public short getRulerLengthUnit() { return DesignerEnvManager.getEnvManager().getReportLengthUnit(); } @Override /** * 复制 */ public void copy() { if (selection != null) { clip_board.clear(); clip_board.add(selection.getValue()); } } /** * 黏贴 * * @return 黏贴成功返回true */ public boolean paste() { if (!clip_board.isEmpty()) { // 粘贴后名字和边界都需要改变 TemplateBlock block = null; try { block = (TemplateBlock) clip_board.get(0).clone(); String blockName = block.getBlockName(); blockName += "_copy"; List nameList = new ArrayList(); boolean isRepeat = false; for (int l = getTarget().getBlockCount(), i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (getTarget().getBlock(i).getBlockName().startsWith(blockName)) { if (ComparatorUtils.equals(getTarget().getBlock(i).getBlockName(), blockName)) { isRepeat = true; blockName += "_copy"; continue; } nameList.add(getTarget().getBlock(i).getBlockName()); } } while (isRepeat) { if (nameList.contains(blockName)) { blockName += "_copy"; } else { isRepeat = false; } } block.setBlockName(blockName); clip_board.set(0, block); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { FRContext.getLogger().error(e.getMessage(), e); return false; } UnitRectangle bounds = block.getBounds(); bounds.x = bounds.x.add(new OLDPIX(20)); bounds.y = bounds.y.add(new OLDPIX(20)); block.setBounds(bounds); BlockCreator creator = PolyUtils.createCreator(block); addBlockCreator(creator); stopEditingState(); setSelection(creator); setChooseType(SelectionType.BLOCK); return true; } return false; } /** * 停止编辑 */ public void stopAddingState() { this.addingData = null; } /** * 删除 * * @return 删除成功返回true */ public boolean delete() { if (selection != null) { TemplateBlock block = selection.getValue(); if (DesignerContext.getFormatState() != DesignerContext.FORMAT_STATE_NULL) { doCancelFormat(block); } getTarget().removeBlock(block); addedData.removeBlockCreator(selection); this.removeEditor(selection.getEditor()); selection = null; this.repaint(); this.requestFocus(); return true; } return false; } private void doCancelFormat(TemplateBlock bolck) { TargetComponent casePane = DesignerContext.getReferencedElementCasePane(); TemplateBlock referencedBlock = null; if (casePane instanceof PolyElementCasePane) { referencedBlock = ((PolyElementCasePane) casePane).getTarget(); } if (ComparatorUtils.equals(referencedBlock, bolck)) { DesignerContext.setFormatState(DesignerContext.FORMAT_STATE_NULL); elementCasePane.getGrid().setCursor(UIConstants.CELL_DEFAULT_CURSOR); ((ElementCasePane) DesignerContext.getReferencedElementCasePane()).getGrid().setNotShowingTableSelectPane(true); ((ElementCasePane) DesignerContext.getReferencedElementCasePane()).getGrid().setCursor(UIConstants.CELL_DEFAULT_CURSOR); DesignerContext.setReferencedElementCasePane(null); DesignerContext.setReferencedIndex(0); repaint(); HistoryTemplateListPane.getInstance().repaint(); } } /** * 剪切 * * @return 剪切成功返回true */ public boolean cut() { copy(); delete(); return true; } /** * 移动 * * @param x 横坐标 * @param y 纵坐标 */ public void move(int x, int y) { if (selection == null) { return; } TemplateBlock block = selection.getValue(); UnitRectangle ub = block.getBounds(); ub.x = FU.valueOfPix(ub.x.toPixI(resolution) + x, resolution); ub.y = FU.valueOfPix(ub.y.toPixI(resolution) + y, resolution); if (ub.x.less_than_zero()) { ub.x = UNIT.ZERO; } if (ub.y.less_than_zero()) { ub.y = UNIT.ZERO; } block.setBounds(ub); this.fireTargetModified(); this.repaint(); } /** * 停止编辑 */ public void stopEditing() { if (selection != null) { // 在停止编辑的时候,要把编辑器的值赋值给显示器 TemplateBlock block = selection.getValue(); selection.setValue(block); this.removeEditor(selection.getEditor()); selection = null; this.repaint(); } } /** * @return */ public JScrollBar getVerticalScrollBar() { return this.verScrollBar; } /** * Sets vertical scroll bar */ public void setVerticalScrollBar(JScrollBar verScrollBar) { this.verScrollBar = verScrollBar; } @Override /** * Gets horizontal scroll bar */ public JScrollBar getHorizontalScrollBar() { return this.horScrollBar; } /** * Sets horizontal scroll bar */ public void setHorizontalScrollBar(JScrollBar horScrollBar) { this.horScrollBar = horScrollBar; } @Override /** * */ public int getMinWidth() { return ReportHelper.calculateOccupiedArea(getTarget()).width.toPixI(resolution); } @Override /** * */ public int getMinHeight() { return ReportHelper.calculateOccupiedArea(getTarget()).width.toPixI(resolution); } @Override /** * */ public int getDesignerHeight() { return this.getHeight(); } @Override /** * */ public int getDesignerWidth() { return this.getWidth(); } @Override protected void processMouseWheelEvent(java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent evt) { int id = evt.getID(); switch (id) { case MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL: { if (isCtrl) { int dir = evt.getWheelRotation(); int old_resolution = (int) jSliderContainer.getShowVal().getValue(); jSliderContainer.getShowVal().setValue(old_resolution - (dir * MIN)); } else { int rotations = evt.getWheelRotation(); this.getVerticalScrollBar().setValue(this.getVerticalScrollBar().getValue() + rotations * ROTATIONS); } break; } } } /** * 开始编辑 * * @param blockName 聚合块名称 */ public void startEditing(String blockName) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(blockName)) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < addedData.getAddedCount(); i++) { BlockCreator creator = addedData.getAddedAt(i); if (ComparatorUtils.equals(blockName, creator.getValue().getBlockName())) { this.setSelection(creator); return; } } } /** * 创建正在编辑的状态. * * @return 返回正在编辑的状态. */ public EditingState createEditingState() { return new PolyDesignerEditingState(selection); } private class PolyDesignerEditingState implements EditingState { private String blockName; private Selection select; public PolyDesignerEditingState(BlockCreator creator) { if (creator == null) { return; } this.blockName = creator.getValue().getBlockName(); // TODO: 写个新的Selection,图表,表单可能都要 if (creator.getEditor() instanceof ECBlockEditor) { select = ((ECBlockEditor) creator.getEditor()).createEffective().getSelection(); } } @Override public void revert() { PolyDesigner.this.addedData = new AddedData(PolyDesigner.this); stopEditingState(); initPolyBlocks(); startEditing(blockName); if (selection == null) { if (BaseUtils.isAuthorityEditing()) { EastRegionContainerPane.getInstance().replaceUpPane(new NoSupportAuthorityEdit()); } else { EastRegionContainerPane.getInstance().replaceDownPane(new JPanel()); QuickEditorRegion.getInstance().populate(QuickEditor.DEFAULT_EDITOR); } return; } if (selection.getEditor() instanceof ECBlockEditor) { ((ECBlockEditor) selection.getEditor()).createEffective().setSelection(select); } } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ////////////////for toolbarMenuAdapter////////////////////////////// // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * 模板的工具 * * @return 工具 */ public ToolBarDef[] toolbars4Target() { return selection == null || isChooseBlock() ? null : this.selection.toolbars4Target(); } /** * 表单的工具按钮 * * @return 工具按钮 */ public JComponent[] toolBarButton4Form() { polyComponetsBar.checkEnable(); if (selection != null) { selection.checkButtonEnable(); } if (selection == null || isChooseBlock()) { setToolBarElemEnabled(selection != null); return toolBarComponent; } else { return this.selection.toolBarButton4Form(); } } private void setToolBarElemEnabled(boolean isEnabled) { toolBarComponent[0].setEnabled(isEnabled); toolBarComponent[1].setEnabled(isEnabled); toolBarComponent[3].setEnabled(isEnabled); } /** * 模板的子菜单 * * @return 子菜单 */ public ShortCut[] shortcut4TemplateMenu() { return (ShortCut[]) ArrayUtils.addAll(super.shortcut4TemplateMenu(), new ShortCut[]{}); } public int getMenuState() { return selection == null ? DesignState.POLY_SHEET : this.selection.getMenuState(); } /** * 目标的菜单 * * @return 菜单 */ public MenuDef[] menus4Target() { return selection == null ? new MenuDef[0] : this.selection.menus4Target(); } // @Override // public DockingView[] views4Target() { // return selection == null ? new DockingView[0] : this.selection.views4Target(); // } private void initInputActionMap() { InputMap inputMapAncestor = this.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); ActionMap actionMap = this.getActionMap(); inputMapAncestor.clear(); actionMap.clear(); inputMapAncestor.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("UP"), "moveup"); actionMap.put("moveup", new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { move(0, -1); } }); inputMapAncestor.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("DOWN"), "movedown"); actionMap.put("movedown", new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { move(0, 1); } }); inputMapAncestor.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("LEFT"), "moveleft"); actionMap.put("moveleft", new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { move(-1, 0); } }); inputMapAncestor.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("RIGHT"), "moveright"); actionMap.put("moveright", new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { move(1, 0); } }); } @Override /** * */ public BlockCreator getDefaultSelectElement() { return null; } /** * @return */ public SelectionType getSelectionType() { return this.selectedtype; } /** * @param type */ public void setChooseType(SelectionType type) { if (!ComparatorUtils.equals(selectedtype, type) || type == SelectionType.NONE) { selectedtype = type; JTemplate jt = DesignerContext.getDesignerFrame().getSelectedJTemplate(); if (jt != null) { jt.setComposite(); } DesignerContext.getDesignerFrame().resetToolkitByPlus(DesignerContext.getDesignerFrame().getSelectedJTemplate()); if (BaseUtils.isAuthorityEditing()) { EastRegionContainerPane.getInstance().replaceDownPane(RolesAlreadyEditedPane.getInstance()); } else if (isChooseBlock()) { EastRegionContainerPane.getInstance().switchMode(EastRegionContainerPane.PropertyMode.POLY_CHART); EastRegionContainerPane.getInstance().replaceWidgetSettingsPane(PolyBlockProperPane.getInstance(PolyDesigner.this)); } else if (type != SelectionType.NONE) { EastRegionContainerPane.getInstance().switchMode(EastRegionContainerPane.PropertyMode.POLY_REPORT); EastRegionContainerPane.getInstance().replaceCellAttrPane(CellElementPropertyPane.getInstance()); } else { EastRegionContainerPane.getInstance().switchMode(EastRegionContainerPane.PropertyMode.POLY); // EastRegionContainerPane.getInstance().replaceDownPane(new JPanel()); } } } public JPanel getEastUpPane() { if (selection == null || selection.getEditor() == null) { return QuickEditorRegion.getInstance(); } //这边是进行更新 BlockEditor current_editor = selection.getEditor(); current_editor.resetSelectionAndChooseState(); return QuickEditorRegion.getInstance(); } public JPanel getEastDownPane() { if (isChooseBlock()) { return PolyBlockProperPane.getInstance(PolyDesigner.this); } else if (selectedtype != SelectionType.NONE) { return CellElementPropertyPane.getInstance(); } else { return new JPanel(); } } /** * 是否选中聚合块本身 * * @return 是则返回true */ public boolean isChooseBlock() { return selectedtype == SelectionType.BLOCK; } /** * Fire gridSelection Changed */ private void fireSelectionChanged() { this.fireSelectionChangeListener(); PolyBlockProperPane.getInstance(this).refreshDockingView(); this.repaint(15); } /** * 添加选中的SelectionListener * * @param selectionListener 选中的listener */ public void addSelectionChangeListener(SelectionListener selectionListener) { this.listenerList.add(SelectionListener.class, selectionListener); } /** * 移除选中的SelectionListener * * @param selectionListener 选中的listener */ public void removeSelectionChangeListener(SelectionListener selectionListener) { this.listenerList.remove(SelectionListener.class, selectionListener); } private void fireSelectionChangeListener() { // Guaranteed to return a non-null array Object[] listeners = listenerList.getListenerList(); // Process the listeners last to first, notifying // those that are interested in this event for (int i = listeners.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) { if (listeners[i] == SelectionListener.class) { ((SelectionListener) listeners[i + 1]).selectionChanged(new SelectionEvent(this)); } } } /** * 计算滚动条的值和max * * @param oldmax 之前最大值 * @param max 当前最大值 * @param newValue 当前value * @param oldValue 之前value * @param visi designer的大小 * @param orientation 滚动条方向 * @return 计算后的值和max */ public Point calculateScroll(int oldmax, int max, int newValue, int oldValue, int visi, int orientation) { return new Point(newValue, max); } /** * 获取当前聚合报表区域左上角x坐标 * * @return 当前聚合报表区域左上角x坐标 */ public double getAreaLocationX() { return polyArea.getLocationOnScreen().getX(); } /** * 获取当前聚合报表区域左上角y坐标 * * @return 当前聚合报表区域左上角y坐标 */ public double getAreaLocationY() { return polyArea.getLocationOnScreen().getY(); } /** * 检测指定块是否与其他的块有重叠区域 * * @param creator 指定的块编辑器 * @return 是否与其他的块有重叠区域 */ public boolean intersectsAllBlock(BlockCreator creator) { return intersectsAllBlock(creator.getValue()); } /** * 检测指定块是否与其他的块有重叠区域 * * @param block 指定的块 * @return 是否与其他的块有重叠区域 */ public boolean intersectsAllBlock(TemplateBlock block) { UnitRectangle rec = block.getBounds(); String blockName = block.getBlockName(); return intersectsAllBlock(rec, blockName); } /** * 检测指定块是否与其他的块有重叠区域 * * @param rec 指定的块区域 * @param blockName 指定的块名称 * @return 是否与其他的块有重叠区域 */ public boolean intersectsAllBlock(UnitRectangle rec, String blockName) { PolyWorkSheet worksheet = this.getTarget(); int count = worksheet.getBlockCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Block temp_block = worksheet.getBlock(i); UnitRectangle temp_rect = temp_block.getBounds(); if (ComparatorUtils.equals(blockName, temp_block.getBlockName())) { continue; } if (temp_rect.intersects(rec)) { return true; } } return false; } }