Fine-Design_Basic_Plugin_Estate_Parameter_Null_Text=Parameter is null, then display as
Fine-Design_Basic_Plugin_Estate_Radio-Group=Common button group controls of real estate
Fine-Design_Basic_Plugin_Dec_Init_DB_Type=need work
Fine-Design_Basic_Plugin_XMLA=Multi-dimensional DB
Fine-Design_Basic_Plugin_XMLA_Explain=Before using the cube access data, you need a successfully multi-database connection. \ n There are two different access methods. \ n1. Simple custom queries: \ n it applies to FineBI and other multidimensional database. \ n FR will automatically read the hierarchy of the selected cube, you can directly select the metric and dimension, and add filter conditions, FR will automatically query the data based on your selections. \ n Simple custom query only support metric and dimensions query. \ n In the metric and dimension settings, currently you can only select the desired dimension, can not be modified manually. \ n Filters using OPEN SQL, you can type $ {abc} as a parameter, the method same with database data sets. \ n2. custom MDX query: \ n You can customize the MDX statement to query the desired result. \ n NOTE custom MDX query only support two axes queries. \ n You can type $ {abc} as a parameter, the method same with database data sets. \ nThe cube of FineBI does not support MDX queries.