Fine-Design_Basic_Widget_Type_Radio_Group=Radio Button Group
Fine-Design_Basic_Widget_Type_Text=Text Field
@ -1542,7 +1542,7 @@ Fine-Design_Form_Vgap=Vertical Gap
Fine-Design_Form_WLayout_Border_Layout_Container=You have the central and northern border layout containers.You can adjust the height of the northern one
Fine-Design_Form_WLayout_Border_ToolTips=The complete border layout container is composed of central, eastern, western, northern and southern parts. You can adjust the height of the northern and southern ones and the width of the eastern and western ones.
Fine-Design_Form_WLayout_Card_ToolTip=Card layout, you can add multiple components in it.
Fine-Design_Needle_Printer_Optimize_Tip=Tip: Replace the text font with bold font to optimize the printing effect.
Fine-Design_Needle_Printer_Optimize_Tip=Tip: Replace the text font with SimHei to optimize the printing effect.
Fine-Design_No_Print_Settings_In_IE=No Print Settings in IE
Fine-Design_Offline_Helptutorial_Msg=You are now offline and cannot access the help document. If you need the offline help document, please contact technical support