You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

121 lines
3.7 KiB

package com.fr.plugin.demo.parameter.combo.grid.ui;
import com.fr.base.TableData;
import com.fr.data.TableDataSource;
import com.fr.data.impl.NameTableData;
import com.fr.design.data.DesignTableDataManager;
import com.fr.design.gui.icombobox.UIComboBox;
import com.fr.design.gui.icombobox.UIComboBoxRenderer;
import com.fr.design.gui.ilable.UILabel;
import com.fr.design.gui.itextfield.UINumberField;
import com.fr.design.layout.TableLayout;
import com.fr.design.layout.TableLayoutHelper;
import com.fr.design.widget.ui.AbstractDataModify;
import com.fr.file.DatasourceManager;
import com.fr.plugin.demo.parameter.combo.grid.fun.ComboGrid;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Vector;
public class CellGridDefinePane extends AbstractDataModify<ComboGrid> {
private ComboBoxModel model;
private UINumberField real;
private UINumberField display;
public CellGridDefinePane() {
private void initComponents() {
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
model = model();
UIComboBox comboBox = new UIComboBox(model);
comboBox.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(240, 24));
double p = TableLayout.PREFERRED;
double f = TableLayout.FILL;
double[] rowSize = new double[]{p, p, p};
double[] columnSize = new double[]{p, f};
real = new UINumberField();
display = new UINumberField();
JPanel panel = TableLayoutHelper.createTableLayoutPane(new Component[][]{
{new UILabel("TableData:"), comboBox},
{new UILabel("Value:"), real},
{new UILabel("ShowValue:"), display},
}, rowSize, columnSize);
add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
* 数据源
* @return 数据源
public ComboBoxModel model() {
Vector<TableData> tableDatas = new Vector<TableData>();
TableDataSource tableDataSource = DesignTableDataManager.getEditingTableDataSource();
if (tableDataSource != null) {
Iterator it = tableDataSource.getTableDataNameIterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String name = (String) it.next();
tableDatas.add(new NameTableData(name));
Iterator nameIt = DatasourceManager.getProviderInstance().getTableDataNameIterator();
while (nameIt.hasNext()) {
tableDatas.add(new NameTableData((String) nameIt.next()));
return new DefaultComboBoxModel(tableDatas);
* 遍历器
* @return 遍历器
public ListCellRenderer renderer() {
return new UIComboBoxRenderer() {
public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList jList, Object o, int i, boolean b, boolean b1) {
if (o instanceof NameTableData) {
setText(((NameTableData) o).getName());
return this;
public void populateBean(ComboGrid ob) {
public ComboGrid updateBean() {
ComboGrid grid = new ComboGrid();
grid.setTableData((TableData) model.getSelectedItem());
grid.setKeyIndex((int) real.getValue());
grid.setValueIndex((int) display.getValue());
return grid;
protected String title4PopupWindow() {
return "grid";