19 changed files with 715 additions and 32 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
import {WidgetType, Icon, BubbleCombo, TextBubblePopupBarView} from '@ui/index'; |
import LeftItemModel from './left.item.model'; |
const className = 'fr.component.linkSet.left.item.icon'; |
const Widget: WidgetType = { |
_store() { |
return BI.Models.getModel(LeftItemModel); |
}, |
render() { |
const {cls, title, id} = this.options; |
const that = this; |
let iconContent: any = null; |
let combo: any = null; |
if (title === '删除') { |
return { |
type: BubbleCombo, |
direction: 'bottom', |
ref () { |
combo = this; |
}, |
el: { |
type: Icon, |
cls, |
extraCls: 'action-icon', |
height: 24, |
width: 26, |
title, |
ref (ref: any) { |
iconContent = ref; |
}, |
}, |
popup: { |
type: TextBubblePopupBarView, |
text: '确定删除该数据连接?', |
listeners: [{ |
eventName: BI.BubblePopupBarView.EVENT_CLICK_TOOLBAR_BUTTON, |
action (type: boolean) { |
combo.hideView(); |
if (type) { |
that.store.onIconClick(title, id); |
} |
}, |
}], |
}, |
listeners: [{ |
eventName: BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_EXPAND, |
action () { |
iconContent.element.css({ |
visibility:'visible', |
}); |
}, |
}, { |
eventName: BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW, |
action () { |
iconContent.element.css({ |
visibility:'hidden', |
}); |
}, |
}], |
}; |
} |
return { |
type: Icon, |
cls, |
extraCls: 'action-icon', |
height: 24, |
width: 26, |
title, |
}; |
}, |
mounted() { |
const {title, id} = this.options; |
if (title !== '删除') { |
this.element.on('click', (event: any) => { |
event.stopPropagation(); |
this.store.onIconClick(title, id); |
}); |
} else { |
this.element.on('click', (event: any) => { |
event.stopPropagation(); |
}); |
} |
}, |
}; |
BI.shortcut(className, BI.inherit(BI.Widget, Widget)); |
export default className; |
@ -1,21 +1,63 @@
import {WidgetType, Vertical, Left, Label, Button} from '@ui/index'; |
import RightDetailModel from './right.detail.model'; |
import Title from '../right_title/right.title.component'; |
import RightShow from '../right_show/right.show.component'; |
import RightEdit from '../right_edit/right.edit.component'; |
import {LinkType} from '@ui/type'; |
const className = 'fr.component.right.detail'; |
let rightDetail: any = null; |
const Widget: WidgetType = { |
_store() { |
return BI.Models.getModel(RightDetailModel); |
}, |
watch:{ |
linkSelected(linkSelected: LinkType) { |
if (linkSelected.isSelected) { |
rightDetail.populate(BI.createItems([ |
{ |
type: Title, |
isEdit: true, |
linkSelected, |
}, { |
type: RightEdit, |
linkSelected, |
}, |
])); |
} else { |
rightDetail.populate(BI.createItems([ |
{ |
type: Title, |
isEdit: false, |
linkSelected, |
}, { |
type: RightShow, |
linkSelected, |
}, |
])); |
} |
}, |
}, |
render() { |
return { |
type: Vertical, |
cls:'right-content', |
items: [ |
{ |
type: Title, |
}, { |
type: RightShow, |
}, |
], |
ref(_ref: any) { |
rightDetail = _ref; |
}, |
}; |
}, |
mounted() { |
rightDetail.populate(BI.createItems([ |
{ |
type: Title, |
isEdit: false, |
linkSelected:false, |
}, { |
type: RightShow, |
linkSelected:false, |
}, |
])); |
}, |
}; |
BI.shortcut(className, BI.inherit(BI.Widget, Widget)); |
export default className; |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
const RightDetailModel = 'fr.model.linkSet.right.detail'; |
const Model = BI.inherit(Fix.Model, { |
context: ['linkList', 'linkSelected'], |
}); |
BI.model(RightDetailModel, Model); |
export default RightDetailModel; |
@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
import {WidgetType, Vertical, MultiSelectItem, TextAreaEditor, Editor, Button, TextValueCombo} from '@ui/index'; |
import {LinkType} from '@ui/type'; |
import charset from './right.edit.constant'; |
import RightEditModel from './right.edit.model'; |
import FormItem from '@shared/components/form.item.component'; |
import Title from '@shared/components/title.component'; |
const className = 'fr.component.right.edit'; |
const Widget: WidgetType = { |
_store() { |
return BI.Models.getModel(RightEditModel); |
}, |
render() { |
const linkSelected: LinkType = this.model.linkSelected; |
const that = this; |
return { |
type: Vertical, |
cls: 'right-show', |
items: [ |
{ |
type: FormItem, |
text: '数据连接名', |
hint: '*修改数据连接名会影响相关数据表和仪表板', |
form:{ |
type: Editor, |
cls: 'bi-border', |
width: 300, |
value: linkSelected.connectionName, |
listeners: [{ |
eventName: BI.Editor.EVENT_CHANGE, |
action() { |
that.store.setLinkUpdate({ |
...that.model.linkUpdate, |
connectionName: this.getValue(), |
}); |
}, |
}], |
}, |
}, |
{ |
type: FormItem, |
text: '第一步', |
height: 400, |
form:{ |
type: Vertical, |
cls: 'right-form', |
items:[ |
{ |
type: FormItem, |
text: '驱动器', |
form:{ |
type: TextValueCombo, |
cls: 'bi-border', |
width: 300, |
text: linkSelected.driver, |
items: [{ |
text: linkSelected.driver, |
value: linkSelected.driver, |
}], |
listeners: [{ |
eventName: BI.TextValueCombo.EVENT_CHANGE, |
action() { |
that.store.setLinkUpdate({ |
...that.model.linkUpdate, |
driver: this.getValue()[0], |
}); |
}, |
}], |
}, |
}, |
{ |
type: FormItem, |
text: 'URL', |
form:{ |
type: Editor, |
cls: 'bi-border', |
watermark:'请输入', |
width: 300, |
value: linkSelected.url, |
listeners: [{ |
eventName: BI.Editor.EVENT_CHANGE, |
action() { |
that.store.setLinkUpdate({ |
...that.model.linkUpdate, |
url: this.getValue(), |
}); |
}, |
}], |
}, |
}, |
{ |
type: FormItem, |
text: '编码', |
form:{ |
type: TextValueCombo, |
cls: 'bi-border', |
width: 300, |
text: linkSelected.originalCharsetName === '' ? '自动' : linkSelected.originalCharsetName, |
items: BI.Constants.getConstant(charset), |
listeners: [{ |
eventName: BI.TextValueCombo.EVENT_CHANGE, |
action() { |
that.store.setLinkUpdate({ |
...that.model.linkUpdate, |
originalCharsetName: this.getValue()[0], |
}); |
}, |
}], |
}, |
}, |
{ |
type: FormItem, |
text: '用户名', |
form:{ |
type: Editor, |
cls: 'bi-border', |
allowBlank:true, |
watermark:'请输入', |
width: 300, |
value: linkSelected.user, |
listeners: [{ |
eventName: BI.Editor.EVENT_CHANGE, |
action() { |
that.store.setLinkUpdate({ |
...that.model.linkUpdate, |
user: this.getValue(), |
}); |
}, |
}], |
}, |
}, |
{ |
type: FormItem, |
text: '密码', |
form:{ |
type: Editor, |
cls: 'bi-border', |
inputType:'password', |
allowBlank:true, |
watermark:'请输入', |
width: 300, |
value: linkSelected.password, |
listeners: [{ |
eventName: BI.Editor.EVENT_CHANGE, |
action() { |
that.store.setLinkUpdate({ |
...that.model.linkUpdate, |
password: this.getValue(), |
}); |
}, |
}], |
}, |
}, |
{ |
type: Title, |
text: '连接池属性', |
}, |
{ |
type: FormItem, |
text: 'SQL验证查询', |
height: 100, |
form:{ |
type: TextAreaEditor, |
cls: 'bi-border', |
allowBlank:true, |
watermark:'请输入', |
width: 300, |
height:100, |
value: linkSelected.validationQuery, |
listeners: [{ |
eventName: BI.Editor.EVENT_CHANGE, |
action() { |
that.store.setLinkUpdate({ |
...that.model.linkUpdate, |
validationQuery: this.getValue(), |
}); |
}, |
}], |
}, |
}, |
{ |
type: FormItem, |
text: '获取连接前校验', |
form:{ |
type: MultiSelectItem, |
text: '是', |
selected: linkSelected.testOnBorrow, |
width: 60, |
listeners: [{ |
eventName: BI.Editor.EVENT_CHANGE, |
action() { |
that.store.setLinkUpdate({ |
...that.model.linkUpdate, |
testOnBorrow: this.isSelected(), |
}); |
}, |
}], |
}, |
}, |
{ |
type: FormItem, |
text: '最大活动连接数', |
form:{ |
type: Editor, |
cls: 'bi-border', |
allowBlank:true, |
watermark:'请输入', |
width: 60, |
value: linkSelected.maxActive, |
errorText: '请输入有效的正整数', |
validationChecker (v: string) { |
if (/^\+?[1-9][0-9]*$/.test(v)) { |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
}, |
listeners: [{ |
eventName: BI.Editor.EVENT_CHANGE, |
action() { |
that.store.setLinkUpdate({ |
...that.model.linkUpdate, |
maxActive: this.getValue(), |
}); |
}, |
}], |
}, |
}, |
], |
}, |
}, |
{ |
type: FormItem, |
text: '第二步', |
form: { |
type: Button, |
text: '测试连接', |
level: 'ignore', |
}, |
}, |
{ |
type: FormItem, |
text: '第三步', |
form: { |
type: FormItem, |
text: '模式', |
form: { |
type: Editor, |
cls: 'bi-border', |
width: 300, |
disabled: true, |
}, |
}, |
}, |
], |
}; |
}, |
}; |
BI.shortcut(className, BI.inherit(BI.Widget, Widget)); |
export default className; |
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
export const ConstantName = 'bi.constant.linkSet.right.edit.charset'; |
export const Constant = BI.constant(ConstantName, [ |
{ |
text: '自动', |
value: '', |
}, |
{ |
text: 'GBK', |
value: 'GBK', |
}, |
{ |
text: 'BIG5', |
value: 'BIG5', |
}, |
{ |
text: 'ISO-8859-1', |
value: 'ISO-8859-1', |
}, |
{ |
text: 'UTF-8', |
value: 'UTF-8', |
}, |
{ |
text: 'UTF-16', |
value: 'UTF-16', |
}, |
{ |
text: 'EUC_JP', |
value: 'EUC_JP', |
}, |
{ |
text: 'EUC_KR', |
value: 'EUC_KR', |
}, |
{ |
text: 'CP850', |
value: 'CP850', |
}, |
]); |
export default ConstantName; |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
const RightEditModel = 'fr.model.linkSet.right.edit'; |
const Model = BI.inherit(Fix.Model, { |
context: ['linkList', 'linkSelected', 'linkUpdate'], |
actions: { |
setLinkUpdate(value: any) { |
this.model.linkUpdate = value; |
}, |
}, |
}); |
BI.model(RightEditModel, Model); |
export default RightEditModel; |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
const RightTitleModel = 'fr.model.linkSet.right.title'; |
const Model = BI.inherit(Fix.Model, { |
context: ['linkList', 'linkSelected', 'linkUpdate'], |
actions: { |
setEdit(type: boolean) { |
this.model.linkSelected = { |
...this.model.linkSelected, |
isSelected: type, |
}; |
this.model.linkUpdate = this.model.linkSelected; |
}, |
}, |
}); |
BI.model(RightTitleModel, Model); |
export default RightTitleModel; |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import {WidgetType, Htape, Label} from '@ui/index'; |
const className = 'fr.shared.component.form.item'; |
const Widget: WidgetType = { |
render() { |
const {text, form, hint, height} = this.options; |
return { |
type: Htape, |
cls: 'both-side', |
height:height ? height : 24, |
items: [{ |
el: { |
type: Label, |
cls: 'left', |
textAlign: 'left', |
text, |
}, |
width: 115, |
}, form, { |
type: Label, |
cls: 'hint', |
textAlign: 'left', |
text: hint, |
}], |
}; |
}, |
}; |
BI.shortcut(className, BI.inherit(BI.Widget, Widget)); |
export default className; |
@ -1 +1 @@
export const linkList = {"data":[{"connectionId":"8c1c52f1-3d0a-429e-b35f-ee1e085a8b72","database":"","connectionName":"FRDemo","driver":"org.sqlite.JDBC","url":"jdbc:sqlite://${ENV_HOME}/../help/FRDemo.db","user":"","password":"","queryType":"","newCharsetName":'null',"originalCharsetName":'',"validationQuery":"","schema":"","testOnBorrow":false,"maxActive":50,"options":'null',"port":0,"authType":"","creator":"designer","principal":"","keyPath":"","databaseType":"designer","privilegeDetailBeanList":'null'}]} |
export const linkList = {"data":[{"connectionId":"8c1c52f1-3d0a-429e-b35f-ee1e085a8b72","database":"","connectionName":"FRDemo","driver":"org.sqlite.JDBC","url":"jdbc:sqlite://${ENV_HOME}/../help/FRDemo.db","user":"","password":"","queryType":"","newCharsetName":'null',"originalCharsetName":'',"validationQuery":"","schema":"","testOnBorrow":true,"maxActive":50,"options":'null',"port":0,"authType":"","creator":"designer","principal":"","keyPath":"","databaseType":"designer","privilegeDetailBeanList":'null'}]} |
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
export const confirm = (message: string, onConfirm: Function): void => { |
const id = BI.UUID(); |
BI.Popovers.create(id, { |
type: 'bi.bar_popover', |
size: 'normal', |
header: '提示', |
width: 450, |
height: 220, |
body: { |
type: 'bi.left', |
cls: 'comfirm-content', |
items: [ |
{ |
type: 'bi.layout', |
cls: 'comfirm-icon', |
width: 50, |
height: 50, |
}, |
{ |
type: 'bi.label', |
text: message, |
}, |
], |
}, |
listeners: [ |
{ |
eventName: 'EVENT_CONFIRM', |
action () { |
onConfirm ? onConfirm() : null; |
}, |
}, |
], |
}).open(id); |
}; |
Reference in new issue