As specified in the Goessner implementation a JsonPath can return either `Path` or `Value`. `Value` is the default and what all the exaples above are reuturning. If you rather have the path of the elements our query is hitting this can be acheived with an option.
As specified in the Goessner implementation a JsonPath can return either `Path` or `Value`. `Value` is the default and what all the exaples above are reuturning. If you rather have the path of the elements our query is hitting this can be acheived with an option.
Changing the configuration defaults as demonstrated should only be done when your application is being initialized. Changes during runtime is strongly discouraged, especially in amulti threaded application.
Note that the JacksonJsonProvider requires `com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:` and the GsonJsonProvider requires `` on your classpath.
Note that the JacksonJsonProvider requires `com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:` and the GsonJsonProvider requires `` on your classpath.