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A library with [hamcrest-matchers](http://hamcrest.org/JavaHamcrest/) for JsonPath.
# Getting started
This library is available at the Central Maven Repository. Maven users add this to your POM.
9 years ago
# Usage guide
Statically import the library entry point:
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.matchers.JsonPathMatchers.*;
NOTE: The actual evaluation of JsonPath will depend on the current configuration:
The matchers can be used to inspect different representations of JSON:
// As a String...
String json = ...;
// or a file...
File json = ...;
// or an already parsed json object...
Object json = Configuration.defaultConfiguration().jsonProvider().parse(content);
Usage examples:
// Verify validity of JSON
assertThat(json, isJson());
// Verify existence (or non-existence) of JSON path
assertThat(json, hasJsonPath("$.message"));
assertThat(json, hasNoJsonPath("$.message"));
// Verify evaluation of JSON path
assertThat(json, hasJsonPath("$.message", equalTo("Hi there")));
assertThat(json, hasJsonPath("$.quantity", equalTo(5)));
assertThat(json, hasJsonPath("$.price", equalTo(34.56)));
assertThat(json, hasJsonPath("$.store.book[*].author", hasSize(4)));
assertThat(json, hasJsonPath("$.store.book[*].author", hasItem("Evelyn Waugh")));
Combine matchers for greater expressiveness
// This will separate the JSON parsing from the path evaluation
assertThat(json, isJson(withoutJsonPath("...")));
assertThat(json, isJson(withJsonPath("...", equalTo(3))));
// Combine several JSON path evaluations into a single statement
// (This will parse the JSON only once)
assertThat(json, isJson(allOf(
withJsonPath("$.store.name", equalTo("Little Shop")),
withJsonPath("$..title", hasSize(4)))));
Match on pre-compiled complex JSON path expressions
Filter cheapFictionFilter = filter(
JsonPath cheapFiction = JsonPath.compile("$.store.book[?]", cheapFictionFilter);
String json = ...;
assertThat(json, isJson(withJsonPath(cheapFiction)));
Use typed matchers for specific JSON representations, if needed
String json = ...
assertThat(json, isJsonString(withJsonPath("$..author")));
File json = ...
assertThat(json, isJsonFile(withJsonPath("$..author")));