You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

297 lines
11 KiB

import {shortcut, store} from '@core/core';
import {TableList} from './table_list/table_list';
import '../less/index.less';
import {DatabaseIndex} from './components/database_index/database_index';
import {RedisModel, ParameterType} from './app.model';
import './app.less';
import {redisField} from './app.constant';
import {Preview} from './components/preview/preview';
export class RedisProgram extends BI.Widget {
static xtype = 'dec.dcm.connection.plugin.redis.program'
private textWidth = 100;
databaseIndex: DatabaseIndex;
iconCombo: any;
queryCondition: any;
tableList: TableList;
parameterEditor: any;
engineTypeSelect: any;
previewButton: any;
store: RedisModel['store']
model: RedisModel['model']
props = {
value: {
datasetData: {
database: '',
5 years ago
orderValue: 0,
script: '',
engineType: 0,
parameters: [],
watch = {
parameters: () => {
this.parameterEditor.populate(this.renderItems(), [this.model.paramHeader]);
5 years ago
ableSave: (ableSave: boolean) => {
render() {
const {
database = '',
orderValue = 0,
script = '',
parameters = [],
engineType = 0
} = this.options.value.datasetData || {};;
5 years ago
const inputType = typeof orderValue === 'string' ? 'formula' : 'int';
const plainScript = BI.Providers.getProvider("dec.provider.cipher").getPlain(script);
return {
type: BI.HTapeLayout.xtype,
tgap: 15,
items: [{
el: {
type: TableList.xtype,
cls: 'bi-border-right',
ref: (_ref: any) => {
this.tableList = _ref;
width: 300,
}, {
type: BI.VerticalLayout.xtype,
lgap: 5,
bgap: 10,
items: [{
type: BI.HTapeLayout.xtype,
height: 22,
items: [{
el: {
type: BI.Label.xtype,
text: BI.i18nText('Plugin-Redis_DB_Index'),
textAlign: 'left',
width: this.textWidth,
}, {
type: BI.HTapeLayout.xtype,
items: [{
el: {
type: BI.IconCombo.xtype,
height: 22,
width: 28,
5 years ago
value: inputType,
items: [{
text: BI.i18nText('Plugin-Redis_Parameter_Type_Int'),
value: 'int',
iconCls: 'input-int-font',
}, {
text: BI.i18nText('Plugin-Redis_Parameter_Type_Formula'),
value: 'formula',
iconCls: 'input-formula-font',
ref: (_ref: any) => {
this.iconCombo = _ref;
listeners: [{
eventName: 'EVENT_CHANGE',
action: () => {
const typeValue = this.iconCombo.getValue()[0];
width: 28,
}, {
type: DatabaseIndex.xtype,
rgap: 11,
value: orderValue,
5 years ago
ref: (_ref: any) => {
this.databaseIndex = _ref;
}, {
type: BI.HTapeLayout.xtype,
height: 22,
rgap: 5,
items: [{
el: {
type: BI.Label.xtype,
text: BI.i18nText('Plugin-Redis_Script_Engine_Type'),
textAlign: 'left',
width: this.textWidth,
}, {
type: BI.TextValueCombo.xtype,
value: engineType,
ref: (_ref: any) => {
this.engineTypeSelect = _ref;
items: [{
text: BI.i18nText('Plugin-Redis_Script_Engine_Type_Default'),
value: 0,
}, {
text: BI.i18nText('Plugin-Redis_Script_Engine_Type_V8'),
value: 1,
}, {
type: BI.HTapeLayout.xtype,
height: 200,
rgap: 5,
items: [{
el: {
type: BI.Label.xtype,
text: BI.i18nText('Plugin-Redis_Script_Query_Text'),
textAlign: 'left',
width: this.textWidth,
}, {
type: BI.TextAreaEditor.xtype,
cls: 'bi-border',
height: 200,
5 years ago
allowBlank: true,
value: plainScript,
ref: (_ref: any) => {
this.queryCondition = _ref;
listeners: [{
eventName: 'EVENT_CHANGE',
action: () => {
const value = this.queryCondition.getValue();!!value);
}, {
type: BI.HTapeLayout.xtype,
height: 24,
rgap: 5,
items: [{
type: BI.Label.xtype,
height: 24,
text: BI.i18nText('Plugin-Redis_Set_Parameter'),
textAlign: 'left',
}, {
el: {
type: BI.Button.xtype,
text: BI.i18nText('Plugin-Redis_Refresh'),
level: 'ignore',
handler: () => {
Dec.Utils.getDataSetParameters(this.getParamSearchValue(), res => {
const newParameters = BI.Services.getService('').getParameters(, this.model.parameters);;
width: 80,
}, {
el: {
type: BI.Button.xtype,
text: BI.i18nText('Plugin-Redis_Preview'),
5 years ago
disabled: !BI.get(this.model, 'ableSave'),
handler: () => {
ref: (_ref: any) => {
this.previewButton = _ref;
width: 80,
}, {
type: BI.StyleTable.xtype,
cls: 'param-table',
height: 200,
columnSize: [300, 300, ''],
items: this.renderItems(),
header: [this.model.paramHeader],
ref: (_ref: any) => {
this.parameterEditor = _ref;
private renderItems() {
const self = this;
return, index) => [{
type: BI.Label.xtype,
textAlign: 'left',
height: 30,
lgap: 10,
}, {
type: BI.IconTextValueCombo.xtype,
cls: 'field-type-change',
height: 30,
items: redisField,
value: item.type,
listeners: [{
eventName: BI.IconTextValueCombo.EVENT_CHANGE,
action() {, this.getValue()[0]);
}, {
type: BI.Label.xtype,
textAlign: 'left',
height: 30,
lgap: 10,
}, this.createParameterValueItem(item, (value: string) => {, value);
private createParameterValueItem(param: ParameterType, cb: Function) {
return BI.Services.getService('').createParameterValueItem(param, cb);
public getValue() {
return {
database: this.tableList.getSelectedDatabase(),
orderValue: this.databaseIndex.getValue(),
script: BI.Providers.getProvider("dec.provider.cipher").getCipher(this.queryCondition.getValue()),
engineType: this.engineTypeSelect.getValue()[0],
parameters: this.model.parameters,
private getParamSearchValue() {
return {
datasetType: 'RedisScript',
datasetName: BI.get(this.model, 'dataSetName'),
datasetData: this.getValue(),
private openPreview() {
const id = BI.UUID();
BI.Popovers.create(id, {
type: 'bi.popover',
width: 800,
height: 500,
body: {
type: Preview.xtype,
previewedDataSet: this.getParamSearchValue(),