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import { _OB } from "./ob";
export declare class _Widget extends _OB {
* 出现loading的锁
protected __asking: boolean;
* 同步锁
protected __async: boolean;
* widget类标识符
public widgetName: string | null;
* 是否为根节点
private _isRoot: boolean;
* 父节点
private _parent: _Widget | null;
// TODO: 完成jquery文件夹后把这块改了
* 真实dom的类jQuery对象
public element: any;
* 子元素
public _children: {
[key: string]: _Widget;
* 是否已挂载
private _isMounted: boolean;
* 手动设置enable
private _manualSetEnable: boolean;
* 手动设置valid
private _manualSetValid: boolean;
* 渲染引擎
public _renderEngine: RenderEngine;
private _store: () => any;
private model: any;
// 生命周期函数
* 初始化前
public beforeInit: Function | null;
* 创建前
public beforeCreate: Function | null;
* 创建
public created: Function | null;
* 渲染
public render: Function | null;
* 挂载前
public beforeMount: Function | null;
* 挂载
public mounted: Function | null;
* 更新前
public shouldUpdate: Function | null;
* 更新
public update: Function;
* 销毁前
public beforeDestroy: Function | null;
* 销毁
public destroyed: Function | null;
* 初始化render函数
private _initRender: () => void;
* 内部主render函数
private _render: () => void;
* 初始化根节点
private _initRoot: () => void;
* 初始化元素宽度
private _initElementWidth: () => void;
* 初始化元素高度
private _initElementHeight: () => void;
* 初始化元素可见
private _initVisual: () => void;
* 初始化元素可用不可用
private _initEffects: () => void;
* 设置mounted锁
private _initState: () => void;
* 生成真实dom
private _initElement: () => void;
* 设置父节点
private _setParent: () => void;
* @param force 是否强制挂载子节点
* @param deep 子节点是否也是按照当前force处理
* @param lifeHook 生命周期钩子触不触发,默认触发
* @param predicate 递归每个widget的回调
public _mount: (force?: boolean, deep?: boolean, lifeHook?: boolean, predicate?: Function) => boolean;
* 挂载子节点
private _mountChildren: Function | null;
* 是否已挂载
public isMounted: () => boolean;
* 设置宽度
public setWidth: (w: number) => void;
* 设置高度
public setHeight: (h: number) => void;
* 设置可用
private _setEnable: (enable: boolean) => void;
* 设置合法
private _setValid: (valid: boolean) => void;
* 设置可见
private _setVisible: (visible: boolean) => void;
* 设置是否可用
public setEnable: (enable: boolean) => void;
* 设置是否可见
public setVisible: (visible: boolean) => void;
* 设置是否合法
public setValid: (valid: boolean) => void;
* 设置反馈效果
* @param args arguments参数
public doBehavior: (...args: any[]) => void;
* 获取宽度
public getWidth: () => number;
* 获取高度
public getHeight: () => number;
* 是否合法
public isValid: () => boolean;
* 新增子元素
public addWidget: (_name: any, _widget: _Widget) => _Widget;
* 根据wigetname获取子元素实例
public getWidgetByName: (_name: string) => _Widget;
* 移除子元素
* @param nameOrWidget widgetName或widget实例
public removeWidget: (nameOrWidget: string | _Widget) => void;
* 是否有某个子元素
public hasWidget: (name: string) => boolean;
* 获取widgetName
public getName: () => string;
* 设置tag
* @param tag html tag
public setTag: (tag: string) => void;
* 获取tag
public getTag: () => string;
* 设置属性
* @param key 键
* @param value 值
public attr: (key: string | { [key: string]: any }, value: any) => any;
* 获取text
public getText: () => string;
* 设置text
public setText: () => void;
* 获取值
public getValue: () => any;
* 设置值
public setValue: (...args: any[]) => void;
* 获取是否enable
public isEnabled: () => boolean;
* 是否可见
public isVisible: () => boolean;
* disable元素
public disable: ()=> void;
* enable元素
public enable: () => void;
* 是widget合法
public valid: () => void;
* 使元素不合法
public invalid: () => void;
* 使不可见
public invisible: () => void;
* 可见
public visible: () => void;
* 清除子元素
private __d: () => void;
* 取消挂载
private _unMount: () => void;
* hang元素
public isolate: () => void;
* 请除元素
public empty: () => void;
* 内部destory方法
protected _destroy: () => void;
* destory元素
public destroy: () => void;
* 注册渲染引擎
* @param engine 引擎
static registerRenderEngine: (engine: RenderEngine) => void;
interface RenderEngine {
// TODO: 完成jquery文件夹后把这块改了
* 创建元素方法,返回的类jQuery对象
* @param widget widget对象
createElement: (widget: any) => any;
* 创建DocumentFragment对象
createFragment: () => DocumentFragment;