You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

492 lines
14 KiB

const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const prettier = require("prettier");
const { exec } = require("child_process");
const { search, initDepts, depts } = require("./es6.xtype");
const lodash = require("lodash");
const DEPTS = depts;
// const XTYPE_ONLY = false;
// const THIS_REPLACE = false;
const ConflictImport = [];
const CircularDependency = [];
function objHaveFunction(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).some(key => {
const value = obj[key];
if (typeof value === "object") {
return objHaveFunction(value);
} else if (typeof value === "function") {
return true;
return false;
function parserImport(code) {
const reg = /import {([\s\S]*?)} from "(.*?)";/g;
const importMap = {};
let regResult = reg.exec(code);
while (regResult) {
importMap[regResult[2]] = regResult[1]
.map(el => el.trim())
.filter(el => el);
regResult = reg.exec(code);
return importMap;
async function saveAndFixCode(path, code) {
let _code = code;
if (!code) {
_code = fs.readFileSync(path).toString();
const prettierCode = prettier.format(_code, {
tabWidth: 4,
parser: "babel",
printWidth: 120,
fs.writeFileSync(path, prettierCode);
new Promise(res => {
exec(`yarn eslint --fix ${path}`, () => {
// const target = [];
// 加载模块
const loader = {
// G: { "@/core": { shortcut: true } },
load(srcName, module) {
const G = loader.G;
// if (target.indexOf(module) >= 0) {
// G["@/core"][module] = true;
// return true;
// }
if (module.startsWith('"bi.')) {
const key = search(srcName, module);
if (key) {
if (!G[key]) {
G[key] = {};
const clzName = depts[module].clzName;
G[key][clzName] = true;
return !!key;
} else {
const key = search(srcName, module);
if (key) {
if (!G[key]) {
G[key] = {};
G[key][module] = true;
return !!key;
async function handleFile(srcName) {
await saveAndFixCode(srcName);
// 全局状态回归
let G = (loader.G = {});
const sourceCode = fs.readFileSync(srcName).toString();
const result = /BI\.(.*?)\s=\sBI\.inherit\(/.exec(sourceCode);
if (!result) {
// console.log(`已经es6过,替换 xtype => ${srcName}`);
if (!/export class/.test(sourceCode)) {
// console.log("忽略文件", srcName);
// 处理 xtype
const noXtypeCode = sourceCode.replace(/type:\s?"bi\.(.*?)"/g, v => {
const matchedSentence = v.replace(/type:\s?/, "");
const loadSuccess = loader.load(srcName, matchedSentence);
if (loadSuccess) {
const clzName = depts[matchedSentence].clzName;
return `type: ${clzName}.xtype`;
} else {
console.log(`xtype 替换失败 ${matchedSentence} `);
return v;
// 识别 import
const importMap = parserImport(noXtypeCode);
// 合并原来的 import 到 G
lodash.forEach(importMap, (depts, module) => {
depts.forEach(dept => {
if (!G[module]) {
G[module] = {};
G[module][dept] = true;
// 合并包
const crossPackages = fs.readdirSync("src").map(el => `@/${el}`);
lodash.forEach(G, (depts, module) => {
crossPackages.forEach(crosspackage => {
if (module.indexOf(crosspackage.replace(/^@\//, "")) >= 0) {
if (!G[crosspackage]) {
G[crosspackage] = {};
Object.assign(G[crosspackage], depts);
const tmpG = {};
lodash.forEach(G, (depts, module) => {
const flag = lodash.some(
crosspackage =>
module.indexOf(crosspackage) >= 0 && !module.startsWith("@"),
if (!flag) {
tmpG[module] = depts;
let circle = false;
// 处理循环依赖
const forbiddenCrossRules = {
base: ["@/case", "@/base", "@/widget"],
"case": ["@/case", "@/widget"],
widget: ["@/widget"],
const forbiddenKeys = [];
const circleG = {};
lodash.forEach(G, (depts, module) => {
// 找出 rule
const packages = Object.keys(forbiddenCrossRules);
let key = packages.filter(
_package => srcName.indexOf(_package) >= 0,
if (key.length !== 1) {
throw new Error(
"理论不可能出现这个问题,需要 treecat 优化下找包逻辑1",
key = key[0];
const rule = forbiddenCrossRules[key];
if (lodash.includes(rule, module)) {
circle = true;
const deptsArr = Object.keys(depts);
if (deptsArr.filter(dept => !DEPTS[dept]).length > 0) {
throw new Error(
"理论不可能出现这个问题,需要 treecat 优化下找包逻辑2",
.filter(dept => DEPTS[dept])
.forEach(dept => {
const value = `@${DEPTS[dept].replace(path.resolve("src"), "").replace(/\\/g, "/").replace(/\.js$/, "")}`;
if (!tmpG[value]) {
tmpG[value] = {};
tmpG[value][dept] = true;
Object.assign(tmpG, circleG);
forbiddenKeys.forEach(key => {
delete tmpG[key];
// 较验手工 import 错误
const map = {};
let conflict = false;
lodash.forEach(tmpG, (depts, module) => {
lodash.forEach(depts, (_, _import) => {
if (map[_import] && map[_import] !== module) {
conflict = true;
map[_import] = module;
conflict && ConflictImport.push(srcName);
circle && CircularDependency.push(srcName);
G = tmpG;
const noImportCode = noXtypeCode.replace(
/import {([\s\S]*?)} from "(.*?)";/g,
let I = "";
Object.keys(G).forEach(key => {
let moduleKey = key;
if (moduleKey === path.basename(srcName).replace(/.js$/g, "")) {
let i = "";
Object.keys(G[moduleKey]).forEach(key => {
i += `${key}, `;
// 必须以 . 开头
const moduleInValid = /^[^@.]/.test(moduleKey);
if (moduleInValid) {
moduleKey = `./${moduleKey}`;
I += `import {${i}} from '${moduleKey}'\n`;
const code = `${I}\n${noImportCode}`;
await saveAndFixCode(srcName, code);
G["@/core"] = { shortcut: true };
const clzName = result[1];
if (!clzName) {
console.log(`${srcName} 不需要 es6 化`);
const superName = /inherit\(BI\.(.*?),/.exec(sourceCode)[1];
// const xtype = /BI.shortcut\(\"(.*?)\"/.exec(sourceCode)[1];
const collection = {
"static": {},
attr: {},
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const BI = {
[clzName]: clzName,
inherit(_, options) {
collection.methods = Object.keys(options)
.filter(key => typeof options[key] === "function")
.map(key => options[key]);
.filter(key => typeof options[key] !== "function")
.forEach(key => {
collection.attr[key] = options[key];
return collection.static;
extend(targetClz, o) {
Object.assign(collection.static, o);
shortcut(xtype) {
collection.xtype = xtype;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-eval
let M = "";
let E = "";
let I = "";
let A = "";
loader.load(srcName, superName);
Object.keys(collection.attr).forEach(key => {
const value = collection.attr[key];
if (typeof value === "function" || typeof value === "number") {
A += `\t${key} = ${value}\n`;
} else if (typeof value === "string") {
A += `\t${key} = "${value}"\n`;
} else if (typeof value === "object") {
if (objHaveFunction(value)) {
throw new Error("G");
} else {
A += `\t${key} = ${JSON.stringify(value)}\n`;
// 静态方法
Object.keys(collection.static).forEach(key => {
// console.log(key, collection.static[key], typeof collection.static[key])
const value = collection.static[key];
if (typeof value === "function" || typeof value === "number") {
E += `\tstatic ${key} = ${value}\n`;
} else if (typeof value === "string") {
E += `\tstatic ${key} = "${value}"\n`;
} else if (typeof value === "object") {
if (objHaveFunction(value)) {
throw new Error("G");
} else {
E += `\tstatic ${key} = ${JSON.stringify(value)}\n`;
// 对函数进行替换
collection.methods.forEach(el => {
let f = `${el.toString().replace(/^function/,}\n`;
// 换 BI.Button.superclass,就说能不能跑吧
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
f = f.replace(`BI.${clzName}.superclass`, "super");
// 换 super._defaultConfig
f = f.replace(
// 换
f = f.replace(/super\.(.*?)\.apply\(this,\sarguments\)/g, a => {
const f = /super\.(.*?)\.apply\(this,\sarguments\)/.exec(a);
return `super.${f[1]}(...arguments)`;
// 尝试换掉所有的[空白]
f = f.replace(/BI\.(.*?)(\.|\(|\s|,)/g, matchedSentence => {
const match = /BI\.(.*?)(\.|\(|\s|,)/.exec(matchedSentence);
const target = match[1];
const end = match[2];
// 尝试加载 target
const loadSuccess = loader.load(srcName, target);
if (loadSuccess) {
return target + end;
} else {
console.log(`BI 变量替换失败 BI.${target}`);
return matchedSentence;
// 尝试对 xtype 进行替换
f = f.replace(/"bi\.(.*?)"/g, matchedSentence => {
const loadSuccess = loader.load(srcName, matchedSentence);
if (loadSuccess) {
const clzName = depts[matchedSentence].clzName;
return `${clzName}.xtype`;
} else {
// console.log(`(没事) xtype 替换失败 ${matchedSentence} `);
return matchedSentence;
M += `${f}\n`;
Object.keys(G).forEach(key => {
let moduleKey = key;
if (moduleKey === path.basename(srcName).replace(/.js$/g, "")) {
let i = "";
Object.keys(G[moduleKey]).forEach(key => {
i += `${key}, `;
// 必须以 . 开头
const moduleInValid = /^[^@.]/.test(moduleKey);
if (moduleInValid) {
moduleKey = `./${moduleKey}`;
I += `import {${i}} from '${moduleKey}'\n`;
const outputCode = `
export class ${clzName} extends ${superName} {
\tstatic xtype = "${collection.xtype}"
await saveAndFixCode(srcName, outputCode);
return clzName;
async function traverse(srcName) {
if (srcName.indexOf("__test__") >= 0) return;
if (srcName.endsWith(".js")) {
try {
return await handleFile(srcName);
} catch (error) {
console.log(`文件处理失败 ${srcName} \n`);
} else {
const stat = fs.statSync(srcName);
const flag = stat.isDirectory();
if (flag) {
const files = fs.readdirSync(srcName);
// let indexContent = "";
for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
const file = files[i];
await traverse(path.resolve(srcName, file));
// const clzName = await traverse(path.resolve(srcName, file));
// const moduleName = path.basename(srcName).replace(/.js$/, "");
// if (clzName) {
// indexContent += `export { ${clzName} } from '${moduleName}'\n`;
// }
const srcName = process.argv[2];
initDepts().then(async () => {
await traverse(srcName);
// 对数据处理
ConflictImport.forEach(el => {
console.log(`导入冲突 ${el}`);
CircularDependency.forEach(el => {
console.log(`出现循环依赖(已经fixed) ${el}`);