module.exports = function (grunt) { // Project configuration. grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON("package.json"), concat: { options: { separator: "" }, bundleJs: { src: [ "src/modules/**/*.js", "src/index.js" ], dest: "dist/bundle.js" }, bundleCss: { src: ["src/css/**/*.css"], dest: "dist/bundle.css" } }, less: { main: { expand: true, cwd: "src/modules", src: ["**/*.less"], dest: "src/css/", ext: ".css" }, dev: { options: { compress: true, yuicompress: false } } }, uglify: { options: { banner: "/*! <%= %> <%=\"dd-mm-yyyy\") %> */\n" }, dist: { files: { "dist/bundle.min.js": ["<%= concat.bundleJs.dest %>"] } } }, cssmin: { bundleCss: { src: "<%= concat.bundleCss.dest %>", dest: "dist/bundle.min.css" } }, jshint: { files: ["src/**/*.js"], options: { globals: { $: true, jQuery: true, console: true, module: true, document: true }, browser: true, expr: true } }, watch: { scripts: { files: ["src/**/*.js", "src/**/*.less"], tasks: ["less", "concat"], options: { spanw: true, interrupt: true } }, livereload: { options: { livereload: "<%= connect.options.livereload %>" }, files: ["src/**/*.js", "src/**/*.less"] } }, connect: { options: { port: 9000, open: true, livereload: 35799, // Change this to '' to access the server from outside hostname: "localhost" }, server: { options: { port: 9009, base: "./" } } } }); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-uglify"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-jshint"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-less"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-watch"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-concat"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-cssmin"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-connect"); grunt.registerTask("default", [ "jshint", "less", "concat", "connect", "watch" ]); grunt.registerTask("min", ["less", "concat", "uglify", "cssmin"]); };