package com.alibaba.excel.metadata;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import com.alibaba.excel.converters.Converter;
import com.alibaba.excel.event.ReadListener;
import com.alibaba.excel.write.handler.WriteHandler;
* Basic parameter
* @author zhuangjiaju
public class BasicParameter {
* Count the number of added heads when read sheet.
* <li>0 - This Sheet has no head ,since the first row are the data
* <li>1 - This Sheet has one row head , this is the default
* <li>2 - This Sheet has two row head ,since the third row is the data
private Integer readHeadRowNumber;
* Writes the head relative to the existing contents of the sheet. Indexes are zero-based.
private Integer writeRelativeHeadRowIndex;
* You can only choose one of the {@link BasicParameter#head} and {@link BasicParameter#clazz}
private List<List<String>> head;
* You can only choose one of the {@link BasicParameter#head} and {@link BasicParameter#clazz}
private Class clazz;
* Need Head
private Boolean needHead;
* Custom type conversions override the default
private Map<Class, Converter> customConverterMap = new HashMap<Class, Converter>();
* Custom type handler override the default
private List<WriteHandler> customWriteHandlerList = new ArrayList<WriteHandler>();
* Custom type listener run after default
private List<ReadListener> customReadListenerList = new ArrayList<ReadListener>();
public Integer getReadHeadRowNumber() {
return readHeadRowNumber;
public void setReadHeadRowNumber(Integer readHeadRowNumber) {
this.readHeadRowNumber = readHeadRowNumber;
public Integer getWriteRelativeHeadRowIndex() {
return writeRelativeHeadRowIndex;
public void setWriteRelativeHeadRowIndex(Integer writeRelativeHeadRowIndex) {
this.writeRelativeHeadRowIndex = writeRelativeHeadRowIndex;
public List<List<String>> getHead() {
return head;
public void setHead(List<List<String>> head) {
this.head = head;
public Class getClazz() {
return clazz;
public void setClazz(Class clazz) {
this.clazz = clazz;
public Boolean getNeedHead() {
return needHead;
public void setNeedHead(Boolean needHead) {
this.needHead = needHead;
public Map<Class, Converter> getCustomConverterMap() {
return customConverterMap;
public void setCustomConverterMap(Map<Class, Converter> customConverterMap) {
this.customConverterMap = customConverterMap;
public List<WriteHandler> getCustomWriteHandlerList() {
return customWriteHandlerList;
public void setCustomWriteHandlerList(List<WriteHandler> customWriteHandlerList) {
this.customWriteHandlerList = customWriteHandlerList;
public List<ReadListener> getCustomReadListenerList() {
return customReadListenerList;
public void setCustomReadListenerList(List<ReadListener> customReadListenerList) {
this.customReadListenerList = customReadListenerList;