You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

729 lines
29 KiB

* 对DOM操作的通用函数
* @type {{}}
!(function () {
BI.DOM = {};
BI.extend(BI.DOM, {
ready: function (fn) {
BI.extend(BI.DOM, {
patchProps: function (fromElement, toElement) {
var elemData = jQuery._data(fromElement[0]);
var events =;
BI.each(events, function (eventKey, event) {
BI.each(event, function (i, handler) {
toElement.on(eventKey + (handler.namespace ? ("." + handler.namespace) : ""), handler);
var fromChildren = fromElement.children(), toChildren = toElement.children();
if(fromChildren.length !== toChildren.length) {
throw new Error("不匹配");
BI.each(fromChildren, function (i, child) {
BI.DOM.patchProps(jQuery(child), jQuery(toChildren[i]));
BI.each("__widgets"), function (i, widget) {
widget.element = toElement;
* 把dom数组或元素悬挂起来,使其不对html产生影响
* @param dom
hang: function (doms) {
if (BI.isEmpty(doms)) {
var frag = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createFragment();
BI.each(doms, function (i, dom) {
dom instanceof BI.Widget && (dom = dom.element);
dom instanceof $ && dom[0] && frag.appendChild(dom[0]);
return frag;
isExist: function (obj) {
return BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("body").find(obj.element).length > 0;
// 预加载图片
preloadImages: function (srcArray, onload) {
var count = 0, images = [];
function complete () {
if (count >= srcArray.length) {
BI.each(srcArray, function (i, src) {
images[i] = new Image();
images[i].src = src;
images[i].onload = function () {
images[i].onerror = function () {
getTextSizeWidth: function (text, fontSize) {
var span = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("<span></span>").addClass("text-width-span").appendTo("body");
if (fontSize == null) {
fontSize = 12;
fontSize = fontSize + "px";
span.css("font-size", fontSize).text(text);
var width = span.width();
return width;
getTextSizeHeight: function (text, fontSize) {
var span = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("<span></span>").addClass("text-width-span").appendTo("body");
if (fontSize == null) {
fontSize = 12;
fontSize = fontSize + "px";
span.css("font-size", fontSize).text(text);
var height = span.height();
return height;
// 获取滚动条的宽度,页面display: none时候获取到的为0
getScrollWidth: function () {
if (BI.isNull(this._scrollWidth) || this._scrollWidth === 0) {
var ul = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("<div>").width(50).height(50).css({
position: "absolute",
top: "-9999px",
overflow: "scroll"
this._scrollWidth = ul[0].offsetWidth - ul[0].clientWidth;
return this._scrollWidth;
getImage: function (param, fillStyle, backgroundColor) {
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
var ratio = 2;
var w = BI.DOM.getTextSizeWidth(param, 12) + 4;
canvas.width = w * ratio;
canvas.height = 16 * ratio;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// ctx.fillStyle = "#EAF2FD";
ctx.font = 12 * ratio + "px Georgia";
ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle || "#3685f2";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
ctx.fillText(param, 2 * ratio, 9 * ratio);
var backColor = backgroundColor || "rgba(54, 133, 242, 0.1)";
// IE可以放大缩小所以要固定最大最小宽高
return {
width: w,
height: 16,
src: canvas.toDataURL("image/png"),
style: "background-color: " + backColor + ";vertical-align: middle; margin: 0 1px; width:" + w + "px;height: 16px; max-width:" + w + "px;max-height: 16px; min-width:" + w + "px;min-height: 16px",
param: param
BI.extend(BI.DOM, {
isColor: function (color) {
return color && (this.isRGBColor(color) || this.isHexColor(color));
isRGBColor: function (color) {
if (!color) {
return false;
return color.substr(0, 3) === "rgb";
isHexColor: function (color) {
if (!color) {
return false;
return color[0] === "#" && color.length === 7;
isDarkColor: function (hex) {
if (!hex || !this.isHexColor(hex)) {
return false;
var rgb = this.rgb2json(this.hex2rgb(hex));
var grayLevel = Math.round(rgb.r * 0.299 + rgb.g * 0.587 + rgb.b * 0.114);
if (grayLevel < 192/** 网上给的是140**/) {
return true;
return false;
// 获取对比颜色
getContrastColor: function (color) {
if (!color || !this.isColor(color)) {
return "";
if (this.isDarkColor(color)) {
return "#ffffff";
return "#1a1a1a";
rgb2hex: function (rgbColour) {
if (!rgbColour || rgbColour.substr(0, 3) != "rgb") {
return "";
var rgbValues = rgbColour.match(/\d+(\.\d+)?/g);
var red = BI.parseInt(rgbValues[0]);
var green = BI.parseInt(rgbValues[1]);
var blue = BI.parseInt(rgbValues[2]);
var hexColour = "#" + this.int2hex(red) + this.int2hex(green) + this.int2hex(blue);
return hexColour;
rgb2json: function (rgbColour) {
if (!rgbColour) {
return {};
if (!this.isRGBColor(rgbColour)) {
return {};
var rgbValues = rgbColour.match(/\d+(\.\d+)?/g);
return {
r: BI.parseInt(rgbValues[0]),
g: BI.parseInt(rgbValues[1]),
b: BI.parseInt(rgbValues[2])
rgba2json: function (rgbColour) {
if (!rgbColour) {
return {};
var rgbValues = rgbColour.match(/\d+(\.\d+)?/g);
return {
r: BI.parseInt(rgbValues[0]),
g: BI.parseInt(rgbValues[1]),
b: BI.parseInt(rgbValues[2]),
a: BI.parseFloat(rgbValues[3])
json2rgb: function (rgb) {
if (!BI.isKey(rgb.r) || !BI.isKey(rgb.g) || !BI.isKey(rgb.b)) {
return "";
return "rgb(" + rgb.r + "," + rgb.g + "," + rgb.b + ")";
json2rgba: function (rgba) {
if (!BI.isKey(rgba.r) || !BI.isKey(rgba.g) || !BI.isKey(rgba.b)) {
return "";
return "rgba(" + rgba.r + "," + rgba.g + "," + rgba.b + "," + rgba.a + ")";
int2hex: function (strNum) {
var hexdig = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"];
return hexdig[strNum >>> 4] + "" + hexdig[strNum & 15];
hex2rgb: function (color) {
if (!color) {
return "";
if (!this.isHexColor(color)) {
return color;
var tempValue = "rgb(", colorArray;
if (color.length === 7) {
colorArray = [BI.parseInt("0x" + color.substring(1, 3)),
BI.parseInt("0x" + color.substring(3, 5)),
BI.parseInt("0x" + color.substring(5, 7))];
} else if (color.length === 4) {
colorArray = [BI.parseInt("0x" + color.substring(1, 2)),
BI.parseInt("0x" + color.substring(2, 3)),
BI.parseInt("0x" + color.substring(3, 4))];
tempValue += colorArray[0] + ",";
tempValue += colorArray[1] + ",";
tempValue += colorArray[2] + ")";
return tempValue;
rgba2rgb: function (rgbColour, BGcolor) {
if (BI.isNull(BGcolor)) {
BGcolor = 1;
if (rgbColour.substr(0, 4) != "rgba") {
return "";
var rgbValues = rgbColour.match(/\d+(\.\d+)?/g);
if (rgbValues.length < 4) {
return "";
var R = BI.parseFloat(rgbValues[0]);
var G = BI.parseFloat(rgbValues[1]);
var B = BI.parseFloat(rgbValues[2]);
var A = BI.parseFloat(rgbValues[3]);
return "rgb(" + Math.floor(255 * (BGcolor * (1 - A )) + R * A) + "," +
Math.floor(255 * (BGcolor * (1 - A )) + G * A) + "," +
Math.floor(255 * (BGcolor * (1 - A )) + B * A) + ")";
BI.extend(BI.DOM, {
getLeftPosition: function (combo, popup, extraWidth) {
return {
left: combo.element.offset().left - popup.element.outerWidth() - (extraWidth || 0)
getRightPosition: function (combo, popup, extraWidth) {
var el = combo.element;
return {
left: el.offset().left + el.outerWidth() + (extraWidth || 0)
getTopPosition: function (combo, popup, extraHeight) {
return {
top: combo.element.offset().top - popup.element.outerHeight() - (extraHeight || 0)
getBottomPosition: function (combo, popup, extraHeight) {
var el = combo.element;
return {
top: el.offset().top + el.outerHeight() + (extraHeight || 0)
isLeftSpaceEnough: function (combo, popup, extraWidth) {
return BI.DOM.getLeftPosition(combo, popup, extraWidth).left >= 0;
isRightSpaceEnough: function (combo, popup, extraWidth) {
var viewBounds = popup.element.bounds(), windowBounds = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("body").bounds();
return BI.DOM.getRightPosition(combo, popup, extraWidth).left + viewBounds.width <= windowBounds.width;
isTopSpaceEnough: function (combo, popup, extraHeight) {
return BI.DOM.getTopPosition(combo, popup, extraHeight).top >= 0;
isBottomSpaceEnough: function (combo, popup, extraHeight) {
var viewBounds = popup.element.bounds(), windowBounds = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("body").bounds();
return BI.DOM.getBottomPosition(combo, popup, extraHeight).top + viewBounds.height <= windowBounds.height;
isRightSpaceLarger: function (combo) {
var windowBounds = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("body").bounds();
return windowBounds.width - combo.element.offset().left - combo.element.bounds().width >= combo.element.offset().left;
isBottomSpaceLarger: function (combo) {
var windowBounds = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("body").bounds();
return windowBounds.height - combo.element.offset().top - combo.element.bounds().height >= combo.element.offset().top;
getLeftAlignPosition: function (combo, popup, extraWidth) {
var viewBounds = popup.element.bounds(), windowBounds = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("body").bounds();
var left = combo.element.offset().left + extraWidth;
if (left + viewBounds.width > windowBounds.width) {
left = windowBounds.width - viewBounds.width;
if (left < 0) {
left = 0;
return {
left: left
getLeftAdaptPosition: function (combo, popup, extraWidth) {
if (BI.DOM.isLeftSpaceEnough(combo, popup, extraWidth)) {
return BI.DOM.getLeftPosition(combo, popup, extraWidth);
return {
left: 0
getRightAlignPosition: function (combo, popup, extraWidth) {
var comboBounds = combo.element.bounds(), viewBounds = popup.element.bounds();
var left = combo.element.offset().left + comboBounds.width - viewBounds.width - extraWidth;
if (left < 0) {
left = 0;
return {
left: left
getRightAdaptPosition: function (combo, popup, extraWidth) {
if (BI.DOM.isRightSpaceEnough(combo, popup, extraWidth)) {
return BI.DOM.getRightPosition(combo, popup, extraWidth);
return {
left: BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("body").bounds().width - popup.element.bounds().width
getTopAlignPosition: function (combo, popup, extraHeight, needAdaptHeight) {
var comboOffset = combo.element.offset();
var comboBounds = combo.element.bounds(), popupBounds = popup.element.bounds(),
windowBounds = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("body").bounds();
var top, adaptHeight;
if (BI.DOM.isBottomSpaceEnough(combo, popup, -1 * comboBounds.height + extraHeight)) {
top = + extraHeight;
} else if (needAdaptHeight) {
top = + extraHeight;
adaptHeight = windowBounds.height - top;
} else {
top = windowBounds.height - popupBounds.height;
if (top < extraHeight) {
adaptHeight = windowBounds.height - extraHeight;
if (top < extraHeight) {
top = extraHeight;
return adaptHeight ? {
top: top,
adaptHeight: adaptHeight
} : {
top: top
getTopAdaptPosition: function (combo, popup, extraHeight, needAdaptHeight) {
var popupBounds = popup.element.bounds(), windowBounds = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("body").bounds();
if (BI.DOM.isTopSpaceEnough(combo, popup, extraHeight)) {
return BI.DOM.getTopPosition(combo, popup, extraHeight);
if (needAdaptHeight) {
return {
top: 0,
adaptHeight: combo.element.offset().top - extraHeight
if (popupBounds.height + extraHeight > windowBounds.height) {
return {
top: 0,
adaptHeight: windowBounds.height - extraHeight
return {
top: 0
getBottomAlignPosition: function (combo, popup, extraHeight, needAdaptHeight) {
var comboOffset = combo.element.offset();
var comboBounds = combo.element.bounds(), popupBounds = popup.element.bounds(),
windowBounds = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("body").bounds();
var top, adaptHeight;
if (BI.DOM.isTopSpaceEnough(combo, popup, -1 * comboBounds.height + extraHeight)) {
top = + comboBounds.height - popupBounds.height - extraHeight;
} else if (needAdaptHeight) {
top = 0;
adaptHeight = + comboBounds.height - extraHeight;
} else {
top = 0;
if (popupBounds.height + extraHeight > windowBounds.height) {
adaptHeight = windowBounds.height - extraHeight;
if (top < 0) {
top = 0;
return adaptHeight ? {
top: top,
adaptHeight: adaptHeight
} : {
top: top
getBottomAdaptPosition: function (combo, popup, extraHeight, needAdaptHeight) {
var comboOffset = combo.element.offset();
var comboBounds = combo.element.bounds(), popupBounds = popup.element.bounds(),
windowBounds = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("body").bounds();
if (BI.DOM.isBottomSpaceEnough(combo, popup, extraHeight)) {
return BI.DOM.getBottomPosition(combo, popup, extraHeight);
if (needAdaptHeight) {
return {
top: + comboBounds.height + extraHeight,
adaptHeight: windowBounds.height - - comboBounds.height - extraHeight
if (popupBounds.height + extraHeight > windowBounds.height) {
return {
top: extraHeight,
adaptHeight: windowBounds.height - extraHeight
return {
top: windowBounds.height - popupBounds.height - extraHeight
getCenterAdaptPosition: function (combo, popup) {
var comboOffset = combo.element.offset();
var comboBounds = combo.element.bounds(), popupBounds = popup.element.bounds(),
windowBounds = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("body").bounds();
var left;
if (comboOffset.left + comboBounds.width / 2 + popupBounds.width / 2 > windowBounds.width) {
left = windowBounds.width - popupBounds.width;
} else {
left = comboOffset.left + comboBounds.width / 2 - popupBounds.width / 2;
if (left < 0) {
left = 0;
return {
left: left
getMiddleAdaptPosition: function (combo, popup) {
var comboOffset = combo.element.offset();
var comboBounds = combo.element.bounds(), popupBounds = popup.element.bounds(),
windowBounds = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("body").bounds();
var top;
if ( + comboBounds.height / 2 + popupBounds.height / 2 > windowBounds.height) {
top = windowBounds.height - popupBounds.height;
} else {
top = + comboBounds.height / 2 - popupBounds.height / 2;
if (top < 0) {
top = 0;
return {
top: top
getComboPositionByDirections: function (combo, popup, extraWidth, extraHeight, needAdaptHeight, directions) {
extraWidth || (extraWidth = 0);
extraHeight || (extraHeight = 0);
var i, direct;
var leftRight = [], topBottom = [];
var isNeedAdaptHeight = false, tbFirst = false, lrFirst = false;
var left, top, pos, firstDir = directions[0];
for (i = 0; i < directions.length; i++) {
direct = directions[i];
switch (direct) {
case "left":
case "right":
case "top":
case "bottom":
for (i = 0; i < directions.length; i++) {
direct = directions[i];
switch (direct) {
case "left":
if (!isNeedAdaptHeight) {
var tW = tbFirst ? extraHeight : extraWidth, tH = tbFirst ? 0 : extraHeight;
if (BI.DOM.isLeftSpaceEnough(combo, popup, tW)) {
left = BI.DOM.getLeftPosition(combo, popup, tW).left;
if (topBottom[0] === "bottom") {
pos = BI.DOM.getTopAlignPosition(combo, popup, tH, needAdaptHeight);
pos.dir = "left,bottom";
} else {
pos = BI.DOM.getBottomAlignPosition(combo, popup, tH, needAdaptHeight);
pos.dir = "left,top";
if (tbFirst) {
pos.change = "left";
pos.left = left;
return pos;
lrFirst = true;
case "right":
if (!isNeedAdaptHeight) {
var tW = tbFirst ? extraHeight : extraWidth, tH = tbFirst ? extraWidth : extraHeight;
if (BI.DOM.isRightSpaceEnough(combo, popup, tW)) {
left = BI.DOM.getRightPosition(combo, popup, tW).left;
if (topBottom[0] === "bottom") {
pos = BI.DOM.getTopAlignPosition(combo, popup, tH, needAdaptHeight);
pos.dir = "right,bottom";
} else {
pos = BI.DOM.getBottomAlignPosition(combo, popup, tH, needAdaptHeight);
pos.dir = "right,top";
if (tbFirst) {
pos.change = "right";
pos.left = left;
return pos;
lrFirst = true;
case "top":
var tW = lrFirst ? extraHeight : extraWidth, tH = lrFirst ? extraWidth : extraHeight;
if (BI.DOM.isTopSpaceEnough(combo, popup, tH)) {
top = BI.DOM.getTopPosition(combo, popup, tH).top;
if (leftRight[0] === "right") {
pos = BI.DOM.getLeftAlignPosition(combo, popup, tW, needAdaptHeight);
pos.dir = "top,right";
} else {
pos = BI.DOM.getRightAlignPosition(combo, popup, tW);
pos.dir = "top,left";
if (lrFirst) {
pos.change = "top";
} = top;
return pos;
if (needAdaptHeight) {
isNeedAdaptHeight = true;
tbFirst = true;
case "bottom":
var tW = lrFirst ? extraHeight : extraWidth, tH = lrFirst ? extraWidth : extraHeight;
if (BI.DOM.isBottomSpaceEnough(combo, popup, tH)) {
top = BI.DOM.getBottomPosition(combo, popup, tH).top;
if (leftRight[0] === "right") {
pos = BI.DOM.getLeftAlignPosition(combo, popup, tW, needAdaptHeight);
pos.dir = "bottom,right";
} else {
pos = BI.DOM.getRightAlignPosition(combo, popup, tW);
pos.dir = "bottom,left";
if (lrFirst) {
pos.change = "bottom";
} = top;
return pos;
if (needAdaptHeight) {
isNeedAdaptHeight = true;
tbFirst = true;
// 此处为四个方向放不下时挑空间最大的方向去放置, 也就是说我设置了弹出方向为"bottom,left",
// 最后发现实际弹出方向可能是"top,left",那么此时外界获取popup的方向应该是"top,left"
switch (directions[0]) {
case "left":
case "right":
if (BI.DOM.isRightSpaceLarger(combo)) {
left = BI.DOM.getRightAdaptPosition(combo, popup, extraWidth).left;
firstDir = "right";
} else {
left = BI.DOM.getLeftAdaptPosition(combo, popup, extraWidth).left;
firstDir = "left";
if (topBottom[0] === "bottom") {
pos = BI.DOM.getTopAlignPosition(combo, popup, extraHeight, needAdaptHeight);
pos.left = left;
pos.dir = firstDir + ",bottom";
return pos;
pos = BI.DOM.getBottomAlignPosition(combo, popup, extraHeight, needAdaptHeight);
pos.left = left;
pos.dir = firstDir + ",top";
return pos;
default :
if (BI.DOM.isBottomSpaceLarger(combo)) {
pos = BI.DOM.getBottomAdaptPosition(combo, popup, extraHeight, needAdaptHeight);
firstDir = "bottom";
} else {
pos = BI.DOM.getTopAdaptPosition(combo, popup, extraHeight, needAdaptHeight);
firstDir = "top";
if (leftRight[0] === "right") {
left = BI.DOM.getLeftAlignPosition(combo, popup, extraWidth, needAdaptHeight).left;
pos.left = left;
pos.dir = firstDir + ",right";
return pos;
left = BI.DOM.getRightAlignPosition(combo, popup, extraWidth).left;
pos.left = left;
pos.dir = firstDir + ",left";
return pos;
getComboPosition: function (combo, popup, extraWidth, extraHeight, needAdaptHeight, directions, offsetStyle) {
extraWidth || (extraWidth = 0);
extraHeight || (extraHeight = 0);
var bodyHeight = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("body").bounds().height - extraHeight;
var maxHeight = Math.min(popup.attr("maxHeight") || bodyHeight, bodyHeight);
popup.resetHeight && popup.resetHeight(maxHeight);
var position = BI.DOM.getComboPositionByDirections(combo, popup, extraWidth, extraHeight, needAdaptHeight, directions || ["bottom", "top", "right", "left"]);
switch (offsetStyle) {
case "center":
if (position.change) {
var p = BI.DOM.getMiddleAdaptPosition(combo, popup); =;
} else {
var p = BI.DOM.getCenterAdaptPosition(combo, popup);
position.left = p.left;
case "middle":
if (position.change) {
var p = BI.DOM.getCenterAdaptPosition(combo, popup);
position.left = p.left;
} else {
var p = BI.DOM.getMiddleAdaptPosition(combo, popup); =;
if (needAdaptHeight === true) {
popup.resetHeight && popup.resetHeight(Math.min(bodyHeight -, maxHeight));
return position;