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(function () {
var moduleInjection = {}, moduleInjectionMap = {
components: {},
constants: {},
stores: {},
services: {},
models: {},
providers: {}
BI.module = BI.module || function (xtype, cls) {
if (moduleInjection[xtype] != null) {
_global.console && console.error("module: [" + xtype + "] 已经注册过了");
if (BI.isFunction(cls)) {
cls = cls();
for (var k in moduleInjectionMap) {
if (cls[k]) {
for (var key in cls[k]) {
if (!moduleInjectionMap[k]) {
if (!moduleInjectionMap[k][key]) {
moduleInjectionMap[k][key] = [];
version: cls[k][key],
moduleId: xtype
moduleInjection[xtype] = cls;
return function () {
return BI.Modules.getModule(xtype);
var constantInjection = {};
BI.constant = BI.constant || function (xtype, cls) {
if (constantInjection[xtype] != null) {
_global.console && console.error("constant: [" + xtype + "]已经注册过了");
constantInjection[xtype] = cls;
return function () {
return BI.Constants.getConstant(xtype);
var modelInjection = {};
BI.model = BI.model || function (xtype, cls) {
if (modelInjection[xtype] != null) {
_global.console && console.error("model: [" + xtype + "] 已经注册过了");
modelInjection[xtype] = cls;
return function (config) {
return BI.Models.getModel(xtype, config);
var storeInjection = {}; = || function (xtype, cls) {
if (storeInjection[xtype] != null) {
_global.console && console.error("store: [" + xtype + "] 已经注册过了");
storeInjection[xtype] = cls;
return function (config) {
return BI.Stores.getStore(xtype, config);
var serviceInjection = {};
BI.service = BI.service || function (xtype, cls) {
if (serviceInjection[xtype] != null) {
_global.console && console.error("service: [" + xtype + "] 已经注册过了");
serviceInjection[xtype] = cls;
return function (config) {
return BI.Services.getService(xtype, config);
var providerInjection = {};
BI.provider = BI.provider || function (xtype, cls) {
if (providerInjection[xtype] != null) {
_global.console && console.error("provider: [" + xtype + "] 已经注册过了");
providerInjection[xtype] = cls;
return function (config) {
return BI.Providers.getProvider(xtype, config);
var configFunctions = BI.OB.configFunctions = {};
var runConfigFunction = function (type) {
if (!type || !configFunctions[type]) {
return false;
var queue = configFunctions[type];
delete configFunctions[type];
var dependencies = BI.Providers.getProvider("bi.provider.system").getDependencies();
var modules = moduleInjectionMap.components[type]
|| moduleInjectionMap.constants[type]
|| moduleInjectionMap.stores[type]
|| moduleInjectionMap.models[type]
|| moduleInjectionMap.providers[type];
for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
var conf = queue[i];
var version = conf.opt.version;
var fn = conf.fn;
if (modules && version) {
var findVersion = false;
for (var j = 0; j < modules.length; j++) {
var module = modules[j];
if (module && dependencies[module.moduleId] && module.version === version) {
var minVersion = dependencies[module.moduleId].minVersion,
maxVersion = dependencies[module.moduleId].maxVersion;
if (minVersion && (moduleInjection[module.moduleId].version || version) < minVersion) {
findVersion = true;
if (maxVersion && (moduleInjection[module.moduleId].version || version) > maxVersion) {
findVersion = true;
if (findVersion === true) {
_global.console && console.error("moduleId: [" + module.moduleId + "] 接口: [" + type + "] 接口版本: [" + version + "] 已过期,版本要求为:", dependencies[module.moduleId], "=>", moduleInjection[module.moduleId]);
if (constantInjection[type]) {
constantInjection[type] = fn(constantInjection[type]);
if (providerInjection[type]) {
if (!providers[type]) {
providers[type] = new providerInjection[type]();
if (providerInstance[type]) {
delete providerInstance[type];
BI.Plugin.configWidget(type, fn, conf.opt);
BI.config = BI.config || function (type, configFn, opt) {
if (BI.isFunction(type)) {
opt = configFn;
configFn = type;
type = "bi.provider.system";
opt = opt || {};
// 系统配置直接执行
if ("bi.provider.system" === type) {
if (!providers[type]) {
providers[type] = new providerInjection[type]();
// 如果config被重新配置的话,需要删除掉之前的实例
if (providerInstance[type]) {
delete providerInstance[type];
return configFn(providers[type]);
if (!configFunctions[type]) {
configFunctions[type] = [];
fn: configFn,
opt: opt
BI.getReference = BI.getReference || function (type, fn) {
return BI.Plugin.registerObject(type, fn);
var actions = {};
var globalAction = [];
BI.action = BI.action || function (type, actionFn) {
if (BI.isFunction(type)) {
return function () {
BI.remove(globalAction, function (idx) {
return globalAction.indexOf(actionFn) === idx;
if (!actions[type]) {
actions[type] = [];
return function () {
BI.remove(actions[type], function (idx) {
return actions[type].indexOf(actionFn) === idx;
if (actions[type].length === 0) {
delete actions[type];
var points = {};
BI.point = BI.point || function (type, action, pointFn, after) {
if (!points[type]) {
points[type] = {};
if (!points[type][action]) {
points[type][action] = {};
if (!points[type][action][after ? "after" : "before"]) {
points[type][action][after ? "after" : "before"] = [];
points[type][action][after ? "after" : "before"].push(pointFn);
BI.Modules = BI.Modules || {
getModule: function (type) {
if (!moduleInjection[type]) {
_global.console && console.error("module: [" + type + "] 未定义");
return moduleInjection[type];
getAllModules: function () {
return moduleInjection;
BI.Constants = BI.Constants || {
getConstant: function (type) {
if (BI.isNull(constantInjection[type])) {
_global.console && console.error("constant: [" + type + "] 未定义");
return BI.isFunction(constantInjection[type]) ? constantInjection[type]() : constantInjection[type];
var callPoint = function (inst, types) {
types = BI.isArray(types) ? types : [types];
BI.each(types, function (idx, type) {
if (points[type]) {
for (var action in points[type]) {
var bfns = points[type][action].before;
if (bfns) {
BI.aspect.before(inst, action, function (bfns) {
return function () {
for (var i = 0, len = bfns.length; i < len; i++) {
try {
bfns[i].apply(inst, arguments);
} catch (e) {
_global.console && console.error(e);
var afns = points[type][action].after;
if (afns) {
BI.aspect.after(inst, action, function (afns) {
return function () {
for (var i = 0, len = afns.length; i < len; i++) {
try {
afns[i].apply(inst, arguments);
} catch (e) {
_global.console && console.error(e);
BI.Models = BI.Models || {
getModel: function (type, config) {
if (!modelInjection[type]) {
_global.console && console.error("model: [" + type + "] 未定义");
var inst = new modelInjection[type](config);
inst._constructor && inst._constructor(config);
inst.mixins && callPoint(inst, inst.mixins);
callPoint(inst, type);
return inst;
var stores = {};
BI.Stores = BI.Stores || {
getStore: function (type, config) {
if (!storeInjection[type]) {
_global.console && console.error("store: [" + type + "] 未定义");
if (stores[type]) {
return stores[type];
var inst = stores[type] = new storeInjection[type](config);
inst._constructor && inst._constructor(config, function () {
delete stores[type];
callPoint(inst, type);
return inst;
var services = {};
BI.Services = BI.Services || {
getService: function (type, config) {
if (!serviceInjection[type]) {
_global.console && console.error("service: [" + type + "] 未定义");
if (services[type]) {
return services[type];
services[type] = new serviceInjection[type](config);
callPoint(services[type], type);
return services[type];
var providers = {},
providerInstance = {};
BI.Providers = BI.Providers || {
getProvider: function (type, config) {
if (!providerInjection[type]) {
_global.console && console.error("provider: [" + type + "] 未定义");
if (!providers[type]) {
providers[type] = new providerInjection[type]();
if (!providerInstance[type] && providers[type].$get) {
providerInstance[type] = new (providers[type].$get())(config);
return providerInstance[type];
BI.Actions = BI.Actions || {
runAction: function (type, event, config) {
BI.each(actions[type], function (i, act) {
try {
act(event, config);
} catch (e) {
_global.console && console.error(e);
runGlobalAction: function () {
var args = [];
BI.each(globalAction, function (i, act) {
try {
act.apply(null, args);
} catch (e) {
_global.console && console.error(e);
var kv = {};
BI.shortcut = BI.component = BI.shortcut || function (xtype, cls) {
if (kv[xtype] != null) {
_global.console && console.error("组件: [" + xtype + "] 已经注册过了");
if (cls) {
cls["xtype"] = xtype;
kv[xtype] = cls;
// 根据配置属性生成widget
var createWidget = function (config, context, lazy) {
var cls = kv[config.type];
if (!cls) {
throw new Error("组件: [" + config.type + "] 未定义");
var pushed = false;
var widget = new cls();
widget._context = BI.Widget.context || context;
if (!BI.Widget.context && context) {
pushed = true;
callPoint(widget, config.type);
// if (!lazy || config.element || config.root) {
// }
pushed && BI.Widget.popContext();
return widget;
BI.createWidget = BI.createWidget || function (item, options, context, lazy) {
item || (item = {});
if (BI.isWidget(options)) {
context = options;
options = {};
} else {
options || (options = {});
var el, w;
if (item.type || options.type) {
el = BI.extend({}, options, item);
} else if (item.el && (item.el.type || options.type)) {
el = BI.extend({}, options, item.el);
if (el) {
// 先把准备环境准备好
if (BI.isEmpty(item) && BI.isEmpty(options)) {
return BI.createWidget({
type: "bi.layout"
if (BI.isWidget(item)) {
return item;
if (el) {
w = BI.Plugin.getWidget(el.type, el);
if (w.type === el.type) {
if (BI.Plugin.hasObject(el.type)) {
w.listeners = (w.listeners || []).concat([{
eventName: BI.Events.MOUNT,
action: function () {
BI.Plugin.getObject(el.type, this);
return createWidget(w, context, lazy);
return BI.createWidget(w, options, context, lazy);
if (BI.isWidget(item.el)) {
return item.el;
throw new Error("组件:无法根据item创建组件", item);
BI._lazyCreateWidget = BI._lazyCreateWidget || function (item, options, context) {
return BI.createWidget(item, options, context, true);
BI.createElement = BI.createElement || function () {
var widget = BI.createWidget.apply(this, arguments);
return widget.element;
BI.getResource = BI.getResource || function (type, config) {
if (BI.isNotNull(constantInjection[type])) {
return BI.Constants.getConstant(type);
if (modelInjection[type]) {
return BI.Models.getModel(type, config);
if (storeInjection[type]) {
return BI.Stores.getStore(type, config);
if (serviceInjection[type]) {
return BI.Services.getService(type, config);
if (providerInjection[type]) {
return BI.Providers.getProvider(type, config);
throw new Error("未知类型: [" + type + "] 未定义");