/*! * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.9.1 * http://jquery.com/ * * Includes Sizzle.js * http://sizzlejs.com/ * * Copyright 2005, 2012 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://jquery.org/license * * Date: 2013-2-4 */ (function( window, undefined ) { // Can't do this because several apps including ASP.NET trace // the stack via arguments.caller.callee and Firefox dies if // you try to trace through "use strict" call chains. (#13335) // Support: Firefox 18+ //"use strict"; var // The deferred used on DOM ready readyList, // A central reference to the root jQuery(document) rootjQuery, // Support: IE<9 // For `typeof node.method` instead of `node.method !== undefined` core_strundefined = typeof undefined, // Use the correct document accordingly with window argument (sandbox) document = window.document, location = window.location, // Map over jQuery in case of overwrite _jQuery = window.jQuery, // Map over the $ in case of overwrite _$ = window.$, // [[Class]] -> type pairs class2type = {}, // List of deleted data cache ids, so we can reuse them core_deletedIds = [], core_version = "1.9.1", // Save a reference to some core methods core_concat = core_deletedIds.concat, core_push = core_deletedIds.push, core_slice = core_deletedIds.slice, core_indexOf = core_deletedIds.indexOf, core_toString = class2type.toString, core_hasOwn = class2type.hasOwnProperty, core_trim = core_version.trim, // Define a local copy of jQuery jQuery = function( selector, context ) { // The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced' return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context, rootjQuery ); }, // Used for matching numbers core_pnum = /[+-]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/.source, // Used for splitting on whitespace core_rnotwhite = /\S+/g, // Make sure we trim BOM and NBSP (here's looking at you, Safari 5.0 and IE) rtrim = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, // A simple way to check for HTML strings // Prioritize #id over <tag> to avoid XSS via location.hash (#9521) // Strict HTML recognition (#11290: must start with <) rquickExpr = /^(?:(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]*))$/, // Match a standalone tag rsingleTag = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/, // JSON RegExp rvalidchars = /^[\],:{}\s]*$/, rvalidbraces = /(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, rvalidescape = /\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[\da-fA-F]{4})/g, rvalidtokens = /"[^"\\\r\n]*"|true|false|null|-?(?:\d+\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/g, // Matches dashed string for camelizing rmsPrefix = /^-ms-/, rdashAlpha = /-([\da-z])/gi, // Used by jQuery.camelCase as callback to replace() fcamelCase = function( all, letter ) { return letter.toUpperCase(); }, // The ready event handler completed = function( event ) { // readyState === "complete" is good enough for us to call the dom ready in oldIE if ( document.addEventListener || event.type === "load" || document.readyState === "complete" ) { detach(); jQuery.ready(); } }, // Clean-up method for dom ready events detach = function() { if ( document.addEventListener ) { document.removeEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", completed, false ); window.removeEventListener( "load", completed, false ); } else { document.detachEvent( "onreadystatechange", completed ); window.detachEvent( "onload", completed ); } }; jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = { // The current version of jQuery being used jquery: core_version, constructor: jQuery, init: function( selector, context, rootjQuery ) { var match, elem; // HANDLE: $(""), $(null), $(undefined), $(false) if ( !selector ) { return this; } // Handle HTML strings if ( typeof selector === "string" ) { if ( selector.charAt(0) === "<" && selector.charAt( selector.length - 1 ) === ">" && selector.length >= 3 ) { // Assume that strings that start and end with <> are HTML and skip the regex check match = [ null, selector, null ]; } else { match = rquickExpr.exec( selector ); } // Match html or make sure no context is specified for #id if ( match && (match[1] || !context) ) { // HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array) if ( match[1] ) { context = context instanceof jQuery ? context[0] : context; // scripts is true for back-compat jQuery.merge( this, jQuery.parseHTML( match[1], context && context.nodeType ? context.ownerDocument || context : document, true ) ); // HANDLE: $(html, props) if ( rsingleTag.test( match[1] ) && jQuery.isPlainObject( context ) ) { for ( match in context ) { // Properties of context are called as methods if possible if ( jQuery.isFunction( this[ match ] ) ) { this[ match ]( context[ match ] ); // ...and otherwise set as attributes } else { this.attr( match, context[ match ] ); } } } return this; // HANDLE: $(#id) } else { elem = document.getElementById( match[2] ); // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963 if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) { // Handle the case where IE and Opera return items // by name instead of ID if ( elem.id !== match[2] ) { return rootjQuery.find( selector ); } // Otherwise, we inject the element directly into the jQuery object this.length = 1; this[0] = elem; } this.context = document; this.selector = selector; return this; } // HANDLE: $(expr, $(...)) } else if ( !context || context.jquery ) { return ( context || rootjQuery ).find( selector ); // HANDLE: $(expr, context) // (which is just equivalent to: $(context).find(expr) } else { return this.constructor( context ).find( selector ); } // HANDLE: $(DOMElement) } else if ( selector.nodeType ) { this.context = this[0] = selector; this.length = 1; return this; // HANDLE: $(function) // Shortcut for document ready } else if ( jQuery.isFunction( selector ) ) { return rootjQuery.ready( selector ); } if ( selector.selector !== undefined ) { this.selector = selector.selector; this.context = selector.context; } return jQuery.makeArray( selector, this ); }, // Start with an empty selector selector: "", // The default length of a jQuery object is 0 length: 0, // The number of elements contained in the matched element set size: function() { return this.length; }, toArray: function() { return core_slice.call( this ); }, // Get the Nth element in the matched element set OR // Get the whole matched element set as a clean array get: function( num ) { return num == null ? // Return a 'clean' array this.toArray() : // Return just the object ( num < 0 ? this[ this.length + num ] : this[ num ] ); }, // Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack // (returning the new matched element set) pushStack: function( elems ) { // Build a new jQuery matched element set var ret = jQuery.merge( this.constructor(), elems ); // Add the old object onto the stack (as a reference) ret.prevObject = this; ret.context = this.context; // Return the newly-formed element set return ret; }, // Execute a callback for every element in the matched set. // (You can seed the arguments with an array of args, but this is // only used internally.) each: function( callback, args ) { return jQuery.each( this, callback, args ); }, ready: function( fn ) { // Add the callback jQuery.ready.promise().done( fn ); return this; }, slice: function() { return this.pushStack( core_slice.apply( this, arguments ) ); }, first: function() { return this.eq( 0 ); }, last: function() { return this.eq( -1 ); }, eq: function( i ) { var len = this.length, j = +i + ( i < 0 ? len : 0 ); return this.pushStack( j >= 0 && j < len ? [ this[j] ] : [] ); }, map: function( callback ) { return this.pushStack( jQuery.map(this, function( elem, i ) { return callback.call( elem, i, elem ); })); }, end: function() { return this.prevObject || this.constructor(null); }, // For internal use only. // Behaves like an Array's method, not like a jQuery method. push: core_push, sort: [].sort, splice: [].splice }; // Give the init function the jQuery prototype for later instantiation jQuery.fn.init.prototype = jQuery.fn; jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() { var src, copyIsArray, copy, name, options, clone, target = arguments[0] || {}, i = 1, length = arguments.length, deep = false; // Handle a deep copy situation if ( typeof target === "boolean" ) { deep = target; target = arguments[1] || {}; // skip the boolean and the target i = 2; } // Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy) if ( typeof target !== "object" && !jQuery.isFunction(target) ) { target = {}; } // extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed if ( length === i ) { target = this; --i; } for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { // Only deal with non-null/undefined values if ( (options = arguments[ i ]) != null ) { // Extend the base object for ( name in options ) { src = target[ name ]; copy = options[ name ]; // Prevent never-ending loop if ( target === copy ) { continue; } // Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays if ( deep && copy && ( jQuery.isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = jQuery.isArray(copy)) ) ) { if ( copyIsArray ) { copyIsArray = false; clone = src && jQuery.isArray(src) ? src : []; } else { clone = src && jQuery.isPlainObject(src) ? src : {}; } // Never move original objects, clone them target[ name ] = jQuery.extend( deep, clone, copy ); // Don't bring in undefined values } else if ( copy !== undefined ) { target[ name ] = copy; } } } } // Return the modified object return target; }; jQuery.extend({ noConflict: function( deep ) { if ( window.$ === jQuery ) { window.$ = _$; } if ( deep && window.jQuery === jQuery ) { window.jQuery = _jQuery; } return jQuery; }, // Is the DOM ready to be used? Set to true once it occurs. isReady: false, // A counter to track how many items to wait for before // the ready event fires. See #6781 readyWait: 1, // Hold (or release) the ready event holdReady: function( hold ) { if ( hold ) { jQuery.readyWait++; } else { jQuery.ready( true ); } }, // Handle when the DOM is ready ready: function( wait ) { // Abort if there are pending holds or we're already ready if ( wait === true ? --jQuery.readyWait : jQuery.isReady ) { return; } // Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443). if ( !document.body ) { return setTimeout( jQuery.ready ); } // Remember that the DOM is ready jQuery.isReady = true; // If a normal DOM Ready event fired, decrement, and wait if need be if ( wait !== true && --jQuery.readyWait > 0 ) { return; } // If there are functions bound, to execute readyList.resolveWith( document, [ jQuery ] ); // Trigger any bound ready events if ( jQuery.fn.trigger ) { jQuery( document ).trigger("ready").off("ready"); } }, // See test/unit/core.js for details concerning isFunction. // Since version 1.3, DOM methods and functions like alert // aren't supported. They return false on IE (#2968). isFunction: function( obj ) { return jQuery.type(obj) === "function"; }, isArray: Array.isArray || function( obj ) { return jQuery.type(obj) === "array"; }, isWindow: function( obj ) { return obj != null && obj == obj.window; }, isNumeric: function( obj ) { return !isNaN( parseFloat(obj) ) && isFinite( obj ); }, type: function( obj ) { if ( obj == null ) { return String( obj ); } return typeof obj === "object" || typeof obj === "function" ? class2type[ core_toString.call(obj) ] || "object" : typeof obj; }, isPlainObject: function( obj ) { // Must be an Object. // Because of IE, we also have to check the presence of the constructor property. // Make sure that DOM nodes and window objects don't pass through, as well if ( !obj || jQuery.type(obj) !== "object" || obj.nodeType || jQuery.isWindow( obj ) ) { return false; } try { // Not own constructor property must be Object if ( obj.constructor && !core_hasOwn.call(obj, "constructor") && !core_hasOwn.call(obj.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf") ) { return false; } } catch ( e ) { // IE8,9 Will throw exceptions on certain host objects #9897 return false; } // Own properties are enumerated firstly, so to speed up, // if last one is own, then all properties are own. var key; for ( key in obj ) {} return key === undefined || core_hasOwn.call( obj, key ); }, isEmptyObject: function( obj ) { var name; for ( name in obj ) { return false; } return true; }, error: function( msg ) { throw new Error( msg ); }, // data: string of html // context (optional): If specified, the fragment will be created in this context, defaults to document // keepScripts (optional): If true, will include scripts passed in the html string parseHTML: function( data, context, keepScripts ) { if ( !data || typeof data !== "string" ) { return null; } if ( typeof context === "boolean" ) { keepScripts = context; context = false; } context = context || document; var parsed = rsingleTag.exec( data ), scripts = !keepScripts && []; // Single tag if ( parsed ) { return [ context.createElement( parsed[1] ) ]; } parsed = jQuery.buildFragment( [ data ], context, scripts ); if ( scripts ) { jQuery( scripts ).remove(); } return jQuery.merge( [], parsed.childNodes ); }, parseJSON: function( data ) { // Attempt to parse using the native JSON parser first if ( window.JSON && window.JSON.parse ) { return window.JSON.parse( data ); } if ( data === null ) { return data; } if ( typeof data === "string" ) { // Make sure leading/trailing whitespace is removed (IE can't handle it) data = jQuery.trim( data ); if ( data ) { // Make sure the incoming data is actual JSON // Logic borrowed from http://json.org/json2.js if ( rvalidchars.test( data.replace( rvalidescape, "@" ) .replace( rvalidtokens, "]" ) .replace( rvalidbraces, "")) ) { return ( new Function( "return " + data ) )(); } } } jQuery.error( "Invalid JSON: " + data ); }, // Cross-browser xml parsing parseXML: function( data ) { var xml, tmp; if ( !data || typeof data !== "string" ) { return null; } try { if ( window.DOMParser ) { // Standard tmp = new DOMParser(); xml = tmp.parseFromString( data , "text/xml" ); } else { // IE xml = new ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" ); xml.async = "false"; xml.loadXML( data ); } } catch( e ) { xml = undefined; } if ( !xml || !xml.documentElement || xml.getElementsByTagName( "parsererror" ).length ) { jQuery.error( "Invalid XML: " + data ); } return xml; }, noop: function() {}, // Evaluates a script in a global context // Workarounds based on findings by Jim Driscoll // http://weblogs.java.net/blog/driscoll/archive/2009/09/08/eval-javascript-global-context globalEval: function( data ) { if ( data && jQuery.trim( data ) ) { // We use execScript on Internet Explorer // We use an anonymous function so that context is window // rather than jQuery in Firefox ( window.execScript || function( data ) { window[ "eval" ].call( window, data ); } )( data ); } }, // Convert dashed to camelCase; used by the css and data modules // Microsoft forgot to hump their vendor prefix (#9572) camelCase: function( string ) { return string.replace( rmsPrefix, "ms-" ).replace( rdashAlpha, fcamelCase ); }, nodeName: function( elem, name ) { return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase(); }, // args is for internal usage only each: function( obj, callback, args ) { var value, i = 0, length = obj.length, isArray = isArraylike( obj ); if ( args ) { if ( isArray ) { for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { value = callback.apply( obj[ i ], args ); if ( value === false ) { break; } } } else { for ( i in obj ) { value = callback.apply( obj[ i ], args ); if ( value === false ) { break; } } } // A special, fast, case for the most common use of each } else { if ( isArray ) { for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { value = callback.call( obj[ i ], i, obj[ i ] ); if ( value === false ) { break; } } } else { for ( i in obj ) { value = callback.call( obj[ i ], i, obj[ i ] ); if ( value === false ) { break; } } } } return obj; }, // Use native String.trim function wherever possible trim: core_trim && !core_trim.call("\uFEFF\xA0") ? function( text ) { return text == null ? "" : core_trim.call( text ); } : // Otherwise use our own trimming functionality function( text ) { return text == null ? "" : ( text + "" ).replace( rtrim, "" ); }, // results is for internal usage only makeArray: function( arr, results ) { var ret = results || []; if ( arr != null ) { if ( isArraylike( Object(arr) ) ) { jQuery.merge( ret, typeof arr === "string" ? [ arr ] : arr ); } else { core_push.call( ret, arr ); } } return ret; }, inArray: function( elem, arr, i ) { var len; if ( arr ) { if ( core_indexOf ) { return core_indexOf.call( arr, elem, i ); } len = arr.length; i = i ? i < 0 ? Math.max( 0, len + i ) : i : 0; for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { // Skip accessing in sparse arrays if ( i in arr && arr[ i ] === elem ) { return i; } } } return -1; }, merge: function( first, second ) { var l = second.length, i = first.length, j = 0; if ( typeof l === "number" ) { for ( ; j < l; j++ ) { first[ i++ ] = second[ j ]; } } else { while ( second[j] !== undefined ) { first[ i++ ] = second[ j++ ]; } } first.length = i; return first; }, grep: function( elems, callback, inv ) { var retVal, ret = [], i = 0, length = elems.length; inv = !!inv; // Go through the array, only saving the items // that pass the validator function for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { retVal = !!callback( elems[ i ], i ); if ( inv !== retVal ) { ret.push( elems[ i ] ); } } return ret; }, // arg is for internal usage only map: function( elems, callback, arg ) { var value, i = 0, length = elems.length, isArray = isArraylike( elems ), ret = []; // Go through the array, translating each of the items to their if ( isArray ) { for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { value = callback( elems[ i ], i, arg ); if ( value != null ) { ret[ ret.length ] = value; } } // Go through every key on the object, } else { for ( i in elems ) { value = callback( elems[ i ], i, arg ); if ( value != null ) { ret[ ret.length ] = value; } } } // Flatten any nested arrays return core_concat.apply( [], ret ); }, // A global GUID counter for objects guid: 1, // Bind a function to a context, optionally partially applying any // arguments. proxy: function( fn, context ) { var args, proxy, tmp; if ( typeof context === "string" ) { tmp = fn[ context ]; context = fn; fn = tmp; } // Quick check to determine if target is callable, in the spec // this throws a TypeError, but we will just return undefined. if ( !jQuery.isFunction( fn ) ) { return undefined; } // Simulated bind args = core_slice.call( arguments, 2 ); proxy = function() { return fn.apply( context || this, args.concat( core_slice.call( arguments ) ) ); }; // Set the guid of unique handler to the same of original handler, so it can be removed proxy.guid = fn.guid = fn.guid || jQuery.guid++; return proxy; }, // Multifunctional method to get and set values of a collection // The value/s can optionally be executed if it's a function access: function( elems, fn, key, value, chainable, emptyGet, raw ) { var i = 0, length = elems.length, bulk = key == null; // Sets many values if ( jQuery.type( key ) === "object" ) { chainable = true; for ( i in key ) { jQuery.access( elems, fn, i, key[i], true, emptyGet, raw ); } // Sets one value } else if ( value !== undefined ) { chainable = true; if ( !jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) { raw = true; } if ( bulk ) { // Bulk operations run against the entire set if ( raw ) { fn.call( elems, value ); fn = null; // ...except when executing function values } else { bulk = fn; fn = function( elem, key, value ) { return bulk.call( jQuery( elem ), value ); }; } } if ( fn ) { for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { fn( elems[i], key, raw ? value : value.call( elems[i], i, fn( elems[i], key ) ) ); } } } return chainable ? elems : // Gets bulk ? fn.call( elems ) : length ? fn( elems[0], key ) : emptyGet; }, now: function() { return ( new Date() ).getTime(); } }); jQuery.ready.promise = function( obj ) { if ( !readyList ) { readyList = jQuery.Deferred(); // Catch cases where $(document).ready() is called after the browser event has already occurred. // we once tried to use readyState "interactive" here, but it caused issues like the one // discovered by ChrisS here: http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/12282#comment:15 if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) { // Handle it asynchronously to allow scripts the opportunity to delay ready setTimeout( jQuery.ready ); // Standards-based browsers support DOMContentLoaded } else if ( document.addEventListener ) { // Use the handy event callback document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", completed, false ); // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work window.addEventListener( "load", completed, false ); // If IE event model is used } else { // Ensure firing before onload, maybe late but safe also for iframes document.attachEvent( "onreadystatechange", completed ); // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work window.attachEvent( "onload", completed ); // If IE and not a frame // continually check to see if the document is ready var top = false; try { top = window.frameElement == null && document.documentElement; } catch(e) {} if ( top && top.doScroll ) { (function doScrollCheck() { if ( !jQuery.isReady ) { try { // Use the trick by Diego Perini // http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/ top.doScroll("left"); } catch(e) { return setTimeout( doScrollCheck, 50 ); } // detach all dom ready events detach(); // and execute any waiting functions jQuery.ready(); } })(); } } } return readyList.promise( obj ); }; // Populate the class2type map jQuery.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error".split(" "), function(i, name) { class2type[ "[object " + name + "]" ] = name.toLowerCase(); }); function isArraylike( obj ) { var length = obj.length, type = jQuery.type( obj ); if ( jQuery.isWindow( obj ) ) { return false; } if ( obj.nodeType === 1 && length ) { return true; } return type === "array" || type !== "function" && ( length === 0 || typeof length === "number" && length > 0 && ( length - 1 ) in obj ); } // All jQuery objects should point back to these rootjQuery = jQuery(document); // String to Object options format cache var optionsCache = {}; // Convert String-formatted options into Object-formatted ones and store in cache function createOptions( options ) { var object = optionsCache[ options ] = {}; jQuery.each( options.match( core_rnotwhite ) || [], function( _, flag ) { object[ flag ] = true; }); return object; } /* * Create a callback list using the following parameters: * * options: an optional list of space-separated options that will change how * the callback list behaves or a more traditional option object * * By default a callback list will act like an event callback list and can be * "fired" multiple times. * * Possible options: * * once: will ensure the callback list can only be fired once (like a Deferred) * * memory: will keep track of previous values and will call any callback added * after the list has been fired right away with the latest "memorized" * values (like a Deferred) * * unique: will ensure a callback can only be added once (no duplicate in the list) * * stopOnFalse: interrupt callings when a callback returns false * */ jQuery.Callbacks = function( options ) { // Convert options from String-formatted to Object-formatted if needed // (we check in cache first) options = typeof options === "string" ? ( optionsCache[ options ] || createOptions( options ) ) : jQuery.extend( {}, options ); var // Flag to know if list is currently firing firing, // Last fire value (for non-forgettable lists) memory, // Flag to know if list was already fired fired, // End of the loop when firing firingLength, // Index of currently firing callback (modified by remove if needed) firingIndex, // First callback to fire (used internally by add and fireWith) firingStart, // Actual callback list list = [], // Stack of fire calls for repeatable lists stack = !options.once && [], // Fire callbacks fire = function( data ) { memory = options.memory && data; fired = true; firingIndex = firingStart || 0; firingStart = 0; firingLength = list.length; firing = true; for ( ; list && firingIndex < firingLength; firingIndex++ ) { if ( list[ firingIndex ].apply( data[ 0 ], data[ 1 ] ) === false && options.stopOnFalse ) { memory = false; // To prevent further calls using add break; } } firing = false; if ( list ) { if ( stack ) { if ( stack.length ) { fire( stack.shift() ); } } else if ( memory ) { list = []; } else { self.disable(); } } }, // Actual Callbacks object self = { // Add a callback or a collection of callbacks to the list add: function() { if ( list ) { // First, we save the current length var start = list.length; (function add( args ) { jQuery.each( args, function( _, arg ) { var type = jQuery.type( arg ); if ( type === "function" ) { if ( !options.unique || !self.has( arg ) ) { list.push( arg ); } } else if ( arg && arg.length && type !== "string" ) { // Inspect recursively add( arg ); } }); })( arguments ); // Do we need to add the callbacks to the // current firing batch? if ( firing ) { firingLength = list.length; // With memory, if we're not firing then // we should call right away } else if ( memory ) { firingStart = start; fire( memory ); } } return this; }, // Remove a callback from the list remove: function() { if ( list ) { jQuery.each( arguments, function( _, arg ) { var index; while( ( index = jQuery.inArray( arg, list, index ) ) > -1 ) { list.splice( index, 1 ); // Handle firing indexes if ( firing ) { if ( index <= firingLength ) { firingLength--; } if ( index <= firingIndex ) { firingIndex--; } } } }); } return this; }, // Check if a given callback is in the list. // If no argument is given, return whether or not list has callbacks attached. has: function( fn ) { return fn ? jQuery.inArray( fn, list ) > -1 : !!( list && list.length ); }, // Remove all callbacks from the list empty: function() { list = []; return this; }, // Have the list do nothing anymore disable: function() { list = stack = memory = undefined; return this; }, // Is it disabled? disabled: function() { return !list; }, // Lock the list in its current state lock: function() { stack = undefined; if ( !memory ) { self.disable(); } return this; }, // Is it locked? locked: function() { return !stack; }, // Call all callbacks with the given context and arguments fireWith: function( context, args ) { args = args || []; args = [ context, args.slice ? args.slice() : args ]; if ( list && ( !fired || stack ) ) { if ( firing ) { stack.push( args ); } else { fire( args ); } } return this; }, // Call all the callbacks with the given arguments fire: function() { self.fireWith( this, arguments ); return this; }, // To know if the callbacks have already been called at least once fired: function() { return !!fired; } }; return self; }; jQuery.extend({ Deferred: function( func ) { var tuples = [ // action, add listener, listener list, final state [ "resolve", "done", jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"), "resolved" ], [ "reject", "fail", jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"), "rejected" ], [ "notify", "progress", jQuery.Callbacks("memory") ] ], state = "pending", promise = { state: function() { return state; }, always: function() { deferred.done( arguments ).fail( arguments ); return this; }, then: function( /* fnDone, fnFail, fnProgress */ ) { var fns = arguments; return jQuery.Deferred(function( newDefer ) { jQuery.each( tuples, function( i, tuple ) { var action = tuple[ 0 ], fn = jQuery.isFunction( fns[ i ] ) && fns[ i ]; // deferred[ done | fail | progress ] for forwarding actions to newDefer deferred[ tuple[1] ](function() { var returned = fn && fn.apply( this, arguments ); if ( returned && jQuery.isFunction( returned.promise ) ) { returned.promise() .done( newDefer.resolve ) .fail( newDefer.reject ) .progress( newDefer.notify ); } else { newDefer[ action + "With" ]( this === promise ? newDefer.promise() : this, fn ? [ returned ] : arguments ); } }); }); fns = null; }).promise(); }, // Get a promise for this deferred // If obj is provided, the promise aspect is added to the object promise: function( obj ) { return obj != null ? jQuery.extend( obj, promise ) : promise; } }, deferred = {}; // Keep pipe for back-compat promise.pipe = promise.then; // Add list-specific methods jQuery.each( tuples, function( i, tuple ) { var list = tuple[ 2 ], stateString = tuple[ 3 ]; // promise[ done | fail | progress ] = list.add promise[ tuple[1] ] = list.add; // Handle state if ( stateString ) { list.add(function() { // state = [ resolved | rejected ] state = stateString; // [ reject_list | resolve_list ].disable; progress_list.lock }, tuples[ i ^ 1 ][ 2 ].disable, tuples[ 2 ][ 2 ].lock ); } // deferred[ resolve | reject | notify ] deferred[ tuple[0] ] = function() { deferred[ tuple[0] + "With" ]( this === deferred ? promise : this, arguments ); return this; }; deferred[ tuple[0] + "With" ] = list.fireWith; }); // Make the deferred a promise promise.promise( deferred ); // Call given func if any if ( func ) { func.call( deferred, deferred ); } // All done! return deferred; }, // Deferred helper when: function( subordinate /* , ..., subordinateN */ ) { var i = 0, resolveValues = core_slice.call( arguments ), length = resolveValues.length, // the count of uncompleted subordinates remaining = length !== 1 || ( subordinate && jQuery.isFunction( subordinate.promise ) ) ? length : 0, // the master Deferred. If resolveValues consist of only a single Deferred, just use that. deferred = remaining === 1 ? subordinate : jQuery.Deferred(), // Update function for both resolve and progress values updateFunc = function( i, contexts, values ) { return function( value ) { contexts[ i ] = this; values[ i ] = arguments.length > 1 ? core_slice.call( arguments ) : value; if( values === progressValues ) { deferred.notifyWith( contexts, values ); } else if ( !( --remaining ) ) { deferred.resolveWith( contexts, values ); } }; }, progressValues, progressContexts, resolveContexts; // add listeners to Deferred subordinates; treat others as resolved if ( length > 1 ) { progressValues = new Array( length ); progressContexts = new Array( length ); resolveContexts = new Array( length ); for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { if ( resolveValues[ i ] && jQuery.isFunction( resolveValues[ i ].promise ) ) { resolveValues[ i ].promise() .done( updateFunc( i, resolveContexts, resolveValues ) ) .fail( deferred.reject ) .progress( updateFunc( i, progressContexts, progressValues ) ); } else { --remaining; } } } // if we're not waiting on anything, resolve the master if ( !remaining ) { deferred.resolveWith( resolveContexts, resolveValues ); } return deferred.promise(); } }); jQuery.support = (function() { var support, all, a, input, select, fragment, opt, eventName, isSupported, i, div = document.createElement("div"); // Setup div.setAttribute( "className", "t" ); div.innerHTML = " <link/><table></table><a href='/a'>a</a><input type='checkbox'/>"; // Support tests won't run in some limited or non-browser environments all = div.getElementsByTagName("*"); a = div.getElementsByTagName("a")[ 0 ]; if ( !all || !a || !all.length ) { return {}; } // First batch of tests select = document.createElement("select"); opt = select.appendChild( document.createElement("option") ); input = div.getElementsByTagName("input")[ 0 ]; a.style.cssText = "top:1px;float:left;opacity:.5"; support = { // Test setAttribute on camelCase class. If it works, we need attrFixes when doing get/setAttribute (ie6/7) getSetAttribute: div.className !== "t", // IE strips leading whitespace when .innerHTML is used leadingWhitespace: div.firstChild.nodeType === 3, // Make sure that tbody elements aren't automatically inserted // IE will insert them into empty tables tbody: !div.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length, // Make sure that link elements get serialized correctly by innerHTML // This requires a wrapper element in IE htmlSerialize: !!div.getElementsByTagName("link").length, // Get the style information from getAttribute // (IE uses .cssText instead) style: /top/.test( a.getAttribute("style") ), // Make sure that URLs aren't manipulated // (IE normalizes it by default) hrefNormalized: a.getAttribute("href") === "/a", // Make sure that element opacity exists // (IE uses filter instead) // Use a regex to work around a WebKit issue. See #5145 opacity: /^0.5/.test( a.style.opacity ), // Verify style float existence // (IE uses styleFloat instead of cssFloat) cssFloat: !!a.style.cssFloat, // Check the default checkbox/radio value ("" on WebKit; "on" elsewhere) checkOn: !!input.value, // Make sure that a selected-by-default option has a working selected property. // (WebKit defaults to false instead of true, IE too, if it's in an optgroup) optSelected: opt.selected, // Tests for enctype support on a form (#6743) enctype: !!document.createElement("form").enctype, // Makes sure cloning an html5 element does not cause problems // Where outerHTML is undefined, this still works html5Clone: document.createElement("nav").cloneNode( true ).outerHTML !== "<:nav></:nav>", // jQuery.support.boxModel DEPRECATED in 1.8 since we don't support Quirks Mode boxModel: document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat", // Will be defined later deleteExpando: true, noCloneEvent: true, inlineBlockNeedsLayout: false, shrinkWrapBlocks: false, reliableMarginRight: true, boxSizingReliable: true, pixelPosition: false }; // Make sure checked status is properly cloned input.checked = true; support.noCloneChecked = input.cloneNode( true ).checked; // Make sure that the options inside disabled selects aren't marked as disabled // (WebKit marks them as disabled) select.disabled = true; support.optDisabled = !opt.disabled; // Support: IE<9 try { delete div.test; } catch( e ) { support.deleteExpando = false; } // Check if we can trust getAttribute("value") input = document.createElement("input"); input.setAttribute( "value", "" ); support.input = input.getAttribute( "value" ) === ""; // Check if an input maintains its value after becoming a radio input.value = "t"; input.setAttribute( "type", "radio" ); support.radioValue = input.value === "t"; // #11217 - WebKit loses check when the name is after the checked attribute input.setAttribute( "checked", "t" ); input.setAttribute( "name", "t" ); fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); fragment.appendChild( input ); // Check if a disconnected checkbox will retain its checked // value of true after appended to the DOM (IE6/7) support.appendChecked = input.checked; // WebKit doesn't clone checked state correctly in fragments support.checkClone = fragment.cloneNode( true ).cloneNode( true ).lastChild.checked; // Support: IE<9 // Opera does not clone events (and typeof div.attachEvent === undefined). // IE9-10 clones events bound via attachEvent, but they don't trigger with .click() if ( div.attachEvent ) { div.attachEvent( "onclick", function() { support.noCloneEvent = false; }); div.cloneNode( true ).click(); } // Support: IE<9 (lack submit/change bubble), Firefox 17+ (lack focusin event) // Beware of CSP restrictions (https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Security/CSP), test/csp.php for ( i in { submit: true, change: true, focusin: true }) { div.setAttribute( eventName = "on" + i, "t" ); support[ i + "Bubbles" ] = eventName in window || div.attributes[ eventName ].expando === false; } div.style.backgroundClip = "content-box"; div.cloneNode( true ).style.backgroundClip = ""; support.clearCloneStyle = div.style.backgroundClip === "content-box"; // Run tests that need a body at doc ready jQuery(function() { var container, marginDiv, tds, divReset = "padding:0;margin:0;border:0;display:block;box-sizing:content-box;-moz-box-sizing:content-box;-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;", body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; if ( !body ) { // Return for frameset docs that don't have a body return; } container = document.createElement("div"); container.style.cssText = "border:0;width:0;height:0;position:absolute;top:0;left:-9999px;margin-top:1px"; body.appendChild( container ).appendChild( div ); // Support: IE8 // Check if table cells still have offsetWidth/Height when they are set // to display:none and there are still other visible table cells in a // table row; if so, offsetWidth/Height are not reliable for use when // determining if an element has been hidden directly using // display:none (it is still safe to use offsets if a parent element is // hidden; don safety goggles and see bug #4512 for more information). div.innerHTML = "<table><tr><td></td><td>t</td></tr></table>"; tds = div.getElementsByTagName("td"); tds[ 0 ].style.cssText = "padding:0;margin:0;border:0;display:none"; isSupported = ( tds[ 0 ].offsetHeight === 0 ); tds[ 0 ].style.display = ""; tds[ 1 ].style.display = "none"; // Support: IE8 // Check if empty table cells still have offsetWidth/Height support.reliableHiddenOffsets = isSupported && ( tds[ 0 ].offsetHeight === 0 ); // Check box-sizing and margin behavior div.innerHTML = ""; div.style.cssText = "box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;padding:1px;border:1px;display:block;width:4px;margin-top:1%;position:absolute;top:1%;"; support.boxSizing = ( div.offsetWidth === 4 ); support.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset = ( body.offsetTop !== 1 ); // Use window.getComputedStyle because jsdom on node.js will break without it. if ( window.getComputedStyle ) { support.pixelPosition = ( window.getComputedStyle( div, null ) || {} ).top !== "1%"; support.boxSizingReliable = ( window.getComputedStyle( div, null ) || { width: "4px" } ).width === "4px"; // Check if div with explicit width and no margin-right incorrectly // gets computed margin-right based on width of container. (#3333) // Fails in WebKit before Feb 2011 nightlies // WebKit Bug 13343 - getComputedStyle returns wrong value for margin-right marginDiv = div.appendChild( document.createElement("div") ); marginDiv.style.cssText = div.style.cssText = divReset; marginDiv.style.marginRight = marginDiv.style.width = "0"; div.style.width = "1px"; support.reliableMarginRight = !parseFloat( ( window.getComputedStyle( marginDiv, null ) || {} ).marginRight ); } if ( typeof div.style.zoom !== core_strundefined ) { // Support: IE<8 // Check if natively block-level elements act like inline-block // elements when setting their display to 'inline' and giving // them layout div.innerHTML = ""; div.style.cssText = divReset + "width:1px;padding:1px;display:inline;zoom:1"; support.inlineBlockNeedsLayout = ( div.offsetWidth === 3 ); // Support: IE6 // Check if elements with layout shrink-wrap their children div.style.display = "block"; div.innerHTML = "<div></div>"; div.firstChild.style.width = "5px"; support.shrinkWrapBlocks = ( div.offsetWidth !== 3 ); if ( support.inlineBlockNeedsLayout ) { // Prevent IE 6 from affecting layout for positioned elements #11048 // Prevent IE from shrinking the body in IE 7 mode #12869 // Support: IE<8 body.style.zoom = 1; } } body.removeChild( container ); // Null elements to avoid leaks in IE container = div = tds = marginDiv = null; }); // Null elements to avoid leaks in IE all = select = fragment = opt = a = input = null; return support; })(); var rbrace = /(?:\{[\s\S]*\}|\[[\s\S]*\])$/, rmultiDash = /([A-Z])/g; function internalData( elem, name, data, pvt /* Internal Use Only */ ){ if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) { return; } var thisCache, ret, internalKey = jQuery.expando, getByName = typeof name === "string", // We have to handle DOM nodes and JS objects differently because IE6-7 // can't GC object references properly across the DOM-JS boundary isNode = elem.nodeType, // Only DOM nodes need the global jQuery cache; JS object data is // attached directly to the object so GC can occur automatically cache = isNode ? jQuery.cache : elem, // Only defining an ID for JS objects if its cache already exists allows // the code to shortcut on the same path as a DOM node with no cache id = isNode ? elem[ internalKey ] : elem[ internalKey ] && internalKey; // Avoid doing any more work than we need to when trying to get data on an // object that has no data at all if ( (!id || !cache[id] || (!pvt && !cache[id].data)) && getByName && data === undefined ) { return; } if ( !id ) { // Only DOM nodes need a new unique ID for each element since their data // ends up in the global cache if ( isNode ) { elem[ internalKey ] = id = core_deletedIds.pop() || jQuery.guid++; } else { id = internalKey; } } if ( !cache[ id ] ) { cache[ id ] = {}; // Avoids exposing jQuery metadata on plain JS objects when the object // is serialized using JSON.stringify if ( !isNode ) { cache[ id ].toJSON = jQuery.noop; } } // An object can be passed to jQuery.data instead of a key/value pair; this gets // shallow copied over onto the existing cache if ( typeof name === "object" || typeof name === "function" ) { if ( pvt ) { cache[ id ] = jQuery.extend( cache[ id ], name ); } else { cache[ id ].data = jQuery.extend( cache[ id ].data, name ); } } thisCache = cache[ id ]; // jQuery data() is stored in a separate object inside the object's internal data // cache in order to avoid key collisions between internal data and user-defined // data. if ( !pvt ) { if ( !thisCache.data ) { thisCache.data = {}; } thisCache = thisCache.data; } if ( data !== undefined ) { thisCache[ jQuery.camelCase( name ) ] = data; } // Check for both converted-to-camel and non-converted data property names // If a data property was specified if ( getByName ) { // First Try to find as-is property data ret = thisCache[ name ]; // Test for null|undefined property data if ( ret == null ) { // Try to find the camelCased property ret = thisCache[ jQuery.camelCase( name ) ]; } } else { ret = thisCache; } return ret; } function internalRemoveData( elem, name, pvt ) { if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) { return; } var i, l, thisCache, isNode = elem.nodeType, // See jQuery.data for more information cache = isNode ? jQuery.cache : elem, id = isNode ? elem[ jQuery.expando ] : jQuery.expando; // If there is already no cache entry for this object, there is no // purpose in continuing if ( !cache[ id ] ) { return; } if ( name ) { thisCache = pvt ? cache[ id ] : cache[ id ].data; if ( thisCache ) { // Support array or space separated string names for data keys if ( !jQuery.isArray( name ) ) { // try the string as a key before any manipulation if ( name in thisCache ) { name = [ name ]; } else { // split the camel cased version by spaces unless a key with the spaces exists name = jQuery.camelCase( name ); if ( name in thisCache ) { name = [ name ]; } else { name = name.split(" "); } } } else { // If "name" is an array of keys... // When data is initially created, via ("key", "val") signature, // keys will be converted to camelCase. // Since there is no way to tell _how_ a key was added, remove // both plain key and camelCase key. #12786 // This will only penalize the array argument path. name = name.concat( jQuery.map( name, jQuery.camelCase ) ); } for ( i = 0, l = name.length; i < l; i++ ) { delete thisCache[ name[i] ]; } // If there is no data left in the cache, we want to continue // and let the cache object itself get destroyed if ( !( pvt ? isEmptyDataObject : jQuery.isEmptyObject )( thisCache ) ) { return; } } } // See jQuery.data for more information if ( !pvt ) { delete cache[ id ].data; // Don't destroy the parent cache unless the internal data object // had been the only thing left in it if ( !isEmptyDataObject( cache[ id ] ) ) { return; } } // Destroy the cache if ( isNode ) { jQuery.cleanData( [ elem ], true ); // Use delete when supported for expandos or `cache` is not a window per isWindow (#10080) } else if ( jQuery.support.deleteExpando || cache != cache.window ) { delete cache[ id ]; // When all else fails, null } else { cache[ id ] = null; } } jQuery.extend({ cache: {}, // Unique for each copy of jQuery on the page // Non-digits removed to match rinlinejQuery expando: "jQuery" + ( core_version + Math.random() ).replace( /\D/g, "" ), // The following elements throw uncatchable exceptions if you // attempt to add expando properties to them. noData: { "embed": true, // Ban all objects except for Flash (which handle expandos) "object": "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000", "applet": true }, hasData: function( elem ) { elem = elem.nodeType ? jQuery.cache[ elem[jQuery.expando] ] : elem[ jQuery.expando ]; return !!elem && !isEmptyDataObject( elem ); }, data: function( elem, name, data ) { return internalData( elem, name, data ); }, removeData: function( elem, name ) { return internalRemoveData( elem, name ); }, // For internal use only. _data: function( elem, name, data ) { return internalData( elem, name, data, true ); }, _removeData: function( elem, name ) { return internalRemoveData( elem, name, true ); }, // A method for determining if a DOM node can handle the data expando acceptData: function( elem ) { // Do not set data on non-element because it will not be cleared (#8335). if ( elem.nodeType && elem.nodeType !== 1 && elem.nodeType !== 9 ) { return false; } var noData = elem.nodeName && jQuery.noData[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ]; // nodes accept data unless otherwise specified; rejection can be conditional return !noData || noData !== true && elem.getAttribute("classid") === noData; } }); jQuery.fn.extend({ data: function( key, value ) { var attrs, name, elem = this[0], i = 0, data = null; // Gets all values if ( key === undefined ) { if ( this.length ) { data = jQuery.data( elem ); if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !jQuery._data( elem, "parsedAttrs" ) ) { attrs = elem.attributes; for ( ; i < attrs.length; i++ ) { name = attrs[i].name; if ( !name.indexOf( "data-" ) ) { name = jQuery.camelCase( name.slice(5) ); dataAttr( elem, name, data[ name ] ); } } jQuery._data( elem, "parsedAttrs", true ); } } return data; } // Sets multiple values if ( typeof key === "object" ) { return this.each(function() { jQuery.data( this, key ); }); } return jQuery.access( this, function( value ) { if ( value === undefined ) { // Try to fetch any internally stored data first return elem ? dataAttr( elem, key, jQuery.data( elem, key ) ) : null; } this.each(function() { jQuery.data( this, key, value ); }); }, null, value, arguments.length > 1, null, true ); }, removeData: function( key ) { return this.each(function() { jQuery.removeData( this, key ); }); } }); function dataAttr( elem, key, data ) { // If nothing was found internally, try to fetch any // data from the HTML5 data-* attribute if ( data === undefined && elem.nodeType === 1 ) { var name = "data-" + key.replace( rmultiDash, "-$1" ).toLowerCase(); data = elem.getAttribute( name ); if ( typeof data === "string" ) { try { data = data === "true" ? true : data === "false" ? false : data === "null" ? null : // Only convert to a number if it doesn't change the string +data + "" === data ? +data : rbrace.test( data ) ? jQuery.parseJSON( data ) : data; } catch( e ) {} // Make sure we set the data so it isn't changed later jQuery.data( elem, key, data ); } else { data = undefined; } } return data; } // checks a cache object for emptiness function isEmptyDataObject( obj ) { var name; for ( name in obj ) { // if the public data object is empty, the private is still empty if ( name === "data" && jQuery.isEmptyObject( obj[name] ) ) { continue; } if ( name !== "toJSON" ) { return false; } } return true; } jQuery.extend({ queue: function( elem, type, data ) { var queue; if ( elem ) { type = ( type || "fx" ) + "queue"; queue = jQuery._data( elem, type ); // Speed up dequeue by getting out quickly if this is just a lookup if ( data ) { if ( !queue || jQuery.isArray(data) ) { queue = jQuery._data( elem, type, jQuery.makeArray(data) ); } else { queue.push( data ); } } return queue || []; } }, dequeue: function( elem, type ) { type = type || "fx"; var queue = jQuery.queue( elem, type ), startLength = queue.length, fn = queue.shift(), hooks = jQuery._queueHooks( elem, type ), next = function() { jQuery.dequeue( elem, type ); }; // If the fx queue is dequeued, always remove the progress sentinel if ( fn === "inprogress" ) { fn = queue.shift(); startLength--; } hooks.cur = fn; if ( fn ) { // Add a progress sentinel to prevent the fx queue from being // automatically dequeued if ( type === "fx" ) { queue.unshift( "inprogress" ); } // clear up the last queue stop function delete hooks.stop; fn.call( elem, next, hooks ); } if ( !startLength && hooks ) { hooks.empty.fire(); } }, // not intended for public consumption - generates a queueHooks object, or returns the current one _queueHooks: function( elem, type ) { var key = type + "queueHooks"; return jQuery._data( elem, key ) || jQuery._data( elem, key, { empty: jQuery.Callbacks("once memory").add(function() { jQuery._removeData( elem, type + "queue" ); jQuery._removeData( elem, key ); }) }); } }); jQuery.fn.extend({ queue: function( type, data ) { var setter = 2; if ( typeof type !== "string" ) { data = type; type = "fx"; setter--; } if ( arguments.length < setter ) { return jQuery.queue( this[0], type ); } return data === undefined ? this : this.each(function() { var queue = jQuery.queue( this, type, data ); // ensure a hooks for this queue jQuery._queueHooks( this, type ); if ( type === "fx" && queue[0] !== "inprogress" ) { jQuery.dequeue( this, type ); } }); }, dequeue: function( type ) { return this.each(function() { jQuery.dequeue( this, type ); }); }, // Based off of the plugin by Clint Helfers, with permission. // http://blindsignals.com/index.php/2009/07/jquery-delay/ delay: function( time, type ) { time = jQuery.fx ? jQuery.fx.speeds[ time ] || time : time; type = type || "fx"; return this.queue( type, function( next, hooks ) { var timeout = setTimeout( next, time ); hooks.stop = function() { clearTimeout( timeout ); }; }); }, clearQueue: function( type ) { return this.queue( type || "fx", [] ); }, // Get a promise resolved when queues of a certain type // are emptied (fx is the type by default) promise: function( type, obj ) { var tmp, count = 1, defer = jQuery.Deferred(), elements = this, i = this.length, resolve = function() { if ( !( --count ) ) { defer.resolveWith( elements, [ elements ] ); } }; if ( typeof type !== "string" ) { obj = type; type = undefined; } type = type || "fx"; while( i-- ) { tmp = jQuery._data( elements[ i ], type + "queueHooks" ); if ( tmp && tmp.empty ) { count++; tmp.empty.add( resolve ); } } resolve(); return defer.promise( obj ); } }); var nodeHook, boolHook, rclass = /[\t\r\n]/g, rreturn = /\r/g, rfocusable = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button|object)$/i, rclickable = /^(?:a|area)$/i, rboolean = /^(?:checked|selected|autofocus|autoplay|async|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped)$/i, ruseDefault = /^(?:checked|selected)$/i, getSetAttribute = jQuery.support.getSetAttribute, getSetInput = jQuery.support.input; jQuery.fn.extend({ attr: function( name, value ) { return jQuery.access( this, jQuery.attr, name, value, arguments.length > 1 ); }, removeAttr: function( name ) { return this.each(function() { jQuery.removeAttr( this, name ); }); }, prop: function( name, value ) { return jQuery.access( this, jQuery.prop, name, value, arguments.length > 1 ); }, removeProp: function( name ) { name = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name; return this.each(function() { // try/catch handles cases where IE balks (such as removing a property on window) try { this[ name ] = undefined; delete this[ name ]; } catch( e ) {} }); }, addClass: function( value ) { var classes, elem, cur, clazz, j, i = 0, len = this.length, proceed = typeof value === "string" && value; if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) { return this.each(function( j ) { jQuery( this ).addClass( value.call( this, j, this.className ) ); }); } if ( proceed ) { // The disjunction here is for better compressibility (see removeClass) classes = ( value || "" ).match( core_rnotwhite ) || []; for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { elem = this[ i ]; cur = elem.nodeType === 1 && ( elem.className ? ( " " + elem.className + " " ).replace( rclass, " " ) : " " ); if ( cur ) { j = 0; while ( (clazz = classes[j++]) ) { if ( cur.indexOf( " " + clazz + " " ) < 0 ) { cur += clazz + " "; } } elem.className = jQuery.trim( cur ); } } } return this; }, removeClass: function( value ) { var classes, elem, cur, clazz, j, i = 0, len = this.length, proceed = arguments.length === 0 || typeof value === "string" && value; if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) { return this.each(function( j ) { jQuery( this ).removeClass( value.call( this, j, this.className ) ); }); } if ( proceed ) { classes = ( value || "" ).match( core_rnotwhite ) || []; for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { elem = this[ i ]; // This expression is here for better compressibility (see addClass) cur = elem.nodeType === 1 && ( elem.className ? ( " " + elem.className + " " ).replace( rclass, " " ) : "" ); if ( cur ) { j = 0; while ( (clazz = classes[j++]) ) { // Remove *all* instances while ( cur.indexOf( " " + clazz + " " ) >= 0 ) { cur = cur.replace( " " + clazz + " ", " " ); } } elem.className = value ? jQuery.trim( cur ) : ""; } } } return this; }, toggleClass: function( value, stateVal ) { var type = typeof value, isBool = typeof stateVal === "boolean"; if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) { return this.each(function( i ) { jQuery( this ).toggleClass( value.call(this, i, this.className, stateVal), stateVal ); }); } return this.each(function() { if ( type === "string" ) { // toggle individual class names var className, i = 0, self = jQuery( this ), state = stateVal, classNames = value.match( core_rnotwhite ) || []; while ( (className = classNames[ i++ ]) ) { // check each className given, space separated list state = isBool ? state : !self.hasClass( className ); self[ state ? "addClass" : "removeClass" ]( className ); } // Toggle whole class name } else if ( type === core_strundefined || type === "boolean" ) { if ( this.className ) { // store className if set jQuery._data( this, "__className__", this.className ); } // If the element has a class name or if we're passed "false", // then remove the whole classname (if there was one, the above saved it). // Otherwise bring back whatever was previously saved (if anything), // falling back to the empty string if nothing was stored. this.className = this.className || value === false ? "" : jQuery._data( this, "__className__" ) || ""; } }); }, hasClass: function( selector ) { var className = " " + selector + " ", i = 0, l = this.length; for ( ; i < l; i++ ) { if ( this[i].nodeType === 1 && (" " + this[i].className + " ").replace(rclass, " ").indexOf( className ) >= 0 ) { return true; } } return false; }, val: function( value ) { var ret, hooks, isFunction, elem = this[0]; if ( !arguments.length ) { if ( elem ) { hooks = jQuery.valHooks[ elem.type ] || jQuery.valHooks[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ]; if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, "value" )) !== undefined ) { return ret; } ret = elem.value; return typeof ret === "string" ? // handle most common string cases ret.replace(rreturn, "") : // handle cases where value is null/undef or number ret == null ? "" : ret; } return; } isFunction = jQuery.isFunction( value ); return this.each(function( i ) { var val, self = jQuery(this); if ( this.nodeType !== 1 ) { return; } if ( isFunction ) { val = value.call( this, i, self.val() ); } else { val = value; } // Treat null/undefined as ""; convert numbers to string if ( val == null ) { val = ""; } else if ( typeof val === "number" ) { val += ""; } else if ( jQuery.isArray( val ) ) { val = jQuery.map(val, function ( value ) { return value == null ? "" : value + ""; }); } hooks = jQuery.valHooks[ this.type ] || jQuery.valHooks[ this.nodeName.toLowerCase() ]; // If set returns undefined, fall back to normal setting if ( !hooks || !("set" in hooks) || hooks.set( this, val, "value" ) === undefined ) { this.value = val; } }); } }); jQuery.extend({ valHooks: { option: { get: function( elem ) { // attributes.value is undefined in Blackberry 4.7 but // uses .value. See #6932 var val = elem.attributes.value; return !val || val.specified ? elem.value : elem.text; } }, select: { get: function( elem ) { var value, option, options = elem.options, index = elem.selectedIndex, one = elem.type === "select-one" || index < 0, values = one ? null : [], max = one ? index + 1 : options.length, i = index < 0 ? max : one ? index : 0; // Loop through all the selected options for ( ; i < max; i++ ) { option = options[ i ]; // oldIE doesn't update selected after form reset (#2551) if ( ( option.selected || i === index ) && // Don't return options that are disabled or in a disabled optgroup ( jQuery.support.optDisabled ? !option.disabled : option.getAttribute("disabled") === null ) && ( !option.parentNode.disabled || !jQuery.nodeName( option.parentNode, "optgroup" ) ) ) { // Get the specific value for the option value = jQuery( option ).val(); // We don't need an array for one selects if ( one ) { return value; } // Multi-Selects return an array values.push( value ); } } return values; }, set: function( elem, value ) { var values = jQuery.makeArray( value ); jQuery(elem).find("option").each(function() { this.selected = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(this).val(), values ) >= 0; }); if ( !values.length ) { elem.selectedIndex = -1; } return values; } } }, attr: function( elem, name, value ) { var hooks, notxml, ret, nType = elem.nodeType; // don't get/set attributes on text, comment and attribute nodes if ( !elem || nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2 ) { return; } // Fallback to prop when attributes are not supported if ( typeof elem.getAttribute === core_strundefined ) { return jQuery.prop( elem, name, value ); } notxml = nType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem ); // All attributes are lowercase // Grab necessary hook if one is defined if ( notxml ) { name = name.toLowerCase(); hooks = jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] || ( rboolean.test( name ) ? boolHook : nodeHook ); } if ( value !== undefined ) { if ( value === null ) { jQuery.removeAttr( elem, name ); } else if ( hooks && notxml && "set" in hooks && (ret = hooks.set( elem, value, name )) !== undefined ) { return ret; } else { elem.setAttribute( name, value + "" ); return value; } } else if ( hooks && notxml && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, name )) !== null ) { return ret; } else { // In IE9+, Flash objects don't have .getAttribute (#12945) // Support: IE9+ if ( typeof elem.getAttribute !== core_strundefined ) { ret = elem.getAttribute( name ); } // Non-existent attributes return null, we normalize to undefined return ret == null ? undefined : ret; } }, removeAttr: function( elem, value ) { var name, propName, i = 0, attrNames = value && value.match( core_rnotwhite ); if ( attrNames && elem.nodeType === 1 ) { while ( (name = attrNames[i++]) ) { propName = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name; // Boolean attributes get special treatment (#10870) if ( rboolean.test( name ) ) { // Set corresponding property to false for boolean attributes // Also clear defaultChecked/defaultSelected (if appropriate) for IE<8 if ( !getSetAttribute && ruseDefault.test( name ) ) { elem[ jQuery.camelCase( "default-" + name ) ] = elem[ propName ] = false; } else { elem[ propName ] = false; } // See #9699 for explanation of this approach (setting first, then removal) } else { jQuery.attr( elem, name, "" ); } elem.removeAttribute( getSetAttribute ? name : propName ); } } }, attrHooks: { type: { set: function( elem, value ) { if ( !jQuery.support.radioValue && value === "radio" && jQuery.nodeName(elem, "input") ) { // Setting the type on a radio button after the value resets the value in IE6-9 // Reset value to default in case type is set after value during creation var val = elem.value; elem.setAttribute( "type", value ); if ( val ) { elem.value = val; } return value; } } } }, propFix: { tabindex: "tabIndex", readonly: "readOnly", "for": "htmlFor", "class": "className", maxlength: "maxLength", cellspacing: "cellSpacing", cellpadding: "cellPadding", rowspan: "rowSpan", colspan: "colSpan", usemap: "useMap", frameborder: "frameBorder", contenteditable: "contentEditable" }, prop: function( elem, name, value ) { var ret, hooks, notxml, nType = elem.nodeType; // don't get/set properties on text, comment and attribute nodes if ( !elem || nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2 ) { return; } notxml = nType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem ); if ( notxml ) { // Fix name and attach hooks name = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name; hooks = jQuery.propHooks[ name ]; } if ( value !== undefined ) { if ( hooks && "set" in hooks && (ret = hooks.set( elem, value, name )) !== undefined ) { return ret; } else { return ( elem[ name ] = value ); } } else { if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, name )) !== null ) { return ret; } else { return elem[ name ]; } } }, propHooks: { tabIndex: { get: function( elem ) { // elem.tabIndex doesn't always return the correct value when it hasn't been explicitly set // http://fluidproject.org/blog/2008/01/09/getting-setting-and-removing-tabindex-values-with-javascript/ var attributeNode = elem.getAttributeNode("tabindex"); return attributeNode && attributeNode.specified ? parseInt( attributeNode.value, 10 ) : rfocusable.test( elem.nodeName ) || rclickable.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.href ? 0 : undefined; } } } }); // Hook for boolean attributes boolHook = { get: function( elem, name ) { var // Use .prop to determine if this attribute is understood as boolean prop = jQuery.prop( elem, name ), // Fetch it accordingly attr = typeof prop === "boolean" && elem.getAttribute( name ), detail = typeof prop === "boolean" ? getSetInput && getSetAttribute ? attr != null : // oldIE fabricates an empty string for missing boolean attributes // and conflates checked/selected into attroperties ruseDefault.test( name ) ? elem[ jQuery.camelCase( "default-" + name ) ] : !!attr : // fetch an attribute node for properties not recognized as boolean elem.getAttributeNode( name ); return detail && detail.value !== false ? name.toLowerCase() : undefined; }, set: function( elem, value, name ) { if ( value === false ) { // Remove boolean attributes when set to false jQuery.removeAttr( elem, name ); } else if ( getSetInput && getSetAttribute || !ruseDefault.test( name ) ) { // IE<8 needs the *property* name elem.setAttribute( !getSetAttribute && jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name, name ); // Use defaultChecked and defaultSelected for oldIE } else { elem[ jQuery.camelCase( "default-" + name ) ] = elem[ name ] = true; } return name; } }; // fix oldIE value attroperty if ( !getSetInput || !getSetAttribute ) { jQuery.attrHooks.value = { get: function( elem, name ) { var ret = elem.getAttributeNode( name ); return jQuery.nodeName( elem, "input" ) ? // Ignore the value *property* by using defaultValue elem.defaultValue : ret && ret.specified ? ret.value : undefined; }, set: function( elem, value, name ) { if ( jQuery.nodeName( elem, "input" ) ) { // Does not return so that setAttribute is also used elem.defaultValue = value; } else { // Use nodeHook if defined (#1954); otherwise setAttribute is fine return nodeHook && nodeHook.set( elem, value, name ); } } }; } // IE6/7 do not support getting/setting some attributes with get/setAttribute if ( !getSetAttribute ) { // Use this for any attribute in IE6/7 // This fixes almost every IE6/7 issue nodeHook = jQuery.valHooks.button = { get: function( elem, name ) { var ret = elem.getAttributeNode( name ); return ret && ( name === "id" || name === "name" || name === "coords" ? ret.value !== "" : ret.specified ) ? ret.value : undefined; }, set: function( elem, value, name ) { // Set the existing or create a new attribute node var ret = elem.getAttributeNode( name ); if ( !ret ) { elem.setAttributeNode( (ret = elem.ownerDocument.createAttribute( name )) ); } ret.value = value += ""; // Break association with cloned elements by also using setAttribute (#9646) return name === "value" || value === elem.getAttribute( name ) ? value : undefined; } }; // Set contenteditable to false on removals(#10429) // Setting to empty string throws an error as an invalid value jQuery.attrHooks.contenteditable = { get: nodeHook.get, set: function( elem, value, name ) { nodeHook.set( elem, value === "" ? false : value, name ); } }; // Set width and height to auto instead of 0 on empty string( Bug #8150 ) // This is for removals jQuery.each([ "width", "height" ], function( i, name ) { jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.attrHooks[ name ], { set: function( elem, value ) { if ( value === "" ) { elem.setAttribute( name, "auto" ); return value; } } }); }); } // Some attributes require a special call on IE // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms536429%28VS.85%29.aspx if ( !jQuery.support.hrefNormalized ) { jQuery.each([ "href", "src", "width", "height" ], function( i, name ) { jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.attrHooks[ name ], { get: function( elem ) { var ret = elem.getAttribute( name, 2 ); return ret == null ? undefined : ret; } }); }); // href/src property should get the full normalized URL (#10299/#12915) jQuery.each([ "href", "src" ], function( i, name ) { jQuery.propHooks[ name ] = { get: function( elem ) { return elem.getAttribute( name, 4 ); } }; }); } if ( !jQuery.support.style ) { jQuery.attrHooks.style = { get: function( elem ) { // Return undefined in the case of empty string // Note: IE uppercases css property names, but if we were to .toLowerCase() // .cssText, that would destroy case senstitivity in URL's, like in "background" return elem.style.cssText || undefined; }, set: function( elem, value ) { return ( elem.style.cssText = value + "" ); } }; } // Safari mis-reports the default selected property of an option // Accessing the parent's selectedIndex property fixes it if ( !jQuery.support.optSelected ) { jQuery.propHooks.selected = jQuery.extend( jQuery.propHooks.selected, { get: function( elem ) { var parent = elem.parentNode; if ( parent ) { parent.selectedIndex; // Make sure that it also works with optgroups, see #5701 if ( parent.parentNode ) { parent.parentNode.selectedIndex; } } return null; } }); } // IE6/7 call enctype encoding if ( !jQuery.support.enctype ) { jQuery.propFix.enctype = "encoding"; } // Radios and checkboxes getter/setter if ( !jQuery.support.checkOn ) { jQuery.each([ "radio", "checkbox" ], function() { jQuery.valHooks[ this ] = { get: function( elem ) { // Handle the case where in Webkit "" is returned instead of "on" if a value isn't specified return elem.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : elem.value; } }; }); } jQuery.each([ "radio", "checkbox" ], function() { jQuery.valHooks[ this ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.valHooks[ this ], { set: function( elem, value ) { if ( jQuery.isArray( value ) ) { return ( elem.checked = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(elem).val(), value ) >= 0 ); } } }); }); var rformElems = /^(?:input|select|textarea)$/i, rkeyEvent = /^key/, rmouseEvent = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/, rfocusMorph = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/, rtypenamespace = /^([^.]*)(?:\.(.+)|)$/; function returnTrue() { return true; } function returnFalse() { return false; } /* * Helper functions for managing events -- not part of the public interface. * Props to Dean Edwards' addEvent library for many of the ideas. */ jQuery.event = { global: {}, add: function( elem, types, handler, data, selector ) { var tmp, events, t, handleObjIn, special, eventHandle, handleObj, handlers, type, namespaces, origType, elemData = jQuery._data( elem ); // Don't attach events to noData or text/comment nodes (but allow plain objects) if ( !elemData ) { return; } // Caller can pass in an object of custom data in lieu of the handler if ( handler.handler ) { handleObjIn = handler; handler = handleObjIn.handler; selector = handleObjIn.selector; } // Make sure that the handler has a unique ID, used to find/remove it later if ( !handler.guid ) { handler.guid = jQuery.guid++; } // Init the element's event structure and main handler, if this is the first if ( !(events = elemData.events) ) { events = elemData.events = {}; } if ( !(eventHandle = elemData.handle) ) { eventHandle = elemData.handle = function( e ) { // Discard the second event of a jQuery.event.trigger() and // when an event is called after a page has unloaded return typeof jQuery !== core_strundefined && (!e || jQuery.event.triggered !== e.type) ? jQuery.event.dispatch.apply( eventHandle.elem, arguments ) : undefined; }; // Add elem as a property of the handle fn to prevent a memory leak with IE non-native events eventHandle.elem = elem; } // Handle multiple events separated by a space // jQuery(...).bind("mouseover mouseout", fn); types = ( types || "" ).match( core_rnotwhite ) || [""]; t = types.length; while ( t-- ) { tmp = rtypenamespace.exec( types[t] ) || []; type = origType = tmp[1]; namespaces = ( tmp[2] || "" ).split( "." ).sort(); // If event changes its type, use the special event handlers for the changed type special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {}; // If selector defined, determine special event api type, otherwise given type type = ( selector ? special.delegateType : special.bindType ) || type; // Update special based on newly reset type special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {}; // handleObj is passed to all event handlers handleObj = jQuery.extend({ type: type, origType: origType, data: data, handler: handler, guid: handler.guid, selector: selector, needsContext: selector && jQuery.expr.match.needsContext.test( selector ), namespace: namespaces.join(".") }, handleObjIn ); // Init the event handler queue if we're the first if ( !(handlers = events[ type ]) ) { handlers = events[ type ] = []; handlers.delegateCount = 0; // Only use addEventListener/attachEvent if the special events handler returns false if ( !special.setup || special.setup.call( elem, data, namespaces, eventHandle ) === false ) { // Bind the global event handler to the element if ( elem.addEventListener ) { elem.addEventListener( type, eventHandle, false ); } else if ( elem.attachEvent ) { elem.attachEvent( "on" + type, eventHandle ); } } } if ( special.add ) { special.add.call( elem, handleObj ); if ( !handleObj.handler.guid ) { handleObj.handler.guid = handler.guid; } } // Add to the element's handler list, delegates in front if ( selector ) { handlers.splice( handlers.delegateCount++, 0, handleObj ); } else { handlers.push( handleObj ); } // Keep track of which events have ever been used, for event optimization jQuery.event.global[ type ] = true; } // Nullify elem to prevent memory leaks in IE elem = null; }, // Detach an event or set of events from an element remove: function( elem, types, handler, selector, mappedTypes ) { var j, handleObj, tmp, origCount, t, events, special, handlers, type, namespaces, origType, elemData = jQuery.hasData( elem ) && jQuery._data( elem ); if ( !elemData || !(events = elemData.events) ) { return; } // Once for each type.namespace in types; type may be omitted types = ( types || "" ).match( core_rnotwhite ) || [""]; t = types.length; while ( t-- ) { tmp = rtypenamespace.exec( types[t] ) || []; type = origType = tmp[1]; namespaces = ( tmp[2] || "" ).split( "." ).sort(); // Unbind all events (on this namespace, if provided) for the element if ( !type ) { for ( type in events ) { jQuery.event.remove( elem, type + types[ t ], handler, selector, true ); } continue; } special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {}; type = ( selector ? special.delegateType : special.bindType ) || type; handlers = events[ type ] || []; tmp = tmp[2] && new RegExp( "(^|\\.)" + namespaces.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)" ); // Remove matching events origCount = j = handlers.length; while ( j-- ) { handleObj = handlers[ j ]; if ( ( mappedTypes || origType === handleObj.origType ) && ( !handler || handler.guid === handleObj.guid ) && ( !tmp || tmp.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) && ( !selector || selector === handleObj.selector || selector === "**" && handleObj.selector ) ) { handlers.splice( j, 1 ); if ( handleObj.selector ) { handlers.delegateCount--; } if ( special.remove ) { special.remove.call( elem, handleObj ); } } } // Remove generic event handler if we removed something and no more handlers exist // (avoids potential for endless recursion during removal of special event handlers) if ( origCount && !handlers.length ) { if ( !special.teardown || special.teardown.call( elem, namespaces, elemData.handle ) === false ) { jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, elemData.handle ); } delete events[ type ]; } } // Remove the expando if it's no longer used if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( events ) ) { delete elemData.handle; // removeData also checks for emptiness and clears the expando if empty // so use it instead of delete jQuery._removeData( elem, "events" ); } }, trigger: function( event, data, elem, onlyHandlers ) { var handle, ontype, cur, bubbleType, special, tmp, i, eventPath = [ elem || document ], type = core_hasOwn.call( event, "type" ) ? event.type : event, namespaces = core_hasOwn.call( event, "namespace" ) ? event.namespace.split(".") : []; cur = tmp = elem = elem || document; // Don't do events on text and comment nodes if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 ) { return; } // focus/blur morphs to focusin/out; ensure we're not firing them right now if ( rfocusMorph.test( type + jQuery.event.triggered ) ) { return; } if ( type.indexOf(".") >= 0 ) { // Namespaced trigger; create a regexp to match event type in handle() namespaces = type.split("."); type = namespaces.shift(); namespaces.sort(); } ontype = type.indexOf(":") < 0 && "on" + type; // Caller can pass in a jQuery.Event object, Object, or just an event type string event = event[ jQuery.expando ] ? event : new jQuery.Event( type, typeof event === "object" && event ); event.isTrigger = true; event.namespace = namespaces.join("."); event.namespace_re = event.namespace ? new RegExp( "(^|\\.)" + namespaces.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)" ) : null; // Clean up the event in case it is being reused event.result = undefined; if ( !event.target ) { event.target = elem; } // Clone any incoming data and prepend the event, creating the handler arg list data = data == null ? [ event ] : jQuery.makeArray( data, [ event ] ); // Allow special events to draw outside the lines special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {}; if ( !onlyHandlers && special.trigger && special.trigger.apply( elem, data ) === false ) { return; } // Determine event propagation path in advance, per W3C events spec (#9951) // Bubble up to document, then to window; watch for a global ownerDocument var (#9724) if ( !onlyHandlers && !special.noBubble && !jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) { bubbleType = special.delegateType || type; if ( !rfocusMorph.test( bubbleType + type ) ) { cur = cur.parentNode; } for ( ; cur; cur = cur.parentNode ) { eventPath.push( cur ); tmp = cur; } // Only add window if we got to document (e.g., not plain obj or detached DOM) if ( tmp === (elem.ownerDocument || document) ) { eventPath.push( tmp.defaultView || tmp.parentWindow || window ); } } // Fire handlers on the event path i = 0; while ( (cur = eventPath[i++]) && !event.isPropagationStopped() ) { event.type = i > 1 ? bubbleType : special.bindType || type; // jQuery handler handle = ( jQuery._data( cur, "events" ) || {} )[ event.type ] && jQuery._data( cur, "handle" ); if ( handle ) { handle.apply( cur, data ); } // Native handler handle = ontype && cur[ ontype ]; if ( handle && jQuery.acceptData( cur ) && handle.apply && handle.apply( cur, data ) === false ) { event.preventDefault(); } } event.type = type; // If nobody prevented the default action, do it now if ( !onlyHandlers && !event.isDefaultPrevented() ) { if ( (!special._default || special._default.apply( elem.ownerDocument, data ) === false) && !(type === "click" && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "a" )) && jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) { // Call a native DOM method on the target with the same name name as the event. // Can't use an .isFunction() check here because IE6/7 fails that test. // Don't do default actions on window, that's where global variables be (#6170) if ( ontype && elem[ type ] && !jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) { // Don't re-trigger an onFOO event when we call its FOO() method tmp = elem[ ontype ]; if ( tmp ) { elem[ ontype ] = null; } // Prevent re-triggering of the same event, since we already bubbled it above jQuery.event.triggered = type; try { elem[ type ](); } catch ( e ) { // IE<9 dies on focus/blur to hidden element (#1486,#12518) // only reproducible on winXP IE8 native, not IE9 in IE8 mode } jQuery.event.triggered = undefined; if ( tmp ) { elem[ ontype ] = tmp; } } } } return event.result; }, dispatch: function( event ) { // Make a writable jQuery.Event from the native event object event = jQuery.event.fix( event ); var i, ret, handleObj, matched, j, handlerQueue = [], args = core_slice.call( arguments ), handlers = ( jQuery._data( this, "events" ) || {} )[ event.type ] || [], special = jQuery.event.special[ event.type ] || {}; // Use the fix-ed jQuery.Event rather than the (read-only) native event args[0] = event; event.delegateTarget = this; // Call the preDispatch hook for the mapped type, and let it bail if desired if ( special.preDispatch && special.preDispatch.call( this, event ) === false ) { return; } // Determine handlers handlerQueue = jQuery.event.handlers.call( this, event, handlers ); // Run delegates first; they may want to stop propagation beneath us i = 0; while ( (matched = handlerQueue[ i++ ]) && !event.isPropagationStopped() ) { event.currentTarget = matched.elem; j = 0; while ( (handleObj = matched.handlers[ j++ ]) && !event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() ) { // Triggered event must either 1) have no namespace, or // 2) have namespace(s) a subset or equal to those in the bound event (both can have no namespace). if ( !event.namespace_re || event.namespace_re.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) { event.handleObj = handleObj; event.data = handleObj.data; var obj = ( (jQuery.event.special[ handleObj.origType ] || {}).handle || handleObj.handler ); if(obj.apply){ ret = obj.apply( matched.elem, args ); } if ( ret !== undefined ) { if ( (event.result = ret) === false ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } } } } } // Call the postDispatch hook for the mapped type if ( special.postDispatch ) { special.postDispatch.call( this, event ); } return event.result; }, handlers: function( event, handlers ) { var sel, handleObj, matches, i, handlerQueue = [], delegateCount = handlers.delegateCount, cur = event.target; // Find delegate handlers // Black-hole SVG <use> instance trees (#13180) // Avoid non-left-click bubbling in Firefox (#3861) if ( delegateCount && cur.nodeType && (!event.button || event.type !== "click") ) { for ( ; cur != this; cur = cur.parentNode || this ) { // Don't check non-elements (#13208) // Don't process clicks on disabled elements (#6911, #8165, #11382, #11764) if ( cur.nodeType === 1 && (cur.disabled !== true || event.type !== "click") ) { matches = []; for ( i = 0; i < delegateCount; i++ ) { handleObj = handlers[ i ]; // Don't conflict with Object.prototype properties (#13203) sel = handleObj.selector + " "; if ( matches[ sel ] === undefined ) { matches[ sel ] = handleObj.needsContext ? jQuery( sel, this ).index( cur ) >= 0 : jQuery.find( sel, this, null, [ cur ] ).length; } if ( matches[ sel ] ) { matches.push( handleObj ); } } if ( matches.length ) { handlerQueue.push({ elem: cur, handlers: matches }); } } } } // Add the remaining (directly-bound) handlers if ( delegateCount < handlers.length ) { handlerQueue.push({ elem: this, handlers: handlers.slice( delegateCount ) }); } return handlerQueue; }, fix: function( event ) { if ( event[ jQuery.expando ] ) { return event; } // Create a writable copy of the event object and normalize some properties var i, prop, copy, type = event.type, originalEvent = event, fixHook = this.fixHooks[ type ]; if ( !fixHook ) { this.fixHooks[ type ] = fixHook = rmouseEvent.test( type ) ? this.mouseHooks : rkeyEvent.test( type ) ? this.keyHooks : {}; } copy = fixHook.props ? this.props.concat( fixHook.props ) : this.props; event = new jQuery.Event( originalEvent ); i = copy.length; while ( i-- ) { prop = copy[ i ]; event[ prop ] = originalEvent[ prop ]; } // Support: IE<9 // Fix target property (#1925) if ( !event.target ) { event.target = originalEvent.srcElement || document; } // Support: Chrome 23+, Safari? // Target should not be a text node (#504, #13143) if ( event.target.nodeType === 3 ) { event.target = event.target.parentNode; } // Support: IE<9 // For mouse/key events, metaKey==false if it's undefined (#3368, #11328) event.metaKey = !!event.metaKey; return fixHook.filter ? fixHook.filter( event, originalEvent ) : event; }, // Includes some event props shared by KeyEvent and MouseEvent props: "altKey bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget eventPhase metaKey relatedTarget shiftKey target timeStamp view which".split(" "), fixHooks: {}, keyHooks: { props: "char charCode key keyCode".split(" "), filter: function( event, original ) { // Add which for key events if ( event.which == null ) { event.which = original.charCode != null ? original.charCode : original.keyCode; } return event; } }, mouseHooks: { props: "button buttons clientX clientY fromElement offsetX offsetY pageX pageY screenX screenY toElement".split(" "), filter: function( event, original ) { var body, eventDoc, doc, button = original.button, fromElement = original.fromElement; // Calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available if ( event.pageX == null && original.clientX != null ) { eventDoc = event.target.ownerDocument || document; doc = eventDoc.documentElement; body = eventDoc.body; event.pageX = original.clientX + ( doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0 ) - ( doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0 ); event.pageY = original.clientY + ( doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0 ) - ( doc && doc.clientTop || body && body.clientTop || 0 ); } // Add relatedTarget, if necessary if ( !event.relatedTarget && fromElement ) { event.relatedTarget = fromElement === event.target ? original.toElement : fromElement; } // Add which for click: 1 === left; 2 === middle; 3 === right // Note: button is not normalized, so don't use it if ( !event.which && button !== undefined ) { event.which = ( button & 1 ? 1 : ( button & 2 ? 3 : ( button & 4 ? 2 : 0 ) ) ); } return event; } }, special: { load: { // Prevent triggered image.load events from bubbling to window.load noBubble: true }, click: { // For checkbox, fire native event so checked state will be right trigger: function() { if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "input" ) && this.type === "checkbox" && this.click ) { this.click(); return false; } } }, focus: { // Fire native event if possible so blur/focus sequence is correct trigger: function() { if ( this !== document.activeElement && this.focus ) { try { this.focus(); return false; } catch ( e ) { // Support: IE<9 // If we error on focus to hidden element (#1486, #12518), // let .trigger() run the handlers } } }, delegateType: "focusin" }, blur: { trigger: function() { if ( this === document.activeElement && this.blur ) { this.blur(); return false; } }, delegateType: "focusout" }, beforeunload: { postDispatch: function( event ) { // Even when returnValue equals to undefined Firefox will still show alert if ( event.result !== undefined ) { event.originalEvent.returnValue = event.result; } } } }, simulate: function( type, elem, event, bubble ) { // Piggyback on a donor event to simulate a different one. // Fake originalEvent to avoid donor's stopPropagation, but if the // simulated event prevents default then we do the same on the donor. var e = jQuery.extend( new jQuery.Event(), event, { type: type, isSimulated: true, originalEvent: {} } ); if ( bubble ) { jQuery.event.trigger( e, null, elem ); } else { jQuery.event.dispatch.call( elem, e ); } if ( e.isDefaultPrevented() ) { event.preventDefault(); } } }; jQuery.removeEvent = document.removeEventListener ? function( elem, type, handle ) { if ( elem.removeEventListener ) { elem.removeEventListener( type, handle, false ); } } : function( elem, type, handle ) { var name = "on" + type; if ( elem.detachEvent ) { // #8545, #7054, preventing memory leaks for custom events in IE6-8 // detachEvent needed property on element, by name of that event, to properly expose it to GC if ( typeof elem[ name ] === core_strundefined ) { elem[ name ] = null; } elem.detachEvent( name, handle ); } }; jQuery.Event = function( src, props ) { // Allow instantiation without the 'new' keyword if ( !(this instanceof jQuery.Event) ) { return new jQuery.Event( src, props ); } // Event object if ( src && src.type ) { this.originalEvent = src; this.type = src.type; // Events bubbling up the document may have been marked as prevented // by a handler lower down the tree; reflect the correct value. this.isDefaultPrevented = ( src.defaultPrevented || src.returnValue === false || src.getPreventDefault && src.getPreventDefault() ) ? returnTrue : returnFalse; // Event type } else { this.type = src; } // Put explicitly provided properties onto the event object if ( props ) { jQuery.extend( this, props ); } // Create a timestamp if incoming event doesn't have one this.timeStamp = src && src.timeStamp || jQuery.now(); // Mark it as fixed this[ jQuery.expando ] = true; }; // jQuery.Event is based on DOM3 Events as specified by the ECMAScript Language Binding // http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-DOM-Level-3-Events-20030331/ecma-script-binding.html jQuery.Event.prototype = { isDefaultPrevented: returnFalse, isPropagationStopped: returnFalse, isImmediatePropagationStopped: returnFalse, preventDefault: function() { var e = this.originalEvent; this.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue; if ( !e ) { return; } // If preventDefault exists, run it on the original event if ( e.preventDefault ) { e.preventDefault(); // Support: IE // Otherwise set the returnValue property of the original event to false } else { e.returnValue = false; } }, stopPropagation: function() { var e = this.originalEvent; this.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue; if ( !e ) { return; } // If stopPropagation exists, run it on the original event if ( e.stopPropagation ) { e.stopPropagation(); } // Support: IE // Set the cancelBubble property of the original event to true e.cancelBubble = true; }, stopImmediatePropagation: function() { this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue; this.stopPropagation(); } }; // Create mouseenter/leave events using mouseover/out and event-time checks jQuery.each({ mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout" }, function( orig, fix ) { jQuery.event.special[ orig ] = { delegateType: fix, bindType: fix, handle: function( event ) { var ret, target = this, related = event.relatedTarget, handleObj = event.handleObj; // For mousenter/leave call the handler if related is outside the target. // NB: No relatedTarget if the mouse left/entered the browser window if ( !related || (related !== target && !jQuery.contains( target, related )) ) { event.type = handleObj.origType; ret = handleObj.handler.apply( this, arguments ); event.type = fix; } return ret; } }; }); // IE submit delegation if ( !jQuery.support.submitBubbles ) { jQuery.event.special.submit = { setup: function() { // Only need this for delegated form submit events if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "form" ) ) { return false; } // Lazy-add a submit handler when a descendant form may potentially be submitted jQuery.event.add( this, "click._submit keypress._submit", function( e ) { // Node name check avoids a VML-related crash in IE (#9807) var elem = e.target, form = jQuery.nodeName( elem, "input" ) || jQuery.nodeName( elem, "button" ) ? elem.form : undefined; if ( form && !jQuery._data( form, "submitBubbles" ) ) { jQuery.event.add( form, "submit._submit", function( event ) { event._submit_bubble = true; }); jQuery._data( form, "submitBubbles", true ); } }); // return undefined since we don't need an event listener }, postDispatch: function( event ) { // If form was submitted by the user, bubble the event up the tree if ( event._submit_bubble ) { delete event._submit_bubble; if ( this.parentNode && !event.isTrigger ) { jQuery.event.simulate( "submit", this.parentNode, event, true ); } } }, teardown: function() { // Only need this for delegated form submit events if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "form" ) ) { return false; } // Remove delegated handlers; cleanData eventually reaps submit handlers attached above jQuery.event.remove( this, "._submit" ); } }; } // IE change delegation and checkbox/radio fix if ( !jQuery.support.changeBubbles ) { jQuery.event.special.change = { setup: function() { if ( rformElems.test( this.nodeName ) ) { // IE doesn't fire change on a check/radio until blur; trigger it on click // after a propertychange. Eat the blur-change in special.change.handle. // This still fires onchange a second time for check/radio after blur. if ( this.type === "checkbox" || this.type === "radio" ) { jQuery.event.add( this, "propertychange._change", function( event ) { if ( event.originalEvent.propertyName === "checked" ) { this._just_changed = true; } }); jQuery.event.add( this, "click._change", function( event ) { if ( this._just_changed && !event.isTrigger ) { this._just_changed = false; } // Allow triggered, simulated change events (#11500) jQuery.event.simulate( "change", this, event, true ); }); } return false; } // Delegated event; lazy-add a change handler on descendant inputs jQuery.event.add( this, "beforeactivate._change", function( e ) { var elem = e.target; if ( rformElems.test( elem.nodeName ) && !jQuery._data( elem, "changeBubbles" ) ) { jQuery.event.add( elem, "change._change", function( event ) { if ( this.parentNode && !event.isSimulated && !event.isTrigger ) { jQuery.event.simulate( "change", this.parentNode, event, true ); } }); jQuery._data( elem, "changeBubbles", true ); } }); }, handle: function( event ) { var elem = event.target; // Swallow native change events from checkbox/radio, we already triggered them above if ( this !== elem || event.isSimulated || event.isTrigger || (elem.type !== "radio" && elem.type !== "checkbox") ) { return event.handleObj.handler.apply( this, arguments ); } }, teardown: function() { jQuery.event.remove( this, "._change" ); return !rformElems.test( this.nodeName ); } }; } // Create "bubbling" focus and blur events if ( !jQuery.support.focusinBubbles ) { jQuery.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function( orig, fix ) { // Attach a single capturing handler while someone wants focusin/focusout var attaches = 0, handler = function( event ) { jQuery.event.simulate( fix, event.target, jQuery.event.fix( event ), true ); }; jQuery.event.special[ fix ] = { setup: function() { if ( attaches++ === 0 ) { document.addEventListener( orig, handler, true ); } }, teardown: function() { if ( --attaches === 0 ) { document.removeEventListener( orig, handler, true ); } } }; }); } jQuery.fn.extend({ on: function( types, selector, data, fn, /*INTERNAL*/ one ) { var type, origFn; // Types can be a map of types/handlers if ( typeof types === "object" ) { // ( types-Object, selector, data ) if ( typeof selector !== "string" ) { // ( types-Object, data ) data = data || selector; selector = undefined; } for ( type in types ) { this.on( type, selector, data, types[ type ], one ); } return this; } if ( data == null && fn == null ) { // ( types, fn ) fn = selector; data = selector = undefined; } else if ( fn == null ) { if ( typeof selector === "string" ) { // ( types, selector, fn ) fn = data; data = undefined; } else { // ( types, data, fn ) fn = data; data = selector; selector = undefined; } } if ( fn === false ) { fn = returnFalse; } else if ( !fn ) { return this; } if ( one === 1 ) { origFn = fn; fn = function( event ) { // Can use an empty set, since event contains the info jQuery().off( event ); return origFn.apply( this, arguments ); }; // Use same guid so caller can remove using origFn fn.guid = origFn.guid || ( origFn.guid = jQuery.guid++ ); } return this.each( function() { jQuery.event.add( this, types, fn, data, selector ); }); }, one: function( types, selector, data, fn ) { return this.on( types, selector, data, fn, 1 ); }, off: function( types, selector, fn ) { var handleObj, type; if ( types && types.preventDefault && types.handleObj ) { // ( event ) dispatched jQuery.Event handleObj = types.handleObj; jQuery( types.delegateTarget ).off( handleObj.namespace ? handleObj.origType + "." + handleObj.namespace : handleObj.origType, handleObj.selector, handleObj.handler ); return this; } if ( typeof types === "object" ) { // ( types-object [, selector] ) for ( type in types ) { this.off( type, selector, types[ type ] ); } return this; } if ( selector === false || typeof selector === "function" ) { // ( types [, fn] ) fn = selector; selector = undefined; } if ( fn === false ) { fn = returnFalse; } return this.each(function() { jQuery.event.remove( this, types, fn, selector ); }); }, bind: function( types, data, fn ) { return this.on( types, null, data, fn ); }, unbind: function( types, fn ) { return this.off( types, null, fn ); }, delegate: function( selector, types, data, fn ) { return this.on( types, selector, data, fn ); }, undelegate: function( selector, types, fn ) { // ( namespace ) or ( selector, types [, fn] ) return arguments.length === 1 ? this.off( selector, "**" ) : this.off( types, selector || "**", fn ); }, trigger: function( type, data ) { return this.each(function() { jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this ); }); }, triggerHandler: function( type, data ) { var elem = this[0]; if ( elem ) { return jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, elem, true ); } } }); /*! * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine * Copyright 2012 jQuery Foundation and other contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://sizzlejs.com/ */ (function( window, undefined ) { var i, cachedruns, Expr, getText, isXML, compile, hasDuplicate, outermostContext, // Local document vars setDocument, document, docElem, documentIsXML, rbuggyQSA, rbuggyMatches, matches, contains, sortOrder, // Instance-specific data expando = "sizzle" + -(new Date()), preferredDoc = window.document, support = {}, dirruns = 0, done = 0, classCache = createCache(), tokenCache = createCache(), compilerCache = createCache(), // General-purpose constants strundefined = typeof undefined, MAX_NEGATIVE = 1 << 31, // Array methods arr = [], pop = arr.pop, push = arr.push, slice = arr.slice, // Use a stripped-down indexOf if we can't use a native one indexOf = arr.indexOf || function( elem ) { var i = 0, len = this.length; for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { if ( this[i] === elem ) { return i; } } return -1; }, // Regular expressions // Whitespace characters http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#whitespace whitespace = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]", // http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/#characters characterEncoding = "(?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+", // Loosely modeled on CSS identifier characters // An unquoted value should be a CSS identifier http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#attribute-selectors // Proper syntax: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#value-def-identifier identifier = characterEncoding.replace( "w", "w#" ), // Acceptable operators http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#attribute-selectors operators = "([*^$|!~]?=)", attributes = "\\[" + whitespace + "*(" + characterEncoding + ")" + whitespace + "*(?:" + operators + whitespace + "*(?:(['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|(" + identifier + ")|)|)" + whitespace + "*\\]", // Prefer arguments quoted, // then not containing pseudos/brackets, // then attribute selectors/non-parenthetical expressions, // then anything else // These preferences are here to reduce the number of selectors // needing tokenize in the PSEUDO preFilter pseudos = ":(" + characterEncoding + ")(?:\\(((['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|" + attributes.replace( 3, 8 ) + ")*)|.*)\\)|)", // Leading and non-escaped trailing whitespace, capturing some non-whitespace characters preceding the latter rtrim = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + whitespace + "+$", "g" ), rcomma = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*," + whitespace + "*" ), rcombinators = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*([\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f>+~])" + whitespace + "*" ), rpseudo = new RegExp( pseudos ), ridentifier = new RegExp( "^" + identifier + "$" ), matchExpr = { "ID": new RegExp( "^#(" + characterEncoding + ")" ), "CLASS": new RegExp( "^\\.(" + characterEncoding + ")" ), "NAME": new RegExp( "^\\[name=['\"]?(" + characterEncoding + ")['\"]?\\]" ), "TAG": new RegExp( "^(" + characterEncoding.replace( "w", "w*" ) + ")" ), "ATTR": new RegExp( "^" + attributes ), "PSEUDO": new RegExp( "^" + pseudos ), "CHILD": new RegExp( "^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\\(" + whitespace + "*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)" + whitespace + "*(?:([+-]|)" + whitespace + "*(\\d+)|))" + whitespace + "*\\)|)", "i" ), // For use in libraries implementing .is() // We use this for POS matching in `select` "needsContext": new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\(" + whitespace + "*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)" + whitespace + "*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)", "i" ) }, rsibling = /[\x20\t\r\n\f]*[+~]/, rnative = /^[^{]+\{\s*\[native code/, // Easily-parseable/retrievable ID or TAG or CLASS selectors rquickExpr = /^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w-]+))$/, rinputs = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i, rheader = /^h\d$/i, rescape = /'|\\/g, rattributeQuotes = /\=[\x20\t\r\n\f]*([^'"\]]*)[\x20\t\r\n\f]*\]/g, // CSS escapes http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#escaped-characters runescape = /\\([\da-fA-F]{1,6}[\x20\t\r\n\f]?|.)/g, funescape = function( _, escaped ) { var high = "0x" + escaped - 0x10000; // NaN means non-codepoint return high !== high ? escaped : // BMP codepoint high < 0 ? String.fromCharCode( high + 0x10000 ) : // Supplemental Plane codepoint (surrogate pair) String.fromCharCode( high >> 10 | 0xD800, high & 0x3FF | 0xDC00 ); }; // Use a stripped-down slice if we can't use a native one try { slice.call( preferredDoc.documentElement.childNodes, 0 )[0].nodeType; } catch ( e ) { slice = function( i ) { var elem, results = []; while ( (elem = this[i++]) ) { results.push( elem ); } return results; }; } /** * For feature detection * @param {Function} fn The function to test for native support */ function isNative( fn ) { return rnative.test( fn + "" ); } /** * Create key-value caches of limited size * @returns {Function(string, Object)} Returns the Object data after storing it on itself with * property name the (space-suffixed) string and (if the cache is larger than Expr.cacheLength) * deleting the oldest entry */ function createCache() { var cache, keys = []; return (cache = function( key, value ) { // Use (key + " ") to avoid collision with native prototype properties (see Issue #157) if ( keys.push( key += " " ) > Expr.cacheLength ) { // Only keep the most recent entries delete cache[ keys.shift() ]; } return (cache[ key ] = value); }); } /** * Mark a function for special use by Sizzle * @param {Function} fn The function to mark */ function markFunction( fn ) { fn[ expando ] = true; return fn; } /** * Support testing using an element * @param {Function} fn Passed the created div and expects a boolean result */ function assert( fn ) { var div = document.createElement("div"); try { return fn( div ); } catch (e) { return false; } finally { // release memory in IE div = null; } } function Sizzle( selector, context, results, seed ) { var match, elem, m, nodeType, // QSA vars i, groups, old, nid, newContext, newSelector; if ( ( context ? context.ownerDocument || context : preferredDoc ) !== document ) { setDocument( context ); } context = context || document; results = results || []; if ( !selector || typeof selector !== "string" ) { return results; } if ( (nodeType = context.nodeType) !== 1 && nodeType !== 9 ) { return []; } if ( !documentIsXML && !seed ) { // Shortcuts if ( (match = rquickExpr.exec( selector )) ) { // Speed-up: Sizzle("#ID") if ( (m = match[1]) ) { if ( nodeType === 9 ) { elem = context.getElementById( m ); // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963 if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) { // Handle the case where IE, Opera, and Webkit return items // by name instead of ID if ( elem.id === m ) { results.push( elem ); return results; } } else { return results; } } else { // Context is not a document if ( context.ownerDocument && (elem = context.ownerDocument.getElementById( m )) && contains( context, elem ) && elem.id === m ) { results.push( elem ); return results; } } // Speed-up: Sizzle("TAG") } else if ( match[2] ) { push.apply( results, slice.call(context.getElementsByTagName( selector ), 0) ); return results; // Speed-up: Sizzle(".CLASS") } else if ( (m = match[3]) && support.getByClassName && context.getElementsByClassName ) { push.apply( results, slice.call(context.getElementsByClassName( m ), 0) ); return results; } } // QSA path if ( support.qsa && !rbuggyQSA.test(selector) ) { old = true; nid = expando; newContext = context; newSelector = nodeType === 9 && selector; // qSA works strangely on Element-rooted queries // We can work around this by specifying an extra ID on the root // and working up from there (Thanks to Andrew Dupont for the technique) // IE 8 doesn't work on object elements if ( nodeType === 1 && context.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object" ) { groups = tokenize( selector ); if ( (old = context.getAttribute("id")) ) { nid = old.replace( rescape, "\\$&" ); } else { context.setAttribute( "id", nid ); } nid = "[id='" + nid + "'] "; i = groups.length; while ( i-- ) { groups[i] = nid + toSelector( groups[i] ); } newContext = rsibling.test( selector ) && context.parentNode || context; newSelector = groups.join(","); } if ( newSelector ) { try { push.apply( results, slice.call( newContext.querySelectorAll( newSelector ), 0 ) ); return results; } catch(qsaError) { } finally { if ( !old ) { context.removeAttribute("id"); } } } } } // All others return select( selector.replace( rtrim, "$1" ), context, results, seed ); } /** * Detect xml * @param {Element|Object} elem An element or a document */ isXML = Sizzle.isXML = function( elem ) { // documentElement is verified for cases where it doesn't yet exist // (such as loading iframes in IE - #4833) var documentElement = elem && (elem.ownerDocument || elem).documentElement; return documentElement ? documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" : false; }; /** * Sets document-related variables once based on the current document * @param {Element|Object} [doc] An element or document object to use to set the document * @returns {Object} Returns the current document */ setDocument = Sizzle.setDocument = function( node ) { var doc = node ? node.ownerDocument || node : preferredDoc; // If no document and documentElement is available, return if ( doc === document || doc.nodeType !== 9 || !doc.documentElement ) { return document; } // Set our document document = doc; docElem = doc.documentElement; // Support tests documentIsXML = isXML( doc ); // Check if getElementsByTagName("*") returns only elements support.tagNameNoComments = assert(function( div ) { div.appendChild( doc.createComment("") ); return !div.getElementsByTagName("*").length; }); // Check if attributes should be retrieved by attribute nodes support.attributes = assert(function( div ) { div.innerHTML = "<select></select>"; var type = typeof div.lastChild.getAttribute("multiple"); // IE8 returns a string for some attributes even when not present return type !== "boolean" && type !== "string"; }); // Check if getElementsByClassName can be trusted support.getByClassName = assert(function( div ) { // Opera can't find a second classname (in 9.6) div.innerHTML = "<div class='hidden e'></div><div class='hidden'></div>"; if ( !div.getElementsByClassName || !div.getElementsByClassName("e").length ) { return false; } // Safari 3.2 caches class attributes and doesn't catch changes div.lastChild.className = "e"; return div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 2; }); // Check if getElementById returns elements by name // Check if getElementsByName privileges form controls or returns elements by ID support.getByName = assert(function( div ) { // Inject content div.id = expando + 0; div.innerHTML = "<a name='" + expando + "'></a><div name='" + expando + "'></div>"; docElem.insertBefore( div, docElem.firstChild ); // Test var pass = doc.getElementsByName && // buggy browsers will return fewer than the correct 2 doc.getElementsByName( expando ).length === 2 + // buggy browsers will return more than the correct 0 doc.getElementsByName( expando + 0 ).length; support.getIdNotName = !doc.getElementById( expando ); // Cleanup docElem.removeChild( div ); return pass; }); // IE6/7 return modified attributes Expr.attrHandle = assert(function( div ) { div.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>"; return div.firstChild && typeof div.firstChild.getAttribute !== strundefined && div.firstChild.getAttribute("href") === "#"; }) ? {} : { "href": function( elem ) { return elem.getAttribute( "href", 2 ); }, "type": function( elem ) { return elem.getAttribute("type"); } }; // ID find and filter if ( support.getIdNotName ) { Expr.find["ID"] = function( id, context ) { if ( typeof context.getElementById !== strundefined && !documentIsXML ) { var m = context.getElementById( id ); // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963 return m && m.parentNode ? [m] : []; } }; Expr.filter["ID"] = function( id ) { var attrId = id.replace( runescape, funescape ); return function( elem ) { return elem.getAttribute("id") === attrId; }; }; } else { Expr.find["ID"] = function( id, context ) { if ( typeof context.getElementById !== strundefined && !documentIsXML ) { var m = context.getElementById( id ); return m ? m.id === id || typeof m.getAttributeNode !== strundefined && m.getAttributeNode("id").value === id ? [m] : undefined : []; } }; Expr.filter["ID"] = function( id ) { var attrId = id.replace( runescape, funescape ); return function( elem ) { var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== strundefined && elem.getAttributeNode("id"); return node && node.value === attrId; }; }; } // Tag Expr.find["TAG"] = support.tagNameNoComments ? function( tag, context ) { if ( typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== strundefined ) { return context.getElementsByTagName( tag ); } } : function( tag, context ) { var elem, tmp = [], i = 0, results = context.getElementsByTagName( tag ); // Filter out possible comments if ( tag === "*" ) { while ( (elem = results[i++]) ) { if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) { tmp.push( elem ); } } return tmp; } return results; }; // Name Expr.find["NAME"] = support.getByName && function( tag, context ) { if ( typeof context.getElementsByName !== strundefined ) { return context.getElementsByName( name ); } }; // Class Expr.find["CLASS"] = support.getByClassName && function( className, context ) { if ( typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== strundefined && !documentIsXML ) { return context.getElementsByClassName( className ); } }; // QSA and matchesSelector support // matchesSelector(:active) reports false when true (IE9/Opera 11.5) rbuggyMatches = []; // qSa(:focus) reports false when true (Chrome 21), // no need to also add to buggyMatches since matches checks buggyQSA // A support test would require too much code (would include document ready) rbuggyQSA = [ ":focus" ]; if ( (support.qsa = isNative(doc.querySelectorAll)) ) { // Build QSA regex // Regex strategy adopted from Diego Perini assert(function( div ) { // Select is set to empty string on purpose // This is to test IE's treatment of not explictly // setting a boolean content attribute, // since its presence should be enough // http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/12359 div.innerHTML = "<select><option selected=''></option></select>"; // IE8 - Some boolean attributes are not treated correctly if ( !div.querySelectorAll("[selected]").length ) { rbuggyQSA.push( "\\[" + whitespace + "*(?:checked|disabled|ismap|multiple|readonly|selected|value)" ); } // Webkit/Opera - :checked should return selected option elements // http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-css3-selectors-20110929/#checked // IE8 throws error here and will not see later tests if ( !div.querySelectorAll(":checked").length ) { rbuggyQSA.push(":checked"); } }); assert(function( div ) { // Opera 10-12/IE8 - ^= $= *= and empty values // Should not select anything div.innerHTML = "<input type='hidden' i=''/>"; if ( div.querySelectorAll("[i^='']").length ) { rbuggyQSA.push( "[*^$]=" + whitespace + "*(?:\"\"|'')" ); } // FF 3.5 - :enabled/:disabled and hidden elements (hidden elements are still enabled) // IE8 throws error here and will not see later tests if ( !div.querySelectorAll(":enabled").length ) { rbuggyQSA.push( ":enabled", ":disabled" ); } // Opera 10-11 does not throw on post-comma invalid pseudos div.querySelectorAll("*,:x"); rbuggyQSA.push(",.*:"); }); } if ( (support.matchesSelector = isNative( (matches = docElem.matchesSelector || docElem.mozMatchesSelector || docElem.webkitMatchesSelector || docElem.oMatchesSelector || docElem.msMatchesSelector) )) ) { assert(function( div ) { // Check to see if it's possible to do matchesSelector // on a disconnected node (IE 9) support.disconnectedMatch = matches.call( div, "div" ); // This should fail with an exception // Gecko does not error, returns false instead matches.call( div, "[s!='']:x" ); rbuggyMatches.push( "!=", pseudos ); }); } rbuggyQSA = new RegExp( rbuggyQSA.join("|") ); rbuggyMatches = new RegExp( rbuggyMatches.join("|") ); // Element contains another // Purposefully does not implement inclusive descendent // As in, an element does not contain itself contains = isNative(docElem.contains) || docElem.compareDocumentPosition ? function( a, b ) { var adown = a.nodeType === 9 ? a.documentElement : a, bup = b && b.parentNode; return a === bup || !!( bup && bup.nodeType === 1 && ( adown.contains ? adown.contains( bup ) : a.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition( bup ) & 16 )); } : function( a, b ) { if ( b ) { while ( (b = b.parentNode) ) { if ( b === a ) { return true; } } } return false; }; // Document order sorting sortOrder = docElem.compareDocumentPosition ? function( a, b ) { var compare; if ( a === b ) { hasDuplicate = true; return 0; } if ( (compare = b.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition( b )) ) { if ( compare & 1 || a.parentNode && a.parentNode.nodeType === 11 ) { if ( a === doc || contains( preferredDoc, a ) ) { return -1; } if ( b === doc || contains( preferredDoc, b ) ) { return 1; } return 0; } return compare & 4 ? -1 : 1; } return a.compareDocumentPosition ? -1 : 1; } : function( a, b ) { var cur, i = 0, aup = a.parentNode, bup = b.parentNode, ap = [ a ], bp = [ b ]; // Exit early if the nodes are identical if ( a === b ) { hasDuplicate = true; return 0; // Parentless nodes are either documents or disconnected } else if ( !aup || !bup ) { return a === doc ? -1 : b === doc ? 1 : aup ? -1 : bup ? 1 : 0; // If the nodes are siblings, we can do a quick check } else if ( aup === bup ) { return siblingCheck( a, b ); } // Otherwise we need full lists of their ancestors for comparison cur = a; while ( (cur = cur.parentNode) ) { ap.unshift( cur ); } cur = b; while ( (cur = cur.parentNode) ) { bp.unshift( cur ); } // Walk down the tree looking for a discrepancy while ( ap[i] === bp[i] ) { i++; } return i ? // Do a sibling check if the nodes have a common ancestor siblingCheck( ap[i], bp[i] ) : // Otherwise nodes in our document sort first ap[i] === preferredDoc ? -1 : bp[i] === preferredDoc ? 1 : 0; }; // Always assume the presence of duplicates if sort doesn't // pass them to our comparison function (as in Google Chrome). hasDuplicate = false; [0, 0].sort( sortOrder ); support.detectDuplicates = hasDuplicate; return document; }; Sizzle.matches = function( expr, elements ) { return Sizzle( expr, null, null, elements ); }; Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( elem, expr ) { // Set document vars if needed if ( ( elem.ownerDocument || elem ) !== document ) { setDocument( elem ); } // Make sure that attribute selectors are quoted expr = expr.replace( rattributeQuotes, "='$1']" ); // rbuggyQSA always contains :focus, so no need for an existence check if ( support.matchesSelector && !documentIsXML && (!rbuggyMatches || !rbuggyMatches.test(expr)) && !rbuggyQSA.test(expr) ) { try { var ret = matches.call( elem, expr ); // IE 9's matchesSelector returns false on disconnected nodes if ( ret || support.disconnectedMatch || // As well, disconnected nodes are said to be in a document // fragment in IE 9 elem.document && elem.document.nodeType !== 11 ) { return ret; } } catch(e) {} } return Sizzle( expr, document, null, [elem] ).length > 0; }; Sizzle.contains = function( context, elem ) { // Set document vars if needed if ( ( context.ownerDocument || context ) !== document ) { setDocument( context ); } return contains( context, elem ); }; Sizzle.attr = function( elem, name ) { var val; // Set document vars if needed if ( ( elem.ownerDocument || elem ) !== document ) { setDocument( elem ); } if ( !documentIsXML ) { name = name.toLowerCase(); } if ( (val = Expr.attrHandle[ name ]) ) { return val( elem ); } if ( documentIsXML || support.attributes ) { return elem.getAttribute( name ); } return ( (val = elem.getAttributeNode( name )) || elem.getAttribute( name ) ) && elem[ name ] === true ? name : val && val.specified ? val.value : null; }; Sizzle.error = function( msg ) { throw new Error( "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg ); }; // Document sorting and removing duplicates Sizzle.uniqueSort = function( results ) { var elem, duplicates = [], i = 1, j = 0; // Unless we *know* we can detect duplicates, assume their presence hasDuplicate = !support.detectDuplicates; results.sort( sortOrder ); if ( hasDuplicate ) { for ( ; (elem = results[i]); i++ ) { if ( elem === results[ i - 1 ] ) { j = duplicates.push( i ); } } while ( j-- ) { results.splice( duplicates[ j ], 1 ); } } return results; }; function siblingCheck( a, b ) { var cur = b && a, diff = cur && ( ~b.sourceIndex || MAX_NEGATIVE ) - ( ~a.sourceIndex || MAX_NEGATIVE ); // Use IE sourceIndex if available on both nodes if ( diff ) { return diff; } // Check if b follows a if ( cur ) { while ( (cur = cur.nextSibling) ) { if ( cur === b ) { return -1; } } } return a ? 1 : -1; } // Returns a function to use in pseudos for input types function createInputPseudo( type ) { return function( elem ) { var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return name === "input" && elem.type === type; }; } // Returns a function to use in pseudos for buttons function createButtonPseudo( type ) { return function( elem ) { var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return (name === "input" || name === "button") && elem.type === type; }; } // Returns a function to use in pseudos for positionals function createPositionalPseudo( fn ) { return markFunction(function( argument ) { argument = +argument; return markFunction(function( seed, matches ) { var j, matchIndexes = fn( [], seed.length, argument ), i = matchIndexes.length; // Match elements found at the specified indexes while ( i-- ) { if ( seed[ (j = matchIndexes[i]) ] ) { seed[j] = !(matches[j] = seed[j]); } } }); }); } /** * Utility function for retrieving the text value of an array of DOM nodes * @param {Array|Element} elem */ getText = Sizzle.getText = function( elem ) { var node, ret = "", i = 0, nodeType = elem.nodeType; if ( !nodeType ) { // If no nodeType, this is expected to be an array for ( ; (node = elem[i]); i++ ) { // Do not traverse comment nodes ret += getText( node ); } } else if ( nodeType === 1 || nodeType === 9 || nodeType === 11 ) { // Use textContent for elements // innerText usage removed for consistency of new lines (see #11153) if ( typeof elem.textContent === "string" ) { return elem.textContent; } else { // Traverse its children for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling ) { ret += getText( elem ); } } } else if ( nodeType === 3 || nodeType === 4 ) { return elem.nodeValue; } // Do not include comment or processing instruction nodes return ret; }; Expr = Sizzle.selectors = { // Can be adjusted by the user cacheLength: 50, createPseudo: markFunction, match: matchExpr, find: {}, relative: { ">": { dir: "parentNode", first: true }, " ": { dir: "parentNode" }, "+": { dir: "previousSibling", first: true }, "~": { dir: "previousSibling" } }, preFilter: { "ATTR": function( match ) { match[1] = match[1].replace( runescape, funescape ); // Move the given value to match[3] whether quoted or unquoted match[3] = ( match[4] || match[5] || "" ).replace( runescape, funescape ); if ( match[2] === "~=" ) { match[3] = " " + match[3] + " "; } return match.slice( 0, 4 ); }, "CHILD": function( match ) { /* matches from matchExpr["CHILD"] 1 type (only|nth|...) 2 what (child|of-type) 3 argument (even|odd|\d*|\d*n([+-]\d+)?|...) 4 xn-component of xn+y argument ([+-]?\d*n|) 5 sign of xn-component 6 x of xn-component 7 sign of y-component 8 y of y-component */ match[1] = match[1].toLowerCase(); if ( match[1].slice( 0, 3 ) === "nth" ) { // nth-* requires argument if ( !match[3] ) { Sizzle.error( match[0] ); } // numeric x and y parameters for Expr.filter.CHILD // remember that false/true cast respectively to 0/1 match[4] = +( match[4] ? match[5] + (match[6] || 1) : 2 * ( match[3] === "even" || match[3] === "odd" ) ); match[5] = +( ( match[7] + match[8] ) || match[3] === "odd" ); // other types prohibit arguments } else if ( match[3] ) { Sizzle.error( match[0] ); } return match; }, "PSEUDO": function( match ) { var excess, unquoted = !match[5] && match[2]; if ( matchExpr["CHILD"].test( match[0] ) ) { return null; } // Accept quoted arguments as-is if ( match[4] ) { match[2] = match[4]; // Strip excess characters from unquoted arguments } else if ( unquoted && rpseudo.test( unquoted ) && // Get excess from tokenize (recursively) (excess = tokenize( unquoted, true )) && // advance to the next closing parenthesis (excess = unquoted.indexOf( ")", unquoted.length - excess ) - unquoted.length) ) { // excess is a negative index match[0] = match[0].slice( 0, excess ); match[2] = unquoted.slice( 0, excess ); } // Return only captures needed by the pseudo filter method (type and argument) return match.slice( 0, 3 ); } }, filter: { "TAG": function( nodeName ) { if ( nodeName === "*" ) { return function() { return true; }; } nodeName = nodeName.replace( runescape, funescape ).toLowerCase(); return function( elem ) { return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === nodeName; }; }, "CLASS": function( className ) { var pattern = classCache[ className + " " ]; return pattern || (pattern = new RegExp( "(^|" + whitespace + ")" + className + "(" + whitespace + "|$)" )) && classCache( className, function( elem ) { return pattern.test( elem.className || (typeof elem.getAttribute !== strundefined && elem.getAttribute("class")) || "" ); }); }, "ATTR": function( name, operator, check ) { return function( elem ) { var result = Sizzle.attr( elem, name ); if ( result == null ) { return operator === "!="; } if ( !operator ) { return true; } result += ""; return operator === "=" ? result === check : operator === "!=" ? result !== check : operator === "^=" ? check && result.indexOf( check ) === 0 : operator === "*=" ? check && result.indexOf( check ) > -1 : operator === "$=" ? check && result.slice( -check.length ) === check : operator === "~=" ? ( " " + result + " " ).indexOf( check ) > -1 : operator === "|=" ? result === check || result.slice( 0, check.length + 1 ) === check + "-" : false; }; }, "CHILD": function( type, what, argument, first, last ) { var simple = type.slice( 0, 3 ) !== "nth", forward = type.slice( -4 ) !== "last", ofType = what === "of-type"; return first === 1 && last === 0 ? // Shortcut for :nth-*(n) function( elem ) { return !!elem.parentNode; } : function( elem, context, xml ) { var cache, outerCache, node, diff, nodeIndex, start, dir = simple !== forward ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling", parent = elem.parentNode, name = ofType && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(), useCache = !xml && !ofType; if ( parent ) { // :(first|last|only)-(child|of-type) if ( simple ) { while ( dir ) { node = elem; while ( (node = node[ dir ]) ) { if ( ofType ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name : node.nodeType === 1 ) { return false; } } // Reverse direction for :only-* (if we haven't yet done so) start = dir = type === "only" && !start && "nextSibling"; } return true; } start = [ forward ? parent.firstChild : parent.lastChild ]; // non-xml :nth-child(...) stores cache data on `parent` if ( forward && useCache ) { // Seek `elem` from a previously-cached index outerCache = parent[ expando ] || (parent[ expando ] = {}); cache = outerCache[ type ] || []; nodeIndex = cache[0] === dirruns && cache[1]; diff = cache[0] === dirruns && cache[2]; node = nodeIndex && parent.childNodes[ nodeIndex ]; while ( (node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[ dir ] || // Fallback to seeking `elem` from the start (diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()) ) { // When found, cache indexes on `parent` and break if ( node.nodeType === 1 && ++diff && node === elem ) { outerCache[ type ] = [ dirruns, nodeIndex, diff ]; break; } } // Use previously-cached element index if available } else if ( useCache && (cache = (elem[ expando ] || (elem[ expando ] = {}))[ type ]) && cache[0] === dirruns ) { diff = cache[1]; // xml :nth-child(...) or :nth-last-child(...) or :nth(-last)?-of-type(...) } else { // Use the same loop as above to seek `elem` from the start while ( (node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[ dir ] || (diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()) ) { if ( ( ofType ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name : node.nodeType === 1 ) && ++diff ) { // Cache the index of each encountered element if ( useCache ) { (node[ expando ] || (node[ expando ] = {}))[ type ] = [ dirruns, diff ]; } if ( node === elem ) { break; } } } } // Incorporate the offset, then check against cycle size diff -= last; return diff === first || ( diff % first === 0 && diff / first >= 0 ); } }; }, "PSEUDO": function( pseudo, argument ) { // pseudo-class names are case-insensitive // http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#pseudo-classes // Prioritize by case sensitivity in case custom pseudos are added with uppercase letters // Remember that setFilters inherits from pseudos var args, fn = Expr.pseudos[ pseudo ] || Expr.setFilters[ pseudo.toLowerCase() ] || Sizzle.error( "unsupported pseudo: " + pseudo ); // The user may use createPseudo to indicate that // arguments are needed to create the filter function // just as Sizzle does if ( fn[ expando ] ) { return fn( argument ); } // But maintain support for old signatures if ( fn.length > 1 ) { args = [ pseudo, pseudo, "", argument ]; return Expr.setFilters.hasOwnProperty( pseudo.toLowerCase() ) ? markFunction(function( seed, matches ) { var idx, matched = fn( seed, argument ), i = matched.length; while ( i-- ) { idx = indexOf.call( seed, matched[i] ); seed[ idx ] = !( matches[ idx ] = matched[i] ); } }) : function( elem ) { return fn( elem, 0, args ); }; } return fn; } }, pseudos: { // Potentially complex pseudos "not": markFunction(function( selector ) { // Trim the selector passed to compile // to avoid treating leading and trailing // spaces as combinators var input = [], results = [], matcher = compile( selector.replace( rtrim, "$1" ) ); return matcher[ expando ] ? markFunction(function( seed, matches, context, xml ) { var elem, unmatched = matcher( seed, null, xml, [] ), i = seed.length; // Match elements unmatched by `matcher` while ( i-- ) { if ( (elem = unmatched[i]) ) { seed[i] = !(matches[i] = elem); } } }) : function( elem, context, xml ) { input[0] = elem; matcher( input, null, xml, results ); return !results.pop(); }; }), "has": markFunction(function( selector ) { return function( elem ) { return Sizzle( selector, elem ).length > 0; }; }), "contains": markFunction(function( text ) { return function( elem ) { return ( elem.textContent || elem.innerText || getText( elem ) ).indexOf( text ) > -1; }; }), // "Whether an element is represented by a :lang() selector // is based solely on the element's language value // being equal to the identifier C, // or beginning with the identifier C immediately followed by "-". // The matching of C against the element's language value is performed case-insensitively. // The identifier C does not have to be a valid language name." // http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#lang-pseudo "lang": markFunction( function( lang ) { // lang value must be a valid identifider if ( !ridentifier.test(lang || "") ) { Sizzle.error( "unsupported lang: " + lang ); } lang = lang.replace( runescape, funescape ).toLowerCase(); return function( elem ) { var elemLang; do { if ( (elemLang = documentIsXML ? elem.getAttribute("xml:lang") || elem.getAttribute("lang") : elem.lang) ) { elemLang = elemLang.toLowerCase(); return elemLang === lang || elemLang.indexOf( lang + "-" ) === 0; } } while ( (elem = elem.parentNode) && elem.nodeType === 1 ); return false; }; }), // Miscellaneous "target": function( elem ) { var hash = window.location && window.location.hash; return hash && hash.slice( 1 ) === elem.id; }, "root": function( elem ) { return elem === docElem; }, "focus": function( elem ) { return elem === document.activeElement && (!document.hasFocus || document.hasFocus()) && !!(elem.type || elem.href || ~elem.tabIndex); }, // Boolean properties "enabled": function( elem ) { return elem.disabled === false; }, "disabled": function( elem ) { return elem.disabled === true; }, "checked": function( elem ) { // In CSS3, :checked should return both checked and selected elements // http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-css3-selectors-20110929/#checked var nodeName = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return (nodeName === "input" && !!elem.checked) || (nodeName === "option" && !!elem.selected); }, "selected": function( elem ) { // Accessing this property makes selected-by-default // options in Safari work properly if ( elem.parentNode ) { elem.parentNode.selectedIndex; } return elem.selected === true; }, // Contents "empty": function( elem ) { // http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#empty-pseudo // :empty is only affected by element nodes and content nodes(including text(3), cdata(4)), // not comment, processing instructions, or others // Thanks to Diego Perini for the nodeName shortcut // Greater than "@" means alpha characters (specifically not starting with "#" or "?") for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling ) { if ( elem.nodeName > "@" || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 4 ) { return false; } } return true; }, "parent": function( elem ) { return !Expr.pseudos["empty"]( elem ); }, // Element/input types "header": function( elem ) { return rheader.test( elem.nodeName ); }, "input": function( elem ) { return rinputs.test( elem.nodeName ); }, "button": function( elem ) { var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return name === "input" && elem.type === "button" || name === "button"; }, "text": function( elem ) { var attr; // IE6 and 7 will map elem.type to 'text' for new HTML5 types (search, etc) // use getAttribute instead to test this case return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && elem.type === "text" && ( (attr = elem.getAttribute("type")) == null || attr.toLowerCase() === elem.type ); }, // Position-in-collection "first": createPositionalPseudo(function() { return [ 0 ]; }), "last": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) { return [ length - 1 ]; }), "eq": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) { return [ argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument ]; }), "even": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) { var i = 0; for ( ; i < length; i += 2 ) { matchIndexes.push( i ); } return matchIndexes; }), "odd": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) { var i = 1; for ( ; i < length; i += 2 ) { matchIndexes.push( i ); } return matchIndexes; }), "lt": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) { var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument; for ( ; --i >= 0; ) { matchIndexes.push( i ); } return matchIndexes; }), "gt": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) { var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument; for ( ; ++i < length; ) { matchIndexes.push( i ); } return matchIndexes; }) } }; // Add button/input type pseudos for ( i in { radio: true, checkbox: true, file: true, password: true, image: true } ) { Expr.pseudos[ i ] = createInputPseudo( i ); } for ( i in { submit: true, reset: true } ) { Expr.pseudos[ i ] = createButtonPseudo( i ); } function tokenize( selector, parseOnly ) { var matched, match, tokens, type, soFar, groups, preFilters, cached = tokenCache[ selector + " " ]; if ( cached ) { return parseOnly ? 0 : cached.slice( 0 ); } soFar = selector; groups = []; preFilters = Expr.preFilter; while ( soFar ) { // Comma and first run if ( !matched || (match = rcomma.exec( soFar )) ) { if ( match ) { // Don't consume trailing commas as valid soFar = soFar.slice( match[0].length ) || soFar; } groups.push( tokens = [] ); } matched = false; // Combinators if ( (match = rcombinators.exec( soFar )) ) { matched = match.shift(); tokens.push( { value: matched, // Cast descendant combinators to space type: match[0].replace( rtrim, " " ) } ); soFar = soFar.slice( matched.length ); } // Filters for ( type in Expr.filter ) { if ( (match = matchExpr[ type ].exec( soFar )) && (!preFilters[ type ] || (match = preFilters[ type ]( match ))) ) { matched = match.shift(); tokens.push( { value: matched, type: type, matches: match } ); soFar = soFar.slice( matched.length ); } } if ( !matched ) { break; } } // Return the length of the invalid excess // if we're just parsing // Otherwise, throw an error or return tokens return parseOnly ? soFar.length : soFar ? Sizzle.error( selector ) : // Cache the tokens tokenCache( selector, groups ).slice( 0 ); } function toSelector( tokens ) { var i = 0, len = tokens.length, selector = ""; for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { selector += tokens[i].value; } return selector; } function addCombinator( matcher, combinator, base ) { var dir = combinator.dir, checkNonElements = base && dir === "parentNode", doneName = done++; return combinator.first ? // Check against closest ancestor/preceding element function( elem, context, xml ) { while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) { if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) { return matcher( elem, context, xml ); } } } : // Check against all ancestor/preceding elements function( elem, context, xml ) { var data, cache, outerCache, dirkey = dirruns + " " + doneName; // We can't set arbitrary data on XML nodes, so they don't benefit from dir caching if ( xml ) { while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) { if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) { if ( matcher( elem, context, xml ) ) { return true; } } } } else { while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) { if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) { outerCache = elem[ expando ] || (elem[ expando ] = {}); if ( (cache = outerCache[ dir ]) && cache[0] === dirkey ) { if ( (data = cache[1]) === true || data === cachedruns ) { return data === true; } } else { cache = outerCache[ dir ] = [ dirkey ]; cache[1] = matcher( elem, context, xml ) || cachedruns; if ( cache[1] === true ) { return true; } } } } } }; } function elementMatcher( matchers ) { return matchers.length > 1 ? function( elem, context, xml ) { var i = matchers.length; while ( i-- ) { if ( !matchers[i]( elem, context, xml ) ) { return false; } } return true; } : matchers[0]; } function condense( unmatched, map, filter, context, xml ) { var elem, newUnmatched = [], i = 0, len = unmatched.length, mapped = map != null; for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { if ( (elem = unmatched[i]) ) { if ( !filter || filter( elem, context, xml ) ) { newUnmatched.push( elem ); if ( mapped ) { map.push( i ); } } } } return newUnmatched; } function setMatcher( preFilter, selector, matcher, postFilter, postFinder, postSelector ) { if ( postFilter && !postFilter[ expando ] ) { postFilter = setMatcher( postFilter ); } if ( postFinder && !postFinder[ expando ] ) { postFinder = setMatcher( postFinder, postSelector ); } return markFunction(function( seed, results, context, xml ) { var temp, i, elem, preMap = [], postMap = [], preexisting = results.length, // Get initial elements from seed or context elems = seed || multipleContexts( selector || "*", context.nodeType ? [ context ] : context, [] ), // Prefilter to get matcher input, preserving a map for seed-results synchronization matcherIn = preFilter && ( seed || !selector ) ? condense( elems, preMap, preFilter, context, xml ) : elems, matcherOut = matcher ? // If we have a postFinder, or filtered seed, or non-seed postFilter or preexisting results, postFinder || ( seed ? preFilter : preexisting || postFilter ) ? // ...intermediate processing is necessary [] : // ...otherwise use results directly results : matcherIn; // Find primary matches if ( matcher ) { matcher( matcherIn, matcherOut, context, xml ); } // Apply postFilter if ( postFilter ) { temp = condense( matcherOut, postMap ); postFilter( temp, [], context, xml ); // Un-match failing elements by moving them back to matcherIn i = temp.length; while ( i-- ) { if ( (elem = temp[i]) ) { matcherOut[ postMap[i] ] = !(matcherIn[ postMap[i] ] = elem); } } } if ( seed ) { if ( postFinder || preFilter ) { if ( postFinder ) { // Get the final matcherOut by condensing this intermediate into postFinder contexts temp = []; i = matcherOut.length; while ( i-- ) { if ( (elem = matcherOut[i]) ) { // Restore matcherIn since elem is not yet a final match temp.push( (matcherIn[i] = elem) ); } } postFinder( null, (matcherOut = []), temp, xml ); } // Move matched elements from seed to results to keep them synchronized i = matcherOut.length; while ( i-- ) { if ( (elem = matcherOut[i]) && (temp = postFinder ? indexOf.call( seed, elem ) : preMap[i]) > -1 ) { seed[temp] = !(results[temp] = elem); } } } // Add elements to results, through postFinder if defined } else { matcherOut = condense( matcherOut === results ? matcherOut.splice( preexisting, matcherOut.length ) : matcherOut ); if ( postFinder ) { postFinder( null, results, matcherOut, xml ); } else { push.apply( results, matcherOut ); } } }); } function matcherFromTokens( tokens ) { var checkContext, matcher, j, len = tokens.length, leadingRelative = Expr.relative[ tokens[0].type ], implicitRelative = leadingRelative || Expr.relative[" "], i = leadingRelative ? 1 : 0, // The foundational matcher ensures that elements are reachable from top-level context(s) matchContext = addCombinator( function( elem ) { return elem === checkContext; }, implicitRelative, true ), matchAnyContext = addCombinator( function( elem ) { return indexOf.call( checkContext, elem ) > -1; }, implicitRelative, true ), matchers = [ function( elem, context, xml ) { return ( !leadingRelative && ( xml || context !== outermostContext ) ) || ( (checkContext = context).nodeType ? matchContext( elem, context, xml ) : matchAnyContext( elem, context, xml ) ); } ]; for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { if ( (matcher = Expr.relative[ tokens[i].type ]) ) { matchers = [ addCombinator(elementMatcher( matchers ), matcher) ]; } else { matcher = Expr.filter[ tokens[i].type ].apply( null, tokens[i].matches ); // Return special upon seeing a positional matcher if ( matcher[ expando ] ) { // Find the next relative operator (if any) for proper handling j = ++i; for ( ; j < len; j++ ) { if ( Expr.relative[ tokens[j].type ] ) { break; } } return setMatcher( i > 1 && elementMatcher( matchers ), i > 1 && toSelector( tokens.slice( 0, i - 1 ) ).replace( rtrim, "$1" ), matcher, i < j && matcherFromTokens( tokens.slice( i, j ) ), j < len && matcherFromTokens( (tokens = tokens.slice( j )) ), j < len && toSelector( tokens ) ); } matchers.push( matcher ); } } return elementMatcher( matchers ); } function matcherFromGroupMatchers( elementMatchers, setMatchers ) { // A counter to specify which element is currently being matched var matcherCachedRuns = 0, bySet = setMatchers.length > 0, byElement = elementMatchers.length > 0, superMatcher = function( seed, context, xml, results, expandContext ) { var elem, j, matcher, setMatched = [], matchedCount = 0, i = "0", unmatched = seed && [], outermost = expandContext != null, contextBackup = outermostContext, // We must always have either seed elements or context elems = seed || byElement && Expr.find["TAG"]( "*", expandContext && context.parentNode || context ), // Use integer dirruns iff this is the outermost matcher dirrunsUnique = (dirruns += contextBackup == null ? 1 : Math.random() || 0.1); if ( outermost ) { outermostContext = context !== document && context; cachedruns = matcherCachedRuns; } // Add elements passing elementMatchers directly to results // Keep `i` a string if there are no elements so `matchedCount` will be "00" below for ( ; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) { if ( byElement && elem ) { j = 0; while ( (matcher = elementMatchers[j++]) ) { if ( matcher( elem, context, xml ) ) { results.push( elem ); break; } } if ( outermost ) { dirruns = dirrunsUnique; cachedruns = ++matcherCachedRuns; } } // Track unmatched elements for set filters if ( bySet ) { // They will have gone through all possible matchers if ( (elem = !matcher && elem) ) { matchedCount--; } // Lengthen the array for every element, matched or not if ( seed ) { unmatched.push( elem ); } } } // Apply set filters to unmatched elements matchedCount += i; if ( bySet && i !== matchedCount ) { j = 0; while ( (matcher = setMatchers[j++]) ) { matcher( unmatched, setMatched, context, xml ); } if ( seed ) { // Reintegrate element matches to eliminate the need for sorting if ( matchedCount > 0 ) { while ( i-- ) { if ( !(unmatched[i] || setMatched[i]) ) { setMatched[i] = pop.call( results ); } } } // Discard index placeholder values to get only actual matches setMatched = condense( setMatched ); } // Add matches to results push.apply( results, setMatched ); // Seedless set matches succeeding multiple successful matchers stipulate sorting if ( outermost && !seed && setMatched.length > 0 && ( matchedCount + setMatchers.length ) > 1 ) { Sizzle.uniqueSort( results ); } } // Override manipulation of globals by nested matchers if ( outermost ) { dirruns = dirrunsUnique; outermostContext = contextBackup; } return unmatched; }; return bySet ? markFunction( superMatcher ) : superMatcher; } compile = Sizzle.compile = function( selector, group /* Internal Use Only */ ) { var i, setMatchers = [], elementMatchers = [], cached = compilerCache[ selector + " " ]; if ( !cached ) { // Generate a function of recursive functions that can be used to check each element if ( !group ) { group = tokenize( selector ); } i = group.length; while ( i-- ) { cached = matcherFromTokens( group[i] ); if ( cached[ expando ] ) { setMatchers.push( cached ); } else { elementMatchers.push( cached ); } } // Cache the compiled function cached = compilerCache( selector, matcherFromGroupMatchers( elementMatchers, setMatchers ) ); } return cached; }; function multipleContexts( selector, contexts, results ) { var i = 0, len = contexts.length; for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { Sizzle( selector, contexts[i], results ); } return results; } function select( selector, context, results, seed ) { var i, tokens, token, type, find, match = tokenize( selector ); if ( !seed ) { // Try to minimize operations if there is only one group if ( match.length === 1 ) { // Take a shortcut and set the context if the root selector is an ID tokens = match[0] = match[0].slice( 0 ); if ( tokens.length > 2 && (token = tokens[0]).type === "ID" && context.nodeType === 9 && !documentIsXML && Expr.relative[ tokens[1].type ] ) { context = Expr.find["ID"]( token.matches[0].replace( runescape, funescape ), context )[0]; if ( !context ) { return results; } selector = selector.slice( tokens.shift().value.length ); } // Fetch a seed set for right-to-left matching i = matchExpr["needsContext"].test( selector ) ? 0 : tokens.length; while ( i-- ) { token = tokens[i]; // Abort if we hit a combinator if ( Expr.relative[ (type = token.type) ] ) { break; } if ( (find = Expr.find[ type ]) ) { // Search, expanding context for leading sibling combinators if ( (seed = find( token.matches[0].replace( runescape, funescape ), rsibling.test( tokens[0].type ) && context.parentNode || context )) ) { // If seed is empty or no tokens remain, we can return early tokens.splice( i, 1 ); selector = seed.length && toSelector( tokens ); if ( !selector ) { push.apply( results, slice.call( seed, 0 ) ); return results; } break; } } } } } // Compile and execute a filtering function // Provide `match` to avoid retokenization if we modified the selector above compile( selector, match )( seed, context, documentIsXML, results, rsibling.test( selector ) ); return results; } // Deprecated Expr.pseudos["nth"] = Expr.pseudos["eq"]; // Easy API for creating new setFilters function setFilters() {} Expr.filters = setFilters.prototype = Expr.pseudos; Expr.setFilters = new setFilters(); // Initialize with the default document setDocument(); // Override sizzle attribute retrieval Sizzle.attr = jQuery.attr; jQuery.find = Sizzle; jQuery.expr = Sizzle.selectors; jQuery.expr[":"] = jQuery.expr.pseudos; jQuery.unique = Sizzle.uniqueSort; jQuery.text = Sizzle.getText; jQuery.isXMLDoc = Sizzle.isXML; jQuery.contains = Sizzle.contains; })( window ); var runtil = /Until$/, rparentsprev = /^(?:parents|prev(?:Until|All))/, isSimple = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/, rneedsContext = jQuery.expr.match.needsContext, // methods guaranteed to produce a unique set when starting from a unique set guaranteedUnique = { children: true, contents: true, next: true, prev: true }; jQuery.fn.extend({ find: function( selector ) { var i, ret, self, len = this.length; if ( typeof selector !== "string" ) { self = this; return this.pushStack( jQuery( selector ).filter(function() { for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { if ( jQuery.contains( self[ i ], this ) ) { return true; } } }) ); } ret = []; for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { jQuery.find( selector, this[ i ], ret ); } // Needed because $( selector, context ) becomes $( context ).find( selector ) ret = this.pushStack( len > 1 ? jQuery.unique( ret ) : ret ); ret.selector = ( this.selector ? this.selector + " " : "" ) + selector; return ret; }, has: function( target ) { var i, targets = jQuery( target, this ), len = targets.length; return this.filter(function() { for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { if ( jQuery.contains( this, targets[i] ) ) { return true; } } }); }, not: function( selector ) { return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector, false) ); }, filter: function( selector ) { return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector, true) ); }, is: function( selector ) { return !!selector && ( typeof selector === "string" ? // If this is a positional/relative selector, check membership in the returned set // so $("p:first").is("p:last") won't return true for a doc with two "p". rneedsContext.test( selector ) ? jQuery( selector, this.context ).index( this[0] ) >= 0 : jQuery.filter( selector, this ).length > 0 : this.filter( selector ).length > 0 ); }, closest: function( selectors, context ) { var cur, i = 0, l = this.length, ret = [], pos = rneedsContext.test( selectors ) || typeof selectors !== "string" ? jQuery( selectors, context || this.context ) : 0; for ( ; i < l; i++ ) { cur = this[i]; while ( cur && cur.ownerDocument && cur !== context && cur.nodeType !== 11 ) { if ( pos ? pos.index(cur) > -1 : jQuery.find.matchesSelector(cur, selectors) ) { ret.push( cur ); break; } cur = cur.parentNode; } } return this.pushStack( ret.length > 1 ? jQuery.unique( ret ) : ret ); }, // Determine the position of an element within // the matched set of elements index: function( elem ) { // No argument, return index in parent if ( !elem ) { return ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) ? this.first().prevAll().length : -1; } // index in selector if ( typeof elem === "string" ) { return jQuery.inArray( this[0], jQuery( elem ) ); } // Locate the position of the desired element return jQuery.inArray( // If it receives a jQuery object, the first element is used elem.jquery ? elem[0] : elem, this ); }, add: function( selector, context ) { var set = typeof selector === "string" ? jQuery( selector, context ) : jQuery.makeArray( selector && selector.nodeType ? [ selector ] : selector ), all = jQuery.merge( this.get(), set ); return this.pushStack( jQuery.unique(all) ); }, addBack: function( selector ) { return this.add( selector == null ? this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter(selector) ); } }); jQuery.fn.andSelf = jQuery.fn.addBack; function sibling( cur, dir ) { do { cur = cur[ dir ]; } while ( cur && cur.nodeType !== 1 ); return cur; } jQuery.each({ parent: function( elem ) { var parent = elem.parentNode; return parent && parent.nodeType !== 11 ? parent : null; }, parents: function( elem ) { return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode" ); }, parentsUntil: function( elem, i, until ) { return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode", until ); }, next: function( elem ) { return sibling( elem, "nextSibling" ); }, prev: function( elem ) { return sibling( elem, "previousSibling" ); }, nextAll: function( elem ) { return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling" ); }, prevAll: function( elem ) { return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling" ); }, nextUntil: function( elem, i, until ) { return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling", until ); }, prevUntil: function( elem, i, until ) { return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling", until ); }, siblings: function( elem ) { return jQuery.sibling( ( elem.parentNode || {} ).firstChild, elem ); }, children: function( elem ) { return jQuery.sibling( elem.firstChild ); }, contents: function( elem ) { return jQuery.nodeName( elem, "iframe" ) ? elem.contentDocument || elem.contentWindow.document : jQuery.merge( [], elem.childNodes ); } }, function( name, fn ) { jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( until, selector ) { var ret = jQuery.map( this, fn, until ); if ( !runtil.test( name ) ) { selector = until; } if ( selector && typeof selector === "string" ) { ret = jQuery.filter( selector, ret ); } ret = this.length > 1 && !guaranteedUnique[ name ] ? jQuery.unique( ret ) : ret; if ( this.length > 1 && rparentsprev.test( name ) ) { ret = ret.reverse(); } return this.pushStack( ret ); }; }); jQuery.extend({ filter: function( expr, elems, not ) { if ( not ) { expr = ":not(" + expr + ")"; } return elems.length === 1 ? jQuery.find.matchesSelector(elems[0], expr) ? [ elems[0] ] : [] : jQuery.find.matches(expr, elems); }, dir: function( elem, dir, until ) { var matched = [], cur = elem[ dir ]; while ( cur && cur.nodeType !== 9 && (until === undefined || cur.nodeType !== 1 || !jQuery( cur ).is( until )) ) { if ( cur.nodeType === 1 ) { matched.push( cur ); } cur = cur[dir]; } return matched; }, sibling: function( n, elem ) { var r = []; for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) { if ( n.nodeType === 1 && n !== elem ) { r.push( n ); } } return r; } }); // Implement the identical functionality for filter and not function winnow( elements, qualifier, keep ) { // Can't pass null or undefined to indexOf in Firefox 4 // Set to 0 to skip string check qualifier = qualifier || 0; if ( jQuery.isFunction( qualifier ) ) { return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) { var retVal = !!qualifier.call( elem, i, elem ); return retVal === keep; }); } else if ( qualifier.nodeType ) { return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem ) { return ( elem === qualifier ) === keep; }); } else if ( typeof qualifier === "string" ) { var filtered = jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem ) { return elem.nodeType === 1; }); if ( isSimple.test( qualifier ) ) { return jQuery.filter(qualifier, filtered, !keep); } else { qualifier = jQuery.filter( qualifier, filtered ); } } return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem ) { return ( jQuery.inArray( elem, qualifier ) >= 0 ) === keep; }); } function createSafeFragment( document ) { var list = nodeNames.split( "|" ), safeFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(); if ( safeFrag.createElement ) { while ( list.length ) { safeFrag.createElement( list.pop() ); } } return safeFrag; } var nodeNames = "abbr|article|aside|audio|bdi|canvas|data|datalist|details|figcaption|figure|footer|" + "header|hgroup|mark|meter|nav|output|progress|section|summary|time|video", rinlinejQuery = / jQuery\d+="(?:null|\d+)"/g, rnoshimcache = new RegExp("<(?:" + nodeNames + ")[\\s/>]", "i"), rleadingWhitespace = /^\s+/, rxhtmlTag = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/gi, rtagName = /<([\w:]+)/, rtbody = /<tbody/i, rhtml = /<|&#?\w+;/, rnoInnerhtml = /<(?:script|style|link)/i, manipulation_rcheckableType = /^(?:checkbox|radio)$/i, // checked="checked" or checked rchecked = /checked\s*(?:[^=]|=\s*.checked.)/i, rscriptType = /^$|\/(?:java|ecma)script/i, rscriptTypeMasked = /^true\/(.*)/, rcleanScript = /^\s*<!(?:\[CDATA\[|--)|(?:\]\]|--)>\s*$/g, // We have to close these tags to support XHTML (#13200) wrapMap = { option: [ 1, "<select multiple='multiple'>", "</select>" ], legend: [ 1, "<fieldset>", "</fieldset>" ], area: [ 1, "<map>", "</map>" ], param: [ 1, "<object>", "</object>" ], thead: [ 1, "<table>", "</table>" ], tr: [ 2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>" ], col: [ 2, "<table><tbody></tbody><colgroup>", "</colgroup></table>" ], td: [ 3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>" ], // IE6-8 can't serialize link, script, style, or any html5 (NoScope) tags, // unless wrapped in a div with non-breaking characters in front of it. _default: jQuery.support.htmlSerialize ? [ 0, "", "" ] : [ 1, "X<div>", "</div>" ] }, safeFragment = createSafeFragment( document ), fragmentDiv = safeFragment.appendChild( document.createElement("div") ); wrapMap.optgroup = wrapMap.option; wrapMap.tbody = wrapMap.tfoot = wrapMap.colgroup = wrapMap.caption = wrapMap.thead; wrapMap.th = wrapMap.td; jQuery.fn.extend({ text: function( value ) { return jQuery.access( this, function( value ) { return value === undefined ? jQuery.text( this ) : this.empty().append( ( this[0] && this[0].ownerDocument || document ).createTextNode( value ) ); }, null, value, arguments.length ); }, wrapAll: function( html ) { if ( jQuery.isFunction( html ) ) { return this.each(function(i) { jQuery(this).wrapAll( html.call(this, i) ); }); } if ( this[0] ) { // The elements to wrap the target around var wrap = jQuery( html, this[0].ownerDocument ).eq(0).clone(true); if ( this[0].parentNode ) { wrap.insertBefore( this[0] ); } wrap.map(function() { var elem = this; while ( elem.firstChild && elem.firstChild.nodeType === 1 ) { elem = elem.firstChild; } return elem; }).append( this ); } return this; }, wrapInner: function( html ) { if ( jQuery.isFunction( html ) ) { return this.each(function(i) { jQuery(this).wrapInner( html.call(this, i) ); }); } return this.each(function() { var self = jQuery( this ), contents = self.contents(); if ( contents.length ) { contents.wrapAll( html ); } else { self.append( html ); } }); }, wrap: function( html ) { var isFunction = jQuery.isFunction( html ); return this.each(function(i) { jQuery( this ).wrapAll( isFunction ? html.call(this, i) : html ); }); }, unwrap: function() { return this.parent().each(function() { if ( !jQuery.nodeName( this, "body" ) ) { jQuery( this ).replaceWith( this.childNodes ); } }).end(); }, append: function() { return this.domManip(arguments, true, function( elem ) { if ( this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11 || this.nodeType === 9 ) { this.appendChild( elem ); } }); }, prepend: function() { return this.domManip(arguments, true, function( elem ) { if ( this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11 || this.nodeType === 9 ) { this.insertBefore( elem, this.firstChild ); } }); }, before: function() { return this.domManip( arguments, false, function( elem ) { if ( this.parentNode ) { this.parentNode.insertBefore( elem, this ); } }); }, after: function() { return this.domManip( arguments, false, function( elem ) { if ( this.parentNode ) { this.parentNode.insertBefore( elem, this.nextSibling ); } }); }, // keepData is for internal use only--do not document remove: function( selector, keepData ) { var elem, i = 0; for ( ; (elem = this[i]) != null; i++ ) { if ( !selector || jQuery.filter( selector, [ elem ] ).length > 0 ) { if ( !keepData && elem.nodeType === 1 ) { jQuery.cleanData( getAll( elem ) ); } if ( elem.parentNode ) { if ( keepData && jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument, elem ) ) { setGlobalEval( getAll( elem, "script" ) ); } elem.parentNode.removeChild( elem ); } } } return this; }, empty: function() { var elem, i = 0; for ( ; (elem = this[i]) != null; i++ ) { // Remove element nodes and prevent memory leaks if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) { jQuery.cleanData( getAll( elem, false ) ); } // Remove any remaining nodes while ( elem.firstChild ) { elem.removeChild( elem.firstChild ); } // If this is a select, ensure that it displays empty (#12336) // Support: IE<9 if ( elem.options && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "select" ) ) { elem.options.length = 0; } } return this; }, clone: function( dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents ) { dataAndEvents = dataAndEvents == null ? false : dataAndEvents; deepDataAndEvents = deepDataAndEvents == null ? dataAndEvents : deepDataAndEvents; return this.map( function () { return jQuery.clone( this, dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents ); }); }, html: function( value ) { return jQuery.access( this, function( value ) { var elem = this[0] || {}, i = 0, l = this.length; if ( value === undefined ) { return elem.nodeType === 1 ? elem.innerHTML.replace( rinlinejQuery, "" ) : undefined; } // See if we can take a shortcut and just use innerHTML if ( typeof value === "string" && !rnoInnerhtml.test( value ) && ( jQuery.support.htmlSerialize || !rnoshimcache.test( value ) ) && ( jQuery.support.leadingWhitespace || !rleadingWhitespace.test( value ) ) && !wrapMap[ ( rtagName.exec( value ) || ["", ""] )[1].toLowerCase() ] ) { value = value.replace( rxhtmlTag, "<$1></$2>" ); try { for (; i < l; i++ ) { // Remove element nodes and prevent memory leaks elem = this[i] || {}; if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) { jQuery.cleanData( getAll( elem, false ) ); elem.innerHTML = value; } } elem = 0; // If using innerHTML throws an exception, use the fallback method } catch(e) {} } if ( elem ) { this.empty().append( value ); } }, null, value, arguments.length ); }, replaceWith: function( value ) { var isFunc = jQuery.isFunction( value ); // Make sure that the elements are removed from the DOM before they are inserted // this can help fix replacing a parent with child elements if ( !isFunc && typeof value !== "string" ) { value = jQuery( value ).not( this ).detach(); } return this.domManip( [ value ], true, function( elem ) { var next = this.nextSibling, parent = this.parentNode; if ( parent ) { jQuery( this ).remove(); parent.insertBefore( elem, next ); } }); }, detach: function( selector ) { return this.remove( selector, true ); }, domManip: function( args, table, callback ) { // Flatten any nested arrays args = core_concat.apply( [], args ); var first, node, hasScripts, scripts, doc, fragment, i = 0, l = this.length, set = this, iNoClone = l - 1, value = args[0], isFunction = jQuery.isFunction( value ); // We can't cloneNode fragments that contain checked, in WebKit if ( isFunction || !( l <= 1 || typeof value !== "string" || jQuery.support.checkClone || !rchecked.test( value ) ) ) { return this.each(function( index ) { var self = set.eq( index ); if ( isFunction ) { args[0] = value.call( this, index, table ? self.html() : undefined ); } self.domManip( args, table, callback ); }); } if ( l ) { fragment = jQuery.buildFragment( args, this[ 0 ].ownerDocument, false, this ); first = fragment.firstChild; if ( fragment.childNodes.length === 1 ) { fragment = first; } if ( first ) { table = table && jQuery.nodeName( first, "tr" ); scripts = jQuery.map( getAll( fragment, "script" ), disableScript ); hasScripts = scripts.length; // Use the original fragment for the last item instead of the first because it can end up // being emptied incorrectly in certain situations (#8070). for ( ; i < l; i++ ) { node = fragment; if ( i !== iNoClone ) { node = jQuery.clone( node, true, true ); // Keep references to cloned scripts for later restoration if ( hasScripts ) { jQuery.merge( scripts, getAll( node, "script" ) ); } } callback.call( table && jQuery.nodeName( this[i], "table" ) ? findOrAppend( this[i], "tbody" ) : this[i], node, i ); } if ( hasScripts ) { doc = scripts[ scripts.length - 1 ].ownerDocument; // Reenable scripts jQuery.map( scripts, restoreScript ); // Evaluate executable scripts on first document insertion for ( i = 0; i < hasScripts; i++ ) { node = scripts[ i ]; if ( rscriptType.test( node.type || "" ) && !jQuery._data( node, "globalEval" ) && jQuery.contains( doc, node ) ) { if ( node.src ) { // Hope ajax is available... jQuery.ajax({ url: node.src, type: "GET", dataType: "script", async: false, global: false, "throws": true }); } else { jQuery.globalEval( ( node.text || node.textContent || node.innerHTML || "" ).replace( rcleanScript, "" ) ); } } } } // Fix #11809: Avoid leaking memory fragment = first = null; } } return this; } }); function findOrAppend( elem, tag ) { return elem.getElementsByTagName( tag )[0] || elem.appendChild( elem.ownerDocument.createElement( tag ) ); } // Replace/restore the type attribute of script elements for safe DOM manipulation function disableScript( elem ) { var attr = elem.getAttributeNode("type"); elem.type = ( attr && attr.specified ) + "/" + elem.type; return elem; } function restoreScript( elem ) { var match = rscriptTypeMasked.exec( elem.type ); if ( match ) { elem.type = match[1]; } else { elem.removeAttribute("type"); } return elem; } // Mark scripts as having already been evaluated function setGlobalEval( elems, refElements ) { var elem, i = 0; for ( ; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) { jQuery._data( elem, "globalEval", !refElements || jQuery._data( refElements[i], "globalEval" ) ); } } function cloneCopyEvent( src, dest ) { if ( dest.nodeType !== 1 || !jQuery.hasData( src ) ) { return; } var type, i, l, oldData = jQuery._data( src ), curData = jQuery._data( dest, oldData ), events = oldData.events; if ( events ) { delete curData.handle; curData.events = {}; for ( type in events ) { for ( i = 0, l = events[ type ].length; i < l; i++ ) { jQuery.event.add( dest, type, events[ type ][ i ] ); } } } // make the cloned public data object a copy from the original if ( curData.data ) { curData.data = jQuery.extend( {}, curData.data ); } } function fixCloneNodeIssues( src, dest ) { var nodeName, e, data; // We do not need to do anything for non-Elements if ( dest.nodeType !== 1 ) { return; } nodeName = dest.nodeName.toLowerCase(); // IE6-8 copies events bound via attachEvent when using cloneNode. if ( !jQuery.support.noCloneEvent && dest[ jQuery.expando ] ) { data = jQuery._data( dest ); for ( e in data.events ) { jQuery.removeEvent( dest, e, data.handle ); } // Event data gets referenced instead of copied if the expando gets copied too dest.removeAttribute( jQuery.expando ); } // IE blanks contents when cloning scripts, and tries to evaluate newly-set text if ( nodeName === "script" && dest.text !== src.text ) { disableScript( dest ).text = src.text; restoreScript( dest ); // IE6-10 improperly clones children of object elements using classid. // IE10 throws NoModificationAllowedError if parent is null, #12132. } else if ( nodeName === "object" ) { if ( dest.parentNode ) { dest.outerHTML = src.outerHTML; } // This path appears unavoidable for IE9. When cloning an object // element in IE9, the outerHTML strategy above is not sufficient. // If the src has innerHTML and the destination does not, // copy the src.innerHTML into the dest.innerHTML. #10324 if ( jQuery.support.html5Clone && ( src.innerHTML && !jQuery.trim(dest.innerHTML) ) ) { dest.innerHTML = src.innerHTML; } } else if ( nodeName === "input" && manipulation_rcheckableType.test( src.type ) ) { // IE6-8 fails to persist the checked state of a cloned checkbox // or radio button. Worse, IE6-7 fail to give the cloned element // a checked appearance if the defaultChecked value isn't also set dest.defaultChecked = dest.checked = src.checked; // IE6-7 get confused and end up setting the value of a cloned // checkbox/radio button to an empty string instead of "on" if ( dest.value !== src.value ) { dest.value = src.value; } // IE6-8 fails to return the selected option to the default selected // state when cloning options } else if ( nodeName === "option" ) { dest.defaultSelected = dest.selected = src.defaultSelected; // IE6-8 fails to set the defaultValue to the correct value when // cloning other types of input fields } else if ( nodeName === "input" || nodeName === "textarea" ) { dest.defaultValue = src.defaultValue; } } jQuery.each({ appendTo: "append", prependTo: "prepend", insertBefore: "before", insertAfter: "after", replaceAll: "replaceWith" }, function( name, original ) { jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( selector ) { var elems, i = 0, ret = [], insert = jQuery( selector ), last = insert.length - 1; for ( ; i <= last; i++ ) { elems = i === last ? this : this.clone(true); jQuery( insert[i] )[ original ]( elems ); // Modern browsers can apply jQuery collections as arrays, but oldIE needs a .get() core_push.apply( ret, elems.get() ); } return this.pushStack( ret ); }; }); function getAll( context, tag ) { var elems, elem, i = 0, found = typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== core_strundefined ? context.getElementsByTagName( tag || "*" ) : typeof context.querySelectorAll !== core_strundefined ? context.querySelectorAll( tag || "*" ) : undefined; if ( !found ) { for ( found = [], elems = context.childNodes || context; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) { if ( !tag || jQuery.nodeName( elem, tag ) ) { found.push( elem ); } else { jQuery.merge( found, getAll( elem, tag ) ); } } } return tag === undefined || tag && jQuery.nodeName( context, tag ) ? jQuery.merge( [ context ], found ) : found; } // Used in buildFragment, fixes the defaultChecked property function fixDefaultChecked( elem ) { if ( manipulation_rcheckableType.test( elem.type ) ) { elem.defaultChecked = elem.checked; } } jQuery.extend({ clone: function( elem, dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents ) { var destElements, node, clone, i, srcElements, inPage = jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument, elem ); if ( jQuery.support.html5Clone || jQuery.isXMLDoc(elem) || !rnoshimcache.test( "<" + elem.nodeName + ">" ) ) { clone = elem.cloneNode( true ); // IE<=8 does not properly clone detached, unknown element nodes } else { fragmentDiv.innerHTML = elem.outerHTML; fragmentDiv.removeChild( clone = fragmentDiv.firstChild ); } if ( (!jQuery.support.noCloneEvent || !jQuery.support.noCloneChecked) && (elem.nodeType === 1 || elem.nodeType === 11) && !jQuery.isXMLDoc(elem) ) { // We eschew Sizzle here for performance reasons: http://jsperf.com/getall-vs-sizzle/2 destElements = getAll( clone ); srcElements = getAll( elem ); // Fix all IE cloning issues for ( i = 0; (node = srcElements[i]) != null; ++i ) { // Ensure that the destination node is not null; Fixes #9587 if ( destElements[i] ) { fixCloneNodeIssues( node, destElements[i] ); } } } // Copy the events from the original to the clone if ( dataAndEvents ) { if ( deepDataAndEvents ) { srcElements = srcElements || getAll( elem ); destElements = destElements || getAll( clone ); for ( i = 0; (node = srcElements[i]) != null; i++ ) { cloneCopyEvent( node, destElements[i] ); } } else { cloneCopyEvent( elem, clone ); } } // Preserve script evaluation history destElements = getAll( clone, "script" ); if ( destElements.length > 0 ) { setGlobalEval( destElements, !inPage && getAll( elem, "script" ) ); } destElements = srcElements = node = null; // Return the cloned set return clone; }, buildFragment: function( elems, context, scripts, selection ) { var j, elem, contains, tmp, tag, tbody, wrap, l = elems.length, // Ensure a safe fragment safe = createSafeFragment( context ), nodes = [], i = 0; for ( ; i < l; i++ ) { elem = elems[ i ]; if ( elem || elem === 0 ) { // Add nodes directly if ( jQuery.type( elem ) === "object" ) { jQuery.merge( nodes, elem.nodeType ? [ elem ] : elem ); // Convert non-html into a text node } else if ( !rhtml.test( elem ) ) { nodes.push( context.createTextNode( elem ) ); // Convert html into DOM nodes } else { tmp = tmp || safe.appendChild( context.createElement("div") ); // Deserialize a standard representation tag = ( rtagName.exec( elem ) || ["", ""] )[1].toLowerCase(); wrap = wrapMap[ tag ] || wrapMap._default; tmp.innerHTML = wrap[1] + elem.replace( rxhtmlTag, "<$1></$2>" ) + wrap[2]; // Descend through wrappers to the right content j = wrap[0]; while ( j-- ) { tmp = tmp.lastChild; } // Manually add leading whitespace removed by IE if ( !jQuery.support.leadingWhitespace && rleadingWhitespace.test( elem ) ) { nodes.push( context.createTextNode( rleadingWhitespace.exec( elem )[0] ) ); } // Remove IE's autoinserted <tbody> from table fragments if ( !jQuery.support.tbody ) { // String was a <table>, *may* have spurious <tbody> elem = tag === "table" && !rtbody.test( elem ) ? tmp.firstChild : // String was a bare <thead> or <tfoot> wrap[1] === "<table>" && !rtbody.test( elem ) ? tmp : 0; j = elem && elem.childNodes.length; while ( j-- ) { if ( jQuery.nodeName( (tbody = elem.childNodes[j]), "tbody" ) && !tbody.childNodes.length ) { elem.removeChild( tbody ); } } } jQuery.merge( nodes, tmp.childNodes ); // Fix #12392 for WebKit and IE > 9 tmp.textContent = ""; // Fix #12392 for oldIE while ( tmp.firstChild ) { tmp.removeChild( tmp.firstChild ); } // Remember the top-level container for proper cleanup tmp = safe.lastChild; } } } // Fix #11356: Clear elements from fragment if ( tmp ) { safe.removeChild( tmp ); } // Reset defaultChecked for any radios and checkboxes // about to be appended to the DOM in IE 6/7 (#8060) if ( !jQuery.support.appendChecked ) { jQuery.grep( getAll( nodes, "input" ), fixDefaultChecked ); } i = 0; while ( (elem = nodes[ i++ ]) ) { // #4087 - If origin and destination elements are the same, and this is // that element, do not do anything if ( selection && jQuery.inArray( elem, selection ) !== -1 ) { continue; } contains = jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument, elem ); // Append to fragment tmp = getAll( safe.appendChild( elem ), "script" ); // Preserve script evaluation history if ( contains ) { setGlobalEval( tmp ); } // Capture executables if ( scripts ) { j = 0; while ( (elem = tmp[ j++ ]) ) { if ( rscriptType.test( elem.type || "" ) ) { scripts.push( elem ); } } } } tmp = null; return safe; }, cleanData: function( elems, /* internal */ acceptData ) { var elem, type, id, data, i = 0, internalKey = jQuery.expando, cache = jQuery.cache, deleteExpando = jQuery.support.deleteExpando, special = jQuery.event.special; for ( ; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) { if ( acceptData || jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) { id = elem[ internalKey ]; data = id && cache[ id ]; if ( data ) { if ( data.events ) { for ( type in data.events ) { if ( special[ type ] ) { jQuery.event.remove( elem, type ); // This is a shortcut to avoid jQuery.event.remove's overhead } else { jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, data.handle ); } } } // Remove cache only if it was not already removed by jQuery.event.remove if ( cache[ id ] ) { delete cache[ id ]; // IE does not allow us to delete expando properties from nodes, // nor does it have a removeAttribute function on Document nodes; // we must handle all of these cases if ( deleteExpando ) { delete elem[ internalKey ]; } else if ( typeof elem.removeAttribute !== core_strundefined ) { elem.removeAttribute( internalKey ); } else { elem[ internalKey ] = null; } core_deletedIds.push( id ); } } } } } }); var iframe, getStyles, curCSS, ralpha = /alpha\([^)]*\)/i, ropacity = /opacity\s*=\s*([^)]*)/, rposition = /^(top|right|bottom|left)$/, // swappable if display is none or starts with table except "table", "table-cell", or "table-caption" // see here for display values: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/display rdisplayswap = /^(none|table(?!-c[ea]).+)/, rmargin = /^margin/, rnumsplit = new RegExp( "^(" + core_pnum + ")(.*)$", "i" ), rnumnonpx = new RegExp( "^(" + core_pnum + ")(?!px)[a-z%]+$", "i" ), rrelNum = new RegExp( "^([+-])=(" + core_pnum + ")", "i" ), elemdisplay = { BODY: "block" }, cssShow = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block" }, cssNormalTransform = { letterSpacing: 0, fontWeight: 400 }, cssExpand = [ "Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left" ], cssPrefixes = [ "Webkit", "O", "Moz", "ms" ]; // return a css property mapped to a potentially vendor prefixed property function vendorPropName( style, name ) { // shortcut for names that are not vendor prefixed if ( name in style ) { return name; } // check for vendor prefixed names var capName = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1), origName = name, i = cssPrefixes.length; while ( i-- ) { name = cssPrefixes[ i ] + capName; if ( name in style ) { return name; } } return origName; } function isHidden( elem, el ) { // isHidden might be called from jQuery#filter function; // in that case, element will be second argument elem = el || elem; return jQuery.css( elem, "display" ) === "none" || !jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument, elem ); } function showHide( elements, show ) { var display, elem, hidden, values = [], index = 0, length = elements.length; for ( ; index < length; index++ ) { elem = elements[ index ]; if ( !elem.style ) { continue; } values[ index ] = jQuery._data( elem, "olddisplay" ); display = elem.style.display; if ( show ) { // Reset the inline display of this element to learn if it is // being hidden by cascaded rules or not if ( !values[ index ] && display === "none" ) { elem.style.display = ""; } // Set elements which have been overridden with display: none // in a stylesheet to whatever the default browser style is // for such an element if ( elem.style.display === "" && isHidden( elem ) ) { values[ index ] = jQuery._data( elem, "olddisplay", css_defaultDisplay(elem.nodeName) ); } } else { if ( !values[ index ] ) { hidden = isHidden( elem ); if ( display && display !== "none" || !hidden ) { jQuery._data( elem, "olddisplay", hidden ? display : jQuery.css( elem, "display" ) ); } } } } // Set the display of most of the elements in a second loop // to avoid the constant reflow for ( index = 0; index < length; index++ ) { elem = elements[ index ]; if ( !elem.style ) { continue; } if ( !show || elem.style.display === "none" || elem.style.display === "" ) { elem.style.display = show ? values[ index ] || "" : "none"; } } return elements; } jQuery.fn.extend({ css: function( name, value ) { return jQuery.access( this, function( elem, name, value ) { var len, styles, map = {}, i = 0; if ( jQuery.isArray( name ) ) { styles = getStyles( elem ); len = name.length; for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { map[ name[ i ] ] = jQuery.css( elem, name[ i ], false, styles ); } return map; } return value !== undefined ? jQuery.style( elem, name, value ) : jQuery.css( elem, name ); }, name, value, arguments.length > 1 ); }, show: function() { return showHide( this, true ); }, hide: function() { return showHide( this ); }, toggle: function( state ) { var bool = typeof state === "boolean"; return this.each(function() { if ( bool ? state : isHidden( this ) ) { jQuery( this ).show(); } else { jQuery( this ).hide(); } }); } }); jQuery.extend({ // Add in style property hooks for overriding the default // behavior of getting and setting a style property cssHooks: { opacity: { get: function( elem, computed ) { if ( computed ) { // We should always get a number back from opacity var ret = curCSS( elem, "opacity" ); return ret === "" ? "1" : ret; } } } }, // Exclude the following css properties to add px cssNumber: { "columnCount": true, "fillOpacity": true, "fontWeight": true, "lineHeight": true, "opacity": true, "orphans": true, "widows": true, "zIndex": true, "zoom": true }, // Add in properties whose names you wish to fix before // setting or getting the value cssProps: { // normalize float css property "float": jQuery.support.cssFloat ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat" }, // Get and set the style property on a DOM Node style: function( elem, name, value, extra ) { // Don't set styles on text and comment nodes if ( !elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || !elem.style ) { return; } // Make sure that we're working with the right name var ret, type, hooks, origName = jQuery.camelCase( name ), style = elem.style; name = jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] || ( jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] = vendorPropName( style, origName ) ); // gets hook for the prefixed version // followed by the unprefixed version hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ name ] || jQuery.cssHooks[ origName ]; // Check if we're setting a value if ( value !== undefined ) { type = typeof value; // convert relative number strings (+= or -=) to relative numbers. #7345 if ( type === "string" && (ret = rrelNum.exec( value )) ) { value = ( ret[1] + 1 ) * ret[2] + parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, name ) ); // Fixes bug #9237 type = "number"; } // Make sure that NaN and null values aren't set. See: #7116 if ( value == null || type === "number" && isNaN( value ) ) { return; } // If a number was passed in, add 'px' to the (except for certain CSS properties) if ( type === "number" && !jQuery.cssNumber[ origName ] ) { value += "px"; } // Fixes #8908, it can be done more correctly by specifing setters in cssHooks, // but it would mean to define eight (for every problematic property) identical functions if ( !jQuery.support.clearCloneStyle && value === "" && name.indexOf("background") === 0 ) { style[ name ] = "inherit"; } // If a hook was provided, use that value, otherwise just set the specified value if ( !hooks || !("set" in hooks) || (value = hooks.set( elem, value, extra )) !== undefined ) { // Wrapped to prevent IE from throwing errors when 'invalid' values are provided // Fixes bug #5509 try { style[ name ] = value; } catch(e) {} } } else { // If a hook was provided get the non-computed value from there if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, false, extra )) !== undefined ) { return ret; } // Otherwise just get the value from the style object return style[ name ]; } }, css: function( elem, name, extra, styles ) { var num, val, hooks, origName = jQuery.camelCase( name ); // Make sure that we're working with the right name name = jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] || ( jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] = vendorPropName( elem.style, origName ) ); // gets hook for the prefixed version // followed by the unprefixed version hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ name ] || jQuery.cssHooks[ origName ]; // If a hook was provided get the computed value from there if ( hooks && "get" in hooks ) { val = hooks.get( elem, true, extra ); } // Otherwise, if a way to get the computed value exists, use that if ( val === undefined ) { val = curCSS( elem, name, styles ); } //convert "normal" to computed value if ( val === "normal" && name in cssNormalTransform ) { val = cssNormalTransform[ name ]; } // Return, converting to number if forced or a qualifier was provided and val looks numeric if ( extra === "" || extra ) { num = parseFloat( val ); return extra === true || jQuery.isNumeric( num ) ? num || 0 : val; } return val; }, // A method for quickly swapping in/out CSS properties to get correct calculations swap: function( elem, options, callback, args ) { var ret, name, old = {}; // Remember the old values, and insert the new ones for ( name in options ) { old[ name ] = elem.style[ name ]; elem.style[ name ] = options[ name ]; } ret = callback.apply( elem, args || [] ); // Revert the old values for ( name in options ) { elem.style[ name ] = old[ name ]; } return ret; } }); // NOTE: we've included the "window" in window.getComputedStyle // because jsdom on node.js will break without it. if ( window.getComputedStyle ) { getStyles = function( elem ) { return window.getComputedStyle( elem, null ); }; curCSS = function( elem, name, _computed ) { var width, minWidth, maxWidth, computed = _computed || getStyles( elem ), // getPropertyValue is only needed for .css('filter') in IE9, see #12537 ret = computed ? computed.getPropertyValue( name ) || computed[ name ] : undefined, style = elem.style; if ( computed ) { if ( ret === "" && !jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument, elem ) ) { ret = jQuery.style( elem, name ); } // A tribute to the "awesome hack by Dean Edwards" // Chrome < 17 and Safari 5.0 uses "computed value" instead of "used value" for margin-right // Safari 5.1.7 (at least) returns percentage for a larger set of values, but width seems to be reliably pixels // this is against the CSSOM draft spec: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom/#resolved-values if ( rnumnonpx.test( ret ) && rmargin.test( name ) ) { // Remember the original values width = style.width; minWidth = style.minWidth; maxWidth = style.maxWidth; // Put in the new values to get a computed value out style.minWidth = style.maxWidth = style.width = ret; ret = computed.width; // Revert the changed values style.width = width; style.minWidth = minWidth; style.maxWidth = maxWidth; } } return ret; }; } else if ( document.documentElement.currentStyle ) { getStyles = function( elem ) { return elem.currentStyle; }; curCSS = function( elem, name, _computed ) { var left, rs, rsLeft, computed = _computed || getStyles( elem ), ret = computed ? computed[ name ] : undefined, style = elem.style; // Avoid setting ret to empty string here // so we don't default to auto if ( ret == null && style && style[ name ] ) { ret = style[ name ]; } // From the awesome hack by Dean Edwards // http://erik.eae.net/archives/2007/07/27/18.54.15/#comment-102291 // If we're not dealing with a regular pixel number // but a number that has a weird ending, we need to convert it to pixels // but not position css attributes, as those are proportional to the parent element instead // and we can't measure the parent instead because it might trigger a "stacking dolls" problem if ( rnumnonpx.test( ret ) && !rposition.test( name ) ) { // Remember the original values left = style.left; rs = elem.runtimeStyle; rsLeft = rs && rs.left; // Put in the new values to get a computed value out if ( rsLeft ) { rs.left = elem.currentStyle.left; } style.left = name === "fontSize" ? "1em" : ret; ret = style.pixelLeft + "px"; // Revert the changed values style.left = left; if ( rsLeft ) { rs.left = rsLeft; } } return ret === "" ? "auto" : ret; }; } function setPositiveNumber( elem, value, subtract ) { var matches = rnumsplit.exec( value ); return matches ? // Guard against undefined "subtract", e.g., when used as in cssHooks Math.max( 0, matches[ 1 ] - ( subtract || 0 ) ) + ( matches[ 2 ] || "px" ) : value; } function augmentWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra, isBorderBox, styles ) { var i = extra === ( isBorderBox ? "border" : "content" ) ? // If we already have the right measurement, avoid augmentation 4 : // Otherwise initialize for horizontal or vertical properties name === "width" ? 1 : 0, val = 0; for ( ; i < 4; i += 2 ) { // both box models exclude margin, so add it if we want it if ( extra === "margin" ) { val += jQuery.css( elem, extra + cssExpand[ i ], true, styles ); } if ( isBorderBox ) { // border-box includes padding, so remove it if we want content if ( extra === "content" ) { val -= jQuery.css( elem, "padding" + cssExpand[ i ], true, styles ); } // at this point, extra isn't border nor margin, so remove border if ( extra !== "margin" ) { val -= jQuery.css( elem, "border" + cssExpand[ i ] + "Width", true, styles ); } } else { // at this point, extra isn't content, so add padding val += jQuery.css( elem, "padding" + cssExpand[ i ], true, styles ); // at this point, extra isn't content nor padding, so add border if ( extra !== "padding" ) { val += jQuery.css( elem, "border" + cssExpand[ i ] + "Width", true, styles ); } } } return val; } function getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra ) { // Start with offset property, which is equivalent to the border-box value var valueIsBorderBox = true, val = name === "width" ? elem.offsetWidth : elem.offsetHeight, styles = getStyles( elem ), isBorderBox = jQuery.support.boxSizing && jQuery.css( elem, "boxSizing", false, styles ) === "border-box"; // some non-html elements return undefined for offsetWidth, so check for null/undefined // svg - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=649285 // MathML - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=491668 if ( val <= 0 || val == null ) { // Fall back to computed then uncomputed css if necessary val = curCSS( elem, name, styles ); if ( val < 0 || val == null ) { val = elem.style[ name ]; } // Computed unit is not pixels. Stop here and return. if ( rnumnonpx.test(val) ) { return val; } // we need the check for style in case a browser which returns unreliable values // for getComputedStyle silently falls back to the reliable elem.style valueIsBorderBox = isBorderBox && ( jQuery.support.boxSizingReliable || val === elem.style[ name ] ); // Normalize "", auto, and prepare for extra val = parseFloat( val ) || 0; } // use the active box-sizing model to add/subtract irrelevant styles return ( val + augmentWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra || ( isBorderBox ? "border" : "content" ), valueIsBorderBox, styles ) ) + "px"; } // Try to determine the default display value of an element function css_defaultDisplay( nodeName ) { var doc = document, display = elemdisplay[ nodeName ]; if ( !display ) { display = actualDisplay( nodeName, doc ); // If the simple way fails, read from inside an iframe if ( display === "none" || !display ) { // Use the already-created iframe if possible iframe = ( iframe || jQuery("<iframe frameborder='0' width='0' height='0'/>") .css( "cssText", "display:block !important" ) ).appendTo( doc.documentElement ); // Always write a new HTML skeleton so Webkit and Firefox don't choke on reuse doc = ( iframe[0].contentWindow || iframe[0].contentDocument ).document; doc.write("<!doctype html><html><body>"); doc.close(); display = actualDisplay( nodeName, doc ); iframe.detach(); } // Store the correct default display elemdisplay[ nodeName ] = display; } return display; } // Called ONLY from within css_defaultDisplay function actualDisplay( name, doc ) { var elem = jQuery( doc.createElement( name ) ).appendTo( doc.body ), display = jQuery.css( elem[0], "display" ); elem.remove(); return display; } jQuery.each([ "height", "width" ], function( i, name ) { jQuery.cssHooks[ name ] = { get: function( elem, computed, extra ) { if ( computed ) { // certain elements can have dimension info if we invisibly show them // however, it must have a current display style that would benefit from this return elem.offsetWidth === 0 && rdisplayswap.test( jQuery.css( elem, "display" ) ) ? jQuery.swap( elem, cssShow, function() { return getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra ); }) : getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra ); } }, set: function( elem, value, extra ) { var styles = extra && getStyles( elem ); return setPositiveNumber( elem, value, extra ? augmentWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra, jQuery.support.boxSizing && jQuery.css( elem, "boxSizing", false, styles ) === "border-box", styles ) : 0 ); } }; }); if ( !jQuery.support.opacity ) { jQuery.cssHooks.opacity = { get: function( elem, computed ) { // IE uses filters for opacity return ropacity.test( (computed && elem.currentStyle ? elem.currentStyle.filter : elem.style.filter) || "" ) ? ( 0.01 * parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ) ) + "" : computed ? "1" : ""; }, set: function( elem, value ) { var style = elem.style, currentStyle = elem.currentStyle, opacity = jQuery.isNumeric( value ) ? "alpha(opacity=" + value * 100 + ")" : "", filter = currentStyle && currentStyle.filter || style.filter || ""; // IE has trouble with opacity if it does not have layout // Force it by setting the zoom level style.zoom = 1; // if setting opacity to 1, and no other filters exist - attempt to remove filter attribute #6652 // if value === "", then remove inline opacity #12685 if ( ( value >= 1 || value === "" ) && jQuery.trim( filter.replace( ralpha, "" ) ) === "" && style.removeAttribute ) { // Setting style.filter to null, "" & " " still leave "filter:" in the cssText // if "filter:" is present at all, clearType is disabled, we want to avoid this // style.removeAttribute is IE Only, but so apparently is this code path... style.removeAttribute( "filter" ); // if there is no filter style applied in a css rule or unset inline opacity, we are done if ( value === "" || currentStyle && !currentStyle.filter ) { return; } } // otherwise, set new filter values style.filter = ralpha.test( filter ) ? filter.replace( ralpha, opacity ) : filter + " " + opacity; } }; } // These hooks cannot be added until DOM ready because the support test // for it is not run until after DOM ready jQuery(function() { if ( !jQuery.support.reliableMarginRight ) { jQuery.cssHooks.marginRight = { get: function( elem, computed ) { if ( computed ) { // WebKit Bug 13343 - getComputedStyle returns wrong value for margin-right // Work around by temporarily setting element display to inline-block return jQuery.swap( elem, { "display": "inline-block" }, curCSS, [ elem, "marginRight" ] ); } } }; } // Webkit bug: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29084 // getComputedStyle returns percent when specified for top/left/bottom/right // rather than make the css module depend on the offset module, we just check for it here if ( !jQuery.support.pixelPosition && jQuery.fn.position ) { jQuery.each( [ "top", "left" ], function( i, prop ) { jQuery.cssHooks[ prop ] = { get: function( elem, computed ) { if ( computed ) { computed = curCSS( elem, prop ); // if curCSS returns percentage, fallback to offset return rnumnonpx.test( computed ) ? jQuery( elem ).position()[ prop ] + "px" : computed; } } }; }); } }); if ( jQuery.expr && jQuery.expr.filters ) { jQuery.expr.filters.hidden = function( elem ) { // Support: Opera <= 12.12 // Opera reports offsetWidths and offsetHeights less than zero on some elements return elem.offsetWidth <= 0 && elem.offsetHeight <= 0 || (!jQuery.support.reliableHiddenOffsets && ((elem.style && elem.style.display) || jQuery.css( elem, "display" )) === "none"); }; jQuery.expr.filters.visible = function( elem ) { return !jQuery.expr.filters.hidden( elem ); }; } // These hooks are used by animate to expand properties jQuery.each({ margin: "", padding: "", border: "Width" }, function( prefix, suffix ) { jQuery.cssHooks[ prefix + suffix ] = { expand: function( value ) { var i = 0, expanded = {}, // assumes a single number if not a string parts = typeof value === "string" ? value.split(" ") : [ value ]; for ( ; i < 4; i++ ) { expanded[ prefix + cssExpand[ i ] + suffix ] = parts[ i ] || parts[ i - 2 ] || parts[ 0 ]; } return expanded; } }; if ( !rmargin.test( prefix ) ) { jQuery.cssHooks[ prefix + suffix ].set = setPositiveNumber; } }); var r20 = /%20/g, rbracket = /\[\]$/, rCRLF = /\r?\n/g, rsubmitterTypes = /^(?:submit|button|image|reset|file)$/i, rsubmittable = /^(?:input|select|textarea|keygen)/i; jQuery.fn.extend({ serialize: function() { return jQuery.param( this.serializeArray() ); }, serializeArray: function() { return this.map(function(){ // Can add propHook for "elements" to filter or add form elements var elements = jQuery.prop( this, "elements" ); return elements ? jQuery.makeArray( elements ) : this; }) .filter(function(){ var type = this.type; // Use .is(":disabled") so that fieldset[disabled] works return this.name && !jQuery( this ).is( ":disabled" ) && rsubmittable.test( this.nodeName ) && !rsubmitterTypes.test( type ) && ( this.checked || !manipulation_rcheckableType.test( type ) ); }) .map(function( i, elem ){ var val = jQuery( this ).val(); return val == null ? null : jQuery.isArray( val ) ? jQuery.map( val, function( val ){ return { name: elem.name, value: val.replace( rCRLF, "\r\n" ) }; }) : { name: elem.name, value: val.replace( rCRLF, "\r\n" ) }; }).get(); } }); //Serialize an array of form elements or a set of //key/values into a query string jQuery.param = function( a, traditional ) { var prefix, s = [], add = function( key, value ) { // If value is a function, invoke it and return its value value = jQuery.isFunction( value ) ? value() : ( value == null ? "" : value ); s[ s.length ] = encodeURIComponent( key ) + "=" + encodeURIComponent( value ); }; // Set traditional to true for jQuery <= 1.3.2 behavior. if ( traditional === undefined ) { traditional = jQuery.ajaxSettings && jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional; } // If an array was passed in, assume that it is an array of form elements. if ( jQuery.isArray( a ) || ( a.jquery && !jQuery.isPlainObject( a ) ) ) { // Serialize the form elements jQuery.each( a, function() { add( this.name, this.value ); }); } else { // If traditional, encode the "old" way (the way 1.3.2 or older // did it), otherwise encode params recursively. for ( prefix in a ) { buildParams( prefix, a[ prefix ], traditional, add ); } } // Return the resulting serialization return s.join( "&" ).replace( r20, "+" ); }; function buildParams( prefix, obj, traditional, add ) { var name; if ( jQuery.isArray( obj ) ) { // Serialize array item. jQuery.each( obj, function( i, v ) { if ( traditional || rbracket.test( prefix ) ) { // Treat each array item as a scalar. add( prefix, v ); } else { // Item is non-scalar (array or object), encode its numeric index. buildParams( prefix + "[" + ( typeof v === "object" ? i : "" ) + "]", v, traditional, add ); } }); } else if ( !traditional && jQuery.type( obj ) === "object" ) { // Serialize object item. for ( name in obj ) { buildParams( prefix + "[" + name + "]", obj[ name ], traditional, add ); } } else { // Serialize scalar item. add( prefix, obj ); } } jQuery.each( ("blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick " + "mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave " + "change select submit keydown keypress keyup error contextmenu").split(" "), function( i, name ) { // Handle event binding jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( data, fn ) { return arguments.length > 0 ? this.on( name, null, data, fn ) : this.trigger( name ); }; }); jQuery.fn.hover = function( fnOver, fnOut ) { return this.mouseenter( fnOver ).mouseleave( fnOut || fnOver ); }; var // Document location ajaxLocParts, ajaxLocation, ajax_nonce = jQuery.now(), ajax_rquery = /\?/, rhash = /#.*$/, rts = /([?&])_=[^&]*/, rheaders = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)\r?$/mg, // IE leaves an \r character at EOL // #7653, #8125, #8152: local protocol detection rlocalProtocol = /^(?:about|app|app-storage|.+-extension|file|res|widget):$/, rnoContent = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/, rprotocol = /^\/\//, rurl = /^([\w.+-]+:)(?:\/\/([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+)|)|)/, // Keep a copy of the old load method _load = jQuery.fn.load, /* Prefilters * 1) They are useful to introduce custom dataTypes (see ajax/jsonp.js for an example) * 2) These are called: * - BEFORE asking for a transport * - AFTER param serialization (s.data is a string if s.processData is true) * 3) key is the dataType * 4) the catchall symbol "*" can be used * 5) execution will start with transport dataType and THEN continue down to "*" if needed */ prefilters = {}, /* Transports bindings * 1) key is the dataType * 2) the catchall symbol "*" can be used * 3) selection will start with transport dataType and THEN go to "*" if needed */ transports = {}, // Avoid comment-prolog char sequence (#10098); must appease lint and evade compression allTypes = "*/".concat("*"); // #8138, IE may throw an exception when accessing // a field from window.location if document.domain has been set try { ajaxLocation = location.href; } catch( e ) { // Use the href attribute of an A element // since IE will modify it given document.location ajaxLocation = document.createElement( "a" ); ajaxLocation.href = ""; ajaxLocation = ajaxLocation.href; } // Segment location into parts ajaxLocParts = rurl.exec( ajaxLocation.toLowerCase() ) || []; // Base "constructor" for jQuery.ajaxPrefilter and jQuery.ajaxTransport function addToPrefiltersOrTransports( structure ) { // dataTypeExpression is optional and defaults to "*" return function( dataTypeExpression, func ) { if ( typeof dataTypeExpression !== "string" ) { func = dataTypeExpression; dataTypeExpression = "*"; } var dataType, i = 0, dataTypes = dataTypeExpression.toLowerCase().match( core_rnotwhite ) || []; if ( jQuery.isFunction( func ) ) { // For each dataType in the dataTypeExpression while ( (dataType = dataTypes[i++]) ) { // Prepend if requested if ( dataType[0] === "+" ) { dataType = dataType.slice( 1 ) || "*"; (structure[ dataType ] = structure[ dataType ] || []).unshift( func ); // Otherwise append } else { (structure[ dataType ] = structure[ dataType ] || []).push( func ); } } } }; } // Base inspection function for prefilters and transports function inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR ) { var inspected = {}, seekingTransport = ( structure === transports ); function inspect( dataType ) { var selected; inspected[ dataType ] = true; jQuery.each( structure[ dataType ] || [], function( _, prefilterOrFactory ) { var dataTypeOrTransport = prefilterOrFactory( options, originalOptions, jqXHR ); if( typeof dataTypeOrTransport === "string" && !seekingTransport && !inspected[ dataTypeOrTransport ] ) { options.dataTypes.unshift( dataTypeOrTransport ); inspect( dataTypeOrTransport ); return false; } else if ( seekingTransport ) { return !( selected = dataTypeOrTransport ); } }); return selected; } return inspect( options.dataTypes[ 0 ] ) || !inspected[ "*" ] && inspect( "*" ); } // A special extend for ajax options // that takes "flat" options (not to be deep extended) // Fixes #9887 function ajaxExtend( target, src ) { var deep, key, flatOptions = jQuery.ajaxSettings.flatOptions || {}; for ( key in src ) { if ( src[ key ] !== undefined ) { ( flatOptions[ key ] ? target : ( deep || (deep = {}) ) )[ key ] = src[ key ]; } } if ( deep ) { jQuery.extend( true, target, deep ); } return target; } jQuery.fn.load = function( url, params, callback ) { if ( typeof url !== "string" && _load ) { return _load.apply( this, arguments ); } var selector, response, type, self = this, off = url.indexOf(" "); if ( off >= 0 ) { selector = url.slice( off, url.length ); url = url.slice( 0, off ); } // If it's a function if ( jQuery.isFunction( params ) ) { // We assume that it's the callback callback = params; params = undefined; // Otherwise, build a param string } else if ( params && typeof params === "object" ) { type = "POST"; } // If we have elements to modify, make the request if ( self.length > 0 ) { jQuery.ajax({ url: url, // if "type" variable is undefined, then "GET" method will be used type: type, dataType: "html", data: params }).done(function( responseText ) { // Save response for use in complete callback response = arguments; self.html( selector ? // If a selector was specified, locate the right elements in a dummy div // Exclude scripts to avoid IE 'Permission Denied' errors jQuery("<div>").append( jQuery.parseHTML( responseText ) ).find( selector ) : // Otherwise use the full result responseText ); }).complete( callback && function( jqXHR, status ) { self.each( callback, response || [ jqXHR.responseText, status, jqXHR ] ); }); } return this; }; // Attach a bunch of functions for handling common AJAX events jQuery.each( [ "ajaxStart", "ajaxStop", "ajaxComplete", "ajaxError", "ajaxSuccess", "ajaxSend" ], function( i, type ){ jQuery.fn[ type ] = function( fn ){ return this.on( type, fn ); }; }); jQuery.each( [ "get", "post" ], function( i, method ) { jQuery[ method ] = function( url, data, callback, type ) { // shift arguments if data argument was omitted if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) ) { type = type || callback; callback = data; data = undefined; } return jQuery.ajax({ url: url, type: method, dataType: type, data: data, success: callback }); }; }); jQuery.extend({ // Counter for holding the number of active queries active: 0, // Last-Modified header cache for next request lastModified: {}, etag: {}, ajaxSettings: { url: ajaxLocation, type: "GET", isLocal: rlocalProtocol.test( ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] ), global: true, processData: true, async: true, contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", /* timeout: 0, data: null, dataType: null, username: null, password: null, cache: null, throws: false, traditional: false, headers: {}, */ accepts: { "*": allTypes, text: "text/plain", html: "text/html", xml: "application/xml, text/xml", json: "application/json, text/javascript" }, contents: { xml: /xml/, html: /html/, json: /json/ }, responseFields: { xml: "responseXML", text: "responseText" }, // Data converters // Keys separate source (or catchall "*") and destination types with a single space converters: { // Convert anything to text "* text": window.String, // Text to html (true = no transformation) "text html": true, // Evaluate text as a json expression "text json": jQuery.parseJSON, // Parse text as xml "text xml": jQuery.parseXML }, // For options that shouldn't be deep extended: // you can add your own custom options here if // and when you create one that shouldn't be // deep extended (see ajaxExtend) flatOptions: { url: true, context: true } }, // Creates a full fledged settings object into target // with both ajaxSettings and settings fields. // If target is omitted, writes into ajaxSettings. ajaxSetup: function( target, settings ) { return settings ? // Building a settings object ajaxExtend( ajaxExtend( target, jQuery.ajaxSettings ), settings ) : // Extending ajaxSettings ajaxExtend( jQuery.ajaxSettings, target ); }, ajaxPrefilter: addToPrefiltersOrTransports( prefilters ), ajaxTransport: addToPrefiltersOrTransports( transports ), // Main method ajax: function( url, options ) { // If url is an object, simulate pre-1.5 signature if ( typeof url === "object" ) { options = url; url = undefined; } // Force options to be an object options = options || {}; var // Cross-domain detection vars parts, // Loop variable i, // URL without anti-cache param cacheURL, // Response headers as string responseHeadersString, // timeout handle timeoutTimer, // To know if global events are to be dispatched fireGlobals, transport, // Response headers responseHeaders, // Create the final options object s = jQuery.ajaxSetup( {}, options ), // Callbacks context callbackContext = s.context || s, // Context for global events is callbackContext if it is a DOM node or jQuery collection globalEventContext = s.context && ( callbackContext.nodeType || callbackContext.jquery ) ? jQuery( callbackContext ) : jQuery.event, // Deferreds deferred = jQuery.Deferred(), completeDeferred = jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"), // Status-dependent callbacks statusCode = s.statusCode || {}, // Headers (they are sent all at once) requestHeaders = {}, requestHeadersNames = {}, // The jqXHR state state = 0, // Default abort message strAbort = "canceled", // Fake xhr jqXHR = { readyState: 0, // Builds headers hashtable if needed getResponseHeader: function( key ) { var match; if ( state === 2 ) { if ( !responseHeaders ) { responseHeaders = {}; while ( (match = rheaders.exec( responseHeadersString )) ) { responseHeaders[ match[1].toLowerCase() ] = match[ 2 ]; } } match = responseHeaders[ key.toLowerCase() ]; } return match == null ? null : match; }, // Raw string getAllResponseHeaders: function() { return state === 2 ? responseHeadersString : null; }, // Caches the header setRequestHeader: function( name, value ) { var lname = name.toLowerCase(); if ( !state ) { name = requestHeadersNames[ lname ] = requestHeadersNames[ lname ] || name; requestHeaders[ name ] = value; } return this; }, // Overrides response content-type header overrideMimeType: function( type ) { if ( !state ) { s.mimeType = type; } return this; }, // Status-dependent callbacks statusCode: function( map ) { var code; if ( map ) { if ( state < 2 ) { for ( code in map ) { // Lazy-add the new callback in a way that preserves old ones statusCode[ code ] = [ statusCode[ code ], map[ code ] ]; } } else { // Execute the appropriate callbacks jqXHR.always( map[ jqXHR.status ] ); } } return this; }, // Cancel the request abort: function( statusText ) { var finalText = statusText || strAbort; if ( transport ) { transport.abort( finalText ); } done( 0, finalText ); return this; } }; // Attach deferreds deferred.promise( jqXHR ).complete = completeDeferred.add; jqXHR.success = jqXHR.done; jqXHR.error = jqXHR.fail; // Remove hash character (#7531: and string promotion) // Add protocol if not provided (#5866: IE7 issue with protocol-less urls) // Handle falsy url in the settings object (#10093: consistency with old signature) // We also use the url parameter if available s.url = ( ( url || s.url || ajaxLocation ) + "" ).replace( rhash, "" ).replace( rprotocol, ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] + "//" ); // Alias method option to type as per ticket #12004 s.type = options.method || options.type || s.method || s.type; // Extract dataTypes list s.dataTypes = jQuery.trim( s.dataType || "*" ).toLowerCase().match( core_rnotwhite ) || [""]; // A cross-domain request is in order when we have a protocol:host:port mismatch if ( s.crossDomain == null ) { parts = rurl.exec( s.url.toLowerCase() ); s.crossDomain = !!( parts && ( parts[ 1 ] !== ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] || parts[ 2 ] !== ajaxLocParts[ 2 ] || ( parts[ 3 ] || ( parts[ 1 ] === "http:" ? 80 : 443 ) ) != ( ajaxLocParts[ 3 ] || ( ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] === "http:" ? 80 : 443 ) ) ) ); } // Convert data if not already a string if ( s.data && s.processData && typeof s.data !== "string" ) { s.data = jQuery.param( s.data, s.traditional ); } // Apply prefilters inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( prefilters, s, options, jqXHR ); // If request was aborted inside a prefilter, stop there if ( state === 2 ) { return jqXHR; } // We can fire global events as of now if asked to fireGlobals = s.global; // Watch for a new set of requests if ( fireGlobals && jQuery.active++ === 0 ) { jQuery.event.trigger("ajaxStart"); } // Uppercase the type s.type = s.type.toUpperCase(); // Determine if request has content s.hasContent = !rnoContent.test( s.type ); // Save the URL in case we're toying with the If-Modified-Since // and/or If-None-Match header later on cacheURL = s.url; // More options handling for requests with no content if ( !s.hasContent ) { // If data is available, append data to url if ( s.data ) { cacheURL = ( s.url += ( ajax_rquery.test( cacheURL ) ? "&" : "?" ) + s.data ); // #9682: remove data so that it's not used in an eventual retry delete s.data; } // Add anti-cache in url if needed if ( s.cache === false ) { s.url = rts.test( cacheURL ) ? // If there is already a '_' parameter, set its value cacheURL.replace( rts, "$1_=" + ajax_nonce++ ) : // Otherwise add one to the end cacheURL + ( ajax_rquery.test( cacheURL ) ? "&" : "?" ) + "_=" + ajax_nonce++; } } // Set the If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match header, if in ifModified mode. if ( s.ifModified ) { if ( jQuery.lastModified[ cacheURL ] ) { jqXHR.setRequestHeader( "If-Modified-Since", jQuery.lastModified[ cacheURL ] ); } if ( jQuery.etag[ cacheURL ] ) { jqXHR.setRequestHeader( "If-None-Match", jQuery.etag[ cacheURL ] ); } } // Set the correct header, if data is being sent if ( s.data && s.hasContent && s.contentType !== false || options.contentType ) { jqXHR.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type", s.contentType ); } // Set the Accepts header for the server, depending on the dataType jqXHR.setRequestHeader( "Accept", s.dataTypes[ 0 ] && s.accepts[ s.dataTypes[0] ] ? s.accepts[ s.dataTypes[0] ] + ( s.dataTypes[ 0 ] !== "*" ? ", " + allTypes + "; q=0.01" : "" ) : s.accepts[ "*" ] ); // Check for headers option for ( i in s.headers ) { jqXHR.setRequestHeader( i, s.headers[ i ] ); } // Allow custom headers/mimetypes and early abort if ( s.beforeSend && ( s.beforeSend.call( callbackContext, jqXHR, s ) === false || state === 2 ) ) { // Abort if not done already and return return jqXHR.abort(); } // aborting is no longer a cancellation strAbort = "abort"; // Install callbacks on deferreds for ( i in { success: 1, error: 1, complete: 1 } ) { jqXHR[ i ]( s[ i ] ); } // Get transport transport = inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( transports, s, options, jqXHR ); // If no transport, we auto-abort if ( !transport ) { done( -1, "No Transport" ); } else { jqXHR.readyState = 1; // Send global event if ( fireGlobals ) { globalEventContext.trigger( "ajaxSend", [ jqXHR, s ] ); } // Timeout if ( s.async && s.timeout > 0 ) { timeoutTimer = setTimeout(function() { jqXHR.abort("timeout"); }, s.timeout ); } try { state = 1; transport.send( requestHeaders, done ); } catch ( e ) { // Propagate exception as error if not done if ( state < 2 ) { done( -1, e ); // Simply rethrow otherwise } else { throw e; } } } // Callback for when everything is done function done( status, nativeStatusText, responses, headers ) { var isSuccess, success, error, response, modified, statusText = nativeStatusText; // Called once if ( state === 2 ) { return; } // State is "done" now state = 2; // Clear timeout if it exists if ( timeoutTimer ) { clearTimeout( timeoutTimer ); } // Dereference transport for early garbage collection // (no matter how long the jqXHR object will be used) transport = undefined; // Cache response headers responseHeadersString = headers || ""; // Set readyState jqXHR.readyState = status > 0 ? 4 : 0; // Get response data if ( responses ) { response = ajaxHandleResponses( s, jqXHR, responses ); } // If successful, handle type chaining if ( status >= 200 && status < 300 || status === 304 ) { // Set the If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match header, if in ifModified mode. if ( s.ifModified ) { modified = jqXHR.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified"); if ( modified ) { jQuery.lastModified[ cacheURL ] = modified; } modified = jqXHR.getResponseHeader("etag"); if ( modified ) { jQuery.etag[ cacheURL ] = modified; } } // if no content if ( status === 204 ) { isSuccess = true; statusText = "nocontent"; // if not modified } else if ( status === 304 ) { isSuccess = true; statusText = "notmodified"; // If we have data, let's convert it } else { isSuccess = ajaxConvert( s, response ); statusText = isSuccess.state; success = isSuccess.data; error = isSuccess.error; isSuccess = !error; } } else { // We extract error from statusText // then normalize statusText and status for non-aborts error = statusText; if ( status || !statusText ) { statusText = "error"; if ( status < 0 ) { status = 0; } } } // Set data for the fake xhr object jqXHR.status = status; jqXHR.statusText = ( nativeStatusText || statusText ) + ""; // Success/Error if ( isSuccess ) { deferred.resolveWith( callbackContext, [ success, statusText, jqXHR ] ); } else { deferred.rejectWith( callbackContext, [ jqXHR, statusText, error ] ); } // Status-dependent callbacks jqXHR.statusCode( statusCode ); statusCode = undefined; if ( fireGlobals ) { globalEventContext.trigger( isSuccess ? "ajaxSuccess" : "ajaxError", [ jqXHR, s, isSuccess ? success : error ] ); } // Complete completeDeferred.fireWith( callbackContext, [ jqXHR, statusText ] ); if ( fireGlobals ) { globalEventContext.trigger( "ajaxComplete", [ jqXHR, s ] ); // Handle the global AJAX counter if ( !( --jQuery.active ) ) { jQuery.event.trigger("ajaxStop"); } } } return jqXHR; }, getScript: function( url, callback ) { return jQuery.get( url, undefined, callback, "script" ); }, getJSON: function( url, data, callback ) { return jQuery.get( url, data, callback, "json" ); } }); /* Handles responses to an ajax request: * - sets all responseXXX fields accordingly * - finds the right dataType (mediates between content-type and expected dataType) * - returns the corresponding response */ function ajaxHandleResponses( s, jqXHR, responses ) { var firstDataType, ct, finalDataType, type, contents = s.contents, dataTypes = s.dataTypes, responseFields = s.responseFields; // Fill responseXXX fields for ( type in responseFields ) { if ( type in responses ) { jqXHR[ responseFields[type] ] = responses[ type ]; } } // Remove auto dataType and get content-type in the process while( dataTypes[ 0 ] === "*" ) { dataTypes.shift(); if ( ct === undefined ) { ct = s.mimeType || jqXHR.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"); } } // Check if we're dealing with a known content-type if ( ct ) { for ( type in contents ) { if ( contents[ type ] && contents[ type ].test( ct ) ) { dataTypes.unshift( type ); break; } } } // Check to see if we have a response for the expected dataType if ( dataTypes[ 0 ] in responses ) { finalDataType = dataTypes[ 0 ]; } else { // Try convertible dataTypes for ( type in responses ) { if ( !dataTypes[ 0 ] || s.converters[ type + " " + dataTypes[0] ] ) { finalDataType = type; break; } if ( !firstDataType ) { firstDataType = type; } } // Or just use first one finalDataType = finalDataType || firstDataType; } // If we found a dataType // We add the dataType to the list if needed // and return the corresponding response if ( finalDataType ) { if ( finalDataType !== dataTypes[ 0 ] ) { dataTypes.unshift( finalDataType ); } return responses[ finalDataType ]; } } // Chain conversions given the request and the original response function ajaxConvert( s, response ) { var conv2, current, conv, tmp, converters = {}, i = 0, // Work with a copy of dataTypes in case we need to modify it for conversion dataTypes = s.dataTypes.slice(), prev = dataTypes[ 0 ]; // Apply the dataFilter if provided if ( s.dataFilter ) { response = s.dataFilter( response, s.dataType ); } // Create converters map with lowercased keys if ( dataTypes[ 1 ] ) { for ( conv in s.converters ) { converters[ conv.toLowerCase() ] = s.converters[ conv ]; } } // Convert to each sequential dataType, tolerating list modification for ( ; (current = dataTypes[++i]); ) { // There's only work to do if current dataType is non-auto if ( current !== "*" ) { // Convert response if prev dataType is non-auto and differs from current if ( prev !== "*" && prev !== current ) { // Seek a direct converter conv = converters[ prev + " " + current ] || converters[ "* " + current ]; // If none found, seek a pair if ( !conv ) { for ( conv2 in converters ) { // If conv2 outputs current tmp = conv2.split(" "); if ( tmp[ 1 ] === current ) { // If prev can be converted to accepted input conv = converters[ prev + " " + tmp[ 0 ] ] || converters[ "* " + tmp[ 0 ] ]; if ( conv ) { // Condense equivalence converters if ( conv === true ) { conv = converters[ conv2 ]; // Otherwise, insert the intermediate dataType } else if ( converters[ conv2 ] !== true ) { current = tmp[ 0 ]; dataTypes.splice( i--, 0, current ); } break; } } } } // Apply converter (if not an equivalence) if ( conv !== true ) { // Unless errors are allowed to bubble, catch and return them if ( conv && s["throws"] ) { response = conv( response ); } else { try { response = conv( response ); } catch ( e ) { return { state: "parsererror", error: conv ? e : "No conversion from " + prev + " to " + current }; } } } } // Update prev for next iteration prev = current; } } return { state: "success", data: response }; } // Install script dataType jQuery.ajaxSetup({ accepts: { script: "text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript" }, contents: { script: /(?:java|ecma)script/ }, converters: { "text script": function( text ) { jQuery.globalEval( text ); return text; } } }); // Handle cache's special case and global jQuery.ajaxPrefilter( "script", function( s ) { if ( s.cache === undefined ) { s.cache = false; } if ( s.crossDomain ) { s.type = "GET"; s.global = false; } }); // Bind script tag hack transport jQuery.ajaxTransport( "script", function(s) { // This transport only deals with cross domain requests if ( s.crossDomain ) { var script, head = document.head || jQuery("head")[0] || document.documentElement; return { send: function( _, callback ) { script = document.createElement("script"); script.async = true; if ( s.scriptCharset ) { script.charset = s.scriptCharset; } script.src = s.url; // Attach handlers for all browsers script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function( _, isAbort ) { if ( isAbort || !script.readyState || /loaded|complete/.test( script.readyState ) ) { // Handle memory leak in IE script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null; // Remove the script if ( script.parentNode ) { script.parentNode.removeChild( script ); } // Dereference the script script = null; // Callback if not abort if ( !isAbort ) { callback( 200, "success" ); } } }; // Circumvent IE6 bugs with base elements (#2709 and #4378) by prepending // Use native DOM manipulation to avoid our domManip AJAX trickery head.insertBefore( script, head.firstChild ); }, abort: function() { if ( script ) { script.onload( undefined, true ); } } }; } }); var oldCallbacks = [], rjsonp = /(=)\?(?=&|$)|\?\?/; // Default jsonp settings jQuery.ajaxSetup({ jsonp: "callback", jsonpCallback: function() { var callback = oldCallbacks.pop() || ( jQuery.expando + "_" + ( ajax_nonce++ ) ); this[ callback ] = true; return callback; } }); // Detect, normalize options and install callbacks for jsonp requests jQuery.ajaxPrefilter( "json jsonp", function( s, originalSettings, jqXHR ) { var callbackName, overwritten, responseContainer, jsonProp = s.jsonp !== false && ( rjsonp.test( s.url ) ? "url" : typeof s.data === "string" && !( s.contentType || "" ).indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") && rjsonp.test( s.data ) && "data" ); // Handle iff the expected data type is "jsonp" or we have a parameter to set if ( jsonProp || s.dataTypes[ 0 ] === "jsonp" ) { // Get callback name, remembering preexisting value associated with it callbackName = s.jsonpCallback = jQuery.isFunction( s.jsonpCallback ) ? s.jsonpCallback() : s.jsonpCallback; // Insert callback into url or form data if ( jsonProp ) { s[ jsonProp ] = s[ jsonProp ].replace( rjsonp, "$1" + callbackName ); } else if ( s.jsonp !== false ) { s.url += ( ajax_rquery.test( s.url ) ? "&" : "?" ) + s.jsonp + "=" + callbackName; } // Use data converter to retrieve json after script execution s.converters["script json"] = function() { if ( !responseContainer ) { jQuery.error( callbackName + " was not called" ); } return responseContainer[ 0 ]; }; // force json dataType s.dataTypes[ 0 ] = "json"; // Install callback overwritten = window[ callbackName ]; window[ callbackName ] = function() { responseContainer = arguments; }; // Clean-up function (fires after converters) jqXHR.always(function() { // Restore preexisting value window[ callbackName ] = overwritten; // Save back as free if ( s[ callbackName ] ) { // make sure that re-using the options doesn't screw things around s.jsonpCallback = originalSettings.jsonpCallback; // save the callback name for future use oldCallbacks.push( callbackName ); } // Call if it was a function and we have a response if ( responseContainer && jQuery.isFunction( overwritten ) ) { overwritten( responseContainer[ 0 ] ); } responseContainer = overwritten = undefined; }); // Delegate to script return "script"; } }); var xhrCallbacks, xhrSupported, xhrId = 0, // #5280: Internet Explorer will keep connections alive if we don't abort on unload xhrOnUnloadAbort = window.ActiveXObject && function() { // Abort all pending requests var key; for ( key in xhrCallbacks ) { xhrCallbacks[ key ]( undefined, true ); } }; // Functions to create xhrs function createStandardXHR() { try { return new window.XMLHttpRequest(); } catch( e ) {} } function createActiveXHR() { try { return new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch( e ) {} } // Create the request object // (This is still attached to ajaxSettings for backward compatibility) jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr = window.ActiveXObject ? /* Microsoft failed to properly * implement the XMLHttpRequest in IE7 (can't request local files), * so we use the ActiveXObject when it is available * Additionally XMLHttpRequest can be disabled in IE7/IE8 so * we need a fallback. */ function() { return !this.isLocal && createStandardXHR() || createActiveXHR(); } : // For all other browsers, use the standard XMLHttpRequest object createStandardXHR; // Determine support properties xhrSupported = jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr(); jQuery.support.cors = !!xhrSupported && ( "withCredentials" in xhrSupported ); xhrSupported = jQuery.support.ajax = !!xhrSupported; // Create transport if the browser can provide an xhr if ( xhrSupported ) { jQuery.ajaxTransport(function( s ) { // Cross domain only allowed if supported through XMLHttpRequest if ( !s.crossDomain || jQuery.support.cors ) { var callback; return { send: function( headers, complete ) { // Get a new xhr var handle, i, xhr = s.xhr(); // Open the socket // Passing null username, generates a login popup on Opera (#2865) if ( s.username ) { xhr.open( s.type, s.url, s.async, s.username, s.password ); } else { xhr.open( s.type, s.url, s.async ); } // Apply custom fields if provided if ( s.xhrFields ) { for ( i in s.xhrFields ) { xhr[ i ] = s.xhrFields[ i ]; } } // Override mime type if needed if ( s.mimeType && xhr.overrideMimeType ) { xhr.overrideMimeType( s.mimeType ); } // X-Requested-With header // For cross-domain requests, seeing as conditions for a preflight are // akin to a jigsaw puzzle, we simply never set it to be sure. // (it can always be set on a per-request basis or even using ajaxSetup) // For same-domain requests, won't change header if already provided. if ( !s.crossDomain && !headers["X-Requested-With"] ) { headers["X-Requested-With"] = "XMLHttpRequest"; } // Need an extra try/catch for cross domain requests in Firefox 3 try { for ( i in headers ) { xhr.setRequestHeader( i, headers[ i ] ); } } catch( err ) {} // Do send the request // This may raise an exception which is actually // handled in jQuery.ajax (so no try/catch here) xhr.send( ( s.hasContent && s.data ) || null ); // Listener callback = function( _, isAbort ) { var status, responseHeaders, statusText, responses; // Firefox throws exceptions when accessing properties // of an xhr when a network error occurred // http://helpful.knobs-dials.com/index.php/Component_returned_failure_code:_0x80040111_(NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) try { // Was never called and is aborted or complete if ( callback && ( isAbort || xhr.readyState === 4 ) ) { // Only called once callback = undefined; // Do not keep as active anymore if ( handle ) { xhr.onreadystatechange = jQuery.noop; if ( xhrOnUnloadAbort ) { delete xhrCallbacks[ handle ]; } } // If it's an abort if ( isAbort ) { // Abort it manually if needed if ( xhr.readyState !== 4 ) { xhr.abort(); } } else { responses = {}; status = xhr.status; responseHeaders = xhr.getAllResponseHeaders(); // When requesting binary data, IE6-9 will throw an exception // on any attempt to access responseText (#11426) if ( typeof xhr.responseText === "string" ) { responses.text = xhr.responseText; } // Firefox throws an exception when accessing // statusText for faulty cross-domain requests try { statusText = xhr.statusText; } catch( e ) { // We normalize with Webkit giving an empty statusText statusText = ""; } // Filter status for non standard behaviors // If the request is local and we have data: assume a success // (success with no data won't get notified, that's the best we // can do given current implementations) if ( !status && s.isLocal && !s.crossDomain ) { status = responses.text ? 200 : 404; // IE - #1450: sometimes returns 1223 when it should be 204 } else if ( status === 1223 ) { status = 204; } } } } catch( firefoxAccessException ) { if ( !isAbort ) { complete( -1, firefoxAccessException ); } } // Call complete if needed if ( responses ) { complete( status, statusText, responses, responseHeaders ); } }; if ( !s.async ) { // if we're in sync mode we fire the callback callback(); } else if ( xhr.readyState === 4 ) { // (IE6 & IE7) if it's in cache and has been // retrieved directly we need to fire the callback setTimeout( callback ); } else { handle = ++xhrId; if ( xhrOnUnloadAbort ) { // Create the active xhrs callbacks list if needed // and attach the unload handler if ( !xhrCallbacks ) { xhrCallbacks = {}; jQuery( window ).unload( xhrOnUnloadAbort ); } // Add to list of active xhrs callbacks xhrCallbacks[ handle ] = callback; } xhr.onreadystatechange = callback; } }, abort: function() { if ( callback ) { callback( undefined, true ); } } }; } }); } var fxNow, timerId, rfxtypes = /^(?:toggle|show|hide)$/, rfxnum = new RegExp( "^(?:([+-])=|)(" + core_pnum + ")([a-z%]*)$", "i" ), rrun = /queueHooks$/, animationPrefilters = [ defaultPrefilter ], tweeners = { "*": [function( prop, value ) { var end, unit, tween = this.createTween( prop, value ), parts = rfxnum.exec( value ), target = tween.cur(), start = +target || 0, scale = 1, maxIterations = 20; if ( parts ) { end = +parts[2]; unit = parts[3] || ( jQuery.cssNumber[ prop ] ? "" : "px" ); // We need to compute starting value if ( unit !== "px" && start ) { // Iteratively approximate from a nonzero starting point // Prefer the current property, because this process will be trivial if it uses the same units // Fallback to end or a simple constant start = jQuery.css( tween.elem, prop, true ) || end || 1; do { // If previous iteration zeroed out, double until we get *something* // Use a string for doubling factor so we don't accidentally see scale as unchanged below scale = scale || ".5"; // Adjust and apply start = start / scale; jQuery.style( tween.elem, prop, start + unit ); // Update scale, tolerating zero or NaN from tween.cur() // And breaking the loop if scale is unchanged or perfect, or if we've just had enough } while ( scale !== (scale = tween.cur() / target) && scale !== 1 && --maxIterations ); } tween.unit = unit; tween.start = start; // If a +=/-= token was provided, we're doing a relative animation tween.end = parts[1] ? start + ( parts[1] + 1 ) * end : end; } return tween; }] }; // Animations created synchronously will run synchronously function createFxNow() { setTimeout(function() { fxNow = undefined; }); return ( fxNow = jQuery.now() ); } function createTweens( animation, props ) { jQuery.each( props, function( prop, value ) { var collection = ( tweeners[ prop ] || [] ).concat( tweeners[ "*" ] ), index = 0, length = collection.length; for ( ; index < length; index++ ) { if ( collection[ index ].call( animation, prop, value ) ) { // we're done with this property return; } } }); } function Animation( elem, properties, options ) { var result, stopped, index = 0, length = animationPrefilters.length, deferred = jQuery.Deferred().always( function() { // don't match elem in the :animated selector delete tick.elem; }), tick = function() { if ( stopped ) { return false; } var currentTime = fxNow || createFxNow(), remaining = Math.max( 0, animation.startTime + animation.duration - currentTime ), // archaic crash bug won't allow us to use 1 - ( 0.5 || 0 ) (#12497) temp = remaining / animation.duration || 0, percent = 1 - temp, index = 0, length = animation.tweens.length; for ( ; index < length ; index++ ) { animation.tweens[ index ].run( percent ); } deferred.notifyWith( elem, [ animation, percent, remaining ]); if ( percent < 1 && length ) { return remaining; } else { deferred.resolveWith( elem, [ animation ] ); return false; } }, animation = deferred.promise({ elem: elem, props: jQuery.extend( {}, properties ), opts: jQuery.extend( true, { specialEasing: {} }, options ), originalProperties: properties, originalOptions: options, startTime: fxNow || createFxNow(), duration: options.duration, tweens: [], createTween: function( prop, end ) { var tween = jQuery.Tween( elem, animation.opts, prop, end, animation.opts.specialEasing[ prop ] || animation.opts.easing ); animation.tweens.push( tween ); return tween; }, stop: function( gotoEnd ) { var index = 0, // if we are going to the end, we want to run all the tweens // otherwise we skip this part length = gotoEnd ? animation.tweens.length : 0; if ( stopped ) { return this; } stopped = true; for ( ; index < length ; index++ ) { animation.tweens[ index ].run( 1 ); } // resolve when we played the last frame // otherwise, reject if ( gotoEnd ) { deferred.resolveWith( elem, [ animation, gotoEnd ] ); } else { deferred.rejectWith( elem, [ animation, gotoEnd ] ); } return this; } }), props = animation.props; propFilter( props, animation.opts.specialEasing ); for ( ; index < length ; index++ ) { result = animationPrefilters[ index ].call( animation, elem, props, animation.opts ); if ( result ) { return result; } } createTweens( animation, props ); if ( jQuery.isFunction( animation.opts.start ) ) { animation.opts.start.call( elem, animation ); } jQuery.fx.timer( jQuery.extend( tick, { elem: elem, anim: animation, queue: animation.opts.queue }) ); // attach callbacks from options return animation.progress( animation.opts.progress ) .done( animation.opts.done, animation.opts.complete ) .fail( animation.opts.fail ) .always( animation.opts.always ); } function propFilter( props, specialEasing ) { var value, name, index, easing, hooks; // camelCase, specialEasing and expand cssHook pass for ( index in props ) { name = jQuery.camelCase( index ); easing = specialEasing[ name ]; value = props[ index ]; if ( jQuery.isArray( value ) ) { easing = value[ 1 ]; value = props[ index ] = value[ 0 ]; } if ( index !== name ) { props[ name ] = value; delete props[ index ]; } hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ name ]; if ( hooks && "expand" in hooks ) { value = hooks.expand( value ); delete props[ name ]; // not quite $.extend, this wont overwrite keys already present. // also - reusing 'index' from above because we have the correct "name" for ( index in value ) { if ( !( index in props ) ) { props[ index ] = value[ index ]; specialEasing[ index ] = easing; } } } else { specialEasing[ name ] = easing; } } } jQuery.Animation = jQuery.extend( Animation, { tweener: function( props, callback ) { if ( jQuery.isFunction( props ) ) { callback = props; props = [ "*" ]; } else { props = props.split(" "); } var prop, index = 0, length = props.length; for ( ; index < length ; index++ ) { prop = props[ index ]; tweeners[ prop ] = tweeners[ prop ] || []; tweeners[ prop ].unshift( callback ); } }, prefilter: function( callback, prepend ) { if ( prepend ) { animationPrefilters.unshift( callback ); } else { animationPrefilters.push( callback ); } } }); function defaultPrefilter( elem, props, opts ) { /*jshint validthis:true */ var prop, index, length, value, dataShow, toggle, tween, hooks, oldfire, anim = this, style = elem.style, orig = {}, handled = [], hidden = elem.nodeType && isHidden( elem ); // handle queue: false promises if ( !opts.queue ) { hooks = jQuery._queueHooks( elem, "fx" ); if ( hooks.unqueued == null ) { hooks.unqueued = 0; oldfire = hooks.empty.fire; hooks.empty.fire = function() { if ( !hooks.unqueued ) { oldfire(); } }; } hooks.unqueued++; anim.always(function() { // doing this makes sure that the complete handler will be called // before this completes anim.always(function() { hooks.unqueued--; if ( !jQuery.queue( elem, "fx" ).length ) { hooks.empty.fire(); } }); }); } // height/width overflow pass if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && ( "height" in props || "width" in props ) ) { // Make sure that nothing sneaks out // Record all 3 overflow attributes because IE does not // change the overflow attribute when overflowX and // overflowY are set to the same value opts.overflow = [ style.overflow, style.overflowX, style.overflowY ]; // Set display property to inline-block for height/width // animations on inline elements that are having width/height animated if ( jQuery.css( elem, "display" ) === "inline" && jQuery.css( elem, "float" ) === "none" ) { // inline-level elements accept inline-block; // block-level elements need to be inline with layout if ( !jQuery.support.inlineBlockNeedsLayout || css_defaultDisplay( elem.nodeName ) === "inline" ) { style.display = "inline-block"; } else { style.zoom = 1; } } } if ( opts.overflow ) { style.overflow = "hidden"; if ( !jQuery.support.shrinkWrapBlocks ) { anim.always(function() { style.overflow = opts.overflow[ 0 ]; style.overflowX = opts.overflow[ 1 ]; style.overflowY = opts.overflow[ 2 ]; }); } } // show/hide pass for ( index in props ) { value = props[ index ]; if ( rfxtypes.exec( value ) ) { delete props[ index ]; toggle = toggle || value === "toggle"; if ( value === ( hidden ? "hide" : "show" ) ) { continue; } handled.push( index ); } } length = handled.length; if ( length ) { dataShow = jQuery._data( elem, "fxshow" ) || jQuery._data( elem, "fxshow", {} ); if ( "hidden" in dataShow ) { hidden = dataShow.hidden; } // store state if its toggle - enables .stop().toggle() to "reverse" if ( toggle ) { dataShow.hidden = !hidden; } if ( hidden ) { jQuery( elem ).show(); } else { anim.done(function() { jQuery( elem ).hide(); }); } anim.done(function() { var prop; jQuery._removeData( elem, "fxshow" ); for ( prop in orig ) { jQuery.style( elem, prop, orig[ prop ] ); } }); for ( index = 0 ; index < length ; index++ ) { prop = handled[ index ]; tween = anim.createTween( prop, hidden ? dataShow[ prop ] : 0 ); orig[ prop ] = dataShow[ prop ] || jQuery.style( elem, prop ); if ( !( prop in dataShow ) ) { dataShow[ prop ] = tween.start; if ( hidden ) { tween.end = tween.start; tween.start = prop === "width" || prop === "height" ? 1 : 0; } } } } } function Tween( elem, options, prop, end, easing ) { return new Tween.prototype.init( elem, options, prop, end, easing ); } jQuery.Tween = Tween; Tween.prototype = { constructor: Tween, init: function( elem, options, prop, end, easing, unit ) { this.elem = elem; this.prop = prop; this.easing = easing || "swing"; this.options = options; this.start = this.now = this.cur(); this.end = end; this.unit = unit || ( jQuery.cssNumber[ prop ] ? "" : "px" ); }, cur: function() { var hooks = Tween.propHooks[ this.prop ]; return hooks && hooks.get ? hooks.get( this ) : Tween.propHooks._default.get( this ); }, run: function( percent ) { var eased, hooks = Tween.propHooks[ this.prop ]; if ( this.options.duration ) { this.pos = eased = jQuery.easing[ this.easing ]( percent, this.options.duration * percent, 0, 1, this.options.duration ); } else { this.pos = eased = percent; } this.now = ( this.end - this.start ) * eased + this.start; if ( this.options.step ) { this.options.step.call( this.elem, this.now, this ); } if ( hooks && hooks.set ) { hooks.set( this ); } else { Tween.propHooks._default.set( this ); } return this; } }; Tween.prototype.init.prototype = Tween.prototype; Tween.propHooks = { _default: { get: function( tween ) { var result; if ( tween.elem[ tween.prop ] != null && (!tween.elem.style || tween.elem.style[ tween.prop ] == null) ) { return tween.elem[ tween.prop ]; } // passing an empty string as a 3rd parameter to .css will automatically // attempt a parseFloat and fallback to a string if the parse fails // so, simple values such as "10px" are parsed to Float. // complex values such as "rotate(1rad)" are returned as is. result = jQuery.css( tween.elem, tween.prop, "" ); // Empty strings, null, undefined and "auto" are converted to 0. return !result || result === "auto" ? 0 : result; }, set: function( tween ) { // use step hook for back compat - use cssHook if its there - use .style if its // available and use plain properties where available if ( jQuery.fx.step[ tween.prop ] ) { jQuery.fx.step[ tween.prop ]( tween ); } else if ( tween.elem.style && ( tween.elem.style[ jQuery.cssProps[ tween.prop ] ] != null || jQuery.cssHooks[ tween.prop ] ) ) { jQuery.style( tween.elem, tween.prop, tween.now + tween.unit ); } else { tween.elem[ tween.prop ] = tween.now; } } } }; // Remove in 2.0 - this supports IE8's panic based approach // to setting things on disconnected nodes Tween.propHooks.scrollTop = Tween.propHooks.scrollLeft = { set: function( tween ) { if ( tween.elem.nodeType && tween.elem.parentNode ) { tween.elem[ tween.prop ] = tween.now; } } }; jQuery.each([ "toggle", "show", "hide" ], function( i, name ) { var cssFn = jQuery.fn[ name ]; jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( speed, easing, callback ) { return speed == null || typeof speed === "boolean" ? cssFn.apply( this, arguments ) : this.animate( genFx( name, true ), speed, easing, callback ); }; }); jQuery.fn.extend({ fadeTo: function( speed, to, easing, callback ) { // show any hidden elements after setting opacity to 0 return this.filter( isHidden ).css( "opacity", 0 ).show() // animate to the value specified .end().animate({ opacity: to }, speed, easing, callback ); }, animate: function( prop, speed, easing, callback ) { var empty = jQuery.isEmptyObject( prop ), optall = jQuery.speed( speed, easing, callback ), doAnimation = function() { // Operate on a copy of prop so per-property easing won't be lost var anim = Animation( this, jQuery.extend( {}, prop ), optall ); doAnimation.finish = function() { anim.stop( true ); }; // Empty animations, or finishing resolves immediately if ( empty || jQuery._data( this, "finish" ) ) { anim.stop( true ); } }; doAnimation.finish = doAnimation; return empty || optall.queue === false ? this.each( doAnimation ) : this.queue( optall.queue, doAnimation ); }, stop: function( type, clearQueue, gotoEnd ) { var stopQueue = function( hooks ) { var stop = hooks.stop; delete hooks.stop; stop( gotoEnd ); }; if ( typeof type !== "string" ) { gotoEnd = clearQueue; clearQueue = type; type = undefined; } if ( clearQueue && type !== false ) { this.queue( type || "fx", [] ); } return this.each(function() { var dequeue = true, index = type != null && type + "queueHooks", timers = jQuery.timers, data = jQuery._data( this ); if ( index ) { if ( data[ index ] && data[ index ].stop ) { stopQueue( data[ index ] ); } } else { for ( index in data ) { if ( data[ index ] && data[ index ].stop && rrun.test( index ) ) { stopQueue( data[ index ] ); } } } for ( index = timers.length; index--; ) { if ( timers[ index ].elem === this && (type == null || timers[ index ].queue === type) ) { timers[ index ].anim.stop( gotoEnd ); dequeue = false; timers.splice( index, 1 ); } } // start the next in the queue if the last step wasn't forced // timers currently will call their complete callbacks, which will dequeue // but only if they were gotoEnd if ( dequeue || !gotoEnd ) { jQuery.dequeue( this, type ); } }); }, finish: function( type ) { if ( type !== false ) { type = type || "fx"; } return this.each(function() { var index, data = jQuery._data( this ), queue = data[ type + "queue" ], hooks = data[ type + "queueHooks" ], timers = jQuery.timers, length = queue ? queue.length : 0; // enable finishing flag on private data data.finish = true; // empty the queue first jQuery.queue( this, type, [] ); if ( hooks && hooks.cur && hooks.cur.finish ) { hooks.cur.finish.call( this ); } // look for any active animations, and finish them for ( index = timers.length; index--; ) { if ( timers[ index ].elem === this && timers[ index ].queue === type ) { timers[ index ].anim.stop( true ); timers.splice( index, 1 ); } } // look for any animations in the old queue and finish them for ( index = 0; index < length; index++ ) { if ( queue[ index ] && queue[ index ].finish ) { queue[ index ].finish.call( this ); } } // turn off finishing flag delete data.finish; }); } }); // Generate parameters to create a standard animation function genFx( type, includeWidth ) { var which, attrs = { height: type }, i = 0; // if we include width, step value is 1 to do all cssExpand values, // if we don't include width, step value is 2 to skip over Left and Right includeWidth = includeWidth? 1 : 0; for( ; i < 4 ; i += 2 - includeWidth ) { which = cssExpand[ i ]; attrs[ "margin" + which ] = attrs[ "padding" + which ] = type; } if ( includeWidth ) { attrs.opacity = attrs.width = type; } return attrs; } // Generate shortcuts for custom animations jQuery.each({ slideDown: genFx("show"), slideUp: genFx("hide"), slideToggle: genFx("toggle"), fadeIn: { opacity: "show" }, fadeOut: { opacity: "hide" }, fadeToggle: { opacity: "toggle" } }, function( name, props ) { jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( speed, easing, callback ) { return this.animate( props, speed, easing, callback ); }; }); jQuery.speed = function( speed, easing, fn ) { var opt = speed && typeof speed === "object" ? jQuery.extend( {}, speed ) : { complete: fn || !fn && easing || jQuery.isFunction( speed ) && speed, duration: speed, easing: fn && easing || easing && !jQuery.isFunction( easing ) && easing }; opt.duration = jQuery.fx.off ? 0 : typeof opt.duration === "number" ? opt.duration : opt.duration in jQuery.fx.speeds ? jQuery.fx.speeds[ opt.duration ] : jQuery.fx.speeds._default; // normalize opt.queue - true/undefined/null -> "fx" if ( opt.queue == null || opt.queue === true ) { opt.queue = "fx"; } // Queueing opt.old = opt.complete; opt.complete = function() { if ( jQuery.isFunction( opt.old ) ) { opt.old.call( this ); } if ( opt.queue ) { jQuery.dequeue( this, opt.queue ); } }; return opt; }; jQuery.easing = { linear: function( p ) { return p; }, swing: function( p ) { return 0.5 - Math.cos( p*Math.PI ) / 2; } }; jQuery.timers = []; jQuery.fx = Tween.prototype.init; jQuery.fx.tick = function() { var timer, timers = jQuery.timers, i = 0; fxNow = jQuery.now(); for ( ; i < timers.length; i++ ) { timer = timers[ i ]; // Checks the timer has not already been removed if ( !timer() && timers[ i ] === timer ) { timers.splice( i--, 1 ); } } if ( !timers.length ) { jQuery.fx.stop(); } fxNow = undefined; }; jQuery.fx.timer = function( timer ) { if ( timer() && jQuery.timers.push( timer ) ) { jQuery.fx.start(); } }; jQuery.fx.interval = 13; jQuery.fx.start = function() { if ( !timerId ) { timerId = setInterval( jQuery.fx.tick, jQuery.fx.interval ); } }; jQuery.fx.stop = function() { clearInterval( timerId ); timerId = null; }; jQuery.fx.speeds = { slow: 600, fast: 200, // Default speed _default: 400 }; // Back Compat <1.8 extension point jQuery.fx.step = {}; if ( jQuery.expr && jQuery.expr.filters ) { jQuery.expr.filters.animated = function( elem ) { return jQuery.grep(jQuery.timers, function( fn ) { return elem === fn.elem; }).length; }; } jQuery.fn.offset = function( options ) { if ( arguments.length ) { return options === undefined ? this : this.each(function( i ) { jQuery.offset.setOffset( this, options, i ); }); } var docElem, win, box = { top: 0, left: 0 }, elem = this[ 0 ], doc = elem && elem.ownerDocument; if ( !doc ) { return; } docElem = doc.documentElement; // Make sure it's not a disconnected DOM node if ( !jQuery.contains( docElem, elem ) ) { return box; } // If we don't have gBCR, just use 0,0 rather than error // BlackBerry 5, iOS 3 (original iPhone) if ( typeof elem.getBoundingClientRect !== core_strundefined ) { box = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); } win = getWindow( doc ); return { top: box.top + ( win.pageYOffset || docElem.scrollTop ) - ( docElem.clientTop || 0 ), left: box.left + ( win.pageXOffset || docElem.scrollLeft ) - ( docElem.clientLeft || 0 ) }; }; jQuery.offset = { setOffset: function( elem, options, i ) { var position = jQuery.css( elem, "position" ); // set position first, in-case top/left are set even on static elem if ( position === "static" ) { elem.style.position = "relative"; } var curElem = jQuery( elem ), curOffset = curElem.offset(), curCSSTop = jQuery.css( elem, "top" ), curCSSLeft = jQuery.css( elem, "left" ), calculatePosition = ( position === "absolute" || position === "fixed" ) && jQuery.inArray("auto", [curCSSTop, curCSSLeft]) > -1, props = {}, curPosition = {}, curTop, curLeft; // need to be able to calculate position if either top or left is auto and position is either absolute or fixed if ( calculatePosition ) { curPosition = curElem.position(); curTop = curPosition.top; curLeft = curPosition.left; } else { curTop = parseFloat( curCSSTop ) || 0; curLeft = parseFloat( curCSSLeft ) || 0; } if ( jQuery.isFunction( options ) ) { options = options.call( elem, i, curOffset ); } if ( options.top != null ) { props.top = ( options.top - curOffset.top ) + curTop; } if ( options.left != null ) { props.left = ( options.left - curOffset.left ) + curLeft; } if ( "using" in options ) { options.using.call( elem, props ); } else { curElem.css( props ); } } }; jQuery.fn.extend({ position: function() { if ( !this[ 0 ] ) { return; } var offsetParent, offset, parentOffset = { top: 0, left: 0 }, elem = this[ 0 ]; // fixed elements are offset from window (parentOffset = {top:0, left: 0}, because it is it's only offset parent if ( jQuery.css( elem, "position" ) === "fixed" ) { // we assume that getBoundingClientRect is available when computed position is fixed offset = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); } else { // Get *real* offsetParent offsetParent = this.offsetParent(); // Get correct offsets offset = this.offset(); if ( !jQuery.nodeName( offsetParent[ 0 ], "html" ) ) { parentOffset = offsetParent.offset(); } // Add offsetParent borders parentOffset.top += jQuery.css( offsetParent[ 0 ], "borderTopWidth", true ); parentOffset.left += jQuery.css( offsetParent[ 0 ], "borderLeftWidth", true ); } // Subtract parent offsets and element margins // note: when an element has margin: auto the offsetLeft and marginLeft // are the same in Safari causing offset.left to incorrectly be 0 return { top: offset.top - parentOffset.top - jQuery.css( elem, "marginTop", true ), left: offset.left - parentOffset.left - jQuery.css( elem, "marginLeft", true) }; }, offsetParent: function() { return this.map(function() { var offsetParent = this.offsetParent || document.documentElement; while ( offsetParent && ( !jQuery.nodeName( offsetParent, "html" ) && jQuery.css( offsetParent, "position") === "static" ) ) { offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent; } return offsetParent || document.documentElement; }); } }); // Create scrollLeft and scrollTop methods jQuery.each( {scrollLeft: "pageXOffset", scrollTop: "pageYOffset"}, function( method, prop ) { var top = /Y/.test( prop ); jQuery.fn[ method ] = function( val ) { return jQuery.access( this, function( elem, method, val ) { var win = getWindow( elem ); if ( val === undefined ) { return win ? (prop in win) ? win[ prop ] : win.document.documentElement[ method ] : elem[ method ]; } if ( win ) { win.scrollTo( !top ? val : jQuery( win ).scrollLeft(), top ? val : jQuery( win ).scrollTop() ); } else { elem[ method ] = val; } }, method, val, arguments.length, null ); }; }); function getWindow( elem ) { return jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ? elem : elem.nodeType === 9 ? elem.defaultView || elem.parentWindow : false; } // Create innerHeight, innerWidth, height, width, outerHeight and outerWidth methods jQuery.each( { Height: "height", Width: "width" }, function( name, type ) { jQuery.each( { padding: "inner" + name, content: type, "": "outer" + name }, function( defaultExtra, funcName ) { // margin is only for outerHeight, outerWidth jQuery.fn[ funcName ] = function( margin, value ) { var chainable = arguments.length && ( defaultExtra || typeof margin !== "boolean" ), extra = defaultExtra || ( margin === true || value === true ? "margin" : "border" ); return jQuery.access( this, function( elem, type, value ) { var doc; if ( jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) { // As of 5/8/2012 this will yield incorrect results for Mobile Safari, but there // isn't a whole lot we can do. See pull request at this URL for discussion: // https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/764 return elem.document.documentElement[ "client" + name ]; } // Get document width or height if ( elem.nodeType === 9 ) { doc = elem.documentElement; // Either scroll[Width/Height] or offset[Width/Height] or client[Width/Height], whichever is greatest // unfortunately, this causes bug #3838 in IE6/8 only, but there is currently no good, small way to fix it. return Math.max( elem.body[ "scroll" + name ], doc[ "scroll" + name ], elem.body[ "offset" + name ], doc[ "offset" + name ], doc[ "client" + name ] ); } return value === undefined ? // Get width or height on the element, requesting but not forcing parseFloat jQuery.css( elem, type, extra ) : // Set width or height on the element jQuery.style( elem, type, value, extra ); }, type, chainable ? margin : undefined, chainable, null ); }; }); }); // Limit scope pollution from any deprecated API // (function() { // })(); // Expose jQuery to the global object window.jQuery = window.$ = jQuery; // Expose jQuery as an AMD module, but only for AMD loaders that // understand the issues with loading multiple versions of jQuery // in a page that all might call define(). The loader will indicate // they have special allowances for multiple jQuery versions by // specifying define.amd.jQuery = true. Register as a named module, // since jQuery can be concatenated with other files that may use define, // but not use a proper concatenation script that understands anonymous // AMD modules. A named AMD is safest and most robust way to register. // Lowercase jquery is used because AMD module names are derived from // file names, and jQuery is normally delivered in a lowercase file name. // Do this after creating the global so that if an AMD module wants to call // noConflict to hide this version of jQuery, it will work. if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd && define.amd.jQuery ) { define( "jquery", [], function () { return jQuery; } ); } })( window );// Underscore.js 1.8.2 // http://underscorejs.org // (c) 2009-2015 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors // Underscore may be freely distributed under the MIT license. (function () { // Baseline setup // -------------- // Establish the root object, `window` in the browser, or `exports` on the server. var root = this; // Save the previous value of the `_` variable. var previousUnderscore = root._; // Save bytes in the minified (but not gzipped) version: var ArrayProto = Array.prototype, ObjProto = Object.prototype, FuncProto = Function.prototype; // Create quick reference variables for speed access to core prototypes. var push = ArrayProto.push, slice = ArrayProto.slice, toString = ObjProto.toString, hasOwnProperty = ObjProto.hasOwnProperty; // All **ECMAScript 5** native function implementations that we hope to use // are declared here. var nativeIsArray = Array.isArray, nativeKeys = Object.keys, nativeBind = FuncProto.bind, nativeCreate = Object.create; // Naked function reference for surrogate-prototype-swapping. var Ctor = function () {}; // Create a safe reference to the Underscore object for use below. var _ = function (obj) { if (obj instanceof _) return obj; if (!(this instanceof _)) return new _(obj); this._wrapped = obj; }; // Export the Underscore object for **Node.js**, with // backwards-compatibility for the old `require()` API. If we're in // the browser, add `_` as a global object. if (typeof exports !== "undefined") { if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) { exports = module.exports = _; } exports._ = _; } else { root._ = _; } // Current version. _.VERSION = "1.8.2"; // Internal function that returns an efficient (for current engines) version // of the passed-in callback, to be repeatedly applied in other Underscore // functions. var optimizeCb = function (func, context, argCount) { if (context === void 0) return func; switch (argCount == null ? 3 : argCount) { case 1: return function (value) { return func.call(context, value); }; case 2: return function (value, other) { return func.call(context, value, other); }; case 3: return function (value, index, collection) { return func.call(context, value, index, collection); }; case 4: return function (accumulator, value, index, collection) { return func.call(context, accumulator, value, index, collection); }; } return function () { return func.apply(context, arguments); }; }; // A mostly-internal function to generate callbacks that can be applied // to each element in a collection, returning the desired result 鈥? either // identity, an arbitrary callback, a property matcher, or a property accessor. var cb = function (value, context, argCount) { if (value == null) return _.identity; if (_.isFunction(value)) return optimizeCb(value, context, argCount); if (_.isObject(value)) return _.matcher(value); return _.property(value); }; _.iteratee = function (value, context) { return cb(value, context, Infinity); }; // An internal function for creating assigner functions. var createAssigner = function (keysFunc, undefinedOnly) { return function (obj) { var length = arguments.length; if (length < 2 || obj == null) return obj; for (var index = 1; index < length; index++) { var source = arguments[index], keys = keysFunc(source), l = keys.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { var key = keys[i]; if (!undefinedOnly || obj[key] === void 0) obj[key] = source[key]; } } return obj; }; }; // An internal function for creating a new object that inherits from another. var baseCreate = function (prototype) { if (!_.isObject(prototype)) return {}; if (nativeCreate) return nativeCreate(prototype); Ctor.prototype = prototype; var result = new Ctor; Ctor.prototype = null; return result; }; // Helper for collection methods to determine whether a collection // should be iterated as an array or as an object // Related: http://people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/es6-draft.html#sec-tolength var MAX_ARRAY_INDEX = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1; var isArrayLike = function (collection) { var length = collection != null && collection.length; return typeof length === "number" && length >= 0 && length <= MAX_ARRAY_INDEX; }; // Collection Functions // -------------------- // The cornerstone, an `each` implementation, aka `forEach`. // Handles raw objects in addition to array-likes. Treats all // sparse array-likes as if they were dense. _.each = _.forEach = function (obj, iteratee, context) { iteratee = optimizeCb(iteratee, context); var i, length; if (isArrayLike(obj)) { for (i = 0, length = obj.length; i < length; i++) { iteratee(obj[i], i, obj); } } else { var keys = _.keys(obj); for (i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) { iteratee(obj[keys[i]], keys[i], obj); } } return obj; }; // Return the results of applying the iteratee to each element. _.map = _.collect = function (obj, iteratee, context) { iteratee = cb(iteratee, context); var keys = !isArrayLike(obj) && _.keys(obj), length = (keys || obj).length, results = Array(length); for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) { var currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index; results[index] = iteratee(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj); } return results; }; // Create a reducing function iterating left or right. function createReduce (dir) { // Optimized iterator function as using arguments.length // in the main function will deoptimize the, see #1991. function iterator (obj, iteratee, memo, keys, index, length) { for (; index >= 0 && index < length; index += dir) { var currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index; memo = iteratee(memo, obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj); } return memo; } return function (obj, iteratee, memo, context) { iteratee = optimizeCb(iteratee, context, 4); var keys = !isArrayLike(obj) && _.keys(obj), length = (keys || obj).length, index = dir > 0 ? 0 : length - 1; // Determine the initial value if none is provided. if (arguments.length < 3) { memo = obj[keys ? keys[index] : index]; index += dir; } return iterator(obj, iteratee, memo, keys, index, length); }; } // **Reduce** builds up a single result from a list of values, aka `inject`, // or `foldl`. _.reduce = _.foldl = _.inject = createReduce(1); // The right-associative version of reduce, also known as `foldr`. _.reduceRight = _.foldr = createReduce(-1); // Return the first value which passes a truth test. Aliased as `detect`. _.find = _.detect = function (obj, predicate, context) { var key; if (isArrayLike(obj)) { key = _.findIndex(obj, predicate, context); } else { key = _.findKey(obj, predicate, context); } if (key !== void 0 && key !== -1) return obj[key]; }; // Return all the elements that pass a truth test. // Aliased as `select`. _.filter = _.select = function (obj, predicate, context) { var results = []; predicate = cb(predicate, context); _.each(obj, function (value, index, list) { if (predicate(value, index, list)) results.push(value); }); return results; }; // Return all the elements for which a truth test fails. _.reject = function (obj, predicate, context) { return _.filter(obj, _.negate(cb(predicate)), context); }; // Determine whether all of the elements match a truth test. // Aliased as `all`. _.every = _.all = function (obj, predicate, context) { predicate = cb(predicate, context); var keys = !isArrayLike(obj) && _.keys(obj), length = (keys || obj).length; for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) { var currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index; if (!predicate(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj)) return false; } return true; }; // Determine if at least one element in the object matches a truth test. // Aliased as `any`. _.some = _.any = function (obj, predicate, context) { predicate = cb(predicate, context); var keys = !isArrayLike(obj) && _.keys(obj), length = (keys || obj).length; for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) { var currentKey = keys ? keys[index] : index; if (predicate(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj)) return true; } return false; }; // Determine if the array or object contains a given value (using `===`). // Aliased as `includes` and `include`. _.contains = _.includes = _.include = function (obj, target, fromIndex) { if (!isArrayLike(obj)) obj = _.values(obj); return _.indexOf(obj, target, typeof fromIndex === "number" && fromIndex) >= 0; }; // Invoke a method (with arguments) on every item in a collection. _.invoke = function (obj, method) { var args = slice.call(arguments, 2); var isFunc = _.isFunction(method); return _.map(obj, function (value) { var func = isFunc ? method : value[method]; return func == null ? func : func.apply(value, args); }); }; // Convenience version of a common use case of `map`: fetching a property. _.pluck = function (obj, key) { return _.map(obj, _.property(key)); }; // Convenience version of a common use case of `filter`: selecting only objects // containing specific `key:value` pairs. _.where = function (obj, attrs) { return _.filter(obj, _.matcher(attrs)); }; // Convenience version of a common use case of `find`: getting the first object // containing specific `key:value` pairs. _.findWhere = function (obj, attrs) { return _.find(obj, _.matcher(attrs)); }; // Return the maximum element (or element-based computation). _.max = function (obj, iteratee, context) { var result = -Infinity, lastComputed = -Infinity, value, computed; if (iteratee == null && obj != null) { obj = isArrayLike(obj) ? obj : _.values(obj); for (var i = 0, length = obj.length; i < length; i++) { value = obj[i]; if (value > result) { result = value; } } } else { iteratee = cb(iteratee, context); _.each(obj, function (value, index, list) { computed = iteratee(value, index, list); if (computed > lastComputed || computed === -Infinity && result === -Infinity) { result = value; lastComputed = computed; } }); } return result; }; // Return the minimum element (or element-based computation). _.min = function (obj, iteratee, context) { var result = Infinity, lastComputed = Infinity, value, computed; if (iteratee == null && obj != null) { obj = isArrayLike(obj) ? obj : _.values(obj); for (var i = 0, length = obj.length; i < length; i++) { value = obj[i]; if (value < result) { result = value; } } } else { iteratee = cb(iteratee, context); _.each(obj, function (value, index, list) { computed = iteratee(value, index, list); if (computed < lastComputed || computed === Infinity && result === Infinity) { result = value; lastComputed = computed; } }); } return result; }; // Shuffle a collection, using the modern version of the // [Fisher-Yates shuffle](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher鈥揧ates_shuffle). _.shuffle = function (obj) { var set = isArrayLike(obj) ? obj : _.values(obj); var length = set.length; var shuffled = Array(length); for (var index = 0, rand; index < length; index++) { rand = _.random(0, index); if (rand !== index) shuffled[index] = shuffled[rand]; shuffled[rand] = set[index]; } return shuffled; }; // Sample **n** random values from a collection. // If **n** is not specified, returns a single random element. // The internal `guard` argument allows it to work with `map`. _.sample = function (obj, n, guard) { if (n == null || guard) { if (!isArrayLike(obj)) obj = _.values(obj); return obj[_.random(obj.length - 1)]; } return _.shuffle(obj).slice(0, Math.max(0, n)); }; // Sort the object's values by a criterion produced by an iteratee. _.sortBy = function (obj, iteratee, context) { iteratee = cb(iteratee, context); return _.pluck(_.map(obj, function (value, index, list) { return { value: value, index: index, criteria: iteratee(value, index, list) }; }).sort(function (left, right) { var a = left.criteria; var b = right.criteria; if (a !== b) { if (a > b || a === void 0) return 1; if (a < b || b === void 0) return -1; } return left.index - right.index; }), "value"); }; // An internal function used for aggregate "group by" operations. var group = function (behavior) { return function (obj, iteratee, context) { var result = {}; iteratee = cb(iteratee, context); _.each(obj, function (value, index) { var key = iteratee(value, index, obj); behavior(result, value, key); }); return result; }; }; // Groups the object's values by a criterion. Pass either a string attribute // to group by, or a function that returns the criterion. _.groupBy = group(function (result, value, key) { if (_.has(result, key)) result[key].push(value); else result[key] = [value]; }); // Indexes the object's values by a criterion, similar to `groupBy`, but for // when you know that your index values will be unique. _.indexBy = group(function (result, value, key) { result[key] = value; }); // Counts instances of an object that group by a certain criterion. Pass // either a string attribute to count by, or a function that returns the // criterion. _.countBy = group(function (result, value, key) { if (_.has(result, key)) result[key]++; else result[key] = 1; }); // Safely create a real, live array from anything iterable. _.toArray = function (obj) { if (!obj) return []; if (_.isArray(obj)) return slice.call(obj); if (isArrayLike(obj)) return _.map(obj, _.identity); return _.values(obj); }; // Return the number of elements in an object. _.size = function (obj) { if (obj == null) return 0; return isArrayLike(obj) ? obj.length : _.keys(obj).length; }; // Split a collection into two arrays: one whose elements all satisfy the given // predicate, and one whose elements all do not satisfy the predicate. _.partition = function (obj, predicate, context) { predicate = cb(predicate, context); var pass = [], fail = []; _.each(obj, function (value, key, obj) { (predicate(value, key, obj) ? pass : fail).push(value); }); return [pass, fail]; }; // Array Functions // --------------- // Get the first element of an array. Passing **n** will return the first N // values in the array. Aliased as `head` and `take`. The **guard** check // allows it to work with `_.map`. _.first = _.head = _.take = function (array, n, guard) { if (array == null) return void 0; if (n == null || guard) return array[0]; return _.initial(array, array.length - n); }; // Returns everything but the last entry of the array. Especially useful on // the arguments object. Passing **n** will return all the values in // the array, excluding the last N. _.initial = function (array, n, guard) { return slice.call(array, 0, Math.max(0, array.length - (n == null || guard ? 1 : n))); }; // Get the last element of an array. Passing **n** will return the last N // values in the array. _.last = function (array, n, guard) { if (array == null) return void 0; if (n == null || guard) return array[array.length - 1]; return _.rest(array, Math.max(0, array.length - n)); }; // Returns everything but the first entry of the array. Aliased as `tail` and `drop`. // Especially useful on the arguments object. Passing an **n** will return // the rest N values in the array. _.rest = _.tail = _.drop = function (array, n, guard) { return slice.call(array, n == null || guard ? 1 : n); }; // Trim out all falsy values from an array. _.compact = function (array) { return _.filter(array, _.identity); }; // Internal implementation of a recursive `flatten` function. var flatten = function (input, shallow, strict, startIndex) { var output = [], idx = 0; for (var i = startIndex || 0, length = input && input.length; i < length; i++) { var value = input[i]; if (isArrayLike(value) && (_.isArray(value) || _.isArguments(value))) { // flatten current level of array or arguments object if (!shallow) value = flatten(value, shallow, strict); var j = 0, len = value.length; output.length += len; while (j < len) { output[idx++] = value[j++]; } } else if (!strict) { output[idx++] = value; } } return output; }; // Flatten out an array, either recursively (by default), or just one level. _.flatten = function (array, shallow) { return flatten(array, shallow, false); }; // Return a version of the array that does not contain the specified value(s). _.without = function (array) { return _.difference(array, slice.call(arguments, 1)); }; // Produce a duplicate-free version of the array. If the array has already // been sorted, you have the option of using a faster algorithm. // Aliased as `unique`. _.uniq = _.unique = function (array, isSorted, iteratee, context) { if (array == null) return []; if (!_.isBoolean(isSorted)) { context = iteratee; iteratee = isSorted; isSorted = false; } if (iteratee != null) iteratee = cb(iteratee, context); var result = []; var seen = []; for (var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) { var value = array[i], computed = iteratee ? iteratee(value, i, array) : value; if (isSorted) { if (!i || seen !== computed) result.push(value); seen = computed; } else if (iteratee) { if (!_.contains(seen, computed)) { seen.push(computed); result.push(value); } } else if (!_.contains(result, value)) { result.push(value); } } return result; }; // Produce an array that contains the union: each distinct element from all of // the passed-in arrays. _.union = function () { return _.uniq(flatten(arguments, true, true)); }; // Produce an array that contains every item shared between all the // passed-in arrays. _.intersection = function (array) { if (array == null) return []; var result = []; var argsLength = arguments.length; for (var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) { var item = array[i]; if (_.contains(result, item)) continue; for (var j = 1; j < argsLength; j++) { if (!_.contains(arguments[j], item)) break; } if (j === argsLength) result.push(item); } return result; }; // Take the difference between one array and a number of other arrays. // Only the elements present in just the first array will remain. _.difference = function (array) { var rest = flatten(arguments, true, true, 1); return _.filter(array, function (value) { return !_.contains(rest, value); }); }; // Zip together multiple lists into a single array -- elements that share // an index go together. _.zip = function () { return _.unzip(arguments); }; // Complement of _.zip. Unzip accepts an array of arrays and groups // each array's elements on shared indices _.unzip = function (array) { var length = array && _.max(array, "length").length || 0; var result = Array(length); for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) { result[index] = _.pluck(array, index); } return result; }; // Converts lists into objects. Pass either a single array of `[key, value]` // pairs, or two parallel arrays of the same length -- one of keys, and one of // the corresponding values. _.object = function (list, values) { var result = {}; for (var i = 0, length = list && list.length; i < length; i++) { if (values) { result[list[i]] = values[i]; } else { result[list[i][0]] = list[i][1]; } } return result; }; // Return the position of the first occurrence of an item in an array, // or -1 if the item is not included in the array. // If the array is large and already in sort order, pass `true` // for **isSorted** to use binary search. _.indexOf = function (array, item, isSorted) { var i = 0, length = array && array.length; if (typeof isSorted === "number") { i = isSorted < 0 ? Math.max(0, length + isSorted) : isSorted; } else if (isSorted && length) { i = _.sortedIndex(array, item); return array[i] === item ? i : -1; } if (item !== item) { return _.findIndex(slice.call(array, i), _.isNaN); } for (; i < length; i++) if (array[i] === item) return i; return -1; }; _.lastIndexOf = function (array, item, from) { var idx = array ? array.length : 0; if (typeof from === "number") { idx = from < 0 ? idx + from + 1 : Math.min(idx, from + 1); } if (item !== item) { return _.findLastIndex(slice.call(array, 0, idx), _.isNaN); } while (--idx >= 0) if (array[idx] === item) return idx; return -1; }; // Generator function to create the findIndex and findLastIndex functions function createIndexFinder (dir) { return function (array, predicate, context) { predicate = cb(predicate, context); var length = array != null && array.length; var index = dir > 0 ? 0 : length - 1; for (; index >= 0 && index < length; index += dir) { if (predicate(array[index], index, array)) return index; } return -1; }; } // Returns the first index on an array-like that passes a predicate test _.findIndex = createIndexFinder(1); _.findLastIndex = createIndexFinder(-1); // Use a comparator function to figure out the smallest index at which // an object should be inserted so as to maintain order. Uses binary search. _.sortedIndex = function (array, obj, iteratee, context) { iteratee = cb(iteratee, context, 1); var value = iteratee(obj); var low = 0, high = array.length; while (low < high) { var mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2); if (iteratee(array[mid]) < value) low = mid + 1; else high = mid; } return low; }; // Generate an integer Array containing an arithmetic progression. A port of // the native Python `range()` function. See // [the Python documentation](http://docs.python.org/library/functions.html#range). _.range = function (start, stop, step) { if (arguments.length <= 1) { stop = start || 0; start = 0; } step = step || 1; var length = Math.max(Math.ceil((stop - start) / step), 0); var range = Array(length); for (var idx = 0; idx < length; idx++, start += step) { range[idx] = start; } return range; }; // Function (ahem) Functions // ------------------ // Determines whether to execute a function as a constructor // or a normal function with the provided arguments var executeBound = function (sourceFunc, boundFunc, context, callingContext, args) { if (!(callingContext instanceof boundFunc)) return sourceFunc.apply(context, args); var self = baseCreate(sourceFunc.prototype); var result = sourceFunc.apply(self, args); if (_.isObject(result)) return result; return self; }; // Create a function bound to a given object (assigning `this`, and arguments, // optionally). Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Function.bind` if // available. _.bind = function (func, context) { if (nativeBind && func.bind === nativeBind) return nativeBind.apply(func, slice.call(arguments, 1)); if (!_.isFunction(func)) throw new TypeError("Bind must be called on a function"); var args = slice.call(arguments, 2); var bound = function () { return executeBound(func, bound, context, this, args.concat(slice.call(arguments))); }; return bound; }; // Partially apply a function by creating a version that has had some of its // arguments pre-filled, without changing its dynamic `this` context. _ acts // as a placeholder, allowing any combination of arguments to be pre-filled. _.partial = function (func) { var boundArgs = slice.call(arguments, 1); var bound = function () { var position = 0, length = boundArgs.length; var args = Array(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { args[i] = boundArgs[i] === _ ? arguments[position++] : boundArgs[i]; } while (position < arguments.length) args.push(arguments[position++]); return executeBound(func, bound, this, this, args); }; return bound; }; // Bind a number of an object's methods to that object. Remaining arguments // are the method names to be bound. Useful for ensuring that all callbacks // defined on an object belong to it. _.bindAll = function (obj) { var i, length = arguments.length, key; if (length <= 1) throw new Error("bindAll must be passed function names"); for (i = 1; i < length; i++) { key = arguments[i]; obj[key] = _.bind(obj[key], obj); } return obj; }; // Memoize an expensive function by storing its results. _.memoize = function (func, hasher) { var memoize = function (key) { var cache = memoize.cache; var address = "" + (hasher ? hasher.apply(this, arguments) : key); if (!_.has(cache, address)) cache[address] = func.apply(this, arguments); return cache[address]; }; memoize.cache = {}; return memoize; }; // Delays a function for the given number of milliseconds, and then calls // it with the arguments supplied. _.delay = function (func, wait) { var args = slice.call(arguments, 2); return setTimeout(function () { return func.apply(null, args); }, wait); }; // Defers a function, scheduling it to run after the current call stack has // cleared. _.defer = _.partial(_.delay, _, 1); // Returns a function, that, when invoked, will only be triggered at most once // during a given window of time. Normally, the throttled function will run // as much as it can, without ever going more than once per `wait` duration; // but if you'd like to disable the execution on the leading edge, pass // `{leading: false}`. To disable execution on the trailing edge, ditto. _.throttle = function (func, wait, options) { var context, args, result; var timeout = null; var previous = 0; if (!options) options = {}; var later = function () { previous = options.leading === false ? 0 : _.now(); timeout = null; result = func.apply(context, args); if (!timeout) context = args = null; }; return function () { var now = _.now(); if (!previous && options.leading === false) previous = now; var remaining = wait - (now - previous); context = this; args = arguments; if (remaining <= 0 || remaining > wait) { if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; } previous = now; result = func.apply(context, args); if (!timeout) context = args = null; } else if (!timeout && options.trailing !== false) { timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining); } return result; }; }; // Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not // be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for // N milliseconds. If `immediate` is passed, trigger the function on the // leading edge, instead of the trailing. _.debounce = function (func, wait, immediate) { var timeout, args, context, timestamp, result; var later = function () { var last = _.now() - timestamp; if (last < wait && last >= 0) { timeout = setTimeout(later, wait - last); } else { timeout = null; if (!immediate) { result = func.apply(context, args); if (!timeout) context = args = null; } } }; return function () { context = this; args = arguments; timestamp = _.now(); var callNow = immediate && !timeout; if (!timeout) timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) { result = func.apply(context, args); context = args = null; } return result; }; }; // Returns the first function passed as an argument to the second, // allowing you to adjust arguments, run code before and after, and // conditionally execute the original function. _.wrap = function (func, wrapper) { return _.partial(wrapper, func); }; // Returns a negated version of the passed-in predicate. _.negate = function (predicate) { return function () { return !predicate.apply(this, arguments); }; }; // Returns a function that is the composition of a list of functions, each // consuming the return value of the function that follows. _.compose = function () { var args = arguments; var start = args.length - 1; return function () { var i = start; var result = args[start].apply(this, arguments); while (i--) result = args[i].call(this, result); return result; }; }; // Returns a function that will only be executed on and after the Nth call. _.after = function (times, func) { return function () { if (--times < 1) { return func.apply(this, arguments); } }; }; // Returns a function that will only be executed up to (but not including) the Nth call. _.before = function (times, func) { var memo; return function () { if (--times > 0) { memo = func.apply(this, arguments); } if (times <= 1) func = null; return memo; }; }; // Returns a function that will be executed at most one time, no matter how // often you call it. Useful for lazy initialization. _.once = _.partial(_.before, 2); // Object Functions // ---------------- // Keys in IE < 9 that won't be iterated by `for key in ...` and thus missed. var hasEnumBug = !{toString: null}.propertyIsEnumerable("toString"); var nonEnumerableProps = ["valueOf", "isPrototypeOf", "toString", "propertyIsEnumerable", "hasOwnProperty", "toLocaleString"]; function collectNonEnumProps (obj, keys) { var nonEnumIdx = nonEnumerableProps.length; var constructor = obj.constructor; var proto = (_.isFunction(constructor) && constructor.prototype) || ObjProto; // Constructor is a special case. var prop = "constructor"; if (_.has(obj, prop) && !_.contains(keys, prop)) keys.push(prop); while (nonEnumIdx--) { prop = nonEnumerableProps[nonEnumIdx]; if (prop in obj && obj[prop] !== proto[prop] && !_.contains(keys, prop)) { keys.push(prop); } } } // Retrieve the names of an object's own properties. // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Object.keys` _.keys = function (obj) { if (!_.isObject(obj)) return []; if (nativeKeys) return nativeKeys(obj); var keys = []; for (var key in obj) if (_.has(obj, key)) keys.push(key); // Ahem, IE < 9. if (hasEnumBug) collectNonEnumProps(obj, keys); return keys; }; // Retrieve all the property names of an object. _.allKeys = function (obj) { if (!_.isObject(obj)) return []; var keys = []; for (var key in obj) keys.push(key); // Ahem, IE < 9. if (hasEnumBug) collectNonEnumProps(obj, keys); return keys; }; // Retrieve the values of an object's properties. _.values = function (obj) { var keys = _.keys(obj); var length = keys.length; var values = Array(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { values[i] = obj[keys[i]]; } return values; }; // Returns the results of applying the iteratee to each element of the object // In contrast to _.map it returns an object _.mapObject = function (obj, iteratee, context) { iteratee = cb(iteratee, context); var keys = _.keys(obj), length = keys.length, results = {}, currentKey; for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) { currentKey = keys[index]; results[currentKey] = iteratee(obj[currentKey], currentKey, obj); } return results; }; // Convert an object into a list of `[key, value]` pairs. _.pairs = function (obj) { var keys = _.keys(obj); var length = keys.length; var pairs = Array(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { pairs[i] = [keys[i], obj[keys[i]]]; } return pairs; }; // Invert the keys and values of an object. The values must be serializable. _.invert = function (obj) { var result = {}; var keys = _.keys(obj); for (var i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) { result[obj[keys[i]]] = keys[i]; } return result; }; // Return a sorted list of the function names available on the object. // Aliased as `methods` _.functions = _.methods = function (obj) { var names = []; for (var key in obj) { if (_.isFunction(obj[key])) names.push(key); } return names.sort(); }; // Extend a given object with all the properties in passed-in object(s). _.extend = createAssigner(_.allKeys); // Assigns a given object with all the own properties in the passed-in object(s) // (https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/assign) _.extendOwn = _.assign = createAssigner(_.keys); // Returns the first key on an object that passes a predicate test _.findKey = function (obj, predicate, context) { predicate = cb(predicate, context); var keys = _.keys(obj), key; for (var i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) { key = keys[i]; if (predicate(obj[key], key, obj)) return key; } }; // Return a copy of the object only containing the whitelisted properties. _.pick = function (object, oiteratee, context) { var result = {}, obj = object, iteratee, keys; if (obj == null) return result; if (_.isFunction(oiteratee)) { keys = _.allKeys(obj); iteratee = optimizeCb(oiteratee, context); } else { keys = flatten(arguments, false, false, 1); iteratee = function (value, key, obj) { return key in obj; }; obj = Object(obj); } for (var i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; var value = obj[key]; if (iteratee(value, key, obj)) result[key] = value; } return result; }; // Return a copy of the object without the blacklisted properties. _.omit = function (obj, iteratee, context) { if (_.isFunction(iteratee)) { iteratee = _.negate(iteratee); } else { var keys = _.map(flatten(arguments, false, false, 1), String); iteratee = function (value, key) { return !_.contains(keys, key); }; } return _.pick(obj, iteratee, context); }; // Fill in a given object with default properties. _.defaults = createAssigner(_.allKeys, true); // Creates an object that inherits from the given prototype object. // If additional properties are provided then they will be added to the // created object. _.create = function (prototype, props) { var result = baseCreate(prototype); if (props) _.extendOwn(result, props); return result; }; // Create a (shallow-cloned) duplicate of an object. _.clone = function (obj) { if (!_.isObject(obj)) return obj; return _.isArray(obj) ? obj.slice() : _.extend({}, obj); }; // Invokes interceptor with the obj, and then returns obj. // The primary purpose of this method is to "tap into" a method chain, in // order to perform operations on intermediate results within the chain. _.tap = function (obj, interceptor) { interceptor(obj); return obj; }; // Returns whether an object has a given set of `key:value` pairs. _.isMatch = function (object, attrs) { var keys = _.keys(attrs), length = keys.length; if (object == null) return !length; var obj = Object(object); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; if (attrs[key] !== obj[key] || !(key in obj)) return false; } return true; }; // Internal recursive comparison function for `isEqual`. var eq = function (a, b, aStack, bStack) { // Identical objects are equal. `0 === -0`, but they aren't identical. // See the [Harmony `egal` proposal](http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:egal). if (a === b) return a !== 0 || 1 / a === 1 / b; // A strict comparison is necessary because `null == undefined`. if (a == null || b == null) return a === b; // Unwrap any wrapped objects. if (a instanceof _) a = a._wrapped; if (b instanceof _) b = b._wrapped; // Compare `[[Class]]` names. var className = toString.call(a); if (className !== toString.call(b)) return false; switch (className) { // Strings, numbers, regular expressions, dates, and booleans are compared by value. case "[object RegExp]": // RegExps are coerced to strings for comparison (Note: '' + /a/i === '/a/i') case "[object String]": // Primitives and their corresponding object wrappers are equivalent; thus, `"5"` is // equivalent to `new String("5")`. return "" + a === "" + b; case "[object Number]": // `NaN`s are equivalent, but non-reflexive. // Object(NaN) is equivalent to NaN if (+a !== +a) return +b !== +b; // An `egal` comparison is performed for other numeric values. return +a === 0 ? 1 / +a === 1 / b : +a === +b; case "[object Date]": case "[object Boolean]": // Coerce dates and booleans to numeric primitive values. Dates are compared by their // millisecond representations. Note that invalid dates with millisecond representations // of `NaN` are not equivalent. return +a === +b; } var areArrays = className === "[object Array]"; if (!areArrays) { if (typeof a !== "object" || typeof b !== "object") return false; // Objects with different constructors are not equivalent, but `Object`s or `Array`s // from different frames are. var aCtor = a.constructor, bCtor = b.constructor; if (aCtor !== bCtor && !(_.isFunction(aCtor) && aCtor instanceof aCtor && _.isFunction(bCtor) && bCtor instanceof bCtor) && ("constructor" in a && "constructor" in b)) { return false; } } // Assume equality for cyclic structures. The algorithm for detecting cyclic // structures is adapted from ES 5.1 section 15.12.3, abstract operation `JO`. // Initializing stack of traversed objects. // It's done here since we only need them for objects and arrays comparison. aStack = aStack || []; bStack = bStack || []; var length = aStack.length; while (length--) { // Linear search. Performance is inversely proportional to the number of // unique nested structures. if (aStack[length] === a) return bStack[length] === b; } // Add the first object to the stack of traversed objects. aStack.push(a); bStack.push(b); // Recursively compare objects and arrays. if (areArrays) { // Compare array lengths to determine if a deep comparison is necessary. length = a.length; if (length !== b.length) return false; // Deep compare the contents, ignoring non-numeric properties. while (length--) { if (!eq(a[length], b[length], aStack, bStack)) return false; } } else { // Deep compare objects. var keys = _.keys(a), key; length = keys.length; // Ensure that both objects contain the same number of properties before comparing deep equality. if (_.keys(b).length !== length) return false; while (length--) { // Deep compare each member key = keys[length]; if (!(_.has(b, key) && eq(a[key], b[key], aStack, bStack))) return false; } } // Remove the first object from the stack of traversed objects. aStack.pop(); bStack.pop(); return true; }; // Perform a deep comparison to check if two objects are equal. _.isEqual = function (a, b) { return eq(a, b); }; // Is a given array, string, or object empty? // An "empty" object has no enumerable own-properties. _.isEmpty = function (obj) { if (obj == null) return true; if (isArrayLike(obj) && (_.isArray(obj) || _.isString(obj) || _.isArguments(obj))) return obj.length === 0; return _.keys(obj).length === 0; }; // Is a given value a DOM element? _.isElement = function (obj) { return !!(obj && obj.nodeType === 1); }; // Is a given value an array? // Delegates to ECMA5's native Array.isArray _.isArray = nativeIsArray || function (obj) { return toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]"; }; // Is a given variable an object? _.isObject = function (obj) { var type = typeof obj; return type === "function" || type === "object" && !!obj; }; // Add some isType methods: isArguments, isFunction, isString, isNumber, isDate, isRegExp, isError. _.each(["Arguments", "Function", "String", "Number", "Date", "RegExp", "Error"], function (name) { _["is" + name] = function (obj) { return toString.call(obj) === "[object " + name + "]"; }; }); // Define a fallback version of the method in browsers (ahem, IE < 9), where // there isn't any inspectable "Arguments" type. if (!_.isArguments(arguments)) { _.isArguments = function (obj) { return _.has(obj, "callee"); }; } // Optimize `isFunction` if appropriate. Work around some typeof bugs in old v8, // IE 11 (#1621), and in Safari 8 (#1929). if (typeof /./ !== "function" && typeof Int8Array !== "object") { _.isFunction = function (obj) { return typeof obj === "function" || false; }; } // Is a given object a finite number? _.isFinite = function (obj) { return isFinite(obj) && !isNaN(parseFloat(obj)); }; // Is the given value `NaN`? (NaN is the only number which does not equal itself). _.isNaN = function (obj) { return _.isNumber(obj) && obj !== +obj; }; // Is a given value a boolean? _.isBoolean = function (obj) { return obj === true || obj === false || toString.call(obj) === "[object Boolean]"; }; // Is a given value equal to null? _.isNull = function (obj) { return obj === null; }; // Is a given variable undefined? _.isUndefined = function (obj) { return obj === void 0; }; // Shortcut function for checking if an object has a given property directly // on itself (in other words, not on a prototype). _.has = function (obj, key) { return obj != null && hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key); }; // Utility Functions // ----------------- // Run Underscore.js in *noConflict* mode, returning the `_` variable to its // previous owner. Returns a reference to the Underscore object. _.noConflict = function () { root._ = previousUnderscore; return this; }; // Keep the identity function around for default iteratees. _.identity = function (value) { return value; }; // Predicate-generating functions. Often useful outside of Underscore. _.constant = function (value) { return function () { return value; }; }; _.noop = function () {}; _.property = function (key) { return function (obj) { return obj == null ? void 0 : obj[key]; }; }; // Generates a function for a given object that returns a given property. _.propertyOf = function (obj) { return obj == null ? function () {} : function (key) { return obj[key]; }; }; // Returns a predicate for checking whether an object has a given set of // `key:value` pairs. _.matcher = _.matches = function (attrs) { attrs = _.extendOwn({}, attrs); return function (obj) { return _.isMatch(obj, attrs); }; }; // Run a function **n** times. _.times = function (n, iteratee, context) { var accum = Array(Math.max(0, n)); iteratee = optimizeCb(iteratee, context, 1); for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) accum[i] = iteratee(i); return accum; }; // Return a random integer between min and max (inclusive). _.random = function (min, max) { if (max == null) { max = min; min = 0; } return min + Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)); }; // A (possibly faster) way to get the current timestamp as an integer. _.now = Date.now || function () { return new Date().getTime(); }; // List of HTML entities for escaping. var escapeMap = { "&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">", "\"": """, "'": "'", "`": "`" }; var unescapeMap = _.invert(escapeMap); // Functions for escaping and unescaping strings to/from HTML interpolation. var createEscaper = function (map) { var escaper = function (match) { return map[match]; }; // Regexes for identifying a key that needs to be escaped var source = "(?:" + _.keys(map).join("|") + ")"; var testRegexp = RegExp(source); var replaceRegexp = RegExp(source, "g"); return function (string) { string = string == null ? "" : "" + string; return testRegexp.test(string) ? string.replace(replaceRegexp, escaper) : string; }; }; _.escape = createEscaper(escapeMap); _.unescape = createEscaper(unescapeMap); // If the value of the named `property` is a function then invoke it with the // `object` as context; otherwise, return it. _.result = function (object, property, fallback) { var value = object == null ? void 0 : object[property]; if (value === void 0) { value = fallback; } return _.isFunction(value) ? value.call(object) : value; }; // Generate a unique integer id (unique within the entire client session). // Useful for temporary DOM ids. var idCounter = 0; _.uniqueId = function (prefix) { var id = ++idCounter + ""; return prefix ? prefix + id : id; }; // By default, Underscore uses ERB-style template delimiters, change the // following template settings to use alternative delimiters. _.templateSettings = { evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g, interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g, escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g }; // When customizing `templateSettings`, if you don't want to define an // interpolation, evaluation or escaping regex, we need one that is // guaranteed not to match. var noMatch = /(.)^/; // Certain characters need to be escaped so that they can be put into a // string literal. var escapes = { "'": "'", "\\": "\\", "\r": "r", "\n": "n", "\u2028": "u2028", "\u2029": "u2029" }; var escaper = /\\|'|\r|\n|\u2028|\u2029/g; var escapeChar = function (match) { return "\\" + escapes[match]; }; // JavaScript micro-templating, similar to John Resig's implementation. // Underscore templating handles arbitrary delimiters, preserves whitespace, // and correctly escapes quotes within interpolated code. // NB: `oldSettings` only exists for backwards compatibility. _.template = function (text, settings, oldSettings) { if (!settings && oldSettings) settings = oldSettings; settings = _.defaults({}, settings, _.templateSettings); // Combine delimiters into one regular expression via alternation. var matcher = RegExp([ (settings.escape || noMatch).source, (settings.interpolate || noMatch).source, (settings.evaluate || noMatch).source ].join("|") + "|$", "g"); // Compile the template source, escaping string literals appropriately. var index = 0; var source = "__p+='"; text.replace(matcher, function (match, escape, interpolate, evaluate, offset) { source += text.slice(index, offset).replace(escaper, escapeChar); index = offset + match.length; if (escape) { source += "'+\n((__t=(" + escape + "))==null?'':_.escape(__t))+\n'"; } else if (interpolate) { source += "'+\n((__t=(" + interpolate + "))==null?'':__t)+\n'"; } else if (evaluate) { source += "';\n" + evaluate + "\n__p+='"; } // Adobe VMs need the match returned to produce the correct offest. return match; }); source += "';\n"; // If a variable is not specified, place data values in local scope. if (!settings.variable) source = "with(obj||{}){\n" + source + "}\n"; source = "var __t,__p='',__j=Array.prototype.join," + "print=function(){__p+=__j.call(arguments,'');};\n" + source + "return __p;\n"; try { var render = new Function(settings.variable || "obj", "_", source); } catch (e) { e.source = source; throw e; } var template = function (data) { return render.call(this, data, _); }; // Provide the compiled source as a convenience for precompilation. var argument = settings.variable || "obj"; template.source = "function(" + argument + "){\n" + source + "}"; return template; }; // Add a "chain" function. Start chaining a wrapped Underscore object. _.chain = function (obj) { var instance = _(obj); instance._chain = true; return instance; }; // OOP // --------------- // If Underscore is called as a function, it returns a wrapped object that // can be used OO-style. This wrapper holds altered versions of all the // underscore functions. Wrapped objects may be chained. // Helper function to continue chaining intermediate results. var result = function (instance, obj) { return instance._chain ? _(obj).chain() : obj; }; // Add your own custom functions to the Underscore object. _.mixin = function (obj) { _.each(_.functions(obj), function (name) { var func = _[name] = obj[name]; _.prototype[name] = function () { var args = [this._wrapped]; push.apply(args, arguments); return result(this, func.apply(_, args)); }; }); }; // Add all of the Underscore functions to the wrapper object. _.mixin(_); // Add all mutator Array functions to the wrapper. _.each(["pop", "push", "reverse", "shift", "sort", "splice", "unshift"], function (name) { var method = ArrayProto[name]; _.prototype[name] = function () { var obj = this._wrapped; method.apply(obj, arguments); if ((name === "shift" || name === "splice") && obj.length === 0) delete obj[0]; return result(this, obj); }; }); // Add all accessor Array functions to the wrapper. _.each(["concat", "join", "slice"], function (name) { var method = ArrayProto[name]; _.prototype[name] = function () { return result(this, method.apply(this._wrapped, arguments)); }; }); // Extracts the result from a wrapped and chained object. _.prototype.value = function () { return this._wrapped; }; // Provide unwrapping proxy for some methods used in engine operations // such as arithmetic and JSON stringification. _.prototype.valueOf = _.prototype.toJSON = _.prototype.value; _.prototype.toString = function () { return "" + this._wrapped; }; // AMD registration happens at the end for compatibility with AMD loaders // that may not enforce next-turn semantics on modules. Even though general // practice for AMD registration is to be anonymous, underscore registers // as a named module because, like jQuery, it is a base library that is // popular enough to be bundled in a third party lib, but not be part of // an AMD load request. Those cases could generate an error when an // anonymous define() is called outside of a loader request. if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define("underscore", [], function () { return _; }); } }.call(this));/** * Created by richie on 15/7/8. */ /** * 初始化BI对象 */ if (window.BI == null) { window.BI = {}; }/** * 基本函数 * Create By GUY 2014\11\17 * */ if (!window.BI) { window.BI = {}; } !(function (undefined) { var traverse = function (func, context) { return function (value, key, obj) { return func.call(context, key, value, obj); }; }; var _apply = function (name) { return function () { return _[name].apply(_, arguments); }; }; var _applyFunc = function (name) { return function () { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); args[1] = _.isFunction(args[1]) ? traverse(args[1], args[2]) : args[1]; return _[name].apply(_, args); }; }; // Utility _.extend(BI, { i18nText: function (key) { var localeText = (BI.i18n && BI.i18n[key]) || ""; if (!localeText) { localeText = key; } var len = arguments.length; if (len > 1) { for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) { var key = "{R" + i + "}"; localeText = localeText.replaceAll(key, arguments[i] + ""); } } return localeText; }, assert: function (v, is) { if (this.isFunction(is)) { if (!is(v)) { throw new Error(v + " error"); } else { return true; } } if (!this.isArray(is)) { is = [is]; } if (!this.deepContains(is, v)) { throw new Error(v + " error"); } }, warn: function (message) { console.warn(message); }, UUID: function () { var f = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]; var str = ""; for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { var r = parseInt(f.length * Math.random(), 10); str += f[r]; } return str; }, isWidget: function (widget) { return widget instanceof BI.Widget || (BI.View && widget instanceof BI.View); }, createWidgets: function (items, options) { if (!BI.isArray(items)) { throw new Error("cannot create Widgets"); } return BI.map(BI.flatten(items), function (i, item) { return BI.createWidget(item, BI.deepClone(options)); }); }, createItems: function (data, innerAttr, outerAttr) { innerAttr = BI.isArray(innerAttr) ? innerAttr : BI.makeArray(BI.flatten(data).length, innerAttr); outerAttr = BI.isArray(outerAttr) ? outerAttr : BI.makeArray(BI.flatten(data).length, outerAttr); return BI.map(data, function (i, item) { if (BI.isArray(item)) { return BI.createItems(item, innerAttr, outerAttr); } if (item instanceof BI.Widget) { return BI.extend({}, innerAttr.shift(), outerAttr.shift(), { type: null, el: item }); } if (innerAttr[0] instanceof BI.Widget) { outerAttr.shift(); return BI.extend({}, item, { el: innerAttr.shift() }); } if (item.el instanceof BI.Widget || (BI.View && item.el instanceof BI.View)) { innerAttr.shift(); return BI.extend({}, outerAttr.shift(), {type: null}, item); } if (item.el) { return BI.extend({}, outerAttr.shift(), item, { el: BI.extend({}, innerAttr.shift(), item.el) }); } return BI.extend({}, outerAttr.shift(), { el: BI.extend({}, innerAttr.shift(), item) }); }); }, // 用容器包装items packageItems: function (items, layouts) { for (var i = layouts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { items = BI.map(items, function (k, it) { return BI.extend({}, layouts[i], { items: [ BI.extend({}, layouts[i].el, { el: it }) ] }); }); } return items; }, formatEL: function (obj) { if (obj && !obj.type && obj.el) { return obj; } return { el: obj }; }, // 剥开EL stripEL: function (obj) { return obj.type && obj || obj.el || obj; }, trans2Element: function (widgets) { return BI.map(widgets, function (i, wi) { return wi.element; }); } }); // 集合相关方法 _.each(["where", "findWhere", "contains", "invoke", "pluck", "shuffle", "sample", "toArray", "size"], function (name) { BI[name] = _apply(name); }); _.each(["each", "map", "reduce", "reduceRight", "find", "filter", "reject", "every", "all", "some", "any", "max", "min", "sortBy", "groupBy", "indexBy", "countBy", "partition"], function (name) { BI[name] = _applyFunc(name); }); _.extend(BI, { clamp: function (value, minValue, maxValue) { if (value < minValue) { value = minValue; } if (value > maxValue) { value = maxValue; } return value; }, // 数数 count: function (from, to, predicate) { var t; if (predicate) { for (t = from; t < to; t++) { predicate(t); } } return to - from; }, // 倒数 inverse: function (from, to, predicate) { return BI.count(to, from, predicate); }, firstKey: function (obj) { var res = undefined; BI.any(obj, function (key, value) { res = key; return true; }); return res; }, lastKey: function (obj) { var res = undefined; BI.each(obj, function (key, value) { res = key; return true; }); return res; }, firstObject: function (obj) { var res = undefined; BI.any(obj, function (key, value) { res = value; return true; }); return res; }, lastObject: function (obj) { var res = undefined; BI.each(obj, function (key, value) { res = value; return true; }); return res; }, concat: function (obj1, obj2) { if (BI.isKey(obj1)) { return obj1 + "" + obj2; } if (BI.isArray(obj1)) { return obj1.concat(obj2); } if (BI.isObject(obj1)) { return _.extend({}, obj1, obj2); } }, backEach: function (obj, predicate, context) { predicate = BI.iteratee(predicate, context); for (var index = obj.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) { predicate(index, obj[index], obj); } return false; }, backAny: function (obj, predicate, context) { predicate = BI.iteratee(predicate, context); for (var index = obj.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) { if (predicate(index, obj[index], obj)) { return true; } } return false; }, backEvery: function (obj, predicate, context) { predicate = BI.iteratee(predicate, context); for (var index = obj.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) { if (!predicate(index, obj[index], obj)) { return false; } } return true; }, backFindKey: function (obj, predicate, context) { predicate = BI.iteratee(predicate, context); var keys = _.keys(obj), key; for (var i = keys.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { key = keys[i]; if (predicate(obj[key], key, obj)) { return key; } } }, backFind: function (obj, predicate, context) { var key; if (BI.isArray(obj)) { key = BI.findLastIndex(obj, predicate, context); } else { key = BI.backFindKey(obj, predicate, context); } if (key !== void 0 && key !== -1) { return obj[key]; } }, remove: function (obj, target, context) { var isFunction = BI.isFunction(target); target = isFunction || BI.isArray(target) ? target : [target]; var i; if (BI.isArray(obj)) { for (i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { if ((isFunction && target.apply(context, [i, obj[i]]) === true) || (!isFunction && target.contains(obj[i]))) { obj.splice(i--, 1); } } } else { BI.each(obj, function (i, v) { if ((isFunction && target.apply(context, [i, obj[i]]) === true) || (!isFunction && target.contains(obj[i]))) { delete obj[i]; } }); } }, removeAt: function (obj, index) { index = BI.isArray(index) ? index : [index]; var isArray = BI.isArray(obj), i; for (i = 0; i < index.length; i++) { if (isArray) { obj[index[i]] = "$deleteIndex"; } else { delete obj[index[i]]; } } if (isArray) { BI.remove(obj, "$deleteIndex"); } }, string2Array: function (str) { return str.split("&-&"); }, array2String: function (array) { return array.join("&-&"); }, abc2Int: function (str) { var idx = 0, start = "A", str = str.toUpperCase(); for (var i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; ++i) { idx = str.charAt(i).charCodeAt(0) - start.charCodeAt(0) + 26 * idx + 1; if (idx > (2147483646 - str.charAt(i).charCodeAt(0) + start.charCodeAt(0)) / 26) { return 0; } } return idx; }, int2Abc: function (num) { var DIGITS = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"]; var idx = num, str = ""; if (num === 0) { return ""; } while (idx !== 0) { var t = idx % 26; if (t === 0) { t = 26; } str = DIGITS[t - 1] + str; idx = (idx - t) / 26; } return str; } }); // 数组相关的方法 _.each(["first", "initial", "last", "rest", "compact", "flatten", "without", "union", "intersection", "difference", "zip", "unzip", "object", "indexOf", "lastIndexOf", "sortedIndex", "range"], function (name) { BI[name] = _apply(name); }); _.each(["findIndex", "findLastIndex"], function (name) { BI[name] = _applyFunc(name); }); _.extend(BI, { // 构建一个长度为length的数组 makeArray: function (length, value) { var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (BI.isNull(value)) { res.push(i); } else { res.push(BI.deepClone(value)); } } return res; }, makeObject: function (array, value) { var map = {}; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (BI.isNull(value)) { map[array[i]] = array[i]; } else { map[array[i]] = BI.deepClone(value); } } return map; }, makeArrayByArray: function (array, value) { var res = []; if (!array) { return res; } for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) { if (BI.isArray(array[i])) { res.push(arguments.callee(array[i], value)); } else { res.push(BI.deepClone(value)); } } return res; }, uniq: function (array, isSorted, iteratee, context) { if (array == null) { return []; } if (!_.isBoolean(isSorted)) { context = iteratee; iteratee = isSorted; isSorted = false; } iteratee && (iteratee = traverse(iteratee, context)); return _.uniq.call(_, array, isSorted, iteratee, context); } }); // 对象相关方法 _.each(["keys", "allKeys", "values", "pairs", "invert", "create", "functions", "extend", "extendOwn", "defaults", "clone", "property", "propertyOf", "matcher", "isEqual", "isMatch", "isEmpty", "isElement", "isNumber", "isString", "isArray", "isObject", "isArguments", "isFunction", "isFinite", "isBoolean", "isDate", "isRegExp", "isError", "isNaN", "isUndefined"], function (name) { BI[name] = _apply(name); }); _.each(["mapObject", "findKey", "pick", "omit", "tap"], function (name) { BI[name] = _applyFunc(name); }); _.extend(BI, { inherit: function (sb, sp, overrides) { if (typeof sp === "object") { overrides = sp; sp = sb; sb = function () { return sp.apply(this, arguments); }; } var F = function () { }, spp = sp.prototype; F.prototype = spp; sb.prototype = new F(); sb.superclass = spp; _.extend(sb.prototype, overrides, { superclass: sp }); return sb; }, has: function (obj, keys) { if (BI.isArray(keys)) { if (keys.length === 0) { return false; } return BI.every(keys, function (i, key) { return _.has(obj, key); }); } return _.has.apply(_, arguments); }, // 数字和字符串可以作为key isKey: function (key) { return BI.isNumber(key) || (BI.isString(key) && key.length > 0); }, // 忽略大小写的等于 isCapitalEqual: function (a, b) { a = BI.isNull(a) ? a : ("" + a).toLowerCase(); b = BI.isNull(b) ? b : ("" + b).toLowerCase(); return BI.isEqual(a, b); }, isWidthOrHeight: function (w) { if (typeof w === "number") { return w >= 0; } else if (typeof w === "string") { return /^\d{1,3}%$/.exec(w) || w == "auto" || /^\d+px$/.exec(w); } }, isNotNull: function (obj) { return !BI.isNull(obj); }, isNull: function (obj) { return typeof obj === "undefined" || obj === null; }, isPlainObject: function () { return $.isPlainObject.apply($, arguments); }, isEmptyArray: function (arr) { return BI.isArray(arr) && BI.isEmpty(arr); }, isNotEmptyArray: function (arr) { return BI.isArray(arr) && !BI.isEmpty(arr); }, isEmptyObject: function (obj) { return BI.isEqual(obj, {}); }, isNotEmptyObject: function (obj) { return BI.isPlainObject(obj) && !BI.isEmptyObject(obj); }, isEmptyString: function (obj) { return BI.isString(obj) && obj.length === 0; }, isNotEmptyString: function (obj) { return BI.isString(obj) && !BI.isEmptyString(obj); }, isWindow: function () { return $.isWindow.apply($, arguments); } }); // deep方法 _.extend(BI, { /** *完全克隆�?个js对象 * @param obj * @returns {*} */ deepClone: function (obj) { if (obj === null || obj === undefined) { return obj; } var type = Object.prototype.toString.call(obj); // Date if (type === "[object Date]") { return Date.getDate(obj.getTime()); } var i, clone, key; // Array if (type === "[object Array]") { i = obj.length; clone = []; while (i--) { clone[i] = BI.deepClone(obj[i]); } } // Object else if (type === "[object Object]" && obj.constructor === Object) { clone = {}; for (var i in obj) { if (_.has(obj, i)) { clone[i] = BI.deepClone(obj[i]); } } } return clone || obj; }, isDeepMatch: function (object, attrs) { var keys = BI.keys(attrs), length = keys.length; if (object == null) { return !length; } var obj = Object(object); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; if (!BI.isEqual(attrs[key], obj[key]) || !(key in obj)) { return false; } } return true; }, deepContains: function (obj, copy) { if (BI.isObject(copy)) { return BI.any(obj, function (i, v) { if (BI.isEqual(v, copy)) { return true; } }); } return BI.contains(obj, copy); }, deepIndexOf: function (obj, target) { for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { if (BI.isEqual(target, obj[i])) { return i; } } return -1; }, deepRemove: function (obj, target) { var done = false; var i; if (BI.isArray(obj)) { for (i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { if (BI.isEqual(target, obj[i])) { obj.splice(i--, 1); done = true; } } } else { BI.each(obj, function (i, v) { if (BI.isEqual(target, obj[i])) { delete obj[i]; done = true; } }); } return done; }, deepWithout: function (obj, target) { if (BI.isArray(obj)) { var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { if (!BI.isEqual(target, obj[i])) { result.push(obj[i]); } } return result; } var result = {}; BI.each(obj, function (i, v) { if (!BI.isEqual(target, obj[i])) { result[i] = v; } }); return result; }, deepUnique: function (array) { var result = []; BI.each(array, function (i, item) { if (!BI.deepContains(result, item)) { result.push(item); } }); return result; }, // 比较两个对象得出不一样的key值 deepDiff: function (object, other) { object || (object = {}); other || (other = {}); var result = []; var used = []; for (var b in object) { if (this.has(object, b)) { if (!this.isEqual(object[b], other[b])) { result.push(b); } used.push(b); } } for (var b in other) { if (this.has(other, b) && !used.contains(b)) { result.push(b); } } return result; }, deepExtend: function () { var args = [].slice.call(arguments); args.unshift(true); return $.extend.apply($, args); } }); // 通用方法 _.each(["uniqueId", "result", "chain", "iteratee", "escape", "unescape"], function (name) { BI[name] = function () { return _[name].apply(_, arguments); }; }); // 事件相关方法 _.each(["bind", "once", "partial", "debounce", "throttle", "delay", "defer", "wrap"], function (name) { BI[name] = function () { return _[name].apply(_, arguments); }; }); _.extend(BI, { nextTick: (function () { var callbacks = []; var pending = false; var timerFunc; function nextTickHandler () { pending = false; var copies = callbacks.slice(0); callbacks = []; for (var i = 0; i < copies.length; i++) { copies[i](); } } if (typeof Promise !== "undefined") { var p = Promise.resolve(); timerFunc = function () { p.then(nextTickHandler); }; } else /* istanbul ignore if */ if (typeof MutationObserver !== "undefined") { var counter = 1; var observer = new MutationObserver(nextTickHandler); var textNode = document.createTextNode(counter + ""); observer.observe(textNode, { characterData: true }); timerFunc = function () { counter = (counter + 1) % 2; textNode.data = counter + ""; }; } else { timerFunc = function () { setTimeout(nextTickHandler, 0); }; } return function queueNextTick (cb) { var _resolve; var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); callbacks.push(function () { if (cb) { cb.apply(null, args); } if (_resolve) { _resolve.apply(null, args); } }); if (!pending) { pending = true; timerFunc(); } if (!cb && typeof Promise !== "undefined") { return new Promise(function (resolve) { _resolve = resolve; }); } }; })() }); // 数字相关方法 _.each(["random"], function (name) { BI[name] = _apply(name); }); _.extend(BI, { getTime: function () { if (window.performance && window.performance.now) { return window.performance.now(); } if (window.performance && window.performance.webkitNow) { return window.performance.webkitNow(); } if (Date.now) { return Date.now(); } return Date.getDate().getTime(); }, parseInt: function (number) { var radix = 10; if (/^0x/g.test(number)) { radix = 16; } try { return parseInt(number, radix); } catch (e) { throw new Error(number + "parse int error"); return NaN; } }, parseSafeInt: function (value) { var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991; return value ? this.clamp(this.parseInt(value), -MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) : (value === 0 ? value : 0); }, parseFloat: function (number) { try { return parseFloat(number); } catch (e) { throw new Error(number + "parse float error"); return NaN; } }, isNaturalNumber: function (number) { if (/^\d+$/.test(number)) { return true; } return false; }, isPositiveInteger: function (number) { if (/^\+?[1-9][0-9]*$/.test(number)) { return true; } return false; }, isNegativeInteger: function (number) { if (/^\-[1-9][0-9]*$/.test(number)) { return true; } return false; }, isInteger: function (number) { if (/^\-?\d+$/.test(number)) { return true; } return false; }, isNumeric: function (number) { return $.isNumeric(number); }, isFloat: function (number) { if (/^([+-]?)\\d*\\.\\d+$/.test(number)) { return true; } return false; }, isOdd: function (number) { if (!BI.isInteger(number)) { return false; } return number & 1 === 1; }, isEven: function (number) { if (!BI.isInteger(number)) { return false; } return number & 1 === 0; }, sum: function (array, iteratee, context) { var sum = 0; BI.each(array, function (i, item) { if (iteratee) { sum += Number(iteratee.apply(context, [i, item])); } else { sum += Number(item); } }); return sum; }, average: function (array, iteratee, context) { var sum = BI.sum(array, iteratee, context); return sum / array.length; } }); // 字符串相关方法 _.extend(BI, { trim: function () { return $.trim.apply($, arguments); }, toUpperCase: function (string) { return (string + "").toLocaleUpperCase(); }, toLowerCase: function (string) { return (string + "").toLocaleLowerCase(); }, isEndWithBlank: function (string) { return /(\s|\u00A0)$/.test(string); }, isLiteral: function (exp) { var literalValueRE = /^\s?(true|false|-?[\d\.]+|'[^']*'|"[^"]*")\s?$/; return literalValueRE.test(exp); }, stripQuotes: function (str) { var a = str.charCodeAt(0); var b = str.charCodeAt(str.length - 1); return a === b && (a === 0x22 || a === 0x27) ? str.slice(1, -1) : str; }, // background-color => backgroundColor camelize: function (str) { return str.replace(/-(.)/g, function (_, character) { return character.toUpperCase(); }); }, // backgroundColor => background-color hyphenate: function (str) { return str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase(); }, isNotEmptyString: function (str) { return BI.isString(str) && !BI.isEmpty(str); }, isEmptyString: function (str) { return BI.isString(str) && BI.isEmpty(str); }, /** * 对字符串进行加密 {@link #decrypt} * @static * @param str 原始字符�? * @param keyt 密钥 * @returns {String} 加密后的字符�? */ encrypt: function (str, keyt) { if (str == "") { return ""; } str = escape(str); if (!keyt || keyt == "") { keyt = "655"; } keyt = escape(keyt); if (keyt == null || keyt.length <= 0) { alert("Please enter a password with which to encrypt the message."); return null; } var prand = ""; for (var i = 0; i < keyt.length; i++) { prand += keyt.charCodeAt(i).toString(); } var sPos = Math.floor(prand.length / 5); var mult = parseInt(prand.charAt(sPos) + prand.charAt(sPos * 2) + prand.charAt(sPos * 3) + prand.charAt(sPos * 4) + prand.charAt(sPos * 5)); var incr = Math.ceil(keyt.length / 2); var modu = Math.pow(2, 31) - 1; if (mult < 2) { alert("Algorithm cannot find a suitable hash. Please choose a different password. \nPossible considerations are to choose a more complex or longer password."); return null; } // var salt = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000000) % 100000000; var salt = 101; prand += salt; while (prand.length > 10) { prand = (parseInt(prand.substring(0, 10)) + parseInt(prand.substring(10, prand.length), 10)).toString(); } prand = (mult * prand + incr) % modu; var enc_chr = ""; var enc_str = ""; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { enc_chr = parseInt(str.charCodeAt(i) ^ Math.floor((prand / modu) * 255)); if (enc_chr < 16) { enc_str += "0" + enc_chr.toString(16); } else { enc_str += enc_chr.toString(16); } prand = (mult * prand + incr) % modu; } salt = salt.toString(16); while (salt.length < 8) { salt = "0" + salt; } enc_str += salt; return enc_str; }, /** * 对加密后的字符串解密 {@link #encrypt} * @static * @param str 加密过的字符�? * @param keyt 密钥 * @returns {String} 解密后的字符�? */ decrypt: function (str, keyt) { if (str == "") { return ""; } if (!keyt || keyt == "") { keyt = "655"; } keyt = escape(keyt); if (str == null || str.length < 8) { return; } if (keyt == null || keyt.length <= 0) { return; } var prand = ""; for (var i = 0; i < keyt.length; i++) { prand += keyt.charCodeAt(i).toString(); } var sPos = Math.floor(prand.length / 5); var tempmult = prand.charAt(sPos) + prand.charAt(sPos * 2) + prand.charAt(sPos * 3) + prand.charAt(sPos * 4); if (sPos * 5 < prand.length) { tempmult += prand.charAt(sPos * 5); } var mult = parseInt(tempmult); var incr = Math.round(keyt.length / 2); var modu = Math.pow(2, 31) - 1; var salt = parseInt(str.substring(str.length - 8, str.length), 16); str = str.substring(0, str.length - 8); prand += salt; while (prand.length > 10) { prand = (parseInt(prand.substring(0, 10), 10) + parseInt(prand.substring(10, prand.length), 10)).toString(); } prand = (mult * prand + incr) % modu; var enc_chr = ""; var enc_str = ""; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i += 2) { enc_chr = parseInt(parseInt(str.substring(i, i + 2), 16) ^ Math.floor((prand / modu) * 255)); enc_str += String.fromCharCode(enc_chr); prand = (mult * prand + incr) % modu; } return unescape(enc_str); } }); // 浏览器相关方法 _.extend(BI, { isIE: function () { if (this.__isIE == null) { this.__isIE = /(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); } return this.__isIE; }, getIEVersion: function () { if (this.__IEVersion != null) { return this.__IEVersion; } var version = 0; var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var v1 = agent.match(/(?:msie\s([\w.]+))/); var v2 = agent.match(/(?:trident.*rv:([\w.]+))/); if (v1 && v2 && v1[1] && v2[1]) { version = Math.max(v1[1] * 1, v2[1] * 1); } else if (v1 && v1[1]) { version = v1[1] * 1; } else if (v2 && v2[1]) { version = v2[1] * 1; } else { version = 0; } return this.__IEVersion = version; }, isIE9Below: function () { if (!BI.isIE()) { return false; } return this.getIEVersion() < 9; }, isEdge: function () { return /edge/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); }, isChrome: function () { return /chrome/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); }, isFireFox: function () { return /firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); }, isOpera: function () { return /opera/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); }, isSafari: function () { return /safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); }, isKhtml: function () { return /Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/i.test(navigator.userAgent); }, isMac: function () { return /macintosh|mac os x/i.test(navigator.userAgent); }, isWindows: function () { return /windows|win32/i.test(navigator.userAgent); }, isSupportCss3: function (style) { var prefix = ["webkit", "Moz", "ms", "o"], i, len, humpString = [], htmlStyle = document.documentElement.style, _toHumb = function (string) { return string.replace(/-(\w)/g, function ($0, $1) { return $1.toUpperCase(); }); }; for (i in prefix) { humpString.push(_toHumb(prefix[i] + "-" + style)); } humpString.push(_toHumb(style)); for (i = 0, len = humpString.length; i < len; i++) { if (humpString[i] in htmlStyle) { return true; } } return false; } }); // BI请求 _.extend(BI, { ajax: function (option) { option || (option = {}); var async = option.async; option.data = BI.cjkEncodeDO(option.data || {}); $.ajax({ url: option.url, type: "POST", data: option.data, async: async, error: option.error, complete: function (res, status) { if (BI.isFunction(option.complete)) { option.complete(BI.jsonDecode(res.responseText), status); } } }); } }); })();/** * 客户端观察者,主要处理事件的添加、删除、执行等 * @class BI.OB * @abstract */ BI.OB = function (config) { var props = this.props; if (BI.isFunction(this.props)) { props = this.props(config); } this.options = ($ || _).extend(this._defaultConfig(config), props, config); this._init(); this._initRef(); }; _.extend(BI.OB.prototype, { props: {}, init: null, destroyed: null, _defaultConfig: function (config) { return {}; }, _init: function () { this._initListeners(); this.init && this.init(); }, _initListeners: function () { var self = this; if (this.options.listeners != null) { $.each(this.options.listeners, function (i, lis) { (lis.target ? lis.target : self)[lis.once ? "once" : "on"] (lis.eventName, _.bind(lis.action, self)); }); delete this.options.listeners; } }, // 获得一个当前对象的引用 _initRef: function () { if (this.options.ref) { this.options.ref.call(this, this); } }, _getEvents: function () { if (!$.isArray(this.events)) { this.events = []; } return this.events; }, /** * 给观察者绑定一个事件 * @param {String} eventName 事件的名字 * @param {Function} fn 事件对应的执行函数 */ on: function (eventName, fn) { eventName = eventName.toLowerCase(); var fns = this._getEvents()[eventName]; if (!$.isArray(fns)) { fns = []; this._getEvents()[eventName] = fns; } fns.push(fn); }, /** * 给观察者绑定一个只执行一次的事件 * @param {String} eventName 事件的名字 * @param {Function} fn 事件对应的执行函数 */ once: function (eventName, fn) { var proxy = function () { fn.apply(this, arguments); this.un(eventName, proxy); }; this.on(eventName, proxy); }, /** * 解除观察者绑定的指定事件 * @param {String} eventName 要解除绑定事件的名字 * @param {Function} fn 事件对应的执行函数,该参数是可选的,没有该参数时,将解除绑定所有同名字的事件 */ un: function (eventName, fn) { eventName = eventName.toLowerCase(); /* alex:如果fn是null,就是把eventName上面所有方法都un掉*/ if (fn == null) { delete this._getEvents()[eventName]; } else { var fns = this._getEvents()[eventName]; if ($.isArray(fns)) { var newFns = []; $.each(fns, function (idx, ifn) { if (ifn != fn) { newFns.push(ifn); } }); this._getEvents()[eventName] = newFns; } } }, /** * 清除观察者的所有事件绑定 */ purgeListeners: function () { /* alex:清空events*/ this.events = []; }, /** * 触发绑定过的事件 * * @param {String} eventName 要触发的事件的名字 * @returns {Boolean} 如果事件函数返回false,则返回false并中断其他同名事件的执行,否则执行所有的同名事件并返回true */ fireEvent: function () { var eventName = arguments[0].toLowerCase(); var fns = this._getEvents()[eventName]; if (BI.isArray(fns)) { if (BI.isArguments(arguments[1])) { for (var i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) { if (fns[i].apply(this, arguments[1]) === false) { return false; } } } else { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); for (var i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) { if (fns[i].apply(this, args) === false) { return false; } } } } return true; }, destroy: function () { this.destroyed && this.destroyed(); this.purgeListeners(); } });/** * Widget超类 * @class BI.Widget * @extends BI.OB * * @cfg {JSON} options 配置属性 */ BI.Widget = BI.inherit(BI.OB, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Widget.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this), { root: false, tagName: "div", attributes: null, data: null, tag: null, disabled: false, invisible: false, invalid: false, baseCls: "", extraCls: "", cls: "" }); }, // 生命周期函数 beforeCreate: null, created: null, render: null, beforeMount: null, mounted: null, shouldUpdate: null, update: function () { }, beforeDestroy: null, destroyed: null, _init: function () { BI.Widget.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.beforeCreate && this.beforeCreate(); this._initRoot(); this._initElementWidth(); this._initElementHeight(); this._initVisual(); this._initState(); this._initElement(); this._initEffects(); this.created && this.created(); }, /** * 初始化根节点 * @private */ _initRoot: function () { var o = this.options; this.widgetName = o.widgetName || BI.uniqueId("widget"); this._isRoot = o.root; if (BI.isWidget(o.element)) { if (o.element instanceof BI.Widget) { this._parent = o.element; this._parent.addWidget(this.widgetName, this); } else { this._isRoot = true; } this.element = this.options.element.element; } else if (o.element) { // if (o.root !== true) { // throw new Error("root is a required property"); // } this.element = $(o.element); this._isRoot = true; } else { this.element = $(document.createElement(o.tagName)); } this.element._isWidget = true; if (o.baseCls || o.extraCls || o.cls) { this.element.addClass((o.baseCls || "") + " " + (o.extraCls || "") + " " + (o.cls || "")); } if (o.attributes) { this.element.attr(o.attributes); } if (o.data) { this.element.data(o.data); } this._children = {}; }, _initElementWidth: function () { var o = this.options; if (BI.isWidthOrHeight(o.width)) { this.element.css("width", o.width); } }, _initElementHeight: function () { var o = this.options; if (BI.isWidthOrHeight(o.height)) { this.element.css("height", o.height); } }, _initVisual: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.invisible) { // 用display属性做显示和隐藏,否则jquery会在显示时将display设为block会覆盖掉display:flex属性 this.element.css("display", "none"); } }, _initEffects: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.disabled || o.invalid) { if (this.options.disabled) { this.setEnable(false); } if (this.options.invalid) { this.setValid(false); } } }, _initState: function () { this._isMounted = false; }, _initElement: function () { var self = this; var els = this.render && this.render(); if (BI.isPlainObject(els)) { els = [els]; } if (BI.isArray(els)) { BI.each(els, function (i, el) { BI.createWidget(el, { element: self }); }); } // if (this._isRoot === true || !(this instanceof BI.Layout)) { this._mount(); // } }, _setParent: function (parent) { this._parent = parent; }, _mount: function () { var self = this; var isMounted = this._isMounted; if (isMounted || !this.isVisible()) { return; } if (this._isRoot === true) { isMounted = true; } else if (this._parent && this._parent._isMounted === true) { isMounted = true; } if (!isMounted) { return; } this.beforeMount && this.beforeMount(); this._isMounted = true; this._mountChildren && this._mountChildren(); BI.each(this._children, function (i, widget) { !self.isEnabled() && widget._setEnable(false); !self.isValid() && widget._setValid(false); widget._mount && widget._mount(); }); this.mounted && this.mounted(); }, _mountChildren: null, isMounted: function () { return this._isMounted; }, setWidth: function (w) { this.options.width = w; this._initElementWidth(); }, setHeight: function (h) { this.options.height = h; this._initElementHeight(); }, _setEnable: function (enable) { if (enable === true) { this.options.disabled = false; } else if (enable === false) { this.options.disabled = true; } // 递归将所有子组件使能 BI.each(this._children, function (i, child) { !child._manualSetEnable && child._setEnable && child._setEnable(enable); }); }, _setValid: function (valid) { if (valid === true) { this.options.invalid = false; } else if (valid === false) { this.options.invalid = true; } // 递归将所有子组件使有效 BI.each(this._children, function (i, child) { !child._manualSetValid && child._setValid && child._setValid(valid); }); }, _setVisible: function (visible) { if (visible === true) { this.options.invisible = false; } else if (visible === false) { this.options.invisible = true; } }, setEnable: function (enable) { this._manualSetEnable = true; this._setEnable(enable); if (enable === true) { this.element.removeClass("base-disabled disabled"); } else if (enable === false) { this.element.addClass("base-disabled disabled"); } }, setVisible: function (visible) { this._setVisible(visible); if (visible === true) { // 用this.element.show()会把display属性改成block this.element.css("display", ""); this._mount(); } else if (visible === false) { this.element.css("display", "none"); } this.fireEvent(BI.Events.VIEW, visible); }, setValid: function (valid) { this._manualSetValid = true; this._setValid(valid); if (valid === true) { this.element.removeClass("base-invalid invalid"); } else if (valid === false) { this.element.addClass("base-invalid invalid"); } }, doBehavior: function () { var args = arguments; // 递归将所有子组件使有效 BI.each(this._children, function (i, child) { child.doBehavior && child.doBehavior.apply(child, args); }); }, getWidth: function () { return this.options.width; }, getHeight: function () { return this.options.height; }, isValid: function () { return !this.options.invalid; }, addWidget: function (name, widget) { var self = this; if (name instanceof BI.Widget) { widget = name; name = widget.getName(); } if (BI.isKey(name)) { name = name + ""; } name = name || widget.getName() || BI.uniqueId("widget"); if (this._children[name]) { throw new Error("name has already been existed"); } widget._setParent && widget._setParent(this); widget.on(BI.Events.DESTROY, function () { BI.remove(self._children, this); }); return (this._children[name] = widget); }, getWidgetByName: function (name) { if (!BI.isKey(name) || name === this.getName()) { return this; } name = name + ""; var widget = void 0, other = {}; BI.any(this._children, function (i, wi) { if (i === name) { widget = wi; return true; } other[i] = wi; }); if (!widget) { BI.any(other, function (i, wi) { return (widget = wi.getWidgetByName(i)); }); } return widget; }, removeWidget: function (nameOrWidget) { var self = this; if (BI.isWidget(nameOrWidget)) { BI.remove(this._children, nameOrWidget); } else { delete this._children[nameOrWidget]; } }, hasWidget: function (name) { return this._children[name] != null; }, getName: function () { return this.widgetName; }, setTag: function (tag) { this.options.tag = tag; }, getTag: function () { return this.options.tag; }, attr: function (key, value) { var self = this; if (BI.isPlainObject(key)) { BI.each(key, function (k, v) { self.attr(k, v); }); return; } if (BI.isNotNull(value)) { return this.options[key] = value; } return this.options[key]; }, getText: function () { }, setText: function (text) { }, getValue: function () { }, setValue: function (value) { }, isEnabled: function () { return !this.options.disabled; }, isVisible: function () { return !this.options.invisible; }, disable: function () { this.setEnable(false); }, enable: function () { this.setEnable(true); }, valid: function () { this.setValid(true); }, invalid: function () { this.setValid(false); }, invisible: function () { this.setVisible(false); }, visible: function () { this.setVisible(true); }, __d: function () { this.beforeDestroy && this.beforeDestroy(); BI.each(this._children, function (i, widget) { widget && widget._unMount && widget._unMount(); }); this._children = {}; this._parent = null; this._isMounted = false; this.destroyed && this.destroyed(); }, _unMount: function () { this.__d(); this.fireEvent(BI.Events.UNMOUNT); this.purgeListeners(); }, isolate: function () { if (this._parent) { this._parent.removeWidget(this); } BI.DOM.hang([this]); }, empty: function () { BI.each(this._children, function (i, widget) { widget && widget._unMount && widget._unMount(); }); this._children = {}; this.element.empty(); }, _destroy: function () { this.__d(); this.element.destroy(); this.purgeListeners(); }, destroy: function () { this.__d(); this.element.destroy(); this.fireEvent(BI.Events.DESTROY); this.purgeListeners(); } });(function () { var kv = {}; BI.shortcut = function (xtype, cls) { if (kv[xtype] != null) { throw ("shortcut:[" + xtype + "] has been registed"); } kv[xtype] = cls; }; // 根据配置属性生成widget var createWidget = function (config) { if (config["classType"]) { return new (new Function("return " + config["classType"] + ";")())(config); } var cls = kv[config.type]; return new cls(config); }; BI.createWidget = function (item, options) { var el, w; options || (options = {}); if (BI.isEmpty(item) && BI.isEmpty(options)) { return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout" }); } if (BI.isWidget(item)) { return item; } if (item && (item.type || options.type)) { el = BI.extend({}, options, item); w = BI.Plugin.getWidget(el.type, el); return w.type === el.type ? BI.Plugin.getObject(el.type, createWidget(w)) : BI.createWidget(BI.extend({}, item, {type: w.type}, options)); } if (item && item.el && (item.el.type || options.type)) { el = BI.extend({}, options, item.el); w = BI.Plugin.getWidget(el.type, el); return w.type === el.type ? BI.Plugin.getObject(el.type, createWidget(w)) : BI.createWidget(BI.extend({}, item, {type: w.type}, options)); } if (item && BI.isWidget(item.el)) { return item.el; } throw new Error("无法根据item创建组件"); }; })();(function (window, undefined) { function aspect (type) { return function (target, methodName, advice) { var exist = target[methodName], dispatcher; if (!exist || exist.target != target) { dispatcher = target[methodName] = function () { // before methods var beforeArr = dispatcher.before; var args = arguments, next; for (var l = beforeArr.length; l--;) { next = beforeArr[l].advice.apply(this, args); if (next === false) { return false; } args = next || args; } // target method var rs = dispatcher.method.apply(this, args); // after methods var afterArr = dispatcher.after; for (var i = 0, ii = afterArr.length; i < ii; i++) { next = afterArr[i].advice.call(this, rs, args); if (rs === false) { return false; } args = next || args; } return rs; }; dispatcher.before = []; dispatcher.after = []; if (exist) { dispatcher.method = exist; } dispatcher.target = target; } var aspectArr = (dispatcher || exist)[type]; var obj = { advice: advice, _index: aspectArr.length, remove: function () { aspectArr.splice(this._index, 1); } }; aspectArr.push(obj); return obj; }; } BI.aspect = { before: aspect("before"), after: aspect("after") }; return BI.aspect; })(window); !(function () { var _keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; // private method for UTF-8 encoding var _utf8_encode = function (string) { string = string.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); var utftext = ""; for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) { var c = string.charCodeAt(n); if (c < 128) { utftext += String.fromCharCode(c); } else if ((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) { utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192); utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); } else { utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224); utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128); utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); } } return utftext; }; // private method for UTF-8 decoding var _utf8_decode = function (utftext) { var string = ""; var i = 0; var c = 0, c3 = 0, c2 = 0; while (i < utftext.length) { c = utftext.charCodeAt(i); if (c < 128) { string += String.fromCharCode(c); i++; } else if ((c > 191) && (c < 224)) { c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63)); i += 2; } else { c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1); c3 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 2); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63)); i += 3; } } return string; }; _.extend(BI, { encode: function (input) { var output = ""; var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; input = _utf8_encode(input); while (i < input.length) { chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++); enc1 = chr1 >> 2; enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4); enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6); enc4 = chr3 & 63; if (isNaN(chr2)) { enc3 = enc4 = 64; } else if (isNaN(chr3)) { enc4 = 64; } output = output + _keyStr.charAt(enc1) + _keyStr.charAt(enc2) + _keyStr.charAt(enc3) + _keyStr.charAt(enc4); } return output; }, // public method for decoding decode: function (input) { var output = ""; var chr1, chr2, chr3; var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, ""); while (i < input.length) { enc1 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc2 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc3 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc4 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4); chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2); chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4; output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1); if (enc3 != 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2); } if (enc4 != 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3); } } output = _utf8_decode(output); return output; } }); })(); BI.Cache = { _prefix: "bi", setUsername: function (username) { localStorage.setItem(BI.Cache._prefix + ".username", (username + "" || "").toUpperCase()); }, getUsername: function () { return localStorage.getItem(BI.Cache._prefix + ".username") || ""; }, _getKeyPrefix: function () { return BI.Cache.getUsername() + "." + BI.Cache._prefix + "."; }, _generateKey: function (key) { return BI.Cache._getKeyPrefix() + (key || ""); }, getItem: function (key) { return localStorage.getItem(BI.Cache._generateKey(key)); }, setItem: function (key, value) { localStorage.setItem(BI.Cache._generateKey(key), value); }, removeItem: function (key) { localStorage.removeItem(BI.Cache._generateKey(key)); }, clear: function () { for (var i = localStorage.length; i >= 0; i--) { var key = localStorage.key(i); if (key) { if (key.indexOf(BI.Cache._getKeyPrefix()) === 0) { localStorage.removeItem(key); } } } }, keys: function () { var result = []; for (var i = localStorage.length; i >= 0; i--) { var key = localStorage.key(i); if (key) { var prefix = BI.Cache._getKeyPrefix(); if (key.indexOf(prefix) === 0) { result[result.length] = key.substring(prefix.length); } } } return result; }, addCookie: function (name, value, path, expiresHours) { var cookieString = name + "=" + escape(value); // 判断是否设置过期时间 if (expiresHours && expiresHours > 0) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + expiresHours * 3600 * 1000); cookieString = cookieString + "; expires=" + date.toGMTString(); } if (path) { cookieString = cookieString + "; path=" + path; } document.cookie = cookieString; }, getCookie: function (name) { var arr, reg = new RegExp("(^| )" + name + "=([^;]*)(;|$)"); if (arr = document.cookie.match(reg)) {return unescape(arr[2]);} return null; }, deleteCookie: function (name, path) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() - 10000); var cookieString = name + "=v; expires=" + date.toGMTString(); if (path) { cookieString = cookieString + "; path=" + path; } document.cookie = cookieString; } };BI.CellSizeAndPositionManager = function (cellCount, cellSizeGetter, estimatedCellSize) { this._cellSizeGetter = cellSizeGetter; this._cellCount = cellCount; this._estimatedCellSize = estimatedCellSize; this._cellSizeAndPositionData = {}; this._lastMeasuredIndex = -1; }; BI.CellSizeAndPositionManager.prototype = { constructor: BI.CellSizeAndPositionManager, configure: function (cellCount, estimatedCellSize) { this._cellCount = cellCount; this._estimatedCellSize = estimatedCellSize; }, getCellCount: function () { return this._cellCount; }, getEstimatedCellSize: function () { return this._estimatedCellSize; }, getLastMeasuredIndex: function () { return this._lastMeasuredIndex; }, getSizeAndPositionOfCell: function (index) { if (index < 0 || index >= this._cellCount) { return; } if (index > this._lastMeasuredIndex) { var lastMeasuredCellSizeAndPosition = this.getSizeAndPositionOfLastMeasuredCell(); var offset = lastMeasuredCellSizeAndPosition.offset + lastMeasuredCellSizeAndPosition.size; for (var i = this._lastMeasuredIndex + 1; i <= index; i++) { var size = this._cellSizeGetter(i); if (size == null || isNaN(size)) { continue; } this._cellSizeAndPositionData[i] = { offset: offset, size: size }; offset += size; } this._lastMeasuredIndex = index; } return this._cellSizeAndPositionData[index]; }, getSizeAndPositionOfLastMeasuredCell: function () { return this._lastMeasuredIndex >= 0 ? this._cellSizeAndPositionData[this._lastMeasuredIndex] : { offset: 0, size: 0 }; }, getTotalSize: function () { var lastMeasuredCellSizeAndPosition = this.getSizeAndPositionOfLastMeasuredCell(); return lastMeasuredCellSizeAndPosition.offset + lastMeasuredCellSizeAndPosition.size + (this._cellCount - this._lastMeasuredIndex - 1) * this._estimatedCellSize; }, getUpdatedOffsetForIndex: function (align, containerSize, currentOffset, targetIndex) { var datum = this.getSizeAndPositionOfCell(targetIndex); var maxOffset = datum.offset; var minOffset = maxOffset - containerSize + datum.size; var idealOffset; switch (align) { case "start": idealOffset = maxOffset; break; case "end": idealOffset = minOffset; break; case "center": idealOffset = maxOffset - ((containerSize - datum.size) / 2); break; default: idealOffset = Math.max(minOffset, Math.min(maxOffset, currentOffset)); break; } var totalSize = this.getTotalSize(); return Math.max(0, Math.min(totalSize - containerSize, idealOffset)); }, getVisibleCellRange: function (containerSize, offset) { var totalSize = this.getTotalSize(); if (totalSize === 0) { return {}; } var maxOffset = offset + containerSize; var start = this._findNearestCell(offset); var datum = this.getSizeAndPositionOfCell(start); offset = datum.offset + datum.size; var stop = start; while (offset < maxOffset && stop < this._cellCount - 1) { stop++; offset += this.getSizeAndPositionOfCell(stop).size; } return { start: start, stop: stop }; }, resetCell: function (index) { this._lastMeasuredIndex = Math.min(this._lastMeasuredIndex, index - 1); }, _binarySearch: function (high, low, offset) { var middle; var currentOffset; while (low <= high) { middle = low + Math.floor((high - low) / 2); currentOffset = this.getSizeAndPositionOfCell(middle).offset; if (currentOffset === offset) { return middle; } else if (currentOffset < offset) { low = middle + 1; } else if (currentOffset > offset) { high = middle - 1; } } if (low > 0) { return low - 1; } }, _exponentialSearch: function (index, offset) { var interval = 1; while (index < this._cellCount && this.getSizeAndPositionOfCell(index).offset < offset) { index += interval; interval *= 2; } return this._binarySearch(Math.min(index, this._cellCount - 1), Math.floor(index / 2), offset); }, _findNearestCell: function (offset) { if (isNaN(offset)) { return; } offset = Math.max(0, offset); var lastMeasuredCellSizeAndPosition = this.getSizeAndPositionOfLastMeasuredCell(); var lastMeasuredIndex = Math.max(0, this._lastMeasuredIndex); if (lastMeasuredCellSizeAndPosition.offset >= offset) { return this._binarySearch(lastMeasuredIndex, 0, offset); } return this._exponentialSearch(lastMeasuredIndex, offset); } }; BI.ScalingCellSizeAndPositionManager = function (cellCount, cellSizeGetter, estimatedCellSize, maxScrollSize) { this._cellSizeAndPositionManager = new BI.CellSizeAndPositionManager(cellCount, cellSizeGetter, estimatedCellSize); this._maxScrollSize = maxScrollSize || 10000000; }; BI.ScalingCellSizeAndPositionManager.prototype = { constructor: BI.ScalingCellSizeAndPositionManager, configure: function () { this._cellSizeAndPositionManager.configure.apply(this._cellSizeAndPositionManager, arguments); }, getCellCount: function () { return this._cellSizeAndPositionManager.getCellCount(); }, getEstimatedCellSize: function () { return this._cellSizeAndPositionManager.getEstimatedCellSize(); }, getLastMeasuredIndex: function () { return this._cellSizeAndPositionManager.getLastMeasuredIndex(); }, getOffsetAdjustment: function (containerSize, offset) { var totalSize = this._cellSizeAndPositionManager.getTotalSize(); var safeTotalSize = this.getTotalSize(); var offsetPercentage = this._getOffsetPercentage(containerSize, offset, safeTotalSize); return Math.round(offsetPercentage * (safeTotalSize - totalSize)); }, getSizeAndPositionOfCell: function (index) { return this._cellSizeAndPositionManager.getSizeAndPositionOfCell(index); }, getSizeAndPositionOfLastMeasuredCell: function () { return this._cellSizeAndPositionManager.getSizeAndPositionOfLastMeasuredCell(); }, getTotalSize: function () { return Math.min(this._maxScrollSize, this._cellSizeAndPositionManager.getTotalSize()); }, getUpdatedOffsetForIndex: function (align, containerSize, currentOffset, targetIndex) { currentOffset = this._safeOffsetToOffset(containerSize, currentOffset); var offset = this._cellSizeAndPositionManager.getUpdatedOffsetForIndex(align, containerSize, currentOffset, targetIndex); return this._offsetToSafeOffset(containerSize, offset); }, getVisibleCellRange: function (containerSize, offset) { offset = this._safeOffsetToOffset(containerSize, offset); return this._cellSizeAndPositionManager.getVisibleCellRange(containerSize, offset); }, resetCell: function (index) { this._cellSizeAndPositionManager.resetCell(index); }, _getOffsetPercentage: function (containerSize, offset, totalSize) { return totalSize <= containerSize ? 0 : offset / (totalSize - containerSize); }, _offsetToSafeOffset: function (containerSize, offset) { var totalSize = this._cellSizeAndPositionManager.getTotalSize(); var safeTotalSize = this.getTotalSize(); if (totalSize === safeTotalSize) { return offset; } var offsetPercentage = this._getOffsetPercentage(containerSize, offset, totalSize); return Math.round(offsetPercentage * (safeTotalSize - containerSize)); }, _safeOffsetToOffset: function (containerSize, offset) { var totalSize = this._cellSizeAndPositionManager.getTotalSize(); var safeTotalSize = this.getTotalSize(); if (totalSize === safeTotalSize) { return offset; } var offsetPercentage = this._getOffsetPercentage(containerSize, offset, safeTotalSize); return Math.round(offsetPercentage * (totalSize - containerSize)); } };/** * 汉字拼音索引 */ !(function () { var _ChineseFirstPY = 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// 此处收录了375个多音字,数据来自于http://www.51window.net/page/pinyin var oMultiDiff = { 19969: "DZ", 19975: "WM", 19988: "QJ", 20048: "YL", 20056: "SC", 20060: "NM", 20094: "QG", 20127: "QJ", 20167: "QC", 20193: "YG", 20250: "KH", 20256: "ZC", 20282: "SC", 20285: "QJG", 20291: "TD", 20314: "YD", 20315: "BF", 20340: "NE", 20375: "TD", 20389: "YJ", 20391: "CZ", 20415: "PB", 20446: "YS", 20447: "SQ", 20504: "TC", 20608: "KG", 20854: "QJ", 20857: "ZC", 20911: "PF", 20985: "AW", 21032: "PB", 21048: "XQ", 21049: "SC", 21089: "YS", 21119: "JC", 21242: "SB", 21273: "SC", 21305: "YP", 21306: "QO", 21330: "ZC", 21333: "SDC", 21345: "QK", 21378: "CA", 21397: "SC", 21414: "XS", 21442: "SC", 21477: "JG", 21480: "TD", 21484: "ZS", 21494: "YX", 21505: "YX", 21512: "HG", 21523: "XH", 21537: "PB", 21542: "PF", 21549: "KH", 21571: "E", 21574: "DA", 21588: "TD", 21589: "O", 21618: "ZC", 21621: "KHA", 21632: "ZJ", 21654: "KG", 21679: "LKG", 21683: "KH", 21710: "A", 21719: "YH", 21734: "WOE", 21769: "A", 21780: "WN", 21804: "XH", 21834: "A", 21899: "ZD", 21903: "RN", 21908: "WO", 21939: "ZC", 21956: "SA", 21964: "YA", 21970: "TD", 22003: "A", 22031: "JG", 22040: "XS", 22060: "ZC", 22066: "ZC", 22079: "MH", 22129: "XJ", 22179: "XA", 22237: "NJ", 22244: "TD", 22280: "JQ", 22300: "YH", 22313: "XW", 22331: "YQ", 22343: "YJ", 22351: "PH", 22395: "DC", 22412: "TD", 22484: "PB", 22500: "PB", 22534: "ZD", 22549: "DH", 22561: "PB", 22612: "TD", 22771: "KQ", 22831: "HB", 22841: "JG", 22855: "QJ", 22865: "XQ", 23013: "ML", 23081: "WM", 23487: "SX", 23558: "QJ", 23561: "YW", 23586: "YW", 23614: "YW", 23615: "SN", 23631: "PB", 23646: "ZS", 23663: "ZT", 23673: "YG", 23762: "TD", 23769: "ZS", 23780: "QJ", 23884: "QK", 24055: "XH", 24113: "DC", 24162: "ZC", 24191: "GA", 24273: "QJ", 24324: "NL", 24377: "TD", 24378: "QJ", 24439: "PF", 24554: "ZS", 24683: "TD", 24694: "WE", 24733: "LK", 24925: "TN", 25094: "ZG", 25100: "XQ", 25103: "XH", 25153: "PB", 25170: "PB", 25179: "KG", 25203: "PB", 25240: "ZS", 25282: "FB", 25303: "NA", 25324: "KG", 25341: "ZY", 25373: "WZ", 25375: "XJ", 25384: "A", 25457: "A", 25528: "SD", 25530: "SC", 25552: "TD", 25774: "ZC", 25874: "ZC", 26044: "YW", 26080: "WM", 26292: "PB", 26333: "PB", 26355: "ZY", 26366: "CZ", 26397: "ZC", 26399: "QJ", 26415: "ZS", 26451: "SB", 26526: "ZC", 26552: "JG", 26561: "TD", 26588: "JG", 26597: "CZ", 26629: "ZS", 26638: "YL", 26646: "XQ", 26653: "KG", 26657: "XJ", 26727: "HG", 26894: "ZC", 26937: "ZS", 26946: "ZC", 26999: "KJ", 27099: "KJ", 27449: "YQ", 27481: "XS", 27542: "ZS", 27663: "ZS", 27748: "TS", 27784: "SC", 27788: "ZD", 27795: "TD", 27812: "O", 27850: "PB", 27852: "MB", 27895: "SL", 27898: "PL", 27973: "QJ", 27981: "KH", 27986: "HX", 27994: "XJ", 28044: "YC", 28065: "WG", 28177: "SM", 28267: "QJ", 28291: "KH", 28337: "ZQ", 28463: "TL", 28548: "DC", 28601: "TD", 28689: "PB", 28805: "JG", 28820: "QG", 28846: "PB", 28952: "TD", 28975: "ZC", 29100: "A", 29325: "QJ", 29575: "SL", 29602: "FB", 30010: "TD", 30044: "CX", 30058: "PF", 30091: "YSP", 30111: "YN", 30229: "XJ", 30427: "SC", 30465: "SX", 30631: "YQ", 30655: "QJ", 30684: "QJG", 30707: "SD", 30729: "XH", 30796: "LG", 30917: "PB", 31074: "NM", 31085: "JZ", 31109: "SC", 31181: "ZC", 31192: "MLB", 31293: "JQ", 31400: "YX", 31584: "YJ", 31896: "ZN", 31909: "ZY", 31995: "XJ", 32321: "PF", 32327: "ZY", 32418: "HG", 32420: "XQ", 32421: "HG", 32438: "LG", 32473: "GJ", 32488: "TD", 32521: "QJ", 32527: "PB", 32562: "ZSQ", 32564: "JZ", 32735: "ZD", 32793: "PB", 33071: "PF", 33098: "XL", 33100: "YA", 33152: "PB", 33261: "CX", 33324: "BP", 33333: "TD", 33406: "YA", 33426: "WM", 33432: "PB", 33445: "JG", 33486: "ZN", 33493: "TS", 33507: "QJ", 33540: "QJ", 33544: "ZC", 33564: "XQ", 33617: "YT", 33632: "QJ", 33636: "XH", 33637: "YX", 33694: "WG", 33705: "PF", 33728: "YW", 33882: "SR", 34067: "WM", 34074: "YW", 34121: "QJ", 34255: "ZC", 34259: "XL", 34425: "JH", 34430: "XH", 34485: "KH", 34503: "YS", 34532: "HG", 34552: "XS", 34558: "YE", 34593: "ZL", 34660: "YQ", 34892: "XH", 34928: "SC", 34999: "QJ", 35048: "PB", 35059: "SC", 35098: "ZC", 35203: "TQ", 35265: "JX", 35299: "JX", 35782: "SZ", 35828: "YS", 35830: "E", 35843: "TD", 35895: "YG", 35977: "MH", 36158: "JG", 36228: "QJ", 36426: "XQ", 36466: "DC", 36710: "JC", 36711: "ZYG", 36767: "PB", 36866: "SK", 36951: "YW", 37034: "YX", 37063: "XH", 37218: "ZC", 37325: "ZC", 38063: "PB", 38079: "TD", 38085: "QY", 38107: "DC", 38116: "TD", 38123: "YD", 38224: "HG", 38241: "XTC", 38271: "ZC", 38415: "YE", 38426: "KH", 38461: "YD", 38463: "AE", 38466: "PB", 38477: "XJ", 38518: "YT", 38551: "WK", 38585: "ZC", 38704: "XS", 38739: "LJ", 38761: "GJ", 38808: "SQ", 39048: "JG", 39049: "XJ", 39052: "HG", 39076: "CZ", 39271: "XT", 39534: "TD", 39552: "TD", 39584: "PB", 39647: "SB", 39730: "LG", 39748: "TPB", 40109: "ZQ", 40479: "ND", 40516: "HG", 40536: "HG", 40583: "QJ", 40765: "YQ", 40784: "QJ", 40840: "YK", 40863: "QJG" }; var _checkPYCh = function (ch) { var uni = ch.charCodeAt(0); // 如果不在汉字处理范围之内,返回原字符,也可以调用自己的处理函数 if (uni > 40869 || uni < 19968) {return ch;} // dealWithOthers(ch); return (oMultiDiff[uni] ? oMultiDiff[uni] : (_ChineseFirstPY.charAt(uni - 19968))); }; var _mkPYRslt = function (arr) { var arrRslt = [""], k; for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) { var str = arr[i]; var strlen = str.length; if (strlen == 1) { for (k = 0; k < arrRslt.length; k++) { arrRslt[k] += str; } } else { var tmpArr = arrRslt.slice(0); arrRslt = []; for (k = 0; k < strlen; k++) { // 复制一个相同的arrRslt var tmp = tmpArr.slice(0); // 把当前字符str[k]添加到每个元素末尾 for (var j = 0; j < tmp.length; j++) { tmp[j] += str.charAt(k); } // 把复制并修改后的数组连接到arrRslt上 arrRslt = arrRslt.concat(tmp); } } } return arrRslt.join("").toLowerCase(); }; _.extend(BI, { makeFirstPY: function (str) { if (typeof (str) !== "string") {return "" + str;} var arrResult = []; // 保存中间结果的数组 for (var i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) { // 获得unicode码 var ch = str.charAt(i); // 检查该unicode码是否在处理范围之内,在则返回该码对映汉字的拼音首字母,不在则调用其它函数处理 arrResult.push(_checkPYCh(ch)); } // 处理arrResult,返回所有可能的拼音首字母串数组 return _mkPYRslt(arrResult); } }); })();/** * Detect Element Resize. * Forked in order to guard against unsafe 'window' and 'document' references. * * https://github.com/sdecima/javascript-detect-element-resize * Sebastian Decima * * version: 0.5.3 **/ !(function () { // Check `document` and `window` in case of server-side rendering var _window; if (typeof window !== "undefined") { _window = window; } else if (typeof self !== "undefined") { _window = self; } else { _window = this; } var addEventListener = typeof document !== "undefined" && document.addEventListener; var stylesCreated = false; if (addEventListener) { var requestFrame = (function () { var raf = _window.requestAnimationFrame || _window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || _window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || function (fn) { return _window.setTimeout(fn, 20); }; return function (fn) { return raf(fn); }; })(); var cancelFrame = (function () { var cancel = _window.cancelAnimationFrame || _window.mozCancelAnimationFrame || _window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || _window.clearTimeout; return function (id) { return cancel(id); }; })(); var resetTriggers = function (element) { var triggers = element.__resizeTriggers__, expand = triggers.firstElementChild, contract = triggers.lastElementChild, expandChild = expand.firstElementChild; contract.scrollLeft = contract.scrollWidth; contract.scrollTop = contract.scrollHeight; expandChild.style.width = expand.offsetWidth + 1 + "px"; expandChild.style.height = expand.offsetHeight + 1 + "px"; expand.scrollLeft = expand.scrollWidth; expand.scrollTop = expand.scrollHeight; }; var checkTriggers = function (element) { return element.offsetWidth !== element.__resizeLast__.width || element.offsetHeight !== element.__resizeLast__.height; }; var scrollListener = function (e) { var element = this; resetTriggers(this); if (this.__resizeRAF__) cancelFrame(this.__resizeRAF__); this.__resizeRAF__ = requestFrame(function () { if (checkTriggers(element)) { element.__resizeLast__.width = element.offsetWidth; element.__resizeLast__.height = element.offsetHeight; element.__resizeListeners__.forEach(function (fn) { fn.call(element, e); }); } }); }; /* Detect CSS Animations support to detect element display/re-attach */ var animation = false, animationstring = "animation", keyframeprefix = "", animationstartevent = "animationstart", domPrefixes = "Webkit Moz O ms".split(" "), startEvents = "webkitAnimationStart animationstart oAnimationStart MSAnimationStart".split(" "), pfx = ""; { var elm = document.createElement("fakeelement"); if (elm.style.animationName !== undefined) { animation = true; } if (animation === false) { for (var i = 0; i < domPrefixes.length; i++) { if (elm.style[domPrefixes[i] + "AnimationName"] !== undefined) { pfx = domPrefixes[i]; animationstring = pfx + "Animation"; keyframeprefix = "-" + pfx.toLowerCase() + "-"; animationstartevent = startEvents[i]; animation = true; break; } } } } var animationName = "resizeanim"; var animationKeyframes = "@" + keyframeprefix + "keyframes " + animationName + " { from { opacity: 0; } to { opacity: 0; } } "; var animationStyle = keyframeprefix + "animation: 1ms " + animationName + "; "; } var createStyles = function () { if (!stylesCreated) { // opacity:0 works around a chrome bug https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=286360 var css = (animationKeyframes ? animationKeyframes : "") + ".resize-triggers { " + (animationStyle ? animationStyle : "") + "visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; } " + ".resize-triggers, .resize-triggers > div, .contract-trigger:before { content: \" \"; display: block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; } .resize-triggers > div { background: #eee; overflow: auto; } .contract-trigger:before { width: 200%; height: 200%; }", head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], style = document.createElement("style"); style.type = "text/css"; if (style.styleSheet) { style.styleSheet.cssText = css; } else { style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); } head.appendChild(style); stylesCreated = true; } }; var addResizeListener = function (element, fn) { if (addEventListener) { if (!element.__resizeTriggers__) { if (getComputedStyle(element).position === "static") element.style.position = "relative"; createStyles(); element.__resizeLast__ = {}; element.__resizeListeners__ = []; (element.__resizeTriggers__ = document.createElement("div")).className = "resize-triggers"; element.__resizeTriggers__.innerHTML = "<div class=\"expand-trigger\"><div></div></div>" + "<div class=\"contract-trigger\"></div>"; element.appendChild(element.__resizeTriggers__); resetTriggers(element); element.addEventListener("scroll", scrollListener, true); /* Listen for a css animation to detect element display/re-attach */ animationstartevent && element.__resizeTriggers__.addEventListener(animationstartevent, function (e) { if (e.animationName === animationName) {resetTriggers(element);} }); } element.__resizeListeners__.push(fn); } else { element.attachEvent("onresize", fn); } }; var removeResizeListener = function (element, fn) { if (addEventListener) { element.__resizeListeners__.splice(element.__resizeListeners__.indexOf(fn), 1); if (!element.__resizeListeners__.length) { element.removeEventListener("scroll", scrollListener, true); element.__resizeTriggers__ = !element.removeChild(element.__resizeTriggers__); } } else { element.detachEvent("onresize", fn); } }; BI.ResizeDetector = { addResizeListener: function (widget, fn) { addResizeListener(widget.element[0], fn); return function () { removeResizeListener(widget.element[0], fn); }; }, removeResizeListener: function (widget, fn) { removeResizeListener(widget.element[0], fn); } }; }()); (function () { function defaultComparator (a, b) { return a < b; } BI.Heap = function (items, comparator) { this._items = items || []; this._size = this._items.length; this._comparator = comparator || defaultComparator; this._heapify(); }; BI.Heap.prototype = { constructor: BI.Heap, empty: function () { return this._size === 0; }, pop: function () { if (this._size === 0) { return; } var elt = this._items[0]; var lastElt = this._items.pop(); this._size--; if (this._size > 0) { this._items[0] = lastElt; this._sinkDown(0); } return elt; }, push: function (item) { this._items[this._size++] = item; this._bubbleUp(this._size - 1); }, size: function () { return this._size; }, peek: function () { if (this._size === 0) { return; } return this._items[0]; }, _heapify: function () { for (var index = Math.floor((this._size + 1) / 2); index >= 0; index--) { this._sinkDown(index); } }, _bubbleUp: function (index) { var elt = this._items[index]; while (index > 0) { var parentIndex = Math.floor((index + 1) / 2) - 1; var parentElt = this._items[parentIndex]; // if parentElt < elt, stop if (this._comparator(parentElt, elt)) { return; } // swap this._items[parentIndex] = elt; this._items[index] = parentElt; index = parentIndex; } }, _sinkDown: function (index) { var elt = this._items[index]; while (true) { var leftChildIndex = 2 * (index + 1) - 1; var rightChildIndex = 2 * (index + 1); var swapIndex = -1; if (leftChildIndex < this._size) { var leftChild = this._items[leftChildIndex]; if (this._comparator(leftChild, elt)) { swapIndex = leftChildIndex; } } if (rightChildIndex < this._size) { var rightChild = this._items[rightChildIndex]; if (this._comparator(rightChild, elt)) { if (swapIndex === -1 || this._comparator(rightChild, this._items[swapIndex])) { swapIndex = rightChildIndex; } } } // if we don't have a swap, stop if (swapIndex === -1) { return; } this._items[index] = this._items[swapIndex]; this._items[swapIndex] = elt; index = swapIndex; } } }; })(); (function () { var clamp = function (min, value, max) { if (value < min) { return min; } if (value > max) { return max; } return value; }; var BUFFER_ROWS = 5; var NO_ROWS_SCROLL_RESULT = { index: 0, offset: 0, position: 0, contentHeight: 0 }; BI.TableScrollHelper = function (rowCount, defaultRowHeight, viewportHeight, rowHeightGetter) { this._rowOffsets = BI.PrefixIntervalTree.uniform(rowCount, defaultRowHeight); this._storedHeights = new Array(rowCount); for (var i = 0; i < rowCount; ++i) { this._storedHeights[i] = defaultRowHeight; } this._rowCount = rowCount; this._position = 0; this._contentHeight = rowCount * defaultRowHeight; this._defaultRowHeight = defaultRowHeight; this._rowHeightGetter = rowHeightGetter ? rowHeightGetter : function () { return defaultRowHeight; }; this._viewportHeight = viewportHeight; this._updateHeightsInViewport(0, 0); }; BI.TableScrollHelper.prototype = { constructor: BI.TableScrollHelper, setRowHeightGetter: function (rowHeightGetter) { this._rowHeightGetter = rowHeightGetter; }, setViewportHeight: function (viewportHeight) { this._viewportHeight = viewportHeight; }, getContentHeight: function () { return this._contentHeight; }, _updateHeightsInViewport: function (firstRowIndex, firstRowOffset) { var top = firstRowOffset; var index = firstRowIndex; while (top <= this._viewportHeight && index < this._rowCount) { this._updateRowHeight(index); top += this._storedHeights[index]; index++; } }, _updateHeightsAboveViewport: function (firstRowIndex) { var index = firstRowIndex - 1; while (index >= 0 && index >= firstRowIndex - BUFFER_ROWS) { var delta = this._updateRowHeight(index); this._position += delta; index--; } }, _updateRowHeight: function (rowIndex) { if (rowIndex < 0 || rowIndex >= this._rowCount) { return 0; } var newHeight = this._rowHeightGetter(rowIndex); if (newHeight !== this._storedHeights[rowIndex]) { var change = newHeight - this._storedHeights[rowIndex]; this._rowOffsets.set(rowIndex, newHeight); this._storedHeights[rowIndex] = newHeight; this._contentHeight += change; return change; } return 0; }, getRowPosition: function (rowIndex) { this._updateRowHeight(rowIndex); return this._rowOffsets.sumUntil(rowIndex); }, scrollBy: function (delta) { if (this._rowCount === 0) { return NO_ROWS_SCROLL_RESULT; } var firstRow = this._rowOffsets.greatestLowerBound(this._position); firstRow = clamp(firstRow, 0, Math.max(this._rowCount - 1, 0)); var firstRowPosition = this._rowOffsets.sumUntil(firstRow); var rowIndex = firstRow; var position = this._position; var rowHeightChange = this._updateRowHeight(rowIndex); if (firstRowPosition !== 0) { position += rowHeightChange; } var visibleRowHeight = this._storedHeights[rowIndex] - (position - firstRowPosition); if (delta >= 0) { while (delta > 0 && rowIndex < this._rowCount) { if (delta < visibleRowHeight) { position += delta; delta = 0; } else { delta -= visibleRowHeight; position += visibleRowHeight; rowIndex++; } if (rowIndex < this._rowCount) { this._updateRowHeight(rowIndex); visibleRowHeight = this._storedHeights[rowIndex]; } } } else if (delta < 0) { delta = -delta; var invisibleRowHeight = this._storedHeights[rowIndex] - visibleRowHeight; while (delta > 0 && rowIndex >= 0) { if (delta < invisibleRowHeight) { position -= delta; delta = 0; } else { position -= invisibleRowHeight; delta -= invisibleRowHeight; rowIndex--; } if (rowIndex >= 0) { var change = this._updateRowHeight(rowIndex); invisibleRowHeight = this._storedHeights[rowIndex]; position += change; } } } var maxPosition = this._contentHeight - this._viewportHeight; position = clamp(position, 0, maxPosition); this._position = position; var firstRowIndex = this._rowOffsets.greatestLowerBound(position); firstRowIndex = clamp(firstRowIndex, 0, Math.max(this._rowCount - 1, 0)); firstRowPosition = this._rowOffsets.sumUntil(firstRowIndex); var firstRowOffset = firstRowPosition - position; this._updateHeightsInViewport(firstRowIndex, firstRowOffset); this._updateHeightsAboveViewport(firstRowIndex); return { index: firstRowIndex, offset: firstRowOffset, position: this._position, contentHeight: this._contentHeight }; }, _getRowAtEndPosition: function (rowIndex) { // We need to update enough rows above the selected one to be sure that when // we scroll to selected position all rows between first shown and selected // one have most recent heights computed and will not resize this._updateRowHeight(rowIndex); var currentRowIndex = rowIndex; var top = this._storedHeights[currentRowIndex]; while (top < this._viewportHeight && currentRowIndex >= 0) { currentRowIndex--; if (currentRowIndex >= 0) { this._updateRowHeight(currentRowIndex); top += this._storedHeights[currentRowIndex]; } } var position = this._rowOffsets.sumTo(rowIndex) - this._viewportHeight; if (position < 0) { position = 0; } return position; }, scrollTo: function (position) { if (this._rowCount === 0) { return NO_ROWS_SCROLL_RESULT; } if (position <= 0) { // If position less than or equal to 0 first row should be fully visible // on top this._position = 0; this._updateHeightsInViewport(0, 0); return { index: 0, offset: 0, position: this._position, contentHeight: this._contentHeight }; } else if (position >= this._contentHeight - this._viewportHeight) { // If position is equal to or greater than max scroll value, we need // to make sure to have bottom border of last row visible. var rowIndex = this._rowCount - 1; position = this._getRowAtEndPosition(rowIndex); } this._position = position; var firstRowIndex = this._rowOffsets.greatestLowerBound(position); firstRowIndex = clamp(firstRowIndex, 0, Math.max(this._rowCount - 1, 0)); var firstRowPosition = this._rowOffsets.sumUntil(firstRowIndex); var firstRowOffset = firstRowPosition - position; this._updateHeightsInViewport(firstRowIndex, firstRowOffset); this._updateHeightsAboveViewport(firstRowIndex); return { index: firstRowIndex, offset: firstRowOffset, position: this._position, contentHeight: this._contentHeight }; }, /** * Allows to scroll to selected row with specified offset. It always * brings that row to top of viewport with that offset */ scrollToRow: function (rowIndex, offset) { rowIndex = clamp(rowIndex, 0, Math.max(this._rowCount - 1, 0)); offset = clamp(offset, -this._storedHeights[rowIndex], 0); var firstRow = this._rowOffsets.sumUntil(rowIndex); return this.scrollTo(firstRow - offset); }, /** * Allows to scroll to selected row by bringing it to viewport with minimal * scrolling. This that if row is fully visible, scroll will not be changed. * If top border of row is above top of viewport it will be scrolled to be * fully visible on the top of viewport. If the bottom border of row is * below end of viewport, it will be scrolled up to be fully visible on the * bottom of viewport. */ scrollRowIntoView: function (rowIndex) { rowIndex = clamp(rowIndex, 0, Math.max(this._rowCount - 1, 0)); var rowBegin = this._rowOffsets.sumUntil(rowIndex); var rowEnd = rowBegin + this._storedHeights[rowIndex]; if (rowBegin < this._position) { return this.scrollTo(rowBegin); } else if (this._position + this._viewportHeight < rowEnd) { var position = this._getRowAtEndPosition(rowIndex); return this.scrollTo(position); } return this.scrollTo(this._position); } }; })(); // Data structure that allows to store values and assign positions to them // in a way to minimize changing positions of stored values when new ones are // added or when some values are replaced. Stored elements are alwasy assigned // a consecutive set of positoins startin from 0 up to count of elements less 1 // Following actions can be executed // * get position assigned to given value (null if value is not stored) // * create new entry for new value and get assigned position back // * replace value that is furthest from specified value range with new value // and get it's position back // All operations take amortized log(n) time where n is number of elements in // the set. BI.IntegerBufferSet = function () { this._valueToPositionMap = {}; this._size = 0; this._smallValues = new BI.Heap( [], // Initial data in the heap this._smallerComparator ); this._largeValues = new BI.Heap( [], // Initial data in the heap this._greaterComparator ); }; BI.IntegerBufferSet.prototype = { constructor: BI.IntegerBufferSet, getSize: function () /* number*/ { return this._size; }, getValuePosition: function (/* number*/ value) /* ?number*/ { if (this._valueToPositionMap[value] === undefined) { return null; } return this._valueToPositionMap[value]; }, getNewPositionForValue: function (/* number*/ value) /* number*/ { var newPosition = this._size; this._size++; this._pushToHeaps(newPosition, value); this._valueToPositionMap[value] = newPosition; return newPosition; }, replaceFurthestValuePosition: function (/* number*/ lowValue, /* number*/ highValue, /* number*/ newValue) /* ?number*/ { this._cleanHeaps(); if (this._smallValues.empty() || this._largeValues.empty()) { // Threre are currently no values stored. We will have to create new // position for this value. return null; } var minValue = this._smallValues.peek().value; var maxValue = this._largeValues.peek().value; if (minValue >= lowValue && maxValue <= highValue) { // All values currently stored are necessary, we can't reuse any of them. return null; } var valueToReplace; if (lowValue - minValue > maxValue - highValue) { // minValue is further from provided range. We will reuse it's position. valueToReplace = minValue; this._smallValues.pop(); } else { valueToReplace = maxValue; this._largeValues.pop(); } var position = this._valueToPositionMap[valueToReplace]; delete this._valueToPositionMap[valueToReplace]; this._valueToPositionMap[newValue] = position; this._pushToHeaps(position, newValue); return position; }, _pushToHeaps: function (/* number*/ position, /* number*/ value) { var element = { position: position, value: value }; // We can reuse the same object in both heaps, because we don't mutate them this._smallValues.push(element); this._largeValues.push(element); }, _cleanHeaps: function () { // We not usually only remove object from one heap while moving value. // Here we make sure that there is no stale data on top of heaps. this._cleanHeap(this._smallValues); this._cleanHeap(this._largeValues); var minHeapSize = Math.min(this._smallValues.size(), this._largeValues.size()); var maxHeapSize = Math.max(this._smallValues.size(), this._largeValues.size()); if (maxHeapSize > 10 * minHeapSize) { // There are many old values in one of heaps. We nned to get rid of them // to not use too avoid memory leaks this._recreateHeaps(); } }, _recreateHeaps: function () { var sourceHeap = this._smallValues.size() < this._largeValues.size() ? this._smallValues : this._largeValues; var newSmallValues = new Heap( [], // Initial data in the heap this._smallerComparator ); var newLargeValues = new Heap( [], // Initial datat in the heap this._greaterComparator ); while (!sourceHeap.empty()) { var element = sourceHeap.pop(); // Push all stil valid elements to new heaps if (this._valueToPositionMap[element.value] !== undefined) { newSmallValues.push(element); newLargeValues.push(element); } } this._smallValues = newSmallValues; this._largeValues = newLargeValues; }, _cleanHeap: function (/* object*/ heap) { while (!heap.empty() && this._valueToPositionMap[heap.peek().value] === undefined) { heap.pop(); } }, _smallerComparator: function (/* object*/ lhs, /* object*/ rhs) /* boolean*/ { return lhs.value < rhs.value; }, _greaterComparator: function (/* object*/ lhs, /* object*/ rhs) /* boolean*/ { return lhs.value > rhs.value; } }; !(function () { BI.LinkHashMap = function () { this.array = []; this.map = {}; }; BI.LinkHashMap.prototype = { constructor: BI.LinkHashMap, has: function (key) { if (key in this.map) { return true; } return false; }, add: function (key, value) { if (typeof key === "undefined") { return; } if (key in this.map) { this.map[key] = value; } else { this.array.push(key); this.map[key] = value; } }, remove: function (key) { if (key in this.map) { delete this.map[key]; for (var i = 0; i < this.array.length; i++) { if (this.array[i] == key) { this.array.splice(i, 1); break; } } } }, size: function () { return this.array.length; }, each: function (fn, scope) { var scope = scope || window; var fn = fn || null; if (fn == null || typeof (fn) !== "function") { return; } for (var i = 0; i < this.array.length; i++) { var key = this.array[i]; var value = this.map[key]; var re = fn.call(scope, key, value, i, this.array, this.map); if (re == false) { break; } } }, get: function (key) { return this.map[key]; }, toArray: function () { var array = []; this.each(function (key, value) { array.push(value); }); return array; } }; })();window.BI = window.BI || {}; _.extend(BI, { $defaultImport: function (options, type) { var config; if (BI.isObject(options)) { config = $.extend({ op: "resource", path: null, type: null, must: false }, options); config.url = BI.servletURL + "?op=" + config.op + "&resource=" + config.path; } else { config = { url: BI.servletURL + "?op=resource&resource=" + options, type: arguments[1], must: arguments[2] }; } this.$import(config.url, config.type, config.must); }, $import: function () { var _LOADED = {}; // alex:保存加载过的 function loadReady (src, must) { var $scripts = $("head script, body script"); $.each($scripts, function (i, item) { if (item.src.indexOf(src) != -1) { _LOADED[src] = true; } }); var $links = $("head link"); $.each($links, function (i, item) { if (item.href.indexOf(src) != -1 && must) { _LOADED[src] = false; $(item).remove(); } }); } // must=true 强行加载 return function (src, ext, must) { loadReady(src, must); // alex:如果已经加载过了的,直接return if (_LOADED[src] === true) { return; } if (ext === "css") { var link = document.createElement("link"); link.rel = "stylesheet"; link.type = "text/css"; link.href = src; var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; head.appendChild(link); _LOADED[src] = true; } else { // alex:这里用同步调用的方式,必须等待ajax完成 $.ajax({ url: src, dataType: "script", // alex:指定dataType为script,jquery会帮忙做globalEval的事情 async: false, cache: true, complete: function (res, status) { /* * alex:发现jquery会很智能地判断一下返回的数据类型是不是script,然后做一个globalEval * 所以当status为success时就不需要再把其中的内容加到script里面去了 */ if (status == "success") { _LOADED[src] = true; } } }); } }; }() }); !(function () { BI.LRU = function (limit) { this.size = 0; this.limit = limit; this.head = this.tail = undefined; this._keymap = {}; }; var p = BI.LRU.prototype; p.put = function (key, value) { var removed; if (this.size === this.limit) { removed = this.shift(); } var entry = this.get(key, true); if (!entry) { entry = { key: key }; this._keymap[key] = entry; if (this.tail) { this.tail.newer = entry; entry.older = this.tail; } else { this.head = entry; } this.tail = entry; this.size++; } entry.value = value; return removed; }; p.shift = function () { var entry = this.head; if (entry) { this.head = this.head.newer; this.head.older = undefined; entry.newer = entry.older = undefined; this._keymap[entry.key] = undefined; this.size--; } return entry; }; p.get = function (key, returnEntry) { var entry = this._keymap[key]; if (entry === undefined) return; if (entry === this.tail) { return returnEntry ? entry : entry.value; } // HEAD--------------TAIL // <.older .newer> // <--- add direction -- // A B C <D> E if (entry.newer) { if (entry === this.head) { this.head = entry.newer; } entry.newer.older = entry.older; // C <-- E. } if (entry.older) { entry.older.newer = entry.newer; // C. --> E } entry.newer = undefined; // D --x entry.older = this.tail; // D. --> E if (this.tail) { this.tail.newer = entry; // E. <-- D } this.tail = entry; return returnEntry ? entry : entry.value; }; p.has = function (key) { return this._keymap[key] != null; }; })(); !(function () { var MD5 = function (hexcase) { this.hexcase = !hexcase ? 0 : 1; /* hex output format. 0 - lowercase; 1 - uppercase */ this.b64pad = ""; /* base-64 pad character. "=" for strict RFC compliance */ this.chrsz = 8; /* bits per input character. 8 - ASCII; 16 - Unicode */ }; /* * These are the functions you'll usually want to call * They take string arguments and return either hex or base-64 encoded strings */ MD5.prototype.hex_md5 = function (s) { return this.binl2hex(this.core_md5(this.str2binl(s), s.length * this.chrsz)); }; MD5.prototype.hex_md5_salt = function (s) { var md5ed = this.hex_md5(s); var items1 = []; var items2 = []; for (var i = 0; i < md5ed.length; i++) { if (i % 2 === 0) { items1.push(md5ed.charAt(i)); } else { items2.push(md5ed.charAt(i)); } } var result = ":" + items1.join("") + items2.join(""); return result; }; MD5.prototype.b64_md5 = function (s) { return this.binl2b64(this.core_md5(this.str2binl(s), s.length * this.chrsz)); }; MD5.prototype.hex_hmac_md5 = function (key, data) { return this.binl2hex(this.core_hmac_md5(key, data)); }; MD5.prototype.b64_hmac_md5 = function (key, data) { return this.binl2b64(this.core_hmac_md5(key, data)); }; /* Backwards compatibility - same as hex_md5() */ MD5.prototype.calcMD5 = function (s) { return this.binl2hex(this.core_md5(this.str2binl(s), s.length * this.chrsz)); }; MD5.prototype.core_md5 = function (x, len) { /* append padding */ x[len >> 5] |= 0x80 << ((len) % 32); x[(((len + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14] = len; var a = 1732584193; var b = -271733879; var c = -1732584194; var d = 271733878; for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i += 16) { var olda = a; var oldb = b; var oldc = c; var oldd = d; a = this.md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i + 0], 7, -680876936); d = this.md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i + 1], 12, -389564586); c = this.md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i + 2], 17, 606105819); b = this.md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i + 3], 22, -1044525330); a = this.md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i + 4], 7, -176418897); d = this.md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i + 5], 12, 1200080426); c = this.md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i + 6], 17, -1473231341); b = this.md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i + 7], 22, -45705983); a = this.md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i + 8], 7, 1770035416); d = this.md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i + 9], 12, -1958414417); c = this.md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i + 10], 17, -42063); b = this.md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i + 11], 22, -1990404162); a = this.md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i + 12], 7, 1804603682); d = this.md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i + 13], 12, -40341101); c = this.md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i + 14], 17, -1502002290); b = this.md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i + 15], 22, 1236535329); a = this.md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i + 1], 5, -165796510); d = this.md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i + 6], 9, -1069501632); c = this.md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i + 11], 14, 643717713); b = this.md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i + 0], 20, -373897302); a = this.md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i + 5], 5, -701558691); d = this.md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i + 10], 9, 38016083); c = this.md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i + 15], 14, -660478335); b = this.md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i + 4], 20, -405537848); a = this.md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i + 9], 5, 568446438); d = this.md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i + 14], 9, -1019803690); c = this.md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i + 3], 14, -187363961); b = this.md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i + 8], 20, 1163531501); a = this.md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i + 13], 5, -1444681467); d = this.md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i + 2], 9, -51403784); c = this.md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i + 7], 14, 1735328473); b = this.md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i + 12], 20, -1926607734); a = this.md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i + 5], 4, -378558); d = this.md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i + 8], 11, -2022574463); c = this.md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i + 11], 16, 1839030562); b = this.md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i + 14], 23, -35309556); a = this.md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i + 1], 4, -1530992060); d = this.md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i + 4], 11, 1272893353); c = this.md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i + 7], 16, -155497632); b = this.md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i + 10], 23, -1094730640); a = this.md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i + 13], 4, 681279174); d = this.md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i + 0], 11, -358537222); c = this.md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i + 3], 16, -722521979); b = this.md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i + 6], 23, 76029189); a = this.md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i + 9], 4, -640364487); d = this.md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i + 12], 11, -421815835); c = this.md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i + 15], 16, 530742520); b = this.md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i + 2], 23, -995338651); a = this.md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i + 0], 6, -198630844); d = this.md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i + 7], 10, 1126891415); c = this.md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i + 14], 15, -1416354905); b = this.md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i + 5], 21, -57434055); a = this.md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i + 12], 6, 1700485571); d = this.md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i + 3], 10, -1894986606); c = this.md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i + 10], 15, -1051523); b = this.md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i + 1], 21, -2054922799); a = this.md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i + 8], 6, 1873313359); d = this.md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i + 15], 10, -30611744); c = this.md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i + 6], 15, -1560198380); b = this.md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i + 13], 21, 1309151649); a = this.md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i + 4], 6, -145523070); d = this.md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i + 11], 10, -1120210379); c = this.md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i + 2], 15, 718787259); b = this.md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i + 9], 21, -343485551); a = this.safe_add(a, olda); b = this.safe_add(b, oldb); c = this.safe_add(c, oldc); d = this.safe_add(d, oldd); } return Array(a, b, c, d); }; /* * These functions implement the four basic operations the algorithm uses. */ MD5.prototype.md5_cmn = function (q, a, b, x, s, t) { return this.safe_add(this.bit_rol(this.safe_add(this.safe_add(a, q), this.safe_add(x, t)), s), b); }; MD5.prototype.md5_ff = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return this.md5_cmn((b & c) | ((~b) & d), a, b, x, s, t); }; MD5.prototype.md5_gg = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return this.md5_cmn((b & d) | (c & (~d)), a, b, x, s, t); }; MD5.prototype.md5_hh = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return this.md5_cmn(b ^ c ^ d, a, b, x, s, t); }; MD5.prototype.md5_ii = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return this.md5_cmn(c ^ (b | (~d)), a, b, x, s, t); }; /* * Calculate the HMAC-MD5, of a key and some data */ MD5.prototype.core_hmac_md5 = function (key, data) { var bkey = this.str2binl(key); if (bkey.length > 16) {bkey = this.core_md5(bkey, key.length * this.chrsz);} var ipad = Array(16), opad = Array(16); for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { ipad[i] = bkey[i] ^ 0x36363636; opad[i] = bkey[i] ^ 0x5C5C5C5C; } var hash = this.core_md5(ipad.concat(this.str2binl(data)), 512 + data.length * this.chrsz); return this.core_md5(opad.concat(hash), 512 + 128); }; /* * Add integers, wrapping at 2^32. This uses 16-bit operations internally * to work around bugs in some JS interpreters. */ MD5.prototype.safe_add = function (x, y) { var lsw = (x & 0xFFFF) + (y & 0xFFFF); var msw = (x >> 16) + (y >> 16) + (lsw >> 16); return (msw << 16) | (lsw & 0xFFFF); }; /* * Bitwise rotate a 32-bit number to the left. */ MD5.prototype.bit_rol = function (num, cnt) { return (num << cnt) | (num >>> (32 - cnt)); }; /* * Convert a string to an array of little-endian words * If chrsz is ASCII, characters >255 have their hi-byte silently ignored. */ MD5.prototype.str2binl = function (str) { var bin = Array(); var mask = (1 << this.chrsz) - 1; for (var i = 0; i < str.length * this.chrsz; i += this.chrsz) {bin[i >> 5] |= (str.charCodeAt(i / this.chrsz) & mask) << (i % 32);} return bin; }; /* * Convert an array of little-endian words to a hex string. */ MD5.prototype.binl2hex = function (binarray) { var hex_tab = this.hexcase ? "0123456789ABCDEF" : "0123456789abcdef"; var str = ""; for (var i = 0; i < binarray.length * 4; i++) { str += hex_tab.charAt((binarray[i >> 2] >> ((i % 4) * 8 + 4)) & 0xF) + hex_tab.charAt((binarray[i >> 2] >> ((i % 4) * 8)) & 0xF); } return str; }; /* * Convert an array of little-endian words to a base-64 string */ MD5.prototype.binl2b64 = function (binarray) { var tab = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; var str = ""; for (var i = 0; i < binarray.length * 4; i += 3) { var triplet = (((binarray[i >> 2] >> 8 * (i % 4)) & 0xFF) << 16) | (((binarray[i + 1 >> 2] >> 8 * ((i + 1) % 4)) & 0xFF) << 8) | ((binarray[i + 2 >> 2] >> 8 * ((i + 2) % 4)) & 0xFF); for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (i * 8 + j * 6 > binarray.length * 32) {str += this.b64pad;} else {str += tab.charAt((triplet >> 6 * (3 - j)) & 0x3F);} } } return str; }; BI.MD5 = new MD5(); })();// 线段树 (function () { var parent = function (node) { return Math.floor(node / 2); }; var Int32Array = window.Int32Array || function (size) { var xs = []; for (var i = size - 1; i >= 0; --i) { xs[i] = 0; } return xs; }; var ceilLog2 = function (x) { var y = 1; while (y < x) { y *= 2; } return y; }; BI.PrefixIntervalTree = function (xs) { this._size = xs.length; this._half = ceilLog2(this._size); this._heap = new Int32Array(2 * this._half); var i; for (i = 0; i < this._size; ++i) { this._heap[this._half + i] = xs[i]; } for (i = this._half - 1; i > 0; --i) { this._heap[i] = this._heap[2 * i] + this._heap[2 * i + 1]; } }; BI.PrefixIntervalTree.prototype = { constructor: BI.PrefixIntervalTree, set: function (index, value) { var node = this._half + index; this._heap[node] = value; node = parent(node); for (; node !== 0; node = parent(node)) { this._heap[node] = this._heap[2 * node] + this._heap[2 * node + 1]; } }, get: function (index) { var node = this._half + index; return this._heap[node]; }, getSize: function () { return this._size; }, /** * get(0) + get(1) + ... + get(end - 1). */ sumUntil: function (end) { if (end === 0) { return 0; } var node = this._half + end - 1; var sum = this._heap[node]; for (; node !== 1; node = parent(node)) { if (node % 2 === 1) { sum += this._heap[node - 1]; } } return sum; }, /** * get(0) + get(1) + ... + get(inclusiveEnd). */ sumTo: function (inclusiveEnd) { return this.sumUntil(inclusiveEnd + 1); }, /** * sum get(begin) + get(begin + 1) + ... + get(end - 1). */ sum: function (begin, end) { return this.sumUntil(end) - this.sumUntil(begin); }, /** * Returns the smallest i such that 0 <= i <= size and sumUntil(i) <= t, or * -1 if no such i exists. */ greatestLowerBound: function (t) { if (t < 0) { return -1; } var node = 1; if (this._heap[node] <= t) { return this._size; } while (node < this._half) { var leftSum = this._heap[2 * node]; if (t < leftSum) { node = 2 * node; } else { node = 2 * node + 1; t -= leftSum; } } return node - this._half; }, /** * Returns the smallest i such that 0 <= i <= size and sumUntil(i) < t, or * -1 if no such i exists. */ greatestStrictLowerBound: function (t) { if (t <= 0) { return -1; } var node = 1; if (this._heap[node] < t) { return this._size; } while (node < this._half) { var leftSum = this._heap[2 * node]; if (t <= leftSum) { node = 2 * node; } else { node = 2 * node + 1; t -= leftSum; } } return node - this._half; }, /** * Returns the smallest i such that 0 <= i <= size and t <= sumUntil(i), or * size + 1 if no such i exists. */ leastUpperBound: function (t) { return this.greatestStrictLowerBound(t) + 1; }, /** * Returns the smallest i such that 0 <= i <= size and t < sumUntil(i), or * size + 1 if no such i exists. */ leastStrictUpperBound: function (t) { return this.greatestLowerBound(t) + 1; } }; BI.PrefixIntervalTree.uniform = function (size, initialValue) { var xs = []; for (var i = size - 1; i >= 0; --i) { xs[i] = initialValue; } return new BI.PrefixIntervalTree(xs); }; BI.PrefixIntervalTree.empty = function (size) { return BI.PrefixIntervalTree.uniform(size, 0); }; })(); !(function () { BI.Queue = function (capacity) { this.capacity = capacity; this.array = []; }; BI.Queue.prototype = { constructor: BI.Queue, contains: function (v) { return this.array.contains(v); }, indexOf: function (v) { return this.array.contains(v); }, getElementByIndex: function (index) { return this.array[index]; }, push: function (v) { this.array.push(v); if (this.capacity && this.array.length > this.capacity) { this.array.shift(); } }, pop: function () { this.array.pop(); }, shift: function () { this.array.shift(); }, unshift: function (v) { this.array.unshift(v); if (this.capacity && this.array.length > this.capacity) { this.array.pop(); } }, remove: function (v) { this.array.remove(v); }, splice: function () { this.array.splice.apply(this.array, arguments); }, slice: function () { this.array.slice.apply(this.array, arguments); }, size: function () { return this.array.length; }, each: function (fn, scope) { var scope = scope || window; var fn = fn || null; if (fn == null || typeof (fn) !== "function") { return; } for (var i = 0; i < this.array.length; i++) { var re = fn.call(scope, i, this.array[i], this.array); if (re == false) { break; } } }, toArray: function () { return this.array; }, fromArray: function (array) { var self = this; BI.each(array, function (i, v) { self.push(v); }); }, clear: function () { this.array.clear(); } }; })();!(function () { var Section = function (height, width, x, y) { this.height = height; this.width = width; this.x = x; this.y = y; this._indexMap = {}; this._indices = []; }; Section.prototype = { constructor: Section, addCellIndex: function (index) { if (!this._indexMap[index]) { this._indexMap[index] = true; this._indices.push(index); } }, getCellIndices: function () { return this._indices; } }; var SECTION_SIZE = 100; BI.SectionManager = function (sectionSize) { this._sectionSize = sectionSize || SECTION_SIZE; this._cellMetadata = []; this._sections = {}; }; BI.SectionManager.prototype = { constructor: BI.SectionManager, getCellIndices: function (height, width, x, y) { var indices = {}; BI.each(this.getSections(height, width, x, y), function (i, section) { BI.each(section.getCellIndices(), function (j, index) { indices[index] = index; }); }); return BI.map(BI.keys(indices), function (i, index) { return indices[index]; }); }, getCellMetadata: function (index) { return this._cellMetadata[index]; }, getSections: function (height, width, x, y) { var sectionXStart = Math.floor(x / this._sectionSize); var sectionXStop = Math.floor((x + width - 1) / this._sectionSize); var sectionYStart = Math.floor(y / this._sectionSize); var sectionYStop = Math.floor((y + height - 1) / this._sectionSize); var sections = []; for (var sectionX = sectionXStart; sectionX <= sectionXStop; sectionX++) { for (var sectionY = sectionYStart; sectionY <= sectionYStop; sectionY++) { var key = sectionX + "." + sectionY; if (!this._sections[key]) { this._sections[key] = new Section(this._sectionSize, this._sectionSize, sectionX * this._sectionSize, sectionY * this._sectionSize); } sections.push(this._sections[key]); } } return sections; }, getTotalSectionCount: function () { return BI.size(this._sections); }, registerCell: function (cellMetadatum, index) { this._cellMetadata[index] = cellMetadatum; BI.each(this.getSections(cellMetadatum.height, cellMetadatum.width, cellMetadatum.x, cellMetadatum.y), function (i, section) { section.addCellIndex(index); }); } }; })(); (function () { var clamp = function (value, min, max) { if (value < min) { return min; } if (value > max) { return max; } return value; }; var MIN_BUFFER_ROWS = 6; var MAX_BUFFER_ROWS = 10; BI.TableRowBuffer = function (rowsCount, defaultRowHeight, viewportHeight, rowHeightGetter) { this._bufferSet = new BI.IntegerBufferSet(); this._defaultRowHeight = defaultRowHeight; this._viewportRowsBegin = 0; this._viewportRowsEnd = 0; this._maxVisibleRowCount = Math.ceil(viewportHeight / defaultRowHeight) + 1; // this._bufferRowsCount = Math.floor(this._maxVisibleRowCount / 2); this._bufferRowsCount = clamp( Math.floor(this._maxVisibleRowCount / 2), MIN_BUFFER_ROWS, MAX_BUFFER_ROWS ); this._rowsCount = rowsCount; this._rowHeightGetter = rowHeightGetter; this._rows = []; this._viewportHeight = viewportHeight; }; BI.TableRowBuffer.prototype = { constructor: BI.TableRowBuffer, getRowsWithUpdatedBuffer: function () { var remainingBufferRows = 2 * this._bufferRowsCount; var bufferRowIndex = Math.max(this._viewportRowsBegin - this._bufferRowsCount, 0); while (bufferRowIndex < this._viewportRowsBegin) { this._addRowToBuffer( bufferRowIndex, this._viewportRowsBegin, this._viewportRowsEnd - 1 ); bufferRowIndex++; remainingBufferRows--; } bufferRowIndex = this._viewportRowsEnd; while (bufferRowIndex < this._rowsCount && remainingBufferRows > 0) { this._addRowToBuffer( bufferRowIndex, this._viewportRowsBegin, this._viewportRowsEnd - 1 ); bufferRowIndex++; remainingBufferRows--; } return this._rows; }, getRows: function (firstRowIndex, firstRowOffset) { var top = firstRowOffset; var totalHeight = top; var rowIndex = firstRowIndex; var endIndex = Math.min(firstRowIndex + this._maxVisibleRowCount, this._rowsCount); this._viewportRowsBegin = firstRowIndex; while (rowIndex < endIndex || (totalHeight < this._viewportHeight && rowIndex < this._rowsCount)) { this._addRowToBuffer( rowIndex, firstRowIndex, endIndex - 1 ); totalHeight += this._rowHeightGetter(rowIndex); ++rowIndex; // Store index after the last viewport row as end, to be able to // distinguish when there are no rows rendered in viewport this._viewportRowsEnd = rowIndex; } return this._rows; }, _addRowToBuffer: function (rowIndex, firstViewportRowIndex, lastViewportRowIndex) { var rowPosition = this._bufferSet.getValuePosition(rowIndex); var viewportRowsCount = lastViewportRowIndex - firstViewportRowIndex + 1; var allowedRowsCount = viewportRowsCount + this._bufferRowsCount * 2; if (rowPosition === null && this._bufferSet.getSize() >= allowedRowsCount) { rowPosition = this._bufferSet.replaceFurthestValuePosition( firstViewportRowIndex, lastViewportRowIndex, rowIndex ); } if (rowPosition === null) { // We can't reuse any of existing positions for this row. We have to // create new position rowPosition = this._bufferSet.getNewPositionForValue(rowIndex); this._rows[rowPosition] = rowIndex; } else { // This row already is in the table with rowPosition position or it // can replace row that is in that position this._rows[rowPosition] = rowIndex; } } }; })(); (function () { BI.Tree = function () { this.root = new BI.Node(BI.UUID()); }; BI.Tree.prototype = { constructor: BI.Tree, addNode: function (node, newNode, index) { if (BI.isNull(newNode)) { this.root.addChild(node, index); } else if (BI.isNull(node)) { this.root.addChild(newNode, index); } else { node.addChild(newNode, index); } }, isRoot: function (node) { return node === this.root; }, getRoot: function () { return this.root; }, clear: function () { this.root.clear(); }, initTree: function (nodes) { var self = this; this.clear(); var queue = []; BI.each(nodes, function (i, node) { var n = new BI.Node(node); n.set("data", node); self.addNode(n); queue.push(n); }); while (!BI.isEmpty(queue)) { var parent = queue.shift(); var node = parent.get("data"); BI.each(node.children, function (i, child) { var n = new BI.Node(child); n.set("data", child); queue.push(n); self.addNode(parent, n); }); } }, _toJSON: function (node) { var self = this; var children = []; BI.each(node.getChildren(), function (i, child) { children.push(self._toJSON(child)); }); return BI.extend({ id: node.id }, BI.deepClone(node.get("data")), (children.length > 0 ? { children: children } : {})); }, toJSON: function (node) { var self = this, result = []; BI.each((node || this.root).getChildren(), function (i, child) { result.push(self._toJSON(child)); }); return result; }, _toJSONWithNode: function (node) { var self = this; var children = []; BI.each(node.getChildren(), function (i, child) { children.push(self._toJSONWithNode(child)); }); return BI.extend({ id: node.id }, BI.deepClone(node.get("data")), { node: node }, (children.length > 0 ? { children: children } : {})); }, toJSONWithNode: function (node) { var self = this, result = []; BI.each((node || this.root).getChildren(), function (i, child) { result.push(self._toJSONWithNode(child)); }); return result; }, search: function (root, target, param) { if (!(root instanceof BI.Node)) { return arguments.callee.apply(this, [this.root, root, target]); } var self = this, next = null; if (BI.isNull(target)) { return null; } if (BI.isEqual(root[param || "id"], target)) { return root; } BI.any(root.getChildren(), function (i, child) { next = self.search(child, target, param); if (null !== next) { return true; } }); return next; }, _traverse: function (node, callback) { var queue = []; queue.push(node); while (!BI.isEmpty(queue)) { var temp = queue.shift(); var b = callback && callback(temp); if (b === false) { break; } if (b === true) { continue; } if (temp != null) { queue = queue.concat(temp.getChildren()); } } }, traverse: function (callback) { this._traverse(this.root, callback); }, _recursion: function (node, route, callback) { var self = this; return BI.every(node.getChildren(), function (i, child) { var next = BI.clone(route); next.push(child.id); var b = callback && callback(child, next); if (b === false) { return false; } if (b === true) { return true; } return self._recursion(child, next, callback); }); }, recursion: function (callback) { this._recursion(this.root, [], callback); }, inOrderTraverse: function (callback) { this._inOrderTraverse(this.root, callback); }, // 中序遍历(递归) _inOrderTraverse: function (node, callback) { if (node != null) { this._inOrderTraverse(node.getLeft()); callback && callback(node); this._inOrderTraverse(node.getRight()); } }, // 中序遍历(非递归) nrInOrderTraverse: function (callback) { var stack = []; var node = this.root; while (node != null || !BI.isEmpty(stack)) { while (node != null) { stack.push(node); node = node.getLeft(); } node = stack.pop(); callback && callback(node); node = node.getRight(); } }, preOrderTraverse: function (callback) { this._preOrderTraverse(this.root, callback); }, // 先序遍历(递归) _preOrderTraverse: function (node, callback) { if (node != null) { callback && callback(node); this._preOrderTraverse(node.getLeft()); this._preOrderTraverse(node.getRight()); } }, // 先序遍历(非递归) nrPreOrderTraverse: function (callback) { var stack = []; var node = this.root; while (node != null || !BI.isEmpty(stack)) { while (node != null) { callback && callback(node); stack.push(node); node = node.getLeft(); } node = stack.pop(); node = node.getRight(); } }, postOrderTraverse: function (callback) { this._postOrderTraverse(this.root, callback); }, // 后序遍历(递归) _postOrderTraverse: function (node, callback) { if (node != null) { this._postOrderTraverse(node.getLeft()); this._postOrderTraverse(node.getRight()); callback && callback(node); } }, // 后续遍历(非递归) nrPostOrderTraverse: function (callback) { var stack = []; var node = this.root; var preNode = null;// 表示最近一次访问的节点 while (node != null || !BI.isEmpty(stack)) { while (node != null) { stack.push(node); node = node.getLeft(); } node = BI.last(stack); if (node.getRight() == null || node.getRight() == preNode) { callback && callback(node); node = stack.pop(); preNode = node; node = null; } else { node = node.getRight(); } } } }; BI.Node = function (id) { if (BI.isObject(id)) { BI.extend(this, id); } else { this.id = id; } this.clear.apply(this, arguments); }; BI.Node.prototype = { constructor: BI.Node, set: function (key, value) { if (BI.isObject(key)) { BI.extend(this, key); return; } this[key] = value; }, get: function (key) { return this[key]; }, isLeaf: function () { return BI.isEmpty(this.children); }, getChildren: function () { return this.children; }, getChildrenLength: function () { return this.children.length; }, getFirstChild: function () { return BI.first(this.children); }, getLastChild: function () { return BI.last(this.children); }, setLeft: function (left) { this.left = left; }, getLeft: function () { return this.left; }, setRight: function (right) { this.right = right; }, getRight: function () { return this.right; }, setParent: function (parent) { this.parent = parent; }, getParent: function () { return this.parent; }, getChild: function (index) { return this.children[index]; }, getChildIndex: function (id) { return BI.findIndex(this.children, function (i, ch) { return ch.get("id") === id; }); }, removeChild: function (id) { this.removeChildByIndex(this.getChildIndex(id)); }, removeChildByIndex: function (index) { var before = this.getChild(index - 1); var behind = this.getChild(index + 1); if (before != null) { before.setRight(behind || null); } if (behind != null) { behind.setLeft(before || null); } this.children.splice(index, 1); }, removeAllChilds: function () { this.children = []; }, addChild: function (child, index) { var cur = null; if (BI.isUndefined(index)) { cur = this.children.length - 1; } else { cur = index - 1; } child.setParent(this); if (cur >= 0) { this.getChild(cur) && this.getChild(cur).setRight(child); child.setLeft(this.getChild(cur)); } if (BI.isUndefined(index)) { this.children.push(child); } else { this.children.splice(index, 0, child); } }, equals: function (obj) { return this === obj || this.id === obj.id; }, clear: function () { this.parent = null; this.left = null; this.right = null; this.children = []; } }; BI.extend(BI.Tree, { transformToArrayFormat: function (nodes, pId) { if (!nodes) return []; var r = []; if (BI.isArray(nodes)) { for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) { var node = BI.clone(nodes[i]); node.pId = node.pId == null ? pId : node.pId; delete node.children; r.push(node); if (nodes[i]["children"]) { r = r.concat(BI.Tree.transformToArrayFormat(nodes[i]["children"], node.id)); } } } else { var newNodes = BI.clone(nodes); newNodes.pId = newNodes.pId == null ? pId : newNodes.pId; delete newNodes.children; r.push(newNodes); if (nodes["children"]) { r = r.concat(BI.Tree.transformToArrayFormat(nodes["children"], newNodes.id)); } } return r; }, arrayFormat: function (nodes, pId) { if (!nodes) { return []; } var r = []; if (BI.isArray(nodes)) { for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; node.pId = node.pId == null ? pId : node.pId; r.push(node); if (nodes[i]["children"]) { r = r.concat(BI.Tree.arrayFormat(nodes[i]["children"], node.id)); } } } else { var newNodes = nodes; newNodes.pId = newNodes.pId == null ? pId : newNodes.pId; r.push(newNodes); if (nodes["children"]) { r = r.concat(BI.Tree.arrayFormat(nodes["children"], newNodes.id)); } } return r; }, transformToTreeFormat: function (sNodes) { var i, l; if (!sNodes) { return []; } if (BI.isArray(sNodes)) { var r = []; var tmpMap = []; for (i = 0, l = sNodes.length; i < l; i++) { if (BI.isNull(sNodes[i].id)) { return sNodes; } tmpMap[sNodes[i].id] = BI.clone(sNodes[i]); } for (i = 0, l = sNodes.length; i < l; i++) { if (tmpMap[sNodes[i].pId] && sNodes[i].id !== sNodes[i].pId) { if (!tmpMap[sNodes[i].pId].children) { tmpMap[sNodes[i].pId].children = []; } tmpMap[sNodes[i].pId].children.push(tmpMap[sNodes[i].id]); } else { r.push(tmpMap[sNodes[i].id]); } delete tmpMap[sNodes[i].id].pId; } return r; } return [sNodes]; }, treeFormat: function (sNodes) { var i, l; if (!sNodes) { return []; } if (BI.isArray(sNodes)) { var r = []; var tmpMap = []; for (i = 0, l = sNodes.length; i < l; i++) { if (BI.isNull(sNodes[i].id)) { return sNodes; } tmpMap[sNodes[i].id] = sNodes[i]; } for (i = 0, l = sNodes.length; i < l; i++) { if (tmpMap[sNodes[i].pId] && sNodes[i].id !== sNodes[i].pId) { if (!tmpMap[sNodes[i].pId].children) { tmpMap[sNodes[i].pId].children = []; } tmpMap[sNodes[i].pId].children.push(tmpMap[sNodes[i].id]); } else { r.push(tmpMap[sNodes[i].id]); } } return r; } return [sNodes]; }, traversal: function (array, callback) { if (BI.isNull(array)) { return; } var self = this; BI.any(array, function (i, item) { if (callback(i, item) === false) { return true; } self.traversal(item.children, callback); }); } }); })();// 向量操作 BI.Vector = function (x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; }; BI.Vector.prototype = { constructor: BI.Vector, cross: function (v) { return (this.x * v.y - this.y * v.x); }, length: function (v) { return (Math.sqrt(this.x * v.x + this.y * v.y)); } }; BI.Region = function (x, y, w, h) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.w = w; this.h = h; }; BI.Region.prototype = { constructor: BI.Region, // 判断两个区域是否相交,若相交,则要么顶点互相包含,要么矩形边界(或对角线)相交 isIntersects: function (obj) { if (this.isPointInside(obj.x, obj.y) || this.isPointInside(obj.x + obj.w, obj.y) || this.isPointInside(obj.x, obj.y + obj.h) || this.isPointInside(obj.x + obj.w, obj.y + obj.h)) { return true; } else if (obj.isPointInside(this.x, this.y) || obj.isPointInside(this.x + this.w, this.y) || obj.isPointInside(this.x, this.y + this.h) || obj.isPointInside(this.x + this.w, this.y + this.h)) { return true; } else if (obj.x != null && obj.y != null)// 判断矩形对角线相交 |v1 X v2||v1 X v3| < 0 { var vector1 = new BI.Vector(this.w, this.h);// 矩形对角线向量 var vector2 = new BI.Vector(obj.x - this.x, obj.y - this.y); var vector3 = new BI.Vector(vector2.x + obj.w, vector2.y + obj.h); if ((vector1.cross(vector2) * vector1.cross(vector3)) < 0) { return true; } } return false; }, // 判断一个点是否在这个区域内部 isPointInside: function (x, y) { if (this.x == null || this.y == null) { return false; } if (x >= this.x && x <= this.x + this.w && y >= this.y && y <= this.y + this.h) { return true; } return false; }, // 返回区域的重心,因为是矩形所以返回中点 getPosition: function () { var pos = []; pos.push(this.x + this.w / 2); pos.push(this.y + this.h / 2); return pos; } };// ; // !(function (BI) { // // if (BI.isIE()) { // XMLSerializer = null; // DOMParser = null; // } // // // var XML = { // Document: { // NodeType: { // ELEMENT: 1, // ATTRIBUTE: 2, // TEXT: 3, // CDATA_SECTION: 4, // ENTITY_REFERENCE: 5, // ENTITY: 6, // PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION: 7, // COMMENT: 8, // DOCUMENT: 9, // DOCUMENT_TYPE: 10, // DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT: 11, // NOTATION: 12 // } // } // }; // // XML.ResultType = { // single: 'single', // array: 'array' // }; // // XML.fromString = function (xmlStr) { // try { // var parser = new DOMParser(); // return parser.parseFromString(xmlStr, "text/xml"); // } catch (e) { // var arrMSXML = ["MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0", "MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0"]; // for (var i = 0; i < arrMSXML.length; i++) { // try { // var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject(arrMSXML[i]); // xmlDoc.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath"); // xmlDoc.async = false; // xmlDoc.loadXML(xmlStr); // return xmlDoc; // } catch (xmlError) { // } // } // } // }; // // XML.toString = function (xmlNode) { // if (!BI.isIE()) { // var xmlSerializer = new XMLSerializer(); // return xmlSerializer.serializeToString(xmlNode); // } else // return xmlNode.xml; // }; // // XML.getNSResolver = function (str) { // if (!str) { // return null; // } // var list = str.split(' '); // var namespaces = {}; // for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { // var pair = list[i].split('='); // var fix = BI.trim(pair[0]).replace("xmlns:", ""); // namespaces[fix] = BI.trim(pair[1]).replace(/"/g, "").replace(/'/g, ""); // } // return function (prefix) { // return namespaces[prefix]; // }; // }; // // XML.eval = function (context, xpathExp, resultType, namespaces) { // if ((BI.isIE() && ('undefined' === typeof(context.selectSingleNode) || 'undefined' === typeof(context.selectNodes)))) { // return XML.eval2(context, xpathExp, resultType, namespaces); // } else { // if (BI.isIE()) { // namespaces = namespaces ? namespaces : ""; // var doc = (context.nodeType == XML.Document.NodeType.DOCUMENT) ? context : context.ownerDocument; // doc.setProperty("SelectionNamespaces", namespaces); // var result; // if (resultType == this.ResultType.single) { // result = context.selectSingleNode(xpathExp); // } else { // result = context.selectNodes(xpathExp) || []; // } // doc.setProperty("SelectionNamespaces", ""); // return result; // } else { // var node = context; // var xmlDoc = (context.nodeName.indexOf("document") == -1) ? context.ownerDocument : context; // var retType = (resultType == this.ResultType.single) ? XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE : XPathResult.ANY_TYPE; // var col = xmlDoc.evaluate(xpathExp, node, XML.getNSResolver(namespaces), retType, null); // // if (retType == XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE) { // return col.singleNodeValue; // } else { // var thisColMemb = col.iterateNext(); // var rowsCol = []; // while (thisColMemb) { // rowsCol[rowsCol.length] = thisColMemb; // thisColMemb = col.iterateNext(); // } // return rowsCol; // } // } // } // }; // // XML.eval2 = function (context, xpathExp, resultType, namespaces) { // if (resultType !== "single" && resultType !== undefined && resultType !== null) { // throw new Error("justep.SimpleXML.eval only be resultType='single', not" + resultType); // } // // if (context === null || context === undefined || xpathExp === null || xpathExp === undefined) { // return context; // } // // if (context.nodeType == XML.Document.NodeType.DOCUMENT) { // context = context.documentElement; // } // // var childs, i; // if (xpathExp.indexOf("/") != -1) { // var items = xpathExp.split("/"); // var isAbs = xpathExp.substring(0, 1) == "/"; // for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { // var item = items[i]; // if (item === "") { // continue; // } else { // var next = null; // var ii = i + 1; // for (; ii < items.length; ii++) { // if (next === null) { // next = items[ii]; // } else { // next = next + "/" + items[ii]; // } // } // // if (item == ".") { // return this.eval(context, next, resultType); // // } else if (item == "..") { // return this.eval2(context.parentNode, next, resultType); // // } else if (item == "*") { // if (isAbs) { // return this.eval2(context, next, resultType); // // } else { // childs = context.childNodes; // for (var j = 0; j < childs.length; j++) { // var tmp = this.eval2(childs[j], next, resultType); // if (tmp !== null) { // return tmp; // } // } // return null; // } // // } else { // if (isAbs) { // if (context.nodeName == item) { // return this.eval2(context, next, resultType); // } else { // return null; // } // } else { // var child = this.getChildByName(context, item); // if (child !== null) { // return this.eval2(child, next, resultType); // } else { // return null; // } // // } // } // // } // } // // return null; // // } else { // if ("text()" == xpathExp) { // childs = context.childNodes; // for (i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) { // if (childs[i].nodeType == XML.Document.NodeType.TEXT) { // return childs[i]; // } // } // return null; // } else { // return this.getChildByName(context, xpathExp); // } // } // }; // // XML.getChildByName = function (context, name) { // if (context === null || context === undefined || name === null || name === undefined) { // return null; // } // // if (context.nodeType == XML.Document.NodeType.DOCUMENT) { // context = context.documentElement; // } // // var childs = context.childNodes; // for (var i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) { // if (childs[i].nodeType == XML.Document.NodeType.ELEMENT && (childs[i].nodeName == name || name == "*")) { // return childs[i]; // } // } // // return null; // }; // // XML.appendChildren = function (context, xpathExp, nodes, isBefore) { // nodes = (typeof nodes.length != "undefined") ? nodes : [nodes]; // var finded = this.eval(context, xpathExp); // var count = finded.length; // for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { // if (isBefore && finded[i].firstNode) { // this._insertBefore(finded[i], nodes, finded[i].firstNode); // } else { // for (var j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) { // finded[i].appendChild(nodes[j]); // } // } // } // return count; // }; // // XML.removeNodes = function (context, xpathExp) { // var nodes = this.eval(context, xpathExp); // for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { // nodes[i].parentNode.removeChild(nodes[i]); // } // }; // // XML._insertBefore = function (parent, newchildren, refchild) { // for (var i = 0; i < newchildren.length; i++) { // parent.insertBefore(newchildren[i], refchild); // } // }; // // XML.insertNodes = function (context, xpathExp, nodes, isBefore) { // nodes = (typeof nodes.length != "undefined") ? nodes : [nodes]; // var finded = this.eval(context, xpathExp); // var count = finded.length; // for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { // var refnode = (isBefore) ? finded[i] : finded[i].nextSibling; // this._insertBefore(finded[i].parentNode, nodes, refnode); // } // return count; // }; // // XML.replaceNodes = function (context, xpathExp, nodes) { // nodes = (typeof nodes.length != "undefined") ? nodes : [nodes]; // var finded = this.eval(context, xpathExp); // var count = finded.length; // for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { // var refnode = finded[i]; // var parent = refnode.parentNode; // this._insertBefore(parent, nodes, refnode); // parent.removeChild(refnode); // } // return count; // }; // // XML.setNodeText = function (context, xpathExp, text) { // var finded = this.eval(context, xpathExp, this.ResultType.single); // if (finded === null) { // return; // } // if (finded.nodeType == XML.Document.NodeType.ELEMENT) { // var textNode = this.eval(finded, "./text()", this.ResultType.single); // if (!textNode) { // textNode = finded.ownerDocument.createTextNode(""); // finded.appendChild(textNode); // } // textNode.nodeValue = text; // } else { // finded.nodeValue = text; // } // return; // }; // // XML.getNodeText = function (context, xpathExp, defaultValue) { // var finded = xpathExp ? this.eval(context, xpathExp, this.ResultType.single) : context; // if (finded && (finded.nodeType == XML.Document.NodeType.ELEMENT)) { // finded = this.eval(finded, "./text()", this.ResultType.single); // } // return (finded && finded.nodeValue) ? "" + finded.nodeValue : (defaultValue !== undefined) ? defaultValue : null; // }; // // XML.Namespaces = { // XMLSCHEMA: "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#", // XMLSCHEMA_STRING: "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#String", // XMLSCHEMA_LONG: "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#Long", // XMLSCHEMA_INTEGER: 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#Integer', // XMLSCHEMA_FLOAT: 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#Float', // XMLSCHEMA_DOUBLE: 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#Double', // XMLSCHEMA_DECIMAL: 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#Decimal', // XMLSCHEMA_DATE: 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#Date', // XMLSCHEMA_TIME: 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#Time', // XMLSCHEMA_DATETIME: 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#DateTime', // XMLSCHEMA_BOOLEAN: 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#Boolean', // XMLSCHEMA_SYMBOL: 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#Symbol', // JUSTEPSCHEMA: "http://www.justep.com/xbiz#", // RDF: "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#", // JUSTEP: "http://www.justep.com/x5#", // 'get': function (type) { // type = type ? type.toLowerCase() : "string"; // if ("string" == type) { // return XML.Namespaces.XMLSCHEMA_STRING; // } // else if ("integer" == type) { // return XML.Namespaces.XMLSCHEMA_INTEGER; // } // else if ("long" == type) { // return XML.Namespaces.XMLSCHEMA_LONG; // } // else if ("float" == type) { // return XML.Namespaces.XMLSCHEMA_FLOAT; // } // else if ("double" == type) { // return XML.Namespaces.XMLSCHEMA_DOUBLE; // } // else if ("decimal" == type) { // return XML.Namespaces.XMLSCHEMA_DECIMAL; // } // else if ("date" == type) { // return XML.Namespaces.XMLSCHEMA_DATE; // } // else if ("time" == type) { // return XML.Namespaces.XMLSCHEMA_TIME; // } // else if ("datetime" == type) { // return XML.Namespaces.XMLSCHEMA_DATETIME; // } // else if ("boolean" == type) { // return XML.Namespaces.XMLSCHEMA_BOOLEAN; // } // } // }; // })(BI); BI.BehaviorFactory = { createBehavior: function (key, options) { var behavior; switch (key) { case "highlight": behavior = BI.HighlightBehavior; break; case "redmark": behavior = BI.RedMarkBehavior; break; } return new behavior(options); } }; /** * guy * 行为控件 * @class BI.Behavior * @extends BI.OB */ BI.Behavior = BI.inherit(BI.OB, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Behavior.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { rule: function () {return true;} }); }, _init: function () { BI.Behavior.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, doBehavior: function () { } });/** * 布局容器类 * @class BI.Layout * @extends BI.Widget * * @cfg {JSON} options 配置属性 * @cfg {Boolean} [options.scrollable=false] 子组件超出容器边界之后是否会出现滚动条 * @cfg {Boolean} [options.scrollx=false] 子组件超出容器边界之后是否会出现横向滚动条 * @cfg {Boolean} [options.scrolly=false] 子组件超出容器边界之后是否会出现纵向滚动条 */ BI.Layout = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { props: function () { return { scrollable: null, // true, false, null scrollx: false, // true, false scrolly: false, // true, false items: [] }; }, render: function () { this._init4Margin(); this._init4Scroll(); }, _init4Margin: function () { if (this.options.top) { this.element.css("top", this.options.top); } if (this.options.left) { this.element.css("left", this.options.left); } if (this.options.bottom) { this.element.css("bottom", this.options.bottom); } if (this.options.right) { this.element.css("right", this.options.right); } }, _init4Scroll: function () { switch (this.options.scrollable) { case true: this.element.css("overflow", "auto"); break; case false: this.element.css("overflow", "hidden"); break; default : break; } if (this.options.scrollx) { this.element.css({ "overflow-x": "auto", "overflow-y": "hidden" }); } if (this.options.scrolly) { this.element.css({ "overflow-x": "hidden", "overflow-y": "auto" }); } }, _mountChildren: function () { var self = this; var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); var hasChild = false; BI.each(this._children, function (i, widget) { if (widget.element !== self.element) { frag.appendChild(widget.element[0]); hasChild = true; } }); if (hasChild === true) { this.element.append(frag); } }, _getChildName: function (index) { return index + ""; }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var self = this, w; if (!this.hasWidget(this._getChildName(i))) { w = BI.createWidget(item); w.on(BI.Events.DESTROY, function () { BI.each(self._children, function (name, child) { if (child === w) { BI.remove(self._children, child); self.removeItemAt(name | 0); } }); }); this.addWidget(this._getChildName(i), w); } else { w = this.getWidgetByName(this._getChildName(i)); } return w; }, _getOptions: function (item) { if (item instanceof BI.Widget) { item = item.options; } item = BI.stripEL(item); if (item instanceof BI.Widget) { item = item.options; } return item; }, _compare: function (item1, item2) { var self = this; return eq(item1, item2); // 不比较函数 function eq (a, b, aStack, bStack) { if (a === b) { return a !== 0 || 1 / a === 1 / b; } if (a == null || b == null) { return a === b; } var className = Object.prototype.toString.call(a); switch (className) { case "[object RegExp]": case "[object String]": return "" + a === "" + b; case "[object Number]": if (+a !== +a) { return +b !== +b; } return +a === 0 ? 1 / +a === 1 / b : +a === +b; case "[object Date]": case "[object Boolean]": return +a === +b; } var areArrays = className === "[object Array]"; if (!areArrays) { if (BI.isFunction(a) && BI.isFunction(b)) { return true; } a = self._getOptions(a); b = self._getOptions(b); } aStack = aStack || []; bStack = bStack || []; var length = aStack.length; while (length--) { if (aStack[length] === a) { return bStack[length] === b; } } aStack.push(a); bStack.push(b); if (areArrays) { length = a.length; if (length !== b.length) { return false; } while (length--) { if (!eq(a[length], b[length], aStack, bStack)) { return false; } } } else { var keys = _.keys(a), key; length = keys.length; if (_.keys(b).length !== length) { return false; } while (length--) { key = keys[length]; if (!(_.has(b, key) && eq(a[key], b[key], aStack, bStack))) { return false; } } } aStack.pop(); bStack.pop(); return true; } }, _getWrapper: function () { return this.element; }, _addItemAt: function (index, item) { for (var i = this.options.items.length; i > index; i--) { this._children[this._getChildName(i)] = this._children[this._getChildName(i - 1)]; } delete this._children[this._getChildName(index)]; this.options.items.splice(index, 0, item); }, _removeItemAt: function (index) { for (var i = index; i < this.options.items.length - 1; i++) { this._children[this._getChildName(i)] = this._children[this._getChildName(i + 1)]; } delete this._children[this._getChildName(this.options.items.length - 1)]; this.options.items.splice(index, 1); }, /** * 添加一个子组件到容器中 * @param {JSON/BI.Widget} item 子组件 */ addItem: function (item) { return this.addItemAt(this.options.items.length, item); }, prependItem: function (item) { return this.addItemAt(0, item); }, addItemAt: function (index, item) { if (index < 0 || index > this.options.items.length) { return; } this._addItemAt(index, item); var w = this._addElement(index, item); if (index > 0) { this._children[this._getChildName(index - 1)].element.after(w.element); } else { w.element.prependTo(this._getWrapper()); } w._mount(); return w; }, removeItemAt: function (indexes) { indexes = BI.isArray(indexes) ? indexes : [indexes]; var deleted = []; var newItems = [], newChildren = {}; for (var i = 0, len = this.options.items.length; i < len; i++) { var child = this._children[this._getChildName(i)]; if (indexes.contains(i)) { child && deleted.push(child); } else { newChildren[this._getChildName(newItems.length)] = child; newItems.push(this.options.items[i]); } } this.options.items = newItems; this._children = newChildren; BI.each(deleted, function (i, c) { c._destroy(); }); }, shouldUpdateItem: function (index, item) { if (index < 0 || index > this.options.items.length - 1) { return false; } var child = this._children[this._getChildName(index)]; if (!child.shouldUpdate) { return null; } return child.shouldUpdate(this._getOptions(item)) === true; }, updateItemAt: function (index, item) { if (index < 0 || index > this.options.items.length - 1) { return; } var child = this._children[this._getChildName(index)]; var updated; if (updated = child.update(this._getOptions(item))) { return updated; } var del = this._children[this._getChildName(index)]; delete this._children[this._getChildName(index)]; this.options.items.splice(index, 1); var w = this._addElement(index, item); this.options.items.splice(index, 0, item); this._children[this._getChildName(index)] = w; if (index > 0) { this._children[this._getChildName(index - 1)].element.after(w.element); } else { w.element.prependTo(this._getWrapper()); } del._destroy(); w._mount(); }, addItems: function (items) { var self = this, o = this.options; var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); var added = []; BI.each(items, function (i, item) { var w = self._addElement(o.items.length, item); self._children[self._getChildName(o.items.length)] = w; o.items.push(item); added.push(w); fragment.appendChild(w.element[0]); }); this._getWrapper().append(fragment); BI.each(added, function (i, w) { w._mount(); }); }, prependItems: function (items) { var self = this; items = items || []; var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); var added = []; for (var i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this._addItemAt(0, items[i]); var w = this._addElement(0, items[i]); self._children[self._getChildName(0)] = w; this.options.items.unshift(items[i]); added.push(w); fragment.appendChild(w.element[0]); } this._getWrapper().prepend(fragment); BI.each(added, function (i, w) { w._mount(); }); }, getValue: function () { var self = this, value = [], child; BI.each(this.options.items, function (i) { if (child = self._children[self._getChildName(i)]) { var v = child.getValue(); v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; value = value.concat(v); } }); return value; }, setValue: function (v) { var self = this, child; BI.each(this.options.items, function (i) { if (child = self._children[self._getChildName(i)]) { child.setValue(v); } }); }, setText: function (v) { var self = this, child; BI.each(this.options.items, function (i) { if (child = self._children[self._getChildName(i)]) { child.setText(v); } }); }, patchItem: function (oldVnode, vnode, index) { var shouldUpdate = this.shouldUpdateItem(index, vnode); if (shouldUpdate === true || (shouldUpdate === null && !this._compare(oldVnode, vnode))) { return this.updateItemAt(index, vnode); } }, updateChildren: function (oldCh, newCh) { var self = this; var oldStartIdx = 0, newStartIdx = 0; var oldEndIdx = oldCh.length - 1; var oldStartVnode = oldCh[0]; var oldEndVnode = oldCh[oldEndIdx]; var newEndIdx = newCh.length - 1; var newStartVnode = newCh[0]; var newEndVnode = newCh[newEndIdx]; var before; var updated; var children = {}; BI.each(oldCh, function (i, child) { child = self._getOptions(child); var key = child.key == null ? i : child.key; if (BI.isKey(key)) { children[key] = self._children[self._getChildName(i)]; } }); while (oldStartIdx <= oldEndIdx && newStartIdx <= newEndIdx) { if (BI.isNull(oldStartVnode)) { oldStartVnode = oldCh[++oldStartIdx]; } else if (BI.isNull(oldEndVnode)) { oldEndVnode = oldCh[--oldEndIdx]; } else if (sameVnode(oldStartVnode, newStartVnode, oldStartIdx, newStartIdx)) { updated = this.patchItem(oldStartVnode, newStartVnode, oldStartIdx) || updated; children[oldStartVnode.key == null ? this._getChildName(oldStartIdx) : oldStartVnode.key] = this._children[this._getChildName(oldStartIdx)]; oldStartVnode = oldCh[++oldStartIdx]; newStartVnode = newCh[++newStartIdx]; } else if (sameVnode(oldEndVnode, newEndVnode, oldEndIdx, newEndIdx)) { updated = this.patchItem(oldEndVnode, newEndVnode, oldEndIdx) || updated; children[oldEndVnode.key == null ? this._getChildName(oldEndIdx) : oldEndVnode.key] = this._children[this._getChildName(oldEndIdx)]; oldEndVnode = oldCh[--oldEndIdx]; newEndVnode = newCh[--newEndIdx]; } else if (sameVnode(oldStartVnode, newEndVnode)) { updated = this.patchItem(oldStartVnode, newEndVnode, oldStartIdx) || updated; children[oldStartVnode.key == null ? this._getChildName(oldStartIdx) : oldStartVnode.key] = this._children[this._getChildName(oldStartIdx)]; insertBefore(oldStartVnode, oldEndVnode, true); oldStartVnode = oldCh[++oldStartIdx]; newEndVnode = newCh[--newEndIdx]; } else if (sameVnode(oldEndVnode, newStartVnode)) { updated = this.patchItem(oldEndVnode, newStartVnode, oldEndIdx) || updated; children[oldEndVnode.key == null ? this._getChildName(oldEndIdx) : oldEndVnode.key] = this._children[this._getChildName(oldEndIdx)]; insertBefore(oldEndVnode, oldStartVnode); oldEndVnode = oldCh[--oldEndIdx]; newStartVnode = newCh[++newStartIdx]; } else { var node = addNode(newStartVnode); insertBefore(node, oldStartVnode); newStartVnode = newCh[++newStartIdx]; } } if (oldStartIdx > oldEndIdx) { before = BI.isNull(newCh[newEndIdx + 1]) ? null : newCh[newEndIdx + 1].elm; addVnodes(before, newCh, newStartIdx, newEndIdx); } else if (newStartIdx > newEndIdx) { removeVnodes(oldCh, oldStartIdx, oldEndIdx); } this._children = {}; BI.each(newCh, function (i, child) { var node = self._getOptions(child); var key = node.key == null ? i : node.key; children[key]._mount(); self._children[self._getChildName(i)] = children[key]; }); function sameVnode (vnode1, vnode2, oldIndex, newIndex) { vnode1 = self._getOptions(vnode1); vnode2 = self._getOptions(vnode2); if (BI.isKey(vnode1.key)) { return vnode1.key === vnode2.key; } if (oldIndex >= 0) { return oldIndex === newIndex; } } function addNode (vnode, index) { var opt = self._getOptions(vnode); var key = opt.key == null ? index : opt.key; return children[key] = self._addElement(key, vnode); } function addVnodes (before, vnodes, startIdx, endIdx) { for (; startIdx <= endIdx; ++startIdx) { var node = addNode(vnodes[startIdx], startIdx); insertBefore(node, before, false, startIdx); } } function removeVnodes (vnodes, startIdx, endIdx) { for (; startIdx <= endIdx; ++startIdx) { var node = self._getOptions(vnodes[startIdx]); var key = node.key == null ? startIdx : node.key; children[key]._destroy(); } } function insertBefore (insert, before, isNext, index) { insert = self._getOptions(insert); before = before && self._getOptions(before); var insertKey = BI.isKey(insert.key) ? insert.key : index; if (before && children[before.key]) { var beforeKey = BI.isKey(before.key) ? before.key : index; var next; if (isNext) { next = children[beforeKey].element.next(); } else { next = children[beforeKey].element; } if (next.length > 0) { next.before(children[insertKey].element); } else { self._getWrapper().append(children[insertKey].element); } } else { self._getWrapper().append(children[insertKey].element); } } return updated; }, update: function (opt) { var o = this.options; var items = opt.items || []; var updated = this.updateChildren(o.items, items); this.options.items = items; return updated; // var updated, i, len; // for (i = 0, len = Math.min(o.items.length, items.length); i < len; i++) { // if (!this._compare(o.items[i], items[i])) { // updated = this.updateItemAt(i, items[i]) || updated; // } // } // if (o.items.length > items.length) { // var deleted = []; // for (i = items.length; i < o.items.length; i++) { // deleted.push(this._children[this._getChildName(i)]); // delete this._children[this._getChildName(i)]; // } // o.items.splice(items.length); // BI.each(deleted, function (i, w) { // w._destroy(); // }) // } else if (items.length > o.items.length) { // for (i = o.items.length; i < items.length; i++) { // this.addItemAt(i, items[i]); // } // } // return updated; }, stroke: function (items) { var self = this; BI.each(items, function (i, item) { if (item) { self._addElement(i, item); } }); }, removeWidget: function (nameOrWidget) { var removeIndex; if (BI.isWidget(nameOrWidget)) { BI.each(this._children, function (name, child) { if (child === nameOrWidget) { removeIndex = name; } }); } else { removeIndex = nameOrWidget; } if (removeIndex) { this._removeItemAt(removeIndex | 0); } }, empty: function () { BI.Layout.superclass.empty.apply(this, arguments); this.options.items = []; }, destroy: function () { BI.Layout.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); this.options.items = []; }, populate: function (items) { var self = this, o = this.options; items = items || []; if (this._isMounted) { this.update({items: items}); return; } this.options.items = items; this.stroke(items); }, resize: function () { } }); BI.shortcut("bi.layout", BI.Layout);BI.Plugin = BI.Plugin || {}; !(function () { var _WidgetsPlugin = {}; var _ObjectPlugin = {}; BI.extend(BI.Plugin, { getWidget: function (type, options) { if (_WidgetsPlugin[type]) { var res; for (var i = _WidgetsPlugin[type].length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (res = _WidgetsPlugin[type][i](options)) { return res; } } } return options; }, registerWidget: function (type, fn) { if (!_WidgetsPlugin[type]) { _WidgetsPlugin[type] = []; } if (_WidgetsPlugin[type].length > 0) { console.log("组件已经注册过了!"); } _WidgetsPlugin[type].push(fn); }, relieveWidget: function (type) { delete _WidgetsPlugin[type]; }, getObject: function (type, object) { if (_ObjectPlugin[type]) { var res; for (var i = 0, len = _ObjectPlugin[type].length; i < len; i++) { res = _ObjectPlugin[type][i](object); } } return res || object; }, registerObject: function (type, fn) { if (!_ObjectPlugin[type]) { _ObjectPlugin[type] = []; } if (_ObjectPlugin[type].length > 0) { console.log("对象已经注册过了!"); } _ObjectPlugin[type].push(fn); }, relieveObject: function (type) { delete _ObjectPlugin[type]; } }); })();/** * guy * 由一个元素切换到另一个元素的行为 * @class BI.Action * @extends BI.OB * @abstract */ BI.Action = BI.inherit(BI.OB, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Action.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { src: null, tar: null }); }, _init: function () { BI.Action.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, actionPerformed: function (src, tar, callback) { }, actionBack: function (tar, src, callback) { } }); BI.ActionFactory = { createAction: function (key, options) { var action; switch (key) { case "show": action = BI.ShowAction; break; } return new action(options); } };/** * guy * 由一个元素切换到另一个元素的行为 * @class BI.ShowAction * @extends BI.Action */ BI.ShowAction = BI.inherit(BI.Action, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ShowAction.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {}); }, _init: function () { BI.ShowAction.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, actionPerformed: function (src, tar, callback) { tar = tar || this.options.tar; tar.setVisible(true); callback && callback(); }, actionBack: function (tar, src, callback) { tar = tar || this.options.tar; tar.setVisible(false); callback && callback(); } });/** * 弹出层 * @class BI.PopoverSection * @extends BI.Widget * @abstract */ BI.PopoverSection = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _init: function () { BI.PopoverSection.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, rebuildNorth: function (north) { return true; }, rebuildCenter: function (center) {}, rebuildSouth: function (south) { return false; }, close: function () { this.fireEvent(BI.PopoverSection.EVENT_CLOSE); }, end: function () { } }); BI.PopoverSection.EVENT_CLOSE = "EVENT_CLOSE";(function () { if (!window.BI) { window.BI = {}; } function isEmpty (value) { // 判断是否为空值 var result = value === "" || value === null || value === undefined; return result; } // 判断是否是无效的日期 function isInvalidDate (date) { return date == "Invalid Date" || date == "NaN"; } /** * 科学计数格式 */ function _eFormat (text, fmt) { var e = fmt.indexOf("E"); var eleft = fmt.substr(0, e), eright = fmt.substr(e + 1); if (/^[0\.-]+$/.test(text)) { text = BI._numberFormat(0.0, eleft) + "E" + BI._numberFormat(0, eright); } else { var isNegative = text < 0; if (isNegative) { text = text.substr(1); } var elvl = (eleft.split(".")[0] || "").length; var point = text.indexOf("."); if (point < 0) { point = text.length; } var i = 0; // 第一个不为0的数的位置 text = text.replace(".", ""); for (var len = text.length; i < len; i++) { var ech = text.charAt(i); if (ech <= "9" && ech >= "1") { break; } } var right = point - i - elvl; var left = text.substr(i, elvl); var dis = i + elvl - text.length; if (dis > 0) { // 末位补全0 for (var k = 0; k < dis; k++) { left += "0"; } } else { left += "." + text.substr(i + elvl); } left = left.replace(/^[0]+/, ""); if (right < 0 && eright.indexOf("-") < 0) { eright += ";-" + eright; } text = BI._numberFormat(left, eleft) + "E" + BI._numberFormat(right, eright); if (isNegative) { text = "-" + text; } } return text; } /** * 数字格式 */ function _numberFormat (text, format) { var text = text + ""; // 数字格式,区分正负数 var numMod = format.indexOf(";"); if (numMod > -1) { if (text >= 0) { return _numberFormat(text + "", format.substring(0, numMod)); } return _numberFormat((-text) + "", format.substr(numMod + 1)); } // 兼容格式处理负数的情况(copy:fr-jquery.format.js) if (+text < 0 && format.charAt(0) !== "-") { return _numberFormat((-text) + "", "-" + format); } var tp = text.split("."), fp = format.split("."), tleft = tp[0] || "", fleft = fp[0] || "", tright = tp[1] || "", fright = fp[1] || ""; // 百分比,千分比的小数点移位处理 if (/[%‰]$/.test(format)) { var paddingZero = /[%]$/.test(format) ? "00" : "000"; tright += paddingZero; tleft += tright.substr(0, paddingZero.length); tleft = tleft.replace(/^0+/gi, ""); tright = tright.substr(paddingZero.length).replace(/0+$/gi, ""); } var right = _dealWithRight(tright, fright); if (right.leftPlus) { // 小数点后有进位 tleft = parseInt(tleft) + 1 + ""; tleft = isNaN(tleft) ? "1" : tleft; } right = right.num; var left = _dealWithLeft(tleft, fleft); if (!(/[0-9]/.test(left))) { left = left + "0"; } if (!(/[0-9]/.test(right))) { return left + right; } return left + "." + right; } /** * 处理小数点右边小数部分 * @param tright 右边内容 * @param fright 右边格式 * @returns {JSON} 返回处理结果和整数部分是否需要进位 * @private */ function _dealWithRight (tright, fright) { var right = "", j = 0, i = 0; for (var len = fright.length; i < len; i++) { var ch = fright.charAt(i); var c = tright.charAt(j); switch (ch) { case "0": if (isEmpty(c)) { c = "0"; } right += c; j++; break; case "#": right += c; j++; break; default : right += ch; break; } } var rll = tright.substr(j); var result = {}; if (!isEmpty(rll) && rll.charAt(0) > 4) { // 有多余字符,需要四舍五入 result.leftPlus = true; var numReg = right.match(/^[0-9]+/); if (numReg) { var num = numReg[0]; var orilen = num.length; var newnum = parseInt(num) + 1 + ""; // 进位到整数部分 if (newnum.length > orilen) { newnum = newnum.substr(1); } else { newnum = String.leftPad(newnum, orilen, "0"); result.leftPlus = false; } right = right.replace(/^[0-9]+/, newnum); } } result.num = right; return result; } /** * 处理小数点左边整数部分 * @param tleft 左边内容 * @param fleft 左边格式 * @returns {string} 返回处理结果 * @private */ function _dealWithLeft (tleft, fleft) { var left = ""; var j = tleft.length - 1; var combo = -1, last = -1; var i = fleft.length - 1; for (; i >= 0; i--) { var ch = fleft.charAt(i); var c = tleft.charAt(j); switch (ch) { case "0": if (isEmpty(c)) { c = "0"; } last = -1; left = c + left; j--; break; case "#": last = i; left = c + left; j--; break; case ",": if (!isEmpty(c)) { // 计算一个,分隔区间的长度 var com = fleft.match(/,[#0]+/); if (com) { combo = com[0].length - 1; } left = "," + left; } break; default : left = ch + left; break; } } if (last > -1) { // 处理剩余字符 var tll = tleft.substr(0, j + 1); left = left.substr(0, last) + tll + left.substr(last); } if (combo > 0) { // 处理,分隔区间 var res = left.match(/[0-9]+,/); if (res) { res = res[0]; var newstr = "", n = res.length - 1 - combo; for (; n >= 0; n = n - combo) { newstr = res.substr(n, combo) + "," + newstr; } var lres = res.substr(0, n + combo); if (!isEmpty(lres)) { newstr = lres + "," + newstr; } } left = left.replace(/[0-9]+,/, newstr); } return left; } BI.cjkEncode = function (text) { // alex:如果非字符串,返回其本身(cjkEncode(234) 返回 ""是不对的) if (typeof text !== "string") { return text; } var newText = ""; for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { var code = text.charCodeAt(i); if (code >= 128 || code === 91 || code === 93) {// 91 is "[", 93 is "]". newText += "[" + code.toString(16) + "]"; } else { newText += text.charAt(i); } } return newText; }; /** * 将cjkEncode处理过的字符串转化为原始字符串 * * @static * @param text 需要做解码的字符串 * @return {String} 解码后的字符串 */ BI.cjkDecode = function (text) { if (text == null) { return ""; } // 查找没有 "[", 直接返回. kunsnat:数字的时候, 不支持indexOf方法, 也是直接返回. if (!isNaN(text) || text.indexOf("[") == -1) { return text; } var newText = ""; for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { var ch = text.charAt(i); if (ch == "[") { var rightIdx = text.indexOf("]", i + 1); if (rightIdx > i + 1) { var subText = text.substring(i + 1, rightIdx); // james:主要是考虑[CDATA[]]这样的值的出现 if (subText.length > 0) { ch = String.fromCharCode(eval("0x" + subText)); } i = rightIdx; } } newText += ch; } return newText; }; // replace the html special tags BI.htmlEncode = function (text) { return (text == null) ? '' : String(text).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/\"/g, '"').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/\s/g, ' '); }; // html decode BI.htmlDecode = function (text) { return (text == null) ? "" : String(text).replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/"/g, "\"").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/ /g, " "); }; BI.cjkEncodeDO = function (o) { if (BI.isPlainObject(o)) { var result = {}; _.each(o, function (v, k) { if (!(typeof v === "string")) { v = BI.jsonEncode(v); } // wei:bug 43338,如果key是中文,cjkencode后o的长度就加了1,ie9以下版本死循环,所以新建对象result。 k = BI.cjkEncode(k); result[k] = BI.cjkEncode(v); }); return result; } return o; }; BI.jsonEncode = function (o) { // james:这个Encode是抄的EXT的 var useHasOwn = !!{}.hasOwnProperty; // crashes Safari in some instances // var validRE = /^("(\\.|[^"\\\n\r])*?"|[,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t])+?$/; var m = { "\b": "\\b", "\t": "\\t", "\n": "\\n", "\f": "\\f", "\r": "\\r", "\"": "\\\"", "\\": "\\\\" }; var encodeString = function (s) { if (/["\\\x00-\x1f]/.test(s)) { return "\"" + s.replace(/([\x00-\x1f\\"])/g, function (a, b) { var c = m[b]; if (c) { return c; } c = b.charCodeAt(); return "\\u00" + Math.floor(c / 16).toString(16) + (c % 16).toString(16); }) + "\""; } return "\"" + s + "\""; }; var encodeArray = function (o) { var a = ["["], b, i, l = o.length, v; for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { v = o[i]; switch (typeof v) { case "undefined": case "function": case "unknown": break; default: if (b) { a.push(","); } a.push(v === null ? "null" : BI.jsonEncode(v)); b = true; } } a.push("]"); return a.join(""); }; if (typeof o === "undefined" || o === null) { return "null"; } else if (BI.isArray(o)) { return encodeArray(o); } else if (o instanceof Date) { /* * alex:原来只是把年月日时分秒简单地拼成一个String,无法decode * 现在这么处理就可以decode了,但是JS.jsonDecode和Java.JSONObject也要跟着改一下 */ return BI.jsonEncode({ __time__: o.getTime() }); } else if (typeof o === "string") { return encodeString(o); } else if (typeof o === "number") { return isFinite(o) ? String(o) : "null"; } else if (typeof o === "boolean") { return String(o); } else if (BI.isFunction(o)) { return String(o); } var a = ["{"], b, i, v; for (i in o) { if (!useHasOwn || o.hasOwnProperty(i)) { v = o[i]; switch (typeof v) { case "undefined": case "unknown": break; default: if (b) { a.push(","); } a.push(BI.jsonEncode(i), ":", v === null ? "null" : BI.jsonEncode(v)); b = true; } } } a.push("}"); return a.join(""); }; BI.jsonDecode = function (text) { try { // 注意0啊 // var jo = $.parseJSON(text) || {}; var jo = $ ? $.parseJSON(text): window.JSON.parse(text); if (jo == null) { jo = {}; } } catch (e) { /* * richie:浏览器只支持标准的JSON字符串转换,而jQuery会默认调用浏览器的window.JSON.parse()函数进行解析 * 比如:var str = "{'a':'b'}",这种形式的字符串转换为JSON就会抛异常 */ try { jo = new Function("return " + text)() || {}; } catch (e) { // do nothing } if (jo == null) { jo = []; } } if (!_hasDateInJson(text)) { return jo; } function _hasDateInJson (json) { if (!json || typeof json !== "string") { return false; } return json.indexOf("__time__") != -1; } return (function (o) { if (typeof o === "string") { return o; } if (o && o.__time__ != null) { return new Date(o.__time__); } for (var a in o) { if (o[a] == o || typeof o[a] === "object" || _.isFunction(o[a])) { break; } o[a] = arguments.callee(o[a]); } return o; })(jo); }; BI.contentFormat = function (cv, fmt) { if (isEmpty(cv)) { // 原值为空,返回空字符 return ""; } var text = cv.toString(); if (isEmpty(fmt)) { // 格式为空,返回原字符 return text; } if (fmt.match(/^T/)) { // T - 文本格式 return text; } else if (fmt.match(/^D/)) { // D - 日期(时间)格式 if (!(cv instanceof Date)) { if (typeof cv === "number") { // 毫秒数类型 cv = new Date(cv); } else { // 字符串类型,如yyyyMMdd、MMddyyyy等这样无分隔符的结构 cv = Date.parseDate(cv + "", Date.patterns.ISO8601Long); } } if (!BI.isNull(cv)) { var needTrim = fmt.match(/^DT/); text = BI.date2Str(cv, fmt.substring(needTrim ? 2 : 1)); } } else if (fmt.match(/E/)) { // 科学计数格式 text = _eFormat(text, fmt); } else { // 数字格式 text = _numberFormat(text, fmt); } // ¤ - 货币格式 text = text.replace(/¤/g, "¥"); return text; }; /** * 把日期对象按照指定格式转化成字符串 * * @example * var date = new Date('Thu Dec 12 2013 00:00:00 GMT+0800'); * var result = BI.date2Str(date, 'yyyy-MM-dd');//2013-12-12 * * @class BI.date2Str * @param date 日期 * @param format 日期格式 * @returns {String} */ BI.date2Str = function (date, format) { if (!date) { return ""; } // O(len(format)) var len = format.length, result = ""; if (len > 0) { var flagch = format.charAt(0), start = 0, str = flagch; for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) { var ch = format.charAt(i); if (flagch !== ch) { result += compileJFmt({ char: flagch, str: str, len: i - start }, date); flagch = ch; start = i; str = flagch; } else { str += ch; } } result += compileJFmt({ char: flagch, str: str, len: len - start }, date); } return result; function compileJFmt (jfmt, date) { var str = jfmt.str, len = jfmt.len, ch = jfmt["char"]; switch (ch) { case "E": // 星期 str = Date._DN[date.getDay()]; break; case "y": // 年 if (len <= 3) { str = (date.getFullYear() + "").slice(2, 4); } else { str = date.getFullYear(); } break; case "M": // 月 if (len > 2) { str = Date._MN[date.getMonth()]; } else if (len < 2) { str = date.getMonth() + 1; } else { str = String.leftPad(date.getMonth() + 1 + "", 2, "0"); } break; case "d": // 日 if (len > 1) { str = String.leftPad(date.getDate() + "", 2, "0"); } else { str = date.getDate(); } break; case "h": // 时(12) var hour = date.getHours() % 12; if (hour === 0) { hour = 12; } if (len > 1) { str = String.leftPad(hour + "", 2, "0"); } else { str = hour; } break; case "H": // 时(24) if (len > 1) { str = String.leftPad(date.getHours() + "", 2, "0"); } else { str = date.getHours(); } break; case "m": if (len > 1) { str = String.leftPad(date.getMinutes() + "", 2, "0"); } else { str = date.getMinutes(); } break; case "s": if (len > 1) { str = String.leftPad(date.getSeconds() + "", 2, "0"); } else { str = date.getSeconds(); } break; case "a": str = date.getHours() < 12 ? "am" : "pm"; break; case "z": str = date.getTimezone(); break; default: str = jfmt.str; break; } return str; } }; BI.object2Number = function (value) { if (value == null) { return 0; } if (typeof value === "number") { return value; } var str = value + ""; if (str.indexOf(".") === -1) { return parseInt(str); } return parseFloat(str); }; BI.object2Date = function (obj) { if (obj == null) { return new Date(); } if (obj instanceof Date) { return obj; } else if (typeof obj === "number") { return new Date(obj); } var str = obj + ""; str = str.replace(/-/g, "/"); var dt = new Date(str); if (!isInvalidDate(dt)) { return dt; } return new Date(); }; BI.object2Time = function (obj) { if (obj == null) { return new Date(); } if (obj instanceof Date) { return obj; } var str = obj + ""; str = str.replace(/-/g, "/"); var dt = new Date(str); if (!isInvalidDate(dt)) { return dt; } if (str.indexOf("/") === -1 && str.indexOf(":") !== -1) { dt = new Date("1970/01/01 " + str); if (!isInvalidDate(dt)) { return dt; } } dt = BI.str2Date(str, "HH:mm:ss"); if (!isInvalidDate(dt)) { return dt; } return new Date(); }; })(); /** * guy * * @class BI.HighlightBehavior * @extends BI.Behavior */ BI.HighlightBehavior = BI.inherit(BI.Behavior, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.HighlightBehavior.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {}); }, _init: function () { BI.HighlightBehavior.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, doBehavior: function (items) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), o = this.options; BI.each(items, function (i, item) { if (item instanceof BI.Single) { var rule = o.rule(item.getValue(), item); function doBe (run) { if (run === true) { item.doHighLight.apply(item, args); } else { item.unHighLight.apply(item, args); } } if (BI.isFunction(rule)) { rule(doBe); } else { doBe(rule); } } else { item.doBehavior.apply(item, args); } }); } });/** * guy * 标红行为 * @class BI.RedMarkBehavior * @extends BI.Behavior */ BI.RedMarkBehavior = BI.inherit(BI.Behavior, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.RedMarkBehavior.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { }); }, _init: function () { BI.RedMarkBehavior.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, doBehavior: function (items) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), o = this.options; BI.each(items, function (i, item) { if(item instanceof BI.Single) { if (o.rule(item.getValue(), item)) { item.doRedMark.apply(item, args); } else { item.unRedMark.apply(item, args); } } else { item.doBehavior.apply(item, args); } }); } });// 工程配置 (function () { // 注册布局 var isSupportFlex = BI.isSupportCss3("flex"); BI.Plugin.registerWidget("bi.horizontal", function (ob) { if (isSupportFlex) { return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.flex_horizontal"}); } return ob; }); BI.Plugin.registerWidget("bi.center_adapt", function (ob) { if (isSupportFlex && ob.items && ob.items.length <= 1) { // 有滚动条的情况下需要用到flex_wrapper_center布局 if (ob.scrollable === true || ob.scrollx === true || ob.scrolly === true) { // 不是IE用flex_wrapper_center布局 if (!BI.isIE()) { return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.flex_wrapper_center"}); } return ob; } return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.flex_center"}); } return ob; }); BI.Plugin.registerWidget("bi.vertical_adapt", function (ob) { if (isSupportFlex) { // 有滚动条的情况下需要用到flex_wrapper_center布局 if (ob.scrollable === true || ob.scrollx === true || ob.scrolly === true) { // 不是IE用flex_wrapper_center布局 if (!BI.isIE()) { return BI.extend({}, ob, {type: "bi.flex_wrapper_vertical_center"}); } return ob; } return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.flex_vertical_center"}); } return ob; }); BI.Plugin.registerWidget("bi.float_center_adapt", function (ob) { if (isSupportFlex) { // 有滚动条的情况下需要用到flex_wrapper_center布局 if (ob.scrollable === true || ob.scrollx === true || ob.scrolly === true) { // 不是IE用flex_wrapper_center布局 if (!BI.isIE()) { return BI.extend({}, ob, {type: "bi.flex_wrapper_center"}); } return ob; } return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.flex_center"}); } return ob; }); // 注册滚动条 BI.Plugin.registerWidget("bi.grid_table_scrollbar", function (ob) { if (BI.isIE9Below()) { return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.native_table_scrollbar"}); } return ob; }); BI.Plugin.registerWidget("bi.grid_table_horizontal_scrollbar", function (ob) { if (BI.isIE9Below()) { return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.native_table_horizontal_scrollbar"}); } return ob; }); // 注册控件 BI.Plugin.registerWidget("bi.grid_table", function (ob) { // 非chrome下滚动条滑动效果不好,禁止掉 if (!(BI.isChrome() && BI.isWindows() && !BI.isEdge())) { return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.quick_grid_table"}); } return ob; }); BI.Plugin.registerWidget("bi.collection_table", function (ob) { // 非chrome下滚动条滑动效果不好,禁止掉 if (!(BI.isChrome() && BI.isWindows() && !BI.isEdge())) { return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.quick_collection_table"}); } return ob; }); // IE8下滚动条用原生的 $(function () { if (BI.isIE9Below()) { BI.GridTableScrollbar.SIZE = 18; } }); }());/** * guy * 控制器 * Controller层超类 * @class BI.Controller * @extends BI.OB * @abstract */ BI.Controller = BI.inherit(BI.OB, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Controller.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { }); }, _init: function () { BI.Controller.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, destroy: function () { } }); BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE = "__EVENT_CHANGE__";/** * 广播 * * Created by GUY on 2015/12/23. * @class */ BI.BroadcastController = BI.inherit(BI.Controller, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.BroadcastController.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {}); }, _init: function () { BI.BroadcastController.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this._broadcasts = {}; }, on: function (name, fn) { var self = this; if (!this._broadcasts[name]) { this._broadcasts[name] = []; } this._broadcasts[name].push(fn); return function () { self.remove(name, fn); }; }, send: function (name) { var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); BI.each(this._broadcasts[name], function (i, fn) { fn.apply(null, args); }); }, remove: function (name, fn) { if (fn) { this._broadcasts[name].remove(fn); if (this._broadcasts[name].length === 0) { delete this._broadcasts[name]; } } else { delete this._broadcasts[name]; } return this; } });/** * 气泡图控制器 * 控制气泡图的显示方向 * * Created by GUY on 2015/8/21. * @class */ BI.BubblesController = BI.inherit(BI.Controller, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.BubblesController.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {}); }, _const: { bubbleHeight: 35 }, _init: function () { BI.BubblesController.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.bubblesManager = {}; this.storeBubbles = {}; }, _createBubble: function (direct, text, height) { return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.bubble", text: text, height: height || 35, direction: direct }); }, _getOffsetLeft: function (name, context, offsetStyle) { var left = 0; if ("center" === offsetStyle) { left = context.element.offset().left + (context.element.bounds().width - this.get(name).element.bounds().width) / 2; if (left < 0) { left = 0; } return left; } if ("right" === offsetStyle) { left = context.element.offset().left + context.element.bounds().width - this.get(name).element.bounds().width; if (left < 0) { left = 0; } return left; } return context.element.offset().left; }, _getOffsetTop: function (name, context, offsetStyle) { var top = 0; if ("center" === offsetStyle) { top = context.element.offset().top + (context.element.bounds().height - this.get(name).element.bounds().height) / 2; if (top < 0) { top = 0; } return top; } else if ("right" === offsetStyle) { top = context.element.offset().top + context.element.bounds().height - this.get(name).element.bounds().height; if (top < 0) { top = 0; } return top; } return context.element.offset().top; }, _getLeftPosition: function (name, context, offsetStyle) { var position = $.getLeftPosition(context, this.get(name)); position.top = this._getOffsetTop(name, context, offsetStyle); return position; }, _getBottomPosition: function (name, context, offsetStyle) { var position = $.getBottomPosition(context, this.get(name)); position.left = this._getOffsetLeft(name, context, offsetStyle); return position; }, _getTopPosition: function (name, context, offsetStyle) { var position = $.getTopPosition(context, this.get(name)); position.left = this._getOffsetLeft(name, context, offsetStyle); return position; }, _getRightPosition: function (name, context, offsetStyle) { var position = $.getRightPosition(context, this.get(name)); position.top = this._getOffsetTop(name, context, offsetStyle); return position; }, /** * * @param name * @param text * @param context * @param offsetStyle center, left, right三种类型, 默认left * @returns {BI.BubblesController} */ show: function (name, text, context, opt) { opt || (opt = {}); var container = opt.container || context; var offsetStyle = opt.offsetStyle || {}; if (!this.storeBubbles[name]) { this.storeBubbles[name] = {}; } if (!this.storeBubbles[name]["top"]) { this.storeBubbles[name]["top"] = this._createBubble("top", text); } BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: container, items: [{ el: this.storeBubbles[name]["top"] }] }); this.set(name, this.storeBubbles[name]["top"]); var position = this._getTopPosition(name, context, offsetStyle); this.get(name).element.css({left: position.left, top: position.top}); this.get(name).invisible(); if (!$.isTopSpaceEnough(context, this.get(name))) { if (!this.storeBubbles[name]["left"]) { this.storeBubbles[name]["left"] = this._createBubble("left", text, 30); } BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: container, items: [{ el: this.storeBubbles[name]["left"] }] }); this.set(name, this.storeBubbles[name]["left"]); var position = this._getLeftPosition(name, context, offsetStyle); this.get(name).element.css({left: position.left, top: position.top}); this.get(name).invisible(); if (!$.isLeftSpaceEnough(context, this.get(name))) { if (!this.storeBubbles[name]["right"]) { this.storeBubbles[name]["right"] = this._createBubble("right", text, 30); } BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: container, items: [{ el: this.storeBubbles[name]["right"] }] }); this.set(name, this.storeBubbles[name]["right"]); var position = this._getRightPosition(name, context, offsetStyle); this.get(name).element.css({left: position.left, top: position.top}); this.get(name).invisible(); if (!$.isRightSpaceEnough(context, this.get(name))) { if (!this.storeBubbles[name]["bottom"]) { this.storeBubbles[name]["bottom"] = this._createBubble("bottom", text); } BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: container, items: [{ el: this.storeBubbles[name]["bottom"] }] }); this.set(name, this.storeBubbles[name]["bottom"]); var position = this._getBottomPosition(name, context, offsetStyle); this.get(name).element.css({left: position.left, top: position.top}); this.get(name).invisible(); } } } this.get(name).setText(text); this.get(name).visible(); return this; }, hide: function (name) { if (!this.has(name)) { return this; } this.get(name).invisible(); return this; }, add: function (name, bubble) { if (this.has(name)) { return this; } this.set(name, bubble); return this; }, get: function (name) { return this.bubblesManager[name]; }, set: function (name, bubble) { this.bubblesManager[name] = bubble; }, has: function (name) { return this.bubblesManager[name] != null; }, remove: function (name) { if (!this.has(name)) { return this; } BI.each(this.storeBubbles[name], function (dir, bubble) { bubble.destroy(); }); delete this.storeBubbles[name]; delete this.bubblesManager[name]; return this; } });/** * guy * FloatBox弹出层控制器, z-index在100w层级 * @class BI.FloatBoxController * @extends BI.Controller */ BI.FloatBoxController = BI.inherit(BI.Controller, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.FloatBoxController.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { modal: true, // 模态窗口 render: "body" }); }, _init: function () { BI.FloatBoxController.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.modal = this.options.modal; this.floatManager = {}; this.floatLayer = {}; this.floatContainer = {}; this.floatOpened = {}; this.zindex = BI.zIndex_floatbox; this.zindexMap = {}; }, _check: function (name) { return BI.isNotNull(this.floatManager[name]); }, create: function (name, section, options) { if (this._check(name)) { return this; } var floatbox = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.float_box" }, options); floatbox.populate(section); this.add(name, floatbox, options); return this; }, add: function (name, floatbox, options) { var self = this; options || (options = {}); if (this._check(name)) { return this; } this.floatContainer[name] = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", cls: "bi-popup-view", items: [{ el: (this.floatLayer[name] = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", items: [floatbox] })), left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); this.floatManager[name] = floatbox; (function (key) { floatbox.on(BI.FloatBox.EVENT_FLOAT_BOX_CLOSED, function () { self.close(key); }); })(name); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: options.container || this.options.render, items: [{ el: this.floatContainer[name], left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); return this; }, open: function (name) { if (!this._check(name)) { return this; } if (!this.floatOpened[name]) { this.floatOpened[name] = true; var container = this.floatContainer[name]; container.element.css("zIndex", this.zindex++); this.modal && container.element.__hasZIndexMask__(this.zindexMap[name]) && container.element.__releaseZIndexMask__(this.zindexMap[name]); this.zindexMap[name] = this.zindex; this.modal && container.element.__buildZIndexMask__(this.zindex++); this.get(name).setZindex(this.zindex++); this.floatContainer[name].visible(); var floatbox = this.get(name); floatbox.show(); var W = $(this.options.render).width(), H = $(this.options.render).height(); var w = floatbox.element.width(), h = floatbox.element.height(); var left = (W - w) / 2, top = (H - h) / 2; if (left < 0) { left = 0; } if (top < 0) { top = 0; } floatbox.element.css({ left: left + "px", top: top + "px" }); } return this; }, close: function (name) { if (!this._check(name)) { return this; } if (this.floatOpened[name]) { delete this.floatOpened[name]; this.floatContainer[name].invisible(); this.modal && this.floatContainer[name].element.__releaseZIndexMask__(this.zindexMap[name]); } return this; }, get: function (name) { return this.floatManager[name]; }, remove: function (name) { if (!this._check(name)) { return this; } this.floatContainer[name].destroy(); this.modal && this.floatContainer[name].element.__releaseZIndexMask__(this.zindexMap[name]); delete this.floatManager[name]; delete this.floatLayer[name]; delete this.zindexMap[name]; delete this.floatContainer[name]; delete this.floatOpened[name]; return this; } });/** * 弹出层面板控制器, z-index在10w层级 * * Created by GUY on 2015/6/24. * @class */ BI.LayerController = BI.inherit(BI.Controller, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.LayerController.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { render: "body" }); }, _init: function () { BI.LayerController.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.layerManager = {}; this.layouts = {}; this.zindex = BI.zIndex_layer; BI.Resizers.add("layerController" + BI.uniqueId(), BI.bind(this._resize, this)); }, _resize: function () { BI.each(this.layouts, function (i, layer) { if (layer.element.is(":visible")) { layer.element.trigger("__resize__"); } }); }, make: function (name, container, op) { if (BI.isWidget(container)) { op = op || {}; op.container = container; } else { op = container; } return this.create(name, null, op); }, create: function (name, from, op) { if (this.has(name)) { return this.get(name); } op || (op = {}); var offset = op.offset || {}; var w = from; if (BI.isWidget(from)) { w = from.element; } if (BI.isNotEmptyString(w)) { w = $(w); } if (this.has(name)) { return this.get(name); } var widget = BI.createWidget((op.render || {}), { type: "bi.layout", cls: op.cls }); var layout = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: widget, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: op.container || this.options.render, items: [{ el: layout, left: offset.left || 0, right: offset.right || 0, top: offset.top || 0, bottom: offset.bottom || 0 }] }); if (w) { layout.element.addClass("bi-popup-view"); layout.element.css({ left: w.offset().left + (offset.left || 0), top: w.offset().top + (offset.top || 0), width: offset.width || (w.outerWidth() - (offset.right || 0)) || "", height: offset.height || (w.outerHeight() - (offset.bottom || 0)) || "" }); layout.element.on("__resize__", function () { w.is(":visible") && layout.element.css({ left: w.offset().left + (offset.left || 0), top: w.offset().top + (offset.top || 0), width: offset.width || (w.outerWidth() - (offset.right || 0)) || "", height: offset.height || (w.outerHeight() - (offset.bottom || 0)) || "" }); }); } this.add(name, widget, layout); return widget; }, hide: function (name, callback) { if (!this.has(name)) { return this; } this._getLayout(name).invisible(); this._getLayout(name).element.hide(0, callback); return this; }, show: function (name, callback) { if (!this.has(name)) { return this; } this._getLayout(name).visible(); this._getLayout(name).element.css("z-index", this.zindex++).show(0, callback).trigger("__resize__"); return this; }, isVisible: function (name) { return this.has(name) && this._getLayout(name).isVisible(); }, add: function (name, layer, layout) { if (this.has(name)) { throw new Error("name is already exist"); } layout.setVisible(false); this.layerManager[name] = layer; this.layouts[name] = layout; layout.element.css("z-index", this.zindex++); return this; }, _getLayout: function (name) { return this.layouts[name]; }, get: function (name) { return this.layerManager[name]; }, has: function (name) { return this.layerManager[name] != null; }, remove: function (name) { if (!this.has(name)) { return this; } this.layerManager[name].destroy(); this.layouts[name].destroy(); delete this.layerManager[name]; delete this.layouts[name]; return this; } });/** * 遮罩面板, z-index在1亿层级 * * Created by GUY on 2015/6/24. * @class */ BI.MaskersController = BI.inherit(BI.LayerController, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MaskersController.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {}); }, _init: function () { BI.MaskersController.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.zindex = BI.zIndex_masker; } });/** * window.resize 控制器 * * Created by GUY on 2015/6/24. * @class */ BI.ResizeController = BI.inherit(BI.Controller, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ResizeController.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {}); }, _init: function () { BI.ResizeController.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this; this.resizerManger = {}; var fn = BI.debounce(function (ev) { // if (BI.isWindow(ev.target)) { self._resize(ev); // } }, 30); $(window).resize(fn); }, _resize: function (ev) { BI.each(this.resizerManger, function (key, resizer) { if (resizer instanceof $) { if (resizer.is(":visible")) { resizer.trigger("__resize__"); } return; } if (resizer instanceof BI.Layout) { resizer.resize(); return; } if (BI.isFunction(resizer)) { resizer(ev); return; } }); }, add: function (name, resizer) { var self = this; if (this.has(name)) { return this; } this.resizerManger[name] = resizer; return function () { self.remove(name); }; }, get: function (name) { return this.resizerManger[name]; }, has: function (name) { return this.resizerManger[name] != null; }, remove: function (name) { if (!this.has(name)) { return this; } delete this.resizerManger[name]; return this; } });/** * tooltip控制器 * 控制tooltip的显示, 且页面中只有一个tooltip显示 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/8. * @class BI.TooltipsController * @extends BI.Controller */ BI.TooltipsController = BI.inherit(BI.Controller, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.TooltipsController.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {}); }, _const: { height: 20 }, _init: function () { BI.TooltipsController.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.tooltipsManager = {}; this.showingTips = {};// 存储正在显示的tooltip }, _createTooltip: function (text, level) { return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.tooltip", text: text, level: level, stopEvent: true, height: this._const.height }); }, hide: function (name, callback) { if (!this.has(name)) { return this; } delete this.showingTips[name]; this.get(name).element.hide(0, callback); this.get(name).invisible(); return this; }, create: function (name, text, level, context) { if (!this.has(name)) { var tooltip = this._createTooltip(text, level); this.add(name, tooltip); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: context || "body", items: [{ el: tooltip }] }); tooltip.invisible(); } return this.get(name); }, // opt: {container: '', belowMouse: false} show: function (e, name, text, level, context, opt) { opt || (opt = {}); var self = this; BI.each(this.showingTips, function (i, tip) { self.hide(i); }); this.showingTips = {}; if (!this.has(name)) { this.create(name, text, level, opt.container || context); } if (!opt.belowMouse) { var offset = context.element.offset(); var bounds = context.element.bounds(); if (bounds.height === 0 || bounds.width === 0) { return; } var top = offset.top + bounds.height + 5; } var tooltip = this.get(name); tooltip.setText(text); tooltip.element.css({ left: "0px", top: "0px" }); tooltip.visible(); tooltip.element.height(tooltip.element[0].scrollHeight); this.showingTips[name] = true; var x = (e.pageX || e.clientX) + 15, y = (e.pageY || e.clientY) + 15; if (x + tooltip.element.outerWidth() > $("body").outerWidth()) { x -= tooltip.element.outerWidth() + 15; } if (y + tooltip.element.outerHeight() > $("body").outerHeight()) { y -= tooltip.element.outerHeight() + 15; !opt.belowMouse && (y = Math.min(y, offset.top - tooltip.element.outerHeight() - 5)); } else { !opt.belowMouse && (y = Math.max(y, top)); } tooltip.element.css({ left: x < 0 ? 0 : x + "px", top: y < 0 ? 0 : y + "px" }); tooltip.element.hover(function () { self.remove(name); context.element.trigger("mouseleave.title" + context.getName()); }); return this; }, add: function (name, bubble) { if (this.has(name)) { return this; } this.set(name, bubble); return this; }, get: function (name) { return this.tooltipsManager[name]; }, set: function (name, bubble) { this.tooltipsManager[name] = bubble; }, has: function (name) { return this.tooltipsManager[name] != null; }, remove: function (name) { if (!this.has(name)) { return this; } this.tooltipsManager[name].destroy(); delete this.tooltipsManager[name]; return this; } });/** * 事件集合 * @class BI.Events */ _.extend(BI, { Events: { /** * @static * @property keydown事件 */ KEYDOWN: "_KEYDOWN", /** * @static * @property 回撤事件 */ BACKSPACE: "_BACKSPACE", /** * @static * @property 空格事件 */ SPACE: "_SPACE", /** * @static * @property 回车事件 */ ENTER: "_ENTER", /** * @static * @property 确定事件 */ CONFIRM: "_CONFIRM", /** * @static * @property 错误事件 */ ERROR: "_ERROR", /** * @static * @property 暂停事件 */ PAUSE: "_PAUSE", /** * @static * @property destroy事件 */ DESTROY: "_DESTROY", /** * @static * @property 取消挂载事件 */ UNMOUNT: "_UNMOUNT", /** * @static * @property 清除选择 */ CLEAR: "_CLEAR", /** * @static * @property 添加数据 */ ADD: "_ADD", /** * @static * @property 正在编辑状态事件 */ EDITING: "_EDITING", /** * @static * @property 空状态事件 */ EMPTY: "_EMPTY", /** * @static * @property 显示隐藏事件 */ VIEW: "_VIEW", /** * @static * @property 窗体改变大小 */ RESIZE: "_RESIZE", /** * @static * @property 编辑前事件 */ BEFOREEDIT: "_BEFOREEDIT", /** * @static * @property 编辑后事件 */ AFTEREDIT: "_AFTEREDIT", /** * @static * @property 开始编辑事件 */ STARTEDIT: "_STARTEDIT", /** * @static * @property 停止编辑事件 */ STOPEDIT: "_STOPEDIT", /** * @static * @property 值改变事件 */ CHANGE: "_CHANGE", /** * @static * @property 下拉弹出菜单事件 */ EXPAND: "_EXPAND", /** * @static * @property 关闭下拉菜单事件 */ COLLAPSE: "_COLLAPSE", /** * @static * @property 回调事件 */ CALLBACK: "_CALLBACK", /** * @static * @property 点击事件 */ CLICK: "_CLICK", /** * @static * @property 状态改变事件,一般是用在复选按钮和单选按钮 */ STATECHANGE: "_STATECHANGE", /** * @static * @property 状态改变前事件 */ BEFORESTATECHANGE: "_BEFORESTATECHANGE", /** * @static * @property 初始化事件 */ INIT: "_INIT", /** * @static * @property 初始化后事件 */ AFTERINIT: "_AFTERINIT", /** * @static * @property 滚动条滚动事件 */ SCROLL: "_SCROLL", /** * @static * @property 开始加载事件 */ STARTLOAD: "_STARTLOAD", /** * @static * @property 加载后事件 */ AFTERLOAD: "_AFTERLOAD", /** * @static * @property 提交前事件 */ BS: "beforesubmit", /** * @static * @property 提交后事件 */ AS: "aftersubmit", /** * @static * @property 提交完成事件 */ SC: "submitcomplete", /** * @static * @property 提交失败事件 */ SF: "submitfailure", /** * @static * @property 提交成功事件 */ SS: "submitsuccess", /** * @static * @property 校验提交前事件 */ BVW: "beforeverifywrite", /** * @static * @property 校验提交后事件 */ AVW: "afterverifywrite", /** * @static * @property 校验后事件 */ AV: "afterverify", /** * @static * @property 填报前事件 */ BW: "beforewrite", /** * @static * @property 填报后事件 */ AW: "afterwrite", /** * @static * @property 填报成功事件 */ WS: "writesuccess", /** * @static * @property 填报失败事件 */ WF: "writefailure", /** * @static * @property 添加行前事件 */ BA: "beforeappend", /** * @static * @property 添加行后事件 */ AA: "afterappend", /** * @static * @property 删除行前事件 */ BD: "beforedelete", /** * @static * @property 删除行后事件 */ AD: "beforedelete", /** * @static * @property 未提交离开事件 */ UC: "unloadcheck", /** * @static * @property PDF导出前事件 */ BTOPDF: "beforetopdf", /** * @static * @property PDF导出后事件 */ ATOPDF: "aftertopdf", /** * @static * @property Excel导出前事件 */ BTOEXCEL: "beforetoexcel", /** * @static * @property Excel导出后事件 */ ATOEXCEL: "aftertoexcel", /** * @static * @property Word导出前事件 */ BTOWORD: "beforetoword", /** * @static * @property Word导出后事件 */ ATOWORD: "aftertoword", /** * @static * @property 图片导出前事件 */ BTOIMAGE: "beforetoimage", /** * @static * @property 图片导出后事件 */ ATOIMAGE: "aftertoimage", /** * @static * @property HTML导出前事件 */ BTOHTML: "beforetohtml", /** * @static * @property HTML导出后事件 */ ATOHTML: "aftertohtml", /** * @static * @property Excel导入前事件 */ BIMEXCEL: "beforeimportexcel", /** * @static * @property Excel导出后事件 */ AIMEXCEL: "afterimportexcel", /** * @static * @property PDF打印前事件 */ BPDFPRINT: "beforepdfprint", /** * @static * @property PDF打印后事件 */ APDFPRINT: "afterpdfprint", /** * @static * @property Flash打印前事件 */ BFLASHPRINT: "beforeflashprint", /** * @static * @property Flash打印后事件 */ AFLASHPRINT: "afterflashprint", /** * @static * @property Applet打印前事件 */ BAPPLETPRINT: "beforeappletprint", /** * @static * @property Applet打印后事件 */ AAPPLETPRINT: "afterappletprint", /** * @static * @property 服务器打印前事件 */ BSEVERPRINT: "beforeserverprint", /** * @static * @property 服务器打印后事件 */ ASERVERPRINT: "afterserverprint", /** * @static * @property 邮件发送前事件 */ BEMAIL: "beforeemail", /** * @static * @property 邮件发送后事件 */ AEMAIL: "afteremail" } });/** * guy * 最基础的dom操作 */ BI.extend(jQuery.fn, { destroy: function () { this.remove(); if (BI.isIE() === true) { this[0].outerHTML = ""; } }, /** * 高亮显示 * @param text 必需 * @param keyword * @param py 必需 * @returns {*} * @private */ __textKeywordMarked__: function (text, keyword, py) { if (!BI.isKey(keyword) || (text + "").length > 100) { return this.html(BI.htmlEncode(text)); } keyword = keyword + ""; keyword = BI.toUpperCase(keyword); var textLeft = (text || "") + ""; py = (py || BI.makeFirstPY(text)) + ""; if (py != null) { py = BI.toUpperCase(py); } this.empty(); while (true) { var tidx = BI.toUpperCase(textLeft).indexOf(keyword); var pidx = null; if (py != null) { pidx = py.indexOf(keyword); if (pidx >= 0) { pidx = pidx % text.length; } } if (tidx >= 0) { this.append(textLeft.substr(0, tidx)); this.append($("<span>").addClass("bi-keyword-red-mark") .html(BI.htmlEncode(textLeft.substr(tidx, keyword.length)))); textLeft = textLeft.substr(tidx + keyword.length); if (py != null) { py = py.substr(tidx + keyword.length); } } else if (pidx != null && pidx >= 0 && Math.floor(pidx / text.length) === Math.floor((pidx + keyword.length - 1) / text.length)) { this.append(textLeft.substr(0, pidx)); this.append($("<span>").addClass("bi-keyword-red-mark") .html(BI.htmlEncode(textLeft.substr(pidx, keyword.length)))); if (py != null) { py = py.substr(pidx + keyword.length); } textLeft = textLeft.substr(pidx + keyword.length); } else { this.append(textLeft); break; } } return this; }, getDomHeight: function (parent) { var clone = $(this).clone(); clone.appendTo($(parent || "body")); var height = clone.height(); clone.remove(); return height; }, // 是否有竖直滚动条 hasVerticalScroll: function () { return this.height() > 0 && this[0].clientWidth < this[0].offsetWidth; }, // 是否有水平滚动条 hasHorizonScroll: function () { return this.width() > 0 && this[0].clientHeight < this[0].offsetHeight; }, // 获取计算后的样式 getStyle: function (name) { var node = this[0]; var computedStyle = void 0; // W3C Standard if (window.getComputedStyle) { // In certain cases such as within an iframe in FF3, this returns null. computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(node, null); if (computedStyle) { return computedStyle.getPropertyValue(BI.hyphenate(name)); } } // Safari if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { computedStyle = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(node, null); // A Safari bug causes this to return null for `display: none` elements. if (computedStyle) { return computedStyle.getPropertyValue(BI.hyphenate(name)); } if (name === "display") { return "none"; } } // Internet Explorer if (node.currentStyle) { if (name === "float") { return node.currentStyle.cssFloat || node.currentStyle.styleFloat; } return node.currentStyle[BI.camelize(name)]; } return node.style && node.style[BI.camelize(name)]; }, __isMouseInBounds__: function (e) { var offset2Body = this.offset(); return !(e.pageX < offset2Body.left || e.pageX > offset2Body.left + this.outerWidth() || e.pageY < offset2Body.top || e.pageY > offset2Body.top + this.outerHeight()); }, __hasZIndexMask__: function (zindex) { return zindex && this.zIndexMask[zindex] != null; }, __buildZIndexMask__: function (zindex, domArray) { this.zIndexMask = this.zIndexMask || {};// 存储z-index的mask this.indexMask = this.indexMask || [];// 存储mask var mask = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", cls: "bi-z-index-mask", items: domArray }); mask.element.css({"z-index": zindex}); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: mask, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); this.indexMask.push(mask); zindex && (this.zIndexMask[zindex] = mask); return mask.element; }, __releaseZIndexMask__: function (zindex) { if (zindex && this.zIndexMask[zindex]) { this.indexMask.remove(this.zIndexMask[zindex]); this.zIndexMask[zindex].destroy(); return; } this.indexMask = this.indexMask || []; var indexMask = this.indexMask.pop(); indexMask && indexMask.destroy(); } }); BI.extend(jQuery, { getLeftPosition: function (combo, popup, extraWidth) { return { left: combo.element.offset().left - popup.element.outerWidth() - (extraWidth || 0) }; }, getRightPosition: function (combo, popup, extraWidth) { var el = combo.element; return { left: el.offset().left + el.outerWidth() + (extraWidth || 0) }; }, getTopPosition: function (combo, popup, extraHeight) { return { top: combo.element.offset().top - popup.element.outerHeight() - (extraHeight || 0) }; }, getBottomPosition: function (combo, popup, extraHeight) { var el = combo.element; return { top: el.offset().top + el.outerHeight() + (extraHeight || 0) }; }, isLeftSpaceEnough: function (combo, popup, extraWidth) { return $.getLeftPosition(combo, popup, extraWidth).left >= 0; }, isRightSpaceEnough: function (combo, popup, extraWidth) { var viewBounds = popup.element.bounds(), windowBounds = $("body").bounds(); return $.getRightPosition(combo, popup, extraWidth).left + viewBounds.width <= windowBounds.width; }, isTopSpaceEnough: function (combo, popup, extraHeight) { return $.getTopPosition(combo, popup, extraHeight).top >= 0; }, isBottomSpaceEnough: function (combo, popup, extraHeight) { var viewBounds = popup.element.bounds(), windowBounds = $("body").bounds(); return $.getBottomPosition(combo, popup, extraHeight).top + viewBounds.height <= windowBounds.height; }, isRightSpaceLarger: function (combo) { var windowBounds = $("body").bounds(); return windowBounds.width - combo.element.offset().left - combo.element.bounds().width >= combo.element.offset().left; }, isBottomSpaceLarger: function (combo) { var windowBounds = $("body").bounds(); return windowBounds.height - combo.element.offset().top - combo.element.bounds().height >= combo.element.offset().top; }, getLeftAlignPosition: function (combo, popup, extraWidth) { var viewBounds = popup.element.bounds(), windowBounds = $("body").bounds(); var left = combo.element.offset().left + extraWidth; if (left + viewBounds.width > windowBounds.width) { left = windowBounds.width - viewBounds.width; } if (left < 0) { left = 0; } return { left: left }; }, getLeftAdaptPosition: function (combo, popup, extraWidth) { if ($.isLeftSpaceEnough(combo, popup, extraWidth)) { return $.getLeftPosition(combo, popup, extraWidth); } return { left: 0 }; }, getRightAlignPosition: function (combo, popup, extraWidth) { var comboBounds = combo.element.bounds(), viewBounds = popup.element.bounds(); var left = combo.element.offset().left + comboBounds.width - viewBounds.width - extraWidth; if (left < 0) { left = 0; } return { left: left }; }, getRightAdaptPosition: function (combo, popup, extraWidth) { if ($.isRightSpaceEnough(combo, popup, extraWidth)) { return $.getRightPosition(combo, popup, extraWidth); } return { left: $("body").bounds().width - popup.element.bounds().width }; }, getTopAlignPosition: function (combo, popup, extraHeight, needAdaptHeight) { var comboOffset = combo.element.offset(); var comboBounds = combo.element.bounds(), popupBounds = popup.element.bounds(), windowBounds = $("body").bounds(); var top, adaptHeight; if ($.isBottomSpaceEnough(combo, popup, -1 * comboBounds.height + extraHeight)) { top = comboOffset.top + extraHeight; } else if (needAdaptHeight) { top = comboOffset.top + extraHeight; adaptHeight = windowBounds.height - top; } else { top = windowBounds.height - popupBounds.height; if (top < extraHeight) { adaptHeight = windowBounds.height - extraHeight; } } if (top < extraHeight) { top = extraHeight; } return adaptHeight ? { top: top, adaptHeight: adaptHeight } : { top: top }; }, getTopAdaptPosition: function (combo, popup, extraHeight, needAdaptHeight) { var popupBounds = popup.element.bounds(), windowBounds = $("body").bounds(); if ($.isTopSpaceEnough(combo, popup, extraHeight)) { return $.getTopPosition(combo, popup, extraHeight); } if (needAdaptHeight) { return { top: 0, adaptHeight: combo.element.offset().top - extraHeight }; } if (popupBounds.height + extraHeight > windowBounds.height) { return { top: 0, adaptHeight: windowBounds.height - extraHeight }; } return { top: 0 }; }, getBottomAlignPosition: function (combo, popup, extraHeight, needAdaptHeight) { var comboOffset = combo.element.offset(); var comboBounds = combo.element.bounds(), popupBounds = popup.element.bounds(), windowBounds = $("body").bounds(); var top, adaptHeight; if ($.isTopSpaceEnough(combo, popup, -1 * comboBounds.height + extraHeight)) { top = comboOffset.top + comboBounds.height - popupBounds.height - extraHeight; } else if (needAdaptHeight) { top = 0; adaptHeight = comboOffset.top + comboBounds.height - extraHeight; } else { top = 0; if (popupBounds.height + extraHeight > windowBounds.height) { adaptHeight = windowBounds.height - extraHeight; } } if (top < 0) { top = 0; } return adaptHeight ? { top: top, adaptHeight: adaptHeight } : { top: top }; }, getBottomAdaptPosition: function (combo, popup, extraHeight, needAdaptHeight) { var comboOffset = combo.element.offset(); var comboBounds = combo.element.bounds(), popupBounds = popup.element.bounds(), windowBounds = $("body").bounds(); if ($.isBottomSpaceEnough(combo, popup, extraHeight)) { return $.getBottomPosition(combo, popup, extraHeight); } if (needAdaptHeight) { return { top: comboOffset.top + comboBounds.height + extraHeight, adaptHeight: windowBounds.height - comboOffset.top - comboBounds.height - extraHeight }; } if (popupBounds.height + extraHeight > windowBounds.height) { return { top: extraHeight, adaptHeight: windowBounds.height - extraHeight }; } return { top: windowBounds.height - popupBounds.height - extraHeight }; }, getCenterAdaptPosition: function (combo, popup) { var comboOffset = combo.element.offset(); var comboBounds = combo.element.bounds(), popupBounds = popup.element.bounds(), windowBounds = $("body").bounds(); var left; if (comboOffset.left + comboBounds.width / 2 + popupBounds.width / 2 > windowBounds.width) { left = windowBounds.width - popupBounds.width; } else { left = comboOffset.left + comboBounds.width / 2 - popupBounds.width / 2; } if (left < 0) { left = 0; } return { left: left }; }, getMiddleAdaptPosition: function (combo, popup) { var comboOffset = combo.element.offset(); var comboBounds = combo.element.bounds(), popupBounds = popup.element.bounds(), windowBounds = $("body").bounds(); var top; if (comboOffset.top + comboBounds.height / 2 + popupBounds.height / 2 > windowBounds.height) { top = windowBounds.height - popupBounds.height; } else { top = comboOffset.top + comboBounds.height / 2 - popupBounds.height / 2; } if (top < 0) { top = 0; } return { top: top }; }, getComboPositionByDirections: function (combo, popup, extraWidth, extraHeight, needAdaptHeight, directions) { extraWidth || (extraWidth = 0); extraHeight || (extraHeight = 0); var i, direct; var leftRight = [], topBottom = []; var isNeedAdaptHeight = false, tbFirst = false, lrFirst = false; var left, top, pos; for (i = 0; i < directions.length; i++) { direct = directions[i]; switch (direct) { case "left": leftRight.push(direct); break; case "right": leftRight.push(direct); break; case "top": topBottom.push(direct); break; case "bottom": topBottom.push(direct); break; } } for (i = 0; i < directions.length; i++) { direct = directions[i]; switch (direct) { case "left": if (!isNeedAdaptHeight) { var tW = tbFirst ? extraHeight : extraWidth, tH = tbFirst ? 0 : extraHeight; if ($.isLeftSpaceEnough(combo, popup, tW)) { left = $.getLeftPosition(combo, popup, tW).left; if (topBottom[0] === "bottom") { pos = $.getTopAlignPosition(combo, popup, tH, needAdaptHeight); pos.dir = "left,bottom"; } else { pos = $.getBottomAlignPosition(combo, popup, tH, needAdaptHeight); pos.dir = "left,top"; } if (tbFirst) { pos.change = "left"; } pos.left = left; return pos; } } lrFirst = true; break; case "right": if (!isNeedAdaptHeight) { var tW = tbFirst ? extraHeight : extraWidth, tH = tbFirst ? extraWidth : extraHeight; if ($.isRightSpaceEnough(combo, popup, tW)) { left = $.getRightPosition(combo, popup, tW).left; if (topBottom[0] === "bottom") { pos = $.getTopAlignPosition(combo, popup, tH, needAdaptHeight); pos.dir = "right,bottom"; } else { pos = $.getBottomAlignPosition(combo, popup, tH, needAdaptHeight); pos.dir = "right,top"; } if (tbFirst) { pos.change = "right"; } pos.left = left; return pos; } } lrFirst = true; break; case "top": var tW = lrFirst ? extraHeight : extraWidth, tH = lrFirst ? extraWidth : extraHeight; if ($.isTopSpaceEnough(combo, popup, tH)) { top = $.getTopPosition(combo, popup, tH).top; if (leftRight[0] === "right") { pos = $.getLeftAlignPosition(combo, popup, tW, needAdaptHeight); pos.dir = "top,right"; } else { pos = $.getRightAlignPosition(combo, popup, tW); pos.dir = "top,left"; } if (lrFirst) { pos.change = "top"; } pos.top = top; return pos; } if (needAdaptHeight) { isNeedAdaptHeight = true; } tbFirst = true; break; case "bottom": var tW = lrFirst ? extraHeight : extraWidth, tH = lrFirst ? extraWidth : extraHeight; if ($.isBottomSpaceEnough(combo, popup, tH)) { top = $.getBottomPosition(combo, popup, tH).top; if (leftRight[0] === "right") { pos = $.getLeftAlignPosition(combo, popup, tW, needAdaptHeight); pos.dir = "bottom,right"; } else { pos = $.getRightAlignPosition(combo, popup, tW); pos.dir = "bottom,left"; } if (lrFirst) { pos.change = "bottom"; } pos.top = top; return pos; } if (needAdaptHeight) { isNeedAdaptHeight = true; } tbFirst = true; break; } } switch (directions[0]) { case "left": case "right": if ($.isRightSpaceLarger(combo)) { left = $.getRightAdaptPosition(combo, popup, extraWidth).left; } else { left = $.getLeftAdaptPosition(combo, popup, extraWidth).left; } if (topBottom[0] === "bottom") { pos = $.getTopAlignPosition(combo, popup, extraHeight, needAdaptHeight); pos.left = left; pos.dir = directions[0] + ",bottom"; return pos; } pos = $.getBottomAlignPosition(combo, popup, extraHeight, needAdaptHeight); pos.left = left; pos.dir = directions[0] + ",top"; return pos; default : if ($.isBottomSpaceLarger(combo)) { pos = $.getBottomAdaptPosition(combo, popup, extraHeight, needAdaptHeight); } else { pos = $.getTopAdaptPosition(combo, popup, extraHeight, needAdaptHeight); } if (leftRight[0] === "right") { left = $.getLeftAlignPosition(combo, popup, extraWidth, needAdaptHeight).left; pos.left = left; pos.dir = directions[0] + ",right"; return pos; } left = $.getRightAlignPosition(combo, popup, extraWidth).left; pos.left = left; pos.dir = directions[0] + ",left"; return pos; } }, getComboPosition: function (combo, popup, extraWidth, extraHeight, needAdaptHeight, directions, offsetStyle) { extraWidth || (extraWidth = 0); extraHeight || (extraHeight = 0); var bodyHeight = $("body").bounds().height - extraHeight; var maxHeight = Math.min(popup.attr("maxHeight") || bodyHeight, bodyHeight); popup.resetHeight && popup.resetHeight(maxHeight); var position = $.getComboPositionByDirections(combo, popup, extraWidth, extraHeight, needAdaptHeight, directions || ["bottom", "top", "right", "left"]); switch (offsetStyle) { case "center": if (position.change) { var p = $.getMiddleAdaptPosition(combo, popup); position.top = p.top; } else { var p = $.getCenterAdaptPosition(combo, popup); position.left = p.left; } break; case "middle": if (position.change) { var p = $.getCenterAdaptPosition(combo, popup); position.left = p.left; } else { var p = $.getMiddleAdaptPosition(combo, popup); position.top = p.top; } break; } if (needAdaptHeight === true) { popup.resetHeight && popup.resetHeight(Math.min(bodyHeight - position.top, maxHeight)); } return position; } });/** * 基本的函数 * Created by GUY on 2015/6/24. */ BI.Func = {}; BI.extend(BI.Func, { /** * 创建唯一的名字 * @param array * @param name * @returns {*} */ createDistinctName: function (array, name) { var src = name, idx = 1; name = name || ""; while (true) { if (BI.every(array, function (i, item) { return item.name !== name; })) { break; } name = src + (idx++); } return name; }, /** * 获取搜索结果 * @param items * @param keyword * @param param 搜索哪个属性 */ getSearchResult: function (items, keyword, param) { var isArray = BI.isArray(items); items = isArray ? BI.flatten(items) : items; param || (param = "text"); if (!BI.isKey(keyword)) { return { finded: BI.deepClone(items), matched: isArray ? [] : {} }; } var t, text, py; keyword = BI.toUpperCase(keyword); var matched = isArray ? [] : {}, finded = isArray ? [] : {}; BI.each(items, function (i, item) { item = BI.deepClone(item); t = BI.stripEL(item); text = t[param] || t.text || t.value || t.name || t; py = BI.makeFirstPY(text); text = BI.toUpperCase(text); py = BI.toUpperCase(py); var pidx; if (text.indexOf(keyword) > -1) { if (text === keyword) { isArray ? matched.push(item) : (matched[i] = item); } else { isArray ? finded.push(item) : (finded[i] = item); } } else if (pidx = py.indexOf(keyword), (pidx > -1 && Math.floor(pidx / text.length) === Math.floor((pidx + keyword.length - 1) / text.length))) { if (text === keyword || keyword.length === text.length) { isArray ? matched.push(item) : (matched[i] = item); } else { isArray ? finded.push(item) : (finded[i] = item); } } }); return { matched: matched, finded: finded }; } }); /** * 对DOM操作的通用函数 * @type {{}} */ BI.DOM = {}; BI.extend(BI.DOM, { /** * 把dom数组或元素悬挂起来,使其不对html产生影响 * @param dom */ hang: function (doms) { if (BI.isEmpty(doms)) { return; } var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); BI.each(doms, function (i, dom) { dom instanceof BI.Widget && (dom = dom.element); dom instanceof $ && dom[0] && frag.appendChild(dom[0]); }); return frag; }, isExist: function (obj) { return $("body").find(obj.element).length > 0; }, // 预加载图片 preloadImages: function (srcArray, onload) { var count = 0, images = []; function complete () { count++; if (count >= srcArray.length) { onload(); } } BI.each(srcArray, function (i, src) { images[i] = new Image(); images[i].src = src; images[i].onload = function () { complete(); }; images[i].onerror = function () { complete(); }; }); }, isColor: function (color) { return color && (this.isRGBColor(color) || this.isHexColor(color)); }, isRGBColor: function (color) { if (!color) { return false; } return color.substr(0, 3) === "rgb"; }, isHexColor: function (color) { if (!color) { return false; } return color[0] === "#" && color.length === 7; }, isDarkColor: function (hex) { if (!hex || !this.isHexColor(hex)) { return false; } var rgb = this.rgb2json(this.hex2rgb(hex)); var grayLevel = Math.round(rgb.r * 0.299 + rgb.g * 0.587 + rgb.b * 0.114); if (grayLevel < 192/** 网上给的是140**/) { return true; } return false; }, // 获取对比颜色 getContrastColor: function (color) { if (!color || !this.isColor(color)) { return ""; } if (this.isDarkColor(color)) { return "#ffffff"; } return "#1a1a1a"; }, rgb2hex: function (rgbColour) { if (!rgbColour || rgbColour.substr(0, 3) != "rgb") { return ""; } var rgbValues = rgbColour.match(/\d+(\.\d+)?/g); var red = BI.parseInt(rgbValues[0]); var green = BI.parseInt(rgbValues[1]); var blue = BI.parseInt(rgbValues[2]); var hexColour = "#" + this.int2hex(red) + this.int2hex(green) + this.int2hex(blue); return hexColour; }, rgb2json: function (rgbColour) { if (!rgbColour) { return {}; } if (!this.isRGBColor(rgbColour)) { return {}; } var rgbValues = rgbColour.match(/\d+(\.\d+)?/g); return { r: BI.parseInt(rgbValues[0]), g: BI.parseInt(rgbValues[1]), b: BI.parseInt(rgbValues[2]) }; }, rgba2json: function (rgbColour) { if (!rgbColour) { return {}; } var rgbValues = rgbColour.match(/\d+(\.\d+)?/g); return { r: BI.parseInt(rgbValues[0]), g: BI.parseInt(rgbValues[1]), b: BI.parseInt(rgbValues[2]), a: BI.parseFloat(rgbValues[3]) }; }, json2rgb: function (rgb) { if (!BI.isKey(rgb.r) || !BI.isKey(rgb.g) || !BI.isKey(rgb.b)) { return ""; } return "rgb(" + rgb.r + "," + rgb.g + "," + rgb.b + ")"; }, json2rgba: function (rgba) { if (!BI.isKey(rgba.r) || !BI.isKey(rgba.g) || !BI.isKey(rgba.b)) { return ""; } return "rgba(" + rgba.r + "," + rgba.g + "," + rgba.b + "," + rgba.a + ")"; }, int2hex: function (strNum) { var hexdig = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]; return hexdig[strNum >>> 4] + "" + hexdig[strNum & 15]; }, hex2rgb: function (color) { if (!color) { return ""; } if (!this.isHexColor(color)) { return color; } var tempValue = "rgb(", colorArray; if (color.length === 7) { colorArray = [BI.parseInt("0x" + color.substring(1, 3)), BI.parseInt("0x" + color.substring(3, 5)), BI.parseInt("0x" + color.substring(5, 7))]; } else if (color.length === 4) { colorArray = [BI.parseInt("0x" + color.substring(1, 2)), BI.parseInt("0x" + color.substring(2, 3)), BI.parseInt("0x" + color.substring(3, 4))]; } tempValue += colorArray[0] + ","; tempValue += colorArray[1] + ","; tempValue += colorArray[2] + ")"; return tempValue; }, rgba2rgb: function (rgbColour, BGcolor) { if (BI.isNull(BGcolor)) { BGcolor = 1; } if (rgbColour.substr(0, 4) != "rgba") { return ""; } var rgbValues = rgbColour.match(/\d+(\.\d+)?/g); if (rgbValues.length < 4) { return ""; } var R = BI.parseFloat(rgbValues[0]); var G = BI.parseFloat(rgbValues[1]); var B = BI.parseFloat(rgbValues[2]); var A = BI.parseFloat(rgbValues[3]); return "rgb(" + Math.floor(255 * (BGcolor * (1 - A )) + R * A) + "," + Math.floor(255 * (BGcolor * (1 - A )) + G * A) + "," + Math.floor(255 * (BGcolor * (1 - A )) + B * A) + ")"; }, getTextSizeWidth: function (text, fontSize) { var span = $("<span></span>").addClass("text-width-span").appendTo($("body")); if (fontSize == null) { fontSize = 12; } fontSize = fontSize + "px"; span.css("font-size", fontSize).text(text); var width = span.width(); span.remove(); return width; }, // 获取滚动条的宽度 getScrollWidth: function () { if (this._scrollWidth == null) { var ul = $("<div>").width(50).height(50).css({ position: "absolute", top: "-9999px", overflow: "scroll" }).appendTo($("body")); this._scrollWidth = ul[0].offsetWidth - ul[0].clientWidth; ul.destroy(); } return this._scrollWidth; } });(function () { var constantInjection = {}; BI.constant = function (xtype, cls) { if (constantInjection[xtype] != null) { throw ("constant:[" + xtype + "] has been registed"); } constantInjection[xtype] = cls; }; var modelInjection = {}; BI.model = function (xtype, cls) { if (modelInjection[xtype] != null) { throw ("model:[" + xtype + "] has been registed"); } modelInjection[xtype] = cls; }; var storeInjection = {}; BI.store = function (xtype, cls) { if (storeInjection[xtype] != null) { throw ("store:[" + xtype + "] has been registed"); } storeInjection[xtype] = cls; }; var serviceInjection = {}; BI.service = function (xtype, cls) { if (serviceInjection[xtype] != null) { throw ("service:[" + xtype + "] has been registed"); } serviceInjection[xtype] = cls; }; var providerInjection = {}; BI.provider = function (xtype, cls) { if (providerInjection[xtype] != null) { throw ("provider:[" + xtype + "] has been registed"); } providerInjection[xtype] = cls; }; BI.config = function (type, configFn) { if (constantInjection[type]) { return constantInjection[type] = configFn(constantInjection[type]); } if (providerInjection[type]) { if (!providers[type]) { providers[type] = new providerInjection[type](); } return configFn(providers[type]); } BI.Plugin.registerWidget(type, configFn); }; var actions = {}; BI.action = function (type, actionFn) { if (!actions[type]) { actions[type] = []; } actions[type].push(actionFn); return function () { actions[type].remove(actionFn); if (actions[type].length === 0) { delete actions[type]; } }; }; BI.Constants = { getConstant: function (type) { return constantInjection[type]; } }; BI.Models = { getModel: function (type, config) { return new modelInjection[type](config); } }; var stores = {}; BI.Stores = { getStore: function (type, config) { if (stores[type]) { return stores[type]; } return stores[type] = new storeInjection[type](config); }, releaseStore: function (type) { delete stores[type]; } }; var services = {}; BI.Services = { getService: function (type, config) { if (services[type]) { return services[type]; } return services[type] = new serviceInjection[type](config); }, releaseService: function (type) { delete services[type]; } }; var providers = {}, providerInstance = {}; BI.Providers = { getProvider: function (type, config) { if (!providers[type]) { providers[type] = new providerInjection[type](); } if (!providerInstance[type]) { providerInstance[type] = new providers[type].$get()(config); } return providerInstance[type]; }, releaseProvider: function (type) { delete providers[type]; delete providerInstance[type]; } }; BI.Actions = { runAction: function (type, config) { BI.each(actions[type], function (i, act) { act(config); }); } }; })(); /** * guy * 检测某个Widget的EventChange事件然后去show某个card * @type {*|void|Object} * @class BI.ShowListener * @extends BI.OB */ BI.ShowListener = BI.inherit(BI.OB, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ShowListener.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { eventObj: BI.createWidget(), cardLayout: null, cardNameCreator: function (v) { return v; }, cardCreator: BI.emptyFn, afterCardCreated: BI.emptyFn, afterCardShow: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.ShowListener.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; o.eventObj.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, v, ob) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { v = v || o.eventObj.getValue(); v = BI.isArray(v) ? (v.length > 1 ? v.toString() : v[0]) : v; if (BI.isNull(v)) { throw new Error("value cannot be null"); } var cardName = o.cardNameCreator(v); if (!o.cardLayout.isCardExisted(cardName)) { var card = o.cardCreator(cardName); o.cardLayout.addCardByName(cardName, card); o.afterCardCreated(cardName); } o.cardLayout.showCardByName(cardName); BI.nextTick(function () { o.afterCardShow(cardName); self.fireEvent(BI.ShowListener.EVENT_CHANGE, cardName); }); } }); } }); BI.ShowListener.EVENT_CHANGE = "ShowListener.EVENT_CHANGE";/** * style加载管理器 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/7. * @class */ BI.StyleLoaderManager = BI.inherit(BI.OB, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.StyleLoaderManager.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {}); }, _init: function () { BI.StyleLoaderManager.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.stylesManager = {}; }, loadStyle: function (name, styleString) { var d = document, styles = d.createElement("style"); d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(styles); styles.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); if (styles.styleSheet) { styles.styleSheet.cssText = styleString; } else { styles.appendChild(document.createTextNode(styleString)); } this.stylesManager[name] = styles; return this; }, get: function (name) { return this.stylesManager[name]; }, has: function (name) { return this.stylesManager[name] != null; }, removeStyle: function (name) { if (!this.has(name)) { return this; } this.stylesManager[name].parentNode.removeChild(this.stylesManager[name]); delete this.stylesManager[name]; return this; } });/** * @class BI.Logic * @extends BI.OB */ BI.Logic = BI.inherit(BI.OB, { createLogic: function () { return this.options || {}; } }); BI.LogicFactory = { Type: { Vertical: "vertical", Horizontal: "horizontal", Table: "table", HorizontalFill: "horizontal_fill" }, createLogic: function (key, options) { var logic; switch (key) { case BI.LogicFactory.Type.Vertical: logic = BI.VerticalLayoutLogic; break; case BI.LogicFactory.Type.Horizontal: logic = BI.HorizontalLayoutLogic; break; case BI.LogicFactory.Type.Table: logic = BI.TableLayoutLogic; break; case BI.LogicFactory.Type.HorizontalFill: logic = BI.HorizontalFillLayoutLogic; break; default : logic = BI.Logic; break; } return new logic(options).createLogic(); }, createLogicTypeByDirection: function (direction) { switch (direction) { case BI.Direction.Top: case BI.Direction.Bottom: case BI.Direction.Custom: return BI.LogicFactory.Type.Vertical; break; case BI.Direction.Left: case BI.Direction.Right: return BI.LogicFactory.Type.Horizontal; } }, createLogicItemsByDirection: function (direction) { var layout; var items = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); items = BI.map(items, function (i, item) { if (BI.isWidget(item)) { return { el: item, width: item.options.width, height: item.options.height }; } return item; }); switch (direction) { case BI.Direction.Bottom: layout = BI.LogicFactory.Type.Vertical; items.reverse(); break; case BI.Direction.Right: layout = BI.LogicFactory.Type.Horizontal; items.reverse(); break; case BI.Direction.Custom: items = items.slice(1); break; } return items; } };/** * guy * 上下布局逻辑 * 上下布局的时候要考虑到是动态布局还是静态布局 * * @class BI.VerticalLayoutLogic * @extends BI.Logic */ BI.VerticalLayoutLogic = BI.inherit(BI.Logic, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.VerticalLayoutLogic.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { dynamic: false, scrollable: null, scrolly: false, scrollx: false, items: [], hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0 }); }, createLogic: function () { var layout, o = this.options; if (o.dynamic) { layout = "bi.vertical"; } else { layout = "bi.vtape"; } return { type: layout, scrollable: o.scrollable, scrolly: o.scrolly, scrollx: o.scrollx, hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, items: o.items }; }, _init: function () { BI.VerticalLayoutLogic.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); } }); /** * guy * 左右布局逻辑 * 左右布局的时候要考虑到是动态布局还是静态布局 * * @class BI.HorizontalLayoutLogic * @extends BI.Logic */ BI.HorizontalLayoutLogic = BI.inherit(BI.Logic, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.HorizontalLayoutLogic.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { dynamic: false, scrollable: null, scrolly: false, scrollx: false, items: [], hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0 }); }, createLogic: function () { var layout, o = this.options; if (o.dynamic) { layout = "bi.vertical_adapt"; } else { layout = "bi.htape"; } return { type: layout, scrollable: o.scrollable, scrolly: o.scrolly, scrollx: o.scrollx, hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, items: o.items }; }, _init: function () { BI.HorizontalLayoutLogic.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); } }); /** * guy * 表格布局逻辑 * 表格布局的时候要考虑到是动态布局还是静态布局 * * @class BI.TableLayoutLogic * @extends BI.OB */ BI.TableLayoutLogic = BI.inherit(BI.Logic, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.TableLayoutLogic.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { dynamic: false, scrollable: null, scrolly: false, scrollx: false, columns: 0, rows: 0, columnSize: [], rowSize: [], hgap: 0, vgap: 0, items: [] }); }, createLogic: function () { var layout, o = this.options; if (o.dynamic) { layout = "bi.table"; } else { layout = "bi.window"; } return { type: layout, scrollable: o.scrollable, scrolly: o.scrolly, scrollx: o.scrollx, columns: o.columns, rows: o.rows, columnSize: o.columnSize, rowSize: o.rowSize, hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, items: o.items }; }, _init: function () { BI.TableLayoutLogic.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); } }); /** * guy * 左右充满布局逻辑 * * @class BI.HorizontalFillLayoutLogic * @extends BI.Logic */ BI.HorizontalFillLayoutLogic = BI.inherit(BI.Logic, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.HorizontalFillLayoutLogic.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { dynamic: false, scrollable: null, scrolly: false, scrollx: false, items: [], hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0 }); }, createLogic: function () { var layout, o = this.options; var columnSize = []; BI.each(o.items, function (i, item) { columnSize.push(item.width || 0); }); if (o.dynamic) { layout = "bi.horizontal_adapt"; } else { layout = "bi.htape"; } return { type: layout, columnSize: columnSize, scrollable: o.scrollable, scrolly: o.scrolly, scrollx: o.scrollx, hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, items: o.items }; }, _init: function () { BI.HorizontalFillLayoutLogic.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); } });/** * 对数组对象的扩展 * @class Array */ _.extend(Array.prototype, { contains: function (o) { return this.indexOf(o) > -1; }, /** * 从数组中移除指定的值,如果值不在数组中,则不产生任何效果 * @param {Object} o 要移除的值 * @return {Array} 移除制定值后的数组 */ remove: function (o) { var index = this.indexOf(o); if (index !== -1) { this.splice(index, 1); } return this; }, pushArray: function (array) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { this.push(array[i]); } }, pushDistinct: function (obj) { if (!this.contains(obj)) { this.push(obj); } }, pushDistinctArray: function (array) { for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) { this.pushDistinct(array[i]); } } }); $(function () { // 牵扯到国际化这些常量在页面加载后再生效 // full day names Date._DN = [BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Sunday"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Monday"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Tuesday"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Wednesday"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Thursday"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Friday"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Saturday"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Sunday")]; // short day names Date._SDN = [BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Simple_Sunday"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Simple_Monday"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Simple_Tuesday"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Simple_Wednesday"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Simple_Thursday"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Simple_Friday"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Simple_Saturday"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Simple_Sunday")]; // Monday first, etc. Date._FD = 1; // full month namesdat Date._MN = [ BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_January"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_February"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_March"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_April"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_May"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_June"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_July"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_August"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_September"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_October"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_November"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_December")]; // short month names Date._SMN = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]; Date._QN = ["", BI.i18nText("BI-Quarter_1"), BI.i18nText("BI-Quarter_2"), BI.i18nText("BI-Quarter_3"), BI.i18nText("BI-Quarter_4")]; /** Adds the number of days array to the Date object. */ Date._MD = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; }); /** Constants used for time computations */ Date.SECOND = 1000; Date.MINUTE = 60 * Date.SECOND; Date.HOUR = 60 * Date.MINUTE; Date.DAY = 24 * Date.HOUR; Date.WEEK = 7 * Date.DAY; /** * 获取时区 * @returns {String} */ Date.prototype.getTimezone = function () { return this.toString().replace(/^.* (?:\((.*)\)|([A-Z]{1,4})(?:[\-+][0-9]{4})?(?: -?\d+)?)$/, "$1$2").replace(/[^A-Z]/g, ""); }; /** Returns the number of days in the current month */ Date.prototype.getMonthDays = function (month) { var year = this.getFullYear(); if (typeof month === "undefined") { month = this.getMonth(); } if (((0 == (year % 4)) && ( (0 != (year % 100)) || (0 == (year % 400)))) && month == 1) { return 29; } return Date._MD[month]; }; /** * 获取每月的最后一天 * @returns {Date} */ Date.prototype.getLastDateOfMonth = function () { return Date.getDate(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getMonthDays()); }; /** Returns the number of day in the year. */ Date.prototype.getDayOfYear = function () { var now = Date.getDate(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate(), 0, 0, 0); var then = Date.getDate(this.getFullYear(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); var time = now - then; return Math.floor(time / Date.DAY); }; /** Returns the number of the week in year, as defined in ISO 8601. */ Date.prototype.getWeekNumber = function () { var d = Date.getDate(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate(), 0, 0, 0); // 周一是一周第一天 var week = d.getDay() === 0 ? 7 : d.getDay(); // var week = d.getDay(); if (this.getMonth() === 0 && this.getDate() <= week) { return 1; } d.setDate(this.getDate() - (week - 1)); var ms = d.valueOf(); // GMT d.setMonth(0); d.setDate(1); var offset = Math.floor((ms - d.valueOf()) / (7 * 864e5)) + 1; if (d.getDay() !== 1) { offset++; } return offset; }; Date.prototype.getQuarter = function () { return Math.floor(this.getMonth() / 3) + 1; }; // 离当前时间多少天的时间 Date.prototype.getOffsetDate = function (offset) { return Date.getDate(Date.getTime(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate(), this.getHours(), this.getMinutes(), this.getSeconds()) + offset * 864e5); }; Date.prototype.getAfterMulQuarter = function (n) { var dt = Date.getDate(Date.getTime(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate(), this.getHours(), this.getMinutes(), this.getSeconds())); dt.setMonth(dt.getMonth() + n * 3); return dt; }; // 获得n个季度前的日期 Date.prototype.getBeforeMulQuarter = function (n) { var dt = Date.getDate(Date.getTime(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate(), this.getHours(), this.getMinutes(), this.getSeconds())); dt.setMonth(dt.getMonth() - n * 3); return dt; }; // 得到本季度的起始月份 Date.prototype.getQuarterStartMonth = function () { var quarterStartMonth = 0; var nowMonth = this.getMonth(); if (nowMonth < 3) { quarterStartMonth = 0; } if (2 < nowMonth && nowMonth < 6) { quarterStartMonth = 3; } if (5 < nowMonth && nowMonth < 9) { quarterStartMonth = 6; } if (nowMonth > 8) { quarterStartMonth = 9; } return quarterStartMonth; }; // 获得本季度的起始日期 Date.prototype.getQuarterStartDate = function () { return Date.getDate(this.getFullYear(), this.getQuarterStartMonth(), 1); }; // 得到本季度的结束日期 Date.prototype.getQuarterEndDate = function () { var quarterEndMonth = this.getQuarterStartMonth() + 2; return Date.getDate(this.getFullYear(), quarterEndMonth, this.getMonthDays(quarterEndMonth)); }; Date.prototype.getAfterMultiMonth = function (n) { var dt = Date.getDate(Date.getTime(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate(), this.getHours(), this.getMinutes(), this.getSeconds())); dt.setMonth(dt.getMonth() + n | 0); return dt; }; Date.prototype.getBeforeMultiMonth = function (n) { var dt = Date.getDate(Date.getTime(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate(), this.getHours(), this.getMinutes(), this.getSeconds())); dt.setMonth(dt.getMonth() - n | 0); return dt; }; // 指定日期n个月之前或之后的日期 Date.prototype.getOffsetMonth = function (n) { var dt = Date.getDate(Date.getTime(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate(), this.getHours(), this.getMinutes(), this.getSeconds())); var day = dt.getDate(); var monthDay = Date.getDate(dt.getFullYear(), dt.getMonth() + parseInt(n), 1).getMonthDays(); if (day > monthDay) { day = monthDay; } dt.setDate(day); dt.setMonth(dt.getMonth() + parseInt(n)); return dt; }; // 获得本周的起始日期 Date.prototype.getWeekStartDate = function () { var w = this.getDay(); return this.getOffsetDate(w === 0 ? -6 : 1 - w); }; // 得到本周的结束日期 Date.prototype.getWeekEndDate = function () { var w = this.getDay(); return this.getOffsetDate(w === 0 ? 0 : 7 - w); }; /** Checks date and time equality */ Date.prototype.equalsTo = function (date) { return ((this.getFullYear() == date.getFullYear()) && (this.getMonth() == date.getMonth()) && (this.getDate() == date.getDate()) && (this.getHours() == date.getHours()) && (this.getMinutes() == date.getMinutes()) && (this.getSeconds() == date.getSeconds())); }; /** Set only the year, month, date parts (keep existing time) */ Date.prototype.setDateOnly = function (date) { var tmp = Date.getDate(date); this.setDate(1); this.setFullYear(tmp.getFullYear()); this.setMonth(tmp.getMonth()); this.setDate(tmp.getDate()); }; /** Prints the date in a string according to the given format. */ Date.prototype.print = function (str) { var m = this.getMonth(); var d = this.getDate(); var y = this.getFullYear(); var wn = this.getWeekNumber(); var qr = this.getQuarter(); var w = this.getDay(); var s = {}; var hr = this.getHours(); var pm = (hr >= 12); var ir = (pm) ? (hr - 12) : hr; var dy = this.getDayOfYear(); if (ir == 0) { ir = 12; } var min = this.getMinutes(); var sec = this.getSeconds(); s["%a"] = Date._SDN[w]; // abbreviated weekday name [FIXME: I18N] s["%A"] = Date._DN[w]; // full weekday name s["%b"] = Date._SMN[m]; // abbreviated month name [FIXME: I18N] s["%B"] = Date._MN[m]; // full month name // FIXME: %c : preferred date and time representation for the current locale s["%C"] = 1 + Math.floor(y / 100); // the century number s["%d"] = (d < 10) ? ("0" + d) : d; // the day of the month (range 01 to 31) s["%e"] = d; // the day of the month (range 1 to 31) // FIXME: %D : american date style: %m/%d/%y // FIXME: %E, %F, %G, %g, %h (man strftime) s["%H"] = (hr < 10) ? ("0" + hr) : hr; // hour, range 00 to 23 (24h format) s["%I"] = (ir < 10) ? ("0" + ir) : ir; // hour, range 01 to 12 (12h format) s["%j"] = (dy < 100) ? ((dy < 10) ? ("00" + dy) : ("0" + dy)) : dy; // day of the year (range 001 to 366) s["%k"] = hr; // hour, range 0 to 23 (24h format) s["%l"] = ir; // hour, range 1 to 12 (12h format) s["%X"] = (m < 9) ? ("0" + (1 + m)) : (1 + m); // month, range 01 to 12 s["%x"] = m + 1; // month, range 1 to 12 s["%M"] = (min < 10) ? ("0" + min) : min; // minute, range 00 to 59 s["%n"] = "\n"; // a newline character s["%p"] = pm ? "PM" : "AM"; s["%P"] = pm ? "pm" : "am"; // FIXME: %r : the time in am/pm notation %I:%M:%S %p // FIXME: %R : the time in 24-hour notation %H:%M s["%s"] = Math.floor(this.getTime() / 1000); s["%S"] = (sec < 10) ? ("0" + sec) : sec; // seconds, range 00 to 59 s["%t"] = "\t"; // a tab character // FIXME: %T : the time in 24-hour notation (%H:%M:%S) s["%U"] = s["%W"] = s["%V"] = (wn < 10) ? ("0" + wn) : wn; s["%u"] = w + 1; // the day of the week (range 1 to 7, 1 = MON) s["%w"] = w; // the day of the week (range 0 to 6, 0 = SUN) // FIXME: %x : preferred date representation for the current locale without the time // FIXME: %X : preferred time representation for the current locale without the date s["%y"] = ("" + y).substr(2, 2); // year without the century (range 00 to 99) s["%Y"] = y; // year with the century s["%%"] = "%"; // a literal '%' character s["%Q"] = qr; var re = /%./g; if (!BI.isKhtml()) { return str.replace(re, function (par) { return s[par] || par; }); } var a = str.match(re); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { var tmp = s[a[i]]; if (tmp) { re = new RegExp(a[i], "g"); str = str.replace(re, tmp); } } return str; }; /** * 是否是闰年 * @param year * @returns {boolean} */ Date.isLeap = function (year) { return (year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0; }; /** * 检测是否在有效期 * * @param YY 年 * @param MM 月 * @param DD 日 * @param minDate '1900-01-01' * @param maxDate '2099-12-31' * @returns {Array} 若无效返回无效状态 */ Date.checkVoid = function (YY, MM, DD, minDate, maxDate) { var back = []; YY = YY | 0; MM = MM | 0; DD = DD | 0; minDate = BI.isString(minDate) ? minDate.match(/\d+/g) : minDate; maxDate = BI.isString(maxDate) ? maxDate.match(/\d+/g) : maxDate; if (YY < minDate[0]) { back = ["y"]; } else if (YY > maxDate[0]) { back = ["y", 1]; } else if (YY >= minDate[0] && YY <= maxDate[0]) { if (YY == minDate[0]) { if (MM < minDate[1]) { back = ["m"]; } else if (MM == minDate[1]) { if (DD < minDate[2]) { back = ["d"]; } } } if (YY == maxDate[0]) { if (MM > maxDate[1]) { back = ["m", 1]; } else if (MM == maxDate[1]) { if (DD > maxDate[2]) { back = ["d", 1]; } } } } return back; }; Date.checkLegal = function (str) { var ar = str.match(/\d+/g); var YY = ar[0] | 0, MM = ar[1] | 0, DD = ar[2] | 0; if (ar.length <= 1) { return true; } if (ar.length <= 2) { return MM >= 1 && MM <= 12; } var MD = Date._MD.slice(0); MD[1] = Date.isLeap(YY) ? 29 : 28; return MM >= 1 && MM <= 12 && DD <= MD[MM - 1]; }; Date.parseDateTime = function (str, fmt) { var today = Date.getDate(); var y = 0; var m = 0; var d = 1; // wei : 对于fmt为‘YYYYMM’或者‘YYYYMMdd’的格式,str的值为类似'201111'的形式,因为年月之间没有分隔符,所以正则表达式分割无效,导致bug7376。 var a = str.split(/\W+/); if (fmt.toLowerCase() == "%y%x" || fmt.toLowerCase() == "%y%x%d") { var yearlength = 4; var otherlength = 2; a[0] = str.substring(0, yearlength); a[1] = str.substring(yearlength, yearlength + otherlength); a[2] = str.substring(yearlength + otherlength, yearlength + otherlength * 2); } var b = fmt.match(/%./g); var i = 0, j = 0; var hr = 0; var min = 0; var sec = 0; for (i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { switch (b[i]) { case "%d": case "%e": d = parseInt(a[i], 10); break; case "%X": m = parseInt(a[i], 10) - 1; break; case "%x": m = parseInt(a[i], 10) - 1; break; case "%Y": case "%y": y = parseInt(a[i], 10); (y < 100) && (y += (y > 29) ? 1900 : 2000); break; case "%b": case "%B": for (j = 0; j < 12; ++j) { if (Date._MN[j].substr(0, a[i].length).toLowerCase() == a[i].toLowerCase()) { m = j; break; } } break; case "%H": case "%I": case "%k": case "%l": hr = parseInt(a[i], 10); break; case "%P": case "%p": if (/pm/i.test(a[i]) && hr < 12) { hr += 12; } else if (/am/i.test(a[i]) && hr >= 12) { hr -= 12; } break; case "%M": min = parseInt(a[i], 10); case "%S": sec = parseInt(a[i], 10); break; } } // if (!a[i]) { // continue; // } if (isNaN(y)) { y = today.getFullYear(); } if (isNaN(m)) { m = today.getMonth(); } if (isNaN(d)) { d = today.getDate(); } if (isNaN(hr)) { hr = today.getHours(); } if (isNaN(min)) { min = today.getMinutes(); } if (isNaN(sec)) { sec = today.getSeconds(); } if (y != 0) { return Date.getDate(y, m, d, hr, min, sec); } y = 0; m = -1; d = 0; for (i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { if (a[i].search(/[a-zA-Z]+/) != -1) { var t = -1; for (j = 0; j < 12; ++j) { if (Date._MN[j].substr(0, a[i].length).toLowerCase() == a[i].toLowerCase()) { t = j; break; } } if (t != -1) { if (m != -1) { d = m + 1; } m = t; } } else if (parseInt(a[i], 10) <= 12 && m == -1) { m = a[i] - 1; } else if (parseInt(a[i], 10) > 31 && y == 0) { y = parseInt(a[i], 10); (y < 100) && (y += (y > 29) ? 1900 : 2000); } else if (d == 0) { d = a[i]; } } if (y == 0) { y = today.getFullYear(); } if (m != -1 && d != 0) { return Date.getDate(y, m, d, hr, min, sec); } return today; }; Date.getDate = function () { var dt = new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(Date, BI.concat([null], [].slice.apply(arguments))))(); if(BI.isNotNull(Date.timeZone) && (arguments.length === 0 || (arguments.length === 1 && BI.isNumber(arguments[0])))) { var localTime = dt.getTime(); var localOffset = dt.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; // 获得当地时间偏移的毫秒数 var utc = localTime + localOffset; // utc即GMT时间标准时区 return new Date(utc + Date.timeZone);// + Pool.timeZone.offset); } return dt; }; Date.getTime = function () { var dt = Function.prototype.bind.apply(Date.getDate, BI.concat([null], [].slice.apply(arguments)))(); if(BI.isNotNull(Date.timeZone)) { return dt.getTime() - Date.timeZone - dt.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; } return dt.getTime(); }; /* * 给jQuery.Event对象添加的工具方法 */ $.extend($.Event.prototype, { // event.stopEvent stopEvent: function () { this.stopPropagation(); this.preventDefault(); } });Function.prototype.before = function (func) { var __self = this; return function () { if (func.apply(this, arguments) === false) { return false; } return __self.apply(this, arguments); }; }; Function.prototype.after = function (func) { var __self = this; return function () { var ret = __self.apply(this, arguments); if (ret === false) { return false; } func.apply(this, arguments); return ret; }; };if (jQuery) { (function ($) { // richer:容器在其各个边缘留出的空间 if (!$.fn.insets) { $.fn.insets = function () { var p = this.padding(), b = this.border(); return { top: p.top, bottom: p.bottom + b.bottom + b.top, left: p.left, right: p.right + b.right + b.left }; }; } // richer:获取 && 设置jQuery元素的边界 if (!$.fn.bounds) { $.fn.bounds = function (value) { var tmp = {hasIgnoredBounds: true}; if (value) { if (!isNaN(value.x)) { tmp.left = value.x; } if (!isNaN(value.y)) { tmp.top = value.y; } if (value.width != null) { tmp.width = (value.width - (this.outerWidth(true) - this.width())); tmp.width = (tmp.width >= 0) ? tmp.width : value.width; // fix chrome // tmp.width = (tmp.width >= 0) ? tmp.width : 0; } if (value.height != null) { tmp.height = value.height - (this.outerHeight(true) - this.height()); tmp.height = (tmp.height >= 0) ? tmp.height : value.height; // fix chrome // tmp.height = (tmp.height >= 0) ? tmp.height : value.0; } this.css(tmp); return this; } // richer:注意此方法只对可见元素有效 tmp = this.position(); return { x: tmp.left, y: tmp.top, // richer:这里计算外部宽度和高度的时候,都不包括边框 width: this.outerWidth(), height: this.outerHeight() }; }; } })(jQuery); } if (!Number.prototype.toFixed || (0.00008).toFixed(3) !== "0.000" || (0.9).toFixed(0) === "0" || (1.255).toFixed(2) !== "1.25" || (1000000000000000128).toFixed(0) !== "1000000000000000128") { (function () { var base, size, data, i; base = 1e7; size = 6; data = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; function multiply (n, c) { var i = -1; while (++i < size) { c += n * data[i]; data[i] = c % base; c = Math.floor(c / base); } } function divide (n) { var i = size, c = 0; while (--i >= 0) { c += data[i]; data[i] = Math.floor(c / n); c = (c % n) * base; } } function toString () { var i = size; var s = ""; while (--i >= 0) { if (s !== "" || i === 0 || data[i] !== 0) { var t = String(data[i]); if (s === "") { s = t; } else { s += "0000000".slice(0, 7 - t.length) + t; } } } return s; } function pow (x, n, acc) { return (n === 0 ? acc : (n % 2 === 1 ? pow(x, n - 1, acc * x) : pow(x * x, n / 2, acc))); } function log (x) { var n = 0; while (x >= 4096) { n += 12; x /= 4096; } while (x >= 2) { n += 1; x /= 2; } return n; } Number.prototype.toFixed = function (fractionDigits) { var f, x, s, m, e, z, j, k; f = Number(fractionDigits); f = f !== f ? 0 : Math.floor(f); if (f < 0 || f > 20) { throw new RangeError("Number.toFixed called with invalid number of decimals"); } x = Number(this); if (x !== x) { return "NaN"; } if (x <= -1e21 || x > 1e21) { return String(x); } s = ""; if (x < 0) { s = "-"; x = -x; } m = "0"; if (x > 1e-21) { // 1e-21<x<1e21 // -70<log2(x)<70 e = log(x * pow(2, 69, 1)) - 69; z = (e < 0 ? x * pow(2, -e, 1) : x / pow(2, e, 1)); z *= 0x10000000000000;// Math.pow(2,52); e = 52 - e; // -18<e<122 // x=z/2^e if (e > 0) { multiply(0, z); j = f; while (j >= 7) { multiply(1e7, 0); j -= 7; } multiply(pow(10, j, 1), 0); j = e - 1; while (j >= 23) { divide(1 << 23); j -= 23; } divide(1 << j); multiply(1, 1); divide(2); m = toString(); } else { multiply(0, z); multiply(1 << (-e), 0); m = toString() + "0.00000000000000000000".slice(2, 2 + f); } } if (f > 0) { k = m.length; if (k <= f) { m = s + "0.0000000000000000000".slice(0, f - k + 2) + m; } else { m = s + m.slice(0, k - f) + "." + m.slice(k - f); } } else { m = s + m; } return m; }; })(); } /** ** 加法函数,用来得到精确的加法结果 ** 说明:javascript的加法结果会有误差,在两个浮点数相加的时候会比较明显。这个函数返回较为精确的加法结果。 ** 调用:accAdd(arg1,arg2) ** 返回值:arg1加上arg2的精确结果 **/ function accAdd (arg1, arg2) { var r1, r2, m, c; try { r1 = arg1.toString().split(".")[1].length; } catch (e) { r1 = 0; } try { r2 = arg2.toString().split(".")[1].length; } catch (e) { r2 = 0; } c = Math.abs(r1 - r2); m = Math.pow(10, Math.max(r1, r2)); if (c > 0) { var cm = Math.pow(10, c); if (r1 > r2) { arg1 = Number(arg1.toString().replace(".", "")); arg2 = Number(arg2.toString().replace(".", "")) * cm; } else { arg1 = Number(arg1.toString().replace(".", "")) * cm; arg2 = Number(arg2.toString().replace(".", "")); } } else { arg1 = Number(arg1.toString().replace(".", "")); arg2 = Number(arg2.toString().replace(".", "")); } return (arg1 + arg2) / m; } // 给Number类型增加一个add方法,调用起来更加方便。 Number.prototype.add = function (arg) { return accAdd(arg, this); }; /** ** 减法函数,用来得到精确的减法结果 ** 说明:javascript的减法结果会有误差,在两个浮点数相减的时候会比较明显。这个函数返回较为精确的减法结果。 ** 调用:accSub(arg1,arg2) ** 返回值:arg1加上arg2的精确结果 **/ function accSub (arg1, arg2) { var r1, r2, m, n; try { r1 = arg1.toString().split(".")[1].length; } catch (e) { r1 = 0; } try { r2 = arg2.toString().split(".")[1].length; } catch (e) { r2 = 0; } m = Math.pow(10, Math.max(r1, r2)); // last modify by deeka //动态控制精度长度 n = (r1 >= r2) ? r1 : r2; return ((arg1 * m - arg2 * m) / m).toFixed(n); } // 给Number类型增加一个mul方法,调用起来更加方便。 Number.prototype.sub = function (arg) { return accSub(this, arg); }; /** ** 乘法函数,用来得到精确的乘法结果 ** 说明:javascript的乘法结果会有误差,在两个浮点数相乘的时候会比较明显。这个函数返回较为精确的乘法结果。 ** 调用:accMul(arg1,arg2) ** 返回值:arg1乘以 arg2的精确结果 **/ function accMul (arg1, arg2) { var m = 0, s1 = arg1.toString(), s2 = arg2.toString(); try { m += s1.split(".")[1].length; } catch (e) { } try { m += s2.split(".")[1].length; } catch (e) { } return Number(s1.replace(".", "")) * Number(s2.replace(".", "")) / Math.pow(10, m); } // 给Number类型增加一个mul方法,调用起来更加方便。 Number.prototype.mul = function (arg) { return accMul(arg, this); }; /** ** 除法函数,用来得到精确的除法结果 ** 说明:javascript的除法结果会有误差,在两个浮点数相除的时候会比较明显。这个函数返回较为精确的除法结果。 ** 调用:accDiv(arg1,arg2) ** 返回值:arg1除以arg2的精确结果 **/ function accDiv (arg1, arg2) { var t1 = 0, t2 = 0, r1, r2; try { t1 = arg1.toString().split(".")[1].length; } catch (e) { } try { t2 = arg2.toString().split(".")[1].length; } catch (e) { } with (Math) { r1 = Number(arg1.toString().replace(".", "")); r2 = Number(arg2.toString().replace(".", "")); return (t2 > t1) ? (r1 / r2) * pow(10, t2 - t1) : (r1 / r2) / pow(10, t1 - t2); } } // 给Number类型增加一个div方法,调用起来更加方便。 Number.prototype.div = function (arg) { return accDiv(this, arg); };/** * 对字符串对象的扩展 * @class String */ _.extend(String.prototype, { /** * 判断字符串是否已指定的字符串开始 * @param {String} startTag 指定的开始字符串 * @return {Boolean} 如果字符串以指定字符串开始则返回true,否则返回false */ startWith: function (startTag) { if (startTag == null || startTag == "" || this.length === 0 || startTag.length > this.length) { return false; } return this.substr(0, startTag.length) == startTag; }, /** * 判断字符串是否以指定的字符串结束 * @param {String} endTag 指定的字符串 * @return {Boolean} 如果字符串以指定字符串结束则返回true,否则返回false */ endWith: function (endTag) { if (endTag == null || endTag == "" || this.length === 0 || endTag.length > this.length) { return false; } return this.substring(this.length - endTag.length) == endTag; }, /** * 获取url中指定名字的参数 * @param {String} name 参数的名字 * @return {String} 参数的值 */ getQuery: function (name) { var reg = new RegExp("(^|&)" + name + "=([^&]*)(&|$)"); var r = this.substr(this.indexOf("?") + 1).match(reg); if (r) { return unescape(r[2]); } return null; }, /** * 给url加上给定的参数 * @param {Object} paras 参数对象,是一个键值对对象 * @return {String} 添加了给定参数的url */ appendQuery: function (paras) { if (!paras) { return this; } var src = this; // 没有问号说明还没有参数 if (src.indexOf("?") === -1) { src += "?"; } // 如果以问号结尾,说明没有其他参数 if (src.endWith("?") !== false) { } else { src += "&"; } _.each(paras, function (value, name) { if (typeof(name) === "string") { src += name + "=" + value + "&"; } }); src = src.substr(0, src.length - 1); return src; }, /** * 将所有符合第一个字符串所表示的字符串替换成为第二个字符串 * @param {String} s1 要替换的字符串的正则表达式 * @param {String} s2 替换的结果字符串 * @returns {String} 替换后的字符串 */ replaceAll: function (s1, s2) { return this.replace(new RegExp(s1, "gm"), s2); }, /** * 总是让字符串以指定的字符开头 * @param {String} start 指定的字符 * @returns {String} 以指定字符开头的字符串 */ perfectStart: function (start) { if (this.startWith(start)) { return this; } return start + this; }, /** * 获取字符串中某字符串的所有项位置数组 * @param {String} sub 子字符串 * @return {Number[]} 子字符串在父字符串中出现的所有位置组成的数组 */ allIndexOf: function (sub) { if (typeof sub !== "string") { return []; } var str = this; var location = []; var offset = 0; while (str.length > 0) { var loc = str.indexOf(sub); if (loc === -1) { break; } location.push(offset + loc); str = str.substring(loc + sub.length, str.length); offset += loc + sub.length; } return location; } }); /** * 对字符串对象的扩展 * @class String */ _.extend(String, { /** * 对字符串中的'和\做编码处理 * @static * @param {String} string 要做编码处理的字符串 * @return {String} 编码后的字符串 */ escape: function (string) { return string.replace(/('|\\)/g, "\\$1"); }, /** * 让字符串通过指定字符做补齐的函数 * * var s = String.leftPad('123', 5, '0');//s的值为:'00123' * * @static * @param {String} val 原始值 * @param {Number} size 总共需要的位数 * @param {String} ch 用于补齐的字符 * @return {String} 补齐后的字符串 */ leftPad: function (val, size, ch) { var result = String(val); if (!ch) { ch = " "; } while (result.length < size) { result = ch + result; } return result.toString(); }, /** * 对字符串做替换的函数 * * var cls = 'my-class', text = 'Some text'; * var res = String.format('<div class="{0}>{1}</div>"', cls, text); * //res的值为:'<div class="my-class">Some text</div>'; * * @static * @param {String} format 要做替换的字符串,替换字符串1,替换字符串2... * @return {String} 做了替换后的字符串 */ format: function (format) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return format.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function (m, i) { return args[i]; }); } });BI.EventListener = { listen: function listen (target, eventType, callback) { if (target.addEventListener) { target.addEventListener(eventType, callback, false); return { remove: function remove () { target.removeEventListener(eventType, callback, false); } }; } else if (target.attachEvent) { target.attachEvent("on" + eventType, callback); return { remove: function remove () { target.detachEvent("on" + eventType, callback); } }; } }, capture: function capture (target, eventType, callback) { if (target.addEventListener) { target.addEventListener(eventType, callback, true); return { remove: function remove () { target.removeEventListener(eventType, callback, true); } }; } return { remove: BI.emptyFn }; }, registerDefault: function registerDefault () { } };!(function () { var cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame || window.oCancelAnimationFrame || window.msCancelAnimationFrame || window.clearTimeout; var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || window.setTimeout; BI.MouseMoveTracker = function (onMove, onMoveEnd, domNode) { this._isDragging = false; this._animationFrameID = null; this._domNode = domNode; this._onMove = onMove; this._onMoveEnd = onMoveEnd; this._onMouseMove = BI.bind(this._onMouseMove, this); this._onMouseUp = BI.bind(this._onMouseUp, this); this._didMouseMove = BI.bind(this._didMouseMove, this); }; BI.MouseMoveTracker.prototype = { constructor: BI.MouseMoveTracker, captureMouseMoves: function (/* object*/ event) { if (!this._eventMoveToken && !this._eventUpToken) { this._eventMoveToken = BI.EventListener.listen( this._domNode, "mousemove", this._onMouseMove ); this._eventUpToken = BI.EventListener.listen( this._domNode, "mouseup", this._onMouseUp ); } if (!this._isDragging) { this._deltaX = 0; this._deltaY = 0; this._isDragging = true; this._x = event.clientX; this._y = event.clientY; } event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : (event.returnValue = false); }, releaseMouseMoves: function () { if (this._eventMoveToken && this._eventUpToken) { this._eventMoveToken.remove(); this._eventMoveToken = null; this._eventUpToken.remove(); this._eventUpToken = null; } if (this._animationFrameID !== null) { cancelAnimationFrame(this._animationFrameID); this._animationFrameID = null; } if (this._isDragging) { this._isDragging = false; this._x = null; this._y = null; } }, isDragging: function () /* boolean*/ { return this._isDragging; }, _onMouseMove: function (/* object*/ event) { var x = event.clientX; var y = event.clientY; this._deltaX += (x - this._x); this._deltaY += (y - this._y); if (this._animationFrameID === null) { // The mouse may move faster then the animation frame does. // Use `requestAnimationFrame` to avoid over-updating. this._animationFrameID = requestAnimationFrame(this._didMouseMove); } this._x = x; this._y = y; event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : (event.returnValue = false); }, _didMouseMove: function () { this._animationFrameID = null; this._onMove(this._deltaX, this._deltaY); this._deltaX = 0; this._deltaY = 0; }, _onMouseUp: function () { if (this._animationFrameID) { this._didMouseMove(); } this._onMoveEnd(); } }; })();!(function () { var PIXEL_STEP = 10; var LINE_HEIGHT = 40; var PAGE_HEIGHT = 800; var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || window.setTimeout; function normalizeWheel (/* object*/event) /* object*/ { var sX = 0, sY = 0, // spinX, spinY pX = 0, pY = 0; // pixelX, pixelY // Legacy if ("detail" in event) { sY = event.detail; } if ("wheelDelta" in event) { sY = -event.wheelDelta / 120; } if ("wheelDeltaY" in event) { sY = -event.wheelDeltaY / 120; } if ("wheelDeltaX" in event) { sX = -event.wheelDeltaX / 120; } // side scrolling on FF with DOMMouseScroll if ("axis" in event && event.axis === event.HORIZONTAL_AXIS) { sX = sY; sY = 0; } pX = sX * PIXEL_STEP; pY = sY * PIXEL_STEP; if ("deltaY" in event) { pY = event.deltaY; } if ("deltaX" in event) { pX = event.deltaX; } if ((pX || pY) && event.deltaMode) { if (event.deltaMode === 1) { // delta in LINE units pX *= LINE_HEIGHT; pY *= LINE_HEIGHT; } else { // delta in PAGE units pX *= PAGE_HEIGHT; pY *= PAGE_HEIGHT; } } // Fall-back if spin cannot be determined if (pX && !sX) { sX = pX < 1 ? -1 : 1; } if (pY && !sY) { sY = pY < 1 ? -1 : 1; } return { spinX: sX, spinY: sY, pixelX: pX, pixelY: pY }; } BI.WheelHandler = function (onWheel, handleScrollX, handleScrollY, stopPropagation) { this._animationFrameID = null; this._deltaX = 0; this._deltaY = 0; this._didWheel = BI.bind(this._didWheel, this); if (typeof handleScrollX !== "function") { handleScrollX = handleScrollX ? function () { return true; } : function () { return false; }; } if (typeof handleScrollY !== "function") { handleScrollY = handleScrollY ? function () { return true; } : function () { return false; }; } if (typeof stopPropagation !== "function") { stopPropagation = stopPropagation ? function () { return true; } : function () { return false; }; } this._handleScrollX = handleScrollX; this._handleScrollY = handleScrollY; this._stopPropagation = stopPropagation; this._onWheelCallback = onWheel; this.onWheel = BI.bind(this.onWheel, this); }; BI.WheelHandler.prototype = { constructor: BI.WheelHandler, onWheel: function (/* object*/ event) { var normalizedEvent = normalizeWheel(event); var deltaX = this._deltaX + normalizedEvent.pixelX; var deltaY = this._deltaY + normalizedEvent.pixelY; var handleScrollX = this._handleScrollX(deltaX, deltaY); var handleScrollY = this._handleScrollY(deltaY, deltaX); if (!handleScrollX && !handleScrollY) { return; } this._deltaX += handleScrollX ? normalizedEvent.pixelX : 0; this._deltaY += handleScrollY ? normalizedEvent.pixelY : 0; event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : (event.returnValue = false); var changed; if (this._deltaX !== 0 || this._deltaY !== 0) { if (this._stopPropagation()) { event.stopPropagation ? event.stopPropagation() : (event.cancelBubble = true); } changed = true; } if (changed === true && this._animationFrameID === null) { this._animationFrameID = requestAnimationFrame(this._didWheel); } }, _didWheel: function () { this._animationFrameID = null; this._onWheelCallback(this._deltaX, this._deltaY); this._deltaX = 0; this._deltaY = 0; } }; })();/** * 常量 */ _.extend(BI, { MAX: 0xfffffffffffffff, MIN: -0xfffffffffffffff, EVENT_RESPONSE_TIME: 200, zIndex_layer: 1e5, zIndex_floatbox: 1e6, zIndex_popup: 1e7, zIndex_masker: 1e8, zIndex_tip: 1e9, emptyStr: "", emptyFn: function () { }, empty: null, Key: { 48: "0", 49: "1", 50: "2", 51: "3", 52: "4", 53: "5", 54: "6", 55: "7", 56: "8", 57: "9", 65: "a", 66: "b", 67: "c", 68: "d", 69: "e", 70: "f", 71: "g", 72: "h", 73: "i", 74: "j", 75: "k", 76: "l", 77: "m", 78: "n", 79: "o", 80: "p", 81: "q", 82: "r", 83: "s", 84: "t", 85: "u", 86: "v", 87: "w", 88: "x", 89: "y", 90: "z", 96: "0", 97: "1", 98: "2", 99: "3", 100: "4", 101: "5", 102: "6", 103: "7", 104: "8", 105: "9", 106: "*", 107: "+", 109: "-", 110: ".", 111: "/" }, KeyCode: { BACKSPACE: 8, COMMA: 188, DELETE: 46, DOWN: 40, END: 35, ENTER: 13, ESCAPE: 27, HOME: 36, LEFT: 37, NUMPAD_ADD: 107, NUMPAD_DECIMAL: 110, NUMPAD_DIVIDE: 111, NUMPAD_ENTER: 108, NUMPAD_MULTIPLY: 106, NUMPAD_SUBTRACT: 109, PAGE_DOWN: 34, PAGE_UP: 33, PERIOD: 190, RIGHT: 39, SPACE: 32, TAB: 9, UP: 38 }, Status: { SUCCESS: 1, WRONG: 2, START: 3, END: 4, WAITING: 5, READY: 6, RUNNING: 7, OUTOFBOUNDS: 8, NULL: -1 }, Direction: { Top: "top", Bottom: "bottom", Left: "left", Right: "right", Custom: "custom" }, Axis: { Vertical: "vertical", Horizontal: "horizontal" }, Selection: { Default: -2, None: -1, Single: 0, Multi: 1, All: 2 }, HorizontalAlign: { Left: "left", Right: "right", Center: "center", Stretch: "stretch" }, VerticalAlign: { Middle: "middle", Top: "top", Bottom: "bottom", Stretch: "stretch" } });BI.version = "2.0";/** * absolute实现的居中布局 * @class BI.AbsoluteCenterLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.AbsoluteCenterLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.AbsoluteCenterLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-absolute-center-layout", hgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, vgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.AbsoluteCenterLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var o = this.options; var w = BI.AbsoluteCenterLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); w.element.css({ position: "absolute", left: o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0), right: o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0), top: o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0), bottom: o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0), margin: "auto" }); return w; }, resize: function () { // console.log("absolute_center_adapt布局不需要resize"); }, populate: function (items) { BI.AbsoluteCenterLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.absolute_center_adapt", BI.AbsoluteCenterLayout);/** * absolute实现的居中布局 * @class BI.AbsoluteHorizontalLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.AbsoluteHorizontalLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.AbsoluteHorizontalLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-absolute-horizontal-layout", hgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, vgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.AbsoluteHorizontalLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var o = this.options; var w = BI.AbsoluteHorizontalLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); w.element.css({ position: "absolute", left: o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0), right: o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0), margin: "auto" }); if (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.vgap || 0) + (item.tgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css("top", o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0)); } if (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.vgap || 0) + (item.bgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css("bottom", o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0)); } return w; }, resize: function () { // console.log("absolute_horizontal_adapt布局不需要resize"); }, populate: function (items) { BI.AbsoluteHorizontalLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.absolute_horizontal_adapt", BI.AbsoluteHorizontalLayout);/** * absolute实现的居中布局 * @class BI.AbsoluteVerticalLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.AbsoluteVerticalLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.AbsoluteVerticalLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-absolute-vertical-layout", hgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, vgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.AbsoluteVerticalLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var o = this.options; var w = BI.AbsoluteVerticalLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); w.element.css({ position: "absolute", left: item.lgap, right: item.rgap, top: o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0), bottom: o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0), margin: "auto" }); if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.hgap || 0) + (item.lgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css("left", o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0)); } if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.hgap || 0) + (item.rgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css("right", o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0)); } return w; }, resize: function () { // console.log("absolute_vertical_adapt布局不需要resize"); }, populate: function (items) { BI.AbsoluteVerticalLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.absolute_vertical_adapt", BI.AbsoluteVerticalLayout);/** * 自适应水平和垂直方向都居中容器 * @class BI.CenterAdaptLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.CenterAdaptLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.CenterAdaptLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-center-adapt-layout", columnSize: [], hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.CenterAdaptLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.$table = $("<table>").attr({cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 0}).css({ position: "relative", width: "100%", height: "100%", "white-space": "nowrap", "border-spacing": "0px", border: "none", "border-collapse": "separate" }); this.$tr = $("<tr>"); this.$tr.appendTo(this.$table); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var o = this.options; var td; var width = o.columnSize[i] <= 1 ? (o.columnSize[i] * 100 + "%") : o.columnSize[i]; if (!this.hasWidget(this._getChildName(i))) { var w = BI.createWidget(item); w.element.css({position: "relative", top: "0", left: "0", margin: "0px auto"}); td = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.default", tagName: "td", attributes: { width: width }, items: [w] }); this.addWidget(this._getChildName(i), td); } else { td = this.getWidgetByName(this._getChildName(i)); td.element.attr("width", width); } td.element.css({"max-width": o.columnSize[i]}); if (i === 0) { td.element.addClass("first-element"); } td.element.css({ position: "relative", height: "100%", "vertical-align": "middle", margin: "0", padding: "0", border: "none" }); if (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-top": o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-left": (i === 0 ? o.hgap : 0) + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) +"px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-right": o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-bottom": o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } return td; }, _mountChildren: function () { var self = this; var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); var hasChild = false; BI.each(this._children, function (i, widget) { if (widget.element !== self.element) { frag.appendChild(widget.element[0]); hasChild = true; } }); if (hasChild === true) { this.$tr.append(frag); this.element.append(this.$table); } }, resize: function () { // console.log("center_adapt布局不需要resize"); }, _getWrapper: function () { return this.$tr; }, populate: function (items) { BI.CenterAdaptLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.center_adapt", BI.CenterAdaptLayout);/** * 水平方向居中容器 * @class BI.HorizontalAdaptLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.HorizontalAdaptLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.HorizontalAdaptLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-horizontal-adapt-layout", verticalAlign: BI.VerticalAlign.Top, columnSize: [], hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.HorizontalAdaptLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.$table = $("<table>").attr({cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 0}).css({ position: "relative", width: "100%", "white-space": "nowrap", "border-spacing": "0px", border: "none", "border-collapse": "separate" }); this.$tr = $("<tr>"); this.$tr.appendTo(this.$table); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var o = this.options; var td; var width = o.columnSize[i] <= 1 ? (o.columnSize[i] * 100 + "%") : o.columnSize[i]; if (!this.hasWidget(this._getChildName(i))) { var w = BI.createWidget(item); w.element.css({position: "relative", top: "0", left: "0", margin: "0px auto"}); td = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.default", tagName: "td", attributes: { width: width }, items: [w] }); this.addWidget(this._getChildName(i), td); } else { td = this.getWidgetByName(this._getChildName(i)); td.element.attr("width", width); } td.element.css({"max-width": o.columnSize[i] + "px"}); if (i === 0) { td.element.addClass("first-element"); } td.element.css({ position: "relative", "vertical-align": o.verticalAlign, margin: "0", padding: "0", border: "none" }); if (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-top": o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-left": (i === 0 ? o.hgap : 0) + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) +"px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-right": o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-bottom": o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } return td; }, _mountChildren: function () { var self = this; var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); var hasChild = false; BI.each(this._children, function (i, widget) { if (widget.element !== self.element) { frag.appendChild(widget.element[0]); hasChild = true; } }); if (hasChild === true) { this.$tr.append(frag); this.element.append(this.$table); } }, resize: function () { // console.log("horizontal_adapt布局不需要resize"); }, _getWrapper: function () { return this.$tr; }, populate: function (items) { BI.HorizontalAdaptLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.horizontal_adapt", BI.HorizontalAdaptLayout);/** * 左右分离,垂直方向居中容器 * items:{ left: [{el:{type:"bi.button"}}], right:[{el:{type:"bi.button"}}] } * @class BI.LeftRightVerticalAdaptLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.LeftRightVerticalAdaptLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.LeftRightVerticalAdaptLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-left-right-vertical-adapt-layout", items: {}, llgap: 0, lrgap: 0, lhgap: 0, rlgap: 0, rrgap: 0, rhgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.LeftRightVerticalAdaptLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, resize: function () { // console.log("left_right_vertical_adapt布局不需要resize"); }, addItem: function () { // do nothing throw new Error("cannot be added"); }, stroke: function (items) { var o = this.options; if ("left" in items) { var left = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical_adapt", items: items.left, hgap: o.lhgap, lgap: o.llgap, rgap: o.lrgap }); left.element.css("height", "100%"); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.left", element: this, items: [left] }); } if ("right" in items) { var right = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical_adapt", items: items.right, hgap: o.rhgap, lgap: o.rlgap, rgap: o.rrgap }); right.element.css("height", "100%"); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.right", element: this, items: [right] }); } }, populate: function (items) { BI.LeftRightVerticalAdaptLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.left_right_vertical_adapt", BI.LeftRightVerticalAdaptLayout); BI.LeftVerticalAdaptLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.LeftRightVerticalAdaptLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-left-vertical-adapt-layout", items: [], lgap: 0, rgap: 0, hgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.LeftVerticalAdaptLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, resize: function () { // console.log("left_vertical_adapt布局不需要resize"); }, addItem: function () { // do nothing throw new Error("cannot be added"); }, stroke: function (items) { var o = this.options; var left = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical_adapt", items: items, lgap: o.lgap, hgap: o.hgap, rgap: o.rgap }); left.element.css("height", "100%"); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.left", element: this, items: [left] }); }, populate: function (items) { BI.LeftVerticalAdaptLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.left_vertical_adapt", BI.LeftVerticalAdaptLayout); BI.RightVerticalAdaptLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.RightVerticalAdaptLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-right-vertical-adapt-layout", items: [], lgap: 0, rgap: 0, hgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.RightVerticalAdaptLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, resize: function () { }, addItem: function () { // do nothing throw new Error("cannot be added"); }, stroke: function (items) { var o = this.options; var right = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical_adapt", items: items, lgap: o.lgap, hgap: o.hgap, rgap: o.rgap }); right.element.css("height", "100%"); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.right", element: this, items: [right] }); }, populate: function (items) { BI.RightVerticalAdaptLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.right_vertical_adapt", BI.RightVerticalAdaptLayout);/** * 垂直方向居中容器 * @class BI.VerticalAdaptLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.VerticalAdaptLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: { baseCls: "bi-vertical-adapt-layout", columnSize: [], horizontalAlign: BI.HorizontalAlign.Left, hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0 }, render: function () { BI.VerticalAdaptLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.$table = $("<table>").attr({cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 0}).css({ position: "relative", width: o.horizontalAlign === BI.HorizontalAlign.Stretch ? "100%" : "auto", height: "100%", "white-space": "nowrap", "border-spacing": "0px", border: "none", "border-collapse": "separate" }); this.$tr = $("<tr>"); this.$tr.appendTo(this.$table); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var o = this.options; var td; var width = o.columnSize[i] <= 1 ? (o.columnSize[i] * 100 + "%") : o.columnSize[i]; if (!this.hasWidget(this._getChildName(i))) { var w = BI.createWidget(item); w.element.css({position: "relative", top: "0", left: "0", margin: "0px auto"}); td = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.default", tagName: "td", attributes: { width: width }, items: [w] }); this.addWidget(this._getChildName(i), td); } else { td = this.getWidgetByName(this._getChildName(i)); td.element.attr("width", width); } if (i === 0) { td.element.addClass("first-element"); } td.element.css({ position: "relative", height: "100%", "vertical-align": "middle", margin: "0", padding: "0", border: "none" }); if (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-top": o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-left": (i === 0 ? o.hgap : 0) + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) +"px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-right": o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-bottom": o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } return td; }, _mountChildren: function () { var self = this; var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); var hasChild = false; BI.each(this._children, function (i, widget) { if (widget.element !== self.element) { frag.appendChild(widget.element[0]); hasChild = true; } }); if (hasChild === true) { this.$tr.append(frag); this.element.append(this.$table); } }, _getWrapper: function () { return this.$tr; }, resize: function () { // console.log("vertical_adapt布局不需要resize"); }, populate: function (items) { BI.VerticalAdaptLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.vertical_adapt", BI.VerticalAdaptLayout);/** * 水平方向居中自适应容器 * @class BI.HorizontalAutoLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.HorizontalAutoLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.HorizontalAutoLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-horizon-auto-layout", hgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, vgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.HorizontalAutoLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var o = this.options; var w = BI.HorizontalAutoLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); w.element.css({ position: "relative", margin: "0px auto" }); if (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-top": (i === 0 ? o.vgap : 0) + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-left": o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) +"px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-right": o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-bottom": o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } return w; }, resize: function () { // console.log("horizontal_adapt布局不需要resize"); }, populate: function (items) { BI.HorizontalAutoLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.horizontal_auto", BI.HorizontalAutoLayout);/** * 浮动的居中布局 */ BI.FloatCenterAdaptLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.FloatCenterAdaptLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-float-center-adapt-layout", items: [], hgap: 0, vgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.FloatCenterAdaptLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, resize: function () { // console.log("float_center_adapt布局不需要resize"); }, addItem: function () { // do nothing throw new Error("cannot be added"); }, mounted: function () { var self = this; var width = this.left.element.outerWidth(), height = this.left.element.outerHeight(); this.left.element.width(width).height(height).css("float", "none"); BI.remove(this._children, function (i, wi) { if (wi === self.container) { delete self._children[i]; } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", element: this, items: [this.left] }); }, stroke: function (items) { var self = this, o = this.options; this.left = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", items: items, hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap }); this.container = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.left", element: this, items: [this.left] }); }, populate: function (items) { BI.FloatCenterAdaptLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.float_center_adapt", BI.FloatCenterAdaptLayout);/** * 浮动的水平居中布局 */ BI.FloatHorizontalLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.FloatHorizontalLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-float-horizontal-adapt-layout", items: [], hgap: 0, vgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.FloatHorizontalLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, resize: function () { // console.log("float_horizontal_adapt布局不需要resize"); }, mounted: function () { var self = this; var width = this.left.element.width(), height = this.left.element.height(); this.left.element.width(width).height(height).css("float", "none"); BI.remove(this._children, function (i, wi) { if (wi === self.container) { delete self._children[i]; } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.horizontal_auto", element: this, items: [this.left] }); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var self = this, o = this.options; this.left = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", items: [item], hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap }); this.container = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.left", element: this, items: [this.left] }); return this.left; }, populate: function (items) { BI.HorizontalAutoLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.horizontal_float", BI.FloatHorizontalLayout);/** *自适应水平和垂直方向都居中容器 * Created by GUY on 2016/12/2. * * @class BI.FlexCenterLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.FlexCenterLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.FlexCenterLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-flex-center-layout" }); }, render: function () { BI.FlexCenterLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var o = this.options; var w = BI.FlexCenterLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); w.element.css({position: "relative", "flex-shrink": "0"}); return w; }, resize: function () { // console.log("flex_center布局不需要resize"); }, populate: function (items) { BI.FlexCenterLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.flex_center", BI.FlexCenterLayout);/** *自适应水平和垂直方向都居中容器 * Created by GUY on 2016/12/2. * * @class BI.FlexHorizontalLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.FlexHorizontalLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.FlexHorizontalLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-flex-horizontal-layout", verticalAlign: BI.VerticalAlign.Top, columnSize: [], scrollx: true, hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.FlexHorizontalLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.element.addClass(o.verticalAlign); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var o = this.options; var w = BI.FlexHorizontalLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); w.element.css({position: "relative", "flex-shrink": "0"}); if (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-top": o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-left": (i === 0 ? o.hgap : 0) + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) +"px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-right": o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-bottom": o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } return w; }, resize: function () { // console.log("flex_horizontal布局不需要resize"); }, populate: function (items) { BI.FlexHorizontalLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.flex_horizontal", BI.FlexHorizontalLayout);/** *自适应水平和垂直方向都居中容器 * Created by GUY on 2016/12/2. * * @class BI.FlexVerticalCenter * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.FlexVerticalCenter = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.FlexVerticalCenter.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-flex-vertical-center", horizontalAlign: BI.HorizontalAlign.Left, columnSize: [], hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.FlexVerticalCenter.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.element.addClass(o.horizontalAlign); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var o = this.options; var w = BI.FlexVerticalCenter.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); w.element.css({position: "relative", "flex-shrink": "0"}); if (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-top": o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-left": (i === 0 ? o.hgap : 0) + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) +"px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-right": o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-bottom": o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } return w; }, resize: function () { // console.log("flex_vertical_center布局不需要resize"); }, populate: function (items) { BI.FlexVerticalCenter.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.flex_vertical_center", BI.FlexVerticalCenter);/** *自适应水平和垂直方向都居中容器 * Created by GUY on 2016/12/2. * * @class BI.FlexCenterLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.FlexCenterLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.FlexCenterLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-flex-wrapper-center-layout clearfix" }); }, render: function () { BI.FlexCenterLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.$wrapper = $("<div>").addClass("flex-wrapper-center-layout-wrapper"); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var o = this.options; var w = BI.FlexCenterLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); w.element.css({position: "relative"}); return w; }, _mountChildren: function () { var self = this; var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); var hasChild = false; BI.each(this._children, function (i, widget) { if (widget.element !== self.element) { frag.appendChild(widget.element[0]); hasChild = true; } }); if (hasChild === true) { this.$wrapper.append(frag); this.element.append(this.$wrapper); } }, _getWrapper: function () { return this.$wrapper; }, resize: function () { // console.log("flex_center布局不需要resize"); }, populate: function (items) { BI.FlexCenterLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.flex_wrapper_center", BI.FlexCenterLayout);/** *自适应水平和垂直方向都居中容器 * Created by GUY on 2016/12/2. * * @class BI.FlexHorizontalLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.FlexHorizontalLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.FlexHorizontalLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-flex-wrapper-horizontal-layout clearfix", verticalAlign: BI.VerticalAlign.Middle, columnSize: [], // scrollable: true, hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.FlexHorizontalLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.$wrapper = $("<div>").addClass("flex-wrapper-horizontal-layout-wrapper " + o.verticalAlign); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var o = this.options; var w = BI.FlexHorizontalLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); w.element.css({position: "relative"}); if (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-top": o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-left": (i === 0 ? o.hgap : 0) + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) +"px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-right": o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-bottom": o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } return w; }, _mountChildren: function () { var self = this; var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); var hasChild = false; BI.each(this._children, function (i, widget) { if (widget.element !== self.element) { frag.appendChild(widget.element[0]); hasChild = true; } }); if (hasChild === true) { this.$wrapper.append(frag); this.element.append(this.$wrapper); } }, _getWrapper: function () { return this.$wrapper; }, resize: function () { // console.log("flex_horizontal布局不需要resize"); }, populate: function (items) { BI.FlexHorizontalLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.flex_wrapper_horizontal", BI.FlexHorizontalLayout);/** *自适应水平和垂直方向都居中容器 * Created by GUY on 2016/12/2. * * @class BI.FlexVerticalCenter * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.FlexVerticalCenter = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.FlexVerticalCenter.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-flex-wrapper-vertical-center clearfix", horizontalAlign: BI.HorizontalAlign.Middle, columnSize: [], // scrollable: true, hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.FlexVerticalCenter.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.$wrapper = $("<div>").addClass("flex-wrapper-vertical-center-wrapper " + o.horizontalAlign); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var o = this.options; var w = BI.FlexVerticalCenter.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); w.element.css({position: "relative"}); if (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-top": o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-left": (i === 0 ? o.hgap : 0) + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) +"px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-right": o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-bottom": o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } return w; }, _mountChildren: function () { var self = this; var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); var hasChild = false; BI.each(this._children, function (i, widget) { if (widget.element !== self.element) { frag.appendChild(widget.element[0]); hasChild = true; } }); if (hasChild === true) { this.$wrapper.append(frag); this.element.append(this.$wrapper); } }, _getWrapper: function () { return this.$wrapper; }, resize: function () { // console.log("flex_vertical_center布局不需要resize"); }, populate: function (items) { BI.FlexVerticalCenter.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.flex_wrapper_vertical_center", BI.FlexVerticalCenter);/** * 固定子组件上下左右的布局容器 * @class BI.AbsoluteLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.AbsoluteLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.AbsoluteLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-absolute-layout", hgap: null, vgap: null, lgap: null, rgap: null, tgap: null, bgap: null }); }, render: function () { BI.AbsoluteLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var o = this.options; var w = BI.AbsoluteLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); var left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0; if (BI.isNotNull(item.left)) { w.element.css({left: item.left}); left += item.left; } if (BI.isNotNull(item.right)) { w.element.css({right: item.right}); right += item.right; } if (BI.isNotNull(item.top)) { w.element.css({top: item.top}); top += item.top; } if (BI.isNotNull(item.bottom)) { w.element.css({bottom: item.bottom}); bottom += item.bottom; } if (BI.isNotNull(o.hgap)) { left += o.hgap; w.element.css({left: left}); right += o.hgap; w.element.css({right: right}); } if (BI.isNotNull(o.vgap)) { top += o.vgap; w.element.css({top: top}); bottom += o.vgap; w.element.css({bottom: bottom}); } if (BI.isNotNull(o.lgap)) { left += o.lgap; w.element.css({left: left}); } if (BI.isNotNull(o.rgap)) { right += o.rgap; w.element.css({right: right}); } if (BI.isNotNull(o.tgap)) { top += o.tgap; w.element.css({top: top}); } if (BI.isNotNull(o.bgap)) { bottom += o.bgap; w.element.css({bottom: bottom}); } if (BI.isNotNull(item.width)) { w.element.css({width: item.width}); } if (BI.isNotNull(item.height)) { w.element.css({height: item.height}); } w.element.css({position: "absolute"}); return w; }, resize: function () { this.stroke(this.options.items); }, stroke: function (items) { this.options.items = items || []; var self = this; BI.each(items, function (i, item) { if (item) { if (!BI.isWidget(item) && !item.el) { throw new Error("el must be exist"); } self._addElement(i, item); } }); }, populate: function (items) { BI.AbsoluteLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.absolute", BI.AbsoluteLayout);BI.AdaptiveLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.AdaptiveLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-adaptive-layout", hgap: null, vgap: null, lgap: null, rgap: null, tgap: null, bgap: null }); }, render: function () { BI.AdaptiveLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var o = this.options; var w = BI.AdaptiveLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); w.element.css({position: "relative"}); var left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0; if (BI.isNotNull(item.left)) { w.element.css({ "margin-left": item.left }); } if (BI.isNotNull(item.right)) { w.element.css({ "margin-right": item.right }); } if (BI.isNotNull(item.top)) { w.element.css({ "margin-top": item.top }); } if (BI.isNotNull(item.bottom)) { w.element.css({ "margin-bottom": item.bottom }); } if (BI.isNotNull(o.hgap)) { left += o.hgap; w.element.css({left: left}); right += o.hgap; w.element.css({right: right}); } if (BI.isNotNull(o.vgap)) { top += o.vgap; w.element.css({top: top}); bottom += o.vgap; w.element.css({bottom: bottom}); } if (BI.isNotNull(o.lgap)) { left += o.lgap; w.element.css({left: left}); } if (BI.isNotNull(o.rgap)) { right += o.rgap; w.element.css({right: right}); } if (BI.isNotNull(o.tgap)) { top += o.tgap; w.element.css({top: top}); } if (BI.isNotNull(o.bgap)) { bottom += o.bgap; w.element.css({bottom: bottom}); } if (BI.isNotNull(item.width)) { w.element.css({width: item.width}); } if (BI.isNotNull(item.height)) { w.element.css({height: item.height}); } return w; }, resize: function () { this.stroke(this.options.items); }, populate: function (items) { BI.AbsoluteLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.adaptive", BI.AdaptiveLayout);/** * 上下的高度固定/左右的宽度固定,中间的高度/宽度自适应 * * @class BI.BorderLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.BorderLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.BorderLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-border-layout", items: {} }); }, render: function () { BI.BorderLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, resize: function () { this.stroke(this.options.items); }, addItem: function (item) { // do nothing throw new Error("cannot be added"); }, stroke: function (regions) { var item; var top = 0; var bottom = 0; var left = 0; var right = 0; if ("north" in regions) { item = regions["north"]; if (item != null) { if (item.el) { if (!this.hasWidget(this.getName() + "north")) { var w = BI.createWidget(item); this.addWidget(this.getName() + "north", w); } this.getWidgetByName(this.getName() + "north").element.height(item.height) .css({ position: "absolute", top: (item.top || 0), left: (item.left || 0), right: (item.right || 0), bottom: "initial" }); } top = (item.height || 0) + (item.top || 0) + (item.bottom || 0); } } if ("south" in regions) { item = regions["south"]; if (item != null) { if (item.el) { if (!this.hasWidget(this.getName() + "south")) { var w = BI.createWidget(item); this.addWidget(this.getName() + "south", w); } this.getWidgetByName(this.getName() + "south").element.height(item.height) .css({ position: "absolute", bottom: (item.bottom || 0), left: (item.left || 0), right: (item.right || 0), top: "initial" }); } bottom = (item.height || 0) + (item.top || 0) + (item.bottom || 0); } } if ("west" in regions) { item = regions["west"]; if (item != null) { if (item.el) { if (!this.hasWidget(this.getName() + "west")) { var w = BI.createWidget(item); this.addWidget(this.getName() + "west", w); } this.getWidgetByName(this.getName() + "west").element.width(item.width) .css({ position: "absolute", left: (item.left || 0), top: top, bottom: bottom, right: "initial" }); } left = (item.width || 0) + (item.left || 0) + (item.right || 0); } } if ("east" in regions) { item = regions["east"]; if (item != null) { if (item.el) { if (!this.hasWidget(this.getName() + "east")) { var w = BI.createWidget(item); this.addWidget(this.getName() + "east", w); } this.getWidgetByName(this.getName() + "east").element.width(item.width) .css({ position: "absolute", right: (item.right || 0), top: top, bottom: bottom, left: "initial" }); } right = (item.width || 0) + (item.left || 0) + (item.right || 0); } } if ("center" in regions) { item = regions["center"]; if (item != null) { if (!this.hasWidget(this.getName() + "center")) { var w = BI.createWidget(item); this.addWidget(this.getName() + "center", w); } this.getWidgetByName(this.getName() + "center").element .css({position: "absolute", top: top, bottom: bottom, left: left, right: right}); } } }, populate: function (items) { BI.BorderLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.border", BI.BorderLayout);/** * 卡片布局,可以做到当前只显示一个组件,其他的都隐藏 * @class BI.CardLayout * @extends BI.Layout * * @cfg {JSON} options 配置属性 * @cfg {String} options.defaultShowName 默认展示的子组件名 */ BI.CardLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.CardLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-card-layout", items: [] }); }, render: function () { BI.CardLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, resize: function () { // console.log("default布局不需要resize"); }, stroke: function (items) { var self = this, o = this.options; this.showIndex = void 0; BI.each(items, function (i, item) { if (item) { if (!self.hasWidget(item.cardName)) { var w = BI.createWidget(item); w.on(BI.Events.DESTROY, function () { var index = BI.findIndex(o.items, function (i, tItem) { return tItem.cardName == item.cardName; }); if (index > -1) { o.items.splice(index, 1); } }); self.addWidget(item.cardName, w); } else { var w = self.getWidgetByName(item.cardName); } w.element.css({position: "absolute", top: "0", right: "0", bottom: "0", left: "0"}); w.setVisible(false); } }); }, update: function () { }, empty: function () { BI.CardLayout.superclass.empty.apply(this, arguments); this.options.items = []; }, populate: function (items) { BI.CardLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); this.options.defaultShowName && this.showCardByName(this.options.defaultShowName); }, isCardExisted: function (cardName) { return BI.some(this.options.items, function (i, item) { return item.cardName == cardName && item.el; }); }, getCardByName: function (cardName) { if (!this.isCardExisted(cardName)) { throw new Error("cardName is not exist"); } return this._children[cardName]; }, _deleteCardByName: function (cardName) { delete this._children[cardName]; var index = BI.findIndex(this.options.items, function (i, item) { return item.cardName == cardName; }); if (index > -1) { this.options.items.splice(index, 1); } }, deleteCardByName: function (cardName) { if (!this.isCardExisted(cardName)) { throw new Error("cardName is not exist"); } var child = this._children[cardName]; this._deleteCardByName(cardName); child && child._destroy(); }, addCardByName: function (cardName, cardItem) { if (this.isCardExisted(cardName)) { throw new Error("cardName is already exist"); } var widget = BI.createWidget(cardItem); widget.element.css({ position: "relative", top: "0", left: "0", width: "100%", height: "100%" }).appendTo(this.element); widget.invisible(); this.addWidget(cardName, widget); this.options.items.push({el: cardItem, cardName: cardName}); return widget; }, showCardByName: function (name, action, callback) { var self = this; // name不存在的时候全部隐藏 var exist = this.isCardExisted(name); if (this.showIndex != null) { this.lastShowIndex = this.showIndex; } this.showIndex = name; var flag = false; BI.each(this.options.items, function (i, item) { var el = self._children[item.cardName]; if (el) { if (name != item.cardName) { // 动画效果只有在全部都隐藏的时候才有意义,且只要执行一次动画操作就够了 !flag && !exist && (BI.Action && action instanceof BI.Action) ? (action.actionBack(el), flag = true) : el.invisible(); } else { (BI.Action && action instanceof BI.Action) ? action.actionPerformed(void 0, el, callback) : (el.visible(), callback && callback()); } } }); }, showLastCard: function () { var self = this; this.showIndex = this.lastShowIndex; BI.each(this.options.items, function (i, item) { self._children[item.cardName].setVisible(self.showIndex == i); }); }, setDefaultShowName: function (name) { this.options.defaultShowName = name; return this; }, getDefaultShowName: function () { return this.options.defaultShowName; }, getAllCardNames: function () { return BI.map(this.options.items, function (i, item) { return item.cardName; }); }, getShowingCard: function () { if (!BI.isKey(this.showIndex)) { return void 0; } return this.getWidgetByName(this.showIndex); }, deleteAllCard: function () { var self = this; BI.each(this.getAllCardNames(), function (i, name) { self.deleteCardByName(name); }); }, hideAllCard: function () { var self = this; BI.each(this.options.items, function (i, item) { self._children[item.cardName].invisible(); }); }, isAllCardHide: function () { var self = this; var flag = true; BI.some(this.options.items, function (i, item) { if (self._children[item.cardName].isVisible()) { flag = false; return false; } }); return flag; }, removeWidget: function (nameOrWidget) { var removeName; if (BI.isWidget(nameOrWidget)) { BI.each(this._children, function (name, child) { if (child === nameOrWidget) { removeName = name; } }); } else { removeName = nameOrWidget; } if (removeName) { this._deleteCardByName(removeName); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.card", BI.CardLayout);/** * 默认的布局方式 * * @class BI.DefaultLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.DefaultLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.DefaultLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, items: [] }); }, render: function () { BI.DefaultLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var o = this.options; var w = BI.DefaultLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); if (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-top": o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-left": o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-right": o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-bottom": o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + "px" }); } return w; }, resize: function () { // console.log("default布局不需要resize") }, populate: function (items) { BI.DefaultLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.default", BI.DefaultLayout);/** * 分隔容器的控件,按照宽度和高度所占比平分整个容器 * * @class BI.DivisionLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.DivisionLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.DivisionLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-division-layout", columns: null, rows: null, items: [] // [ // { // column: 0, // row: 0, // width: 0.25, // height: 0.33, // el: {type: 'bi.button', text: 'button1'} // }, // { // column: 1, // row: 1, // width: 0.25, // height: 0.33, // el: {type: 'bi.button', text: 'button2'} // }, // { // column: 3, // row: 2, // width: 0.25, // height: 0.33, // el: {type: 'bi.button', text: 'button3'} // } // ] }); }, render: function () { BI.DivisionLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, resize: function () { this.stroke(this.opitons.items); }, addItem: function (item) { // do nothing throw new Error("cannot be added"); }, stroke: function (items) { var o = this.options; var rows = o.rows || o.items.length, columns = o.columns || ((o.items[0] && o.items[0].length) | 0); var map = BI.makeArray(rows), widths = {}, heights = {}; function firstElement (item, row, col) { if (row === 0) { item.addClass("first-row"); } if (col === 0) { item.addClass("first-col"); } item.addClass(BI.isOdd(row + 1) ? "odd-row" : "even-row"); item.addClass(BI.isOdd(col + 1) ? "odd-col" : "even-col"); item.addClass("center-element"); } function firstObject (item, row, col) { var cls = ""; if (row === 0) { cls += " first-row"; } if (col === 0) { cls += " first-col"; } BI.isOdd(row + 1) ? (cls += " odd-row") : (cls += " even-row"); BI.isOdd(col + 1) ? (cls += " odd-col") : (cls += " even-col"); item.cls = (item.cls || "") + cls + " center-element"; } function first (item, row, col) { if (item instanceof BI.Widget) { firstElement(item.element, row, col); } else if (item.el instanceof BI.Widget) { firstElement(item.el.element, row, col); } else if (item.el) { firstObject(item.el, row, col); } else { firstObject(item, row, col); } } BI.each(map, function (i) { map[i] = BI.makeArray(columns); }); BI.each(items, function (i, item) { if (BI.isArray(item)) { BI.each(item, function (j, el) { widths[i] = (widths[i] || 0) + item.width; heights[j] = (heights[j] || 0) + item.height; map[i][j] = el; }); return; } widths[item.row] = (widths[item.row] || 0) + item.width; heights[item.column] = (heights[item.column] || 0) + item.height; map[item.row][item.column] = item; }); for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) { var totalW = 0; for (var j = 0; j < columns; j++) { if (!map[i][j]) { throw new Error("item be required"); } if(!this.hasWidget(this.getName() + i + "_" + j)) { var w = BI.createWidget(map[i][j]); this.addWidget(this.getName() + i + "_" + j, w); } else { w = this.getWidgetByName(this.getName() + i + "_" + j); } var left = totalW * 100 / widths[i]; w.element.css({position: "absolute", left: left + "%"}); if (j > 0) { var lastW = this.getWidgetByName(this.getName() + i + "_" + (j - 1)); lastW.element.css({right: (100 - left) + "%"}); } if (j == o.columns - 1) { w.element.css({right: "0%"}); } first(w, i, j); totalW += map[i][j].width; } } for (var j = 0; j < o.columns; j++) { var totalH = 0; for (var i = 0; i < o.rows; i++) { var w = this.getWidgetByName(this.getName() + i + "_" + j); var top = totalH * 100 / heights[j]; w.element.css({top: top + "%"}); if (i > 0) { var lastW = this.getWidgetByName(this.getName() + (i - 1) + "_" + j); lastW.element.css({bottom: (100 - top) + "%"}); } if (i == o.rows - 1) { w.element.css({bottom: "0%"}); } totalH += map[i][j].height; } } }, populate: function (items) { BI.DivisionLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.division", BI.DivisionLayout);/** * 靠左对齐的自由浮动布局 * @class BI.FloatLeftLayout * @extends BI.Layout * * @cfg {JSON} options 配置属性 * @cfg {Number} [hgap=0] 水平间隙 * @cfg {Number} [vgap=0] 垂直间隙 */ BI.FloatLeftLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.FloatLeftLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-float-left-layout clearfix", hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.FloatLeftLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var o = this.options; var w = BI.FloatLeftLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); w.element.css({position: "relative", float: "left"}); if (BI.isNotNull(item.left)) { w.element.css({left: item.left}); } if (BI.isNotNull(item.right)) { w.element.css({right: item.right}); } if (BI.isNotNull(item.top)) { w.element.css({top: item.top}); } if (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-top": o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-left": (i === 0 ? o.hgap : 0) + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) +"px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-right": o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-bottom": o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } return w; }, resize: function () { this.stroke(this.options.items); }, populate: function (items) { BI.FloatLeftLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.left", BI.FloatLeftLayout); /** * 靠右对齐的自由浮动布局 * @class BI.FloatRightLayout * @extends BI.Layout * * @cfg {JSON} options 配置属性 * @cfg {Number} [hgap=0] 水平间隙 * @cfg {Number} [vgap=0] 垂直间隙 */ BI.FloatRightLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.FloatRightLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-float-right-layout clearfix", hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.FloatRightLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var o = this.options; var w = BI.FloatRightLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); w.element.css({position: "relative", float: "right"}); if (BI.isNotNull(item.left)) { w.element.css({left: item.left}); } if (BI.isNotNull(item.right)) { w.element.css({right: item.right}); } if (BI.isNotNull(item.top)) { w.element.css({top: item.top}); } if (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-top": o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-left": o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) +"px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-right": (i === 0 ? o.hgap : 0) + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-bottom": o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } return w; }, resize: function () { this.stroke(this.options.items); }, populate: function (items) { BI.FloatRightLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.right", BI.FloatRightLayout);/** * 上下的高度固定/左右的宽度固定,中间的高度/宽度自适应 * * @class BI.BorderLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.GridLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.GridLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-grid-layout", columns: null, rows: null, items: [] /* [ { column: 0, row: 0, el: {type: 'bi.button', text: 'button1'} }, { column: 1, row: 1, el: {type: 'bi.button', text: 'button2'} }, { column: 3, row: 2, el: {type: 'bi.button', text: 'button3'} } ]*/ }); }, render: function () { BI.GridLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, resize: function () { // console.log("grid布局不需要resize") }, addItem: function () { // do nothing throw new Error("cannot be added"); }, stroke: function (items) { var o = this.options; var rows = o.rows || o.items.length, columns = o.columns || ((o.items[0] && o.items[0].length) | 0); var width = 100 / columns, height = 100 / rows; var els = []; for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) { els[i] = []; } function firstElement (item, row, col) { if (row === 0) { item.addClass("first-row"); } if (col === 0) { item.addClass("first-col"); } item.addClass(BI.isOdd(row + 1) ? "odd-row" : "even-row"); item.addClass(BI.isOdd(col + 1) ? "odd-col" : "even-col"); item.addClass("center-element"); } function firstObject (item, row, col) { var cls = ""; if (row === 0) { cls += " first-row"; } if (col === 0) { cls += " first-col"; } BI.isOdd(row + 1) ? (cls += " odd-row") : (cls += " even-row"); BI.isOdd(col + 1) ? (cls += " odd-col") : (cls += " even-col"); item.cls = (item.cls || "") + cls + " center-element"; } function first (item, row, col) { if (item instanceof BI.Widget) { firstElement(item.element, row, col); } else if (item.el instanceof BI.Widget) { firstElement(item.el.element, row, col); } else if (item.el) { firstObject(item.el, row, col); } else { firstObject(item, row, col); } } BI.each(items, function (i, item) { if (BI.isArray(item)) { BI.each(item, function (j, el) { els[i][j] = BI.createWidget(el); }); return; } els[item.row][item.column] = BI.createWidget(item); }); for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < columns; j++) { if (!els[i][j]) { els[i][j] = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout" }); } first(els[i][j], i, j); els[i][j].element.css({ position: "absolute", top: height * i + "%", left: width * j + "%", right: (100 - (width * (j + 1))) + "%", bottom: (100 - (height * (i + 1))) + "%" }); this.addWidget(els[i][j]); } } }, populate: function (items) { BI.GridLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.grid", BI.GridLayout);/** * 水平布局 * @class BI.HorizontalLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.HorizontalLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.HorizontalLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-horizontal-layout", verticalAlign: BI.VerticalAlign.Top, columnSize: [], scrollx: true, hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.HorizontalLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.$table = $("<table>").attr({cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 0}).css({ position: "relative", "white-space": "nowrap", "border-spacing": "0px", border: "none", "border-collapse": "separate" }); this.$tr = $("<tr>"); this.$tr.appendTo(this.$table); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var o = this.options; var td; var width = o.columnSize[i] <= 1 ? (o.columnSize[i] * 100 + "%") : o.columnSize[i]; if (!this.hasWidget(this._getChildName(i))) { var w = BI.createWidget(item); w.element.css({position: "relative", margin: "0px auto"}); td = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.default", tagName: "td", attributes: { width: width }, items: [w] }); this.addWidget(this._getChildName(i), td); } else { td = this.getWidgetByName(this._getChildName(i)); td.element.attr("width", width); } if (i === 0) { td.element.addClass("first-element"); } td.element.css({ position: "relative", "vertical-align": o.verticalAlign, margin: "0", padding: "0", border: "none" }); if (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-top": o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-left": (i === 0 ? o.hgap : 0) + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) +"px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-right": o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-bottom": o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } return td; }, _mountChildren: function () { var self = this; var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); var hasChild = false; BI.each(this._children, function (i, widget) { if (widget.element !== self.element) { frag.appendChild(widget.element[0]); hasChild = true; } }); if (hasChild === true) { this.$tr.append(frag); this.element.append(this.$table); } }, resize: function () { // console.log("horizontal layout do not need to resize"); }, _getWrapper: function () { return this.$tr; }, populate: function (items) { BI.HorizontalLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.horizontal", BI.HorizontalLayout); /** * 水平布局 * @class BI.HorizontalCellLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.HorizontalCellLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.HorizontalCellLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-horizontal-cell-layout", scrollable: true, hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.HorizontalCellLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.element.css({display: "table", "vertical-align": "top"}); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var o = this.options; var w = BI.HorizontalCellLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); w.element.css({position: "relative", display: "table-cell", "vertical-align": "middle"}); if (o.hgap + o.lgap > 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-left": o.hgap + o.lgap + "px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.rgap > 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-right": o.hgap + o.rgap + "px" }); } if (o.vgap + o.tgap > 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-top": o.vgap + o.tgap + "px" }); } if (o.vgap + o.bgap > 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-bottom": o.vgap + o.bgap + "px" }); } return w; }, resize: function () { // console.log("horizontal do not need to resize"); }, populate: function (items) { BI.HorizontalCellLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.horizontal_cell", BI.HorizontalCellLayout);/** * 靠左对齐的自由浮动布局 * @class BI.LatticeLayout * @extends BI.Layout * * @cfg {JSON} options 配置属性 * @cfg {Number} [hgap=0] 水平间隙 * @cfg {Number} [vgap=0] 垂直间隙 */ BI.LatticeLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.LatticeLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-lattice-layout clearfix" // columnSize: [0.2, 0.2, 0.6], }); }, render: function () { BI.LatticeLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var o = this.options; var w = BI.LatticeLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); if (o.columnSize && o.columnSize[i]) { var width = o.columnSize[i] / BI.sum(o.columnSize) * 100 + "%"; } else { var width = 1 / this.options.items.length * 100 + "%"; } w.element.css({position: "relative", float: "left", width: width}); return w; }, addItem: function (item) { var w = BI.LatticeLayout.superclass.addItem.apply(this, arguments); this.resize(); return w; }, addItemAt: function (item) { var w = BI.LatticeLayout.superclass.addItemAt.apply(this, arguments); this.resize(); return w; }, resize: function () { this.stroke(this.options.items); }, populate: function (items) { BI.LatticeLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.lattice", BI.LatticeLayout);/** * 上下的高度固定/左右的宽度固定,中间的高度/宽度自适应 * * @class BI.TableLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.TableLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.TableLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-table-layout", scrolly: true, columnSize: [200, 200, "fill"], rowSize: 30, // or [30,30,30] hgap: 0, vgap: 0, items: [[ { el: {text: "label1"} }, { el: {text: "label2"} }, { el: {text: "label3"} } ]] }); }, render: function () { BI.TableLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.rows = 0; this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (idx, arr) { var o = this.options; var abs = [], left = 0, right = 0, i, j; function firstElement (item, row, col) { if (row === 0) { item.addClass("first-row"); } if (col === 0) { item.addClass("first-col"); } item.addClass(BI.isOdd(row + 1) ? "odd-row" : "even-row"); item.addClass(BI.isOdd(col + 1) ? "odd-col" : "even-col"); item.addClass("center-element"); } function firstObject (item, row, col) { var cls = ""; if (row === 0) { cls += " first-row"; } if (col === 0) { cls += " first-col"; } BI.isOdd(row + 1) ? (cls += " odd-row") : (cls += " even-row"); BI.isOdd(col + 1) ? (cls += " odd-col") : (cls += " even-col"); item.cls = (item.cls || "") + cls + " center-element"; } function first (item, row, col) { if (item instanceof BI.Widget) { firstElement(item.element, row, col); } else if (item.el instanceof BI.Widget) { firstElement(item.el.element, row, col); } else if (item.el) { firstObject(item.el, row, col); } else { firstObject(item, row, col); } } for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (BI.isNumber(o.columnSize[i])) { first(arr[i], this.rows, i); abs.push(BI.extend({ top: 0, bottom: 0, left: o.columnSize[i] <= 1 ? left * 100 + "%" : left, width: o.columnSize[i] <= 1 ? o.columnSize[i] * 100 + "%" : o.columnSize[i] }, arr[i])); left += o.columnSize[i] + (o.columnSize[i] < 1 ? 0 : o.hgap); } else { break; } } for (j = arr.length - 1; j > i; j--) { if (BI.isNumber(o.columnSize[j])) { first(arr[j], this.rows, j); abs.push(BI.extend({ top: 0, bottom: 0, right: o.columnSize[j] <= 1 ? right * 100 + "%" : right, width: o.columnSize[j] <= 1 ? o.columnSize[j] * 100 + "%" : o.columnSize[j] }, arr[j])); right += o.columnSize[j] + (o.columnSize[j] < 1 ? 0 : o.hgap); } else { throw new Error("item with fill can only be one"); } } if (i >= 0 && i < arr.length) { first(arr[i], this.rows, i); abs.push(BI.extend({ top: 0, bottom: 0, left: left <= 1 ? left * 100 + "%" : left, right: right <= 1 ? right * 100 + "%" : right }, arr[i])); } var w = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", height: BI.isArray(o.rowSize) ? o.rowSize[this.rows] : o.rowSize, items: abs }); if (this.rows > 0) { this.getWidgetByName(this.getName() + (this.rows - 1)).element.css({ "margin-bottom": o.vgap }); } w.element.css({ position: "relative" }); this.addWidget(this.getName() + (this.rows++), w); return w; }, resize: function () { // console.log("table布局不需要resize"); }, addItem: function (arr) { if (!BI.isArray(arr)) { throw new Error("item must be array"); } return BI.TableLayout.superclass.addItem.apply(this, arguments); }, populate: function (items) { BI.TableLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.table", BI.TableLayout);/** * 水平tape布局 * @class BI.HTapeLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.HTapeLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.HTapeLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-h-tape-layout", hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, items: [ { width: 100, el: {type: "bi.button", text: "button1"} }, { width: "fill", el: {type: "bi.button", text: "button2"} }, { width: 200, el: {type: "bi.button", text: "button3"} } ] }); }, render: function () { BI.HTapeLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, resize: function () { this.stroke(this.options.items); }, addItem: function (item) { // do nothing throw new Error("cannot be added"); }, stroke: function (items) { var self = this, o = this.options; items = BI.compact(items); BI.each(items, function (i, item) { if (!self.hasWidget(self.getName() + i + "")) { var w = BI.createWidget(item); self.addWidget(self.getName() + i + "", w); } else { w = self.getWidgetByName(self.getName() + i + ""); } w.element.css({position: "absolute", top: (item.vgap || 0) + (item.tgap || 0) + o.vgap + o.tgap + "px", bottom: (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + o.vgap + o.bgap + "px"}); }); var left = {}, right = {}; left[0] = 0; right[items.length - 1] = 0; BI.any(items, function (i, item) { var w = self.getWidgetByName(self.getName() + i + ""); if (BI.isNull(left[i])) { left[i] = left[i - 1] + items[i - 1].width + (items[i - 1].lgap || 0) + 2 * (items[i - 1].hgap || 0) + o.hgap + o.lgap + o.rgap; } if (item.width < 1 && item.width >= 0) { w.element.css({left: left[i] * 100 + "%", width: item.width * 100 + "%"}); } else { w.element.css({ left: left[i] + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) + o.hgap + o.lgap + "px", width: BI.isNumber(item.width) ? item.width : "" }); } if (!BI.isNumber(item.width)) { return true; } }); BI.backAny(items, function (i, item) { var w = self.getWidgetByName(self.getName() + i + ""); if (BI.isNull(right[i])) { right[i] = right[i + 1] + items[i + 1].width + (items[i + 1].rgap || 0) + 2 * (items[i + 1].hgap || 0) + o.hgap + o.lgap + o.rgap; } if (item.width < 1 && item.width >= 0) { w.element.css({right: right[i] * 100 + "%", width: item.width * 100 + "%"}); } else { w.element.css({ right: right[i] + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) + o.hgap + o.rgap + "px", width: BI.isNumber(item.width) ? item.width : "" }); } if (!BI.isNumber(item.width)) { return true; } }); }, populate: function (items) { BI.HTapeLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.htape", BI.HTapeLayout); /** * 垂直tape布局 * @class BI.VTapeLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.VTapeLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.VTapeLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-v-tape-layout", hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, items: [ { height: 100, el: {type: "bi.button", text: "button1"} }, { height: "fill", el: {type: "bi.button", text: "button2"} }, { height: 200, el: {type: "bi.button", text: "button3"} } ] }); }, render: function () { BI.VTapeLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, resize: function () { this.stroke(this.options.items); }, addItem: function (item) { // do nothing throw new Error("cannot be added"); }, stroke: function (items) { var self = this, o = this.options; items = BI.compact(items); BI.each(items, function (i, item) { if (!self.hasWidget(self.getName() + i + "")) { var w = BI.createWidget(item); self.addWidget(self.getName() + i + "", w); } else { w = self.getWidgetByName(self.getName() + i + ""); } w.element.css({position: "absolute", left: (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) + o.hgap + o.lgap + "px", right: + (item.hgap || 0) + (item.rgap || 0) + o.hgap + o.rgap + "px"}); }); var top = {}, bottom = {}; top[0] = 0; bottom[items.length - 1] = 0; BI.any(items, function (i, item) { var w = self.getWidgetByName(self.getName() + i + ""); if (BI.isNull(top[i])) { top[i] = top[i - 1] + items[i - 1].height + (items[i - 1].tgap || 0) + 2 * (items[i - 1].vgap || 0) + o.vgap + o.tgap + o.bgap; } if (item.height < 1 && item.height >= 0) { w.element.css({top: top[i] * 100 + "%", height: item.height * 100 + "%"}); } else { w.element.css({ top: top[i] + (item.vgap || 0) + (item.tgap || 0) + o.vgap + o.tgap + "px", height: BI.isNumber(item.height) ? item.height : "" }); } if (!BI.isNumber(item.height)) { return true; } }); BI.backAny(items, function (i, item) { var w = self.getWidgetByName(self.getName() + i + ""); if (BI.isNull(bottom[i])) { bottom[i] = bottom[i + 1] + items[i + 1].height + (items[i + 1].bgap || 0) + 2 * (items[i + 1].vgap || 0) + o.vgap + o.tgap + o.bgap; } if (item.height < 1 && item.height >= 0) { w.element.css({bottom: bottom[i] * 100 + "%", height: item.height * 100 + "%"}); } else { w.element.css({ bottom: bottom[i] + (item.vgap || 0) + (item.bgap || 0) + o.vgap + o.bgap + "px", height: BI.isNumber(item.height) ? item.height : "" }); } if (!BI.isNumber(item.height)) { return true; } }); }, populate: function (items) { BI.VTapeLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.vtape", BI.VTapeLayout);/** * td布局 * @class BI.TdLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.TdLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.TdLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-td-layout", columnSize: [200, 200, 200], hgap: 0, vgap: 0, items: [[ { el: {text: "label1"} }, { el: {text: "label2"} }, { el: {text: "label3"} } ]] }); }, render: function () { BI.TdLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.$table = $("<table>").attr({cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 0}).css({ position: "relative", width: "100%", height: "100%", "border-spacing": "0px", border: "none", "border-collapse": "separate" }); this.rows = 0; this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (idx, arr) { var o = this.options; function firstElement (item, row, col) { if (row === 0) { item.addClass("first-row"); } if (col === 0) { item.addClass("first-col"); } item.addClass(BI.isOdd(row + 1) ? "odd-row" : "even-row"); item.addClass(BI.isOdd(col + 1) ? "odd-col" : "even-col"); item.addClass("center-element"); } function firstObject (item, row, col) { var cls = ""; if (row === 0) { cls += " first-row"; } if (col === 0) { cls += " first-col"; } BI.isOdd(row + 1) ? (cls += " odd-row") : (cls += " even-row"); BI.isOdd(col + 1) ? (cls += " odd-col") : (cls += " even-col"); item.cls = (item.cls || "") + cls + " center-element"; } function first (item, row, col) { if (item instanceof BI.Widget) { firstElement(item.element, row, col); } else if (item.el instanceof BI.Widget) { firstElement(item.el.element, row, col); } else if (item.el) { firstObject(item.el, row, col); } else { firstObject(item, row, col); } } var tr = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.default", tagName: "tr" }); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var w = BI.createWidget(arr[i]); w.element.css({position: "relative", top: "0", left: "0", margin: "0px auto"}); if (arr[i].lgap) { w.element.css({"margin-left": arr[i].lgap + "px"}); } if (arr[i].rgap) { w.element.css({"margin-right": arr[i].rgap + "px"}); } if (arr[i].tgap) { w.element.css({"margin-top": arr[i].tgap + "px"}); } if (arr[i].bgap) { w.element.css({"margin-bottom": arr[i].bgap + "px"}); } first(w, this.rows++, i); var td = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.default", attributes: { width: o.columnSize[i] <= 1 ? (o.columnSize[i] * 100 + "%") : o.columnSize[i] }, tagName: "td", items: [w] }); td.element.css({ position: "relative", "vertical-align": "middle", margin: "0", padding: "0", border: "none" }); tr.addItem(td); } this.addWidget(this.getName() + idx, tr); return tr; }, _mountChildren: function () { var self = this; var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); var hasChild = false; BI.each(this._children, function (i, widget) { if (widget.element !== self.element) { frag.appendChild(widget.element[0]); hasChild = true; } }); if (hasChild === true) { this.$table.append(frag); this.element.append(this.$table); } }, resize: function () { // console.log("td布局不需要resize"); }, addItem: function (arr) { if (!BI.isArray(arr)) { throw new Error("item must be array"); } return BI.TdLayout.superclass.addItem.apply(this, arguments); }, populate: function (items) { BI.TdLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.td", BI.TdLayout);/** * 垂直布局 * @class BI.VerticalLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.VerticalLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.VerticalLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-vertical-layout", hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, scrolly: true }); }, render: function () { BI.VerticalLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _addElement: function (i, item) { var o = this.options; var w = BI.VerticalLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); w.element.css({ position: "relative" }); if (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-top": (i === 0 ? o.vgap : 0) + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-left": o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) +"px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-right": o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) + "px" }); } if (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { w.element.css({ "margin-bottom": o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + "px" }); } return w; }, resize: function () { this.stroke(this.options.items); }, populate: function (items) { BI.VerticalLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.vertical", BI.VerticalLayout);/** * * @class BI.WindowLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.WindowLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.WindowLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-window-layout", columns: 3, rows: 2, hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, columnSize: [100, "fill", 200], rowSize: [100, "fill"], items: [[ { el: {type: "bi.button", text: "button1"} }, { el: {type: "bi.button", text: "button2"} }, { el: {type: "bi.button", text: "button3"} } ]] }); }, render: function () { BI.WindowLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, resize: function () { this.stroke(this.options.items); }, addItem: function (item) { // do nothing throw new Error("cannot be added"); }, stroke: function (items) { var o = this.options; if (BI.isNumber(o.rowSize)) { o.rowSize = BI.makeArray(o.items.length, 1 / o.items.length); } if (BI.isNumber(o.columnSize)) { o.columnSize = BI.makeArray(o.items[0].length, 1 / o.items[0].length); } function firstElement (item, row, col) { if (row === 0) { item.addClass("first-row"); } if (col === 0) { item.addClass("first-col"); } item.addClass(BI.isOdd(row + 1) ? "odd-row" : "even-row"); item.addClass(BI.isOdd(col + 1) ? "odd-col" : "even-col"); item.addClass("center-element"); } function firstObject (item, row, col) { var cls = ""; if (row === 0) { cls += " first-row"; } if (col === 0) { cls += " first-col"; } BI.isOdd(row + 1) ? (cls += " odd-row") : (cls += " even-row"); BI.isOdd(col + 1) ? (cls += " odd-col") : (cls += " even-col"); item.cls = (item.cls || "") + cls + " center-element"; } function first (item, row, col) { if (item instanceof BI.Widget) { firstElement(item.element, row, col); } else if (item.el instanceof BI.Widget) { firstElement(item.el.element, row, col); } else if (item.el) { firstObject(item.el, row, col); } else { firstObject(item, row, col); } } for (var i = 0; i < o.rows; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < o.columns; j++) { if (!o.items[i][j]) { throw new Error("item be required"); } if (!this.hasWidget(this.getName() + i + "_" + j)) { var w = BI.createWidget(o.items[i][j]); w.element.css({position: "absolute"}); this.addWidget(this.getName() + i + "_" + j, w); } } } var left = {}, right = {}, top = {}, bottom = {}; left[0] = 0; top[0] = 0; right[o.columns - 1] = 0; bottom[o.rows - 1] = 0; // 从上到下 for (var i = 0; i < o.rows; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < o.columns; j++) { var wi = this.getWidgetByName(this.getName() + i + "_" + j); if (BI.isNull(top[i])) { top[i] = top[i - 1] + (o.rowSize[i - 1] < 1 ? o.rowSize[i - 1] : o.rowSize[i - 1] + o.vgap + o.bgap); } var t = top[i] <= 1 ? top[i] * 100 + "%" : top[i] + o.vgap + o.tgap + "px", h = ""; if (BI.isNumber(o.rowSize[i])) { h = o.rowSize[i] <= 1 ? o.rowSize[i] * 100 + "%" : o.rowSize[i] + "px"; } wi.element.css({top: t, height: h}); first(wi, i, j); } if (!BI.isNumber(o.rowSize[i])) { break; } } // 从下到上 for (var i = o.rows - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (var j = 0; j < o.columns; j++) { var wi = this.getWidgetByName(this.getName() + i + "_" + j); if (BI.isNull(bottom[i])) { bottom[i] = bottom[i + 1] + (o.rowSize[i + 1] < 1 ? o.rowSize[i + 1] : o.rowSize[i + 1] + o.vgap + o.tgap); } var b = bottom[i] <= 1 ? bottom[i] * 100 + "%" : bottom[i] + o.vgap + o.bgap + "px", h = ""; if (BI.isNumber(o.rowSize[i])) { h = o.rowSize[i] <= 1 ? o.rowSize[i] * 100 + "%" : o.rowSize[i] + "px"; } wi.element.css({bottom: b, height: h}); first(wi, i, j); } if (!BI.isNumber(o.rowSize[i])) { break; } } // 从左到右 for (var j = 0; j < o.columns; j++) { for (var i = 0; i < o.rows; i++) { var wi = this.getWidgetByName(this.getName() + i + "_" + j); if (BI.isNull(left[j])) { left[j] = left[j - 1] + (o.columnSize[j - 1] < 1 ? o.columnSize[j - 1] : o.columnSize[j - 1] + o.hgap + o.rgap); } var l = left[j] <= 1 ? left[j] * 100 + "%" : left[j] + o.hgap + o.lgap + "px", w = ""; if (BI.isNumber(o.columnSize[j])) { w = o.columnSize[j] <= 1 ? o.columnSize[j] * 100 + "%" : o.columnSize[j] + "px"; } wi.element.css({left: l, width: w}); first(wi, i, j); } if (!BI.isNumber(o.columnSize[j])) { break; } } // 从右到左 for (var j = o.columns - 1; j >= 0; j--) { for (var i = 0; i < o.rows; i++) { var wi = this.getWidgetByName(this.getName() + i + "_" + j); if (BI.isNull(right[j])) { right[j] = right[j + 1] + (o.columnSize[j + 1] < 1 ? o.columnSize[j + 1] : o.columnSize[j + 1] + o.hgap + o.lgap); } var r = right[j] <= 1 ? right[j] * 100 + "%" : right[j] + o.hgap + o.rgap + "px", w = ""; if (BI.isNumber(o.columnSize[j])) { w = o.columnSize[j] <= 1 ? o.columnSize[j] * 100 + "%" : o.columnSize[j] + "px"; } wi.element.css({right: r, width: w}); first(wi, i, j); } if (!BI.isNumber(o.columnSize[j])) { break; } } }, populate: function (items) { BI.WindowLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.window", BI.WindowLayout);/** * 水平和垂直方向都居中容器, 非自适应,用于宽度高度固定的面板 * @class BI.CenterLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.CenterLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.CenterLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-center-layout", hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.CenterLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, resize: function () { // console.log("center布局不需要resize"); }, addItem: function (item) { // do nothing throw new Error("cannot be added"); }, stroke: function (items) { var self = this, o = this.options; var list = []; BI.each(items, function (i) { list.push({ column: i, row: 0, el: BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.default", cls: "center-element " + (i === 0 ? "first-element " : "") + (i === items.length - 1 ? "last-element" : "") }) }); }); BI.each(items, function (i, item) { if (item) { var w = BI.createWidget(item); w.element.css({ position: "absolute", left: o.hgap + o.lgap, right: o.hgap + o.rgap, top: o.vgap + o.tgap, bottom: o.vgap + o.bgap, width: "auto", height: "auto" }); list[i].el.addItem(w); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.grid", element: this, columns: list.length, rows: 1, items: list }); }, populate: function (items) { BI.CenterLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.center", BI.CenterLayout);/** * 浮动布局实现的居中容器 * @class BI.FloatCenterLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.FloatCenterLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.FloatCenterLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-float-center-layout", hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.FloatCenterLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, resize: function () { // console.log("floatcenter布局不需要resize"); }, addItem: function (item) { // do nothing throw new Error("cannot be added"); }, stroke: function (items) { var self = this, o = this.options; var list = [], width = 100 / items.length; BI.each(items, function (i) { var widget = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.default" }); widget.element.addClass("center-element " + (i === 0 ? "first-element " : "") + (i === items.length - 1 ? "last-element" : "")).css({ width: width + "%", height: "100%" }); list.push({ el: widget }); }); BI.each(items, function (i, item) { if (item) { var w = BI.createWidget(item); w.element.css({ position: "absolute", left: o.hgap + o.lgap, right: o.hgap + o.rgap, top: o.vgap + o.tgap, bottom: o.vgap + o.bgap, width: "auto", height: "auto" }); list[i].el.addItem(w); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.left", element: this, items: list }); }, populate: function (items) { BI.FloatCenterLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.float_center", BI.FloatCenterLayout);/** * 水平和垂直方向都居中容器, 非自适应,用于宽度高度固定的面板 * @class BI.HorizontalCenterLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.HorizontalCenterLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.HorizontalCenterLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-horizontal-center-layout", hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.HorizontalCenterLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, resize: function () { // console.log("horizontal_center布局不需要resize"); }, addItem: function (item) { // do nothing throw new Error("cannot be added"); }, stroke: function (items) { var o = this.options; var list = []; BI.each(items, function (i) { list.push({ column: i, row: 0, el: BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.default", cls: "center-element " + (i === 0 ? "first-element " : "") + (i === items.length - 1 ? "last-element" : "") }) }); }); BI.each(items, function (i, item) { if (item) { var w = BI.createWidget(item); w.element.css({ position: "absolute", left: o.hgap + o.lgap, right: o.hgap + o.rgap, top: o.vgap + o.tgap, bottom: o.vgap + o.bgap, width: "auto" }); list[i].el.addItem(w); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.grid", element: this, columns: list.length, rows: 1, items: list }); }, populate: function (items) { BI.HorizontalCenterLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.horizontal_center", BI.HorizontalCenterLayout);/** * 垂直方向都居中容器, 非自适应,用于高度不固定的面板 * @class BI.VerticalCenterLayout * @extends BI.Layout */ BI.VerticalCenterLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { props: function () { return BI.extend(BI.VerticalCenterLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-vertical-center-layout", hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0 }); }, render: function () { BI.VerticalCenterLayout.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, resize: function () { // console.log("vertical_center布局不需要resize"); }, addItem: function (item) { // do nothing throw new Error("cannot be added"); }, stroke: function (items) { var self = this, o = this.options; var list = []; BI.each(items, function (i) { list.push({ column: 0, row: i, el: BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.default", cls: "center-element " + (i === 0 ? "first-element " : "") + (i === items.length - 1 ? "last-element" : "") }) }); }); BI.each(items, function (i, item) { if (item) { var w = BI.createWidget(item); w.element.css({ position: "absolute", left: o.hgap + o.lgap, right: o.hgap + o.rgap, top: o.vgap + o.tgap, bottom: o.vgap + o.bgap, height: "auto" }); list[i].el.addItem(w); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.grid", element: this, columns: 1, rows: list.length, items: list }); }, populate: function (items) { BI.VerticalCenterLayout.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this._mount(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.vertical_center", BI.VerticalCenterLayout);/** * 保存数据,将js里面用到的常量数据都分离 * */ BI.Data = Data = {}; /** * 存放bi里面通用的一些常量 * @type {{}} */ Data.Constant = BICst = {}; /** * 缓冲池 * @type {{Buffer: {}}} */ (function () { var Buffer = {}; var MODE = false;// 设置缓存模式为关闭 Data.BufferPool = { put: function (name, cache) { if (BI.isNotNull(Buffer[name])) { throw new Error("Buffer Pool has the key already!"); } Buffer[name] = cache; }, get: function (name) { return Buffer[name]; } }; })();/** * 共享池 * @type {{Shared: {}}} */ (function () { var _Shared = {}; Data.SharingPool = { _Shared: _Shared, put: function (name, shared) { _Shared[name] = shared; }, cat: function () { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), copy = _Shared; for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { copy = copy && copy[args[i]]; } return copy; }, get: function () { return BI.deepClone(this.cat.apply(this, arguments)); }, remove: function (key) { delete _Shared[key]; } }; })();Data.Req = { }; Data.Source = BISource = { };/* ! * jQuery Mousewheel 3.1.13 * * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://jquery.org/license */ (function (factory) { if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(["../core/jquery"], factory); } else if (typeof exports === "object") { // Node/CommonJS style for Browserify module.exports = factory; } else { // Browser globals factory(jQuery); } }(function ($) { var toFix = ["wheel", "mousewheel", "DOMMouseScroll", "MozMousePixelScroll"], toBind = ( "onwheel" in document || document.documentMode >= 9 ) ? ["wheel"] : ["mousewheel", "DomMouseScroll", "MozMousePixelScroll"], slice = Array.prototype.slice, nullLowestDeltaTimeout, lowestDelta; if ( $.event.fixHooks ) { for ( var i = toFix.length; i; ) { $.event.fixHooks[ toFix[--i] ] = $.event.mouseHooks; } } var special = $.event.special.mousewheel = { version: "3.1.12", setup: function () { if ( this.addEventListener ) { for ( var i = toBind.length; i; ) { this.addEventListener( toBind[--i], handler, false ); } } else { this.onmousewheel = handler; } }, teardown: function () { if ( this.removeEventListener ) { for ( var i = toBind.length; i; ) { this.removeEventListener( toBind[--i], handler, false ); } } else { this.onmousewheel = null; } }, settings: { adjustOldDeltas: true, // see shouldAdjustOldDeltas() below normalizeOffset: true // calls getBoundingClientRect for each event } }; $.fn.extend({ mousewheel: function (fn) { return fn ? this.bind("mousewheel", fn) : this.trigger("mousewheel"); }, unmousewheel: function (fn) { return this.unbind("mousewheel", fn); } }); function handler (event) { var orgEvent = event || window.event, args = slice.call(arguments, 1), delta = 0, deltaX = 0, deltaY = 0, absDelta = 0, offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0; event = $.event.fix(orgEvent); event.type = "mousewheel"; // Old school scrollwheel delta if ( "detail" in orgEvent ) { deltaY = orgEvent.detail * -1; } if ( "wheelDelta" in orgEvent ) { deltaY = orgEvent.wheelDelta; } if ( "wheelDeltaY" in orgEvent ) { deltaY = orgEvent.wheelDeltaY; } if ( "wheelDeltaX" in orgEvent ) { deltaX = orgEvent.wheelDeltaX * -1; } // Firefox < 17 horizontal scrolling related to DOMMouseScroll event if ( "axis" in orgEvent && orgEvent.axis === orgEvent.HORIZONTAL_AXIS ) { deltaX = deltaY * -1; deltaY = 0; } // Set delta to be deltaY or deltaX if deltaY is 0 for backwards compatabilitiy delta = deltaY === 0 ? deltaX : deltaY; // New school wheel delta (wheel event) if ( "deltaY" in orgEvent ) { deltaY = orgEvent.deltaY * -1; delta = deltaY; } if ( "deltaX" in orgEvent ) { deltaX = orgEvent.deltaX; if ( deltaY === 0 ) { delta = deltaX * -1; } } // No change actually happened, no reason to go any further if ( deltaY === 0 && deltaX === 0 ) { return; } // Need to convert lines and pages to pixels if we aren't already in pixels // There are three delta modes: // * deltaMode 0 is by pixels, nothing to do // * deltaMode 1 is by lines // * deltaMode 2 is by pages if ( orgEvent.deltaMode === 1 ) { var lineHeight = 40; delta *= lineHeight; deltaY *= lineHeight; deltaX *= lineHeight; } else if ( orgEvent.deltaMode === 2 ) { var pageHeight = 800; delta *= pageHeight; deltaY *= pageHeight; deltaX *= pageHeight; } // Store lowest absolute delta to normalize the delta values absDelta = Math.max( Math.abs(deltaY), Math.abs(deltaX) ); if ( !lowestDelta || absDelta < lowestDelta ) { lowestDelta = absDelta; // Adjust older deltas if necessary if ( shouldAdjustOldDeltas(orgEvent, absDelta) ) { lowestDelta /= 40; } } // Adjust older deltas if necessary if ( shouldAdjustOldDeltas(orgEvent, absDelta) ) { // Divide all the things by 40! delta /= 40; deltaX /= 40; deltaY /= 40; } // Get a whole, normalized value for the deltas delta = Math[ delta >= 1 ? "floor" : "ceil" ](delta / lowestDelta); deltaX = Math[ deltaX >= 1 ? "floor" : "ceil" ](deltaX / lowestDelta); deltaY = Math[ deltaY >= 1 ? "floor" : "ceil" ](deltaY / lowestDelta); // Normalise offsetX and offsetY properties if ( special.settings.normalizeOffset && this.getBoundingClientRect ) { var boundingRect = this.getBoundingClientRect(); offsetX = event.clientX - boundingRect.left; offsetY = event.clientY - boundingRect.top; } // Add information to the event object event.deltaX = deltaX; event.deltaY = deltaY; event.deltaFactor = lowestDelta; event.offsetX = offsetX; event.offsetY = offsetY; // Go ahead and set deltaMode to 0 since we converted to pixels // Although this is a little odd since we overwrite the deltaX/Y // properties with normalized deltas. event.deltaMode = 0; // Add event and delta to the front of the arguments args.unshift(event, delta, deltaX, deltaY); // Clearout lowestDelta after sometime to better // handle multiple device types that give different // a different lowestDelta // Ex: trackpad = 3 and mouse wheel = 120 if (nullLowestDeltaTimeout) { clearTimeout(nullLowestDeltaTimeout); } nullLowestDeltaTimeout = setTimeout(nullLowestDelta, 200); return ($.event.dispatch || $.event.handle).apply(this, args); } function nullLowestDelta () { lowestDelta = null; } function shouldAdjustOldDeltas (orgEvent, absDelta) { // If this is an older event and the delta is divisable by 120, // then we are assuming that the browser is treating this as an // older mouse wheel event and that we should divide the deltas // by 40 to try and get a more usable deltaFactor. // Side note, this actually impacts the reported scroll distance // in older browsers and can cause scrolling to be slower than native. // Turn this off by setting $.event.special.mousewheel.settings.adjustOldDeltas to false. return special.settings.adjustOldDeltas && orgEvent.type === "mousewheel" && absDelta % 120 === 0; } }));/** * Created by User on 2017/3/21. */ BI.FormulaCollections = ["abs", "ABS", "acos", "ACOS", "acosh", "ACOSH", "add2array", "ADD2ARRAY", "and", "AND", "array", "ARRAY", "asin", "ASIN", "asinh", "ASINH", "atan", "ATAN", "atan2", "ATAN2", "atanh", "ATANH", "average", "AVERAGE", "bitnot", "BITNOT", "bitoperation", "BITOPERATION", "ceiling", "CEILING", "char", "CHAR", "circular", "CIRCULAR", "class", "CLASS", "cnmoney", "CNMONEY", "code", "CODE", "col", "COL", "colcount", "COLCOUNT", "colname", "COLNAME", "combin", "COMBIN", "concatenate", "CONCATENATE", "correl", "CORREL", "cos", "COS", "cosh", "COSH", "count", "COUNT", "crosslayertotal", "CROSSLAYERTOTAL", "date", "DATE", "datedelta", "DATEDELTA", "datedif", "DATEDIF", "dateinmonth", "DATEINMONTH", "dateinquarter", "DATEINQUARTER", "dateinweek", "DATEINWEEK", "dateinyear", "DATEINYEAR", "datesubdate", "DATESUBDATE", "datetime", "DATETIME", "datetonumber", "DATETONUMBER", "day", "DAY", "days360", "DAYS360", "daysofmonth", "DAYSOFMONTH", "daysofquarter", "DAYSOFQUARTER", "daysofyear", "DAYSOFYEAR", "dayvalue", "DAYVALUE", "decimal", "DECIMAL", "decode", "DECODE", "degrees", "DEGREES", "encode", "ENCODE", "endwith", "ENDWITH", "enmoney", "ENMONEY", "ennumber", "ENNUMBER", "eval", "EVAL", "even", "EVEN", "exact", "EXACT", "exp", "EXP", "fact", "FACT", "fields", "FIELDS", "filename", "FILENAME", "filesize", "FILESIZE", "filetype", "FILETYPE", "find", "FIND", "floor", "FLOOR", "format", "FORMAT", "getuserdepartments", "GETUSERDEPARTMENTS", "getuserjobtitles", "GETUSERJOBTITLES", "greparray", "GREPARRAY", "hierarchy", "HIERARCHY", "hour", "HOUR", "i18n", "I18N", "if", "IF", "inarray", "INARRAY", "index", "INDEX", "indexof", "INDEXOF", "indexofarray", "INDEXOFARRAY", "int", "INT", "isnull", "ISNULL", "joinarray", "JOINARRAY", "jvm", "JVM", "layertotal", "LAYERTOTAL", "left", "LEFT", "len", "LEN", "let", "LET", "ln", "LN", "log", "LOG", "log10", "LOG10", "lower", "LOWER", "lunar", "LUNAR", "map", "MAP", "maparray", "MAPARRAY", "max", "MAX", "median", "MEDIAN", "mid", "MID", "min", "MIN", "minute", "MINUTE", "mod", "MOD", "mom", "MOM", "month", "MONTH", "monthdelta", "MONTHDELTA", "now", "NOW", "numto", "NUMTO", "nvl", "NVL", "odd", "ODD", "or", "OR", "pi", "PI", "power", "POWER", "product", "PRODUCT", "promotion", "PROMOTION", "proper", "PROPER", "proportion", "PROPORTION", "radians", "RADIANS", "rand", "RAND", "randbetween", "RANDBETWEEN", "range", "RANGE", "rank", "RANK", "records", "RECORDS", "regexp", "REGEXP", "removearray", "REMOVEARRAY", "repeat", "REPEAT", "replace", "REPLACE", "reverse", "REVERSE", "reversearray", "REVERSEARRAY", "right", "RIGHT", "round", "ROUND", "round5", "ROUND5", "rounddown", "ROUNDDOWN", "roundup", "ROUNDUP", "row", "ROW", "rowcount", "ROWCOUNT", "second", "SECOND", "seq", "SEQ", "sign", "SIGN", "sin", "SIN", "sinh", "SINH", "slicearray", "SLICEARRAY", "sort", "SORT", "sortarray", "SORTARRAY", "split", "SPLIT", "sql", "SQL", "sqrt", "SQRT", "startwith", "STARTWITH", "stdev", "STDEV", "substitute", "SUBSTITUTE", "sum", "SUM", "sumsq", "SUMSQ", "switch", "SWITCH", "tabledatafields", "TABLEDATAFIELDS", "tabledatas", "TABLEDATAS", "tables", "TABLES", "tan", "TAN", "tanh", "TANH", "time", "TIME", "tobigdecimal", "TOBIGDECIMAL", "tobinary", "TOBINARY", "todate", "TODATE", "today", "TODAY", "todouble", "TODOUBLE", "tohex", "TOHEX", "toimage", "TOIMAGE", "tointeger", "TOINTEGER", "tooctal", "TOOCTAL", "totext", "TOTEXT", "treelayer", "TREELAYER", "trim", "TRIM", "trunc", "TRUNC", "uniquearray", "UNIQUEARRAY", "upper", "UPPER", "uuid", "UUID", "value", "VALUE", "webimage", "WEBIMAGE", "week", "WEEK", "weekdate", "WEEKDATE", "weekday", "WEEKDAY", "weightedaverage", "WEIGHTEDAVERAGE", "year", "YEAR", "yeardelta", "YEARDELTA"]; /** * 当没有元素时有提示信息的view * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/8. * @class BI.Pane * @extends BI.Widget * @abstract */ BI.Pane = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Pane.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-pane", tipText: BI.i18nText("BI-No_Selected_Item"), overlap: true, onLoaded: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.Pane.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, _assertTip: function () { var o = this.options; if (!this._tipText) { this._tipText = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "bi-tips", text: o.tipText, height: 25 }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, items: [this._tipText], bgap: 25 }); } }, loading: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.overlap === true) { if (!BI.Layers.has(this.getName())) { BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vtape", items: [{ el: { type: "bi.layout", cls: "loading-background" }, height: 30 }], element: BI.Layers.make(this.getName(), this) }); } BI.Layers.show(self.getName()); } else if (BI.isNull(this._loading)) { this._loading = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "loading-background", height: 30 }); this._loading.element.css("zIndex", 1); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this._loading, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0 }] }); } }, loaded: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; BI.Layers.remove(self.getName()); this._loading && this._loading.destroy(); this._loading && (this._loading = null); o.onLoaded(); self.fireEvent(BI.Pane.EVENT_LOADED); }, check: function () { this.setTipVisible(BI.isEmpty(this.options.items)); }, setTipVisible: function (b) { if (b === true) { this._assertTip(); this._tipText.setVisible(true); } else { this._tipText && this._tipText.setVisible(false); } }, populate: function (items) { this.options.items = items || []; this.check(); }, empty: function () { } }); BI.Pane.EVENT_LOADED = "EVENT_LOADED";/** * guy * 这仅仅只是一个超类, 所有简单控件的基类 * 1、类的控制, * 2、title的控制 * 3、文字超过边界显示3个点 * 4、cursor默认pointor * @class BI.Single * @extends BI.Widget * @abstract */ BI.Single = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Single.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-single", readonly: false, title: null, warningTitle: null, tipType: null, // success或warning value: null }); }, _showToolTip: function (e, opt) { opt || (opt = {}); var self = this; var type = this.getTipType() || (this.isEnabled() ? "success" : "warning"); var title = type === "success" ? this.getTitle() : (this.getWarningTitle() || this.getTitle()); if (BI.isKey(title)) { BI.Tooltips.show(e, this.getName(), title, type, this, opt); } }, _hideTooltip: function () { var self = this; var tooltip = BI.Tooltips.get(this.getName()); if (BI.isNotNull(tooltip)) { tooltip.element.fadeOut(200, function () { BI.Tooltips.remove(self.getName()); }); } }, _init: function () { BI.Single.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; if (BI.isKey(o.title) || BI.isKey(o.warningTitle) || BI.isFunction(o.title) || BI.isFunction(o.warningTitle)) { this.enableHover(); } }, enableHover: function (opt) { opt || (opt = {}); var self = this; if (!this._hoverBinded) { this.element.on("mouseenter.title" + this.getName(), function (e) { self._e = e; if (self.getTipType() === "warning" || (BI.isKey(self.getWarningTitle()) && !self.isEnabled())) { self.timeout = BI.delay(function () { self._showToolTip(self._e || e, opt); }, 200); } else if (self.getTipType() === "success" || self.isEnabled()) { self.timeout = BI.delay(function () { self._showToolTip(self._e || e, opt); }, 500); } }); this.element.on("mousemove.title" + this.getName(), function (e) { self._e = e; if (!self.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e)) { if (BI.isNotNull(self.timeout)) { clearTimeout(self.timeout); } self._hideTooltip(); } }); this.element.on("mouseleave.title" + this.getName(), function () { self._e = null; if (BI.isNotNull(self.timeout)) { clearTimeout(self.timeout); } self._hideTooltip(); }); this._hoverBinded = true; } }, disabledHover: function () { // 取消hover事件 if (BI.isNotNull(this.timeout)) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); } this._hideTooltip(); $(this.element).unbind("mouseenter.title" + this.getName()) .unbind("mousemove.title" + this.getName()) .unbind("mouseleave.title" + this.getName()); this._hoverBinded = false; }, populate: function (items) { this.items = items || []; }, // opt: {container: '', belowMouse: false} setTitle: function (title, opt) { this.options.title = title; if (BI.isKey(title)) { this.enableHover(opt); } else { this.disabledHover(); } }, setWarningTitle: function (title, opt) { this.options.warningTitle = title; if (BI.isKey(title)) { this.enableHover(opt); } else { this.disabledHover(); } }, getTipType: function () { return this.options.tipType; }, isReadOnly: function () { return !!this.options.readonly; }, getTitle: function () { var title = this.options.title; if(BI.isFunction(title)) { return title(); } return title; }, getWarningTitle: function () { var title = this.options.warningTitle; if(BI.isFunction(title)) { return title(); } return title; }, setValue: function (val) { if (!this.options.readonly) { this.options.value = val; } }, getValue: function () { return this.options.value; } });/** * guy 表示一行数据,通过position来定位位置的数据 * @class BI.Text * @extends BI.Single */ BI.Text = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Text.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-text", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "normal", lineHeight: null, handler: null, // 如果传入handler,表示处理文字的点击事件,不是区域的 hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, text: "", py: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.Text.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.hgap + o.lgap > 0) { this.element.css({ "padding-left": o.hgap + o.lgap + "px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.rgap > 0) { this.element.css({ "padding-right": o.hgap + o.rgap + "px" }); } if (o.vgap + o.tgap > 0) { this.element.css({ "padding-top": o.vgap + o.tgap + "px" }); } if (o.vgap + o.bgap > 0) { this.element.css({ "padding-bottom": o.vgap + o.bgap + "px" }); } if (BI.isNumber(o.height)) { this.element.css({lineHeight: o.height + "px"}); } if (BI.isNumber(o.lineHeight)) { this.element.css({lineHeight: o.lineHeight + "px"}); } this.element.css({ textAlign: o.textAlign, whiteSpace: o.whiteSpace }); if (o.handler) { this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", tagName: "span" }); this.text.element.click(function () { o.handler(self.getValue()); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.default", element: this, items: [this.text] }); } else { this.text = this; } if (BI.isKey(o.text)) { this.setText(o.text); } else if (BI.isKey(o.value)) { this.setText(o.value); } if (BI.isKey(o.keyword)) { this.text.element.__textKeywordMarked__(o.text, o.keyword, o.py); } }, doRedMark: function (keyword) { var o = this.options; this.text.element.__textKeywordMarked__(o.text || o.value, keyword, o.py); }, unRedMark: function () { var o = this.options; this.text.element.__textKeywordMarked__(o.text || o.value, "", o.py); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.element.addClass("bi-high-light"); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.element.removeClass("bi-high-light"); }, setValue: function (text) { BI.Text.superclass.setValue.apply(this, arguments); if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.setText(text); } }, setStyle: function (css) { this.text.element.css(css); }, setText: function (text) { BI.Text.superclass.setText.apply(this, arguments); this.options.text = text; this.text.element.html(BI.htmlEncode(text)); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.text", BI.Text);/** * guy * @class BI.BasicButton * @extends BI.Single * * 一般的button父级 */ BI.BasicButton = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.BasicButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-basic-button" + (conf.invalid ? "" : " cursor-pointer"), value: "", text: "", stopEvent: false, stopPropagation: false, selected: false, once: false, // 点击一次选中有效,再点无效 forceSelected: false, // 点击即选中, 选中了就不会被取消,与once的区别是forceSelected不影响事件的触发 forceNotSelected: false, // 无论怎么点击都不会被选中 disableSelected: false, // 使能选中 shadow: false, isShadowShowingOnSelected: false, // 选中状态下是否显示阴影 trigger: null, handler: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.BasicButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var opts = this.options; if (opts.selected === true) { BI.nextTick(BI.bind(function () { this.setSelected(opts.selected); }, this)); } BI.nextTick(BI.bind(this.bindEvent, this)); if (opts.shadow) { this._createShadow(); } if (opts.level) { this.element.addClass("button-" + opts.level); } }, _createShadow: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var assertMask = function () { if (!self.$mask) { self.$mask = BI.createWidget(BI.isObject(o.shadow) ? o.shadow : {}, { type: "bi.layout", cls: "bi-button-mask" }); self.$mask.invisible(); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: self, items: [{ el: self.$mask, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); } }; this.element.mouseup(function () { if (!self._hover && !o.isShadowShowingOnSelected) { assertMask(); self.$mask.invisible(); } }); this.element.on("mouseenter." + this.getName(), function (e) { if (self.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e)) { if (self.isEnabled() && !self._hover && (o.isShadowShowingOnSelected || !self.isSelected())) { assertMask(); self.$mask.visible(); } } }); this.element.on("mousemove." + this.getName(), function (e) { if (!self.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e)) { if (self.isEnabled() && !self._hover) { assertMask(); self.$mask.invisible(); } } }); this.element.on("mouseleave." + this.getName(), function () { if (self.isEnabled() && !self._hover) { assertMask(); self.$mask.invisible(); } }); }, bindEvent: function () { var self = this; var o = this.options, hand = this.handle(); if (!hand) { return; } hand = hand.element; var triggerArr = (o.trigger || "").split(","); BI.each(triggerArr, function (idx, trigger) { switch (trigger) { case "mouseup": var mouseDown = false; hand.mousedown(function () { mouseDown = true; }); hand.mouseup(function (e) { if (mouseDown === true) { clk(e); } mouseDown = false; ev(e); }); break; case "mousedown": var mouseDown = false; var selected = false; hand.mousedown(function (e) { // if (e.button === 0) { $(document).bind("mouseup." + self.getName(), function (e) { // if (e.button === 0) { if (BI.DOM.isExist(self) && !hand.__isMouseInBounds__(e) && mouseDown === true && !selected) { // self.setSelected(!self.isSelected()); self._trigger(); } mouseDown = false; $(document).unbind("mouseup." + self.getName()); // } }); if (mouseDown === true) { return; } if (self.isSelected()) { selected = true; } else { clk(e); } mouseDown = true; ev(e); // } }); hand.mouseup(function (e) { // if (e.button === 0) { if (BI.DOM.isExist(self) && mouseDown === true && selected === true) { clk(e); } mouseDown = false; selected = false; $(document).unbind("mouseup." + self.getName()); // } }); break; case "dblclick": hand.dblclick(clk); break; case "lclick": var mouseDown = false; var interval; hand.mousedown(function (e) { $(document).bind("mouseup." + self.getName(), function (e) { interval && clearInterval(interval); interval = null; mouseDown = false; $(document).unbind("mouseup." + self.getName()); }); if (mouseDown === true) { return; } if (!self.isEnabled() || (self.isOnce() && self.isSelected())) { return; } interval = setInterval(function () { if (self.isEnabled()) { self.doClick(); } }, 100); mouseDown = true; ev(e); }); break; default: if (o.stopEvent || o.stopPropagation) { hand.mousedown(function (e) { ev(e); }); } hand.click(clk); break; } }); // 之后的300ms点击无效 var onClick = BI.debounce(this._doClick, BI.EVENT_RESPONSE_TIME, true); function ev (e) { if (o.stopEvent) { e.stopEvent(); } if (o.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } } function clk (e) { ev(e); if (!self.isEnabled() || (self.isOnce() && self.isSelected())) { return; } onClick.apply(self, arguments); } }, _trigger: function () { var o = this.options; if (!this.isEnabled()) { return; } if (!this.isDisableSelected()) { this.isForceSelected() ? this.setSelected(true) : (this.isForceNotSelected() ? this.setSelected(false) : this.setSelected(!this.isSelected())); } if (this.isValid()) { o.handler.call(this, this.getValue(), this); var v = this.getValue(); this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.CLICK, v, this); this.fireEvent(BI.BasicButton.EVENT_CHANGE, v, this); if (o.action) { BI.Actions.runAction(o.action, o); } } }, _doClick: function (e) { if (this.isValid()) { this.beforeClick(e); } this._trigger(); if (this.isValid()) { this.doClick(e); } }, beforeClick: function () { }, doClick: function () { }, handle: function () { return this; }, hover: function () { this._hover = true; this.handle().element.addClass("hover"); if (this.options.shadow) { this.$mask && this.$mask.setVisible(true); } }, dishover: function () { this._hover = false; this.handle().element.removeClass("hover"); if (this.options.shadow) { this.$mask && this.$mask.setVisible(false); } }, setSelected: function (b) { var o = this.options; o.selected = b; if (b) { this.handle().element.addClass("active"); } else { this.handle().element.removeClass("active"); } if (o.shadow && !o.isShadowShowingOnSelected) { this.$mask && this.$mask.setVisible(false); } }, isSelected: function () { return this.options.selected; }, isOnce: function () { return this.options.once; }, isForceSelected: function () { return this.options.forceSelected; }, isForceNotSelected: function () { return this.options.forceNotSelected; }, isDisableSelected: function () { return this.options.disableSelected; }, setText: function (text) { this.options.text = text; }, getText: function () { return this.options.text; }, _setEnable: function (enable) { BI.BasicButton.superclass._setEnable.apply(this, arguments); if (enable === true) { this.element.removeClass("base-disabled disabled"); } else if (enable === false) { this.element.addClass("base-disabled disabled"); } if (!enable) { if (this.options.shadow) { this.$mask && this.$mask.setVisible(false); } } }, empty: function () { $(document).unbind("mouseup." + this.getName()); BI.BasicButton.superclass.empty.apply(this, arguments); }, destroy: function () { BI.BasicButton.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.BasicButton.EVENT_CHANGE = "BasicButton.EVENT_CHANGE";/** * 表示一个可以展开的节点, 不仅有选中状态而且有展开状态 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/9. * @class BI.NodeButton * @extends BI.BasicButton * @abstract */ BI.NodeButton = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.NodeButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend( conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-node", open: false }); }, _init: function () { BI.NodeButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this; BI.nextTick(function () { self.setOpened(self.isOpened()); }); }, doClick: function () { BI.NodeButton.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.setOpened(!this.isOpened()); }, isOnce: function () { return false; }, isOpened: function () { return !!this.options.open; }, setOpened: function (b) { this.options.open = !!b; }, triggerCollapse: function () { if(this.isOpened()) { this.setOpened(false); this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.COLLAPSE, this.getValue(), this); } }, triggerExpand: function () { if(!this.isOpened()) { this.setOpened(true); this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EXPAND, this.getValue(), this); } } });/** * guy * tip提示 * zIndex在10亿级别 * @class BI.Tip * @extends BI.Single * @abstract */ BI.Tip = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Link.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-tip", zIndex: BI.zIndex_tip }); }, _init: function () { BI.Tip.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.element.css({zIndex: this.options.zIndex}); } });/** * Created by GUY on 2015/6/26. * @class BI.ButtonGroup * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.ButtonGroup = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ButtonGroup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-button-group", behaviors: {}, items: [], value: "", chooseType: BI.Selection.Single, layouts: [{ type: "bi.center", hgap: 0, vgap: 0 }] }); }, _init: function () { BI.ButtonGroup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; var behaviors = {}; BI.each(o.behaviors, function (key, rule) { behaviors[key] = BI.BehaviorFactory.createBehavior(key, { rule: rule }); }); this.behaviors = behaviors; this.populate(o.items); if(BI.isKey(o.value) || BI.isNotEmptyArray(o.value)){ this.setValue(o.value); } }, _createBtns: function (items) { var o = this.options; return BI.createWidgets(BI.createItems(items, { type: "bi.text_button" })); }, _btnsCreator: function (items) { var self = this, args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), o = this.options; var buttons = this._createBtns(items); args[0] = buttons; BI.each(this.behaviors, function (i, behavior) { behavior.doBehavior.apply(behavior, args); }); BI.each(buttons, function (i, btn) { btn.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { switch (o.chooseType) { case BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE: self.setValue(btn.getValue()); break; case BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_NONE: self.setValue([]); break; } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); self.fireEvent(BI.ButtonGroup.EVENT_CHANGE, value, obj); } else { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); } }); btn.on(BI.Events.DESTROY, function () { BI.remove(self.buttons, btn); }); }); return buttons; }, _packageBtns: function (btns) { var o = this.options; for (var i = o.layouts.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { btns = BI.map(btns, function (k, it) { return BI.extend({}, o.layouts[i], { items: [ BI.extend({}, o.layouts[i].el, { el: it }) ] }); }); } return btns; }, _packageSimpleItems: function (btns) { var o = this.options; return BI.map(o.items, function (i, item) { if (BI.stripEL(item) === item) { return btns[i]; } return BI.extend({}, item, { el: btns[i] }); }); }, _packageItems: function (items, packBtns) { return BI.createItems(BI.makeArrayByArray(items, {}), BI.clone(packBtns)); }, _packageLayout: function (items) { var o = this.options, layout = BI.deepClone(o.layouts[0]); var lay = BI.formatEL(layout).el; while (lay && lay.items && !BI.isEmpty(lay.items)) { lay = BI.formatEL(lay.items[0]).el; } lay.items = items; return layout; }, // 如果是一个简单的layout _isSimpleLayout: function () { var o = this.options; return o.layouts.length === 1 && !BI.isArray(o.items[0]); }, doBehavior: function () { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); args.unshift(this.buttons); BI.each(this.behaviors, function (i, behavior) { behavior.doBehavior.apply(behavior, args); }); }, prependItems: function (items) { var o = this.options; var btns = this._btnsCreator.apply(this, arguments); this.buttons = BI.concat(btns, this.buttons); if (this._isSimpleLayout() && this.layouts && this.layouts.prependItems) { this.layouts.prependItems(btns); return; } items = this._packageItems(items, this._packageBtns(btns)); this.layouts.prependItems(this._packageLayout(items).items); }, addItems: function (items) { var o = this.options; var btns = this._btnsCreator.apply(this, arguments); this.buttons = BI.concat(this.buttons, btns); // 如果是一个简单的layout if (this._isSimpleLayout() && this.layouts && this.layouts.addItems) { this.layouts.addItems(btns); return; } items = this._packageItems(items, this._packageBtns(btns)); this.layouts.addItems(this._packageLayout(items).items); }, removeItemAt: function (indexes) { BI.removeAt(this.buttons, indexes); this.layouts.removeItemAt(indexes); }, removeItems: function (values) { values = BI.isArray(values) ? values : [values]; var deleted = []; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, button) { if (BI.deepContains(values, button.getValue())) { deleted.push(i); } }); BI.removeAt(this.buttons, deleted); this.layouts.removeItemAt(deleted); }, populate: function (items) { items = items || []; this.empty(); this.options.items = items; this.buttons = this._btnsCreator.apply(this, arguments); if (this._isSimpleLayout()) { items = this._packageSimpleItems(this.buttons); } else { items = this._packageItems(items, this._packageBtns(this.buttons)); } this.layouts = BI.createWidget(BI.extend({element: this}, this._packageLayout(items))); }, setNotSelectedValue: function (v) { v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (BI.deepContains(v, item.getValue())) { item.setSelected && item.setSelected(false); } else { item.setSelected && item.setSelected(true); } }); }, setEnabledValue: function (v) { v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (BI.deepContains(v, item.getValue())) { item.setEnable(true); } else { item.setEnable(false); } }); }, setValue: function (v) { v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (BI.deepContains(v, item.getValue())) { item.setSelected && item.setSelected(true); } else { item.setSelected && item.setSelected(false); } }); }, getNotSelectedValue: function () { var v = []; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled() && !(item.isSelected && item.isSelected())) { v.push(item.getValue()); } }); return v; }, getValue: function () { var v = []; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled() && item.isSelected && item.isSelected()) { v.push(item.getValue()); } }); return v; }, getAllButtons: function () { return this.buttons; }, getAllLeaves: function () { return this.buttons; }, getSelectedButtons: function () { var btns = []; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isSelected && item.isSelected()) { btns.push(item); } }); return btns; }, getNotSelectedButtons: function () { var btns = []; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isSelected && !item.isSelected()) { btns.push(item); } }); return btns; }, getIndexByValue: function (value) { var index = -1; BI.any(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled() && item.getValue() === value) { index = i; return true; } }); return index; }, getNodeById: function (id) { var node; BI.any(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled() && item.options.id === id) { node = item; return true; } }); return node; }, getNodeByValue: function (value) { var node; BI.any(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled() && item.getValue() === value) { node = item; return true; } }); return node; }, empty: function () { BI.ButtonGroup.superclass.empty.apply(this, arguments); this.options.items = []; }, destroy: function () { BI.ButtonGroup.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); this.options.items = []; } }); BI.extend(BI.ButtonGroup, { CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE: BI.Selection.Single, CHOOSE_TYPE_MULTI: BI.Selection.Multi, CHOOSE_TYPE_ALL: BI.Selection.All, CHOOSE_TYPE_NONE: BI.Selection.None, CHOOSE_TYPE_DEFAULT: BI.Selection.Default }); BI.ButtonGroup.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.button_group", BI.ButtonGroup);/** * Created by GUY on 2015/8/10. * @class BI.ButtonTree * @extends BI.ButtonGroup */ BI.ButtonTree = BI.inherit(BI.ButtonGroup, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ButtonTree.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-button-tree" }); }, _init: function () { BI.ButtonTree.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, setNotSelectedValue: function (v) { v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (!BI.isFunction(item.setSelected)) { item.setNotSelectedValue(v); return; } if (BI.deepContains(v, item.getValue())) { item.setSelected(false); } else { item.setSelected(true); } }); }, setEnabledValue: function (v) { v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (BI.isFunction(item.setEnabledValue)) { item.setEnabledValue(v); return; } if (BI.deepContains(v, item.getValue())) { item.setEnable(true); } else { item.setEnable(false); } }); }, setValue: function (v) { v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (!BI.isFunction(item.setSelected)) { item.setValue(v); return; } if (BI.deepContains(v, item.getValue())) { item.setSelected(true); } else { item.setSelected(false); } }); }, getNotSelectedValue: function () { var v = []; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled() && !BI.isFunction(item.setSelected)) { v = BI.concat(v, item.getNotSelectedValue()); return; } if (item.isEnabled() && item.isSelected && !item.isSelected()) { v.push(item.getValue()); } }); return v; }, getValue: function () { var v = []; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled() && !BI.isFunction(item.setSelected)) { v = BI.concat(v, item.getValue()); return; } if (item.isEnabled() && item.isSelected && item.isSelected()) { v.push(item.getValue()); } }); return v; }, getSelectedButtons: function () { var btns = []; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled() && !BI.isFunction(item.setSelected)) { btns = btns.concat(item.getSelectedButtons()); return; } if (item.isSelected && item.isSelected()) { btns.push(item); } }); return btns; }, getNotSelectedButtons: function () { var btns = []; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled() && !BI.isFunction(item.setSelected)) { btns = btns.concat(item.getNotSelectedButtons()); return; } if (item.isSelected && !item.isSelected()) { btns.push(item); } }); return btns; }, // 获取所有的叶子节点 getAllLeaves: function () { var leaves = []; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled() && !BI.isFunction(item.setSelected)) { leaves = leaves.concat(item.getAllLeaves()); return; } if (item.isEnabled()) { leaves.push(item); } }); return leaves; }, getIndexByValue: function (value) { var index = -1; BI.any(this.buttons, function (i, item) { var vs = item.getValue(); if (item.isEnabled() && (vs === value || BI.contains(vs, value))) { index = i; return true; } }); return index; }, getNodeById: function (id) { var node; BI.any(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled()) { if (item.attr("id") === id) { node = item; return true; } else if (BI.isFunction(item.getNodeById)) { if (node = item.getNodeById(id)) { return true; } } } }); return node; }, getNodeByValue: function (value) { var node; BI.any(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled()) { if (BI.isFunction(item.getNodeByValue)) { if (node = item.getNodeByValue(value)) { return true; } } else if (item.attr("value") === value) { node = item; return true; } } }); return node; } }); BI.ButtonTree.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.button_tree", BI.ButtonTree);/** * guy * 异步树 * @class BI.TreeView * @extends BI.Pane */ BI.TreeView = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.TreeView.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-tree", paras: {}, itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.TreeView.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this._stop = false; this._createTree(); this.tip = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.loading_bar", invisible: true, handler: BI.bind(this._loadMore, this) }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrollable: true, scrolly: false, element: this, items: [this.tip] }); if(BI.isNotNull(o.value)){ this.setSelectedValue(o.value); } }, _createTree: function () { this.id = "bi-tree" + BI.UUID(); if (this.nodes) { this.nodes.destroy(); } if (this.tree) { this.tree.destroy(); } this.tree = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", element: "<ul id='" + this.id + "' class='ztree'></ul>" }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.default", element: this.element, items: [this.tree] }); }, // 选择节点触发方法 _selectTreeNode: function (treeId, treeNode) { this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.CLICK, treeNode, this); this.fireEvent(BI.TreeView.EVENT_CHANGE, treeNode, this); }, // 配置属性 _configSetting: function () { var paras = this.options.paras; var self = this; var setting = { async: { enable: true, url: getUrl, autoParam: ["id", "name"], otherParam: BI.cjkEncodeDO(paras) }, check: { enable: true }, data: { key: { title: "title", name: "text" }, simpleData: { enable: true } }, view: { showIcon: false, expandSpeed: "", nameIsHTML: true, dblClickExpand: false }, callback: { beforeExpand: beforeExpand, onAsyncSuccess: onAsyncSuccess, onAsyncError: onAsyncError, beforeCheck: beforeCheck, onCheck: onCheck, onExpand: onExpand, onCollapse: onCollapse, onClick: onClick } }; var className = "dark", perTime = 100; function onClick (event, treeId, treeNode) { self.nodes.checkNode(treeNode, !treeNode.checked, true, true); } function getUrl (treeId, treeNode) { var parentNode = self._getParentValues(treeNode); treeNode.times = treeNode.times || 1; var param = "id=" + treeNode.id + "×=" + (treeNode.times++) + "&parentValues= " + window.encodeURIComponent(BI.jsonEncode(parentNode)) + "&checkState=" + window.encodeURIComponent(BI.jsonEncode(treeNode.getCheckStatus())); return BI.servletURL + "?op=" + self.options.op + "&cmd=" + self.options.cmd + "&" + param; } function beforeExpand (treeId, treeNode) { if (!treeNode.isAjaxing) { if (!treeNode.children) { treeNode.times = 1; ajaxGetNodes(treeNode, "refresh"); } return true; } BI.Msg.toast("Please Wait。", "warning"); return false; } function onAsyncSuccess (event, treeId, treeNode, msg) { treeNode.halfCheck = false; if (!msg || msg.length === 0 || /^<html>[\s,\S]*<\/html>$/gi.test(msg) || self._stop) { return; } var zTree = self.nodes; var totalCount = treeNode.count || 0; // 尝试去获取下一组节点,若获取值为空数组,表示获取完成 // TODO by GUY if (treeNode.children.length > totalCount) { treeNode.count = treeNode.children.length; BI.delay(function () { ajaxGetNodes(treeNode); }, perTime); } else { // treeNode.icon = ""; zTree.updateNode(treeNode); zTree.selectNode(treeNode.children[0]); // className = (className === "dark" ? "":"dark"); } } function onAsyncError (event, treeId, treeNode, XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { var zTree = self.nodes; BI.Msg.toast("Error!", "warning"); // treeNode.icon = ""; // zTree.updateNode(treeNode); } function ajaxGetNodes (treeNode, reloadType) { var zTree = self.nodes; if (reloadType == "refresh") { // treeNode.icon = BI.servletURL +"?op=resource&resource=/com/fr/bi/web/css/base/third/ztree/img/loading.gif"; zTree.updateNode(treeNode); } zTree.reAsyncChildNodes(treeNode, reloadType, true); } function beforeCheck (treeId, treeNode) { treeNode.halfCheck = false; if (treeNode.checked === true) { // 将展开的节点halfCheck设为false,解决展开节点存在halfCheck=true的情况 guy // 所有的半选状态都需要取消halfCheck=true的情况 function track (children) { BI.each(children, function (i, ch) { if (ch.halfCheck === true) { ch.halfCheck = false; track(ch.children); } }); } track(treeNode.children); var treeObj = self.nodes; var nodes = treeObj.getSelectedNodes(); $.each(nodes, function (index, node) { node.halfCheck = false; }); } } function onCheck (event, treeId, treeNode) { self._selectTreeNode(treeId, treeNode); } function onExpand (event, treeId, treeNode) { treeNode.halfCheck = false; } function onCollapse (event, treeId, treeNode) { } return setting; }, _getParentValues: function (treeNode) { if (!treeNode.getParentNode()) { return []; } var parentNode = treeNode.getParentNode(); var result = this._getParentValues(parentNode); result = result.concat([this._getNodeValue(parentNode)]); return result; }, _getNodeValue: function (node) { // 去除标红 return node.value == null ? node.text.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, "").replaceAll(" ", " ") : node.value; }, // 获取半选框值 _getHalfSelectedValues: function (map, node) { var self = this; var checkState = node.getCheckStatus(); // 将未选的去掉 if (checkState.checked === false && checkState.half === false) { return; } // 如果节点已展开,并且是半选 if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.children) && checkState.half === true) { var children = node.children; BI.each(children, function (i, ch) { self._getHalfSelectedValues(map, ch); }); return; } var parent = node.parentValues || self._getParentValues(node); var path = parent.concat(this._getNodeValue(node)); if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.children) || checkState.half === false) { this._buildTree(map, path); return; } var storeValues = BI.deepClone(this.options.paras.selectedValues); var treeNode = this._getTree(storeValues, path); this._addTreeNode(map, parent, this._getNodeValue(node), treeNode); }, _getTree: function (map, values) { var cur = map; BI.any(values, function (i, value) { if (cur[value] == null) { return true; } cur = cur[value]; }); return cur; }, _addTreeNode: function (map, values, key, value) { var cur = map; BI.each(values, function (i, value) { if (cur[value] == null) { cur[value] = {}; } cur = cur[value]; }); cur[key] = value; }, // 构造树节点 _buildTree: function (map, values) { var cur = map; BI.each(values, function (i, value) { if (cur[value] == null) { cur[value] = {}; } cur = cur[value]; }); }, // 获取选中的值 _getSelectedValues: function () { var self = this; var hashMap = {}; var rootNoots = this.nodes.getNodes(); track(rootNoots); function track (nodes) { BI.each(nodes, function (i, node) { var checkState = node.getCheckStatus(); if (checkState.checked === true || checkState.half === true) { if (checkState.half === true) { self._getHalfSelectedValues(hashMap, node); } else { var parentValues = node.parentValues || self._getParentValues(node); var values = parentValues.concat([self._getNodeValue(node)]); self._buildTree(hashMap, values); } } }); } return hashMap; }, // 处理节点 _dealWidthNodes: function (nodes) { var self = this, o = this.options; var ns = BI.Tree.arrayFormat(nodes); BI.each(ns, function (i, n) { n.title = n.title || n.text || n.value; // 处理标红 if (BI.isKey(o.paras.keyword)) { n.text = $("<div>").__textKeywordMarked__(n.text, o.paras.keyword, n.py).html(); } else { n.text = (n.text + "").replaceAll(" ", " "); } }); return nodes; }, _loadMore: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this.tip.setLoading(); var op = BI.extend({}, o.paras, { times: ++this.times }); o.itemsCreator(op, function (res) { if (self._stop === true) { return; } var hasNext = !!res.hasNext, nodes = res.items || []; if (!hasNext) { self.tip.setEnd(); } else { self.tip.setLoaded(); } if (nodes.length > 0) { self.nodes.addNodes(null, self._dealWidthNodes(nodes)); } }); }, // 生成树内部方法 _initTree: function (setting) { var self = this, o = this.options; self.fireEvent(BI.Events.INIT); this.times = 1; var tree = this.tree; tree.empty(); this.loading(); this.tip.setVisible(false); var callback = function (nodes) { if (self._stop === true) { return; } self.nodes = $.fn.zTree.init(tree.element, setting, nodes); }; var op = BI.extend({}, o.paras, { times: 1 }); o.itemsCreator(op, function (res) { if (self._stop === true) { return; } var hasNext = !!res.hasNext, nodes = res.items || []; if (nodes.length > 0) { callback(self._dealWidthNodes(nodes)); } self.setTipVisible(nodes.length <= 0); self.loaded(); if (!hasNext) { self.tip.invisible(); } else { self.tip.setLoaded(); } op.times === 1 && self.fireEvent(BI.Events.AFTERINIT); }); }, // 构造树结构, initTree: function (nodes, setting) { var setting = setting || { async: { enable: false }, check: { enable: false }, data: { key: { title: "title", name: "text" }, simpleData: { enable: true } }, view: { showIcon: false, expandSpeed: "", nameIsHTML: true }, callback: {} }; this.nodes = $.fn.zTree.init(this.tree.element, setting, nodes); }, start: function () { this._stop = false; }, stop: function () { this._stop = true; }, // 生成树方法 stroke: function (config) { delete this.options.keyword; BI.extend(this.options.paras, config); var setting = this._configSetting(); this._createTree(); this.start(); this._initTree(setting); }, populate: function () { this.stroke.apply(this, arguments); }, hasChecked: function () { var treeObj = this.nodes; return treeObj.getCheckedNodes(true).length > 0; }, checkAll: function (checked) { function setNode (children) { BI.each(children, function (i, child) { child.halfCheck = false; setNode(child.children); }); } if (!this.nodes) { return; } BI.each(this.nodes.getNodes(), function (i, node) { node.halfCheck = false; setNode(node.children); }); this.nodes.checkAllNodes(checked); }, expandAll: function (flag) { this.nodes && this.nodes.expandAll(flag); }, // 设置树节点的状态 setValue: function (value, param) { this.checkAll(false); this.updateValue(value, param); this.refresh(); }, setSelectedValue: function (value) { this.options.paras.selectedValues = BI.deepClone(value || {}); }, updateValue: function (values, param) { if (!this.nodes) { return; } param || (param = "value"); var treeObj = this.nodes; BI.each(values, function (v, op) { var nodes = treeObj.getNodesByParam(param, v, null); BI.each(nodes, function (j, node) { BI.extend(node, {checked: true}, op); treeObj.updateNode(node); }); }); }, refresh: function () { this.nodes && this.nodes.refresh(); }, getValue: function () { if (!this.nodes) { return null; } return this._getSelectedValues(); }, destroyed: function () { this.stop(); this.nodes && this.nodes.destroy(); } }); BI.extend(BI.TreeView, { REQ_TYPE_INIT_DATA: 1, REQ_TYPE_ADJUST_DATA: 2, REQ_TYPE_SELECT_DATA: 3, REQ_TYPE_GET_SELECTED_DATA: 4 }); BI.TreeView.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.TreeView.EVENT_INIT = BI.Events.INIT; BI.TreeView.EVENT_AFTERINIT = BI.Events.AFTERINIT; BI.shortcut("bi.tree_view", BI.TreeView);/** * guy * 同步树 * @class BI.AsyncTree * @extends BI.TreeView */ BI.AsyncTree = BI.inherit(BI.TreeView, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.AsyncTree.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {}); }, _init: function () { BI.AsyncTree.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, // 配置属性 _configSetting: function () { var paras = this.options.paras; var self = this; var setting = { async: { enable: false, otherParam: BI.cjkEncodeDO(paras) }, check: { enable: true }, data: { key: { title: "title", name: "text" }, simpleData: { enable: true } }, view: { showIcon: false, expandSpeed: "", nameIsHTML: true, dblClickExpand: false }, callback: { beforeCheck: beforeCheck, onCheck: onCheck, beforeExpand: beforeExpand, onExpand: onExpand, onCollapse: onCollapse, onClick: onClick } }; function onClick (event, treeId, treeNode) { var zTree = $.fn.zTree.getZTreeObj(treeId); zTree.checkNode(treeNode, !treeNode.checked, true, true); } function beforeCheck (treeId, treeNode) { treeNode.halfCheck = false; if (treeNode.checked === true) { // 将展开的节点halfCheck设为false,解决展开节点存在halfCheck=true的情况 guy // 所有的半选状态都需要取消halfCheck=true的情况 function track (children) { BI.each(children, function (i, ch) { if (ch.halfCheck === true) { ch.halfCheck = false; track(ch.children); } }); } track(treeNode.children); var treeObj = $.fn.zTree.getZTreeObj(treeId); var nodes = treeObj.getSelectedNodes(); BI.each(nodes, function (index, node) { node.halfCheck = false; }); } } function beforeExpand (treeId, treeNode) { self._beforeExpandNode(treeId, treeNode); } function onCheck (event, treeId, treeNode) { self._selectTreeNode(treeId, treeNode); } function onExpand (event, treeId, treeNode) { treeNode.halfCheck = false; } function onCollapse (event, treeId, treeNode) { treeNode.halfCheck = false; } return setting; }, _selectTreeNode: function (treeId, treeNode) { var self = this, o = this.options; var parentValues = BI.deepClone(treeNode.parentValues || self._getParentValues(treeNode)); var name = this._getNodeValue(treeNode); // var values = parentValues.concat([name]); if (treeNode.checked === true) { } else { var tNode = treeNode; var pNode = this._getTree(this.options.paras.selectedValues, parentValues); if (BI.isNotNull(pNode[name])) { delete pNode[name]; } while (tNode != null && BI.isEmpty(pNode)) { parentValues = parentValues.slice(0, parentValues.length - 1); tNode = tNode.getParentNode(); if (tNode != null) { pNode = this._getTree(this.options.paras.selectedValues, parentValues); name = this._getNodeValue(tNode); delete pNode[name]; } } } BI.AsyncTree.superclass._selectTreeNode.apply(self, arguments); }, // 展开节点 _beforeExpandNode: function (treeId, treeNode) { var self = this, o = this.options; var parentValues = treeNode.parentValues || self._getParentValues(treeNode); var op = BI.extend({}, o.paras, { id: treeNode.id, times: 1, parentValues: parentValues.concat(this._getNodeValue(treeNode)), checkState: treeNode.getCheckStatus() }); var complete = function (d) { var nodes = d.items || []; if (nodes.length > 0) { callback(self._dealWidthNodes(nodes), !!d.hasNext); } }; var times = 1; function callback (nodes, hasNext) { self.nodes.addNodes(treeNode, nodes); if (hasNext === true) { BI.delay(function () { times++; op.times = times; o.itemsCreator(op, complete); }, 100); } } if (!treeNode.children) { setTimeout(function () { o.itemsCreator(op, complete); }, 17); } }, _join: function (valueA, valueB) { var self = this; var map = {}; track([], valueA, valueB); track([], valueB, valueA); function track (parent, node, compare) { BI.each(node, function (n, item) { if (BI.isNull(compare[n])) { self._addTreeNode(map, parent, n, item); } else if (BI.isEmpty(compare[n])) { self._addTreeNode(map, parent, n, {}); } else { track(parent.concat([n]), node[n], compare[n]); } }); } return map; }, hasChecked: function () { return !BI.isEmpty(this.options.paras.selectedValues) || BI.AsyncTree.superclass.hasChecked.apply(this, arguments); }, getValue: function () { if (!this.nodes) { return {}; } var checkedValues = this._getSelectedValues(); if (BI.isEmpty(checkedValues)) { return BI.deepClone(this.options.paras.selectedValues); } if (BI.isEmpty(this.options.paras.selectedValues)) { return checkedValues; } return this._join(checkedValues, this.options.paras.selectedValues); }, // 生成树方法 stroke: function (config) { delete this.options.keyword; BI.extend(this.options.paras, config); var setting = this._configSetting(); this._initTree(setting); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.async_tree", BI.AsyncTree);/** * guy * 局部树,两个请求树, 第一个请求构造树,第二个请求获取节点 * @class BI.PartTree * @extends BI.AsyncTree */ BI.PartTree = BI.inherit(BI.AsyncTree, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.PartTree.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {}); }, _init: function () { BI.PartTree.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, _loadMore: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var op = BI.extend({}, o.paras, { type: BI.TreeView.REQ_TYPE_INIT_DATA, times: ++this.times }); this.tip.setLoading(); o.itemsCreator(op, function (d) { var hasNext = !!d.hasNext, nodes = d.items || []; o.paras.lastSearchValue = d.lastSearchValue; if (self._stop === true) { return; } if (!hasNext) { self.tip.setEnd(); } else { self.tip.setLoaded(); } if (nodes.length > 0) { self.nodes.addNodes(null, self._dealWidthNodes(nodes)); } }); }, _selectTreeNode: function (treeId, treeNode) { var self = this, o = this.options; var parentValues = BI.deepClone(treeNode.parentValues || self._getParentValues(treeNode)); var name = this._getNodeValue(treeNode); if (treeNode.checked === true) { BI.AsyncTree.superclass._selectTreeNode.apply(self, arguments); } else { // 如果选中的值中不存在该值不处理 var t = this.options.paras.selectedValues; var p = parentValues.concat(name); for (var i = 0, len = p.length; i < len; i++) { t = t[p[i]]; if (t == null) { return; } if (BI.isEmpty(t)) { break; } } o.itemsCreator(BI.extend({}, o.paras, { type: BI.TreeView.REQ_TYPE_SELECT_DATA, notSelectedValue: name, parentValues: parentValues }), function (new_values) { self.options.paras.selectedValues = new_values; BI.AsyncTree.superclass._selectTreeNode.apply(self, arguments); }); } }, _getSelectedValues: function () { var self = this; var hashMap = {}; var rootNoots = this.nodes.getNodes(); track(rootNoots); function track (nodes) { BI.each(nodes, function (i, node) { var checkState = node.getCheckStatus(); if (checkState.checked === false) { return true; } var parentValues = node.parentValues || self._getParentValues(node); // 把文字中的html去掉,其实就是把文字颜色去掉 var values = parentValues.concat([self._getNodeValue(node)]); self._buildTree(hashMap, values); // if(checkState.checked === true && checkState.half === false && nodes[i].flag === true){ // continue; // } if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.children)) { track(node.children); return true; } if (checkState.half === true) { self._getHalfSelectedValues(hashMap, node); } }); } return hashMap; }, _initTree: function (setting, keyword) { var self = this, o = this.options; this.times = 1; var tree = this.tree; tree.empty(); self.tip.setVisible(false); this.loading(); var op = BI.extend({}, o.paras, { type: BI.TreeView.REQ_TYPE_INIT_DATA, times: this.times }); var complete = function (d) { if (self._stop === true || keyword != o.paras.keyword) { return; } var hasNext = !!d.hasNext, nodes = d.items || []; o.paras.lastSearchValue = d.lastSearchValue; if (nodes.length > 0) { callback(self._dealWidthNodes(nodes)); } self.setTipVisible(nodes.length <= 0); self.loaded(); if (!hasNext) { self.tip.invisible(); } else { self.tip.setLoaded(); } self.fireEvent(BI.Events.AFTERINIT); }; function callback (nodes) { if (self._stop === true) { return; } self.nodes = $.fn.zTree.init(tree.element, setting, nodes); } BI.delay(function () { o.itemsCreator(op, complete); }, 100); }, getValue: function () { var o = this.options; var result = BI.PartTree.superclass.getValue.apply(this, arguments); o.itemsCreator({ type: BI.TreeView.REQ_TYPE_ADJUST_DATA, selectedValues: result }, function (res) { result = res; }); return result; }, // 生成树方法 stroke: function (config) { var o = this.options; delete o.paras.keyword; BI.extend(o.paras, config); delete o.paras.lastSearchValue; var setting = this._configSetting(); this._initTree(setting, o.paras.keyword); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.part_tree", BI.PartTree);BI.Resizers = new BI.ResizeController(); BI.Layers = new BI.LayerController(); BI.Maskers = new BI.MaskersController(); BI.Bubbles = new BI.BubblesController(); BI.Tooltips = new BI.TooltipsController(); BI.Popovers = new BI.FloatBoxController(); BI.Broadcasts = new BI.BroadcastController(); BI.StyleLoaders = new BI.StyleLoaderManager();/** * canvas绘图 * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/18. * @class BI.Canvas * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.Canvas = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Canvas.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-canvas" }); }, _init: function () { BI.Canvas.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); if (!document.createElement("canvas").getContext) { canvas = window.G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(canvas); } this.element.append(canvas); canvas.width = o.width; canvas.height = o.height; $(canvas).width("100%"); $(canvas).height("100%"); this.canvas = canvas; this._queue = []; }, mounted: function () { this.stroke(); }, _getContext: function () { if (!this.ctx) { this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); } return this.ctx; }, _attr: function (key, value) { var self = this; if (BI.isNull(key)) { return; } if (BI.isObject(key)) { BI.each(key, function (k, v) { self._queue.push({ k: k, v: v }); }); return; } this._queue.push({ k: key, v: value }); }, _line: function (x0, y0) { var self = this; var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 2); if (BI.isOdd(args.length)) { this._attr(BI.last(args)); args = BI.initial(args); } this._attr("moveTo", [x0, y0]); var odd = BI.filter(args, function (i) { return i % 2 === 0; }); var even = BI.filter(args, function (i) { return i % 2 !== 0; }); args = BI.zip(odd, even); BI.each(args, function (i, point) { self._attr("lineTo", point); }); }, line: function (x0, y0, x1, y1) { this._line.apply(this, arguments); this._attr("stroke", []); }, rect: function (x, y, w, h, color) { this._attr("fillStyle", color); this._attr("fillRect", [x, y, w, h]); }, circle: function (x, y, radius, color) { this._attr({ fillStyle: color, beginPath: [], arc: [x, y, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, true], closePath: [], fill: [] }); }, hollow: function () { this._attr("beginPath", []); this._line.apply(this, arguments); this._attr("closePath", []); this._attr("stroke", []); }, solid: function () { this.hollow.apply(this, arguments); this._attr("fill", []); }, gradient: function (x0, y0, x1, y1, start, end) { var grd = this._getContext().createLinearGradient(x0, y0, x1, y1); grd.addColorStop(0, start); grd.addColorStop(1, end); return grd; }, reset: function () { this._getContext().clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); }, stroke: function () { var ctx = this._getContext(); if(!ctx) { return false; } BI.each(this._queue, function (i, q) { if (BI.isFunction(ctx[q.k])) { ctx[q.k].apply(ctx, q.v); } else { ctx[q.k] = q.v; } }); this._queue = []; } }); BI.shortcut("bi.canvas", BI.Canvas);/** * CollectionView * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/15. * @class BI.CollectionView * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.CollectionView = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.CollectionView.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-collection", // width: 400, //必设 // height: 300, //必设 overflowX: true, overflowY: true, cellSizeAndPositionGetter: BI.emptyFn, horizontalOverscanSize: 0, verticalOverscanSize: 0, scrollLeft: 0, scrollTop: 0, items: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.CollectionView.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.renderedCells = []; this.renderedKeys = []; this.renderRange = {}; this._scrollLock = false; this._debounceRelease = BI.debounce(function () { self._scrollLock = false; }, 1000 / 60); this.container = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute" }); this.element.scroll(function () { if (self._scrollLock === true) { return; } o.scrollLeft = self.element.scrollLeft(); o.scrollTop = self.element.scrollTop(); self._calculateChildrenToRender(); self.fireEvent(BI.CollectionView.EVENT_SCROLL, { scrollLeft: o.scrollLeft, scrollTop: o.scrollTop }); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, scrollable: o.overflowX === true && o.overflowY === true, scrolly: o.overflowX === false && o.overflowY === true, scrollx: o.overflowX === true && o.overflowY === false, items: [this.container] }); if (o.items.length > 0) { this._calculateSizeAndPositionData(); this._populate(); } if (o.scrollLeft !== 0 || o.scrollTop !== 0) { BI.nextTick(function () { self.element.scrollTop(o.scrollTop); self.element.scrollLeft(o.scrollLeft); }); } }, _calculateSizeAndPositionData: function () { var o = this.options; var cellMetadata = []; var sectionManager = new BI.SectionManager(); var height = 0; var width = 0; for (var index = 0, len = o.items.length; index < len; index++) { var cellMetadatum = o.cellSizeAndPositionGetter(index); if (cellMetadatum.height == null || isNaN(cellMetadatum.height) || cellMetadatum.width == null || isNaN(cellMetadatum.width) || cellMetadatum.x == null || isNaN(cellMetadatum.x) || cellMetadatum.y == null || isNaN(cellMetadatum.y)) { throw Error(); } height = Math.max(height, cellMetadatum.y + cellMetadatum.height); width = Math.max(width, cellMetadatum.x + cellMetadatum.width); cellMetadatum.index = index; cellMetadata[index] = cellMetadatum; sectionManager.registerCell(cellMetadatum, index); } this._cellMetadata = cellMetadata; this._sectionManager = sectionManager; this._height = height; this._width = width; }, _cellRenderers: function (height, width, x, y) { this._lastRenderedCellIndices = this._sectionManager.getCellIndices(height, width, x, y); return this._cellGroupRenderer(); }, _cellGroupRenderer: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var rendered = []; BI.each(this._lastRenderedCellIndices, function (i, index) { var cellMetadata = self._sectionManager.getCellMetadata(index); rendered.push(cellMetadata); }); return rendered; }, _calculateChildrenToRender: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var scrollLeft = BI.clamp(o.scrollLeft, 0, this._getMaxScrollLeft()); var scrollTop = BI.clamp(o.scrollTop, 0, this._getMaxScrollTop()); var left = Math.max(0, scrollLeft - o.horizontalOverscanSize); var top = Math.max(0, scrollTop - o.verticalOverscanSize); var right = Math.min(this._width, scrollLeft + o.width + o.horizontalOverscanSize); var bottom = Math.min(this._height, scrollTop + o.height + o.verticalOverscanSize); if (right > 0 && bottom > 0) { // 如果滚动的区间并没有超出渲染的范围 if (top >= this.renderRange.minY && bottom <= this.renderRange.maxY && left >= this.renderRange.minX && right <= this.renderRange.maxX) { return; } var childrenToDisplay = this._cellRenderers(bottom - top, right - left, left, top); var renderedCells = [], renderedKeys = {}, renderedWidgets = {}; // 存储所有的left和top var lefts = {}, tops = {}; for (var i = 0, len = childrenToDisplay.length; i < len; i++) { var datum = childrenToDisplay[i]; lefts[datum.x] = datum.x; lefts[datum.x + datum.width] = datum.x + datum.width; tops[datum.y] = datum.y; tops[datum.y + datum.height] = datum.y + datum.height; } lefts = BI.toArray(lefts); tops = BI.toArray(tops); var leftMap = BI.invert(lefts); var topMap = BI.invert(tops); // 存储上下左右四个边界 var leftBorder = {}, rightBorder = {}, topBorder = {}, bottomBorder = {}; var assertMinBorder = function (border, offset) { if (border[offset] == null) { border[offset] = Number.MAX_VALUE; } }; var assertMaxBorder = function (border, offset) { if (border[offset] == null) { border[offset] = 0; } }; for (var i = 0, len = childrenToDisplay.length; i < len; i++) { var datum = childrenToDisplay[i]; var index = this.renderedKeys[datum.index] && this.renderedKeys[datum.index][1]; var child; if (index >= 0) { if (datum.width !== this.renderedCells[index]._width) { this.renderedCells[index]._width = datum.width; this.renderedCells[index].el.setWidth(datum.width); } if (datum.height !== this.renderedCells[index]._height) { this.renderedCells[index]._height = datum.height; this.renderedCells[index].el.setHeight(datum.height); } if (this.renderedCells[index]._left !== datum.x) { this.renderedCells[index].el.element.css("left", datum.x + "px"); } if (this.renderedCells[index]._top !== datum.y) { this.renderedCells[index].el.element.css("top", datum.y + "px"); } renderedCells.push(child = this.renderedCells[index]); } else { child = BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ type: "bi.label", width: datum.width, height: datum.height }, o.items[datum.index], { cls: (o.items[datum.index].cls || "") + " container-cell" + (datum.y === 0 ? " first-row" : "") + (datum.x === 0 ? " first-col" : ""), _left: datum.x, _top: datum.y })); renderedCells.push({ el: child, left: datum.x, top: datum.y, _left: datum.x, _top: datum.y, _width: datum.width, _height: datum.height }); } var startTopIndex = topMap[datum.y] | 0; var endTopIndex = topMap[datum.y + datum.height] | 0; for (var k = startTopIndex; k <= endTopIndex; k++) { var t = tops[k]; assertMinBorder(leftBorder, t); assertMaxBorder(rightBorder, t); leftBorder[t] = Math.min(leftBorder[t], datum.x); rightBorder[t] = Math.max(rightBorder[t], datum.x + datum.width); } var startLeftIndex = leftMap[datum.x] | 0; var endLeftIndex = leftMap[datum.x + datum.width] | 0; for (var k = startLeftIndex; k <= endLeftIndex; k++) { var l = lefts[k]; assertMinBorder(topBorder, l); assertMaxBorder(bottomBorder, l); topBorder[l] = Math.min(topBorder[l], datum.y); bottomBorder[l] = Math.max(bottomBorder[l], datum.y + datum.height); } renderedKeys[datum.index] = [datum.index, i]; renderedWidgets[i] = child; } // 已存在的, 需要添加的和需要删除的 var existSet = {}, addSet = {}, deleteArray = []; BI.each(renderedKeys, function (i, key) { if (self.renderedKeys[i]) { existSet[i] = key; } else { addSet[i] = key; } }); BI.each(this.renderedKeys, function (i, key) { if (existSet[i]) { return; } if (addSet[i]) { return; } deleteArray.push(key[1]); }); BI.each(deleteArray, function (i, index) { // 性能优化,不调用destroy方法防止触发destroy事件 self.renderedCells[index].el._destroy(); }); var addedItems = []; BI.each(addSet, function (index, key) { addedItems.push(renderedCells[key[1]]); }); this.container.addItems(addedItems); // 拦截父子级关系 this.container._children = renderedWidgets; this.container.attr("items", renderedCells); this.renderedCells = renderedCells; this.renderedKeys = renderedKeys; // Todo 左右比较特殊 var minX = BI.min(leftBorder); var maxX = BI.max(rightBorder); var minY = BI.max(topBorder); var maxY = BI.min(bottomBorder); this.renderRange = {minX: minX, minY: minY, maxX: maxX, maxY: maxY}; } }, _getMaxScrollLeft: function () { return Math.max(0, this._width - this.options.width + (this.options.overflowX ? BI.DOM.getScrollWidth() : 0)); }, _getMaxScrollTop: function () { return Math.max(0, this._height - this.options.height + (this.options.overflowY ? BI.DOM.getScrollWidth() : 0)); }, _populate: function (items) { var o = this.options; this._reRange(); if (items && items !== this.options.items) { this.options.items = items; this._calculateSizeAndPositionData(); } if (o.items.length > 0) { this.container.setWidth(this._width); this.container.setHeight(this._height); this._calculateChildrenToRender(); // 元素未挂载时不能设置scrollTop try { this.element.scrollTop(o.scrollTop); this.element.scrollLeft(o.scrollLeft); } catch (e) { } } }, setScrollLeft: function (scrollLeft) { if (this.options.scrollLeft === scrollLeft) { return; } this._scrollLock = true; this.options.scrollLeft = BI.clamp(scrollLeft || 0, 0, this._getMaxScrollLeft()); this._debounceRelease(); this._calculateChildrenToRender(); this.element.scrollLeft(this.options.scrollLeft); }, setScrollTop: function (scrollTop) { if (this.options.scrollTop === scrollTop) { return; } this._scrollLock = true; this.options.scrollTop = BI.clamp(scrollTop || 0, 0, this._getMaxScrollTop()); this._debounceRelease(); this._calculateChildrenToRender(); this.element.scrollTop(this.options.scrollTop); }, setOverflowX: function (b) { var self = this; if (this.options.overflowX !== !!b) { this.options.overflowX = !!b; BI.nextTick(function () { self.element.css({overflowX: b ? "auto" : "hidden"}); }); } }, setOverflowY: function (b) { var self = this; if (this.options.overflowY !== !!b) { this.options.overflowY = !!b; BI.nextTick(function () { self.element.css({overflowY: b ? "auto" : "hidden"}); }); } }, getScrollLeft: function () { return this.options.scrollLeft; }, getScrollTop: function () { return this.options.scrollTop; }, getMaxScrollLeft: function () { return this._getMaxScrollLeft(); }, getMaxScrollTop: function () { return this._getMaxScrollTop(); }, // 重新计算children _reRange: function () { this.renderRange = {}; }, _clearChildren: function () { this.container._children = {}; this.container.attr("items", []); }, restore: function () { BI.each(this.renderedCells, function (i, cell) { cell.el._destroy(); }); this._clearChildren(); this.renderedCells = []; this.renderedKeys = []; this.renderRange = {}; this._scrollLock = false; }, populate: function (items) { if (items && items !== this.options.items) { this.restore(); } this._populate(items); } }); BI.CollectionView.EVENT_SCROLL = "EVENT_SCROLL"; BI.shortcut("bi.collection_view", BI.CollectionView);/** * @class BI.Combo * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.Combo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Combo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-combo", trigger: "click", toggle: true, direction: "bottom", // top||bottom||left||right||top,left||top,right||bottom,left||bottom,right container: null, // popupview放置的容器,默认为this.element isDefaultInit: false, destroyWhenHide: false, isNeedAdjustHeight: true, // 是否需要高度调整 isNeedAdjustWidth: true, stopEvent: false, stopPropagation: false, adjustLength: 0, // 调整的距离 adjustXOffset: 0, adjustYOffset: 0, hideChecker: BI.emptyFn, offsetStyle: "left", // left,right,center el: {}, popup: {}, comboClass: "bi-combo-popup", hoverClass: "bi-combo-hover" }); }, _init: function () { BI.Combo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this._initCombo(); this._initPullDownAction(); this.combo.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid()) { if (type === BI.Events.EXPAND) { self._popupView(); } if (type === BI.Events.COLLAPSE) { self._hideView(); } if (type === BI.Events.EXPAND) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_EXPAND); } if (type === BI.Events.COLLAPSE) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); self.isViewVisible() && self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_COLLAPSE); } if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE, obj); } } }); self.element.on("mouseenter." + self.getName(), function (e) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.combo.isEnabled() && self.combo.isValid()) { self.element.addClass(o.hoverClass); } }); self.element.on("mouseleave." + self.getName(), function (e) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.combo.isEnabled() && self.combo.isValid()) { self.element.removeClass(o.hoverClass); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, element: this, items: [ {el: this.combo} ] }); o.isDefaultInit && (this._assertPopupView()); BI.Resizers.add(this.getName(), BI.bind(function () { if (this.isViewVisible()) { this._hideView(); } }, this)); }, _toggle: function () { this._assertPopupViewRender(); if (this.popupView.isVisible()) { this._hideView(); } else { if (this.isEnabled()) { this._popupView(); } } }, _initPullDownAction: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var evs = this.options.trigger.split(","); var st = function (e) { if (o.stopEvent) { e.stopEvent(); } if (o.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } }; var enterPopup = false; function hide () { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.combo.isEnabled() && self.combo.isValid() && o.toggle === true) { self._hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.COLLAPSE, "", self.combo); self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_COLLAPSE); } self.popupView && self.popupView.element.off("mouseenter." + self.getName()).off("mouseleave." + self.getName()); enterPopup = false; } BI.each(evs, function (i, ev) { switch (ev) { case "hover": self.element.on("mouseenter." + self.getName(), function (e) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.combo.isEnabled() && self.combo.isValid()) { self._popupView(); self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EXPAND, "", self.combo); self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_EXPAND); } }); self.element.on("mouseleave." + self.getName(), function (e) { if (self.popupView) { self.popupView.element.on("mouseenter." + self.getName(), function (e) { enterPopup = true; self.popupView.element.on("mouseleave." + self.getName(), function (e) { hide(); }); self.popupView.element.off("mouseenter." + self.getName()); }); BI.defer(function () { if (!enterPopup) { hide(); } }, 50); } }); break; case "click": var debounce = BI.debounce(function (e) { if (self.combo.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e)) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.combo.isEnabled() && self.combo.isValid()) { // if (!o.toggle && self.isViewVisible()) { // return; // } o.toggle ? self._toggle() : self._popupView(); if (self.isViewVisible()) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EXPAND, "", self.combo); self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_EXPAND); } else { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.COLLAPSE, "", self.combo); self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_COLLAPSE); } } } }, BI.EVENT_RESPONSE_TIME, true); self.element.off(ev + "." + self.getName()).on(ev + "." + self.getName(), function (e) { debounce(e); st(e); }); break; case "click-hover": var debounce = BI.debounce(function (e) { if (self.combo.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e)) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.combo.isEnabled() && self.combo.isValid()) { // if (self.isViewVisible()) { // return; // } self._popupView(); if (self.isViewVisible()) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EXPAND, "", self.combo); self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_EXPAND); } } } }, BI.EVENT_RESPONSE_TIME, true); self.element.off("click." + self.getName()).on("click." + self.getName(), function (e) { debounce(e); st(e); }); self.element.on("mouseleave." + self.getName(), function (e) { if (self.popupView) { self.popupView.element.on("mouseenter." + self.getName(), function (e) { enterPopup = true; self.popupView.element.on("mouseleave." + self.getName(), function (e) { hide(); }); self.popupView.element.off("mouseenter." + self.getName()); }); BI.defer(function () { if (!enterPopup) { hide(); } }, 50); } }); break; } }); }, _initCombo: function () { this.combo = BI.createWidget(this.options.el, { value: this.options.value }); }, _assertPopupView: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; if (this.popupView == null) { this.popupView = BI.createWidget(this.options.popup, { type: "bi.popup_view", value: o.value }); this.popupView.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.combo.setValue(self.getValue()); self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_CHANGE, value, obj); } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.popupView.setVisible(false); BI.nextTick(function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_INIT); }); } }, _assertPopupViewRender: function () { this._assertPopupView(); if (!this._rendered) { BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, element: this.options.container || this, items: [ {el: this.popupView} ] }); this._rendered = true; } }, _hideIf: function (e) { // if (this.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e) || (this.popupView && this.popupView.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e))) { // return; // } // BI-10290 公式combo双击公式内容会收起 if (this.element.find(e.target).length > 0 || (this.popupView && this.popupView.element.find(e.target).length > 0) || e.target.className === "CodeMirror-cursor" || $(e.target).closest(".CodeMirror-hints").length > 0) {// BI-9887 CodeMirror的公式弹框需要特殊处理下 return; } var isHide = this.options.hideChecker.apply(this, [e]); if (isHide === false) { return; } this._hideView(); }, _hideView: function () { this.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW); if (this.options.destroyWhenHide === true) { this.popupView && this.popupView.destroy(); this.popupView = null; this._rendered = false; } else { this.popupView && this.popupView.invisible(); } this.element.removeClass(this.options.comboClass); $(document).unbind("mousedown." + this.getName()).unbind("mousewheel." + this.getName()); this.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW); }, _popupView: function () { this._assertPopupViewRender(); this.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW); this.popupView.visible(); this.adjustWidth(); this.adjustHeight(); this.element.addClass(this.options.comboClass); $(document).unbind("mousedown." + this.getName()).unbind("mousewheel." + this.getName()); $(document).bind("mousedown." + this.getName(), BI.bind(this._hideIf, this)).bind("mousewheel." + this.getName(), BI.bind(this._hideIf, this)); this.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW); }, adjustWidth: function () { var o = this.options; if (!this.popupView) { return; } if (o.isNeedAdjustWidth === true) { this.resetListWidth(""); var width = this.popupView.element.outerWidth(); var maxW = this.element.outerWidth() || o.width; if (width > maxW + 80) { maxW = maxW + 80; } else if (width > maxW) { maxW = width; } this.resetListWidth(maxW < 100 ? 100 : maxW); } }, adjustHeight: function () { var o = this.options, p = {}; if (!this.popupView) { return; } var isVisible = this.popupView.isVisible(); this.popupView.visible(); switch (o.direction) { case "bottom": case "bottom,right": p = $.getComboPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset, o.adjustYOffset || o.adjustLength, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["bottom", "top", "right", "left"], o.offsetStyle); break; case "top": case "top,right": p = $.getComboPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset, o.adjustYOffset || o.adjustLength, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["top", "bottom", "right", "left"], o.offsetStyle); break; case "left": case "left,bottom": p = $.getComboPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset || o.adjustLength, o.adjustYOffset, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["left", "right", "bottom", "top"], o.offsetStyle); break; case "right": case "right,bottom": p = $.getComboPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset || o.adjustLength, o.adjustYOffset, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["right", "left", "bottom", "top"], o.offsetStyle); break; case "top,left": p = $.getComboPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset, o.adjustYOffset || o.adjustLength, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["top", "bottom", "left", "right"], o.offsetStyle); break; case "bottom,left": p = $.getComboPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset, o.adjustYOffset || o.adjustLength, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["bottom", "top", "left", "right"], o.offsetStyle); break; case "left,top": p = $.getComboPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset || o.adjustLength, o.adjustYOffset, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["left", "right", "top", "bottom"], o.offsetStyle); break; case "right,top": p = $.getComboPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset || o.adjustLength, o.adjustYOffset, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["right", "left", "top", "bottom"], o.offsetStyle); break; case "top,custom": case "custom,top": p = $.getTopAdaptPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustYOffset || o.adjustLength, o.isNeedAdjustHeight); break; case "custom,bottom": case "bottom,custom": p = $.getBottomAdaptPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustYOffset || o.adjustLength, o.isNeedAdjustHeight); break; case "left,custom": case "custom,left": p = $.getLeftAdaptPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset || o.adjustLength); delete p.top; delete p.adaptHeight; break; case "custom,right": case "right,custom": p = $.getRightAdaptPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset || o.adjustLength); delete p.top; delete p.adaptHeight; break; } if ("adaptHeight" in p) { this.resetListHeight(p["adaptHeight"]); } if ("left" in p) { this.popupView.element.css({ left: p.left }); } if ("top" in p) { this.popupView.element.css({ top: p.top }); } this.position = p; this.popupView.setVisible(isVisible); }, resetListHeight: function (h) { this._assertPopupView(); this.popupView.resetHeight && this.popupView.resetHeight(h); }, resetListWidth: function (w) { this._assertPopupView(); this.popupView.resetWidth && this.popupView.resetWidth(w); }, populate: function (items) { this._assertPopupView(); this.popupView.populate.apply(this.popupView, arguments); this.combo.populate.apply(this.combo, arguments); }, _setEnable: function (arg) { BI.Combo.superclass._setEnable.apply(this, arguments); !arg && this.element.removeClass(this.options.hoverClass); !arg && this.isViewVisible() && this._hideView(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.combo.setValue(v); if (BI.isNull(this.popupView)) { this.options.popup.value = v; } else { this.popupView.setValue(v); } }, getValue: function () { if (BI.isNull(this.popupView)) { return this.options.popup.value; } else { return this.popupView.getValue(); } }, isViewVisible: function () { return this.isEnabled() && this.combo.isEnabled() && !!this.popupView && this.popupView.isVisible(); }, showView: function () { if (this.isEnabled() && this.combo.isEnabled()) { this._popupView(); } }, hideView: function () { this._hideView(); }, getView: function () { return this.popupView; }, getPopupPosition: function () { return this.position; }, toggle: function () { this._toggle(); }, destroy: function () { $(document).unbind("mousedown." + this.getName()) .unbind("mousewheel." + this.getName()) .unbind("mouseenter." + this.getName()) .unbind("mousemove." + this.getName()) .unbind("mouseleave." + this.getName()); BI.Resizers.remove(this.getName()); BI.Combo.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.Combo.EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE = "EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE"; BI.Combo.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.Combo.EVENT_EXPAND = "EVENT_EXPAND"; BI.Combo.EVENT_COLLAPSE = "EVENT_COLLAPSE"; BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_INIT = "EVENT_AFTER_INIT"; BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW"; BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW"; BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW"; BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW = "EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW"; BI.shortcut("bi.combo", BI.Combo);/** * * 某个可以展开的节点 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/10. * @class BI.Expander * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.Expander = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Expander.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-expander", trigger: "click", toggle: true, // direction: "bottom", //top,bottom四个方向 isDefaultInit: false, // 是否默认初始化子节点 el: {}, popup: {}, expanderClass: "bi-expander-popup", hoverClass: "bi-expander-hover" }); }, _init: function () { BI.Expander.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this._expanded = !!o.el.open; this._initExpander(); this._initPullDownAction(); this.expander.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid()) { if (type === BI.Events.EXPAND) { self._popupView(); } if (type === BI.Events.COLLAPSE) { self._hideView(); } if (type === BI.Events.EXPAND) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); self.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_EXPAND); } if (type === BI.Events.COLLAPSE) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); self.isViewVisible() && self.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_COLLAPSE); } if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE, value, obj); } } }); this.element.hover(function () { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.expander.isEnabled() && self.expander.isValid()) { self.element.addClass(o.hoverClass); } }, function () { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.expander.isEnabled() && self.expander.isValid()) { self.element.removeClass(o.hoverClass); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, element: this, items: [ {el: this.expander} ] }); o.isDefaultInit && this._assertPopupView(); if (this.expander.isOpened() === true) { this._popupView(); } }, _toggle: function () { this._assertPopupViewRender(); if (this.popupView.isVisible()) { this._hideView(); } else { if (this.isEnabled()) { this._popupView(); } } }, _initPullDownAction: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var evs = this.options.trigger.split(","); BI.each(evs, function (i, e) { switch (e) { case "hover": self.element[e](function (e) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.expander.isEnabled() && self.expander.isValid()) { self._popupView(); self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EXPAND, "", self.expander); self.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_EXPAND); } }, function () { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.expander.isEnabled() && self.expander.isValid() && o.toggle) { self._hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.COLLAPSE, "", self.expander); self.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_COLLAPSE); } }); break; default : if (e) { self.element.off(e + "." + self.getName()).on(e + "." + self.getName(), BI.debounce(function (e) { if (self.expander.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e)) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.expander.isEnabled() && self.expander.isValid()) { o.toggle ? self._toggle() : self._popupView(); if (self.isExpanded()) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EXPAND, "", self.expander); self.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_EXPAND); } else { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.COLLAPSE, "", self.expander); self.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_COLLAPSE); } } } }, BI.EVENT_RESPONSE_TIME, true)); } break; } }); }, _initExpander: function () { this.expander = BI.createWidget(this.options.el, { value: this.options.value }); }, _assertPopupView: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; if (this.popupView == null) { this.popupView = BI.createWidget(this.options.popup, { type: "bi.button_group", cls: "expander-popup", layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical", hgap: 0, vgap: 0 }], value: o.value }); this.popupView.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { // self.setValue(self.getValue()); self.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_CHANGE, value, obj); } }); this.popupView.setVisible(this.isExpanded()); BI.nextTick(function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_AFTER_INIT); }); } }, _assertPopupViewRender: function () { this._assertPopupView(); if (!this._rendered) { BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, element: this, items: [ {el: this.popupView} ] }); this._rendered = true; } }, _hideView: function () { this.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW); this._expanded = false; this.expander.setOpened(false); this.popupView && this.popupView.invisible(); this.element.removeClass(this.options.expanderClass); this.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW); }, _popupView: function () { this._assertPopupViewRender(); this.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW); this._expanded = true; this.expander.setOpened(true); this.popupView.visible(); this.element.addClass(this.options.expanderClass); this.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW); }, populate: function (items) { // this._assertPopupView(); this.popupView && this.popupView.populate.apply(this.popupView, arguments); this.expander.populate.apply(this.expander, arguments); }, _setEnable: function (arg) { BI.Expander.superclass._setEnable.apply(this, arguments); !arg && this.element.removeClass(this.options.hoverClass); !arg && this.isViewVisible() && this._hideView(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.expander.setValue(v); if (BI.isNull(this.popupView)) { this.options.popup.value = v; } else { this.popupView.setValue(v); } }, getValue: function () { if (BI.isNull(this.popupView)) { return this.options.popup.value; } else { return this.popupView.getValue(); } }, isViewVisible: function () { return this.isEnabled() && this.expander.isEnabled() && !!this.popupView && this.popupView.isVisible(); }, isExpanded: function () { return this._expanded; }, showView: function () { if (this.isEnabled() && this.expander.isEnabled()) { this._popupView(); } }, hideView: function () { this._hideView(); }, getView: function () { return this.popupView; }, getAllLeaves: function () { return this.popupView && this.popupView.getAllLeaves(); }, getNodeById: function (id) { if (this.expander.options.id === id) { return this.expander; } return this.popupView && this.popupView.getNodeById(id); }, getNodeByValue: function (value) { if (this.expander.getValue() === value) { return this.expander; } return this.popupView && this.popupView.getNodeByValue(value); }, destroy: function () { BI.Expander.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.Expander.EVENT_EXPAND = "EVENT_EXPAND"; BI.Expander.EVENT_COLLAPSE = "EVENT_COLLAPSE"; BI.Expander.EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE = "EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE"; BI.Expander.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.Expander.EVENT_AFTER_INIT = "EVENT_AFTER_INIT"; BI.Expander.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW"; BI.Expander.EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW"; BI.Expander.EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW"; BI.Expander.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW = "EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW"; BI.shortcut("bi.expander", BI.Expander);/** * Created by GUY on 2015/8/10. */ BI.ComboGroup = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ComboGroup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-combo-group bi-list-item", // 以下这些属性对每一个combo都是公用的 trigger: "click,hover", direction: "right", adjustLength: 0, isDefaultInit: false, isNeedAdjustHeight: false, isNeedAdjustWidth: false, el: {type: "bi.text_button", text: "", value: ""}, children: [], popup: { el: { type: "bi.button_tree", chooseType: 0, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] } } }); }, _init: function () { BI.ComboGroup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this._populate(this.options.el); }, _populate: function (item) { var self = this, o = this.options; var children = o.children; if (BI.isEmpty(children)) { throw new Error("ComboGroup构造错误"); } BI.each(children, function (i, ch) { var son = BI.formatEL(ch).el.children; ch = BI.formatEL(ch).el; if (!BI.isEmpty(son)) { ch.el = BI.clone(ch); ch.children = son; ch.type = "bi.combo_group"; ch.action = o.action; ch.height = o.height; ch.direction = o.direction; ch.isDefaultInit = o.isDefaultInit; ch.isNeedAdjustHeight = o.isNeedAdjustHeight; ch.isNeedAdjustWidth = o.isNeedAdjustWidth; ch.adjustLength = o.adjustLength; ch.popup = o.popup; } }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", element: this, height: o.height, trigger: o.trigger, direction: o.direction, isDefaultInit: o.isDefaultInit, isNeedAdjustWidth: o.isNeedAdjustWidth, isNeedAdjustHeight: o.isNeedAdjustHeight, adjustLength: o.adjustLength, el: item, popup: BI.extend({}, o.popup, { el: BI.extend({ items: children }, o.popup.el) }) }); this.combo.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.ComboGroup.EVENT_CHANGE, obj); } }); }, getValue: function () { return this.combo.getValue(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.combo.setValue(v); } }); BI.ComboGroup.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.combo_group", BI.ComboGroup);BI.VirtualGroup = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.VirtualGroup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-virtual-group", items: [], layouts: [{ type: "bi.center", hgap: 0, vgap: 0 }] }); }, render: function () { this.populate(this.options.items); }, _packageBtns: function (items) { var o = this.options; for (var i = o.layouts.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { items = BI.map(items, function (k, it) { return BI.extend({}, o.layouts[i], { items: [ BI.extend({}, o.layouts[i].el, { el: BI.stripEL(it) }) ] }); }); } return items; }, _packageItems: function (items, packBtns) { return BI.createItems(BI.makeArrayByArray(items, {}), BI.clone(packBtns)); }, _packageLayout: function (items) { var o = this.options, layout = BI.deepClone(o.layouts[0]); var lay = BI.formatEL(layout).el; while (lay && lay.items && !BI.isEmpty(lay.items)) { lay = BI.formatEL(lay.items[0]).el; } lay.items = items; return layout; }, addItems: function (items) { this.layouts.addItems(items); }, prependItems: function (items) { this.layouts.prependItems(items); }, setValue: function (v) { // this.layouts.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.layouts.getValue(); }, populate: function (items) { var self = this; items = items || []; this.options.items = items; items = this._packageBtns(items); if (!this.layouts) { this.layouts = BI.createWidget(BI.extend({element: this}, this._packageLayout(items))); } else { this.layouts.populate(items); } } }); BI.VirtualGroup.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.virtual_group", BI.VirtualGroup);/** * 加载控件 * * Created by GUY on 2015/8/31. * @class BI.Loader * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.Loader = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Loader.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-loader", direction: "top", isDefaultInit: true, // 是否默认初始化数据 logic: { dynamic: true, scrolly: true }, // 下面是button_group的属性 el: { type: "bi.button_group" }, items: [], itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, onLoaded: BI.emptyFn, // 下面是分页信息 count: false, prev: false, next: {}, hasPrev: BI.emptyFn, hasNext: BI.emptyFn }); }, _prevLoad: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this.prev.setLoading(); o.itemsCreator.apply(this, [{times: --this.times}, function () { self.prev.setLoaded(); self.prependItems.apply(self, arguments); }]); }, _nextLoad: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this.next.setLoading(); o.itemsCreator.apply(this, [{times: ++this.times}, function () { self.next.setLoaded(); self.addItems.apply(self, arguments); }]); }, _init: function () { BI.Loader.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.itemsCreator === false) { o.prev = false; o.next = false; } if (o.prev !== false) { this.prev = BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ type: "bi.loading_bar" }, o.prev)); this.prev.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self._prevLoad(); } }); } this.button_group = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.button_group", chooseType: 0, items: o.items, behaviors: {}, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] }); this.button_group.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.Loader.EVENT_CHANGE, obj); } }); if (o.next !== false) { this.next = BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ type: "bi.loading_bar" }, o.next)); this.next.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self._nextLoad(); } }); } BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(o.direction), BI.extend({ scrolly: true }, o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(o.direction, this.prev, this.button_group, this.next) })))); o.isDefaultInit && BI.isEmpty(o.items) && BI.nextTick(BI.bind(function () { o.isDefaultInit && BI.isEmpty(o.items) && this.populate(); }, this)); if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(o.items)) { this.populate(o.items); } }, hasPrev: function () { var o = this.options; if (BI.isNumber(o.count)) { return this.count < o.count; } return !!o.hasPrev.apply(this, [{ times: this.times, count: this.count }]); }, hasNext: function () { var o = this.options; if (BI.isNumber(o.count)) { return this.count < o.count; } return !!o.hasNext.apply(this, [{ times: this.times, count: this.count }]); }, prependItems: function (items) { this.count += items.length; if (this.next !== false) { if (this.hasPrev()) { this.options.items = this.options.items.concat(items); this.prev.setLoaded(); } else { this.prev.setEnd(); } } this.button_group.prependItems.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, addItems: function (items) { this.count += items.length; if (BI.isObject(this.next)) { if (this.hasNext()) { this.options.items = this.options.items.concat(items); this.next.setLoaded(); } else { this.next.setEnd(); } } this.button_group.addItems.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, populate: function (items) { var self = this, o = this.options; if (arguments.length === 0 && (BI.isFunction(o.itemsCreator))) { o.itemsCreator.apply(this, [{times: 1}, function () { if (arguments.length === 0) { throw new Error("arguments can not be null!!!"); } self.populate.apply(self, arguments); o.onLoaded(); }]); return; } this.options.items = items; this.times = 1; this.count = 0; this.count += items.length; if (BI.isObject(this.next)) { if (this.hasNext()) { this.next.setLoaded(); } else { this.next.invisible(); } } if (BI.isObject(this.prev)) { if (this.hasPrev()) { this.prev.setLoaded(); } else { this.prev.invisible(); } } this.button_group.populate.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, setNotSelectedValue: function () { this.button_group.setNotSelectedValue.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, getNotSelectedValue: function () { return this.button_group.getNotSelectedValue(); }, setValue: function () { this.button_group.setValue.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, getValue: function () { return this.button_group.getValue.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, getAllButtons: function () { return this.button_group.getAllButtons(); }, getAllLeaves: function () { return this.button_group.getAllLeaves(); }, getSelectedButtons: function () { return this.button_group.getSelectedButtons(); }, getNotSelectedButtons: function () { return this.button_group.getNotSelectedButtons(); }, getIndexByValue: function (value) { return this.button_group.getIndexByValue(value); }, getNodeById: function (id) { return this.button_group.getNodeById(id); }, getNodeByValue: function (value) { return this.button_group.getNodeByValue(value); }, empty: function () { this.button_group.empty(); BI.each([this.prev, this.next], function (i, ob) { ob && ob.setVisible(false); }); }, destroy: function () { BI.Loader.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.Loader.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.loader", BI.Loader);/** * Created by GUY on 2015/6/26. */ BI.Navigation = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Navigation.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { direction: "bottom", // top, bottom, left, right, custom logic: { dynamic: false }, single: false, defaultShowIndex: false, tab: false, cardCreator: function (v) { return BI.createWidget(); }, afterCardCreated: BI.emptyFn, afterCardShow: BI.emptyFn }); }, render: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this.tab = BI.createWidget(this.options.tab, {type: "bi.button_group"}); this.cardMap = {}; this.showIndex = 0; this.layout = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.card" }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(o.direction), BI.extend({}, o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(o.direction, this.tab, this.layout) })))); new BI.ShowListener({ eventObj: this.tab, cardLayout: this.layout, cardNameCreator: function (v) { return self.showIndex + v; }, cardCreator: function (v) { var card = o.cardCreator(v); self.cardMap[v] = card; return card; }, afterCardCreated: BI.bind(this.afterCardCreated, this), afterCardShow: BI.bind(this.afterCardShow, this) }); }, mounted: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.defaultShowIndex !== false) { this.setSelect(o.defaultShowIndex); } }, _deleteOtherCards: function (currCardName) { var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.single === true) { BI.each(this.cardMap, function (name, card) { if (name !== (currCardName + "")) { self.layout.deleteCardByName(name); delete self.cardMap[name]; } }); } }, afterCardCreated: function (v) { var self = this; this.cardMap[v].on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.Navigation.EVENT_CHANGE, obj); } }); this.options.afterCardCreated.apply(this, arguments); }, afterCardShow: function (v) { this.showIndex = v; this._deleteOtherCards(v); this.options.afterCardShow.apply(this, arguments); }, populate: function () { var card = this.layout.getShowingCard(); if (card) { return card.populate.apply(card, arguments); } }, _assertCard: function (v) { if (!this.layout.isCardExisted(v)) { var card = this.options.cardCreator(v); this.cardMap[v] = card; this.layout.addCardByName(v, card); this.afterCardCreated(v); } }, setSelect: function (v) { this._assertCard(v); this.layout.showCardByName(v); this._deleteOtherCards(v); if (this.showIndex !== v) { this.showIndex = v; BI.nextTick(BI.bind(this.afterCardShow, this, v)); } }, getSelect: function () { return this.showIndex; }, getSelectedCard: function () { if (BI.isKey(this.showIndex)) { return this.cardMap[this.showIndex]; } }, /** * @override */ setValue: function (v) { var card = this.layout.getShowingCard(); if (card) { card.setValue(v); } }, /** * @override */ getValue: function () { var card = this.layout.getShowingCard(); if (card) { return card.getValue(); } }, empty: function () { this.layout.deleteAllCard(); this.cardMap = {}; }, destroy: function () { BI.Navigation.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.Navigation.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.navigation", BI.Navigation);/** * 搜索逻辑控件 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/28. * @class BI.Searcher * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.Searcher = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Searcher.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-searcher", lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, vgap: 0, hgap: 0, isDefaultInit: false, isAutoSearch: true, // 是否自动搜索 isAutoSync: true, // 是否自动同步数据, 即是否保持搜索面板和adapter面板状态值的统一 chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE, // isAutoSearch为false时启用 onSearch: function (op, callback) { callback([]); }, el: { type: "bi.search_editor" }, popup: { type: "bi.searcher_view" }, adapter: null, masker: { // masker层 offset: {} } }); }, _init: function () { BI.Searcher.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.editor = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.search_editor" }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, vgap: o.vgap, hgap: o.hgap, items: [this.editor] }); o.isDefaultInit && (this._assertPopupView()); var search = BI.debounce(BI.bind(this._search, this), BI.EVENT_RESPONSE_TIME, true); this.editor.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { switch (type) { case BI.Events.STARTEDIT: self._startSearch(); break; case BI.Events.EMPTY: self._stopSearch(); break; case BI.Events.CHANGE: search(); break; case BI.Events.PAUSE: self._pauseSearch(); break; } }); }, _assertPopupView: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; if ((o.masker && !BI.Maskers.has(this.getName())) || (o.masker === false && !this.popupView)) { this.popupView = BI.createWidget(o.popup, { type: "bi.searcher_view", chooseType: o.chooseType }); this.popupView.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { if (o.isAutoSync) { var values = o.adapter && o.adapter.getValue(); if (!obj.isSelected()) { o.adapter && o.adapter.setValue(BI.deepWithout(values, obj.getValue())); } else { switch (o.chooseType) { case BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE: o.adapter && o.adapter.setValue([obj.getValue()]); break; case BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_MULTI: values.push(obj.getValue()); o.adapter && o.adapter.setValue(values); break; } } } self.fireEvent(BI.Searcher.EVENT_CHANGE, value, obj); } }); BI.nextTick(function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Searcher.EVENT_AFTER_INIT); }); } if (o.masker && !BI.Maskers.has(this.getName())) { BI.Maskers.create(this.getName(), o.adapter, BI.extend({ container: this, render: this.popupView }, o.masker)); } }, _startSearch: function () { this._assertPopupView(); this._stop = false; this._isSearching = true; this.fireEvent(BI.Searcher.EVENT_START); this.popupView.startSearch && this.popupView.startSearch(); // 搜索前先清空dom // BI.Maskers.get(this.getName()).empty(); BI.nextTick(function (name) { BI.Maskers.show(name); }, this.getName()); }, _pauseSearch: function () { var o = this.options, name = this.getName(); this._stop = true; BI.nextTick(function (name) { BI.Maskers.hide(name); }, this.getName()); if (this._isSearching === true) { this.popupView && this.popupView.pauseSearch && this.popupView.pauseSearch(); this.fireEvent(BI.Searcher.EVENT_PAUSE); } this._isSearching = false; }, _stopSearch: function () { var o = this.options, name = this.getName(); this._stop = true; BI.Maskers.hide(name); if (this._isSearching === true) { this.popupView && this.popupView.stopSearch && this.popupView.stopSearch(); this.fireEvent(BI.Searcher.EVENT_STOP); } this._isSearching = false; }, _search: function () { var self = this, o = this.options, keyword = this.editor.getValue(); if (keyword === "" || this._stop) { return; } if (o.isAutoSearch) { var items = (o.adapter && ((o.adapter.getItems && o.adapter.getItems()) || o.adapter.attr("items"))) || []; var finding = BI.Func.getSearchResult(items, keyword); var matched = finding.matched, finded = finding.finded; this.popupView.populate(finded, matched, keyword); o.isAutoSync && o.adapter && o.adapter.getValue && this.popupView.setValue(o.adapter.getValue()); self.fireEvent(BI.Searcher.EVENT_SEARCHING); return; } this.popupView.loading && this.popupView.loading(); o.onSearch({ times: 1, keyword: keyword, selectedValues: o.adapter && o.adapter.getValue() }, function (searchResult, matchResult) { if (!self._stop) { var args = [].slice.call(arguments); if (args.length > 0) { args.push(keyword); } BI.Maskers.show(self.getName()); self.popupView.populate.apply(self.popupView, args); o.isAutoSync && o.adapter && o.adapter.getValue && self.popupView.setValue(o.adapter.getValue()); self.popupView.loaded && self.popupView.loaded(); self.fireEvent(BI.Searcher.EVENT_SEARCHING); } }); }, setAdapter: function (adapter) { this.options.adapter = adapter; BI.Maskers.remove(this.getName()); }, doSearch: function () { if (this.isSearching()) { this._search(); } }, stopSearch: function () { this._stopSearch();// 先停止搜索,然后再去设置editor为空 // important:停止搜索必须退出编辑状态,这里必须加上try(input框不显示时blur会抛异常) try { this.editor.blur(); } catch (e) { if (!this.editor.blur) { throw new Error("editor没有实现blur方法"); } } finally { this.editor.setValue(""); } }, isSearching: function () { return this._isSearching; }, isViewVisible: function () { return this.editor.isEnabled() && BI.Maskers.isVisible(this.getName()); }, getView: function () { return this.popupView; }, hasMatched: function () { this._assertPopupView(); return this.popupView.hasMatched(); }, adjustHeight: function () { if (BI.Maskers.has(this.getName()) && BI.Maskers.get(this.getName()).isVisible()) { BI.Maskers.show(this.getName()); } }, adjustView: function () { this.isViewVisible() && BI.Maskers.show(this.getName()); }, setValue: function (v) { if (BI.isNull(this.popupView)) { this.options.popup.value = v; } else { this.popupView.setValue(v); } }, getKeyword: function () { return this.editor.getValue(); }, getKeywords: function () { return this.editor.getKeywords(); }, getValue: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.isAutoSync && o.adapter && o.adapter.getValue) { return o.adapter.getValue(); } if (this.isSearching()) { return this.popupView.getValue(); } else if (o.adapter && o.adapter.getValue) { return o.adapter.getValue(); } if (BI.isNull(this.popupView)) { return o.popup.value; } return this.popupView.getValue(); }, populate: function (result, searchResult, keyword) { var o = this.options; this._assertPopupView(); this.popupView.populate.apply(this.popupView, arguments); if (o.isAutoSync && o.adapter && o.adapter.getValue) { this.popupView.setValue(o.adapter.getValue()); } }, empty: function () { this.popupView && this.popupView.empty(); }, destroy: function () { BI.Maskers.remove(this.getName()); BI.Searcher.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.Searcher.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.Searcher.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.Searcher.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.Searcher.EVENT_PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.Searcher.EVENT_SEARCHING = "EVENT_SEARCHING"; BI.Searcher.EVENT_AFTER_INIT = "EVENT_AFTER_INIT"; BI.shortcut("bi.searcher", BI.Searcher);/** * * 切换显示或隐藏面板 * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/2. * @class BI.Switcher * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.Switcher = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Switcher.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-switcher", direction: BI.Direction.Top, trigger: "click", toggle: true, el: {}, popup: {}, adapter: null, masker: {}, switcherClass: "bi-switcher-popup", hoverClass: "bi-switcher-hover" }); }, _init: function () { BI.Switcher.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this._initSwitcher(); this._initPullDownAction(); this.switcher.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid()) { if (type === BI.Events.EXPAND) { self._popupView(); } if (type === BI.Events.COLLAPSE) { self._hideView(); } if (type === BI.Events.EXPAND) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); self.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_EXPAND); } if (type === BI.Events.COLLAPSE) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); self.isViewVisible() && self.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_COLLAPSE); } if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE, value, obj); } } }); this.element.hover(function () { if (self.isEnabled() && self.switcher.isEnabled()) { self.element.addClass(o.hoverClass); } }, function () { if (self.isEnabled() && self.switcher.isEnabled()) { self.element.removeClass(o.hoverClass); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, element: this, items: [ {el: this.switcher} ] }); o.isDefaultInit && (this._assertPopupView()); }, _toggle: function () { this._assertPopupView(); if (this.isExpanded()) { this._hideView(); } else { if (this.isEnabled()) { this._popupView(); } } }, _initPullDownAction: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var evs = this.options.trigger.split(","); BI.each(evs, function (i, e) { switch (e) { case "hover": self.element[e](function (e) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.switcher.isEnabled()) { self._popupView(); self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EXPAND, "", self.switcher); self.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_EXPAND); } }, function () { if (self.isEnabled() && self.switcher.isEnabled() && o.toggle) { self._hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.COLLAPSE, "", self.switcher); self.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_COLLAPSE); } }); break; default : if (e) { self.element.off(e + "." + self.getName()).on(e + "." + self.getName(), BI.debounce(function (e) { if (self.switcher.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e)) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.switcher.isEnabled()) { o.toggle ? self._toggle() : self._popupView(); if (self.isExpanded()) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EXPAND, "", self.switcher); self.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_EXPAND); } else { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.COLLAPSE, "", self.switcher); self.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_COLLAPSE); } } } }, BI.EVENT_RESPONSE_TIME, true)); } break; } }); }, _initSwitcher: function () { this.switcher = BI.createWidget(this.options.el, { value: this.options.value }); }, _assertPopupView: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; if (!this._created) { this.popupView = BI.createWidget(o.popup, { type: "bi.button_group", element: o.adapter && BI.Maskers.create(this.getName(), o.adapter, BI.extend({container: this}, o.masker)), cls: "switcher-popup", layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical", hgap: 0, vgap: 0 }], value: o.value }); this.popupView.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_CHANGE, value, obj); } }); if (o.direction !== BI.Direction.Custom && !o.adapter) { BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, element: this, items: [ {el: this.popupView} ] }); } this._created = true; BI.nextTick(function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_AFTER_INIT); }); } }, _hideView: function () { this.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW); var self = this, o = this.options; o.adapter ? BI.Maskers.hide(self.getName()) : (self.popupView && self.popupView.setVisible(false)); BI.nextTick(function () { o.adapter ? BI.Maskers.hide(self.getName()) : (self.popupView && self.popupView.setVisible(false)); self.element.removeClass(o.switcherClass); self.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW); }); }, _popupView: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this._assertPopupView(); this.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW); o.adapter ? BI.Maskers.show(this.getName()) : self.popupView.setVisible(true); BI.nextTick(function (name) { o.adapter ? BI.Maskers.show(name) : self.popupView.setVisible(true); self.element.addClass(o.switcherClass); self.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW); }, this.getName()); }, populate: function (items) { this._assertPopupView(); this.popupView.populate.apply(this.popupView, arguments); this.switcher.populate.apply(this.switcher, arguments); }, _setEnable: function (arg) { BI.Switcher.superclass._setEnable.apply(this, arguments); !arg && this.isViewVisible() && this._hideView(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.switcher.setValue(v); if (BI.isNull(this.popupView)) { this.options.popup.value = v; } else { this.popupView.setValue(v); } }, getValue: function () { if (BI.isNull(this.popupView)) { return this.options.popup.value; } else { return this.popupView.getValue(); } }, setAdapter: function (adapter) { this.options.adapter = adapter; BI.Maskers.remove(this.getName()); }, isViewVisible: function () { return this.isEnabled() && this.switcher.isEnabled() && (this.options.adapter ? BI.Maskers.isVisible(this.getName()) : (this.popupView && this.popupView.isVisible())); }, isExpanded: function () { return this.isViewVisible(); }, showView: function () { if (this.isEnabled() && this.switcher.isEnabled()) { this._popupView(); } }, hideView: function () { this._hideView(); }, getView: function () { return this.popupView; }, adjustView: function () { this.isViewVisible() && BI.Maskers.show(this.getName()); }, getAllLeaves: function () { return this.popupView && this.popupView.getAllLeaves(); }, getNodeById: function (id) { if (this.switcher.attr("id") === id) { return this.switcher; } return this.popupView && this.popupView.getNodeById(id); }, getNodeByValue: function (value) { if (this.switcher.getValue() === value) { return this.switcher; } return this.popupView && this.popupView.getNodeByValue(value); }, empty: function () { this.popupView && this.popupView.empty(); }, destroy: function () { BI.Switcher.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.Switcher.EVENT_EXPAND = "EVENT_EXPAND"; BI.Switcher.EVENT_COLLAPSE = "EVENT_COLLAPSE"; BI.Switcher.EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE = "EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE"; BI.Switcher.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.Switcher.EVENT_AFTER_INIT = "EVENT_AFTER_INIT"; BI.Switcher.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW"; BI.Switcher.EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW"; BI.Switcher.EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW"; BI.Switcher.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW = "EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW"; BI.shortcut("bi.switcher", BI.Switcher);/** * Created by GUY on 2015/6/26. */ BI.Tab = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Tab.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-tab", direction: "top", // top, bottom, left, right, custom single: false, // 是不是单页面 logic: { dynamic: false }, defaultShowIndex: false, tab: false, cardCreator: function (v) { return BI.createWidget(); } }); }, render: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; if (BI.isObject(o.tab)) { this.tab = BI.createWidget(this.options.tab, {type: "bi.button_group"}); this.tab.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); } this.cardMap = {}; this.layout = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.card" }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(o.direction), BI.extend({}, o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(o.direction, this.tab, this.layout) })))); var listener = new BI.ShowListener({ eventObj: this.tab, cardLayout: this.layout, cardCreator: function (v) { var card = o.cardCreator.apply(self, arguments); self.cardMap[v] = card; return card; }, afterCardShow: function (v) { self._deleteOtherCards(v); self.curr = v; } }); listener.on(BI.ShowListener.EVENT_CHANGE, function (value) { self.fireEvent(BI.Tab.EVENT_CHANGE, value, self); }); }, _deleteOtherCards: function (currCardName) { var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.single === true) { BI.each(this.cardMap, function (name, card) { if (name !== (currCardName + "")) { self.layout.deleteCardByName(name); delete self.cardMap[name]; } }); } }, _assertCard: function (v) { if (!this.layout.isCardExisted(v)) { var card = this.options.cardCreator(v); this.cardMap[v] = card; this.layout.addCardByName(v, card); } }, mounted: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.defaultShowIndex !== false) { this.setSelect(o.defaultShowIndex); } }, setSelect: function (v) { this.tab && this.tab.setValue(v); this._assertCard(v); this.layout.showCardByName(v); this._deleteOtherCards(v); if (this.curr !== v) { this.curr = v; } }, removeTab: function (cardname) { var self = this, o = this.options; BI.any(this.cardMap, function (name, card) { if (BI.isEqual(name, (cardname + ""))) { self.layout.deleteCardByName(name); delete self.cardMap[name]; return true; } }); }, getSelect: function () { return this.curr; }, getSelectedTab: function () { return this.layout.getShowingCard(); }, getTab: function (v) { this._assertCard(v); return this.layout.getCardByName(v); }, setValue: function (v) { var card = this.layout.getShowingCard(); if (card) { card.setValue(v); } }, getValue: function () { var card = this.layout.getShowingCard(); if (card) { return card.getValue(); } }, populate: function () { var card = this.layout.getShowingCard(); if (card) { return card.populate && card.populate.apply(card, arguments); } }, empty: function () { this.layout.deleteAllCard(); this.cardMap = {}; }, destroy: function () { this.cardMap = {}; BI.Tab.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.Tab.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.tab", BI.Tab);/** * 表示当前对象 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/7. * @class BI.EL * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.EL = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.EL.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-el", el: {}, layout: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.EL.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.ele = BI.createWidget(o.el); BI.createWidget(o.layout, { type: "bi.adaptive", element: this, items: [this.ele] }); this.ele.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.ele.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.ele.getValue(); }, populate: function () { this.ele.populate.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.el", BI.EL);// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others // Distributed under an MIT license: http://codemirror.net/LICENSE // This is CodeMirror (http://codemirror.net), a code editor // implemented in JavaScript on top of the browser's DOM. // // You can find some technical background for some of the code below // at http://marijnhaverbeke.nl/blog/#cm-internals . (function(mod) { this.CodeMirror = mod(); })(function() { "use strict"; // BROWSER SNIFFING // Kludges for bugs and behavior differences that can't be feature // detected are enabled based on userAgent etc sniffing. var gecko = /gecko\/\d/i.test(navigator.userAgent); var ie_upto10 = /MSIE \d/.test(navigator.userAgent); var ie_11up = /Trident\/(?:[7-9]|\d{2,})\..*rv:(\d+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent); var ie = ie_upto10 || ie_11up; var ie_version = ie && (ie_upto10 ? document.documentMode || 6 : ie_11up[1]); var webkit = /WebKit\//.test(navigator.userAgent); var qtwebkit = webkit && /Qt\/\d+\.\d+/.test(navigator.userAgent); var chrome = /Chrome\//.test(navigator.userAgent); var presto = /Opera\//.test(navigator.userAgent); var safari = /Apple Computer/.test(navigator.vendor); var mac_geMountainLion = /Mac OS X 1\d\D([8-9]|\d\d)\D/.test(navigator.userAgent); var phantom = /PhantomJS/.test(navigator.userAgent); var ios = /AppleWebKit/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Mobile\/\w+/.test(navigator.userAgent); // This is woefully incomplete. Suggestions for alternative methods welcome. var mobile = ios || /Android|webOS|BlackBerry|Opera Mini|Opera Mobi|IEMobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent); var mac = ios || /Mac/.test(navigator.platform); var windows = /win/i.test(navigator.platform); var presto_version = presto && navigator.userAgent.match(/Version\/(\d*\.\d*)/); if (presto_version) presto_version = Number(presto_version[1]); if (presto_version && presto_version >= 15) { presto = false; webkit = true; } // Some browsers use the wrong event properties to signal cmd/ctrl on OS X var flipCtrlCmd = mac && (qtwebkit || presto && (presto_version == null || presto_version < 12.11)); var captureRightClick = gecko || (ie && ie_version >= 9); // Optimize some code when these features are not used. var sawReadOnlySpans = false, sawCollapsedSpans = false; // EDITOR CONSTRUCTOR // A CodeMirror instance represents an editor. This is the object // that user code is usually dealing with. function CodeMirror(place, options) { if (!(this instanceof CodeMirror)) return new CodeMirror(place, options); this.options = options = options ? copyObj(options) : {}; // Determine effective options based on given values and defaults. copyObj(defaults, options, false); setGuttersForLineNumbers(options); var doc = options.value; if (typeof doc == "string") doc = new Doc(doc, options.mode); this.doc = doc; var input = new CodeMirror.inputStyles[options.inputStyle](this); var display = this.display = new Display(place, doc, input); display.wrapper.CodeMirror = this; updateGutters(this); themeChanged(this); if (options.lineWrapping) this.display.wrapper.className += " CodeMirror-wrap"; if (options.autofocus && !mobile) display.input.focus(); initScrollbars(this); this.state = { keyMaps: [], // stores maps added by addKeyMap overlays: [], // highlighting overlays, as added by addOverlay modeGen: 0, // bumped when mode/overlay changes, used to invalidate highlighting info overwrite: false, delayingBlurEvent: false, focused: false, suppressEdits: false, // used to disable editing during key handlers when in readOnly mode pasteIncoming: false, cutIncoming: false, // help recognize paste/cut edits in input.poll draggingText: false, highlight: new Delayed(), // stores highlight worker timeout keySeq: null, // Unfinished key sequence specialChars: null }; var cm = this; // Override magic textarea content restore that IE sometimes does // on our hidden textarea on reload if (ie && ie_version < 11) setTimeout(function() { cm.display.input.reset(true); }, 20); registerEventHandlers(this); ensureGlobalHandlers(); startOperation(this); this.curOp.forceUpdate = true; attachDoc(this, doc); if ((options.autofocus && !mobile) || cm.hasFocus()) setTimeout(bind(onFocus, this), 20); else onBlur(this); for (var opt in optionHandlers) if (optionHandlers.hasOwnProperty(opt)) optionHandlers[opt](this, options[opt], Init); maybeUpdateLineNumberWidth(this); if (options.finishInit) options.finishInit(this); for (var i = 0; i < initHooks.length; ++i) initHooks[i](this); endOperation(this); // Suppress optimizelegibility in Webkit, since it breaks text // measuring on line wrapping boundaries. if (webkit && options.lineWrapping && getComputedStyle(display.lineDiv).textRendering == "optimizelegibility") display.lineDiv.style.textRendering = "auto"; } // DISPLAY CONSTRUCTOR // The display handles the DOM integration, both for input reading // and content drawing. It holds references to DOM nodes and // display-related state. function Display(place, doc, input) { var d = this; this.input = input; // Covers bottom-right square when both scrollbars are present. d.scrollbarFiller = elt("div", null, "CodeMirror-scrollbar-filler"); d.scrollbarFiller.setAttribute("cm-not-content", "true"); // Covers bottom of gutter when coverGutterNextToScrollbar is on // and h scrollbar is present. d.gutterFiller = elt("div", null, "CodeMirror-gutter-filler"); d.gutterFiller.setAttribute("cm-not-content", "true"); // Will contain the actual code, positioned to cover the viewport. d.lineDiv = elt("div", null, "CodeMirror-code"); // Elements are added to these to represent selection and cursors. d.selectionDiv = elt("div", null, null, "position: relative; z-index: 1"); d.cursorDiv = elt("div", null, "CodeMirror-cursors"); // A visibility: hidden element used to find the size of things. d.measure = elt("div", null, "CodeMirror-measure"); // When lines outside of the viewport are measured, they are drawn in this. d.lineMeasure = elt("div", null, "CodeMirror-measure"); // Wraps everything that needs to exist inside the vertically-padded coordinate system d.lineSpace = elt("div", [d.measure, d.lineMeasure, d.selectionDiv, d.cursorDiv, d.lineDiv], null, "position: relative; outline: none"); // Moved around its parent to cover visible view. d.mover = elt("div", [elt("div", [d.lineSpace], "CodeMirror-lines")], null, "position: relative"); // Set to the height of the document, allowing scrolling. d.sizer = elt("div", [d.mover], "CodeMirror-sizer"); d.sizerWidth = null; // Behavior of elts with overflow: auto and padding is // inconsistent across browsers. This is used to ensure the // scrollable area is big enough. d.heightForcer = elt("div", null, null, "position: absolute; height: " + scrollerGap + "px; width: 1px;"); // Will contain the gutters, if any. d.gutters = elt("div", null, "CodeMirror-gutters"); d.lineGutter = null; // Actual scrollable element. d.scroller = elt("div", [d.sizer, d.heightForcer, d.gutters], "CodeMirror-scroll"); d.scroller.setAttribute("tabIndex", "-1"); // The element in which the editor lives. d.wrapper = elt("div", [d.scrollbarFiller, d.gutterFiller, d.scroller], "CodeMirror"); // Work around IE7 z-index bug (not perfect, hence IE7 not really being supported) if (ie && ie_version < 8) { d.gutters.style.zIndex = -1; d.scroller.style.paddingRight = 0; } if (!webkit && !(gecko && mobile)) d.scroller.draggable = true; if (place) { if (place.appendChild) place.appendChild(d.wrapper); else place(d.wrapper); } // Current rendered range (may be bigger than the view window). d.viewFrom = d.viewTo = doc.first; d.reportedViewFrom = d.reportedViewTo = doc.first; // Information about the rendered lines. d.view = []; d.renderedView = null; // Holds info about a single rendered line when it was rendered // for measurement, while not in view. d.externalMeasured = null; // Empty space (in pixels) above the view d.viewOffset = 0; d.lastWrapHeight = d.lastWrapWidth = 0; d.updateLineNumbers = null; d.nativeBarWidth = d.barHeight = d.barWidth = 0; d.scrollbarsClipped = false; // Used to only resize the line number gutter when necessary (when // the amount of lines crosses a boundary that makes its width change) d.lineNumWidth = d.lineNumInnerWidth = d.lineNumChars = null; // Set to true when a non-horizontal-scrolling line widget is // added. As an optimization, line widget aligning is skipped when // this is false. d.alignWidgets = false; d.cachedCharWidth = d.cachedTextHeight = d.cachedPaddingH = null; // Tracks the maximum line length so that the horizontal scrollbar // can be kept static when scrolling. d.maxLine = null; d.maxLineLength = 0; d.maxLineChanged = false; // Used for measuring wheel scrolling granularity d.wheelDX = d.wheelDY = d.wheelStartX = d.wheelStartY = null; // True when shift is held down. d.shift = false; // Used to track whether anything happened since the context menu // was opened. d.selForContextMenu = null; d.activeTouch = null; input.init(d); } // STATE UPDATES // Used to get the editor into a consistent state again when options change. function loadMode(cm) { cm.doc.mode = CodeMirror.getMode(cm.options, cm.doc.modeOption); resetModeState(cm); } function resetModeState(cm) { cm.doc.iter(function(line) { if (line.stateAfter) line.stateAfter = null; if (line.styles) line.styles = null; }); cm.doc.frontier = cm.doc.first; startWorker(cm, 100); cm.state.modeGen++; if (cm.curOp) regChange(cm); } function wrappingChanged(cm) { if (cm.options.lineWrapping) { addClass(cm.display.wrapper, "CodeMirror-wrap"); cm.display.sizer.style.minWidth = ""; cm.display.sizerWidth = null; } else { rmClass(cm.display.wrapper, "CodeMirror-wrap"); findMaxLine(cm); } estimateLineHeights(cm); regChange(cm); clearCaches(cm); setTimeout(function(){updateScrollbars(cm);}, 100); } // Returns a function that estimates the height of a line, to use as // first approximation until the line becomes visible (and is thus // properly measurable). function estimateHeight(cm) { var th = textHeight(cm.display), wrapping = cm.options.lineWrapping; var perLine = wrapping && Math.max(5, cm.display.scroller.clientWidth / charWidth(cm.display) - 3); return function(line) { if (lineIsHidden(cm.doc, line)) return 0; var widgetsHeight = 0; if (line.widgets) for (var i = 0; i < line.widgets.length; i++) { if (line.widgets[i].height) widgetsHeight += line.widgets[i].height; } if (wrapping) return widgetsHeight + (Math.ceil(line.text.length / perLine) || 1) * th; else return widgetsHeight + th; }; } function estimateLineHeights(cm) { var doc = cm.doc, est = estimateHeight(cm); doc.iter(function(line) { var estHeight = est(line); if (estHeight != line.height) updateLineHeight(line, estHeight); }); } function themeChanged(cm) { cm.display.wrapper.className = cm.display.wrapper.className.replace(/\s*cm-s-\S+/g, "") + cm.options.theme.replace(/(^|\s)\s*/g, " cm-s-"); clearCaches(cm); } function guttersChanged(cm) { updateGutters(cm); regChange(cm); setTimeout(function(){alignHorizontally(cm);}, 20); } // Rebuild the gutter elements, ensure the margin to the left of the // code matches their width. function updateGutters(cm) { var gutters = cm.display.gutters, specs = cm.options.gutters; removeChildren(gutters); for (var i = 0; i < specs.length; ++i) { var gutterClass = specs[i]; var gElt = gutters.appendChild(elt("div", null, "CodeMirror-gutter " + gutterClass)); if (gutterClass == "CodeMirror-linenumbers") { cm.display.lineGutter = gElt; gElt.style.width = (cm.display.lineNumWidth || 1) + "px"; } } gutters.style.display = i ? "" : "none"; updateGutterSpace(cm); } function updateGutterSpace(cm) { var width = cm.display.gutters.offsetWidth; cm.display.sizer.style.marginLeft = width + "px"; } // Compute the character length of a line, taking into account // collapsed ranges (see markText) that might hide parts, and join // other lines onto it. function lineLength(line) { if (line.height == 0) return 0; var len = line.text.length, merged, cur = line; while (merged = collapsedSpanAtStart(cur)) { var found = merged.find(0, true); cur = found.from.line; len += found.from.ch - found.to.ch; } cur = line; while (merged = collapsedSpanAtEnd(cur)) { var found = merged.find(0, true); len -= cur.text.length - found.from.ch; cur = found.to.line; len += cur.text.length - found.to.ch; } return len; } // Find the longest line in the document. function findMaxLine(cm) { var d = cm.display, doc = cm.doc; d.maxLine = getLine(doc, doc.first); d.maxLineLength = lineLength(d.maxLine); d.maxLineChanged = true; doc.iter(function(line) { var len = lineLength(line); if (len > d.maxLineLength) { d.maxLineLength = len; d.maxLine = line; } }); } // Make sure the gutters options contains the element // "CodeMirror-linenumbers" when the lineNumbers option is true. function setGuttersForLineNumbers(options) { var found = indexOf(options.gutters, "CodeMirror-linenumbers"); if (found == -1 && options.lineNumbers) { options.gutters = options.gutters.concat(["CodeMirror-linenumbers"]); } else if (found > -1 && !options.lineNumbers) { options.gutters = options.gutters.slice(0); options.gutters.splice(found, 1); } } // SCROLLBARS // Prepare DOM reads needed to update the scrollbars. Done in one // shot to minimize update/measure roundtrips. function measureForScrollbars(cm) { var d = cm.display, gutterW = d.gutters.offsetWidth; var docH = Math.round(cm.doc.height + paddingVert(cm.display)); return { clientHeight: d.scroller.clientHeight, viewHeight: d.wrapper.clientHeight, scrollWidth: d.scroller.scrollWidth, clientWidth: d.scroller.clientWidth, viewWidth: d.wrapper.clientWidth, barLeft: cm.options.fixedGutter ? gutterW : 0, docHeight: docH, scrollHeight: docH + scrollGap(cm) + d.barHeight, nativeBarWidth: d.nativeBarWidth, gutterWidth: gutterW }; } function NativeScrollbars(place, scroll, cm) { this.cm = cm; var vert = this.vert = elt("div", [elt("div", null, null, "min-width: 1px")], "CodeMirror-vscrollbar"); var horiz = this.horiz = elt("div", [elt("div", null, null, "height: 100%; min-height: 1px")], "CodeMirror-hscrollbar"); place(vert); place(horiz); on(vert, "scroll", function() { if (vert.clientHeight) scroll(vert.scrollTop, "vertical"); }); on(horiz, "scroll", function() { if (horiz.clientWidth) scroll(horiz.scrollLeft, "horizontal"); }); this.checkedOverlay = false; // Need to set a minimum width to see the scrollbar on IE7 (but must not set it on IE8). if (ie && ie_version < 8) this.horiz.style.minHeight = this.vert.style.minWidth = "18px"; } NativeScrollbars.prototype = copyObj({ update: function(measure) { var needsH = measure.scrollWidth > measure.clientWidth + 1; var needsV = measure.scrollHeight > measure.clientHeight + 1; var sWidth = measure.nativeBarWidth; if (needsV) { this.vert.style.display = "block"; this.vert.style.bottom = needsH ? sWidth + "px" : "0"; var totalHeight = measure.viewHeight - (needsH ? sWidth : 0); // A bug in IE8 can cause this value to be negative, so guard it. this.vert.firstChild.style.height = Math.max(0, measure.scrollHeight - measure.clientHeight + totalHeight) + "px"; } else { this.vert.style.display = ""; this.vert.firstChild.style.height = "0"; } if (needsH) { this.horiz.style.display = "block"; this.horiz.style.right = needsV ? sWidth + "px" : "0"; this.horiz.style.left = measure.barLeft + "px"; var totalWidth = measure.viewWidth - measure.barLeft - (needsV ? sWidth : 0); this.horiz.firstChild.style.width = (measure.scrollWidth - measure.clientWidth + totalWidth) + "px"; } else { this.horiz.style.display = ""; this.horiz.firstChild.style.width = "0"; } if (!this.checkedOverlay && measure.clientHeight > 0) { if (sWidth == 0) this.overlayHack(); this.checkedOverlay = true; } return {right: needsV ? sWidth : 0, bottom: needsH ? sWidth : 0}; }, setScrollLeft: function(pos) { if (this.horiz.scrollLeft != pos) this.horiz.scrollLeft = pos; }, setScrollTop: function(pos) { if (this.vert.scrollTop != pos) this.vert.scrollTop = pos; }, overlayHack: function() { var w = mac && !mac_geMountainLion ? "12px" : "18px"; this.horiz.style.minHeight = this.vert.style.minWidth = w; var self = this; var barMouseDown = function(e) { if (e_target(e) != self.vert && e_target(e) != self.horiz) operation(self.cm, onMouseDown)(e); }; on(this.vert, "mousedown", barMouseDown); on(this.horiz, "mousedown", barMouseDown); }, clear: function() { var parent = this.horiz.parentNode; parent.removeChild(this.horiz); parent.removeChild(this.vert); } }, NativeScrollbars.prototype); function NullScrollbars() {} NullScrollbars.prototype = copyObj({ update: function() { return {bottom: 0, right: 0}; }, setScrollLeft: function() {}, setScrollTop: function() {}, clear: function() {} }, NullScrollbars.prototype); CodeMirror.scrollbarModel = {"native": NativeScrollbars, "null": NullScrollbars}; function initScrollbars(cm) { if (cm.display.scrollbars) { cm.display.scrollbars.clear(); if (cm.display.scrollbars.addClass) rmClass(cm.display.wrapper, cm.display.scrollbars.addClass); } cm.display.scrollbars = new CodeMirror.scrollbarModel[cm.options.scrollbarStyle](function(node) { cm.display.wrapper.insertBefore(node, cm.display.scrollbarFiller); // Prevent clicks in the scrollbars from killing focus on(node, "mousedown", function() { if (cm.state.focused) setTimeout(function() { cm.display.input.focus(); }, 0); }); node.setAttribute("cm-not-content", "true"); }, function(pos, axis) { if (axis == "horizontal") setScrollLeft(cm, pos); else setScrollTop(cm, pos); }, cm); if (cm.display.scrollbars.addClass) addClass(cm.display.wrapper, cm.display.scrollbars.addClass); } function updateScrollbars(cm, measure) { if (!measure) measure = measureForScrollbars(cm); var startWidth = cm.display.barWidth, startHeight = cm.display.barHeight; updateScrollbarsInner(cm, measure); for (var i = 0; i < 4 && startWidth != cm.display.barWidth || startHeight != cm.display.barHeight; i++) { if (startWidth != cm.display.barWidth && cm.options.lineWrapping) updateHeightsInViewport(cm); updateScrollbarsInner(cm, measureForScrollbars(cm)); startWidth = cm.display.barWidth; startHeight = cm.display.barHeight; } } // Re-synchronize the fake scrollbars with the actual size of the // content. function updateScrollbarsInner(cm, measure) { var d = cm.display; var sizes = d.scrollbars.update(measure); d.sizer.style.paddingRight = (d.barWidth = sizes.right) + "px"; d.sizer.style.paddingBottom = (d.barHeight = sizes.bottom) + "px"; if (sizes.right && sizes.bottom) { d.scrollbarFiller.style.display = "block"; d.scrollbarFiller.style.height = sizes.bottom + "px"; d.scrollbarFiller.style.width = sizes.right + "px"; } else d.scrollbarFiller.style.display = ""; if (sizes.bottom && cm.options.coverGutterNextToScrollbar && cm.options.fixedGutter) { d.gutterFiller.style.display = "block"; d.gutterFiller.style.height = sizes.bottom + "px"; d.gutterFiller.style.width = measure.gutterWidth + "px"; } else d.gutterFiller.style.display = ""; } // Compute the lines that are visible in a given viewport (defaults // the the current scroll position). viewport may contain top, // height, and ensure (see op.scrollToPos) properties. function visibleLines(display, doc, viewport) { var top = viewport && viewport.top != null ? Math.max(0, viewport.top) : display.scroller.scrollTop; top = Math.floor(top - paddingTop(display)); var bottom = viewport && viewport.bottom != null ? viewport.bottom : top + display.wrapper.clientHeight; var from = lineAtHeight(doc, top), to = lineAtHeight(doc, bottom); // Ensure is a {from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch}} object, and // forces those lines into the viewport (if possible). if (viewport && viewport.ensure) { var ensureFrom = viewport.ensure.from.line, ensureTo = viewport.ensure.to.line; if (ensureFrom < from) { from = ensureFrom; to = lineAtHeight(doc, heightAtLine(getLine(doc, ensureFrom)) + display.wrapper.clientHeight); } else if (Math.min(ensureTo, doc.lastLine()) >= to) { from = lineAtHeight(doc, heightAtLine(getLine(doc, ensureTo)) - display.wrapper.clientHeight); to = ensureTo; } } return {from: from, to: Math.max(to, from + 1)}; } // LINE NUMBERS // Re-align line numbers and gutter marks to compensate for // horizontal scrolling. function alignHorizontally(cm) { var display = cm.display, view = display.view; if (!display.alignWidgets && (!display.gutters.firstChild || !cm.options.fixedGutter)) return; var comp = compensateForHScroll(display) - display.scroller.scrollLeft + cm.doc.scrollLeft; var gutterW = display.gutters.offsetWidth, left = comp + "px"; for (var i = 0; i < view.length; i++) if (!view[i].hidden) { if (cm.options.fixedGutter && view[i].gutter) view[i].gutter.style.left = left; var align = view[i].alignable; if (align) for (var j = 0; j < align.length; j++) align[j].style.left = left; } if (cm.options.fixedGutter) display.gutters.style.left = (comp + gutterW) + "px"; } // Used to ensure that the line number gutter is still the right // size for the current document size. Returns true when an update // is needed. function maybeUpdateLineNumberWidth(cm) { if (!cm.options.lineNumbers) return false; var doc = cm.doc, last = lineNumberFor(cm.options, doc.first + doc.size - 1), display = cm.display; if (last.length != display.lineNumChars) { var test = display.measure.appendChild(elt("div", [elt("div", last)], "CodeMirror-linenumber CodeMirror-gutter-elt")); var innerW = test.firstChild.offsetWidth, padding = test.offsetWidth - innerW; display.lineGutter.style.width = ""; display.lineNumInnerWidth = Math.max(innerW, display.lineGutter.offsetWidth - padding) + 1; display.lineNumWidth = display.lineNumInnerWidth + padding; display.lineNumChars = display.lineNumInnerWidth ? last.length : -1; display.lineGutter.style.width = display.lineNumWidth + "px"; updateGutterSpace(cm); return true; } return false; } function lineNumberFor(options, i) { return String(options.lineNumberFormatter(i + options.firstLineNumber)); } // Computes display.scroller.scrollLeft + display.gutters.offsetWidth, // but using getBoundingClientRect to get a sub-pixel-accurate // result. function compensateForHScroll(display) { return display.scroller.getBoundingClientRect().left - display.sizer.getBoundingClientRect().left; } // DISPLAY DRAWING function DisplayUpdate(cm, viewport, force) { var display = cm.display; this.viewport = viewport; // Store some values that we'll need later (but don't want to force a relayout for) this.visible = visibleLines(display, cm.doc, viewport); this.editorIsHidden = !display.wrapper.offsetWidth; this.wrapperHeight = display.wrapper.clientHeight; this.wrapperWidth = display.wrapper.clientWidth; this.oldDisplayWidth = displayWidth(cm); this.force = force; this.dims = getDimensions(cm); this.events = []; } DisplayUpdate.prototype.signal = function(emitter, type) { if (hasHandler(emitter, type)) this.events.push(arguments); }; DisplayUpdate.prototype.finish = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.events.length; i++) signal.apply(null, this.events[i]); }; function maybeClipScrollbars(cm) { var display = cm.display; if (!display.scrollbarsClipped && display.scroller.offsetWidth) { display.nativeBarWidth = display.scroller.offsetWidth - display.scroller.clientWidth; display.heightForcer.style.height = scrollGap(cm) + "px"; display.sizer.style.marginBottom = -display.nativeBarWidth + "px"; display.sizer.style.borderRightWidth = scrollGap(cm) + "px"; display.scrollbarsClipped = true; } } // Does the actual updating of the line display. Bails out // (returning false) when there is nothing to be done and forced is // false. function updateDisplayIfNeeded(cm, update) { var display = cm.display, doc = cm.doc; if (update.editorIsHidden) { resetView(cm); return false; } // Bail out if the visible area is already rendered and nothing changed. if (!update.force && update.visible.from >= display.viewFrom && update.visible.to <= display.viewTo && (display.updateLineNumbers == null || display.updateLineNumbers >= display.viewTo) && display.renderedView == display.view && countDirtyView(cm) == 0) return false; if (maybeUpdateLineNumberWidth(cm)) { resetView(cm); update.dims = getDimensions(cm); } // Compute a suitable new viewport (from & to) var end = doc.first + doc.size; var from = Math.max(update.visible.from - cm.options.viewportMargin, doc.first); var to = Math.min(end, update.visible.to + cm.options.viewportMargin); if (display.viewFrom < from && from - display.viewFrom < 20) from = Math.max(doc.first, display.viewFrom); if (display.viewTo > to && display.viewTo - to < 20) to = Math.min(end, display.viewTo); if (sawCollapsedSpans) { from = visualLineNo(cm.doc, from); to = visualLineEndNo(cm.doc, to); } var different = from != display.viewFrom || to != display.viewTo || display.lastWrapHeight != update.wrapperHeight || display.lastWrapWidth != update.wrapperWidth; adjustView(cm, from, to); display.viewOffset = heightAtLine(getLine(cm.doc, display.viewFrom)); // Position the mover div to align with the current scroll position cm.display.mover.style.top = display.viewOffset + "px"; var toUpdate = countDirtyView(cm); if (!different && toUpdate == 0 && !update.force && display.renderedView == display.view && (display.updateLineNumbers == null || display.updateLineNumbers >= display.viewTo)) return false; // For big changes, we hide the enclosing element during the // update, since that speeds up the operations on most browsers. var focused = activeElt(); if (toUpdate > 4) display.lineDiv.style.display = "none"; patchDisplay(cm, display.updateLineNumbers, update.dims); if (toUpdate > 4) display.lineDiv.style.display = ""; display.renderedView = display.view; // There might have been a widget with a focused element that got // hidden or updated, if so re-focus it. if (focused && activeElt() != focused && focused.offsetHeight) focused.focus(); // Prevent selection and cursors from interfering with the scroll // width and height. removeChildren(display.cursorDiv); removeChildren(display.selectionDiv); display.gutters.style.height = 0; if (different) { display.lastWrapHeight = update.wrapperHeight; display.lastWrapWidth = update.wrapperWidth; startWorker(cm, 400); } display.updateLineNumbers = null; return true; } function postUpdateDisplay(cm, update) { var viewport = update.viewport; for (var first = true;; first = false) { if (!first || !cm.options.lineWrapping || update.oldDisplayWidth == displayWidth(cm)) { // Clip forced viewport to actual scrollable area. if (viewport && viewport.top != null) viewport = {top: Math.min(cm.doc.height + paddingVert(cm.display) - displayHeight(cm), viewport.top)}; // Updated line heights might result in the drawn area not // actually covering the viewport. Keep looping until it does. update.visible = visibleLines(cm.display, cm.doc, viewport); if (update.visible.from >= cm.display.viewFrom && update.visible.to <= cm.display.viewTo) break; } if (!updateDisplayIfNeeded(cm, update)) break; updateHeightsInViewport(cm); var barMeasure = measureForScrollbars(cm); updateSelection(cm); setDocumentHeight(cm, barMeasure); updateScrollbars(cm, barMeasure); } update.signal(cm, "update", cm); if (cm.display.viewFrom != cm.display.reportedViewFrom || cm.display.viewTo != cm.display.reportedViewTo) { update.signal(cm, "viewportChange", cm, cm.display.viewFrom, cm.display.viewTo); cm.display.reportedViewFrom = cm.display.viewFrom; cm.display.reportedViewTo = cm.display.viewTo; } } function updateDisplaySimple(cm, viewport) { var update = new DisplayUpdate(cm, viewport); if (updateDisplayIfNeeded(cm, update)) { updateHeightsInViewport(cm); postUpdateDisplay(cm, update); var barMeasure = measureForScrollbars(cm); updateSelection(cm); setDocumentHeight(cm, barMeasure); updateScrollbars(cm, barMeasure); update.finish(); } } function setDocumentHeight(cm, measure) { cm.display.sizer.style.minHeight = measure.docHeight + "px"; var total = measure.docHeight + cm.display.barHeight; cm.display.heightForcer.style.top = total + "px"; cm.display.gutters.style.height = Math.max(total + scrollGap(cm), measure.clientHeight) + "px"; } // Read the actual heights of the rendered lines, and update their // stored heights to match. function updateHeightsInViewport(cm) { var display = cm.display; var prevBottom = display.lineDiv.offsetTop; for (var i = 0; i < display.view.length; i++) { var cur = display.view[i], height; if (cur.hidden) continue; if (ie && ie_version < 8) { var bot = cur.node.offsetTop + cur.node.offsetHeight; height = bot - prevBottom; prevBottom = bot; } else { var box = cur.node.getBoundingClientRect(); height = box.bottom - box.top; } var diff = cur.line.height - height; if (height < 2) height = textHeight(display); if (diff > .001 || diff < -.001) { updateLineHeight(cur.line, height); updateWidgetHeight(cur.line); if (cur.rest) for (var j = 0; j < cur.rest.length; j++) updateWidgetHeight(cur.rest[j]); } } } // Read and store the height of line widgets associated with the // given line. function updateWidgetHeight(line) { if (line.widgets) for (var i = 0; i < line.widgets.length; ++i) line.widgets[i].height = line.widgets[i].node.offsetHeight; } // Do a bulk-read of the DOM positions and sizes needed to draw the // view, so that we don't interleave reading and writing to the DOM. function getDimensions(cm) { var d = cm.display, left = {}, width = {}; var gutterLeft = d.gutters.clientLeft; for (var n = d.gutters.firstChild, i = 0; n; n = n.nextSibling, ++i) { left[cm.options.gutters[i]] = n.offsetLeft + n.clientLeft + gutterLeft; width[cm.options.gutters[i]] = n.clientWidth; } return {fixedPos: compensateForHScroll(d), gutterTotalWidth: d.gutters.offsetWidth, gutterLeft: left, gutterWidth: width, wrapperWidth: d.wrapper.clientWidth}; } // Sync the actual display DOM structure with display.view, removing // nodes for lines that are no longer in view, and creating the ones // that are not there yet, and updating the ones that are out of // date. function patchDisplay(cm, updateNumbersFrom, dims) { var display = cm.display, lineNumbers = cm.options.lineNumbers; var container = display.lineDiv, cur = container.firstChild; function rm(node) { var next = node.nextSibling; // Works around a throw-scroll bug in OS X Webkit if (webkit && mac && cm.display.currentWheelTarget == node) node.style.display = "none"; else node.parentNode.removeChild(node); return next; } var view = display.view, lineN = display.viewFrom; // Loop over the elements in the view, syncing cur (the DOM nodes // in display.lineDiv) with the view as we go. for (var i = 0; i < view.length; i++) { var lineView = view[i]; if (lineView.hidden) { } else if (!lineView.node || lineView.node.parentNode != container) { // Not drawn yet var node = buildLineElement(cm, lineView, lineN, dims); container.insertBefore(node, cur); } else { // Already drawn while (cur != lineView.node) cur = rm(cur); var updateNumber = lineNumbers && updateNumbersFrom != null && updateNumbersFrom <= lineN && lineView.lineNumber; if (lineView.changes) { if (indexOf(lineView.changes, "gutter") > -1) updateNumber = false; updateLineForChanges(cm, lineView, lineN, dims); } if (updateNumber) { removeChildren(lineView.lineNumber); lineView.lineNumber.appendChild(document.createTextNode(lineNumberFor(cm.options, lineN))); } cur = lineView.node.nextSibling; } lineN += lineView.size; } while (cur) cur = rm(cur); } // When an aspect of a line changes, a string is added to // lineView.changes. This updates the relevant part of the line's // DOM structure. function updateLineForChanges(cm, lineView, lineN, dims) { for (var j = 0; j < lineView.changes.length; j++) { var type = lineView.changes[j]; if (type == "text") updateLineText(cm, lineView); else if (type == "gutter") updateLineGutter(cm, lineView, lineN, dims); else if (type == "class") updateLineClasses(lineView); else if (type == "widget") updateLineWidgets(cm, lineView, dims); } lineView.changes = null; } // Lines with gutter elements, widgets or a background class need to // be wrapped, and have the extra elements added to the wrapper div function ensureLineWrapped(lineView) { if (lineView.node == lineView.text) { lineView.node = elt("div", null, null, "position: relative"); if (lineView.text.parentNode) lineView.text.parentNode.replaceChild(lineView.node, lineView.text); lineView.node.appendChild(lineView.text); if (ie && ie_version < 8) lineView.node.style.zIndex = 2; } return lineView.node; } function updateLineBackground(lineView) { var cls = lineView.bgClass ? lineView.bgClass + " " + (lineView.line.bgClass || "") : lineView.line.bgClass; if (cls) cls += " CodeMirror-linebackground"; if (lineView.background) { if (cls) lineView.background.className = cls; else { lineView.background.parentNode.removeChild(lineView.background); lineView.background = null; } } else if (cls) { var wrap = ensureLineWrapped(lineView); lineView.background = wrap.insertBefore(elt("div", null, cls), wrap.firstChild); } } // Wrapper around buildLineContent which will reuse the structure // in display.externalMeasured when possible. function getLineContent(cm, lineView) { var ext = cm.display.externalMeasured; if (ext && ext.line == lineView.line) { cm.display.externalMeasured = null; lineView.measure = ext.measure; return ext.built; } return buildLineContent(cm, lineView); } // Redraw the line's text. Interacts with the background and text // classes because the mode may output tokens that influence these // classes. function updateLineText(cm, lineView) { var cls = lineView.text.className; var built = getLineContent(cm, lineView); if (lineView.text == lineView.node) lineView.node = built.pre; lineView.text.parentNode.replaceChild(built.pre, lineView.text); lineView.text = built.pre; if (built.bgClass != lineView.bgClass || built.textClass != lineView.textClass) { lineView.bgClass = built.bgClass; lineView.textClass = built.textClass; updateLineClasses(lineView); } else if (cls) { lineView.text.className = cls; } } function updateLineClasses(lineView) { updateLineBackground(lineView); if (lineView.line.wrapClass) ensureLineWrapped(lineView).className = lineView.line.wrapClass; else if (lineView.node != lineView.text) lineView.node.className = ""; var textClass = lineView.textClass ? lineView.textClass + " " + (lineView.line.textClass || "") : lineView.line.textClass; lineView.text.className = textClass || ""; } function updateLineGutter(cm, lineView, lineN, dims) { if (lineView.gutter) { lineView.node.removeChild(lineView.gutter); lineView.gutter = null; } var markers = lineView.line.gutterMarkers; if (cm.options.lineNumbers || markers) { var wrap = ensureLineWrapped(lineView); var gutterWrap = lineView.gutter = elt("div", null, "CodeMirror-gutter-wrapper", "left: " + (cm.options.fixedGutter ? dims.fixedPos : -dims.gutterTotalWidth) + "px; width: " + dims.gutterTotalWidth + "px"); cm.display.input.setUneditable(gutterWrap); wrap.insertBefore(gutterWrap, lineView.text); if (lineView.line.gutterClass) gutterWrap.className += " " + lineView.line.gutterClass; if (cm.options.lineNumbers && (!markers || !markers["CodeMirror-linenumbers"])) lineView.lineNumber = gutterWrap.appendChild( elt("div", lineNumberFor(cm.options, lineN), "CodeMirror-linenumber CodeMirror-gutter-elt", "left: " + dims.gutterLeft["CodeMirror-linenumbers"] + "px; width: " + cm.display.lineNumInnerWidth + "px")); if (markers) for (var k = 0; k < cm.options.gutters.length; ++k) { var id = cm.options.gutters[k], found = markers.hasOwnProperty(id) && markers[id]; if (found) gutterWrap.appendChild(elt("div", [found], "CodeMirror-gutter-elt", "left: " + dims.gutterLeft[id] + "px; width: " + dims.gutterWidth[id] + "px")); } } } function updateLineWidgets(cm, lineView, dims) { if (lineView.alignable) lineView.alignable = null; for (var node = lineView.node.firstChild, next; node; node = next) { var next = node.nextSibling; if (node.className == "CodeMirror-linewidget") lineView.node.removeChild(node); } insertLineWidgets(cm, lineView, dims); } // Build a line's DOM representation from scratch function buildLineElement(cm, lineView, lineN, dims) { var built = getLineContent(cm, lineView); lineView.text = lineView.node = built.pre; if (built.bgClass) lineView.bgClass = built.bgClass; if (built.textClass) lineView.textClass = built.textClass; updateLineClasses(lineView); updateLineGutter(cm, lineView, lineN, dims); insertLineWidgets(cm, lineView, dims); return lineView.node; } // A lineView may contain multiple logical lines (when merged by // collapsed spans). The widgets for all of them need to be drawn. function insertLineWidgets(cm, lineView, dims) { insertLineWidgetsFor(cm, lineView.line, lineView, dims, true); if (lineView.rest) for (var i = 0; i < lineView.rest.length; i++) insertLineWidgetsFor(cm, lineView.rest[i], lineView, dims, false); } function insertLineWidgetsFor(cm, line, lineView, dims, allowAbove) { if (!line.widgets) return; var wrap = ensureLineWrapped(lineView); for (var i = 0, ws = line.widgets; i < ws.length; ++i) { var widget = ws[i], node = elt("div", [widget.node], "CodeMirror-linewidget"); if (!widget.handleMouseEvents) node.setAttribute("cm-ignore-events", "true"); positionLineWidget(widget, node, lineView, dims); cm.display.input.setUneditable(node); if (allowAbove && widget.above) wrap.insertBefore(node, lineView.gutter || lineView.text); else wrap.appendChild(node); signalLater(widget, "redraw"); } } function positionLineWidget(widget, node, lineView, dims) { if (widget.noHScroll) { (lineView.alignable || (lineView.alignable = [])).push(node); var width = dims.wrapperWidth; node.style.left = dims.fixedPos + "px"; if (!widget.coverGutter) { width -= dims.gutterTotalWidth; node.style.paddingLeft = dims.gutterTotalWidth + "px"; } node.style.width = width + "px"; } if (widget.coverGutter) { node.style.zIndex = 5; node.style.position = "relative"; if (!widget.noHScroll) node.style.marginLeft = -dims.gutterTotalWidth + "px"; } } // POSITION OBJECT // A Pos instance represents a position within the text. var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos = function(line, ch) { if (!(this instanceof Pos)) return new Pos(line, ch); this.line = line; this.ch = ch; }; // Compare two positions, return 0 if they are the same, a negative // number when a is less, and a positive number otherwise. var cmp = CodeMirror.cmpPos = function(a, b) { return a.line - b.line || a.ch - b.ch; }; function copyPos(x) {return Pos(x.line, x.ch);} function maxPos(a, b) { return cmp(a, b) < 0 ? b : a; } function minPos(a, b) { return cmp(a, b) < 0 ? a : b; } // INPUT HANDLING function ensureFocus(cm) { if (!cm.state.focused) { cm.display.input.focus(); onFocus(cm); } } function isReadOnly(cm) { return cm.options.readOnly || cm.doc.cantEdit; } // This will be set to an array of strings when copying, so that, // when pasting, we know what kind of selections the copied text // was made out of. var lastCopied = null; function applyTextInput(cm, inserted, deleted, sel, origin) { var doc = cm.doc; cm.display.shift = false; if (!sel) sel = doc.sel; var paste = cm.state.pasteIncoming || origin == "paste"; var textLines = splitLines(inserted), multiPaste = null; // When pasing N lines into N selections, insert one line per selection if (paste && sel.ranges.length > 1) { if (lastCopied && lastCopied.join("\n") == inserted) multiPaste = sel.ranges.length % lastCopied.length == 0 && map(lastCopied, splitLines); else if (textLines.length == sel.ranges.length) multiPaste = map(textLines, function(l) { return [l]; }); } // Normal behavior is to insert the new text into every selection for (var i = sel.ranges.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var range = sel.ranges[i]; var from = range.from(), to = range.to(); if (range.empty()) { if (deleted && deleted > 0) // Handle deletion from = Pos(from.line, from.ch - deleted); else if (cm.state.overwrite && !paste) // Handle overwrite to = Pos(to.line, Math.min(getLine(doc, to.line).text.length, to.ch + lst(textLines).length)); } var updateInput = cm.curOp.updateInput; var changeEvent = {from: from, to: to, text: multiPaste ? multiPaste[i % multiPaste.length] : textLines, origin: origin || (paste ? "paste" : cm.state.cutIncoming ? "cut" : "+input")}; makeChange(cm.doc, changeEvent); signalLater(cm, "inputRead", cm, changeEvent); } if (inserted && !paste) triggerElectric(cm, inserted); ensureCursorVisible(cm); cm.curOp.updateInput = updateInput; cm.curOp.typing = true; cm.state.pasteIncoming = cm.state.cutIncoming = false; } function handlePaste(e, cm) { var pasted = e.clipboardData && e.clipboardData.getData("text/plain"); if (pasted) { e.preventDefault(); runInOp(cm, function() { applyTextInput(cm, pasted, 0, null, "paste"); }); return true; } } function triggerElectric(cm, inserted) { // When an 'electric' character is inserted, immediately trigger a reindent if (!cm.options.electricChars || !cm.options.smartIndent) return; var sel = cm.doc.sel; for (var i = sel.ranges.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var range = sel.ranges[i]; if (range.head.ch > 100 || (i && sel.ranges[i - 1].head.line == range.head.line)) continue; var mode = cm.getModeAt(range.head); var indented = false; if (mode.electricChars) { for (var j = 0; j < mode.electricChars.length; j++) if (inserted.indexOf(mode.electricChars.charAt(j)) > -1) { indented = indentLine(cm, range.head.line, "smart"); break; } } else if (mode.electricInput) { if (mode.electricInput.test(getLine(cm.doc, range.head.line).text.slice(0, range.head.ch))) indented = indentLine(cm, range.head.line, "smart"); } if (indented) signalLater(cm, "electricInput", cm, range.head.line); } } function copyableRanges(cm) { var text = [], ranges = []; for (var i = 0; i < cm.doc.sel.ranges.length; i++) { var line = cm.doc.sel.ranges[i].head.line; var lineRange = {anchor: Pos(line, 0), head: Pos(line + 1, 0)}; ranges.push(lineRange); text.push(cm.getRange(lineRange.anchor, lineRange.head)); } return {text: text, ranges: ranges}; } function disableBrowserMagic(field) { field.setAttribute("autocorrect", "off"); field.setAttribute("autocapitalize", "off"); field.setAttribute("spellcheck", "false"); } // TEXTAREA INPUT STYLE function TextareaInput(cm) { this.cm = cm; // See input.poll and input.reset this.prevInput = ""; // Flag that indicates whether we expect input to appear real soon // now (after some event like 'keypress' or 'input') and are // polling intensively. this.pollingFast = false; // Self-resetting timeout for the poller this.polling = new Delayed(); // Tracks when input.reset has punted to just putting a short // string into the textarea instead of the full selection. this.inaccurateSelection = false; // Used to work around IE issue with selection being forgotten when focus moves away from textarea this.hasSelection = false; this.composing = null; }; function hiddenTextarea() { var te = elt("textarea", null, null, "position: absolute; padding: 0; width: 1px; height: 1em; outline: none"); var div = elt("div", [te], null, "overflow: hidden; position: relative; width: 3px; height: 0px;"); // The textarea is kept positioned near the cursor to prevent the // fact that it'll be scrolled into view on input from scrolling // our fake cursor out of view. On webkit, when wrap=off, paste is // very slow. So make the area wide instead. if (webkit) te.style.width = "1000px"; else te.setAttribute("wrap", "off"); // If border: 0; -- iOS fails to open keyboard (issue #1287) if (ios) te.style.border = "1px solid black"; disableBrowserMagic(te); return div; } TextareaInput.prototype = copyObj({ init: function(display) { var input = this, cm = this.cm; // Wraps and hides input textarea var div = this.wrapper = hiddenTextarea(); // The semihidden textarea that is focused when the editor is // focused, and receives input. var te = this.textarea = div.firstChild; display.wrapper.insertBefore(div, display.wrapper.firstChild); // Needed to hide big blue blinking cursor on Mobile Safari (doesn't seem to work in iOS 8 anymore) if (ios) te.style.width = "0px"; on(te, "input", function() { if (ie && ie_version >= 9 && input.hasSelection) input.hasSelection = null; input.poll(); }); on(te, "paste", function(e) { if (handlePaste(e, cm)) return true; cm.state.pasteIncoming = true; input.fastPoll(); }); function prepareCopyCut(e) { if (cm.somethingSelected()) { lastCopied = cm.getSelections(); if (input.inaccurateSelection) { input.prevInput = ""; input.inaccurateSelection = false; te.value = lastCopied.join("\n"); selectInput(te); } } else if (!cm.options.lineWiseCopyCut) { return; } else { var ranges = copyableRanges(cm); lastCopied = ranges.text; if (e.type == "cut") { cm.setSelections(ranges.ranges, null, sel_dontScroll); } else { input.prevInput = ""; te.value = ranges.text.join("\n"); selectInput(te); } } if (e.type == "cut") cm.state.cutIncoming = true; } on(te, "cut", prepareCopyCut); on(te, "copy", prepareCopyCut); on(display.scroller, "paste", function(e) { if (eventInWidget(display, e)) return; cm.state.pasteIncoming = true; input.focus(); }); // Prevent normal selection in the editor (we handle our own) on(display.lineSpace, "selectstart", function(e) { if (!eventInWidget(display, e)) e_preventDefault(e); }); on(te, "compositionstart", function() { var start = cm.getCursor("from"); input.composing = { start: start, range: cm.markText(start, cm.getCursor("to"), {className: "CodeMirror-composing"}) }; }); on(te, "compositionend", function() { if (input.composing) { input.poll(); input.composing.range.clear(); input.composing = null; } }); }, prepareSelection: function() { // Redraw the selection and/or cursor var cm = this.cm, display = cm.display, doc = cm.doc; var result = prepareSelection(cm); // Move the hidden textarea near the cursor to prevent scrolling artifacts if (cm.options.moveInputWithCursor) { var headPos = cursorCoords(cm, doc.sel.primary().head, "div"); var wrapOff = display.wrapper.getBoundingClientRect(), lineOff = display.lineDiv.getBoundingClientRect(); result.teTop = Math.max(0, Math.min(display.wrapper.clientHeight - 10, headPos.top + lineOff.top - wrapOff.top)); result.teLeft = Math.max(0, Math.min(display.wrapper.clientWidth - 10, headPos.left + lineOff.left - wrapOff.left)); } return result; }, showSelection: function(drawn) { var cm = this.cm, display = cm.display; removeChildrenAndAdd(display.cursorDiv, drawn.cursors); removeChildrenAndAdd(display.selectionDiv, drawn.selection); if (drawn.teTop != null) { this.wrapper.style.top = drawn.teTop + "px"; this.wrapper.style.left = drawn.teLeft + "px"; } }, // Reset the input to correspond to the selection (or to be empty, // when not typing and nothing is selected) reset: function(typing) { if (this.contextMenuPending) return; var minimal, selected, cm = this.cm, doc = cm.doc; if (cm.somethingSelected()) { this.prevInput = ""; var range = doc.sel.primary(); minimal = hasCopyEvent && (range.to().line - range.from().line > 100 || (selected = cm.getSelection()).length > 1000); var content = minimal ? "-" : selected || cm.getSelection(); this.textarea.value = content; if (cm.state.focused) selectInput(this.textarea); if (ie && ie_version >= 9) this.hasSelection = content; } else if (!typing) { this.prevInput = this.textarea.value = ""; if (ie && ie_version >= 9) this.hasSelection = null; } this.inaccurateSelection = minimal; }, getField: function() { return this.textarea; }, supportsTouch: function() { return false; }, focus: function() { if (this.cm.options.readOnly != "nocursor" && (!mobile || activeElt() != this.textarea)) { try { this.textarea.focus(); } catch (e) {} // IE8 will throw if the textarea is display: none or not in DOM } }, blur: function() { this.textarea.blur(); }, resetPosition: function() { this.wrapper.style.top = this.wrapper.style.left = 0; }, receivedFocus: function() { this.slowPoll(); }, // Poll for input changes, using the normal rate of polling. This // runs as long as the editor is focused. slowPoll: function() { var input = this; if (input.pollingFast) return; input.polling.set(this.cm.options.pollInterval, function() { input.poll(); if (input.cm.state.focused) input.slowPoll(); }); }, // When an event has just come in that is likely to add or change // something in the input textarea, we poll faster, to ensure that // the change appears on the screen quickly. fastPoll: function() { var missed = false, input = this; input.pollingFast = true; function p() { var changed = input.poll(); if (!changed && !missed) {missed = true; input.polling.set(60, p);} else {input.pollingFast = false; input.slowPoll();} } input.polling.set(20, p); }, // Read input from the textarea, and update the document to match. // When something is selected, it is present in the textarea, and // selected (unless it is huge, in which case a placeholder is // used). When nothing is selected, the cursor sits after previously // seen text (can be empty), which is stored in prevInput (we must // not reset the textarea when typing, because that breaks IME). poll: function() { var cm = this.cm, input = this.textarea, prevInput = this.prevInput; // Since this is called a *lot*, try to bail out as cheaply as // possible when it is clear that nothing happened. hasSelection // will be the case when there is a lot of text in the textarea, // in which case reading its value would be expensive. if (this.contextMenuPending || !cm.state.focused || (hasSelection(input) && !prevInput) || isReadOnly(cm) || cm.options.disableInput || cm.state.keySeq) return false; var text = input.value; // If nothing changed, bail. if (text == prevInput && !cm.somethingSelected()) return false; // Work around nonsensical selection resetting in IE9/10, and // inexplicable appearance of private area unicode characters on // some key combos in Mac (#2689). if (ie && ie_version >= 9 && this.hasSelection === text || mac && /[\uf700-\uf7ff]/.test(text)) { cm.display.input.reset(); return false; } if (cm.doc.sel == cm.display.selForContextMenu) { var first = text.charCodeAt(0); if (first == 0x200b && !prevInput) prevInput = "\u200b"; if (first == 0x21da) { this.reset(); return this.cm.execCommand("undo"); } } // Find the part of the input that is actually new var same = 0, l = Math.min(prevInput.length, text.length); while (same < l && prevInput.charCodeAt(same) == text.charCodeAt(same)) ++same; var self = this; runInOp(cm, function() { applyTextInput(cm, text.slice(same), prevInput.length - same, null, self.composing ? "*compose" : null); // Don't leave long text in the textarea, since it makes further polling slow if (text.length > 1000 || text.indexOf("\n") > -1) input.value = self.prevInput = ""; else self.prevInput = text; if (self.composing) { self.composing.range.clear(); self.composing.range = cm.markText(self.composing.start, cm.getCursor("to"), {className: "CodeMirror-composing"}); } }); return true; }, ensurePolled: function() { if (this.pollingFast && this.poll()) this.pollingFast = false; }, onKeyPress: function() { if (ie && ie_version >= 9) this.hasSelection = null; this.fastPoll(); }, onContextMenu: function(e) { var input = this, cm = input.cm, display = cm.display, te = input.textarea; var pos = posFromMouse(cm, e), scrollPos = display.scroller.scrollTop; if (!pos || presto) return; // Opera is difficult. // Reset the current text selection only if the click is done outside of the selection // and 'resetSelectionOnContextMenu' option is true. var reset = cm.options.resetSelectionOnContextMenu; if (reset && cm.doc.sel.contains(pos) == -1) operation(cm, setSelection)(cm.doc, simpleSelection(pos), sel_dontScroll); var oldCSS = te.style.cssText; input.wrapper.style.position = "absolute"; te.style.cssText = "position: fixed; width: 30px; height: 30px; top: " + (e.clientY - 5) + "px; left: " + (e.clientX - 5) + "px; z-index: 1000; background: " + (ie ? "rgba(255, 255, 255, .05)" : "transparent") + "; outline: none; border-width: 0; outline: none; overflow: hidden; opacity: .05; filter: alpha(opacity=5);"; if (webkit) var oldScrollY = window.scrollY; // Work around Chrome issue (#2712) display.input.focus(); if (webkit) window.scrollTo(null, oldScrollY); display.input.reset(); // Adds "Select all" to context menu in FF if (!cm.somethingSelected()) te.value = input.prevInput = " "; input.contextMenuPending = true; display.selForContextMenu = cm.doc.sel; clearTimeout(display.detectingSelectAll); // Select-all will be greyed out if there's nothing to select, so // this adds a zero-width space so that we can later check whether // it got selected. function prepareSelectAllHack() { if (te.selectionStart != null) { var selected = cm.somethingSelected(); var extval = "\u200b" + (selected ? te.value : ""); te.value = "\u21da"; // Used to catch context-menu undo te.value = extval; input.prevInput = selected ? "" : "\u200b"; te.selectionStart = 1; te.selectionEnd = extval.length; // Re-set this, in case some other handler touched the // selection in the meantime. display.selForContextMenu = cm.doc.sel; } } function rehide() { input.contextMenuPending = false; input.wrapper.style.position = "relative"; te.style.cssText = oldCSS; if (ie && ie_version < 9) display.scrollbars.setScrollTop(display.scroller.scrollTop = scrollPos); // Try to detect the user choosing select-all if (te.selectionStart != null) { if (!ie || (ie && ie_version < 9)) prepareSelectAllHack(); var i = 0, poll = function() { if (display.selForContextMenu == cm.doc.sel && te.selectionStart == 0 && te.selectionEnd > 0 && input.prevInput == "\u200b") operation(cm, commands.selectAll)(cm); else if (i++ < 10) display.detectingSelectAll = setTimeout(poll, 500); else display.input.reset(); }; display.detectingSelectAll = setTimeout(poll, 200); } } if (ie && ie_version >= 9) prepareSelectAllHack(); if (captureRightClick) { e_stop(e); var mouseup = function() { off(window, "mouseup", mouseup); setTimeout(rehide, 20); }; on(window, "mouseup", mouseup); } else { setTimeout(rehide, 50); } }, setUneditable: nothing, needsContentAttribute: false }, TextareaInput.prototype); // CONTENTEDITABLE INPUT STYLE function ContentEditableInput(cm) { this.cm = cm; this.lastAnchorNode = this.lastAnchorOffset = this.lastFocusNode = this.lastFocusOffset = null; this.polling = new Delayed(); this.gracePeriod = false; } ContentEditableInput.prototype = copyObj({ init: function(display) { var input = this, cm = input.cm; var div = input.div = display.lineDiv; div.contentEditable = "true"; disableBrowserMagic(div); on(div, "paste", function(e) { handlePaste(e, cm); }) on(div, "compositionstart", function(e) { var data = e.data; input.composing = {sel: cm.doc.sel, data: data, startData: data}; if (!data) return; var prim = cm.doc.sel.primary(); var line = cm.getLine(prim.head.line); var found = line.indexOf(data, Math.max(0, prim.head.ch - data.length)); if (found > -1 && found <= prim.head.ch) input.composing.sel = simpleSelection(Pos(prim.head.line, found), Pos(prim.head.line, found + data.length)); }); on(div, "compositionupdate", function(e) { input.composing.data = e.data; }); on(div, "compositionend", function(e) { var ours = input.composing; if (!ours) return; if (e.data != ours.startData && !/\u200b/.test(e.data)) ours.data = e.data; // Need a small delay to prevent other code (input event, // selection polling) from doing damage when fired right after // compositionend. setTimeout(function() { if (!ours.handled) input.applyComposition(ours); if (input.composing == ours) input.composing = null; }, 50); }); on(div, "touchstart", function() { input.forceCompositionEnd(); }); on(div, "input", function() { if (input.composing) return; if (!input.pollContent()) runInOp(input.cm, function() {regChange(cm);}); }); function onCopyCut(e) { if (cm.somethingSelected()) { lastCopied = cm.getSelections(); if (e.type == "cut") cm.replaceSelection("", null, "cut"); } else if (!cm.options.lineWiseCopyCut) { return; } else { var ranges = copyableRanges(cm); lastCopied = ranges.text; if (e.type == "cut") { cm.operation(function() { cm.setSelections(ranges.ranges, 0, sel_dontScroll); cm.replaceSelection("", null, "cut"); }); } } // iOS exposes the clipboard API, but seems to discard content inserted into it if (e.clipboardData && !ios) { e.preventDefault(); e.clipboardData.clearData(); e.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", lastCopied.join("\n")); } else { // Old-fashioned briefly-focus-a-textarea hack var kludge = hiddenTextarea(), te = kludge.firstChild; cm.display.lineSpace.insertBefore(kludge, cm.display.lineSpace.firstChild); te.value = lastCopied.join("\n"); var hadFocus = document.activeElement; selectInput(te); setTimeout(function() { cm.display.lineSpace.removeChild(kludge); hadFocus.focus(); }, 50); } } on(div, "copy", onCopyCut); on(div, "cut", onCopyCut); }, prepareSelection: function() { var result = prepareSelection(this.cm, false); result.focus = this.cm.state.focused; return result; }, showSelection: function(info) { if (!info || !this.cm.display.view.length) return; if (info.focus) this.showPrimarySelection(); this.showMultipleSelections(info); }, showPrimarySelection: function() { var sel = window.getSelection(), prim = this.cm.doc.sel.primary(); var curAnchor = domToPos(this.cm, sel.anchorNode, sel.anchorOffset); var curFocus = domToPos(this.cm, sel.focusNode, sel.focusOffset); if (curAnchor && !curAnchor.bad && curFocus && !curFocus.bad && cmp(minPos(curAnchor, curFocus), prim.from()) == 0 && cmp(maxPos(curAnchor, curFocus), prim.to()) == 0) return; var start = posToDOM(this.cm, prim.from()); var end = posToDOM(this.cm, prim.to()); if (!start && !end) return; var view = this.cm.display.view; var old = sel.rangeCount && sel.getRangeAt(0); if (!start) { start = {node: view[0].measure.map[2], offset: 0}; } else if (!end) { // FIXME dangerously hacky var measure = view[view.length - 1].measure; var map = measure.maps ? measure.maps[measure.maps.length - 1] : measure.map; end = {node: map[map.length - 1], offset: map[map.length - 2] - map[map.length - 3]}; } try { var rng = range(start.node, start.offset, end.offset, end.node); } catch(e) {} // Our model of the DOM might be outdated, in which case the range we try to set can be impossible if (rng) { sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(rng); if (old && sel.anchorNode == null) sel.addRange(old); else if (gecko) this.startGracePeriod(); } this.rememberSelection(); }, startGracePeriod: function() { var input = this; clearTimeout(this.gracePeriod); this.gracePeriod = setTimeout(function() { input.gracePeriod = false; if (input.selectionChanged()) input.cm.operation(function() { input.cm.curOp.selectionChanged = true; }); }, 20); }, showMultipleSelections: function(info) { removeChildrenAndAdd(this.cm.display.cursorDiv, info.cursors); removeChildrenAndAdd(this.cm.display.selectionDiv, info.selection); }, rememberSelection: function() { var sel = window.getSelection(); this.lastAnchorNode = sel.anchorNode; this.lastAnchorOffset = sel.anchorOffset; this.lastFocusNode = sel.focusNode; this.lastFocusOffset = sel.focusOffset; }, selectionInEditor: function() { var sel = window.getSelection(); if (!sel.rangeCount) return false; var node = sel.getRangeAt(0).commonAncestorContainer; return contains(this.div, node); }, focus: function() { if (this.cm.options.readOnly != "nocursor") this.div.focus(); }, blur: function() { this.div.blur(); }, getField: function() { return this.div; }, supportsTouch: function() { return true; }, receivedFocus: function() { var input = this; if (this.selectionInEditor()) this.pollSelection(); else runInOp(this.cm, function() { input.cm.curOp.selectionChanged = true; }); function poll() { if (input.cm.state.focused) { input.pollSelection(); input.polling.set(input.cm.options.pollInterval, poll); } } this.polling.set(this.cm.options.pollInterval, poll); }, selectionChanged: function() { var sel = window.getSelection(); return sel.anchorNode != this.lastAnchorNode || sel.anchorOffset != this.lastAnchorOffset || sel.focusNode != this.lastFocusNode || sel.focusOffset != this.lastFocusOffset; }, pollSelection: function() { if (!this.composing && !this.gracePeriod && this.selectionChanged()) { var sel = window.getSelection(), cm = this.cm; this.rememberSelection(); var anchor = domToPos(cm, sel.anchorNode, sel.anchorOffset); var head = domToPos(cm, sel.focusNode, sel.focusOffset); if (anchor && head) runInOp(cm, function() { setSelection(cm.doc, simpleSelection(anchor, head), sel_dontScroll); if (anchor.bad || head.bad) cm.curOp.selectionChanged = true; }); } }, pollContent: function() { var cm = this.cm, display = cm.display, sel = cm.doc.sel.primary(); var from = sel.from(), to = sel.to(); if (from.line < display.viewFrom || to.line > display.viewTo - 1) return false; var fromIndex; if (from.line == display.viewFrom || (fromIndex = findViewIndex(cm, from.line)) == 0) { var fromLine = lineNo(display.view[0].line); var fromNode = display.view[0].node; } else { var fromLine = lineNo(display.view[fromIndex].line); var fromNode = display.view[fromIndex - 1].node.nextSibling; } var toIndex = findViewIndex(cm, to.line); if (toIndex == display.view.length - 1) { var toLine = display.viewTo - 1; var toNode = display.lineDiv.lastChild; } else { var toLine = lineNo(display.view[toIndex + 1].line) - 1; var toNode = display.view[toIndex + 1].node.previousSibling; } var newText = splitLines(domTextBetween(cm, fromNode, toNode, fromLine, toLine)); var oldText = getBetween(cm.doc, Pos(fromLine, 0), Pos(toLine, getLine(cm.doc, toLine).text.length)); while (newText.length > 1 && oldText.length > 1) { if (lst(newText) == lst(oldText)) { newText.pop(); oldText.pop(); toLine--; } else if (newText[0] == oldText[0]) { newText.shift(); oldText.shift(); fromLine++; } else break; } var cutFront = 0, cutEnd = 0; var newTop = newText[0], oldTop = oldText[0], maxCutFront = Math.min(newTop.length, oldTop.length); while (cutFront < maxCutFront && newTop.charCodeAt(cutFront) == oldTop.charCodeAt(cutFront)) ++cutFront; var newBot = lst(newText), oldBot = lst(oldText); var maxCutEnd = Math.min(newBot.length - (newText.length == 1 ? cutFront : 0), oldBot.length - (oldText.length == 1 ? cutFront : 0)); while (cutEnd < maxCutEnd && newBot.charCodeAt(newBot.length - cutEnd - 1) == oldBot.charCodeAt(oldBot.length - cutEnd - 1)) ++cutEnd; newText[newText.length - 1] = newBot.slice(0, newBot.length - cutEnd); newText[0] = newText[0].slice(cutFront); var chFrom = Pos(fromLine, cutFront); var chTo = Pos(toLine, oldText.length ? lst(oldText).length - cutEnd : 0); if (newText.length > 1 || newText[0] || cmp(chFrom, chTo)) { replaceRange(cm.doc, newText, chFrom, chTo, "+input"); return true; } }, ensurePolled: function() { this.forceCompositionEnd(); }, reset: function() { this.forceCompositionEnd(); }, forceCompositionEnd: function() { if (!this.composing || this.composing.handled) return; this.applyComposition(this.composing); this.composing.handled = true; this.div.blur(); this.div.focus(); }, applyComposition: function(composing) { if (composing.data && composing.data != composing.startData) operation(this.cm, applyTextInput)(this.cm, composing.data, 0, composing.sel); }, setUneditable: function(node) { node.setAttribute("contenteditable", "false"); }, onKeyPress: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); operation(this.cm, applyTextInput)(this.cm, String.fromCharCode(e.charCode == null ? e.keyCode : e.charCode), 0); }, onContextMenu: nothing, resetPosition: nothing, needsContentAttribute: true }, ContentEditableInput.prototype); function posToDOM(cm, pos) { var view = findViewForLine(cm, pos.line); if (!view || view.hidden) return null; var line = getLine(cm.doc, pos.line); var info = mapFromLineView(view, line, pos.line); var order = getOrder(line), side = "left"; if (order) { var partPos = getBidiPartAt(order, pos.ch); side = partPos % 2 ? "right" : "left"; } var result = nodeAndOffsetInLineMap(info.map, pos.ch, side); result.offset = result.collapse == "right" ? result.end : result.start; return result; } function badPos(pos, bad) { if (bad) pos.bad = true; return pos; } function domToPos(cm, node, offset) { var lineNode; if (node == cm.display.lineDiv) { lineNode = cm.display.lineDiv.childNodes[offset]; if (!lineNode) return badPos(cm.clipPos(Pos(cm.display.viewTo - 1)), true); node = null; offset = 0; } else { for (lineNode = node;; lineNode = lineNode.parentNode) { if (!lineNode || lineNode == cm.display.lineDiv) return null; if (lineNode.parentNode && lineNode.parentNode == cm.display.lineDiv) break; } } for (var i = 0; i < cm.display.view.length; i++) { var lineView = cm.display.view[i]; if (lineView.node == lineNode) return locateNodeInLineView(lineView, node, offset); } } function locateNodeInLineView(lineView, node, offset) { var wrapper = lineView.text.firstChild, bad = false; if (!node || !contains(wrapper, node)) return badPos(Pos(lineNo(lineView.line), 0), true); if (node == wrapper) { bad = true; node = wrapper.childNodes[offset]; offset = 0; if (!node) { var line = lineView.rest ? lst(lineView.rest) : lineView.line; return badPos(Pos(lineNo(line), line.text.length), bad); } } var textNode = node.nodeType == 3 ? node : null, topNode = node; if (!textNode && node.childNodes.length == 1 && node.firstChild.nodeType == 3) { textNode = node.firstChild; if (offset) offset = textNode.nodeValue.length; } while (topNode.parentNode != wrapper) topNode = topNode.parentNode; var measure = lineView.measure, maps = measure.maps; function find(textNode, topNode, offset) { for (var i = -1; i < (maps ? maps.length : 0); i++) { var map = i < 0 ? measure.map : maps[i]; for (var j = 0; j < map.length; j += 3) { var curNode = map[j + 2]; if (curNode == textNode || curNode == topNode) { var line = lineNo(i < 0 ? lineView.line : lineView.rest[i]); var ch = map[j] + offset; if (offset < 0 || curNode != textNode) ch = map[j + (offset ? 1 : 0)]; return Pos(line, ch); } } } } var found = find(textNode, topNode, offset); if (found) return badPos(found, bad); // FIXME this is all really shaky. might handle the few cases it needs to handle, but likely to cause problems for (var after = topNode.nextSibling, dist = textNode ? textNode.nodeValue.length - offset : 0; after; after = after.nextSibling) { found = find(after, after.firstChild, 0); if (found) return badPos(Pos(found.line, found.ch - dist), bad); else dist += after.textContent.length; } for (var before = topNode.previousSibling, dist = offset; before; before = before.previousSibling) { found = find(before, before.firstChild, -1); if (found) return badPos(Pos(found.line, found.ch + dist), bad); else dist += after.textContent.length; } } function domTextBetween(cm, from, to, fromLine, toLine) { var text = "", closing = false; function recognizeMarker(id) { return function(marker) { return marker.id == id; }; } function walk(node) { if (node.nodeType == 1) { var cmText = node.getAttribute("cm-text"); if (cmText != null) { if (cmText == "") cmText = node.textContent.replace(/\u200b/g, ""); text += cmText; return; } var markerID = node.getAttribute("cm-marker"), range; if (markerID) { var found = cm.findMarks(Pos(fromLine, 0), Pos(toLine + 1, 0), recognizeMarker(+markerID)); if (found.length && (range = found[0].find())) text += getBetween(cm.doc, range.from, range.to).join("\n"); return; } if (node.getAttribute("contenteditable") == "false") return; for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) walk(node.childNodes[i]); if (/^(pre|div|p)$/i.test(node.nodeName)) closing = true; } else if (node.nodeType == 3) { var val = node.nodeValue; if (!val) return; if (closing) { text += "\n"; closing = false; } text += val; } } for (;;) { walk(from); if (from == to) break; from = from.nextSibling; } return text; } CodeMirror.inputStyles = {"textarea": TextareaInput, "contenteditable": ContentEditableInput}; // SELECTION / CURSOR // Selection objects are immutable. A new one is created every time // the selection changes. A selection is one or more non-overlapping // (and non-touching) ranges, sorted, and an integer that indicates // which one is the primary selection (the one that's scrolled into // view, that getCursor returns, etc). function Selection(ranges, primIndex) { this.ranges = ranges; this.primIndex = primIndex; } Selection.prototype = { primary: function() { return this.ranges[this.primIndex]; }, equals: function(other) { if (other == this) return true; if (other.primIndex != this.primIndex || other.ranges.length != this.ranges.length) return false; for (var i = 0; i < this.ranges.length; i++) { var here = this.ranges[i], there = other.ranges[i]; if (cmp(here.anchor, there.anchor) != 0 || cmp(here.head, there.head) != 0) return false; } return true; }, deepCopy: function() { for (var out = [], i = 0; i < this.ranges.length; i++) out[i] = new Range(copyPos(this.ranges[i].anchor), copyPos(this.ranges[i].head)); return new Selection(out, this.primIndex); }, somethingSelected: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.ranges.length; i++) if (!this.ranges[i].empty()) return true; return false; }, contains: function(pos, end) { if (!end) end = pos; for (var i = 0; i < this.ranges.length; i++) { var range = this.ranges[i]; if (cmp(end, range.from()) >= 0 && cmp(pos, range.to()) <= 0) return i; } return -1; } }; function Range(anchor, head) { this.anchor = anchor; this.head = head; } Range.prototype = { from: function() { return minPos(this.anchor, this.head); }, to: function() { return maxPos(this.anchor, this.head); }, empty: function() { return this.head.line == this.anchor.line && this.head.ch == this.anchor.ch; } }; // Take an unsorted, potentially overlapping set of ranges, and // build a selection out of it. 'Consumes' ranges array (modifying // it). function normalizeSelection(ranges, primIndex) { var prim = ranges[primIndex]; ranges.sort(function(a, b) { return cmp(a.from(), b.from()); }); primIndex = indexOf(ranges, prim); for (var i = 1; i < ranges.length; i++) { var cur = ranges[i], prev = ranges[i - 1]; if (cmp(prev.to(), cur.from()) >= 0) { var from = minPos(prev.from(), cur.from()), to = maxPos(prev.to(), cur.to()); var inv = prev.empty() ? cur.from() == cur.head : prev.from() == prev.head; if (i <= primIndex) --primIndex; ranges.splice(--i, 2, new Range(inv ? to : from, inv ? from : to)); } } return new Selection(ranges, primIndex); } function simpleSelection(anchor, head) { return new Selection([new Range(anchor, head || anchor)], 0); } // Most of the external API clips given positions to make sure they // actually exist within the document. function clipLine(doc, n) {return Math.max(doc.first, Math.min(n, doc.first + doc.size - 1));} function clipPos(doc, pos) { if (pos.line < doc.first) return Pos(doc.first, 0); var last = doc.first + doc.size - 1; if (pos.line > last) return Pos(last, getLine(doc, last).text.length); return clipToLen(pos, getLine(doc, pos.line).text.length); } function clipToLen(pos, linelen) { var ch = pos.ch; if (ch == null || ch > linelen) return Pos(pos.line, linelen); else if (ch < 0) return Pos(pos.line, 0); else return pos; } function isLine(doc, l) {return l >= doc.first && l < doc.first + doc.size;} function clipPosArray(doc, array) { for (var out = [], i = 0; i < array.length; i++) out[i] = clipPos(doc, array[i]); return out; } // SELECTION UPDATES // The 'scroll' parameter given to many of these indicated whether // the new cursor position should be scrolled into view after // modifying the selection. // If shift is held or the extend flag is set, extends a range to // include a given position (and optionally a second position). // Otherwise, simply returns the range between the given positions. // Used for cursor motion and such. function extendRange(doc, range, head, other) { if (doc.cm && doc.cm.display.shift || doc.extend) { var anchor = range.anchor; if (other) { var posBefore = cmp(head, anchor) < 0; if (posBefore != (cmp(other, anchor) < 0)) { anchor = head; head = other; } else if (posBefore != (cmp(head, other) < 0)) { head = other; } } return new Range(anchor, head); } else { return new Range(other || head, head); } } // Extend the primary selection range, discard the rest. function extendSelection(doc, head, other, options) { setSelection(doc, new Selection([extendRange(doc, doc.sel.primary(), head, other)], 0), options); } // Extend all selections (pos is an array of selections with length // equal the number of selections) function extendSelections(doc, heads, options) { for (var out = [], i = 0; i < doc.sel.ranges.length; i++) out[i] = extendRange(doc, doc.sel.ranges[i], heads[i], null); var newSel = normalizeSelection(out, doc.sel.primIndex); setSelection(doc, newSel, options); } // Updates a single range in the selection. function replaceOneSelection(doc, i, range, options) { var ranges = doc.sel.ranges.slice(0); ranges[i] = range; setSelection(doc, normalizeSelection(ranges, doc.sel.primIndex), options); } // Reset the selection to a single range. function setSimpleSelection(doc, anchor, head, options) { setSelection(doc, simpleSelection(anchor, head), options); } // Give beforeSelectionChange handlers a change to influence a // selection update. function filterSelectionChange(doc, sel) { var obj = { ranges: sel.ranges, update: function(ranges) { this.ranges = []; for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) this.ranges[i] = new Range(clipPos(doc, ranges[i].anchor), clipPos(doc, ranges[i].head)); } }; signal(doc, "beforeSelectionChange", doc, obj); if (doc.cm) signal(doc.cm, "beforeSelectionChange", doc.cm, obj); if (obj.ranges != sel.ranges) return normalizeSelection(obj.ranges, obj.ranges.length - 1); else return sel; } function setSelectionReplaceHistory(doc, sel, options) { var done = doc.history.done, last = lst(done); if (last && last.ranges) { done[done.length - 1] = sel; setSelectionNoUndo(doc, sel, options); } else { setSelection(doc, sel, options); } } // Set a new selection. function setSelection(doc, sel, options) { setSelectionNoUndo(doc, sel, options); addSelectionToHistory(doc, doc.sel, doc.cm ? doc.cm.curOp.id : NaN, options); } function setSelectionNoUndo(doc, sel, options) { if (hasHandler(doc, "beforeSelectionChange") || doc.cm && hasHandler(doc.cm, "beforeSelectionChange")) sel = filterSelectionChange(doc, sel); var bias = options && options.bias || (cmp(sel.primary().head, doc.sel.primary().head) < 0 ? -1 : 1); setSelectionInner(doc, skipAtomicInSelection(doc, sel, bias, true)); if (!(options && options.scroll === false) && doc.cm) ensureCursorVisible(doc.cm); } function setSelectionInner(doc, sel) { if (sel.equals(doc.sel)) return; doc.sel = sel; if (doc.cm) { doc.cm.curOp.updateInput = doc.cm.curOp.selectionChanged = true; signalCursorActivity(doc.cm); } signalLater(doc, "cursorActivity", doc); } // Verify that the selection does not partially select any atomic // marked ranges. function reCheckSelection(doc) { setSelectionInner(doc, skipAtomicInSelection(doc, doc.sel, null, false), sel_dontScroll); } // Return a selection that does not partially select any atomic // ranges. function skipAtomicInSelection(doc, sel, bias, mayClear) { var out; for (var i = 0; i < sel.ranges.length; i++) { var range = sel.ranges[i]; var newAnchor = skipAtomic(doc, range.anchor, bias, mayClear); var newHead = skipAtomic(doc, range.head, bias, mayClear); if (out || newAnchor != range.anchor || newHead != range.head) { if (!out) out = sel.ranges.slice(0, i); out[i] = new Range(newAnchor, newHead); } } return out ? normalizeSelection(out, sel.primIndex) : sel; } // Ensure a given position is not inside an atomic range. function skipAtomic(doc, pos, bias, mayClear) { var flipped = false, curPos = pos; var dir = bias || 1; doc.cantEdit = false; search: for (;;) { var line = getLine(doc, curPos.line); if (line.markedSpans) { for (var i = 0; i < line.markedSpans.length; ++i) { var sp = line.markedSpans[i], m = sp.marker; if ((sp.from == null || (m.inclusiveLeft ? sp.from <= curPos.ch : sp.from < curPos.ch)) && (sp.to == null || (m.inclusiveRight ? sp.to >= curPos.ch : sp.to > curPos.ch))) { if (mayClear) { signal(m, "beforeCursorEnter"); if (m.explicitlyCleared) { if (!line.markedSpans) break; else {--i; continue;} } } if (!m.atomic) continue; var newPos = m.find(dir < 0 ? -1 : 1); if (cmp(newPos, curPos) == 0) { newPos.ch += dir; if (newPos.ch < 0) { if (newPos.line > doc.first) newPos = clipPos(doc, Pos(newPos.line - 1)); else newPos = null; } else if (newPos.ch > line.text.length) { if (newPos.line < doc.first + doc.size - 1) newPos = Pos(newPos.line + 1, 0); else newPos = null; } if (!newPos) { if (flipped) { // Driven in a corner -- no valid cursor position found at all // -- try again *with* clearing, if we didn't already if (!mayClear) return skipAtomic(doc, pos, bias, true); // Otherwise, turn off editing until further notice, and return the start of the doc doc.cantEdit = true; return Pos(doc.first, 0); } flipped = true; newPos = pos; dir = -dir; } } curPos = newPos; continue search; } } } return curPos; } } // SELECTION DRAWING function updateSelection(cm) { cm.display.input.showSelection(cm.display.input.prepareSelection()); } function prepareSelection(cm, primary) { var doc = cm.doc, result = {}; var curFragment = result.cursors = document.createDocumentFragment(); var selFragment = result.selection = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (var i = 0; i < doc.sel.ranges.length; i++) { if (primary === false && i == doc.sel.primIndex) continue; var range = doc.sel.ranges[i]; var collapsed = range.empty(); if (collapsed || cm.options.showCursorWhenSelecting) drawSelectionCursor(cm, range, curFragment); if (!collapsed) drawSelectionRange(cm, range, selFragment); } return result; } // Draws a cursor for the given range function drawSelectionCursor(cm, range, output) { var pos = cursorCoords(cm, range.head, "div", null, null, !cm.options.singleCursorHeightPerLine); var cursor = output.appendChild(elt("div", "\u00a0", "CodeMirror-cursor")); cursor.style.left = pos.left + "px"; cursor.style.top = pos.top + "px"; cursor.style.height = Math.max(0, pos.bottom - pos.top) * cm.options.cursorHeight + "px"; if (pos.other) { // Secondary cursor, shown when on a 'jump' in bi-directional text var otherCursor = output.appendChild(elt("div", "\u00a0", "CodeMirror-cursor CodeMirror-secondarycursor")); otherCursor.style.display = ""; otherCursor.style.left = pos.other.left + "px"; otherCursor.style.top = pos.other.top + "px"; otherCursor.style.height = (pos.other.bottom - pos.other.top) * .85 + "px"; } } // Draws the given range as a highlighted selection function drawSelectionRange(cm, range, output) { var display = cm.display, doc = cm.doc; var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); var padding = paddingH(cm.display), leftSide = padding.left; var rightSide = Math.max(display.sizerWidth, displayWidth(cm) - display.sizer.offsetLeft) - padding.right; function add(left, top, width, bottom) { if (top < 0) top = 0; top = Math.round(top); bottom = Math.round(bottom); fragment.appendChild(elt("div", null, "CodeMirror-selected", "position: absolute; left: " + left + "px; top: " + top + "px; width: " + (width == null ? rightSide - left : width) + "px; height: " + (bottom - top) + "px")); } function drawForLine(line, fromArg, toArg) { var lineObj = getLine(doc, line); var lineLen = lineObj.text.length; var start, end; function coords(ch, bias) { return charCoords(cm, Pos(line, ch), "div", lineObj, bias); } iterateBidiSections(getOrder(lineObj), fromArg || 0, toArg == null ? lineLen : toArg, function(from, to, dir) { var leftPos = coords(from, "left"), rightPos, left, right; if (from == to) { rightPos = leftPos; left = right = leftPos.left; } else { rightPos = coords(to - 1, "right"); if (dir == "rtl") { var tmp = leftPos; leftPos = rightPos; rightPos = tmp; } left = leftPos.left; right = rightPos.right; } if (fromArg == null && from == 0) left = leftSide; if (rightPos.top - leftPos.top > 3) { // Different lines, draw top part add(left, leftPos.top, null, leftPos.bottom); left = leftSide; if (leftPos.bottom < rightPos.top) add(left, leftPos.bottom, null, rightPos.top); } if (toArg == null && to == lineLen) right = rightSide; if (!start || leftPos.top < start.top || leftPos.top == start.top && leftPos.left < start.left) start = leftPos; if (!end || rightPos.bottom > end.bottom || rightPos.bottom == end.bottom && rightPos.right > end.right) end = rightPos; if (left < leftSide + 1) left = leftSide; add(left, rightPos.top, right - left, rightPos.bottom); }); return {start: start, end: end}; } var sFrom = range.from(), sTo = range.to(); if (sFrom.line == sTo.line) { drawForLine(sFrom.line, sFrom.ch, sTo.ch); } else { var fromLine = getLine(doc, sFrom.line), toLine = getLine(doc, sTo.line); var singleVLine = visualLine(fromLine) == visualLine(toLine); var leftEnd = drawForLine(sFrom.line, sFrom.ch, singleVLine ? fromLine.text.length + 1 : null).end; var rightStart = drawForLine(sTo.line, singleVLine ? 0 : null, sTo.ch).start; if (singleVLine) { if (leftEnd.top < rightStart.top - 2) { add(leftEnd.right, leftEnd.top, null, leftEnd.bottom); add(leftSide, rightStart.top, rightStart.left, rightStart.bottom); } else { add(leftEnd.right, leftEnd.top, rightStart.left - leftEnd.right, leftEnd.bottom); } } if (leftEnd.bottom < rightStart.top) add(leftSide, leftEnd.bottom, null, rightStart.top); } output.appendChild(fragment); } // Cursor-blinking function restartBlink(cm) { if (!cm.state.focused) return; var display = cm.display; clearInterval(display.blinker); var on = true; display.cursorDiv.style.visibility = ""; if (cm.options.cursorBlinkRate > 0) display.blinker = setInterval(function() { display.cursorDiv.style.visibility = (on = !on) ? "" : "hidden"; }, cm.options.cursorBlinkRate); else if (cm.options.cursorBlinkRate < 0) display.cursorDiv.style.visibility = "hidden"; } // HIGHLIGHT WORKER function startWorker(cm, time) { if (cm.doc.mode.startState && cm.doc.frontier < cm.display.viewTo) cm.state.highlight.set(time, bind(highlightWorker, cm)); } function highlightWorker(cm) { var doc = cm.doc; if (doc.frontier < doc.first) doc.frontier = doc.first; if (doc.frontier >= cm.display.viewTo) return; var end = +new Date + cm.options.workTime; var state = copyState(doc.mode, getStateBefore(cm, doc.frontier)); var changedLines = []; doc.iter(doc.frontier, Math.min(doc.first + doc.size, cm.display.viewTo + 500), function(line) { if (doc.frontier >= cm.display.viewFrom) { // Visible var oldStyles = line.styles; var highlighted = highlightLine(cm, line, state, true); line.styles = highlighted.styles; var oldCls = line.styleClasses, newCls = highlighted.classes; if (newCls) line.styleClasses = newCls; else if (oldCls) line.styleClasses = null; var ischange = !oldStyles || oldStyles.length != line.styles.length || oldCls != newCls && (!oldCls || !newCls || oldCls.bgClass != newCls.bgClass || oldCls.textClass != newCls.textClass); for (var i = 0; !ischange && i < oldStyles.length; ++i) ischange = oldStyles[i] != line.styles[i]; if (ischange) changedLines.push(doc.frontier); line.stateAfter = copyState(doc.mode, state); } else { processLine(cm, line.text, state); line.stateAfter = doc.frontier % 5 == 0 ? copyState(doc.mode, state) : null; } ++doc.frontier; if (+new Date > end) { startWorker(cm, cm.options.workDelay); return true; } }); if (changedLines.length) runInOp(cm, function() { for (var i = 0; i < changedLines.length; i++) regLineChange(cm, changedLines[i], "text"); }); } // Finds the line to start with when starting a parse. Tries to // find a line with a stateAfter, so that it can start with a // valid state. If that fails, it returns the line with the // smallest indentation, which tends to need the least context to // parse correctly. function findStartLine(cm, n, precise) { var minindent, minline, doc = cm.doc; var lim = precise ? -1 : n - (cm.doc.mode.innerMode ? 1000 : 100); for (var search = n; search > lim; --search) { if (search <= doc.first) return doc.first; var line = getLine(doc, search - 1); if (line.stateAfter && (!precise || search <= doc.frontier)) return search; var indented = countColumn(line.text, null, cm.options.tabSize); if (minline == null || minindent > indented) { minline = search - 1; minindent = indented; } } return minline; } function getStateBefore(cm, n, precise) { var doc = cm.doc, display = cm.display; if (!doc.mode.startState) return true; var pos = findStartLine(cm, n, precise), state = pos > doc.first && getLine(doc, pos-1).stateAfter; if (!state) state = startState(doc.mode); else state = copyState(doc.mode, state); doc.iter(pos, n, function(line) { processLine(cm, line.text, state); var save = pos == n - 1 || pos % 5 == 0 || pos >= display.viewFrom && pos < display.viewTo; line.stateAfter = save ? copyState(doc.mode, state) : null; ++pos; }); if (precise) doc.frontier = pos; return state; } // POSITION MEASUREMENT function paddingTop(display) {return display.lineSpace.offsetTop;} function paddingVert(display) {return display.mover.offsetHeight - display.lineSpace.offsetHeight;} function paddingH(display) { if (display.cachedPaddingH) return display.cachedPaddingH; var e = removeChildrenAndAdd(display.measure, elt("pre", "x")); var style = window.getComputedStyle ? window.getComputedStyle(e) : e.currentStyle; var data = {left: parseInt(style.paddingLeft), right: parseInt(style.paddingRight)}; if (!isNaN(data.left) && !isNaN(data.right)) display.cachedPaddingH = data; return data; } function scrollGap(cm) { return scrollerGap - cm.display.nativeBarWidth; } function displayWidth(cm) { return cm.display.scroller.clientWidth - scrollGap(cm) - cm.display.barWidth; } function displayHeight(cm) { return cm.display.scroller.clientHeight - scrollGap(cm) - cm.display.barHeight; } // Ensure the lineView.wrapping.heights array is populated. This is // an array of bottom offsets for the lines that make up a drawn // line. When lineWrapping is on, there might be more than one // height. function ensureLineHeights(cm, lineView, rect) { var wrapping = cm.options.lineWrapping; var curWidth = wrapping && displayWidth(cm); if (!lineView.measure.heights || wrapping && lineView.measure.width != curWidth) { var heights = lineView.measure.heights = []; if (wrapping) { lineView.measure.width = curWidth; var rects = lineView.text.firstChild.getClientRects(); for (var i = 0; i < rects.length - 1; i++) { var cur = rects[i], next = rects[i + 1]; if (Math.abs(cur.bottom - next.bottom) > 2) heights.push((cur.bottom + next.top) / 2 - rect.top); } } heights.push(rect.bottom - rect.top); } } // Find a line map (mapping character offsets to text nodes) and a // measurement cache for the given line number. (A line view might // contain multiple lines when collapsed ranges are present.) function mapFromLineView(lineView, line, lineN) { if (lineView.line == line) return {map: lineView.measure.map, cache: lineView.measure.cache}; for (var i = 0; i < lineView.rest.length; i++) if (lineView.rest[i] == line) return {map: lineView.measure.maps[i], cache: lineView.measure.caches[i]}; for (var i = 0; i < lineView.rest.length; i++) if (lineNo(lineView.rest[i]) > lineN) return {map: lineView.measure.maps[i], cache: lineView.measure.caches[i], before: true}; } // Render a line into the hidden node display.externalMeasured. Used // when measurement is needed for a line that's not in the viewport. function updateExternalMeasurement(cm, line) { line = visualLine(line); var lineN = lineNo(line); var view = cm.display.externalMeasured = new LineView(cm.doc, line, lineN); view.lineN = lineN; var built = view.built = buildLineContent(cm, view); view.text = built.pre; removeChildrenAndAdd(cm.display.lineMeasure, built.pre); return view; } // Get a {top, bottom, left, right} box (in line-local coordinates) // for a given character. function measureChar(cm, line, ch, bias) { return measureCharPrepared(cm, prepareMeasureForLine(cm, line), ch, bias); } // Find a line view that corresponds to the given line number. function findViewForLine(cm, lineN) { if (lineN >= cm.display.viewFrom && lineN < cm.display.viewTo) return cm.display.view[findViewIndex(cm, lineN)]; var ext = cm.display.externalMeasured; if (ext && lineN >= ext.lineN && lineN < ext.lineN + ext.size) return ext; } // Measurement can be split in two steps, the set-up work that // applies to the whole line, and the measurement of the actual // character. Functions like coordsChar, that need to do a lot of // measurements in a row, can thus ensure that the set-up work is // only done once. function prepareMeasureForLine(cm, line) { var lineN = lineNo(line); var view = findViewForLine(cm, lineN); if (view && !view.text) view = null; else if (view && view.changes) updateLineForChanges(cm, view, lineN, getDimensions(cm)); if (!view) view = updateExternalMeasurement(cm, line); var info = mapFromLineView(view, line, lineN); return { line: line, view: view, rect: null, map: info.map, cache: info.cache, before: info.before, hasHeights: false }; } // Given a prepared measurement object, measures the position of an // actual character (or fetches it from the cache). function measureCharPrepared(cm, prepared, ch, bias, varHeight) { if (prepared.before) ch = -1; var key = ch + (bias || ""), found; if (prepared.cache.hasOwnProperty(key)) { found = prepared.cache[key]; } else { if (!prepared.rect) prepared.rect = prepared.view.text.getBoundingClientRect(); if (!prepared.hasHeights) { ensureLineHeights(cm, prepared.view, prepared.rect); prepared.hasHeights = true; } found = measureCharInner(cm, prepared, ch, bias); if (!found.bogus) prepared.cache[key] = found; } return {left: found.left, right: found.right, top: varHeight ? found.rtop : found.top, bottom: varHeight ? found.rbottom : found.bottom}; } var nullRect = {left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0}; function nodeAndOffsetInLineMap(map, ch, bias) { var node, start, end, collapse; // First, search the line map for the text node corresponding to, // or closest to, the target character. for (var i = 0; i < map.length; i += 3) { var mStart = map[i], mEnd = map[i + 1]; if (ch < mStart) { start = 0; end = 1; collapse = "left"; } else if (ch < mEnd) { start = ch - mStart; end = start + 1; } else if (i == map.length - 3 || ch == mEnd && map[i + 3] > ch) { end = mEnd - mStart; start = end - 1; if (ch >= mEnd) collapse = "right"; } if (start != null) { node = map[i + 2]; if (mStart == mEnd && bias == (node.insertLeft ? "left" : "right")) collapse = bias; if (bias == "left" && start == 0) while (i && map[i - 2] == map[i - 3] && map[i - 1].insertLeft) { node = map[(i -= 3) + 2]; collapse = "left"; } if (bias == "right" && start == mEnd - mStart) while (i < map.length - 3 && map[i + 3] == map[i + 4] && !map[i + 5].insertLeft) { node = map[(i += 3) + 2]; collapse = "right"; } break; } } return {node: node, start: start, end: end, collapse: collapse, coverStart: mStart, coverEnd: mEnd}; } function measureCharInner(cm, prepared, ch, bias) { var place = nodeAndOffsetInLineMap(prepared.map, ch, bias); var node = place.node, start = place.start, end = place.end, collapse = place.collapse; var rect; if (node.nodeType == 3) { // If it is a text node, use a range to retrieve the coordinates. for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // Retry a maximum of 4 times when nonsense rectangles are returned while (start && isExtendingChar(prepared.line.text.charAt(place.coverStart + start))) --start; while (place.coverStart + end < place.coverEnd && isExtendingChar(prepared.line.text.charAt(place.coverStart + end))) ++end; if (ie && ie_version < 9 && start == 0 && end == place.coverEnd - place.coverStart) { rect = node.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(); } else if (ie && cm.options.lineWrapping) { var rects = range(node, start, end).getClientRects(); if (rects.length) rect = rects[bias == "right" ? rects.length - 1 : 0]; else rect = nullRect; } else { rect = range(node, start, end).getBoundingClientRect() || nullRect; } if (rect.left || rect.right || start == 0) break; end = start; start = start - 1; collapse = "right"; } if (ie && ie_version < 11) rect = maybeUpdateRectForZooming(cm.display.measure, rect); } else { // If it is a widget, simply get the box for the whole widget. if (start > 0) collapse = bias = "right"; var rects; if (cm.options.lineWrapping && (rects = node.getClientRects()).length > 1) rect = rects[bias == "right" ? rects.length - 1 : 0]; else rect = node.getBoundingClientRect(); } if (ie && ie_version < 9 && !start && (!rect || !rect.left && !rect.right)) { var rSpan = node.parentNode.getClientRects()[0]; if (rSpan) rect = {left: rSpan.left, right: rSpan.left + charWidth(cm.display), top: rSpan.top, bottom: rSpan.bottom}; else rect = nullRect; } var rtop = rect.top - prepared.rect.top, rbot = rect.bottom - prepared.rect.top; var mid = (rtop + rbot) / 2; var heights = prepared.view.measure.heights; for (var i = 0; i < heights.length - 1; i++) if (mid < heights[i]) break; var top = i ? heights[i - 1] : 0, bot = heights[i]; var result = {left: (collapse == "right" ? rect.right : rect.left) - prepared.rect.left, right: (collapse == "left" ? rect.left : rect.right) - prepared.rect.left, top: top, bottom: bot}; if (!rect.left && !rect.right) result.bogus = true; if (!cm.options.singleCursorHeightPerLine) { result.rtop = rtop; result.rbottom = rbot; } return result; } // Work around problem with bounding client rects on ranges being // returned incorrectly when zoomed on IE10 and below. function maybeUpdateRectForZooming(measure, rect) { if (!window.screen || screen.logicalXDPI == null || screen.logicalXDPI == screen.deviceXDPI || !hasBadZoomedRects(measure)) return rect; var scaleX = screen.logicalXDPI / screen.deviceXDPI; var scaleY = screen.logicalYDPI / screen.deviceYDPI; return {left: rect.left * scaleX, right: rect.right * scaleX, top: rect.top * scaleY, bottom: rect.bottom * scaleY}; } function clearLineMeasurementCacheFor(lineView) { if (lineView.measure) { lineView.measure.cache = {}; lineView.measure.heights = null; if (lineView.rest) for (var i = 0; i < lineView.rest.length; i++) lineView.measure.caches[i] = {}; } } function clearLineMeasurementCache(cm) { cm.display.externalMeasure = null; removeChildren(cm.display.lineMeasure); for (var i = 0; i < cm.display.view.length; i++) clearLineMeasurementCacheFor(cm.display.view[i]); } function clearCaches(cm) { clearLineMeasurementCache(cm); cm.display.cachedCharWidth = cm.display.cachedTextHeight = cm.display.cachedPaddingH = null; if (!cm.options.lineWrapping) cm.display.maxLineChanged = true; cm.display.lineNumChars = null; } function pageScrollX() { return window.pageXOffset || (document.documentElement || document.body).scrollLeft; } function pageScrollY() { return window.pageYOffset || (document.documentElement || document.body).scrollTop; } // Converts a {top, bottom, left, right} box from line-local // coordinates into another coordinate system. Context may be one of // "line", "div" (display.lineDiv), "local"/null (editor), "window", // or "page". function intoCoordSystem(cm, lineObj, rect, context) { if (lineObj.widgets) for (var i = 0; i < lineObj.widgets.length; ++i) if (lineObj.widgets[i].above) { var size = widgetHeight(lineObj.widgets[i]); rect.top += size; rect.bottom += size; } if (context == "line") return rect; if (!context) context = "local"; var yOff = heightAtLine(lineObj); if (context == "local") yOff += paddingTop(cm.display); else yOff -= cm.display.viewOffset; if (context == "page" || context == "window") { var lOff = cm.display.lineSpace.getBoundingClientRect(); yOff += lOff.top + (context == "window" ? 0 : pageScrollY()); var xOff = lOff.left + (context == "window" ? 0 : pageScrollX()); rect.left += xOff; rect.right += xOff; } rect.top += yOff; rect.bottom += yOff; return rect; } // Coverts a box from "div" coords to another coordinate system. // Context may be "window", "page", "div", or "local"/null. function fromCoordSystem(cm, coords, context) { if (context == "div") return coords; var left = coords.left, top = coords.top; // First move into "page" coordinate system if (context == "page") { left -= pageScrollX(); top -= pageScrollY(); } else if (context == "local" || !context) { var localBox = cm.display.sizer.getBoundingClientRect(); left += localBox.left; top += localBox.top; } var lineSpaceBox = cm.display.lineSpace.getBoundingClientRect(); return {left: left - lineSpaceBox.left, top: top - lineSpaceBox.top}; } function charCoords(cm, pos, context, lineObj, bias) { if (!lineObj) lineObj = getLine(cm.doc, pos.line); return intoCoordSystem(cm, lineObj, measureChar(cm, lineObj, pos.ch, bias), context); } // Returns a box for a given cursor position, which may have an // 'other' property containing the position of the secondary cursor // on a bidi boundary. function cursorCoords(cm, pos, context, lineObj, preparedMeasure, varHeight) { lineObj = lineObj || getLine(cm.doc, pos.line); if (!preparedMeasure) preparedMeasure = prepareMeasureForLine(cm, lineObj); function get(ch, right) { var m = measureCharPrepared(cm, preparedMeasure, ch, right ? "right" : "left", varHeight); if (right) m.left = m.right; else m.right = m.left; return intoCoordSystem(cm, lineObj, m, context); } function getBidi(ch, partPos) { var part = order[partPos], right = part.level % 2; if (ch == bidiLeft(part) && partPos && part.level < order[partPos - 1].level) { part = order[--partPos]; ch = bidiRight(part) - (part.level % 2 ? 0 : 1); right = true; } else if (ch == bidiRight(part) && partPos < order.length - 1 && part.level < order[partPos + 1].level) { part = order[++partPos]; ch = bidiLeft(part) - part.level % 2; right = false; } if (right && ch == part.to && ch > part.from) return get(ch - 1); return get(ch, right); } var order = getOrder(lineObj), ch = pos.ch; if (!order) return get(ch); var partPos = getBidiPartAt(order, ch); var val = getBidi(ch, partPos); if (bidiOther != null) val.other = getBidi(ch, bidiOther); return val; } // Used to cheaply estimate the coordinates for a position. Used for // intermediate scroll updates. function estimateCoords(cm, pos) { var left = 0, pos = clipPos(cm.doc, pos); if (!cm.options.lineWrapping) left = charWidth(cm.display) * pos.ch; var lineObj = getLine(cm.doc, pos.line); var top = heightAtLine(lineObj) + paddingTop(cm.display); return {left: left, right: left, top: top, bottom: top + lineObj.height}; } // Positions returned by coordsChar contain some extra information. // xRel is the relative x position of the input coordinates compared // to the found position (so xRel > 0 means the coordinates are to // the right of the character position, for example). When outside // is true, that means the coordinates lie outside the line's // vertical range. function PosWithInfo(line, ch, outside, xRel) { var pos = Pos(line, ch); pos.xRel = xRel; if (outside) pos.outside = true; return pos; } // Compute the character position closest to the given coordinates. // Input must be lineSpace-local ("div" coordinate system). function coordsChar(cm, x, y) { var doc = cm.doc; y += cm.display.viewOffset; if (y < 0) return PosWithInfo(doc.first, 0, true, -1); var lineN = lineAtHeight(doc, y), last = doc.first + doc.size - 1; if (lineN > last) return PosWithInfo(doc.first + doc.size - 1, getLine(doc, last).text.length, true, 1); if (x < 0) x = 0; var lineObj = getLine(doc, lineN); for (;;) { var found = coordsCharInner(cm, lineObj, lineN, x, y); var merged = collapsedSpanAtEnd(lineObj); var mergedPos = merged && merged.find(0, true); if (merged && (found.ch > mergedPos.from.ch || found.ch == mergedPos.from.ch && found.xRel > 0)) lineN = lineNo(lineObj = mergedPos.to.line); else return found; } } function coordsCharInner(cm, lineObj, lineNo, x, y) { var innerOff = y - heightAtLine(lineObj); var wrongLine = false, adjust = 2 * cm.display.wrapper.clientWidth; var preparedMeasure = prepareMeasureForLine(cm, lineObj); function getX(ch) { var sp = cursorCoords(cm, Pos(lineNo, ch), "line", lineObj, preparedMeasure); wrongLine = true; if (innerOff > sp.bottom) return sp.left - adjust; else if (innerOff < sp.top) return sp.left + adjust; else wrongLine = false; return sp.left; } var bidi = getOrder(lineObj), dist = lineObj.text.length; var from = lineLeft(lineObj), to = lineRight(lineObj); var fromX = getX(from), fromOutside = wrongLine, toX = getX(to), toOutside = wrongLine; if (x > toX) return PosWithInfo(lineNo, to, toOutside, 1); // Do a binary search between these bounds. for (;;) { if (bidi ? to == from || to == moveVisually(lineObj, from, 1) : to - from <= 1) { var ch = x < fromX || x - fromX <= toX - x ? from : to; var xDiff = x - (ch == from ? fromX : toX); while (isExtendingChar(lineObj.text.charAt(ch))) ++ch; var pos = PosWithInfo(lineNo, ch, ch == from ? fromOutside : toOutside, xDiff < -1 ? -1 : xDiff > 1 ? 1 : 0); return pos; } var step = Math.ceil(dist / 2), middle = from + step; if (bidi) { middle = from; for (var i = 0; i < step; ++i) middle = moveVisually(lineObj, middle, 1); } var middleX = getX(middle); if (middleX > x) {to = middle; toX = middleX; if (toOutside = wrongLine) toX += 1000; dist = step;} else {from = middle; fromX = middleX; fromOutside = wrongLine; dist -= step;} } } var measureText; // Compute the default text height. function textHeight(display) { if (display.cachedTextHeight != null) return display.cachedTextHeight; if (measureText == null) { measureText = elt("pre"); // Measure a bunch of lines, for browsers that compute // fractional heights. for (var i = 0; i < 49; ++i) { measureText.appendChild(document.createTextNode("x")); measureText.appendChild(elt("br")); } measureText.appendChild(document.createTextNode("x")); } removeChildrenAndAdd(display.measure, measureText); var height = measureText.offsetHeight / 50; if (height > 3) display.cachedTextHeight = height; removeChildren(display.measure); return height || 1; } // Compute the default character width. function charWidth(display) { if (display.cachedCharWidth != null) return display.cachedCharWidth; var anchor = elt("span", "xxxxxxxxxx"); var pre = elt("pre", [anchor]); removeChildrenAndAdd(display.measure, pre); var rect = anchor.getBoundingClientRect(), width = (rect.right - rect.left) / 10; if (width > 2) display.cachedCharWidth = width; return width || 10; } // OPERATIONS // Operations are used to wrap a series of changes to the editor // state in such a way that each change won't have to update the // cursor and display (which would be awkward, slow, and // error-prone). Instead, display updates are batched and then all // combined and executed at once. var operationGroup = null; var nextOpId = 0; // Start a new operation. function startOperation(cm) { cm.curOp = { cm: cm, viewChanged: false, // Flag that indicates that lines might need to be redrawn startHeight: cm.doc.height, // Used to detect need to update scrollbar forceUpdate: false, // Used to force a redraw updateInput: null, // Whether to reset the input textarea typing: false, // Whether this reset should be careful to leave existing text (for compositing) changeObjs: null, // Accumulated changes, for firing change events cursorActivityHandlers: null, // Set of handlers to fire cursorActivity on cursorActivityCalled: 0, // Tracks which cursorActivity handlers have been called already selectionChanged: false, // Whether the selection needs to be redrawn updateMaxLine: false, // Set when the widest line needs to be determined anew scrollLeft: null, scrollTop: null, // Intermediate scroll position, not pushed to DOM yet scrollToPos: null, // Used to scroll to a specific position focus: false, id: ++nextOpId // Unique ID }; if (operationGroup) { operationGroup.ops.push(cm.curOp); } else { cm.curOp.ownsGroup = operationGroup = { ops: [cm.curOp], delayedCallbacks: [] }; } } function fireCallbacksForOps(group) { // Calls delayed callbacks and cursorActivity handlers until no // new ones appear var callbacks = group.delayedCallbacks, i = 0; do { for (; i < callbacks.length; i++) callbacks[i](); for (var j = 0; j < group.ops.length; j++) { var op = group.ops[j]; if (op.cursorActivityHandlers) while (op.cursorActivityCalled < op.cursorActivityHandlers.length) op.cursorActivityHandlers[op.cursorActivityCalled++](op.cm); } } while (i < callbacks.length); } // Finish an operation, updating the display and signalling delayed events function endOperation(cm) { var op = cm.curOp, group = op.ownsGroup; if (!group) return; try { fireCallbacksForOps(group); } finally { operationGroup = null; for (var i = 0; i < group.ops.length; i++) group.ops[i].cm.curOp = null; endOperations(group); } } // The DOM updates done when an operation finishes are batched so // that the minimum number of relayouts are required. function endOperations(group) { var ops = group.ops; for (var i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) // Read DOM endOperation_R1(ops[i]); for (var i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) // Write DOM (maybe) endOperation_W1(ops[i]); for (var i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) // Read DOM endOperation_R2(ops[i]); for (var i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) // Write DOM (maybe) endOperation_W2(ops[i]); for (var i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) // Read DOM endOperation_finish(ops[i]); } function endOperation_R1(op) { var cm = op.cm, display = cm.display; maybeClipScrollbars(cm); if (op.updateMaxLine) findMaxLine(cm); op.mustUpdate = op.viewChanged || op.forceUpdate || op.scrollTop != null || op.scrollToPos && (op.scrollToPos.from.line < display.viewFrom || op.scrollToPos.to.line >= display.viewTo) || display.maxLineChanged && cm.options.lineWrapping; op.update = op.mustUpdate && new DisplayUpdate(cm, op.mustUpdate && {top: op.scrollTop, ensure: op.scrollToPos}, op.forceUpdate); } function endOperation_W1(op) { op.updatedDisplay = op.mustUpdate && updateDisplayIfNeeded(op.cm, op.update); } function endOperation_R2(op) { var cm = op.cm, display = cm.display; if (op.updatedDisplay) updateHeightsInViewport(cm); op.barMeasure = measureForScrollbars(cm); // If the max line changed since it was last measured, measure it, // and ensure the document's width matches it. // updateDisplay_W2 will use these properties to do the actual resizing if (display.maxLineChanged && !cm.options.lineWrapping) { op.adjustWidthTo = measureChar(cm, display.maxLine, display.maxLine.text.length).left + 3; cm.display.sizerWidth = op.adjustWidthTo; op.barMeasure.scrollWidth = Math.max(display.scroller.clientWidth, display.sizer.offsetLeft + op.adjustWidthTo + scrollGap(cm) + cm.display.barWidth); op.maxScrollLeft = Math.max(0, display.sizer.offsetLeft + op.adjustWidthTo - displayWidth(cm)); } if (op.updatedDisplay || op.selectionChanged) op.preparedSelection = display.input.prepareSelection(); } function endOperation_W2(op) { var cm = op.cm; if (op.adjustWidthTo != null) { cm.display.sizer.style.minWidth = op.adjustWidthTo + "px"; if (op.maxScrollLeft < cm.doc.scrollLeft) setScrollLeft(cm, Math.min(cm.display.scroller.scrollLeft, op.maxScrollLeft), true); cm.display.maxLineChanged = false; } if (op.preparedSelection) cm.display.input.showSelection(op.preparedSelection); if (op.updatedDisplay) setDocumentHeight(cm, op.barMeasure); if (op.updatedDisplay || op.startHeight != cm.doc.height) updateScrollbars(cm, op.barMeasure); if (op.selectionChanged) restartBlink(cm); if (cm.state.focused && op.updateInput) cm.display.input.reset(op.typing); if (op.focus && op.focus == activeElt()) ensureFocus(op.cm); } function endOperation_finish(op) { var cm = op.cm, display = cm.display, doc = cm.doc; if (op.updatedDisplay) postUpdateDisplay(cm, op.update); // Abort mouse wheel delta measurement, when scrolling explicitly if (display.wheelStartX != null && (op.scrollTop != null || op.scrollLeft != null || op.scrollToPos)) display.wheelStartX = display.wheelStartY = null; // Propagate the scroll position to the actual DOM scroller if (op.scrollTop != null && (display.scroller.scrollTop != op.scrollTop || op.forceScroll)) { doc.scrollTop = Math.max(0, Math.min(display.scroller.scrollHeight - display.scroller.clientHeight, op.scrollTop)); display.scrollbars.setScrollTop(doc.scrollTop); display.scroller.scrollTop = doc.scrollTop; } if (op.scrollLeft != null && (display.scroller.scrollLeft != op.scrollLeft || op.forceScroll)) { doc.scrollLeft = Math.max(0, Math.min(display.scroller.scrollWidth - displayWidth(cm), op.scrollLeft)); display.scrollbars.setScrollLeft(doc.scrollLeft); display.scroller.scrollLeft = doc.scrollLeft; alignHorizontally(cm); } // If we need to scroll a specific position into view, do so. if (op.scrollToPos) { var coords = scrollPosIntoView(cm, clipPos(doc, op.scrollToPos.from), clipPos(doc, op.scrollToPos.to), op.scrollToPos.margin); if (op.scrollToPos.isCursor && cm.state.focused) maybeScrollWindow(cm, coords); } // Fire events for markers that are hidden/unidden by editing or // undoing var hidden = op.maybeHiddenMarkers, unhidden = op.maybeUnhiddenMarkers; if (hidden) for (var i = 0; i < hidden.length; ++i) if (!hidden[i].lines.length) signal(hidden[i], "hide"); if (unhidden) for (var i = 0; i < unhidden.length; ++i) if (unhidden[i].lines.length) signal(unhidden[i], "unhide"); if (display.wrapper.offsetHeight) doc.scrollTop = cm.display.scroller.scrollTop; // Fire change events, and delayed event handlers if (op.changeObjs) signal(cm, "changes", cm, op.changeObjs); if (op.update) op.update.finish(); } // Run the given function in an operation function runInOp(cm, f) { if (cm.curOp) return f(); startOperation(cm); try { return f(); } finally { endOperation(cm); } } // Wraps a function in an operation. Returns the wrapped function. function operation(cm, f) { return function() { if (cm.curOp) return f.apply(cm, arguments); startOperation(cm); try { return f.apply(cm, arguments); } finally { endOperation(cm); } }; } // Used to add methods to editor and doc instances, wrapping them in // operations. function methodOp(f) { return function() { if (this.curOp) return f.apply(this, arguments); startOperation(this); try { return f.apply(this, arguments); } finally { endOperation(this); } }; } function docMethodOp(f) { return function() { var cm = this.cm; if (!cm || cm.curOp) return f.apply(this, arguments); startOperation(cm); try { return f.apply(this, arguments); } finally { endOperation(cm); } }; } // VIEW TRACKING // These objects are used to represent the visible (currently drawn) // part of the document. A LineView may correspond to multiple // logical lines, if those are connected by collapsed ranges. function LineView(doc, line, lineN) { // The starting line this.line = line; // Continuing lines, if any this.rest = visualLineContinued(line); // Number of logical lines in this visual line this.size = this.rest ? lineNo(lst(this.rest)) - lineN + 1 : 1; this.node = this.text = null; this.hidden = lineIsHidden(doc, line); } // Create a range of LineView objects for the given lines. function buildViewArray(cm, from, to) { var array = [], nextPos; for (var pos = from; pos < to; pos = nextPos) { var view = new LineView(cm.doc, getLine(cm.doc, pos), pos); nextPos = pos + view.size; array.push(view); } return array; } // Updates the display.view data structure for a given change to the // document. From and to are in pre-change coordinates. Lendiff is // the amount of lines added or subtracted by the change. This is // used for changes that span multiple lines, or change the way // lines are divided into visual lines. regLineChange (below) // registers single-line changes. function regChange(cm, from, to, lendiff) { if (from == null) from = cm.doc.first; if (to == null) to = cm.doc.first + cm.doc.size; if (!lendiff) lendiff = 0; var display = cm.display; if (lendiff && to < display.viewTo && (display.updateLineNumbers == null || display.updateLineNumbers > from)) display.updateLineNumbers = from; cm.curOp.viewChanged = true; if (from >= display.viewTo) { // Change after if (sawCollapsedSpans && visualLineNo(cm.doc, from) < display.viewTo) resetView(cm); } else if (to <= display.viewFrom) { // Change before if (sawCollapsedSpans && visualLineEndNo(cm.doc, to + lendiff) > display.viewFrom) { resetView(cm); } else { display.viewFrom += lendiff; display.viewTo += lendiff; } } else if (from <= display.viewFrom && to >= display.viewTo) { // Full overlap resetView(cm); } else if (from <= display.viewFrom) { // Top overlap var cut = viewCuttingPoint(cm, to, to + lendiff, 1); if (cut) { display.view = display.view.slice(cut.index); display.viewFrom = cut.lineN; display.viewTo += lendiff; } else { resetView(cm); } } else if (to >= display.viewTo) { // Bottom overlap var cut = viewCuttingPoint(cm, from, from, -1); if (cut) { display.view = display.view.slice(0, cut.index); display.viewTo = cut.lineN; } else { resetView(cm); } } else { // Gap in the middle var cutTop = viewCuttingPoint(cm, from, from, -1); var cutBot = viewCuttingPoint(cm, to, to + lendiff, 1); if (cutTop && cutBot) { display.view = display.view.slice(0, cutTop.index) .concat(buildViewArray(cm, cutTop.lineN, cutBot.lineN)) .concat(display.view.slice(cutBot.index)); display.viewTo += lendiff; } else { resetView(cm); } } var ext = display.externalMeasured; if (ext) { if (to < ext.lineN) ext.lineN += lendiff; else if (from < ext.lineN + ext.size) display.externalMeasured = null; } } // Register a change to a single line. Type must be one of "text", // "gutter", "class", "widget" function regLineChange(cm, line, type) { cm.curOp.viewChanged = true; var display = cm.display, ext = cm.display.externalMeasured; if (ext && line >= ext.lineN && line < ext.lineN + ext.size) display.externalMeasured = null; if (line < display.viewFrom || line >= display.viewTo) return; var lineView = display.view[findViewIndex(cm, line)]; if (lineView.node == null) return; var arr = lineView.changes || (lineView.changes = []); if (indexOf(arr, type) == -1) arr.push(type); } // Clear the view. function resetView(cm) { cm.display.viewFrom = cm.display.viewTo = cm.doc.first; cm.display.view = []; cm.display.viewOffset = 0; } // Find the view element corresponding to a given line. Return null // when the line isn't visible. function findViewIndex(cm, n) { if (n >= cm.display.viewTo) return null; n -= cm.display.viewFrom; if (n < 0) return null; var view = cm.display.view; for (var i = 0; i < view.length; i++) { n -= view[i].size; if (n < 0) return i; } } function viewCuttingPoint(cm, oldN, newN, dir) { var index = findViewIndex(cm, oldN), diff, view = cm.display.view; if (!sawCollapsedSpans || newN == cm.doc.first + cm.doc.size) return {index: index, lineN: newN}; for (var i = 0, n = cm.display.viewFrom; i < index; i++) n += view[i].size; if (n != oldN) { if (dir > 0) { if (index == view.length - 1) return null; diff = (n + view[index].size) - oldN; index++; } else { diff = n - oldN; } oldN += diff; newN += diff; } while (visualLineNo(cm.doc, newN) != newN) { if (index == (dir < 0 ? 0 : view.length - 1)) return null; newN += dir * view[index - (dir < 0 ? 1 : 0)].size; index += dir; } return {index: index, lineN: newN}; } // Force the view to cover a given range, adding empty view element // or clipping off existing ones as needed. function adjustView(cm, from, to) { var display = cm.display, view = display.view; if (view.length == 0 || from >= display.viewTo || to <= display.viewFrom) { display.view = buildViewArray(cm, from, to); display.viewFrom = from; } else { if (display.viewFrom > from) display.view = buildViewArray(cm, from, display.viewFrom).concat(display.view); else if (display.viewFrom < from) display.view = display.view.slice(findViewIndex(cm, from)); display.viewFrom = from; if (display.viewTo < to) display.view = display.view.concat(buildViewArray(cm, display.viewTo, to)); else if (display.viewTo > to) display.view = display.view.slice(0, findViewIndex(cm, to)); } display.viewTo = to; } // Count the number of lines in the view whose DOM representation is // out of date (or nonexistent). function countDirtyView(cm) { var view = cm.display.view, dirty = 0; for (var i = 0; i < view.length; i++) { var lineView = view[i]; if (!lineView.hidden && (!lineView.node || lineView.changes)) ++dirty; } return dirty; } // EVENT HANDLERS // Attach the necessary event handlers when initializing the editor function registerEventHandlers(cm) { var d = cm.display; on(d.scroller, "mousedown", operation(cm, onMouseDown)); // Older IE's will not fire a second mousedown for a double click if (ie && ie_version < 11) on(d.scroller, "dblclick", operation(cm, function(e) { if (signalDOMEvent(cm, e)) return; var pos = posFromMouse(cm, e); if (!pos || clickInGutter(cm, e) || eventInWidget(cm.display, e)) return; e_preventDefault(e); var word = cm.findWordAt(pos); extendSelection(cm.doc, word.anchor, word.head); })); else on(d.scroller, "dblclick", function(e) { signalDOMEvent(cm, e) || e_preventDefault(e); }); // Some browsers fire contextmenu *after* opening the menu, at // which point we can't mess with it anymore. Context menu is // handled in onMouseDown for these browsers. if (!captureRightClick) on(d.scroller, "contextmenu", function(e) {onContextMenu(cm, e);}); // Used to suppress mouse event handling when a touch happens var touchFinished, prevTouch = {end: 0}; function finishTouch() { if (d.activeTouch) { touchFinished = setTimeout(function() {d.activeTouch = null;}, 1000); prevTouch = d.activeTouch; prevTouch.end = +new Date; } }; function isMouseLikeTouchEvent(e) { if (e.touches.length != 1) return false; var touch = e.touches[0]; return touch.radiusX <= 1 && touch.radiusY <= 1; } function farAway(touch, other) { if (other.left == null) return true; var dx = other.left - touch.left, dy = other.top - touch.top; return dx * dx + dy * dy > 20 * 20; } on(d.scroller, "touchstart", function(e) { if (!isMouseLikeTouchEvent(e)) { clearTimeout(touchFinished); var now = +new Date; d.activeTouch = {start: now, moved: false, prev: now - prevTouch.end <= 300 ? prevTouch : null}; if (e.touches.length == 1) { d.activeTouch.left = e.touches[0].pageX; d.activeTouch.top = e.touches[0].pageY; } } }); on(d.scroller, "touchmove", function() { if (d.activeTouch) d.activeTouch.moved = true; }); on(d.scroller, "touchend", function(e) { var touch = d.activeTouch; if (touch && !eventInWidget(d, e) && touch.left != null && !touch.moved && new Date - touch.start < 300) { var pos = cm.coordsChar(d.activeTouch, "page"), range; if (!touch.prev || farAway(touch, touch.prev)) // Single tap range = new Range(pos, pos); else if (!touch.prev.prev || farAway(touch, touch.prev.prev)) // Double tap range = cm.findWordAt(pos); else // Triple tap range = new Range(Pos(pos.line, 0), clipPos(cm.doc, Pos(pos.line + 1, 0))); cm.setSelection(range.anchor, range.head); cm.focus(); e_preventDefault(e); } finishTouch(); }); on(d.scroller, "touchcancel", finishTouch); // Sync scrolling between fake scrollbars and real scrollable // area, ensure viewport is updated when scrolling. on(d.scroller, "scroll", function() { if (d.scroller.clientHeight) { setScrollTop(cm, d.scroller.scrollTop); setScrollLeft(cm, d.scroller.scrollLeft, true); signal(cm, "scroll", cm); } }); // Listen to wheel events in order to try and update the viewport on time. on(d.scroller, "mousewheel", function(e){onScrollWheel(cm, e);}); on(d.scroller, "DOMMouseScroll", function(e){onScrollWheel(cm, e);}); // Prevent wrapper from ever scrolling on(d.wrapper, "scroll", function() { d.wrapper.scrollTop = d.wrapper.scrollLeft = 0; }); d.dragFunctions = { simple: function(e) {if (!signalDOMEvent(cm, e)) e_stop(e);}, start: function(e){onDragStart(cm, e);}, drop: operation(cm, onDrop) }; var inp = d.input.getField(); on(inp, "keyup", function(e) { onKeyUp.call(cm, e); }); on(inp, "keydown", operation(cm, onKeyDown)); on(inp, "keypress", operation(cm, onKeyPress)); on(inp, "focus", bind(onFocus, cm)); on(inp, "blur", bind(onBlur, cm)); } function dragDropChanged(cm, value, old) { var wasOn = old && old != CodeMirror.Init; if (!value != !wasOn) { var funcs = cm.display.dragFunctions; var toggle = value ? on : off; toggle(cm.display.scroller, "dragstart", funcs.start); toggle(cm.display.scroller, "dragenter", funcs.simple); toggle(cm.display.scroller, "dragover", funcs.simple); toggle(cm.display.scroller, "drop", funcs.drop); } } // Called when the window resizes function onResize(cm) { var d = cm.display; if (d.lastWrapHeight == d.wrapper.clientHeight && d.lastWrapWidth == d.wrapper.clientWidth) return; // Might be a text scaling operation, clear size caches. d.cachedCharWidth = d.cachedTextHeight = d.cachedPaddingH = null; d.scrollbarsClipped = false; cm.setSize(); } // MOUSE EVENTS // Return true when the given mouse event happened in a widget function eventInWidget(display, e) { for (var n = e_target(e); n != display.wrapper; n = n.parentNode) { if (!n || (n.nodeType == 1 && n.getAttribute("cm-ignore-events") == "true") || (n.parentNode == display.sizer && n != display.mover)) return true; } } // Given a mouse event, find the corresponding position. If liberal // is false, it checks whether a gutter or scrollbar was clicked, // and returns null if it was. forRect is used by rectangular // selections, and tries to estimate a character position even for // coordinates beyond the right of the text. function posFromMouse(cm, e, liberal, forRect) { var display = cm.display; if (!liberal && e_target(e).getAttribute("cm-not-content") == "true") return null; var x, y, space = display.lineSpace.getBoundingClientRect(); // Fails unpredictably on IE[67] when mouse is dragged around quickly. try { x = e.clientX - space.left; y = e.clientY - space.top; } catch (e) { return null; } var coords = coordsChar(cm, x, y), line; if (forRect && coords.xRel == 1 && (line = getLine(cm.doc, coords.line).text).length == coords.ch) { var colDiff = countColumn(line, line.length, cm.options.tabSize) - line.length; coords = Pos(coords.line, Math.max(0, Math.round((x - paddingH(cm.display).left) / charWidth(cm.display)) - colDiff)); } return coords; } // A mouse down can be a single click, double click, triple click, // start of selection drag, start of text drag, new cursor // (ctrl-click), rectangle drag (alt-drag), or xwin // middle-click-paste. Or it might be a click on something we should // not interfere with, such as a scrollbar or widget. function onMouseDown(e) { var cm = this, display = cm.display; if (display.activeTouch && display.input.supportsTouch() || signalDOMEvent(cm, e)) return; display.shift = e.shiftKey; if (eventInWidget(display, e)) { if (!webkit) { // Briefly turn off draggability, to allow widgets to do // normal dragging things. display.scroller.draggable = false; setTimeout(function(){display.scroller.draggable = true;}, 100); } return; } if (clickInGutter(cm, e)) return; var start = posFromMouse(cm, e); window.focus(); switch (e_button(e)) { case 1: if (start) leftButtonDown(cm, e, start); else if (e_target(e) == display.scroller) e_preventDefault(e); break; case 2: if (webkit) cm.state.lastMiddleDown = +new Date; if (start) extendSelection(cm.doc, start); setTimeout(function() {display.input.focus();}, 20); e_preventDefault(e); break; case 3: if (captureRightClick) onContextMenu(cm, e); else delayBlurEvent(cm); break; } } var lastClick, lastDoubleClick; function leftButtonDown(cm, e, start) { if (ie) setTimeout(bind(ensureFocus, cm), 0); else cm.curOp.focus = activeElt(); var now = +new Date, type; if (lastDoubleClick && lastDoubleClick.time > now - 400 && cmp(lastDoubleClick.pos, start) == 0) { type = "triple"; } else if (lastClick && lastClick.time > now - 400 && cmp(lastClick.pos, start) == 0) { type = "double"; lastDoubleClick = {time: now, pos: start}; } else { type = "single"; lastClick = {time: now, pos: start}; } var sel = cm.doc.sel, modifier = mac ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey, contained; if (cm.options.dragDrop && dragAndDrop && !isReadOnly(cm) && type == "single" && (contained = sel.contains(start)) > -1 && (cmp((contained = sel.ranges[contained]).from(), start) < 0 || start.xRel > 0) && (cmp(contained.to(), start) > 0 || start.xRel < 0)) leftButtonStartDrag(cm, e, start, modifier); else leftButtonSelect(cm, e, start, type, modifier); } // Start a text drag. When it ends, see if any dragging actually // happen, and treat as a click if it didn't. function leftButtonStartDrag(cm, e, start, modifier) { var display = cm.display, startTime = +new Date; var dragEnd = operation(cm, function(e2) { if (webkit) display.scroller.draggable = false; cm.state.draggingText = false; off(document, "mouseup", dragEnd); off(display.scroller, "drop", dragEnd); if (Math.abs(e.clientX - e2.clientX) + Math.abs(e.clientY - e2.clientY) < 10) { e_preventDefault(e2); if (!modifier && +new Date - 200 < startTime) extendSelection(cm.doc, start); // Work around unexplainable focus problem in IE9 (#2127) and Chrome (#3081) if (webkit || ie && ie_version == 9) setTimeout(function() {document.body.focus(); display.input.focus();}, 20); else display.input.focus(); } }); // Let the drag handler handle this. if (webkit) display.scroller.draggable = true; cm.state.draggingText = dragEnd; // IE's approach to draggable if (display.scroller.dragDrop) display.scroller.dragDrop(); on(document, "mouseup", dragEnd); on(display.scroller, "drop", dragEnd); } // Normal selection, as opposed to text dragging. function leftButtonSelect(cm, e, start, type, addNew) { var display = cm.display, doc = cm.doc; e_preventDefault(e); var ourRange, ourIndex, startSel = doc.sel, ranges = startSel.ranges; if (addNew && !e.shiftKey) { ourIndex = doc.sel.contains(start); if (ourIndex > -1) ourRange = ranges[ourIndex]; else ourRange = new Range(start, start); } else { ourRange = doc.sel.primary(); ourIndex = doc.sel.primIndex; } if (e.altKey) { type = "rect"; if (!addNew) ourRange = new Range(start, start); start = posFromMouse(cm, e, true, true); ourIndex = -1; } else if (type == "double") { var word = cm.findWordAt(start); if (cm.display.shift || doc.extend) ourRange = extendRange(doc, ourRange, word.anchor, word.head); else ourRange = word; } else if (type == "triple") { var line = new Range(Pos(start.line, 0), clipPos(doc, Pos(start.line + 1, 0))); if (cm.display.shift || doc.extend) ourRange = extendRange(doc, ourRange, line.anchor, line.head); else ourRange = line; } else { ourRange = extendRange(doc, ourRange, start); } if (!addNew) { ourIndex = 0; setSelection(doc, new Selection([ourRange], 0), sel_mouse); startSel = doc.sel; } else if (ourIndex == -1) { ourIndex = ranges.length; setSelection(doc, normalizeSelection(ranges.concat([ourRange]), ourIndex), {scroll: false, origin: "*mouse"}); } else if (ranges.length > 1 && ranges[ourIndex].empty() && type == "single" && !e.shiftKey) { setSelection(doc, normalizeSelection(ranges.slice(0, ourIndex).concat(ranges.slice(ourIndex + 1)), 0)); startSel = doc.sel; } else { replaceOneSelection(doc, ourIndex, ourRange, sel_mouse); } var lastPos = start; function extendTo(pos) { if (cmp(lastPos, pos) == 0) return; lastPos = pos; if (type == "rect") { var ranges = [], tabSize = cm.options.tabSize; var startCol = countColumn(getLine(doc, start.line).text, start.ch, tabSize); var posCol = countColumn(getLine(doc, pos.line).text, pos.ch, tabSize); var left = Math.min(startCol, posCol), right = Math.max(startCol, posCol); for (var line = Math.min(start.line, pos.line), end = Math.min(cm.lastLine(), Math.max(start.line, pos.line)); line <= end; line++) { var text = getLine(doc, line).text, leftPos = findColumn(text, left, tabSize); if (left == right) ranges.push(new Range(Pos(line, leftPos), Pos(line, leftPos))); else if (text.length > leftPos) ranges.push(new Range(Pos(line, leftPos), Pos(line, findColumn(text, right, tabSize)))); } if (!ranges.length) ranges.push(new Range(start, start)); setSelection(doc, normalizeSelection(startSel.ranges.slice(0, ourIndex).concat(ranges), ourIndex), {origin: "*mouse", scroll: false}); cm.scrollIntoView(pos); } else { var oldRange = ourRange; var anchor = oldRange.anchor, head = pos; if (type != "single") { if (type == "double") var range = cm.findWordAt(pos); else var range = new Range(Pos(pos.line, 0), clipPos(doc, Pos(pos.line + 1, 0))); if (cmp(range.anchor, anchor) > 0) { head = range.head; anchor = minPos(oldRange.from(), range.anchor); } else { head = range.anchor; anchor = maxPos(oldRange.to(), range.head); } } var ranges = startSel.ranges.slice(0); ranges[ourIndex] = new Range(clipPos(doc, anchor), head); setSelection(doc, normalizeSelection(ranges, ourIndex), sel_mouse); } } var editorSize = display.wrapper.getBoundingClientRect(); // Used to ensure timeout re-tries don't fire when another extend // happened in the meantime (clearTimeout isn't reliable -- at // least on Chrome, the timeouts still happen even when cleared, // if the clear happens after their scheduled firing time). var counter = 0; function extend(e) { var curCount = ++counter; var cur = posFromMouse(cm, e, true, type == "rect"); if (!cur) return; if (cmp(cur, lastPos) != 0) { cm.curOp.focus = activeElt(); extendTo(cur); var visible = visibleLines(display, doc); if (cur.line >= visible.to || cur.line < visible.from) setTimeout(operation(cm, function(){if (counter == curCount) extend(e);}), 150); } else { var outside = e.clientY < editorSize.top ? -20 : e.clientY > editorSize.bottom ? 20 : 0; if (outside) setTimeout(operation(cm, function() { if (counter != curCount) return; display.scroller.scrollTop += outside; extend(e); }), 50); } } function done(e) { counter = Infinity; e_preventDefault(e); display.input.focus(); off(document, "mousemove", move); off(document, "mouseup", up); doc.history.lastSelOrigin = null; } var move = operation(cm, function(e) { if (!e_button(e)) done(e); else extend(e); }); var up = operation(cm, done); on(document, "mousemove", move); on(document, "mouseup", up); } // Determines whether an event happened in the gutter, and fires the // handlers for the corresponding event. function gutterEvent(cm, e, type, prevent, signalfn) { try { var mX = e.clientX, mY = e.clientY; } catch(e) { return false; } if (mX >= Math.floor(cm.display.gutters.getBoundingClientRect().right)) return false; if (prevent) e_preventDefault(e); var display = cm.display; var lineBox = display.lineDiv.getBoundingClientRect(); if (mY > lineBox.bottom || !hasHandler(cm, type)) return e_defaultPrevented(e); mY -= lineBox.top - display.viewOffset; for (var i = 0; i < cm.options.gutters.length; ++i) { var g = display.gutters.childNodes[i]; if (g && g.getBoundingClientRect().right >= mX) { var line = lineAtHeight(cm.doc, mY); var gutter = cm.options.gutters[i]; signalfn(cm, type, cm, line, gutter, e); return e_defaultPrevented(e); } } } function clickInGutter(cm, e) { return gutterEvent(cm, e, "gutterClick", true, signalLater); } // Kludge to work around strange IE behavior where it'll sometimes // re-fire a series of drag-related events right after the drop (#1551) var lastDrop = 0; function onDrop(e) { var cm = this; if (signalDOMEvent(cm, e) || eventInWidget(cm.display, e)) return; e_preventDefault(e); if (ie) lastDrop = +new Date; var pos = posFromMouse(cm, e, true), files = e.dataTransfer.files; if (!pos || isReadOnly(cm)) return; // Might be a file drop, in which case we simply extract the text // and insert it. if (files && files.length && window.FileReader && window.File) { var n = files.length, text = Array(n), read = 0; var loadFile = function(file, i) { var reader = new FileReader; reader.onload = operation(cm, function() { text[i] = reader.result; if (++read == n) { pos = clipPos(cm.doc, pos); var change = {from: pos, to: pos, text: splitLines(text.join("\n")), origin: "paste"}; makeChange(cm.doc, change); setSelectionReplaceHistory(cm.doc, simpleSelection(pos, changeEnd(change))); } }); reader.readAsText(file); }; for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) loadFile(files[i], i); } else { // Normal drop // Don't do a replace if the drop happened inside of the selected text. if (cm.state.draggingText && cm.doc.sel.contains(pos) > -1) { cm.state.draggingText(e); // Ensure the editor is re-focused setTimeout(function() {cm.display.input.focus();}, 20); return; } try { var text = e.dataTransfer.getData("Text"); if (text) { if (cm.state.draggingText && !(mac ? e.altKey : e.ctrlKey)) var selected = cm.listSelections(); setSelectionNoUndo(cm.doc, simpleSelection(pos, pos)); if (selected) for (var i = 0; i < selected.length; ++i) replaceRange(cm.doc, "", selected[i].anchor, selected[i].head, "drag"); cm.replaceSelection(text, "around", "paste"); cm.display.input.focus(); } } catch(e){} } } function onDragStart(cm, e) { if (ie && (!cm.state.draggingText || +new Date - lastDrop < 100)) { e_stop(e); return; } if (signalDOMEvent(cm, e) || eventInWidget(cm.display, e)) return; e.dataTransfer.setData("Text", cm.getSelection()); // Use dummy image instead of default browsers image. // Recent Safari (~6.0.2) have a tendency to segfault when this happens, so we don't do it there. if (e.dataTransfer.setDragImage && !safari) { var img = elt("img", null, null, "position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0;"); img.src = ""; if (presto) { img.width = img.height = 1; cm.display.wrapper.appendChild(img); // Force a relayout, or Opera won't use our image for some obscure reason img._top = img.offsetTop; } e.dataTransfer.setDragImage(img, 0, 0); if (presto) img.parentNode.removeChild(img); } } // SCROLL EVENTS // Sync the scrollable area and scrollbars, ensure the viewport // covers the visible area. function setScrollTop(cm, val) { if (Math.abs(cm.doc.scrollTop - val) < 2) return; cm.doc.scrollTop = val; if (!gecko) updateDisplaySimple(cm, {top: val}); if (cm.display.scroller.scrollTop != val) cm.display.scroller.scrollTop = val; cm.display.scrollbars.setScrollTop(val); if (gecko) updateDisplaySimple(cm); startWorker(cm, 100); } // Sync scroller and scrollbar, ensure the gutter elements are // aligned. function setScrollLeft(cm, val, isScroller) { if (isScroller ? val == cm.doc.scrollLeft : Math.abs(cm.doc.scrollLeft - val) < 2) return; val = Math.min(val, cm.display.scroller.scrollWidth - cm.display.scroller.clientWidth); cm.doc.scrollLeft = val; alignHorizontally(cm); if (cm.display.scroller.scrollLeft != val) cm.display.scroller.scrollLeft = val; cm.display.scrollbars.setScrollLeft(val); } // Since the delta values reported on mouse wheel events are // unstandardized between browsers and even browser versions, and // generally horribly unpredictable, this code starts by measuring // the scroll effect that the first few mouse wheel events have, // and, from that, detects the way it can convert deltas to pixel // offsets afterwards. // // The reason we want to know the amount a wheel event will scroll // is that it gives us a chance to update the display before the // actual scrolling happens, reducing flickering. var wheelSamples = 0, wheelPixelsPerUnit = null; // Fill in a browser-detected starting value on browsers where we // know one. These don't have to be accurate -- the result of them // being wrong would just be a slight flicker on the first wheel // scroll (if it is large enough). if (ie) wheelPixelsPerUnit = -.53; else if (gecko) wheelPixelsPerUnit = 15; else if (chrome) wheelPixelsPerUnit = -.7; else if (safari) wheelPixelsPerUnit = -1/3; var wheelEventDelta = function(e) { var dx = e.wheelDeltaX, dy = e.wheelDeltaY; if (dx == null && e.detail && e.axis == e.HORIZONTAL_AXIS) dx = e.detail; if (dy == null && e.detail && e.axis == e.VERTICAL_AXIS) dy = e.detail; else if (dy == null) dy = e.wheelDelta; return {x: dx, y: dy}; }; CodeMirror.wheelEventPixels = function(e) { var delta = wheelEventDelta(e); delta.x *= wheelPixelsPerUnit; delta.y *= wheelPixelsPerUnit; return delta; }; function onScrollWheel(cm, e) { var delta = wheelEventDelta(e), dx = delta.x, dy = delta.y; var display = cm.display, scroll = display.scroller; // Quit if there's nothing to scroll here if (!(dx && scroll.scrollWidth > scroll.clientWidth || dy && scroll.scrollHeight > scroll.clientHeight)) return; // Webkit browsers on OS X abort momentum scrolls when the target // of the scroll event is removed from the scrollable element. // This hack (see related code in patchDisplay) makes sure the // element is kept around. if (dy && mac && webkit) { outer: for (var cur = e.target, view = display.view; cur != scroll; cur = cur.parentNode) { for (var i = 0; i < view.length; i++) { if (view[i].node == cur) { cm.display.currentWheelTarget = cur; break outer; } } } } // On some browsers, horizontal scrolling will cause redraws to // happen before the gutter has been realigned, causing it to // wriggle around in a most unseemly way. When we have an // estimated pixels/delta value, we just handle horizontal // scrolling entirely here. It'll be slightly off from native, but // better than glitching out. if (dx && !gecko && !presto && wheelPixelsPerUnit != null) { if (dy) setScrollTop(cm, Math.max(0, Math.min(scroll.scrollTop + dy * wheelPixelsPerUnit, scroll.scrollHeight - scroll.clientHeight))); setScrollLeft(cm, Math.max(0, Math.min(scroll.scrollLeft + dx * wheelPixelsPerUnit, scroll.scrollWidth - scroll.clientWidth))); e_preventDefault(e); display.wheelStartX = null; // Abort measurement, if in progress return; } // 'Project' the visible viewport to cover the area that is being // scrolled into view (if we know enough to estimate it). if (dy && wheelPixelsPerUnit != null) { var pixels = dy * wheelPixelsPerUnit; var top = cm.doc.scrollTop, bot = top + display.wrapper.clientHeight; if (pixels < 0) top = Math.max(0, top + pixels - 50); else bot = Math.min(cm.doc.height, bot + pixels + 50); updateDisplaySimple(cm, {top: top, bottom: bot}); } if (wheelSamples < 20) { if (display.wheelStartX == null) { display.wheelStartX = scroll.scrollLeft; display.wheelStartY = scroll.scrollTop; display.wheelDX = dx; display.wheelDY = dy; setTimeout(function() { if (display.wheelStartX == null) return; var movedX = scroll.scrollLeft - display.wheelStartX; var movedY = scroll.scrollTop - display.wheelStartY; var sample = (movedY && display.wheelDY && movedY / display.wheelDY) || (movedX && display.wheelDX && movedX / display.wheelDX); display.wheelStartX = display.wheelStartY = null; if (!sample) return; wheelPixelsPerUnit = (wheelPixelsPerUnit * wheelSamples + sample) / (wheelSamples + 1); ++wheelSamples; }, 200); } else { display.wheelDX += dx; display.wheelDY += dy; } } } // KEY EVENTS // Run a handler that was bound to a key. function doHandleBinding(cm, bound, dropShift) { if (typeof bound == "string") { bound = commands[bound]; if (!bound) return false; } // Ensure previous input has been read, so that the handler sees a // consistent view of the document cm.display.input.ensurePolled(); var prevShift = cm.display.shift, done = false; try { if (isReadOnly(cm)) cm.state.suppressEdits = true; if (dropShift) cm.display.shift = false; done = bound(cm) != Pass; } finally { cm.display.shift = prevShift; cm.state.suppressEdits = false; } return done; } function lookupKeyForEditor(cm, name, handle) { for (var i = 0; i < cm.state.keyMaps.length; i++) { var result = lookupKey(name, cm.state.keyMaps[i], handle, cm); if (result) return result; } return (cm.options.extraKeys && lookupKey(name, cm.options.extraKeys, handle, cm)) || lookupKey(name, cm.options.keyMap, handle, cm); } var stopSeq = new Delayed; function dispatchKey(cm, name, e, handle) { var seq = cm.state.keySeq; if (seq) { if (isModifierKey(name)) return "handled"; stopSeq.set(50, function() { if (cm.state.keySeq == seq) { cm.state.keySeq = null; cm.display.input.reset(); } }); name = seq + " " + name; } var result = lookupKeyForEditor(cm, name, handle); if (result == "multi") cm.state.keySeq = name; if (result == "handled") signalLater(cm, "keyHandled", cm, name, e); if (result == "handled" || result == "multi") { e_preventDefault(e); restartBlink(cm); } if (seq && !result && /\'$/.test(name)) { e_preventDefault(e); return true; } return !!result; } // Handle a key from the keydown event. function handleKeyBinding(cm, e) { var name = keyName(e, true); if (!name) return false; if (e.shiftKey && !cm.state.keySeq) { // First try to resolve full name (including 'Shift-'). Failing // that, see if there is a cursor-motion command (starting with // 'go') bound to the keyname without 'Shift-'. return dispatchKey(cm, "Shift-" + name, e, function(b) {return doHandleBinding(cm, b, true);}) || dispatchKey(cm, name, e, function(b) { if (typeof b == "string" ? /^go[A-Z]/.test(b) : b.motion) return doHandleBinding(cm, b); }); } else { return dispatchKey(cm, name, e, function(b) { return doHandleBinding(cm, b); }); } } // Handle a key from the keypress event function handleCharBinding(cm, e, ch) { return dispatchKey(cm, "'" + ch + "'", e, function(b) { return doHandleBinding(cm, b, true); }); } var lastStoppedKey = null; function onKeyDown(e) { var cm = this; cm.curOp.focus = activeElt(); if (signalDOMEvent(cm, e)) return; // IE does strange things with escape. if (ie && ie_version < 11 && e.keyCode == 27) e.returnValue = false; var code = e.keyCode; cm.display.shift = code == 16 || e.shiftKey; var handled = handleKeyBinding(cm, e); if (presto) { lastStoppedKey = handled ? code : null; // Opera has no cut event... we try to at least catch the key combo if (!handled && code == 88 && !hasCopyEvent && (mac ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey)) cm.replaceSelection("", null, "cut"); } // Turn mouse into crosshair when Alt is held on Mac. if (code == 18 && !/\bCodeMirror-crosshair\b/.test(cm.display.lineDiv.className)) showCrossHair(cm); } function showCrossHair(cm) { var lineDiv = cm.display.lineDiv; addClass(lineDiv, "CodeMirror-crosshair"); function up(e) { if (e.keyCode == 18 || !e.altKey) { rmClass(lineDiv, "CodeMirror-crosshair"); off(document, "keyup", up); off(document, "mouseover", up); } } on(document, "keyup", up); on(document, "mouseover", up); } function onKeyUp(e) { if (e.keyCode == 16) this.doc.sel.shift = false; signalDOMEvent(this, e); } function onKeyPress(e) { var cm = this; if (eventInWidget(cm.display, e) || signalDOMEvent(cm, e) || e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey || mac && e.metaKey) return; var keyCode = e.keyCode, charCode = e.charCode; if (presto && keyCode == lastStoppedKey) {lastStoppedKey = null; e_preventDefault(e); return;} if ((presto && (!e.which || e.which < 10)) && handleKeyBinding(cm, e)) return; var ch = String.fromCharCode(charCode == null ? keyCode : charCode); if (handleCharBinding(cm, e, ch)) return; cm.display.input.onKeyPress(e); } // FOCUS/BLUR EVENTS function delayBlurEvent(cm) { cm.state.delayingBlurEvent = true; setTimeout(function() { if (cm.state.delayingBlurEvent) { cm.state.delayingBlurEvent = false; onBlur(cm); } }, 100); } function onFocus(cm) { if (cm.state.delayingBlurEvent) cm.state.delayingBlurEvent = false; if (cm.options.readOnly == "nocursor") return; if (!cm.state.focused) { signal(cm, "focus", cm); cm.state.focused = true; addClass(cm.display.wrapper, "CodeMirror-focused"); // This test prevents this from firing when a context // menu is closed (since the input reset would kill the // select-all detection hack) if (!cm.curOp && cm.display.selForContextMenu != cm.doc.sel) { cm.display.input.reset(); if (webkit) setTimeout(function() { cm.display.input.reset(true); }, 20); // Issue #1730 } cm.display.input.receivedFocus(); } restartBlink(cm); } function onBlur(cm) { if (cm.state.delayingBlurEvent) return; if (cm.state.focused) { signal(cm, "blur", cm); cm.state.focused = false; rmClass(cm.display.wrapper, "CodeMirror-focused"); } clearInterval(cm.display.blinker); setTimeout(function() {if (!cm.state.focused) cm.display.shift = false;}, 150); } // CONTEXT MENU HANDLING // To make the context menu work, we need to briefly unhide the // textarea (making it as unobtrusive as possible) to let the // right-click take effect on it. function onContextMenu(cm, e) { if (eventInWidget(cm.display, e) || contextMenuInGutter(cm, e)) return; cm.display.input.onContextMenu(e); } function contextMenuInGutter(cm, e) { if (!hasHandler(cm, "gutterContextMenu")) return false; return gutterEvent(cm, e, "gutterContextMenu", false, signal); } // UPDATING // Compute the position of the end of a change (its 'to' property // refers to the pre-change end). var changeEnd = CodeMirror.changeEnd = function(change) { if (!change.text) return change.to; return Pos(change.from.line + change.text.length - 1, lst(change.text).length + (change.text.length == 1 ? change.from.ch : 0)); }; // Adjust a position to refer to the post-change position of the // same text, or the end of the change if the change covers it. function adjustForChange(pos, change) { if (cmp(pos, change.from) < 0) return pos; if (cmp(pos, change.to) <= 0) return changeEnd(change); var line = pos.line + change.text.length - (change.to.line - change.from.line) - 1, ch = pos.ch; if (pos.line == change.to.line) ch += changeEnd(change).ch - change.to.ch; return Pos(line, ch); } function computeSelAfterChange(doc, change) { var out = []; for (var i = 0; i < doc.sel.ranges.length; i++) { var range = doc.sel.ranges[i]; out.push(new Range(adjustForChange(range.anchor, change), adjustForChange(range.head, change))); } return normalizeSelection(out, doc.sel.primIndex); } function offsetPos(pos, old, nw) { if (pos.line == old.line) return Pos(nw.line, pos.ch - old.ch + nw.ch); else return Pos(nw.line + (pos.line - old.line), pos.ch); } // Used by replaceSelections to allow moving the selection to the // start or around the replaced test. Hint may be "start" or "around". function computeReplacedSel(doc, changes, hint) { var out = []; var oldPrev = Pos(doc.first, 0), newPrev = oldPrev; for (var i = 0; i < changes.length; i++) { var change = changes[i]; var from = offsetPos(change.from, oldPrev, newPrev); var to = offsetPos(changeEnd(change), oldPrev, newPrev); oldPrev = change.to; newPrev = to; if (hint == "around") { var range = doc.sel.ranges[i], inv = cmp(range.head, range.anchor) < 0; out[i] = new Range(inv ? to : from, inv ? from : to); } else { out[i] = new Range(from, from); } } return new Selection(out, doc.sel.primIndex); } // Allow "beforeChange" event handlers to influence a change function filterChange(doc, change, update) { var obj = { canceled: false, from: change.from, to: change.to, text: change.text, origin: change.origin, cancel: function() { this.canceled = true; } }; if (update) obj.update = function(from, to, text, origin) { if (from) this.from = clipPos(doc, from); if (to) this.to = clipPos(doc, to); if (text) this.text = text; if (origin !== undefined) this.origin = origin; }; signal(doc, "beforeChange", doc, obj); if (doc.cm) signal(doc.cm, "beforeChange", doc.cm, obj); if (obj.canceled) return null; return {from: obj.from, to: obj.to, text: obj.text, origin: obj.origin}; } // Apply a change to a document, and add it to the document's // history, and propagating it to all linked documents. function makeChange(doc, change, ignoreReadOnly) { if (doc.cm) { if (!doc.cm.curOp) return operation(doc.cm, makeChange)(doc, change, ignoreReadOnly); if (doc.cm.state.suppressEdits) return; } if (hasHandler(doc, "beforeChange") || doc.cm && hasHandler(doc.cm, "beforeChange")) { change = filterChange(doc, change, true); if (!change) return; } // Possibly split or suppress the update based on the presence // of read-only spans in its range. var split = sawReadOnlySpans && !ignoreReadOnly && removeReadOnlyRanges(doc, change.from, change.to); if (split) { for (var i = split.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) makeChangeInner(doc, {from: split[i].from, to: split[i].to, text: i ? [""] : change.text}); } else { makeChangeInner(doc, change); } } function makeChangeInner(doc, change) { if (change.text.length == 1 && change.text[0] == "" && cmp(change.from, change.to) == 0) return; var selAfter = computeSelAfterChange(doc, change); addChangeToHistory(doc, change, selAfter, doc.cm ? doc.cm.curOp.id : NaN); makeChangeSingleDoc(doc, change, selAfter, stretchSpansOverChange(doc, change)); var rebased = []; linkedDocs(doc, function(doc, sharedHist) { if (!sharedHist && indexOf(rebased, doc.history) == -1) { rebaseHist(doc.history, change); rebased.push(doc.history); } makeChangeSingleDoc(doc, change, null, stretchSpansOverChange(doc, change)); }); } // Revert a change stored in a document's history. function makeChangeFromHistory(doc, type, allowSelectionOnly) { if (doc.cm && doc.cm.state.suppressEdits) return; var hist = doc.history, event, selAfter = doc.sel; var source = type == "undo" ? hist.done : hist.undone, dest = type == "undo" ? hist.undone : hist.done; // Verify that there is a useable event (so that ctrl-z won't // needlessly clear selection events) for (var i = 0; i < source.length; i++) { event = source[i]; if (allowSelectionOnly ? event.ranges && !event.equals(doc.sel) : !event.ranges) break; } if (i == source.length) return; hist.lastOrigin = hist.lastSelOrigin = null; for (;;) { event = source.pop(); if (event.ranges) { pushSelectionToHistory(event, dest); if (allowSelectionOnly && !event.equals(doc.sel)) { setSelection(doc, event, {clearRedo: false}); return; } selAfter = event; } else break; } // Build up a reverse change object to add to the opposite history // stack (redo when undoing, and vice versa). var antiChanges = []; pushSelectionToHistory(selAfter, dest); dest.push({changes: antiChanges, generation: hist.generation}); hist.generation = event.generation || ++hist.maxGeneration; var filter = hasHandler(doc, "beforeChange") || doc.cm && hasHandler(doc.cm, "beforeChange"); for (var i = event.changes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var change = event.changes[i]; change.origin = type; if (filter && !filterChange(doc, change, false)) { source.length = 0; return; } antiChanges.push(historyChangeFromChange(doc, change)); var after = i ? computeSelAfterChange(doc, change) : lst(source); makeChangeSingleDoc(doc, change, after, mergeOldSpans(doc, change)); if (!i && doc.cm) doc.cm.scrollIntoView({from: change.from, to: changeEnd(change)}); var rebased = []; // Propagate to the linked documents linkedDocs(doc, function(doc, sharedHist) { if (!sharedHist && indexOf(rebased, doc.history) == -1) { rebaseHist(doc.history, change); rebased.push(doc.history); } makeChangeSingleDoc(doc, change, null, mergeOldSpans(doc, change)); }); } } // Sub-views need their line numbers shifted when text is added // above or below them in the parent document. function shiftDoc(doc, distance) { if (distance == 0) return; doc.first += distance; doc.sel = new Selection(map(doc.sel.ranges, function(range) { return new Range(Pos(range.anchor.line + distance, range.anchor.ch), Pos(range.head.line + distance, range.head.ch)); }), doc.sel.primIndex); if (doc.cm) { regChange(doc.cm, doc.first, doc.first - distance, distance); for (var d = doc.cm.display, l = d.viewFrom; l < d.viewTo; l++) regLineChange(doc.cm, l, "gutter"); } } // More lower-level change function, handling only a single document // (not linked ones). function makeChangeSingleDoc(doc, change, selAfter, spans) { if (doc.cm && !doc.cm.curOp) return operation(doc.cm, makeChangeSingleDoc)(doc, change, selAfter, spans); if (change.to.line < doc.first) { shiftDoc(doc, change.text.length - 1 - (change.to.line - change.from.line)); return; } if (change.from.line > doc.lastLine()) return; // Clip the change to the size of this doc if (change.from.line < doc.first) { var shift = change.text.length - 1 - (doc.first - change.from.line); shiftDoc(doc, shift); change = {from: Pos(doc.first, 0), to: Pos(change.to.line + shift, change.to.ch), text: [lst(change.text)], origin: change.origin}; } var last = doc.lastLine(); if (change.to.line > last) { change = {from: change.from, to: Pos(last, getLine(doc, last).text.length), text: [change.text[0]], origin: change.origin}; } change.removed = getBetween(doc, change.from, change.to); if (!selAfter) selAfter = computeSelAfterChange(doc, change); if (doc.cm) makeChangeSingleDocInEditor(doc.cm, change, spans); else updateDoc(doc, change, spans); setSelectionNoUndo(doc, selAfter, sel_dontScroll); } // Handle the interaction of a change to a document with the editor // that this document is part of. function makeChangeSingleDocInEditor(cm, change, spans) { var doc = cm.doc, display = cm.display, from = change.from, to = change.to; var recomputeMaxLength = false, checkWidthStart = from.line; if (!cm.options.lineWrapping) { checkWidthStart = lineNo(visualLine(getLine(doc, from.line))); doc.iter(checkWidthStart, to.line + 1, function(line) { if (line == display.maxLine) { recomputeMaxLength = true; return true; } }); } if (doc.sel.contains(change.from, change.to) > -1) signalCursorActivity(cm); updateDoc(doc, change, spans, estimateHeight(cm)); if (!cm.options.lineWrapping) { doc.iter(checkWidthStart, from.line + change.text.length, function(line) { var len = lineLength(line); if (len > display.maxLineLength) { display.maxLine = line; display.maxLineLength = len; display.maxLineChanged = true; recomputeMaxLength = false; } }); if (recomputeMaxLength) cm.curOp.updateMaxLine = true; } // Adjust frontier, schedule worker doc.frontier = Math.min(doc.frontier, from.line); startWorker(cm, 400); var lendiff = change.text.length - (to.line - from.line) - 1; // Remember that these lines changed, for updating the display if (change.full) regChange(cm); else if (from.line == to.line && change.text.length == 1 && !isWholeLineUpdate(cm.doc, change)) regLineChange(cm, from.line, "text"); else regChange(cm, from.line, to.line + 1, lendiff); var changesHandler = hasHandler(cm, "changes"), changeHandler = hasHandler(cm, "change"); if (changeHandler || changesHandler) { var obj = { from: from, to: to, text: change.text, removed: change.removed, origin: change.origin }; if (changeHandler) signalLater(cm, "change", cm, obj); if (changesHandler) (cm.curOp.changeObjs || (cm.curOp.changeObjs = [])).push(obj); } cm.display.selForContextMenu = null; } function replaceRange(doc, code, from, to, origin) { if (!to) to = from; if (cmp(to, from) < 0) { var tmp = to; to = from; from = tmp; } if (typeof code == "string") code = splitLines(code); makeChange(doc, {from: from, to: to, text: code, origin: origin}); } // SCROLLING THINGS INTO VIEW // If an editor sits on the top or bottom of the window, partially // scrolled out of view, this ensures that the cursor is visible. function maybeScrollWindow(cm, coords) { if (signalDOMEvent(cm, "scrollCursorIntoView")) return; var display = cm.display, box = display.sizer.getBoundingClientRect(), doScroll = null; if (coords.top + box.top < 0) doScroll = true; else if (coords.bottom + box.top > (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight)) doScroll = false; if (doScroll != null && !phantom) { var scrollNode = elt("div", "\u200b", null, "position: absolute; top: " + (coords.top - display.viewOffset - paddingTop(cm.display)) + "px; height: " + (coords.bottom - coords.top + scrollGap(cm) + display.barHeight) + "px; left: " + coords.left + "px; width: 2px;"); cm.display.lineSpace.appendChild(scrollNode); scrollNode.scrollIntoView(doScroll); cm.display.lineSpace.removeChild(scrollNode); } } // Scroll a given position into view (immediately), verifying that // it actually became visible (as line heights are accurately // measured, the position of something may 'drift' during drawing). function scrollPosIntoView(cm, pos, end, margin) { if (margin == null) margin = 0; for (var limit = 0; limit < 5; limit++) { var changed = false, coords = cursorCoords(cm, pos); var endCoords = !end || end == pos ? coords : cursorCoords(cm, end); var scrollPos = calculateScrollPos(cm, Math.min(coords.left, endCoords.left), Math.min(coords.top, endCoords.top) - margin, Math.max(coords.left, endCoords.left), Math.max(coords.bottom, endCoords.bottom) + margin); var startTop = cm.doc.scrollTop, startLeft = cm.doc.scrollLeft; if (scrollPos.scrollTop != null) { setScrollTop(cm, scrollPos.scrollTop); if (Math.abs(cm.doc.scrollTop - startTop) > 1) changed = true; } if (scrollPos.scrollLeft != null) { setScrollLeft(cm, scrollPos.scrollLeft); if (Math.abs(cm.doc.scrollLeft - startLeft) > 1) changed = true; } if (!changed) break; } return coords; } // Scroll a given set of coordinates into view (immediately). function scrollIntoView(cm, x1, y1, x2, y2) { var scrollPos = calculateScrollPos(cm, x1, y1, x2, y2); if (scrollPos.scrollTop != null) setScrollTop(cm, scrollPos.scrollTop); if (scrollPos.scrollLeft != null) setScrollLeft(cm, scrollPos.scrollLeft); } // Calculate a new scroll position needed to scroll the given // rectangle into view. Returns an object with scrollTop and // scrollLeft properties. When these are undefined, the // vertical/horizontal position does not need to be adjusted. function calculateScrollPos(cm, x1, y1, x2, y2) { var display = cm.display, snapMargin = textHeight(cm.display); if (y1 < 0) y1 = 0; var screentop = cm.curOp && cm.curOp.scrollTop != null ? cm.curOp.scrollTop : display.scroller.scrollTop; var screen = displayHeight(cm), result = {}; if (y2 - y1 > screen) y2 = y1 + screen; var docBottom = cm.doc.height + paddingVert(display); var atTop = y1 < snapMargin, atBottom = y2 > docBottom - snapMargin; if (y1 < screentop) { result.scrollTop = atTop ? 0 : y1; } else if (y2 > screentop + screen) { var newTop = Math.min(y1, (atBottom ? docBottom : y2) - screen); if (newTop != screentop) result.scrollTop = newTop; } var screenleft = cm.curOp && cm.curOp.scrollLeft != null ? cm.curOp.scrollLeft : display.scroller.scrollLeft; var screenw = displayWidth(cm) - (cm.options.fixedGutter ? display.gutters.offsetWidth : 0); var tooWide = x2 - x1 > screenw; if (tooWide) x2 = x1 + screenw; if (x1 < 10) result.scrollLeft = 0; else if (x1 < screenleft) result.scrollLeft = Math.max(0, x1 - (tooWide ? 0 : 10)); else if (x2 > screenw + screenleft - 3) result.scrollLeft = x2 + (tooWide ? 0 : 10) - screenw; return result; } // Store a relative adjustment to the scroll position in the current // operation (to be applied when the operation finishes). function addToScrollPos(cm, left, top) { if (left != null || top != null) resolveScrollToPos(cm); if (left != null) cm.curOp.scrollLeft = (cm.curOp.scrollLeft == null ? cm.doc.scrollLeft : cm.curOp.scrollLeft) + left; if (top != null) cm.curOp.scrollTop = (cm.curOp.scrollTop == null ? cm.doc.scrollTop : cm.curOp.scrollTop) + top; } // Make sure that at the end of the operation the current cursor is // shown. function ensureCursorVisible(cm) { resolveScrollToPos(cm); var cur = cm.getCursor(), from = cur, to = cur; if (!cm.options.lineWrapping) { from = cur.ch ? Pos(cur.line, cur.ch - 1) : cur; to = Pos(cur.line, cur.ch + 1); } cm.curOp.scrollToPos = {from: from, to: to, margin: cm.options.cursorScrollMargin, isCursor: true}; } // When an operation has its scrollToPos property set, and another // scroll action is applied before the end of the operation, this // 'simulates' scrolling that position into view in a cheap way, so // that the effect of intermediate scroll commands is not ignored. function resolveScrollToPos(cm) { var range = cm.curOp.scrollToPos; if (range) { cm.curOp.scrollToPos = null; var from = estimateCoords(cm, range.from), to = estimateCoords(cm, range.to); var sPos = calculateScrollPos(cm, Math.min(from.left, to.left), Math.min(from.top, to.top) - range.margin, Math.max(from.right, to.right), Math.max(from.bottom, to.bottom) + range.margin); cm.scrollTo(sPos.scrollLeft, sPos.scrollTop); } } // API UTILITIES // Indent the given line. The how parameter can be "smart", // "add"/null, "subtract", or "prev". When aggressive is false // (typically set to true for forced single-line indents), empty // lines are not indented, and places where the mode returns Pass // are left alone. function indentLine(cm, n, how, aggressive) { var doc = cm.doc, state; if (how == null) how = "add"; if (how == "smart") { // Fall back to "prev" when the mode doesn't have an indentation // method. if (!doc.mode.indent) how = "prev"; else state = getStateBefore(cm, n); } var tabSize = cm.options.tabSize; var line = getLine(doc, n), curSpace = countColumn(line.text, null, tabSize); if (line.stateAfter) line.stateAfter = null; var curSpaceString = line.text.match(/^\s*/)[0], indentation; if (!aggressive && !/\S/.test(line.text)) { indentation = 0; how = "not"; } else if (how == "smart") { indentation = doc.mode.indent(state, line.text.slice(curSpaceString.length), line.text); if (indentation == Pass || indentation > 150) { if (!aggressive) return; how = "prev"; } } if (how == "prev") { if (n > doc.first) indentation = countColumn(getLine(doc, n-1).text, null, tabSize); else indentation = 0; } else if (how == "add") { indentation = curSpace + cm.options.indentUnit; } else if (how == "subtract") { indentation = curSpace - cm.options.indentUnit; } else if (typeof how == "number") { indentation = curSpace + how; } indentation = Math.max(0, indentation); var indentString = "", pos = 0; if (cm.options.indentWithTabs) for (var i = Math.floor(indentation / tabSize); i; --i) {pos += tabSize; indentString += "\t";} if (pos < indentation) indentString += spaceStr(indentation - pos); if (indentString != curSpaceString) { replaceRange(doc, indentString, Pos(n, 0), Pos(n, curSpaceString.length), "+input"); line.stateAfter = null; return true; } else { // Ensure that, if the cursor was in the whitespace at the start // of the line, it is moved to the end of that space. for (var i = 0; i < doc.sel.ranges.length; i++) { var range = doc.sel.ranges[i]; if (range.head.line == n && range.head.ch < curSpaceString.length) { var pos = Pos(n, curSpaceString.length); replaceOneSelection(doc, i, new Range(pos, pos)); break; } } } } // Utility for applying a change to a line by handle or number, // returning the number and optionally registering the line as // changed. function changeLine(doc, handle, changeType, op) { var no = handle, line = handle; if (typeof handle == "number") line = getLine(doc, clipLine(doc, handle)); else no = lineNo(handle); if (no == null) return null; if (op(line, no) && doc.cm) regLineChange(doc.cm, no, changeType); return line; } // Helper for deleting text near the selection(s), used to implement // backspace, delete, and similar functionality. function deleteNearSelection(cm, compute) { var ranges = cm.doc.sel.ranges, kill = []; // Build up a set of ranges to kill first, merging overlapping // ranges. for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { var toKill = compute(ranges[i]); while (kill.length && cmp(toKill.from, lst(kill).to) <= 0) { var replaced = kill.pop(); if (cmp(replaced.from, toKill.from) < 0) { toKill.from = replaced.from; break; } } kill.push(toKill); } // Next, remove those actual ranges. runInOp(cm, function() { for (var i = kill.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) replaceRange(cm.doc, "", kill[i].from, kill[i].to, "+delete"); ensureCursorVisible(cm); }); } // Used for horizontal relative motion. Dir is -1 or 1 (left or // right), unit can be "char", "column" (like char, but doesn't // cross line boundaries), "word" (across next word), or "group" (to // the start of next group of word or non-word-non-whitespace // chars). The visually param controls whether, in right-to-left // text, direction 1 means to move towards the next index in the // string, or towards the character to the right of the current // position. The resulting position will have a hitSide=true // property if it reached the end of the document. function findPosH(doc, pos, dir, unit, visually) { var line = pos.line, ch = pos.ch, origDir = dir; var lineObj = getLine(doc, line); var possible = true; function findNextLine() { var l = line + dir; if (l < doc.first || l >= doc.first + doc.size) return (possible = false); line = l; return lineObj = getLine(doc, l); } function moveOnce(boundToLine) { var next = (visually ? moveVisually : moveLogically)(lineObj, ch, dir, true); if (next == null) { if (!boundToLine && findNextLine()) { if (visually) ch = (dir < 0 ? lineRight : lineLeft)(lineObj); else ch = dir < 0 ? lineObj.text.length : 0; } else return (possible = false); } else ch = next; return true; } if (unit == "char") moveOnce(); else if (unit == "column") moveOnce(true); else if (unit == "word" || unit == "group") { var sawType = null, group = unit == "group"; var helper = doc.cm && doc.cm.getHelper(pos, "wordChars"); for (var first = true;; first = false) { if (dir < 0 && !moveOnce(!first)) break; var cur = lineObj.text.charAt(ch) || "\n"; var type = isWordChar(cur, helper) ? "w" : group && cur == "\n" ? "n" : !group || /\s/.test(cur) ? null : "p"; if (group && !first && !type) type = "s"; if (sawType && sawType != type) { if (dir < 0) {dir = 1; moveOnce();} break; } if (type) sawType = type; if (dir > 0 && !moveOnce(!first)) break; } } var result = skipAtomic(doc, Pos(line, ch), origDir, true); if (!possible) result.hitSide = true; return result; } // For relative vertical movement. Dir may be -1 or 1. Unit can be // "page" or "line". The resulting position will have a hitSide=true // property if it reached the end of the document. function findPosV(cm, pos, dir, unit) { var doc = cm.doc, x = pos.left, y; if (unit == "page") { var pageSize = Math.min(cm.display.wrapper.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight); y = pos.top + dir * (pageSize - (dir < 0 ? 1.5 : .5) * textHeight(cm.display)); } else if (unit == "line") { y = dir > 0 ? pos.bottom + 3 : pos.top - 3; } for (;;) { var target = coordsChar(cm, x, y); if (!target.outside) break; if (dir < 0 ? y <= 0 : y >= doc.height) { target.hitSide = true; break; } y += dir * 5; } return target; } // EDITOR METHODS // The publicly visible API. Note that methodOp(f) means // 'wrap f in an operation, performed on its `this` parameter'. // This is not the complete set of editor methods. Most of the // methods defined on the Doc type are also injected into // CodeMirror.prototype, for backwards compatibility and // convenience. CodeMirror.prototype = { constructor: CodeMirror, focus: function(){window.focus(); this.display.input.focus();}, setOption: function(option, value) { var options = this.options, old = options[option]; if (options[option] == value && option != "mode") return; options[option] = value; if (optionHandlers.hasOwnProperty(option)) operation(this, optionHandlers[option])(this, value, old); }, getOption: function(option) {return this.options[option];}, getDoc: function() {return this.doc;}, addKeyMap: function(map, bottom) { this.state.keyMaps[bottom ? "push" : "unshift"](getKeyMap(map)); }, removeKeyMap: function(map) { var maps = this.state.keyMaps; for (var i = 0; i < maps.length; ++i) if (maps[i] == map || maps[i].name == map) { maps.splice(i, 1); return true; } }, addOverlay: methodOp(function(spec, options) { var mode = spec.token ? spec : CodeMirror.getMode(this.options, spec); if (mode.startState) throw new Error("Overlays may not be stateful."); this.state.overlays.push({mode: mode, modeSpec: spec, opaque: options && options.opaque}); this.state.modeGen++; regChange(this); }), removeOverlay: methodOp(function(spec) { var overlays = this.state.overlays; for (var i = 0; i < overlays.length; ++i) { var cur = overlays[i].modeSpec; if (cur == spec || typeof spec == "string" && cur.name == spec) { overlays.splice(i, 1); this.state.modeGen++; regChange(this); return; } } }), indentLine: methodOp(function(n, dir, aggressive) { if (typeof dir != "string" && typeof dir != "number") { if (dir == null) dir = this.options.smartIndent ? "smart" : "prev"; else dir = dir ? "add" : "subtract"; } if (isLine(this.doc, n)) indentLine(this, n, dir, aggressive); }), indentSelection: methodOp(function(how) { var ranges = this.doc.sel.ranges, end = -1; for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { var range = ranges[i]; if (!range.empty()) { var from = range.from(), to = range.to(); var start = Math.max(end, from.line); end = Math.min(this.lastLine(), to.line - (to.ch ? 0 : 1)) + 1; for (var j = start; j < end; ++j) indentLine(this, j, how); var newRanges = this.doc.sel.ranges; if (from.ch == 0 && ranges.length == newRanges.length && newRanges[i].from().ch > 0) replaceOneSelection(this.doc, i, new Range(from, newRanges[i].to()), sel_dontScroll); } else if (range.head.line > end) { indentLine(this, range.head.line, how, true); end = range.head.line; if (i == this.doc.sel.primIndex) ensureCursorVisible(this); } } }), // Fetch the parser token for a given character. Useful for hacks // that want to inspect the mode state (say, for completion). getTokenAt: function(pos, precise) { return takeToken(this, pos, precise); }, getLineTokens: function(line, precise) { return takeToken(this, Pos(line), precise, true); }, getTokenTypeAt: function(pos) { pos = clipPos(this.doc, pos); var styles = getLineStyles(this, getLine(this.doc, pos.line)); var before = 0, after = (styles.length - 1) / 2, ch = pos.ch; var type; if (ch == 0) type = styles[2]; else for (;;) { var mid = (before + after) >> 1; if ((mid ? styles[mid * 2 - 1] : 0) >= ch) after = mid; else if (styles[mid * 2 + 1] < ch) before = mid + 1; else { type = styles[mid * 2 + 2]; break; } } var cut = type ? type.indexOf("cm-overlay ") : -1; return cut < 0 ? type : cut == 0 ? null : type.slice(0, cut - 1); }, getModeAt: function(pos) { var mode = this.doc.mode; if (!mode.innerMode) return mode; return CodeMirror.innerMode(mode, this.getTokenAt(pos).state).mode; }, getHelper: function(pos, type) { return this.getHelpers(pos, type)[0]; }, getHelpers: function(pos, type) { var found = []; if (!helpers.hasOwnProperty(type)) return found; var help = helpers[type], mode = this.getModeAt(pos); if (typeof mode[type] == "string") { if (help[mode[type]]) found.push(help[mode[type]]); } else if (mode[type]) { for (var i = 0; i < mode[type].length; i++) { var val = help[mode[type][i]]; if (val) found.push(val); } } else if (mode.helperType && help[mode.helperType]) { found.push(help[mode.helperType]); } else if (help[mode.name]) { found.push(help[mode.name]); } for (var i = 0; i < help._global.length; i++) { var cur = help._global[i]; if (cur.pred(mode, this) && indexOf(found, cur.val) == -1) found.push(cur.val); } return found; }, getStateAfter: function(line, precise) { var doc = this.doc; line = clipLine(doc, line == null ? doc.first + doc.size - 1: line); return getStateBefore(this, line + 1, precise); }, cursorCoords: function(start, mode) { var pos, range = this.doc.sel.primary(); if (start == null) pos = range.head; else if (typeof start == "object") pos = clipPos(this.doc, start); else pos = start ? range.from() : range.to(); return cursorCoords(this, pos, mode || "page"); }, charCoords: function(pos, mode) { return charCoords(this, clipPos(this.doc, pos), mode || "page"); }, coordsChar: function(coords, mode) { coords = fromCoordSystem(this, coords, mode || "page"); return coordsChar(this, coords.left, coords.top); }, lineAtHeight: function(height, mode) { height = fromCoordSystem(this, {top: height, left: 0}, mode || "page").top; return lineAtHeight(this.doc, height + this.display.viewOffset); }, heightAtLine: function(line, mode) { var end = false, lineObj; if (typeof line == "number") { var last = this.doc.first + this.doc.size - 1; if (line < this.doc.first) line = this.doc.first; else if (line > last) { line = last; end = true; } lineObj = getLine(this.doc, line); } else { lineObj = line; } return intoCoordSystem(this, lineObj, {top: 0, left: 0}, mode || "page").top + (end ? this.doc.height - heightAtLine(lineObj) : 0); }, defaultTextHeight: function() { return textHeight(this.display); }, defaultCharWidth: function() { return charWidth(this.display); }, setGutterMarker: methodOp(function(line, gutterID, value) { return changeLine(this.doc, line, "gutter", function(line) { var markers = line.gutterMarkers || (line.gutterMarkers = {}); markers[gutterID] = value; if (!value && isEmpty(markers)) line.gutterMarkers = null; return true; }); }), clearGutter: methodOp(function(gutterID) { var cm = this, doc = cm.doc, i = doc.first; doc.iter(function(line) { if (line.gutterMarkers && line.gutterMarkers[gutterID]) { line.gutterMarkers[gutterID] = null; regLineChange(cm, i, "gutter"); if (isEmpty(line.gutterMarkers)) line.gutterMarkers = null; } ++i; }); }), lineInfo: function(line) { if (typeof line == "number") { if (!isLine(this.doc, line)) return null; var n = line; line = getLine(this.doc, line); if (!line) return null; } else { var n = lineNo(line); if (n == null) return null; } return {line: n, handle: line, text: line.text, gutterMarkers: line.gutterMarkers, textClass: line.textClass, bgClass: line.bgClass, wrapClass: line.wrapClass, widgets: line.widgets}; }, getViewport: function() { return {from: this.display.viewFrom, to: this.display.viewTo};}, addWidget: function(pos, node, scroll, vert, horiz) { var display = this.display; pos = cursorCoords(this, clipPos(this.doc, pos)); var top = pos.bottom, left = pos.left; node.style.position = "absolute"; node.setAttribute("cm-ignore-events", "true"); this.display.input.setUneditable(node); display.sizer.appendChild(node); if (vert == "over") { top = pos.top; } else if (vert == "above" || vert == "near") { var vspace = Math.max(display.wrapper.clientHeight, this.doc.height), hspace = Math.max(display.sizer.clientWidth, display.lineSpace.clientWidth); // Default to positioning above (if specified and possible); otherwise default to positioning below if ((vert == 'above' || pos.bottom + node.offsetHeight > vspace) && pos.top > node.offsetHeight) top = pos.top - node.offsetHeight; else if (pos.bottom + node.offsetHeight <= vspace) top = pos.bottom; if (left + node.offsetWidth > hspace) left = hspace - node.offsetWidth; } node.style.top = top + "px"; node.style.left = node.style.right = ""; if (horiz == "right") { left = display.sizer.clientWidth - node.offsetWidth; node.style.right = "0px"; } else { if (horiz == "left") left = 0; else if (horiz == "middle") left = (display.sizer.clientWidth - node.offsetWidth) / 2; node.style.left = left + "px"; } if (scroll) scrollIntoView(this, left, top, left + node.offsetWidth, top + node.offsetHeight); }, triggerOnKeyDown: methodOp(onKeyDown), triggerOnKeyPress: methodOp(onKeyPress), triggerOnKeyUp: onKeyUp, execCommand: function(cmd) { if (commands.hasOwnProperty(cmd)) return commands[cmd](this); }, triggerElectric: methodOp(function(text) { triggerElectric(this, text); }), findPosH: function(from, amount, unit, visually) { var dir = 1; if (amount < 0) { dir = -1; amount = -amount; } for (var i = 0, cur = clipPos(this.doc, from); i < amount; ++i) { cur = findPosH(this.doc, cur, dir, unit, visually); if (cur.hitSide) break; } return cur; }, moveH: methodOp(function(dir, unit) { var cm = this; cm.extendSelectionsBy(function(range) { if (cm.display.shift || cm.doc.extend || range.empty()) return findPosH(cm.doc, range.head, dir, unit, cm.options.rtlMoveVisually); else return dir < 0 ? range.from() : range.to(); }, sel_move); }), deleteH: methodOp(function(dir, unit) { var sel = this.doc.sel, doc = this.doc; if (sel.somethingSelected()) doc.replaceSelection("", null, "+delete"); else deleteNearSelection(this, function(range) { var other = findPosH(doc, range.head, dir, unit, false); return dir < 0 ? {from: other, to: range.head} : {from: range.head, to: other}; }); }), findPosV: function(from, amount, unit, goalColumn) { var dir = 1, x = goalColumn; if (amount < 0) { dir = -1; amount = -amount; } for (var i = 0, cur = clipPos(this.doc, from); i < amount; ++i) { var coords = cursorCoords(this, cur, "div"); if (x == null) x = coords.left; else coords.left = x; cur = findPosV(this, coords, dir, unit); if (cur.hitSide) break; } return cur; }, moveV: methodOp(function(dir, unit) { var cm = this, doc = this.doc, goals = []; var collapse = !cm.display.shift && !doc.extend && doc.sel.somethingSelected(); doc.extendSelectionsBy(function(range) { if (collapse) return dir < 0 ? range.from() : range.to(); var headPos = cursorCoords(cm, range.head, "div"); if (range.goalColumn != null) headPos.left = range.goalColumn; goals.push(headPos.left); var pos = findPosV(cm, headPos, dir, unit); if (unit == "page" && range == doc.sel.primary()) addToScrollPos(cm, null, charCoords(cm, pos, "div").top - headPos.top); return pos; }, sel_move); if (goals.length) for (var i = 0; i < doc.sel.ranges.length; i++) doc.sel.ranges[i].goalColumn = goals[i]; }), // Find the word at the given position (as returned by coordsChar). findWordAt: function(pos) { var doc = this.doc, line = getLine(doc, pos.line).text; var start = pos.ch, end = pos.ch; if (line) { var helper = this.getHelper(pos, "wordChars"); if ((pos.xRel < 0 || end == line.length) && start) --start; else ++end; var startChar = line.charAt(start); var check = isWordChar(startChar, helper) ? function(ch) { return isWordChar(ch, helper); } : /\s/.test(startChar) ? function(ch) {return /\s/.test(ch);} : function(ch) {return !/\s/.test(ch) && !isWordChar(ch);}; while (start > 0 && check(line.charAt(start - 1))) --start; while (end < line.length && check(line.charAt(end))) ++end; } return new Range(Pos(pos.line, start), Pos(pos.line, end)); }, toggleOverwrite: function(value) { if (value != null && value == this.state.overwrite) return; if (this.state.overwrite = !this.state.overwrite) addClass(this.display.cursorDiv, "CodeMirror-overwrite"); else rmClass(this.display.cursorDiv, "CodeMirror-overwrite"); signal(this, "overwriteToggle", this, this.state.overwrite); }, hasFocus: function() { return this.display.input.getField() == activeElt(); }, scrollTo: methodOp(function(x, y) { if (x != null || y != null) resolveScrollToPos(this); if (x != null) this.curOp.scrollLeft = x; if (y != null) this.curOp.scrollTop = y; }), getScrollInfo: function() { var scroller = this.display.scroller; return {left: scroller.scrollLeft, top: scroller.scrollTop, height: scroller.scrollHeight - scrollGap(this) - this.display.barHeight, width: scroller.scrollWidth - scrollGap(this) - this.display.barWidth, clientHeight: displayHeight(this), clientWidth: displayWidth(this)}; }, scrollIntoView: methodOp(function(range, margin) { if (range == null) { range = {from: this.doc.sel.primary().head, to: null}; if (margin == null) margin = this.options.cursorScrollMargin; } else if (typeof range == "number") { range = {from: Pos(range, 0), to: null}; } else if (range.from == null) { range = {from: range, to: null}; } if (!range.to) range.to = range.from; range.margin = margin || 0; if (range.from.line != null) { resolveScrollToPos(this); this.curOp.scrollToPos = range; } else { var sPos = calculateScrollPos(this, Math.min(range.from.left, range.to.left), Math.min(range.from.top, range.to.top) - range.margin, Math.max(range.from.right, range.to.right), Math.max(range.from.bottom, range.to.bottom) + range.margin); this.scrollTo(sPos.scrollLeft, sPos.scrollTop); } }), setSize: methodOp(function(width, height) { var cm = this; function interpret(val) { return typeof val == "number" || /^\d+$/.test(String(val)) ? val + "px" : val; } if (width != null) cm.display.wrapper.style.width = interpret(width); if (height != null) cm.display.wrapper.style.height = interpret(height); if (cm.options.lineWrapping) clearLineMeasurementCache(this); var lineNo = cm.display.viewFrom; cm.doc.iter(lineNo, cm.display.viewTo, function(line) { if (line.widgets) for (var i = 0; i < line.widgets.length; i++) if (line.widgets[i].noHScroll) { regLineChange(cm, lineNo, "widget"); break; } ++lineNo; }); cm.curOp.forceUpdate = true; signal(cm, "refresh", this); }), operation: function(f){return runInOp(this, f);}, refresh: methodOp(function() { var oldHeight = this.display.cachedTextHeight; regChange(this); this.curOp.forceUpdate = true; clearCaches(this); this.scrollTo(this.doc.scrollLeft, this.doc.scrollTop); updateGutterSpace(this); if (oldHeight == null || Math.abs(oldHeight - textHeight(this.display)) > .5) estimateLineHeights(this); signal(this, "refresh", this); }), swapDoc: methodOp(function(doc) { var old = this.doc; old.cm = null; attachDoc(this, doc); clearCaches(this); this.display.input.reset(); this.scrollTo(doc.scrollLeft, doc.scrollTop); this.curOp.forceScroll = true; signalLater(this, "swapDoc", this, old); return old; }), getInputField: function(){return this.display.input.getField();}, getWrapperElement: function(){return this.display.wrapper;}, getScrollerElement: function(){return this.display.scroller;}, getGutterElement: function(){return this.display.gutters;} }; eventMixin(CodeMirror); // OPTION DEFAULTS // The default configuration options. var defaults = CodeMirror.defaults = {}; // Functions to run when options are changed. var optionHandlers = CodeMirror.optionHandlers = {}; function option(name, deflt, handle, notOnInit) { CodeMirror.defaults[name] = deflt; if (handle) optionHandlers[name] = notOnInit ? function(cm, val, old) {if (old != Init) handle(cm, val, old);} : handle; } // Passed to option handlers when there is no old value. var Init = CodeMirror.Init = {toString: function(){return "CodeMirror.Init";}}; // These two are, on init, called from the constructor because they // have to be initialized before the editor can start at all. option("value", "", function(cm, val) { cm.setValue(val); }, true); option("mode", null, function(cm, val) { cm.doc.modeOption = val; loadMode(cm); }, true); option("indentUnit", 2, loadMode, true); option("indentWithTabs", false); option("smartIndent", true); option("tabSize", 4, function(cm) { resetModeState(cm); clearCaches(cm); regChange(cm); }, true); option("specialChars", /[\t\u0000-\u0019\u00ad\u200b-\u200f\u2028\u2029\ufeff]/g, function(cm, val, old) { cm.state.specialChars = new RegExp(val.source + (val.test("\t") ? "" : "|\t"), "g"); if (old != CodeMirror.Init) cm.refresh(); }); option("specialCharPlaceholder", defaultSpecialCharPlaceholder, function(cm) {cm.refresh();}, true); option("electricChars", true); option("inputStyle", mobile ? "contenteditable" : "textarea", function() { throw new Error("inputStyle can not (yet) be changed in a running editor"); // FIXME }, true); option("rtlMoveVisually", !windows); option("wholeLineUpdateBefore", true); option("theme", "default", function(cm) { themeChanged(cm); guttersChanged(cm); }, true); option("keyMap", "default", function(cm, val, old) { var next = getKeyMap(val); var prev = old != CodeMirror.Init && getKeyMap(old); if (prev && prev.detach) prev.detach(cm, next); if (next.attach) next.attach(cm, prev || null); }); option("extraKeys", null); option("lineWrapping", false, wrappingChanged, true); option("gutters", [], function(cm) { setGuttersForLineNumbers(cm.options); guttersChanged(cm); }, true); option("fixedGutter", true, function(cm, val) { cm.display.gutters.style.left = val ? compensateForHScroll(cm.display) + "px" : "0"; cm.refresh(); }, true); option("coverGutterNextToScrollbar", false, function(cm) {updateScrollbars(cm);}, true); option("scrollbarStyle", "native", function(cm) { initScrollbars(cm); updateScrollbars(cm); cm.display.scrollbars.setScrollTop(cm.doc.scrollTop); cm.display.scrollbars.setScrollLeft(cm.doc.scrollLeft); }, true); option("lineNumbers", false, function(cm) { setGuttersForLineNumbers(cm.options); guttersChanged(cm); }, true); option("firstLineNumber", 1, guttersChanged, true); option("lineNumberFormatter", function(integer) {return integer;}, guttersChanged, true); option("showCursorWhenSelecting", false, updateSelection, true); option("resetSelectionOnContextMenu", true); option("lineWiseCopyCut", true); option("readOnly", false, function(cm, val) { if (val == "nocursor") { onBlur(cm); cm.display.input.blur(); cm.display.disabled = true; } else { cm.display.disabled = false; if (!val) cm.display.input.reset(); } }); option("disableInput", false, function(cm, val) {if (!val) cm.display.input.reset();}, true); option("dragDrop", true, dragDropChanged); option("cursorBlinkRate", 530); option("cursorScrollMargin", 0); option("cursorHeight", 1, updateSelection, true); option("singleCursorHeightPerLine", true, updateSelection, true); option("workTime", 100); option("workDelay", 100); option("flattenSpans", true, resetModeState, true); option("addModeClass", false, resetModeState, true); option("pollInterval", 100); option("undoDepth", 200, function(cm, val){cm.doc.history.undoDepth = val;}); option("historyEventDelay", 1250); option("viewportMargin", 10, function(cm){cm.refresh();}, true); option("maxHighlightLength", 10000, resetModeState, true); option("moveInputWithCursor", true, function(cm, val) { if (!val) cm.display.input.resetPosition(); }); option("tabindex", null, function(cm, val) { cm.display.input.getField().tabIndex = val || ""; }); option("autofocus", null); // MODE DEFINITION AND QUERYING // Known modes, by name and by MIME var modes = CodeMirror.modes = {}, mimeModes = CodeMirror.mimeModes = {}; // Extra arguments are stored as the mode's dependencies, which is // used by (legacy) mechanisms like loadmode.js to automatically // load a mode. (Preferred mechanism is the require/define calls.) CodeMirror.defineMode = function(name, mode) { if (!CodeMirror.defaults.mode && name != "null") CodeMirror.defaults.mode = name; if (arguments.length > 2) mode.dependencies = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2); modes[name] = mode; }; CodeMirror.defineMIME = function(mime, spec) { mimeModes[mime] = spec; }; // Given a MIME type, a {name, ...options} config object, or a name // string, return a mode config object. CodeMirror.resolveMode = function(spec) { if (typeof spec == "string" && mimeModes.hasOwnProperty(spec)) { spec = mimeModes[spec]; } else if (spec && typeof spec.name == "string" && mimeModes.hasOwnProperty(spec.name)) { var found = mimeModes[spec.name]; if (typeof found == "string") found = {name: found}; spec = createObj(found, spec); spec.name = found.name; } else if (typeof spec == "string" && /^[\w\-]+\/[\w\-]+\+xml$/.test(spec)) { return CodeMirror.resolveMode("application/xml"); } if (typeof spec == "string") return {name: spec}; else return spec || {name: "null"}; }; // Given a mode spec (anything that resolveMode accepts), find and // initialize an actual mode object. CodeMirror.getMode = function(options, spec) { var spec = CodeMirror.resolveMode(spec); var mfactory = modes[spec.name]; if (!mfactory) return CodeMirror.getMode(options, "text/plain"); var modeObj = mfactory(options, spec); if (modeExtensions.hasOwnProperty(spec.name)) { var exts = modeExtensions[spec.name]; for (var prop in exts) { if (!exts.hasOwnProperty(prop)) continue; if (modeObj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) modeObj["_" + prop] = modeObj[prop]; modeObj[prop] = exts[prop]; } } modeObj.name = spec.name; if (spec.helperType) modeObj.helperType = spec.helperType; if (spec.modeProps) for (var prop in spec.modeProps) modeObj[prop] = spec.modeProps[prop]; return modeObj; }; // Minimal default mode. CodeMirror.defineMode("null", function() { return {token: function(stream) {stream.skipToEnd();}}; }); CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/plain", "null"); // This can be used to attach properties to mode objects from // outside the actual mode definition. var modeExtensions = CodeMirror.modeExtensions = {}; CodeMirror.extendMode = function(mode, properties) { var exts = modeExtensions.hasOwnProperty(mode) ? modeExtensions[mode] : (modeExtensions[mode] = {}); copyObj(properties, exts); }; // EXTENSIONS CodeMirror.defineExtension = function(name, func) { CodeMirror.prototype[name] = func; }; CodeMirror.defineDocExtension = function(name, func) { Doc.prototype[name] = func; }; CodeMirror.defineOption = option; var initHooks = []; CodeMirror.defineInitHook = function(f) {initHooks.push(f);}; var helpers = CodeMirror.helpers = {}; CodeMirror.registerHelper = function(type, name, value) { if (!helpers.hasOwnProperty(type)) helpers[type] = CodeMirror[type] = {_global: []}; helpers[type][name] = value; }; CodeMirror.registerGlobalHelper = function(type, name, predicate, value) { CodeMirror.registerHelper(type, name, value); helpers[type]._global.push({pred: predicate, val: value}); }; // MODE STATE HANDLING // Utility functions for working with state. Exported because nested // modes need to do this for their inner modes. var copyState = CodeMirror.copyState = function(mode, state) { if (state === true) return state; if (mode.copyState) return mode.copyState(state); var nstate = {}; for (var n in state) { var val = state[n]; if (val instanceof Array) val = val.concat([]); nstate[n] = val; } return nstate; }; var startState = CodeMirror.startState = function(mode, a1, a2) { return mode.startState ? mode.startState(a1, a2) : true; }; // Given a mode and a state (for that mode), find the inner mode and // state at the position that the state refers to. CodeMirror.innerMode = function(mode, state) { while (mode.innerMode) { var info = mode.innerMode(state); if (!info || info.mode == mode) break; state = info.state; mode = info.mode; } return info || {mode: mode, state: state}; }; // STANDARD COMMANDS // Commands are parameter-less actions that can be performed on an // editor, mostly used for keybindings. var commands = CodeMirror.commands = { selectAll: function(cm) {cm.setSelection(Pos(cm.firstLine(), 0), Pos(cm.lastLine()), sel_dontScroll);}, singleSelection: function(cm) { cm.setSelection(cm.getCursor("anchor"), cm.getCursor("head"), sel_dontScroll); }, killLine: function(cm) { deleteNearSelection(cm, function(range) { if (range.empty()) { var len = getLine(cm.doc, range.head.line).text.length; if (range.head.ch == len && range.head.line < cm.lastLine()) return {from: range.head, to: Pos(range.head.line + 1, 0)}; else return {from: range.head, to: Pos(range.head.line, len)}; } else { return {from: range.from(), to: range.to()}; } }); }, deleteLine: function(cm) { deleteNearSelection(cm, function(range) { return {from: Pos(range.from().line, 0), to: clipPos(cm.doc, Pos(range.to().line + 1, 0))}; }); }, delLineLeft: function(cm) { deleteNearSelection(cm, function(range) { return {from: Pos(range.from().line, 0), to: range.from()}; }); }, delWrappedLineLeft: function(cm) { deleteNearSelection(cm, function(range) { var top = cm.charCoords(range.head, "div").top + 5; var leftPos = cm.coordsChar({left: 0, top: top}, "div"); return {from: leftPos, to: range.from()}; }); }, delWrappedLineRight: function(cm) { deleteNearSelection(cm, function(range) { var top = cm.charCoords(range.head, "div").top + 5; var rightPos = cm.coordsChar({left: cm.display.lineDiv.offsetWidth + 100, top: top}, "div"); return {from: range.from(), to: rightPos }; }); }, undo: function(cm) {cm.undo();}, redo: function(cm) {cm.redo();}, undoSelection: function(cm) {cm.undoSelection();}, redoSelection: function(cm) {cm.redoSelection();}, goDocStart: function(cm) {cm.extendSelection(Pos(cm.firstLine(), 0));}, goDocEnd: function(cm) {cm.extendSelection(Pos(cm.lastLine()));}, goLineStart: function(cm) { cm.extendSelectionsBy(function(range) { return lineStart(cm, range.head.line); }, {origin: "+move", bias: 1}); }, goLineStartSmart: function(cm) { cm.extendSelectionsBy(function(range) { return lineStartSmart(cm, range.head); }, {origin: "+move", bias: 1}); }, goLineEnd: function(cm) { cm.extendSelectionsBy(function(range) { return lineEnd(cm, range.head.line); }, {origin: "+move", bias: -1}); }, goLineRight: function(cm) { cm.extendSelectionsBy(function(range) { var top = cm.charCoords(range.head, "div").top + 5; return cm.coordsChar({left: cm.display.lineDiv.offsetWidth + 100, top: top}, "div"); }, sel_move); }, goLineLeft: function(cm) { cm.extendSelectionsBy(function(range) { var top = cm.charCoords(range.head, "div").top + 5; return cm.coordsChar({left: 0, top: top}, "div"); }, sel_move); }, goLineLeftSmart: function(cm) { cm.extendSelectionsBy(function(range) { var top = cm.charCoords(range.head, "div").top + 5; var pos = cm.coordsChar({left: 0, top: top}, "div"); if (pos.ch < cm.getLine(pos.line).search(/\S/)) return lineStartSmart(cm, range.head); return pos; }, sel_move); }, goLineUp: function(cm) {cm.moveV(-1, "line");}, goLineDown: function(cm) {cm.moveV(1, "line");}, goPageUp: function(cm) {cm.moveV(-1, "page");}, goPageDown: function(cm) {cm.moveV(1, "page");}, goCharLeft: function(cm) {cm.moveH(-1, "char");}, goCharRight: function(cm) {cm.moveH(1, "char");}, goColumnLeft: function(cm) {cm.moveH(-1, "column");}, goColumnRight: function(cm) {cm.moveH(1, "column");}, goWordLeft: function(cm) {cm.moveH(-1, "word");}, goGroupRight: function(cm) {cm.moveH(1, "group");}, goGroupLeft: function(cm) {cm.moveH(-1, "group");}, goWordRight: function(cm) {cm.moveH(1, "word");}, delCharBefore: function(cm) {cm.deleteH(-1, "char");}, delCharAfter: function(cm) {cm.deleteH(1, "char");}, delWordBefore: function(cm) {cm.deleteH(-1, "word");}, delWordAfter: function(cm) {cm.deleteH(1, "word");}, delGroupBefore: function(cm) {cm.deleteH(-1, "group");}, delGroupAfter: function(cm) {cm.deleteH(1, "group");}, indentAuto: function(cm) {cm.indentSelection("smart");}, indentMore: function(cm) {cm.indentSelection("add");}, indentLess: function(cm) {cm.indentSelection("subtract");}, insertTab: function(cm) {cm.replaceSelection("\t");}, insertSoftTab: function(cm) { var spaces = [], ranges = cm.listSelections(), tabSize = cm.options.tabSize; for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { var pos = ranges[i].from(); var col = countColumn(cm.getLine(pos.line), pos.ch, tabSize); spaces.push(new Array(tabSize - col % tabSize + 1).join(" ")); } cm.replaceSelections(spaces); }, defaultTab: function(cm) { if (cm.somethingSelected()) cm.indentSelection("add"); else cm.execCommand("insertTab"); }, transposeChars: function(cm) { runInOp(cm, function() { var ranges = cm.listSelections(), newSel = []; for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { var cur = ranges[i].head, line = getLine(cm.doc, cur.line).text; if (line) { if (cur.ch == line.length) cur = new Pos(cur.line, cur.ch - 1); if (cur.ch > 0) { cur = new Pos(cur.line, cur.ch + 1); cm.replaceRange(line.charAt(cur.ch - 1) + line.charAt(cur.ch - 2), Pos(cur.line, cur.ch - 2), cur, "+transpose"); } else if (cur.line > cm.doc.first) { var prev = getLine(cm.doc, cur.line - 1).text; if (prev) cm.replaceRange(line.charAt(0) + "\n" + prev.charAt(prev.length - 1), Pos(cur.line - 1, prev.length - 1), Pos(cur.line, 1), "+transpose"); } } newSel.push(new Range(cur, cur)); } cm.setSelections(newSel); }); }, newlineAndIndent: function(cm) { runInOp(cm, function() { var len = cm.listSelections().length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var range = cm.listSelections()[i]; cm.replaceRange("\n", range.anchor, range.head, "+input"); cm.indentLine(range.from().line + 1, null, true); ensureCursorVisible(cm); } }); }, toggleOverwrite: function(cm) {cm.toggleOverwrite();} }; // STANDARD KEYMAPS var keyMap = CodeMirror.keyMap = {}; keyMap.basic = { "Left": "goCharLeft", "Right": "goCharRight", "Up": "goLineUp", "Down": "goLineDown", "End": "goLineEnd", "Home": "goLineStartSmart", "PageUp": "goPageUp", "PageDown": "goPageDown", "Delete": "delCharAfter", "Backspace": "delCharBefore", "Shift-Backspace": "delCharBefore", "Tab": "defaultTab", "Shift-Tab": "indentAuto", "Enter": "newlineAndIndent", "Insert": "toggleOverwrite", "Esc": "singleSelection" }; // Note that the save and find-related commands aren't defined by // default. User code or addons can define them. Unknown commands // are simply ignored. keyMap.pcDefault = { "Ctrl-A": "selectAll", "Ctrl-D": "deleteLine", "Ctrl-Z": "undo", "Shift-Ctrl-Z": "redo", "Ctrl-Y": "redo", "Ctrl-Home": "goDocStart", "Ctrl-End": "goDocEnd", "Ctrl-Up": "goLineUp", "Ctrl-Down": "goLineDown", "Ctrl-Left": "goGroupLeft", "Ctrl-Right": "goGroupRight", "Alt-Left": "goLineStart", "Alt-Right": "goLineEnd", "Ctrl-Backspace": "delGroupBefore", "Ctrl-Delete": "delGroupAfter", "Ctrl-S": "save", "Ctrl-F": "find", "Ctrl-G": "findNext", "Shift-Ctrl-G": "findPrev", "Shift-Ctrl-F": "replace", "Shift-Ctrl-R": "replaceAll", "Ctrl-[": "indentLess", "Ctrl-]": "indentMore", "Ctrl-U": "undoSelection", "Shift-Ctrl-U": "redoSelection", "Alt-U": "redoSelection", fallthrough: "basic" }; // Very basic readline/emacs-style bindings, which are standard on Mac. keyMap.emacsy = { "Ctrl-F": "goCharRight", "Ctrl-B": "goCharLeft", "Ctrl-P": "goLineUp", "Ctrl-N": "goLineDown", "Alt-F": "goWordRight", "Alt-B": "goWordLeft", "Ctrl-A": "goLineStart", "Ctrl-E": "goLineEnd", "Ctrl-V": "goPageDown", "Shift-Ctrl-V": "goPageUp", "Ctrl-D": "delCharAfter", "Ctrl-H": "delCharBefore", "Alt-D": "delWordAfter", "Alt-Backspace": "delWordBefore", "Ctrl-K": "killLine", "Ctrl-T": "transposeChars" }; keyMap.macDefault = { "Cmd-A": "selectAll", "Cmd-D": "deleteLine", "Cmd-Z": "undo", "Shift-Cmd-Z": "redo", "Cmd-Y": "redo", "Cmd-Home": "goDocStart", "Cmd-Up": "goDocStart", "Cmd-End": "goDocEnd", "Cmd-Down": "goDocEnd", "Alt-Left": "goGroupLeft", "Alt-Right": "goGroupRight", "Cmd-Left": "goLineLeft", "Cmd-Right": "goLineRight", "Alt-Backspace": "delGroupBefore", "Ctrl-Alt-Backspace": "delGroupAfter", "Alt-Delete": "delGroupAfter", "Cmd-S": "save", "Cmd-F": "find", "Cmd-G": "findNext", "Shift-Cmd-G": "findPrev", "Cmd-Alt-F": "replace", "Shift-Cmd-Alt-F": "replaceAll", "Cmd-[": "indentLess", "Cmd-]": "indentMore", "Cmd-Backspace": "delWrappedLineLeft", "Cmd-Delete": "delWrappedLineRight", "Cmd-U": "undoSelection", "Shift-Cmd-U": "redoSelection", "Ctrl-Up": "goDocStart", "Ctrl-Down": "goDocEnd", fallthrough: ["basic", "emacsy"] }; keyMap["default"] = mac ? keyMap.macDefault : keyMap.pcDefault; // KEYMAP DISPATCH function normalizeKeyName(name) { var parts = name.split(/-(?!$)/), name = parts[parts.length - 1]; var alt, ctrl, shift, cmd; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length - 1; i++) { var mod = parts[i]; if (/^(cmd|meta|m)$/i.test(mod)) cmd = true; else if (/^a(lt)?$/i.test(mod)) alt = true; else if (/^(c|ctrl|control)$/i.test(mod)) ctrl = true; else if (/^s(hift)$/i.test(mod)) shift = true; else throw new Error("Unrecognized modifier name: " + mod); } if (alt) name = "Alt-" + name; if (ctrl) name = "Ctrl-" + name; if (cmd) name = "Cmd-" + name; if (shift) name = "Shift-" + name; return name; } // This is a kludge to keep keymaps mostly working as raw objects // (backwards compatibility) while at the same time support features // like normalization and multi-stroke key bindings. It compiles a // new normalized keymap, and then updates the old object to reflect // this. CodeMirror.normalizeKeyMap = function(keymap) { var copy = {}; for (var keyname in keymap) if (keymap.hasOwnProperty(keyname)) { var value = keymap[keyname]; if (/^(name|fallthrough|(de|at)tach)$/.test(keyname)) continue; if (value == "...") { delete keymap[keyname]; continue; } var keys = map(keyname.split(" "), normalizeKeyName); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var val, name; if (i == keys.length - 1) { name = keys.join(" "); val = value; } else { name = keys.slice(0, i + 1).join(" "); val = "..."; } var prev = copy[name]; if (!prev) copy[name] = val; else if (prev != val) throw new Error("Inconsistent bindings for " + name); } delete keymap[keyname]; } for (var prop in copy) keymap[prop] = copy[prop]; return keymap; }; var lookupKey = CodeMirror.lookupKey = function(key, map, handle, context) { map = getKeyMap(map); var found = map.call ? map.call(key, context) : map[key]; if (found === false) return "nothing"; if (found === "...") return "multi"; if (found != null && handle(found)) return "handled"; if (map.fallthrough) { if (Object.prototype.toString.call(map.fallthrough) != "[object Array]") return lookupKey(key, map.fallthrough, handle, context); for (var i = 0; i < map.fallthrough.length; i++) { var result = lookupKey(key, map.fallthrough[i], handle, context); if (result) return result; } } }; // Modifier key presses don't count as 'real' key presses for the // purpose of keymap fallthrough. var isModifierKey = CodeMirror.isModifierKey = function(value) { var name = typeof value == "string" ? value : keyNames[value.keyCode]; return name == "Ctrl" || name == "Alt" || name == "Shift" || name == "Mod"; }; // Look up the name of a key as indicated by an event object. var keyName = CodeMirror.keyName = function(event, noShift) { if (presto && event.keyCode == 34 && event["char"]) return false; var base = keyNames[event.keyCode], name = base; if (name == null || event.altGraphKey) return false; if (event.altKey && base != "Alt") name = "Alt-" + name; if ((flipCtrlCmd ? event.metaKey : event.ctrlKey) && base != "Ctrl") name = "Ctrl-" + name; if ((flipCtrlCmd ? event.ctrlKey : event.metaKey) && base != "Cmd") name = "Cmd-" + name; if (!noShift && event.shiftKey && base != "Shift") name = "Shift-" + name; return name; }; function getKeyMap(val) { return typeof val == "string" ? keyMap[val] : val; } // FROMTEXTAREA CodeMirror.fromTextArea = function(textarea, options) { options = options ? copyObj(options) : {}; options.value = textarea.value; if (!options.tabindex && textarea.tabIndex) options.tabindex = textarea.tabIndex; if (!options.placeholder && textarea.placeholder) options.placeholder = textarea.placeholder; // Set autofocus to true if this textarea is focused, or if it has // autofocus and no other element is focused. if (options.autofocus == null) { var hasFocus = activeElt(); options.autofocus = hasFocus == textarea || textarea.getAttribute("autofocus") != null && hasFocus == document.body; } function save() {textarea.value = cm.getValue();} if (textarea.form) { on(textarea.form, "submit", save); // Deplorable hack to make the submit method do the right thing. if (!options.leaveSubmitMethodAlone) { var form = textarea.form, realSubmit = form.submit; try { var wrappedSubmit = form.submit = function() { save(); form.submit = realSubmit; form.submit(); form.submit = wrappedSubmit; }; } catch(e) {} } } options.finishInit = function(cm) { cm.save = save; cm.getTextArea = function() { return textarea; }; cm.toTextArea = function() { cm.toTextArea = isNaN; // Prevent this from being ran twice save(); textarea.parentNode.removeChild(cm.getWrapperElement()); textarea.style.display = ""; if (textarea.form) { off(textarea.form, "submit", save); if (typeof textarea.form.submit == "function") textarea.form.submit = realSubmit; } }; }; textarea.style.display = "none"; var cm = CodeMirror(function(node) { textarea.parentNode.insertBefore(node, textarea.nextSibling); }, options); return cm; }; // STRING STREAM // Fed to the mode parsers, provides helper functions to make // parsers more succinct. var StringStream = CodeMirror.StringStream = function(string, tabSize) { this.pos = this.start = 0; this.string = string; this.tabSize = tabSize || 8; this.lastColumnPos = this.lastColumnValue = 0; this.lineStart = 0; }; StringStream.prototype = { eol: function() {return this.pos >= this.string.length;}, sol: function() {return this.pos == this.lineStart;}, peek: function() {return this.string.charAt(this.pos) || undefined;}, next: function() { if (this.pos < this.string.length) return this.string.charAt(this.pos++); }, eat: function(match) { var ch = this.string.charAt(this.pos); if (typeof match == "string") var ok = ch == match; else var ok = ch && (match.test ? match.test(ch) : match(ch)); if (ok) {++this.pos; return ch;} }, eatWhile: function(match) { var start = this.pos; while (this.eat(match)){} return this.pos > start; }, eatSpace: function() { var start = this.pos; while (/[\s\u00a0]/.test(this.string.charAt(this.pos))) ++this.pos; return this.pos > start; }, skipToEnd: function() {this.pos = this.string.length;}, skipTo: function(ch) { var found = this.string.indexOf(ch, this.pos); if (found > -1) {this.pos = found; return true;} }, backUp: function(n) {this.pos -= n;}, column: function() { if (this.lastColumnPos < this.start) { this.lastColumnValue = countColumn(this.string, this.start, this.tabSize, this.lastColumnPos, this.lastColumnValue); this.lastColumnPos = this.start; } return this.lastColumnValue - (this.lineStart ? countColumn(this.string, this.lineStart, this.tabSize) : 0); }, indentation: function() { return countColumn(this.string, null, this.tabSize) - (this.lineStart ? countColumn(this.string, this.lineStart, this.tabSize) : 0); }, match: function(pattern, consume, caseInsensitive) { if (typeof pattern == "string") { var cased = function(str) {return caseInsensitive ? str.toLowerCase() : str;}; var substr = this.string.substr(this.pos, pattern.length); if (cased(substr) == cased(pattern)) { if (consume !== false) this.pos += pattern.length; return true; } } else { var match = this.string.slice(this.pos).match(pattern); if (match && match.index > 0) return null; if (match && consume !== false) this.pos += match[0].length; return match; } }, current: function(){return this.string.slice(this.start, this.pos);}, hideFirstChars: function(n, inner) { this.lineStart += n; try { return inner(); } finally { this.lineStart -= n; } } }; // TEXTMARKERS // Created with markText and setBookmark methods. A TextMarker is a // handle that can be used to clear or find a marked position in the // document. Line objects hold arrays (markedSpans) containing // {from, to, marker} object pointing to such marker objects, and // indicating that such a marker is present on that line. Multiple // lines may point to the same marker when it spans across lines. // The spans will have null for their from/to properties when the // marker continues beyond the start/end of the line. Markers have // links back to the lines they currently touch. var nextMarkerId = 0; var TextMarker = CodeMirror.TextMarker = function(doc, type) { this.lines = []; this.type = type; this.doc = doc; this.id = ++nextMarkerId; }; eventMixin(TextMarker); // Clear the marker. TextMarker.prototype.clear = function() { if (this.explicitlyCleared) return; var cm = this.doc.cm, withOp = cm && !cm.curOp; if (withOp) startOperation(cm); if (hasHandler(this, "clear")) { var found = this.find(); if (found) signalLater(this, "clear", found.from, found.to); } var min = null, max = null; for (var i = 0; i < this.lines.length; ++i) { var line = this.lines[i]; var span = getMarkedSpanFor(line.markedSpans, this); if (cm && !this.collapsed) regLineChange(cm, lineNo(line), "text"); else if (cm) { if (span.to != null) max = lineNo(line); if (span.from != null) min = lineNo(line); } line.markedSpans = removeMarkedSpan(line.markedSpans, span); if (span.from == null && this.collapsed && !lineIsHidden(this.doc, line) && cm) updateLineHeight(line, textHeight(cm.display)); } if (cm && this.collapsed && !cm.options.lineWrapping) for (var i = 0; i < this.lines.length; ++i) { var visual = visualLine(this.lines[i]), len = lineLength(visual); if (len > cm.display.maxLineLength) { cm.display.maxLine = visual; cm.display.maxLineLength = len; cm.display.maxLineChanged = true; } } if (min != null && cm && this.collapsed) regChange(cm, min, max + 1); this.lines.length = 0; this.explicitlyCleared = true; if (this.atomic && this.doc.cantEdit) { this.doc.cantEdit = false; if (cm) reCheckSelection(cm.doc); } if (cm) signalLater(cm, "markerCleared", cm, this); if (withOp) endOperation(cm); if (this.parent) this.parent.clear(); }; // Find the position of the marker in the document. Returns a {from, // to} object by default. Side can be passed to get a specific side // -- 0 (both), -1 (left), or 1 (right). When lineObj is true, the // Pos objects returned contain a line object, rather than a line // number (used to prevent looking up the same line twice). TextMarker.prototype.find = function(side, lineObj) { if (side == null && this.type == "bookmark") side = 1; var from, to; for (var i = 0; i < this.lines.length; ++i) { var line = this.lines[i]; var span = getMarkedSpanFor(line.markedSpans, this); if (span.from != null) { from = Pos(lineObj ? line : lineNo(line), span.from); if (side == -1) return from; } if (span.to != null) { to = Pos(lineObj ? line : lineNo(line), span.to); if (side == 1) return to; } } return from && {from: from, to: to}; }; // Signals that the marker's widget changed, and surrounding layout // should be recomputed. TextMarker.prototype.changed = function() { var pos = this.find(-1, true), widget = this, cm = this.doc.cm; if (!pos || !cm) return; runInOp(cm, function() { var line = pos.line, lineN = lineNo(pos.line); var view = findViewForLine(cm, lineN); if (view) { clearLineMeasurementCacheFor(view); cm.curOp.selectionChanged = cm.curOp.forceUpdate = true; } cm.curOp.updateMaxLine = true; if (!lineIsHidden(widget.doc, line) && widget.height != null) { var oldHeight = widget.height; widget.height = null; var dHeight = widgetHeight(widget) - oldHeight; if (dHeight) updateLineHeight(line, line.height + dHeight); } }); }; TextMarker.prototype.attachLine = function(line) { if (!this.lines.length && this.doc.cm) { var op = this.doc.cm.curOp; if (!op.maybeHiddenMarkers || indexOf(op.maybeHiddenMarkers, this) == -1) (op.maybeUnhiddenMarkers || (op.maybeUnhiddenMarkers = [])).push(this); } this.lines.push(line); }; TextMarker.prototype.detachLine = function(line) { this.lines.splice(indexOf(this.lines, line), 1); if (!this.lines.length && this.doc.cm) { var op = this.doc.cm.curOp; (op.maybeHiddenMarkers || (op.maybeHiddenMarkers = [])).push(this); } }; // Collapsed markers have unique ids, in order to be able to order // them, which is needed for uniquely determining an outer marker // when they overlap (they may nest, but not partially overlap). var nextMarkerId = 0; // Create a marker, wire it up to the right lines, and function markText(doc, from, to, options, type) { // Shared markers (across linked documents) are handled separately // (markTextShared will call out to this again, once per // document). if (options && options.shared) return markTextShared(doc, from, to, options, type); // Ensure we are in an operation. if (doc.cm && !doc.cm.curOp) return operation(doc.cm, markText)(doc, from, to, options, type); var marker = new TextMarker(doc, type), diff = cmp(from, to); if (options) copyObj(options, marker, false); // Don't connect empty markers unless clearWhenEmpty is false if (diff > 0 || diff == 0 && marker.clearWhenEmpty !== false) return marker; if (marker.replacedWith) { // Showing up as a widget implies collapsed (widget replaces text) marker.collapsed = true; marker.widgetNode = elt("span", [marker.replacedWith], "CodeMirror-widget"); if (!options.handleMouseEvents) marker.widgetNode.setAttribute("cm-ignore-events", "true"); if (options.insertLeft) marker.widgetNode.insertLeft = true; } if (marker.collapsed) { if (conflictingCollapsedRange(doc, from.line, from, to, marker) || from.line != to.line && conflictingCollapsedRange(doc, to.line, from, to, marker)) throw new Error("Inserting collapsed marker partially overlapping an existing one"); sawCollapsedSpans = true; } if (marker.addToHistory) addChangeToHistory(doc, {from: from, to: to, origin: "markText"}, doc.sel, NaN); var curLine = from.line, cm = doc.cm, updateMaxLine; doc.iter(curLine, to.line + 1, function(line) { if (cm && marker.collapsed && !cm.options.lineWrapping && visualLine(line) == cm.display.maxLine) updateMaxLine = true; if (marker.collapsed && curLine != from.line) updateLineHeight(line, 0); addMarkedSpan(line, new MarkedSpan(marker, curLine == from.line ? from.ch : null, curLine == to.line ? to.ch : null)); ++curLine; }); // lineIsHidden depends on the presence of the spans, so needs a second pass if (marker.collapsed) doc.iter(from.line, to.line + 1, function(line) { if (lineIsHidden(doc, line)) updateLineHeight(line, 0); }); if (marker.clearOnEnter) on(marker, "beforeCursorEnter", function() { marker.clear(); }); if (marker.readOnly) { sawReadOnlySpans = true; if (doc.history.done.length || doc.history.undone.length) doc.clearHistory(); } if (marker.collapsed) { marker.id = ++nextMarkerId; marker.atomic = true; } if (cm) { // Sync editor state if (updateMaxLine) cm.curOp.updateMaxLine = true; if (marker.collapsed) regChange(cm, from.line, to.line + 1); else if (marker.className || marker.title || marker.startStyle || marker.endStyle || marker.css) for (var i = from.line; i <= to.line; i++) regLineChange(cm, i, "text"); if (marker.atomic) reCheckSelection(cm.doc); signalLater(cm, "markerAdded", cm, marker); } return marker; } // SHARED TEXTMARKERS // A shared marker spans multiple linked documents. It is // implemented as a meta-marker-object controlling multiple normal // markers. var SharedTextMarker = CodeMirror.SharedTextMarker = function(markers, primary) { this.markers = markers; this.primary = primary; for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; ++i) markers[i].parent = this; }; eventMixin(SharedTextMarker); SharedTextMarker.prototype.clear = function() { if (this.explicitlyCleared) return; this.explicitlyCleared = true; for (var i = 0; i < this.markers.length; ++i) this.markers[i].clear(); signalLater(this, "clear"); }; SharedTextMarker.prototype.find = function(side, lineObj) { return this.primary.find(side, lineObj); }; function markTextShared(doc, from, to, options, type) { options = copyObj(options); options.shared = false; var markers = [markText(doc, from, to, options, type)], primary = markers[0]; var widget = options.widgetNode; linkedDocs(doc, function(doc) { if (widget) options.widgetNode = widget.cloneNode(true); markers.push(markText(doc, clipPos(doc, from), clipPos(doc, to), options, type)); for (var i = 0; i < doc.linked.length; ++i) if (doc.linked[i].isParent) return; primary = lst(markers); }); return new SharedTextMarker(markers, primary); } function findSharedMarkers(doc) { return doc.findMarks(Pos(doc.first, 0), doc.clipPos(Pos(doc.lastLine())), function(m) { return m.parent; }); } function copySharedMarkers(doc, markers) { for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) { var marker = markers[i], pos = marker.find(); var mFrom = doc.clipPos(pos.from), mTo = doc.clipPos(pos.to); if (cmp(mFrom, mTo)) { var subMark = markText(doc, mFrom, mTo, marker.primary, marker.primary.type); marker.markers.push(subMark); subMark.parent = marker; } } } function detachSharedMarkers(markers) { for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) { var marker = markers[i], linked = [marker.primary.doc];; linkedDocs(marker.primary.doc, function(d) { linked.push(d); }); for (var j = 0; j < marker.markers.length; j++) { var subMarker = marker.markers[j]; if (indexOf(linked, subMarker.doc) == -1) { subMarker.parent = null; marker.markers.splice(j--, 1); } } } } // TEXTMARKER SPANS function MarkedSpan(marker, from, to) { this.marker = marker; this.from = from; this.to = to; } // Search an array of spans for a span matching the given marker. function getMarkedSpanFor(spans, marker) { if (spans) for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; ++i) { var span = spans[i]; if (span.marker == marker) return span; } } // Remove a span from an array, returning undefined if no spans are // left (we don't store arrays for lines without spans). function removeMarkedSpan(spans, span) { for (var r, i = 0; i < spans.length; ++i) if (spans[i] != span) (r || (r = [])).push(spans[i]); return r; } // Add a span to a line. function addMarkedSpan(line, span) { line.markedSpans = line.markedSpans ? line.markedSpans.concat([span]) : [span]; span.marker.attachLine(line); } // Used for the algorithm that adjusts markers for a change in the // document. These functions cut an array of spans at a given // character position, returning an array of remaining chunks (or // undefined if nothing remains). function markedSpansBefore(old, startCh, isInsert) { if (old) for (var i = 0, nw; i < old.length; ++i) { var span = old[i], marker = span.marker; var startsBefore = span.from == null || (marker.inclusiveLeft ? span.from <= startCh : span.from < startCh); if (startsBefore || span.from == startCh && marker.type == "bookmark" && (!isInsert || !span.marker.insertLeft)) { var endsAfter = span.to == null || (marker.inclusiveRight ? span.to >= startCh : span.to > startCh); (nw || (nw = [])).push(new MarkedSpan(marker, span.from, endsAfter ? null : span.to)); } } return nw; } function markedSpansAfter(old, endCh, isInsert) { if (old) for (var i = 0, nw; i < old.length; ++i) { var span = old[i], marker = span.marker; var endsAfter = span.to == null || (marker.inclusiveRight ? span.to >= endCh : span.to > endCh); if (endsAfter || span.from == endCh && marker.type == "bookmark" && (!isInsert || span.marker.insertLeft)) { var startsBefore = span.from == null || (marker.inclusiveLeft ? span.from <= endCh : span.from < endCh); (nw || (nw = [])).push(new MarkedSpan(marker, startsBefore ? null : span.from - endCh, span.to == null ? null : span.to - endCh)); } } return nw; } // Given a change object, compute the new set of marker spans that // cover the line in which the change took place. Removes spans // entirely within the change, reconnects spans belonging to the // same marker that appear on both sides of the change, and cuts off // spans partially within the change. Returns an array of span // arrays with one element for each line in (after) the change. function stretchSpansOverChange(doc, change) { if (change.full) return null; var oldFirst = isLine(doc, change.from.line) && getLine(doc, change.from.line).markedSpans; var oldLast = isLine(doc, change.to.line) && getLine(doc, change.to.line).markedSpans; if (!oldFirst && !oldLast) return null; var startCh = change.from.ch, endCh = change.to.ch, isInsert = cmp(change.from, change.to) == 0; // Get the spans that 'stick out' on both sides var first = markedSpansBefore(oldFirst, startCh, isInsert); var last = markedSpansAfter(oldLast, endCh, isInsert); // Next, merge those two ends var sameLine = change.text.length == 1, offset = lst(change.text).length + (sameLine ? startCh : 0); if (first) { // Fix up .to properties of first for (var i = 0; i < first.length; ++i) { var span = first[i]; if (span.to == null) { var found = getMarkedSpanFor(last, span.marker); if (!found) span.to = startCh; else if (sameLine) span.to = found.to == null ? null : found.to + offset; } } } if (last) { // Fix up .from in last (or move them into first in case of sameLine) for (var i = 0; i < last.length; ++i) { var span = last[i]; if (span.to != null) span.to += offset; if (span.from == null) { var found = getMarkedSpanFor(first, span.marker); if (!found) { span.from = offset; if (sameLine) (first || (first = [])).push(span); } } else { span.from += offset; if (sameLine) (first || (first = [])).push(span); } } } // Make sure we didn't create any zero-length spans if (first) first = clearEmptySpans(first); if (last && last != first) last = clearEmptySpans(last); var newMarkers = [first]; if (!sameLine) { // Fill gap with whole-line-spans var gap = change.text.length - 2, gapMarkers; if (gap > 0 && first) for (var i = 0; i < first.length; ++i) if (first[i].to == null) (gapMarkers || (gapMarkers = [])).push(new MarkedSpan(first[i].marker, null, null)); for (var i = 0; i < gap; ++i) newMarkers.push(gapMarkers); newMarkers.push(last); } return newMarkers; } // Remove spans that are empty and don't have a clearWhenEmpty // option of false. function clearEmptySpans(spans) { for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; ++i) { var span = spans[i]; if (span.from != null && span.from == span.to && span.marker.clearWhenEmpty !== false) spans.splice(i--, 1); } if (!spans.length) return null; return spans; } // Used for un/re-doing changes from the history. Combines the // result of computing the existing spans with the set of spans that // existed in the history (so that deleting around a span and then // undoing brings back the span). function mergeOldSpans(doc, change) { var old = getOldSpans(doc, change); var stretched = stretchSpansOverChange(doc, change); if (!old) return stretched; if (!stretched) return old; for (var i = 0; i < old.length; ++i) { var oldCur = old[i], stretchCur = stretched[i]; if (oldCur && stretchCur) { spans: for (var j = 0; j < stretchCur.length; ++j) { var span = stretchCur[j]; for (var k = 0; k < oldCur.length; ++k) if (oldCur[k].marker == span.marker) continue spans; oldCur.push(span); } } else if (stretchCur) { old[i] = stretchCur; } } return old; } // Used to 'clip' out readOnly ranges when making a change. function removeReadOnlyRanges(doc, from, to) { var markers = null; doc.iter(from.line, to.line + 1, function(line) { if (line.markedSpans) for (var i = 0; i < line.markedSpans.length; ++i) { var mark = line.markedSpans[i].marker; if (mark.readOnly && (!markers || indexOf(markers, mark) == -1)) (markers || (markers = [])).push(mark); } }); if (!markers) return null; var parts = [{from: from, to: to}]; for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; ++i) { var mk = markers[i], m = mk.find(0); for (var j = 0; j < parts.length; ++j) { var p = parts[j]; if (cmp(p.to, m.from) < 0 || cmp(p.from, m.to) > 0) continue; var newParts = [j, 1], dfrom = cmp(p.from, m.from), dto = cmp(p.to, m.to); if (dfrom < 0 || !mk.inclusiveLeft && !dfrom) newParts.push({from: p.from, to: m.from}); if (dto > 0 || !mk.inclusiveRight && !dto) newParts.push({from: m.to, to: p.to}); parts.splice.apply(parts, newParts); j += newParts.length - 1; } } return parts; } // Connect or disconnect spans from a line. function detachMarkedSpans(line) { var spans = line.markedSpans; if (!spans) return; for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; ++i) spans[i].marker.detachLine(line); line.markedSpans = null; } function attachMarkedSpans(line, spans) { if (!spans) return; for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; ++i) spans[i].marker.attachLine(line); line.markedSpans = spans; } // Helpers used when computing which overlapping collapsed span // counts as the larger one. function extraLeft(marker) { return marker.inclusiveLeft ? -1 : 0; } function extraRight(marker) { return marker.inclusiveRight ? 1 : 0; } // Returns a number indicating which of two overlapping collapsed // spans is larger (and thus includes the other). Falls back to // comparing ids when the spans cover exactly the same range. function compareCollapsedMarkers(a, b) { var lenDiff = a.lines.length - b.lines.length; if (lenDiff != 0) return lenDiff; var aPos = a.find(), bPos = b.find(); var fromCmp = cmp(aPos.from, bPos.from) || extraLeft(a) - extraLeft(b); if (fromCmp) return -fromCmp; var toCmp = cmp(aPos.to, bPos.to) || extraRight(a) - extraRight(b); if (toCmp) return toCmp; return b.id - a.id; } // Find out whether a line ends or starts in a collapsed span. If // so, return the marker for that span. function collapsedSpanAtSide(line, start) { var sps = sawCollapsedSpans && line.markedSpans, found; if (sps) for (var sp, i = 0; i < sps.length; ++i) { sp = sps[i]; if (sp.marker.collapsed && (start ? sp.from : sp.to) == null && (!found || compareCollapsedMarkers(found, sp.marker) < 0)) found = sp.marker; } return found; } function collapsedSpanAtStart(line) { return collapsedSpanAtSide(line, true); } function collapsedSpanAtEnd(line) { return collapsedSpanAtSide(line, false); } // Test whether there exists a collapsed span that partially // overlaps (covers the start or end, but not both) of a new span. // Such overlap is not allowed. function conflictingCollapsedRange(doc, lineNo, from, to, marker) { var line = getLine(doc, lineNo); var sps = sawCollapsedSpans && line.markedSpans; if (sps) for (var i = 0; i < sps.length; ++i) { var sp = sps[i]; if (!sp.marker.collapsed) continue; var found = sp.marker.find(0); var fromCmp = cmp(found.from, from) || extraLeft(sp.marker) - extraLeft(marker); var toCmp = cmp(found.to, to) || extraRight(sp.marker) - extraRight(marker); if (fromCmp >= 0 && toCmp <= 0 || fromCmp <= 0 && toCmp >= 0) continue; if (fromCmp <= 0 && (cmp(found.to, from) > 0 || (sp.marker.inclusiveRight && marker.inclusiveLeft)) || fromCmp >= 0 && (cmp(found.from, to) < 0 || (sp.marker.inclusiveLeft && marker.inclusiveRight))) return true; } } // A visual line is a line as drawn on the screen. Folding, for // example, can cause multiple logical lines to appear on the same // visual line. This finds the start of the visual line that the // given line is part of (usually that is the line itself). function visualLine(line) { var merged; while (merged = collapsedSpanAtStart(line)) line = merged.find(-1, true).line; return line; } // Returns an array of logical lines that continue the visual line // started by the argument, or undefined if there are no such lines. function visualLineContinued(line) { var merged, lines; while (merged = collapsedSpanAtEnd(line)) { line = merged.find(1, true).line; (lines || (lines = [])).push(line); } return lines; } // Get the line number of the start of the visual line that the // given line number is part of. function visualLineNo(doc, lineN) { var line = getLine(doc, lineN), vis = visualLine(line); if (line == vis) return lineN; return lineNo(vis); } // Get the line number of the start of the next visual line after // the given line. function visualLineEndNo(doc, lineN) { if (lineN > doc.lastLine()) return lineN; var line = getLine(doc, lineN), merged; if (!lineIsHidden(doc, line)) return lineN; while (merged = collapsedSpanAtEnd(line)) line = merged.find(1, true).line; return lineNo(line) + 1; } // Compute whether a line is hidden. Lines count as hidden when they // are part of a visual line that starts with another line, or when // they are entirely covered by collapsed, non-widget span. function lineIsHidden(doc, line) { var sps = sawCollapsedSpans && line.markedSpans; if (sps) for (var sp, i = 0; i < sps.length; ++i) { sp = sps[i]; if (!sp.marker.collapsed) continue; if (sp.from == null) return true; if (sp.marker.widgetNode) continue; if (sp.from == 0 && sp.marker.inclusiveLeft && lineIsHiddenInner(doc, line, sp)) return true; } } function lineIsHiddenInner(doc, line, span) { if (span.to == null) { var end = span.marker.find(1, true); return lineIsHiddenInner(doc, end.line, getMarkedSpanFor(end.line.markedSpans, span.marker)); } if (span.marker.inclusiveRight && span.to == line.text.length) return true; for (var sp, i = 0; i < line.markedSpans.length; ++i) { sp = line.markedSpans[i]; if (sp.marker.collapsed && !sp.marker.widgetNode && sp.from == span.to && (sp.to == null || sp.to != span.from) && (sp.marker.inclusiveLeft || span.marker.inclusiveRight) && lineIsHiddenInner(doc, line, sp)) return true; } } // LINE WIDGETS // Line widgets are block elements displayed above or below a line. var LineWidget = CodeMirror.LineWidget = function(doc, node, options) { if (options) for (var opt in options) if (options.hasOwnProperty(opt)) this[opt] = options[opt]; this.doc = doc; this.node = node; }; eventMixin(LineWidget); function adjustScrollWhenAboveVisible(cm, line, diff) { if (heightAtLine(line) < ((cm.curOp && cm.curOp.scrollTop) || cm.doc.scrollTop)) addToScrollPos(cm, null, diff); } LineWidget.prototype.clear = function() { var cm = this.doc.cm, ws = this.line.widgets, line = this.line, no = lineNo(line); if (no == null || !ws) return; for (var i = 0; i < ws.length; ++i) if (ws[i] == this) ws.splice(i--, 1); if (!ws.length) line.widgets = null; var height = widgetHeight(this); updateLineHeight(line, Math.max(0, line.height - height)); if (cm) runInOp(cm, function() { adjustScrollWhenAboveVisible(cm, line, -height); regLineChange(cm, no, "widget"); }); }; LineWidget.prototype.changed = function() { var oldH = this.height, cm = this.doc.cm, line = this.line; this.height = null; var diff = widgetHeight(this) - oldH; if (!diff) return; updateLineHeight(line, line.height + diff); if (cm) runInOp(cm, function() { cm.curOp.forceUpdate = true; adjustScrollWhenAboveVisible(cm, line, diff); }); }; function widgetHeight(widget) { if (widget.height != null) return widget.height; var cm = widget.doc.cm; if (!cm) return 0; if (!contains(document.body, widget.node)) { var parentStyle = "position: relative;"; if (widget.coverGutter) parentStyle += "margin-left: -" + cm.display.gutters.offsetWidth + "px;"; if (widget.noHScroll) parentStyle += "width: " + cm.display.wrapper.clientWidth + "px;"; removeChildrenAndAdd(cm.display.measure, elt("div", [widget.node], null, parentStyle)); } return widget.height = widget.node.offsetHeight; } function addLineWidget(doc, handle, node, options) { var widget = new LineWidget(doc, node, options); var cm = doc.cm; if (cm && widget.noHScroll) cm.display.alignWidgets = true; changeLine(doc, handle, "widget", function(line) { var widgets = line.widgets || (line.widgets = []); if (widget.insertAt == null) widgets.push(widget); else widgets.splice(Math.min(widgets.length - 1, Math.max(0, widget.insertAt)), 0, widget); widget.line = line; if (cm && !lineIsHidden(doc, line)) { var aboveVisible = heightAtLine(line) < doc.scrollTop; updateLineHeight(line, line.height + widgetHeight(widget)); if (aboveVisible) addToScrollPos(cm, null, widget.height); cm.curOp.forceUpdate = true; } return true; }); return widget; } // LINE DATA STRUCTURE // Line objects. These hold state related to a line, including // highlighting info (the styles array). var Line = CodeMirror.Line = function(text, markedSpans, estimateHeight) { this.text = text; attachMarkedSpans(this, markedSpans); this.height = estimateHeight ? estimateHeight(this) : 1; }; eventMixin(Line); Line.prototype.lineNo = function() { return lineNo(this); }; // Change the content (text, markers) of a line. Automatically // invalidates cached information and tries to re-estimate the // line's height. function updateLine(line, text, markedSpans, estimateHeight) { line.text = text; if (line.stateAfter) line.stateAfter = null; if (line.styles) line.styles = null; if (line.order != null) line.order = null; detachMarkedSpans(line); attachMarkedSpans(line, markedSpans); var estHeight = estimateHeight ? estimateHeight(line) : 1; if (estHeight != line.height) updateLineHeight(line, estHeight); } // Detach a line from the document tree and its markers. function cleanUpLine(line) { line.parent = null; detachMarkedSpans(line); } function extractLineClasses(type, output) { if (type) for (;;) { var lineClass = type.match(/(?:^|\s+)line-(background-)?(\S+)/); if (!lineClass) break; type = type.slice(0, lineClass.index) + type.slice(lineClass.index + lineClass[0].length); var prop = lineClass[1] ? "bgClass" : "textClass"; if (output[prop] == null) output[prop] = lineClass[2]; else if (!(new RegExp("(?:^|\s)" + lineClass[2] + "(?:$|\s)")).test(output[prop])) output[prop] += " " + lineClass[2]; } return type; } function callBlankLine(mode, state) { if (mode.blankLine) return mode.blankLine(state); if (!mode.innerMode) return; var inner = CodeMirror.innerMode(mode, state); if (inner.mode.blankLine) return inner.mode.blankLine(inner.state); } function readToken(mode, stream, state, inner) { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (inner) inner[0] = CodeMirror.innerMode(mode, state).mode; var style = mode.token(stream, state); if (stream.pos > stream.start) return style; } throw new Error("Mode " + mode.name + " failed to advance stream."); } // Utility for getTokenAt and getLineTokens function takeToken(cm, pos, precise, asArray) { function getObj(copy) { return {start: stream.start, end: stream.pos, string: stream.current(), type: style || null, state: copy ? copyState(doc.mode, state) : state}; } var doc = cm.doc, mode = doc.mode, style; pos = clipPos(doc, pos); var line = getLine(doc, pos.line), state = getStateBefore(cm, pos.line, precise); var stream = new StringStream(line.text, cm.options.tabSize), tokens; if (asArray) tokens = []; while ((asArray || stream.pos < pos.ch) && !stream.eol()) { stream.start = stream.pos; style = readToken(mode, stream, state); if (asArray) tokens.push(getObj(true)); } return asArray ? tokens : getObj(); } // Run the given mode's parser over a line, calling f for each token. function runMode(cm, text, mode, state, f, lineClasses, forceToEnd) { var flattenSpans = mode.flattenSpans; if (flattenSpans == null) flattenSpans = cm.options.flattenSpans; var curStart = 0, curStyle = null; var stream = new StringStream(text, cm.options.tabSize), style; var inner = cm.options.addModeClass && [null]; if (text == "") extractLineClasses(callBlankLine(mode, state), lineClasses); while (!stream.eol()) { if (stream.pos > cm.options.maxHighlightLength) { flattenSpans = false; if (forceToEnd) processLine(cm, text, state, stream.pos); stream.pos = text.length; style = null; } else { style = extractLineClasses(readToken(mode, stream, state, inner), lineClasses); } if (inner) { var mName = inner[0].name; if (mName) style = "m-" + (style ? mName + " " + style : mName); } if (!flattenSpans || curStyle != style) { while (curStart < stream.start) { curStart = Math.min(stream.start, curStart + 50000); f(curStart, curStyle); } curStyle = style; } stream.start = stream.pos; } while (curStart < stream.pos) { // Webkit seems to refuse to render text nodes longer than 57444 characters var pos = Math.min(stream.pos, curStart + 50000); f(pos, curStyle); curStart = pos; } } // Compute a style array (an array starting with a mode generation // -- for invalidation -- followed by pairs of end positions and // style strings), which is used to highlight the tokens on the // line. function highlightLine(cm, line, state, forceToEnd) { // A styles array always starts with a number identifying the // mode/overlays that it is based on (for easy invalidation). var st = [cm.state.modeGen], lineClasses = {}; // Compute the base array of styles runMode(cm, line.text, cm.doc.mode, state, function(end, style) { st.push(end, style); }, lineClasses, forceToEnd); // Run overlays, adjust style array. for (var o = 0; o < cm.state.overlays.length; ++o) { var overlay = cm.state.overlays[o], i = 1, at = 0; runMode(cm, line.text, overlay.mode, true, function(end, style) { var start = i; // Ensure there's a token end at the current position, and that i points at it while (at < end) { var i_end = st[i]; if (i_end > end) st.splice(i, 1, end, st[i+1], i_end); i += 2; at = Math.min(end, i_end); } if (!style) return; if (overlay.opaque) { st.splice(start, i - start, end, "cm-overlay " + style); i = start + 2; } else { for (; start < i; start += 2) { var cur = st[start+1]; st[start+1] = (cur ? cur + " " : "") + "cm-overlay " + style; } } }, lineClasses); } return {styles: st, classes: lineClasses.bgClass || lineClasses.textClass ? lineClasses : null}; } function getLineStyles(cm, line, updateFrontier) { if (!line.styles || line.styles[0] != cm.state.modeGen) { var result = highlightLine(cm, line, line.stateAfter = getStateBefore(cm, lineNo(line))); line.styles = result.styles; if (result.classes) line.styleClasses = result.classes; else if (line.styleClasses) line.styleClasses = null; if (updateFrontier === cm.doc.frontier) cm.doc.frontier++; } return line.styles; } // Lightweight form of highlight -- proceed over this line and // update state, but don't save a style array. Used for lines that // aren't currently visible. function processLine(cm, text, state, startAt) { var mode = cm.doc.mode; var stream = new StringStream(text, cm.options.tabSize); stream.start = stream.pos = startAt || 0; if (text == "") callBlankLine(mode, state); while (!stream.eol() && stream.pos <= cm.options.maxHighlightLength) { readToken(mode, stream, state); stream.start = stream.pos; } } // Convert a style as returned by a mode (either null, or a string // containing one or more styles) to a CSS style. This is cached, // and also looks for line-wide styles. var styleToClassCache = {}, styleToClassCacheWithMode = {}; function interpretTokenStyle(style, options) { if (!style || /^\s*$/.test(style)) return null; var cache = options.addModeClass ? styleToClassCacheWithMode : styleToClassCache; return cache[style] || (cache[style] = style.replace(/\S+/g, "cm-$&")); } // Render the DOM representation of the text of a line. Also builds // up a 'line map', which points at the DOM nodes that represent // specific stretches of text, and is used by the measuring code. // The returned object contains the DOM node, this map, and // information about line-wide styles that were set by the mode. function buildLineContent(cm, lineView) { // The padding-right forces the element to have a 'border', which // is needed on Webkit to be able to get line-level bounding // rectangles for it (in measureChar). var content = elt("span", null, null, webkit ? "padding-right: .1px" : null); var builder = {pre: elt("pre", [content], "CodeMirror-line"), content: content, col: 0, pos: 0, cm: cm, splitSpaces: (ie || webkit) && cm.getOption("lineWrapping")}; lineView.measure = {}; // Iterate over the logical lines that make up this visual line. for (var i = 0; i <= (lineView.rest ? lineView.rest.length : 0); i++) { var line = i ? lineView.rest[i - 1] : lineView.line, order; builder.pos = 0; builder.addToken = buildToken; // Optionally wire in some hacks into the token-rendering // algorithm, to deal with browser quirks. if (hasBadBidiRects(cm.display.measure) && (order = getOrder(line))) builder.addToken = buildTokenBadBidi(builder.addToken, order); builder.map = []; var allowFrontierUpdate = lineView != cm.display.externalMeasured && lineNo(line); insertLineContent(line, builder, getLineStyles(cm, line, allowFrontierUpdate)); if (line.styleClasses) { if (line.styleClasses.bgClass) builder.bgClass = joinClasses(line.styleClasses.bgClass, builder.bgClass || ""); if (line.styleClasses.textClass) builder.textClass = joinClasses(line.styleClasses.textClass, builder.textClass || ""); } // Ensure at least a single node is present, for measuring. if (builder.map.length == 0) builder.map.push(0, 0, builder.content.appendChild(zeroWidthElement(cm.display.measure))); // Store the map and a cache object for the current logical line if (i == 0) { lineView.measure.map = builder.map; lineView.measure.cache = {}; } else { (lineView.measure.maps || (lineView.measure.maps = [])).push(builder.map); (lineView.measure.caches || (lineView.measure.caches = [])).push({}); } } // See issue #2901 if (webkit && /\bcm-tab\b/.test(builder.content.lastChild.className)) builder.content.className = "cm-tab-wrap-hack"; signal(cm, "renderLine", cm, lineView.line, builder.pre); if (builder.pre.className) builder.textClass = joinClasses(builder.pre.className, builder.textClass || ""); return builder; } function defaultSpecialCharPlaceholder(ch) { var token = elt("span", "\u2022", "cm-invalidchar"); token.title = "\\u" + ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16); token.setAttribute("aria-label", token.title); return token; } // Build up the DOM representation for a single token, and add it to // the line map. Takes care to render special characters separately. function buildToken(builder, text, style, startStyle, endStyle, title, css) { if (!text) return; var displayText = builder.splitSpaces ? text.replace(/ {3,}/g, splitSpaces) : text; var special = builder.cm.state.specialChars, mustWrap = false; if (!special.test(text)) { builder.col += text.length; var content = document.createTextNode(displayText); builder.map.push(builder.pos, builder.pos + text.length, content); if (ie && ie_version < 9) mustWrap = true; builder.pos += text.length; } else { var content = document.createDocumentFragment(), pos = 0; while (true) { special.lastIndex = pos; var m = special.exec(text); var skipped = m ? m.index - pos : text.length - pos; if (skipped) { var txt = document.createTextNode(displayText.slice(pos, pos + skipped)); if (ie && ie_version < 9) content.appendChild(elt("span", [txt])); else content.appendChild(txt); builder.map.push(builder.pos, builder.pos + skipped, txt); builder.col += skipped; builder.pos += skipped; } if (!m) break; pos += skipped + 1; if (m[0] == "\t") { var tabSize = builder.cm.options.tabSize, tabWidth = tabSize - builder.col % tabSize; var txt = content.appendChild(elt("span", spaceStr(tabWidth), "cm-tab")); txt.setAttribute("role", "presentation"); txt.setAttribute("cm-text", "\t"); builder.col += tabWidth; } else { var txt = builder.cm.options.specialCharPlaceholder(m[0]); txt.setAttribute("cm-text", m[0]); if (ie && ie_version < 9) content.appendChild(elt("span", [txt])); else content.appendChild(txt); builder.col += 1; } builder.map.push(builder.pos, builder.pos + 1, txt); builder.pos++; } } if (style || startStyle || endStyle || mustWrap || css) { var fullStyle = style || ""; if (startStyle) fullStyle += startStyle; if (endStyle) fullStyle += endStyle; var token = elt("span", [content], fullStyle, css); if (title) token.title = title; return builder.content.appendChild(token); } builder.content.appendChild(content); } function splitSpaces(old) { var out = " "; for (var i = 0; i < old.length - 2; ++i) out += i % 2 ? " " : "\u00a0"; out += " "; return out; } // Work around nonsense dimensions being reported for stretches of // right-to-left text. function buildTokenBadBidi(inner, order) { return function(builder, text, style, startStyle, endStyle, title, css) { style = style ? style + " cm-force-border" : "cm-force-border"; var start = builder.pos, end = start + text.length; for (;;) { // Find the part that overlaps with the start of this text for (var i = 0; i < order.length; i++) { var part = order[i]; if (part.to > start && part.from <= start) break; } if (part.to >= end) return inner(builder, text, style, startStyle, endStyle, title, css); inner(builder, text.slice(0, part.to - start), style, startStyle, null, title, css); startStyle = null; text = text.slice(part.to - start); start = part.to; } }; } function buildCollapsedSpan(builder, size, marker, ignoreWidget) { var widget = !ignoreWidget && marker.widgetNode; if (widget) builder.map.push(builder.pos, builder.pos + size, widget); if (!ignoreWidget && builder.cm.display.input.needsContentAttribute) { if (!widget) widget = builder.content.appendChild(document.createElement("span")); widget.setAttribute("cm-marker", marker.id); } if (widget) { builder.cm.display.input.setUneditable(widget); builder.content.appendChild(widget); } builder.pos += size; } // Outputs a number of spans to make up a line, taking highlighting // and marked text into account. function insertLineContent(line, builder, styles) { var spans = line.markedSpans, allText = line.text, at = 0; if (!spans) { for (var i = 1; i < styles.length; i+=2) builder.addToken(builder, allText.slice(at, at = styles[i]), interpretTokenStyle(styles[i+1], builder.cm.options)); return; } var len = allText.length, pos = 0, i = 1, text = "", style, css; var nextChange = 0, spanStyle, spanEndStyle, spanStartStyle, title, collapsed; for (;;) { if (nextChange == pos) { // Update current marker set spanStyle = spanEndStyle = spanStartStyle = title = css = ""; collapsed = null; nextChange = Infinity; var foundBookmarks = []; for (var j = 0; j < spans.length; ++j) { var sp = spans[j], m = sp.marker; if (m.type == "bookmark" && sp.from == pos && m.widgetNode) { foundBookmarks.push(m); } else if (sp.from <= pos && (sp.to == null || sp.to > pos || m.collapsed && sp.to == pos && sp.from == pos)) { if (sp.to != null && sp.to != pos && nextChange > sp.to) { nextChange = sp.to; spanEndStyle = ""; } if (m.className) spanStyle += " " + m.className; if (m.css) css = m.css; if (m.startStyle && sp.from == pos) spanStartStyle += " " + m.startStyle; if (m.endStyle && sp.to == nextChange) spanEndStyle += " " + m.endStyle; if (m.title && !title) title = m.title; if (m.collapsed && (!collapsed || compareCollapsedMarkers(collapsed.marker, m) < 0)) collapsed = sp; } else if (sp.from > pos && nextChange > sp.from) { nextChange = sp.from; } } if (collapsed && (collapsed.from || 0) == pos) { buildCollapsedSpan(builder, (collapsed.to == null ? len + 1 : collapsed.to) - pos, collapsed.marker, collapsed.from == null); if (collapsed.to == null) return; if (collapsed.to == pos) collapsed = false; } if (!collapsed && foundBookmarks.length) for (var j = 0; j < foundBookmarks.length; ++j) buildCollapsedSpan(builder, 0, foundBookmarks[j]); } if (pos >= len) break; var upto = Math.min(len, nextChange); while (true) { if (text) { var end = pos + text.length; if (!collapsed) { var tokenText = end > upto ? text.slice(0, upto - pos) : text; builder.addToken(builder, tokenText, style ? style + spanStyle : spanStyle, spanStartStyle, pos + tokenText.length == nextChange ? spanEndStyle : "", title, css); } if (end >= upto) {text = text.slice(upto - pos); pos = upto; break;} pos = end; spanStartStyle = ""; } text = allText.slice(at, at = styles[i++]); style = interpretTokenStyle(styles[i++], builder.cm.options); } } } // DOCUMENT DATA STRUCTURE // By default, updates that start and end at the beginning of a line // are treated specially, in order to make the association of line // widgets and marker elements with the text behave more intuitive. function isWholeLineUpdate(doc, change) { return change.from.ch == 0 && change.to.ch == 0 && lst(change.text) == "" && (!doc.cm || doc.cm.options.wholeLineUpdateBefore); } // Perform a change on the document data structure. function updateDoc(doc, change, markedSpans, estimateHeight) { function spansFor(n) {return markedSpans ? markedSpans[n] : null;} function update(line, text, spans) { updateLine(line, text, spans, estimateHeight); signalLater(line, "change", line, change); } function linesFor(start, end) { for (var i = start, result = []; i < end; ++i) result.push(new Line(text[i], spansFor(i), estimateHeight)); return result; } var from = change.from, to = change.to, text = change.text; var firstLine = getLine(doc, from.line), lastLine = getLine(doc, to.line); var lastText = lst(text), lastSpans = spansFor(text.length - 1), nlines = to.line - from.line; // Adjust the line structure if (change.full) { doc.insert(0, linesFor(0, text.length)); doc.remove(text.length, doc.size - text.length); } else if (isWholeLineUpdate(doc, change)) { // This is a whole-line replace. Treated specially to make // sure line objects move the way they are supposed to. var added = linesFor(0, text.length - 1); update(lastLine, lastLine.text, lastSpans); if (nlines) doc.remove(from.line, nlines); if (added.length) doc.insert(from.line, added); } else if (firstLine == lastLine) { if (text.length == 1) { update(firstLine, firstLine.text.slice(0, from.ch) + lastText + firstLine.text.slice(to.ch), lastSpans); } else { var added = linesFor(1, text.length - 1); added.push(new Line(lastText + firstLine.text.slice(to.ch), lastSpans, estimateHeight)); update(firstLine, firstLine.text.slice(0, from.ch) + text[0], spansFor(0)); doc.insert(from.line + 1, added); } } else if (text.length == 1) { update(firstLine, firstLine.text.slice(0, from.ch) + text[0] + lastLine.text.slice(to.ch), spansFor(0)); doc.remove(from.line + 1, nlines); } else { update(firstLine, firstLine.text.slice(0, from.ch) + text[0], spansFor(0)); update(lastLine, lastText + lastLine.text.slice(to.ch), lastSpans); var added = linesFor(1, text.length - 1); if (nlines > 1) doc.remove(from.line + 1, nlines - 1); doc.insert(from.line + 1, added); } signalLater(doc, "change", doc, change); } // The document is represented as a BTree consisting of leaves, with // chunk of lines in them, and branches, with up to ten leaves or // other branch nodes below them. The top node is always a branch // node, and is the document object itself (meaning it has // additional methods and properties). // // All nodes have parent links. The tree is used both to go from // line numbers to line objects, and to go from objects to numbers. // It also indexes by height, and is used to convert between height // and line object, and to find the total height of the document. // // See also http://marijnhaverbeke.nl/blog/codemirror-line-tree.html function LeafChunk(lines) { this.lines = lines; this.parent = null; for (var i = 0, height = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { lines[i].parent = this; height += lines[i].height; } this.height = height; } LeafChunk.prototype = { chunkSize: function() { return this.lines.length; }, // Remove the n lines at offset 'at'. removeInner: function(at, n) { for (var i = at, e = at + n; i < e; ++i) { var line = this.lines[i]; this.height -= line.height; cleanUpLine(line); signalLater(line, "delete"); } this.lines.splice(at, n); }, // Helper used to collapse a small branch into a single leaf. collapse: function(lines) { lines.push.apply(lines, this.lines); }, // Insert the given array of lines at offset 'at', count them as // having the given height. insertInner: function(at, lines, height) { this.height += height; this.lines = this.lines.slice(0, at).concat(lines).concat(this.lines.slice(at)); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) lines[i].parent = this; }, // Used to iterate over a part of the tree. iterN: function(at, n, op) { for (var e = at + n; at < e; ++at) if (op(this.lines[at])) return true; } }; function BranchChunk(children) { this.children = children; var size = 0, height = 0; for (var i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) { var ch = children[i]; size += ch.chunkSize(); height += ch.height; ch.parent = this; } this.size = size; this.height = height; this.parent = null; } BranchChunk.prototype = { chunkSize: function() { return this.size; }, removeInner: function(at, n) { this.size -= n; for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; ++i) { var child = this.children[i], sz = child.chunkSize(); if (at < sz) { var rm = Math.min(n, sz - at), oldHeight = child.height; child.removeInner(at, rm); this.height -= oldHeight - child.height; if (sz == rm) { this.children.splice(i--, 1); child.parent = null; } if ((n -= rm) == 0) break; at = 0; } else at -= sz; } // If the result is smaller than 25 lines, ensure that it is a // single leaf node. if (this.size - n < 25 && (this.children.length > 1 || !(this.children[0] instanceof LeafChunk))) { var lines = []; this.collapse(lines); this.children = [new LeafChunk(lines)]; this.children[0].parent = this; } }, collapse: function(lines) { for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; ++i) this.children[i].collapse(lines); }, insertInner: function(at, lines, height) { this.size += lines.length; this.height += height; for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; ++i) { var child = this.children[i], sz = child.chunkSize(); if (at <= sz) { child.insertInner(at, lines, height); if (child.lines && child.lines.length > 50) { while (child.lines.length > 50) { var spilled = child.lines.splice(child.lines.length - 25, 25); var newleaf = new LeafChunk(spilled); child.height -= newleaf.height; this.children.splice(i + 1, 0, newleaf); newleaf.parent = this; } this.maybeSpill(); } break; } at -= sz; } }, // When a node has grown, check whether it should be split. maybeSpill: function() { if (this.children.length <= 10) return; var me = this; do { var spilled = me.children.splice(me.children.length - 5, 5); var sibling = new BranchChunk(spilled); if (!me.parent) { // Become the parent node var copy = new BranchChunk(me.children); copy.parent = me; me.children = [copy, sibling]; me = copy; } else { me.size -= sibling.size; me.height -= sibling.height; var myIndex = indexOf(me.parent.children, me); me.parent.children.splice(myIndex + 1, 0, sibling); } sibling.parent = me.parent; } while (me.children.length > 10); me.parent.maybeSpill(); }, iterN: function(at, n, op) { for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; ++i) { var child = this.children[i], sz = child.chunkSize(); if (at < sz) { var used = Math.min(n, sz - at); if (child.iterN(at, used, op)) return true; if ((n -= used) == 0) break; at = 0; } else at -= sz; } } }; var nextDocId = 0; var Doc = CodeMirror.Doc = function(text, mode, firstLine) { if (!(this instanceof Doc)) return new Doc(text, mode, firstLine); if (firstLine == null) firstLine = 0; BranchChunk.call(this, [new LeafChunk([new Line("", null)])]); this.first = firstLine; this.scrollTop = this.scrollLeft = 0; this.cantEdit = false; this.cleanGeneration = 1; this.frontier = firstLine; var start = Pos(firstLine, 0); this.sel = simpleSelection(start); this.history = new History(null); this.id = ++nextDocId; this.modeOption = mode; if (typeof text == "string") text = splitLines(text); updateDoc(this, {from: start, to: start, text: text}); setSelection(this, simpleSelection(start), sel_dontScroll); }; Doc.prototype = createObj(BranchChunk.prototype, { constructor: Doc, // Iterate over the document. Supports two forms -- with only one // argument, it calls that for each line in the document. With // three, it iterates over the range given by the first two (with // the second being non-inclusive). iter: function(from, to, op) { if (op) this.iterN(from - this.first, to - from, op); else this.iterN(this.first, this.first + this.size, from); }, // Non-public interface for adding and removing lines. insert: function(at, lines) { var height = 0; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) height += lines[i].height; this.insertInner(at - this.first, lines, height); }, remove: function(at, n) { this.removeInner(at - this.first, n); }, // From here, the methods are part of the public interface. Most // are also available from CodeMirror (editor) instances. getValue: function(lineSep, lineFilter) { var lines = getLines(this, this.first, this.first + this.size, lineFilter); if (lineSep === false) return lines; return lines.join(lineSep || "\n"); }, setValue: docMethodOp(function(code) { var top = Pos(this.first, 0), last = this.first + this.size - 1; makeChange(this, {from: top, to: Pos(last, getLine(this, last).text.length), text: splitLines(code), origin: "setValue", full: true}, true); setSelection(this, simpleSelection(top)); }), replaceRange: function(code, from, to, origin) { from = clipPos(this, from); to = to ? clipPos(this, to) : from; replaceRange(this, code, from, to, origin); }, getRange: function(from, to, lineSep) { var lines = getBetween(this, clipPos(this, from), clipPos(this, to)); if (lineSep === false) return lines; return lines.join(lineSep || "\n"); }, getLine: function(line) {var l = this.getLineHandle(line); return l && l.text;}, getLineHandle: function(line) {if (isLine(this, line)) return getLine(this, line);}, getLineNumber: function(line) {return lineNo(line);}, getLineHandleVisualStart: function(line) { if (typeof line == "number") line = getLine(this, line); return visualLine(line); }, lineCount: function() {return this.size;}, firstLine: function() {return this.first;}, lastLine: function() {return this.first + this.size - 1;}, clipPos: function(pos) {return clipPos(this, pos);}, getCursor: function(start) { var range = this.sel.primary(), pos; if (start == null || start == "head") pos = range.head; else if (start == "anchor") pos = range.anchor; else if (start == "end" || start == "to" || start === false) pos = range.to(); else pos = range.from(); return pos; }, listSelections: function() { return this.sel.ranges; }, somethingSelected: function() {return this.sel.somethingSelected();}, setCursor: docMethodOp(function(line, ch, options) { setSimpleSelection(this, clipPos(this, typeof line == "number" ? Pos(line, ch || 0) : line), null, options); }), setSelection: docMethodOp(function(anchor, head, options) { setSimpleSelection(this, clipPos(this, anchor), clipPos(this, head || anchor), options); }), extendSelection: docMethodOp(function(head, other, options) { extendSelection(this, clipPos(this, head), other && clipPos(this, other), options); }), extendSelections: docMethodOp(function(heads, options) { extendSelections(this, clipPosArray(this, heads, options)); }), extendSelectionsBy: docMethodOp(function(f, options) { extendSelections(this, map(this.sel.ranges, f), options); }), setSelections: docMethodOp(function(ranges, primary, options) { if (!ranges.length) return; for (var i = 0, out = []; i < ranges.length; i++) out[i] = new Range(clipPos(this, ranges[i].anchor), clipPos(this, ranges[i].head)); if (primary == null) primary = Math.min(ranges.length - 1, this.sel.primIndex); setSelection(this, normalizeSelection(out, primary), options); }), addSelection: docMethodOp(function(anchor, head, options) { var ranges = this.sel.ranges.slice(0); ranges.push(new Range(clipPos(this, anchor), clipPos(this, head || anchor))); setSelection(this, normalizeSelection(ranges, ranges.length - 1), options); }), getSelection: function(lineSep) { var ranges = this.sel.ranges, lines; for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { var sel = getBetween(this, ranges[i].from(), ranges[i].to()); lines = lines ? lines.concat(sel) : sel; } if (lineSep === false) return lines; else return lines.join(lineSep || "\n"); }, getSelections: function(lineSep) { var parts = [], ranges = this.sel.ranges; for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { var sel = getBetween(this, ranges[i].from(), ranges[i].to()); if (lineSep !== false) sel = sel.join(lineSep || "\n"); parts[i] = sel; } return parts; }, replaceSelection: function(code, collapse, origin) { var dup = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.sel.ranges.length; i++) dup[i] = code; this.replaceSelections(dup, collapse, origin || "+input"); }, replaceSelections: docMethodOp(function(code, collapse, origin) { var changes = [], sel = this.sel; for (var i = 0; i < sel.ranges.length; i++) { var range = sel.ranges[i]; changes[i] = {from: range.from(), to: range.to(), text: splitLines(code[i]), origin: origin}; } var newSel = collapse && collapse != "end" && computeReplacedSel(this, changes, collapse); for (var i = changes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) makeChange(this, changes[i]); if (newSel) setSelectionReplaceHistory(this, newSel); else if (this.cm) ensureCursorVisible(this.cm); }), undo: docMethodOp(function() {makeChangeFromHistory(this, "undo");}), redo: docMethodOp(function() {makeChangeFromHistory(this, "redo");}), undoSelection: docMethodOp(function() {makeChangeFromHistory(this, "undo", true);}), redoSelection: docMethodOp(function() {makeChangeFromHistory(this, "redo", true);}), setExtending: function(val) {this.extend = val;}, getExtending: function() {return this.extend;}, historySize: function() { var hist = this.history, done = 0, undone = 0; for (var i = 0; i < hist.done.length; i++) if (!hist.done[i].ranges) ++done; for (var i = 0; i < hist.undone.length; i++) if (!hist.undone[i].ranges) ++undone; return {undo: done, redo: undone}; }, clearHistory: function() {this.history = new History(this.history.maxGeneration);}, markClean: function() { this.cleanGeneration = this.changeGeneration(true); }, changeGeneration: function(forceSplit) { if (forceSplit) this.history.lastOp = this.history.lastSelOp = this.history.lastOrigin = null; return this.history.generation; }, isClean: function (gen) { return this.history.generation == (gen || this.cleanGeneration); }, getHistory: function() { return {done: copyHistoryArray(this.history.done), undone: copyHistoryArray(this.history.undone)}; }, setHistory: function(histData) { var hist = this.history = new History(this.history.maxGeneration); hist.done = copyHistoryArray(histData.done.slice(0), null, true); hist.undone = copyHistoryArray(histData.undone.slice(0), null, true); }, addLineClass: docMethodOp(function(handle, where, cls) { return changeLine(this, handle, where == "gutter" ? "gutter" : "class", function(line) { var prop = where == "text" ? "textClass" : where == "background" ? "bgClass" : where == "gutter" ? "gutterClass" : "wrapClass"; if (!line[prop]) line[prop] = cls; else if (classTest(cls).test(line[prop])) return false; else line[prop] += " " + cls; return true; }); }), removeLineClass: docMethodOp(function(handle, where, cls) { return changeLine(this, handle, where == "gutter" ? "gutter" : "class", function(line) { var prop = where == "text" ? "textClass" : where == "background" ? "bgClass" : where == "gutter" ? "gutterClass" : "wrapClass"; var cur = line[prop]; if (!cur) return false; else if (cls == null) line[prop] = null; else { var found = cur.match(classTest(cls)); if (!found) return false; var end = found.index + found[0].length; line[prop] = cur.slice(0, found.index) + (!found.index || end == cur.length ? "" : " ") + cur.slice(end) || null; } return true; }); }), addLineWidget: docMethodOp(function(handle, node, options) { return addLineWidget(this, handle, node, options); }), removeLineWidget: function(widget) { widget.clear(); }, markText: function(from, to, options) { return markText(this, clipPos(this, from), clipPos(this, to), options, "range"); }, setBookmark: function(pos, options) { var realOpts = {replacedWith: options && (options.nodeType == null ? options.widget : options), insertLeft: options && options.insertLeft, clearWhenEmpty: false, shared: options && options.shared, handleMouseEvents: options && options.handleMouseEvents}; pos = clipPos(this, pos); return markText(this, pos, pos, realOpts, "bookmark"); }, findMarksAt: function(pos) { pos = clipPos(this, pos); var markers = [], spans = getLine(this, pos.line).markedSpans; if (spans) for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; ++i) { var span = spans[i]; if ((span.from == null || span.from <= pos.ch) && (span.to == null || span.to >= pos.ch)) markers.push(span.marker.parent || span.marker); } return markers; }, findMarks: function(from, to, filter) { from = clipPos(this, from); to = clipPos(this, to); var found = [], lineNo = from.line; this.iter(from.line, to.line + 1, function(line) { var spans = line.markedSpans; if (spans) for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) { var span = spans[i]; if (!(lineNo == from.line && from.ch > span.to || span.from == null && lineNo != from.line|| lineNo == to.line && span.from > to.ch) && (!filter || filter(span.marker))) found.push(span.marker.parent || span.marker); } ++lineNo; }); return found; }, getAllMarks: function() { var markers = []; this.iter(function(line) { var sps = line.markedSpans; if (sps) for (var i = 0; i < sps.length; ++i) if (sps[i].from != null) markers.push(sps[i].marker); }); return markers; }, posFromIndex: function(off) { var ch, lineNo = this.first; this.iter(function(line) { var sz = line.text.length + 1; if (sz > off) { ch = off; return true; } off -= sz; ++lineNo; }); return clipPos(this, Pos(lineNo, ch)); }, indexFromPos: function (coords) { coords = clipPos(this, coords); var index = coords.ch; if (coords.line < this.first || coords.ch < 0) return 0; this.iter(this.first, coords.line, function (line) { index += line.text.length + 1; }); return index; }, copy: function(copyHistory) { var doc = new Doc(getLines(this, this.first, this.first + this.size), this.modeOption, this.first); doc.scrollTop = this.scrollTop; doc.scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft; doc.sel = this.sel; doc.extend = false; if (copyHistory) { doc.history.undoDepth = this.history.undoDepth; doc.setHistory(this.getHistory()); } return doc; }, linkedDoc: function(options) { if (!options) options = {}; var from = this.first, to = this.first + this.size; if (options.from != null && options.from > from) from = options.from; if (options.to != null && options.to < to) to = options.to; var copy = new Doc(getLines(this, from, to), options.mode || this.modeOption, from); if (options.sharedHist) copy.history = this.history; (this.linked || (this.linked = [])).push({doc: copy, sharedHist: options.sharedHist}); copy.linked = [{doc: this, isParent: true, sharedHist: options.sharedHist}]; copySharedMarkers(copy, findSharedMarkers(this)); return copy; }, unlinkDoc: function(other) { if (other instanceof CodeMirror) other = other.doc; if (this.linked) for (var i = 0; i < this.linked.length; ++i) { var link = this.linked[i]; if (link.doc != other) continue; this.linked.splice(i, 1); other.unlinkDoc(this); detachSharedMarkers(findSharedMarkers(this)); break; } // If the histories were shared, split them again if (other.history == this.history) { var splitIds = [other.id]; linkedDocs(other, function(doc) {splitIds.push(doc.id);}, true); other.history = new History(null); other.history.done = copyHistoryArray(this.history.done, splitIds); other.history.undone = copyHistoryArray(this.history.undone, splitIds); } }, iterLinkedDocs: function(f) {linkedDocs(this, f);}, getMode: function() {return this.mode;}, getEditor: function() {return this.cm;} }); // Public alias. Doc.prototype.eachLine = Doc.prototype.iter; // Set up methods on CodeMirror's prototype to redirect to the editor's document. var dontDelegate = "iter insert remove copy getEditor constructor".split(" "); for (var prop in Doc.prototype) if (Doc.prototype.hasOwnProperty(prop) && indexOf(dontDelegate, prop) < 0) CodeMirror.prototype[prop] = (function(method) { return function() {return method.apply(this.doc, arguments);}; })(Doc.prototype[prop]); eventMixin(Doc); // Call f for all linked documents. function linkedDocs(doc, f, sharedHistOnly) { function propagate(doc, skip, sharedHist) { if (doc.linked) for (var i = 0; i < doc.linked.length; ++i) { var rel = doc.linked[i]; if (rel.doc == skip) continue; var shared = sharedHist && rel.sharedHist; if (sharedHistOnly && !shared) continue; f(rel.doc, shared); propagate(rel.doc, doc, shared); } } propagate(doc, null, true); } // Attach a document to an editor. function attachDoc(cm, doc) { if (doc.cm) throw new Error("This document is already in use."); cm.doc = doc; doc.cm = cm; estimateLineHeights(cm); loadMode(cm); if (!cm.options.lineWrapping) findMaxLine(cm); cm.options.mode = doc.modeOption; regChange(cm); } // LINE UTILITIES // Find the line object corresponding to the given line number. function getLine(doc, n) { n -= doc.first; if (n < 0 || n >= doc.size) throw new Error("There is no line " + (n + doc.first) + " in the document."); for (var chunk = doc; !chunk.lines;) { for (var i = 0;; ++i) { var child = chunk.children[i], sz = child.chunkSize(); if (n < sz) { chunk = child; break; } n -= sz; } } return chunk.lines[n]; } // Get the part of a document between two positions, as an array of // strings. function getBetween(doc, start, end) { var out = [], n = start.line; doc.iter(start.line, end.line + 1, function(line) { var text = line.text; if (n == end.line) text = text.slice(0, end.ch); if (n == start.line) text = text.slice(start.ch); out.push(text); ++n; }); return out; } // Get the lines between from and to, as array of strings. function getLines(doc, from, to, lineFilter) { var out = []; doc.iter(from, to, function(line) { var text = line.text; if(lineFilter){ text = lineFilter(line); } out.push(text); }); return out; } // Update the height of a line, propagating the height change // upwards to parent nodes. function updateLineHeight(line, height) { var diff = height - line.height; if (diff) for (var n = line; n; n = n.parent) n.height += diff; } // Given a line object, find its line number by walking up through // its parent links. function lineNo(line) { if (line.parent == null) return null; var cur = line.parent, no = indexOf(cur.lines, line); for (var chunk = cur.parent; chunk; cur = chunk, chunk = chunk.parent) { for (var i = 0;; ++i) { if (chunk.children[i] == cur) break; no += chunk.children[i].chunkSize(); } } return no + cur.first; } // Find the line at the given vertical position, using the height // information in the document tree. function lineAtHeight(chunk, h) { var n = chunk.first; outer: do { for (var i = 0; i < chunk.children.length; ++i) { var child = chunk.children[i], ch = child.height; if (h < ch) { chunk = child; continue outer; } h -= ch; n += child.chunkSize(); } return n; } while (!chunk.lines); for (var i = 0; i < chunk.lines.length; ++i) { var line = chunk.lines[i], lh = line.height; if (h < lh) break; h -= lh; } return n + i; } // Find the height above the given line. function heightAtLine(lineObj) { lineObj = visualLine(lineObj); var h = 0, chunk = lineObj.parent; for (var i = 0; i < chunk.lines.length; ++i) { var line = chunk.lines[i]; if (line == lineObj) break; else h += line.height; } for (var p = chunk.parent; p; chunk = p, p = chunk.parent) { for (var i = 0; i < p.children.length; ++i) { var cur = p.children[i]; if (cur == chunk) break; else h += cur.height; } } return h; } // Get the bidi ordering for the given line (and cache it). Returns // false for lines that are fully left-to-right, and an array of // BidiSpan objects otherwise. function getOrder(line) { var order = line.order; if (order == null) order = line.order = bidiOrdering(line.text); return order; } // HISTORY function History(startGen) { // Arrays of change events and selections. Doing something adds an // event to done and clears undo. Undoing moves events from done // to undone, redoing moves them in the other direction. this.done = []; this.undone = []; this.undoDepth = Infinity; // Used to track when changes can be merged into a single undo // event this.lastModTime = this.lastSelTime = 0; this.lastOp = this.lastSelOp = null; this.lastOrigin = this.lastSelOrigin = null; // Used by the isClean() method this.generation = this.maxGeneration = startGen || 1; } // Create a history change event from an updateDoc-style change // object. function historyChangeFromChange(doc, change) { var histChange = {from: copyPos(change.from), to: changeEnd(change), text: getBetween(doc, change.from, change.to)}; attachLocalSpans(doc, histChange, change.from.line, change.to.line + 1); linkedDocs(doc, function(doc) {attachLocalSpans(doc, histChange, change.from.line, change.to.line + 1);}, true); return histChange; } // Pop all selection events off the end of a history array. Stop at // a change event. function clearSelectionEvents(array) { while (array.length) { var last = lst(array); if (last.ranges) array.pop(); else break; } } // Find the top change event in the history. Pop off selection // events that are in the way. function lastChangeEvent(hist, force) { if (force) { clearSelectionEvents(hist.done); return lst(hist.done); } else if (hist.done.length && !lst(hist.done).ranges) { return lst(hist.done); } else if (hist.done.length > 1 && !hist.done[hist.done.length - 2].ranges) { hist.done.pop(); return lst(hist.done); } } // Register a change in the history. Merges changes that are within // a single operation, ore are close together with an origin that // allows merging (starting with "+") into a single event. function addChangeToHistory(doc, change, selAfter, opId) { var hist = doc.history; hist.undone.length = 0; var time = +new Date, cur; if ((hist.lastOp == opId || hist.lastOrigin == change.origin && change.origin && ((change.origin.charAt(0) == "+" && doc.cm && hist.lastModTime > time - doc.cm.options.historyEventDelay) || change.origin.charAt(0) == "*")) && (cur = lastChangeEvent(hist, hist.lastOp == opId))) { // Merge this change into the last event var last = lst(cur.changes); if (cmp(change.from, change.to) == 0 && cmp(change.from, last.to) == 0) { // Optimized case for simple insertion -- don't want to add // new changesets for every character typed last.to = changeEnd(change); } else { // Add new sub-event cur.changes.push(historyChangeFromChange(doc, change)); } } else { // Can not be merged, start a new event. var before = lst(hist.done); if (!before || !before.ranges) pushSelectionToHistory(doc.sel, hist.done); cur = {changes: [historyChangeFromChange(doc, change)], generation: hist.generation}; hist.done.push(cur); while (hist.done.length > hist.undoDepth) { hist.done.shift(); if (!hist.done[0].ranges) hist.done.shift(); } } hist.done.push(selAfter); hist.generation = ++hist.maxGeneration; hist.lastModTime = hist.lastSelTime = time; hist.lastOp = hist.lastSelOp = opId; hist.lastOrigin = hist.lastSelOrigin = change.origin; if (!last) signal(doc, "historyAdded"); } function selectionEventCanBeMerged(doc, origin, prev, sel) { var ch = origin.charAt(0); return ch == "*" || ch == "+" && prev.ranges.length == sel.ranges.length && prev.somethingSelected() == sel.somethingSelected() && new Date - doc.history.lastSelTime <= (doc.cm ? doc.cm.options.historyEventDelay : 500); } // Called whenever the selection changes, sets the new selection as // the pending selection in the history, and pushes the old pending // selection into the 'done' array when it was significantly // different (in number of selected ranges, emptiness, or time). function addSelectionToHistory(doc, sel, opId, options) { var hist = doc.history, origin = options && options.origin; // A new event is started when the previous origin does not match // the current, or the origins don't allow matching. Origins // starting with * are always merged, those starting with + are // merged when similar and close together in time. if (opId == hist.lastSelOp || (origin && hist.lastSelOrigin == origin && (hist.lastModTime == hist.lastSelTime && hist.lastOrigin == origin || selectionEventCanBeMerged(doc, origin, lst(hist.done), sel)))) hist.done[hist.done.length - 1] = sel; else pushSelectionToHistory(sel, hist.done); hist.lastSelTime = +new Date; hist.lastSelOrigin = origin; hist.lastSelOp = opId; if (options && options.clearRedo !== false) clearSelectionEvents(hist.undone); } function pushSelectionToHistory(sel, dest) { var top = lst(dest); if (!(top && top.ranges && top.equals(sel))) dest.push(sel); } // Used to store marked span information in the history. function attachLocalSpans(doc, change, from, to) { var existing = change["spans_" + doc.id], n = 0; doc.iter(Math.max(doc.first, from), Math.min(doc.first + doc.size, to), function(line) { if (line.markedSpans) (existing || (existing = change["spans_" + doc.id] = {}))[n] = line.markedSpans; ++n; }); } // When un/re-doing restores text containing marked spans, those // that have been explicitly cleared should not be restored. function removeClearedSpans(spans) { if (!spans) return null; for (var i = 0, out; i < spans.length; ++i) { if (spans[i].marker.explicitlyCleared) { if (!out) out = spans.slice(0, i); } else if (out) out.push(spans[i]); } return !out ? spans : out.length ? out : null; } // Retrieve and filter the old marked spans stored in a change event. function getOldSpans(doc, change) { var found = change["spans_" + doc.id]; if (!found) return null; for (var i = 0, nw = []; i < change.text.length; ++i) nw.push(removeClearedSpans(found[i])); return nw; } // Used both to provide a JSON-safe object in .getHistory, and, when // detaching a document, to split the history in two function copyHistoryArray(events, newGroup, instantiateSel) { for (var i = 0, copy = []; i < events.length; ++i) { var event = events[i]; if (event.ranges) { copy.push(instantiateSel ? Selection.prototype.deepCopy.call(event) : event); continue; } var changes = event.changes, newChanges = []; copy.push({changes: newChanges}); for (var j = 0; j < changes.length; ++j) { var change = changes[j], m; newChanges.push({from: change.from, to: change.to, text: change.text}); if (newGroup) for (var prop in change) if (m = prop.match(/^spans_(\d+)$/)) { if (indexOf(newGroup, Number(m[1])) > -1) { lst(newChanges)[prop] = change[prop]; delete change[prop]; } } } } return copy; } // Rebasing/resetting history to deal with externally-sourced changes function rebaseHistSelSingle(pos, from, to, diff) { if (to < pos.line) { pos.line += diff; } else if (from < pos.line) { pos.line = from; pos.ch = 0; } } // Tries to rebase an array of history events given a change in the // document. If the change touches the same lines as the event, the // event, and everything 'behind' it, is discarded. If the change is // before the event, the event's positions are updated. Uses a // copy-on-write scheme for the positions, to avoid having to // reallocate them all on every rebase, but also avoid problems with // shared position objects being unsafely updated. function rebaseHistArray(array, from, to, diff) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) { var sub = array[i], ok = true; if (sub.ranges) { if (!sub.copied) { sub = array[i] = sub.deepCopy(); sub.copied = true; } for (var j = 0; j < sub.ranges.length; j++) { rebaseHistSelSingle(sub.ranges[j].anchor, from, to, diff); rebaseHistSelSingle(sub.ranges[j].head, from, to, diff); } continue; } for (var j = 0; j < sub.changes.length; ++j) { var cur = sub.changes[j]; if (to < cur.from.line) { cur.from = Pos(cur.from.line + diff, cur.from.ch); cur.to = Pos(cur.to.line + diff, cur.to.ch); } else if (from <= cur.to.line) { ok = false; break; } } if (!ok) { array.splice(0, i + 1); i = 0; } } } function rebaseHist(hist, change) { var from = change.from.line, to = change.to.line, diff = change.text.length - (to - from) - 1; rebaseHistArray(hist.done, from, to, diff); rebaseHistArray(hist.undone, from, to, diff); } // EVENT UTILITIES // Due to the fact that we still support jurassic IE versions, some // compatibility wrappers are needed. var e_preventDefault = CodeMirror.e_preventDefault = function(e) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false; }; var e_stopPropagation = CodeMirror.e_stopPropagation = function(e) { if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); else e.cancelBubble = true; }; function e_defaultPrevented(e) { return e.defaultPrevented != null ? e.defaultPrevented : e.returnValue == false; } var e_stop = CodeMirror.e_stop = function(e) {e_preventDefault(e); e_stopPropagation(e);}; function e_target(e) {return e.target || e.srcElement;} function e_button(e) { var b = e.which; if (b == null) { if (e.button & 1) b = 1; else if (e.button & 2) b = 3; else if (e.button & 4) b = 2; } if (mac && e.ctrlKey && b == 1) b = 3; return b; } // EVENT HANDLING // Lightweight event framework. on/off also work on DOM nodes, // registering native DOM handlers. var on = CodeMirror.on = function(emitter, type, f) { if (emitter.addEventListener) emitter.addEventListener(type, f, false); else if (emitter.attachEvent) emitter.attachEvent("on" + type, f); else { var map = emitter._handlers || (emitter._handlers = {}); var arr = map[type] || (map[type] = []); arr.push(f); } }; var off = CodeMirror.off = function(emitter, type, f) { if (emitter.removeEventListener) emitter.removeEventListener(type, f, false); else if (emitter.detachEvent) emitter.detachEvent("on" + type, f); else { var arr = emitter._handlers && emitter._handlers[type]; if (!arr) return; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) if (arr[i] == f) { arr.splice(i, 1); break; } } }; var signal = CodeMirror.signal = function(emitter, type /*, values...*/) { var arr = emitter._handlers && emitter._handlers[type]; if (!arr) return; var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) arr[i].apply(null, args); }; var orphanDelayedCallbacks = null; // Often, we want to signal events at a point where we are in the // middle of some work, but don't want the handler to start calling // other methods on the editor, which might be in an inconsistent // state or simply not expect any other events to happen. // signalLater looks whether there are any handlers, and schedules // them to be executed when the last operation ends, or, if no // operation is active, when a timeout fires. function signalLater(emitter, type /*, values...*/) { var arr = emitter._handlers && emitter._handlers[type]; if (!arr) return; var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), list; if (operationGroup) { list = operationGroup.delayedCallbacks; } else if (orphanDelayedCallbacks) { list = orphanDelayedCallbacks; } else { list = orphanDelayedCallbacks = []; setTimeout(fireOrphanDelayed, 0); } function bnd(f) {return function(){f.apply(null, args);};}; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) list.push(bnd(arr[i])); } function fireOrphanDelayed() { var delayed = orphanDelayedCallbacks; orphanDelayedCallbacks = null; for (var i = 0; i < delayed.length; ++i) delayed[i](); } // The DOM events that CodeMirror handles can be overridden by // registering a (non-DOM) handler on the editor for the event name, // and preventDefault-ing the event in that handler. function signalDOMEvent(cm, e, override) { if (typeof e == "string") e = {type: e, preventDefault: function() { this.defaultPrevented = true; }}; signal(cm, override || e.type, cm, e); return e_defaultPrevented(e) || e.codemirrorIgnore; } function signalCursorActivity(cm) { var arr = cm._handlers && cm._handlers.cursorActivity; if (!arr) return; var set = cm.curOp.cursorActivityHandlers || (cm.curOp.cursorActivityHandlers = []); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) if (indexOf(set, arr[i]) == -1) set.push(arr[i]); } function hasHandler(emitter, type) { var arr = emitter._handlers && emitter._handlers[type]; return arr && arr.length > 0; } // Add on and off methods to a constructor's prototype, to make // registering events on such objects more convenient. function eventMixin(ctor) { ctor.prototype.on = function(type, f) {on(this, type, f);}; ctor.prototype.off = function(type, f) {off(this, type, f);}; } // MISC UTILITIES // Number of pixels added to scroller and sizer to hide scrollbar var scrollerGap = 30; // Returned or thrown by various protocols to signal 'I'm not // handling this'. var Pass = CodeMirror.Pass = {toString: function(){return "CodeMirror.Pass";}}; // Reused option objects for setSelection & friends var sel_dontScroll = {scroll: false}, sel_mouse = {origin: "*mouse"}, sel_move = {origin: "+move"}; function Delayed() {this.id = null;} Delayed.prototype.set = function(ms, f) { clearTimeout(this.id); this.id = setTimeout(f, ms); }; // Counts the column offset in a string, taking tabs into account. // Used mostly to find indentation. var countColumn = CodeMirror.countColumn = function(string, end, tabSize, startIndex, startValue) { if (end == null) { end = string.search(/[^\s\u00a0]/); if (end == -1) end = string.length; } for (var i = startIndex || 0, n = startValue || 0;;) { var nextTab = string.indexOf("\t", i); if (nextTab < 0 || nextTab >= end) return n + (end - i); n += nextTab - i; n += tabSize - (n % tabSize); i = nextTab + 1; } }; // The inverse of countColumn -- find the offset that corresponds to // a particular column. function findColumn(string, goal, tabSize) { for (var pos = 0, col = 0;;) { var nextTab = string.indexOf("\t", pos); if (nextTab == -1) nextTab = string.length; var skipped = nextTab - pos; if (nextTab == string.length || col + skipped >= goal) return pos + Math.min(skipped, goal - col); col += nextTab - pos; col += tabSize - (col % tabSize); pos = nextTab + 1; if (col >= goal) return pos; } } var spaceStrs = [""]; function spaceStr(n) { while (spaceStrs.length <= n) spaceStrs.push(lst(spaceStrs) + " "); return spaceStrs[n]; } function lst(arr) { return arr[arr.length-1]; } var selectInput = function(node) { node.select(); }; if (ios) // Mobile Safari apparently has a bug where select() is broken. selectInput = function(node) { node.selectionStart = 0; node.selectionEnd = node.value.length; }; else if (ie) // Suppress mysterious IE10 errors selectInput = function(node) { try { node.select(); } catch(_e) {} }; function indexOf(array, elt) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) if (array[i] == elt) return i; return -1; } function map(array, f) { var out = []; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) out[i] = f(array[i], i); return out; } function nothing() {} function createObj(base, props) { var inst; if (Object.create) { inst = Object.create(base); } else { nothing.prototype = base; inst = new nothing(); } if (props) copyObj(props, inst); return inst; }; function copyObj(obj, target, overwrite) { if (!target) target = {}; for (var prop in obj) if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop) && (overwrite !== false || !target.hasOwnProperty(prop))) target[prop] = obj[prop]; return target; } function bind(f) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return function(){return f.apply(null, args);}; } var nonASCIISingleCaseWordChar = /[\u00df\u0587\u0590-\u05f4\u0600-\u06ff\u3040-\u309f\u30a0-\u30ff\u3400-\u4db5\u4e00-\u9fcc\uac00-\ud7af]/; var isWordCharBasic = CodeMirror.isWordChar = function(ch) { return /\w/.test(ch) || ch > "\x80" && (ch.toUpperCase() != ch.toLowerCase() || nonASCIISingleCaseWordChar.test(ch)); }; function isWordChar(ch, helper) { if (!helper) return isWordCharBasic(ch); if (helper.source.indexOf("\\w") > -1 && isWordCharBasic(ch)) return true; return helper.test(ch); } function isEmpty(obj) { for (var n in obj) if (obj.hasOwnProperty(n) && obj[n]) return false; return true; } // Extending unicode characters. A series of a non-extending char + // any number of extending chars is treated as a single unit as far // as editing and measuring is concerned. This is not fully correct, // since some scripts/font/browsers also treat other configurations // of code points as a group. var extendingChars = /[\u0300-\u036f\u0483-\u0489\u0591-\u05bd\u05bf\u05c1\u05c2\u05c4\u05c5\u05c7\u0610-\u061a\u064b-\u065e\u0670\u06d6-\u06dc\u06de-\u06e4\u06e7\u06e8\u06ea-\u06ed\u0711\u0730-\u074a\u07a6-\u07b0\u07eb-\u07f3\u0816-\u0819\u081b-\u0823\u0825-\u0827\u0829-\u082d\u0900-\u0902\u093c\u0941-\u0948\u094d\u0951-\u0955\u0962\u0963\u0981\u09bc\u09be\u09c1-\u09c4\u09cd\u09d7\u09e2\u09e3\u0a01\u0a02\u0a3c\u0a41\u0a42\u0a47\u0a48\u0a4b-\u0a4d\u0a51\u0a70\u0a71\u0a75\u0a81\u0a82\u0abc\u0ac1-\u0ac5\u0ac7\u0ac8\u0acd\u0ae2\u0ae3\u0b01\u0b3c\u0b3e\u0b3f\u0b41-\u0b44\u0b4d\u0b56\u0b57\u0b62\u0b63\u0b82\u0bbe\u0bc0\u0bcd\u0bd7\u0c3e-\u0c40\u0c46-\u0c48\u0c4a-\u0c4d\u0c55\u0c56\u0c62\u0c63\u0cbc\u0cbf\u0cc2\u0cc6\u0ccc\u0ccd\u0cd5\u0cd6\u0ce2\u0ce3\u0d3e\u0d41-\u0d44\u0d4d\u0d57\u0d62\u0d63\u0dca\u0dcf\u0dd2-\u0dd4\u0dd6\u0ddf\u0e31\u0e34-\u0e3a\u0e47-\u0e4e\u0eb1\u0eb4-\u0eb9\u0ebb\u0ebc\u0ec8-\u0ecd\u0f18\u0f19\u0f35\u0f37\u0f39\u0f71-\u0f7e\u0f80-\u0f84\u0f86\u0f87\u0f90-\u0f97\u0f99-\u0fbc\u0fc6\u102d-\u1030\u1032-\u1037\u1039\u103a\u103d\u103e\u1058\u1059\u105e-\u1060\u1071-\u1074\u1082\u1085\u1086\u108d\u109d\u135f\u1712-\u1714\u1732-\u1734\u1752\u1753\u1772\u1773\u17b7-\u17bd\u17c6\u17c9-\u17d3\u17dd\u180b-\u180d\u18a9\u1920-\u1922\u1927\u1928\u1932\u1939-\u193b\u1a17\u1a18\u1a56\u1a58-\u1a5e\u1a60\u1a62\u1a65-\u1a6c\u1a73-\u1a7c\u1a7f\u1b00-\u1b03\u1b34\u1b36-\u1b3a\u1b3c\u1b42\u1b6b-\u1b73\u1b80\u1b81\u1ba2-\u1ba5\u1ba8\u1ba9\u1c2c-\u1c33\u1c36\u1c37\u1cd0-\u1cd2\u1cd4-\u1ce0\u1ce2-\u1ce8\u1ced\u1dc0-\u1de6\u1dfd-\u1dff\u200c\u200d\u20d0-\u20f0\u2cef-\u2cf1\u2de0-\u2dff\u302a-\u302f\u3099\u309a\ua66f-\ua672\ua67c\ua67d\ua6f0\ua6f1\ua802\ua806\ua80b\ua825\ua826\ua8c4\ua8e0-\ua8f1\ua926-\ua92d\ua947-\ua951\ua980-\ua982\ua9b3\ua9b6-\ua9b9\ua9bc\uaa29-\uaa2e\uaa31\uaa32\uaa35\uaa36\uaa43\uaa4c\uaab0\uaab2-\uaab4\uaab7\uaab8\uaabe\uaabf\uaac1\uabe5\uabe8\uabed\udc00-\udfff\ufb1e\ufe00-\ufe0f\ufe20-\ufe26\uff9e\uff9f]/; function isExtendingChar(ch) { return ch.charCodeAt(0) >= 768 && extendingChars.test(ch); } // DOM UTILITIES function elt(tag, content, className, style) { var e = document.createElement(tag); if (className) e.className = className; if (style) e.style.cssText = style; if (typeof content == "string") e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(content)); else if (content) for (var i = 0; i < content.length; ++i) e.appendChild(content[i]); return e; } var range; if (document.createRange) range = function(node, start, end, endNode) { var r = document.createRange(); r.setEnd(endNode || node, end); r.setStart(node, start); return r; }; else range = function(node, start, end) { var r = document.body.createTextRange(); try { r.moveToElementText(node.parentNode); } catch(e) { return r; } r.collapse(true); r.moveEnd("character", end); r.moveStart("character", start); return r; }; function removeChildren(e) { for (var count = e.childNodes.length; count > 0; --count) e.removeChild(e.firstChild); return e; } function removeChildrenAndAdd(parent, e) { return removeChildren(parent).appendChild(e); } var contains = CodeMirror.contains = function(parent, child) { if (child.nodeType == 3) // Android browser always returns false when child is a textnode child = child.parentNode; if (parent.contains) return parent.contains(child); do { if (child.nodeType == 11) child = child.host; if (child == parent) return true; } while (child = child.parentNode); }; function activeElt() { return document.activeElement; } // Older versions of IE throws unspecified error when touching // document.activeElement in some cases (during loading, in iframe) if (ie && ie_version < 11) activeElt = function() { try { return document.activeElement; } catch(e) { return document.body; } }; function classTest(cls) { return new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + cls + "(?:$|\\s)\\s*"); } var rmClass = CodeMirror.rmClass = function(node, cls) { var current = node.className; var match = classTest(cls).exec(current); if (match) { var after = current.slice(match.index + match[0].length); node.className = current.slice(0, match.index) + (after ? match[1] + after : ""); } }; var addClass = CodeMirror.addClass = function(node, cls) { var current = node.className; if (!classTest(cls).test(current)) node.className += (current ? " " : "") + cls; }; function joinClasses(a, b) { var as = a.split(" "); for (var i = 0; i < as.length; i++) if (as[i] && !classTest(as[i]).test(b)) b += " " + as[i]; return b; } // WINDOW-WIDE EVENTS // These must be handled carefully, because naively registering a // handler for each editor will cause the editors to never be // garbage collected. function forEachCodeMirror(f) { if (!document.body.getElementsByClassName) return; var byClass = document.body.getElementsByClassName("CodeMirror"); for (var i = 0; i < byClass.length; i++) { var cm = byClass[i].CodeMirror; if (cm) f(cm); } } var globalsRegistered = false; function ensureGlobalHandlers() { if (globalsRegistered) return; registerGlobalHandlers(); globalsRegistered = true; } function registerGlobalHandlers() { // When the window resizes, we need to refresh active editors. var resizeTimer; on(window, "resize", function() { if (resizeTimer == null) resizeTimer = setTimeout(function() { resizeTimer = null; forEachCodeMirror(onResize); }, 100); }); // When the window loses focus, we want to show the editor as blurred on(window, "blur", function() { forEachCodeMirror(onBlur); }); } // FEATURE DETECTION // Detect drag-and-drop var dragAndDrop = function() { // There is *some* kind of drag-and-drop support in IE6-8, but I // couldn't get it to work yet. if (ie && ie_version < 9) return false; var div = elt('div'); return "draggable" in div || "dragDrop" in div; }(); var zwspSupported; function zeroWidthElement(measure) { if (zwspSupported == null) { var test = elt("span", "\u200b"); removeChildrenAndAdd(measure, elt("span", [test, document.createTextNode("x")])); if (measure.firstChild.offsetHeight != 0) zwspSupported = test.offsetWidth <= 1 && test.offsetHeight > 2 && !(ie && ie_version < 8); } var node = zwspSupported ? elt("span", "\u200b") : elt("span", "\u00a0", null, "display: inline-block; width: 1px; margin-right: -1px"); node.setAttribute("cm-text", ""); return node; } // Feature-detect IE's crummy client rect reporting for bidi text var badBidiRects; function hasBadBidiRects(measure) { if (badBidiRects != null) return badBidiRects; var txt = removeChildrenAndAdd(measure, document.createTextNode("A\u062eA")); var r0 = range(txt, 0, 1).getBoundingClientRect(); if (!r0 || r0.left == r0.right) return false; // Safari returns null in some cases (#2780) var r1 = range(txt, 1, 2).getBoundingClientRect(); return badBidiRects = (r1.right - r0.right < 3); } // See if "".split is the broken IE version, if so, provide an // alternative way to split lines. var splitLines = CodeMirror.splitLines = "\n\nb".split(/\n/).length != 3 ? function(string) { var pos = 0, result = [], l = string.length; while (pos <= l) { var nl = string.indexOf("\n", pos); if (nl == -1) nl = string.length; var line = string.slice(pos, string.charAt(nl - 1) == "\r" ? nl - 1 : nl); var rt = line.indexOf("\r"); if (rt != -1) { result.push(line.slice(0, rt)); pos += rt + 1; } else { result.push(line); pos = nl + 1; } } return result; } : function(string){return string.split(/\r\n?|\n/);}; var hasSelection = window.getSelection ? function(te) { try { return te.selectionStart != te.selectionEnd; } catch(e) { return false; } } : function(te) { try {var range = te.ownerDocument.selection.createRange();} catch(e) {} if (!range || range.parentElement() != te) return false; return range.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", range) != 0; }; var hasCopyEvent = (function() { var e = elt("div"); if ("oncopy" in e) return true; e.setAttribute("oncopy", "return;"); return typeof e.oncopy == "function"; })(); var badZoomedRects = null; function hasBadZoomedRects(measure) { if (badZoomedRects != null) return badZoomedRects; var node = removeChildrenAndAdd(measure, elt("span", "x")); var normal = node.getBoundingClientRect(); var fromRange = range(node, 0, 1).getBoundingClientRect(); return badZoomedRects = Math.abs(normal.left - fromRange.left) > 1; } // KEY NAMES var keyNames = {3: "Enter", 8: "Backspace", 9: "Tab", 13: "Enter", 16: "Shift", 17: "Ctrl", 18: "Alt", 19: "Pause", 20: "CapsLock", 27: "Esc", 32: "Space", 33: "PageUp", 34: "PageDown", 35: "End", 36: "Home", 37: "Left", 38: "Up", 39: "Right", 40: "Down", 44: "PrintScrn", 45: "Insert", 46: "Delete", 59: ";", 61: "=", 91: "Mod", 92: "Mod", 93: "Mod", 107: "=", 109: "-", 127: "Delete", 173: "-", 186: ";", 187: "=", 188: ",", 189: "-", 190: ".", 191: "/", 192: "`", 219: "[", 220: "\\", 221: "]", 222: "'", 63232: "Up", 63233: "Down", 63234: "Left", 63235: "Right", 63272: "Delete", 63273: "Home", 63275: "End", 63276: "PageUp", 63277: "PageDown", 63302: "Insert"}; CodeMirror.keyNames = keyNames; (function() { // Number keys for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) keyNames[i + 48] = keyNames[i + 96] = String(i); // Alphabetic keys for (var i = 65; i <= 90; i++) keyNames[i] = String.fromCharCode(i); // Function keys for (var i = 1; i <= 12; i++) keyNames[i + 111] = keyNames[i + 63235] = "F" + i; })(); // BIDI HELPERS function iterateBidiSections(order, from, to, f) { if (!order) return f(from, to, "ltr"); var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < order.length; ++i) { var part = order[i]; if (part.from < to && part.to > from || from == to && part.to == from) { f(Math.max(part.from, from), Math.min(part.to, to), part.level == 1 ? "rtl" : "ltr"); found = true; } } if (!found) f(from, to, "ltr"); } function bidiLeft(part) { return part.level % 2 ? part.to : part.from; } function bidiRight(part) { return part.level % 2 ? part.from : part.to; } function lineLeft(line) { var order = getOrder(line); return order ? bidiLeft(order[0]) : 0; } function lineRight(line) { var order = getOrder(line); if (!order) return line.text.length; return bidiRight(lst(order)); } function lineStart(cm, lineN) { var line = getLine(cm.doc, lineN); var visual = visualLine(line); if (visual != line) lineN = lineNo(visual); var order = getOrder(visual); var ch = !order ? 0 : order[0].level % 2 ? lineRight(visual) : lineLeft(visual); return Pos(lineN, ch); } function lineEnd(cm, lineN) { var merged, line = getLine(cm.doc, lineN); while (merged = collapsedSpanAtEnd(line)) { line = merged.find(1, true).line; lineN = null; } var order = getOrder(line); var ch = !order ? line.text.length : order[0].level % 2 ? lineLeft(line) : lineRight(line); return Pos(lineN == null ? lineNo(line) : lineN, ch); } function lineStartSmart(cm, pos) { var start = lineStart(cm, pos.line); var line = getLine(cm.doc, start.line); var order = getOrder(line); if (!order || order[0].level == 0) { var firstNonWS = Math.max(0, line.text.search(/\S/)); var inWS = pos.line == start.line && pos.ch <= firstNonWS && pos.ch; return Pos(start.line, inWS ? 0 : firstNonWS); } return start; } function compareBidiLevel(order, a, b) { var linedir = order[0].level; if (a == linedir) return true; if (b == linedir) return false; return a < b; } var bidiOther; function getBidiPartAt(order, pos) { bidiOther = null; for (var i = 0, found; i < order.length; ++i) { var cur = order[i]; if (cur.from < pos && cur.to > pos) return i; if ((cur.from == pos || cur.to == pos)) { if (found == null) { found = i; } else if (compareBidiLevel(order, cur.level, order[found].level)) { if (cur.from != cur.to) bidiOther = found; return i; } else { if (cur.from != cur.to) bidiOther = i; return found; } } } return found; } function moveInLine(line, pos, dir, byUnit) { if (!byUnit) return pos + dir; do pos += dir; while (pos > 0 && isExtendingChar(line.text.charAt(pos))); return pos; } // This is needed in order to move 'visually' through bi-directional // text -- i.e., pressing left should make the cursor go left, even // when in RTL text. The tricky part is the 'jumps', where RTL and // LTR text touch each other. This often requires the cursor offset // to move more than one unit, in order to visually move one unit. function moveVisually(line, start, dir, byUnit) { var bidi = getOrder(line); if (!bidi) return moveLogically(line, start, dir, byUnit); var pos = getBidiPartAt(bidi, start), part = bidi[pos]; var target = moveInLine(line, start, part.level % 2 ? -dir : dir, byUnit); for (;;) { if (target > part.from && target < part.to) return target; if (target == part.from || target == part.to) { if (getBidiPartAt(bidi, target) == pos) return target; part = bidi[pos += dir]; return (dir > 0) == part.level % 2 ? part.to : part.from; } else { part = bidi[pos += dir]; if (!part) return null; if ((dir > 0) == part.level % 2) target = moveInLine(line, part.to, -1, byUnit); else target = moveInLine(line, part.from, 1, byUnit); } } } function moveLogically(line, start, dir, byUnit) { var target = start + dir; if (byUnit) while (target > 0 && isExtendingChar(line.text.charAt(target))) target += dir; return target < 0 || target > line.text.length ? null : target; } // Bidirectional ordering algorithm // See http://unicode.org/reports/tr9/tr9-13.html for the algorithm // that this (partially) implements. // One-char codes used for character types: // L (L): Left-to-Right // R (R): Right-to-Left // r (AL): Right-to-Left Arabic // 1 (EN): European Number // + (ES): European Number Separator // % (ET): European Number Terminator // n (AN): Arabic Number // , (CS): Common Number Separator // m (NSM): Non-Spacing Mark // b (BN): Boundary Neutral // s (B): Paragraph Separator // t (S): Segment Separator // w (WS): Whitespace // N (ON): Other Neutrals // Returns null if characters are ordered as they appear // (left-to-right), or an array of sections ({from, to, level} // objects) in the order in which they occur visually. var bidiOrdering = (function() { // Character types for codepoints 0 to 0xff var lowTypes = "bbbbbbbbbtstwsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbssstwNN%%%NNNNNN,N,N1111111111NNNNNNNLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLNNNNNNLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLNNNNbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,N%%%%NNNNLNNNNN%%11NLNNN1LNNNNNLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLNLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLN"; // Character types for codepoints 0x600 to 0x6ff var arabicTypes = "rrrrrrrrrrrr,rNNmmmmmmrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnn%nnrrrmrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmNmmmm"; function charType(code) { if (code <= 0xf7) return lowTypes.charAt(code); else if (0x590 <= code && code <= 0x5f4) return "R"; else if (0x600 <= code && code <= 0x6ed) return arabicTypes.charAt(code - 0x600); else if (0x6ee <= code && code <= 0x8ac) return "r"; else if (0x2000 <= code && code <= 0x200b) return "w"; else if (code == 0x200c) return "b"; else return "L"; } var bidiRE = /[\u0590-\u05f4\u0600-\u06ff\u0700-\u08ac]/; var isNeutral = /[stwN]/, isStrong = /[LRr]/, countsAsLeft = /[Lb1n]/, countsAsNum = /[1n]/; // Browsers seem to always treat the boundaries of block elements as being L. var outerType = "L"; function BidiSpan(level, from, to) { this.level = level; this.from = from; this.to = to; } return function(str) { if (!bidiRE.test(str)) return false; var len = str.length, types = []; for (var i = 0, type; i < len; ++i) types.push(type = charType(str.charCodeAt(i))); // W1. Examine each non-spacing mark (NSM) in the level run, and // change the type of the NSM to the type of the previous // character. If the NSM is at the start of the level run, it will // get the type of sor. for (var i = 0, prev = outerType; i < len; ++i) { var type = types[i]; if (type == "m") types[i] = prev; else prev = type; } // W2. Search backwards from each instance of a European number // until the first strong type (R, L, AL, or sor) is found. If an // AL is found, change the type of the European number to Arabic // number. // W3. Change all ALs to R. for (var i = 0, cur = outerType; i < len; ++i) { var type = types[i]; if (type == "1" && cur == "r") types[i] = "n"; else if (isStrong.test(type)) { cur = type; if (type == "r") types[i] = "R"; } } // W4. A single European separator between two European numbers // changes to a European number. A single common separator between // two numbers of the same type changes to that type. for (var i = 1, prev = types[0]; i < len - 1; ++i) { var type = types[i]; if (type == "+" && prev == "1" && types[i+1] == "1") types[i] = "1"; else if (type == "," && prev == types[i+1] && (prev == "1" || prev == "n")) types[i] = prev; prev = type; } // W5. A sequence of European terminators adjacent to European // numbers changes to all European numbers. // W6. Otherwise, separators and terminators change to Other // Neutral. for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { var type = types[i]; if (type == ",") types[i] = "N"; else if (type == "%") { for (var end = i + 1; end < len && types[end] == "%"; ++end) {} var replace = (i && types[i-1] == "!") || (end < len && types[end] == "1") ? "1" : "N"; for (var j = i; j < end; ++j) types[j] = replace; i = end - 1; } } // W7. Search backwards from each instance of a European number // until the first strong type (R, L, or sor) is found. If an L is // found, then change the type of the European number to L. for (var i = 0, cur = outerType; i < len; ++i) { var type = types[i]; if (cur == "L" && type == "1") types[i] = "L"; else if (isStrong.test(type)) cur = type; } // N1. A sequence of neutrals takes the direction of the // surrounding strong text if the text on both sides has the same // direction. European and Arabic numbers act as if they were R in // terms of their influence on neutrals. Start-of-level-run (sor) // and end-of-level-run (eor) are used at level run boundaries. // N2. Any remaining neutrals take the embedding direction. for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (isNeutral.test(types[i])) { for (var end = i + 1; end < len && isNeutral.test(types[end]); ++end) {} var before = (i ? types[i-1] : outerType) == "L"; var after = (end < len ? types[end] : outerType) == "L"; var replace = before || after ? "L" : "R"; for (var j = i; j < end; ++j) types[j] = replace; i = end - 1; } } // Here we depart from the documented algorithm, in order to avoid // building up an actual levels array. Since there are only three // levels (0, 1, 2) in an implementation that doesn't take // explicit embedding into account, we can build up the order on // the fly, without following the level-based algorithm. var order = [], m; for (var i = 0; i < len;) { if (countsAsLeft.test(types[i])) { var start = i; for (++i; i < len && countsAsLeft.test(types[i]); ++i) {} order.push(new BidiSpan(0, start, i)); } else { var pos = i, at = order.length; for (++i; i < len && types[i] != "L"; ++i) {} for (var j = pos; j < i;) { if (countsAsNum.test(types[j])) { if (pos < j) order.splice(at, 0, new BidiSpan(1, pos, j)); var nstart = j; for (++j; j < i && countsAsNum.test(types[j]); ++j) {} order.splice(at, 0, new BidiSpan(2, nstart, j)); pos = j; } else ++j; } if (pos < i) order.splice(at, 0, new BidiSpan(1, pos, i)); } } if (order[0].level == 1 && (m = str.match(/^\s+/))) { order[0].from = m[0].length; order.unshift(new BidiSpan(0, 0, m[0].length)); } if (lst(order).level == 1 && (m = str.match(/\s+$/))) { lst(order).to -= m[0].length; order.push(new BidiSpan(0, len - m[0].length, len)); } if (order[0].level == 2) order.unshift(new BidiSpan(1, order[0].to, order[0].to)); if (order[0].level != lst(order).level) order.push(new BidiSpan(order[0].level, len, len)); return order; }; })(); // THE END CodeMirror.version = "5.4.1"; return CodeMirror; });(function (mod) { mod(CodeMirror); })(function (CodeMirror) { var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos; function forEach (arr, f) { for (var i = 0, e = arr.length; i < e; ++i) f(arr[i]); } function arrayContains (arr, item) { if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { var i = arr.length; while (i--) { if (arr[i] === item) { return true; } } return false; } return arr.indexOf(item) != -1; } function scriptHint (editor, keywords, getToken, options) { // Find the token at the cursor var cur = editor.getCursor(), token = getToken(editor, cur); if (/\b(?:string)\b/.test(token.type)) { return; } token.state = CodeMirror.innerMode(editor.getMode(), token.state).state; if (!/^[\w$_]*$/.test(token.string)) { token = { start: cur.ch, end: cur.ch, string: "", state: token.state, type: token.string == "." ? "property" : null }; } else if (token.end > cur.ch) { token.end = cur.ch; token.string = token.string.slice(0, cur.ch - token.start); } var tprop = token; // If it is a property, find out what it is a property of. while (tprop.type == "property") { tprop = getToken(editor, Pos(cur.line, tprop.start)); if (tprop.string != ".") return; tprop = getToken(editor, Pos(cur.line, tprop.start)); if (!context) var context = []; context.push(tprop); } return { list: getCompletions(token, context, keywords, options), from: Pos(cur.line, token.start), to: Pos(cur.line, token.end) }; } function getFormulaKeywords () { return BI.FormulaCollections; } function formulaHint (editor, options) { return scriptHint(editor, getFormulaKeywords(), function (e, cur) { return e.getTokenAt(cur); }, options); } CodeMirror.registerHelper("hint", "formula", formulaHint); function getCompletions (token, context, keywords, options) { var found = [], start = token.string; if (!start) { return found; } function maybeAdd (str) { if (str.lastIndexOf(start, 0) == 0 && !arrayContains(found, str)) { found.push(str); } } if (context && context.length) { context.pop(); } else { forEach(keywords, maybeAdd); } return found; } });(function (mod) { mod(CodeMirror); })(function (CodeMirror) { "use strict"; CodeMirror.defineMode("formula", function () { function wordObj (words) { var o = {}; for (var i = 0, e = words.length; i < e; ++i) o[words[i]] = true; return o; } var atoms = wordObj(["false", "true"]); var keywords = wordObj(BI.FormulaCollections); function tokenBase (stream, state) { if (stream.eatSpace()) { return null; } var ch = stream.next(); if (ch === "\"" || ch === "'") { nextUntilUnescaped(stream, ch); return "string"; } if (ch === "\u200b") { nextUntilUnescaped(stream, ch); return "field"; } if (/[\[\],\(\)]/.test(ch)) { return "bracket"; } // richie:暂时不需要解析操作符号 // if (/[+\-*\/=<>!&|]/.test(ch)) { // return 'operator'; // } // if (/\d|\d./.test(ch)) { // stream.eatWhile(/\d|\./); // if (stream.eol() || !/\w/.test(stream.peek())) { // return 'number'; // } // } stream.eatWhile(/[\w-]/); var word = stream.current(); if (atoms.hasOwnProperty(word)) { return "atom"; } if (keywords.hasOwnProperty(word)) { return "keyword"; } return null; } function nextUntilUnescaped (stream, end) { var escaped = false, next; while ((next = stream.next()) != null) { if (next === end && !escaped) { return false; } escaped = !escaped && next === "\\"; } return escaped; } function tokenize (stream, state) { return (state.tokens[0] || tokenBase)(stream, state); } return { startState: function () { return {tokens: []}; }, token: function (stream, state) { return tokenize(stream, state); }, fold: "brace" }; }); CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/fx-formula", "formula"); });// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others // Distributed under an MIT license: http://codemirror.net/LICENSE (function (mod) { mod(CodeMirror); })(function (CodeMirror) { "use strict"; var HINT_ELEMENT_CLASS = "CodeMirror-hint"; var ACTIVE_HINT_ELEMENT_CLASS = "CodeMirror-hint-active"; // This is the old interface, kept around for now to stay // backwards-compatible. CodeMirror.showHint = function (cm, getHints, options) { if (!getHints) return cm.showHint(options); if (options && options.async) getHints.async = true; var newOpts = {hint: getHints}; if (options) for (var prop in options) newOpts[prop] = options[prop]; return cm.showHint(newOpts); }; CodeMirror.defineExtension("showHint", function (options) { // We want a single cursor position. if (this.listSelections().length > 1 || this.somethingSelected()) return; if (this.state.completionActive) this.state.completionActive.close(); var completion = this.state.completionActive = new Completion(this, options); if (!completion.options.hint) return; CodeMirror.signal(this, "startCompletion", this); completion.update(true); }); function Completion (cm, options) { this.cm = cm; this.options = this.buildOptions(options); this.widget = null; this.debounce = 0; this.tick = 0; this.startPos = this.cm.getCursor(); this.startLen = this.cm.getLine(this.startPos.line).length; var self = this; cm.on("cursorActivity", this.activityFunc = function () { self.cursorActivity(); }); } var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || function (fn) { return setTimeout(fn, 1000 / 60); }; var cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame || clearTimeout; Completion.prototype = { close: function () { if (!this.active()) return; this.cm.state.completionActive = null; this.tick = null; this.cm.off("cursorActivity", this.activityFunc); if (this.widget && this.data) CodeMirror.signal(this.data, "close"); if (this.widget) this.widget.close(); CodeMirror.signal(this.cm, "endCompletion", this.cm); }, active: function () { return this.cm.state.completionActive == this; }, pick: function (data, i) { var completion = data.list[i]; if (completion.hint) completion.hint(this.cm, data, completion); else { this.cm.replaceRange(getText(completion), completion.from || data.from, completion.to || data.to, "complete"); if(completion.isKeyword === true) { }else{ var to = this.cm.getCursor(); this.cm.markText(completion.from || data.from, to, {className: "#function", atomic: true}); this.cm.replaceSelection("() "); to = this.cm.getCursor(); to.ch = to.ch - 2; this.cm.setCursor(to); this.cm.focus(); } } CodeMirror.signal(data, "pick", completion); this.close(); }, cursorActivity: function () { if (this.debounce) { cancelAnimationFrame(this.debounce); this.debounce = 0; } var pos = this.cm.getCursor(), line = this.cm.getLine(pos.line); if (pos.line != this.startPos.line || line.length - pos.ch != this.startLen - this.startPos.ch || pos.ch < this.startPos.ch || this.cm.somethingSelected() || (pos.ch && this.options.closeCharacters.test(line.charAt(pos.ch - 1)))) { this.close(); } else { var self = this; this.debounce = requestAnimationFrame(function () { self.update(); }); if (this.widget) this.widget.disable(); } }, update: function (first) { if (this.tick == null) return; if (this.data) CodeMirror.signal(this.data, "update"); if (!this.options.hint.async) { this.finishUpdate(this.options.hint(this.cm, this.options), first); } else { var myTick = ++this.tick, self = this; this.options.hint(this.cm, function (data) { if (self.tick == myTick) self.finishUpdate(data, first); }, this.options); } }, finishUpdate: function (data, first) { this.data = data; var picked = (this.widget && this.widget.picked) || (first && this.options.completeSingle); if (this.widget) this.widget.close(); if (data && data.list.length) { if (picked && data.list.length == 1) { this.pick(data, 0); } else { this.widget = new Widget(this, data); CodeMirror.signal(data, "shown"); } } }, buildOptions: function (options) { var editor = this.cm.options.hintOptions; var out = {}; for (var prop in defaultOptions) out[prop] = defaultOptions[prop]; if (editor) { for (var prop in editor) {if (editor[prop] !== undefined) out[prop] = editor[prop];} } if (options) { for (var prop in options) {if (options[prop] !== undefined) out[prop] = options[prop];} } return out; } }; function getText (completion) { if (typeof completion === "string") return completion; return completion.text; } function buildKeyMap (completion, handle) { var baseMap = { Up: function () { handle.moveFocus(-1); }, Down: function () { handle.moveFocus(1); }, PageUp: function () { handle.moveFocus(-handle.menuSize() + 1, true); }, PageDown: function () { handle.moveFocus(handle.menuSize() - 1, true); }, Home: function () { handle.setFocus(0); }, End: function () { handle.setFocus(handle.length - 1); }, Enter: handle.pick, Tab: handle.pick, Esc: handle.close }; var custom = completion.options.customKeys; var ourMap = custom ? {} : baseMap; function addBinding (key, val) { var bound; if (typeof val !== "string") { bound = function (cm) { return val(cm, handle); }; } // This mechanism is deprecated else if (baseMap.hasOwnProperty(val)) {bound = baseMap[val];} else {bound = val;} ourMap[key] = bound; } if (custom) { for (var key in custom) { if (custom.hasOwnProperty(key)) {addBinding(key, custom[key]);} } } var extra = completion.options.extraKeys; if (extra) { for (var key in extra) { if (extra.hasOwnProperty(key)) {addBinding(key, extra[key]);} } } return ourMap; } function getHintElement (hintsElement, el) { while (el && el != hintsElement) { if (el.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "LI" && el.parentNode == hintsElement) return el; el = el.parentNode; } } function Widget (completion, data) { this.completion = completion; this.data = data; this.picked = false; var widget = this, cm = completion.cm; var hints = this.hints = document.createElement("ul"); hints.className = "CodeMirror-hints"; this.selectedHint = data.selectedHint || 0; var completions = data.list; for (var i = 0; i < completions.length; ++i) { var elt = hints.appendChild(document.createElement("li")), cur = completions[i]; var className = HINT_ELEMENT_CLASS + (i != this.selectedHint ? "" : " " + ACTIVE_HINT_ELEMENT_CLASS); if (cur.className != null) className = cur.className + " " + className; elt.className = className; if (cur.render) cur.render(elt, data, cur); else elt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(cur.displayText || getText(cur))); elt.hintId = i; } var pos = cm.cursorCoords(completion.options.alignWithWord ? data.from : null); var left = pos.left, top = pos.bottom, below = true; hints.style.left = left + "px"; hints.style.top = top + "px"; // If we're at the edge of the screen, then we want the menu to appear on the left of the cursor. var winW = window.innerWidth || Math.max(document.body.offsetWidth, document.documentElement.offsetWidth); var winH = window.innerHeight || Math.max(document.body.offsetHeight, document.documentElement.offsetHeight); (completion.options.container || document.body).appendChild(hints); var box = hints.getBoundingClientRect(), overlapY = box.bottom - winH; if (overlapY > 0) { var height = box.bottom - box.top, curTop = pos.top - (pos.bottom - box.top); if (curTop - height > 0) { // Fits above cursor hints.style.top = (top = pos.top - height) + "px"; below = false; } else if (height > winH) { hints.style.height = (winH - 5) + "px"; hints.style.top = (top = pos.bottom - box.top) + "px"; var cursor = cm.getCursor(); if (data.from.ch != cursor.ch) { pos = cm.cursorCoords(cursor); hints.style.left = (left = pos.left) + "px"; box = hints.getBoundingClientRect(); } } } var overlapX = box.right - winW; if (overlapX > 0) { if (box.right - box.left > winW) { hints.style.width = (winW - 5) + "px"; overlapX -= (box.right - box.left) - winW; } hints.style.left = (left = pos.left - overlapX) + "px"; } cm.addKeyMap(this.keyMap = buildKeyMap(completion, { moveFocus: function (n, avoidWrap) { widget.changeActive(widget.selectedHint + n, avoidWrap); }, setFocus: function (n) { widget.changeActive(n); }, menuSize: function () { return widget.screenAmount(); }, length: completions.length, close: function () { completion.close(); }, pick: function () { widget.pick(); }, data: data })); if (completion.options.closeOnUnfocus) { var closingOnBlur; cm.on("blur", this.onBlur = function () { closingOnBlur = setTimeout(function () { completion.close(); }, 100); }); cm.on("focus", this.onFocus = function () { clearTimeout(closingOnBlur); }); } var startScroll = cm.getScrollInfo(); cm.on("scroll", this.onScroll = function () { var curScroll = cm.getScrollInfo(), editor = cm.getWrapperElement().getBoundingClientRect(); var newTop = top + startScroll.top - curScroll.top; var point = newTop - (window.pageYOffset || (document.documentElement || document.body).scrollTop); if (!below) point += hints.offsetHeight; if (point <= editor.top || point >= editor.bottom) return completion.close(); hints.style.top = newTop + "px"; hints.style.left = (left + startScroll.left - curScroll.left) + "px"; }); CodeMirror.on(hints, "dblclick", function (e) { var t = getHintElement(hints, e.target || e.srcElement); if (t && t.hintId != null) { widget.changeActive(t.hintId); widget.pick(); } }); CodeMirror.on(hints, "click", function (e) { var t = getHintElement(hints, e.target || e.srcElement); if (t && t.hintId != null) { widget.changeActive(t.hintId); if (completion.options.completeOnSingleClick) widget.pick(); } }); CodeMirror.on(hints, "mousedown", function () { setTimeout(function () { cm.focus(); }, 20); }); CodeMirror.signal(data, "select", completions[0], hints.firstChild); return true; } Widget.prototype = { close: function () { if (this.completion.widget != this) return; this.completion.widget = null; this.hints.parentNode.removeChild(this.hints); this.completion.cm.removeKeyMap(this.keyMap); var cm = this.completion.cm; if (this.completion.options.closeOnUnfocus) { cm.off("blur", this.onBlur); cm.off("focus", this.onFocus); } cm.off("scroll", this.onScroll); }, disable: function () { this.completion.cm.removeKeyMap(this.keyMap); var widget = this; this.keyMap = { Enter: function () { widget.picked = true; } }; this.completion.cm.addKeyMap(this.keyMap); }, pick: function () { this.completion.pick(this.data, this.selectedHint); }, changeActive: function (i, avoidWrap) { if (i >= this.data.list.length) {i = avoidWrap ? this.data.list.length - 1 : 0;} else if (i < 0) {i = avoidWrap ? 0 : this.data.list.length - 1;} if (this.selectedHint == i) return; var node = this.hints.childNodes[this.selectedHint]; node.className = node.className.replace(" " + ACTIVE_HINT_ELEMENT_CLASS, ""); node = this.hints.childNodes[this.selectedHint = i]; node.className += " " + ACTIVE_HINT_ELEMENT_CLASS; if (node.offsetTop < this.hints.scrollTop) {this.hints.scrollTop = node.offsetTop - 3;} else if (node.offsetTop + node.offsetHeight > this.hints.scrollTop + this.hints.clientHeight) {this.hints.scrollTop = node.offsetTop + node.offsetHeight - this.hints.clientHeight + 3;} CodeMirror.signal(this.data, "select", this.data.list[this.selectedHint], node); }, screenAmount: function () { return Math.floor(this.hints.clientHeight / this.hints.firstChild.offsetHeight) || 1; } }; CodeMirror.registerHelper("hint", "auto", function (cm, options) { var helpers = cm.getHelpers(cm.getCursor(), "hint"), words; if (helpers.length) { for (var i = 0; i < helpers.length; i++) { var cur = helpers[i](cm, options); if (cur && cur.list.length) return cur; } } else if (words = cm.getHelper(cm.getCursor(), "hintWords")) { if (words) return CodeMirror.hint.fromList(cm, {words: words}); } else if (CodeMirror.hint.anyword) { return CodeMirror.hint.anyword(cm, options); } }); CodeMirror.registerHelper("hint", "fromList", function (cm, options) { var cur = cm.getCursor(), token = cm.getTokenAt(cur); var found = []; for (var i = 0; i < options.words.length; i++) { var word = options.words[i]; if (word.slice(0, token.string.length) == token.string) {found.push(word);} } if (found.length) { return { list: found, from: CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, token.start), to: CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, token.end) }; } }); CodeMirror.commands.autocomplete = CodeMirror.showHint; var defaultOptions = { hint: CodeMirror.hint.auto, completeSingle: true, alignWithWord: true, closeCharacters: /[\s()\[\]{};:>,]/, closeOnUnfocus: true, completeOnSingleClick: true, container: null, customKeys: null, extraKeys: null }; CodeMirror.defineOption("hintOptions", null); });/** * 公式编辑控件 * @class BI.FormulaEditor * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.FormulaEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { return $.extend(BI.FormulaEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(), { baseCls: "bi-formula-editor bi-card", watermark: "", value: "", fieldTextValueMap: {}, showHint: true, lineHeight: 2 }); }, _init: function () { BI.FormulaEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, self = this; this.editor = CodeMirror(this.element[0], { textWrapping: true, lineWrapping: true, lineNumbers: false, mode: "formula", // 解决插入字段由括号或其他特殊字符包围时分裂的bug specialChars: /[\u0000-\u001f\u007f\u00ad\u200c-\u200f\u2028\u2029\ufeff]/ }); o.lineHeight === 1 ? this.element.addClass("codemirror-low-line-height") : this.element.addClass("codemirror-high-line-height"); this.editor.on("change", function (cm, change) { self._checkWaterMark(); if (o.showHint) { CodeMirror.showHint(cm, CodeMirror.formulaHint, {completeSingle: false}); } BI.nextTick(function () { self.fireEvent(BI.FormulaEditor.EVENT_CHANGE); }); }); this.editor.on("focus", function () { self._checkWaterMark(); self.fireEvent(BI.FormulaEditor.EVENT_FOCUS); }); this.editor.on("blur", function () { self.fireEvent(BI.FormulaEditor.EVENT_BLUR); }); if (BI.isKey(o.value)) { self.setValue(o.value); } if (BI.isKey(this.options.watermark)) { var self = this; this.watermark = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "bi-water-mark", text: this.options.watermark, whiteSpace: "nowrap", textAlign: "left" }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: self, items: [{ el: self.watermark, left: 0, top: 0 }] }); this.watermark.element.bind( "mousedown", function (e) { self.insertString(""); self.editor.focus(); e.stopEvent(); } ); this.watermark.element.bind("click", function (e) { self.editor.focus(); e.stopEvent(); }); this.watermark.element.css({ position: "absolute", left: 3, right: 3, top: 6, bottom: 0 }); } }, _checkWaterMark: function () { var o = this.options; if (!this.disabledWaterMark && BI.isEmptyString(this.editor.getValue()) && BI.isKey(o.watermark)) { this.watermark && this.watermark.visible(); } else { this.watermark && this.watermark.invisible(); } }, disableWaterMark: function () { this.disabledWaterMark = true; this._checkWaterMark(); }, focus: function () { this.editor.focus(); }, /** * 添加字段 * @param field */ insertField: function (field) { var from = this.editor.getCursor(); // 解决插入字段由括号或其他特殊字符包围时分裂的bug,在两端以不可见字符包裹一下 this.editor.replaceSelection("\u200b" + field + "\u200b"); var to = this.editor.getCursor(); this.editor.markText(from, to, {className: "fieldName", atomic: true, startStyle: "start", endStyle: "end"}); this.editor.replaceSelection(" "); this.editor.focus(); }, insertFunction: function (fn) { var from = this.editor.getCursor(); this.editor.replaceSelection(fn); var to = this.editor.getCursor(); this.editor.markText(from, to, {className: "#function", atomic: true}); this.editor.replaceSelection("() "); to = this.editor.getCursor(); to.ch = to.ch - 2; this.editor.setCursor(to); this.editor.focus(); }, insertOperator: function (op) { var from = this.editor.getCursor(); this.editor.replaceSelection(op); var to = this.editor.getCursor(); this.editor.markText(from, to, {className: "%operator", atomic: true}); this.editor.replaceSelection(" "); this.editor.focus(); }, setFunction: function (v) { var from = this.editor.getCursor(); this.editor.replaceSelection(v); var to = this.editor.getCursor(); this.editor.markText(from, to, {className: "#function", atomic: true}); }, insertString: function (str) { this.editor.replaceSelection(str); this.editor.focus(); }, getFormulaString: function () { return this.editor.getValue(); }, getUsedFields: function () { var fieldMap = this.options.fieldTextValueMap; var fields = []; this.editor.getValue(true, function (line) { var value = line.text; _.forEach(line.markedSpans, function (i, ms) { switch (i.marker.className) { case "fieldName": // 因为插入字段的时候首尾加了不可见字符,所以首尾缩进一个字符 var dId = fieldMap[value.substr(i.from + 1, i.to - i.from - 2)]; if (!fields.contains(dId)) { fields.push(dId); } } }); }); return fields; }, getCheckString: function () { return this.editor.getValue(true, function (line) { var rawText = line.text, value = line.text, num = 0; value.text = rawText; _.forEach(line.markedSpans, function (i, ms) { switch (i.marker.className) { case "fieldName": var fieldNameLength = i.to - i.from; value = value.substr(0, i.from + num) + "$a" + value.substr(i.to + num, value.length); num = num + 2 - fieldNameLength; break; } }); return value; }); }, getValue: function () { var fieldMap = this.options.fieldTextValueMap; return this.editor.getValue("\n", function (line) { var rawText = line.text, value = line.text, num = 0; value.text = rawText; _.forEach(line.markedSpans, function (i, ms) { switch (i.marker.className) { case "fieldName": var fieldNameLength = i.to - i.from; var start = i.from + num + 1; var end = fieldNameLength - 2; var fieldId = fieldMap[value.substr(start, end)]; value = value.substr(0, i.from + num) + "$\{" + fieldId + "\}" + value.substr(i.to + num, value.length); num += fieldId.length - fieldNameLength + 3; break; } }); return value; }); }, setValue: function (value) { this.editor.setValue(value); }, setFieldTextValueMap: function (fieldTextValueMap) { this.options.fieldTextValueMap = fieldTextValueMap; }, refresh: function () { var self = this; BI.nextTick(function () { self.editor.refresh(); }); } }); BI.FormulaEditor.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.FormulaEditor.EVENT_BLUR = "EVENT_BLUR"; BI.FormulaEditor.EVENT_FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS"; BI.shortcut("bi.formula_editor", BI.FormulaEditor); /** * z-index在1亿层级 * 弹出提示消息框,用于模拟阻塞操作(通过回调函数实现) * @class BI.Msg */ $.extend(BI, { Msg: function () { var messageShow, $mask, $pop; return { alert: function (title, message, callback) { this._show(false, title, message, callback); }, confirm: function (title, message, callback) { this._show(true, title, message, callback); }, prompt: function (title, message, value, callback, min_width) { // BI.Msg.prompt(title, message, value, callback, min_width); }, toast: function (message, level, context) { context = context || $("body"); var toast = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.toast", level: level, text: message }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: context, items: [{ el: toast, left: "50%", top: 0 }] }); if (toast.element.outerWidth() > context.outerWidth()) { toast.setWidth(context.width()); } toast.element.css({"margin-left": -1 * toast.element.outerWidth() / 2}); toast.invisible(); toast.element.slideDown(500, function () { BI.delay(function () { toast.element.slideUp(500, function () { toast.destroy(); }); }, 5000); }); }, _show: function (hasCancel, title, message, callback) { $mask = $("<div class=\"bi-z-index-mask\">").css({ position: "absolute", zIndex: BI.zIndex_tip - 2, top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, opacity: 0.5 }).appendTo("body"); $pop = $("<div class=\"bi-message-depend\">").css({ position: "absolute", zIndex: BI.zIndex_tip - 1, top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }).appendTo("body"); var close = function () { messageShow.destroy(); $mask.remove(); }; var controlItems = []; if (hasCancel === true) { controlItems.push({ el: { type: "bi.button", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Cancel"), height: 30, level: "ignore", handler: function () { close(); if (BI.isFunction(callback)) { callback.apply(null, [false]); } } } }); } controlItems.push({ el: { type: "bi.button", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_OK"), height: 30, handler: function () { close(); if (BI.isFunction(callback)) { callback.apply(null, [true]); } } } }); var conf = { element: $pop, type: "bi.center_adapt", items: [ { type: "bi.border", cls: "bi-message-content bi-card", items: { north: { el: { type: "bi.border", cls: "bi-message-title bi-background", items: { center: { el: { type: "bi.label", text: title || BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Prompt"), textAlign: "left", hgap: 20, height: 50 } }, east: { el: { type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "bi-message-close close-font", // height: 50, handler: function () { close(); } }, width: 60 } } }, height: 50 }, center: { el: { type: "bi.text", cls: "bi-message-text", tgap: 60, hgap: 20, lineHeight: 30, whiteSpace: "normal", text: message } }, south: { el: { type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: { type: "bi.right_vertical_adapt", hgap: 5, items: controlItems }, top: 0, left: 20, right: 20, bottom: 0 }] }, height: 60 } }, width: 400, height: 300 } ] }; messageShow = BI.createWidget(conf); } }; }() });/** * GridView * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/11. * @class BI.GridView * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.GridView = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.GridView.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-grid-view", // width: 400, //必设 // height: 300, //必设 overflowX: true, overflowY: true, overscanColumnCount: 0, overscanRowCount: 0, rowHeightGetter: BI.emptyFn, // number类型或function类型 columnWidthGetter: BI.emptyFn, // number类型或function类型 // estimatedColumnSize: 100, //columnWidthGetter为function时必设 // estimatedRowSize: 30, //rowHeightGetter为function时必设 scrollLeft: 0, scrollTop: 0, items: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.GridView.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.renderedCells = []; this.renderedKeys = []; this.renderRange = {}; this._scrollLock = false; this._debounceRelease = BI.debounce(function () { self._scrollLock = false; }, 1000 / 60); this.container = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute" }); this.element.scroll(function () { if (self._scrollLock === true) { return; } o.scrollLeft = self.element.scrollLeft(); o.scrollTop = self.element.scrollTop(); self._calculateChildrenToRender(); self.fireEvent(BI.GridView.EVENT_SCROLL, { scrollLeft: o.scrollLeft, scrollTop: o.scrollTop }); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, scrollable: o.overflowX === true && o.overflowY === true, scrolly: o.overflowX === false && o.overflowY === true, scrollx: o.overflowX === true && o.overflowY === false, items: [this.container] }); if (o.items.length > 0) { this._populate(); } if (o.scrollLeft !== 0 || o.scrollTop !== 0) { BI.nextTick(function () { self.element.scrollTop(o.scrollTop); self.element.scrollLeft(o.scrollLeft); }); } }, _getOverscanIndices: function (cellCount, overscanCellsCount, startIndex, stopIndex) { return { overscanStartIndex: Math.max(0, startIndex - overscanCellsCount), overscanStopIndex: Math.min(cellCount - 1, stopIndex + overscanCellsCount) }; }, _calculateChildrenToRender: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var width = o.width, height = o.height, scrollLeft = BI.clamp(o.scrollLeft, 0, this._getMaxScrollLeft()), scrollTop = BI.clamp(o.scrollTop, 0, this._getMaxScrollTop()), overscanColumnCount = o.overscanColumnCount, overscanRowCount = o.overscanRowCount; if (height > 0 && width > 0) { var visibleColumnIndices = this._columnSizeAndPositionManager.getVisibleCellRange(width, scrollLeft); var visibleRowIndices = this._rowSizeAndPositionManager.getVisibleCellRange(height, scrollTop); if (BI.isEmpty(visibleColumnIndices) || BI.isEmpty(visibleRowIndices)) { return; } var horizontalOffsetAdjustment = this._columnSizeAndPositionManager.getOffsetAdjustment(width, scrollLeft); var verticalOffsetAdjustment = this._rowSizeAndPositionManager.getOffsetAdjustment(height, scrollTop); this._renderedColumnStartIndex = visibleColumnIndices.start; this._renderedColumnStopIndex = visibleColumnIndices.stop; this._renderedRowStartIndex = visibleRowIndices.start; this._renderedRowStopIndex = visibleRowIndices.stop; var overscanColumnIndices = this._getOverscanIndices(this.columnCount, overscanColumnCount, this._renderedColumnStartIndex, this._renderedColumnStopIndex); var overscanRowIndices = this._getOverscanIndices(this.rowCount, overscanRowCount, this._renderedRowStartIndex, this._renderedRowStopIndex); var columnStartIndex = overscanColumnIndices.overscanStartIndex; var columnStopIndex = overscanColumnIndices.overscanStopIndex; var rowStartIndex = overscanRowIndices.overscanStartIndex; var rowStopIndex = overscanRowIndices.overscanStopIndex; // 算区间size var minRowDatum = this._rowSizeAndPositionManager.getSizeAndPositionOfCell(rowStartIndex); var minColumnDatum = this._columnSizeAndPositionManager.getSizeAndPositionOfCell(columnStartIndex); var maxRowDatum = this._rowSizeAndPositionManager.getSizeAndPositionOfCell(rowStopIndex); var maxColumnDatum = this._columnSizeAndPositionManager.getSizeAndPositionOfCell(columnStopIndex); var top = minRowDatum.offset + verticalOffsetAdjustment; var left = minColumnDatum.offset + horizontalOffsetAdjustment; var bottom = maxRowDatum.offset + verticalOffsetAdjustment + maxRowDatum.size; var right = maxColumnDatum.offset + horizontalOffsetAdjustment + maxColumnDatum.size; // 如果滚动的区间并没有超出渲染的范围 if (top >= this.renderRange.minY && bottom <= this.renderRange.maxY && left >= this.renderRange.minX && right <= this.renderRange.maxX) { return; } var renderedCells = [], renderedKeys = {}, renderedWidgets = {}; var minX = this._getMaxScrollLeft(), minY = this._getMaxScrollTop(), maxX = 0, maxY = 0; var count = 0; for (var rowIndex = rowStartIndex; rowIndex <= rowStopIndex; rowIndex++) { var rowDatum = this._rowSizeAndPositionManager.getSizeAndPositionOfCell(rowIndex); for (var columnIndex = columnStartIndex; columnIndex <= columnStopIndex; columnIndex++) { var key = rowIndex + "-" + columnIndex; var columnDatum = this._columnSizeAndPositionManager.getSizeAndPositionOfCell(columnIndex); var index = this.renderedKeys[key] && this.renderedKeys[key][2]; var child; if (index >= 0) { if (columnDatum.size !== this.renderedCells[index]._width) { this.renderedCells[index]._width = columnDatum.size; this.renderedCells[index].el.setWidth(columnDatum.size); } if (rowDatum.size !== this.renderedCells[index]._height) { this.renderedCells[index]._height = rowDatum.size; this.renderedCells[index].el.setHeight(rowDatum.size); } if (this.renderedCells[index]._left !== columnDatum.offset + horizontalOffsetAdjustment) { this.renderedCells[index].el.element.css("left", (columnDatum.offset + horizontalOffsetAdjustment) + "px"); } if (this.renderedCells[index]._top !== rowDatum.offset + verticalOffsetAdjustment) { this.renderedCells[index].el.element.css("top", (rowDatum.offset + verticalOffsetAdjustment) + "px"); } renderedCells.push(child = this.renderedCells[index]); } else { child = BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ type: "bi.label", width: columnDatum.size, height: rowDatum.size }, o.items[rowIndex][columnIndex], { cls: (o.items[rowIndex][columnIndex].cls || "") + " grid-cell" + (rowIndex === 0 ? " first-row" : "") + (columnIndex === 0 ? " first-col" : ""), _rowIndex: rowIndex, _columnIndex: columnIndex, _left: columnDatum.offset + horizontalOffsetAdjustment, _top: rowDatum.offset + verticalOffsetAdjustment })); renderedCells.push({ el: child, left: columnDatum.offset + horizontalOffsetAdjustment, top: rowDatum.offset + verticalOffsetAdjustment, _left: columnDatum.offset + horizontalOffsetAdjustment, _top: rowDatum.offset + verticalOffsetAdjustment, _width: columnDatum.size, _height: rowDatum.size }); } minX = Math.min(minX, columnDatum.offset + horizontalOffsetAdjustment); maxX = Math.max(maxX, columnDatum.offset + horizontalOffsetAdjustment + columnDatum.size); minY = Math.min(minY, rowDatum.offset + verticalOffsetAdjustment); maxY = Math.max(maxY, rowDatum.offset + verticalOffsetAdjustment + rowDatum.size); renderedKeys[key] = [rowIndex, columnIndex, count]; renderedWidgets[count] = child; count++; } } // 已存在的, 需要添加的和需要删除的 var existSet = {}, addSet = {}, deleteArray = []; BI.each(renderedKeys, function (i, key) { if (self.renderedKeys[i]) { existSet[i] = key; } else { addSet[i] = key; } }); BI.each(this.renderedKeys, function (i, key) { if (existSet[i]) { return; } if (addSet[i]) { return; } deleteArray.push(key[2]); }); BI.each(deleteArray, function (i, index) { // 性能优化,不调用destroy方法防止触发destroy事件 self.renderedCells[index].el._destroy(); }); var addedItems = []; BI.each(addSet, function (index, key) { addedItems.push(renderedCells[key[2]]); }); this.container.addItems(addedItems); // 拦截父子级关系 this.container._children = renderedWidgets; this.container.attr("items", renderedCells); this.renderedCells = renderedCells; this.renderedKeys = renderedKeys; this.renderRange = {minX: minX, minY: minY, maxX: maxX, maxY: maxY}; } }, _getMaxScrollLeft: function () { return Math.max(0, this._columnSizeAndPositionManager.getTotalSize() - this.options.width + (this.options.overflowX ? BI.DOM.getScrollWidth() : 0)); }, _getMaxScrollTop: function () { return Math.max(0, this._rowSizeAndPositionManager.getTotalSize() - this.options.height + (this.options.overflowY ? BI.DOM.getScrollWidth() : 0)); }, _populate: function (items) { var self = this, o = this.options; this._reRange(); this.columnCount = 0; this.rowCount = 0; if (items && items !== this.options.items) { this.options.items = items; } if (BI.isNumber(o.columnCount)) { this.columnCount = o.columnCount; } else if (o.items.length > 0) { this.columnCount = o.items[0].length; } if (BI.isNumber(o.rowCount)) { this.rowCount = o.rowCount; } else { this.rowCount = o.items.length; } this.container.setWidth(this.columnCount * o.estimatedColumnSize); this.container.setHeight(this.rowCount * o.estimatedRowSize); this._columnSizeAndPositionManager = new BI.ScalingCellSizeAndPositionManager(this.columnCount, o.columnWidthGetter, o.estimatedColumnSize); this._rowSizeAndPositionManager = new BI.ScalingCellSizeAndPositionManager(this.rowCount, o.rowHeightGetter, o.estimatedRowSize); this._calculateChildrenToRender(); // 元素未挂载时不能设置scrollTop try { this.element.scrollTop(o.scrollTop); this.element.scrollLeft(o.scrollLeft); } catch (e) { } }, setScrollLeft: function (scrollLeft) { if (this.options.scrollLeft === scrollLeft) { return; } this._scrollLock = true; this.options.scrollLeft = BI.clamp(scrollLeft || 0, 0, this._getMaxScrollLeft()); this._debounceRelease(); this._calculateChildrenToRender(); this.element.scrollLeft(this.options.scrollLeft); }, setScrollTop: function (scrollTop) { if (this.options.scrollTop === scrollTop) { return; } this._scrollLock = true; this.options.scrollTop = BI.clamp(scrollTop || 0, 0, this._getMaxScrollTop()); this._debounceRelease(); this._calculateChildrenToRender(); this.element.scrollTop(this.options.scrollTop); }, setColumnCount: function (columnCount) { this.options.columnCount = columnCount; }, setRowCount: function (rowCount) { this.options.rowCount = rowCount; }, setOverflowX: function (b) { var self = this; if (this.options.overflowX !== !!b) { this.options.overflowX = !!b; BI.nextTick(function () { self.element.css({overflowX: b ? "auto" : "hidden"}); }); } }, setOverflowY: function (b) { var self = this; if (this.options.overflowY !== !!b) { this.options.overflowY = !!b; BI.nextTick(function () { self.element.css({overflowY: b ? "auto" : "hidden"}); }); } }, getScrollLeft: function () { return this.options.scrollLeft; }, getScrollTop: function () { return this.options.scrollTop; }, getMaxScrollLeft: function () { return this._getMaxScrollLeft(); }, getMaxScrollTop: function () { return this._getMaxScrollTop(); }, setEstimatedColumnSize: function (width) { this.options.estimatedColumnSize = width; }, setEstimatedRowSize: function (height) { this.options.estimatedRowSize = height; }, // 重新计算children _reRange: function () { this.renderRange = {}; }, _clearChildren: function () { this.container._children = {}; this.container.attr("items", []); }, restore: function () { BI.each(this.renderedCells, function (i, cell) { cell.el._destroy(); }); this._clearChildren(); this.renderedCells = []; this.renderedKeys = []; this.renderRange = {}; this._scrollLock = false; }, populate: function (items) { if (items && items !== this.options.items) { this.restore(); } this._populate(items); } }); BI.GridView.EVENT_SCROLL = "EVENT_SCROLL"; BI.shortcut("bi.grid_view", BI.GridView);/** * floatBox弹出层, * @class BI.FloatBox * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.FloatBox = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.FloatBox.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-float-box bi-card", width: 600, height: 500 }); }, _init: function () { BI.FloatBox.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.showAction = new BI.ShowAction({ tar: this }); this._center = BI.createWidget(); this._north = BI.createWidget(); this.element.draggable && this.element.draggable({ handle: ".bi-message-title", drag: function (e, ui) { var W = $("body").width(), H = $("body").height(); if (ui.position.left + o.width > W) { ui.position.left = W - o.width; } if (ui.position.top + o.height > H) { ui.position.top = H - o.height; } if (ui.position.left < 0) { ui.position.left = 0; } if (ui.position.top < 0) { ui.position.top = 0; } // BI-12134 没有什么特别好的方法 BI.Resizers._resize(); } }); this._south = BI.createWidget(); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.border", element: this, items: { north: { el: { type: "bi.border", cls: "bi-message-title bi-background", items: { center: { el: { type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: this._north, left: 10, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }] } }, east: { el: { type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "bi-message-close close-font", height: 50, handler: function () { self.currentSectionProvider.close(); } }, width: 60 } } }, height: 50 }, center: { el: { type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: this._center, left: 20, top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 0 }] } }, south: { el: { type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: this._south, left: 20, top: 0, right: 20, bottom: 0 }] }, height: 60 } } }); }, populate: function (sectionProvider) { var self = this; if (this.currentSectionProvider && this.currentSectionProvider !== sectionProvider) { this.currentSectionProvider.destroy(); } this.currentSectionProvider = sectionProvider; sectionProvider.rebuildNorth(this._north); sectionProvider.rebuildCenter(this._center); sectionProvider.rebuildSouth(this._south); sectionProvider.on(BI.PopoverSection.EVENT_CLOSE, function () { self.close(); }); }, show: function () { this.showAction.actionPerformed(); }, hide: function () { this.showAction.actionBack(); }, open: function () { this.show(); this.fireEvent(BI.FloatBox.EVENT_FLOAT_BOX_OPEN); }, close: function () { this.hide(); this.fireEvent(BI.FloatBox.EVENT_FLOAT_BOX_CLOSED); }, setZindex: function (zindex) { this.element.css({"z-index": zindex}); }, destroyed: function () { this.currentSectionProvider && this.currentSectionProvider.destroy(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.float_box", BI.FloatBox); BI.FloatBox.EVENT_FLOAT_BOX_CLOSED = "EVENT_FLOAT_BOX_CLOSED"; BI.FloatBox.EVENT_FLOAT_BOX_OPEN = "EVENT_FLOAT_BOX_CLOSED"; /** * 下拉框弹出层, zIndex在1000w * @class BI.PopupView * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.PopupView = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.PopupView.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-popup-view", maxWidth: "auto", minWidth: 100, // maxHeight: 200, minHeight: 25, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, vgap: 0, hgap: 0, direction: BI.Direction.Top, // 工具栏的方向 stopEvent: false, // 是否停止mousedown、mouseup事件 stopPropagation: false, // 是否停止mousedown、mouseup向上冒泡 logic: { dynamic: true }, tool: false, // 自定义工具栏 tabs: [], // 导航栏 buttons: [], // toolbar栏 el: { type: "bi.button_group", items: [], chooseType: 0, behaviors: {}, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] } }); }, _init: function () { BI.PopupView.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var fn = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }, stop = function (e) { e.stopEvent(); return false; }; this.element.css({ "z-index": BI.zIndex_popup, "min-width": o.minWidth + "px", "max-width": o.maxWidth + "px" }).bind({click: fn}); this.element.bind("mousewheel", fn); o.stopPropagation && this.element.bind({mousedown: fn, mouseup: fn, mouseover: fn}); o.stopEvent && this.element.bind({mousedown: stop, mouseup: stop, mouseover: stop}); this.tool = this._createTool(); this.tab = this._createTab(); this.view = this._createView(); this.toolbar = this._createToolBar(); this.button_group.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.PopupView.EVENT_CHANGE); } }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(o.direction), BI.extend({}, o.logic, { scrolly: false, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, vgap: o.vgap, hgap: o.hgap, items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(o.direction, BI.extend({ cls: "list-view-outer bi-card bi-border" }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(o.direction), BI.extend({}, o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(o.direction, this.tool, this.tab, this.view, this.toolbar) }))) ) })))); }, _createView: function () { var o = this.options; this.button_group = BI.createWidget(o.el, {type: "bi.button_group", value: o.value}); this.button_group.element.css({"min-height": o.minHeight + "px"}); return this.button_group; }, _createTool: function () { var o = this.options; if (false === o.tool) { return; } return BI.createWidget(o.tool); }, _createTab: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.tabs.length === 0) { return; } return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center", cls: "list-view-tab", height: 25, items: o.tabs, value: o.value }); }, _createToolBar: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.buttons.length === 0) { return; } return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center", cls: "list-view-toolbar bi-high-light bi-border-top", height: 30, items: BI.createItems(o.buttons, { once: false, shadow: true, isShadowShowingOnSelected: true }) }); }, getView: function () { return this.button_group; }, populate: function (items) { this.button_group.populate.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, resetWidth: function (w) { this.options.width = w; this.element.width(w); }, resetHeight: function (h) { var tbHeight = this.toolbar ? (this.toolbar.attr("height") || 30) : 0, tabHeight = this.tab ? (this.tab.attr("height") || 25) : 0, toolHeight = ((this.tool && this.tool.attr("height")) || 25) * ((this.tool && this.tool.isVisible()) ? 1 : 0); this.view.resetHeight ? this.view.resetHeight(h - tbHeight - tabHeight - toolHeight - 2) : this.view.element.css({"max-height": (h - tbHeight - tabHeight - toolHeight - 2) + "px"}); }, setValue: function (selectedValues) { this.tab && this.tab.setValue(selectedValues); this.button_group.setValue(selectedValues); }, getValue: function () { return this.button_group.getValue(); } }); BI.PopupView.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.popup_view", BI.PopupView);/** * 搜索面板 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/28. * @class BI.SearcherView * @extends BI.Pane */ BI.SearcherView = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.SearcherView.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-searcher-view bi-card", tipText: BI.i18nText("BI-No_Select"), chooseType: BI.Selection.Single, matcher: {// 完全匹配的构造器 type: "bi.button_group", behaviors: { redmark: function () { return true; } }, items: [], layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] }, searcher: { type: "bi.button_group", behaviors: { redmark: function () { return true; } }, items: [], layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] } }); }, _init: function () { BI.SearcherView.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.matcher = BI.createWidget(o.matcher, { type: "bi.button_group", chooseType: o.chooseType, behaviors: { redmark: function () { return true; } }, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }], value: o.value }); this.matcher.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, val, ob) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.SearcherView.EVENT_CHANGE, val, ob); } }); this.spliter = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", height: 1, hgap: 10, items: [{ type: "bi.layout", height: 1, cls: "searcher-view-spliter bi-background" }] }); this.searcher = BI.createWidget(o.searcher, { type: "bi.button_group", chooseType: o.chooseType, behaviors: { redmark: function () { return true; } }, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }], value: o.value }); this.searcher.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, val, ob) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.SearcherView.EVENT_CHANGE, val, ob); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, items: [this.matcher, this.spliter, this.searcher] }); }, startSearch: function () { }, stopSearch: function () { }, setValue: function (v) { this.matcher.setValue(v); this.searcher.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.matcher.getValue().concat(this.searcher.getValue()); }, populate: function (searchResult, matchResult, keyword) { searchResult || (searchResult = []); matchResult || (matchResult = []); this.setTipVisible(searchResult.length + matchResult.length === 0); this.spliter.setVisible(BI.isNotEmptyArray(matchResult) && BI.isNotEmptyArray(searchResult)); this.matcher.populate(matchResult, keyword); this.searcher.populate(searchResult, keyword); }, empty: function () { this.searcher.empty(); this.matcher.empty(); }, hasMatched: function () { return this.matcher.getAllButtons().length > 0; } }); BI.SearcherView.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.searcher_view", BI.SearcherView);/** * 表示当前对象 * * Created by GUY on 2017/5/23. * @class BI.ListView * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.ListView = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { props: function () { return { baseCls: "bi-list-view", overscanHeight: 100, blockSize: 10, scrollTop: 0, el: {}, items: [] }; }, init: function () { var self = this; this.renderedIndex = -1; this.cache = {}; }, render: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; return { type: "bi.vertical", items: [BI.extend({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, ref: function () { self.container = this; } }, o.el)], element: this }; }, mounted: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this._populate(); this.element.scroll(function (e) { o.scrollTop = self.element.scrollTop(); self._calculateBlocksToRender(); }); BI.ResizeDetector.addResizeListener(this, function () { self._calculateBlocksToRender(); }); }, _renderMoreIf: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var height = this.element.height(); var minContentHeight = o.scrollTop + height + o.overscanHeight; var index = (this.cache[this.renderedIndex] && (this.cache[this.renderedIndex].index + o.blockSize)) || 0, cnt = this.renderedIndex + 1; var lastHeight; var getElementHeight = function () { return self.container.element.height(); }; while ((lastHeight = getElementHeight()) < minContentHeight && index < o.items.length) { var items = o.items.slice(index, index + o.blockSize); this.container.addItems(items); var addedHeight = getElementHeight() - lastHeight; this.cache[cnt] = { index: index, scrollTop: lastHeight, height: addedHeight }; this.renderedIndex = cnt; cnt++; index += o.blockSize; } }, _calculateBlocksToRender: function () { var o = this.options; this._renderMoreIf(); }, _populate: function (items) { var o = this.options; if (items && this.options.items !== items) { this.options.items = items; } this._calculateBlocksToRender(); this.element.scrollTop(o.scrollTop); }, restore: function () { this.renderedIndex = -1; this.container.empty(); this.cache = {}; }, populate: function (items) { if (items && this.options.items !== items) { this.restore(); } this._populate(items); }, destroyed: function () { this.restore(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.list_view", BI.ListView); /** * 表示当前对象 * * Created by GUY on 2017/5/22. * @class BI.VirtualList * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.VirtualList = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { props: function () { return { baseCls: "bi-virtual-list", overscanHeight: 100, blockSize: 10, scrollTop: 0, items: [] }; }, init: function () { var self = this; this.renderedIndex = -1; this.cache = {}; }, render: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; return { type: "bi.vertical", items: [{ type: "bi.layout", ref: function () { self.topBlank = this; } }, { type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, ref: function () { self.container = this; } }, { type: "bi.layout", ref: function () { self.bottomBlank = this; } }], element: this }; }, mounted: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this._populate(); this.element.scroll(function (e) { o.scrollTop = self.element.scrollTop(); self._calculateBlocksToRender(); }); BI.ResizeDetector.addResizeListener(this, function () { self._calculateBlocksToRender(); }); }, _renderMoreIf: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var height = this.element.height(); var minContentHeight = o.scrollTop + height + o.overscanHeight; var index = (this.cache[this.renderedIndex] && (this.cache[this.renderedIndex].index + o.blockSize)) || 0, cnt = this.renderedIndex + 1; var lastHeight; var getElementHeight = function () { return self.container.element.height() + self.topBlank.element.height() + self.bottomBlank.element.height(); }; while ((lastHeight = getElementHeight()) < minContentHeight && index < o.items.length) { var items = o.items.slice(index, index + o.blockSize); this.container.addItems(items); var addedHeight = getElementHeight() - lastHeight; this.cache[cnt] = { index: index, scrollTop: lastHeight, height: addedHeight }; this.tree.set(cnt, addedHeight); this.renderedIndex = cnt; cnt++; index += o.blockSize; } }, _calculateBlocksToRender: function () { var o = this.options; this._renderMoreIf(); var height = this.element.height(); var minContentHeightFrom = o.scrollTop - o.overscanHeight; var minContentHeightTo = o.scrollTop + height + o.overscanHeight; var start = this.tree.greatestLowerBound(minContentHeightFrom); var end = this.tree.leastUpperBound(minContentHeightTo); var needDestroyed = []; for (var i = 0; i < start; i++) { var index = this.cache[i].index; if (!this.cache[i].destroyed) { for (var j = index; j < index + o.blockSize && j < o.items.length; j++) { needDestroyed.push(this.container._children[j]); this.container._children[j] = null; } this.cache[i].destroyed = true; } } for (var i = end + 1; i <= this.renderedIndex; i++) { var index = this.cache[i].index; if (!this.cache[i].destroyed) { for (var j = index; j < index + o.blockSize && j < o.items.length; j++) { needDestroyed.push(this.container._children[j]); this.container._children[j] = null; } this.cache[i].destroyed = true; } } var firstFragment = document.createDocumentFragment(), lastFragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); var currentFragment = firstFragment; for (var i = (start < 0 ? 0 : start); i <= end && i <= this.renderedIndex; i++) { var index = this.cache[i].index; if (!this.cache[i].destroyed) { currentFragment = lastFragment; } if (this.cache[i].destroyed === true) { for (var j = index; j < index + o.blockSize && j < o.items.length; j++) { var w = this.container._addElement(j, BI.extend({root: true}, BI.stripEL(o.items[j]))); currentFragment.appendChild(w.element[0]); } this.cache[i].destroyed = false; } } this.container.element.prepend(firstFragment); this.container.element.append(lastFragment); this.topBlank.setHeight(this.cache[start < 0 ? 0 : start].scrollTop); var lastCache = this.cache[Math.min(end, this.renderedIndex)]; this.bottomBlank.setHeight(this.tree.sumTo(this.renderedIndex) - lastCache.scrollTop - lastCache.height); BI.each(needDestroyed, function (i, child) { child && child._destroy(); }); }, _populate: function (items) { var o = this.options; if (items && this.options.items !== items) { this.options.items = items; } this.tree = BI.PrefixIntervalTree.empty(Math.ceil(o.items.length / o.blockSize)); this._calculateBlocksToRender(); this.element.scrollTop(o.scrollTop); }, _clearChildren: function () { BI.each(this.container._children, function (i, cell) { cell && cell.el._destroy(); }); this.container._children = {}; this.container.attr("items", []); }, restore: function () { this.renderedIndex = -1; this._clearChildren(); this.cache = {}; this.options.scrollTop = 0; }, populate: function (items) { if (items && this.options.items !== items) { this.restore(); } this._populate(); }, destroyed: function () { this.restore(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.virtual_list", BI.VirtualList); /** * 分页控件 * * Created by GUY on 2015/8/31. * @class BI.Pager * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.Pager = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Pager.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-pager", behaviors: {}, layouts: [{ type: "bi.horizontal", hgap: 10, vgap: 0 }], dynamicShow: true, // 是否动态显示上一页、下一页、首页、尾页, 若为false,则指对其设置使能状态 // dynamicShow为false时以下两个有用 dynamicShowFirstLast: false, // 是否动态显示首页、尾页 dynamicShowPrevNext: false, // 是否动态显示上一页、下一页 pages: false, // 总页数 curr: function () { return 1; }, // 初始化当前页 groups: 0, // 连续显示分页数 jump: BI.emptyFn, // 分页的回调函数 first: false, // 是否显示首页 last: false, // 是否显示尾页 prev: "上一页", next: "下一页", firstPage: 1, lastPage: function () { // 在万不得已时才会调用这个函数获取最后一页的页码, 主要作用于setValue方法 return 1; }, hasPrev: BI.emptyFn, // pages不可用时有效 hasNext: BI.emptyFn // pages不可用时有效 }); }, _init: function () { BI.Pager.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this; this.currPage = BI.result(this.options, "curr"); // 翻页太灵敏 // this._lock = false; // this._debouce = BI.debounce(function () { // self._lock = false; // }, 300); this._populate(); }, _populate: function () { var self = this, o = this.options, view = [], dict = {}; this.empty(); var pages = BI.result(o, "pages"); var curr = BI.result(this, "currPage"); var groups = BI.result(o, "groups"); var first = BI.result(o, "first"); var last = BI.result(o, "last"); var prev = BI.result(o, "prev"); var next = BI.result(o, "next"); if (pages === false) { groups = 0; first = false; last = false; } else { groups > pages && (groups = pages); } // 计算当前组 dict.index = Math.ceil((curr + ((groups > 1 && groups !== pages) ? 1 : 0)) / (groups === 0 ? 1 : groups)); // 当前页非首页,则输出上一页 if (((!o.dynamicShow && !o.dynamicShowPrevNext) || curr > 1) && prev !== false) { if (BI.isKey(prev)) { view.push({ text: prev, value: "prev", disabled: pages === false ? o.hasPrev(curr) === false : !(curr > 1 && prev !== false) }); } else { view.push(BI.extend({ disabled: pages === false ? o.hasPrev(curr) === false : !(curr > 1 && prev !== false) }, prev)); } } // 当前组非首组,则输出首页 if (((!o.dynamicShow && !o.dynamicShowFirstLast) || (dict.index > 1 && groups !== 0)) && first) { view.push({ text: first, value: "first", disabled: !(dict.index > 1 && groups !== 0) }); if (dict.index > 1 && groups !== 0) { view.push({ type: "bi.label", cls: "page-ellipsis", text: "\u2026" }); } } // 输出当前页组 dict.poor = Math.floor((groups - 1) / 2); dict.start = dict.index > 1 ? curr - dict.poor : 1; dict.end = dict.index > 1 ? (function () { var max = curr + (groups - dict.poor - 1); return max > pages ? pages : max; }()) : groups; if (dict.end - dict.start < groups - 1) { // 最后一组状态 dict.start = dict.end - groups + 1; } var s = dict.start, e = dict.end; if (first && last && (dict.index > 1 && groups !== 0) && (pages > groups && dict.end < pages && groups !== 0)) { s++; e--; } for (; s <= e; s++) { if (s === curr) { view.push({ text: s, value: s, selected: true }); } else { view.push({ text: s, value: s }); } } // 总页数大于连续分页数,且当前组最大页小于总页,输出尾页 if (((!o.dynamicShow && !o.dynamicShowFirstLast) || (pages > groups && dict.end < pages && groups !== 0)) && last) { if (pages > groups && dict.end < pages && groups !== 0) { view.push({ type: "bi.label", cls: "page-ellipsis", text: "\u2026" }); } view.push({ text: last, value: "last", disabled: !(pages > groups && dict.end < pages && groups !== 0) }); } // 当前页不为尾页时,输出下一页 dict.flow = !prev && groups === 0; if (((!o.dynamicShow && !o.dynamicShowPrevNext) && next) || (curr !== pages && next || dict.flow)) { view.push((function () { if (BI.isKey(next)) { if (pages === false) { return {text: next, value: "next", disabled: o.hasNext(curr) === false}; } return (dict.flow && curr === pages) ? {text: next, value: "next", disabled: true} : {text: next, value: "next", disabled: !(curr !== pages && next || dict.flow)}; } return BI.extend({ disabled: pages === false ? o.hasNext(curr) === false : !(curr !== pages && next || dict.flow) }, next); }())); } this.button_group = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button_group", element: this, items: BI.createItems(view, { cls: "bi-list-item-select", height: 23, hgap: 10 }), behaviors: o.behaviors, layouts: o.layouts }); this.button_group.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { // if (self._lock === true) { // return; // } // self._lock = true; // self._debouce(); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { var v = self.button_group.getValue()[0]; switch (v) { case "first": self.currPage = 1; break; case "last": self.currPage = pages; break; case "prev": self.currPage--; break; case "next": self.currPage++; break; default: self.currPage = v; break; } o.jump.apply(self, [{ pages: pages, curr: self.currPage }]); self._populate(); self.fireEvent(BI.Pager.EVENT_CHANGE, obj); } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.fireEvent(BI.Pager.EVENT_AFTER_POPULATE); }, getCurrentPage: function () { return this.currPage; }, setAllPages: function (pages) { this.options.pages = pages; }, hasPrev: function (v) { v || (v = 1); var o = this.options; var pages = this.options.pages; return pages === false ? o.hasPrev(v) : v > 1; }, hasNext: function (v) { v || (v = 1); var o = this.options; var pages = this.options.pages; return pages === false ? o.hasNext(v) : v < pages; }, setValue: function (v) { var o = this.options; v = v | 0; v = v < 1 ? 1 : v; if (o.pages === false) { var lastPage = BI.result(o, "lastPage"), firstPage = 1; this.currPage = v > lastPage ? lastPage : ((firstPage = BI.result(o, "firstPage")), (v < firstPage ? firstPage : v)); } else { v = v > o.pages ? o.pages : v; this.currPage = v; } this._populate(); }, getValue: function () { var val = this.button_group.getValue()[0]; switch (val) { case "prev": return -1; case "next": return 1; case "first": return BI.MIN; case "last": return BI.MAX; default : return val; } }, attr: function (key, value) { BI.Pager.superclass.attr.apply(this, arguments); if (key === "curr") { this.currPage = BI.result(this.options, "curr"); } }, populate: function () { this._populate(); } }); BI.Pager.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.Pager.EVENT_AFTER_POPULATE = "EVENT_AFTER_POPULATE"; BI.shortcut("bi.pager", BI.Pager);/** * 超链接 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/9. * @class BI.A * @extends BI.Text * @abstract */ BI.A = BI.inherit(BI.Text, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.A.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-a display-block", href: "", target: "_blank", el: null, element: "<a/>" }); }, _init: function () { var o = this.options; BI.A.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.element.attr({href: o.href, target: o.target}); if (o.el) { BI.createWidget(o.el, { element: this }); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.a", BI.A);/** * guy * 加载条 * @type {*|void|Object} */ BI.LoadingBar = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.LoadingBar.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend( conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-loading-bar bi-tips", height: 30, handler: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.LoadingBar.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this; this.loaded = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_button", cls: "loading-text bi-list-item-simple", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Load_More"), width: 120, handler: this.options.handler }); this.loaded.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.loading = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", width: this.options.height, height: this.options.height, cls: "loading-background cursor-default" }); var loaded = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", items: [this.loaded] }); var loading = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", items: [this.loading] }); this.cardLayout = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.card", element: this, items: [{ el: loaded, cardName: "loaded" }, { el: loading, cardName: "loading" }] }); this.invisible(); }, _reset: function () { this.visible(); this.loaded.setText(BI.i18nText("BI-Load_More")); this.loaded.enable(); }, setLoaded: function () { this._reset(); this.cardLayout.showCardByName("loaded"); }, setEnd: function () { this.setLoaded(); this.loaded.setText(BI.i18nText("BI-No_More_Data")); this.loaded.disable(); }, setLoading: function () { this._reset(); this.cardLayout.showCardByName("loading"); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.loading_bar", BI.LoadingBar);/** * @class BI.IconButton * @extends BI.BasicButton * 图标的button */ BI.IconButton = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.IconButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-icon-button horizon-center", iconWidth: null, iconHeight: null }); }, _init: function () { BI.IconButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.element.css({ textAlign: "center" }); this.icon = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon", width: o.iconWidth, height: o.iconHeight }); if (BI.isNumber(o.height) && o.height > 0 && BI.isNull(o.iconWidth) && BI.isNull(o.iconHeight)) { this.element.css("lineHeight", o.height + "px"); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.default", element: this, items: [this.icon] }); } else { BI.createWidget({ element: this, type: "bi.center_adapt", items: [this.icon] }); } }, doClick: function () { BI.IconButton.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, this); } } }); BI.IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE = "IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.icon_button", BI.IconButton);/** * 图片的button * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/27. * @class BI.ImageButton * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.ImageButton = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.ImageButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-image-button", src: "", iconWidth: "100%", iconHeight: "100%" }); }, _init: function () { BI.ImageButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.image = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.img", width: o.iconWidth, height: o.iconHeight, src: o.src }); if (BI.isNumber(o.iconWidth) || BI.isNumber(o.iconHeight)) { BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", element: this, items: [this.image] }); } else { BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", element: this, items: [this.image], scrollable: false }); } }, setWidth: function (w) { BI.ImageButton.superclass.setWidth.apply(this, arguments); this.options.width = w; }, setHeight: function (h) { BI.ImageButton.superclass.setHeight.apply(this, arguments); this.options.height = h; }, setImageWidth: function (w) { this.image.setWidth(w); }, setImageHeight: function (h) { this.image.setHeight(h); }, getImageWidth: function () { return this.image.element.width(); }, getImageHeight: function () { return this.image.element.height(); }, setSrc: function (src) { this.options.src = src; this.image.setSrc(src); }, getSrc: function () { return this.image.getSrc(); }, doClick: function () { BI.ImageButton.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.ImageButton.EVENT_CHANGE, this); } } }); BI.ImageButton.EVENT_CHANGE = "ImageButton.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.image_button", BI.ImageButton);(function ($) { /** * 文字类型的按钮 * @class BI.Button * @extends BI.BasicButton * * @cfg {JSON} options 配置属性 * @cfg {'common'/'success'/'warning'/'ignore'} [options.level='common'] 按钮类型,用不同颜色强调不同的场景 */ BI.Button = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function (props) { var conf = BI.Button.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-button", minWidth: (props.block === true || props.clear === true) ? 0 : 90, shadow: props.clear !== true, isShadowShowingOnSelected: true, readonly: true, iconCls: "", level: "common", block: false, // 是否块状显示,即不显示边框,没有最小宽度的限制 clear: false, // 是否去掉边框和背景 textAlign: "center", whiteSpace: "nowrap", forceCenter: false, textWidth: null, textHeight: null, hgap: props.clear ? 0 : 10, vgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.Button.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, self = this; if (BI.isNumber(o.height) && !o.clear && !o.block) { this.element.css({height: o.height + "px", lineHeight: o.height + "px"}); } else { this.element.css({lineHeight: o.height + "px"}); } if (BI.isKey(o.iconCls)) { this.icon = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon", width: 18 }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", text: o.text, value: o.value }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.horizontal_auto", cls: o.iconCls, element: this, hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, items: [{ type: "bi.horizontal", items: [this.icon, this.text] }] }); } else { this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: o.textAlign, whiteSpace: o.whiteSpace, forceCenter: o.forceCenter, textWidth: o.textWidth, textHeight: o.textHeight, hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, element: this, text: o.text, value: o.value }); } if (o.block === true) { this.element.addClass("block"); } if (o.clear === true) { this.element.addClass("clear"); } if (o.minWidth > 0) { this.element.css({"min-width": o.minWidth + "px"}); } }, doClick: function () { BI.Button.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.Button.EVENT_CHANGE, this); } }, setText: function (text) { BI.Button.superclass.setText.apply(this, arguments); this.text.setText(text); }, setValue: function (text) { BI.Button.superclass.setValue.apply(this, arguments); if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue(text); } }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, destroy: function () { BI.Button.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.button", BI.Button); BI.Button.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; })(jQuery);/** * guy * 可以点击的一行文字 * @class BI.TextButton * @extends BI.BasicButton * 文字button */ BI.TextButton = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.TextButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-text-button", textAlign: "center", whiteSpace: "nowrap", forceCenter: false, textWidth: null, textHeight: null, hgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, text: "", py: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.TextButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", element: this, textAlign: o.textAlign, whiteSpace: o.whiteSpace, textWidth: o.textWidth, textHeight: o.textHeight, forceCenter: o.forceCenter, width: o.width, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); }, doClick: function () { BI.TextButton.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.TextButton.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, setText: function (text) { BI.TextButton.superclass.setText.apply(this, arguments); text = BI.isArray(text) ? text.join(",") : text; this.text.setText(text); }, setStyle: function (style) { this.text.setStyle(style); }, setValue: function (text) { BI.TextButton.superclass.setValue.apply(this, arguments); if (!this.isReadOnly()) { text = BI.isArray(text) ? text.join(",") : text; this.text.setValue(text); } } }); BI.TextButton.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.text_button", BI.TextButton);/** * 带有一个占位 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/11. * @class BI.BlankIconIconTextItem * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.BlankIconIconTextItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _const: { commonWidth: 25 }, _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.BlankIconIconTextItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-blank-icon-text-item", logic: { dynamic: false }, iconCls1: "close-ha-font", iconCls2: "close-ha-font", blankWidth: 0, iconHeight: null, iconWidth: null, textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.BlankIconIconTextItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, c = this._const; var blank = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", width: o.blankWidth, height: o.height }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "list-item-text", textAlign: "left", hgap: o.textHgap, vgap: o.textVgap, lgap: o.textLgap, rgap: o.textRgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, keyword: o.keyword, height: o.height }); this.icon1 = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: o.iconCls1, forceNotSelected: true, width: c.commonWidth, height: o.height }); this.icon2 = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: o.iconCls2, forceNotSelected: true, width: c.commonWidth, height: o.height }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("horizontal", BI.extend(o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection("left", blank, this.icon1, this.icon2, this.text) })))); }, doClick: function () { BI.BlankIconIconTextItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.BlankIconIconTextItem.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, setSelected: function (b) { BI.BlankIconIconTextItem.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); this.icon1.setSelected(b); this.icon2.setSelected(b); }, setValue: function () { if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue.apply(this.text, arguments); } }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function () { this.text.setText.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getText: function () { return this.text.getText(); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); } }); BI.BlankIconIconTextItem.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.blank_icon_icon_text_item", BI.BlankIconIconTextItem);/** * guy * 一个占位符和两个icon和一行数 组成的一行listitem * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/15. * @class BI.BlankIconTextIconItem * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.BlankIconTextIconItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _const: { commonWidth: 25 }, _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.BlankIconTextIconItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-blank-icon-text-icon-item", logic: { dynamic: false }, iconCls1: "close-ha-font", iconCls2: "close-ha-font", blankWidth: 0, iconHeight: null, iconWidth: null, textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.BlankIconTextIconItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, c = this._const; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", hgap: o.textHgap, vgap: o.textVgap, lgap: o.textLgap, rgap: o.textRgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, keyword: o.keyword, height: o.height }); var icon1 = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", cls: o.iconCls1, width: c.commonWidth, height: o.height, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.icon", width: o.iconWidth, height: o.iconHeight } }] }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.center_adapt", cls: o.iconCls2, width: c.commonWidth, height: o.height, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.icon", width: o.iconWidth, height: o.iconHeight } }] }, top: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0 }] }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("horizontal", BI.extend(o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection("left", { type: "bi.layout", width: o.blankWidth }, icon1, this.text, { type: "bi.layout", width: c.commonWidth }) })))); }, doClick: function () { BI.BlankIconTextIconItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.BlankIconTextIconItem.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, setValue: function () { if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue.apply(this.text, arguments); } }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function () { this.text.setText.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getText: function () { return this.text.getText(); } }); BI.BlankIconTextIconItem.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.blank_icon_text_icon_item", BI.BlankIconTextIconItem);/** * 带有一个占位 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/11. * @class BI.BlankIconTextItem * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.BlankIconTextItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _const: { commonWidth: 25 }, _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.BlankIconTextItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-blank-icon-text-item", logic: { dynamic: false }, cls: "close-ha-font", blankWidth: 0, iconHeight: null, iconWidth: null, textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.BlankIconTextItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, c = this._const; var blank = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", width: o.blankWidth }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "list-item-text", textAlign: "left", hgap: o.textHgap, vgap: o.textVgap, lgap: o.textLgap, rgap: o.textRgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, keyword: o.keyword, height: o.height }); this.icon = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", width: c.commonWidth, height: o.height, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.icon", width: o.iconWidth, height: o.iconHeight } }] }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("horizontal", BI.extend(o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection("left", blank, this.icon, this.text) })))); }, doClick: function () { BI.BlankIconTextItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.BlankIconTextItem.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, setValue: function () { if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue.apply(this.text, arguments); } }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function () { this.text.setText.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getText: function () { return this.text.getText(); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); } }); BI.BlankIconTextItem.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.blank_icon_text_item", BI.BlankIconTextItem);/** * guy * 两个icon和一行数 组成的一行listitem * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/9. * @class BI.IconTextIconItem * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.IconTextIconItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _const: { commonWidth: 25 }, _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.IconTextIconItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-icon-text-icon-item", logic: { dynamic: false }, iconCls1: "close-ha-font", iconCls2: "close-ha-font", iconHeight: null, iconWidth: null, textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.IconTextIconItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, c = this._const; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", hgap: o.textHgap, vgap: o.textVgap, lgap: o.textLgap, rgap: o.textRgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, keyword: o.keyword, height: o.height }); var icon1 = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", cls: o.iconCls1, width: c.commonWidth, height: o.height, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.icon", width: o.iconWidth, height: o.iconHeight } }] }); var blank = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", width: c.commonWidth }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.center_adapt", cls: o.iconCls2, width: c.commonWidth, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.icon", width: o.iconWidth, height: o.iconHeight } }] }, top: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0 }] }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("horizontal", BI.extend(o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection("left", icon1, this.text, blank) })))); }, doClick: function () { BI.IconTextIconItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.IconTextIconItem.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, setValue: function () { if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue.apply(this.text, arguments); } }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function () { this.text.setText.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getText: function () { return this.text.getText(); } }); BI.IconTextIconItem.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.icon_text_icon_item", BI.IconTextIconItem);/** * guy * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/9. * @class BI.IconTextItem * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.IconTextItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _const: { commonWidth: 25 }, _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.IconTextItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-icon-text-item", direction: BI.Direction.Left, logic: { dynamic: false }, iconHeight: null, iconWidth: null, textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.IconTextItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, c = this._const; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "list-item-text", textAlign: "left", hgap: o.textHgap, vgap: o.textVgap, lgap: o.textLgap, rgap: o.textRgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, keyword: o.keyword, height: o.height }); this.icon = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", width: c.commonWidth, height: o.height, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.icon", width: o.iconWidth, height: o.iconHeight } }] }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(o.direction), BI.extend(o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(o.direction, this.icon, this.text) })))); }, setValue: function () { if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue.apply(this.text, arguments); } }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function () { this.text.setText.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getText: function () { return this.text.getText(); }, doClick: function () { BI.IconTextItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.IconTextItem.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); } }); BI.IconTextItem.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.icon_text_item", BI.IconTextItem);/** * * 图标的button * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/9. * @class BI.TextIconItem * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.TextIconItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _const: { commonWidth: 25 }, _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.TextIconItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-text-icon-item", logic: { dynamic: false }, cls: "close-ha-font", iconHeight: null, iconWidth: null, textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.TextIconItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, c = this._const; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "list-item-text", textAlign: "left", hgap: o.textHgap, vgap: o.textVgap, lgap: o.textLgap, rgap: o.textRgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, keyword: o.keyword, height: o.height }); this.icon = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", width: c.commonWidth, height: o.height, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.icon", width: o.iconWidth, height: o.iconHeight } }] }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("horizontal", BI.extend(o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection("left", this.text, this.icon) })))); }, doClick: function () { BI.TextIconItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.TextIconItem.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, setValue: function () { if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue.apply(this.text, arguments); } }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function () { this.text.setText.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getText: function () { return this.text.getText(); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); } }); BI.TextIconItem.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.text_icon_item", BI.TextIconItem);/** * guy * 一个button和一行数 组成的一行listitem * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/9. * @class BI.TextItem * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.TextItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.TextItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-text-item", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.TextItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", element: this, textAlign: o.textAlign, whiteSpace: o.whiteSpace, textHeight: o.whiteSpace == "nowrap" ? o.height : o.textHeight, height: o.height, hgap: o.textHgap, vgap: o.textVgap, lgap: o.textLgap, rgap: o.textRgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, keyword: o.keyword, py: o.py }); }, doClick: function () { BI.TextItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.TextItem.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, setValue: function () { if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue.apply(this.text, arguments); } }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function () { this.text.setText.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getText: function () { return this.text.getText(); } }); BI.TextItem.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.text_item", BI.TextItem);/** * guy * Created by GUY on 2015/9/9. * @class BI.IconTextIconNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.IconTextIconNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _const: { commonWidth: 25 }, _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.IconTextIconNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-icon-text-icon-node", logic: { dynamic: false }, iconCls1: "close-ha-font", iconCls2: "close-ha-font", iconHeight: null, iconWidth: null, textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.IconTextIconNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, c = this._const; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", hgap: o.textHgap, vgap: o.textVgap, lgap: o.textLgap, rgap: o.textRgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, keyword: o.keyword, height: o.height }); var icon1 = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", cls: o.iconCls1, width: c.commonWidth, height: o.height, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.icon", width: o.iconWidth, height: o.iconHeight } }] }); var blank = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", width: c.commonWidth, height: o.height }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.center_adapt", cls: o.iconCls2, width: c.commonWidth, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.icon", width: o.iconWidth, height: o.iconHeight } }] }, top: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0 }] }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("horizontal", BI.extend(o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection("left", icon1, this.text, blank) })))); }, doClick: function () { BI.IconTextIconNode.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.IconTextIconNode.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, setValue: function () { if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue.apply(this.text, arguments); } }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function () { this.text.setText.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getText: function () { return this.text.getText(); } }); BI.IconTextIconNode.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.icon_text_icon_node", BI.IconTextIconNode);/** * guy * Created by GUY on 2015/9/9. * @class BI.IconTextNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.IconTextNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _const: { commonWidth: 25 }, _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.IconTextNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-icon-text-node", logic: { dynamic: false }, cls: "close-ha-font", iconHeight: null, iconWidth: null, textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.IconTextNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, c = this._const; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "list-item-text", textAlign: "left", hgap: o.textHgap, vgap: o.textVgap, lgap: o.textLgap, rgap: o.textRgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, keyword: o.keyword, height: o.height }); this.icon = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", width: c.commonWidth, height: o.height, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.icon", width: o.iconWidth, height: o.iconHeight } }] }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("horizontal", BI.extend(o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection("left", this.icon, this.text) })))); }, setValue: function () { if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue.apply(this.text, arguments); } }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function () { this.text.setText.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getText: function () { return this.text.getText(); }, doClick: function () { BI.IconTextNode.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.IconTextNode.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); } }); BI.IconTextNode.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.icon_text_node", BI.IconTextNode);/** * Created by GUY on 2015/9/9. * @class BI.TextIconNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.TextIconNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _const: { commonWidth: 25 }, _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.TextIconNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-text-icon-node", logic: { dynamic: false }, cls: "close-ha-font", iconHeight: null, iconWidth: null, textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.TextIconNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, c = this._const; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "list-item-text", textAlign: "left", hgap: o.textHgap, vgap: o.textVgap, lgap: o.textLgap, rgap: o.textRgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, keyword: o.keyword, height: o.height }); this.icon = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", width: c.commonWidth, height: o.height, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.icon", width: o.iconWidth, height: o.iconHeight } }] }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("horizontal", BI.extend(o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection("left", this.text, this.icon) })))); }, doClick: function () { BI.TextIconNode.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.TextIconNode.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, setValue: function () { if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue.apply(this.text, arguments); } }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function () { this.text.setText.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getText: function () { return this.text.getText(); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); } }); BI.TextIconNode.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.text_icon_node", BI.TextIconNode);/** * guy * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/9. * @class BI.TextNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.TextNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.TextNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-text-node", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.TextNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", element: this, textAlign: o.textAlign, whiteSpace: o.whiteSpace, textHeight: o.whiteSpace == "nowrap" ? o.height : o.textHeight, height: o.height, hgap: o.textHgap, vgap: o.textVgap, lgap: o.textLgap, rgap: o.textRgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, keyword: o.keyword, py: o.py }); }, doClick: function () { BI.TextNode.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.TextNode.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, setValue: function () { if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue.apply(this.text, arguments); } }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function () { this.text.setText.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getText: function () { return this.text.getText(); } }); BI.TextNode.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.text_node", BI.TextNode);/** * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/15. * @class BI.CodeEditor * @extends BI.Single */ BI.CodeEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { return $.extend(BI.CodeEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(), { baseCls: "bi-code-editor", value: "", watermark: "", lineHeight: 2, readOnly: false, // 参数显示值构造函数 paramFormatter: function (v) { return v; } }); }, _init: function () { BI.CodeEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, self = this; this.editor = CodeMirror(this.element[0], { textWrapping: true, lineWrapping: true, lineNumbers: false, readOnly: o.readOnly, // 解决插入字段由括号或其他特殊字符包围时分裂的bug specialChars: /[\u0000-\u001f\u007f\u00ad\u200c-\u200f\u2028\u2029\ufeff]/ }); o.lineHeight === 1 ? this.element.addClass("codemirror-low-line-height") : this.element.addClass("codemirror-high-line-height"); this.editor.on("change", function (cm, change) { BI.nextTick(function () { self.fireEvent(BI.CodeEditor.EVENT_CHANGE); }); }); this.editor.on("focus", function () { self.watermark.setVisible(false); self.fireEvent(BI.CodeEditor.EVENT_FOCUS); }); this.editor.on("blur", function () { self.watermark.setVisible(BI.isEmptyString(self.getValue())); self.fireEvent(BI.CodeEditor.EVENT_BLUR); }); // this.editor.on("mousedown", function (cm, e) { // //IE下mousedown之后会触发blur,所以nextTick后再做focus // BI.nextTick(function () { // self.fireEvent(BI.CodeEditor.EVENT_FOCUS); // }); // //e.stopPropagation(); // }); // this.editor.on("blur", function () { // self.editor.execCommand("goLineEnd"); // }); // 水印 this.watermark = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", text: o.watermark, cls: "bi-water-mark", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textAlign: "left" }); this.watermark.element.bind( "mousedown", function (e) { self.insertString(""); self.editor.focus(); e.stopEvent(); } ); this.watermark.element.bind("click", function (e) { self.editor.focus(); e.stopEvent(); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.watermark, top: 0, left: 5 }] }); if (BI.isKey(o.value)) { BI.nextTick(function () { self.setValue(o.value); }); } }, _setEnable: function (b) { BI.CodeEditor.superclass._setEnable.apply(this, arguments); this.editor.setOption("readOnly", b === true ? false : "nocursor"); }, _checkWaterMark: function () { var o = this.options; if (BI.isEmptyString(this.editor.getValue()) && BI.isKey(o.watermark)) { this.watermark && this.watermark.visible(); } else { this.watermark && this.watermark.invisible(); } }, insertParam: function (param) { var value = param; param = this.options.paramFormatter(param); var from = this.editor.getCursor(); // 解决插入字段由括号或其他特殊字符包围时分裂的bug,在两端以不可见字符包裹一下 this.editor.replaceSelection("\u200b" + param + "\u200b"); var to = this.editor.getCursor(); var options = {className: "param", atomic: true}; if (BI.isNotNull(param.match(/^<!.*!>$/))) { options.className = "error-param"; } options.value = value; this.editor.markText(from, to, options); this.editor.replaceSelection(" "); this.editor.focus(); }, insertString: function (str) { this.editor.replaceSelection(str); this.editor.focus(); }, getValue: function () { return this.editor.getValue("\n", function (line) { var rawText = line.text, value = line.text, num = 0; value.text = rawText; // 根据插入位置不同,line.markedSpan可能是乱序的 _.forEach(_.sortBy(line.markedSpans, "from"), function (i, ms) { switch (i.marker.className) { case "param": case "error-param": var fieldNameLength = i.to - i.from; value = value.substr(0, i.from + num) + "$\{" + i.marker.value + "\}" + value.substr(i.to + num, value.length); // 加上${}的偏移 num += 3; // 加上实际值和显示值的长度差的偏移 num += (i.marker.value.length - fieldNameLength); break; } }); return value; }); }, _analyzeContent: function (v) { var regx = /\$[\{][^\}]*[\}]|[^\$\{]*[^\$\{]/g; return v.match(regx); }, setValue: function (v) { var self = this, result; this.refresh(); self.editor.setValue(""); result = this._analyzeContent(v || ""); BI.each(result, function (i, item) { var fieldRegx = /\$[\{][^\}]*[\}]/; var str = item.match(fieldRegx); if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(str)) { self.insertParam(str[0].substring(2, item.length - 1)); } else { self.insertString(item); } }); this._checkWaterMark(); }, focus: function () { this.editor.focus(); }, blur: function () { this.editor.getInputField().blur(); }, setStyle: function (style) { this.style = style; this.element.css(style); }, getStyle: function () { return this.style; }, refresh: function () { var self = this; BI.nextTick(function () { self.editor.refresh(); }); } }); BI.CodeEditor.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.CodeEditor.EVENT_BLUR = "EVENT_BLUR"; BI.CodeEditor.EVENT_FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS"; BI.shortcut("bi.code_editor", BI.CodeEditor);/** * Created by GUY on 2015/4/15. * @class BI.Editor * @extends BI.Single */ BI.Editor = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Editor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: "bi-editor", hgap: 4, vgap: 2, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, // title,warningTitle这两个属性没用 tipType: "warning", inputType: "text", validationChecker: BI.emptyFn, quitChecker: BI.emptyFn, allowBlank: false, watermark: "", errorText: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.Editor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.editor = this.addWidget(BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.input", element: "<input type='" + o.inputType + "'/>", root: true, value: o.value, watermark: o.watermark, validationChecker: o.validationChecker, quitChecker: o.quitChecker, allowBlank: o.allowBlank })); this.editor.element.css({ width: "100%", height: "100%", border: "none", outline: "none", padding: "0", margin: "0" }); if (BI.isKey(this.options.watermark)) { this.watermark = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "bi-water-mark", text: this.options.watermark, forceCenter: true, height: o.height - 2 * (o.vgap + o.tgap), whiteSpace: "nowrap", textAlign: "left" }); this.watermark.element.bind({ mousedown: function (e) { if (self.isEnabled()) { self.editor.isEditing() || self.editor.focus(); } else { self.editor.isEditing() && self.editor.blur(); } e.stopEvent(); } }); this.watermark.element.bind("click", function (e) { if (self.isEnabled()) { self.editor.isEditing() || self.editor.focus(); } else { self.editor.isEditing() && self.editor.blur(); } e.stopEvent(); }); this.watermark.element.css({ position: "absolute", left: "3px", right: "3px", top: "0px", bottom: "0px" }); } var items = [{ el: { type: "bi.default", items: this.watermark ? [this.editor, this.watermark] : [this.editor] }, left: o.hgap + o.lgap, right: o.hgap + o.rgap, top: o.vgap + o.tgap, bottom: o.vgap + o.bgap }]; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: items }); this.editor.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_FOCUS, function () { self._checkError(); self.element.addClass("bi-editor-focus"); self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_FOCUS, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_BLUR, function () { self.setErrorVisible(false); self.element.removeClass("bi-editor-focus"); self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_BLUR, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_CLICK, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_CLICK, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_KEY_DOWN, function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_QUICK_DOWN, function (v) { self.watermark && self.watermark.invisible(); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_VALID, function () { self._checkWaterMark(); self.setErrorVisible(false); self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_VALID, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_ERROR, function () { self._checkWaterMark(); self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_ERROR, arguments); self.setErrorVisible(self.isEditing()); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_RESTRICT, function () { self._checkWaterMark(); var tip = self.setErrorVisible(true); tip && tip.element.fadeOut(100, function () { tip.element.fadeIn(100); }); self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_RESTRICT, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_EMPTY, function () { self._checkWaterMark(); self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_EMPTY, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_ENTER, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_ENTER, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_SPACE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_SPACE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_BACKSPACE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_BACKSPACE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_REMOVE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_REMOVE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_START, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_START, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_PAUSE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_STOP, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_CONFIRM, arguments); }); this.element.click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); if (BI.isKey(this.options.value) || BI.isEmptyString(this.options.value)) { this._checkError(); this._checkWaterMark(); } else { this._checkWaterMark(); } }, _checkToolTip: function () { var o = this.options; var errorText = o.errorText; if (BI.isFunction(errorText)) { errorText = errorText(this.editor.getValue()); } if (BI.isKey(errorText)) { if (!this.isEnabled() || this.isValid() || (BI.Bubbles.has(this.getName()) && BI.Bubbles.get(this.getName()).isVisible())) { this.setTitle(""); } else { this.setTitle(errorText); } } }, _checkError: function () { this.setErrorVisible(this.isEnabled() && !this.isValid()); this._checkToolTip(); }, _checkWaterMark: function () { var o = this.options; if (!this.disabledWaterMark && this.editor.getValue() === "" && BI.isKey(o.watermark)) { this.watermark && this.watermark.visible(); } else { this.watermark && this.watermark.invisible(); } }, setErrorText: function (text) { this.options.errorText = text; }, getErrorText: function () { return this.options.errorText; }, setErrorVisible: function (b) { var o = this.options; var errorText = o.errorText; if (BI.isFunction(errorText)) { errorText = errorText(this.editor.getValue()); } if (!this.disabledError && BI.isKey(errorText)) { BI.Bubbles[b ? "show" : "hide"](this.getName(), errorText, this); this._checkToolTip(); return BI.Bubbles.get(this.getName()); } }, disableError: function () { this.disabledError = true; this._checkError(); }, enableError: function () { this.disabledError = false; this._checkError(); }, disableWaterMark: function () { this.disabledWaterMark = true; this._checkWaterMark(); }, enableWaterMark: function () { this.disabledWaterMark = false; this._checkWaterMark(); }, focus: function () { this.element.addClass("text-editor-focus"); this.editor.focus(); }, blur: function () { this.element.removeClass("text-editor-focus"); this.editor.blur(); }, selectAll: function () { this.editor.selectAll(); }, onKeyDown: function (k) { this.editor.onKeyDown(k); }, setValue: function (v) { BI.Editor.superclass.setValue.apply(this, arguments); this.editor.setValue(v); this._checkError(); this._checkWaterMark(); }, getLastValidValue: function () { return this.editor.getLastValidValue(); }, resetLastValidValue: function () { this.editor.resetLastValidValue(); }, getValue: function () { if (!this.isValid()) { return BI.trim(this.editor.getLastValidValue()); } return BI.trim(this.editor.getValue()); }, isEditing: function () { return this.editor.isEditing(); }, isValid: function () { return this.editor.isValid(); } }); BI.Editor.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.Editor.EVENT_FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS"; BI.Editor.EVENT_BLUR = "EVENT_BLUR"; BI.Editor.EVENT_CLICK = "EVENT_CLICK"; BI.Editor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN = "EVENT_KEY_DOWN"; BI.Editor.EVENT_SPACE = "EVENT_SPACE"; BI.Editor.EVENT_BACKSPACE = "EVENT_BACKSPACE"; BI.Editor.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.Editor.EVENT_PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.Editor.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.Editor.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.Editor.EVENT_VALID = "EVENT_VALID"; BI.Editor.EVENT_ERROR = "EVENT_ERROR"; BI.Editor.EVENT_ENTER = "EVENT_ENTER"; BI.Editor.EVENT_RESTRICT = "EVENT_RESTRICT"; BI.Editor.EVENT_REMOVE = "EVENT_REMOVE"; BI.Editor.EVENT_EMPTY = "EVENT_EMPTY"; BI.shortcut("bi.editor", BI.Editor);/** * 多文件 * * Created by GUY on 2016/4/13. * @class BI.MultifileEditor * @extends BI.Single * @abstract */ BI.MultifileEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.MultifileEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-multifile-editor", multiple: false, maxSize: -1, // 1024 * 1024 accept: "", url: "" }); }, _init: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; BI.MultifileEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.file = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.file", cls: "multifile-editor", width: "100%", height: "100%", name: o.name, url: o.url, multiple: o.multiple, accept: o.accept, maxSize: o.maxSize }); this.file.on(BI.File.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultifileEditor.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.file.on(BI.File.EVENT_UPLOADSTART, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultifileEditor.EVENT_UPLOADSTART, arguments); }); this.file.on(BI.File.EVENT_ERROR, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultifileEditor.EVENT_ERROR, arguments); }); this.file.on(BI.File.EVENT_PROGRESS, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultifileEditor.EVENT_PROGRESS, arguments); }); this.file.on(BI.File.EVENT_UPLOADED, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultifileEditor.EVENT_UPLOADED, arguments); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.adaptive", scrollable: false, items: [this.file] }, top: 0, right: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); }, select: function () { this.file.select(); }, getValue: function () { return this.file.getValue(); }, upload: function () { this.file.upload(); }, reset: function () { this.file.reset(); } }); BI.MultifileEditor.EVENT_CHANGE = "MultifileEditor.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.MultifileEditor.EVENT_UPLOADSTART = "MultifileEditor.EVENT_UPLOADSTART"; BI.MultifileEditor.EVENT_ERROR = "MultifileEditor.EVENT_ERROR"; BI.MultifileEditor.EVENT_PROGRESS = "MultifileEditor.EVENT_PROGRESS"; BI.MultifileEditor.EVENT_UPLOADED = "MultifileEditor.EVENT_UPLOADED"; BI.shortcut("bi.multifile_editor", BI.MultifileEditor);/** * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/18. * @class BI.TextAreaEditor * @extends BI.Single */ BI.TextAreaEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { return $.extend(BI.TextAreaEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(), { baseCls: "bi-textarea-editor bi-card", value: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.TextAreaEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, self = this; this.content = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", tagName: "textarea", width: "100%", height: "100%", cls: "bi-textarea textarea-editor-content display-block" }); this.content.element.css({resize: "none"}); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.adaptive", items: [this.content] }, left: 0, right: 3, top: 0, bottom: 5 }] }); this.content.element.on("input propertychange", function (e) { self._checkWaterMark(); self.fireEvent(BI.TextAreaEditor.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.content.element.focus(function () { if (self.isValid()) { self._focus(); self.fireEvent(BI.TextAreaEditor.EVENT_FOCUS); } $(document).bind("mousedown." + self.getName(), function (e) { if (BI.DOM.isExist(self) && !self.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e)) { $(document).unbind("mousedown." + self.getName()); self.content.element.blur(); } }); }); this.content.element.blur(function () { if (self.isValid()) { self._blur(); self.fireEvent(BI.TextAreaEditor.EVENT_BLUR); } $(document).unbind("mousedown." + self.getName()); }); if (BI.isKey(o.value)) { self.setValue(o.value); } if (BI.isNotNull(o.style)) { self.setValue(o.style); } this._checkWaterMark(); }, _checkWaterMark: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var val = this.getValue(); if (BI.isNotEmptyString(val)) { this.watermark && this.watermark.destroy(); this.watermark = null; } else { if (BI.isNotEmptyString(o.watermark)) { if (!this.watermark) { this.watermark = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_button", cls: "bi-water-mark", textAlign: "left", height: 30, text: o.watermark, invalid: o.invalid, disabled: o.disabled }); this.watermark.on(BI.TextButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.focus(); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.watermark, left: 0, top: 0, right: 0 }] }); } else { this.watermark.setText(o.watermark); this.watermark.setValid(!o.invalid); this.watermark.setEnable(!o.disabled); } } } }, _focus: function () { this.content.element.addClass("textarea-editor-focus"); this._checkWaterMark(); }, _blur: function () { this.content.element.removeClass("textarea-editor-focus"); this._checkWaterMark(); }, focus: function () { this._focus(); this.content.element.focus(); }, blur: function () { this._blur(); this.content.element.blur(); }, getValue: function () { return this.content.element.val(); }, setValue: function (value) { this.content.element.val(value); this._checkWaterMark(); }, setStyle: function (style) { this.style = style; this.element.css(style); this.content.element.css(BI.extend({}, style, { color: style.color || BI.DOM.getContrastColor(BI.DOM.isRGBColor(style.backgroundColor) ? BI.DOM.rgb2hex(style.backgroundColor) : style.backgroundColor) })); }, getStyle: function () { return this.style; }, _setValid: function (b) { BI.TextAreaEditor.superclass._setValid.apply(this, arguments); // this.content.setValid(b); // this.watermark && this.watermark.setValid(b); } }); BI.TextAreaEditor.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.TextAreaEditor.EVENT_BLUR = "EVENT_BLUR"; BI.TextAreaEditor.EVENT_FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS"; BI.shortcut("bi.textarea_editor", BI.TextAreaEditor);/** * guy 图标 * @class BI.Icon * @extends BI.Single */ BI.Icon = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Icon.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { tagName: "i", baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " x-icon b-font horizon-center display-block" }); }, _init: function () { BI.Icon.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); if (BI.isIE9Below()) { this.element.addClass("hack"); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.icon", BI.Icon);/** * @class BI.Iframe * @extends BI.Single * @abstract * Created by GameJian on 2016/3/2. */ BI.Iframe = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Iframe.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-iframe", src: "", width: "100%", height: "100%" }); }, _init: function () { var o = this.options; this.options.element = $("<iframe frameborder='0' src='" + o.src + "'>"); BI.Iframe.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, setSrc: function (src) { this.options.src = src; this.element.attr("src", src); }, getSrc: function () { return this.options.src; }, setName: function (name) { this.options.name = name; this.element.attr("name", name); }, getName: function () { return this.options.name; }, getWidth: function () { return this.options.width; }, getHeight: function () { return this.options.height; } }); BI.shortcut("bi.iframe", BI.Iframe);/** * ͼƬ * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/26. * @class BI.Img * @extends BI.Single * @abstract */ BI.Img = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Img.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-img display-block", src: "", width: "100%", height: "100%" }); }, _init: function () { var o = this.options; this.options.element = $("<img src='" + o.src + "'>"); BI.Img.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, setSrc: function (src) { this.options.src = src; this.element.attr("src", src); }, getSrc: function () { return this.options.src; } }); BI.shortcut("bi.img", BI.Img); /** * guy * @extends BI.Single * @type {*|void|Object} */ BI.Checkbox = BI.inherit(BI.IconButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Checkbox.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-checkbox check-box-icon", selected: false, handler: BI.emptyFn, width: 16, height: 16, iconWidth: 16, iconHeight: 16 }); }, _init: function () { BI.Checkbox.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, doClick: function () { BI.Checkbox.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if(this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.Checkbox.EVENT_CHANGE); } } }); BI.Checkbox.EVENT_CHANGE = "Checkbox.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.checkbox", BI.Checkbox);/** * 文件 * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/27. * @class BI.File * @extends BI.Single * @abstract */ (function () { /** * @description normalize input.files. create if not present, add item method if not present * @param Object generated wrap object * @return Object the wrap object itself */ var F = (function (item) { return function (input) { var files = input.files || [input]; if (!files.item) { files.item = item; } return files; }; })(function (i) { return this[i]; }); var event = { /** * @description add an event via addEventListener or attachEvent * @param DOMElement the element to add event * @param String event name without "on" (e.g. "mouseover") * @param Function the callback to associate as event * @return Object noswfupload.event */ add: document.addEventListener ? function (node, name, callback) { node.addEventListener(name, callback, false); return this; } : function (node, name, callback) { node.attachEvent("on" + name, callback); return this; }, /** * @description remove an event via removeEventListener or detachEvent * @param DOMElement the element to remove event * @param String event name without "on" (e.g. "mouseover") * @param Function the callback associated as event * @return Object noswfupload.event */ del: document.removeEventListener ? function (node, name, callback) { node.removeEventListener(name, callback, false); return this; } : function (node, name, callback) { node.detachEvent("on" + name, callback); return this; }, /** * @description to block event propagation and prevent event default * @param void generated event or undefined * @return Boolean false */ stop: function (e) { if (!e) { if (self.event) { event.returnValue = !(event.cancelBubble = true); } } else { e.stopPropagation ? e.stopPropagation() : e.cancelBubble = true; e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = false; } return false; } }; var sendFile = (function (toString) { var multipart = function (boundary, name, file) { return "--".concat( boundary, CRLF, "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"", name, "\"; filename=\"", BI.cjkEncode(file.fileName), "\"", CRLF, "Content-Type: application/octet-stream", CRLF, CRLF, file.getAsBinary(), CRLF, "--", boundary, "--", CRLF ); }, isFunction = function (Function) { return toString.call(Function) === "[object Function]"; }, split = "onabort.onerror.onloadstart.onprogress".split("."), length = split.length, CRLF = "\r\n", xhr = this.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest : new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"), sendFile; // FireFox 3+, Safari 4 beta (Chrome 2 beta file is buggy and will not work) if (xhr.upload || xhr.sendAsBinary) { sendFile = function (handler, maxSize, width, height) { if (-1 < maxSize && maxSize < handler.file.fileSize) { if (isFunction(handler.onerror)) { handler.onerror(); } return; } for (var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest, upload = xhr.upload || { addEventListener: function (event, callback) { this["on" + event] = callback; } }, i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { upload.addEventListener( split[i].substring(2), (function (event) { return function (rpe) { if (isFunction(handler[event])) { handler[event](rpe, xhr); } }; })(split[i]), false ); } upload.addEventListener( "load", function (rpe) { if (handler.onreadystatechange === false) { if (isFunction(handler.onload)) { handler.onload(rpe, xhr); } } else { setTimeout(function () { if (xhr.readyState === 4) { if (isFunction(handler.onload)) { handler.onload(rpe, xhr); } } else { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 15); } }, 15); } }, false ); xhr.open("post", handler.url + "&filename=" + window.encodeURIComponent(handler.file.fileName), true); if (!xhr.upload) { var rpe = {loaded: 0, total: handler.file.fileSize || handler.file.size, simulation: true}; rpe.interval = setInterval(function () { rpe.loaded += 1024 / 4; if (rpe.total <= rpe.loaded) { rpe.loaded = rpe.total; } upload.onprogress(rpe); }, 100); xhr.onabort = function () { upload.onabort({}); }; xhr.onerror = function () { upload.onerror({}); }; xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { switch (xhr.readyState) { case 2: case 3: if (rpe.total <= rpe.loaded) {rpe.loaded = rpe.total;} upload.onprogress(rpe); break; case 4: clearInterval(rpe.interval); rpe.interval = 0; rpe.loaded = rpe.total; upload.onprogress(rpe); if (199 < xhr.status && xhr.status < 400) { upload["onload"]({}); var attachO = BI.jsonDecode(xhr.responseText); attachO.filename = handler.file.fileName; if (handler.file.type.indexOf("image") != -1) { attachO.attach_type = "image"; } handler.attach_array.push(attachO); } else { upload["onerror"]({}); } break; } }; upload.onloadstart(rpe); } else { xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { switch (xhr.readyState) { case 4: var attachO = BI.jsonDecode(xhr.responseText); if (handler.file.type.indexOf("image") != -1) { attachO.attach_type = "image"; } attachO.filename = handler.file.fileName; if (handler.maxlength == 1) { handler.attach_array[0] = attachO; // handler.attach_array.push(attachO); } else { handler.attach_array.push(attachO); } break; } }; upload.onloadstart(); } var boundary = "AjaxUploadBoundary" + (new Date).getTime(); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary); if (handler.file.getAsBinary) { xhr[xhr.sendAsBinary ? "sendAsBinary" : "send"](multipart(boundary, handler.name, handler.file)); } else { xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data"); // xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Name", handler.name); // xhr.setRequestHeader("X-File-Name", handler.file.fileName); var form = new FormData(); form.append("FileData", handler.file); xhr.send(form); } return handler; }; } // Internet Explorer, Opera, others else { sendFile = function (handler, maxSize, width, height) { var url = handler.url.concat(-1 === handler.url.indexOf("?") ? "?" : "&", "AjaxUploadFrame=true"), rpe = { loaded: 1, total: 100, simulation: true, interval: setInterval(function () { if (rpe.loaded < rpe.total) {++rpe.loaded;} if (isFunction(handler.onprogress)) {handler.onprogress(rpe, {});} }, 100) }, onload = function () { iframe.onreadystatechange = iframe.onload = iframe.onerror = null; form.parentNode.removeChild(form); form = null; clearInterval(rpe.interval); // rpe.loaded = rpe.total; try { var responseText = (iframe.contentWindow.document || iframe.contentWindow.contentDocument).body.innerHTML; var attachO = BI.jsonDecode(responseText); if (handler.file.type.indexOf("image") != -1) { attachO.attach_type = "image"; } // attachO.fileSize = responseText.length; attachO.filename = BI.cjkDecode(handler.file.fileName); if (handler.maxlength == 1) { handler.attach_array[0] = attachO; } else { handler.attach_array.push(attachO); } } catch (e) { if (isFunction(handler.onerror)) {handler.onerror(rpe, event || window.event);} } if (isFunction(handler.onload)) {handler.onload(rpe, {responseText: responseText});} }, target = ["AjaxUpload", (new Date).getTime(), String(Math.random()).substring(2)].join("_"); try { // IE < 8 does not accept enctype attribute ... var form = document.createElement("<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"></form>"), iframe = handler.iframe || (handler.iframe = document.createElement("<iframe id=\"" + target + "\" name=\"" + target + "\" src=\"" + url + "\"></iframe>")); } catch (e) { var form = document.createElement("form"), iframe = handler.iframe || (handler.iframe = document.createElement("iframe")); form.setAttribute("enctype", "multipart/form-data"); iframe.setAttribute("name", iframe.id = target); iframe.setAttribute("src", url); } iframe.style.position = "absolute"; iframe.style.left = iframe.style.top = "-10000px"; iframe.onload = onload; iframe.onerror = function (event) { if (isFunction(handler.onerror)) { handler.onerror(rpe, event || window.event); } }; iframe.onreadystatechange = function () { if (/loaded|complete/i.test(iframe.readyState)) { onload(); // wei : todo,将附件信息放到handler.attach } else if (isFunction(handler.onloadprogress)) { if (rpe.loaded < rpe.total) { ++rpe.loaded; } handler.onloadprogress(rpe, { readyState: { loading: 2, interactive: 3, loaded: 4, complete: 4 }[iframe.readyState] || 1 }); } }; form.setAttribute("action", handler.url); form.setAttribute("target", iframe.id); form.setAttribute("method", "post"); form.appendChild(handler.file); form.style.display = "none"; if (isFunction(handler.onloadstart)) { handler.onloadstart(rpe, {}); } with (document.body || document.documentElement) { appendChild(iframe); appendChild(form); form.submit(); } return handler; }; } xhr = null; return sendFile; })(Object.prototype.toString); var sendFiles = function (handler, maxSize, width, height) { var length = handler.files.length, i = 0, onload = handler.onload, onloadstart = handler.onloadstart; handler.current = 0; handler.total = 0; handler.sent = 0; while (handler.current < length) { handler.total += (handler.files[handler.current].fileSize || handler.files[handler.current].size); handler.current++; } handler.current = 0; if (length && handler.files[0].fileSize !== -1) { handler.file = handler.files[handler.current]; sendFile(handler, maxSize, width, height).onload = function (rpe, xhr) { handler.onloadstart = null; handler.sent += (handler.files[handler.current].fileSize || handler.files[handler.current].size); if (++handler.current < length) { handler.file = handler.files[handler.current]; sendFile(handler, maxSize, width, height).onload = arguments.callee; } else if (onload) { handler.onloadstart = onloadstart; handler.onload = onload; handler.onload(rpe, xhr); } }; } else if (length) { handler.total = length * 100; handler.file = handler.files[handler.current]; sendFile(handler, maxSize, width, height).onload = function (rpe, xhr) { var callee = arguments.callee; handler.onloadstart = null; handler.sent += 100; if (++handler.current < length) { if (/\b(chrome|safari)\b/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { handler.iframe.parentNode.removeChild(handler.iframe); handler.iframe = null; } setTimeout(function () { handler.file = handler.files[handler.current]; sendFile(handler, maxSize, width, height).onload = callee; }, 15); } else if (onload) { setTimeout(function () { handler.iframe.parentNode.removeChild(handler.iframe); handler.iframe = null; handler.onloadstart = onloadstart; handler.onload = onload; handler.onload(rpe, xhr); }, 15); } }; } return handler; }; BI.File = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.File.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-file display-block", element: "<input type='file'>", name: "", url: "", multiple: true, accept: "", /** '*.jpg; *.zip'**/ maxSize: -1 // 1024 * 1024 }); }, _init: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; BI.File.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); if (o.multiple === true) { this.element.attr("multiple", "multiple"); } this.element.attr("name", o.name || this.getName()); }, mounted: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; // create the noswfupload.wrap Object // wrap.maxSize 文件大小限制 // wrap.maxlength 文件个数限制 var _wrap = this.wrap = this._wrap(this.element[0], o.maxSize); // fileType could contain whatever text but filter checks *.{extension} // if present // handlers _wrap.onloadstart = function (rpe, xhr) { // BI.Msg.toast("loadstart"); self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_UPLOADSTART, arguments); }; _wrap.onprogress = function (rpe, xhr) { // BI.Msg.toast("onprogress"); // percent for each bar // fileSize is -1 only if browser does not support file info access // this if splits recent browsers from others if (this.file.fileSize !== -1) { // simulation property indicates when the progress event is fake if (rpe.simulation) { } else { } } else { // if fileSIze is -1 browser is using an iframe because it does // not support // files sent via Ajax (XMLHttpRequest) // We can still show some information } self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_PROGRESS, { file: this.file, total: rpe.total, loaded: rpe.loaded, simulation: rpe.simulation }); }; // generated if there is something wrong during upload _wrap.onerror = function () { // just inform the user something was wrong self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_ERROR); }; // generated when every file has been sent (one or more, it does not // matter) _wrap.onload = function (rpe, xhr) { var self_ = this; // just show everything is fine ... // ... and after a second reset the component setTimeout(function () { self_.clean(); // remove files from list self_.hide(); // hide progress bars and enable input file // BI.Msg.toast("onload"); self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_UPLOADED); // enable again the submit button/element }, 1000); }; _wrap.url = o.url ? o.url : BI.servletURL + "?op=fr_attach&cmd=ah_upload"; _wrap.fileType = o.accept; // 文件类型限制 _wrap.attach_array = []; _wrap.attach_names = []; _wrap.attachNum = 0; }, _events: function (wrap) { var self = this; event.add(wrap.dom.input, "change", function () { event.del(wrap.dom.input, "change", arguments.callee); for (var input = wrap.dom.input.cloneNode(true), i = 0, files = F(wrap.dom.input); i < files.length; i++) { var item = files.item(i); var tempFile = item.value || item.name; var value = item.fileName || (item.fileName = tempFile.split("\\").pop()), ext = -1 !== value.indexOf(".") ? value.split(".").pop().toLowerCase() : "unknown", size = item.fileSize || item.size; if (wrap.fileType && -1 === wrap.fileType.indexOf("*." + ext)) { // 文件类型不支持 BI.Msg.toast(BI.i18nText("BI-Upload_File_Type_Error")); self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_ERROR, { errorType: 0, file: item }); } else if (wrap.maxSize !== -1 && size && wrap.maxSize < size) { // 文件大小不支持 BI.Msg.toast(BI.i18nText("BI-Upload_File_Size_Error")); self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_ERROR, { errorType: 1, file: item }); } else { wrap.files.unshift(item); // BI.Msg.toast(value); self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_CHANGE, { file: item }); } } input.value = ""; wrap.dom.input.parentNode.replaceChild(input, wrap.dom.input); wrap.dom.input = input; event.add(wrap.dom.input, "change", arguments.callee); }); return wrap; }, _wrap: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; // be sure input accept multiple files var input = this.element[0]; if (o.multiple === true) { this.element.attr("multiple", "multiple"); } input.value = ""; // wrap Object return this._events({ // DOM namespace dom: { input: input, // input file disabled: false // internal use, checks input file state }, name: input.name, // name to send for each file ($_FILES[{name}] in the server) // maxSize is the maximum amount of bytes for each file maxSize: o.maxSize ? o.maxSize >> 0 : -1, files: [], // file list // remove every file from the noswfupload component clean: function () { this.files = []; }, // upload one file a time (which make progress possible rather than all files in one shot) // the handler is an object injected into the wrap one, could be the wrap itself or // something like {onload:function(){alert("OK")},onerror:function(){alert("Error")}, etc ...} upload: function (handler) { if (handler) { for (var key in handler) { this[key] = handler[key]; } } sendFiles(this, this.maxSize); return this; }, // hide progress bar (total + current) and enable files selection hide: function () { if (this.dom.disabled) { this.dom.disabled = false; this.dom.input.removeAttribute("disabled"); } }, // show progress bar and disable file selection (used during upload) // total and current are pixels used to style bars // totalProp and currentProp are properties to change, "height" by default show: function (total, current, totalProp, currentProp) { if (!this.dom.disabled) { this.dom.disabled = true; this.dom.input.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); } } }); }, select: function () { $(this.wrap.dom.input).click(); }, upload: function (handler) { this.wrap.upload(handler); }, getValue: function () { return this.wrap.attach_array; }, reset: function () { this.wrap.attach_array = []; this.wrap.attach_names = []; this.wrap.attachNum = 0; }, _setEnable: function (enable) { BI.File.superclass._setEnable.apply(this, arguments); if (enable === true) { this.element.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } else { this.element.removeAttr("disabled"); } } }); BI.File.EVENT_CHANGE = "BI.File.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.File.EVENT_UPLOADSTART = "EVENT_UPLOADSTART"; BI.File.EVENT_ERROR = "EVENT_ERROR"; BI.File.EVENT_PROGRESS = "EVENT_PROGRESS"; BI.File.EVENT_UPLOADED = "EVENT_UPLOADED"; BI.shortcut("bi.file", BI.File); })();/** * guy * @class BI.Input 一个button和一行数 组成的一行listitem * @extends BI.Single * @type {*|void|Object} */ BI.Input = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Input.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-input display-block", element: "<input/>", validationChecker: BI.emptyFn, quitChecker: BI.emptyFn, // 按确定键能否退出编辑 allowBlank: false }); }, _init: function () { BI.Input.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this; var ctrlKey = false; var inputEventValid = false; var _keydown = BI.debounce(function (keyCode) { self.onKeyDown(keyCode, ctrlKey); self._keydown_ = false; }, 300); var _clk = BI.debounce(BI.bind(this._click, this), BI.EVENT_RESPONSE_TIME, true); this._blurDebounce = BI.debounce(BI.bind(this._blur, this), BI.EVENT_RESPONSE_TIME, true); this.element .keydown(function (e) { inputEventValid = false; ctrlKey = e.ctrlKey; self.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_QUICK_DOWN); }) .keyup(function (e) { if (!(inputEventValid && e.keyCode === BI.KeyCode.ENTER)) { self._keydown_ = true; _keydown(e.keyCode); } }) .on("input propertychange", function (e) { // 这个事件在input的属性发生改变的时候就会触发(class的变化也算) if(BI.isNotNull(e.keyCode)) { inputEventValid = true; self._keydown_ = true; _keydown(e.keyCode); } }) .click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); _clk(); }) .mousedown(function (e) { self.element.val(self.element.val()); }) .focusout(function (e) { self._blurDebounce(); }); if (BI.isKey(this.options.value) || BI.isEmptyString(this.options.value)) { this.setValue(this.options.value); } }, _focus: function () { this.element.addClass("bi-input-focus"); this._checkValidationOnValueChange(); this._isEditing = true; if (this.getValue() == "") { this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EMPTY, this.getValue(), this); this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_EMPTY); } this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_FOCUS); }, _blur: function () { var self = this; if (self._keydown_ === true) { BI.delay(blur, 300); } else { blur(); } function blur () { if (!self.isValid() && self.options.quitChecker.apply(self, [BI.trim(self.getValue())]) !== false) { self.element.val(self._lastValidValue ? self._lastValidValue : ""); self._checkValidationOnValueChange(); self._defaultState(); } self.element.removeClass("bi-input-focus"); self._isEditing = false; self._start = false; if (self.isValid()) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.CONFIRM, self.getValue(), self); self.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_CONFIRM); } self.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_BLUR); } }, _click: function () { if (this._isEditing !== true) { this._focus(); this.selectAll(); this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_CLICK); } }, onClick: function () { this._click(); }, onKeyDown: function (keyCode, ctrlKey) { if (!this.isValid() || BI.trim(this._lastValidValue) !== BI.trim(this.getValue())) { this._checkValidationOnValueChange(); } if (this.isValid() && BI.trim(this.getValue()) !== "") { if (BI.trim(this.getValue()) !== this._lastValue && (!this._start || this._lastValue == null || this._lastValue === "") || (this._pause === true && !/(\s|\u00A0)$/.test(this.getValue()))) { this._start = true; this._pause = false; this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.STARTEDIT, this.getValue(), this); this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_START); } } if (ctrlKey === true && keyCode === 86) {// ctrlKey+V this._valueChange(); } else { if (keyCode == BI.KeyCode.ENTER) { if (this.isValid() || this.options.quitChecker.apply(this, [BI.trim(this.getValue())]) !== false) { this.blur(); this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_ENTER); } else { this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_RESTRICT); } } if (keyCode == BI.KeyCode.SPACE) { this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_SPACE); } if (keyCode == BI.KeyCode.BACKSPACE && this._lastValue == "") { this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_REMOVE); } if (keyCode == BI.KeyCode.BACKSPACE || keyCode == BI.KeyCode.DELETE) { this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_BACKSPACE); } } this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_KEY_DOWN); if (BI.isEndWithBlank(this.getValue())) { this._pause = true; this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.PAUSE, "", this); this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_PAUSE); this._defaultState(); } else if ((keyCode === BI.KeyCode.BACKSPACE || keyCode === BI.KeyCode.DELETE) && BI.trim(this.getValue()) === "" && (this._lastValue !== null && BI.trim(this._lastValue) !== "")) { this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.STOPEDIT, this.getValue(), this); this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_STOP); this._valueChange(); } else { this._valueChange(); } }, // 初始状态 _defaultState: function () { if (this.getValue() == "") { this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EMPTY, this.getValue(), this); this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_EMPTY); } this._lastValue = this.getValue(); this._lastSubmitValue = null; }, _valueChange: function () { if (this.isValid() && BI.trim(this.getValue()) !== this._lastSubmitValue) { this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_CHANGE); this._lastSubmitValue = BI.trim(this.getValue()); } if (this.getValue() == "") { this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EMPTY, this.getValue(), this); this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_EMPTY); } this._lastValue = this.getValue(); }, _checkValidationOnValueChange: function () { var o = this.options; var v = this.getValue(); this.setValid( (o.allowBlank === true && BI.trim(v) == "") || (BI.isNotEmptyString(BI.trim(v)) && (v === this._lastValidValue || o.validationChecker.apply(this, [BI.trim(v)]) !== false)) ); }, focus: function () { if (!this.element.is(":visible")) { throw new Error("input输入框在不可见下不能focus"); } if (!this._isEditing === true) { this.element.focus(); this._focus(); this.selectAll(); } }, blur: function () { if (!this.element.is(":visible")) { throw new Error("input输入框在不可见下不能blur"); } if (this._isEditing === true) { this.element.blur(); this._blurDebounce(); } }, selectAll: function () { if (!this.element.is(":visible")) { throw new Error("input输入框在不可见下不能select"); } this.element.select(); this._isEditing = true; }, setValue: function (textValue) { this.element.val(textValue); BI.nextTick(BI.bind(function () { this._checkValidationOnValueChange(); this._defaultState(); if (this.isValid()) { this._lastSubmitValue = this.getValue(); } }, this)); }, getValue: function () { return this.element.val() || ""; }, isEditing: function () { return this._isEditing; }, getLastValidValue: function () { return this._lastValidValue; }, _setValid: function () { BI.Input.superclass._setValid.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this._lastValidValue = this.getValue(); this.element.removeClass("bi-input-error"); this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_VALID, BI.trim(this.getValue()), this); } else { if (this._lastValidValue === this.getValue()) { this._lastValidValue = null; } this.element.addClass("bi-input-error"); this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_ERROR, BI.trim(this.getValue()), this); } }, _setEnable: function (b) { BI.Input.superclass._setEnable.apply(this, [b]); this.element[0].disabled = !b; } }); BI.Input.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.Input.EVENT_FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS"; BI.Input.EVENT_CLICK = "EVENT_CLICK"; BI.Input.EVENT_BLUR = "EVENT_BLUR"; BI.Input.EVENT_KEY_DOWN = "EVENT_KEY_DOWN"; BI.Input.EVENT_QUICK_DOWN = "EVENT_QUICK_DOWN"; BI.Input.EVENT_SPACE = "EVENT_SPACE"; BI.Input.EVENT_BACKSPACE = "EVENT_BACKSPACE"; BI.Input.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.Input.EVENT_PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.Input.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.Input.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.Input.EVENT_REMOVE = "EVENT_REMOVE"; BI.Input.EVENT_EMPTY = "EVENT_EMPTY"; BI.Input.EVENT_VALID = "EVENT_VALID"; BI.Input.EVENT_ERROR = "EVENT_ERROR"; BI.Input.EVENT_ENTER = "EVENT_ENTER"; BI.Input.EVENT_RESTRICT = "EVENT_RESTRICT"; BI.shortcut("bi.input", BI.Input);/** * guy * @extends BI.Single * @type {*|void|Object} */ BI.Radio = BI.inherit(BI.IconButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Radio.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-radio radio-icon", selected: false, handler: BI.emptyFn, width: 16, height: 16, iconWidth: 16, iconHeight: 16 }); }, _init: function () { BI.Radio.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, doClick: function () { BI.Radio.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if(this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.Radio.EVENT_CHANGE); } } }); BI.Radio.EVENT_CHANGE = "Radio.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.radio", BI.Radio);/** * Created by GUY on 2015/6/26. */ BI.Label = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Label.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-label", textAlign: "center", whiteSpace: "nowrap", // normal or nowrap forceCenter: false, // 是否无论如何都要居中, 不考虑超出边界的情况, 在未知宽度和高度时有效 textWidth: null, textHeight: null, hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, text: "", py: "", keyword: "" }); }, _createJson: function () { var o = this.options; return { type: "bi.text", textAlign: o.textAlign, whiteSpace: o.whiteSpace, lineHeight: o.textHeight, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py, keyword: o.keyword }; }, _init: function () { BI.Label.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); if (this.options.textAlign === "center") { this._createCenterEl(); } else { this._createNotCenterEl(); } }, _createCenterEl: function () { var o = this.options; var json = this._createJson(); if (BI.isNumber(o.width) && o.width > 0) { if (BI.isNumber(o.textWidth) && o.textWidth > 0) { if (BI.isNumber(o.height) && o.height > 0) { var gap = (o.width - o.textWidth) / 2; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", height: o.height, scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", element: this, items: [ { el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)), left: gap + o.hgap + o.lgap, right: gap + o.hgap + o.rgap, top: o.vgap + o.tgap, bottom: o.vgap + o.bgap } ] }); this.element.css({"line-height": o.height + "px"}); return; } json.width = o.textWidth; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", element: this, items: [ { el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)) } ] }); return; } if (o.whiteSpace == "normal") { this.text = BI.createWidget(json); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, element: this, items: [this.text] }); return; } if (BI.isNumber(o.height) && o.height > 0) { this.element.css({ "line-height": o.height + "px" }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", element: this, items: [{ el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)), left: o.hgap + o.lgap, right: o.hgap + o.rgap, top: o.vgap + o.tgap, bottom: o.vgap + o.bgap }] }); return; } json.width = o.width - 2 * o.hgap; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", element: this, items: [{ el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)) }] }); return; } if (BI.isNumber(o.textWidth) && o.textWidth > 0) { json.width = o.textWidth; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", element: this, items: [ { el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)) } ] }); return; } if (o.whiteSpace == "normal") { this.text = BI.createWidget(json); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", element: this, items: [this.text] }); return; } if (BI.isNumber(o.height) && o.height > 0) { if (BI.isNumber(o.textHeight) && o.textHeight > 0) { this.element.css({ "line-height": o.height + "px" }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", height: o.height, scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", element: this, items: [{ el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)), left: o.hgap + o.lgap, right: o.hgap + o.rgap, top: o.vgap + o.tgap, bottom: o.vgap + o.bgap }] }); return; } BI.extend(json, { hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap }); this.element.css({ "line-height": o.height + "px" }); this.text = BI.createWidget(BI.extend(json, { element: this })); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", element: this.text, scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal" }); return; } BI.extend(json, { hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap }); if (o.forceCenter) { this.text = BI.createWidget(json); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", element: this, items: [this.text] }); return; } this.text = BI.createWidget(BI.extend(json, { element: this })); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", element: this.text, scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal" }); }, _createNotCenterEl: function () { var o = this.options; var json = this._createJson(); if (BI.isNumber(o.width) && o.width > 0) { if (BI.isNumber(o.textWidth) && o.textWidth > 0) { if (BI.isNumber(o.height) && o.height > 0) { BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", height: o.height, scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", element: this, items: [ { el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)), left: o.hgap + o.lgap, right: o.hgap + o.rgap, top: o.vgap + o.tgap, bottom: o.vgap + o.bgap } ] }); this.element.css({"line-height": o.height + "px"}); return; } json.width = o.textWidth; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical_adapt", scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, element: this, items: [ { el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)) } ] }); return; } if (o.whiteSpace == "normal") { this.text = BI.createWidget(json); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical_adapt", scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, element: this, items: [this.text] }); return; } if (BI.isNumber(o.height) && o.height > 0) { this.element.css({ "line-height": o.height + "px" }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", element: this, items: [{ el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)), left: o.hgap + o.lgap, right: o.hgap + o.rgap, top: o.vgap + o.tgap, bottom: o.vgap + o.bgap }] }); return; } json.width = o.width - 2 * o.hgap - o.lgap - o.rgap; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical_adapt", scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, element: this, items: [{ el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)) }] }); return; } if (BI.isNumber(o.textWidth) && o.textWidth > 0) { json.width = o.textWidth; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical_adapt", scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, element: this, items: [ { el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)) } ] }); return; } if (o.whiteSpace == "normal") { this.text = BI.createWidget(json); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical_adapt", scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, element: this, items: [this.text] }); return; } if (BI.isNumber(o.height) && o.height > 0) { if (BI.isNumber(o.textHeight) && o.textHeight > 0) { this.element.css({ "line-height": o.height + "px" }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", height: o.height, scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", element: this, items: [{ el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)), left: o.hgap + o.lgap, right: o.hgap + o.rgap, top: o.vgap + o.tgap, bottom: o.vgap + o.bgap }] }); return; } BI.extend(json, { hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap }); this.element.css({ "line-height": o.height + "px" }); this.text = BI.createWidget(BI.extend(json, { element: this })); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", element: this.text, scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal" }); return; } BI.extend(json, { hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap }); if (o.forceCenter) { this.text = BI.createWidget(json); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical_adapt", element: this, items: [this.text] }); return; } this.text = BI.createWidget(BI.extend(json, { element: this })); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", element: this.text, scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal" }); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, setText: function (v) { this.options.text = v; this.text.setText(v); }, getText: function () { return this.options.text; }, setStyle: function (css) { this.text.setStyle(css); }, setValue: function (v) { BI.Label.superclass.setValue.apply(this, arguments); if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue(v); } }, populate: function () { BI.Label.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.label", BI.Label);/** * guy a元素 * @class BI.Link * @extends BI.Text */ BI.Link = BI.inherit(BI.Label, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Link.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-link", href: "", target: "_blank" }); }, _createJson: function () { var o = this.options; return { type: "bi.a", textAlign: o.textAlign, whiteSpace: o.whiteSpace, lineHeight: o.textHeight, text: o.text, keyword: o.keyword, value: o.value, py: o.py, href: o.href, target: o.target }; }, _init: function () { BI.Link.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.link", BI.Link);/** * guy * 气泡提示 * @class BI.Bubble * @extends BI.Tip * @type {*|void|Object} */ BI.Bubble = BI.inherit(BI.Tip, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Bubble.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-bubble", direction: "top", text: "", height: 35 }); }, _init: function () { BI.Bubble.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var fn = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.stopEvent(); return false; }; this.element.bind({click: fn, mousedown: fn, mouseup: fn, mouseover: fn, mouseenter: fn, mouseleave: fn, mousemove: fn}); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.left", element: this, items: [this["_" + this.options.direction]()] }); }, _createBubbleText: function () { return (this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "bubble-text", text: this.options.text, hgap: 10, height: 30 })); }, _top: function () { return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", items: [{ el: this._createBubbleText(), height: 30 }, { el: { type: "bi.layout" }, height: 3 }] }); }, _bottom: function () { return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", items: [{ el: { type: "bi.layout" }, height: 3 }, { el: this._createBubbleText(), height: 30 }] }); }, _left: function () { return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.right", items: [{ el: { type: "bi.layout", width: 3, height: 30 } }, { el: this._createBubbleText() }] }); }, _right: function () { return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.left", items: [{ el: { type: "bi.layout", width: 3, height: 30 } }, { el: this._createBubbleText() }] }); }, setText: function (text) { this.text.setText(text); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.bubble", BI.Bubble);/** * toast提示 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/7. * @class BI.Toast * @extends BI.Tip */ BI.Toast = BI.inherit(BI.Tip, { _const: { minWidth: 200, hgap: 20 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Toast.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-toast", text: "", level: "success", // success或warning height: 30 }); }, _init: function () { BI.Toast.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.element.css({ minWidth: this._const.minWidth + "px" }); this.element.addClass("toast-" + o.level); var fn = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.stopEvent(); return false; }; this.element.bind({click: fn, mousedown: fn, mouseup: fn, mouseover: fn, mouseenter: fn, mouseleave: fn, mousemove: fn}); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", element: this, text: o.text, height: 30, hgap: this._const.hgap }); }, setWidth: function (width) { this.element.width(width); }, setText: function (text) { this.text.setText(text); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.toast", BI.Toast);/** * toast提示 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/7. * @class BI.Tooltip * @extends BI.Tip */ BI.Tooltip = BI.inherit(BI.Tip, { _const: { hgap: 10 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Tooltip.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-tooltip", text: "", level: "success", // success或warning stopEvent: false, stopPropagation: false, height: 20 }); }, _init: function () { BI.Tooltip.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.element.addClass("tooltip-" + o.level); var fn = function (e) { o.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation(); o.stopEvent && e.stopEvent(); }; this.element.bind({ click: fn, mousedown: fn, mouseup: fn, mouseover: fn, mouseenter: fn, mouseleave: fn, mousemove: fn }); var texts = (o.text + "").split("\n"); if (texts.length > 1) { BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, hgap: this._const.hgap, items: BI.map(texts, function (i, text) { return { type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "normal", text: text, textHeight: 16 }; }) }); } else { this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", element: this, textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "normal", text: o.text, textHeight: 20, hgap: this._const.hgap }); } }, setWidth: function (width) { this.element.width(width - 2 * this._const.hgap); }, setText: function (text) { this.text && this.text.setText(text); }, setLevel: function (level) { this.element.removeClass("tooltip-success").removeClass("tooltip-warning"); this.element.addClass("tooltip-" + level); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.tooltip", BI.Tooltip);/** * 下拉 * @class BI.Trigger * @extends BI.Single * @abstract */ BI.Trigger = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Trigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-trigger cursor-pointer", height: 24 }); }, _init: function () { BI.Trigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, setKey: function () { }, getKey: function () { } });// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others // Distributed under an MIT license: http://codemirror.net/LICENSE (function (mod) { mod(CodeMirror); })(function (CodeMirror) { var tables; var defaultTable; var keywords; var identifierQuote; var CONS = { QUERY_DIV: ";", ALIAS_KEYWORD: "AS" }; var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos, cmpPos = CodeMirror.cmpPos; function isArray (val) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(val) == "[object Array]"; } function getKeywords (editor) { var mode = editor.doc.modeOption; if (mode === "sql") mode = "text/x-sql"; return CodeMirror.resolveMode(mode).keywords; } function getIdentifierQuote (editor) { var mode = editor.doc.modeOption; if (mode === "sql") mode = "text/x-sql"; return CodeMirror.resolveMode(mode).identifierQuote || "`"; } function getText (item) { return typeof item === "string" ? item : item.text; } function wrapTable (name, value) { if (isArray(value)) value = {columns: value}; if (!value.text) value.text = name; return value; } function parseTables (input) { var result = {}; if (isArray(input)) { for (var i = input.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var item = input[i]; result[getText(item).toUpperCase()] = wrapTable(getText(item), item); } } else if (input) { for (var name in input) {result[name.toUpperCase()] = wrapTable(name, input[name]);} } return result; } function getTable (name) { return tables[name.toUpperCase()]; } function shallowClone (object) { var result = {}; for (var key in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {result[key] = object[key];} } return result; } function match (string, word) { if (BI.isNotEmptyString(string) && word.length !== string.length) { var len = string.length; var sub = getText(word).substr(0, len); return string.toUpperCase() === sub.toUpperCase(); } } function addMatches (result, search, wordlist, formatter) { if (isArray(wordlist)) { for (var i = 0; i < wordlist.length; i++) {if (match(search, wordlist[i])) result.push(formatter(wordlist[i], i));} } else { for (var word in wordlist) { if (wordlist.hasOwnProperty(word)) { var val = wordlist[word]; if (!val || val === true) {val = word;} else {val = val.displayText ? {text: val.text, displayText: val.displayText} : val.text;} if (match(search, val)) result.push(formatter(val)); } } } } function cleanName (name) { // Get rid name from identifierQuote and preceding dot(.) if (name.charAt(0) == ".") { name = name.substr(1); } // replace doublicated identifierQuotes with single identifierQuotes // and remove single identifierQuotes var nameParts = name.split(identifierQuote + identifierQuote); for (var i = 0; i < nameParts.length; i++) {nameParts[i] = nameParts[i].replace(new RegExp(identifierQuote, "g"), "");} return nameParts.join(identifierQuote); } function insertIdentifierQuotes (name) { var nameParts = getText(name).split("."); for (var i = 0; i < nameParts.length; i++) { nameParts[i] = identifierQuote + // doublicate identifierQuotes nameParts[i].replace(new RegExp(identifierQuote, "g"), identifierQuote + identifierQuote) + identifierQuote; } var escaped = nameParts.join("."); if (typeof name === "string") return escaped; name = shallowClone(name); name.text = escaped; return name; } function nameCompletion (cur, token, result, editor) { // Try to complete table, column names and return start position of completion var useIdentifierQuotes = false; var nameParts = []; var start = token.start; var cont = true; while (cont) { cont = (token.string.charAt(0) == "."); useIdentifierQuotes = useIdentifierQuotes || (token.string.charAt(0) == identifierQuote); start = token.start; nameParts.unshift(cleanName(token.string)); token = editor.getTokenAt(Pos(cur.line, token.start)); if (token.string == ".") { cont = true; token = editor.getTokenAt(Pos(cur.line, token.start)); } } // Try to complete table names var string = nameParts.join("."); addMatches(result, string, tables, function (w) { return useIdentifierQuotes ? insertIdentifierQuotes(w) : w; }); // Try to complete columns from defaultTable addMatches(result, string, defaultTable, function (w) { return useIdentifierQuotes ? insertIdentifierQuotes(w) : w; }); // Try to complete columns string = nameParts.pop(); var table = nameParts.join("."); var alias = false; var aliasTable = table; // Check if table is available. If not, find table by Alias if (!getTable(table)) { var oldTable = table; table = findTableByAlias(table, editor); if (table !== oldTable) alias = true; } var columns = getTable(table); if (columns && columns.columns) {columns = columns.columns;} if (columns) { addMatches(result, string, columns, function (w) { var tableInsert = table; if (alias == true) tableInsert = aliasTable; if (typeof w === "string") { w = tableInsert + "." + w; } else { w = shallowClone(w); w.text = tableInsert + "." + w.text; } return useIdentifierQuotes ? insertIdentifierQuotes(w) : w; }); } return start; } function eachWord (lineText, f) { var words = lineText.split(/\s+/); for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {if (words[i]) f(words[i].replace(/[,;]/g, ""));} } function findTableByAlias (alias, editor) { var doc = editor.doc; var fullQuery = doc.getValue(); var aliasUpperCase = alias.toUpperCase(); var previousWord = ""; var table = ""; var separator = []; var validRange = { start: Pos(0, 0), end: Pos(editor.lastLine(), editor.getLineHandle(editor.lastLine()).length) }; // add separator var indexOfSeparator = fullQuery.indexOf(CONS.QUERY_DIV); while(indexOfSeparator != -1) { separator.push(doc.posFromIndex(indexOfSeparator)); indexOfSeparator = fullQuery.indexOf(CONS.QUERY_DIV, indexOfSeparator + 1); } separator.unshift(Pos(0, 0)); separator.push(Pos(editor.lastLine(), editor.getLineHandle(editor.lastLine()).text.length)); // find valid range var prevItem = null; var current = editor.getCursor(); for (var i = 0; i < separator.length; i++) { if ((prevItem == null || cmpPos(current, prevItem) > 0) && cmpPos(current, separator[i]) <= 0) { validRange = {start: prevItem, end: separator[i]}; break; } prevItem = separator[i]; } var query = doc.getRange(validRange.start, validRange.end, false); for (var i = 0; i < query.length; i++) { var lineText = query[i]; eachWord(lineText, function (word) { var wordUpperCase = word.toUpperCase(); if (wordUpperCase === aliasUpperCase && getTable(previousWord)) {table = previousWord;} if (wordUpperCase !== CONS.ALIAS_KEYWORD) {previousWord = word;} }); if (table) break; } return table; } CodeMirror.registerHelper("hint", "sql", function (editor, options) { tables = parseTables(options && options.tables); var defaultTableName = options && options.defaultTable; var disableKeywords = options && options.disableKeywords; defaultTable = defaultTableName && getTable(defaultTableName); keywords = getKeywords(editor); var keywordsCount = BI.size(keywords); var functions = []; var cur = editor.getCursor(); var token = editor.getTokenAt(cur); if(options.supportFunction){ BI.each(BI.FormulaCollections, function (idx, formula) { if(formula.lastIndexOf(token.string, 0) == 0 && !BI.contains(functions, formula)) { functions.push(formula); } }); keywords = BI.concat(BI.keys(keywords), functions); } identifierQuote = getIdentifierQuote(editor); if (defaultTableName && !defaultTable) {defaultTable = findTableByAlias(defaultTableName, editor);} defaultTable = defaultTable || []; if (defaultTable.columns) {defaultTable = defaultTable.columns;} var result = []; var start, end, search; if (token.end > cur.ch) { token.end = cur.ch; token.string = token.string.slice(0, cur.ch - token.start); } if (token.string.match(/^[.`"\w@]\w*$/)) { search = token.string; start = token.start; end = token.end; } else { start = end = cur.ch; search = ""; } if (search.charAt(0) == "." || search.charAt(0) == identifierQuote) { start = nameCompletion(cur, token, result, editor); } else { addMatches(result, search, tables, function (w) {return w;}); addMatches(result, search, defaultTable, function (w) {return w;}); if (!disableKeywords) { addMatches(result, search, keywords, function (w, i) { var isKeyword = i < keywordsCount; return { isKeyword: isKeyword, text: w // description: desc[w] || "SQL关键字", // className: isKeyword ? "sql-keyword" : "sql-fr-function", // render: function (Element, self, data) { // var label = BI.createWidget({ // type: "bi.label", // element: Element, // text: data.displayText || getText(data) // }); // label.setTitle(data.description, { // container: "body" // }); // } }; }); } } return {list: result, from: Pos(cur.line, start), to: Pos(cur.line, end)}; }); }); // CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others // Distributed under an MIT license: http://codemirror.net/LICENSE (function (mod) { mod(CodeMirror); })(function (CodeMirror) { "use strict"; CodeMirror.defineMode("sql", function (config, parserConfig) { "use strict"; var client = parserConfig.client || {}, atoms = parserConfig.atoms || {"false": true, "true": true, "null": true}, builtin = parserConfig.builtin || {}, keywords = parserConfig.keywords || {}, operatorChars = parserConfig.operatorChars || /^[*+\-%<>!=&|~^]/, support = parserConfig.support || {}, hooks = parserConfig.hooks || {}, dateSQL = parserConfig.dateSQL || {date: true, time: true, timestamp: true}, functions = parserConfig.functions || {}; function tokenBase (stream, state) { var ch = stream.next(); // call hooks from the mime type if (hooks[ch]) { var result = hooks[ch](stream, state); if (result !== false) return result; } if (support.hexNumber && ((ch == "0" && stream.match(/^[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+/)) || (ch == "x" || ch == "X") && stream.match(/^'[0-9a-fA-F]+'/))) { // hex // ref: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/hexadecimal-literals.html return "number"; } else if (support.binaryNumber && (((ch == "b" || ch == "B") && stream.match(/^'[01]+'/)) || (ch == "0" && stream.match(/^b[01]+/)))) { // bitstring // ref: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/bit-field-literals.html return "number"; } else if (ch.charCodeAt(0) > 47 && ch.charCodeAt(0) < 58) { // numbers // ref: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/number-literals.html stream.match(/^[0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)?([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?/); support.decimallessFloat && stream.match(/^\.(?!\.)/); return "number"; } else if (ch == "?" && (stream.eatSpace() || stream.eol() || stream.eat(";"))) { // placeholders return "variable-3"; } else if (ch == "'" || (ch == "\"" && support.doubleQuote)) { // strings // ref: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/string-literals.html state.tokenize = tokenLiteral(ch); return state.tokenize(stream, state); } else if ((((support.nCharCast && (ch == "n" || ch == "N")) || (support.charsetCast && ch == "_" && stream.match(/[a-z][a-z0-9]*/i))) && (stream.peek() == "'" || stream.peek() == "\""))) { // charset casting: _utf8'str', N'str', n'str' // ref: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/string-literals.html return "keyword"; } else if (/^[\(\),\;\[\]]/.test(ch)) { // no highlighting return null; } else if (support.commentSlashSlash && ch == "/" && stream.eat("/")) { // 1-line comment stream.skipToEnd(); return "comment"; } else if ((support.commentHash && ch == "#") || (ch == "-" && stream.eat("-") && (!support.commentSpaceRequired || stream.eat(" ")))) { // 1-line comments // ref: https://kb.askmonty.org/en/comment-syntax/ stream.skipToEnd(); return "comment"; } else if (ch == "/" && stream.eat("*")) { // multi-line comments // ref: https://kb.askmonty.org/en/comment-syntax/ state.tokenize = tokenComment(1); return state.tokenize(stream, state); } else if (ch == ".") { // .1 for 0.1 if (support.zerolessFloat && stream.match(/^(?:\d+(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)/i)) {return "number";} if (stream.match(/^\.+/)) {return null;} // .table_name (ODBC) // // ref: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/identifier-qualifiers.html if (support.ODBCdotTable && stream.match(/^[\w\d_]+/)) {return "variable-2";} } else if (operatorChars.test(ch)) { // operators stream.eatWhile(operatorChars); return null; } else if (ch == "{" && (stream.match(/^( )*(d|D|t|T|ts|TS)( )*'[^']*'( )*}/) || stream.match(/^( )*(d|D|t|T|ts|TS)( )*"[^"]*"( )*}/))) { // dates (weird ODBC syntax) // ref: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/date-and-time-literals.html return "number"; } else { stream.eatWhile(/^[_\w\d]/); var word = stream.current().toLowerCase(); // dates (standard SQL syntax) // ref: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/date-and-time-literals.html if (dateSQL.hasOwnProperty(word) && (stream.match(/^( )+'[^']*'/) || stream.match(/^( )+"[^"]*"/))) {return "number";} if (atoms.hasOwnProperty(word)) return "atom"; if (builtin.hasOwnProperty(word)) return "builtin"; if (functions.hasOwnProperty(word) && stream.peek() === "(") return "function"; if (keywords.hasOwnProperty(word)) return "keyword"; if (client.hasOwnProperty(word)) return "string-2"; return null; } } // 'string', with char specified in quote escaped by '\' function tokenLiteral (quote) { return function (stream, state) { var escaped = false, ch; while ((ch = stream.next()) != null) { if (ch == quote && !escaped) { state.tokenize = tokenBase; break; } escaped = !escaped && ch == "\\"; } return "string"; }; } function tokenComment (depth) { return function (stream, state) { var m = stream.match(/^.*?(\/\*|\*\/)/); if (!m) stream.skipToEnd(); else if (m[1] == "/*") state.tokenize = tokenComment(depth + 1); else if (depth > 1) state.tokenize = tokenComment(depth - 1); else state.tokenize = tokenBase; return "comment"; }; } function pushContext (stream, state, type) { state.context = { prev: state.context, indent: stream.indentation(), col: stream.column(), type: type }; } function popContext (state) { state.indent = state.context.indent; state.context = state.context.prev; } return { startState: function () { return {tokenize: tokenBase, context: null}; }, token: function (stream, state) { if (stream.sol()) { if (state.context && state.context.align == null) {state.context.align = false;} } if (state.tokenize == tokenBase && stream.eatSpace()) return null; var style = state.tokenize(stream, state); if (style == "comment") return style; if (state.context && state.context.align == null) {state.context.align = true;} var tok = stream.current(); if (tok == "(") {pushContext(stream, state, ")");} else if (tok == "[") {pushContext(stream, state, "]");} else if (state.context && state.context.type == tok) {popContext(state);} return style; }, indent: function (state, textAfter) { var cx = state.context; if (!cx) return CodeMirror.Pass; var closing = textAfter.charAt(0) == cx.type; if (cx.align) return cx.col + (closing ? 0 : 1); return cx.indent + (closing ? 0 : config.indentUnit); }, blockCommentStart: "/*", blockCommentEnd: "*/", lineComment: support.commentSlashSlash ? "//" : support.commentHash ? "#" : "--" }; }); (function () { "use strict"; // `identifier` function hookIdentifier (stream) { // MySQL/MariaDB identifiers // ref: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/identifier-qualifiers.html var ch; while ((ch = stream.next()) != null) { if (ch == "`" && !stream.eat("`")) return "variable-2"; } stream.backUp(stream.current().length - 1); return stream.eatWhile(/\w/) ? "variable-2" : null; } // "identifier" function hookIdentifierDoublequote (stream) { // Standard SQL /SQLite identifiers // ref: http://web.archive.org/web/20160813185132/http://savage.net.au/SQL/sql-99.bnf.html#delimited%20identifier // ref: http://sqlite.org/lang_keywords.html var ch; while ((ch = stream.next()) != null) { if (ch == "\"" && !stream.eat("\"")) return "variable-2"; } stream.backUp(stream.current().length - 1); return stream.eatWhile(/\w/) ? "variable-2" : null; } // variable token function hookVar (stream) { // variables // @@prefix.varName @varName // varName can be quoted with ` or ' or " // ref: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/user-variables.html if (stream.eat("@")) { stream.match(/^session\./); stream.match(/^local\./); stream.match(/^global\./); } if (stream.eat("'")) { stream.match(/^.*'/); return "variable-2"; } else if (stream.eat("\"")) { stream.match(/^.*"/); return "variable-2"; } else if (stream.eat("`")) { stream.match(/^.*`/); return "variable-2"; } else if (stream.match(/^[0-9a-zA-Z$\.\_]+/)) { return "variable-2"; } return null; } // short client keyword token function hookClient (stream) { // \N means NULL // ref: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/null-values.html if (stream.eat("N")) { return "atom"; } // \g, etc // ref: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/mysql-commands.html return stream.match(/^[a-zA-Z.#!?]/) ? "variable-2" : null; } // these keywords are used by all SQL dialects (however, a mode can still overwrite it) var sqlKeywords = "alter and as asc between by count create delete desc distinct drop from group having in insert into is join like not on or order select set table union update values where limit "; // turn a space-separated list into an array function set (str) { var obj = {}, words = str.split(" "); for (var i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) obj[words[i]] = true; return obj; } // A generic SQL Mode. It's not a standard, it just try to support what is generally supported CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-sql", { name: "sql", keywords: set(sqlKeywords + "begin"), builtin: set("bool boolean bit blob enum long longblob longtext medium mediumblob mediumint mediumtext time timestamp tinyblob tinyint tinytext text bigint int int1 int2 int3 int4 int8 integer float float4 float8 double char varbinary varchar varcharacter precision real date datetime year unsigned signed decimal numeric"), atoms: set("false true null unknown"), operatorChars: /^[*+\-%<>!=]/, dateSQL: set("date time timestamp"), support: set("ODBCdotTable doubleQuote binaryNumber hexNumber"), functions: BI.makeObject(BI.FormulaCollections, true) }); }()); }); /* How Properties of Mime Types are used by SQL Mode ================================================= keywords: A list of keywords you want to be highlighted. builtin: A list of builtin types you want to be highlighted (if you want types to be of class "builtin" instead of "keyword"). operatorChars: All characters that must be handled as operators. client: Commands parsed and executed by the client (not the server). support: A list of supported syntaxes which are not common, but are supported by more than 1 DBMS. * ODBCdotTable: .tableName * zerolessFloat: .1 * doubleQuote * nCharCast: N'string' * charsetCast: _utf8'string' * commentHash: use # char for comments * commentSlashSlash: use // for comments * commentSpaceRequired: require a space after -- for comments atoms: Keywords that must be highlighted as atoms,. Some DBMS's support more atoms than others: UNKNOWN, INFINITY, UNDERFLOW, NaN... dateSQL: Used for date/time SQL standard syntax, because not all DBMS's support same temporal types. */ /** * Created by Windy on 2017/12/15. */ BI.SQLEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return $.extend(BI.CodeEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(), { baseCls: "bi-sql-editor", value: "", lineHeight: 2, showHint: true, supportFunction: false, supportParam: false }); }, _init: function () { BI.CodeEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, self = this; this.editor = CodeMirror(this.element[0], { mode: "text/x-sql", textWrapping: true, lineWrapping: true, lineNumbers: false }); o.lineHeight === 1 ? this.element.addClass("codemirror-low-line-height") : this.element.addClass("codemirror-high-line-height"); this.editor.on("change", function (cm, change) { self._checkWaterMark(); if (o.showHint) { CodeMirror.showHint(cm, CodeMirror.sqlHint, { completeSingle: false, supportFunction: o.supportFunction }); } BI.nextTick(function () { self.fireEvent(BI.FormulaEditor.EVENT_CHANGE); }); }); this.editor.on("focus", function () { self._checkWaterMark(); self.fireEvent(BI.FormulaEditor.EVENT_FOCUS); }); this.editor.on("blur", function () { self.fireEvent(BI.FormulaEditor.EVENT_BLUR); }); // 水印 this.watermark = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", text: BI.i18nText("Please_Enter_SQL"), cls: "bi-water-mark", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textAlign: "left" }); this.watermark.element.bind( "mousedown", function (e) { self.insertString(""); self.editor.focus(); e.stopEvent(); } ); this.watermark.element.bind("click", function (e) { self.editor.focus(); e.stopEvent(); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.watermark, top: 0, left: 5 }] }); if (BI.isKey(o.value)) { BI.nextTick(function () { self.setValue(o.value); }); } }, insertString: function (str) { this.editor.replaceSelection(str); this.editor.focus(); }, insertParam: function (param) { var value = param; var from = this.editor.getCursor(); this.editor.replaceSelection(param); var to = this.editor.getCursor(); var options = {className: "param", atomic: true}; options.value = value; this.editor.markText(from, to, options); this.editor.replaceSelection(" "); this.editor.focus(); }, _checkWaterMark: function () { var o = this.options; if (!this.disabledWaterMark && BI.isEmptyString(this.editor.getValue()) && BI.isKey(o.watermark)) { this.watermark && this.watermark.visible(); } else { this.watermark && this.watermark.invisible(); } }, _analyzeContent: function (v) { var regx = /\$[\{][^\}]*[\}]|[^\$\{]*[^\$\{]/g; return v.match(regx); }, getValue: function () { return this.editor.getValue("\n", function (line) { var rawText = line.text, value = line.text, num = 0; value.text = rawText; _.forEach(_.sortBy(line.markedSpans, "from"), function (i, ms) { switch (i.marker.className) { case "param": case "error-param": var fieldNameLength = i.to - i.from; value = value.substr(0, i.from + num) + "$\{" + i.marker.value + "\}" + value.substr(i.to + num, value.length); // 加上${}的偏移 num += 3; // 加上实际值和显示值的长度差的偏移 num += (i.marker.value.length - fieldNameLength); break; } }); return value; }); }, setValue: function (v) { var self = this, result, o = this.options; this.refresh(); self.editor.setValue(""); result = this._analyzeContent(v || ""); BI.each(result, function (i, item) { var fieldRegx = /\$[\{][^\}]*[\}]/; var str = item.match(fieldRegx); if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(str) && o.supportParam) { self.insertParam(str[0].substring(2, item.length - 1)); } else { self.insertString(item); } }); this._checkWaterMark(); }, refresh: function () { var self = this; BI.nextTick(function () { self.editor.refresh(); }); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.sql_editor", BI.SQLEditor);// Copyright (c) 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ \\ // │ Eve 0.4.2 - JavaScript Events Library │ \\ // ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ \\ // │ Author Dmitry Baranovskiy (http://dmitry.baranovskiy.com/) │ \\ // └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ \\ (function (glob, factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define("eve", function() { return factory(); }); } else if (typeof exports === "object") { module.exports = factory(); } else { glob.eve = factory(); } }(this, function(){ var version = "0.4.2", has = "hasOwnProperty", separator = /[\.\/]/, wildcard = "*", fun = function () {}, numsort = function (a, b) { return a - b; }, current_event, stop, events = {n: {}}, /*\ * eve [ method ] * Fires event with given `name`, given scope and other parameters. > Arguments - name (string) name of the *event*, dot (`.`) or slash (`/`) separated - scope (object) context for the event handlers - varargs (...) the rest of arguments will be sent to event handlers = (object) array of returned values from the listeners \*/ eve = function (name, scope) { name = String(name); var e = events, oldstop = stop, args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), listeners = eve.listeners(name), z = 0, f = false, l, indexed = [], queue = {}, out = [], ce = current_event, errors = []; current_event = name; stop = 0; for (var i = 0, ii = listeners.length; i < ii; i++) if ("zIndex" in listeners[i]) { indexed.push(listeners[i].zIndex); if (listeners[i].zIndex < 0) { queue[listeners[i].zIndex] = listeners[i]; } } indexed.sort(numsort); while (indexed[z] < 0) { l = queue[indexed[z++]]; out.push(l.apply(scope, args)); if (stop) { stop = oldstop; return out; } } for (i = 0; i < ii; i++) { l = listeners[i]; if ("zIndex" in l) { if (l.zIndex == indexed[z]) { out.push(l.apply(scope, args)); if (stop) { break; } do { z++; l = queue[indexed[z]]; l && out.push(l.apply(scope, args)); if (stop) { break; } } while (l) } else { queue[l.zIndex] = l; } } else { out.push(l.apply(scope, args)); if (stop) { break; } } } stop = oldstop; current_event = ce; return out.length ? out : null; }; // Undocumented. Debug only. eve._events = events; /*\ * eve.listeners [ method ] * Internal method which gives you array of all event handlers that will be triggered by the given `name`. > Arguments - name (string) name of the event, dot (`.`) or slash (`/`) separated = (array) array of event handlers \*/ eve.listeners = function (name) { var names = name.split(separator), e = events, item, items, k, i, ii, j, jj, nes, es = [e], out = []; for (i = 0, ii = names.length; i < ii; i++) { nes = []; for (j = 0, jj = es.length; j < jj; j++) { e = es[j].n; items = [e[names[i]], e[wildcard]]; k = 2; while (k--) { item = items[k]; if (item) { nes.push(item); out = out.concat(item.f || []); } } } es = nes; } return out; }; /*\ * eve.on [ method ] ** * Binds given event handler with a given name. You can use wildcards “`*`” for the names: | eve.on("*.under.*", f); | eve("mouse.under.floor"); // triggers f * Use @eve to trigger the listener. ** > Arguments ** - name (string) name of the event, dot (`.`) or slash (`/`) separated, with optional wildcards - f (function) event handler function ** = (function) returned function accepts a single numeric parameter that represents z-index of the handler. It is an optional feature and only used when you need to ensure that some subset of handlers will be invoked in a given order, despite of the order of assignment. > Example: | eve.on("mouse", eatIt)(2); | eve.on("mouse", scream); | eve.on("mouse", catchIt)(1); * This will ensure that `catchIt()` function will be called before `eatIt()`. * * If you want to put your handler before non-indexed handlers, specify a negative value. * Note: I assume most of the time you don’t need to worry about z-index, but it’s nice to have this feature “just in case”. \*/ eve.on = function (name, f) { name = String(name); if (typeof f != "function") { return function () {}; } var names = name.split(separator), e = events; for (var i = 0, ii = names.length; i < ii; i++) { e = e.n; e = e.hasOwnProperty(names[i]) && e[names[i]] || (e[names[i]] = {n: {}}); } e.f = e.f || []; for (i = 0, ii = e.f.length; i < ii; i++) if (e.f[i] == f) { return fun; } e.f.push(f); return function (zIndex) { if (+zIndex == +zIndex) { f.zIndex = +zIndex; } }; }; /*\ * eve.f [ method ] ** * Returns function that will fire given event with optional arguments. * Arguments that will be passed to the result function will be also * concated to the list of final arguments. | el.onclick = eve.f("click", 1, 2); | eve.on("click", function (a, b, c) { | console.log(a, b, c); // 1, 2, [event object] | }); > Arguments - event (string) event name - varargs (…) and any other arguments = (function) possible event handler function \*/ eve.f = function (event) { var attrs = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); return function () { eve.apply(null, [event, null].concat(attrs).concat([].slice.call(arguments, 0))); }; }; /*\ * eve.stop [ method ] ** * Is used inside an event handler to stop the event, preventing any subsequent listeners from firing. \*/ eve.stop = function () { stop = 1; }; /*\ * eve.nt [ method ] ** * Could be used inside event handler to figure out actual name of the event. ** > Arguments ** - subname (string) #optional subname of the event ** = (string) name of the event, if `subname` is not specified * or = (boolean) `true`, if current event’s name contains `subname` \*/ eve.nt = function (subname) { if (subname) { return new RegExp("(?:\\.|\\/|^)" + subname + "(?:\\.|\\/|$)").test(current_event); } return current_event; }; /*\ * eve.nts [ method ] ** * Could be used inside event handler to figure out actual name of the event. ** ** = (array) names of the event \*/ eve.nts = function () { return current_event.split(separator); }; /*\ * eve.off [ method ] ** * Removes given function from the list of event listeners assigned to given name. * If no arguments specified all the events will be cleared. ** > Arguments ** - name (string) name of the event, dot (`.`) or slash (`/`) separated, with optional wildcards - f (function) event handler function \*/ /*\ * eve.unbind [ method ] ** * See @eve.off \*/ eve.off = eve.unbind = function (name, f) { if (!name) { eve._events = events = {n: {}}; return; } var names = name.split(separator), e, key, splice, i, ii, j, jj, cur = [events]; for (i = 0, ii = names.length; i < ii; i++) { for (j = 0; j < cur.length; j += splice.length - 2) { splice = [j, 1]; e = cur[j].n; if (names[i] != wildcard) { if (e[names[i]]) { splice.push(e[names[i]]); } } else { for (key in e) if (e[has](key)) { splice.push(e[key]); } } cur.splice.apply(cur, splice); } } for (i = 0, ii = cur.length; i < ii; i++) { e = cur[i]; while (e.n) { if (f) { if (e.f) { for (j = 0, jj = e.f.length; j < jj; j++) if (e.f[j] == f) { e.f.splice(j, 1); break; } !e.f.length && delete e.f; } for (key in e.n) if (e.n[has](key) && e.n[key].f) { var funcs = e.n[key].f; for (j = 0, jj = funcs.length; j < jj; j++) if (funcs[j] == f) { funcs.splice(j, 1); break; } !funcs.length && delete e.n[key].f; } } else { delete e.f; for (key in e.n) if (e.n[has](key) && e.n[key].f) { delete e.n[key].f; } } e = e.n; } } }; /*\ * eve.once [ method ] ** * Binds given event handler with a given name to only run once then unbind itself. | eve.once("login", f); | eve("login"); // triggers f | eve("login"); // no listeners * Use @eve to trigger the listener. ** > Arguments ** - name (string) name of the event, dot (`.`) or slash (`/`) separated, with optional wildcards - f (function) event handler function ** = (function) same return function as @eve.on \*/ eve.once = function (name, f) { var f2 = function () { eve.unbind(name, f2); return f.apply(this, arguments); }; return eve.on(name, f2); }; /*\ * eve.version [ property (string) ] ** * Current version of the library. \*/ eve.version = version; eve.toString = function () { return "You are running Eve " + version; }; return eve; })); // ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ \\ // │ Raphaël 2.1.4 - JavaScript Vector Library │ \\ // ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ \\ // │ Core Module │ \\ // ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ \\ // │ Licensed under the MIT (http://raphaeljs.com/license.html) license.│ \\ // └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ \\ (function (glob, factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define("raphael.core", ["eve"], function(eve) { return factory(eve); }); } else if (typeof exports === "object") { module.exports = factory(require("eve")); } else { glob.Raphael = factory(glob.eve); } }(this, function (eve) { /*\ * Raphael [ method ] ** * Creates a canvas object on which to draw. * You must do this first, as all future calls to drawing methods * from this instance will be bound to this canvas. > Parameters ** - container (HTMLElement|string) DOM element or its ID which is going to be a parent for drawing surface - width (number) - height (number) - callback (function) #optional callback function which is going to be executed in the context of newly created paper * or - x (number) - y (number) - width (number) - height (number) - callback (function) #optional callback function which is going to be executed in the context of newly created paper * or - all (array) (first 3 or 4 elements in the array are equal to [containerID, width, height] or [x, y, width, height]. The rest are element descriptions in format {type: type, <attributes>}). See @Paper.add. - callback (function) #optional callback function which is going to be executed in the context of newly created paper * or - onReadyCallback (function) function that is going to be called on DOM ready event. You can also subscribe to this event via Eve’s “DOMLoad” event. In this case method returns `undefined`. = (object) @Paper > Usage | // Each of the following examples create a canvas | // that is 320px wide by 200px high. | // Canvas is created at the viewport’s 10,50 coordinate. | var paper = Raphael(10, 50, 320, 200); | // Canvas is created at the top left corner of the #notepad element | // (or its top right corner in dir="rtl" elements) | var paper = Raphael(document.getElementById("notepad"), 320, 200); | // Same as above | var paper = Raphael("notepad", 320, 200); | // Image dump | var set = Raphael(["notepad", 320, 200, { | type: "rect", | x: 10, | y: 10, | width: 25, | height: 25, | stroke: "#f00" | }, { | type: "text", | x: 30, | y: 40, | text: "Dump" | }]); \*/ function R(first) { if (R.is(first, "function")) { return loaded ? first() : eve.on("raphael.DOMload", first); } else if (R.is(first, array)) { return R._engine.create[apply](R, first.splice(0, 3 + R.is(first[0], nu))).add(first); } else { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); if (R.is(args[args.length - 1], "function")) { var f = args.pop(); return loaded ? f.call(R._engine.create[apply](R, args)) : eve.on("raphael.DOMload", function () { f.call(R._engine.create[apply](R, args)); }); } else { return R._engine.create[apply](R, arguments); } } } R.version = "2.1.4"; R.eve = eve; var loaded, separator = /[, ]+/, elements = {circle: 1, rect: 1, path: 1, ellipse: 1, text: 1, image: 1}, formatrg = /\{(\d+)\}/g, proto = "prototype", has = "hasOwnProperty", g = { doc: document, win: window }, oldRaphael = { was: Object.prototype[has].call(g.win, "Raphael"), is: g.win.Raphael }, Paper = function () { /*\ * Paper.ca [ property (object) ] ** * Shortcut for @Paper.customAttributes \*/ /*\ * Paper.customAttributes [ property (object) ] ** * If you have a set of attributes that you would like to represent * as a function of some number you can do it easily with custom attributes: > Usage | paper.customAttributes.hue = function (num) { | num = num % 1; | return {fill: "hsb(" + num + ", 0.75, 1)"}; | }; | // Custom attribute “hue” will change fill | // to be given hue with fixed saturation and brightness. | // Now you can use it like this: | var c = paper.circle(10, 10, 10).attr({hue: .45}); | // or even like this: | c.animate({hue: 1}, 1e3); | | // You could also create custom attribute | // with multiple parameters: | paper.customAttributes.hsb = function (h, s, b) { | return {fill: "hsb(" + [h, s, b].join(",") + ")"}; | }; | c.attr({hsb: "0.5 .8 1"}); | c.animate({hsb: [1, 0, 0.5]}, 1e3); \*/ this.ca = this.customAttributes = {}; }, paperproto, appendChild = "appendChild", apply = "apply", concat = "concat", supportsTouch = ('ontouchstart' in g.win) || g.win.DocumentTouch && g.doc instanceof DocumentTouch, //taken from Modernizr touch test E = "", S = " ", Str = String, split = "split", events = "click dblclick mousedown mousemove mouseout mouseover mouseup touchstart touchmove touchend touchcancel"[split](S), touchMap = { mousedown: "touchstart", mousemove: "touchmove", mouseup: "touchend" }, lowerCase = Str.prototype.toLowerCase, math = Math, mmax = math.max, mmin = math.min, abs = math.abs, pow = math.pow, PI = math.PI, nu = "number", string = "string", array = "array", toString = "toString", fillString = "fill", objectToString = Object.prototype.toString, paper = {}, push = "push", ISURL = R._ISURL = /^url\(['"]?(.+?)['"]?\)$/i, colourRegExp = /^\s*((#[a-f\d]{6})|(#[a-f\d]{3})|rgba?\(\s*([\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?(?:\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?)?)\s*\)|hsba?\(\s*([\d\.]+(?:deg|\xb0|%)?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+(?:%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+)?)%?\s*\)|hsla?\(\s*([\d\.]+(?:deg|\xb0|%)?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+(?:%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+)?)%?\s*\))\s*$/i, isnan = {"NaN": 1, "Infinity": 1, "-Infinity": 1}, bezierrg = /^(?:cubic-)?bezier\(([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^\)]+)\)/, round = math.round, setAttribute = "setAttribute", toFloat = parseFloat, toInt = parseInt, upperCase = Str.prototype.toUpperCase, availableAttrs = R._availableAttrs = { "arrow-end": "none", "arrow-start": "none", blur: 0, "clip-rect": "0 0 1e9 1e9", cursor: "default", cx: 0, cy: 0, fill: "#fff", "fill-opacity": 1, font: '10px "Arial"', "font-family": '"Arial"', "font-size": "10", "font-style": "normal", "font-weight": 400, gradient: 0, height: 0, href: "http://raphaeljs.com/", "letter-spacing": 0, opacity: 1, path: "M0,0", r: 0, rx: 0, ry: 0, src: "", stroke: "#000", "stroke-dasharray": "", "stroke-linecap": "butt", "stroke-linejoin": "butt", "stroke-miterlimit": 0, "stroke-opacity": 1, "stroke-width": 1, target: "_blank", "text-anchor": "middle", title: "Raphael", transform: "", width: 0, x: 0, y: 0 }, availableAnimAttrs = R._availableAnimAttrs = { blur: nu, "clip-rect": "csv", cx: nu, cy: nu, fill: "colour", "fill-opacity": nu, "font-size": nu, height: nu, opacity: nu, path: "path", r: nu, rx: nu, ry: nu, stroke: "colour", "stroke-opacity": nu, "stroke-width": nu, transform: "transform", width: nu, x: nu, y: nu }, whitespace = /[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]/g, commaSpaces = /[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*,[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*/, hsrg = {hs: 1, rg: 1}, p2s = /,?([achlmqrstvxz]),?/gi, pathCommand = /([achlmrqstvz])[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029,]*((-?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[\-+]?\d+)?[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*,?[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*)+)/ig, tCommand = /([rstm])[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029,]*((-?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[\-+]?\d+)?[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*,?[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*)+)/ig, pathValues = /(-?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[\-+]?\d+)?)[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*,?[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*/ig, radial_gradient = R._radial_gradient = /^r(?:\(([^,]+?)[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*,[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]*([^\)]+?)\))?/, eldata = {}, sortByKey = function (a, b) { return a.key - b.key; }, sortByNumber = function (a, b) { return toFloat(a) - toFloat(b); }, fun = function () {}, pipe = function (x) { return x; }, rectPath = R._rectPath = function (x, y, w, h, r) { if (r) { return [["M", x + r, y], ["l", w - r * 2, 0], ["a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, r, r], ["l", 0, h - r * 2], ["a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, -r, r], ["l", r * 2 - w, 0], ["a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, -r, -r], ["l", 0, r * 2 - h], ["a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, r, -r], ["z"]]; } return [["M", x, y], ["l", w, 0], ["l", 0, h], ["l", -w, 0], ["z"]]; }, ellipsePath = function (x, y, rx, ry) { if (ry == null) { ry = rx; } return [["M", x, y], ["m", 0, -ry], ["a", rx, ry, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2 * ry], ["a", rx, ry, 0, 1, 1, 0, -2 * ry], ["z"]]; }, getPath = R._getPath = { path: function (el) { return el.attr("path"); }, circle: function (el) { var a = el.attrs; return ellipsePath(a.cx, a.cy, a.r); }, ellipse: function (el) { var a = el.attrs; return ellipsePath(a.cx, a.cy, a.rx, a.ry); }, rect: function (el) { var a = el.attrs; return rectPath(a.x, a.y, a.width, a.height, a.r); }, image: function (el) { var a = el.attrs; return rectPath(a.x, a.y, a.width, a.height); }, text: function (el) { var bbox = el._getBBox(); return rectPath(bbox.x, bbox.y, bbox.width, bbox.height); }, set : function(el) { var bbox = el._getBBox(); return rectPath(bbox.x, bbox.y, bbox.width, bbox.height); } }, /*\ * Raphael.mapPath [ method ] ** * Transform the path string with given matrix. > Parameters - path (string) path string - matrix (object) see @Matrix = (string) transformed path string \*/ mapPath = R.mapPath = function (path, matrix) { if (!matrix) { return path; } var x, y, i, j, ii, jj, pathi; path = path2curve(path); for (i = 0, ii = path.length; i < ii; i++) { pathi = path[i]; for (j = 1, jj = pathi.length; j < jj; j += 2) { x = matrix.x(pathi[j], pathi[j + 1]); y = matrix.y(pathi[j], pathi[j + 1]); pathi[j] = x; pathi[j + 1] = y; } } return path; }; R._g = g; /*\ * Raphael.type [ property (string) ] ** * Can be “SVG”, “VML” or empty, depending on browser support. \*/ R.type = (g.win.SVGAngle || g.doc.implementation.hasFeature("http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#BasicStructure", "1.1") ? "SVG" : "VML"); if (R.type == "VML") { var d = g.doc.createElement("div"), b; d.innerHTML = '<v:shape adj="1"/>'; b = d.firstChild; b.style.behavior = "url(#default#VML)"; if (!(b && typeof b.adj == "object")) { return (R.type = E); } d = null; } /*\ * Raphael.svg [ property (boolean) ] ** * `true` if browser supports SVG. \*/ /*\ * Raphael.vml [ property (boolean) ] ** * `true` if browser supports VML. \*/ R.svg = !(R.vml = R.type == "VML"); R._Paper = Paper; /*\ * Raphael.fn [ property (object) ] ** * You can add your own method to the canvas. For example if you want to draw a pie chart, * you can create your own pie chart function and ship it as a Raphaël plugin. To do this * you need to extend the `Raphael.fn` object. You should modify the `fn` object before a * Raphaël instance is created, otherwise it will take no effect. Please note that the * ability for namespaced plugins was removed in Raphael 2.0. It is up to the plugin to * ensure any namespacing ensures proper context. > Usage | Raphael.fn.arrow = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, size) { | return this.path( ... ); | }; | // or create namespace | Raphael.fn.mystuff = { | arrow: function () {…}, | star: function () {…}, | // etc… | }; | var paper = Raphael(10, 10, 630, 480); | // then use it | paper.arrow(10, 10, 30, 30, 5).attr({fill: "#f00"}); | paper.mystuff.arrow(); | paper.mystuff.star(); \*/ R.fn = paperproto = Paper.prototype = R.prototype; R._id = 0; R._oid = 0; /*\ * Raphael.is [ method ] ** * Handful of replacements for `typeof` operator. > Parameters - o (…) any object or primitive - type (string) name of the type, i.e. “string”, “function”, “number”, etc. = (boolean) is given value is of given type \*/ R.is = function (o, type) { type = lowerCase.call(type); if (type == "finite") { return !isnan[has](+o); } if (type == "array") { return o instanceof Array; } return (type == "null" && o === null) || (type == typeof o && o !== null) || (type == "object" && o === Object(o)) || (type == "array" && Array.isArray && Array.isArray(o)) || objectToString.call(o).slice(8, -1).toLowerCase() == type; }; function clone(obj) { if (typeof obj == "function" || Object(obj) !== obj) { return obj; } var res = new obj.constructor; for (var key in obj) if (obj[has](key)) { res[key] = clone(obj[key]); } return res; } /*\ * Raphael.angle [ method ] ** * Returns angle between two or three points > Parameters - x1 (number) x coord of first point - y1 (number) y coord of first point - x2 (number) x coord of second point - y2 (number) y coord of second point - x3 (number) #optional x coord of third point - y3 (number) #optional y coord of third point = (number) angle in degrees. \*/ R.angle = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) { if (x3 == null) { var x = x1 - x2, y = y1 - y2; if (!x && !y) { return 0; } return (180 + math.atan2(-y, -x) * 180 / PI + 360) % 360; } else { return R.angle(x1, y1, x3, y3) - R.angle(x2, y2, x3, y3); } }; /*\ * Raphael.rad [ method ] ** * Transform angle to radians > Parameters - deg (number) angle in degrees = (number) angle in radians. \*/ R.rad = function (deg) { return deg % 360 * PI / 180; }; /*\ * Raphael.deg [ method ] ** * Transform angle to degrees > Parameters - rad (number) angle in radians = (number) angle in degrees. \*/ R.deg = function (rad) { return Math.round ((rad * 180 / PI% 360)* 1000) / 1000; }; /*\ * Raphael.snapTo [ method ] ** * Snaps given value to given grid. > Parameters - values (array|number) given array of values or step of the grid - value (number) value to adjust - tolerance (number) #optional tolerance for snapping. Default is `10`. = (number) adjusted value. \*/ R.snapTo = function (values, value, tolerance) { tolerance = R.is(tolerance, "finite") ? tolerance : 10; if (R.is(values, array)) { var i = values.length; while (i--) if (abs(values[i] - value) <= tolerance) { return values[i]; } } else { values = +values; var rem = value % values; if (rem < tolerance) { return value - rem; } if (rem > values - tolerance) { return value - rem + values; } } return value; }; /*\ * Raphael.createUUID [ method ] ** * Returns RFC4122, version 4 ID \*/ var createUUID = R.createUUID = (function (uuidRegEx, uuidReplacer) { return function () { return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(uuidRegEx, uuidReplacer).toUpperCase(); }; })(/[xy]/g, function (c) { var r = math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c == "x" ? r : (r & 3 | 8); return v.toString(16); }); /*\ * Raphael.setWindow [ method ] ** * Used when you need to draw in `<iframe>`. Switched window to the iframe one. > Parameters - newwin (window) new window object \*/ R.setWindow = function (newwin) { eve("raphael.setWindow", R, g.win, newwin); g.win = newwin; g.doc = g.win.document; if (R._engine.initWin) { R._engine.initWin(g.win); } }; var toHex = function (color) { if (R.vml) { // http://dean.edwards.name/weblog/2009/10/convert-any-colour-value-to-hex-in-msie/ var trim = /^\s+|\s+$/g; var bod; try { var docum = new ActiveXObject("htmlfile"); docum.write("<body>"); docum.close(); bod = docum.body; } catch(e) { bod = createPopup().document.body; } var range = bod.createTextRange(); toHex = cacher(function (color) { try { bod.style.color = Str(color).replace(trim, E); var value = range.queryCommandValue("ForeColor"); value = ((value & 255) << 16) | (value & 65280) | ((value & 16711680) >>> 16); return "#" + ("000000" + value.toString(16)).slice(-6); } catch(e) { return "none"; } }); } else { var i = g.doc.createElement("i"); i.title = "Rapha\xebl Colour Picker"; i.style.display = "none"; g.doc.body.appendChild(i); toHex = cacher(function (color) { i.style.color = color; return g.doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(i, E).getPropertyValue("color"); }); } return toHex(color); }, hsbtoString = function () { return "hsb(" + [this.h, this.s, this.b] + ")"; }, hsltoString = function () { return "hsl(" + [this.h, this.s, this.l] + ")"; }, rgbtoString = function () { return this.hex; }, prepareRGB = function (r, g, b) { if (g == null && R.is(r, "object") && "r" in r && "g" in r && "b" in r) { b = r.b; g = r.g; r = r.r; } if (g == null && R.is(r, string)) { var clr = R.getRGB(r); r = clr.r; g = clr.g; b = clr.b; } if (r > 1 || g > 1 || b > 1) { r /= 255; g /= 255; b /= 255; } return [r, g, b]; }, packageRGB = function (r, g, b, o) { r *= 255; g *= 255; b *= 255; var rgb = { r: r, g: g, b: b, hex: R.rgb(r, g, b), toString: rgbtoString }; R.is(o, "finite") && (rgb.opacity = o); return rgb; }; /*\ * Raphael.color [ method ] ** * Parses the color string and returns object with all values for the given color. > Parameters - clr (string) color string in one of the supported formats (see @Raphael.getRGB) = (object) Combined RGB & HSB object in format: o { o r (number) red, o g (number) green, o b (number) blue, o hex (string) color in HTML/CSS format: #••••••, o error (boolean) `true` if string can’t be parsed, o h (number) hue, o s (number) saturation, o v (number) value (brightness), o l (number) lightness o } \*/ R.color = function (clr) { var rgb; if (R.is(clr, "object") && "h" in clr && "s" in clr && "b" in clr) { rgb = R.hsb2rgb(clr); clr.r = rgb.r; clr.g = rgb.g; clr.b = rgb.b; clr.hex = rgb.hex; } else if (R.is(clr, "object") && "h" in clr && "s" in clr && "l" in clr) { rgb = R.hsl2rgb(clr); clr.r = rgb.r; clr.g = rgb.g; clr.b = rgb.b; clr.hex = rgb.hex; } else { if (R.is(clr, "string")) { clr = R.getRGB(clr); } if (R.is(clr, "object") && "r" in clr && "g" in clr && "b" in clr) { rgb = R.rgb2hsl(clr); clr.h = rgb.h; clr.s = rgb.s; clr.l = rgb.l; rgb = R.rgb2hsb(clr); clr.v = rgb.b; } else { clr = {hex: "none"}; clr.r = clr.g = clr.b = clr.h = clr.s = clr.v = clr.l = -1; } } clr.toString = rgbtoString; return clr; }; /*\ * Raphael.hsb2rgb [ method ] ** * Converts HSB values to RGB object. > Parameters - h (number) hue - s (number) saturation - v (number) value or brightness = (object) RGB object in format: o { o r (number) red, o g (number) green, o b (number) blue, o hex (string) color in HTML/CSS format: #•••••• o } \*/ R.hsb2rgb = function (h, s, v, o) { if (this.is(h, "object") && "h" in h && "s" in h && "b" in h) { v = h.b; s = h.s; o = h.o; h = h.h; } h *= 360; var R, G, B, X, C; h = (h % 360) / 60; C = v * s; X = C * (1 - abs(h % 2 - 1)); R = G = B = v - C; h = ~~h; R += [C, X, 0, 0, X, C][h]; G += [X, C, C, X, 0, 0][h]; B += [0, 0, X, C, C, X][h]; return packageRGB(R, G, B, o); }; /*\ * Raphael.hsl2rgb [ method ] ** * Converts HSL values to RGB object. > Parameters - h (number) hue - s (number) saturation - l (number) luminosity = (object) RGB object in format: o { o r (number) red, o g (number) green, o b (number) blue, o hex (string) color in HTML/CSS format: #•••••• o } \*/ R.hsl2rgb = function (h, s, l, o) { if (this.is(h, "object") && "h" in h && "s" in h && "l" in h) { l = h.l; s = h.s; h = h.h; } if (h > 1 || s > 1 || l > 1) { h /= 360; s /= 100; l /= 100; } h *= 360; var R, G, B, X, C; h = (h % 360) / 60; C = 2 * s * (l < .5 ? l : 1 - l); X = C * (1 - abs(h % 2 - 1)); R = G = B = l - C / 2; h = ~~h; R += [C, X, 0, 0, X, C][h]; G += [X, C, C, X, 0, 0][h]; B += [0, 0, X, C, C, X][h]; return packageRGB(R, G, B, o); }; /*\ * Raphael.rgb2hsb [ method ] ** * Converts RGB values to HSB object. > Parameters - r (number) red - g (number) green - b (number) blue = (object) HSB object in format: o { o h (number) hue o s (number) saturation o b (number) brightness o } \*/ R.rgb2hsb = function (r, g, b) { b = prepareRGB(r, g, b); r = b[0]; g = b[1]; b = b[2]; var H, S, V, C; V = mmax(r, g, b); C = V - mmin(r, g, b); H = (C == 0 ? null : V == r ? (g - b) / C : V == g ? (b - r) / C + 2 : (r - g) / C + 4 ); H = ((H + 360) % 6) * 60 / 360; S = C == 0 ? 0 : C / V; return {h: H, s: S, b: V, toString: hsbtoString}; }; /*\ * Raphael.rgb2hsl [ method ] ** * Converts RGB values to HSL object. > Parameters - r (number) red - g (number) green - b (number) blue = (object) HSL object in format: o { o h (number) hue o s (number) saturation o l (number) luminosity o } \*/ R.rgb2hsl = function (r, g, b) { b = prepareRGB(r, g, b); r = b[0]; g = b[1]; b = b[2]; var H, S, L, M, m, C; M = mmax(r, g, b); m = mmin(r, g, b); C = M - m; H = (C == 0 ? null : M == r ? (g - b) / C : M == g ? (b - r) / C + 2 : (r - g) / C + 4); H = ((H + 360) % 6) * 60 / 360; L = (M + m) / 2; S = (C == 0 ? 0 : L < .5 ? C / (2 * L) : C / (2 - 2 * L)); return {h: H, s: S, l: L, toString: hsltoString}; }; R._path2string = function () { return this.join(",").replace(p2s, "$1"); }; function repush(array, item) { for (var i = 0, ii = array.length; i < ii; i++) if (array[i] === item) { return array.push(array.splice(i, 1)[0]); } } function cacher(f, scope, postprocessor) { function newf() { var arg = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), args = arg.join("\u2400"), cache = newf.cache = newf.cache || {}, count = newf.count = newf.count || []; if (cache[has](args)) { repush(count, args); return postprocessor ? postprocessor(cache[args]) : cache[args]; } count.length >= 1e3 && delete cache[count.shift()]; count.push(args); cache[args] = f[apply](scope, arg); return postprocessor ? postprocessor(cache[args]) : cache[args]; } return newf; } var preload = R._preload = function (src, f) { var img = g.doc.createElement("img"); img.style.cssText = "position:absolute;left:-9999em;top:-9999em"; img.onload = function () { f.call(this); this.onload = null; g.doc.body.removeChild(this); }; img.onerror = function () { g.doc.body.removeChild(this); }; g.doc.body.appendChild(img); img.src = src; }; function clrToString() { return this.hex; } /*\ * Raphael.getRGB [ method ] ** * Parses colour string as RGB object > Parameters - colour (string) colour string in one of formats: # <ul> # <li>Colour name (“<code>red</code>”, “<code>green</code>”, “<code>cornflowerblue</code>”, etc)</li> # <li>#••• — shortened HTML colour: (“<code>#000</code>”, “<code>#fc0</code>”, etc)</li> # <li>#•••••• — full length HTML colour: (“<code>#000000</code>”, “<code>#bd2300</code>”)</li> # <li>rgb(•••, •••, •••) — red, green and blue channels’ values: (“<code>rgb(200, 100, 0)</code>”)</li> # <li>rgb(•••%, •••%, •••%) — same as above, but in %: (“<code>rgb(100%, 175%, 0%)</code>”)</li> # <li>hsb(•••, •••, •••) — hue, saturation and brightness values: (“<code>hsb(0.5, 0.25, 1)</code>”)</li> # <li>hsb(•••%, •••%, •••%) — same as above, but in %</li> # <li>hsl(•••, •••, •••) — same as hsb</li> # <li>hsl(•••%, •••%, •••%) — same as hsb</li> # </ul> = (object) RGB object in format: o { o r (number) red, o g (number) green, o b (number) blue o hex (string) color in HTML/CSS format: #••••••, o error (boolean) true if string can’t be parsed o } \*/ R.getRGB = cacher(function (colour) { if (!colour || !!((colour = Str(colour)).indexOf("-") + 1)) { return {r: -1, g: -1, b: -1, hex: "none", error: 1, toString: clrToString}; } if (colour == "none") { return {r: -1, g: -1, b: -1, hex: "none", toString: clrToString}; } !(hsrg[has](colour.toLowerCase().substring(0, 2)) || colour.charAt() == "#") && (colour = toHex(colour)); var res, red, green, blue, opacity, t, values, rgb = colour.match(colourRegExp); if (rgb) { if (rgb[2]) { blue = toInt(rgb[2].substring(5), 16); green = toInt(rgb[2].substring(3, 5), 16); red = toInt(rgb[2].substring(1, 3), 16); } if (rgb[3]) { blue = toInt((t = rgb[3].charAt(3)) + t, 16); green = toInt((t = rgb[3].charAt(2)) + t, 16); red = toInt((t = rgb[3].charAt(1)) + t, 16); } if (rgb[4]) { values = rgb[4][split](commaSpaces); red = toFloat(values[0]); values[0].slice(-1) == "%" && (red *= 2.55); green = toFloat(values[1]); values[1].slice(-1) == "%" && (green *= 2.55); blue = toFloat(values[2]); values[2].slice(-1) == "%" && (blue *= 2.55); rgb[1].toLowerCase().slice(0, 4) == "rgba" && (opacity = toFloat(values[3])); values[3] && values[3].slice(-1) == "%" && (opacity /= 100); } if (rgb[5]) { values = rgb[5][split](commaSpaces); red = toFloat(values[0]); values[0].slice(-1) == "%" && (red *= 2.55); green = toFloat(values[1]); values[1].slice(-1) == "%" && (green *= 2.55); blue = toFloat(values[2]); values[2].slice(-1) == "%" && (blue *= 2.55); (values[0].slice(-3) == "deg" || values[0].slice(-1) == "\xb0") && (red /= 360); rgb[1].toLowerCase().slice(0, 4) == "hsba" && (opacity = toFloat(values[3])); values[3] && values[3].slice(-1) == "%" && (opacity /= 100); return R.hsb2rgb(red, green, blue, opacity); } if (rgb[6]) { values = rgb[6][split](commaSpaces); red = toFloat(values[0]); values[0].slice(-1) == "%" && (red *= 2.55); green = toFloat(values[1]); values[1].slice(-1) == "%" && (green *= 2.55); blue = toFloat(values[2]); values[2].slice(-1) == "%" && (blue *= 2.55); (values[0].slice(-3) == "deg" || values[0].slice(-1) == "\xb0") && (red /= 360); rgb[1].toLowerCase().slice(0, 4) == "hsla" && (opacity = toFloat(values[3])); values[3] && values[3].slice(-1) == "%" && (opacity /= 100); return R.hsl2rgb(red, green, blue, opacity); } rgb = {r: red, g: green, b: blue, toString: clrToString}; rgb.hex = "#" + (16777216 | blue | (green << 8) | (red << 16)).toString(16).slice(1); R.is(opacity, "finite") && (rgb.opacity = opacity); return rgb; } return {r: -1, g: -1, b: -1, hex: "none", error: 1, toString: clrToString}; }, R); /*\ * Raphael.hsb [ method ] ** * Converts HSB values to hex representation of the colour. > Parameters - h (number) hue - s (number) saturation - b (number) value or brightness = (string) hex representation of the colour. \*/ R.hsb = cacher(function (h, s, b) { return R.hsb2rgb(h, s, b).hex; }); /*\ * Raphael.hsl [ method ] ** * Converts HSL values to hex representation of the colour. > Parameters - h (number) hue - s (number) saturation - l (number) luminosity = (string) hex representation of the colour. \*/ R.hsl = cacher(function (h, s, l) { return R.hsl2rgb(h, s, l).hex; }); /*\ * Raphael.rgb [ method ] ** * Converts RGB values to hex representation of the colour. > Parameters - r (number) red - g (number) green - b (number) blue = (string) hex representation of the colour. \*/ R.rgb = cacher(function (r, g, b) { function round(x) { return (x + 0.5) | 0; } return "#" + (16777216 | round(b) | (round(g) << 8) | (round(r) << 16)).toString(16).slice(1); }); /*\ * Raphael.getColor [ method ] ** * On each call returns next colour in the spectrum. To reset it back to red call @Raphael.getColor.reset > Parameters - value (number) #optional brightness, default is `0.75` = (string) hex representation of the colour. \*/ R.getColor = function (value) { var start = this.getColor.start = this.getColor.start || {h: 0, s: 1, b: value || .75}, rgb = this.hsb2rgb(start.h, start.s, start.b); start.h += .075; if (start.h > 1) { start.h = 0; start.s -= .2; start.s <= 0 && (this.getColor.start = {h: 0, s: 1, b: start.b}); } return rgb.hex; }; /*\ * Raphael.getColor.reset [ method ] ** * Resets spectrum position for @Raphael.getColor back to red. \*/ R.getColor.reset = function () { delete this.start; }; // http://schepers.cc/getting-to-the-point function catmullRom2bezier(crp, z) { var d = []; for (var i = 0, iLen = crp.length; iLen - 2 * !z > i; i += 2) { var p = [ {x: +crp[i - 2], y: +crp[i - 1]}, {x: +crp[i], y: +crp[i + 1]}, {x: +crp[i + 2], y: +crp[i + 3]}, {x: +crp[i + 4], y: +crp[i + 5]} ]; if (z) { if (!i) { p[0] = {x: +crp[iLen - 2], y: +crp[iLen - 1]}; } else if (iLen - 4 == i) { p[3] = {x: +crp[0], y: +crp[1]}; } else if (iLen - 2 == i) { p[2] = {x: +crp[0], y: +crp[1]}; p[3] = {x: +crp[2], y: +crp[3]}; } } else { if (iLen - 4 == i) { p[3] = p[2]; } else if (!i) { p[0] = {x: +crp[i], y: +crp[i + 1]}; } } d.push(["C", (-p[0].x + 6 * p[1].x + p[2].x) / 6, (-p[0].y + 6 * p[1].y + p[2].y) / 6, (p[1].x + 6 * p[2].x - p[3].x) / 6, (p[1].y + 6*p[2].y - p[3].y) / 6, p[2].x, p[2].y ]); } return d; } /*\ * Raphael.parsePathString [ method ] ** * Utility method ** * Parses given path string into an array of arrays of path segments. > Parameters - pathString (string|array) path string or array of segments (in the last case it will be returned straight away) = (array) array of segments. \*/ R.parsePathString = function (pathString) { if (!pathString) { return null; } var pth = paths(pathString); if (pth.arr) { return pathClone(pth.arr); } var paramCounts = {a: 7, c: 6, h: 1, l: 2, m: 2, r: 4, q: 4, s: 4, t: 2, v: 1, z: 0}, data = []; if (R.is(pathString, array) && R.is(pathString[0], array)) { // rough assumption data = pathClone(pathString); } if (!data.length) { Str(pathString).replace(pathCommand, function (a, b, c) { var params = [], name = b.toLowerCase(); c.replace(pathValues, function (a, b) { b && params.push(+b); }); if (name == "m" && params.length > 2) { data.push([b][concat](params.splice(0, 2))); name = "l"; b = b == "m" ? "l" : "L"; } if (name == "r") { data.push([b][concat](params)); } else while (params.length >= paramCounts[name]) { data.push([b][concat](params.splice(0, paramCounts[name]))); if (!paramCounts[name]) { break; } } }); } data.toString = R._path2string; pth.arr = pathClone(data); return data; }; /*\ * Raphael.parseTransformString [ method ] ** * Utility method ** * Parses given path string into an array of transformations. > Parameters - TString (string|array) transform string or array of transformations (in the last case it will be returned straight away) = (array) array of transformations. \*/ R.parseTransformString = cacher(function (TString) { if (!TString) { return null; } var paramCounts = {r: 3, s: 4, t: 2, m: 6}, data = []; if (R.is(TString, array) && R.is(TString[0], array)) { // rough assumption data = pathClone(TString); } if (!data.length) { Str(TString).replace(tCommand, function (a, b, c) { var params = [], name = lowerCase.call(b); c.replace(pathValues, function (a, b) { b && params.push(+b); }); data.push([b][concat](params)); }); } data.toString = R._path2string; return data; }); // PATHS var paths = function (ps) { var p = paths.ps = paths.ps || {}; if (p[ps]) { p[ps].sleep = 100; } else { p[ps] = { sleep: 100 }; } setTimeout(function () { for (var key in p) if (p[has](key) && key != ps) { p[key].sleep--; !p[key].sleep && delete p[key]; } }); return p[ps]; }; /*\ * Raphael.findDotsAtSegment [ method ] ** * Utility method ** * Find dot coordinates on the given cubic bezier curve at the given t. > Parameters - p1x (number) x of the first point of the curve - p1y (number) y of the first point of the curve - c1x (number) x of the first anchor of the curve - c1y (number) y of the first anchor of the curve - c2x (number) x of the second anchor of the curve - c2y (number) y of the second anchor of the curve - p2x (number) x of the second point of the curve - p2y (number) y of the second point of the curve - t (number) position on the curve (0..1) = (object) point information in format: o { o x: (number) x coordinate of the point o y: (number) y coordinate of the point o m: { o x: (number) x coordinate of the left anchor o y: (number) y coordinate of the left anchor o } o n: { o x: (number) x coordinate of the right anchor o y: (number) y coordinate of the right anchor o } o start: { o x: (number) x coordinate of the start of the curve o y: (number) y coordinate of the start of the curve o } o end: { o x: (number) x coordinate of the end of the curve o y: (number) y coordinate of the end of the curve o } o alpha: (number) angle of the curve derivative at the point o } \*/ R.findDotsAtSegment = function (p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y, t) { var t1 = 1 - t, t13 = pow(t1, 3), t12 = pow(t1, 2), t2 = t * t, t3 = t2 * t, x = t13 * p1x + t12 * 3 * t * c1x + t1 * 3 * t * t * c2x + t3 * p2x, y = t13 * p1y + t12 * 3 * t * c1y + t1 * 3 * t * t * c2y + t3 * p2y, mx = p1x + 2 * t * (c1x - p1x) + t2 * (c2x - 2 * c1x + p1x), my = p1y + 2 * t * (c1y - p1y) + t2 * (c2y - 2 * c1y + p1y), nx = c1x + 2 * t * (c2x - c1x) + t2 * (p2x - 2 * c2x + c1x), ny = c1y + 2 * t * (c2y - c1y) + t2 * (p2y - 2 * c2y + c1y), ax = t1 * p1x + t * c1x, ay = t1 * p1y + t * c1y, cx = t1 * c2x + t * p2x, cy = t1 * c2y + t * p2y, alpha = (90 - math.atan2(mx - nx, my - ny) * 180 / PI); (mx > nx || my < ny) && (alpha += 180); return { x: x, y: y, m: {x: mx, y: my}, n: {x: nx, y: ny}, start: {x: ax, y: ay}, end: {x: cx, y: cy}, alpha: alpha }; }; /*\ * Raphael.bezierBBox [ method ] ** * Utility method ** * Return bounding box of a given cubic bezier curve > Parameters - p1x (number) x of the first point of the curve - p1y (number) y of the first point of the curve - c1x (number) x of the first anchor of the curve - c1y (number) y of the first anchor of the curve - c2x (number) x of the second anchor of the curve - c2y (number) y of the second anchor of the curve - p2x (number) x of the second point of the curve - p2y (number) y of the second point of the curve * or - bez (array) array of six points for bezier curve = (object) point information in format: o { o min: { o x: (number) x coordinate of the left point o y: (number) y coordinate of the top point o } o max: { o x: (number) x coordinate of the right point o y: (number) y coordinate of the bottom point o } o } \*/ R.bezierBBox = function (p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y) { if (!R.is(p1x, "array")) { p1x = [p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y]; } var bbox = curveDim.apply(null, p1x); return { x: bbox.min.x, y: bbox.min.y, x2: bbox.max.x, y2: bbox.max.y, width: bbox.max.x - bbox.min.x, height: bbox.max.y - bbox.min.y }; }; /*\ * Raphael.isPointInsideBBox [ method ] ** * Utility method ** * Returns `true` if given point is inside bounding boxes. > Parameters - bbox (string) bounding box - x (string) x coordinate of the point - y (string) y coordinate of the point = (boolean) `true` if point inside \*/ R.isPointInsideBBox = function (bbox, x, y) { return x >= bbox.x && x <= bbox.x2 && y >= bbox.y && y <= bbox.y2; }; /*\ * Raphael.isBBoxIntersect [ method ] ** * Utility method ** * Returns `true` if two bounding boxes intersect > Parameters - bbox1 (string) first bounding box - bbox2 (string) second bounding box = (boolean) `true` if they intersect \*/ R.isBBoxIntersect = function (bbox1, bbox2) { var i = R.isPointInsideBBox; return i(bbox2, bbox1.x, bbox1.y) || i(bbox2, bbox1.x2, bbox1.y) || i(bbox2, bbox1.x, bbox1.y2) || i(bbox2, bbox1.x2, bbox1.y2) || i(bbox1, bbox2.x, bbox2.y) || i(bbox1, bbox2.x2, bbox2.y) || i(bbox1, bbox2.x, bbox2.y2) || i(bbox1, bbox2.x2, bbox2.y2) || (bbox1.x < bbox2.x2 && bbox1.x > bbox2.x || bbox2.x < bbox1.x2 && bbox2.x > bbox1.x) && (bbox1.y < bbox2.y2 && bbox1.y > bbox2.y || bbox2.y < bbox1.y2 && bbox2.y > bbox1.y); }; function base3(t, p1, p2, p3, p4) { var t1 = -3 * p1 + 9 * p2 - 9 * p3 + 3 * p4, t2 = t * t1 + 6 * p1 - 12 * p2 + 6 * p3; return t * t2 - 3 * p1 + 3 * p2; } function bezlen(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, z) { if (z == null) { z = 1; } z = z > 1 ? 1 : z < 0 ? 0 : z; var z2 = z / 2, n = 12, Tvalues = [-0.1252,0.1252,-0.3678,0.3678,-0.5873,0.5873,-0.7699,0.7699,-0.9041,0.9041,-0.9816,0.9816], Cvalues = [0.2491,0.2491,0.2335,0.2335,0.2032,0.2032,0.1601,0.1601,0.1069,0.1069,0.0472,0.0472], sum = 0; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var ct = z2 * Tvalues[i] + z2, xbase = base3(ct, x1, x2, x3, x4), ybase = base3(ct, y1, y2, y3, y4), comb = xbase * xbase + ybase * ybase; sum += Cvalues[i] * math.sqrt(comb); } return z2 * sum; } function getTatLen(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, ll) { if (ll < 0 || bezlen(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) < ll) { return; } var t = 1, step = t / 2, t2 = t - step, l, e = .01; l = bezlen(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, t2); while (abs(l - ll) > e) { step /= 2; t2 += (l < ll ? 1 : -1) * step; l = bezlen(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, t2); } return t2; } function intersect(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) { if ( mmax(x1, x2) < mmin(x3, x4) || mmin(x1, x2) > mmax(x3, x4) || mmax(y1, y2) < mmin(y3, y4) || mmin(y1, y2) > mmax(y3, y4) ) { return; } var nx = (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * (x3 - x4) - (x1 - x2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4), ny = (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4), denominator = (x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4); if (!denominator) { return; } var px = nx / denominator, py = ny / denominator, px2 = +px.toFixed(2), py2 = +py.toFixed(2); if ( px2 < +mmin(x1, x2).toFixed(2) || px2 > +mmax(x1, x2).toFixed(2) || px2 < +mmin(x3, x4).toFixed(2) || px2 > +mmax(x3, x4).toFixed(2) || py2 < +mmin(y1, y2).toFixed(2) || py2 > +mmax(y1, y2).toFixed(2) || py2 < +mmin(y3, y4).toFixed(2) || py2 > +mmax(y3, y4).toFixed(2) ) { return; } return {x: px, y: py}; } function inter(bez1, bez2) { return interHelper(bez1, bez2); } function interCount(bez1, bez2) { return interHelper(bez1, bez2, 1); } function interHelper(bez1, bez2, justCount) { var bbox1 = R.bezierBBox(bez1), bbox2 = R.bezierBBox(bez2); if (!R.isBBoxIntersect(bbox1, bbox2)) { return justCount ? 0 : []; } var l1 = bezlen.apply(0, bez1), l2 = bezlen.apply(0, bez2), n1 = mmax(~~(l1 / 5), 1), n2 = mmax(~~(l2 / 5), 1), dots1 = [], dots2 = [], xy = {}, res = justCount ? 0 : []; for (var i = 0; i < n1 + 1; i++) { var p = R.findDotsAtSegment.apply(R, bez1.concat(i / n1)); dots1.push({x: p.x, y: p.y, t: i / n1}); } for (i = 0; i < n2 + 1; i++) { p = R.findDotsAtSegment.apply(R, bez2.concat(i / n2)); dots2.push({x: p.x, y: p.y, t: i / n2}); } for (i = 0; i < n1; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < n2; j++) { var di = dots1[i], di1 = dots1[i + 1], dj = dots2[j], dj1 = dots2[j + 1], ci = abs(di1.x - di.x) < .001 ? "y" : "x", cj = abs(dj1.x - dj.x) < .001 ? "y" : "x", is = intersect(di.x, di.y, di1.x, di1.y, dj.x, dj.y, dj1.x, dj1.y); if (is) { if (xy[is.x.toFixed(4)] == is.y.toFixed(4)) { continue; } xy[is.x.toFixed(4)] = is.y.toFixed(4); var t1 = di.t + abs((is[ci] - di[ci]) / (di1[ci] - di[ci])) * (di1.t - di.t), t2 = dj.t + abs((is[cj] - dj[cj]) / (dj1[cj] - dj[cj])) * (dj1.t - dj.t); if (t1 >= 0 && t1 <= 1.001 && t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1.001) { if (justCount) { res++; } else { res.push({ x: is.x, y: is.y, t1: mmin(t1, 1), t2: mmin(t2, 1) }); } } } } } return res; } /*\ * Raphael.pathIntersection [ method ] ** * Utility method ** * Finds intersections of two paths > Parameters - path1 (string) path string - path2 (string) path string = (array) dots of intersection o [ o { o x: (number) x coordinate of the point o y: (number) y coordinate of the point o t1: (number) t value for segment of path1 o t2: (number) t value for segment of path2 o segment1: (number) order number for segment of path1 o segment2: (number) order number for segment of path2 o bez1: (array) eight coordinates representing beziér curve for the segment of path1 o bez2: (array) eight coordinates representing beziér curve for the segment of path2 o } o ] \*/ R.pathIntersection = function (path1, path2) { return interPathHelper(path1, path2); }; R.pathIntersectionNumber = function (path1, path2) { return interPathHelper(path1, path2, 1); }; function interPathHelper(path1, path2, justCount) { path1 = R._path2curve(path1); path2 = R._path2curve(path2); var x1, y1, x2, y2, x1m, y1m, x2m, y2m, bez1, bez2, res = justCount ? 0 : []; for (var i = 0, ii = path1.length; i < ii; i++) { var pi = path1[i]; if (pi[0] == "M") { x1 = x1m = pi[1]; y1 = y1m = pi[2]; } else { if (pi[0] == "C") { bez1 = [x1, y1].concat(pi.slice(1)); x1 = bez1[6]; y1 = bez1[7]; } else { bez1 = [x1, y1, x1, y1, x1m, y1m, x1m, y1m]; x1 = x1m; y1 = y1m; } for (var j = 0, jj = path2.length; j < jj; j++) { var pj = path2[j]; if (pj[0] == "M") { x2 = x2m = pj[1]; y2 = y2m = pj[2]; } else { if (pj[0] == "C") { bez2 = [x2, y2].concat(pj.slice(1)); x2 = bez2[6]; y2 = bez2[7]; } else { bez2 = [x2, y2, x2, y2, x2m, y2m, x2m, y2m]; x2 = x2m; y2 = y2m; } var intr = interHelper(bez1, bez2, justCount); if (justCount) { res += intr; } else { for (var k = 0, kk = intr.length; k < kk; k++) { intr[k].segment1 = i; intr[k].segment2 = j; intr[k].bez1 = bez1; intr[k].bez2 = bez2; } res = res.concat(intr); } } } } } return res; } /*\ * Raphael.isPointInsidePath [ method ] ** * Utility method ** * Returns `true` if given point is inside a given closed path. > Parameters - path (string) path string - x (number) x of the point - y (number) y of the point = (boolean) true, if point is inside the path \*/ R.isPointInsidePath = function (path, x, y) { var bbox = R.pathBBox(path); return R.isPointInsideBBox(bbox, x, y) && interPathHelper(path, [["M", x, y], ["H", bbox.x2 + 10]], 1) % 2 == 1; }; R._removedFactory = function (methodname) { return function () { eve("raphael.log", null, "Rapha\xebl: you are calling to method \u201c" + methodname + "\u201d of removed object", methodname); }; }; /*\ * Raphael.pathBBox [ method ] ** * Utility method ** * Return bounding box of a given path > Parameters - path (string) path string = (object) bounding box o { o x: (number) x coordinate of the left top point of the box o y: (number) y coordinate of the left top point of the box o x2: (number) x coordinate of the right bottom point of the box o y2: (number) y coordinate of the right bottom point of the box o width: (number) width of the box o height: (number) height of the box o cx: (number) x coordinate of the center of the box o cy: (number) y coordinate of the center of the box o } \*/ var pathDimensions = R.pathBBox = function (path) { var pth = paths(path); if (pth.bbox) { return clone(pth.bbox); } if (!path) { return {x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0}; } path = path2curve(path); var x = 0, y = 0, X = [], Y = [], p; for (var i = 0, ii = path.length; i < ii; i++) { p = path[i]; if (p[0] == "M") { x = p[1]; y = p[2]; X.push(x); Y.push(y); } else { var dim = curveDim(x, y, p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6]); X = X[concat](dim.min.x, dim.max.x); Y = Y[concat](dim.min.y, dim.max.y); x = p[5]; y = p[6]; } } var xmin = mmin[apply](0, X), ymin = mmin[apply](0, Y), xmax = mmax[apply](0, X), ymax = mmax[apply](0, Y), width = xmax - xmin, height = ymax - ymin, bb = { x: xmin, y: ymin, x2: xmax, y2: ymax, width: width, height: height, cx: xmin + width / 2, cy: ymin + height / 2 }; pth.bbox = clone(bb); return bb; }, pathClone = function (pathArray) { var res = clone(pathArray); res.toString = R._path2string; return res; }, pathToRelative = R._pathToRelative = function (pathArray) { var pth = paths(pathArray); if (pth.rel) { return pathClone(pth.rel); } if (!R.is(pathArray, array) || !R.is(pathArray && pathArray[0], array)) { // rough assumption pathArray = R.parsePathString(pathArray); } var res = [], x = 0, y = 0, mx = 0, my = 0, start = 0; if (pathArray[0][0] == "M") { x = pathArray[0][1]; y = pathArray[0][2]; mx = x; my = y; start++; res.push(["M", x, y]); } for (var i = start, ii = pathArray.length; i < ii; i++) { var r = res[i] = [], pa = pathArray[i]; if (pa[0] != lowerCase.call(pa[0])) { r[0] = lowerCase.call(pa[0]); switch (r[0]) { case "a": r[1] = pa[1]; r[2] = pa[2]; r[3] = pa[3]; r[4] = pa[4]; r[5] = pa[5]; r[6] = +(pa[6] - x).toFixed(3); r[7] = +(pa[7] - y).toFixed(3); break; case "v": r[1] = +(pa[1] - y).toFixed(3); break; case "m": mx = pa[1]; my = pa[2]; default: for (var j = 1, jj = pa.length; j < jj; j++) { r[j] = +(pa[j] - ((j % 2) ? x : y)).toFixed(3); } } } else { r = res[i] = []; if (pa[0] == "m") { mx = pa[1] + x; my = pa[2] + y; } for (var k = 0, kk = pa.length; k < kk; k++) { res[i][k] = pa[k]; } } var len = res[i].length; switch (res[i][0]) { case "z": x = mx; y = my; break; case "h": x += +res[i][len - 1]; break; case "v": y += +res[i][len - 1]; break; default: x += +res[i][len - 2]; y += +res[i][len - 1]; } } res.toString = R._path2string; pth.rel = pathClone(res); return res; }, pathToAbsolute = R._pathToAbsolute = function (pathArray) { var pth = paths(pathArray); if (pth.abs) { return pathClone(pth.abs); } if (!R.is(pathArray, array) || !R.is(pathArray && pathArray[0], array)) { // rough assumption pathArray = R.parsePathString(pathArray); } if (!pathArray || !pathArray.length) { return [["M", 0, 0]]; } var res = [], x = 0, y = 0, mx = 0, my = 0, start = 0; if (pathArray[0][0] == "M") { x = +pathArray[0][1]; y = +pathArray[0][2]; mx = x; my = y; start++; res[0] = ["M", x, y]; } var crz = pathArray.length == 3 && pathArray[0][0] == "M" && pathArray[1][0].toUpperCase() == "R" && pathArray[2][0].toUpperCase() == "Z"; for (var r, pa, i = start, ii = pathArray.length; i < ii; i++) { res.push(r = []); pa = pathArray[i]; if (pa[0] != upperCase.call(pa[0])) { r[0] = upperCase.call(pa[0]); switch (r[0]) { case "A": r[1] = pa[1]; r[2] = pa[2]; r[3] = pa[3]; r[4] = pa[4]; r[5] = pa[5]; r[6] = +(pa[6] + x); r[7] = +(pa[7] + y); break; case "V": r[1] = +pa[1] + y; break; case "H": r[1] = +pa[1] + x; break; case "R": var dots = [x, y][concat](pa.slice(1)); for (var j = 2, jj = dots.length; j < jj; j++) { dots[j] = +dots[j] + x; dots[++j] = +dots[j] + y; } res.pop(); res = res[concat](catmullRom2bezier(dots, crz)); break; case "M": mx = +pa[1] + x; my = +pa[2] + y; default: for (j = 1, jj = pa.length; j < jj; j++) { r[j] = +pa[j] + ((j % 2) ? x : y); } } } else if (pa[0] == "R") { dots = [x, y][concat](pa.slice(1)); res.pop(); res = res[concat](catmullRom2bezier(dots, crz)); r = ["R"][concat](pa.slice(-2)); } else { for (var k = 0, kk = pa.length; k < kk; k++) { r[k] = pa[k]; } } switch (r[0]) { case "Z": x = mx; y = my; break; case "H": x = r[1]; break; case "V": y = r[1]; break; case "M": mx = r[r.length - 2]; my = r[r.length - 1]; default: x = r[r.length - 2]; y = r[r.length - 1]; } } res.toString = R._path2string; pth.abs = pathClone(res); return res; }, l2c = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { return [x1, y1, x2, y2, x2, y2]; }, q2c = function (x1, y1, ax, ay, x2, y2) { var _13 = 1 / 3, _23 = 2 / 3; return [ _13 * x1 + _23 * ax, _13 * y1 + _23 * ay, _13 * x2 + _23 * ax, _13 * y2 + _23 * ay, x2, y2 ]; }, a2c = function (x1, y1, rx, ry, angle, large_arc_flag, sweep_flag, x2, y2, recursive) { // for more information of where this math came from visit: // http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/implnote.html#ArcImplementationNotes var _120 = PI * 120 / 180, rad = PI / 180 * (+angle || 0), res = [], xy, rotate = cacher(function (x, y, rad) { var X = x * math.cos(rad) - y * math.sin(rad), Y = x * math.sin(rad) + y * math.cos(rad); return {x: X, y: Y}; }); if (!recursive) { xy = rotate(x1, y1, -rad); x1 = xy.x; y1 = xy.y; xy = rotate(x2, y2, -rad); x2 = xy.x; y2 = xy.y; var cos = math.cos(PI / 180 * angle), sin = math.sin(PI / 180 * angle), x = (x1 - x2) / 2, y = (y1 - y2) / 2; var h = (x * x) / (rx * rx) + (y * y) / (ry * ry); if (h > 1) { h = math.sqrt(h); rx = h * rx; ry = h * ry; } var rx2 = rx * rx, ry2 = ry * ry, k = (large_arc_flag == sweep_flag ? -1 : 1) * math.sqrt(abs((rx2 * ry2 - rx2 * y * y - ry2 * x * x) / (rx2 * y * y + ry2 * x * x))), cx = k * rx * y / ry + (x1 + x2) / 2, cy = k * -ry * x / rx + (y1 + y2) / 2, f1 = math.asin(((y1 - cy) / ry).toFixed(9)), f2 = math.asin(((y2 - cy) / ry).toFixed(9)); f1 = x1 < cx ? PI - f1 : f1; f2 = x2 < cx ? PI - f2 : f2; f1 < 0 && (f1 = PI * 2 + f1); f2 < 0 && (f2 = PI * 2 + f2); if (sweep_flag && f1 > f2) { f1 = f1 - PI * 2; } if (!sweep_flag && f2 > f1) { f2 = f2 - PI * 2; } } else { f1 = recursive[0]; f2 = recursive[1]; cx = recursive[2]; cy = recursive[3]; } var df = f2 - f1; if (abs(df) > _120) { var f2old = f2, x2old = x2, y2old = y2; f2 = f1 + _120 * (sweep_flag && f2 > f1 ? 1 : -1); x2 = cx + rx * math.cos(f2); y2 = cy + ry * math.sin(f2); res = a2c(x2, y2, rx, ry, angle, 0, sweep_flag, x2old, y2old, [f2, f2old, cx, cy]); } df = f2 - f1; var c1 = math.cos(f1), s1 = math.sin(f1), c2 = math.cos(f2), s2 = math.sin(f2), t = math.tan(df / 4), hx = 4 / 3 * rx * t, hy = 4 / 3 * ry * t, m1 = [x1, y1], m2 = [x1 + hx * s1, y1 - hy * c1], m3 = [x2 + hx * s2, y2 - hy * c2], m4 = [x2, y2]; m2[0] = 2 * m1[0] - m2[0]; m2[1] = 2 * m1[1] - m2[1]; if (recursive) { return [m2, m3, m4][concat](res); } else { res = [m2, m3, m4][concat](res).join()[split](","); var newres = []; for (var i = 0, ii = res.length; i < ii; i++) { newres[i] = i % 2 ? rotate(res[i - 1], res[i], rad).y : rotate(res[i], res[i + 1], rad).x; } return newres; } }, findDotAtSegment = function (p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y, t) { var t1 = 1 - t; return { x: pow(t1, 3) * p1x + pow(t1, 2) * 3 * t * c1x + t1 * 3 * t * t * c2x + pow(t, 3) * p2x, y: pow(t1, 3) * p1y + pow(t1, 2) * 3 * t * c1y + t1 * 3 * t * t * c2y + pow(t, 3) * p2y }; }, curveDim = cacher(function (p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y) { var a = (c2x - 2 * c1x + p1x) - (p2x - 2 * c2x + c1x), b = 2 * (c1x - p1x) - 2 * (c2x - c1x), c = p1x - c1x, t1 = (-b + math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c)) / 2 / a, t2 = (-b - math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c)) / 2 / a, y = [p1y, p2y], x = [p1x, p2x], dot; abs(t1) > "1e12" && (t1 = .5); abs(t2) > "1e12" && (t2 = .5); if (t1 > 0 && t1 < 1) { dot = findDotAtSegment(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y, t1); x.push(dot.x); y.push(dot.y); } if (t2 > 0 && t2 < 1) { dot = findDotAtSegment(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y, t2); x.push(dot.x); y.push(dot.y); } a = (c2y - 2 * c1y + p1y) - (p2y - 2 * c2y + c1y); b = 2 * (c1y - p1y) - 2 * (c2y - c1y); c = p1y - c1y; t1 = (-b + math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c)) / 2 / a; t2 = (-b - math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c)) / 2 / a; abs(t1) > "1e12" && (t1 = .5); abs(t2) > "1e12" && (t2 = .5); if (t1 > 0 && t1 < 1) { dot = findDotAtSegment(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y, t1); x.push(dot.x); y.push(dot.y); } if (t2 > 0 && t2 < 1) { dot = findDotAtSegment(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y, t2); x.push(dot.x); y.push(dot.y); } return { min: {x: mmin[apply](0, x), y: mmin[apply](0, y)}, max: {x: mmax[apply](0, x), y: mmax[apply](0, y)} }; }), path2curve = R._path2curve = cacher(function (path, path2) { var pth = !path2 && paths(path); if (!path2 && pth.curve) { return pathClone(pth.curve); } var p = pathToAbsolute(path), p2 = path2 && pathToAbsolute(path2), attrs = {x: 0, y: 0, bx: 0, by: 0, X: 0, Y: 0, qx: null, qy: null}, attrs2 = {x: 0, y: 0, bx: 0, by: 0, X: 0, Y: 0, qx: null, qy: null}, processPath = function (path, d, pcom) { var nx, ny, tq = {T:1, Q:1}; if (!path) { return ["C", d.x, d.y, d.x, d.y, d.x, d.y]; } !(path[0] in tq) && (d.qx = d.qy = null); switch (path[0]) { case "M": d.X = path[1]; d.Y = path[2]; break; case "A": path = ["C"][concat](a2c[apply](0, [d.x, d.y][concat](path.slice(1)))); break; case "S": if (pcom == "C" || pcom == "S") { // In "S" case we have to take into account, if the previous command is C/S. nx = d.x * 2 - d.bx; // And reflect the previous ny = d.y * 2 - d.by; // command's control point relative to the current point. } else { // or some else or nothing nx = d.x; ny = d.y; } path = ["C", nx, ny][concat](path.slice(1)); break; case "T": if (pcom == "Q" || pcom == "T") { // In "T" case we have to take into account, if the previous command is Q/T. d.qx = d.x * 2 - d.qx; // And make a reflection similar d.qy = d.y * 2 - d.qy; // to case "S". } else { // or something else or nothing d.qx = d.x; d.qy = d.y; } path = ["C"][concat](q2c(d.x, d.y, d.qx, d.qy, path[1], path[2])); break; case "Q": d.qx = path[1]; d.qy = path[2]; path = ["C"][concat](q2c(d.x, d.y, path[1], path[2], path[3], path[4])); break; case "L": path = ["C"][concat](l2c(d.x, d.y, path[1], path[2])); break; case "H": path = ["C"][concat](l2c(d.x, d.y, path[1], d.y)); break; case "V": path = ["C"][concat](l2c(d.x, d.y, d.x, path[1])); break; case "Z": path = ["C"][concat](l2c(d.x, d.y, d.X, d.Y)); break; } return path; }, fixArc = function (pp, i) { if (pp[i].length > 7) { pp[i].shift(); var pi = pp[i]; while (pi.length) { pcoms1[i]="A"; // if created multiple C:s, their original seg is saved p2 && (pcoms2[i]="A"); // the same as above pp.splice(i++, 0, ["C"][concat](pi.splice(0, 6))); } pp.splice(i, 1); ii = mmax(p.length, p2 && p2.length || 0); } }, fixM = function (path1, path2, a1, a2, i) { if (path1 && path2 && path1[i][0] == "M" && path2[i][0] != "M") { path2.splice(i, 0, ["M", a2.x, a2.y]); a1.bx = 0; a1.by = 0; a1.x = path1[i][1]; a1.y = path1[i][2]; ii = mmax(p.length, p2 && p2.length || 0); } }, pcoms1 = [], // path commands of original path p pcoms2 = [], // path commands of original path p2 pfirst = "", // temporary holder for original path command pcom = ""; // holder for previous path command of original path for (var i = 0, ii = mmax(p.length, p2 && p2.length || 0); i < ii; i++) { p[i] && (pfirst = p[i][0]); // save current path command if (pfirst != "C") // C is not saved yet, because it may be result of conversion { pcoms1[i] = pfirst; // Save current path command i && ( pcom = pcoms1[i-1]); // Get previous path command pcom } p[i] = processPath(p[i], attrs, pcom); // Previous path command is inputted to processPath if (pcoms1[i] != "A" && pfirst == "C") pcoms1[i] = "C"; // A is the only command // which may produce multiple C:s // so we have to make sure that C is also C in original path fixArc(p, i); // fixArc adds also the right amount of A:s to pcoms1 if (p2) { // the same procedures is done to p2 p2[i] && (pfirst = p2[i][0]); if (pfirst != "C") { pcoms2[i] = pfirst; i && (pcom = pcoms2[i-1]); } p2[i] = processPath(p2[i], attrs2, pcom); if (pcoms2[i]!="A" && pfirst=="C") pcoms2[i]="C"; fixArc(p2, i); } fixM(p, p2, attrs, attrs2, i); fixM(p2, p, attrs2, attrs, i); var seg = p[i], seg2 = p2 && p2[i], seglen = seg.length, seg2len = p2 && seg2.length; attrs.x = seg[seglen - 2]; attrs.y = seg[seglen - 1]; attrs.bx = toFloat(seg[seglen - 4]) || attrs.x; attrs.by = toFloat(seg[seglen - 3]) || attrs.y; attrs2.bx = p2 && (toFloat(seg2[seg2len - 4]) || attrs2.x); attrs2.by = p2 && (toFloat(seg2[seg2len - 3]) || attrs2.y); attrs2.x = p2 && seg2[seg2len - 2]; attrs2.y = p2 && seg2[seg2len - 1]; } if (!p2) { pth.curve = pathClone(p); } return p2 ? [p, p2] : p; }, null, pathClone), parseDots = R._parseDots = cacher(function (gradient) { var dots = []; for (var i = 0, ii = gradient.length; i < ii; i++) { var dot = {}, par = gradient[i].match(/^([^:]*):?([\d\.]*)/); dot.color = R.getRGB(par[1]); if (dot.color.error) { return null; } dot.opacity = dot.color.opacity; dot.color = dot.color.hex; par[2] && (dot.offset = par[2] + "%"); dots.push(dot); } for (i = 1, ii = dots.length - 1; i < ii; i++) { if (!dots[i].offset) { var start = toFloat(dots[i - 1].offset || 0), end = 0; for (var j = i + 1; j < ii; j++) { if (dots[j].offset) { end = dots[j].offset; break; } } if (!end) { end = 100; j = ii; } end = toFloat(end); var d = (end - start) / (j - i + 1); for (; i < j; i++) { start += d; dots[i].offset = start + "%"; } } } return dots; }), tear = R._tear = function (el, paper) { el == paper.top && (paper.top = el.prev); el == paper.bottom && (paper.bottom = el.next); el.next && (el.next.prev = el.prev); el.prev && (el.prev.next = el.next); }, tofront = R._tofront = function (el, paper) { if (paper.top === el) { return; } tear(el, paper); el.next = null; el.prev = paper.top; paper.top.next = el; paper.top = el; }, toback = R._toback = function (el, paper) { if (paper.bottom === el) { return; } tear(el, paper); el.next = paper.bottom; el.prev = null; paper.bottom.prev = el; paper.bottom = el; }, insertafter = R._insertafter = function (el, el2, paper) { tear(el, paper); el2 == paper.top && (paper.top = el); el2.next && (el2.next.prev = el); el.next = el2.next; el.prev = el2; el2.next = el; }, insertbefore = R._insertbefore = function (el, el2, paper) { tear(el, paper); el2 == paper.bottom && (paper.bottom = el); el2.prev && (el2.prev.next = el); el.prev = el2.prev; el2.prev = el; el.next = el2; }, /*\ * Raphael.toMatrix [ method ] ** * Utility method ** * Returns matrix of transformations applied to a given path > Parameters - path (string) path string - transform (string|array) transformation string = (object) @Matrix \*/ toMatrix = R.toMatrix = function (path, transform) { var bb = pathDimensions(path), el = { _: { transform: E }, getBBox: function () { return bb; } }; extractTransform(el, transform); return el.matrix; }, /*\ * Raphael.transformPath [ method ] ** * Utility method ** * Returns path transformed by a given transformation > Parameters - path (string) path string - transform (string|array) transformation string = (string) path \*/ transformPath = R.transformPath = function (path, transform) { return mapPath(path, toMatrix(path, transform)); }, extractTransform = R._extractTransform = function (el, tstr) { if (tstr == null) { return el._.transform; } tstr = Str(tstr).replace(/\.{3}|\u2026/g, el._.transform || E); var tdata = R.parseTransformString(tstr), deg = 0, dx = 0, dy = 0, sx = 1, sy = 1, _ = el._, m = new Matrix; _.transform = tdata || []; if (tdata) { for (var i = 0, ii = tdata.length; i < ii; i++) { var t = tdata[i], tlen = t.length, command = Str(t[0]).toLowerCase(), absolute = t[0] != command, inver = absolute ? m.invert() : 0, x1, y1, x2, y2, bb; if (command == "t" && tlen == 3) { if (absolute) { x1 = inver.x(0, 0); y1 = inver.y(0, 0); x2 = inver.x(t[1], t[2]); y2 = inver.y(t[1], t[2]); m.translate(x2 - x1, y2 - y1); } else { m.translate(t[1], t[2]); } } else if (command == "r") { if (tlen == 2) { bb = bb || el.getBBox(1); m.rotate(t[1], bb.x + bb.width / 2, bb.y + bb.height / 2); deg += t[1]; } else if (tlen == 4) { if (absolute) { x2 = inver.x(t[2], t[3]); y2 = inver.y(t[2], t[3]); m.rotate(t[1], x2, y2); } else { m.rotate(t[1], t[2], t[3]); } deg += t[1]; } } else if (command == "s") { if (tlen == 2 || tlen == 3) { bb = bb || el.getBBox(1); m.scale(t[1], t[tlen - 1], bb.x + bb.width / 2, bb.y + bb.height / 2); sx *= t[1]; sy *= t[tlen - 1]; } else if (tlen == 5) { if (absolute) { x2 = inver.x(t[3], t[4]); y2 = inver.y(t[3], t[4]); m.scale(t[1], t[2], x2, y2); } else { m.scale(t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4]); } sx *= t[1]; sy *= t[2]; } } else if (command == "m" && tlen == 7) { m.add(t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], t[6]); } _.dirtyT = 1; el.matrix = m; } } /*\ * Element.matrix [ property (object) ] ** * Keeps @Matrix object, which represents element transformation \*/ el.matrix = m; _.sx = sx; _.sy = sy; _.deg = deg; _.dx = dx = m.e; _.dy = dy = m.f; if (sx == 1 && sy == 1 && !deg && _.bbox) { _.bbox.x += +dx; _.bbox.y += +dy; } else { _.dirtyT = 1; } }, getEmpty = function (item) { var l = item[0]; switch (l.toLowerCase()) { case "t": return [l, 0, 0]; case "m": return [l, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]; case "r": if (item.length == 4) { return [l, 0, item[2], item[3]]; } else { return [l, 0]; } case "s": if (item.length == 5) { return [l, 1, 1, item[3], item[4]]; } else if (item.length == 3) { return [l, 1, 1]; } else { return [l, 1]; } } }, equaliseTransform = R._equaliseTransform = function (t1, t2) { t2 = Str(t2).replace(/\.{3}|\u2026/g, t1); t1 = R.parseTransformString(t1) || []; t2 = R.parseTransformString(t2) || []; var maxlength = mmax(t1.length, t2.length), from = [], to = [], i = 0, j, jj, tt1, tt2; for (; i < maxlength; i++) { tt1 = t1[i] || getEmpty(t2[i]); tt2 = t2[i] || getEmpty(tt1); if ((tt1[0] != tt2[0]) || (tt1[0].toLowerCase() == "r" && (tt1[2] != tt2[2] || tt1[3] != tt2[3])) || (tt1[0].toLowerCase() == "s" && (tt1[3] != tt2[3] || tt1[4] != tt2[4])) ) { return; } from[i] = []; to[i] = []; for (j = 0, jj = mmax(tt1.length, tt2.length); j < jj; j++) { j in tt1 && (from[i][j] = tt1[j]); j in tt2 && (to[i][j] = tt2[j]); } } return { from: from, to: to }; }; R._getContainer = function (x, y, w, h) { var container; container = h == null && !R.is(x, "object") ? g.doc.getElementById(x) : x; if (container == null) { return; } if (container.tagName) { if (y == null) { return { container: container, width: container.style.pixelWidth || container.offsetWidth, height: container.style.pixelHeight || container.offsetHeight }; } else { return { container: container, width: y, height: w }; } } return { container: 1, x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h }; }; /*\ * Raphael.pathToRelative [ method ] ** * Utility method ** * Converts path to relative form > Parameters - pathString (string|array) path string or array of segments = (array) array of segments. \*/ R.pathToRelative = pathToRelative; R._engine = {}; /*\ * Raphael.path2curve [ method ] ** * Utility method ** * Converts path to a new path where all segments are cubic bezier curves. > Parameters - pathString (string|array) path string or array of segments = (array) array of segments. \*/ R.path2curve = path2curve; /*\ * Raphael.matrix [ method ] ** * Utility method ** * Returns matrix based on given parameters. > Parameters - a (number) - b (number) - c (number) - d (number) - e (number) - f (number) = (object) @Matrix \*/ R.matrix = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { return new Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f); }; function Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f) { if (a != null) { this.a = +a; this.b = +b; this.c = +c; this.d = +d; this.e = +e; this.f = +f; } else { this.a = 1; this.b = 0; this.c = 0; this.d = 1; this.e = 0; this.f = 0; } } (function (matrixproto) { /*\ * Matrix.add [ method ] ** * Adds given matrix to existing one. > Parameters - a (number) - b (number) - c (number) - d (number) - e (number) - f (number) or - matrix (object) @Matrix \*/ matrixproto.add = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { var out = [[], [], []], m = [[this.a, this.c, this.e], [this.b, this.d, this.f], [0, 0, 1]], matrix = [[a, c, e], [b, d, f], [0, 0, 1]], x, y, z, res; if (a && a instanceof Matrix) { matrix = [[a.a, a.c, a.e], [a.b, a.d, a.f], [0, 0, 1]]; } for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) { for (y = 0; y < 3; y++) { res = 0; for (z = 0; z < 3; z++) { res += m[x][z] * matrix[z][y]; } out[x][y] = res; } } this.a = out[0][0]; this.b = out[1][0]; this.c = out[0][1]; this.d = out[1][1]; this.e = out[0][2]; this.f = out[1][2]; }; /*\ * Matrix.invert [ method ] ** * Returns inverted version of the matrix = (object) @Matrix \*/ matrixproto.invert = function () { var me = this, x = me.a * me.d - me.b * me.c; return new Matrix(me.d / x, -me.b / x, -me.c / x, me.a / x, (me.c * me.f - me.d * me.e) / x, (me.b * me.e - me.a * me.f) / x); }; /*\ * Matrix.clone [ method ] ** * Returns copy of the matrix = (object) @Matrix \*/ matrixproto.clone = function () { return new Matrix(this.a, this.b, this.c, this.d, this.e, this.f); }; /*\ * Matrix.translate [ method ] ** * Translate the matrix > Parameters - x (number) - y (number) \*/ matrixproto.translate = function (x, y) { this.add(1, 0, 0, 1, x, y); }; /*\ * Matrix.scale [ method ] ** * Scales the matrix > Parameters - x (number) - y (number) #optional - cx (number) #optional - cy (number) #optional \*/ matrixproto.scale = function (x, y, cx, cy) { y == null && (y = x); (cx || cy) && this.add(1, 0, 0, 1, cx, cy); this.add(x, 0, 0, y, 0, 0); (cx || cy) && this.add(1, 0, 0, 1, -cx, -cy); }; /*\ * Matrix.rotate [ method ] ** * Rotates the matrix > Parameters - a (number) - x (number) - y (number) \*/ matrixproto.rotate = function (a, x, y) { a = R.rad(a); x = x || 0; y = y || 0; var cos = +math.cos(a).toFixed(9), sin = +math.sin(a).toFixed(9); this.add(cos, sin, -sin, cos, x, y); this.add(1, 0, 0, 1, -x, -y); }; /*\ * Matrix.x [ method ] ** * Return x coordinate for given point after transformation described by the matrix. See also @Matrix.y > Parameters - x (number) - y (number) = (number) x \*/ matrixproto.x = function (x, y) { return x * this.a + y * this.c + this.e; }; /*\ * Matrix.y [ method ] ** * Return y coordinate for given point after transformation described by the matrix. See also @Matrix.x > Parameters - x (number) - y (number) = (number) y \*/ matrixproto.y = function (x, y) { return x * this.b + y * this.d + this.f; }; matrixproto.get = function (i) { return +this[Str.fromCharCode(97 + i)].toFixed(4); }; matrixproto.toString = function () { return R.svg ? "matrix(" + [this.get(0), this.get(1), this.get(2), this.get(3), this.get(4), this.get(5)].join() + ")" : [this.get(0), this.get(2), this.get(1), this.get(3), 0, 0].join(); }; matrixproto.toFilter = function () { return "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=" + this.get(0) + ", M12=" + this.get(2) + ", M21=" + this.get(1) + ", M22=" + this.get(3) + ", Dx=" + this.get(4) + ", Dy=" + this.get(5) + ", sizingmethod='auto expand')"; }; matrixproto.offset = function () { return [this.e.toFixed(4), this.f.toFixed(4)]; }; function norm(a) { return a[0] * a[0] + a[1] * a[1]; } function normalize(a) { var mag = math.sqrt(norm(a)); a[0] && (a[0] /= mag); a[1] && (a[1] /= mag); } /*\ * Matrix.split [ method ] ** * Splits matrix into primitive transformations = (object) in format: o dx (number) translation by x o dy (number) translation by y o scalex (number) scale by x o scaley (number) scale by y o shear (number) shear o rotate (number) rotation in deg o isSimple (boolean) could it be represented via simple transformations \*/ matrixproto.split = function () { var out = {}; // translation out.dx = this.e; out.dy = this.f; // scale and shear var row = [[this.a, this.c], [this.b, this.d]]; out.scalex = math.sqrt(norm(row[0])); normalize(row[0]); out.shear = row[0][0] * row[1][0] + row[0][1] * row[1][1]; row[1] = [row[1][0] - row[0][0] * out.shear, row[1][1] - row[0][1] * out.shear]; out.scaley = math.sqrt(norm(row[1])); normalize(row[1]); out.shear /= out.scaley; // rotation var sin = -row[0][1], cos = row[1][1]; if (cos < 0) { out.rotate = R.deg(math.acos(cos)); if (sin < 0) { out.rotate = 360 - out.rotate; } } else { out.rotate = R.deg(math.asin(sin)); } out.isSimple = !+out.shear.toFixed(9) && (out.scalex.toFixed(9) == out.scaley.toFixed(9) || !out.rotate); out.isSuperSimple = !+out.shear.toFixed(9) && out.scalex.toFixed(9) == out.scaley.toFixed(9) && !out.rotate; out.noRotation = !+out.shear.toFixed(9) && !out.rotate; return out; }; /*\ * Matrix.toTransformString [ method ] ** * Return transform string that represents given matrix = (string) transform string \*/ matrixproto.toTransformString = function (shorter) { var s = shorter || this[split](); if (s.isSimple) { s.scalex = +s.scalex.toFixed(4); s.scaley = +s.scaley.toFixed(4); s.rotate = +s.rotate.toFixed(4); return (s.dx || s.dy ? "t" + [s.dx, s.dy] : E) + (s.scalex != 1 || s.scaley != 1 ? "s" + [s.scalex, s.scaley, 0, 0] : E) + (s.rotate ? "r" + [s.rotate, 0, 0] : E); } else { return "m" + [this.get(0), this.get(1), this.get(2), this.get(3), this.get(4), this.get(5)]; } }; })(Matrix.prototype); var preventDefault = function () { this.returnValue = false; }, preventTouch = function () { return this.originalEvent.preventDefault(); }, stopPropagation = function () { this.cancelBubble = true; }, stopTouch = function () { return this.originalEvent.stopPropagation(); }, getEventPosition = function (e) { var scrollY = g.doc.documentElement.scrollTop || g.doc.body.scrollTop, scrollX = g.doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || g.doc.body.scrollLeft; return { x: e.clientX + scrollX, y: e.clientY + scrollY }; }, addEvent = (function () { if (g.doc.addEventListener) { return function (obj, type, fn, element) { var f = function (e) { var pos = getEventPosition(e); return fn.call(element, e, pos.x, pos.y); }; obj.addEventListener(type, f, false); if (supportsTouch && touchMap[type]) { var _f = function (e) { var pos = getEventPosition(e), olde = e; for (var i = 0, ii = e.targetTouches && e.targetTouches.length; i < ii; i++) { if (e.targetTouches[i].target == obj) { e = e.targetTouches[i]; e.originalEvent = olde; e.preventDefault = preventTouch; e.stopPropagation = stopTouch; break; } } return fn.call(element, e, pos.x, pos.y); }; obj.addEventListener(touchMap[type], _f, false); } return function () { obj.removeEventListener(type, f, false); if (supportsTouch && touchMap[type]) obj.removeEventListener(touchMap[type], _f, false); return true; }; }; } else if (g.doc.attachEvent) { return function (obj, type, fn, element) { var f = function (e) { e = e || g.win.event; var scrollY = g.doc.documentElement.scrollTop || g.doc.body.scrollTop, scrollX = g.doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || g.doc.body.scrollLeft, x = e.clientX + scrollX, y = e.clientY + scrollY; e.preventDefault = e.preventDefault || preventDefault; e.stopPropagation = e.stopPropagation || stopPropagation; return fn.call(element, e, x, y); }; obj.attachEvent("on" + type, f); var detacher = function () { obj.detachEvent("on" + type, f); return true; }; return detacher; }; } })(), drag = [], dragMove = function (e) { var x = e.clientX, y = e.clientY, scrollY = g.doc.documentElement.scrollTop || g.doc.body.scrollTop, scrollX = g.doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || g.doc.body.scrollLeft, dragi, j = drag.length; while (j--) { dragi = drag[j]; if (supportsTouch && e.touches) { var i = e.touches.length, touch; while (i--) { touch = e.touches[i]; if (touch.identifier == dragi.el._drag.id) { x = touch.clientX; y = touch.clientY; (e.originalEvent ? e.originalEvent : e).preventDefault(); break; } } } else { e.preventDefault(); } var node = dragi.el.node, o, next = node.nextSibling, parent = node.parentNode, display = node.style.display; g.win.opera && parent.removeChild(node); node.style.display = "none"; o = dragi.el.paper.getElementByPoint(x, y); node.style.display = display; g.win.opera && (next ? parent.insertBefore(node, next) : parent.appendChild(node)); o && eve("raphael.drag.over." + dragi.el.id, dragi.el, o); x += scrollX; y += scrollY; eve("raphael.drag.move." + dragi.el.id, dragi.move_scope || dragi.el, x - dragi.el._drag.x, y - dragi.el._drag.y, x, y, e); } }, dragUp = function (e) { R.unmousemove(dragMove).unmouseup(dragUp); var i = drag.length, dragi; while (i--) { dragi = drag[i]; dragi.el._drag = {}; eve("raphael.drag.end." + dragi.el.id, dragi.end_scope || dragi.start_scope || dragi.move_scope || dragi.el, e); } drag = []; }, /*\ * Raphael.el [ property (object) ] ** * You can add your own method to elements. This is usefull when you want to hack default functionality or * want to wrap some common transformation or attributes in one method. In difference to canvas methods, * you can redefine element method at any time. Expending element methods wouldn’t affect set. > Usage | Raphael.el.red = function () { | this.attr({fill: "#f00"}); | }; | // then use it | paper.circle(100, 100, 20).red(); \*/ elproto = R.el = {}; /*\ * Element.click [ method ] ** * Adds event handler for click for the element. > Parameters - handler (function) handler for the event = (object) @Element \*/ /*\ * Element.unclick [ method ] ** * Removes event handler for click for the element. > Parameters - handler (function) #optional handler for the event = (object) @Element \*/ /*\ * Element.dblclick [ method ] ** * Adds event handler for double click for the element. > Parameters - handler (function) handler for the event = (object) @Element \*/ /*\ * Element.undblclick [ method ] ** * Removes event handler for double click for the element. > Parameters - handler (function) #optional handler for the event = (object) @Element \*/ /*\ * Element.mousedown [ method ] ** * Adds event handler for mousedown for the element. > Parameters - handler (function) handler for the event = (object) @Element \*/ /*\ * Element.unmousedown [ method ] ** * Removes event handler for mousedown for the element. > Parameters - handler (function) #optional handler for the event = (object) @Element \*/ /*\ * Element.mousemove [ method ] ** * Adds event handler for mousemove for the element. > Parameters - handler (function) handler for the event = (object) @Element \*/ /*\ * Element.unmousemove [ method ] ** * Removes event handler for mousemove for the element. > Parameters - handler (function) #optional handler for the event = (object) @Element \*/ /*\ * Element.mouseout [ method ] ** * Adds event handler for mouseout for the element. > Parameters - handler (function) handler for the event = (object) @Element \*/ /*\ * Element.unmouseout [ method ] ** * Removes event handler for mouseout for the element. > Parameters - handler (function) #optional handler for the event = (object) @Element \*/ /*\ * Element.mouseover [ method ] ** * Adds event handler for mouseover for the element. > Parameters - handler (function) handler for the event = (object) @Element \*/ /*\ * Element.unmouseover [ method ] ** * Removes event handler for mouseover for the element. > Parameters - handler (function) #optional handler for the event = (object) @Element \*/ /*\ * Element.mouseup [ method ] ** * Adds event handler for mouseup for the element. > Parameters - handler (function) handler for the event = (object) @Element \*/ /*\ * Element.unmouseup [ method ] ** * Removes event handler for mouseup for the element. > Parameters - handler (function) #optional handler for the event = (object) @Element \*/ /*\ * Element.touchstart [ method ] ** * Adds event handler for touchstart for the element. > Parameters - handler (function) handler for the event = (object) @Element \*/ /*\ * Element.untouchstart [ method ] ** * Removes event handler for touchstart for the element. > Parameters - handler (function) #optional handler for the event = (object) @Element \*/ /*\ * Element.touchmove [ method ] ** * Adds event handler for touchmove for the element. > Parameters - handler (function) handler for the event = (object) @Element \*/ /*\ * Element.untouchmove [ method ] ** * Removes event handler for touchmove for the element. > Parameters - handler (function) #optional handler for the event = (object) @Element \*/ /*\ * Element.touchend [ method ] ** * Adds event handler for touchend for the element. > Parameters - handler (function) handler for the event = (object) @Element \*/ /*\ * Element.untouchend [ method ] ** * Removes event handler for touchend for the element. > Parameters - handler (function) #optional handler for the event = (object) @Element \*/ /*\ * Element.touchcancel [ method ] ** * Adds event handler for touchcancel for the element. > Parameters - handler (function) handler for the event = (object) @Element \*/ /*\ * Element.untouchcancel [ method ] ** * Removes event handler for touchcancel for the element. > Parameters - handler (function) #optional handler for the event = (object) @Element \*/ for (var i = events.length; i--;) { (function (eventName) { R[eventName] = elproto[eventName] = function (fn, scope) { if (R.is(fn, "function")) { this.events = this.events || []; this.events.push({name: eventName, f: fn, unbind: addEvent(this.shape || this.node || g.doc, eventName, fn, scope || this)}); } return this; }; R["un" + eventName] = elproto["un" + eventName] = function (fn) { var events = this.events || [], l = events.length; while (l--){ if (events[l].name == eventName && (R.is(fn, "undefined") || events[l].f == fn)) { events[l].unbind(); events.splice(l, 1); !events.length && delete this.events; } } return this; }; })(events[i]); } /*\ * Element.data [ method ] ** * Adds or retrieves given value asociated with given key. ** * See also @Element.removeData > Parameters - key (string) key to store data - value (any) #optional value to store = (object) @Element * or, if value is not specified: = (any) value * or, if key and value are not specified: = (object) Key/value pairs for all the data associated with the element. > Usage | for (var i = 0, i < 5, i++) { | paper.circle(10 + 15 * i, 10, 10) | .attr({fill: "#000"}) | .data("i", i) | .click(function () { | alert(this.data("i")); | }); | } \*/ elproto.data = function (key, value) { var data = eldata[this.id] = eldata[this.id] || {}; if (arguments.length == 0) { return data; } if (arguments.length == 1) { if (R.is(key, "object")) { for (var i in key) if (key[has](i)) { this.data(i, key[i]); } return this; } eve("raphael.data.get." + this.id, this, data[key], key); return data[key]; } data[key] = value; eve("raphael.data.set." + this.id, this, value, key); return this; }; elproto.datum = function(){ return arguments.length == 0 ? this._bindData : ((this._bindData = arguments[0]), this); }; /*\ * Element.removeData [ method ] ** * Removes value associated with an element by given key. * If key is not provided, removes all the data of the element. > Parameters - key (string) #optional key = (object) @Element \*/ elproto.removeData = function (key) { if (key == null) { eldata[this.id] = {}; } else { eldata[this.id] && delete eldata[this.id][key]; } return this; }; /*\ * Element.getData [ method ] ** * Retrieves the element data = (object) data \*/ elproto.getData = function () { return clone(eldata[this.id] || {}); }; /*\ * Element.hover [ method ] ** * Adds event handlers for hover for the element. > Parameters - f_in (function) handler for hover in - f_out (function) handler for hover out - icontext (object) #optional context for hover in handler - ocontext (object) #optional context for hover out handler = (object) @Element \*/ elproto.hover = function (f_in, f_out, scope_in, scope_out) { return this.mouseover(f_in, scope_in).mouseout(f_out, scope_out || scope_in); }; /*\ * Element.unhover [ method ] ** * Removes event handlers for hover for the element. > Parameters - f_in (function) handler for hover in - f_out (function) handler for hover out = (object) @Element \*/ elproto.unhover = function (f_in, f_out) { return this.unmouseover(f_in).unmouseout(f_out); }; var draggable = []; /*\ * Element.drag [ method ] ** * Adds event handlers for drag of the element. > Parameters - onmove (function) handler for moving - onstart (function) handler for drag start - onend (function) handler for drag end - mcontext (object) #optional context for moving handler - scontext (object) #optional context for drag start handler - econtext (object) #optional context for drag end handler * Additionaly following `drag` events will be triggered: `drag.start.<id>` on start, * `drag.end.<id>` on end and `drag.move.<id>` on every move. When element will be dragged over another element * `drag.over.<id>` will be fired as well. * * Start event and start handler will be called in specified context or in context of the element with following parameters: o x (number) x position of the mouse o y (number) y position of the mouse o event (object) DOM event object * Move event and move handler will be called in specified context or in context of the element with following parameters: o dx (number) shift by x from the start point o dy (number) shift by y from the start point o x (number) x position of the mouse o y (number) y position of the mouse o event (object) DOM event object * End event and end handler will be called in specified context or in context of the element with following parameters: o event (object) DOM event object = (object) @Element \*/ elproto.drag = function (onmove, onstart, onend, move_scope, start_scope, end_scope) { function start(e) { (e.originalEvent || e).preventDefault(); var x = e.clientX, y = e.clientY, scrollY = g.doc.documentElement.scrollTop || g.doc.body.scrollTop, scrollX = g.doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || g.doc.body.scrollLeft; this._drag.id = e.identifier; if (supportsTouch && e.touches) { var i = e.touches.length, touch; while (i--) { touch = e.touches[i]; this._drag.id = touch.identifier; if (touch.identifier == this._drag.id) { x = touch.clientX; y = touch.clientY; break; } } } this._drag.x = x + scrollX; this._drag.y = y + scrollY; !drag.length && R.mousemove(dragMove).mouseup(dragUp); drag.push({el: this, move_scope: move_scope, start_scope: start_scope, end_scope: end_scope}); onstart && eve.on("raphael.drag.start." + this.id, onstart); onmove && eve.on("raphael.drag.move." + this.id, onmove); onend && eve.on("raphael.drag.end." + this.id, onend); eve("raphael.drag.start." + this.id, start_scope || move_scope || this, e.clientX + scrollX, e.clientY + scrollY, e); } this._drag = {}; draggable.push({el: this, start: start}); this.mousedown(start); return this; }; /*\ * Element.onDragOver [ method ] ** * Shortcut for assigning event handler for `drag.over.<id>` event, where id is id of the element (see @Element.id). > Parameters - f (function) handler for event, first argument would be the element you are dragging over \*/ elproto.onDragOver = function (f) { f ? eve.on("raphael.drag.over." + this.id, f) : eve.unbind("raphael.drag.over." + this.id); }; /*\ * Element.undrag [ method ] ** * Removes all drag event handlers from given element. \*/ elproto.undrag = function () { var i = draggable.length; while (i--) if (draggable[i].el == this) { this.unmousedown(draggable[i].start); draggable.splice(i, 1); eve.unbind("raphael.drag.*." + this.id); } !draggable.length && R.unmousemove(dragMove).unmouseup(dragUp); drag = []; }; /*\ * Paper.circle [ method ] ** * Draws a circle. ** > Parameters ** - x (number) x coordinate of the centre - y (number) y coordinate of the centre - r (number) radius = (object) Raphaël element object with type “circle” ** > Usage | var c = paper.circle(50, 50, 40); \*/ paperproto.circle = function (x, y, r) { var out = R._engine.circle(this, x || 0, y || 0, r || 0); this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(out); return out; }; /*\ * Paper.rect [ method ] * * Draws a rectangle. ** > Parameters ** - x (number) x coordinate of the top left corner - y (number) y coordinate of the top left corner - width (number) width - height (number) height - r (number) #optional radius for rounded corners, default is 0 = (object) Raphaël element object with type “rect” ** > Usage | // regular rectangle | var c = paper.rect(10, 10, 50, 50); | // rectangle with rounded corners | var c = paper.rect(40, 40, 50, 50, 10); \*/ paperproto.rect = function (x, y, w, h, r) { var out = R._engine.rect(this, x || 0, y || 0, w || 0, h || 0, r || 0); this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(out); return out; }; /*\ * Paper.ellipse [ method ] ** * Draws an ellipse. ** > Parameters ** - x (number) x coordinate of the centre - y (number) y coordinate of the centre - rx (number) horizontal radius - ry (number) vertical radius = (object) Raphaël element object with type “ellipse” ** > Usage | var c = paper.ellipse(50, 50, 40, 20); \*/ paperproto.ellipse = function (x, y, rx, ry) { var out = R._engine.ellipse(this, x || 0, y || 0, rx || 0, ry || 0); this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(out); return out; }; /*\ * Paper.path [ method ] ** * Creates a path element by given path data string. > Parameters - pathString (string) #optional path string in SVG format. * Path string consists of one-letter commands, followed by comma seprarated arguments in numercal form. Example: | "M10,20L30,40" * Here we can see two commands: “M”, with arguments `(10, 20)` and “L” with arguments `(30, 40)`. Upper case letter mean command is absolute, lower case—relative. * # <p>Here is short list of commands available, for more details see <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html#PathData" title="Details of a path's data attribute's format are described in the SVG specification.">SVG path string format</a>.</p> # <table><thead><tr><th>Command</th><th>Name</th><th>Parameters</th></tr></thead><tbody> # <tr><td>M</td><td>moveto</td><td>(x y)+</td></tr> # <tr><td>Z</td><td>closepath</td><td>(none)</td></tr> # <tr><td>L</td><td>lineto</td><td>(x y)+</td></tr> # <tr><td>H</td><td>horizontal lineto</td><td>x+</td></tr> # <tr><td>V</td><td>vertical lineto</td><td>y+</td></tr> # <tr><td>C</td><td>curveto</td><td>(x1 y1 x2 y2 x y)+</td></tr> # <tr><td>S</td><td>smooth curveto</td><td>(x2 y2 x y)+</td></tr> # <tr><td>Q</td><td>quadratic Bézier curveto</td><td>(x1 y1 x y)+</td></tr> # <tr><td>T</td><td>smooth quadratic Bézier curveto</td><td>(x y)+</td></tr> # <tr><td>A</td><td>elliptical arc</td><td>(rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y)+</td></tr> # <tr><td>R</td><td><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catmull–Rom_spline#Catmull.E2.80.93Rom_spline">Catmull-Rom curveto</a>*</td><td>x1 y1 (x y)+</td></tr></tbody></table> * * “Catmull-Rom curveto” is a not standard SVG command and added in 2.0 to make life easier. * Note: there is a special case when path consist of just three commands: “M10,10R…z”. In this case path will smoothly connects to its beginning. > Usage | var c = paper.path("M10 10L90 90"); | // draw a diagonal line: | // move to 10,10, line to 90,90 * For example of path strings, check out these icons: http://raphaeljs.com/icons/ \*/ paperproto.path = function (pathString) { pathString && !R.is(pathString, string) && !R.is(pathString[0], array) && (pathString += E); var out = R._engine.path(R.format[apply](R, arguments), this); this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(out); return out; }; /*\ * Paper.image [ method ] ** * Embeds an image into the surface. ** > Parameters ** - src (string) URI of the source image - x (number) x coordinate position - y (number) y coordinate position - width (number) width of the image - height (number) height of the image = (object) Raphaël element object with type “image” ** > Usage | var c = paper.image("apple.png", 10, 10, 80, 80); \*/ paperproto.image = function (src, x, y, w, h) { var out = R._engine.image(this, src || "about:blank", x || 0, y || 0, w || 0, h || 0); this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(out); return out; }; /*\ * Paper.text [ method ] ** * Draws a text string. If you need line breaks, put “\n” in the string. ** > Parameters ** - x (number) x coordinate position - y (number) y coordinate position - text (string) The text string to draw = (object) Raphaël element object with type “text” ** > Usage | var t = paper.text(50, 50, "Raphaël\nkicks\nbutt!"); \*/ paperproto.text = function (x, y, text) { var out = R._engine.text(this, x || 0, y || 0, Str(text)); this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(out); return out; }; /*\ * Paper.set [ method ] ** * Creates array-like object to keep and operate several elements at once. * Warning: it doesn’t create any elements for itself in the page, it just groups existing elements. * Sets act as pseudo elements — all methods available to an element can be used on a set. = (object) array-like object that represents set of elements ** > Usage | var st = paper.set(); | st.push( | paper.circle(10, 10, 5), | paper.circle(30, 10, 5) | ); | st.attr({fill: "red"}); // changes the fill of both circles \*/ paperproto.set = function (itemsArray) { !R.is(itemsArray, "array") && (itemsArray = Array.prototype.splice.call(arguments, 0, arguments.length)); var out = new Set(itemsArray); this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(out); out["paper"] = this; out["type"] = "set"; return out; }; /*\ * Paper.setStart [ method ] ** * Creates @Paper.set. All elements that will be created after calling this method and before calling * @Paper.setFinish will be added to the set. ** > Usage | paper.setStart(); | paper.circle(10, 10, 5), | paper.circle(30, 10, 5) | var st = paper.setFinish(); | st.attr({fill: "red"}); // changes the fill of both circles \*/ paperproto.setStart = function (set) { this.__set__ = set || this.set(); }; /*\ * Paper.setFinish [ method ] ** * See @Paper.setStart. This method finishes catching and returns resulting set. ** = (object) set \*/ paperproto.setFinish = function (set) { var out = this.__set__; delete this.__set__; return out; }; /*\ * Paper.getSize [ method ] ** * Obtains current paper actual size. ** = (object) \*/ paperproto.getSize = function () { var container = this.canvas.parentNode; return { width: container.offsetWidth, height: container.offsetHeight }; }; /*\ * Paper.setSize [ method ] ** * If you need to change dimensions of the canvas call this method ** > Parameters ** - width (number) new width of the canvas - height (number) new height of the canvas \*/ paperproto.setSize = function (width, height) { return R._engine.setSize.call(this, width, height); }; /*\ * Paper.setViewBox [ method ] ** * Sets the view box of the paper. Practically it gives you ability to zoom and pan whole paper surface by * specifying new boundaries. ** > Parameters ** - x (number) new x position, default is `0` - y (number) new y position, default is `0` - w (number) new width of the canvas - h (number) new height of the canvas - fit (boolean) `true` if you want graphics to fit into new boundary box \*/ paperproto.setViewBox = function (x, y, w, h, fit) { return R._engine.setViewBox.call(this, x, y, w, h, fit); }; /*\ * Paper.top [ property ] ** * Points to the topmost element on the paper \*/ /*\ * Paper.bottom [ property ] ** * Points to the bottom element on the paper \*/ paperproto.top = paperproto.bottom = null; /*\ * Paper.raphael [ property ] ** * Points to the @Raphael object/function \*/ paperproto.raphael = R; var getOffset = function (elem) { var box = elem.getBoundingClientRect(), doc = elem.ownerDocument, body = doc.body, docElem = doc.documentElement, clientTop = docElem.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0, clientLeft = docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0, top = box.top + (g.win.pageYOffset || docElem.scrollTop || body.scrollTop ) - clientTop, left = box.left + (g.win.pageXOffset || docElem.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft) - clientLeft; return { y: top, x: left }; }; /*\ * Paper.getElementByPoint [ method ] ** * Returns you topmost element under given point. ** = (object) Raphaël element object > Parameters ** - x (number) x coordinate from the top left corner of the window - y (number) y coordinate from the top left corner of the window > Usage | paper.getElementByPoint(mouseX, mouseY).attr({stroke: "#f00"}); \*/ paperproto.getElementByPoint = function (x, y) { var paper = this, svg = paper.canvas, target = g.doc.elementFromPoint(x, y); if (g.win.opera && target.tagName == "svg") { var so = getOffset(svg), sr = svg.createSVGRect(); sr.x = x - so.x; sr.y = y - so.y; sr.width = sr.height = 1; var hits = svg.getIntersectionList(sr, null); if (hits.length) { target = hits[hits.length - 1]; } } if (!target) { return null; } while (target.parentNode && target != svg.parentNode && !target.raphael) { target = target.parentNode; } target == paper.canvas.parentNode && (target = svg); target = target && target.raphael ? paper.getById(target.raphaelid) : null; return target; }; /*\ * Paper.getElementsByBBox [ method ] ** * Returns set of elements that have an intersecting bounding box ** > Parameters ** - bbox (object) bbox to check with = (object) @Set \*/ paperproto.getElementsByBBox = function (bbox) { var set = this.set(); this.forEach(function (el) { if (R.isBBoxIntersect(el.getBBox(), bbox)) { set.push(el); } }); return set; }; /*\ * Paper.getById [ method ] ** * Returns you element by its internal ID. ** > Parameters ** - id (number) id = (object) Raphaël element object \*/ paperproto.getById = function (id) { var bot = this.bottom; while (bot) { if (bot.id == id) { return bot; } bot = bot.next; } return null; }; /*\ * Paper.forEach [ method ] ** * Executes given function for each element on the paper * * If callback function returns `false` it will stop loop running. ** > Parameters ** - callback (function) function to run - thisArg (object) context object for the callback = (object) Paper object > Usage | paper.forEach(function (el) { | el.attr({ stroke: "blue" }); | }); \*/ paperproto.forEach = function (callback, thisArg) { var bot = this.bottom; while (bot) { if (callback.call(thisArg, bot) === false) { return this; } bot = bot.next; } return this; }; /*\ * Paper.getElementsByPoint [ method ] ** * Returns set of elements that have common point inside ** > Parameters ** - x (number) x coordinate of the point - y (number) y coordinate of the point = (object) @Set \*/ paperproto.getElementsByPoint = function (x, y) { var set = this.set(); this.forEach(function (el) { if (el.isPointInside(x, y)) { set.push(el); } }); return set; }; function x_y() { return this.x + S + this.y; } function x_y_w_h() { return this.x + S + this.y + S + this.width + " \xd7 " + this.height; } /*\ * Element.isPointInside [ method ] ** * Determine if given point is inside this element’s shape ** > Parameters ** - x (number) x coordinate of the point - y (number) y coordinate of the point = (boolean) `true` if point inside the shape \*/ elproto.isPointInside = function (x, y) { var rp = this.realPath = getPath[this.type](this); if (this.attr('transform') && this.attr('transform').length) { rp = R.transformPath(rp, this.attr('transform')); } return R.isPointInsidePath(rp, x, y); }; /*\ * Element.getBBox [ method ] ** * Return bounding box for a given element ** > Parameters ** - isWithoutTransform (boolean) flag, `true` if you want to have bounding box before transformations. Default is `false`. = (object) Bounding box object: o { o x: (number) top left corner x o y: (number) top left corner y o x2: (number) bottom right corner x o y2: (number) bottom right corner y o width: (number) width o height: (number) height o } \*/ elproto.getBBox = function (isWithoutTransform) { if (this.removed) { return {}; } var _ = this._; if (isWithoutTransform) { if (_.dirty || !_.bboxwt) { this.realPath = getPath[this.type](this); _.bboxwt = pathDimensions(this.realPath); _.bboxwt.toString = x_y_w_h; _.dirty = 0; } return _.bboxwt; } if (_.dirty || _.dirtyT || !_.bbox) { if (_.dirty || !this.realPath) { _.bboxwt = 0; this.realPath = getPath[this.type](this); } _.bbox = pathDimensions(mapPath(this.realPath, this.matrix)); _.bbox.toString = x_y_w_h; _.dirty = _.dirtyT = 0; } return _.bbox; }; /*\ * Element.clone [ method ] ** = (object) clone of a given element ** \*/ elproto.clone = function () { if (this.removed) { return null; } var out = this.paper[this.type]().attr(this.attr()); this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(out); return out; }; /*\ * Element.glow [ method ] ** * Return set of elements that create glow-like effect around given element. See @Paper.set. * * Note: Glow is not connected to the element. If you change element attributes it won’t adjust itself. ** > Parameters ** - glow (object) #optional parameters object with all properties optional: o { o width (number) size of the glow, default is `10` o fill (boolean) will it be filled, default is `false` o opacity (number) opacity, default is `0.5` o offsetx (number) horizontal offset, default is `0` o offsety (number) vertical offset, default is `0` o color (string) glow colour, default is `black` o } = (object) @Paper.set of elements that represents glow \*/ elproto.glow = function (glow) { if (this.type == "text") { return null; } glow = glow || {}; var s = { width: (glow.width || 10) + (+this.attr("stroke-width") || 1), fill: glow.fill || false, opacity: glow.opacity == null ? .5 : glow.opacity, offsetx: glow.offsetx || 0, offsety: glow.offsety || 0, color: glow.color || "#000" }, c = s.width / 2, r = this.paper, out = r.set(), path = this.realPath || getPath[this.type](this); path = this.matrix ? mapPath(path, this.matrix) : path; for (var i = 1; i < c + 1; i++) { out.push(r.path(path).attr({ stroke: s.color, fill: s.fill ? s.color : "none", "stroke-linejoin": "round", "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-width": +(s.width / c * i).toFixed(3), opacity: +(s.opacity / c).toFixed(3) })); } return out.insertBefore(this).translate(s.offsetx, s.offsety); }; var curveslengths = {}, getPointAtSegmentLength = function (p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y, length) { if (length == null) { return bezlen(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y); } else { return R.findDotsAtSegment(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y, getTatLen(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y, length)); } }, getLengthFactory = function (istotal, subpath) { return function (path, length, onlystart) { path = path2curve(path); var x, y, p, l, sp = "", subpaths = {}, point, len = 0; for (var i = 0, ii = path.length; i < ii; i++) { p = path[i]; if (p[0] == "M") { x = +p[1]; y = +p[2]; } else { l = getPointAtSegmentLength(x, y, p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6]); if (len + l > length) { if (subpath && !subpaths.start) { point = getPointAtSegmentLength(x, y, p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], length - len); sp += ["C" + point.start.x, point.start.y, point.m.x, point.m.y, point.x, point.y]; if (onlystart) {return sp;} subpaths.start = sp; sp = ["M" + point.x, point.y + "C" + point.n.x, point.n.y, point.end.x, point.end.y, p[5], p[6]].join(); len += l; x = +p[5]; y = +p[6]; continue; } if (!istotal && !subpath) { point = getPointAtSegmentLength(x, y, p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], length - len); return {x: point.x, y: point.y, alpha: point.alpha}; } } len += l; x = +p[5]; y = +p[6]; } sp += p.shift() + p; } subpaths.end = sp; point = istotal ? len : subpath ? subpaths : R.findDotsAtSegment(x, y, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], 1); point.alpha && (point = {x: point.x, y: point.y, alpha: point.alpha}); return point; }; }; var getTotalLength = getLengthFactory(1), getPointAtLength = getLengthFactory(), getSubpathsAtLength = getLengthFactory(0, 1); /*\ * Raphael.getTotalLength [ method ] ** * Returns length of the given path in pixels. ** > Parameters ** - path (string) SVG path string. ** = (number) length. \*/ R.getTotalLength = getTotalLength; /*\ * Raphael.getPointAtLength [ method ] ** * Return coordinates of the point located at the given length on the given path. ** > Parameters ** - path (string) SVG path string - length (number) ** = (object) representation of the point: o { o x: (number) x coordinate o y: (number) y coordinate o alpha: (number) angle of derivative o } \*/ R.getPointAtLength = getPointAtLength; /*\ * Raphael.getSubpath [ method ] ** * Return subpath of a given path from given length to given length. ** > Parameters ** - path (string) SVG path string - from (number) position of the start of the segment - to (number) position of the end of the segment ** = (string) pathstring for the segment \*/ R.getSubpath = function (path, from, to) { if (this.getTotalLength(path) - to < 1e-6) { return getSubpathsAtLength(path, from).end; } var a = getSubpathsAtLength(path, to, 1); return from ? getSubpathsAtLength(a, from).end : a; }; /*\ * Element.getTotalLength [ method ] ** * Returns length of the path in pixels. Only works for element of “path” type. = (number) length. \*/ elproto.getTotalLength = function () { var path = this.getPath(); if (!path) { return; } if (this.node.getTotalLength) { return this.node.getTotalLength(); } return getTotalLength(path); }; /*\ * Element.getPointAtLength [ method ] ** * Return coordinates of the point located at the given length on the given path. Only works for element of “path” type. ** > Parameters ** - length (number) ** = (object) representation of the point: o { o x: (number) x coordinate o y: (number) y coordinate o alpha: (number) angle of derivative o } \*/ elproto.getPointAtLength = function (length) { var path = this.getPath(); if (!path) { return; } return getPointAtLength(path, length); }; /*\ * Element.getPath [ method ] ** * Returns path of the element. Only works for elements of “path” type and simple elements like circle. = (object) path ** \*/ elproto.getPath = function () { var path, getPath = R._getPath[this.type]; if (this.type == "text" || this.type == "set") { return; } if (getPath) { path = getPath(this); } return path; }; /*\ * Element.getSubpath [ method ] ** * Return subpath of a given element from given length to given length. Only works for element of “path” type. ** > Parameters ** - from (number) position of the start of the segment - to (number) position of the end of the segment ** = (string) pathstring for the segment \*/ elproto.getSubpath = function (from, to) { var path = this.getPath(); if (!path) { return; } return R.getSubpath(path, from, to); }; /*\ * Raphael.easing_formulas [ property ] ** * Object that contains easing formulas for animation. You could extend it with your own. By default it has following list of easing: # <ul> # <li>“linear”</li> # <li>“<” or “easeIn” or “ease-in”</li> # <li>“>” or “easeOut” or “ease-out”</li> # <li>“<>” or “easeInOut” or “ease-in-out”</li> # <li>“backIn” or “back-in”</li> # <li>“backOut” or “back-out”</li> # <li>“elastic”</li> # <li>“bounce”</li> # </ul> # <p>See also <a href="http://raphaeljs.com/easing.html">Easing demo</a>.</p> \*/ var ef = R.easing_formulas = { linear: function (n) { return n; }, "<": function (n) { return pow(n, 1.7); }, ">": function (n) { return pow(n, .48); }, "<>": function (n) { var q = .48 - n / 1.04, Q = math.sqrt(.1734 + q * q), x = Q - q, X = pow(abs(x), 1 / 3) * (x < 0 ? -1 : 1), y = -Q - q, Y = pow(abs(y), 1 / 3) * (y < 0 ? -1 : 1), t = X + Y + .5; return (1 - t) * 3 * t * t + t * t * t; }, backIn: function (n) { var s = 1.70158; return n * n * ((s + 1) * n - s); }, backOut: function (n) { n = n - 1; var s = 1.70158; return n * n * ((s + 1) * n + s) + 1; }, elastic: function (n) { if (n == !!n) { return n; } return pow(2, -10 * n) * math.sin((n - .075) * (2 * PI) / .3) + 1; }, bounce: function (n) { var s = 7.5625, p = 2.75, l; if (n < (1 / p)) { l = s * n * n; } else { if (n < (2 / p)) { n -= (1.5 / p); l = s * n * n + .75; } else { if (n < (2.5 / p)) { n -= (2.25 / p); l = s * n * n + .9375; } else { n -= (2.625 / p); l = s * n * n + .984375; } } } return l; } }; ef.easeIn = ef["ease-in"] = ef["<"]; ef.easeOut = ef["ease-out"] = ef[">"]; ef.easeInOut = ef["ease-in-out"] = ef["<>"]; ef["back-in"] = ef.backIn; ef["back-out"] = ef.backOut; var animationElements = [], requestAnimFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (callback) { setTimeout(callback, 16); }, animation = function () { var Now = +new Date, l = 0; for (; l < animationElements.length; l++) { var e = animationElements[l]; if (e.el.removed || e.paused) { continue; } var time = Now - e.start, ms = e.ms, easing = e.easing, from = e.from, diff = e.diff, to = e.to, t = e.t, that = e.el, set = {}, now, init = {}, key; if (e.initstatus) { time = (e.initstatus * e.anim.top - e.prev) / (e.percent - e.prev) * ms; e.status = e.initstatus; delete e.initstatus; e.stop && animationElements.splice(l--, 1); } else { e.status = (e.prev + (e.percent - e.prev) * (time / ms)) / e.anim.top; } if (time < 0) { continue; } if (time < ms) { var pos = easing(time / ms); for (var attr in from) if (from[has](attr)) { switch (availableAnimAttrs[attr]) { case nu: now = +from[attr] + pos * ms * diff[attr]; break; case "colour": now = "rgb(" + [ upto255(round(from[attr].r + pos * ms * diff[attr].r)), upto255(round(from[attr].g + pos * ms * diff[attr].g)), upto255(round(from[attr].b + pos * ms * diff[attr].b)) ].join(",") + ")"; break; case "path": now = []; for (var i = 0, ii = from[attr].length; i < ii; i++) { now[i] = [from[attr][i][0]]; for (var j = 1, jj = from[attr][i].length; j < jj; j++) { now[i][j] = +from[attr][i][j] + pos * ms * diff[attr][i][j]; } now[i] = now[i].join(S); } now = now.join(S); break; case "transform": if (diff[attr].real) { now = []; for (i = 0, ii = from[attr].length; i < ii; i++) { now[i] = [from[attr][i][0]]; for (j = 1, jj = from[attr][i].length; j < jj; j++) { now[i][j] = from[attr][i][j] + pos * ms * diff[attr][i][j]; } } } else { var get = function (i) { return +from[attr][i] + pos * ms * diff[attr][i]; }; // now = [["r", get(2), 0, 0], ["t", get(3), get(4)], ["s", get(0), get(1), 0, 0]]; now = [["m", get(0), get(1), get(2), get(3), get(4), get(5)]]; } break; case "csv": if (attr == "clip-rect") { now = []; i = 4; while (i--) { now[i] = +from[attr][i] + pos * ms * diff[attr][i]; } } break; default: var from2 = [][concat](from[attr]); now = []; i = that.paper.customAttributes[attr].length; while (i--) { now[i] = +from2[i] + pos * ms * diff[attr][i]; } break; } set[attr] = now; } that.attr(set); (function (id, that, anim) { setTimeout(function () { eve("raphael.anim.frame." + id, that, anim); }); })(that.id, that, e.anim); } else { (function(f, el, a) { setTimeout(function() { eve("raphael.anim.frame." + el.id, el, a); eve("raphael.anim.finish." + el.id, el, a); R.is(f, "function") && f.call(el); }); })(e.callback, that, e.anim); that.attr(to); animationElements.splice(l--, 1); if (e.repeat > 1 && !e.next) { for (key in to) if (to[has](key)) { init[key] = e.totalOrigin[key]; } e.el.attr(init); runAnimation(e.anim, e.el, e.anim.percents[0], null, e.totalOrigin, e.repeat - 1); } if (e.next && !e.stop) { runAnimation(e.anim, e.el, e.next, null, e.totalOrigin, e.repeat); } } } animationElements.length && requestAnimFrame(animation); }, upto255 = function (color) { return color > 255 ? 255 : color < 0 ? 0 : color; }; /*\ * Element.animateWith [ method ] ** * Acts similar to @Element.animate, but ensure that given animation runs in sync with another given element. ** > Parameters ** - el (object) element to sync with - anim (object) animation to sync with - params (object) #optional final attributes for the element, see also @Element.attr - ms (number) #optional number of milliseconds for animation to run - easing (string) #optional easing type. Accept on of @Raphael.easing_formulas or CSS format: `cubic‐bezier(XX, XX, XX, XX)` - callback (function) #optional callback function. Will be called at the end of animation. * or - element (object) element to sync with - anim (object) animation to sync with - animation (object) #optional animation object, see @Raphael.animation ** = (object) original element \*/ elproto.animateWith = function (el, anim, params, ms, easing, callback) { var element = this; if (element.removed) { callback && callback.call(element); return element; } var a = params instanceof Animation ? params : R.animation(params, ms, easing, callback), x, y; runAnimation(a, element, a.percents[0], null, element.attr()); for (var i = 0, ii = animationElements.length; i < ii; i++) { if (animationElements[i].anim == anim && animationElements[i].el == el) { animationElements[ii - 1].start = animationElements[i].start; break; } } return element; // // // var a = params ? R.animation(params, ms, easing, callback) : anim, // status = element.status(anim); // return this.animate(a).status(a, status * anim.ms / a.ms); }; function CubicBezierAtTime(t, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, duration) { var cx = 3 * p1x, bx = 3 * (p2x - p1x) - cx, ax = 1 - cx - bx, cy = 3 * p1y, by = 3 * (p2y - p1y) - cy, ay = 1 - cy - by; function sampleCurveX(t) { return ((ax * t + bx) * t + cx) * t; } function solve(x, epsilon) { var t = solveCurveX(x, epsilon); return ((ay * t + by) * t + cy) * t; } function solveCurveX(x, epsilon) { var t0, t1, t2, x2, d2, i; for(t2 = x, i = 0; i < 8; i++) { x2 = sampleCurveX(t2) - x; if (abs(x2) < epsilon) { return t2; } d2 = (3 * ax * t2 + 2 * bx) * t2 + cx; if (abs(d2) < 1e-6) { break; } t2 = t2 - x2 / d2; } t0 = 0; t1 = 1; t2 = x; if (t2 < t0) { return t0; } if (t2 > t1) { return t1; } while (t0 < t1) { x2 = sampleCurveX(t2); if (abs(x2 - x) < epsilon) { return t2; } if (x > x2) { t0 = t2; } else { t1 = t2; } t2 = (t1 - t0) / 2 + t0; } return t2; } return solve(t, 1 / (200 * duration)); } elproto.onAnimation = function (f) { f ? eve.on("raphael.anim.frame." + this.id, f) : eve.unbind("raphael.anim.frame." + this.id); return this; }; function Animation(anim, ms) { var percents = [], newAnim = {}; this.ms = ms; this.times = 1; if (anim) { for (var attr in anim) if (anim[has](attr)) { newAnim[toFloat(attr)] = anim[attr]; percents.push(toFloat(attr)); } percents.sort(sortByNumber); } this.anim = newAnim; this.top = percents[percents.length - 1]; this.percents = percents; } /*\ * Animation.delay [ method ] ** * Creates a copy of existing animation object with given delay. ** > Parameters ** - delay (number) number of ms to pass between animation start and actual animation ** = (object) new altered Animation object | var anim = Raphael.animation({cx: 10, cy: 20}, 2e3); | circle1.animate(anim); // run the given animation immediately | circle2.animate(anim.delay(500)); // run the given animation after 500 ms \*/ Animation.prototype.delay = function (delay) { var a = new Animation(this.anim, this.ms); a.times = this.times; a.del = +delay || 0; return a; }; /*\ * Animation.repeat [ method ] ** * Creates a copy of existing animation object with given repetition. ** > Parameters ** - repeat (number) number iterations of animation. For infinite animation pass `Infinity` ** = (object) new altered Animation object \*/ Animation.prototype.repeat = function (times) { var a = new Animation(this.anim, this.ms); a.del = this.del; a.times = math.floor(mmax(times, 0)) || 1; return a; }; function runAnimation(anim, element, percent, status, totalOrigin, times) { percent = toFloat(percent); var params, isInAnim, isInAnimSet, percents = [], next, prev, timestamp, ms = anim.ms, from = {}, to = {}, diff = {}; if (status) { for (i = 0, ii = animationElements.length; i < ii; i++) { var e = animationElements[i]; if (e.el.id == element.id && e.anim == anim) { if (e.percent != percent) { animationElements.splice(i, 1); isInAnimSet = 1; } else { isInAnim = e; } element.attr(e.totalOrigin); break; } } } else { status = +to; // NaN } for (var i = 0, ii = anim.percents.length; i < ii; i++) { if (anim.percents[i] == percent || anim.percents[i] > status * anim.top) { percent = anim.percents[i]; prev = anim.percents[i - 1] || 0; ms = ms / anim.top * (percent - prev); next = anim.percents[i + 1]; params = anim.anim[percent]; break; } else if (status) { element.attr(anim.anim[anim.percents[i]]); } } if (!params) { return; } if (!isInAnim) { for (var attr in params) if (params[has](attr)) { if (availableAnimAttrs[has](attr) || element.paper.customAttributes[has](attr)) { from[attr] = element.attr(attr); (from[attr] == null) && (from[attr] = availableAttrs[attr]); to[attr] = params[attr]; switch (availableAnimAttrs[attr]) { case nu: diff[attr] = (to[attr] - from[attr]) / ms; break; case "colour": from[attr] = R.getRGB(from[attr]); var toColour = R.getRGB(to[attr]); diff[attr] = { r: (toColour.r - from[attr].r) / ms, g: (toColour.g - from[attr].g) / ms, b: (toColour.b - from[attr].b) / ms }; break; case "path": var pathes = path2curve(from[attr], to[attr]), toPath = pathes[1]; from[attr] = pathes[0]; diff[attr] = []; for (i = 0, ii = from[attr].length; i < ii; i++) { diff[attr][i] = [0]; for (var j = 1, jj = from[attr][i].length; j < jj; j++) { diff[attr][i][j] = (toPath[i][j] - from[attr][i][j]) / ms; } } break; case "transform": var _ = element._, eq = equaliseTransform(_[attr], to[attr]); if (eq) { from[attr] = eq.from; to[attr] = eq.to; diff[attr] = []; diff[attr].real = true; for (i = 0, ii = from[attr].length; i < ii; i++) { diff[attr][i] = [from[attr][i][0]]; for (j = 1, jj = from[attr][i].length; j < jj; j++) { diff[attr][i][j] = (to[attr][i][j] - from[attr][i][j]) / ms; } } } else { var m = (element.matrix || new Matrix), to2 = { _: {transform: _.transform}, getBBox: function () { return element.getBBox(1); } }; from[attr] = [ m.a, m.b, m.c, m.d, m.e, m.f ]; extractTransform(to2, to[attr]); to[attr] = to2._.transform; diff[attr] = [ (to2.matrix.a - m.a) / ms, (to2.matrix.b - m.b) / ms, (to2.matrix.c - m.c) / ms, (to2.matrix.d - m.d) / ms, (to2.matrix.e - m.e) / ms, (to2.matrix.f - m.f) / ms ]; // from[attr] = [_.sx, _.sy, _.deg, _.dx, _.dy]; // var to2 = {_:{}, getBBox: function () { return element.getBBox(); }}; // extractTransform(to2, to[attr]); // diff[attr] = [ // (to2._.sx - _.sx) / ms, // (to2._.sy - _.sy) / ms, // (to2._.deg - _.deg) / ms, // (to2._.dx - _.dx) / ms, // (to2._.dy - _.dy) / ms // ]; } break; case "csv": var values = Str(params[attr])[split](separator), from2 = Str(from[attr])[split](separator); if (attr == "clip-rect") { from[attr] = from2; diff[attr] = []; i = from2.length; while (i--) { diff[attr][i] = (values[i] - from[attr][i]) / ms; } } to[attr] = values; break; default: values = [][concat](params[attr]); from2 = [][concat](from[attr]); diff[attr] = []; i = element.paper.customAttributes[attr].length; while (i--) { diff[attr][i] = ((values[i] || 0) - (from2[i] || 0)) / ms; } break; } } } var easing = params.easing, easyeasy = R.easing_formulas[easing]; if (!easyeasy) { easyeasy = Str(easing).match(bezierrg); if (easyeasy && easyeasy.length == 5) { var curve = easyeasy; easyeasy = function (t) { return CubicBezierAtTime(t, +curve[1], +curve[2], +curve[3], +curve[4], ms); }; } else { easyeasy = pipe; } } timestamp = params.start || anim.start || +new Date; e = { anim: anim, percent: percent, timestamp: timestamp, start: timestamp + (anim.del || 0), status: 0, initstatus: status || 0, stop: false, ms: ms, easing: easyeasy, from: from, diff: diff, to: to, el: element, callback: params.callback, prev: prev, next: next, repeat: times || anim.times, origin: element.attr(), totalOrigin: totalOrigin }; animationElements.push(e); if (status && !isInAnim && !isInAnimSet) { e.stop = true; e.start = new Date - ms * status; if (animationElements.length == 1) { return animation(); } } if (isInAnimSet) { e.start = new Date - e.ms * status; } animationElements.length == 1 && requestAnimFrame(animation); } else { isInAnim.initstatus = status; isInAnim.start = new Date - isInAnim.ms * status; } eve("raphael.anim.start." + element.id, element, anim); } /*\ * Raphael.animation [ method ] ** * Creates an animation object that can be passed to the @Element.animate or @Element.animateWith methods. * See also @Animation.delay and @Animation.repeat methods. ** > Parameters ** - params (object) final attributes for the element, see also @Element.attr - ms (number) number of milliseconds for animation to run - easing (string) #optional easing type. Accept one of @Raphael.easing_formulas or CSS format: `cubic‐bezier(XX, XX, XX, XX)` - callback (function) #optional callback function. Will be called at the end of animation. ** = (object) @Animation \*/ R.animation = function (params, ms, easing, callback) { if (params instanceof Animation) { return params; } if (R.is(easing, "function") || !easing) { callback = callback || easing || null; easing = null; } params = Object(params); ms = +ms || 0; var p = {}, json, attr; for (attr in params) if (params[has](attr) && toFloat(attr) != attr && toFloat(attr) + "%" != attr) { json = true; p[attr] = params[attr]; } if (!json) { // if percent-like syntax is used and end-of-all animation callback used if(callback){ // find the last one var lastKey = 0; for(var i in params){ var percent = toInt(i); if(params[has](i) && percent > lastKey){ lastKey = percent; } } lastKey += '%'; // if already defined callback in the last keyframe, skip !params[lastKey].callback && (params[lastKey].callback = callback); } return new Animation(params, ms); } else { easing && (p.easing = easing); callback && (p.callback = callback); return new Animation({100: p}, ms); } }; /*\ * Element.animate [ method ] ** * Creates and starts animation for given element. ** > Parameters ** - params (object) final attributes for the element, see also @Element.attr - ms (number) number of milliseconds for animation to run - easing (string) #optional easing type. Accept one of @Raphael.easing_formulas or CSS format: `cubic‐bezier(XX, XX, XX, XX)` - callback (function) #optional callback function. Will be called at the end of animation. * or - animation (object) animation object, see @Raphael.animation ** = (object) original element \*/ elproto.animate = function (params, ms, easing, callback) { var element = this; if (element.removed) { callback && callback.call(element); return element; } var anim = params instanceof Animation ? params : R.animation(params, ms, easing, callback); runAnimation(anim, element, anim.percents[0], null, element.attr()); return element; }; /*\ * Element.setTime [ method ] ** * Sets the status of animation of the element in milliseconds. Similar to @Element.status method. ** > Parameters ** - anim (object) animation object - value (number) number of milliseconds from the beginning of the animation ** = (object) original element if `value` is specified * Note, that during animation following events are triggered: * * On each animation frame event `anim.frame.<id>`, on start `anim.start.<id>` and on end `anim.finish.<id>`. \*/ elproto.setTime = function (anim, value) { if (anim && value != null) { this.status(anim, mmin(value, anim.ms) / anim.ms); } return this; }; /*\ * Element.status [ method ] ** * Gets or sets the status of animation of the element. ** > Parameters ** - anim (object) #optional animation object - value (number) #optional 0 – 1. If specified, method works like a setter and sets the status of a given animation to the value. This will cause animation to jump to the given position. ** = (number) status * or = (array) status if `anim` is not specified. Array of objects in format: o { o anim: (object) animation object o status: (number) status o } * or = (object) original element if `value` is specified \*/ elproto.status = function (anim, value) { var out = [], i = 0, len, e; if (value != null) { runAnimation(anim, this, -1, mmin(value, 1)); return this; } else { len = animationElements.length; for (; i < len; i++) { e = animationElements[i]; if (e.el.id == this.id && (!anim || e.anim == anim)) { if (anim) { return e.status; } out.push({ anim: e.anim, status: e.status }); } } if (anim) { return 0; } return out; } }; /*\ * Element.pause [ method ] ** * Stops animation of the element with ability to resume it later on. ** > Parameters ** - anim (object) #optional animation object ** = (object) original element \*/ elproto.pause = function (anim) { for (var i = 0; i < animationElements.length; i++) if (animationElements[i].el.id == this.id && (!anim || animationElements[i].anim == anim)) { if (eve("raphael.anim.pause." + this.id, this, animationElements[i].anim) !== false) { animationElements[i].paused = true; } } return this; }; /*\ * Element.resume [ method ] ** * Resumes animation if it was paused with @Element.pause method. ** > Parameters ** - anim (object) #optional animation object ** = (object) original element \*/ elproto.resume = function (anim) { for (var i = 0; i < animationElements.length; i++) if (animationElements[i].el.id == this.id && (!anim || animationElements[i].anim == anim)) { var e = animationElements[i]; if (eve("raphael.anim.resume." + this.id, this, e.anim) !== false) { delete e.paused; this.status(e.anim, e.status); } } return this; }; /*\ * Element.stop [ method ] ** * Stops animation of the element. ** > Parameters ** - anim (object) #optional animation object ** = (object) original element \*/ elproto.stop = function (anim) { for (var i = 0; i < animationElements.length; i++) if (animationElements[i].el.id == this.id && (!anim || animationElements[i].anim == anim)) { if (eve("raphael.anim.stop." + this.id, this, animationElements[i].anim) !== false) { animationElements.splice(i--, 1); } } return this; }; function stopAnimation(paper) { for (var i = 0; i < animationElements.length; i++) if (animationElements[i].el.paper == paper) { animationElements.splice(i--, 1); } } eve.on("raphael.remove", stopAnimation); eve.on("raphael.clear", stopAnimation); elproto.toString = function () { return "Rapha\xebl\u2019s object"; }; // Set var Set = function (items) { this.items = []; this.length = 0; this.type = "set"; if (items) { for (var i = 0, ii = items.length; i < ii; i++) { if (items[i] && (items[i].constructor == elproto.constructor || items[i].constructor == Set)) { this[this.items.length] = this.items[this.items.length] = items[i]; this.length++; } } } }, setproto = Set.prototype; /*\ * Set.push [ method ] ** * Adds each argument to the current set. = (object) original element \*/ setproto.push = function () { var item, len; for (var i = 0, ii = arguments.length; i < ii; i++) { item = arguments[i]; if (item && (item.constructor == elproto.constructor || item.constructor == Set)) { len = this.items.length; this[len] = this.items[len] = item; this.length++; } } return this; }; /*\ * Set.pop [ method ] ** * Removes last element and returns it. = (object) element \*/ setproto.pop = function () { this.length && delete this[this.length--]; return this.items.pop(); }; /*\ * Set.forEach [ method ] ** * Executes given function for each element in the set. * * If function returns `false` it will stop loop running. ** > Parameters ** - callback (function) function to run - thisArg (object) context object for the callback = (object) Set object \*/ setproto.forEach = function (callback, thisArg) { for (var i = 0, ii = this.items.length; i < ii; i++) { if (callback.call(thisArg, this.items[i], i) === false) { return this; } } return this; }; for (var method in elproto) if (elproto[has](method)) { setproto[method] = (function (methodname) { return function () { var arg = arguments; return this.forEach(function (el) { el[methodname][apply](el, arg); }); }; })(method); } setproto.attr = function (name, value) { if (name && R.is(name, array) && R.is(name[0], "object")) { for (var j = 0, jj = name.length; j < jj; j++) { this.items[j].attr(name[j]); } } else { for (var i = 0, ii = this.items.length; i < ii; i++) { this.items[i].attr(name, value); } } return this; }; /*\ * Set.clear [ method ] ** * Removes all elements from the set \*/ setproto.clear = function () { while (this.length) { this.pop(); } }; /*\ * Set.splice [ method ] ** * Removes given element from the set ** > Parameters ** - index (number) position of the deletion - count (number) number of element to remove - insertion… (object) #optional elements to insert = (object) set elements that were deleted \*/ setproto.splice = function (index, count, insertion) { index = index < 0 ? mmax(this.length + index, 0) : index; count = mmax(0, mmin(this.length - index, count)); var tail = [], todel = [], args = [], i; for (i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) { args.push(arguments[i]); } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { todel.push(this[index + i]); } for (; i < this.length - index; i++) { tail.push(this[index + i]); } var arglen = args.length; for (i = 0; i < arglen + tail.length; i++) { this.items[index + i] = this[index + i] = i < arglen ? args[i] : tail[i - arglen]; } i = this.items.length = this.length -= count - arglen; while (this[i]) { delete this[i++]; } return new Set(todel); }; /*\ * Set.exclude [ method ] ** * Removes given element from the set ** > Parameters ** - element (object) element to remove = (boolean) `true` if object was found & removed from the set \*/ setproto.exclude = function (el) { for (var i = 0, ii = this.length; i < ii; i++) if (this[i] == el) { this.splice(i, 1); return true; } }; setproto.animate = function (params, ms, easing, callback) { (R.is(easing, "function") || !easing) && (callback = easing || null); var len = this.items.length, i = len, item, set = this, collector; if (!len) { return this; } callback && (collector = function () { !--len && callback.call(set); }); easing = R.is(easing, string) ? easing : collector; var anim = R.animation(params, ms, easing, collector); item = this.items[--i].animate(anim); while (i--) { this.items[i] && !this.items[i].removed && this.items[i].animateWith(item, anim, anim); (this.items[i] && !this.items[i].removed) || len--; } return this; }; setproto.insertAfter = function (el) { var i = this.items.length; while (i--) { this.items[i].insertAfter(el); } return this; }; setproto.getBBox = function () { var x = [], y = [], x2 = [], y2 = []; for (var i = this.items.length; i--;) if (!this.items[i].removed) { var box = this.items[i].getBBox(); x.push(box.x); y.push(box.y); x2.push(box.x + box.width); y2.push(box.y + box.height); } x = mmin[apply](0, x); y = mmin[apply](0, y); x2 = mmax[apply](0, x2); y2 = mmax[apply](0, y2); return { x: x, y: y, x2: x2, y2: y2, width: x2 - x, height: y2 - y }; }; setproto.clone = function (s) { s = this.paper.set(); for (var i = 0, ii = this.items.length; i < ii; i++) { s.push(this.items[i].clone()); } return s; }; setproto.toString = function () { return "Rapha\xebl\u2018s set"; }; setproto.glow = function(glowConfig) { var ret = this.paper.set(); this.forEach(function(shape, index){ var g = shape.glow(glowConfig); if(g != null){ g.forEach(function(shape2, index2){ ret.push(shape2); }); } }); return ret; }; /*\ * Set.isPointInside [ method ] ** * Determine if given point is inside this set’s elements ** > Parameters ** - x (number) x coordinate of the point - y (number) y coordinate of the point = (boolean) `true` if point is inside any of the set's elements \*/ setproto.isPointInside = function (x, y) { var isPointInside = false; this.forEach(function (el) { if (el.isPointInside(x, y)) { isPointInside = true; return false; // stop loop } }); return isPointInside; }; /*\ * Raphael.registerFont [ method ] ** * Adds given font to the registered set of font for Raphaël. Should be used as an internal call from within Cufón’s font file. * Returns original parameter, so it could be used with chaining. # <a href="http://wiki.github.com/sorccu/cufon/about">More about Cufón and how to convert your font form TTF, OTF, etc to JavaScript file.</a> ** > Parameters ** - font (object) the font to register = (object) the font you passed in > Usage | Cufon.registerFont(Raphael.registerFont({…})); \*/ R.registerFont = function (font) { if (!font.face) { return font; } this.fonts = this.fonts || {}; var fontcopy = { w: font.w, face: {}, glyphs: {} }, family = font.face["font-family"]; for (var prop in font.face) if (font.face[has](prop)) { fontcopy.face[prop] = font.face[prop]; } if (this.fonts[family]) { this.fonts[family].push(fontcopy); } else { this.fonts[family] = [fontcopy]; } if (!font.svg) { fontcopy.face["units-per-em"] = toInt(font.face["units-per-em"], 10); for (var glyph in font.glyphs) if (font.glyphs[has](glyph)) { var path = font.glyphs[glyph]; fontcopy.glyphs[glyph] = { w: path.w, k: {}, d: path.d && "M" + path.d.replace(/[mlcxtrv]/g, function (command) { return {l: "L", c: "C", x: "z", t: "m", r: "l", v: "c"}[command] || "M"; }) + "z" }; if (path.k) { for (var k in path.k) if (path[has](k)) { fontcopy.glyphs[glyph].k[k] = path.k[k]; } } } } return font; }; /*\ * Paper.getFont [ method ] ** * Finds font object in the registered font by given parameters. You could specify only one word from the font name, like “Myriad” for “Myriad Pro”. ** > Parameters ** - family (string) font family name or any word from it - weight (string) #optional font weight - style (string) #optional font style - stretch (string) #optional font stretch = (object) the font object > Usage | paper.print(100, 100, "Test string", paper.getFont("Times", 800), 30); \*/ paperproto.getFont = function (family, weight, style, stretch) { stretch = stretch || "normal"; style = style || "normal"; weight = +weight || {normal: 400, bold: 700, lighter: 300, bolder: 800}[weight] || 400; if (!R.fonts) { return; } var font = R.fonts[family]; if (!font) { var name = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + family.replace(/[^\w\d\s+!~.:_-]/g, E) + "(\\s|$)", "i"); for (var fontName in R.fonts) if (R.fonts[has](fontName)) { if (name.test(fontName)) { font = R.fonts[fontName]; break; } } } var thefont; if (font) { for (var i = 0, ii = font.length; i < ii; i++) { thefont = font[i]; if (thefont.face["font-weight"] == weight && (thefont.face["font-style"] == style || !thefont.face["font-style"]) && thefont.face["font-stretch"] == stretch) { break; } } } return thefont; }; /*\ * Paper.print [ method ] ** * Creates path that represent given text written using given font at given position with given size. * Result of the method is path element that contains whole text as a separate path. ** > Parameters ** - x (number) x position of the text - y (number) y position of the text - string (string) text to print - font (object) font object, see @Paper.getFont - size (number) #optional size of the font, default is `16` - origin (string) #optional could be `"baseline"` or `"middle"`, default is `"middle"` - letter_spacing (number) #optional number in range `-1..1`, default is `0` - line_spacing (number) #optional number in range `1..3`, default is `1` = (object) resulting path element, which consist of all letters > Usage | var txt = r.print(10, 50, "print", r.getFont("Museo"), 30).attr({fill: "#fff"}); \*/ paperproto.print = function (x, y, string, font, size, origin, letter_spacing, line_spacing) { origin = origin || "middle"; // baseline|middle letter_spacing = mmax(mmin(letter_spacing || 0, 1), -1); line_spacing = mmax(mmin(line_spacing || 1, 3), 1); var letters = Str(string)[split](E), shift = 0, notfirst = 0, path = E, scale; R.is(font, "string") && (font = this.getFont(font)); if (font) { scale = (size || 16) / font.face["units-per-em"]; var bb = font.face.bbox[split](separator), top = +bb[0], lineHeight = bb[3] - bb[1], shifty = 0, height = +bb[1] + (origin == "baseline" ? lineHeight + (+font.face.descent) : lineHeight / 2); for (var i = 0, ii = letters.length; i < ii; i++) { if (letters[i] == "\n") { shift = 0; curr = 0; notfirst = 0; shifty += lineHeight * line_spacing; } else { var prev = notfirst && font.glyphs[letters[i - 1]] || {}, curr = font.glyphs[letters[i]]; shift += notfirst ? (prev.w || font.w) + (prev.k && prev.k[letters[i]] || 0) + (font.w * letter_spacing) : 0; notfirst = 1; } if (curr && curr.d) { path += R.transformPath(curr.d, ["t", shift * scale, shifty * scale, "s", scale, scale, top, height, "t", (x - top) / scale, (y - height) / scale]); } } } return this.path(path).attr({ fill: "#000", stroke: "none" }); }; /*\ * Paper.add [ method ] ** * Imports elements in JSON array in format `{type: type, <attributes>}` ** > Parameters ** - json (array) = (object) resulting set of imported elements > Usage | paper.add([ | { | type: "circle", | cx: 10, | cy: 10, | r: 5 | }, | { | type: "rect", | x: 10, | y: 10, | width: 10, | height: 10, | fill: "#fc0" | } | ]); \*/ paperproto.add = function (json) { if (R.is(json, "array")) { var res = this.set(), i = 0, ii = json.length, j; for (; i < ii; i++) { j = json[i] || {}; elements[has](j.type) && res.push(this[j.type]().attr(j)); } } return res; }; /*\ * Raphael.format [ method ] ** * Simple format function. Replaces construction of type “`{<number>}`” to the corresponding argument. ** > Parameters ** - token (string) string to format - … (string) rest of arguments will be treated as parameters for replacement = (string) formated string > Usage | var x = 10, | y = 20, | width = 40, | height = 50; | // this will draw a rectangular shape equivalent to "M10,20h40v50h-40z" | paper.path(Raphael.format("M{0},{1}h{2}v{3}h{4}z", x, y, width, height, -width)); \*/ R.format = function (token, params) { var args = R.is(params, array) ? [0][concat](params) : arguments; token && R.is(token, string) && args.length - 1 && (token = token.replace(formatrg, function (str, i) { return args[++i] == null ? E : args[i]; })); return token || E; }; /*\ * Raphael.fullfill [ method ] ** * A little bit more advanced format function than @Raphael.format. Replaces construction of type “`{<name>}`” to the corresponding argument. ** > Parameters ** - token (string) string to format - json (object) object which properties will be used as a replacement = (string) formated string > Usage | // this will draw a rectangular shape equivalent to "M10,20h40v50h-40z" | paper.path(Raphael.fullfill("M{x},{y}h{dim.width}v{dim.height}h{dim['negative width']}z", { | x: 10, | y: 20, | dim: { | width: 40, | height: 50, | "negative width": -40 | } | })); \*/ R.fullfill = (function () { var tokenRegex = /\{([^\}]+)\}/g, objNotationRegex = /(?:(?:^|\.)(.+?)(?=\[|\.|$|\()|\[('|")(.+?)\2\])(\(\))?/g, // matches .xxxxx or ["xxxxx"] to run over object properties replacer = function (all, key, obj) { var res = obj; key.replace(objNotationRegex, function (all, name, quote, quotedName, isFunc) { name = name || quotedName; if (res) { if (name in res) { res = res[name]; } typeof res == "function" && isFunc && (res = res()); } }); res = (res == null || res == obj ? all : res) + ""; return res; }; return function (str, obj) { return String(str).replace(tokenRegex, function (all, key) { return replacer(all, key, obj); }); }; })(); /*\ * Raphael.ninja [ method ] ** * If you want to leave no trace of Raphaël (Well, Raphaël creates only one global variable `Raphael`, but anyway.) You can use `ninja` method. * Beware, that in this case plugins could stop working, because they are depending on global variable existence. ** = (object) Raphael object > Usage | (function (local_raphael) { | var paper = local_raphael(10, 10, 320, 200); | … | })(Raphael.ninja()); \*/ R.ninja = function () { oldRaphael.was ? (g.win.Raphael = oldRaphael.is) : delete Raphael; return R; }; /*\ * Raphael.st [ property (object) ] ** * You can add your own method to elements and sets. It is wise to add a set method for each element method * you added, so you will be able to call the same method on sets too. ** * See also @Raphael.el. > Usage | Raphael.el.red = function () { | this.attr({fill: "#f00"}); | }; | Raphael.st.red = function () { | this.forEach(function (el) { | el.red(); | }); | }; | // then use it | paper.set(paper.circle(100, 100, 20), paper.circle(110, 100, 20)).red(); \*/ R.st = setproto; eve.on("raphael.DOMload", function () { loaded = true; }); // Firefox <3.6 fix: http://webreflection.blogspot.com/2009/11/195-chars-to-help-lazy-loading.html (function (doc, loaded, f) { if (doc.readyState == null && doc.addEventListener){ doc.addEventListener(loaded, f = function () { doc.removeEventListener(loaded, f, false); doc.readyState = "complete"; }, false); doc.readyState = "loading"; } function isLoaded() { (/in/).test(doc.readyState) ? setTimeout(isLoaded, 9) : R.eve("raphael.DOMload"); } isLoaded(); })(document, "DOMContentLoaded"); return R; })); // ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ \\ // │ Raphaël 2.1.4 - JavaScript Vector Library │ \\ // ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ \\ // │ SVG Module │ \\ // ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ \\ // │ Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Dmitry Baranovskiy (http://raphaeljs.com) │ \\ // │ Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Sencha Labs (http://sencha.com) │ \\ // │ Licensed under the MIT (http://raphaeljs.com/license.html) license. │ \\ // └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ \\ (function (glob, factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define("raphael.svg", ["raphael.core"], function(raphael) { return factory(raphael); }); } else if (typeof exports === "object") { factory(require("raphael.core")); } else { factory(glob.Raphael); } }(this, function(R) { if (R && !R.svg) { return; } var has = "hasOwnProperty", Str = String, toFloat = parseFloat, toInt = parseInt, math = Math, mmax = math.max, abs = math.abs, pow = math.pow, separator = /[, ]+/, eve = R.eve, E = "", S = " "; var xlink = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", markers = { block: "M5,0 0,2.5 5,5z", classic: "M5,0 0,2.5 5,5 3.5,3 3.5,2z", diamond: "M2.5,0 5,2.5 2.5,5 0,2.5z", open: "M6,1 1,3.5 6,6", oval: "M2.5,0A2.5,2.5,0,0,1,2.5,5 2.5,2.5,0,0,1,2.5,0z" }, markerCounter = {}; R.toString = function () { return "Your browser supports SVG.\nYou are running Rapha\xebl " + this.version; }; var $ = function (el, attr) { if (attr) { if (typeof el == "string") { el = $(el); } for (var key in attr) if (attr[has](key)) { if (key.substring(0, 6) == "xlink:") { el.setAttributeNS(xlink, key.substring(6), Str(attr[key])); } else { el.setAttribute(key, Str(attr[key])); } } } else { el = R._g.doc.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", el); el.style && (el.style.webkitTapHighlightColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0)"); } return el; }, addGradientFill = function (element, gradient) { var type = "linear", id = element.id + gradient, fx = .5, fy = .5, o = element.node, SVG = element.paper, s = o.style, el = R._g.doc.getElementById(id); if (!el) { gradient = Str(gradient).replace(R._radial_gradient, function (all, _fx, _fy) { type = "radial"; if (_fx && _fy) { fx = toFloat(_fx); fy = toFloat(_fy); var dir = ((fy > .5) * 2 - 1); pow(fx - .5, 2) + pow(fy - .5, 2) > .25 && (fy = math.sqrt(.25 - pow(fx - .5, 2)) * dir + .5) && fy != .5 && (fy = fy.toFixed(5) - 1e-5 * dir); } return E; }); gradient = gradient.split(/\s*\-\s*/); if (type == "linear") { var angle = gradient.shift(); angle = -toFloat(angle); if (isNaN(angle)) { return null; } var vector = [0, 0, math.cos(R.rad(angle)), math.sin(R.rad(angle))], max = 1 / (mmax(abs(vector[2]), abs(vector[3])) || 1); vector[2] *= max; vector[3] *= max; if (vector[2] < 0) { vector[0] = -vector[2]; vector[2] = 0; } if (vector[3] < 0) { vector[1] = -vector[3]; vector[3] = 0; } } var dots = R._parseDots(gradient); if (!dots) { return null; } id = id.replace(/[\(\)\s,\xb0#]/g, "_"); if (element.gradient && id != element.gradient.id) { SVG.defs.removeChild(element.gradient); delete element.gradient; } if (!element.gradient) { el = $(type + "Gradient", {id: id}); element.gradient = el; $(el, type == "radial" ? { fx: fx, fy: fy } : { x1: vector[0], y1: vector[1], x2: vector[2], y2: vector[3], gradientTransform: element.matrix.invert() }); SVG.defs.appendChild(el); for (var i = 0, ii = dots.length; i < ii; i++) { el.appendChild($("stop", { offset: dots[i].offset ? dots[i].offset : i ? "100%" : "0%", "stop-color": dots[i].color || "#fff", "stop-opacity": isFinite(dots[i].opacity) ? dots[i].opacity : 1 })); } } } $(o, { fill: "url('" + document.location.origin + document.location.pathname + "#" + id + "')", opacity: 1, "fill-opacity": 1 }); s.fill = E; s.opacity = 1; s.fillOpacity = 1; return 1; }, updatePosition = function (o) { var bbox = o.getBBox(1); $(o.pattern, {patternTransform: o.matrix.invert() + " translate(" + bbox.x + "," + bbox.y + ")"}); }, addArrow = function (o, value, isEnd) { if (o.type == "path") { var values = Str(value).toLowerCase().split("-"), p = o.paper, se = isEnd ? "end" : "start", node = o.node, attrs = o.attrs, stroke = attrs["stroke-width"], i = values.length, type = "classic", from, to, dx, refX, attr, w = 3, h = 3, t = 5; while (i--) { switch (values[i]) { case "block": case "classic": case "oval": case "diamond": case "open": case "none": type = values[i]; break; case "wide": h = 5; break; case "narrow": h = 2; break; case "long": w = 5; break; case "short": w = 2; break; } } if (type == "open") { w += 2; h += 2; t += 2; dx = 1; refX = isEnd ? 4 : 1; attr = { fill: "none", stroke: attrs.stroke }; } else { refX = dx = w / 2; attr = { fill: attrs.stroke, stroke: "none" }; } if (o._.arrows) { if (isEnd) { o._.arrows.endPath && markerCounter[o._.arrows.endPath]--; o._.arrows.endMarker && markerCounter[o._.arrows.endMarker]--; } else { o._.arrows.startPath && markerCounter[o._.arrows.startPath]--; o._.arrows.startMarker && markerCounter[o._.arrows.startMarker]--; } } else { o._.arrows = {}; } if (type != "none") { var pathId = "raphael-marker-" + type, markerId = "raphael-marker-" + se + type + w + h + "-obj" + o.id; if (!R._g.doc.getElementById(pathId)) { p.defs.appendChild($($("path"), { "stroke-linecap": "round", d: markers[type], id: pathId })); markerCounter[pathId] = 1; } else { markerCounter[pathId]++; } var marker = R._g.doc.getElementById(markerId), use; if (!marker) { marker = $($("marker"), { id: markerId, markerHeight: h, markerWidth: w, orient: "auto", refX: refX, refY: h / 2 }); use = $($("use"), { "xlink:href": "#" + pathId, transform: (isEnd ? "rotate(180 " + w / 2 + " " + h / 2 + ") " : E) + "scale(" + w / t + "," + h / t + ")", "stroke-width": (1 / ((w / t + h / t) / 2)).toFixed(4) }); marker.appendChild(use); p.defs.appendChild(marker); markerCounter[markerId] = 1; } else { markerCounter[markerId]++; use = marker.getElementsByTagName("use")[0]; } $(use, attr); var delta = dx * (type != "diamond" && type != "oval"); if (isEnd) { from = o._.arrows.startdx * stroke || 0; to = R.getTotalLength(attrs.path) - delta * stroke; } else { from = delta * stroke; to = R.getTotalLength(attrs.path) - (o._.arrows.enddx * stroke || 0); } attr = {}; attr["marker-" + se] = "url(#" + markerId + ")"; if (to || from) { attr.d = R.getSubpath(attrs.path, from, to); } $(node, attr); o._.arrows[se + "Path"] = pathId; o._.arrows[se + "Marker"] = markerId; o._.arrows[se + "dx"] = delta; o._.arrows[se + "Type"] = type; o._.arrows[se + "String"] = value; } else { if (isEnd) { from = o._.arrows.startdx * stroke || 0; to = R.getTotalLength(attrs.path) - from; } else { from = 0; to = R.getTotalLength(attrs.path) - (o._.arrows.enddx * stroke || 0); } o._.arrows[se + "Path"] && $(node, {d: R.getSubpath(attrs.path, from, to)}); delete o._.arrows[se + "Path"]; delete o._.arrows[se + "Marker"]; delete o._.arrows[se + "dx"]; delete o._.arrows[se + "Type"]; delete o._.arrows[se + "String"]; } for (attr in markerCounter) if (markerCounter[has](attr) && !markerCounter[attr]) { var item = R._g.doc.getElementById(attr); item && item.parentNode.removeChild(item); } } }, dasharray = { "-": [3, 1], ".": [1, 1], "-.": [3, 1, 1, 1], "-..": [3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], ". ": [1, 3], "- ": [4, 3], "--": [8, 3], "- .": [4, 3, 1, 3], "--.": [8, 3, 1, 3], "--..": [8, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3] }, addDashes = function (o, value, params) { value = dasharray[Str(value).toLowerCase()]; if (value) { var width = o.attrs["stroke-width"] || "1", butt = {round: width, square: width, butt: 0}[o.attrs["stroke-linecap"] || params["stroke-linecap"]] || 0, dashes = [], i = value.length; while (i--) { dashes[i] = value[i] * width + ((i % 2) ? 1 : -1) * butt; } $(o.node, {"stroke-dasharray": dashes.join(",")}); } else { $(o.node, {"stroke-dasharray": "none"}); } }, setFillAndStroke = function (o, params) { var node = o.node, attrs = o.attrs, vis = node.style.visibility; node.style.visibility = "hidden"; for (var att in params) { if (params[has](att)) { if (!R._availableAttrs[has](att)) { continue; } var value = params[att]; attrs[att] = value; switch (att) { case "blur": o.blur(value); break; case "title": var title = node.getElementsByTagName("title"); // Use the existing <title>. if (title.length && (title = title[0])) { title.firstChild.nodeValue = value; } else { title = $("title"); var val = R._g.doc.createTextNode(value); title.appendChild(val); node.appendChild(title); } break; case "href": case "target": var pn = node.parentNode; if (pn.tagName.toLowerCase() != "a") { var hl = $("a"); pn.insertBefore(hl, node); hl.appendChild(node); pn = hl; } if (att == "target") { pn.setAttributeNS(xlink, "show", value == "blank" ? "new" : value); } else { pn.setAttributeNS(xlink, att, value); } break; case "cursor": node.style.cursor = value; break; case "transform": o.transform(value); break; case "arrow-start": addArrow(o, value); break; case "arrow-end": addArrow(o, value, 1); break; case "clip-rect": var rect = Str(value).split(separator); if (rect.length == 4) { o.clip && o.clip.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(o.clip.parentNode); var el = $("clipPath"), rc = $("rect"); el.id = R.createUUID(); $(rc, { x: rect[0], y: rect[1], width: rect[2], height: rect[3] }); el.appendChild(rc); o.paper.defs.appendChild(el); $(node, {"clip-path": "url(#" + el.id + ")"}); o.clip = rc; } if (!value) { var path = node.getAttribute("clip-path"); if (path) { var clip = R._g.doc.getElementById(path.replace(/(^url\(#|\)$)/g, E)); clip && clip.parentNode.removeChild(clip); $(node, {"clip-path": E}); delete o.clip; } } break; case "path": if (o.type == "path") { $(node, {d: value ? attrs.path = R._pathToAbsolute(value) : "M0,0"}); o._.dirty = 1; if (o._.arrows) { "startString" in o._.arrows && addArrow(o, o._.arrows.startString); "endString" in o._.arrows && addArrow(o, o._.arrows.endString, 1); } } break; case "width": node.setAttribute(att, value); o._.dirty = 1; if (attrs.fx) { att = "x"; value = attrs.x; } else { break; } case "x": if (attrs.fx) { value = -attrs.x - (attrs.width || 0); } case "rx": if (att == "rx" && o.type == "rect") { break; } case "cx": node.setAttribute(att, value); o.pattern && updatePosition(o); o._.dirty = 1; break; case "height": node.setAttribute(att, value); o._.dirty = 1; if (attrs.fy) { att = "y"; value = attrs.y; } else { break; } case "y": if (attrs.fy) { value = -attrs.y - (attrs.height || 0); } case "ry": if (att == "ry" && o.type == "rect") { break; } case "cy": node.setAttribute(att, value); o.pattern && updatePosition(o); o._.dirty = 1; break; case "r": if (o.type == "rect") { $(node, {rx: value, ry: value}); } else { node.setAttribute(att, value); } o._.dirty = 1; break; case "src": if (o.type == "image") { node.setAttributeNS(xlink, "href", value); } break; case "stroke-width": if (o._.sx != 1 || o._.sy != 1) { value /= mmax(abs(o._.sx), abs(o._.sy)) || 1; } node.setAttribute(att, value); if (attrs["stroke-dasharray"]) { addDashes(o, attrs["stroke-dasharray"], params); } if (o._.arrows) { "startString" in o._.arrows && addArrow(o, o._.arrows.startString); "endString" in o._.arrows && addArrow(o, o._.arrows.endString, 1); } break; case "stroke-dasharray": addDashes(o, value, params); break; case "fill": var isURL = Str(value).match(R._ISURL); if (isURL) { el = $("pattern"); var ig = $("image"); el.id = R.createUUID(); $(el, {x: 0, y: 0, patternUnits: "userSpaceOnUse", height: 1, width: 1}); $(ig, {x: 0, y: 0, "xlink:href": isURL[1]}); el.appendChild(ig); (function (el) { R._preload(isURL[1], function () { var w = this.offsetWidth, h = this.offsetHeight; $(el, {width: w, height: h}); $(ig, {width: w, height: h}); }); })(el); o.paper.defs.appendChild(el); $(node, {fill: "url(#" + el.id + ")"}); o.pattern = el; o.pattern && updatePosition(o); break; } var clr = R.getRGB(value); if (!clr.error) { delete params.gradient; delete attrs.gradient; !R.is(attrs.opacity, "undefined") && R.is(params.opacity, "undefined") && $(node, {opacity: attrs.opacity}); !R.is(attrs["fill-opacity"], "undefined") && R.is(params["fill-opacity"], "undefined") && $(node, {"fill-opacity": attrs["fill-opacity"]}); } else if ((o.type == "circle" || o.type == "ellipse" || Str(value).charAt() != "r") && addGradientFill(o, value)) { if ("opacity" in attrs || "fill-opacity" in attrs) { var gradient = R._g.doc.getElementById(node.getAttribute("fill").replace(/^url\(#|\)$/g, E)); if (gradient) { var stops = gradient.getElementsByTagName("stop"); $(stops[stops.length - 1], {"stop-opacity": ("opacity" in attrs ? attrs.opacity : 1) * ("fill-opacity" in attrs ? attrs["fill-opacity"] : 1)}); } } attrs.gradient = value; attrs.fill = "none"; break; } clr[has]("opacity") && $(node, {"fill-opacity": clr.opacity > 1 ? clr.opacity / 100 : clr.opacity}); case "stroke": clr = R.getRGB(value); node.setAttribute(att, clr.hex); att == "stroke" && clr[has]("opacity") && $(node, {"stroke-opacity": clr.opacity > 1 ? clr.opacity / 100 : clr.opacity}); if (att == "stroke" && o._.arrows) { "startString" in o._.arrows && addArrow(o, o._.arrows.startString); "endString" in o._.arrows && addArrow(o, o._.arrows.endString, 1); } break; case "gradient": (o.type == "circle" || o.type == "ellipse" || Str(value).charAt() != "r") && addGradientFill(o, value); break; case "opacity": if (attrs.gradient && !attrs[has]("stroke-opacity")) { $(node, {"stroke-opacity": value > 1 ? value / 100 : value}); } // fall case "fill-opacity": if (attrs.gradient) { gradient = R._g.doc.getElementById(node.getAttribute("fill").replace(/^url\(#|\)$/g, E)); if (gradient) { stops = gradient.getElementsByTagName("stop"); $(stops[stops.length - 1], {"stop-opacity": value}); } break; } default: att == "font-size" && (value = toInt(value, 10) + "px"); var cssrule = att.replace(/(\-.)/g, function (w) { return w.substring(1).toUpperCase(); }); node.style[cssrule] = value; o._.dirty = 1; node.setAttribute(att, value); break; } } } tuneText(o, params); node.style.visibility = vis; }, leading = 1.2, tuneText = function (el, params) { if (el.type != "text" || !(params[has]("text") || params[has]("font") || params[has]("font-size") || params[has]("x") || params[has]("y"))) { return; } var a = el.attrs, node = el.node, fontSize = node.firstChild ? toInt(R._g.doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(node.firstChild, E).getPropertyValue("font-size"), 10) : 10; if (params[has]("text")) { a.text = params.text; while (node.firstChild) { node.removeChild(node.firstChild); } var texts = Str(params.text).split("\n"), tspans = [], tspan; for (var i = 0, ii = texts.length; i < ii; i++) { tspan = $("tspan"); i && $(tspan, {dy: fontSize * leading, x: a.x}); tspan.appendChild(R._g.doc.createTextNode(texts[i])); node.appendChild(tspan); tspans[i] = tspan; } } else { tspans = node.getElementsByTagName("tspan"); for (i = 0, ii = tspans.length; i < ii; i++) if (i) { $(tspans[i], {dy: fontSize * leading, x: a.x}); } else { $(tspans[0], {dy: 0}); } } $(node, {x: a.x, y: a.y}); el._.dirty = 1; var bb = el._getBBox(), dif = a.y - (bb.y + bb.height / 2); dif && R.is(dif, "finite") && $(tspans[0], {dy: dif}); }, getRealNode = function (node) { if (node.parentNode && node.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase() === "a") { return node.parentNode; } else { return node; } }, Element = function (node, svg) { var X = 0, Y = 0; /*\ * Element.node [ property (object) ] ** * Gives you a reference to the DOM object, so you can assign event handlers or just mess around. ** * Note: Don’t mess with it. > Usage | // draw a circle at coordinate 10,10 with radius of 10 | var c = paper.circle(10, 10, 10); | c.node.onclick = function () { | c.attr("fill", "red"); | }; \*/ this[0] = this.node = node; /*\ * Element.raphael [ property (object) ] ** * Internal reference to @Raphael object. In case it is not available. > Usage | Raphael.el.red = function () { | var hsb = this.paper.raphael.rgb2hsb(this.attr("fill")); | hsb.h = 1; | this.attr({fill: this.paper.raphael.hsb2rgb(hsb).hex}); | } \*/ node.raphael = true; /*\ * Element.id [ property (number) ] ** * Unique id of the element. Especially useful when you want to listen to events of the element, * because all events are fired in format `<module>.<action>.<id>`. Also useful for @Paper.getById method. \*/ this.id = R._oid++; node.raphaelid = this.id; this.matrix = R.matrix(); this.realPath = null; /*\ * Element.paper [ property (object) ] ** * Internal reference to “paper” where object drawn. Mainly for use in plugins and element extensions. > Usage | Raphael.el.cross = function () { | this.attr({fill: "red"}); | this.paper.path("M10,10L50,50M50,10L10,50") | .attr({stroke: "red"}); | } \*/ this.paper = svg; this.attrs = this.attrs || {}; this._ = { transform: [], sx: 1, sy: 1, deg: 0, dx: 0, dy: 0, dirty: 1 }; !svg.bottom && (svg.bottom = this); /*\ * Element.prev [ property (object) ] ** * Reference to the previous element in the hierarchy. \*/ this.prev = svg.top; svg.top && (svg.top.next = this); svg.top = this; /*\ * Element.next [ property (object) ] ** * Reference to the next element in the hierarchy. \*/ this.next = null; }, elproto = R.el; Element.prototype = elproto; elproto.constructor = Element; R._engine.path = function (pathString, SVG) { var el = $("path"); SVG.canvas && SVG.canvas.appendChild(el); var p = new Element(el, SVG); p.type = "path"; setFillAndStroke(p, { fill: "none", stroke: "#000", path: pathString }); return p; }; /*\ * Element.rotate [ method ] ** * Deprecated! Use @Element.transform instead. * Adds rotation by given angle around given point to the list of * transformations of the element. > Parameters - deg (number) angle in degrees - cx (number) #optional x coordinate of the centre of rotation - cy (number) #optional y coordinate of the centre of rotation * If cx & cy aren’t specified centre of the shape is used as a point of rotation. = (object) @Element \*/ elproto.rotate = function (deg, cx, cy) { if (this.removed) { return this; } deg = Str(deg).split(separator); if (deg.length - 1) { cx = toFloat(deg[1]); cy = toFloat(deg[2]); } deg = toFloat(deg[0]); (cy == null) && (cx = cy); if (cx == null || cy == null) { var bbox = this.getBBox(1); cx = bbox.x + bbox.width / 2; cy = bbox.y + bbox.height / 2; } this.transform(this._.transform.concat([["r", deg, cx, cy]])); return this; }; /*\ * Element.scale [ method ] ** * Deprecated! Use @Element.transform instead. * Adds scale by given amount relative to given point to the list of * transformations of the element. > Parameters - sx (number) horisontal scale amount - sy (number) vertical scale amount - cx (number) #optional x coordinate of the centre of scale - cy (number) #optional y coordinate of the centre of scale * If cx & cy aren’t specified centre of the shape is used instead. = (object) @Element \*/ elproto.scale = function (sx, sy, cx, cy) { if (this.removed) { return this; } sx = Str(sx).split(separator); if (sx.length - 1) { sy = toFloat(sx[1]); cx = toFloat(sx[2]); cy = toFloat(sx[3]); } sx = toFloat(sx[0]); (sy == null) && (sy = sx); (cy == null) && (cx = cy); if (cx == null || cy == null) { var bbox = this.getBBox(1); } cx = cx == null ? bbox.x + bbox.width / 2 : cx; cy = cy == null ? bbox.y + bbox.height / 2 : cy; this.transform(this._.transform.concat([["s", sx, sy, cx, cy]])); return this; }; /*\ * Element.translate [ method ] ** * Deprecated! Use @Element.transform instead. * Adds translation by given amount to the list of transformations of the element. > Parameters - dx (number) horisontal shift - dy (number) vertical shift = (object) @Element \*/ elproto.translate = function (dx, dy) { if (this.removed) { return this; } dx = Str(dx).split(separator); if (dx.length - 1) { dy = toFloat(dx[1]); } dx = toFloat(dx[0]) || 0; dy = +dy || 0; this.transform(this._.transform.concat([["t", dx, dy]])); return this; }; /*\ * Element.transform [ method ] ** * Adds transformation to the element which is separate to other attributes, * i.e. translation doesn’t change `x` or `y` of the rectange. The format * of transformation string is similar to the path string syntax: | "t100,100r30,100,100s2,2,100,100r45s1.5" * Each letter is a command. There are four commands: `t` is for translate, `r` is for rotate, `s` is for * scale and `m` is for matrix. * * There are also alternative “absolute” translation, rotation and scale: `T`, `R` and `S`. They will not take previous transformation into account. For example, `...T100,0` will always move element 100 px horisontally, while `...t100,0` could move it vertically if there is `r90` before. Just compare results of `r90t100,0` and `r90T100,0`. * * So, the example line above could be read like “translate by 100, 100; rotate 30° around 100, 100; scale twice around 100, 100; * rotate 45° around centre; scale 1.5 times relative to centre”. As you can see rotate and scale commands have origin * coordinates as optional parameters, the default is the centre point of the element. * Matrix accepts six parameters. > Usage | var el = paper.rect(10, 20, 300, 200); | // translate 100, 100, rotate 45°, translate -100, 0 | el.transform("t100,100r45t-100,0"); | // if you want you can append or prepend transformations | el.transform("...t50,50"); | el.transform("s2..."); | // or even wrap | el.transform("t50,50...t-50-50"); | // to reset transformation call method with empty string | el.transform(""); | // to get current value call it without parameters | console.log(el.transform()); > Parameters - tstr (string) #optional transformation string * If tstr isn’t specified = (string) current transformation string * else = (object) @Element \*/ elproto.transform = function (tstr) { var _ = this._; if (tstr == null) { return _.transform; } R._extractTransform(this, tstr); this.clip && $(this.clip, {transform: this.matrix.invert()}); this.pattern && updatePosition(this); this.node && $(this.node, {transform: this.matrix}); if (_.sx != 1 || _.sy != 1) { var sw = this.attrs[has]("stroke-width") ? this.attrs["stroke-width"] : 1; this.attr({"stroke-width": sw}); } return this; }; /*\ * Element.hide [ method ] ** * Makes element invisible. See @Element.show. = (object) @Element \*/ elproto.hide = function () { if(!this.removed) this.node.style.display = "none"; return this; }; /*\ * Element.show [ method ] ** * Makes element visible. See @Element.hide. = (object) @Element \*/ elproto.show = function () { if(!this.removed) this.node.style.display = ""; return this; }; /*\ * Element.remove [ method ] ** * Removes element from the paper. \*/ elproto.remove = function () { var node = getRealNode(this.node); if (this.removed || !node.parentNode) { return; } var paper = this.paper; paper.__set__ && paper.__set__.exclude(this); eve.unbind("raphael.*.*." + this.id); if (this.gradient) { paper.defs.removeChild(this.gradient); } R._tear(this, paper); node.parentNode.removeChild(node); // Remove custom data for element this.removeData(); for (var i in this) { this[i] = typeof this[i] == "function" ? R._removedFactory(i) : null; } this.removed = true; }; elproto._getBBox = function () { if (this.node.style.display == "none") { this.show(); var hide = true; } var canvasHidden = false, containerStyle; if (this.paper.canvas.parentElement) { containerStyle = this.paper.canvas.parentElement.style; } //IE10+ can't find parentElement else if (this.paper.canvas.parentNode) { containerStyle = this.paper.canvas.parentNode.style; } if(containerStyle && containerStyle.display == "none") { canvasHidden = true; containerStyle.display = ""; } var bbox = {}; try { bbox = this.node.getBBox(); } catch(e) { // Firefox 3.0.x, 25.0.1 (probably more versions affected) play badly here - possible fix bbox = { x: this.node.clientLeft, y: this.node.clientTop, width: this.node.clientWidth, height: this.node.clientHeight } } finally { bbox = bbox || {}; if(canvasHidden){ containerStyle.display = "none"; } } hide && this.hide(); return bbox; }; /*\ * Element.attr [ method ] ** * Sets the attributes of the element. > Parameters - attrName (string) attribute’s name - value (string) value * or - params (object) object of name/value pairs * or - attrName (string) attribute’s name * or - attrNames (array) in this case method returns array of current values for given attribute names = (object) @Element if attrsName & value or params are passed in. = (...) value of the attribute if only attrsName is passed in. = (array) array of values of the attribute if attrsNames is passed in. = (object) object of attributes if nothing is passed in. > Possible parameters # <p>Please refer to the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/" title="The W3C Recommendation for the SVG language describes these properties in detail.">SVG specification</a> for an explanation of these parameters.</p> o arrow-end (string) arrowhead on the end of the path. The format for string is `<type>[-<width>[-<length>]]`. Possible types: `classic`, `block`, `open`, `oval`, `diamond`, `none`, width: `wide`, `narrow`, `medium`, length: `long`, `short`, `midium`. o clip-rect (string) comma or space separated values: x, y, width and height o cursor (string) CSS type of the cursor o cx (number) the x-axis coordinate of the center of the circle, or ellipse o cy (number) the y-axis coordinate of the center of the circle, or ellipse o fill (string) colour, gradient or image o fill-opacity (number) o font (string) o font-family (string) o font-size (number) font size in pixels o font-weight (string) o height (number) o href (string) URL, if specified element behaves as hyperlink o opacity (number) o path (string) SVG path string format o r (number) radius of the circle, ellipse or rounded corner on the rect o rx (number) horisontal radius of the ellipse o ry (number) vertical radius of the ellipse o src (string) image URL, only works for @Element.image element o stroke (string) stroke colour o stroke-dasharray (string) [“”, “none”, “`-`”, “`.`”, “`-.`”, “`-..`”, “`. `”, “`- `”, “`--`”, “`- .`”, “`--.`”, “`--..`”] o stroke-linecap (string) [“`butt`”, “`square`”, “`round`”] o stroke-linejoin (string) [“`bevel`”, “`round`”, “`miter`”] o stroke-miterlimit (number) o stroke-opacity (number) o stroke-width (number) stroke width in pixels, default is '1' o target (string) used with href o text (string) contents of the text element. Use `\n` for multiline text o text-anchor (string) [“`start`”, “`middle`”, “`end`”], default is “`middle`” o title (string) will create tooltip with a given text o transform (string) see @Element.transform o width (number) o x (number) o y (number) > Gradients * Linear gradient format: “`‹angle›-‹colour›[-‹colour›[:‹offset›]]*-‹colour›`”, example: “`90-#fff-#000`” – 90° * gradient from white to black or “`0-#fff-#f00:20-#000`” – 0° gradient from white via red (at 20%) to black. * * radial gradient: “`r[(‹fx›, ‹fy›)]‹colour›[-‹colour›[:‹offset›]]*-‹colour›`”, example: “`r#fff-#000`” – * gradient from white to black or “`r(0.25, 0.75)#fff-#000`” – gradient from white to black with focus point * at 0.25, 0.75. Focus point coordinates are in 0..1 range. Radial gradients can only be applied to circles and ellipses. > Path String # <p>Please refer to <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html#PathData" title="Details of a path’s data attribute’s format are described in the SVG specification.">SVG documentation regarding path string</a>. Raphaël fully supports it.</p> > Colour Parsing # <ul> # <li>Colour name (“<code>red</code>”, “<code>green</code>”, “<code>cornflowerblue</code>”, etc)</li> # <li>#••• — shortened HTML colour: (“<code>#000</code>”, “<code>#fc0</code>”, etc)</li> # <li>#•••••• — full length HTML colour: (“<code>#000000</code>”, “<code>#bd2300</code>”)</li> # <li>rgb(•••, •••, •••) — red, green and blue channels’ values: (“<code>rgb(200, 100, 0)</code>”)</li> # <li>rgb(•••%, •••%, •••%) — same as above, but in %: (“<code>rgb(100%, 175%, 0%)</code>”)</li> # <li>rgba(•••, •••, •••, •••) — red, green and blue channels’ values: (“<code>rgba(200, 100, 0, .5)</code>”)</li> # <li>rgba(•••%, •••%, •••%, •••%) — same as above, but in %: (“<code>rgba(100%, 175%, 0%, 50%)</code>”)</li> # <li>hsb(•••, •••, •••) — hue, saturation and brightness values: (“<code>hsb(0.5, 0.25, 1)</code>”)</li> # <li>hsb(•••%, •••%, •••%) — same as above, but in %</li> # <li>hsba(•••, •••, •••, •••) — same as above, but with opacity</li> # <li>hsl(•••, •••, •••) — almost the same as hsb, see <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV" title="HSL and HSV - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia">Wikipedia page</a></li> # <li>hsl(•••%, •••%, •••%) — same as above, but in %</li> # <li>hsla(•••, •••, •••, •••) — same as above, but with opacity</li> # <li>Optionally for hsb and hsl you could specify hue as a degree: “<code>hsl(240deg, 1, .5)</code>” or, if you want to go fancy, “<code>hsl(240°, 1, .5)</code>”</li> # </ul> \*/ elproto.attr = function (name, value) { if (this.removed) { return this; } if (name == null) { var res = {}; for (var a in this.attrs) if (this.attrs[has](a)) { res[a] = this.attrs[a]; } res.gradient && res.fill == "none" && (res.fill = res.gradient) && delete res.gradient; res.transform = this._.transform; return res; } if (value == null && R.is(name, "string")) { if (name == "fill" && this.attrs.fill == "none" && this.attrs.gradient) { return this.attrs.gradient; } if (name == "transform") { return this._.transform; } var names = name.split(separator), out = {}; for (var i = 0, ii = names.length; i < ii; i++) { name = names[i]; if (name in this.attrs) { out[name] = this.attrs[name]; } else if (R.is(this.paper.customAttributes[name], "function")) { out[name] = this.paper.customAttributes[name].def; } else { out[name] = R._availableAttrs[name]; } } return ii - 1 ? out : out[names[0]]; } if (value == null && R.is(name, "array")) { out = {}; for (i = 0, ii = name.length; i < ii; i++) { out[name[i]] = this.attr(name[i]); } return out; } if (value != null) { var params = {}; params[name] = value; } else if (name != null && R.is(name, "object")) { params = name; } for (var key in params) { eve("raphael.attr." + key + "." + this.id, this, params[key]); } for (key in this.paper.customAttributes) if (this.paper.customAttributes[has](key) && params[has](key) && R.is(this.paper.customAttributes[key], "function")) { var par = this.paper.customAttributes[key].apply(this, [].concat(params[key])); this.attrs[key] = params[key]; for (var subkey in par) if (par[has](subkey)) { params[subkey] = par[subkey]; } } setFillAndStroke(this, params); return this; }; /*\ * Element.toFront [ method ] ** * Moves the element so it is the closest to the viewer’s eyes, on top of other elements. = (object) @Element \*/ elproto.toFront = function () { if (this.removed) { return this; } var node = getRealNode(this.node); node.parentNode.appendChild(node); var svg = this.paper; svg.top != this && R._tofront(this, svg); return this; }; /*\ * Element.toBack [ method ] ** * Moves the element so it is the furthest from the viewer’s eyes, behind other elements. = (object) @Element \*/ elproto.toBack = function () { if (this.removed) { return this; } var node = getRealNode(this.node); var parentNode = node.parentNode; parentNode.insertBefore(node, parentNode.firstChild); R._toback(this, this.paper); var svg = this.paper; return this; }; /*\ * Element.insertAfter [ method ] ** * Inserts current object after the given one. = (object) @Element \*/ elproto.insertAfter = function (element) { if (this.removed || !element) { return this; } var node = getRealNode(this.node); var afterNode = getRealNode(element.node || element[element.length - 1].node); if (afterNode.nextSibling) { afterNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, afterNode.nextSibling); } else { afterNode.parentNode.appendChild(node); } R._insertafter(this, element, this.paper); return this; }; /*\ * Element.insertBefore [ method ] ** * Inserts current object before the given one. = (object) @Element \*/ elproto.insertBefore = function (element) { if (this.removed || !element) { return this; } var node = getRealNode(this.node); var beforeNode = getRealNode(element.node || element[0].node); beforeNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, beforeNode); R._insertbefore(this, element, this.paper); return this; }; elproto.blur = function (size) { // Experimental. No Safari support. Use it on your own risk. var t = this; if (+size !== 0) { var fltr = $("filter"), blur = $("feGaussianBlur"); t.attrs.blur = size; fltr.id = R.createUUID(); $(blur, {stdDeviation: +size || 1.5}); fltr.appendChild(blur); t.paper.defs.appendChild(fltr); t._blur = fltr; $(t.node, {filter: "url(#" + fltr.id + ")"}); } else { if (t._blur) { t._blur.parentNode.removeChild(t._blur); delete t._blur; delete t.attrs.blur; } t.node.removeAttribute("filter"); } return t; }; R._engine.circle = function (svg, x, y, r) { var el = $("circle"); svg.canvas && svg.canvas.appendChild(el); var res = new Element(el, svg); res.attrs = {cx: x, cy: y, r: r, fill: "none", stroke: "#000"}; res.type = "circle"; $(el, res.attrs); return res; }; R._engine.rect = function (svg, x, y, w, h, r) { var el = $("rect"); svg.canvas && svg.canvas.appendChild(el); var res = new Element(el, svg); res.attrs = {x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h, rx: r || 0, ry: r || 0, fill: "none", stroke: "#000"}; res.type = "rect"; $(el, res.attrs); return res; }; R._engine.ellipse = function (svg, x, y, rx, ry) { var el = $("ellipse"); svg.canvas && svg.canvas.appendChild(el); var res = new Element(el, svg); res.attrs = {cx: x, cy: y, rx: rx, ry: ry, fill: "none", stroke: "#000"}; res.type = "ellipse"; $(el, res.attrs); return res; }; R._engine.image = function (svg, src, x, y, w, h) { var el = $("image"); $(el, {x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h, preserveAspectRatio: "none"}); el.setAttributeNS(xlink, "href", src); svg.canvas && svg.canvas.appendChild(el); var res = new Element(el, svg); res.attrs = {x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h, src: src}; res.type = "image"; return res; }; R._engine.text = function (svg, x, y, text) { var el = $("text"); svg.canvas && svg.canvas.appendChild(el); var res = new Element(el, svg); res.attrs = { x: x, y: y, "text-anchor": "middle", text: text, "font-family": R._availableAttrs["font-family"], "font-size": R._availableAttrs["font-size"], stroke: "none", fill: "#000" }; res.type = "text"; setFillAndStroke(res, res.attrs); return res; }; R._engine.setSize = function (width, height) { this.width = width || this.width; this.height = height || this.height; this.canvas.setAttribute("width", this.width); this.canvas.setAttribute("height", this.height); if (this._viewBox) { this.setViewBox.apply(this, this._viewBox); } return this; }; R._engine.create = function () { var con = R._getContainer.apply(0, arguments), container = con && con.container, x = con.x, y = con.y, width = con.width, height = con.height; if (!container) { throw new Error("SVG container not found."); } var cnvs = $("svg"), css = "overflow:hidden;", isFloating; x = x || 0; y = y || 0; width = width || 512; height = height || 342; $(cnvs, { height: height, version: 1.1, width: width, xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "xmlns:xlink": "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" }); if (container == 1) { cnvs.style.cssText = css + "position:absolute;left:" + x + "px;top:" + y + "px"; R._g.doc.body.appendChild(cnvs); isFloating = 1; } else { cnvs.style.cssText = css + "position:relative"; if (container.firstChild) { container.insertBefore(cnvs, container.firstChild); } else { container.appendChild(cnvs); } } container = new R._Paper; container.width = width; container.height = height; container.canvas = cnvs; container.clear(); container._left = container._top = 0; isFloating && (container.renderfix = function () {}); container.renderfix(); return container; }; R._engine.setViewBox = function (x, y, w, h, fit) { eve("raphael.setViewBox", this, this._viewBox, [x, y, w, h, fit]); var paperSize = this.getSize(), size = mmax(w / paperSize.width, h / paperSize.height), top = this.top, aspectRatio = fit ? "xMidYMid meet" : "xMinYMin", vb, sw; if (x == null) { if (this._vbSize) { size = 1; } delete this._vbSize; vb = "0 0 " + this.width + S + this.height; } else { this._vbSize = size; vb = x + S + y + S + w + S + h; } $(this.canvas, { viewBox: vb, preserveAspectRatio: aspectRatio }); while (size && top) { sw = "stroke-width" in top.attrs ? top.attrs["stroke-width"] : 1; top.attr({"stroke-width": sw}); top._.dirty = 1; top._.dirtyT = 1; top = top.prev; } this._viewBox = [x, y, w, h, !!fit]; return this; }; /*\ * Paper.renderfix [ method ] ** * Fixes the issue of Firefox and IE9 regarding subpixel rendering. If paper is dependant * on other elements after reflow it could shift half pixel which cause for lines to lost their crispness. * This method fixes the issue. ** Special thanks to Mariusz Nowak (http://www.medikoo.com/) for this method. \*/ R.prototype.renderfix = function () { var cnvs = this.canvas, s = cnvs.style, pos; try { pos = cnvs.getScreenCTM() || cnvs.createSVGMatrix(); } catch (e) { pos = cnvs.createSVGMatrix(); } var left = -pos.e % 1, top = -pos.f % 1; if (left || top) { if (left) { this._left = (this._left + left) % 1; s.left = this._left + "px"; } if (top) { this._top = (this._top + top) % 1; s.top = this._top + "px"; } } }; /*\ * Paper.clear [ method ] ** * Clears the paper, i.e. removes all the elements. \*/ R.prototype.clear = function () { R.eve("raphael.clear", this); var c = this.canvas; while (c.firstChild) { c.removeChild(c.firstChild); } this.bottom = this.top = null; (this.desc = $("desc")).appendChild(R._g.doc.createTextNode("Created with Rapha\xebl " + R.version)); c.appendChild(this.desc); c.appendChild(this.defs = $("defs")); }; /*\ * Paper.remove [ method ] ** * Removes the paper from the DOM. \*/ R.prototype.remove = function () { eve("raphael.remove", this); this.canvas.parentNode && this.canvas.parentNode.removeChild(this.canvas); for (var i in this) { this[i] = typeof this[i] == "function" ? R._removedFactory(i) : null; } }; var setproto = R.st; for (var method in elproto) if (elproto[has](method) && !setproto[has](method)) { setproto[method] = (function (methodname) { return function () { var arg = arguments; return this.forEach(function (el) { el[methodname].apply(el, arg); }); }; })(method); } })); // ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ \\ // │ Raphaël 2.1.4 - JavaScript Vector Library │ \\ // ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ \\ // │ VML Module │ \\ // ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ \\ // │ Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Dmitry Baranovskiy (http://raphaeljs.com) │ \\ // │ Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Sencha Labs (http://sencha.com) │ \\ // │ Licensed under the MIT (http://raphaeljs.com/license.html) license. │ \\ // └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ \\ (function (glob, factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define("raphael.vml", ["raphael.core"], function(raphael) { return factory(raphael); }); } else if (typeof exports === "object") { factory(require("raphael")); } else { factory(glob.Raphael); } }(this, function(R) { if (R && !R.vml) { return; } var has = "hasOwnProperty", Str = String, toFloat = parseFloat, math = Math, round = math.round, mmax = math.max, mmin = math.min, abs = math.abs, fillString = "fill", separator = /[, ]+/, eve = R.eve, ms = " progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft", S = " ", E = "", map = {M: "m", L: "l", C: "c", Z: "x", m: "t", l: "r", c: "v", z: "x"}, bites = /([clmz]),?([^clmz]*)/gi, blurregexp = / progid:\S+Blur\([^\)]+\)/g, val = /-?[^,\s-]+/g, cssDot = "position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:1px;height:1px;behavior:url(#default#VML)", zoom = 21600, pathTypes = {path: 1, rect: 1, image: 1}, ovalTypes = {circle: 1, ellipse: 1}, path2vml = function (path) { var total = /[ahqstv]/ig, command = R._pathToAbsolute; Str(path).match(total) && (command = R._path2curve); total = /[clmz]/g; if (command == R._pathToAbsolute && !Str(path).match(total)) { var res = Str(path).replace(bites, function (all, command, args) { var vals = [], isMove = command.toLowerCase() == "m", res = map[command]; args.replace(val, function (value) { if (isMove && vals.length == 2) { res += vals + map[command == "m" ? "l" : "L"]; vals = []; } vals.push(round(value * zoom)); }); return res + vals; }); return res; } var pa = command(path), p, r; res = []; for (var i = 0, ii = pa.length; i < ii; i++) { p = pa[i]; r = pa[i][0].toLowerCase(); r == "z" && (r = "x"); for (var j = 1, jj = p.length; j < jj; j++) { r += round(p[j] * zoom) + (j != jj - 1 ? "," : E); } res.push(r); } return res.join(S); }, compensation = function (deg, dx, dy) { var m = R.matrix(); m.rotate(-deg, .5, .5); return { dx: m.x(dx, dy), dy: m.y(dx, dy) }; }, setCoords = function (p, sx, sy, dx, dy, deg) { var _ = p._, m = p.matrix, fillpos = _.fillpos, o = p.node, s = o.style, y = 1, flip = "", dxdy, kx = zoom / sx, ky = zoom / sy; s.visibility = "hidden"; if (!sx || !sy) { return; } o.coordsize = abs(kx) + S + abs(ky); s.rotation = deg * (sx * sy < 0 ? -1 : 1); if (deg) { var c = compensation(deg, dx, dy); dx = c.dx; dy = c.dy; } sx < 0 && (flip += "x"); sy < 0 && (flip += " y") && (y = -1); s.flip = flip; o.coordorigin = (dx * -kx) + S + (dy * -ky); if (fillpos || _.fillsize) { var fill = o.getElementsByTagName(fillString); fill = fill && fill[0]; o.removeChild(fill); if (fillpos) { c = compensation(deg, m.x(fillpos[0], fillpos[1]), m.y(fillpos[0], fillpos[1])); fill.position = c.dx * y + S + c.dy * y; } if (_.fillsize) { fill.size = _.fillsize[0] * abs(sx) + S + _.fillsize[1] * abs(sy); } o.appendChild(fill); } s.visibility = "visible"; }; R.toString = function () { return "Your browser doesn\u2019t support SVG. Falling down to VML.\nYou are running Rapha\xebl " + this.version; }; var addArrow = function (o, value, isEnd) { var values = Str(value).toLowerCase().split("-"), se = isEnd ? "end" : "start", i = values.length, type = "classic", w = "medium", h = "medium"; while (i--) { switch (values[i]) { case "block": case "classic": case "oval": case "diamond": case "open": case "none": type = values[i]; break; case "wide": case "narrow": h = values[i]; break; case "long": case "short": w = values[i]; break; } } var stroke = o.node.getElementsByTagName("stroke")[0]; stroke[se + "arrow"] = type; stroke[se + "arrowlength"] = w; stroke[se + "arrowwidth"] = h; }, setFillAndStroke = function (o, params) { // o.paper.canvas.style.display = "none"; o.attrs = o.attrs || {}; var node = o.node, a = o.attrs, s = node.style, xy, newpath = pathTypes[o.type] && (params.x != a.x || params.y != a.y || params.width != a.width || params.height != a.height || params.cx != a.cx || params.cy != a.cy || params.rx != a.rx || params.ry != a.ry || params.r != a.r), isOval = ovalTypes[o.type] && (a.cx != params.cx || a.cy != params.cy || a.r != params.r || a.rx != params.rx || a.ry != params.ry), res = o; for (var par in params) if (params[has](par)) { a[par] = params[par]; } if (newpath) { a.path = R._getPath[o.type](o); o._.dirty = 1; } params.href && (node.href = params.href); params.title && (node.title = params.title); params.target && (node.target = params.target); params.cursor && (s.cursor = params.cursor); "blur" in params && o.blur(params.blur); if (params.path && o.type == "path" || newpath) { node.path = path2vml(~Str(a.path).toLowerCase().indexOf("r") ? R._pathToAbsolute(a.path) : a.path); o._.dirty = 1; if (o.type == "image") { o._.fillpos = [a.x, a.y]; o._.fillsize = [a.width, a.height]; setCoords(o, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); } } "transform" in params && o.transform(params.transform); if (isOval) { var cx = +a.cx, cy = +a.cy, rx = +a.rx || +a.r || 0, ry = +a.ry || +a.r || 0; node.path = R.format("ar{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{1},{4},{1}x", round((cx - rx) * zoom), round((cy - ry) * zoom), round((cx + rx) * zoom), round((cy + ry) * zoom), round(cx * zoom)); o._.dirty = 1; } if ("clip-rect" in params) { var rect = Str(params["clip-rect"]).split(separator); if (rect.length == 4) { rect[2] = +rect[2] + (+rect[0]); rect[3] = +rect[3] + (+rect[1]); var div = node.clipRect || R._g.doc.createElement("div"), dstyle = div.style; dstyle.clip = R.format("rect({1}px {2}px {3}px {0}px)", rect); if (!node.clipRect) { dstyle.position = "absolute"; dstyle.top = 0; dstyle.left = 0; dstyle.width = o.paper.width + "px"; dstyle.height = o.paper.height + "px"; node.parentNode.insertBefore(div, node); div.appendChild(node); node.clipRect = div; } } if (!params["clip-rect"]) { node.clipRect && (node.clipRect.style.clip = "auto"); } } if (o.textpath) { var textpathStyle = o.textpath.style; params.font && (textpathStyle.font = params.font); params["font-family"] && (textpathStyle.fontFamily = '"' + params["font-family"].split(",")[0].replace(/^['"]+|['"]+$/g, E) + '"'); params["font-size"] && (textpathStyle.fontSize = params["font-size"]); params["font-weight"] && (textpathStyle.fontWeight = params["font-weight"]); params["font-style"] && (textpathStyle.fontStyle = params["font-style"]); } if ("arrow-start" in params) { addArrow(res, params["arrow-start"]); } if ("arrow-end" in params) { addArrow(res, params["arrow-end"], 1); } if (params.opacity != null || params["stroke-width"] != null || params.fill != null || params.src != null || params.stroke != null || params["stroke-width"] != null || params["stroke-opacity"] != null || params["fill-opacity"] != null || params["stroke-dasharray"] != null || params["stroke-miterlimit"] != null || params["stroke-linejoin"] != null || params["stroke-linecap"] != null) { var fill = node.getElementsByTagName(fillString), newfill = false; fill = fill && fill[0]; !fill && (newfill = fill = createNode(fillString)); if (o.type == "image" && params.src) { fill.src = params.src; } params.fill && (fill.on = true); if (fill.on == null || params.fill == "none" || params.fill === null) { fill.on = false; } if (fill.on && params.fill) { var isURL = Str(params.fill).match(R._ISURL); if (isURL) { fill.parentNode == node && node.removeChild(fill); fill.rotate = true; fill.src = isURL[1]; fill.type = "tile"; var bbox = o.getBBox(1); fill.position = bbox.x + S + bbox.y; o._.fillpos = [bbox.x, bbox.y]; R._preload(isURL[1], function () { o._.fillsize = [this.offsetWidth, this.offsetHeight]; }); } else { fill.color = R.getRGB(params.fill).hex; fill.src = E; fill.type = "solid"; if (R.getRGB(params.fill).error && (res.type in {circle: 1, ellipse: 1} || Str(params.fill).charAt() != "r") && addGradientFill(res, params.fill, fill)) { a.fill = "none"; a.gradient = params.fill; fill.rotate = false; } } } if ("fill-opacity" in params || "opacity" in params) { var opacity = ((+a["fill-opacity"] + 1 || 2) - 1) * ((+a.opacity + 1 || 2) - 1) * ((+R.getRGB(params.fill).o + 1 || 2) - 1); opacity = mmin(mmax(opacity, 0), 1); fill.opacity = opacity; if (fill.src) { fill.color = "none"; } } node.appendChild(fill); var stroke = (node.getElementsByTagName("stroke") && node.getElementsByTagName("stroke")[0]), newstroke = false; !stroke && (newstroke = stroke = createNode("stroke")); if ((params.stroke && params.stroke != "none") || params["stroke-width"] || params["stroke-opacity"] != null || params["stroke-dasharray"] || params["stroke-miterlimit"] || params["stroke-linejoin"] || params["stroke-linecap"]) { stroke.on = true; } (params.stroke == "none" || params.stroke === null || stroke.on == null || params.stroke == 0 || params["stroke-width"] == 0) && (stroke.on = false); var strokeColor = R.getRGB(params.stroke); stroke.on && params.stroke && (stroke.color = strokeColor.hex); opacity = ((+a["stroke-opacity"] + 1 || 2) - 1) * ((+a.opacity + 1 || 2) - 1) * ((+strokeColor.o + 1 || 2) - 1); var width = (toFloat(params["stroke-width"]) || 1) * .75; opacity = mmin(mmax(opacity, 0), 1); params["stroke-width"] == null && (width = a["stroke-width"]); params["stroke-width"] && (stroke.weight = width); width && width < 1 && (opacity *= width) && (stroke.weight = 1); stroke.opacity = opacity; params["stroke-linejoin"] && (stroke.joinstyle = params["stroke-linejoin"] || "miter"); stroke.miterlimit = params["stroke-miterlimit"] || 8; params["stroke-linecap"] && (stroke.endcap = params["stroke-linecap"] == "butt" ? "flat" : params["stroke-linecap"] == "square" ? "square" : "round"); if ("stroke-dasharray" in params) { var dasharray = { "-": "shortdash", ".": "shortdot", "-.": "shortdashdot", "-..": "shortdashdotdot", ". ": "dot", "- ": "dash", "--": "longdash", "- .": "dashdot", "--.": "longdashdot", "--..": "longdashdotdot" }; stroke.dashstyle = dasharray[has](params["stroke-dasharray"]) ? dasharray[params["stroke-dasharray"]] : E; } newstroke && node.appendChild(stroke); } if (res.type == "text") { res.paper.canvas.style.display = E; var span = res.paper.span, m = 100, fontSize = a.font && a.font.match(/\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?=px)/); s = span.style; a.font && (s.font = a.font); a["font-family"] && (s.fontFamily = a["font-family"]); a["font-weight"] && (s.fontWeight = a["font-weight"]); a["font-style"] && (s.fontStyle = a["font-style"]); fontSize = toFloat(a["font-size"] || fontSize && fontSize[0]) || 10; s.fontSize = fontSize * m + "px"; res.textpath.string && (span.innerHTML = Str(res.textpath.string).replace(/</g, "<").replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/\n/g, "<br>")); var brect = span.getBoundingClientRect(); res.W = a.w = (brect.right - brect.left) / m; res.H = a.h = (brect.bottom - brect.top) / m; // res.paper.canvas.style.display = "none"; res.X = a.x; res.Y = a.y + res.H / 2; ("x" in params || "y" in params) && (res.path.v = R.format("m{0},{1}l{2},{1}", round(a.x * zoom), round(a.y * zoom), round(a.x * zoom) + 1)); var dirtyattrs = ["x", "y", "text", "font", "font-family", "font-weight", "font-style", "font-size"]; for (var d = 0, dd = dirtyattrs.length; d < dd; d++) if (dirtyattrs[d] in params) { res._.dirty = 1; break; } // text-anchor emulation switch (a["text-anchor"]) { case "start": res.textpath.style["v-text-align"] = "left"; res.bbx = res.W / 2; break; case "end": res.textpath.style["v-text-align"] = "right"; res.bbx = -res.W / 2; break; default: res.textpath.style["v-text-align"] = "center"; res.bbx = 0; break; } res.textpath.style["v-text-kern"] = true; } // res.paper.canvas.style.display = E; }, addGradientFill = function (o, gradient, fill) { o.attrs = o.attrs || {}; var attrs = o.attrs, pow = Math.pow, opacity, oindex, type = "linear", fxfy = ".5 .5"; o.attrs.gradient = gradient; gradient = Str(gradient).replace(R._radial_gradient, function (all, fx, fy) { type = "radial"; if (fx && fy) { fx = toFloat(fx); fy = toFloat(fy); pow(fx - .5, 2) + pow(fy - .5, 2) > .25 && (fy = math.sqrt(.25 - pow(fx - .5, 2)) * ((fy > .5) * 2 - 1) + .5); fxfy = fx + S + fy; } return E; }); gradient = gradient.split(/\s*\-\s*/); if (type == "linear") { var angle = gradient.shift(); angle = -toFloat(angle); if (isNaN(angle)) { return null; } } var dots = R._parseDots(gradient); if (!dots) { return null; } o = o.shape || o.node; if (dots.length) { o.removeChild(fill); fill.on = true; fill.method = "none"; fill.color = dots[0].color; fill.color2 = dots[dots.length - 1].color; var clrs = []; for (var i = 0, ii = dots.length; i < ii; i++) { dots[i].offset && clrs.push(dots[i].offset + S + dots[i].color); } fill.colors = clrs.length ? clrs.join() : "0% " + fill.color; if (type == "radial") { fill.type = "gradientTitle"; fill.focus = "100%"; fill.focussize = "0 0"; fill.focusposition = fxfy; fill.angle = 0; } else { // fill.rotate= true; fill.type = "gradient"; fill.angle = (270 - angle) % 360; } o.appendChild(fill); } return 1; }, Element = function (node, vml) { this[0] = this.node = node; node.raphael = true; this.id = R._oid++; node.raphaelid = this.id; this.X = 0; this.Y = 0; this.attrs = {}; this.paper = vml; this.matrix = R.matrix(); this._ = { transform: [], sx: 1, sy: 1, dx: 0, dy: 0, deg: 0, dirty: 1, dirtyT: 1 }; !vml.bottom && (vml.bottom = this); this.prev = vml.top; vml.top && (vml.top.next = this); vml.top = this; this.next = null; }; var elproto = R.el; Element.prototype = elproto; elproto.constructor = Element; elproto.transform = function (tstr) { if (tstr == null) { return this._.transform; } var vbs = this.paper._viewBoxShift, vbt = vbs ? "s" + [vbs.scale, vbs.scale] + "-1-1t" + [vbs.dx, vbs.dy] : E, oldt; if (vbs) { oldt = tstr = Str(tstr).replace(/\.{3}|\u2026/g, this._.transform || E); } R._extractTransform(this, vbt + tstr); var matrix = this.matrix.clone(), skew = this.skew, o = this.node, split, isGrad = ~Str(this.attrs.fill).indexOf("-"), isPatt = !Str(this.attrs.fill).indexOf("url("); matrix.translate(1, 1); if (isPatt || isGrad || this.type == "image") { skew.matrix = "1 0 0 1"; skew.offset = "0 0"; split = matrix.split(); if ((isGrad && split.noRotation) || !split.isSimple) { o.style.filter = matrix.toFilter(); var bb = this.getBBox(), bbt = this.getBBox(1), dx = bb.x - bbt.x, dy = bb.y - bbt.y; o.coordorigin = (dx * -zoom) + S + (dy * -zoom); setCoords(this, 1, 1, dx, dy, 0); } else { o.style.filter = E; setCoords(this, split.scalex, split.scaley, split.dx, split.dy, split.rotate); } } else { o.style.filter = E; skew.matrix = Str(matrix); skew.offset = matrix.offset(); } if (oldt !== null) { // empty string value is true as well this._.transform = oldt; R._extractTransform(this, oldt); } return this; }; elproto.rotate = function (deg, cx, cy) { if (this.removed) { return this; } if (deg == null) { return; } deg = Str(deg).split(separator); if (deg.length - 1) { cx = toFloat(deg[1]); cy = toFloat(deg[2]); } deg = toFloat(deg[0]); (cy == null) && (cx = cy); if (cx == null || cy == null) { var bbox = this.getBBox(1); cx = bbox.x + bbox.width / 2; cy = bbox.y + bbox.height / 2; } this._.dirtyT = 1; this.transform(this._.transform.concat([["r", deg, cx, cy]])); return this; }; elproto.translate = function (dx, dy) { if (this.removed) { return this; } dx = Str(dx).split(separator); if (dx.length - 1) { dy = toFloat(dx[1]); } dx = toFloat(dx[0]) || 0; dy = +dy || 0; if (this._.bbox) { this._.bbox.x += dx; this._.bbox.y += dy; } this.transform(this._.transform.concat([["t", dx, dy]])); return this; }; elproto.scale = function (sx, sy, cx, cy) { if (this.removed) { return this; } sx = Str(sx).split(separator); if (sx.length - 1) { sy = toFloat(sx[1]); cx = toFloat(sx[2]); cy = toFloat(sx[3]); isNaN(cx) && (cx = null); isNaN(cy) && (cy = null); } sx = toFloat(sx[0]); (sy == null) && (sy = sx); (cy == null) && (cx = cy); if (cx == null || cy == null) { var bbox = this.getBBox(1); } cx = cx == null ? bbox.x + bbox.width / 2 : cx; cy = cy == null ? bbox.y + bbox.height / 2 : cy; this.transform(this._.transform.concat([["s", sx, sy, cx, cy]])); this._.dirtyT = 1; return this; }; elproto.hide = function () { !this.removed && (this.node.style.display = "none"); return this; }; elproto.show = function () { !this.removed && (this.node.style.display = E); return this; }; // Needed to fix the vml setViewBox issues elproto.auxGetBBox = R.el.getBBox; elproto.getBBox = function(){ var b = this.auxGetBBox(); if (this.paper && this.paper._viewBoxShift) { var c = {}; var z = 1/this.paper._viewBoxShift.scale; c.x = b.x - this.paper._viewBoxShift.dx; c.x *= z; c.y = b.y - this.paper._viewBoxShift.dy; c.y *= z; c.width = b.width * z; c.height = b.height * z; c.x2 = c.x + c.width; c.y2 = c.y + c.height; return c; } return b; }; elproto._getBBox = function () { if (this.removed) { return {}; } return { x: this.X + (this.bbx || 0) - this.W / 2, y: this.Y - this.H, width: this.W, height: this.H }; }; elproto.remove = function () { if (this.removed || !this.node.parentNode) { return; } this.paper.__set__ && this.paper.__set__.exclude(this); R.eve.unbind("raphael.*.*." + this.id); R._tear(this, this.paper); this.node.parentNode.removeChild(this.node); this.shape && this.shape.parentNode.removeChild(this.shape); for (var i in this) { this[i] = typeof this[i] == "function" ? R._removedFactory(i) : null; } this.removed = true; }; elproto.attr = function (name, value) { if (this.removed) { return this; } if (name == null) { var res = {}; for (var a in this.attrs) if (this.attrs[has](a)) { res[a] = this.attrs[a]; } res.gradient && res.fill == "none" && (res.fill = res.gradient) && delete res.gradient; res.transform = this._.transform; return res; } if (value == null && R.is(name, "string")) { if (name == fillString && this.attrs.fill == "none" && this.attrs.gradient) { return this.attrs.gradient; } var names = name.split(separator), out = {}; for (var i = 0, ii = names.length; i < ii; i++) { name = names[i]; if (name in this.attrs) { out[name] = this.attrs[name]; } else if (R.is(this.paper.customAttributes[name], "function")) { out[name] = this.paper.customAttributes[name].def; } else { out[name] = R._availableAttrs[name]; } } return ii - 1 ? out : out[names[0]]; } if (this.attrs && value == null && R.is(name, "array")) { out = {}; for (i = 0, ii = name.length; i < ii; i++) { out[name[i]] = this.attr(name[i]); } return out; } var params; if (value != null) { params = {}; params[name] = value; } value == null && R.is(name, "object") && (params = name); for (var key in params) { eve("raphael.attr." + key + "." + this.id, this, params[key]); } if (params) { for (key in this.paper.customAttributes) if (this.paper.customAttributes[has](key) && params[has](key) && R.is(this.paper.customAttributes[key], "function")) { var par = this.paper.customAttributes[key].apply(this, [].concat(params[key])); this.attrs[key] = params[key]; for (var subkey in par) if (par[has](subkey)) { params[subkey] = par[subkey]; } } // this.paper.canvas.style.display = "none"; if (params.text && this.type == "text") { this.textpath.string = params.text; } setFillAndStroke(this, params); // this.paper.canvas.style.display = E; } return this; }; elproto.toFront = function () { !this.removed && this.node.parentNode.appendChild(this.node); this.paper && this.paper.top != this && R._tofront(this, this.paper); return this; }; elproto.toBack = function () { if (this.removed) { return this; } if (this.node.parentNode.firstChild != this.node) { this.node.parentNode.insertBefore(this.node, this.node.parentNode.firstChild); R._toback(this, this.paper); } return this; }; elproto.insertAfter = function (element) { if (this.removed) { return this; } if (element.constructor == R.st.constructor) { element = element[element.length - 1]; } if (element.node.nextSibling) { element.node.parentNode.insertBefore(this.node, element.node.nextSibling); } else { element.node.parentNode.appendChild(this.node); } R._insertafter(this, element, this.paper); return this; }; elproto.insertBefore = function (element) { if (this.removed) { return this; } if (element.constructor == R.st.constructor) { element = element[0]; } element.node.parentNode.insertBefore(this.node, element.node); R._insertbefore(this, element, this.paper); return this; }; elproto.blur = function (size) { var s = this.node.runtimeStyle, f = s.filter; f = f.replace(blurregexp, E); if (+size !== 0) { this.attrs.blur = size; s.filter = f + S + ms + ".Blur(pixelradius=" + (+size || 1.5) + ")"; s.margin = R.format("-{0}px 0 0 -{0}px", round(+size || 1.5)); } else { s.filter = f; s.margin = 0; delete this.attrs.blur; } return this; }; R._engine.path = function (pathString, vml) { var el = createNode("shape"); el.style.cssText = cssDot; el.coordsize = zoom + S + zoom; el.coordorigin = vml.coordorigin; var p = new Element(el, vml), attr = {fill: "none", stroke: "#000"}; pathString && (attr.path = pathString); p.type = "path"; p.path = []; p.Path = E; setFillAndStroke(p, attr); vml.canvas.appendChild(el); var skew = createNode("skew"); skew.on = true; el.appendChild(skew); p.skew = skew; p.transform(E); return p; }; R._engine.rect = function (vml, x, y, w, h, r) { var path = R._rectPath(x, y, w, h, r), res = vml.path(path), a = res.attrs; res.X = a.x = x; res.Y = a.y = y; res.W = a.width = w; res.H = a.height = h; a.r = r; a.path = path; res.type = "rect"; return res; }; R._engine.ellipse = function (vml, x, y, rx, ry) { var res = vml.path(), a = res.attrs; res.X = x - rx; res.Y = y - ry; res.W = rx * 2; res.H = ry * 2; res.type = "ellipse"; setFillAndStroke(res, { cx: x, cy: y, rx: rx, ry: ry }); return res; }; R._engine.circle = function (vml, x, y, r) { var res = vml.path(), a = res.attrs; res.X = x - r; res.Y = y - r; res.W = res.H = r * 2; res.type = "circle"; setFillAndStroke(res, { cx: x, cy: y, r: r }); return res; }; R._engine.image = function (vml, src, x, y, w, h) { var path = R._rectPath(x, y, w, h), res = vml.path(path).attr({stroke: "none"}), a = res.attrs, node = res.node, fill = node.getElementsByTagName(fillString)[0]; a.src = src; res.X = a.x = x; res.Y = a.y = y; res.W = a.width = w; res.H = a.height = h; a.path = path; res.type = "image"; fill.parentNode == node && node.removeChild(fill); fill.rotate = true; fill.src = src; fill.type = "tile"; res._.fillpos = [x, y]; res._.fillsize = [w, h]; node.appendChild(fill); setCoords(res, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); return res; }; R._engine.text = function (vml, x, y, text) { var el = createNode("shape"), path = createNode("path"), o = createNode("textpath"); x = x || 0; y = y || 0; text = text || ""; path.v = R.format("m{0},{1}l{2},{1}", round(x * zoom), round(y * zoom), round(x * zoom) + 1); path.textpathok = true; o.string = Str(text); o.on = true; el.style.cssText = cssDot; el.coordsize = zoom + S + zoom; el.coordorigin = "0 0"; var p = new Element(el, vml), attr = { fill: "#000", stroke: "none", font: R._availableAttrs.font, text: text }; p.shape = el; p.path = path; p.textpath = o; p.type = "text"; p.attrs.text = Str(text); p.attrs.x = x; p.attrs.y = y; p.attrs.w = 1; p.attrs.h = 1; setFillAndStroke(p, attr); el.appendChild(o); el.appendChild(path); vml.canvas.appendChild(el); var skew = createNode("skew"); skew.on = true; el.appendChild(skew); p.skew = skew; p.transform(E); return p; }; R._engine.setSize = function (width, height) { var cs = this.canvas.style; this.width = width; this.height = height; width == +width && (width += "px"); height == +height && (height += "px"); cs.width = width; cs.height = height; cs.clip = "rect(0 " + width + " " + height + " 0)"; if (this._viewBox) { R._engine.setViewBox.apply(this, this._viewBox); } return this; }; R._engine.setViewBox = function (x, y, w, h, fit) { R.eve("raphael.setViewBox", this, this._viewBox, [x, y, w, h, fit]); var paperSize = this.getSize(), width = paperSize.width, height = paperSize.height, H, W; if (fit) { H = height / h; W = width / w; if (w * H < width) { x -= (width - w * H) / 2 / H; } if (h * W < height) { y -= (height - h * W) / 2 / W; } } this._viewBox = [x, y, w, h, !!fit]; this._viewBoxShift = { dx: -x, dy: -y, scale: paperSize }; this.forEach(function (el) { el.transform("..."); }); return this; }; var createNode; R._engine.initWin = function (win) { var doc = win.document; if (doc.styleSheets.length < 31) { doc.createStyleSheet().addRule(".rvml", "behavior:url(#default#VML)"); } else { // no more room, add to the existing one // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms531194%28VS.85%29.aspx doc.styleSheets[0].addRule(".rvml", "behavior:url(#default#VML)"); } try { !doc.namespaces.rvml && doc.namespaces.add("rvml", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); createNode = function (tagName) { return doc.createElement('<rvml:' + tagName + ' class="rvml">'); }; } catch (e) { createNode = function (tagName) { return doc.createElement('<' + tagName + ' xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft.com:vml" class="rvml">'); }; } }; R._engine.initWin(R._g.win); R._engine.create = function () { var con = R._getContainer.apply(0, arguments), container = con.container, height = con.height, s, width = con.width, x = con.x, y = con.y; if (!container) { throw new Error("VML container not found."); } var res = new R._Paper, c = res.canvas = R._g.doc.createElement("div"), cs = c.style; x = x || 0; y = y || 0; width = width || 512; height = height || 342; res.width = width; res.height = height; width == +width && (width += "px"); height == +height && (height += "px"); res.coordsize = zoom * 1e3 + S + zoom * 1e3; res.coordorigin = "0 0"; res.span = R._g.doc.createElement("span"); res.span.style.cssText = "position:absolute;left:-9999em;top:-9999em;padding:0;margin:0;line-height:1;"; c.appendChild(res.span); cs.cssText = R.format("top:0;left:0;display:inline-block;position:absolute;clip:rect(0 {0} {1} 0);", width, height); if (container == 1) { R._g.doc.body.appendChild(c); cs.left = x + "px"; cs.top = y + "px"; cs.position = "absolute"; } else { if (container.firstChild) { container.insertBefore(c, container.firstChild); } else { container.appendChild(c); } } res.renderfix = function () {}; return res; }; R.prototype.clear = function () { R.eve("raphael.clear", this); this.canvas.innerHTML = E; this.span = R._g.doc.createElement("span"); this.span.style.cssText = "position:absolute;left:-9999em;top:-9999em;padding:0;margin:0;line-height:1;display:inline;"; this.canvas.appendChild(this.span); this.bottom = this.top = null; }; R.prototype.remove = function () { R.eve("raphael.remove", this); this.canvas.parentNode.removeChild(this.canvas); for (var i in this) { this[i] = typeof this[i] == "function" ? R._removedFactory(i) : null; } return true; }; var setproto = R.st; for (var method in elproto) if (elproto[has](method) && !setproto[has](method)) { setproto[method] = (function (methodname) { return function () { var arg = arguments; return this.forEach(function (el) { el[methodname].apply(el, arg); }); }; })(method); } })); // ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ \\ // │ Raphaël 2.1.4 - JavaScript Vector Library │ \\ // ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ \\ // │ Copyright © 2008-2012 Dmitry Baranovskiy (http://raphaeljs.com) │ \\ // │ Copyright © 2008-2012 Sencha Labs (http://sencha.com) │ \\ // ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ \\ // │ Licensed under the MIT (http://raphaeljs.com/license.html) license.│ \\ // └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ \\ (function (glob, factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define("raphael", ["raphael.core", "raphael.svg", "raphael.vml"], function(Raphael) { return factory(Raphael); }); } else if (typeof exports === "object") { var raphael = require("raphael.core"); require("raphael.svg"); require("raphael.vml"); module.exports = factory(raphael); } else { //glob.Raphael = factory(glob.Raphael); } }(this, function (Raphael) { return Raphael.ninja(); }));/** * svg绘图 * * Created by GUY on 2015/12/3. * @class BI.Svg * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.Svg = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Svg.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-svg" }); }, _init: function () { BI.Svg.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.paper = Raphael(this.element[0]); this.element.css("overflow", "hidden"); $(this.paper.canvas).width("100%").height("100%").css({left: "0", top: "0"}).appendTo(this.element); this.top = this.paper.top; this.bottom = this.paper.bottom; this.customAttributes = this.paper.customAttributes; this.ca = this.paper.ca; this.raphael = this.paper.raphael; }, add: function () { return this.paper.add.apply(this.paper, arguments); }, path: function () { return this.paper.path.apply(this.paper, arguments); }, image: function () { return this.paper.image.apply(this.paper, arguments); }, rect: function () { return this.paper.rect.apply(this.paper, arguments); }, circle: function () { return this.paper.circle.apply(this.paper, arguments); }, ellipse: function () { return this.paper.ellipse.apply(this.paper, arguments); }, text: function () { return this.paper.text.apply(this.paper, arguments); }, print: function () { return this.paper.print.apply(this.paper, arguments); }, setStart: function () { return this.paper.setStart.apply(this.paper, arguments); }, setFinish: function () { return this.paper.setFinish.apply(this.paper, arguments); }, setSize: function () { return this.paper.setSize.apply(this.paper, arguments); }, setViewBox: function () { return this.paper.setViewBox.apply(this.paper, arguments); }, getById: function () { return this.paper.getById.apply(this.paper, arguments); }, getElementByPoint: function () { return this.paper.getElementByPoint.apply(this.paper, arguments); }, getElementsByPoint: function () { return this.paper.getElementsByPoint.apply(this.paper, arguments); }, getFont: function () { return this.paper.getFont.apply(this.paper, arguments); }, set: function () { return this.paper.set.apply(this.paper, arguments); }, remove: function () { return this.paper.remove.apply(this.paper, arguments); }, clear: function () { return this.paper.clear.apply(this.paper, arguments); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.svg", BI.Svg);/** * * 原生表格滚动条,为了IE8的兼容 * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/12. * @class BI.NativeTableScrollbar * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.NativeTableScrollbar = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.NativeTableScrollbar.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { attributes: { tabIndex: 0 }, contentSize: 0, defaultPosition: 0, position: 0, size: 0 }); }, render: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; // 把滚动台size改掉 this.element.width(36); var throttle = BI.throttle(function () { self.fireEvent(BI.NativeTableScrollbar.EVENT_SCROLL, self.element.scrollTop()); }, 150, {leading: false}); this.element.scroll(function () { throttle(); }); return { type: "bi.default", scrolly: true, items: [{ type: "bi.layout", width: 1, ref: function (_ref) { self.inner = _ref; } }] }; }, mounted: function () { this._populate(); }, _populate: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.size < 1 || o.contentSize <= o.size) { this.setVisible(false); return; } this.setVisible(true); try { this.element.scrollTop(o.position); } catch (e) { } this.inner.element.height(o.contentSize); }, setContentSize: function (contentSize) { this.options.contentSize = contentSize; }, setPosition: function (position) { this.options.position = position; }, setSize: function (size) { this.setHeight(size); this.options.size = size; }, populate: function () { this._populate(); } }); BI.NativeTableScrollbar.EVENT_SCROLL = "EVENT_SCROLL"; BI.shortcut("bi.native_table_scrollbar", BI.NativeTableScrollbar); BI.NativeTableHorizontalScrollbar = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.NativeTableHorizontalScrollbar.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { attributes: { tabIndex: 0 }, contentSize: 0, position: 0, size: 0 }); }, render: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; // 把滚动台size改掉 this.element.height(36); var throttle = BI.throttle(function () { self.fireEvent(BI.NativeTableScrollbar.EVENT_SCROLL, self.element.scrollLeft()); }, 150, {leading: false}); this.element.scroll(function () { throttle(); }); return { type: "bi.default", scrollx: true, items: [{ type: "bi.layout", height: 1, ref: function (_ref) { self.inner = _ref; } }] }; }, setContentSize: function (contentSize) { this.options.contentSize = contentSize; }, setPosition: function (position) { this.options.position = position; }, setSize: function (size) { this.setWidth(size); this.options.size = size; }, _populate: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.size < 1 || o.contentSize <= o.size) { this.setVisible(false); return; } this.setVisible(true); try { this.element.scrollLeft(o.position); } catch (e) { } this.inner.element.width(o.contentSize); }, populate: function () { this._populate(); } }); BI.NativeTableHorizontalScrollbar.EVENT_SCROLL = "EVENT_SCROLL"; BI.shortcut("bi.native_table_horizontal_scrollbar", BI.NativeTableHorizontalScrollbar);/** * * 表格 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/22. * @class BI.TableCell * @extends BI.Single */ BI.TableCell = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.TableCell.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-table-cell", textAlign: "left", text: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.TableCell.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", element: this, whiteSpace: "nowrap", textAlign: this.options.textAlign, height: this.options.height, text: this.options.text, value: this.options.value, lgap: 5 }); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.table_cell", BI.TableCell);/** * * 表格单元格 * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/12. * @class BI.CollectionTableCell * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.CollectionTableCell = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.CollectionTableCell.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-collection-table-cell bi-border-right bi-border-bottom", width: 0, height: 0, _left: 0, _top: 0, cell: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.CollectionTableCell.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.cell = BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ type: "bi.label" }, o.cell, { cls: (o.cell.cls || "") + " collection-table-cell-wrapper", width: o.width - (o._left === 0 ? 1 : 0) - 1, height: o.height - (o._top === 0 ? 1 : 0) - 1 })); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.cell, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); }, setWidth: function (width) { BI.CollectionTableCell.superclass.setWidth.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.cell.setWidth(o.width - (o._left === 0 ? 1 : 0) - 1); }, setHeight: function (height) { BI.CollectionTableCell.superclass.setHeight.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.cell.setHeight(o.height - (o._top === 0 ? 1 : 0) - 1); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.collection_table_cell", BI.CollectionTableCell);/** * CollectionTable * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/12. * @class BI.CollectionTable * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.CollectionTable = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.CollectionTable.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-collection-table", headerRowSize: 25, rowSize: 25, columnSize: [], isNeedFreeze: false, freezeCols: [], isNeedMerge: false, mergeCols: [], mergeRule: BI.emptyFn, header: [], items: [], regionColumnSize: [] }); }, render: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this._width = 0; this._height = 0; this._scrollBarSize = BI.DOM.getScrollWidth(); this.topLeftCollection = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.collection_view", cellSizeAndPositionGetter: function (index) { return self.topLeftItems[index]; } }); this.topLeftCollection.on(BI.CollectionView.EVENT_SCROLL, function (scroll) { self.bottomLeftCollection.setScrollLeft(scroll.scrollLeft); self._populateScrollbar(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.topRightCollection = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.collection_view", cellSizeAndPositionGetter: function (index) { return self.topRightItems[index]; } }); this.topRightCollection.on(BI.CollectionView.EVENT_SCROLL, function (scroll) { self.bottomRightCollection.setScrollLeft(scroll.scrollLeft); self._populateScrollbar(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.bottomLeftCollection = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.collection_view", cellSizeAndPositionGetter: function (index) { return self.bottomLeftItems[index]; } }); this.bottomLeftCollection.on(BI.CollectionView.EVENT_SCROLL, function (scroll) { self.bottomRightCollection.setScrollTop(scroll.scrollTop); self.topLeftCollection.setScrollLeft(scroll.scrollLeft); self._populateScrollbar(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.bottomRightCollection = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.collection_view", cellSizeAndPositionGetter: function (index) { return self.bottomRightItems[index]; } }); this.bottomRightCollection.on(BI.CollectionView.EVENT_SCROLL, function (scroll) { self.bottomLeftCollection.setScrollTop(scroll.scrollTop); self.topRightCollection.setScrollLeft(scroll.scrollLeft); self._populateScrollbar(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.topLeft = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrollable: false, scrolly: false, items: [this.topLeftCollection] }); this.topRight = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrollable: false, scrolly: false, items: [this.topRightCollection] }); this.bottomLeft = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrollable: false, scrolly: false, items: [this.bottomLeftCollection] }); this.bottomRight = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrollable: false, scrolly: false, items: [this.bottomRightCollection] }); this.contextLayout = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.topLeft, top: 0, left: 0 }, { el: this.topRight, top: 0 }, { el: this.bottomLeft, left: 0 }, { el: this.bottomRight }] }); this.topScrollbar = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.grid_table_scrollbar", width: BI.GridTableScrollbar.SIZE }); this.topScrollbar.on(BI.GridTableScrollbar.EVENT_SCROLL, function (scrollTop) { self.bottomLeftCollection.setScrollTop(scrollTop); self.bottomRightCollection.setScrollTop(scrollTop); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.leftScrollbar = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.grid_table_horizontal_scrollbar", height: BI.GridTableScrollbar.SIZE }); this.leftScrollbar.on(BI.GridTableScrollbar.EVENT_SCROLL, function (scrollLeft) { self.topLeftCollection.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); self.bottomLeftCollection.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.rightScrollbar = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.grid_table_horizontal_scrollbar", height: BI.GridTableScrollbar.SIZE }); this.rightScrollbar.on(BI.GridTableScrollbar.EVENT_SCROLL, function (scrollLeft) { self.topRightCollection.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); self.bottomRightCollection.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.scrollBarLayout = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.topScrollbar, right: 0, top: 0 }, { el: this.leftScrollbar, left: 0 }, { el: this.rightScrollbar }] }); this._width = o.width - BI.GridTableScrollbar.SIZE; this._height = o.height - BI.GridTableScrollbar.SIZE; }, mounted: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.items.length > 0 || o.header.length > 0) { this._digest(); this._populate(); } }, _getFreezeColLength: function () { var o = this.options; return o.isNeedFreeze === true ? BI.clamp(o.freezeCols.length, 0, o.columnSize.length) : 0; }, _getFreezeHeaderHeight: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.header.length * o.headerRowSize >= this._height) { return 0; } return o.header.length * o.headerRowSize; }, _getActualItems: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.header.length * o.headerRowSize >= this._height) { return o.header.concat(o.items); } return o.items; }, _populateScrollbar: function () { var o = this.options; var regionSize = this.getRegionSize(), totalLeftColumnSize = 0, totalRightColumnSize = 0, totalColumnSize = 0, summaryColumnSizeArray = []; BI.each(o.columnSize, function (i, size) { if (o.isNeedFreeze === true && o.freezeCols.contains(i)) { totalLeftColumnSize += size; } else { totalRightColumnSize += size; } totalColumnSize += size; if (i === 0) { summaryColumnSizeArray[i] = size; } else { summaryColumnSizeArray[i] = summaryColumnSizeArray[i - 1] + size; } }); this.topScrollbar.setContentSize(this._getActualItems().length * o.rowSize); this.topScrollbar.setSize(this._height - this._getFreezeHeaderHeight()); this.topScrollbar.setPosition(this.bottomRightCollection.getScrollTop()); this.topScrollbar.populate(); this.leftScrollbar.setContentSize(totalLeftColumnSize); this.leftScrollbar.setSize(regionSize); this.leftScrollbar.setPosition(this.bottomLeftCollection.getScrollLeft()); this.leftScrollbar.populate(); this.rightScrollbar.setContentSize(totalRightColumnSize); this.rightScrollbar.setSize(this._width - regionSize); this.rightScrollbar.setPosition(this.bottomRightCollection.getScrollLeft()); this.rightScrollbar.populate(); var items = this.scrollBarLayout.attr("items"); items[0].top = this._getFreezeHeaderHeight(); items[1].top = this._height; items[2].top = this._height; items[2].left = regionSize; this.scrollBarLayout.attr("items", items); this.scrollBarLayout.resize(); }, _populateTable: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var regionSize = this.getRegionSize(), totalLeftColumnSize = 0, totalRightColumnSize = 0, totalColumnSize = 0, summaryColumnSizeArray = []; BI.each(o.columnSize, function (i, size) { if (o.isNeedFreeze === true && o.freezeCols.contains(i)) { totalLeftColumnSize += size; } else { totalRightColumnSize += size; } totalColumnSize += size; if (i === 0) { summaryColumnSizeArray[i] = size; } else { summaryColumnSizeArray[i] = summaryColumnSizeArray[i - 1] + size; } }); var otlw = regionSize; var otlh = this._getFreezeHeaderHeight(); var otrw = this._width - regionSize; var otrh = this._getFreezeHeaderHeight(); var oblw = regionSize; var oblh = this._height - otlh; var obrw = this._width - regionSize; var obrh = this._height - otrh; var tlw = otlw + this._scrollBarSize; var tlh = otlh + this._scrollBarSize; var trw = otrw + this._scrollBarSize; var trh = otrh + this._scrollBarSize; var blw = oblw + this._scrollBarSize; var blh = oblh + this._scrollBarSize; var brw = obrw + this._scrollBarSize; var brh = obrh + this._scrollBarSize; var digest = function (el) { el.element.css({ overflow: "scroll", overflowX: "scroll", overflowY: "scroll" }); }; this.topLeft.setWidth(otlw); this.topLeft.setHeight(otlh); this.topRight.setWidth(otrw); this.topRight.setHeight(otrh); this.bottomLeft.setWidth(oblw); this.bottomLeft.setHeight(oblh); this.bottomRight.setWidth(obrw); this.bottomRight.setHeight(obrh); this.topLeftCollection.setWidth(tlw); this.topLeftCollection.setHeight(tlh); this.topRightCollection.setWidth(trw); this.topRightCollection.setHeight(trh); this.bottomLeftCollection.setWidth(blw); this.bottomLeftCollection.setHeight(blh); this.bottomRightCollection.setWidth(brw); this.bottomRightCollection.setHeight(brh); digest(this.topLeftCollection); digest(this.topRightCollection); digest(this.bottomLeftCollection); digest(this.bottomRightCollection); var items = this.contextLayout.attr("items"); items[1].left = regionSize; items[2].top = this._getFreezeHeaderHeight(); items[3].left = regionSize; items[3].top = this._getFreezeHeaderHeight(); this.contextLayout.attr("items", items); this.contextLayout.resize(); var leftHeader = [], rightHeader = [], leftItems = [], rightItems = []; var run = function (positions, items, rendered) { BI.each(positions, function (i, item) { var cell = { type: "bi.collection_table_cell", cell: items[item.row][item.col] }; rendered.push(cell); }); }; run(this.topLeftItems, o.header, leftHeader); run(this.topRightItems, o.header, rightHeader); run(this.bottomLeftItems, this._getActualItems(), leftItems); run(this.bottomRightItems, this._getActualItems(), rightItems); this.topLeftCollection._populate(leftHeader); this.topRightCollection._populate(rightHeader); this.bottomLeftCollection._populate(leftItems); this.bottomRightCollection._populate(rightItems); }, _digest: function () { var o = this.options; var freezeColLength = this._getFreezeColLength(); // 如果表头位置不够,取消表头冻结 if (this._getFreezeHeaderHeight() <= 0) { this.topLeftItems = []; this.topRightItems = []; this.bottomLeftItems = this._serialize(this._getActualItems(), 0, freezeColLength, o.rowSize, o.columnSize, o.mergeCols, BI.range(o.header.length)); this.bottomRightItems = this._serialize(this._getActualItems(), freezeColLength, o.columnSize.length, o.rowSize, o.columnSize, o.mergeCols, BI.range(o.header.length)); } else { this.topLeftItems = this._serialize(o.header, 0, freezeColLength, o.headerRowSize, o.columnSize, o.mergeCols); this.topRightItems = this._serialize(o.header, freezeColLength, o.columnSize.length, o.headerRowSize, o.columnSize, true); this.bottomLeftItems = this._serialize(o.items, 0, freezeColLength, o.rowSize, o.columnSize, o.mergeCols); this.bottomRightItems = this._serialize(o.items, freezeColLength, o.columnSize.length, o.rowSize, o.columnSize, o.mergeCols); } }, _serialize: function (items, startCol, endCol, rowHeight, columnSize, mergeCols, mergeRows) { mergeCols = mergeCols || []; mergeRows = mergeRows || []; var self = this, o = this.options; var result = [], cache = {}, preCol = {}, preRow = {}, map = {}; var summaryColumnSize = []; for (var i = startCol; i < endCol; i++) { if (i === startCol) { summaryColumnSize[i] = columnSize[i]; } else { summaryColumnSize[i] = summaryColumnSize[i - 1] + columnSize[i]; } } var mergeRow = function (i, j) { preCol[j]._height += rowHeight; preCol[j].__mergeRows.push(i); }; var mergeCol = function (i, j) { preRow[i]._width += columnSize[j]; preRow[i].__mergeCols.push(j); }; var createOneEl = function (r, c) { var width = columnSize[c]; var height = rowHeight; map[r][c]._row = r; map[r][c]._col = c; map[r][c]._width = width; map[r][c]._height = height; preCol[c] = map[r][c]; preCol[c].__mergeRows = [r]; preRow[r] = map[r][c]; preRow[r].__mergeCols = [c]; result.push({ x: summaryColumnSize[c] - columnSize[c], y: +r * rowHeight, item: map[r][c] }); }; BI.each(items, function (i, cols) { for (var j = startCol; j < endCol; j++) { if (!cache[i]) { cache[i] = {}; } if (!map[i]) { map[i] = {}; } cache[i][j] = cols[j]; map[i][j] = {}; if (mergeCols === true || mergeCols.indexOf(j) > -1 || mergeRows === true || mergeRows.indexOf(i) > -1) { if (i === 0 && j === startCol) { createOneEl(0, startCol); } else if (j === startCol && i > 0) { var isNeedMergeRow = o.mergeRule(cache[i][j], cache[i - 1][j]); if (isNeedMergeRow === true) { mergeRow(i, j); preRow[i] = preCol[j]; } else { createOneEl(i, j); } } else if (i === 0 && j > startCol) { var isNeedMergeCol = o.mergeRule(cache[i][j], cache[i][j - 1]); if (isNeedMergeCol === true) { mergeCol(i, j); preCol[j] = preRow[i]; } else { createOneEl(i, j); } } else { var isNeedMergeRow = o.mergeRule(cache[i][j], cache[i - 1][j]); var isNeedMergeCol = o.mergeRule(cache[i][j], cache[i][j - 1]); if (isNeedMergeCol && isNeedMergeRow) { continue; // mergeRow(i, j);//优先合并列 } if (isNeedMergeCol) { mergeCol(i, j); } if (isNeedMergeRow) { mergeRow(i, j); } if (!isNeedMergeCol && !isNeedMergeRow) { createOneEl(i, j); } } } else { createOneEl(i, j); } } }); return BI.map(result, function (i, item) { return { x: item.x, y: item.y, row: item.item._row, col: item.item._col, width: item.item._width, height: item.item._height }; }); }, _populate: function () { if (this._width <= 0 || this._height <= 0) { return; } if (this._isNeedDigest === true) { this._digest(); } this._isNeedDigest = false; this._populateTable(); this._populateScrollbar(); }, getRegionSize: function () { var o = this.options; var regionSize = o.regionColumnSize[0] || 0; if (o.isNeedFreeze === false || o.freezeCols.length === 0) { return 0; } if (!regionSize) { BI.each(o.freezeCols, function (i, col) { regionSize += o.columnSize[col]; }); } return regionSize; }, setVerticalScroll: function (scrollTop) { this.bottomLeftCollection.setScrollTop(scrollTop); this.bottomRightCollection.setScrollTop(scrollTop); }, setLeftHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { this.topLeftCollection.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); this.bottomLeftCollection.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); }, setRightHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { this.topRightCollection.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); this.bottomRightCollection.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); }, getVerticalScroll: function () { return this.bottomRightCollection.getScrollTop(); }, getLeftHorizontalScroll: function () { return this.bottomLeftCollection.getScrollLeft(); }, getRightHorizontalScroll: function () { return this.bottomRightCollection.getScrollLeft(); }, setWidth: function (width) { BI.CollectionTable.superclass.setWidth.apply(this, arguments); this._width = this.options.width - BI.GridTableScrollbar.SIZE; }, setHeight: function (height) { BI.CollectionTable.superclass.setHeight.apply(this, arguments); this._height = this.options.height - BI.GridTableScrollbar.SIZE; }, setColumnSize: function (columnSize) { this._isNeedDigest = true; this.options.columnSize = columnSize; }, setRegionColumnSize: function (regionColumnSize) { this._isNeedDigest = true; this.options.regionColumnSize = regionColumnSize; }, getColumnSize: function () { return this.options.columnSize; }, getRegionColumnSize: function () { return this.options.regionColumnSize; }, populate: function (items, header) { if (items && items !== this.options.items) { this._isNeedDigest = true; this.options.items = items; this._restore(); } if (header && header !== this.options.header) { this._isNeedDigest = true; this.options.header = header; this._restore(); } this._populate(); }, _restore: function () { this.topLeftCollection.restore(); this.topRightCollection.restore(); this.bottomLeftCollection.restore(); this.bottomRightCollection.restore(); }, restore: function () { this._restore(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.collection_table", BI.CollectionTable);/** * QuickCollectionTable * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/12. * @class BI.QuickCollectionTable * @extends BI.CollectionTable */ BI.QuickCollectionTable = BI.inherit(BI.CollectionTable, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.QuickCollectionTable.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-quick-collection-table" }); }, render: function () { BI.QuickCollectionTable.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.topLeftCollection.setOverflowX(false); this.topLeftCollection.setOverflowY(false); this.topRightCollection.setOverflowX(false); this.topRightCollection.setOverflowY(false); this.bottomLeftCollection.setOverflowX(false); this.bottomLeftCollection.setOverflowY(false); this.bottomRightCollection.setOverflowX(false); this.bottomRightCollection.setOverflowY(false); }, mounted: function () { BI.QuickCollectionTable.superclass.mounted.apply(this, arguments); var self = this; this._topLeftWheelHandler = new BI.WheelHandler( BI.bind(this._onWheelLeft, this), BI.bind(this._shouldHandleLeftX, this), BI.bind(this._shouldHandleY, this) ); this._topRightWheelHandler = new BI.WheelHandler( BI.bind(this._onWheelRight, this), BI.bind(this._shouldHandleRightX, this), BI.bind(this._shouldHandleY, this) ); this._bottomLeftWheelHandler = new BI.WheelHandler( BI.bind(this._onWheelLeft, this), BI.bind(this._shouldHandleLeftX, this), BI.bind(this._shouldHandleY, this) ); this._bottomRightWheelHandler = new BI.WheelHandler( BI.bind(this._onWheelRight, this), BI.bind(this._shouldHandleRightX, this), BI.bind(this._shouldHandleY, this) ); this.topLeftCollection.element.mousewheel(function (e) { self._topLeftWheelHandler.onWheel(e.originalEvent); }); this.topRightCollection.element.mousewheel(function (e) { self._topRightWheelHandler.onWheel(e.originalEvent); }); this.bottomLeftCollection.element.mousewheel(function (e) { self._bottomLeftWheelHandler.onWheel(e.originalEvent); }); this.bottomRightCollection.element.mousewheel(function (e) { self._bottomRightWheelHandler.onWheel(e.originalEvent); }); }, _shouldHandleLeftX: function (delta) { if (delta > 0) { return this.bottomLeftCollection.getScrollLeft() < this.bottomLeftCollection.getMaxScrollLeft(); } return this.bottomLeftCollection.getScrollLeft() > 0; }, _shouldHandleRightX: function (delta) { if (delta > 0) { return this.bottomRightCollection.getScrollLeft() < this.bottomRightCollection.getMaxScrollLeft(); } return this.bottomRightCollection.getScrollLeft() > 0; }, _shouldHandleY: function (delta) { if (delta > 0) { return this.bottomRightCollection.getScrollTop() < this.bottomRightCollection.getMaxScrollTop(); } return this.bottomRightCollection.getScrollTop() > 0; }, _onWheelLeft: function (deltaX, deltaY) { var self = this; var scrollTop = this.bottomLeftCollection.getScrollTop(); var scrollLeft = this.bottomLeftCollection.getScrollLeft(); scrollTop += deltaY; scrollLeft += deltaX; this.bottomLeftCollection.setScrollTop(scrollTop); this.bottomRightCollection.setScrollTop(scrollTop); this.topLeftCollection.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); this.bottomLeftCollection.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); self._populateScrollbar(); this.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }, _onWheelRight: function (deltaX, deltaY) { var self = this; var scrollTop = this.bottomRightCollection.getScrollTop(); var scrollLeft = this.bottomRightCollection.getScrollLeft(); scrollTop += deltaY; scrollLeft += deltaX; this.bottomLeftCollection.setScrollTop(scrollTop); this.bottomRightCollection.setScrollTop(scrollTop); this.topRightCollection.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); this.bottomRightCollection.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); self._populateScrollbar(); this.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }, _populateTable: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var regionSize = this.getRegionSize(), totalLeftColumnSize = 0, totalRightColumnSize = 0, totalColumnSize = 0, summaryColumnSizeArray = []; BI.each(o.columnSize, function (i, size) { if (o.isNeedFreeze === true && o.freezeCols.contains(i)) { totalLeftColumnSize += size; } else { totalRightColumnSize += size; } totalColumnSize += size; if (i === 0) { summaryColumnSizeArray[i] = size; } else { summaryColumnSizeArray[i] = summaryColumnSizeArray[i - 1] + size; } }); var otlw = regionSize; var otlh = this._getFreezeHeaderHeight(); var otrw = this._width - regionSize; var otrh = this._getFreezeHeaderHeight(); var oblw = regionSize; var oblh = this._height - otlh; var obrw = this._width - regionSize; var obrh = this._height - otrh; this.topLeft.setWidth(otlw); this.topLeft.setHeight(otlh); this.topRight.setWidth(otrw); this.topRight.setHeight(otrh); this.bottomLeft.setWidth(oblw); this.bottomLeft.setHeight(oblh); this.bottomRight.setWidth(obrw); this.bottomRight.setHeight(obrh); this.topLeftCollection.setWidth(otlw); this.topLeftCollection.setHeight(otlh); this.topRightCollection.setWidth(otrw); this.topRightCollection.setHeight(otrh); this.bottomLeftCollection.setWidth(oblw); this.bottomLeftCollection.setHeight(oblh); this.bottomRightCollection.setWidth(obrw); this.bottomRightCollection.setHeight(obrh); var items = this.contextLayout.attr("items"); items[1].left = regionSize; items[2].top = this._getFreezeHeaderHeight(); items[3].left = regionSize; items[3].top = this._getFreezeHeaderHeight(); this.contextLayout.attr("items", items); this.contextLayout.resize(); var leftHeader = [], rightHeader = [], leftItems = [], rightItems = []; var run = function (positions, items, rendered) { BI.each(positions, function (i, item) { var cell = { type: "bi.collection_table_cell", cell: items[item.row][item.col] }; rendered.push(cell); }); }; run(this.topLeftItems, o.header, leftHeader); run(this.topRightItems, o.header, rightHeader); run(this.bottomLeftItems, this._getActualItems(), leftItems); run(this.bottomRightItems, this._getActualItems(), rightItems); this.topLeftCollection.populate(leftHeader); this.topRightCollection.populate(rightHeader); this.bottomLeftCollection.populate(leftItems); this.bottomRightCollection.populate(rightItems); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.quick_collection_table", BI.QuickCollectionTable);/** * * 表格单元格 * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/12. * @class BI.GridTableCell * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.GridTableCell = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.GridTableCell.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-grid-table-cell bi-border-right bi-border-bottom", width: 0, height: 0, _rowIndex: 0, _columnIndex: 0, _left: 0, _top: 0, cell: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.GridTableCell.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.cell = BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ type: "bi.label" }, o.cell, { cls: (o.cell.cls || "") + "grid-table-cell-wrapper", width: o.width - (o._columnIndex === 0 ? 1 : 0) - 1, height: o.height - (o._rowIndex === 0 ? 1 : 0) - 1 })); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.cell, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); }, setWidth: function (width) { BI.GridTableCell.superclass.setWidth.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.cell.setWidth(o.width - (o._columnIndex === 0 ? 1 : 0) - 1); }, setHeight: function (height) { BI.GridTableCell.superclass.setHeight.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.cell.setHeight(o.height - (o._rowIndex === 0 ? 1 : 0) - 1); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.grid_table_cell", BI.GridTableCell);/** * GridTable * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/12. * @class BI.GridTable * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.GridTable = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.GridTable.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-grid-table", headerRowSize: 25, rowSize: 25, columnSize: [], isNeedFreeze: false, freezeCols: [], header: [], items: [], regionColumnSize: [] }); }, render: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this._width = 0; this._height = 0; this._scrollBarSize = BI.DOM.getScrollWidth(); var rowHeightGetter = function () { return o.rowSize; }; var columnLeftWidthGetter = function (index) { return o.columnSize[index]; }; var columnRightWidthGetter = function (index) { return o.columnSize[index + self._getFreezeColLength()]; }; this.topLeftGrid = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.grid_view", rowHeightGetter: rowHeightGetter, columnWidthGetter: columnLeftWidthGetter }); this.topLeftGrid.on(BI.GridView.EVENT_SCROLL, function (scroll) { self.bottomLeftGrid.setScrollLeft(scroll.scrollLeft); self._populateScrollbar(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.topRightGrid = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.grid_view", rowHeightGetter: rowHeightGetter, columnWidthGetter: columnRightWidthGetter }); this.topRightGrid.on(BI.GridView.EVENT_SCROLL, function (scroll) { self.bottomRightGrid.setScrollLeft(scroll.scrollLeft); self._populateScrollbar(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.bottomLeftGrid = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.grid_view", rowHeightGetter: rowHeightGetter, columnWidthGetter: columnLeftWidthGetter }); this.bottomLeftGrid.on(BI.GridView.EVENT_SCROLL, function (scroll) { self.bottomRightGrid.setScrollTop(scroll.scrollTop); self.topLeftGrid.setScrollLeft(scroll.scrollLeft); self._populateScrollbar(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.bottomRightGrid = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.grid_view", rowHeightGetter: rowHeightGetter, columnWidthGetter: columnRightWidthGetter }); this.bottomRightGrid.on(BI.GridView.EVENT_SCROLL, function (scroll) { self.bottomLeftGrid.setScrollTop(scroll.scrollTop); self.topRightGrid.setScrollLeft(scroll.scrollLeft); self._populateScrollbar(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.topLeft = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrollable: false, scrolly: false, items: [this.topLeftGrid] }); this.topRight = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrollable: false, scrolly: false, items: [this.topRightGrid] }); this.bottomLeft = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrollable: false, scrolly: false, items: [this.bottomLeftGrid] }); this.bottomRight = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrollable: false, scrolly: false, items: [this.bottomRightGrid] }); this.contextLayout = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.topLeft, top: 0, left: 0 }, { el: this.topRight, top: 0 }, { el: this.bottomLeft, left: 0 }, { el: this.bottomRight }] }); this.topScrollbar = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.grid_table_scrollbar", width: BI.GridTableScrollbar.SIZE }); this.topScrollbar.on(BI.GridTableScrollbar.EVENT_SCROLL, function (scrollTop) { self.bottomLeftGrid.setScrollTop(scrollTop); self.bottomRightGrid.setScrollTop(scrollTop); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.leftScrollbar = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.grid_table_horizontal_scrollbar", height: BI.GridTableScrollbar.SIZE }); this.leftScrollbar.on(BI.GridTableHorizontalScrollbar.EVENT_SCROLL, function (scrollLeft) { self.topLeftGrid.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); self.bottomLeftGrid.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.rightScrollbar = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.grid_table_horizontal_scrollbar", height: BI.GridTableScrollbar.SIZE }); this.rightScrollbar.on(BI.GridTableHorizontalScrollbar.EVENT_SCROLL, function (scrollLeft) { self.topRightGrid.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); self.bottomRightGrid.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.scrollBarLayout = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.topScrollbar, right: 0, top: 0 }, { el: this.leftScrollbar, left: 0 }, { el: this.rightScrollbar }] }); this._width = o.width - BI.GridTableScrollbar.SIZE; this._height = o.height - BI.GridTableScrollbar.SIZE; this.header = this._getHeader(); this.items = this._getItems(); }, mounted: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.items.length > 0 || o.header.length > 0) { this._populate(); } }, _getFreezeColLength: function () { var o = this.options; return o.isNeedFreeze === true ? BI.clamp(o.freezeCols.length, 0, o.columnSize.length) : 0; }, _getFreezeHeaderHeight: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.header.length * o.headerRowSize >= this._height) { return 0; } return o.header.length * o.headerRowSize; }, _getActualItems: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.header.length * o.headerRowSize >= this._height) { return o.header.concat(o.items); } return o.items; }, _populateScrollbar: function () { var o = this.options; var regionSize = this.getRegionSize(), totalLeftColumnSize = 0, totalRightColumnSize = 0, totalColumnSize = 0, summaryColumnSizeArray = []; BI.each(o.columnSize, function (i, size) { if (o.isNeedFreeze === true && o.freezeCols.contains(i)) { totalLeftColumnSize += size; } else { totalRightColumnSize += size; } totalColumnSize += size; if (i === 0) { summaryColumnSizeArray[i] = size; } else { summaryColumnSizeArray[i] = summaryColumnSizeArray[i - 1] + size; } }); this.topScrollbar.setContentSize(this._getActualItems().length * o.rowSize); this.topScrollbar.setSize(this._height - this._getFreezeHeaderHeight()); this.topScrollbar.setPosition(Math.min(this.bottomLeftGrid.getScrollTop(), this.bottomRightGrid.getScrollTop())); this.topScrollbar.populate(); this.leftScrollbar.setContentSize(totalLeftColumnSize); this.leftScrollbar.setSize(regionSize); this.leftScrollbar.setPosition(this.bottomLeftGrid.getScrollLeft()); this.leftScrollbar.populate(); this.rightScrollbar.setContentSize(totalRightColumnSize); this.rightScrollbar.setSize(this._width - regionSize); this.rightScrollbar.setPosition(this.bottomRightGrid.getScrollLeft()); this.rightScrollbar.populate(); var items = this.scrollBarLayout.attr("items"); items[0].top = this._getFreezeHeaderHeight(); items[1].top = this._height; items[2].top = this._height; items[2].left = regionSize; this.scrollBarLayout.attr("items", items); this.scrollBarLayout.resize(); }, _getHeader: function () { var o = this.options; var freezeColLength = this._getFreezeColLength(); var leftHeader = [], rightHeader = []; BI.each(o.header, function (i, cols) { leftHeader[i] = []; rightHeader[i] = []; BI.each(cols, function (j, col) { var cell = { type: "bi.grid_table_cell", cell: col }; if (j < freezeColLength) { leftHeader[i].push(cell); } else { rightHeader[i].push(cell); } }); }); return [leftHeader, rightHeader]; }, _getItems: function () { var o = this.options; var freezeColLength = this._getFreezeColLength(); var leftItems = [], rightItems = []; BI.each(this._getActualItems(), function (i, cols) { leftItems[i] = []; rightItems[i] = []; BI.each(cols, function (j, col) { var cell = { type: "bi.grid_table_cell", cell: col }; if (j < freezeColLength) { leftItems[i].push(cell); } else { rightItems[i].push(cell); } }); }); return [leftItems, rightItems]; }, _populateTable: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var regionSize = this.getRegionSize(), totalLeftColumnSize = 0, totalRightColumnSize = 0, totalColumnSize = 0, summaryColumnSizeArray = []; var freezeColLength = this._getFreezeColLength(); BI.each(o.columnSize, function (i, size) { if (o.isNeedFreeze === true && o.freezeCols.contains(i)) { totalLeftColumnSize += size; } else { totalRightColumnSize += size; } totalColumnSize += size; if (i === 0) { summaryColumnSizeArray[i] = size; } else { summaryColumnSizeArray[i] = summaryColumnSizeArray[i - 1] + size; } }); var otlw = regionSize; var otlh = this._getFreezeHeaderHeight(); var otrw = this._width - regionSize; var otrh = this._getFreezeHeaderHeight(); var oblw = regionSize; var oblh = this._height - otlh; var obrw = this._width - regionSize; var obrh = this._height - otrh; var tlw = otlw + this._scrollBarSize; var tlh = otlh + this._scrollBarSize; var trw = otrw + this._scrollBarSize; var trh = otrh + this._scrollBarSize; var blw = oblw + this._scrollBarSize; var blh = oblh + this._scrollBarSize; var brw = obrw + this._scrollBarSize; var brh = obrh + this._scrollBarSize; var digest = function (el) { el.element.css({ overflow: "scroll", overflowX: "scroll", overflowY: "scroll" }); }; this.topLeft.setWidth(otlw); this.topLeft.setHeight(otlh); this.topRight.setWidth(otrw); this.topRight.setHeight(otrh); this.bottomLeft.setWidth(oblw); this.bottomLeft.setHeight(oblh); this.bottomRight.setWidth(obrw); this.bottomRight.setHeight(obrh); this.topLeftGrid.setWidth(tlw); this.topLeftGrid.setHeight(tlh); this.topRightGrid.setWidth(trw); this.topRightGrid.setHeight(trh); this.bottomLeftGrid.setWidth(blw); this.bottomLeftGrid.setHeight(blh); this.bottomRightGrid.setWidth(brw); this.bottomRightGrid.setHeight(brh); digest(this.topLeftGrid); digest(this.topRightGrid); digest(this.bottomLeftGrid); digest(this.bottomRightGrid); this.topLeftGrid.setEstimatedColumnSize(freezeColLength > 0 ? totalLeftColumnSize / freezeColLength : 0); this.topLeftGrid.setEstimatedRowSize(o.headerRowSize); this.topRightGrid.setEstimatedColumnSize((o.columnSize.length - freezeColLength) > 0 ? (totalRightColumnSize / (o.columnSize.length - freezeColLength)) : 0); this.topRightGrid.setEstimatedRowSize(o.headerRowSize); this.bottomLeftGrid.setEstimatedColumnSize(freezeColLength > 0 ? totalLeftColumnSize / freezeColLength : 0); this.bottomLeftGrid.setEstimatedRowSize(o.rowSize); this.bottomRightGrid.setEstimatedColumnSize((o.columnSize.length - freezeColLength) > 0 ? (totalRightColumnSize / (o.columnSize.length - freezeColLength)) : 0); this.bottomRightGrid.setEstimatedRowSize(o.rowSize); this.topLeftGrid.setColumnCount(freezeColLength); this.topRightGrid.setColumnCount(o.columnSize.length - freezeColLength); this.bottomLeftGrid.setColumnCount(freezeColLength); this.bottomRightGrid.setColumnCount(o.columnSize.length - freezeColLength); var items = this.contextLayout.attr("items"); items[1].left = regionSize; items[2].top = this._getFreezeHeaderHeight(); items[3].left = regionSize; items[3].top = this._getFreezeHeaderHeight(); this.contextLayout.attr("items", items); this.contextLayout.resize(); this.topLeftGrid._populate(this.header[0]); this.topRightGrid._populate(this.header[1]); this.bottomLeftGrid._populate(this.items[0]); this.bottomRightGrid._populate(this.items[1]); }, _populate: function () { if (this._width <= 0 || this._height <= 0) { return; } this._populateTable(); this._populateScrollbar(); }, getRegionSize: function () { var o = this.options; var regionSize = o.regionColumnSize[0] || 0; if (o.isNeedFreeze === false || o.freezeCols.length === 0) { return 0; } if (!regionSize) { BI.each(o.freezeCols, function (i, col) { regionSize += o.columnSize[col]; }); } return regionSize; }, setVerticalScroll: function (scrollTop) { this.bottomLeftGrid.setScrollTop(scrollTop); this.bottomRightGrid.setScrollTop(scrollTop); }, setLeftHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { this.topLeftGrid.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); this.bottomLeftGrid.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); }, setRightHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { this.topRightGrid.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); this.bottomRightGrid.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); }, getVerticalScroll: function () { return this.bottomRightGrid.getScrollTop(); }, getLeftHorizontalScroll: function () { return this.bottomLeftGrid.getScrollLeft(); }, getRightHorizontalScroll: function () { return this.bottomRightGrid.getScrollLeft(); }, setWidth: function (width) { BI.GridTable.superclass.setWidth.apply(this, arguments); this._width = this.options.width - BI.GridTableScrollbar.SIZE; }, setHeight: function (height) { BI.GridTable.superclass.setHeight.apply(this, arguments); this._height = this.options.height - BI.GridTableScrollbar.SIZE; }, setColumnSize: function (columnSize) { this.options.columnSize = columnSize; this._isNeedDigest = true; }, setRegionColumnSize: function (regionColumnSize) { this.options.regionColumnSize = regionColumnSize; this._isNeedDigest = true; }, getColumnSize: function () { return this.options.columnSize; }, getRegionColumnSize: function () { return this.options.regionColumnSize; }, populate: function (items, header) { if (items && this.options.items !== items) { this.options.items = items; this.items = this._getItems(); this._restore(); } if (header && this.options.header !== header) { this.options.header = header; this.header = this._getHeader(); this._restore(); } this._populate(); }, _restore: function () { this.topLeftGrid.restore(); this.topRightGrid.restore(); this.bottomLeftGrid.restore(); this.bottomRightGrid.restore(); }, restore: function () { this._restore(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.grid_table", BI.GridTable);/** * QuickGridTable * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/12. * @class BI.QuickGridTable * @extends BI.GridTable */ BI.QuickGridTable = BI.inherit(BI.GridTable, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.QuickGridTable.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-quick-grid-table" }); }, render: function () { BI.QuickGridTable.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.topLeftGrid.setOverflowX(false); this.topLeftGrid.setOverflowY(false); this.topRightGrid.setOverflowX(false); this.topRightGrid.setOverflowY(false); this.bottomLeftGrid.setOverflowX(false); this.bottomLeftGrid.setOverflowY(false); this.bottomRightGrid.setOverflowX(false); this.bottomRightGrid.setOverflowY(false); }, mounted: function () { BI.QuickGridTable.superclass.mounted.apply(this, arguments); var self = this; this._topLeftWheelHandler = new BI.WheelHandler( BI.bind(this._onWheelLeft, this), BI.bind(this._shouldHandleLeftX, this), BI.bind(this._shouldHandleY, this) ); this._topRightWheelHandler = new BI.WheelHandler( BI.bind(this._onWheelRight, this), BI.bind(this._shouldHandleRightX, this), BI.bind(this._shouldHandleY, this) ); this._bottomLeftWheelHandler = new BI.WheelHandler( BI.bind(this._onWheelLeft, this), BI.bind(this._shouldHandleLeftX, this), BI.bind(this._shouldHandleY, this) ); this._bottomRightWheelHandler = new BI.WheelHandler( BI.bind(this._onWheelRight, this), BI.bind(this._shouldHandleRightX, this), BI.bind(this._shouldHandleY, this) ); this.topLeftGrid.element.mousewheel(function (e) { self._topLeftWheelHandler.onWheel(e.originalEvent); }); this.topRightGrid.element.mousewheel(function (e) { self._topRightWheelHandler.onWheel(e.originalEvent); }); this.bottomLeftGrid.element.mousewheel(function (e) { self._bottomLeftWheelHandler.onWheel(e.originalEvent); }); this.bottomRightGrid.element.mousewheel(function (e) { self._bottomRightWheelHandler.onWheel(e.originalEvent); }); }, _shouldHandleLeftX: function (delta) { if (delta > 0) { return this.bottomLeftGrid.getScrollLeft() < this.bottomLeftGrid.getMaxScrollLeft(); } return this.bottomLeftGrid.getScrollLeft() > 0; }, _shouldHandleRightX: function (delta) { if (delta > 0) { return this.bottomRightGrid.getScrollLeft() < this.bottomRightGrid.getMaxScrollLeft(); } return this.bottomRightGrid.getScrollLeft() > 0; }, _shouldHandleY: function (delta) { if (delta > 0) { return this.bottomRightGrid.getScrollTop() < this.bottomRightGrid.getMaxScrollTop(); } return this.bottomRightGrid.getScrollTop() > 0; }, _onWheelLeft: function (deltaX, deltaY) { var self = this; var scrollTop = this.bottomLeftGrid.getScrollTop(); var scrollLeft = this.bottomLeftGrid.getScrollLeft(); scrollTop += deltaY; scrollLeft += deltaX; this.bottomLeftGrid.setScrollTop(scrollTop); this.bottomRightGrid.setScrollTop(scrollTop); this.topLeftGrid.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); this.bottomLeftGrid.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); self._populateScrollbar(); this.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }, _onWheelRight: function (deltaX, deltaY) { var self = this; var scrollTop = this.bottomRightGrid.getScrollTop(); var scrollLeft = this.bottomRightGrid.getScrollLeft(); scrollTop += deltaY; scrollLeft += deltaX; this.bottomLeftGrid.setScrollTop(scrollTop); this.bottomRightGrid.setScrollTop(scrollTop); this.topRightGrid.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); this.bottomRightGrid.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); self._populateScrollbar(); this.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }, _populateTable: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var regionSize = this.getRegionSize(), totalLeftColumnSize = 0, totalRightColumnSize = 0, totalColumnSize = 0, summaryColumnSizeArray = []; var freezeColLength = this._getFreezeColLength(); BI.each(o.columnSize, function (i, size) { if (o.isNeedFreeze === true && o.freezeCols.contains(i)) { totalLeftColumnSize += size; } else { totalRightColumnSize += size; } totalColumnSize += size; if (i === 0) { summaryColumnSizeArray[i] = size; } else { summaryColumnSizeArray[i] = summaryColumnSizeArray[i - 1] + size; } }); var otlw = regionSize; var otlh = this._getFreezeHeaderHeight(); var otrw = this._width - regionSize; var otrh = this._getFreezeHeaderHeight(); var oblw = regionSize; var oblh = this._height - otlh; var obrw = this._width - regionSize; var obrh = this._height - otrh; this.topLeft.setWidth(otlw); this.topLeft.setHeight(otlh); this.topRight.setWidth(otrw); this.topRight.setHeight(otrh); this.bottomLeft.setWidth(oblw); this.bottomLeft.setHeight(oblh); this.bottomRight.setWidth(obrw); this.bottomRight.setHeight(obrh); this.topLeftGrid.setWidth(otlw); this.topLeftGrid.setHeight(otlh); this.topRightGrid.setWidth(otrw); this.topRightGrid.setHeight(otrh); this.bottomLeftGrid.setWidth(oblw); this.bottomLeftGrid.setHeight(oblh); this.bottomRightGrid.setWidth(obrw); this.bottomRightGrid.setHeight(obrh); this.topLeftGrid.setEstimatedColumnSize(freezeColLength > 0 ? totalLeftColumnSize / freezeColLength : 0); this.topLeftGrid.setEstimatedRowSize(o.headerRowSize); this.topRightGrid.setEstimatedColumnSize((o.columnSize.length - freezeColLength) > 0 ? (totalRightColumnSize / (o.columnSize.length - freezeColLength)) : 0); this.topRightGrid.setEstimatedRowSize(o.headerRowSize); this.bottomLeftGrid.setEstimatedColumnSize(freezeColLength > 0 ? totalLeftColumnSize / freezeColLength : 0); this.bottomLeftGrid.setEstimatedRowSize(o.rowSize); this.bottomRightGrid.setEstimatedColumnSize((o.columnSize.length - freezeColLength) > 0 ? (totalRightColumnSize / (o.columnSize.length - freezeColLength)) : 0); this.bottomRightGrid.setEstimatedRowSize(o.rowSize); this.topLeftGrid.setColumnCount(freezeColLength); this.topRightGrid.setColumnCount(o.columnSize.length - freezeColLength); this.bottomLeftGrid.setColumnCount(freezeColLength); this.bottomRightGrid.setColumnCount(o.columnSize.length - freezeColLength); var items = this.contextLayout.attr("items"); items[1].left = regionSize; items[2].top = this._getFreezeHeaderHeight(); items[3].left = regionSize; items[3].top = this._getFreezeHeaderHeight(); this.contextLayout.attr("items", items); this.contextLayout.resize(); var leftHeader = [], rightHeader = [], leftItems = [], rightItems = []; BI.each(o.header, function (i, cols) { leftHeader[i] = []; rightHeader[i] = []; BI.each(cols, function (j, col) { var cell = { type: "bi.grid_table_cell", cell: col }; if (j < freezeColLength) { leftHeader[i].push(cell); } else { rightHeader[i].push(cell); } }); }); BI.each(this._getActualItems(), function (i, cols) { leftItems[i] = []; rightItems[i] = []; BI.each(cols, function (j, col) { var cell = { type: "bi.grid_table_cell", cell: col }; if (j < freezeColLength) { leftItems[i].push(cell); } else { rightItems[i].push(cell); } }); }); this.topLeftGrid.populate(leftHeader); this.topRightGrid.populate(rightHeader); this.bottomLeftGrid.populate(leftItems); this.bottomRightGrid.populate(rightItems); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.quick_grid_table", BI.QuickGridTable);/** * * 表格滚动条 * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/12. * @class BI.GridTableScrollbar * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.GridTableScrollbar = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _const: { FACE_MARGIN: 4, FACE_MARGIN_2: 4 * 2, FACE_SIZE_MIN: 30, KEYBOARD_SCROLL_AMOUNT: 40 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.GridTableScrollbar.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "scrollbar-layout-main public-scrollbar-main", attributes: { tabIndex: 0 }, contentSize: 0, defaultPosition: 0, isOpaque: false, orientation: "vertical", position: 0, size: 0 }); }, render: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this.focused = false; this.isDragging = false; this.face = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "scrollbar-layout-face public-scrollbar-face " + (this._isHorizontal() ? "scrollbar-layout-face-horizontal" : "scrollbar-layout-face-vertical") }); this.contextLayout = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.face, left: 0, top: 0 }] }); }, mounted: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var onWheel = o.orientation === "horizontal" ? this._onWheelX : this._onWheelY; this._wheelHandler = new BI.WheelHandler( BI.bind(onWheel, this), BI.bind(this._shouldHandleX, this), BI.bind(this._shouldHandleY, this) ); this._mouseMoveTracker = new BI.MouseMoveTracker( BI.bind(this._onMouseMove, this), BI.bind(this._onMouseMoveEnd, this), document ); this.element.on("mousedown", BI.bind(this._onMouseDown, this)); this.element.on("mousewheel", function (e) { self._wheelHandler.onWheel(e.originalEvent); }); this.element.on("keydown", BI.bind(this._onKeyDown, this)); this.element.on("focus", function () { self.focused = true; self._populate(); }); this.element.on("blur", function () { self.focused = false; self._populate(); }); if (this._isHorizontal()) { this.element.addClass("scrollbar-layout-main-horizontal"); } else { this.element.addClass("scrollbar-layout-main-vertical"); } this._populate(); }, _isHorizontal: function () { return this.options.orientation === "horizontal"; }, _getScale: function () { var o = this.options; var scale = o.size / o.contentSize; var faceSize = o.size * scale; if (faceSize < this._const.FACE_SIZE_MIN) { scale = (o.size - this._const.FACE_SIZE_MIN) / (o.contentSize - o.size); } return scale; }, _getFaceSize: function () { var o = this.options; var scale = o.size / o.contentSize; var faceSize = o.size * scale; if (faceSize < this._const.FACE_SIZE_MIN) { faceSize = this._const.FACE_SIZE_MIN; } return faceSize; }, _shouldHandleX: function (delta) { return this.options.orientation === "horizontal" ? this._shouldHandleChange(delta) : false; }, _shouldHandleY: function (delta) { return this.options.orientation !== "horizontal" ? this._shouldHandleChange(delta) : false; }, _shouldHandleChange: function (delta) { return this.options.position + delta !== this.options.position; }, _onWheelY: function (deltaX, deltaY) { this._onWheel(deltaY); }, _onWheelX: function (deltaX, deltaY) { this._onWheel(deltaX); }, _onWheel: function (delta) { var maxPosition = this.options.contentSize - this.options.size; this.options.position += delta; if (this.options.position < 0) { this.options.position = 0; } else if (this.options.position > maxPosition) { this.options.position = maxPosition; } this._populate(); this.fireEvent(BI.GridTableScrollbar.EVENT_SCROLL, this.options.position); }, _onMouseDown: function (e) { if (e.target !== this.face.element[0]) { var position = this._isHorizontal() ? e.offsetX : e.offsetY; position /= this._getScale(); this.options.position = BI.clamp(position - (this._getFaceSize() * 0.5 / this._getScale()), 0, this.options.contentSize - this.options.size); this._populate(); this.fireEvent(BI.GridTableScrollbar.EVENT_SCROLL, this.options.position); } else { this._mouseMoveTracker.captureMouseMoves(e); } try { this.element[0].focus(); } catch (e) { } }, _onMouseMove: function (deltaX, deltaY) { var delta = this._isHorizontal() ? deltaX : deltaY; delta /= this._getScale(); this.options.position = BI.clamp(this.options.position + delta, 0, this.options.contentSize - this.options.size); this.isDragging = this._mouseMoveTracker.isDragging(); this._populate(); this.fireEvent(BI.GridTableScrollbar.EVENT_SCROLL, this.options.position); }, _onMouseMoveEnd: function (event) { this._mouseMoveTracker.releaseMouseMoves(); if (this.isDragging === true) { this.isDragging = false; this._populate(); } }, _onKeyDown: function (event) { var Keys = { BACKSPACE: 8, TAB: 9, RETURN: 13, ALT: 18, ESC: 27, SPACE: 32, PAGE_UP: 33, PAGE_DOWN: 34, END: 35, HOME: 36, LEFT: 37, UP: 38, RIGHT: 39, DOWN: 40, DELETE: 46, COMMA: 188, PERIOD: 190, A: 65, Z: 90, ZERO: 48, NUMPAD_0: 96, NUMPAD_9: 105 }; var keyCode = event.keyCode; if (keyCode === Keys.TAB) { return; } var distance = 40; var direction = 0; if (this._isHorizontal()) { switch (keyCode) { case Keys.HOME: direction = -1; distance = this.options.contentSize; break; case Keys.LEFT: direction = -1; break; case Keys.RIGHT: direction = 1; break; default: return; } } if (!this._isHorizontal()) { switch (keyCode) { case Keys.SPACE: if (event.shiftKey) { direction = -1; } else { direction = 1; } break; case Keys.HOME: direction = -1; distance = this.options.contentSize; break; case Keys.UP: direction = -1; break; case Keys.DOWN: direction = 1; break; case Keys.PAGE_UP: direction = -1; distance = this.options.size; break; case Keys.PAGE_DOWN: direction = 1; distance = this.options.size; break; default: return; } } this.options.position = BI.clamp(this.options.position + (distance * direction), 0, this.options.contentSize - this.options.size); event.preventDefault(); this._populate(); this.fireEvent(BI.GridTableScrollbar.EVENT_SCROLL, this.options.position); }, _populate: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.size < 1 || o.contentSize <= o.size) { this.setVisible(false); return; } this.setVisible(true); var size = o.size; var isHorizontal = this._isHorizontal(); var isActive = this.focused || this.isDragging; var faceSize = this._getFaceSize(); var isOpaque = o.isOpaque; this.element[isOpaque === true ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("public-scrollbar-main-opaque"); this.element[isActive === true ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("public-scrollbar-main-active"); this.face.element[isActive === true ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("public-scrollbar-face-active"); var position = o.position * this._getScale() + this._const.FACE_MARGIN; var items = this.contextLayout.attr("items"); if (isHorizontal) { this.setWidth(size); this.face.setWidth(faceSize - this._const.FACE_MARGIN_2); items[0].left = position; items[0].top = 0; } else { this.setHeight(size); this.face.setHeight(faceSize - this._const.FACE_MARGIN_2); items[0].left = 0; items[0].top = position; } this.contextLayout.attr("items", items); this.contextLayout.resize(); }, setContentSize: function (contentSize) { this.options.contentSize = contentSize; }, setPosition: function (position) { this.options.position = position; }, setSize: function (size) { this.options.size = size; }, populate: function () { this._populate(); } }); BI.GridTableScrollbar.SIZE = 10; BI.GridTableScrollbar.EVENT_SCROLL = "EVENT_SCROLL"; BI.shortcut("bi.grid_table_scrollbar", BI.GridTableScrollbar); BI.GridTableHorizontalScrollbar = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _const: { FACE_MARGIN: 4, FACE_MARGIN_2: 4 * 2, FACE_SIZE_MIN: 30, KEYBOARD_SCROLL_AMOUNT: 40 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.GridTableHorizontalScrollbar.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { attributes: { tabIndex: 0 }, contentSize: 0, position: 0, size: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.GridTableHorizontalScrollbar.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.scrollbar = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.grid_table_scrollbar", orientation: "horizontal", isOpaque: true, position: o.position, contentSize: o.contentSize, size: o.size }); this.scrollbar.on(BI.GridTableScrollbar.EVENT_SCROLL, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.GridTableHorizontalScrollbar.EVENT_SCROLL, arguments); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", cls: "horizontal-scrollbar", element: this, width: o.size, height: BI.GridTableScrollbar.SIZE, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.absolute", scrollable: false, height: BI.GridTableScrollbar.SIZE, items: [{ el: this.scrollbar, left: 0, top: 0 }] }, top: 0, left: 0, right: 0 }] }); }, setContentSize: function (contentSize) { this.options.contentSize = contentSize; this.scrollbar.setContentSize(contentSize); }, setPosition: function (position) { this.options.position = position; this.scrollbar.setPosition(position); }, setSize: function (size) { this.setWidth(size); this.options.size = size; this.scrollbar.setSize(size); }, populate: function () { this.scrollbar.populate(); var o = this.options; if (o.size < 1 || o.contentSize <= o.size) { this.setVisible(false); return; } this.setVisible(true); } }); BI.GridTableHorizontalScrollbar.EVENT_SCROLL = "EVENT_SCROLL"; BI.shortcut("bi.grid_table_horizontal_scrollbar", BI.GridTableHorizontalScrollbar);/** * * 表格 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/22. * @class BI.TableHeaderCell * @extends BI.Single */ BI.TableHeaderCell = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.TableHeaderCell.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-table-header-cell", text: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.TableHeaderCell.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", element: this, textAlign: "center", height: this.options.height, text: this.options.text, value: this.options.value }); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.table_header_cell", BI.TableHeaderCell);/** * * 表格 * * 能处理静态宽度以及动态宽度的表, 百分比宽度的表请使用PreviewTable * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/22. * @class BI.Table * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.Table = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Table.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-table", logic: { // 冻结的页面布局逻辑 dynamic: false }, isNeedFreeze: false, // 是否需要冻结单元格 freezeCols: [], // 冻结的列号,从0开始,isNeedFreeze为true时生效 isNeedMerge: false, // 是否需要合并单元格 mergeCols: [], // 合并的单元格列号 mergeRule: function (row1, row2) { // 合并规则, 默认相等时合并 return BI.isEqual(row1, row2); }, columnSize: [], headerRowSize: 25, footerRowSize: 25, rowSize: 25, regionColumnSize: false, header: [], footer: false, items: [] // 二维数组 }); }, _calculateWidth: function (width) { if (!width || width === "0") { return ""; } width = BI.parseFloat(width); if (width < 0) { width = 0; } return width > 1.01 ? width : (width * 100 + "%"); }, _calculateHeight: function (height) { return height ? height : ""; }, _isRightFreeze: function () { return BI.isNotEmptyArray(this.options.freezeCols) && BI.first(this.options.freezeCols) !== 0; }, _createTopLeft: function () { var o = this.options, isRight = this._isRightFreeze(); this.topLeftColGroupTds = {}; this.topLeftBodyTds = {}; this.topLeftBodyItems = {}; var table = this._table(); var colgroup = this._createColGroup(this.columnLeft, this.topLeftColGroupTds); var body = this.topLeftBody = this._body(); body.element.append(this._createHeaderCells(this.topLeftItems, this.columnLeft, this.mergeLeft, this.topLeftBodyTds, this.topLeftBodyItems)); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", element: table, items: [colgroup, body] }); if (isRight) { var w = 0; BI.each(o.columnSize, function (i, col) { if (!o.freezeCols.contains(i)) { w += col; } }); if (BI.isNumeric(w) && w > 1) { w = BI.parseFloat(w) + o.columnSize.length - o.freezeCols.length; } } return (this.topLeftContainer = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", width: this._calculateWidth(w), items: [table] })); }, _createTopRight: function () { var o = this.options, isRight = this._isRightFreeze(); this.topRightColGroupTds = {}; this.topRightBodyTds = {}; this.topRightBodyItems = {}; var table = this._table(); var colgroup = this._createColGroup(this.columnRight, this.topRightColGroupTds); var body = this.topRightBody = this._body(); body.element.append(this._createHeaderCells(this.topRightItems, this.columnRight, this.mergeRight, this.topRightBodyTds, this.topRightBodyItems, this.columnLeft.length)); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", element: table, items: [colgroup, body] }); if (!isRight) { var w = 0; BI.each(o.columnSize, function (i, col) { if (!o.freezeCols.contains(i)) { w += col; } }); if (BI.isNumeric(w)) { w = BI.parseFloat(w) + o.columnSize.length - o.freezeCols.length; } } return (this.topRightContainer = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", width: w || undefined, items: [table] })); }, _createBottomLeft: function () { var o = this.options, isRight = this._isRightFreeze(); this.bottomLeftColGroupTds = {}; this.bottomLeftBodyTds = {}; this.bottomLeftBodyItems = {}; var table = this._table(); var colgroup = this._createColGroup(this.columnLeft, this.bottomLeftColGroupTds); var body = this._createBottomLeftBody(); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", element: table, items: [colgroup, body] }); if (isRight) { var w = 0; BI.each(o.columnSize, function (i, col) { if (!o.freezeCols.contains(i)) { w += col; } }); if (BI.isNumeric(w) && w > 1) { w = BI.parseFloat(w) + o.columnSize.length - o.freezeCols.length; } } return (this.bottomLeftContainer = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", width: this._calculateWidth(w), items: [table] })); }, _createBottomLeftBody: function () { var body = this.bottomLeftBody = this._body(); body.element.append(this._createCells(this.bottomLeftItems, this.columnLeft, this.mergeLeft, this.bottomLeftBodyTds, this.bottomLeftBodyItems)); return body; }, _createBottomRight: function () { var o = this.options, isRight = this._isRightFreeze(); this.bottomRightColGroupTds = {}; this.bottomRightBodyTds = {}; this.bottomRightBodyItems = {}; var table = this._table(); var colgroup = this._createColGroup(this.columnRight, this.bottomRightColGroupTds); var body = this._createBottomRightBody(); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", element: table, items: [colgroup, body] }); if (!isRight) { var w = 0; BI.each(o.columnSize, function (i, col) { if (!o.freezeCols.contains(i)) { w += col; } }); if (BI.isNumeric(w) && w > 1) { w = BI.parseFloat(w) + o.columnSize.length - o.freezeCols.length; } } return (this.bottomRightContainer = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", width: this._calculateWidth(w), items: [table] })); }, _createBottomRightBody: function () { var body = this.bottomRightBody = this._body(); body.element.append(this._createCells(this.bottomRightItems, this.columnRight, this.mergeRight, this.bottomRightBodyTds, this.bottomRightBodyItems, this.columnLeft.length)); return body; }, _createFreezeTable: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var isRight = this._isRightFreeze(); var split = this._split(o.header); this.topLeftItems = split.left; this.topRightItems = split.right; split = this._split(o.items); this.bottomLeftItems = split.left; this.bottomRightItems = split.right; this.columnLeft = []; this.columnRight = []; BI.each(o.columnSize, function (i, size) { if (o.freezeCols.contains(i)) { self[isRight ? "columnRight" : "columnLeft"].push(size); } else { self[isRight ? "columnLeft" : "columnRight"].push(size); } }); this.mergeLeft = []; this.mergeRight = []; BI.each(o.mergeCols, function (i, col) { if (o.freezeCols.contains(col)) { self[isRight ? "mergeRight" : "mergeLeft"].push(col); } else { self[isRight ? "mergeLeft" : "mergeRight"].push(col); } }); var topLeft = this._createTopLeft(); var topRight = this._createTopRight(); var bottomLeft = this._createBottomLeft(); var bottomRight = this._createBottomRight(); this.scrollTopLeft = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", cls: "scroll-top-left", width: "100%", height: "100%", scrollable: false, items: [topLeft] }); this.scrollTopRight = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", cls: "scroll-top-right", width: "100%", height: "100%", scrollable: false, items: [topRight] }); this.scrollBottomLeft = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", cls: "scroll-bottom-left", width: "100%", height: "100%", scrollable: isRight || null, scrollx: !isRight, items: [bottomLeft] }); this.scrollBottomRight = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", cls: "scroll-bottom-right", width: "100%", height: "100%", scrollable: !isRight || null, scrollx: isRight, items: [bottomRight] }); this.topLeft = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", cls: "top-left", scrollable: false, items: [this.scrollTopLeft] }); this.topRight = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", cls: "top-right", scrollable: false, items: [this.scrollTopRight] }); this.bottomLeft = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", cls: "bottom-left", // scrollable: false, items: [this.scrollBottomLeft] }); this.bottomRight = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", cls: "bottom-right", scrollable: false, items: [this.scrollBottomRight] }); var headerHeight = o.header.length * ((o.headerRowSize || o.rowSize) + 1) + 1; var leftWidth = BI.sum(o.freezeCols, function (i, col) { return o.columnSize[col] > 1 ? o.columnSize[col] + 1 : o.columnSize[col]; }); this._resize = function () { if (self.scrollBottomLeft.element.is(":visible")) { self.scrollBottomLeft.element.css({"overflow-x": "auto"}); self.scrollBottomRight.element.css({"overflow-x": "auto"}); self.setColumnSize(o.columnSize); if (isRight) { self.scrollBottomLeft.element.css({"overflow-y": "auto"}); } else { self.scrollBottomRight.element.css({"overflow-y": "auto"}); } if (self.scrollBottomLeft.element.hasHorizonScroll() || self.scrollBottomRight.element.hasHorizonScroll()) { self.scrollBottomLeft.element.css("overflow-x", "scroll"); self.scrollBottomRight.element.css("overflow-x", "scroll"); } if (self.scrollBottomRight.element.hasVerticalScroll()) { self.scrollTopRight.element.css("overflow-y", "scroll"); } else { self.scrollTopRight.element.css("overflow-y", "hidden"); } if (self.scrollBottomLeft.element.hasVerticalScroll()) { self.scrollTopLeft.element.css("overflow-y", "scroll"); } else { self.scrollTopLeft.element.css("overflow-y", "hidden"); } self.scrollTopLeft.element[0].scrollLeft = self.scrollBottomLeft.element[0].scrollLeft; self.scrollTopRight.element[0].scrollLeft = self.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollLeft; self.scrollBottomLeft.element[0].scrollTop = self.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollTop; } }; var regionColumnSize = o.regionColumnSize; if (o.freezeCols.length === 0) { regionColumnSize = isRight ? ["fill", 0] : [0, "fill"]; } else if (o.freezeCols.length >= o.columnSize.length) { regionColumnSize = isRight ? [0, "fill"] : ["fill", 0]; } this.partitions = BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("table", BI.extend({}, o.logic, { rows: 2, columns: 2, columnSize: regionColumnSize || (isRight ? ["fill", leftWidth] : [leftWidth, "fill"]), rowSize: [headerHeight, "fill"], items: [[{ el: this.topLeft }, { el: this.topRight }], [{ el: this.bottomLeft }, { el: this.bottomRight }]] })))); this._initFreezeScroll(); BI.ResizeDetector.addResizeListener(this, function () { self._resize(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_RESIZE); }); }, mounted: function () { this._resize && this._resize(); this.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_INIT); }, _initFreezeScroll: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; scroll(this.scrollBottomRight.element, this.scrollTopRight.element, this.scrollBottomLeft.element); // scroll(this.scrollBottomLeft.element, this.scrollTopLeft.element, this.scrollBottomRight.element); function scroll (scrollElement, scrollTopElement, otherElement) { scrollElement.scroll(function (e) { otherElement.scrollTop(scrollElement.scrollTop()); scrollTopElement.scrollLeft(scrollElement.scrollLeft()); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL); }); } }, resize: function () { this._resize && this._resize(); }, _createCells: function (items, columnSize, mergeCols, TDs, Ws, start, rowSize) { var self = this, o = this.options, preCol = {}, preRow = {}, preRW = {}, preCW = {}, map = {}; columnSize = columnSize || o.columnSize; mergeCols = mergeCols || o.mergeCols; TDs = TDs || {}; Ws = Ws || {}; start = start || 0; rowSize || (rowSize = o.rowSize); var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); BI.each(items, function (i, rows) { var tr = $("<tr>").addClass((i & 1) === 0 ? "odd" : "even"); BI.each(rows, function (j, row) { if (!map[i]) { map[i] = {}; } if (!TDs[i]) { TDs[i] = {}; } if (!Ws[i]) { Ws[i] = {}; } map[i][j] = row; if (o.isNeedMerge && mergeCols.contains(j)) { if (i === 0 && j === 0) { createOneEl(0, 0); } else if (j === 0 && i > 0) { var isNeedMergeRow = o.mergeRule(map[i][j], map[i - 1][j]); if (isNeedMergeRow === true) { mergeRow(i, j); preRow[i] = preCol[j]; preRW[i] = preCW[j]; } else { createOneEl(i, j); } } else if (i === 0 && j > 0) { var isNeedMergeCol = o.mergeRule(map[i][j], map[i][j - 1]); if (isNeedMergeCol === true) { mergeCol(i, j); preCol[j] = preRow[i]; preCW[j] = preRW[i]; } else { createOneEl(i, j); } } else { var isNeedMergeRow = o.mergeRule(map[i][j], map[i - 1][j]); var isNeedMergeCol = o.mergeRule(map[i][j], map[i][j - 1]); if (isNeedMergeCol && isNeedMergeRow) { return; } if (isNeedMergeCol) { mergeCol(i, j); } if (isNeedMergeRow) { mergeRow(i, j); } if (!isNeedMergeCol && !isNeedMergeRow) { createOneEl(i, j); } } } else { createOneEl(i, j); } }); function mergeRow (i, j) { var height = (preCol[j].attr("height") | 0) + rowSize + 1; preCol[j].attr("height", height).css("height", height); // preCW[j].element.css("height", height); var rowspan = ((preCol[j].attr("rowspan") || 1) | 0) + 1; preCol[j].attr("rowspan", rowspan); preCol[j].__mergeRows.pushDistinct(i); TDs[i][j] = preCol[j]; Ws[i][j] = preCW[j]; } function mergeCol (i, j) { if (columnSize[j]) { var width = preRow[i].attr("width") | 0; if (width > 1.05 && columnSize[j]) { width = width + columnSize[j] + 1; if (j === columnSize.length - 1) { width--; } } else { width = width + columnSize[j]; } width = self._calculateWidth(width); preRow[i].attr("width", width).css("width", width); preRW[i].element.width(width); } var colspan = ((preRow[i].attr("colspan") || 1) | 0) + 1; preRow[i].attr("colspan", colspan); preRow[i].__mergeCols.pushDistinct(j); TDs[i][j] = preRow[i]; Ws[i][j] = preRW[i]; } function createOneEl (r, c) { var width = self._calculateWidth(columnSize[c]); if (width > 1.05 && c === columnSize.length - 1) { width--; } var height = self._calculateHeight(rowSize); var td = $("<td>").attr("height", height) .attr("width", width).css({width: width, height: height, position: "relative"}) .addClass((c & 1) === 0 ? "odd-col" : "even-col") .addClass(r === 0 ? "first-row" : "") .addClass(c === 0 ? "first-col" : "") .addClass(c === rows.length - 1 ? "last-col" : ""); var w = BI.createWidget(map[r][c], { type: "bi.table_cell", textAlign: "left", width: BI.isNumeric(width) ? width : "", height: BI.isNumeric(height) ? height : "", _row: r, _col: c + start }); self.addWidget(w.getName(), w); w._mount(); w.element.css("position", "relative"); td.append(w.element); tr.append(td); preCol[c] = td; preCol[c].__mergeRows = [r]; preCW[c] = w; preRow[r] = td; preRow[r].__mergeCols = [c]; preRW[r] = w; TDs[r][c] = td; Ws[r][c] = w; } frag.appendChild(tr[0]); }); return frag; }, _createColGroupCells: function (columnSize, store) { var self = this, o = this.options; columnSize = columnSize || o.columnSize; store = store || {}; var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); BI.each(columnSize, function (i, size) { var width = self._calculateWidth(size); var col = $("<col>").attr("width", width).css("width", width); store[i] = col; frag.appendChild(col[0]); }); return frag; }, _createHeaderCells: function (items, columnSize, mergeCols, TDs, Ws, start) { var self = this, o = this.options; start || (start = 0); var frag = this._createCells(items, columnSize, BI.range(o.columnSize.length), TDs, Ws, start, o.headerRowSize || o.rowSize); return frag; }, _createFooterCells: function (items, columnSize, TDs, Ws) { var o = this.options; var frag = this._createCells(items, columnSize, [], TDs, Ws, 0); return frag; }, _createColGroup: function (columnSize, store, widgets) { var self = this, o = this.options; this.colgroup = this._colgroup(); this.colgroup.element.append(this._createColGroupCells(columnSize, store, widgets)); return this.colgroup; }, _createHeader: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.header === false) { return; } this.header = this._header(); this.header.element.append(this._createHeaderCells(o.header, null, null, this.headerTds, this.headerItems)); return this.header; }, _createFooter: function (columnSize, store, widgets) { var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.footer === false) { return; } this.footer = this._footer(); this.footer.element.append(this._createFooterCells(o.footer, null, this.footerTds, this.footerItems)); return this.footer; }, _createBody: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this.body = this._body(); this.body.element.append(this._createCells(o.items, null, null, this.bodyTds, this.bodyItems)); return this.body; }, _createNormalTable: function () { var self = this, o = this.options, table = this._table(); this.colgroupTds = {}; this.headerTds = {}; this.footerTds = {}; this.bodyTds = {}; this.headerItems = {}; this.footerItems = {}; this.bodyItems = {}; var colgroup = this._createColGroup(null, this.colgroupTds); var header = this._createHeader(); var footer = this._createFooter(); var body = this._createBody(); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", element: table, items: [colgroup, header, footer, body] }); var w = BI.sum(this.options.columnSize) || undefined; w = this._calculateWidth(w); if (BI.isNumeric(w) && w > 1) { w += o.columnSize.length; } this.tableContainer = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", width: this._calculateWidth(w), items: [table] }); this.scrollBottomRight = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", width: "100%", height: "100%", cls: "scroll-bottom-right", scrollable: true, items: [this.tableContainer] }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", cls: "bottom-right", element: this, scrollable: false, items: [this.scrollBottomRight] }); this._initNormalScroll(); BI.nextTick(function () { if (self.element.is(":visible")) { self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_INIT); } }); }, _initNormalScroll: function () { var self = this; this.scrollBottomRight.element.scroll(function (e) { self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL); }); }, _split: function (items) { var o = this.options, left = [], right = [], isRight = this._isRightFreeze(); BI.each(items, function (i, rows) { left.push([]); right.push([]); BI.each(rows, function (j, cell) { if (o.freezeCols.contains(j)) { (isRight ? right : left)[i].push(cell); } else { (isRight ? left : right)[i].push(cell); } }); }); return { left: left, right: right }; }, _table: function () { return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", tagName: "table", cls: "table", attribute: {cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 0} }); }, _header: function () { return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "header", tagName: "thead" }); }, _footer: function () { return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "footer", tagName: "tfoot" }); }, _body: function () { return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", tagName: "tbody", cls: "body" }); }, _colgroup: function () { return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", tagName: "colgroup" }); }, render: function () { this.populate(this.options.items); }, setColumnSize: function (columnSize) { var self = this, o = this.options; var isRight = this._isRightFreeze(); o.columnSize = columnSize || []; if (o.isNeedFreeze) { var columnLeft = []; var columnRight = []; BI.each(o.columnSize, function (i, size) { if (o.freezeCols.contains(i)) { isRight ? columnRight.push(size) : columnLeft.push(size); } else { isRight ? columnLeft.push(size) : columnRight.push(size); } }); var topleft = 0, topright = 1, bottomleft = 2, bottomright = 3; var run = function (direction) { var colgroupTds, bodyTds, bodyItems, sizes; switch (direction) { case topleft: colgroupTds = self.topLeftColGroupTds; bodyTds = self.topLeftBodyTds; bodyItems = self.topLeftBodyItems; sizes = columnLeft; break; case topright: colgroupTds = self.topRightColGroupTds; bodyTds = self.topRightBodyTds; bodyItems = self.topRightBodyItems; sizes = columnRight; break; case bottomleft: colgroupTds = self.bottomLeftColGroupTds; bodyTds = self.bottomLeftBodyTds; bodyItems = self.bottomLeftBodyItems; sizes = columnLeft; break; case bottomright: colgroupTds = self.bottomRightColGroupTds; bodyTds = self.bottomRightBodyTds; bodyItems = self.bottomRightBodyItems; sizes = columnRight; break; } BI.each(colgroupTds, function (i, colgroup) { var width = colgroup.attr("width") | 0; if (sizes[i] !== "" && width !== sizes[i]) { var w = self._calculateWidth(sizes[i]); colgroup.attr("width", w).css("width", w); BI.each(bodyTds, function (j, items) { if (items[i]) { if (items[i].__mergeCols.length > 1) { var wid = 0; BI.each(sizes, function (t, s) { if (items[i].__mergeCols.contains(t)) { wid += s; } }); wid = self._calculateWidth(wid); if (wid > 1) { wid += items[i].__mergeCols.length - 1; } if (BI.isNumeric(wid)) { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].attr("width", wid - 1).css("width", wid - 1); } else { items[i].attr("width", wid).css("width", wid); } } else { items[i].attr("width", "").css("width", ""); } } else { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].attr("width", w - 1).css("width", w - 1); } else { items[i].attr("width", w).css("width", w); } } } }); BI.each(bodyItems, function (j, items) { if (items[i]) { if (bodyTds[j][i].__mergeCols.length > 1) { var wid = 0; BI.each(sizes, function (t, s) { if (bodyTds[j][i].__mergeCols.contains(t)) { wid += s; } }); wid = self._calculateWidth(wid); if (wid > 1) { wid += bodyTds[j][i].__mergeCols.length - 1; } if (BI.isNumeric(wid)) { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].element.attr("width", wid - 1).css("width", wid - 1); } else { items[i].element.attr("width", wid).css("width", wid); } } else { items[i].element.attr("width", "").css("width", ""); } } else { if (BI.isNumeric(w)) { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].element.attr("width", w - 1).css("width", w - 1); } else { items[i].element.attr("width", w).css("width", w); } } else { items[i].element.attr("width", "").css("width", ""); } } } }); } }); }; run(topleft); run(topright); run(bottomleft); run(bottomright); var lw = 0, rw = 0; this.columnLeft = []; this.columnRight = []; BI.each(o.columnSize, function (i, size) { if (o.freezeCols.contains(i)) { lw += size; self[isRight ? "columnRight" : "columnLeft"].push(size); } else { rw += size; self[isRight ? "columnLeft" : "columnRight"].push(size); } }); lw = this._calculateWidth(lw); rw = this._calculateWidth(rw); if (BI.isNumeric(lw)) { lw = BI.parseFloat(lw) + o.freezeCols.length; } if (BI.isNumeric(rw)) { rw = BI.parseFloat(rw) + o.columnSize.length - o.freezeCols.length; } this.topLeftContainer.element.width(isRight ? rw : lw); this.bottomLeftContainer.element.width(isRight ? rw : lw); this.topRightContainer.element.width(isRight ? lw : rw); this.bottomRightContainer.element.width(isRight ? lw : rw); this.scrollTopLeft.element[0].scrollLeft = this.scrollBottomLeft.element[0].scrollLeft; this.scrollTopRight.element[0].scrollLeft = this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollLeft; } else { BI.each(this.colgroupTds, function (i, colgroup) { var width = colgroup.attr("width") | 0; if (o.columnSize[i] !== "" && width !== o.columnSize[i]) { var w = self._calculateWidth(o.columnSize[i]); colgroup.attr("width", w).css("width", w); BI.each(self.bodyTds, function (j, items) { if (items[i]) { if (items[i].__mergeCols.length > 1) { var wid = 0; BI.each(o.columnSize, function (t, s) { if (items[i].__mergeCols.contains(t)) { wid += s; } }); wid = self._calculateWidth(wid); if (wid > 1) { wid += items[i].__mergeCols.length - 1; } if (BI.isNumeric(wid)) { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].attr("width", w - 1).css("width", w - 1); } else { items[i].attr("width", w).css("width", w); } } else { items[i].attr("width", "").css("width", ""); } } else { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].attr("width", w - 1).css("width", w - 1); } else { items[i].attr("width", w).css("width", w); } } } }); BI.each(self.headerTds, function (j, items) { if (items[i]) { if (items[i].__mergeCols.length > 1) { var wid = 0; BI.each(o.columnSize, function (t, s) { if (items[i].__mergeCols.contains(t)) { wid += s; } }); wid = self._calculateWidth(wid); if (wid > 1) { wid += items[i].__mergeCols.length - 1; } if (BI.isNumeric(wid)) { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].attr("width", w - 1).css("width", w - 1); } else { items[i].attr("width", w).css("width", w); } } else { items[i].attr("width", "").css("width", ""); } } else { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].attr("width", w - 1).css("width", w - 1); } else { items[i].attr("width", w).css("width", w); } } } }); BI.each(self.footerTds, function (j, items) { if (items[i]) { if (items[i].__mergeCols.length > 1) { var wid = 0; BI.each(o.columnSize, function (t, s) { if (items[i].__mergeCols.contains(t)) { wid += s; } }); wid = self._calculateWidth(wid); if (wid > 1) { wid += items[i].__mergeCols.length - 1; } if (BI.isNumeric(wid)) { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].attr("width", w - 1).css("width", w - 1); } else { items[i].attr("width", w).css("width", w); } } else { items[i].attr("width", "").css("width", ""); } } else { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].attr("width", w - 1).css("width", w - 1); } else { items[i].attr("width", w).css("width", w); } } } }); BI.each(self.bodyItems, function (j, items) { if (items[i]) { if (self.bodyTds[j][i].__mergeCols.length > 1) { var wid = 0; BI.each(o.columnSize, function (t, s) { if (self.bodyTds[j][i].__mergeCols.contains(t)) { wid += s; } }); wid = self._calculateWidth(wid); if (wid > 1) { wid += self.bodyTds[j][i].__mergeCols.length - 1; } if (BI.isNumeric(wid)) { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].element.attr("width", wid - 1).css("width", wid - 1); } else { items[i].element.attr("width", wid).css("width", wid); } } else { items[i].element.attr("width", "").css("width", ""); } } else { if (BI.isNumeric(w)) { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].element.attr("width", w - 1).css("width", w - 1); } else { items[i].element.attr("width", w).css("width", w); } } else { items[i].element.attr("width", "").css("width", ""); } } } }); BI.each(self.headerItems, function (j, items) { if (items[i]) { if (self.headerTds[j][i].__mergeCols.length > 1) { var wid = 0; BI.each(o.columnSize, function (t, s) { if (self.headerTds[j][i].__mergeCols.contains(t)) { wid += s; } }); wid = self._calculateWidth(wid); if (wid > 1) { wid += self.headerTds[j][i].__mergeCols.length - 1; } if (BI.isNumeric(wid)) { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].element.attr("width", wid - 1).css("width", wid - 1); } else { items[i].element.attr("width", wid).css("width", wid); } } else { items[i].element.attr("width", "").css("width", ""); } } else { if (BI.isNumeric(w)) { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].element.attr("width", w - 1).css("width", w - 1); } else { items[i].element.attr("width", w).css("width", w); } } else { items[i].element.attr("width", "").css("width", ""); } } } }); BI.each(self.footerItems, function (j, items) { if (items[i]) { if (self.footerTds[j][i].__mergeCols.length > 1) { var wid = 0; BI.each(o.columnSize, function (t, s) { if (self.footerTds[j][i].__mergeCols.contains(t)) { wid += s; } }); wid = self._calculateWidth(wid); if (wid > 1) { wid += self.footerTds[j][i].__mergeCols.length - 1; } if (BI.isNumeric(wid)) { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].element.attr("width", wid - 1).css("width", wid - 1); } else { items[i].element.attr("width", wid).css("width", wid); } } else { items[i].element.attr("width", "").css("width", ""); } } else { if (BI.isNumeric(w)) { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].element.attr("width", w - 1).css("width", w - 1); } else { items[i].element.attr("width", w).css("width", w); } } else { items[i].element.attr("width", "").css("width", ""); } } } }); } }); var w = this._calculateWidth(BI.sum(o.columnSize)); if (w > 1.05) { w += o.columnSize.length; } if (w > 1.05) { this.tableContainer.element.width(w); } } }, getColumnSize: function () { return this.options.columnSize; }, getCalculateColumnSize: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var columnSize = []; if (o.isNeedFreeze === true) { if (BI.size(this.bottomLeftBodyTds) > 0 || BI.size(this.bottomRightBodyTds) > 0) { if (!BI.any(this.bottomLeftBodyTds, function (i, tds) { if (!BI.any(tds, function (i, item) { if (item.__mergeCols.length > 1) { return true; } })) { BI.each(tds, function (i, item) { var width = item.width() / item.__mergeCols.length; if (i == BI.size(tds) - 1) { width++; } columnSize.push(width); }); return true; } })) { BI.each(this.bottomLeftBodyTds[0], function (i, item) { var width = item.width() / item.__mergeCols.length; if (i == BI.size(self.bottomLeftBodyTds[0]) - 1) { width++; } columnSize.push(width); }); } if (!BI.any(this.bottomRightBodyTds, function (i, tds) { if (!BI.any(tds, function (i, item) { if (item.__mergeCols.length > 1) { return true; } })) { BI.each(tds, function (i, item) { var width = item.width() / item.__mergeCols.length; if (i == BI.size(tds) - 1) { width++; } columnSize.push(width); }); return true; } })) { BI.each(this.bottomRightBodyTds[0], function (i, item) { var width = item.width() / item.__mergeCols.length; if (i == BI.size(self.bottomRightBodyTds[0]) - 1) { width++; } columnSize.push(width); }); } return columnSize; } if (!BI.any(this.topLeftBodyTds, function (i, tds) { if (!BI.any(tds, function (i, item) { if (item.__mergeCols.length > 1) { return true; } })) { BI.each(tds, function (i, item) { var width = item.width() / item.__mergeCols.length; if (i == BI.size(tds) - 1) { width++; } columnSize.push(width); }); return true; } })) { BI.each(this.topLeftBodyTds[BI.size(this.topLeftBodyTds) - 1], function (i, item) { var width = item.width() / item.__mergeCols.length; if (i == BI.size(self.topLeftBodyTds[BI.size(self.topLeftBodyTds) - 1]) - 1) { width++; } columnSize.push(width); }); } if (!BI.any(this.topRightBodyTds, function (i, tds) { if (!BI.any(tds, function (i, item) { if (item.__mergeCols.length > 1) { return true; } })) { BI.each(tds, function (i, item) { var width = item.width() / item.__mergeCols.length; if (i == BI.size(tds) - 1) { width++; } columnSize.push(width); }); return true; } })) { BI.each(this.topRightBodyTds[BI.size(this.topRightBodyTds) - 1], function (i, item) { var width = item.width() / item.__mergeCols.length; if (i == BI.size(self.topRightBodyTds[BI.size(self.topRightBodyTds) - 1]) - 1) { width++; } columnSize.push(width); }); } } else { BI.each(this.headerTds[BI.size(this.headerTds) - 1], function (i, item) { var width = item.width() / item.__mergeCols.length; if (i == BI.size(self.headerTds[BI.size(self.headerTds) - 1]) - 1) { width++; } columnSize.push(width); }); } return columnSize; }, setHeaderColumnSize: function (columnSize) { var self = this, o = this.options; var isRight = this._isRightFreeze(); if (o.isNeedFreeze) { var columnLeft = []; var columnRight = []; BI.each(columnSize, function (i, size) { if (o.freezeCols.contains(i)) { isRight ? columnRight.push(size) : columnLeft.push(size); } else { isRight ? columnLeft.push(size) : columnRight.push(size); } }); var topleft = 0, topright = 1; var run = function (direction) { var colgroupTds, bodyTds, bodyItems, sizes; switch (direction) { case topleft: colgroupTds = self.topLeftColGroupTds; bodyTds = self.topLeftBodyTds; bodyItems = self.topLeftBodyItems; sizes = columnLeft; break; case topright: colgroupTds = self.topRightColGroupTds; bodyTds = self.topRightBodyTds; bodyItems = self.topRightBodyItems; sizes = columnRight; break; } BI.each(colgroupTds, function (i, colgroup) { var width = colgroup.attr("width") | 0; if (width !== sizes[i]) { var w = self._calculateWidth(sizes[i]); colgroup.attr("width", w).css("width", w); BI.each(bodyTds, function (j, items) { if (items[i]) { if (items[i].__mergeCols.length > 1) { var wid = 0; BI.each(sizes, function (t, s) { if (items[i].__mergeCols.contains(t)) { wid += s; } }); wid = self._calculateWidth(wid); if (wid > 1) { wid += items[i].__mergeCols.length - 1; } if (BI.isNumeric(wid)) { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].attr("width", wid - 1).css("width", wid - 1); } else { items[i].attr("width", wid).css("width", wid); } } else { items[i].attr("width", "").css("width", ""); } } else { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].attr("width", w - 1).css("width", w - 1); } else { items[i].attr("width", w).css("width", w); } } } }); BI.each(bodyItems, function (j, items) { if (items[i]) { if (bodyTds[j][i].__mergeCols.length > 1) { var wid = 0; BI.each(sizes, function (t, s) { if (bodyTds[j][i].__mergeCols.contains(t)) { wid += s; } }); wid = self._calculateWidth(wid); if (wid > 1) { wid += bodyTds[j][i].__mergeCols.length - 1; } if (BI.isNumeric(wid)) { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].element.attr("width", wid - 1).css("width", wid - 1); } else { items[i].element.attr("width", wid).css("width", wid); } } else { items[i].element.attr("width", "").css("width", ""); } } else { if (BI.isNumeric(w)) { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].element.attr("width", w - 1).css("width", w - 1); } else { items[i].element.attr("width", w).css("width", w); } } else { items[i].element.attr("width", "").css("width", ""); } } } }); } }); }; run(topleft); run(topright); var lw = 0, rw = 0; BI.each(columnSize, function (i, size) { if (o.freezeCols.contains(i)) { lw += size; } else { rw += size; } }); lw = this._calculateWidth(lw); rw = this._calculateWidth(rw); if (BI.isNumeric(lw)) { lw = BI.parseFloat(lw) + o.freezeCols.length; } if (BI.isNumeric(rw)) { rw = BI.parseFloat(rw) + columnSize.length - o.freezeCols.length; } this.topLeftContainer.element.width(isRight ? rw : lw); this.topRightContainer.element.width(isRight ? lw : rw); this.scrollTopLeft.element[0].scrollLeft = this.scrollBottomLeft.element[0].scrollLeft; this.scrollTopRight.element[0].scrollLeft = this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollLeft; } else { BI.each(this.colgroupTds, function (i, colgroup) { var width = colgroup.attr("width") | 0; if (width !== columnSize[i]) { var w = self._calculateWidth(columnSize[i]); colgroup.attr("width", w).css("width", w); BI.each(self.headerTds, function (j, items) { if (items[i]) { if (items[i].__mergeCols.length > 1) { var wid = 0; BI.each(columnSize, function (t, s) { if (items[i].__mergeCols.contains(t)) { wid += s; } }); wid = self._calculateWidth(wid); if (wid > 1) { wid += items[i].__mergeCols.length - 1; } if (BI.isNumeric(wid)) { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].element.attr("width", wid - 1).css("width", wid - 1); } else { items[i].element.attr("width", wid).css("width", wid); } } else { items[i].attr("width", "").css("width", ""); } } else { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].attr("width", w - 1).css("width", w - 1); } else { items[i].attr("width", w).css("width", w); } } } }); BI.each(self.headerItems, function (j, items) { if (items[i]) { if (self.headerTds[j][i].__mergeCols.length > 1) { var wid = 0; BI.each(columnSize, function (t, s) { if (self.headerTds[j][i].__mergeCols.contains(t)) { wid += s; } }); wid = self._calculateWidth(wid); if (wid > 1) { wid += self.headerTds[j][i].__mergeCols.length - 1; } if (BI.isNumeric(wid)) { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].element.attr("width", wid - 1).css("width", wid - 1); } else { items[i].element.attr("width", wid).css("width", wid); } } else { items[i].element.attr("width", "").css("width", ""); } } else { if (BI.isNumeric(w)) { if (i == BI.size(items) - 1) { items[i].element.attr("width", w - 1).css("width", w - 1); } else { items[i].element.attr("width", w).css("width", w); } } else { items[i].element.attr("width", "").css("width", ""); } } } }); } }); var cW = this._calculateWidth(BI.sum(columnSize)); if (cW > 1.05) { cW = cW + columnSize.length; } this.tableContainer.element.width(cW); } }, setRegionColumnSize: function (columnSize) { var self = this, o = this.options; o.regionColumnSize = columnSize; if (o.freezeCols.length === 0) { if (o.isNeedFreeze) { this.partitions.attr("columnSize", this._isRightFreeze() ? ["fill", 0] : [0, "fill"]); this.partitions.resize(); } else { this.tableContainer.element.width(columnSize[0]); } } else if (o.freezeCols.length > 0 && o.freezeCols.length < o.columnSize.length) { if (o.isNeedFreeze) { this.partitions.attr("columnSize", columnSize); this.partitions.resize(); } else { this.tableContainer.element.width(columnSize[0]); } } else { if (o.isNeedFreeze) { this.partitions.attr("columnSize", this._isRightFreeze() ? [0, "fill"] : ["fill", 0]); this.partitions.resize(); } else { this.tableContainer.element.width(columnSize[0]); } } }, getRegionColumnSize: function () { return this.options.regionColumnSize; }, getCalculateRegionColumnSize: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.isNeedFreeze) { return [this.scrollBottomLeft.element.width(), this.scrollBottomRight.element.width()]; } return [this.scrollBottomRight.element.width()]; }, getCalculateRegionRowSize: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.isNeedFreeze) { return [this.scrollTopRight.element.height(), this.scrollBottomRight.element.height()]; } return [this.scrollBottomRight.element.height()]; }, getClientRegionColumnSize: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.isNeedFreeze) { return [this.scrollBottomLeft.element[0].clientWidth, this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].clientWidth]; } return [this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].clientWidth]; }, getClientRegionRowSize: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.isNeedFreeze) { return [this.scrollBottomLeft.element[0].clientHeight, this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].clientHeight]; } return [this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].clientHeight]; }, getScrollRegionColumnSize: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.isNeedFreeze) { return [this.scrollBottomLeft.element[0].scrollWidth, this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollWidth]; } return [this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollWidth]; }, getScrollRegionRowSize: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.isNeedFreeze) { if (o.freezeCols.length < o.columnSize.length) { return [this.scrollTopRight.element[0].scrollHeight, this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollHeight]; } return [this.scrollTopLeft.element[0].scrollHeight, this.scrollBottomLeft.element[0].scrollHeight]; } return [this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollHeight]; }, hasVerticalScroll: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.isNeedFreeze) { return this.scrollBottomRight.element.hasVerticalScroll() || this.scrollBottomLeft.element.hasVerticalScroll(); } return this.scrollBottomRight.element.hasVerticalScroll(); }, setVerticalScroll: function (scrollTop) { var o = this.options; if (o.isNeedFreeze) { if (this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollTop !== scrollTop) { this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollTop = scrollTop; } if (this.scrollBottomLeft.element[0].scrollTop !== scrollTop) { this.scrollBottomLeft.element[0].scrollTop = scrollTop; } } else { if (this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollTop !== scrollTop) { this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollTop = scrollTop; } } }, setLeftHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { var o = this.options; if (o.isNeedFreeze) { if (this.scrollBottomLeft.element[0].scrollLeft !== scrollLeft) { this.scrollBottomLeft.element[0].scrollLeft = scrollLeft; } if (this.scrollTopLeft.element[0].scrollLeft !== scrollLeft) { this.scrollTopLeft.element[0].scrollLeft = scrollLeft; } } else { if (this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollLeft !== scrollLeft) { this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollLeft = scrollLeft; } } }, setRightHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { var o = this.options; if (o.isNeedFreeze) { if (this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollLeft !== scrollLeft) { this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollLeft = scrollLeft; } if (this.scrollTopRight.element[0].scrollLeft !== scrollLeft) { this.scrollTopRight.element[0].scrollLeft = scrollLeft; } } else { if (this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollLeft !== scrollLeft) { this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollLeft = scrollLeft; } } }, getVerticalScroll: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.isNeedFreeze) { return this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollTop || this.scrollBottomLeft.element[0].scrollTop; } return this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollTop; }, getLeftHorizontalScroll: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.isNeedFreeze) { return this.scrollBottomLeft.element[0].scrollLeft; } return this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollLeft; }, getRightHorizontalScroll: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.isNeedFreeze) { return this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollLeft; } return this.scrollBottomRight.element[0].scrollLeft; }, getColumns: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.isNeedFreeze) { return { topLeft: this.topLeftBodyItems, topRight: this.topRightBodyItems, bottomLeft: this.bottomLeftBodyItems, bottomRight: this.bottomRightBodyItems }; } return { header: this.headerItems, body: this.bodyItems, footer: this.footerItems }; }, _empty: function () { this.scrollBottomRight && this.scrollBottomRight.destroy(); this.topLeft && this.topLeft.destroy(); this.topRight && this.topRight.destroy(); this.bottomLeft && this.bottomLeft.destroy(); this.bottomRight && this.bottomRight.destroy(); }, populate: function (items, header) { this.options.items = items || []; if (header) { this.options.header = header; } this._empty(); if (this.options.isNeedFreeze) { this._createFreezeTable(); } else { this._createNormalTable(); } } }) ; BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_INIT = "EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_INIT"; BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_RESIZE = "EVENT_TABLE_RESIZE"; BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL = "EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL"; BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_BEFORE_COLUMN_RESIZE = "EVENT_TABLE_BEFORE_COLUMN_RESIZE"; BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_COLUMN_RESIZE = "EVENT_TABLE_COLUMN_RESIZE"; BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_COLUMN_RESIZE = "EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_COLUMN_RESIZE"; BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_BEFORE_REGION_RESIZE = "EVENT_TABLE_BEFORE_REGION_RESIZE"; BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_REGION_RESIZE = "EVENT_TABLE_REGION_RESIZE"; BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_REGION_RESIZE = "EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_REGION_RESIZE"; BI.shortcut("bi.table_view", BI.Table); /** * * 表格单元格 * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/12. * @class BI.ResizableTableCell * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.ResizableTableCell = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ResizableTableCell.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-resizable-table-cell", cell: {}, minSize: 15, // suitableSize, maxSize: Number.MAX_VALUE, start: BI.emptyFn, resize: BI.emptyFn, stop: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.ResizableTableCell.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.cell = BI.createWidget(BI.extend({type: "bi.label"}, o.cell, {width: o.width, height: o.height})); var startDrag = false; var size = 0, offset = 0, defaultSize = o.width; function optimizeSize (s) { var optSize = BI.clamp(s, o.minSize, o.maxSize || Number.MAX_VALUE); // if (o.suitableSize) { // if (Math.abs(o.suitableSize - optSize) < 5) { // optSize = o.suitableSize; // self.handler.element.addClass("suitable"); // } else { // self.handler.element.removeClass("suitable"); // } // } return optSize; } var mouseMoveTracker = new BI.MouseMoveTracker(function (deltaX, deltaY) { if (mouseMoveTracker.isDragging()) { startDrag = true; offset += deltaX; size = optimizeSize(defaultSize + offset); self.handler.element.addClass("dragging"); o.resize(size); } }, function () { if (startDrag === true) { size = optimizeSize(size); o.stop(size); size = 0; offset = 0; defaultSize = o.width; startDrag = false; } self.handler.element.removeClass("dragging"); self.handler.element.removeClass("suitable"); mouseMoveTracker.releaseMouseMoves(); }, document); this.handler = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", cls: "resizable-table-cell-resizer-container", width: 6, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.layout", cls: "resizable-table-cell-resizer-knob", width: 4 }, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); this.handler.element.on("mousedown", function (event) { defaultSize = o.width; optimizeSize(defaultSize); mouseMoveTracker.captureMouseMoves(event); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.cell, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }, { el: this.handler, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); }, setWidth: function (width) { BI.ResizableTableCell.superclass.setWidth.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.cell.setWidth(o.width); }, setHeight: function (height) { BI.ResizableTableCell.superclass.setHeight.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.cell.setHeight(o.height); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.resizable_table_cell", BI.ResizableTableCell);/** * * 可调整列宽的grid表格 * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/12. * @class BI.ResizableTable * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.ResizableTable = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ResizableTable.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-resizable-table", el: { type: "bi.grid_table" }, isNeedFreeze: false, isNeedResize: true, isResizeAdapt: false, headerRowSize: 25, rowSize: 25, isNeedMerge: true, // 是否需要合并单元格 mergeCols: [], mergeRule: BI.emptyFn, columnSize: [], minColumnSize: [], maxColumnSize: [], freezeCols: [], header: [], items: [], regionColumnSize: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.ResizableTable.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.resizer = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "resizable-table-resizer", invisible: true, width: 2 }); this.regionResizerHandler = this._createResizerHandler(); this.table = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.grid_table", element: this, width: o.width, height: o.height, headerRowSize: o.headerRowSize, rowSize: o.rowSize, columnSize: o.columnSize, isNeedFreeze: o.isNeedFreeze, freezeCols: o.freezeCols, isNeedMerge: o.isNeedMerge, mergeCols: o.mergeCols, mergeRule: BI.bind(this._mergeRule, this), header: this._formatHeader(o.header), items: o.items, regionColumnSize: o.regionColumnSize }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.regionResizerHandler, left: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }, { el: this.resizer, left: 0, top: 0 }] }); this._populate(); }, _mergeRule: function (row1, row2) { var o = this.options; if (row1.type === "bi.resizable_table_cell") { row1 = row1.cell; } if (row2.type === "bi.resizable_table_cell") { row2 = row2.cell; } return o.mergeRule(row1, row2); }, _createResizerHandler: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var regionResizerHandler = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", cls: "resizable-table-region-resizer", invisible: true, width: 6, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.layout", width: 2, cls: "resizable-table-region-resizer-knob" }, left: 2, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); var size = 0, offset = 0, defaultSize = 0, start = false; var mouseMoveTracker = new BI.MouseMoveTracker(function (deltaX, deltaY) { if (mouseMoveTracker.isDragging()) { start = true; offset += deltaX; size = BI.clamp(defaultSize + offset, 15, o.width - 15); self.regionResizerHandler.element.addClass("dragging"); self._setRegionResizerHandlerPosition(size - 3, 0); } }, function () { if (start === true) { o.regionColumnSize[0] = BI.clamp(size, 15, o.width - 15); self.table.setRegionColumnSize(o.regionColumnSize); if (o.isResizeAdapt === true) { var freezeColumnSize = self._getFreezeColumnSize(); o.columnSize[self._getFreezeColLength() - 1] += o.regionColumnSize[0] - freezeColumnSize; self.table.setColumnSize(o.columnSize); } // self.table.populate(); self._populate(); self.regionResizerHandler.element.removeClass("dragging"); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_REGION_RESIZE); start = false; } mouseMoveTracker.releaseMouseMoves(); }, document); regionResizerHandler.element.on("mousedown", function (event) { defaultSize = size = self._getRegionSize(); offset = 0; self._setResizerPosition(0, 0); mouseMoveTracker.captureMouseMoves(event); }); return regionResizerHandler; }, _setResizerPosition: function (left, top) { this.resizer.element.css({ left: left + "px", top: top + "px" }); }, _setRegionResizerHandlerPosition: function (left, top) { this.regionResizerHandler.element.css({ left: left + "px", top: top + "px" }); }, _getRegionSize: function () { var o = this.options; var regionSize = o.regionColumnSize[0] || 0; if (o.isNeedFreeze === false || o.freezeCols.length === 0) { return 0; } if (!regionSize) { BI.each(o.freezeCols, function (i, col) { regionSize += o.columnSize[col]; }); } return regionSize; }, _getRegionRowSize: function () { var o = this.options; return [o.header.length * o.headerRowSize, Math.min(o.height - o.header.length * o.headerRowSize, o.items.length * o.rowSize)]; }, _getFreezeColLength: function () { var o = this.options; return o.isNeedFreeze === true ? BI.clamp(o.freezeCols.length, 0, o.columnSize.length) : 0; }, _getFreezeColumnSize: function () { var columnSize = this.options.columnSize; var sum = 0; for (var i = 0, len = this._getFreezeColLength(); i < len; i++) { sum += columnSize[i]; } return sum; }, _getResizerLeft: function (j) { var left = 0; var columnSize = this.options.columnSize; var freezeColLength = this._getFreezeColLength(); for (var i = (j >= freezeColLength ? freezeColLength : 0); i < j; i++) { left += columnSize[i] || 0; } if (j >= freezeColLength) { left += this.table.getRegionSize(); left -= this.table.getRightHorizontalScroll(); } else { left -= this.table.getLeftHorizontalScroll(); } return left; }, _formatHeader: function (header) { var self = this, o = this.options; var result = []; var resize = function (j, size) { self.resizer.setVisible(true); var height = o.headerRowSize + self._getRegionRowSize()[1]; self.resizer.setHeight(height); // TODO 不知道为什么加入这段代码会使得列宽调整出问题 // if (o.minColumnSize[j]) { // if (size === o.minColumnSize[j]) { // self.resizer.element.addClass("suitable"); // } else { // self.resizer.element.removeClass("suitable"); // } // } self._setResizerPosition(self._getResizerLeft(j) + size, (o.header.length - 1) * o.headerRowSize); }; var stop = function (j, size) { self.resizer.setVisible(false); var columnSize = o.columnSize.slice(); columnSize[j] = size; o.columnSize = columnSize; self.table.setColumnSize(columnSize); // self.table.populate(); self._populate(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_COLUMN_RESIZE); }; BI.each(header, function (i, cols) { if (i === header.length - 1) { result[i] = []; BI.each(cols, function (j, col) { if (j === self._getFreezeColLength() - 1 || j === cols.length - 1) { result[i][j] = col; } else { result[i][j] = { type: "bi.resizable_table_cell", cell: col, suitableSize: o.minColumnSize[j], maxSize: o.maxColumnSize[j], resize: BI.bind(resize, null, j), stop: BI.bind(stop, null, j) }; if (o.isNeedMerge) { var r = i; while (r > 0 && self._mergeRule(result[r][j], result[r - 1][j])) { result[r - 1][j] = { type: "bi.resizable_table_cell", cell: result[r - 1][j], suitableSize: o.minColumnSize[j], maxSize: o.maxColumnSize[j], resize: BI.bind(resize, null, j), stop: BI.bind(stop, null, j) }; r--; } } } }); } else { result.push(cols); } }); return result; }, _populate: function () { var o = this.options; var regionSize = this._getRegionSize(); if (regionSize > 0) { this.regionResizerHandler.setVisible(true); this._setRegionResizerHandlerPosition(regionSize - 3, 0); } else { this.regionResizerHandler.setVisible(false); } }, setWidth: function (width) { BI.ResizableTable.superclass.setWidth.apply(this, arguments); this.table.setWidth(width); }, setHeight: function (height) { BI.ResizableTable.superclass.setHeight.apply(this, arguments); this.table.setHeight(height); }, setVerticalScroll: function (scrollTop) { this.table.setVerticalScroll(scrollTop); }, setLeftHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { this.table.setLeftHorizontalScroll(scrollLeft); }, setRightHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { this.table.setRightHorizontalScroll(scrollLeft); }, setColumnSize: function (columnSize) { this.options.columnSize = columnSize; this.table.setColumnSize(columnSize); }, getColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getColumnSize(); }, setRegionColumnSize: function (columnSize) { this.options.regionColumnSize = columnSize; this.table.setRegionColumnSize(columnSize); }, getRegionColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getRegionColumnSize(); }, getVerticalScroll: function () { return this.table.getVerticalScroll(); }, getLeftHorizontalScroll: function () { return this.table.getLeftHorizontalScroll(); }, getRightHorizontalScroll: function () { return this.table.getRightHorizontalScroll(); }, attr: function () { BI.ResizableTable.superclass.attr.apply(this, arguments); this.table.attr.apply(this.table, arguments); }, restore: function () { this.table.restore(); }, populate: function (items, header) { if (items) { this.options.items = items; } if (header) { this.options.header = header; if (this.options.isNeedResize) { header = this._formatHeader(header); } } this.table.populate(items, header); this._populate(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.resizable_table", BI.ResizableTable);/** * * 自定义树 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/7. * @class BI.CustomTree * @extends BI.Single */ BI.CustomTree = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.CustomTree.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-custom-tree", expander: { el: {}, popup: { type: "bi.custom_tree" } }, items: [], itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, el: { type: "bi.button_tree", chooseType: 0, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] } }); }, _init: function () { BI.CustomTree.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.initTree(this.options.items); }, _formatItems: function (nodes) { var self = this, o = this.options; nodes = BI.Tree.transformToTreeFormat(nodes); var items = []; BI.each(nodes, function (i, node) { if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.children) || node.isParent === true) { var item = BI.extend({ type: "bi.expander", el: {}, popup: {type: "bi.custom_tree"} }, BI.deepClone(o.expander), { id: node.id, pId: node.pId, value: node.value }); var el = BI.stripEL(node); if (!BI.isWidget(el)) { el = BI.clone(el); delete el.children; BI.extend(item.el, el); } else { item.el = el; } item.popup.expander = BI.deepClone(o.expander); item.items = item.popup.items = node.children; item.itemsCreator = item.popup.itemsCreator = function (op) { if (BI.isNotNull(op.node)) {// 从子节点传过来的itemsCreator直接向上传递 return o.itemsCreator.apply(self, arguments); } var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); args[0].node = node; return o.itemsCreator.apply(self, args); }; BI.isNull(item.popup.el) && (item.popup.el = BI.deepClone(o.el)); items.push(item); } else { items.push(node); } }); return items; }, // 构造树结构, initTree: function (nodes) { var self = this, o = this.options; this.tree = BI.createWidget(o.el, { element: this, items: this._formatItems(nodes), itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { o.itemsCreator.apply(this, [op, function (items) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); args[0] = self._formatItems(items); callback.apply(null, args); }]); }, value: o.value }); this.tree.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, val, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.CustomTree.EVENT_CHANGE, val, obj); } }); }, // 生成树方法 stroke: function (nodes) { this.populate.apply(this, arguments); }, populate: function (nodes) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); if (arguments.length > 0) { args[0] = this._formatItems(nodes); } this.tree.populate.apply(this.tree, args); }, setValue: function (v) { this.tree && this.tree.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.tree ? this.tree.getValue() : []; }, getAllButtons: function () { return this.tree ? this.tree.getAllButtons() : []; }, getAllLeaves: function () { return this.tree ? this.tree.getAllLeaves() : []; }, getNodeById: function (id) { return this.tree && this.tree.getNodeById(id); }, getNodeByValue: function (id) { return this.tree && this.tree.getNodeByValue(id); }, empty: function () { this.tree.empty(); } }); BI.CustomTree.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.custom_tree", BI.CustomTree);/* * JQuery zTree core v3.5.18 * http://zTree.me/ * * Copyright (c) 2010 Hunter.z * * Licensed same as jquery - MIT License * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * * email: hunter.z@263.net * Date: 2015-06-18 */ (function($){ var settings = {}, roots = {}, caches = {}, //default consts of core _consts = { className: { BUTTON: "button", LEVEL: "level", ICO_LOADING: "ico_loading", SWITCH: "switch" }, event: { NODECREATED: "ztree_nodeCreated", CLICK: "ztree_click", EXPAND: "ztree_expand", COLLAPSE: "ztree_collapse", ASYNC_SUCCESS: "ztree_async_success", ASYNC_ERROR: "ztree_async_error", REMOVE: "ztree_remove", SELECTED: "ztree_selected", UNSELECTED: "ztree_unselected" }, id: { A: "_a", ICON: "_ico", SPAN: "_span", SWITCH: "_switch", UL: "_ul" }, line: { ROOT: "root", ROOTS: "roots", CENTER: "center", BOTTOM: "bottom", NOLINE: "noline", LINE: "line" }, folder: { OPEN: "open", CLOSE: "close", DOCU: "docu" }, node: { CURSELECTED: "curSelectedNode" } }, //default setting of core _setting = { treeId: "", treeObj: null, view: { addDiyDom: null, autoCancelSelected: true, dblClickExpand: true, expandSpeed: "fast", fontCss: {}, nameIsHTML: false, selectedMulti: true, showIcon: true, showLine: true, showTitle: true, txtSelectedEnable: false }, data: { key: { children: "children", name: "name", title: "", url: "url" }, simpleData: { enable: false, idKey: "id", pIdKey: "pId", rootPId: null }, keep: { parent: false, leaf: false } }, async: { enable: false, contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", type: "post", dataType: "text", url: "", autoParam: [], otherParam: [], dataFilter: null }, callback: { beforeAsync:null, beforeClick:null, beforeDblClick:null, beforeRightClick:null, beforeMouseDown:null, beforeMouseUp:null, beforeExpand:null, beforeCollapse:null, beforeRemove:null, onAsyncError:null, onAsyncSuccess:null, onNodeCreated:null, onClick:null, onDblClick:null, onRightClick:null, onMouseDown:null, onMouseUp:null, onExpand:null, onCollapse:null, onRemove:null } }, //default root of core //zTree use root to save full data _initRoot = function (setting) { var r = data.getRoot(setting); if (!r) { r = {}; data.setRoot(setting, r); } r[setting.data.key.children] = []; r.expandTriggerFlag = false; r.curSelectedList = []; r.noSelection = true; r.createdNodes = []; r.zId = 0; r._ver = (new Date()).getTime(); }, //default cache of core _initCache = function(setting) { var c = data.getCache(setting); if (!c) { c = {}; data.setCache(setting, c); } c.nodes = []; c.doms = []; }, //default bindEvent of core _bindEvent = function(setting) { var o = setting.treeObj, c = consts.event; o.bind(c.NODECREATED, function (event, treeId, node) { tools.apply(setting.callback.onNodeCreated, [event, treeId, node]); }); o.bind(c.CLICK, function (event, srcEvent, treeId, node, clickFlag) { tools.apply(setting.callback.onClick, [srcEvent, treeId, node, clickFlag]); }); o.bind(c.EXPAND, function (event, treeId, node) { tools.apply(setting.callback.onExpand, [event, treeId, node]); }); o.bind(c.COLLAPSE, function (event, treeId, node) { tools.apply(setting.callback.onCollapse, [event, treeId, node]); }); o.bind(c.ASYNC_SUCCESS, function (event, treeId, node, msg) { tools.apply(setting.callback.onAsyncSuccess, [event, treeId, node, msg]); }); o.bind(c.ASYNC_ERROR, function (event, treeId, node, XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { tools.apply(setting.callback.onAsyncError, [event, treeId, node, XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown]); }); o.bind(c.REMOVE, function (event, treeId, treeNode) { tools.apply(setting.callback.onRemove, [event, treeId, treeNode]); }); o.bind(c.SELECTED, function (event, srcEvent, treeId, node) { tools.apply(setting.callback.onSelected, [srcEvent, treeId, node]); }); o.bind(c.UNSELECTED, function (event, srcEvent, treeId, node) { tools.apply(setting.callback.onUnSelected, [srcEvent, treeId, node]); }); }, _unbindEvent = function(setting) { var o = setting.treeObj, c = consts.event; o.unbind(c.NODECREATED) .unbind(c.CLICK) .unbind(c.EXPAND) .unbind(c.COLLAPSE) .unbind(c.ASYNC_SUCCESS) .unbind(c.ASYNC_ERROR) .unbind(c.REMOVE) .unbind(c.SELECTED) .unbind(c.UNSELECTED); }, //default event proxy of core _eventProxy = function(event) { var target = event.target, setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId), tId = "", node = null, nodeEventType = "", treeEventType = "", nodeEventCallback = null, treeEventCallback = null, tmp = null; if (tools.eqs(event.type, "mousedown")) { treeEventType = "mousedown"; } else if (tools.eqs(event.type, "mouseup")) { treeEventType = "mouseup"; } else if (tools.eqs(event.type, "contextmenu")) { treeEventType = "contextmenu"; } else if (tools.eqs(event.type, "click")) { if (tools.eqs(target.tagName, "span") && target.getAttribute("treeNode"+ consts.id.SWITCH) !== null) { tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(target).id; nodeEventType = "switchNode"; } else { tmp = tools.getMDom(setting, target, [{tagName:"a", attrName:"treeNode"+consts.id.A}]); if (tmp) { tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(tmp).id; nodeEventType = "clickNode"; } } } else if (tools.eqs(event.type, "dblclick")) { treeEventType = "dblclick"; tmp = tools.getMDom(setting, target, [{tagName:"a", attrName:"treeNode"+consts.id.A}]); if (tmp) { tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(tmp).id; nodeEventType = "switchNode"; } } if (treeEventType.length > 0 && tId.length == 0) { tmp = tools.getMDom(setting, target, [{tagName:"a", attrName:"treeNode"+consts.id.A}]); if (tmp) {tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(tmp).id;} } // event to node if (tId.length>0) { node = data.getNodeCache(setting, tId); switch (nodeEventType) { case "switchNode" : if (!node.isParent) { nodeEventType = ""; } else if (tools.eqs(event.type, "click") || (tools.eqs(event.type, "dblclick") && tools.apply(setting.view.dblClickExpand, [setting.treeId, node], setting.view.dblClickExpand))) { nodeEventCallback = handler.onSwitchNode; } else { nodeEventType = ""; } break; case "clickNode" : nodeEventCallback = handler.onClickNode; break; } } // event to zTree switch (treeEventType) { case "mousedown" : treeEventCallback = handler.onZTreeMousedown; break; case "mouseup" : treeEventCallback = handler.onZTreeMouseup; break; case "dblclick" : treeEventCallback = handler.onZTreeDblclick; break; case "contextmenu" : treeEventCallback = handler.onZTreeContextmenu; break; } var proxyResult = { stop: false, node: node, nodeEventType: nodeEventType, nodeEventCallback: nodeEventCallback, treeEventType: treeEventType, treeEventCallback: treeEventCallback }; return proxyResult }, //default init node of core _initNode = function(setting, level, n, parentNode, isFirstNode, isLastNode, openFlag) { if (!n) return; var r = data.getRoot(setting), childKey = setting.data.key.children; n.level = level; n.tId = setting.treeId + "_" + (++r.zId); n.parentTId = parentNode ? parentNode.tId : null; n.open = (typeof n.open == "string") ? tools.eqs(n.open, "true") : !!n.open; if (n[childKey] && n[childKey].length > 0) { n.isParent = true; n.zAsync = true; } else { n.isParent = (typeof n.isParent == "string") ? tools.eqs(n.isParent, "true") : !!n.isParent; n.open = (n.isParent && !setting.async.enable) ? n.open : false; n.zAsync = !n.isParent; } n.isFirstNode = isFirstNode; n.isLastNode = isLastNode; n.getParentNode = function() {return data.getNodeCache(setting, n.parentTId);}; n.getPreNode = function() {return data.getPreNode(setting, n);}; n.getNextNode = function() {return data.getNextNode(setting, n);}; n.isAjaxing = false; data.fixPIdKeyValue(setting, n); }, _init = { bind: [_bindEvent], unbind: [_unbindEvent], caches: [_initCache], nodes: [_initNode], proxys: [_eventProxy], roots: [_initRoot], beforeA: [], afterA: [], innerBeforeA: [], innerAfterA: [], zTreeTools: [] }, //method of operate data data = { addNodeCache: function(setting, node) { data.getCache(setting).nodes[data.getNodeCacheId(node.tId)] = node; }, getNodeCacheId: function(tId) { return tId.substring(tId.lastIndexOf("_")+1); }, addAfterA: function(afterA) { _init.afterA.push(afterA); }, addBeforeA: function(beforeA) { _init.beforeA.push(beforeA); }, addInnerAfterA: function(innerAfterA) { _init.innerAfterA.push(innerAfterA); }, addInnerBeforeA: function(innerBeforeA) { _init.innerBeforeA.push(innerBeforeA); }, addInitBind: function(bindEvent) { _init.bind.push(bindEvent); }, addInitUnBind: function(unbindEvent) { _init.unbind.push(unbindEvent); }, addInitCache: function(initCache) { _init.caches.push(initCache); }, addInitNode: function(initNode) { _init.nodes.push(initNode); }, addInitProxy: function(initProxy, isFirst) { if (!!isFirst) { _init.proxys.splice(0,0,initProxy); } else { _init.proxys.push(initProxy); } }, addInitRoot: function(initRoot) { _init.roots.push(initRoot); }, addNodesData: function(setting, parentNode, nodes) { var childKey = setting.data.key.children; if (!parentNode[childKey]) parentNode[childKey] = []; if (parentNode[childKey].length > 0) { parentNode[childKey][parentNode[childKey].length - 1].isLastNode = false; view.setNodeLineIcos(setting, parentNode[childKey][parentNode[childKey].length - 1]); } parentNode.isParent = true; parentNode[childKey] = parentNode[childKey].concat(nodes); }, addSelectedNode: function(setting, node) { var root = data.getRoot(setting); if (!data.isSelectedNode(setting, node)) { root.curSelectedList.push(node); } }, addCreatedNode: function(setting, node) { if (!!setting.callback.onNodeCreated || !!setting.view.addDiyDom) { var root = data.getRoot(setting); root.createdNodes.push(node); } }, addZTreeTools: function(zTreeTools) { _init.zTreeTools.push(zTreeTools); }, exSetting: function(s) { $.extend(true, _setting, s); }, fixPIdKeyValue: function(setting, node) { if (setting.data.simpleData.enable) { node[setting.data.simpleData.pIdKey] = node.parentTId ? node.getParentNode()[setting.data.simpleData.idKey] : setting.data.simpleData.rootPId; } }, getAfterA: function(setting, node, array) { for (var i=0, j=_init.afterA.length; i<j; i++) { _init.afterA[i].apply(this, arguments); } }, getBeforeA: function(setting, node, array) { for (var i=0, j=_init.beforeA.length; i<j; i++) { _init.beforeA[i].apply(this, arguments); } }, getInnerAfterA: function(setting, node, array) { for (var i=0, j=_init.innerAfterA.length; i<j; i++) { _init.innerAfterA[i].apply(this, arguments); } }, getInnerBeforeA: function(setting, node, array) { for (var i=0, j=_init.innerBeforeA.length; i<j; i++) { _init.innerBeforeA[i].apply(this, arguments); } }, getCache: function(setting) { return caches[setting.treeId]; }, getNextNode: function(setting, node) { if (!node) return null; var childKey = setting.data.key.children, p = node.parentTId ? node.getParentNode() : data.getRoot(setting); for (var i=0, l=p[childKey].length-1; i<=l; i++) { if (p[childKey][i] === node) { return (i==l ? null : p[childKey][i+1]); } } return null; }, getNodeByParam: function(setting, nodes, key, value) { if (!nodes || !key) return null; var childKey = setting.data.key.children; for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) { if (nodes[i][key] == value) { return nodes[i]; } var tmp = data.getNodeByParam(setting, nodes[i][childKey], key, value); if (tmp) return tmp; } return null; }, getNodeCache: function(setting, tId) { if (!tId) return null; var n = caches[setting.treeId].nodes[data.getNodeCacheId(tId)]; return n ? n : null; }, getNodeName: function(setting, node) { var nameKey = setting.data.key.name; return "" + node[nameKey]; }, getNodeTitle: function(setting, node) { var t = setting.data.key.title === "" ? setting.data.key.name : setting.data.key.title; return "" + node[t]; }, getNodes: function(setting) { return data.getRoot(setting)[setting.data.key.children]; }, getNodesByParam: function(setting, nodes, key, value) { if (!nodes || !key) return []; var childKey = setting.data.key.children, result = []; for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) { if (nodes[i][key] == value) { result.push(nodes[i]); } result = result.concat(data.getNodesByParam(setting, nodes[i][childKey], key, value)); } return result; }, getNodesByParamFuzzy: function(setting, nodes, key, value) { if (!nodes || !key) return []; var childKey = setting.data.key.children, result = []; value = value.toLowerCase(); for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) { if (typeof nodes[i][key] == "string" && nodes[i][key].toLowerCase().indexOf(value)>-1) { result.push(nodes[i]); } result = result.concat(data.getNodesByParamFuzzy(setting, nodes[i][childKey], key, value)); } return result; }, getNodesByFilter: function(setting, nodes, filter, isSingle, invokeParam) { if (!nodes) return (isSingle ? null : []); var childKey = setting.data.key.children, result = isSingle ? null : []; for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) { if (tools.apply(filter, [nodes[i], invokeParam], false)) { if (isSingle) {return nodes[i];} result.push(nodes[i]); } var tmpResult = data.getNodesByFilter(setting, nodes[i][childKey], filter, isSingle, invokeParam); if (isSingle && !!tmpResult) {return tmpResult;} result = isSingle ? tmpResult : result.concat(tmpResult); } return result; }, getPreNode: function(setting, node) { if (!node) return null; var childKey = setting.data.key.children, p = node.parentTId ? node.getParentNode() : data.getRoot(setting); for (var i=0, l=p[childKey].length; i<l; i++) { if (p[childKey][i] === node) { return (i==0 ? null : p[childKey][i-1]); } } return null; }, getRoot: function(setting) { return setting ? roots[setting.treeId] : null; }, getRoots: function() { return roots; }, getSetting: function(treeId) { return settings[treeId]; }, getSettings: function() { return settings; }, getZTreeTools: function(treeId) { var r = this.getRoot(this.getSetting(treeId)); return r ? r.treeTools : null; }, initCache: function(setting) { for (var i=0, j=_init.caches.length; i<j; i++) { _init.caches[i].apply(this, arguments); } }, initNode: function(setting, level, node, parentNode, preNode, nextNode) { for (var i=0, j=_init.nodes.length; i<j; i++) { _init.nodes[i].apply(this, arguments); } }, initRoot: function(setting) { for (var i=0, j=_init.roots.length; i<j; i++) { _init.roots[i].apply(this, arguments); } }, isSelectedNode: function(setting, node) { var root = data.getRoot(setting); for (var i=0, j=root.curSelectedList.length; i<j; i++) { if(node === root.curSelectedList[i]) return true; } return false; }, removeNodeCache: function(setting, node) { var childKey = setting.data.key.children; if (node[childKey]) { for (var i=0, l=node[childKey].length; i<l; i++) { arguments.callee(setting, node[childKey][i]); } } data.getCache(setting).nodes[data.getNodeCacheId(node.tId)] = null; }, removeSelectedNode: function(setting, node) { var root = data.getRoot(setting); for (var i=0, j=root.curSelectedList.length; i<j; i++) { if(node === root.curSelectedList[i] || !data.getNodeCache(setting, root.curSelectedList[i].tId)) { root.curSelectedList.splice(i, 1); i--;j--; } } }, setCache: function(setting, cache) { caches[setting.treeId] = cache; }, setRoot: function(setting, root) { roots[setting.treeId] = root; }, setZTreeTools: function(setting, zTreeTools) { for (var i=0, j=_init.zTreeTools.length; i<j; i++) { _init.zTreeTools[i].apply(this, arguments); } }, transformToArrayFormat: function (setting, nodes) { if (!nodes) return []; var childKey = setting.data.key.children, r = []; if (tools.isArray(nodes)) { for (var i=0, l=nodes.length; i<l; i++) { r.push(nodes[i]); if (nodes[i][childKey]) r = r.concat(data.transformToArrayFormat(setting, nodes[i][childKey])); } } else { r.push(nodes); if (nodes[childKey]) r = r.concat(data.transformToArrayFormat(setting, nodes[childKey])); } return r; }, transformTozTreeFormat: function(setting, sNodes) { var i,l, key = setting.data.simpleData.idKey, parentKey = setting.data.simpleData.pIdKey, childKey = setting.data.key.children; if (!key || key=="" || !sNodes) return []; if (tools.isArray(sNodes)) { var r = []; var tmpMap = []; for (i=0, l=sNodes.length; i<l; i++) { tmpMap[sNodes[i][key]] = sNodes[i]; } for (i=0, l=sNodes.length; i<l; i++) { if (tmpMap[sNodes[i][parentKey]] && sNodes[i][key] != sNodes[i][parentKey]) { if (!tmpMap[sNodes[i][parentKey]][childKey]) tmpMap[sNodes[i][parentKey]][childKey] = []; tmpMap[sNodes[i][parentKey]][childKey].push(sNodes[i]); } else { r.push(sNodes[i]); } } return r; }else { return [sNodes]; } } }, //method of event proxy event = { bindEvent: function(setting) { for (var i=0, j=_init.bind.length; i<j; i++) { _init.bind[i].apply(this, arguments); } }, unbindEvent: function(setting) { for (var i=0, j=_init.unbind.length; i<j; i++) { _init.unbind[i].apply(this, arguments); } }, bindTree: function(setting) { var eventParam = { treeId: setting.treeId }, o = setting.treeObj; if (!setting.view.txtSelectedEnable) { // for can't select text o.bind('selectstart', function(e){ var node var n = e.originalEvent.srcElement.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return (n === "input" || n === "textarea" ); }).css({ "-moz-user-select":"-moz-none" }); } o.bind('click', eventParam, event.proxy); o.bind('dblclick', eventParam, event.proxy); o.bind('mouseover', eventParam, event.proxy); o.bind('mouseout', eventParam, event.proxy); o.bind('mousedown', eventParam, event.proxy); o.bind('mouseup', eventParam, event.proxy); o.bind('contextmenu', eventParam, event.proxy); }, unbindTree: function(setting) { var o = setting.treeObj; o.unbind('click', event.proxy) .unbind('dblclick', event.proxy) .unbind('mouseover', event.proxy) .unbind('mouseout', event.proxy) .unbind('mousedown', event.proxy) .unbind('mouseup', event.proxy) .unbind('contextmenu', event.proxy); }, doProxy: function(e) { var results = []; for (var i=0, j=_init.proxys.length; i<j; i++) { var proxyResult = _init.proxys[i].apply(this, arguments); results.push(proxyResult); if (proxyResult.stop) { break; } } return results; }, proxy: function(e) { var setting = data.getSetting(e.data.treeId); if (!tools.uCanDo(setting, e)) return true; var results = event.doProxy(e), r = true, x = false; for (var i=0, l=results.length; i<l; i++) { var proxyResult = results[i]; if (proxyResult.nodeEventCallback) { x = true; r = proxyResult.nodeEventCallback.apply(proxyResult, [e, proxyResult.node]) && r; } if (proxyResult.treeEventCallback) { x = true; r = proxyResult.treeEventCallback.apply(proxyResult, [e, proxyResult.node]) && r; } } return r; } }, //method of event handler handler = { onSwitchNode: function (event, node) { var setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId); if (node.open) { if (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeCollapse, [setting.treeId, node], true) == false) return true; data.getRoot(setting).expandTriggerFlag = true; view.switchNode(setting, node); } else { if (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeExpand, [setting.treeId, node], true) == false) return true; data.getRoot(setting).expandTriggerFlag = true; view.switchNode(setting, node); } return true; }, onClickNode: function (event, node) { var setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId), clickFlag = ( (setting.view.autoCancelSelected && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)) && data.isSelectedNode(setting, node)) ? 0 : (setting.view.autoCancelSelected && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && setting.view.selectedMulti) ? 2 : 1; if (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeClick, [setting.treeId, node, clickFlag], true) == false) return true; if (clickFlag === 0) { view.cancelPreSelectedNode(setting, node); } else { view.selectNode(setting, node, clickFlag === 2); } setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.CLICK, [event, setting.treeId, node, clickFlag]); return true; }, onZTreeMousedown: function(event, node) { var setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId); if (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeMouseDown, [setting.treeId, node], true)) { tools.apply(setting.callback.onMouseDown, [event, setting.treeId, node]); } return true; }, onZTreeMouseup: function(event, node) { var setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId); if (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeMouseUp, [setting.treeId, node], true)) { tools.apply(setting.callback.onMouseUp, [event, setting.treeId, node]); } return true; }, onZTreeDblclick: function(event, node) { var setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId); if (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeDblClick, [setting.treeId, node], true)) { tools.apply(setting.callback.onDblClick, [event, setting.treeId, node]); } return true; }, onZTreeContextmenu: function(event, node) { var setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId); if (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeRightClick, [setting.treeId, node], true)) { tools.apply(setting.callback.onRightClick, [event, setting.treeId, node]); } return (typeof setting.callback.onRightClick) != "function"; } }, //method of tools for zTree tools = { apply: function(fun, param, defaultValue) { if ((typeof fun) == "function") { return fun.apply(zt, param?param:[]); } return defaultValue; }, canAsync: function(setting, node) { var childKey = setting.data.key.children; return (setting.async.enable && node && node.isParent && !(node.zAsync || (node[childKey] && node[childKey].length > 0))); }, clone: function (obj){ if (obj === null) return null; var o = tools.isArray(obj) ? [] : {}; for(var i in obj){ o[i] = (obj[i] instanceof Date) ? new Date(obj[i].getTime()) : (typeof obj[i] === "object" ? arguments.callee(obj[i]) : obj[i]); } return o; }, eqs: function(str1, str2) { return str1.toLowerCase() === str2.toLowerCase(); }, isArray: function(arr) { return Object.prototype.toString.apply(arr) === "[object Array]"; }, $: function(node, exp, setting) { if (!!exp && typeof exp != "string") { setting = exp; exp = ""; } if (typeof node == "string") { return $(node, setting ? setting.treeObj.get(0).ownerDocument : null); } else { return $("#" + node.tId + exp, setting ? setting.treeObj : null); } }, getMDom: function (setting, curDom, targetExpr) { if (!curDom) return null; while (curDom && curDom.id !== setting.treeId) { for (var i=0, l=targetExpr.length; curDom.tagName && i<l; i++) { if (tools.eqs(curDom.tagName, targetExpr[i].tagName) && curDom.getAttribute(targetExpr[i].attrName) !== null) { return curDom; } } curDom = curDom.parentNode; } return null; }, getNodeMainDom:function(target) { return ($(target).parent("li").get(0) || $(target).parentsUntil("li").parent().get(0)); }, isChildOrSelf: function(dom, parentId) { return ( $(dom).closest("#" + parentId).length> 0 ); }, uCanDo: function(setting, e) { return true; } }, //method of operate ztree dom view = { addNodes: function(setting, parentNode, newNodes, isSilent) { if (setting.data.keep.leaf && parentNode && !parentNode.isParent) { return; } if (!tools.isArray(newNodes)) { newNodes = [newNodes]; } if (setting.data.simpleData.enable) { newNodes = data.transformTozTreeFormat(setting, newNodes); } if (parentNode) { var target_switchObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.SWITCH, setting), target_icoObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.ICON, setting), target_ulObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.UL, setting); if (!parentNode.open) { view.replaceSwitchClass(parentNode, target_switchObj, consts.folder.CLOSE); view.replaceIcoClass(parentNode, target_icoObj, consts.folder.CLOSE); parentNode.open = false; target_ulObj.css({ "display": "none" }); } data.addNodesData(setting, parentNode, newNodes); view.createNodes(setting, parentNode.level + 1, newNodes, parentNode); if (!isSilent) { view.expandCollapseParentNode(setting, parentNode, true); } } else { data.addNodesData(setting, data.getRoot(setting), newNodes); view.createNodes(setting, 0, newNodes, null); } }, appendNodes: function(setting, level, nodes, parentNode, initFlag, openFlag) { if (!nodes) return []; var html = [], childKey = setting.data.key.children; for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; if (initFlag) { var tmpPNode = (parentNode) ? parentNode: data.getRoot(setting), tmpPChild = tmpPNode[childKey], isFirstNode = ((tmpPChild.length == nodes.length) && (i == 0)), isLastNode = (i == (nodes.length - 1)); data.initNode(setting, level, node, parentNode, isFirstNode, isLastNode, openFlag); data.addNodeCache(setting, node); } var childHtml = []; if (node[childKey] && node[childKey].length > 0) { //make child html first, because checkType childHtml = view.appendNodes(setting, level + 1, node[childKey], node, initFlag, openFlag && node.open); } if (openFlag) { view.makeDOMNodeMainBefore(html, setting, node); view.makeDOMNodeLine(html, setting, node); data.getBeforeA(setting, node, html); view.makeDOMNodeNameBefore(html, setting, node); data.getInnerBeforeA(setting, node, html); view.makeDOMNodeIcon(html, setting, node); data.getInnerAfterA(setting, node, html); view.makeDOMNodeNameAfter(html, setting, node); data.getAfterA(setting, node, html); if (node.isParent && node.open) { view.makeUlHtml(setting, node, html, childHtml.join('')); } view.makeDOMNodeMainAfter(html, setting, node); data.addCreatedNode(setting, node); } } return html; }, appendParentULDom: function(setting, node) { var html = [], nObj = $$(node, setting); if (!nObj.get(0) && !!node.parentTId) { view.appendParentULDom(setting, node.getParentNode()); nObj = $$(node, setting); } var ulObj = $$(node, consts.id.UL, setting); if (ulObj.get(0)) { ulObj.remove(); } var childKey = setting.data.key.children, childHtml = view.appendNodes(setting, node.level+1, node[childKey], node, false, true); view.makeUlHtml(setting, node, html, childHtml.join('')); nObj.append(html.join('')); }, asyncNode: function(setting, node, isSilent, callback) { var i, l; if (node && !node.isParent) { tools.apply(callback); return false; } else if (node && node.isAjaxing) { return false; } else if (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeAsync, [setting.treeId, node], true) == false) { tools.apply(callback); return false; } if (node) { node.isAjaxing = true; var icoObj = $$(node, consts.id.ICON, setting); icoObj.attr({"style":"", "class":consts.className.BUTTON + " " + consts.className.ICO_LOADING}); } var tmpParam = {}; for (i = 0, l = setting.async.autoParam.length; node && i < l; i++) { var pKey = setting.async.autoParam[i].split("="), spKey = pKey; if (pKey.length>1) { spKey = pKey[1]; pKey = pKey[0]; } tmpParam[spKey] = node[pKey]; } if (tools.isArray(setting.async.otherParam)) { for (i = 0, l = setting.async.otherParam.length; i < l; i += 2) { tmpParam[setting.async.otherParam[i]] = setting.async.otherParam[i + 1]; } } else { for (var p in setting.async.otherParam) { tmpParam[p] = setting.async.otherParam[p]; } } var _tmpV = data.getRoot(setting)._ver; $.ajax({ contentType: setting.async.contentType, cache: false, type: setting.async.type, url: tools.apply(setting.async.url, [setting.treeId, node], setting.async.url), data: tmpParam, dataType: setting.async.dataType, success: function(msg) { if (_tmpV != data.getRoot(setting)._ver) { return; } var newNodes = []; try { if (!msg || msg.length == 0) { newNodes = []; } else if (typeof msg == "string") { newNodes = eval("(" + msg + ")"); } else { newNodes = msg; } } catch(err) { newNodes = msg; } if (node) { node.isAjaxing = null; node.zAsync = true; } view.setNodeLineIcos(setting, node); if (newNodes && newNodes !== "") { newNodes = tools.apply(setting.async.dataFilter, [setting.treeId, node, newNodes], newNodes); view.addNodes(setting, node, !!newNodes ? tools.clone(newNodes) : [], !!isSilent); } else { view.addNodes(setting, node, [], !!isSilent); } setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.ASYNC_SUCCESS, [setting.treeId, node, msg]); tools.apply(callback); }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (_tmpV != data.getRoot(setting)._ver) { return; } if (node) node.isAjaxing = null; view.setNodeLineIcos(setting, node); setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.ASYNC_ERROR, [setting.treeId, node, XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown]); } }); return true; }, cancelPreSelectedNode: function (setting, node, excludeNode) { var list = data.getRoot(setting).curSelectedList, i, n; for (i=list.length-1; i>=0; i--) { n = list[i]; if (node === n || (!node && (!excludeNode || excludeNode !== n))) { $$(n, consts.id.A, setting).removeClass(consts.node.CURSELECTED); if (node) { data.removeSelectedNode(setting, node); setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.UNSELECTED, [event, setting.treeId, n]); break; } else { list.splice(i, 1); setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.UNSELECTED, [event, setting.treeId, n]); } } } }, createNodeCallback: function(setting) { if (!!setting.callback.onNodeCreated || !!setting.view.addDiyDom) { var root = data.getRoot(setting); while (root.createdNodes.length>0) { var node = root.createdNodes.shift(); tools.apply(setting.view.addDiyDom, [setting.treeId, node]); if (!!setting.callback.onNodeCreated) { setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.NODECREATED, [setting.treeId, node]); } } } }, createNodes: function(setting, level, nodes, parentNode) { if (!nodes || nodes.length == 0) return; var root = data.getRoot(setting), childKey = setting.data.key.children, openFlag = !parentNode || parentNode.open || !!$$(parentNode[childKey][0], setting).get(0); root.createdNodes = []; var zTreeHtml = view.appendNodes(setting, level, nodes, parentNode, true, openFlag); if (!parentNode) { setting.treeObj.append(zTreeHtml.join('')); } else { var ulObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.UL, setting); if (ulObj.get(0)) { ulObj.append(zTreeHtml.join('')); } } view.createNodeCallback(setting); }, destroy: function(setting) { if (!setting) return; data.initCache(setting); data.initRoot(setting); event.unbindTree(setting); event.unbindEvent(setting); setting.treeObj.empty(); delete settings[setting.treeId]; }, expandCollapseNode: function(setting, node, expandFlag, animateFlag, callback) { var root = data.getRoot(setting), childKey = setting.data.key.children; if (!node) { tools.apply(callback, []); return; } if (root.expandTriggerFlag) { var _callback = callback; callback = function(){ if (_callback) _callback(); if (node.open) { setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.EXPAND, [setting.treeId, node]); } else { setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.COLLAPSE, [setting.treeId, node]); } }; root.expandTriggerFlag = false; } if (!node.open && node.isParent && ((!$$(node, consts.id.UL, setting).get(0)) || (node[childKey] && node[childKey].length>0 && !$$(node[childKey][0], setting).get(0)))) { view.appendParentULDom(setting, node); view.createNodeCallback(setting); } if (node.open == expandFlag) { tools.apply(callback, []); return; } var ulObj = $$(node, consts.id.UL, setting), switchObj = $$(node, consts.id.SWITCH, setting), icoObj = $$(node, consts.id.ICON, setting); if (node.isParent) { node.open = !node.open; if (node.iconOpen && node.iconClose) { icoObj.attr("style", view.makeNodeIcoStyle(setting, node)); } if (node.open) { view.replaceSwitchClass(node, switchObj, consts.folder.OPEN); view.replaceIcoClass(node, icoObj, consts.folder.OPEN); if (animateFlag == false || setting.view.expandSpeed == "") { ulObj.show(); tools.apply(callback, []); } else { if (node[childKey] && node[childKey].length > 0) { ulObj.slideDown(setting.view.expandSpeed, callback); } else { ulObj.show(); tools.apply(callback, []); } } } else { view.replaceSwitchClass(node, switchObj, consts.folder.CLOSE); view.replaceIcoClass(node, icoObj, consts.folder.CLOSE); if (animateFlag == false || setting.view.expandSpeed == "" || !(node[childKey] && node[childKey].length > 0)) { ulObj.hide(); tools.apply(callback, []); } else { ulObj.slideUp(setting.view.expandSpeed, callback); } } } else { tools.apply(callback, []); } }, expandCollapseParentNode: function(setting, node, expandFlag, animateFlag, callback) { if (!node) return; if (!node.parentTId) { view.expandCollapseNode(setting, node, expandFlag, animateFlag, callback); return; } else { view.expandCollapseNode(setting, node, expandFlag, animateFlag); } if (node.parentTId) { view.expandCollapseParentNode(setting, node.getParentNode(), expandFlag, animateFlag, callback); } }, expandCollapseSonNode: function(setting, node, expandFlag, animateFlag, callback) { var root = data.getRoot(setting), childKey = setting.data.key.children, treeNodes = (node) ? node[childKey]: root[childKey], selfAnimateSign = (node) ? false : animateFlag, expandTriggerFlag = data.getRoot(setting).expandTriggerFlag; data.getRoot(setting).expandTriggerFlag = false; if (treeNodes) { for (var i = 0, l = treeNodes.length; i < l; i++) { if (treeNodes[i]) view.expandCollapseSonNode(setting, treeNodes[i], expandFlag, selfAnimateSign); } } data.getRoot(setting).expandTriggerFlag = expandTriggerFlag; view.expandCollapseNode(setting, node, expandFlag, animateFlag, callback ); }, isSelectedNode: function (setting, node) { if (!node) { return false; } var list = data.getRoot(setting).curSelectedList, i; for (i=list.length-1; i>=0; i--) { if (node === list[i]) { return true; } } return false; }, makeDOMNodeIcon: function(html, setting, node) { var nameStr = data.getNodeName(setting, node), name = setting.view.nameIsHTML ? nameStr : nameStr.replace(/&/g,'&').replace(/</g,'<').replace(/>/g,'>'); html.push("<span id='", node.tId, consts.id.ICON, "' title='' treeNode", consts.id.ICON," class='", view.makeNodeIcoClass(setting, node), "' style='", view.makeNodeIcoStyle(setting, node), "'></span><span id='", node.tId, consts.id.SPAN, "'>",name,"</span>"); }, makeDOMNodeLine: function(html, setting, node) { html.push("<span id='", node.tId, consts.id.SWITCH, "' title='' class='", view.makeNodeLineClass(setting, node), "' treeNode", consts.id.SWITCH,"></span>"); }, makeDOMNodeMainAfter: function(html, setting, node) { html.push("</li>"); }, makeDOMNodeMainBefore: function(html, setting, node) { html.push("<li id='", node.tId, "' class='", consts.className.LEVEL, node.level,"' tabindex='0' hidefocus='true' treenode>"); }, makeDOMNodeNameAfter: function(html, setting, node) { html.push("</a>"); }, makeDOMNodeNameBefore: function(html, setting, node) { var title = data.getNodeTitle(setting, node), url = view.makeNodeUrl(setting, node), fontcss = view.makeNodeFontCss(setting, node), fontStyle = []; for (var f in fontcss) { fontStyle.push(f, ":", fontcss[f], ";"); } html.push("<a id='", node.tId, consts.id.A, "' class='", consts.className.LEVEL, node.level,"' treeNode", consts.id.A," onclick=\"", (node.click || ''), "\" ", ((url != null && url.length > 0) ? "href='" + url + "'" : ""), " target='",view.makeNodeTarget(node),"' style='", fontStyle.join(''), "'"); if (tools.apply(setting.view.showTitle, [setting.treeId, node], setting.view.showTitle) && title) {html.push("title='", title.replace(/'/g,"'").replace(/</g,'<').replace(/>/g,'>'),"'");} html.push(">"); }, makeNodeFontCss: function(setting, node) { var fontCss = tools.apply(setting.view.fontCss, [setting.treeId, node], setting.view.fontCss); return (fontCss && ((typeof fontCss) != "function")) ? fontCss : {}; }, makeNodeIcoClass: function(setting, node) { var icoCss = ["ico"]; if (!node.isAjaxing) { icoCss[0] = (node.iconSkin ? node.iconSkin + "_" : "") + icoCss[0]; if (node.isParent) { icoCss.push(node.open ? consts.folder.OPEN : consts.folder.CLOSE); } else { icoCss.push(consts.folder.DOCU); } } return consts.className.BUTTON + " " + icoCss.join('_'); }, makeNodeIcoStyle: function(setting, node) { var icoStyle = []; if (!node.isAjaxing) { var icon = (node.isParent && node.iconOpen && node.iconClose) ? (node.open ? node.iconOpen : node.iconClose) : node.icon; if (icon) icoStyle.push("background:url(", icon, ") 0 0 no-repeat;"); if (setting.view.showIcon == false || !tools.apply(setting.view.showIcon, [setting.treeId, node], true)) { icoStyle.push("width:0px;height:0px;"); } } return icoStyle.join(''); }, makeNodeLineClass: function(setting, node) { var lineClass = []; if (setting.view.showLine) { if (node.level == 0 && node.isFirstNode && node.isLastNode) { lineClass.push(consts.line.ROOT); } else if (node.level == 0 && node.isFirstNode) { lineClass.push(consts.line.ROOTS); } else if (node.isLastNode) { lineClass.push(consts.line.BOTTOM); } else { lineClass.push(consts.line.CENTER); } } else { lineClass.push(consts.line.NOLINE); } if (node.isParent) { lineClass.push(node.open ? consts.folder.OPEN : consts.folder.CLOSE); } else { lineClass.push(consts.folder.DOCU); } return view.makeNodeLineClassEx(node) + lineClass.join('_'); }, makeNodeLineClassEx: function(node) { return consts.className.BUTTON + " " + consts.className.LEVEL + node.level + " " + consts.className.SWITCH + " "; }, makeNodeTarget: function(node) { return (node.target || "_blank"); }, makeNodeUrl: function(setting, node) { var urlKey = setting.data.key.url; return node[urlKey] ? node[urlKey] : null; }, makeUlHtml: function(setting, node, html, content) { html.push("<ul id='", node.tId, consts.id.UL, "' class='", consts.className.LEVEL, node.level, " ", view.makeUlLineClass(setting, node), "' style='display:", (node.open ? "block": "none"),"'>"); html.push(content); html.push("</ul>"); }, makeUlLineClass: function(setting, node) { return ((setting.view.showLine && !node.isLastNode) ? consts.line.LINE : ""); }, removeChildNodes: function(setting, node) { if (!node) return; var childKey = setting.data.key.children, nodes = node[childKey]; if (!nodes) return; for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) { data.removeNodeCache(setting, nodes[i]); } data.removeSelectedNode(setting); delete node[childKey]; if (!setting.data.keep.parent) { node.isParent = false; node.open = false; var tmp_switchObj = $$(node, consts.id.SWITCH, setting), tmp_icoObj = $$(node, consts.id.ICON, setting); view.replaceSwitchClass(node, tmp_switchObj, consts.folder.DOCU); view.replaceIcoClass(node, tmp_icoObj, consts.folder.DOCU); $$(node, consts.id.UL, setting).remove(); } else { $$(node, consts.id.UL, setting).empty(); } }, setFirstNode: function(setting, parentNode) { var childKey = setting.data.key.children, childLength = parentNode[childKey].length; if ( childLength > 0) { parentNode[childKey][0].isFirstNode = true; } }, setLastNode: function(setting, parentNode) { var childKey = setting.data.key.children, childLength = parentNode[childKey].length; if ( childLength > 0) { parentNode[childKey][childLength - 1].isLastNode = true; } }, removeNode: function(setting, node) { var root = data.getRoot(setting), childKey = setting.data.key.children, parentNode = (node.parentTId) ? node.getParentNode() : root; node.isFirstNode = false; node.isLastNode = false; node.getPreNode = function() {return null;}; node.getNextNode = function() {return null;}; if (!data.getNodeCache(setting, node.tId)) { return; } $$(node, setting).remove(); data.removeNodeCache(setting, node); data.removeSelectedNode(setting, node); for (var i = 0, l = parentNode[childKey].length; i < l; i++) { if (parentNode[childKey][i].tId == node.tId) { parentNode[childKey].splice(i, 1); break; } } view.setFirstNode(setting, parentNode); view.setLastNode(setting, parentNode); var tmp_ulObj,tmp_switchObj,tmp_icoObj, childLength = parentNode[childKey].length; //repair nodes old parent if (!setting.data.keep.parent && childLength == 0) { //old parentNode has no child nodes parentNode.isParent = false; parentNode.open = false; tmp_ulObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.UL, setting); tmp_switchObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.SWITCH, setting); tmp_icoObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.ICON, setting); view.replaceSwitchClass(parentNode, tmp_switchObj, consts.folder.DOCU); view.replaceIcoClass(parentNode, tmp_icoObj, consts.folder.DOCU); tmp_ulObj.css("display", "none"); } else if (setting.view.showLine && childLength > 0) { //old parentNode has child nodes var newLast = parentNode[childKey][childLength - 1]; tmp_ulObj = $$(newLast, consts.id.UL, setting); tmp_switchObj = $$(newLast, consts.id.SWITCH, setting); tmp_icoObj = $$(newLast, consts.id.ICON, setting); if (parentNode == root) { if (parentNode[childKey].length == 1) { //node was root, and ztree has only one root after move node view.replaceSwitchClass(newLast, tmp_switchObj, consts.line.ROOT); } else { var tmp_first_switchObj = $$(parentNode[childKey][0], consts.id.SWITCH, setting); view.replaceSwitchClass(parentNode[childKey][0], tmp_first_switchObj, consts.line.ROOTS); view.replaceSwitchClass(newLast, tmp_switchObj, consts.line.BOTTOM); } } else { view.replaceSwitchClass(newLast, tmp_switchObj, consts.line.BOTTOM); } tmp_ulObj.removeClass(consts.line.LINE); } }, replaceIcoClass: function(node, obj, newName) { if (!obj || node.isAjaxing) return; var tmpName = obj.attr("class"); if (tmpName == undefined) return; var tmpList = tmpName.split("_"); switch (newName) { case consts.folder.OPEN: case consts.folder.CLOSE: case consts.folder.DOCU: tmpList[tmpList.length-1] = newName; break; } obj.attr("class", tmpList.join("_")); }, replaceSwitchClass: function(node, obj, newName) { if (!obj) return; var tmpName = obj.attr("class"); if (tmpName == undefined) return; var tmpList = tmpName.split("_"); switch (newName) { case consts.line.ROOT: case consts.line.ROOTS: case consts.line.CENTER: case consts.line.BOTTOM: case consts.line.NOLINE: tmpList[0] = view.makeNodeLineClassEx(node) + newName; break; case consts.folder.OPEN: case consts.folder.CLOSE: case consts.folder.DOCU: tmpList[1] = newName; break; } obj.attr("class", tmpList.join("_")); if (newName !== consts.folder.DOCU) { obj.removeAttr("disabled"); } else { obj.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } }, selectNode: function(setting, node, addFlag) { if (!addFlag) { view.cancelPreSelectedNode(setting, null, node); } $$(node, consts.id.A, setting).addClass(consts.node.CURSELECTED); data.addSelectedNode(setting, node); setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.SELECTED, [event, setting.treeId, node]); }, setNodeFontCss: function(setting, treeNode) { var aObj = $$(treeNode, consts.id.A, setting), fontCss = view.makeNodeFontCss(setting, treeNode); if (fontCss) { aObj.css(fontCss); } }, setNodeLineIcos: function(setting, node) { if (!node) return; var switchObj = $$(node, consts.id.SWITCH, setting), ulObj = $$(node, consts.id.UL, setting), icoObj = $$(node, consts.id.ICON, setting), ulLine = view.makeUlLineClass(setting, node); if (ulLine.length==0) { ulObj.removeClass(consts.line.LINE); } else { ulObj.addClass(ulLine); } switchObj.attr("class", view.makeNodeLineClass(setting, node)); if (node.isParent) { switchObj.removeAttr("disabled"); } else { switchObj.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } icoObj.removeAttr("style"); icoObj.attr("style", view.makeNodeIcoStyle(setting, node)); icoObj.attr("class", view.makeNodeIcoClass(setting, node)); }, setNodeName: function(setting, node) { var title = data.getNodeTitle(setting, node), nObj = $$(node, consts.id.SPAN, setting); nObj.empty(); if (setting.view.nameIsHTML) { nObj.html(data.getNodeName(setting, node)); } else { nObj.text(data.getNodeName(setting, node)); } if (tools.apply(setting.view.showTitle, [setting.treeId, node], setting.view.showTitle)) { var aObj = $$(node, consts.id.A, setting); aObj.attr("title", !title ? "" : title); } }, setNodeTarget: function(setting, node) { var aObj = $$(node, consts.id.A, setting); aObj.attr("target", view.makeNodeTarget(node)); }, setNodeUrl: function(setting, node) { var aObj = $$(node, consts.id.A, setting), url = view.makeNodeUrl(setting, node); if (url == null || url.length == 0) { aObj.removeAttr("href"); } else { aObj.attr("href", url); } }, switchNode: function(setting, node) { if (node.open || !tools.canAsync(setting, node)) { view.expandCollapseNode(setting, node, !node.open); } else if (setting.async.enable) { if (!view.asyncNode(setting, node)) { view.expandCollapseNode(setting, node, !node.open); return; } } else if (node) { view.expandCollapseNode(setting, node, !node.open); } } }; // zTree defind $.fn.zTree = { consts : _consts, _z : { tools: tools, view: view, event: event, data: data }, getZTreeObj: function(treeId) { var o = data.getZTreeTools(treeId); return o ? o : null; }, destroy: function(treeId) { if (!!treeId && treeId.length > 0) { view.destroy(data.getSetting(treeId)); } else { for(var s in settings) { view.destroy(settings[s]); } } }, init: function(obj, zSetting, zNodes) { var setting = tools.clone(_setting); $.extend(true, setting, zSetting); setting.treeId = obj.attr("id"); setting.treeObj = obj; setting.treeObj.empty(); settings[setting.treeId] = setting; //For some older browser,(e.g., ie6) if(typeof document.body.style.maxHeight === "undefined") { setting.view.expandSpeed = ""; } data.initRoot(setting); var root = data.getRoot(setting), childKey = setting.data.key.children; zNodes = zNodes ? tools.clone(tools.isArray(zNodes)? zNodes : [zNodes]) : []; if (setting.data.simpleData.enable) { root[childKey] = data.transformTozTreeFormat(setting, zNodes); } else { root[childKey] = zNodes; } data.initCache(setting); event.unbindTree(setting); event.bindTree(setting); event.unbindEvent(setting); event.bindEvent(setting); var zTreeTools = { setting : setting, addNodes : function(parentNode, newNodes, isSilent) { if (!newNodes) return null; if (!parentNode) parentNode = null; if (parentNode && !parentNode.isParent && setting.data.keep.leaf) return null; var xNewNodes = tools.clone(tools.isArray(newNodes)? newNodes: [newNodes]); function addCallback() { view.addNodes(setting, parentNode, xNewNodes, (isSilent==true)); } if (tools.canAsync(setting, parentNode)) { view.asyncNode(setting, parentNode, isSilent, addCallback); } else { addCallback(); } return xNewNodes; }, cancelSelectedNode : function(node) { view.cancelPreSelectedNode(setting, node); }, destroy : function() { view.destroy(setting); }, expandAll : function(expandFlag) { expandFlag = !!expandFlag; view.expandCollapseSonNode(setting, null, expandFlag, true); return expandFlag; }, expandNode : function(node, expandFlag, sonSign, focus, callbackFlag) { if (!node || !node.isParent) return null; if (expandFlag !== true && expandFlag !== false) { expandFlag = !node.open; } callbackFlag = !!callbackFlag; if (callbackFlag && expandFlag && (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeExpand, [setting.treeId, node], true) == false)) { return null; } else if (callbackFlag && !expandFlag && (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeCollapse, [setting.treeId, node], true) == false)) { return null; } if (expandFlag && node.parentTId) { view.expandCollapseParentNode(setting, node.getParentNode(), expandFlag, false); } if (expandFlag === node.open && !sonSign) { return null; } data.getRoot(setting).expandTriggerFlag = callbackFlag; if (!tools.canAsync(setting, node) && sonSign) { view.expandCollapseSonNode(setting, node, expandFlag, true, function() { if (focus !== false) {try{$$(node, setting).focus().blur();}catch(e){}} }); } else { node.open = !expandFlag; view.switchNode(this.setting, node); if (focus !== false) {try{$$(node, setting).focus().blur();}catch(e){}} } return expandFlag; }, getNodes : function() { return data.getNodes(setting); }, getNodeByParam : function(key, value, parentNode) { if (!key) return null; return data.getNodeByParam(setting, parentNode?parentNode[setting.data.key.children]:data.getNodes(setting), key, value); }, getNodeByTId : function(tId) { return data.getNodeCache(setting, tId); }, getNodesByParam : function(key, value, parentNode) { if (!key) return null; return data.getNodesByParam(setting, parentNode?parentNode[setting.data.key.children]:data.getNodes(setting), key, value); }, getNodesByParamFuzzy : function(key, value, parentNode) { if (!key) return null; return data.getNodesByParamFuzzy(setting, parentNode?parentNode[setting.data.key.children]:data.getNodes(setting), key, value); }, getNodesByFilter: function(filter, isSingle, parentNode, invokeParam) { isSingle = !!isSingle; if (!filter || (typeof filter != "function")) return (isSingle ? null : []); return data.getNodesByFilter(setting, parentNode?parentNode[setting.data.key.children]:data.getNodes(setting), filter, isSingle, invokeParam); }, getNodeIndex : function(node) { if (!node) return null; var childKey = setting.data.key.children, parentNode = (node.parentTId) ? node.getParentNode() : data.getRoot(setting); for (var i=0, l = parentNode[childKey].length; i < l; i++) { if (parentNode[childKey][i] == node) return i; } return -1; }, getSelectedNodes : function() { var r = [], list = data.getRoot(setting).curSelectedList; for (var i=0, l=list.length; i<l; i++) { r.push(list[i]); } return r; }, isSelectedNode : function(node) { return data.isSelectedNode(setting, node); }, reAsyncChildNodes : function(parentNode, reloadType, isSilent) { if (!this.setting.async.enable) return; var isRoot = !parentNode; if (isRoot) { parentNode = data.getRoot(setting); } if (reloadType=="refresh") { var childKey = this.setting.data.key.children; for (var i = 0, l = parentNode[childKey] ? parentNode[childKey].length : 0; i < l; i++) { data.removeNodeCache(setting, parentNode[childKey][i]); } data.removeSelectedNode(setting); parentNode[childKey] = []; if (isRoot) { this.setting.treeObj.empty(); } else { var ulObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.UL, setting); ulObj.empty(); } } view.asyncNode(this.setting, isRoot? null:parentNode, !!isSilent); }, refresh : function() { this.setting.treeObj.empty(); var root = data.getRoot(setting), nodes = root[setting.data.key.children] data.initRoot(setting); root[setting.data.key.children] = nodes data.initCache(setting); view.createNodes(setting, 0, root[setting.data.key.children]); }, removeChildNodes : function(node) { if (!node) return null; var childKey = setting.data.key.children, nodes = node[childKey]; view.removeChildNodes(setting, node); return nodes ? nodes : null; }, removeNode : function(node, callbackFlag) { if (!node) return; callbackFlag = !!callbackFlag; if (callbackFlag && tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeRemove, [setting.treeId, node], true) == false) return; view.removeNode(setting, node); if (callbackFlag) { this.setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.REMOVE, [setting.treeId, node]); } }, selectNode : function(node, addFlag) { if (!node) return; if (tools.uCanDo(setting)) { addFlag = setting.view.selectedMulti && addFlag; if (node.parentTId) { view.expandCollapseParentNode(setting, node.getParentNode(), true, false, function() { try{$$(node, setting).focus().blur();}catch(e){} }); } else { try{$$(node, setting).focus().blur();}catch(e){} } view.selectNode(setting, node, addFlag); } }, transformTozTreeNodes : function(simpleNodes) { return data.transformTozTreeFormat(setting, simpleNodes); }, transformToArray : function(nodes) { return data.transformToArrayFormat(setting, nodes); }, updateNode : function(node, checkTypeFlag) { if (!node) return; var nObj = $$(node, setting); if (nObj.get(0) && tools.uCanDo(setting)) { view.setNodeName(setting, node); view.setNodeTarget(setting, node); view.setNodeUrl(setting, node); view.setNodeLineIcos(setting, node); view.setNodeFontCss(setting, node); } } } root.treeTools = zTreeTools; data.setZTreeTools(setting, zTreeTools); if (root[childKey] && root[childKey].length > 0) { view.createNodes(setting, 0, root[childKey]); } else if (setting.async.enable && setting.async.url && setting.async.url !== '') { view.asyncNode(setting); } return zTreeTools; } }; var zt = $.fn.zTree, $$ = tools.$, consts = zt.consts; })(jQuery);/* * JQuery zTree excheck v3.5.18 * http://zTree.me/ * * Copyright (c) 2010 Hunter.z * * Licensed same as jquery - MIT License * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * * email: hunter.z@263.net * Date: 2015-06-18 */ (function($){ //default consts of excheck var _consts = { event: { CHECK: "ztree_check" }, id: { CHECK: "_check" }, checkbox: { STYLE: "checkbox", DEFAULT: "chk", DISABLED: "disable", FALSE: "false", TRUE: "true", FULL: "full", PART: "part", FOCUS: "focus" }, radio: { STYLE: "radio", TYPE_ALL: "all", TYPE_LEVEL: "level" } }, //default setting of excheck _setting = { check: { enable: false, autoCheckTrigger: false, chkStyle: _consts.checkbox.STYLE, nocheckInherit: false, chkDisabledInherit: false, radioType: _consts.radio.TYPE_LEVEL, chkboxType: { "Y": "ps", "N": "ps" } }, data: { key: { checked: "checked" } }, callback: { beforeCheck:null, onCheck:null } }, //default root of excheck _initRoot = function (setting) { var r = data.getRoot(setting); r.radioCheckedList = []; }, //default cache of excheck _initCache = function(treeId) {}, //default bind event of excheck _bindEvent = function(setting) { var o = setting.treeObj, c = consts.event; o.bind(c.CHECK, function (event, srcEvent, treeId, node) { event.srcEvent = srcEvent; tools.apply(setting.callback.onCheck, [event, treeId, node]); }); }, _unbindEvent = function(setting) { var o = setting.treeObj, c = consts.event; o.unbind(c.CHECK); }, //default event proxy of excheck _eventProxy = function(e) { var target = e.target, setting = data.getSetting(e.data.treeId), tId = "", node = null, nodeEventType = "", treeEventType = "", nodeEventCallback = null, treeEventCallback = null; if (tools.eqs(e.type, "mouseover")) { if (setting.check.enable && tools.eqs(target.tagName, "span") && target.getAttribute("treeNode"+ consts.id.CHECK) !== null) { tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(target).id; nodeEventType = "mouseoverCheck"; } } else if (tools.eqs(e.type, "mouseout")) { if (setting.check.enable && tools.eqs(target.tagName, "span") && target.getAttribute("treeNode"+ consts.id.CHECK) !== null) { tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(target).id; nodeEventType = "mouseoutCheck"; } } else if (tools.eqs(e.type, "click")) { if (setting.check.enable && tools.eqs(target.tagName, "span") && target.getAttribute("treeNode"+ consts.id.CHECK) !== null) { tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(target).id; nodeEventType = "checkNode"; } } if (tId.length>0) { node = data.getNodeCache(setting, tId); switch (nodeEventType) { case "checkNode" : nodeEventCallback = _handler.onCheckNode; break; case "mouseoverCheck" : nodeEventCallback = _handler.onMouseoverCheck; break; case "mouseoutCheck" : nodeEventCallback = _handler.onMouseoutCheck; break; } } var proxyResult = { stop: nodeEventType === "checkNode", node: node, nodeEventType: nodeEventType, nodeEventCallback: nodeEventCallback, treeEventType: treeEventType, treeEventCallback: treeEventCallback }; return proxyResult }, //default init node of excheck _initNode = function(setting, level, n, parentNode, isFirstNode, isLastNode, openFlag) { if (!n) return; var checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked; if (typeof n[checkedKey] == "string") n[checkedKey] = tools.eqs(n[checkedKey], "true"); n[checkedKey] = !!n[checkedKey]; n.checkedOld = n[checkedKey]; if (typeof n.nocheck == "string") n.nocheck = tools.eqs(n.nocheck, "true"); n.nocheck = !!n.nocheck || (setting.check.nocheckInherit && parentNode && !!parentNode.nocheck); if (typeof n.chkDisabled == "string") n.chkDisabled = tools.eqs(n.chkDisabled, "true"); n.chkDisabled = !!n.chkDisabled || (setting.check.chkDisabledInherit && parentNode && !!parentNode.chkDisabled); if (typeof n.halfCheck == "string") n.halfCheck = tools.eqs(n.halfCheck, "true"); n.halfCheck = !!n.halfCheck; n.check_Child_State = -1; n.check_Focus = false; n.getCheckStatus = function() {return data.getCheckStatus(setting, n);}; if (setting.check.chkStyle == consts.radio.STYLE && setting.check.radioType == consts.radio.TYPE_ALL && n[checkedKey] ) { var r = data.getRoot(setting); r.radioCheckedList.push(n); } }, //add dom for check _beforeA = function(setting, node, html) { var checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked; if (setting.check.enable) { data.makeChkFlag(setting, node); html.push("<span ID='", node.tId, consts.id.CHECK, "' class='", view.makeChkClass(setting, node), "' treeNode", consts.id.CHECK, (node.nocheck === true?" style='display:none;'":""),"></span>"); } }, //update zTreeObj, add method of check _zTreeTools = function(setting, zTreeTools) { zTreeTools.checkNode = function(node, checked, checkTypeFlag, callbackFlag) { var checkedKey = this.setting.data.key.checked; if (node.chkDisabled === true) return; if (checked !== true && checked !== false) { checked = !node[checkedKey]; } callbackFlag = !!callbackFlag; if (node[checkedKey] === checked && !checkTypeFlag) { return; } else if (callbackFlag && tools.apply(this.setting.callback.beforeCheck, [this.setting.treeId, node], true) == false) { return; } if (tools.uCanDo(this.setting) && this.setting.check.enable && node.nocheck !== true) { node[checkedKey] = checked; var checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, this.setting); if (checkTypeFlag || this.setting.check.chkStyle === consts.radio.STYLE) view.checkNodeRelation(this.setting, node); view.setChkClass(this.setting, checkObj, node); view.repairParentChkClassWithSelf(this.setting, node); if (callbackFlag) { this.setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.CHECK, [null, this.setting.treeId, node]); } } } zTreeTools.checkAllNodes = function(checked) { view.repairAllChk(this.setting, !!checked); } zTreeTools.getCheckedNodes = function(checked) { var childKey = this.setting.data.key.children; checked = (checked !== false); return data.getTreeCheckedNodes(this.setting, data.getRoot(this.setting)[childKey], checked); } zTreeTools.getChangeCheckedNodes = function() { var childKey = this.setting.data.key.children; return data.getTreeChangeCheckedNodes(this.setting, data.getRoot(this.setting)[childKey]); } zTreeTools.setChkDisabled = function(node, disabled, inheritParent, inheritChildren) { disabled = !!disabled; inheritParent = !!inheritParent; inheritChildren = !!inheritChildren; view.repairSonChkDisabled(this.setting, node, disabled, inheritChildren); view.repairParentChkDisabled(this.setting, node.getParentNode(), disabled, inheritParent); } var _updateNode = zTreeTools.updateNode; zTreeTools.updateNode = function(node, checkTypeFlag) { if (_updateNode) _updateNode.apply(zTreeTools, arguments); if (!node || !this.setting.check.enable) return; var nObj = $$(node, this.setting); if (nObj.get(0) && tools.uCanDo(this.setting)) { var checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, this.setting); if (checkTypeFlag == true || this.setting.check.chkStyle === consts.radio.STYLE) view.checkNodeRelation(this.setting, node); view.setChkClass(this.setting, checkObj, node); view.repairParentChkClassWithSelf(this.setting, node); } } }, //method of operate data _data = { getRadioCheckedList: function(setting) { var checkedList = data.getRoot(setting).radioCheckedList; for (var i=0, j=checkedList.length; i<j; i++) { if(!data.getNodeCache(setting, checkedList[i].tId)) { checkedList.splice(i, 1); i--; j--; } } return checkedList; }, getCheckStatus: function(setting, node) { if (!setting.check.enable || node.nocheck || node.chkDisabled) return null; var checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked, r = { checked: node[checkedKey], half: node.halfCheck ? node.halfCheck : (setting.check.chkStyle == consts.radio.STYLE ? (node.check_Child_State === 2) : (node[checkedKey] ? (node.check_Child_State > -1 && node.check_Child_State < 2) : (node.check_Child_State > 0))) }; return r; }, getTreeCheckedNodes: function(setting, nodes, checked, results) { if (!nodes) return []; var childKey = setting.data.key.children, checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked, onlyOne = (checked && setting.check.chkStyle == consts.radio.STYLE && setting.check.radioType == consts.radio.TYPE_ALL); results = !results ? [] : results; for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) { if (nodes[i].nocheck !== true && nodes[i].chkDisabled !== true && nodes[i][checkedKey] == checked) { results.push(nodes[i]); if(onlyOne) { break; } } data.getTreeCheckedNodes(setting, nodes[i][childKey], checked, results); if(onlyOne && results.length > 0) { break; } } return results; }, getTreeChangeCheckedNodes: function(setting, nodes, results) { if (!nodes) return []; var childKey = setting.data.key.children, checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked; results = !results ? [] : results; for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) { if (nodes[i].nocheck !== true && nodes[i].chkDisabled !== true && nodes[i][checkedKey] != nodes[i].checkedOld) { results.push(nodes[i]); } data.getTreeChangeCheckedNodes(setting, nodes[i][childKey], results); } return results; }, makeChkFlag: function(setting, node) { if (!node) return; var childKey = setting.data.key.children, checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked, chkFlag = -1; if (node[childKey]) { for (var i = 0, l = node[childKey].length; i < l; i++) { var cNode = node[childKey][i]; var tmp = -1; if (setting.check.chkStyle == consts.radio.STYLE) { if (cNode.nocheck === true || cNode.chkDisabled === true) { tmp = cNode.check_Child_State; } else if (cNode.halfCheck === true) { tmp = 2; } else if (cNode[checkedKey]) { tmp = 2; } else { tmp = cNode.check_Child_State > 0 ? 2:0; } if (tmp == 2) { chkFlag = 2; break; } else if (tmp == 0){ chkFlag = 0; } } else if (setting.check.chkStyle == consts.checkbox.STYLE) { if (cNode.nocheck === true || cNode.chkDisabled === true) { tmp = cNode.check_Child_State; } else if (cNode.halfCheck === true) { tmp = 1; } else if (cNode[checkedKey] ) { tmp = (cNode.check_Child_State === -1 || cNode.check_Child_State === 2) ? 2 : 1; } else { tmp = (cNode.check_Child_State > 0) ? 1 : 0; } if (tmp === 1) { chkFlag = 1; break; } else if (tmp === 2 && chkFlag > -1 && i > 0 && tmp !== chkFlag) { chkFlag = 1; break; } else if (chkFlag === 2 && tmp > -1 && tmp < 2) { chkFlag = 1; break; } else if (tmp > -1) { chkFlag = tmp; } } } } node.check_Child_State = chkFlag; } }, //method of event proxy _event = { }, //method of event handler _handler = { onCheckNode: function (event, node) { if (node.chkDisabled === true) return false; var setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId), checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked; if (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeCheck, [setting.treeId, node], true) == false) return true; node[checkedKey] = !node[checkedKey]; view.checkNodeRelation(setting, node); var checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, setting); view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node); view.repairParentChkClassWithSelf(setting, node); setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.CHECK, [event, setting.treeId, node]); return true; }, onMouseoverCheck: function(event, node) { if (node.chkDisabled === true) return false; var setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId), checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, setting); node.check_Focus = true; view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node); return true; }, onMouseoutCheck: function(event, node) { if (node.chkDisabled === true) return false; var setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId), checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, setting); node.check_Focus = false; view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node); return true; } }, //method of tools for zTree _tools = { }, //method of operate ztree dom _view = { checkNodeRelation: function(setting, node) { var pNode, i, l, childKey = setting.data.key.children, checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked, r = consts.radio; if (setting.check.chkStyle == r.STYLE) { var checkedList = data.getRadioCheckedList(setting); if (node[checkedKey]) { if (setting.check.radioType == r.TYPE_ALL) { for (i = checkedList.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { pNode = checkedList[i]; if (pNode[checkedKey] && pNode != node) { pNode[checkedKey] = false; checkedList.splice(i, 1); view.setChkClass(setting, $$(pNode, consts.id.CHECK, setting), pNode); if (pNode.parentTId != node.parentTId) { view.repairParentChkClassWithSelf(setting, pNode); } } } checkedList.push(node); } else { var parentNode = (node.parentTId) ? node.getParentNode() : data.getRoot(setting); for (i = 0, l = parentNode[childKey].length; i < l; i++) { pNode = parentNode[childKey][i]; if (pNode[checkedKey] && pNode != node) { pNode[checkedKey] = false; view.setChkClass(setting, $$(pNode, consts.id.CHECK, setting), pNode); } } } } else if (setting.check.radioType == r.TYPE_ALL) { for (i = 0, l = checkedList.length; i < l; i++) { if (node == checkedList[i]) { checkedList.splice(i, 1); break; } } } } else { if (node[checkedKey] && (!node[childKey] || node[childKey].length==0 || setting.check.chkboxType.Y.indexOf("s") > -1)) { view.setSonNodeCheckBox(setting, node, true); } if (!node[checkedKey] && (!node[childKey] || node[childKey].length==0 || setting.check.chkboxType.N.indexOf("s") > -1)) { view.setSonNodeCheckBox(setting, node, false); } if (node[checkedKey] && setting.check.chkboxType.Y.indexOf("p") > -1) { view.setParentNodeCheckBox(setting, node, true); } if (!node[checkedKey] && setting.check.chkboxType.N.indexOf("p") > -1) { view.setParentNodeCheckBox(setting, node, false); } } }, makeChkClass: function(setting, node) { var checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked, c = consts.checkbox, r = consts.radio, fullStyle = ""; if (node.chkDisabled === true) { fullStyle = c.DISABLED; } else if (node.halfCheck) { fullStyle = c.PART; } else if (setting.check.chkStyle == r.STYLE) { fullStyle = (node.check_Child_State < 1)? c.FULL:c.PART; } else { fullStyle = node[checkedKey] ? ((node.check_Child_State === 2 || node.check_Child_State === -1) ? c.FULL:c.PART) : ((node.check_Child_State < 1)? c.FULL:c.PART); } var chkName = setting.check.chkStyle + "_" + (node[checkedKey] ? c.TRUE : c.FALSE) + "_" + fullStyle; chkName = (node.check_Focus && node.chkDisabled !== true) ? chkName + "_" + c.FOCUS : chkName; return consts.className.BUTTON + " " + c.DEFAULT + " " + chkName; }, repairAllChk: function(setting, checked) { if (setting.check.enable && setting.check.chkStyle === consts.checkbox.STYLE) { var checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked, childKey = setting.data.key.children, root = data.getRoot(setting); for (var i = 0, l = root[childKey].length; i<l ; i++) { var node = root[childKey][i]; if (node.nocheck !== true && node.chkDisabled !== true) { node[checkedKey] = checked; } view.setSonNodeCheckBox(setting, node, checked); } } }, repairChkClass: function(setting, node) { if (!node) return; data.makeChkFlag(setting, node); if (node.nocheck !== true) { var checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, setting); view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node); } }, repairParentChkClass: function(setting, node) { if (!node || !node.parentTId) return; var pNode = node.getParentNode(); view.repairChkClass(setting, pNode); view.repairParentChkClass(setting, pNode); }, repairParentChkClassWithSelf: function(setting, node) { if (!node) return; var childKey = setting.data.key.children; if (node[childKey] && node[childKey].length > 0) { view.repairParentChkClass(setting, node[childKey][0]); } else { view.repairParentChkClass(setting, node); } }, repairSonChkDisabled: function(setting, node, chkDisabled, inherit) { if (!node) return; var childKey = setting.data.key.children; if (node.chkDisabled != chkDisabled) { node.chkDisabled = chkDisabled; } view.repairChkClass(setting, node); if (node[childKey] && inherit) { for (var i = 0, l = node[childKey].length; i < l; i++) { var sNode = node[childKey][i]; view.repairSonChkDisabled(setting, sNode, chkDisabled, inherit); } } }, repairParentChkDisabled: function(setting, node, chkDisabled, inherit) { if (!node) return; if (node.chkDisabled != chkDisabled && inherit) { node.chkDisabled = chkDisabled; } view.repairChkClass(setting, node); view.repairParentChkDisabled(setting, node.getParentNode(), chkDisabled, inherit); }, setChkClass: function(setting, obj, node) { if (!obj) return; if (node.nocheck === true) { obj.hide(); } else { obj.show(); } obj.attr('class', view.makeChkClass(setting, node)); }, setParentNodeCheckBox: function(setting, node, value, srcNode) { var childKey = setting.data.key.children, checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked, checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, setting); if (!srcNode) srcNode = node; data.makeChkFlag(setting, node); if (node.nocheck !== true && node.chkDisabled !== true) { node[checkedKey] = value; view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node); if (setting.check.autoCheckTrigger && node != srcNode) { setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.CHECK, [null, setting.treeId, node]); } } if (node.parentTId) { var pSign = true; if (!value) { var pNodes = node.getParentNode()[childKey]; for (var i = 0, l = pNodes.length; i < l; i++) { if ((pNodes[i].nocheck !== true && pNodes[i].chkDisabled !== true && pNodes[i][checkedKey]) || ((pNodes[i].nocheck === true || pNodes[i].chkDisabled === true) && pNodes[i].check_Child_State > 0)) { pSign = false; break; } } } if (pSign) { view.setParentNodeCheckBox(setting, node.getParentNode(), value, srcNode); } } }, setSonNodeCheckBox: function(setting, node, value, srcNode) { if (!node) return; var childKey = setting.data.key.children, checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked, checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, setting); if (!srcNode) srcNode = node; var hasDisable = false; if (node[childKey]) { for (var i = 0, l = node[childKey].length; i < l && node.chkDisabled !== true; i++) { var sNode = node[childKey][i]; view.setSonNodeCheckBox(setting, sNode, value, srcNode); if (sNode.chkDisabled === true) hasDisable = true; } } if (node != data.getRoot(setting) && node.chkDisabled !== true) { if (hasDisable && node.nocheck !== true) { data.makeChkFlag(setting, node); } if (node.nocheck !== true && node.chkDisabled !== true) { node[checkedKey] = value; if (!hasDisable) node.check_Child_State = (node[childKey] && node[childKey].length > 0) ? (value ? 2 : 0) : -1; } else { node.check_Child_State = -1; } view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node); if (setting.check.autoCheckTrigger && node != srcNode && node.nocheck !== true && node.chkDisabled !== true) { setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.CHECK, [null, setting.treeId, node]); } } } }, _z = { tools: _tools, view: _view, event: _event, data: _data }; $.extend(true, $.fn.zTree.consts, _consts); $.extend(true, $.fn.zTree._z, _z); var zt = $.fn.zTree, tools = zt._z.tools, consts = zt.consts, view = zt._z.view, data = zt._z.data, event = zt._z.event, $$ = tools.$; data.exSetting(_setting); data.addInitBind(_bindEvent); data.addInitUnBind(_unbindEvent); data.addInitCache(_initCache); data.addInitNode(_initNode); data.addInitProxy(_eventProxy, true); data.addInitRoot(_initRoot); data.addBeforeA(_beforeA); data.addZTreeTools(_zTreeTools); var _createNodes = view.createNodes; view.createNodes = function(setting, level, nodes, parentNode) { if (_createNodes) _createNodes.apply(view, arguments); if (!nodes) return; view.repairParentChkClassWithSelf(setting, parentNode); } var _removeNode = view.removeNode; view.removeNode = function(setting, node) { var parentNode = node.getParentNode(); if (_removeNode) _removeNode.apply(view, arguments); if (!node || !parentNode) return; view.repairChkClass(setting, parentNode); view.repairParentChkClass(setting, parentNode); } var _appendNodes = view.appendNodes; view.appendNodes = function(setting, level, nodes, parentNode, initFlag, openFlag) { var html = ""; if (_appendNodes) { html = _appendNodes.apply(view, arguments); } if (parentNode) { data.makeChkFlag(setting, parentNode); } return html; } })(jQuery);/** * 可以改变图标的button * * Created by GUY on 2016/2/2. * * @class BI.IconChangeButton * @extends BI.Single */ BI.IconChangeButton = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.IconChangeButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: "bi-icon-change-button", iconCls: "", iconWidth: null, iconHeight: null, stopEvent: false, stopPropagation: false, selected: false, once: false, // 点击一次选中有效,再点无效 forceSelected: false, // 点击即选中, 选中了就不会被取消 forceNotSelected: false, // 无论怎么点击都不会被选中 disableSelected: false, // 使能选中 shadow: false, isShadowShowingOnSelected: false, // 选中状态下是否显示阴影 trigger: null, handler: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.IconChangeButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.button = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", element: this, cls: o.iconCls, height: o.height, iconWidth: o.iconWidth, iconHeight: o.iconHeight, stopEvent: o.stopEvent, stopPropagation: o.stopPropagation, selected: o.selected, once: o.once, forceSelected: o.forceSelected, forceNotSelected: o.forceNotSelected, disableSelected: o.disableSelected, shadow: o.shadow, isShadowShowingOnSelected: o.isShadowShowingOnSelected, trigger: o.trigger, handler: o.handler }); this.button.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.button.on(BI.IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.IconChangeButton.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); }, isSelected: function () { return this.button.isSelected(); }, setSelected: function (b) { this.button.setSelected(b); }, setIcon: function (cls) { var o = this.options; if (o.iconCls !== cls) { this.element.removeClass(o.iconCls).addClass(cls); o.iconCls = cls; } } }); BI.IconChangeButton.EVENT_CHANGE = "IconChangeButton.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.icon_change_button", BI.IconChangeButton);/** * guy * @extends BI.Single * @type {*|void|Object} */ BI.HalfIconButton = BI.inherit(BI.IconButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.HalfIconButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { extraCls: "bi-half-icon-button check-half-select-icon", height: 16, width: 16, iconWidth: 16, iconHeight: 16, selected: false }); }, _init: function () { BI.HalfIconButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, doClick: function () { BI.HalfIconButton.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if(this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.HalfIconButton.EVENT_CHANGE); } } }); BI.HalfIconButton.EVENT_CHANGE = "HalfIconButton.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.half_icon_button", BI.HalfIconButton);/** * 统一的trigger图标按钮 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/16. * @class BI.TriggerIconButton * @extends BI.IconButton */ BI.TriggerIconButton = BI.inherit(BI.IconButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.TriggerIconButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-trigger-icon-button", extraCls: "pull-down-font" }); }, _init: function () { BI.TriggerIconButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, doClick: function () { BI.TriggerIconButton.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.TriggerIconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, this); } } }); BI.TriggerIconButton.EVENT_CHANGE = "TriggerIconButton.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.trigger_icon_button", BI.TriggerIconButton);/** * guy * 复选框item * @type {*|void|Object} */ BI.MultiSelectItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiSelectItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-multi-select-item", height: 25, logic: { dynamic: false } }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiSelectItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.checkbox = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.checkbox" }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "list-item-text", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHeight: o.height, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, rgap: o.rgap, text: o.text, keyword: o.keyword, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.checkbox.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.setSelected(self.isSelected()); } }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("horizontal", BI.extend(o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection("left", { type: "bi.center_adapt", items: [this.checkbox], width: 36 }, this.text) })))); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doClick: function () { BI.MultiSelectItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.checkbox.setSelected(this.isSelected()); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectItem.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, setSelected: function (v) { BI.MultiSelectItem.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); this.checkbox.setSelected(v); } }); BI.MultiSelectItem.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_select_item", BI.MultiSelectItem);/** * Created by GUY on 2016/2/2. * * @class BI.SingleSelectIconTextItem * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.SingleSelectIconTextItem = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SingleSelectIconTextItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-single-select-icon-text-item bi-list-item-active", iconCls: "", height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.SingleSelectIconTextItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_text_item", element: this, cls: o.iconCls, once: o.once, selected: o.selected, height: o.height, iconHeight: o.iconHeight, iconWidth: o.iconWidth, text: o.text, keyword: o.keyword, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.text.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); }, isSelected: function () { return this.text.isSelected(); }, setSelected: function (b) { this.text.setSelected(b); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doClick: function () { BI.SingleSelectIconTextItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.single_select_icon_text_item", BI.SingleSelectIconTextItem);/** * guy * 复选框item * @type {*|void|Object} */ BI.SingleSelectItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SingleSelectItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-single-select-item bi-list-item-active", hgap: 10, height: 25, textAlign: "left" }); }, _init: function () { BI.SingleSelectItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", element: this, textAlign: o.textAlign, whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHeight: o.height, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, keyword: o.keyword, value: o.value, py: o.py }); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doClick: function () { BI.SingleSelectItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); }, setSelected: function (v) { BI.SingleSelectItem.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.single_select_item", BI.SingleSelectItem);/** * guy * 单选框item * @type {*|void|Object} */ BI.SingleSelectRadioItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SingleSelectRadioItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-single-select-radio-item bi-list-item-active", logic: { dynamic: false }, hgap: 10, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.SingleSelectRadioItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.radio = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.radio" }); this.radio.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "list-item-text", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHeight: o.height, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, keyword: o.keyword, value: o.value, py: o.py }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("horizontal", BI.extend(o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection("left", { type: "bi.center_adapt", items: [this.radio], width: 36 }, this.text) })))); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doClick: function () { BI.SingleSelectRadioItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.radio.setSelected(this.isSelected()); }, setSelected: function (v) { BI.SingleSelectRadioItem.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); this.radio.setSelected(v); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.single_select_radio_item", BI.SingleSelectRadioItem);/** * Created by roy on 15/10/16. */ BI.ArrowNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.ArrowNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-arrow-group-node bi-list-item", logic: { dynamic: false }, id: "", pId: "", open: false, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; BI.ArrowNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.checkbox = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.arrow_tree_group_node_checkbox", iconWidth: 13, iconHeight: 13 }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHeight: o.height, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.checkbox.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.setSelected(self.isSelected()); } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); var type = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(BI.Direction.Left); var items = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(BI.Direction.Left, { width: 25, el: this.checkbox }, this.text); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(type, BI.extend(o.logic, { items: items })))); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doClick: function () { BI.ArrowNode.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.checkbox.setSelected(this.isOpened()); }, setValue: function (v) { this.text.setValue(v); }, setOpened: function (v) { BI.ArrowNode.superclass.setOpened.apply(this, arguments); this.checkbox.setSelected(v); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.arrow_group_node", BI.ArrowNode);/** * 加号表示的组节点 * Created by GUY on 2015/9/6. * @class BI.FirstPlusGroupNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.FirstPlusGroupNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.FirstPlusGroupNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-first-plus-group-node bi-list-item", logic: { dynamic: false }, id: "", pId: "", open: false, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.FirstPlusGroupNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.checkbox = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.first_tree_node_checkbox", stopPropagation: true }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHeight: o.height, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.checkbox.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { if (this.isSelected()) { self.triggerExpand(); } else { self.triggerCollapse(); } } }); var type = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(BI.Direction.Left); var items = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(BI.Direction.Left, { width: 25, el: this.checkbox }, this.text); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(type, BI.extend(o.logic, { items: items })))); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doClick: function () { BI.FirstPlusGroupNode.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.checkbox.setSelected(this.isSelected()); }, setOpened: function (v) { BI.FirstPlusGroupNode.superclass.setOpened.apply(this, arguments); if (BI.isNotNull(this.checkbox)) { this.checkbox.setSelected(v); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.first_plus_group_node", BI.FirstPlusGroupNode);/** * Created by User on 2016/3/31. */ /** * > + icon + 文本 * @class BI.IconArrowNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.IconArrowNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.IconArrowNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-icon-arrow-node bi-list-item", logic: { dynamic: false }, id: "", pId: "", open: false, height: 25, iconHeight: 13, iconWidth: 13, iconCls: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.IconArrowNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.checkbox = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.tree_group_node_checkbox", width: 23, stopPropagation: true }); var icon = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", cls: o.iconCls, width: 23, items: [{ type: "bi.icon", height: o.iconHeight, width: o.iconWidth }] }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHeight: o.height, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.checkbox.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { if (this.isSelected()) { self.triggerExpand(); } else { self.triggerCollapse(); } } }); var type = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(BI.Direction.Left); var items = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(BI.Direction.Left, { width: 25, el: this.checkbox }, { width: 23, el: icon }, this.text); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(type, BI.extend(o.logic, { items: items })))); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doClick: function () { BI.IconArrowNode.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.checkbox.setSelected(this.isSelected()); }, setOpened: function (v) { BI.IconArrowNode.superclass.setOpened.apply(this, arguments); if (BI.isNotNull(this.checkbox)) { this.checkbox.setSelected(v); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.icon_arrow_node", BI.IconArrowNode);/** * 加号表示的组节点 * Created by GUY on 2015/9/6. * @class BI.LastPlusGroupNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.LastPlusGroupNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.LastPlusGroupNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-last-plus-group-node bi-list-item", logic: { dynamic: false }, id: "", pId: "", open: false, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.LastPlusGroupNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.checkbox = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.last_tree_node_checkbox", stopPropagation: true }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHeight: o.height, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.checkbox.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if(type === BI.Events.CLICK) { if (this.isSelected()) { self.triggerExpand(); } else { self.triggerCollapse(); } } }); var type = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(BI.Direction.Left); var items = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(BI.Direction.Left, { width: 25, el: this.checkbox }, this.text); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(type, BI.extend(o.logic, { items: items })))); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doClick: function () { BI.LastPlusGroupNode.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.checkbox.setSelected(this.isSelected()); }, setOpened: function (v) { BI.LastPlusGroupNode.superclass.setOpened.apply(this, arguments); if (BI.isNotNull(this.checkbox)) { this.checkbox.setSelected(v); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.last_plus_group_node", BI.LastPlusGroupNode);/** * 加号表示的组节点 * Created by GUY on 2015/9/6. * @class BI.MidPlusGroupNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.MidPlusGroupNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.MidPlusGroupNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-mid-plus-group-node bi-list-item", logic: { dynamic: false }, id: "", pId: "", open: false, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.MidPlusGroupNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.checkbox = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.mid_tree_node_checkbox", stopPropagation: true }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHeight: o.height, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.checkbox.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { if (this.isSelected()) { self.triggerExpand(); } else { self.triggerCollapse(); } } }); var type = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(BI.Direction.Left); var items = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(BI.Direction.Left, { width: 25, el: this.checkbox }, this.text); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(type, BI.extend(o.logic, { items: items })))); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doClick: function () { BI.MidPlusGroupNode.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.checkbox.setSelected(this.isSelected()); }, setOpened: function (v) { BI.MidPlusGroupNode.superclass.setOpened.apply(this, arguments); if (BI.isNotNull(this.checkbox)) { this.checkbox.setSelected(v); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.mid_plus_group_node", BI.MidPlusGroupNode);BI.MultiLayerIconArrowNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.MultiLayerIconArrowNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { extraCls: "bi-multilayer-icon-arrow-node bi-list-item", layer: 0, // 第几层级 id: "", pId: "", open: false, height: 25, iconHeight: 13, iconWidth: 13, iconCls: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiLayerIconArrowNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.node = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_arrow_node", iconCls: o.iconCls, // logic: { // dynamic: true // }, id: o.id, pId: o.pId, open: o.open, height: o.height, iconHeight: o.iconHeight, iconWidth: o.iconWidth, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.node.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { self.setSelected(self.isSelected()); self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); var items = []; BI.count(0, o.layer, function () { items.push({ type: "bi.layout", width: 13, height: o.height }); }); items.push(this.node); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.td", element: this, columnSize: BI.makeArray(o.layer, 13), items: [items] }); }, isOnce: function () { return true; }, doRedMark: function () { this.node.doRedMark.apply(this.node, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.node.unRedMark.apply(this.node, arguments); }, isSelected: function () { return this.node.isSelected(); }, setSelected: function (b) { BI.MultiLayerIconArrowNode.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); this.node.setSelected(b); }, doClick: function () { BI.NodeButton.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.node.setSelected(this.isSelected()); }, setOpened: function (v) { BI.MultiLayerIconArrowNode.superclass.setOpened.apply(this, arguments); this.node.setOpened(v); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.multilayer_icon_arrow_node", BI.MultiLayerIconArrowNode);/** * 加号表示的组节点 * Created by GUY on 2015/9/6. * @class BI.PlusGroupNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.PlusGroupNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.PlusGroupNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-plus-group-node bi-list-item", logic: { dynamic: false }, id: "", pId: "", open: false, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.PlusGroupNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.checkbox = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.tree_node_checkbox" }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHeight: o.height, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.checkbox.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.setSelected(self.isSelected()); } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); var type = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(BI.Direction.Left); var items = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(BI.Direction.Left, { width: 25, el: this.checkbox }, this.text); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(type, BI.extend(o.logic, { items: items })))); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doClick: function () { BI.PlusGroupNode.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.checkbox.setSelected(this.isSelected()); }, setOpened: function (v) { BI.PlusGroupNode.superclass.setOpened.apply(this, arguments); if (this.checkbox) { this.checkbox.setSelected(v); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.plus_group_node", BI.PlusGroupNode);/** * 三角号表示的组节点 * Created by GUY on 2015/9/6. * @class BI.TriangleGroupNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.TriangleGroupNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.TriangleGroupNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-triangle-group-node bi-list-item", logic: { dynamic: false }, id: "", pId: "", open: false, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.TriangleGroupNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.checkbox = BI.createWidget({ iconWidth: 13, iconHeight: 13, type: "bi.tree_group_node_checkbox" }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHeight: o.height, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py, keyword: o.keyword }); this.checkbox.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.setSelected(self.isSelected()); } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); var type = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(BI.Direction.Left); var items = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(BI.Direction.Left, { width: 25, el: this.checkbox }, this.text); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(type, BI.extend(o.logic, { items: items })))); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doClick: function () { BI.TriangleGroupNode.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.checkbox.setSelected(this.isOpened()); }, setOpened: function (v) { BI.TriangleGroupNode.superclass.setOpened.apply(this, arguments); this.checkbox.setSelected(v); }, setText: function (text) { BI.TriangleGroupNode.superclass.setText.apply(this, arguments); this.text.setText(text); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.triangle_group_node", BI.TriangleGroupNode);/** * guy * 复选框item * @type {*|void|Object} */ BI.FirstTreeLeafItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.FirstTreeLeafItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-first-tree-leaf-item bi-list-item-active", logic: { dynamic: false }, id: "", pId: "", layer: 0, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.FirstTreeLeafItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.checkbox = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.checkbox" }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHeight: o.height, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.checkbox.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.setSelected(self.isSelected()); } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); var type = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(BI.Direction.Left); var items = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(BI.Direction.Left, ((o.layer === 0) ? "" : { width: 13, el: { type: "bi.layout", cls: "base-line-conn-background", width: 13, height: o.height } }), { width: 25, el: { type: "bi.layout", cls: "mid-line-conn-background", width: 25, height: o.height } }, { el: this.text }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(type, BI.extend(o.logic, { items: items })))); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getId: function () { return this.options.id; }, getPId: function () { return this.options.pId; }, doClick: function () { BI.FirstTreeLeafItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.checkbox.setSelected(this.isSelected()); }, setSelected: function (v) { BI.FirstTreeLeafItem.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); this.checkbox.setSelected(v); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.first_tree_leaf_item", BI.FirstTreeLeafItem);BI.IconTreeLeafItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.IconTreeLeafItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-icon-tree-leaf-item bi-list-item-active", logic: { dynamic: false }, height: 25, iconWidth: 16, iconHeight: 16, iconCls: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.IconTreeLeafItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var icon = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", width: 23, cls: o.iconCls, items: [{ type: "bi.icon", width: o.iconWidth, height: o.iconHeight }] }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHeight: o.height, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); var type = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(BI.Direction.Left); var items = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(BI.Direction.Left, { width: 23, el: icon }, { el: this.text }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(type, BI.extend(o.logic, { items: items })))); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getId: function () { return this.options.id; }, getPId: function () { return this.options.pId; }, doClick: function () { BI.IconTreeLeafItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); }, setSelected: function (v) { BI.IconTreeLeafItem.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.icon_tree_leaf_item", BI.IconTreeLeafItem);/** * guy * 复选框item * @type {*|void|Object} */ BI.LastTreeLeafItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.LastTreeLeafItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-last-tree-leaf-item bi-list-item-active", logic: { dynamic: false }, id: "", pId: "", layer: 0, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.LastTreeLeafItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.checkbox = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.checkbox" }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHeight: o.height, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.checkbox.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.setSelected(self.isSelected()); } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); var type = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(BI.Direction.Left); var items = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(BI.Direction.Left, ((o.layer === 0) ? "" : { width: 13, el: { type: "bi.layout", cls: "base-line-conn-background", width: 13, height: o.height } }), { width: 25, el: { type: "bi.layout", cls: "mid-line-conn-background", width: 25, height: o.height } }, { el: this.text }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(type, BI.extend(o.logic, { items: items })))); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getId: function () { return this.options.id; }, getPId: function () { return this.options.pId; }, doClick: function () { BI.LastTreeLeafItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); // this.checkbox.setSelected(this.isSelected()); }, setSelected: function (v) { BI.LastTreeLeafItem.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); // this.checkbox.setSelected(v); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.last_tree_leaf_item", BI.LastTreeLeafItem);/** * guy * 复选框item * @type {*|void|Object} */ BI.MidTreeLeafItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MidTreeLeafItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-mid-tree-leaf-item bi-list-item-active", logic: { dynamic: false }, id: "", pId: "", layer: 0, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.MidTreeLeafItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.checkbox = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.checkbox" }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHeight: o.height, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.checkbox.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.setSelected(self.isSelected()); } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); var type = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(BI.Direction.Left); var items = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(BI.Direction.Left, ((o.layer === 0) ? "" : { width: 13, el: { type: "bi.layout", cls: "base-line-conn-background", width: 13, height: o.height } }), { width: 25, el: { type: "bi.layout", cls: "mid-line-conn-background", width: 25, height: o.height } }, { el: this.text }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(type, BI.extend(o.logic, { items: items })))); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getId: function () { return this.options.id; }, getPId: function () { return this.options.pId; }, doClick: function () { BI.MidTreeLeafItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.checkbox.setSelected(this.isSelected()); }, setSelected: function (v) { BI.MidTreeLeafItem.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); this.checkbox.setSelected(v); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.mid_tree_leaf_item", BI.MidTreeLeafItem);/** * @class BI.MultiLayerIconTreeLeafItem * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.MultiLayerIconTreeLeafItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiLayerIconTreeLeafItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-multilayer-icon-tree-leaf-item bi-list-item-active", layer: 0, height: 25, iconCls: "", iconHeight: 14, iconWidth: 12 }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiLayerIconTreeLeafItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.item = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_tree_leaf_item", cls: "bi-list-item-none", iconCls: o.iconCls, id: o.id, pId: o.pId, isFront: true, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py, iconWidth: o.iconWidth, iconHeight: o.iconHeight }); this.item.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) {// 本身实现click功能 return; } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); var items = []; BI.count(0, o.layer, function () { items.push({ type: "bi.layout", width: 13, height: o.height }); }); items.push(this.item); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.td", element: this, columnSize: BI.makeArray(o.layer, 13), items: [items] }); }, doRedMark: function () { this.item.doRedMark.apply(this.item, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.item.unRedMark.apply(this.item, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.item.doHighLight.apply(this.item, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.item.unHighLight.apply(this.item, arguments); }, getId: function () { return this.options.id; }, getPId: function () { return this.options.pId; }, doClick: function () { BI.MultiLayerIconTreeLeafItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.item.setSelected(this.isSelected()); }, setSelected: function (v) { BI.MultiLayerIconTreeLeafItem.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); this.item.setSelected(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.options.value; } }); BI.shortcut("bi.multilayer_icon_tree_leaf_item", BI.MultiLayerIconTreeLeafItem);/** * 树叶子节点 * Created by GUY on 2015/9/6. * @class BI.TreeTextLeafItem * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.TreeTextLeafItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.TreeTextLeafItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-tree-text-leaf-item bi-list-item-active", id: "", pId: "", height: 25, hgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.TreeTextLeafItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHeight: o.height, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.htape", element: this, items: [{ el: this.text }] }); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getId: function () { return this.options.id; }, getPId: function () { return this.options.pId; } }); BI.shortcut("bi.tree_text_leaf_item", BI.TreeTextLeafItem);/** * Created by GUY on 2015/8/28. * @class BI.Calendar * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.Calendar = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Calendar.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: "bi-calendar", logic: { dynamic: false }, min: "1900-01-01", // 最小日期 max: "2099-12-31", // 最大日期 year: 2015, month: 7, // 7表示八月 day: 25 }); }, _dateCreator: function (Y, M, D) { var self = this, o = this.options, log = {}, De = Date.getDate(); var mins = o.min.match(/\d+/g); var maxs = o.max.match(/\d+/g); Y < (mins[0] | 0) && (Y = (mins[0] | 0)); Y > (maxs[0] | 0) && (Y = (maxs[0] | 0)); De.setFullYear(Y, M, D); log.ymd = [De.getFullYear(), De.getMonth(), De.getDate()]; var MD = Date._MD.slice(0); MD[1] = Date.isLeap(log.ymd[0]) ? 29 : 28; De.setFullYear(log.ymd[0], log.ymd[1], 1); log.FDay = De.getDay(); log.PDay = MD[M === 0 ? 11 : M - 1] - log.FDay + 1; log.NDay = 1; var items = []; BI.each(BI.range(42), function (i) { var td = {}, YY = log.ymd[0], MM = log.ymd[1] + 1, DD; if (i < log.FDay) { td.lastMonth = true; DD = i + log.PDay; MM === 1 && (YY -= 1); MM = MM === 1 ? 12 : MM - 1; } else if (i >= log.FDay && i < log.FDay + MD[log.ymd[1]]) { DD = i - log.FDay + 1; if (i - log.FDay + 1 === log.ymd[2]) { td.currentDay = true; } } else { td.nextMonth = true; DD = log.NDay++; MM === 12 && (YY += 1); MM = MM === 12 ? 1 : MM + 1; } if (Date.checkVoid(YY, MM, DD, mins, maxs)[0]) { td.disabled = true; } td.text = DD; items.push(td); }); return items; }, _init: function () { BI.Calendar.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var items = BI.map(Date._SDN.slice(0, 7), function (i, value) { return { type: "bi.label", height: 25, text: value }; }); var title = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button_group", height: 25, items: items }); var days = this._dateCreator(o.year, o.month, o.day); items = []; items.push(days.slice(0, 7)); items.push(days.slice(7, 14)); items.push(days.slice(14, 21)); items.push(days.slice(21, 28)); items.push(days.slice(28, 35)); items.push(days.slice(35, 42)); items = BI.map(items, function (i, item) { return BI.map(item, function (j, td) { return BI.extend(td, { type: "bi.text_item", cls: "bi-list-item-active", textAlign: "center", whiteSpace: "normal", once: false, forceSelected: true, height: 25, value: o.year + "-" + o.month + "-" + td.text, disabled: td.lastMonth || td.nextMonth || td.disabled // selected: td.currentDay }); }); }); this.days = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button_group", items: BI.createItems(items, {}), layouts: [BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("table", BI.extend({}, o.logic, { columns: 7, rows: 6, columnSize: [1 / 7, 1 / 7, 1 / 7, 1 / 7, 1 / 7, 1 / 7, 1 / 7], rowSize: 25 }))] }); this.days.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("vertical", BI.extend({}, o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection("top", title, this.days) })))); }, isFrontDate: function () { var o = this.options, c = this._const; var Y = o.year, M = o.month, De = Date.getDate(), day = De.getDay(); Y = Y | 0; De.setFullYear(Y, M, 1); var newDate = De.getOffsetDate(-1 * (day + 1)); return !!Date.checkVoid(newDate.getFullYear(), newDate.getMonth(), newDate.getDate(), o.min, o.max)[0]; }, isFinalDate: function () { var o = this.options, c = this._const; var Y = o.year, M = o.month, De = Date.getDate(), day = De.getDay(); Y = Y | 0; De.setFullYear(Y, M, 1); var newDate = De.getOffsetDate(42 - day); return !!Date.checkVoid(newDate.getFullYear(), newDate.getMonth(), newDate.getDate(), o.min, o.max)[0]; }, setValue: function (ob) { this.days.setValue([ob.year + "-" + ob.month + "-" + ob.day]); }, getValue: function () { var date = this.days.getValue()[0].match(/\d+/g); return { year: date[0] | 0, month: date[1] | 0, day: date[2] | 0 }; } }); BI.extend(BI.Calendar, { getPageByDateJSON: function (json) { var year = Date.getDate().getFullYear(); var month = Date.getDate().getMonth(); var page = (json.year - year) * 12; page += json.month - month; return page; }, getDateJSONByPage: function (v) { var months = Date.getDate().getMonth(); var page = v; // 对当前page做偏移,使到当前年初 page = page + months; var year = BI.parseInt(page / 12); if(page < 0 && page % 12 !== 0) { year--; } var month = page >= 0 ? (page % 12) : ((12 + page % 12) % 12); return { year: Date.getDate().getFullYear() + year, month: month }; } }); BI.shortcut("bi.calendar", BI.Calendar);/** * Created by GUY on 2015/8/28. * @class BI.YearCalendar * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.YearCalendar = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.YearCalendar.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: "bi-year-calendar", behaviors: {}, logic: { dynamic: false }, min: "1900-01-01", // 最小日期 max: "2099-12-31", // 最大日期 year: null }); }, _yearCreator: function (Y) { var o = this.options; Y = Y | 0; var start = BI.YearCalendar.getStartYear(Y); var items = []; BI.each(BI.range(BI.YearCalendar.INTERVAL), function (i) { var td = {}; if (Date.checkVoid(start + i, 1, 1, o.min, o.max)[0]) { td.disabled = true; } td.text = start + i; items.push(td); }); return items; }, _init: function () { BI.YearCalendar.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.currentYear = Date.getDate().getFullYear(); var years = this._yearCreator(o.year || this.currentYear); // 纵向排列年 var len = years.length, tyears = BI.makeArray(len, ""); var map = [0, 6, 1, 7, 2, 8, 3, 9, 4, 10, 5, 11]; BI.each(years, function (i, y) { tyears[i] = years[map[i]]; }); var items = []; items.push(tyears.slice(0, 2)); items.push(tyears.slice(2, 4)); items.push(tyears.slice(4, 6)); items.push(tyears.slice(6, 8)); items.push(tyears.slice(8, 10)); items.push(tyears.slice(10, 12)); items = BI.map(items, function (i, item) { return BI.map(item, function (j, td) { return BI.extend(td, { type: "bi.text_item", cls: "bi-list-item-active", textAlign: "center", whiteSpace: "normal", once: false, forceSelected: true, height: 23, width: 38, value: td.text, disabled: td.disabled }); }); }); this.years = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button_group", behaviors: o.behaviors, items: BI.createItems(items, {}), layouts: [BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("table", BI.extend({}, o.logic, { columns: 2, rows: 6, columnSize: [1 / 2, 1 / 2], rowSize: 25 })), { type: "bi.center_adapt", vgap: 1 }] }); this.years.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("vertical", BI.extend({}, o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection("top", this.years) })))); }, isFrontYear: function () { var o = this.options; var Y = o.year; Y = Y | 0; return !!Date.checkVoid(BI.YearCalendar.getStartYear(Y) - 1, 1, 1, o.min, o.max)[0]; }, isFinalYear: function () { var o = this.options, c = this._const; var Y = o.year; Y = Y | 0; return !!Date.checkVoid(BI.YearCalendar.getEndYear(Y) + 1, 1, 1, o.min, o.max)[0]; }, setValue: function (val) { this.years.setValue([val]); }, getValue: function () { return this.years.getValue()[0]; } }); // 类方法 BI.extend(BI.YearCalendar, { INTERVAL: 12, // 获取显示的第一年 getStartYear: function (year) { var cur = Date.getDate().getFullYear(); return year - ((year - cur + 3) % BI.YearCalendar.INTERVAL + 12) % BI.YearCalendar.INTERVAL; }, getEndYear: function (year) { return BI.YearCalendar.getStartYear(year) + BI.YearCalendar.INTERVAL; }, getPageByYear: function (year) { var cur = Date.getDate().getFullYear(); year = BI.YearCalendar.getStartYear(year); return (year - cur + 3) / BI.YearCalendar.INTERVAL; } }); BI.shortcut("bi.year_calendar", BI.YearCalendar);/** * 绘制一些较复杂的canvas * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/24. * @class BI.ComplexCanvas * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.ComplexCanvas = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ComplexCanvas.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-complex-canvas" }); }, _init: function () { BI.ComplexCanvas.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.canvas = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.canvas", element: this, width: o.width, height: o.height }); }, // 绘制树枝节点 branch: function (x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2) { var self = this, args = [].slice.call(arguments); if (args.length <= 5) { return this.canvas.line.apply(this.canvas, arguments); } var options; if (BI.isOdd(args.length)) { options = BI.last(args); args = BI.initial(args); } args = [].slice.call(args, 2); var odd = BI.filter(args, function (i) { return i % 2 === 0; }); var even = BI.filter(args, function (i) { return i % 2 !== 0; }); options || (options = {}); var offset = options.offset || 20; if ((y0 > y1 && y0 > y2) || (y0 < y1 && y0 < y2)) { if (y0 > y1 && y0 > y2) { var y = Math.max.apply(this, even) + offset; } else { var y = Math.min.apply(this, even) - offset; } var minx = Math.min.apply(this, odd); var minix = BI.indexOf(odd, minx); var maxx = Math.max.apply(this, odd); var maxix = BI.indexOf(odd, maxx); this.canvas.line(minx, even[minix], minx, y, maxx, y, maxx, even[maxix], options); BI.each(odd, function (i, dot) { if (i !== maxix && i !== minix) { self.canvas.line(dot, even[i], dot, y, options); } }); this.canvas.line(x0, y, x0, y0, options); return; } if ((x0 > x1 && x0 > x2) || (x0 < x1 && x0 < x2)) { if (x0 > x1 && x0 > x2) { var x = Math.max.apply(this, odd) + offset; } else { var x = Math.min.apply(this, odd) - offset; } var miny = Math.min.apply(this, even); var miniy = BI.indexOf(even, miny); var maxy = Math.max.apply(this, even); var maxiy = BI.indexOf(even, maxy); this.canvas.line(odd[miniy], miny, x, miny, x, maxy, odd[maxiy], maxy, options); BI.each(even, function (i, dot) { if (i !== miniy && i !== maxiy) { self.canvas.line(odd[i], dot, x, dot, options); } }); this.canvas.line(x, y0, x0, y0, options); return; } }, stroke: function (callback) { this.canvas.stroke(callback); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.complex_canvas", BI.ComplexCanvas);/** * Created by roy on 15/10/16. * 上箭头与下箭头切换的树节点 */ BI.ArrowTreeGroupNodeCheckbox = BI.inherit(BI.IconButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ArrowTreeGroupNodeCheckbox.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-arrow-tree-group-node" }); }, _init: function () { BI.ArrowTreeGroupNodeCheckbox.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, setSelected: function (v) { BI.ArrowTreeGroupNodeCheckbox.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); if(v) { this.element.removeClass("pull-right-font").addClass("pull-down-font"); } else { this.element.removeClass("pull-down-font").addClass("pull-right-font"); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.arrow_tree_group_node_checkbox", BI.ArrowTreeGroupNodeCheckbox);/** * 十字型的树节点 * @class BI.CheckingMarkNode * @extends BI.IconButton */ BI.CheckingMarkNode = BI.inherit(BI.IconButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend( BI.CheckingMarkNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "check-mark-font" }); }, _init: function () { BI.CheckingMarkNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.setSelected(this.options.selected); }, setSelected: function (v) { BI.CheckingMarkNode.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); if(v === true) { this.element.addClass("check-mark-font"); } else { this.element.removeClass("check-mark-font"); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.checking_mark_node", BI.CheckingMarkNode);/** * 十字型的树节点 * @class BI.FirstTreeNodeCheckbox * @extends BI.IconButton */ BI.FirstTreeNodeCheckbox = BI.inherit(BI.IconButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend( BI.FirstTreeNodeCheckbox.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "tree-collapse-icon-type2", iconWidth: 25, iconHeight: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.FirstTreeNodeCheckbox.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, setSelected: function (v) { BI.FirstTreeNodeCheckbox.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); if(v === true) { this.element.addClass("tree-expand-icon-type2"); } else { this.element.removeClass("tree-expand-icon-type2"); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.first_tree_node_checkbox", BI.FirstTreeNodeCheckbox);/** * 十字型的树节点 * @class BI.LastTreeNodeCheckbox * @extends BI.IconButton */ BI.LastTreeNodeCheckbox = BI.inherit(BI.IconButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend( BI.LastTreeNodeCheckbox.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "tree-collapse-icon-type4", iconWidth: 25, iconHeight: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.LastTreeNodeCheckbox.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, setSelected: function (v) { BI.LastTreeNodeCheckbox.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); if(v === true) { this.element.addClass("tree-expand-icon-type3"); } else { this.element.removeClass("tree-expand-icon-type3"); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.last_tree_node_checkbox", BI.LastTreeNodeCheckbox);/** * 十字型的树节点 * @class BI.MidTreeNodeCheckbox * @extends BI.IconButton */ BI.MidTreeNodeCheckbox = BI.inherit(BI.IconButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend( BI.MidTreeNodeCheckbox.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "tree-collapse-icon-type3", iconWidth: 25, iconHeight: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.MidTreeNodeCheckbox.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, setSelected: function (v) { BI.MidTreeNodeCheckbox.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); if(v === true) { this.element.addClass("tree-expand-icon-type3"); } else { this.element.removeClass("tree-expand-icon-type3"); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.mid_tree_node_checkbox", BI.MidTreeNodeCheckbox);/** * 三角形的树节点 * Created by GUY on 2015/9/6. * @class BI.TreeGroupNodeCheckbox * @extends BI.IconButton */ BI.TreeGroupNodeCheckbox = BI.inherit(BI.IconButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend( BI.TreeGroupNodeCheckbox.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "tree-node-triangle-collapse-font" }); }, _init: function () { BI.TreeGroupNodeCheckbox.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, setSelected: function (v) { BI.TreeGroupNodeCheckbox.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); if(v) { this.element.removeClass("tree-node-triangle-collapse-font").addClass("tree-node-triangle-expand-font"); } else { this.element.removeClass("tree-node-triangle-expand-font").addClass("tree-node-triangle-collapse-font"); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.tree_group_node_checkbox", BI.TreeGroupNodeCheckbox);/** * 十字型的树节点 * @class BI.TreeNodeCheckbox * @extends BI.IconButton */ BI.TreeNodeCheckbox = BI.inherit(BI.IconButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend( BI.TreeNodeCheckbox.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "tree-collapse-icon-type1", iconWidth: 25, iconHeight: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.TreeNodeCheckbox.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, setSelected: function (v) { BI.TreeNodeCheckbox.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); if(v) { this.element.addClass("tree-expand-icon-type1"); } else { this.element.removeClass("tree-expand-icon-type1"); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.tree_node_checkbox", BI.TreeNodeCheckbox);/* ! * clipboard.js v1.6.1 * https://zenorocha.github.io/clipboard.js * * Licensed MIT © Zeno Rocha */ try {// IE8下会抛错 (function (f) { if (typeof exports === "object" && typeof module !== "undefined") { module.exports = f(); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define([], f); } else { var g; if (typeof window !== "undefined") { g = window; } else if (typeof global !== "undefined") { g = global; } else if (typeof self !== "undefined") { g = self; } else { g = this; } g.Clipboard = f(); } })(function () { var define, module, exports; return (function e (t, n, r) { function s (o, u) { if (!n[o]) { if (!t[o]) { var a = typeof require === "function" && require; if (!u && a)return a(o, !0); if (i)return i(o, !0); var f = new Error("Cannot find module '" + o + "'"); throw f.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", f; } var l = n[o] = {exports: {}}; t[o][0].call(l.exports, function (e) { var n = t[o][1][e]; return s(n ? n : e); }, l, l.exports, e, t, n, r); } return n[o].exports; } var i = typeof require === "function" && require; for (var o = 0; o < r.length; o++)s(r[o]); return s; })({ 1: [function (require, module, exports) { var DOCUMENT_NODE_TYPE = 9; /** * A polyfill for Element.matches() */ if (typeof Element !== "undefined" && !Element.prototype.matches) { var proto = Element.prototype; proto.matches = proto.matchesSelector || proto.mozMatchesSelector || proto.msMatchesSelector || proto.oMatchesSelector || proto.webkitMatchesSelector; } /** * Finds the closest parent that matches a selector. * * @param {Element} element * @param {String} selector * @return {Function} */ function closest (element, selector) { while (element && element.nodeType !== DOCUMENT_NODE_TYPE) { if (element.matches(selector)) return element; element = element.parentNode; } } module.exports = closest; }, {}], 2: [function (require, module, exports) { var closest = require("./closest"); /** * Delegates event to a selector. * * @param {Element} element * @param {String} selector * @param {String} type * @param {Function} callback * @param {Boolean} useCapture * @return {Object} */ function delegate (element, selector, type, callback, useCapture) { var listenerFn = listener.apply(this, arguments); element.addEventListener(type, listenerFn, useCapture); return { destroy: function () { element.removeEventListener(type, listenerFn, useCapture); } }; } /** * Finds closest match and invokes callback. * * @param {Element} element * @param {String} selector * @param {String} type * @param {Function} callback * @return {Function} */ function listener (element, selector, type, callback) { return function (e) { e.delegateTarget = closest(e.target, selector); if (e.delegateTarget) { callback.call(element, e); } }; } module.exports = delegate; }, {"./closest": 1}], 3: [function (require, module, exports) { /** * Check if argument is a HTML element. * * @param {Object} value * @return {Boolean} */ exports.node = function (value) { return value !== undefined && value instanceof HTMLElement && value.nodeType === 1; }; /** * Check if argument is a list of HTML elements. * * @param {Object} value * @return {Boolean} */ exports.nodeList = function (value) { var type = Object.prototype.toString.call(value); return value !== undefined && (type === "[object NodeList]" || type === "[object HTMLCollection]") && ("length" in value) && (value.length === 0 || exports.node(value[0])); }; /** * Check if argument is a string. * * @param {Object} value * @return {Boolean} */ exports.string = function (value) { return typeof value === "string" || value instanceof String; }; /** * Check if argument is a function. * * @param {Object} value * @return {Boolean} */ exports.fn = function (value) { var type = Object.prototype.toString.call(value); return type === "[object Function]"; }; }, {}], 4: [function (require, module, exports) { var is = require("./is"); var delegate = require("delegate"); /** * Validates all params and calls the right * listener function based on its target type. * * @param {String|HTMLElement|HTMLCollection|NodeList} target * @param {String} type * @param {Function} callback * @return {Object} */ function listen (target, type, callback) { if (!target && !type && !callback) { throw new Error("Missing required arguments"); } if (!is.string(type)) { throw new TypeError("Second argument must be a String"); } if (!is.fn(callback)) { throw new TypeError("Third argument must be a Function"); } if (is.node(target)) { return listenNode(target, type, callback); } else if (is.nodeList(target)) { return listenNodeList(target, type, callback); } else if (is.string(target)) { return listenSelector(target, type, callback); } throw new TypeError("First argument must be a String, HTMLElement, HTMLCollection, or NodeList"); } /** * Adds an event listener to a HTML element * and returns a remove listener function. * * @param {HTMLElement} node * @param {String} type * @param {Function} callback * @return {Object} */ function listenNode (node, type, callback) { node.addEventListener(type, callback); return { destroy: function () { node.removeEventListener(type, callback); } }; } /** * Add an event listener to a list of HTML elements * and returns a remove listener function. * * @param {NodeList|HTMLCollection} nodeList * @param {String} type * @param {Function} callback * @return {Object} */ function listenNodeList (nodeList, type, callback) { Array.prototype.forEach.call(nodeList, function (node) { node.addEventListener(type, callback); }); return { destroy: function () { Array.prototype.forEach.call(nodeList, function (node) { node.removeEventListener(type, callback); }); } }; } /** * Add an event listener to a selector * and returns a remove listener function. * * @param {String} selector * @param {String} type * @param {Function} callback * @return {Object} */ function listenSelector (selector, type, callback) { return delegate(document.body, selector, type, callback); } module.exports = listen; }, {"./is": 3, delegate: 2}], 5: [function (require, module, exports) { function select (element) { var selectedText; if (element.nodeName === "SELECT") { element.focus(); selectedText = element.value; } else if (element.nodeName === "INPUT" || element.nodeName === "TEXTAREA") { var isReadOnly = element.hasAttribute("readonly"); if (!isReadOnly) { element.setAttribute("readonly", ""); } element.select(); element.setSelectionRange(0, element.value.length); if (!isReadOnly) { element.removeAttribute("readonly"); } selectedText = element.value; } else { if (element.hasAttribute("contenteditable")) { element.focus(); } var selection = window.getSelection(); var range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(element); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); selectedText = selection.toString(); } return selectedText; } module.exports = select; }, {}], 6: [function (require, module, exports) { function E () { // Keep this empty so it's easier to inherit from // (via https://github.com/lipsmack from https://github.com/scottcorgan/tiny-emitter/issues/3) } E.prototype = { on: function (name, callback, ctx) { var e = this.e || (this.e = {}); (e[name] || (e[name] = [])).push({ fn: callback, ctx: ctx }); return this; }, once: function (name, callback, ctx) { var self = this; function listener () { self.off(name, listener); callback.apply(ctx, arguments); } listener._ = callback; return this.on(name, listener, ctx); }, emit: function (name) { var data = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); var evtArr = ((this.e || (this.e = {}))[name] || []).slice(); var i = 0; var len = evtArr.length; for (i; i < len; i++) { evtArr[i].fn.apply(evtArr[i].ctx, data); } return this; }, off: function (name, callback) { var e = this.e || (this.e = {}); var evts = e[name]; var liveEvents = []; if (evts && callback) { for (var i = 0, len = evts.length; i < len; i++) { if (evts[i].fn !== callback && evts[i].fn._ !== callback) {liveEvents.push(evts[i]);} } } // Remove event from queue to prevent memory leak // Suggested by https://github.com/lazd // Ref: https://github.com/scottcorgan/tiny-emitter/commit/c6ebfaa9bc973b33d110a84a307742b7cf94c953#commitcomment-5024910 (liveEvents.length) ? e[name] = liveEvents : delete e[name]; return this; } }; module.exports = E; }, {}], 7: [function (require, module, exports) { (function (global, factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(["module", "select"], factory); } else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") { factory(module, require("select")); } else { var mod = { exports: {} }; factory(mod, global.select); global.clipboardAction = mod.exports; } })(this, function (module, _select) { "use strict"; var _select2 = _interopRequireDefault(_select); function _interopRequireDefault (obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; } var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; function _classCallCheck (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties (target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); var ClipboardAction = function () { /** * @param {Object} options */ function ClipboardAction (options) { _classCallCheck(this, ClipboardAction); this.resolveOptions(options); this.initSelection(); } /** * Defines base properties passed from constructor. * @param {Object} options */ _createClass(ClipboardAction, [{ key: "resolveOptions", value: function resolveOptions () { var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; this.action = options.action; this.emitter = options.emitter; this.target = options.target; this.text = options.text; this.trigger = options.trigger; this.selectedText = ""; } }, { key: "initSelection", value: function initSelection () { if (this.text) { this.selectFake(); } else if (this.target) { this.selectTarget(); } } }, { key: "selectFake", value: function selectFake () { var _this = this; var isRTL = document.documentElement.getAttribute("dir") == "rtl"; this.removeFake(); this.fakeHandlerCallback = function () { return _this.removeFake(); }; this.fakeHandler = document.body.addEventListener("click", this.fakeHandlerCallback) || true; this.fakeElem = document.createElement("textarea"); // Prevent zooming on iOS this.fakeElem.style.fontSize = "12pt"; // Reset box model this.fakeElem.style.border = "0"; this.fakeElem.style.padding = "0"; this.fakeElem.style.margin = "0"; // Move element out of screen horizontally this.fakeElem.style.position = "absolute"; this.fakeElem.style[isRTL ? "right" : "left"] = "-9999px"; // Move element to the same position vertically var yPosition = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop; this.fakeElem.style.top = yPosition + "px"; this.fakeElem.setAttribute("readonly", ""); this.fakeElem.value = this.text; document.body.appendChild(this.fakeElem); this.selectedText = (0, _select2["default"])(this.fakeElem); this.copyText(); } }, { key: "removeFake", value: function removeFake () { if (this.fakeHandler) { document.body.removeEventListener("click", this.fakeHandlerCallback); this.fakeHandler = null; this.fakeHandlerCallback = null; } if (this.fakeElem) { document.body.removeChild(this.fakeElem); this.fakeElem = null; } } }, { key: "selectTarget", value: function selectTarget () { this.selectedText = (0, _select2["default"])(this.target); this.copyText(); } }, { key: "copyText", value: function copyText () { var succeeded = void 0; try { succeeded = document.execCommand(this.action); } catch (err) { succeeded = false; } this.handleResult(succeeded); } }, { key: "handleResult", value: function handleResult (succeeded) { this.emitter.emit(succeeded ? "success" : "error", { action: this.action, text: this.selectedText, trigger: this.trigger, clearSelection: this.clearSelection.bind(this) }); } }, { key: "clearSelection", value: function clearSelection () { if (this.target) { this.target.blur(); } window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } }, { key: "destroy", value: function destroy () { this.removeFake(); } }, { key: "action", set: function set () { var action = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : "copy"; this._action = action; if (this._action !== "copy" && this._action !== "cut") { throw new Error("Invalid \"action\" value, use either \"copy\" or \"cut\""); } }, get: function get () { return this._action; } }, { key: "target", set: function set (target) { if (target !== undefined) { if (target && (typeof target === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(target)) === "object" && target.nodeType === 1) { if (this.action === "copy" && target.hasAttribute("disabled")) { throw new Error("Invalid \"target\" attribute. Please use \"readonly\" instead of \"disabled\" attribute"); } if (this.action === "cut" && (target.hasAttribute("readonly") || target.hasAttribute("disabled"))) { throw new Error("Invalid \"target\" attribute. You can't cut text from elements with \"readonly\" or \"disabled\" attributes"); } this._target = target; } else { throw new Error("Invalid \"target\" value, use a valid Element"); } } }, get: function get () { return this._target; } }]); return ClipboardAction; }(); module.exports = ClipboardAction; }); }, {select: 5}], 8: [function (require, module, exports) { (function (global, factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(["module", "./clipboard-action", "tiny-emitter", "good-listener"], factory); } else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") { factory(module, require("./clipboard-action"), require("tiny-emitter"), require("good-listener")); } else { var mod = { exports: {} }; factory(mod, global.clipboardAction, global.tinyEmitter, global.goodListener); global.clipboard = mod.exports; } })(this, function (module, _clipboardAction, _tinyEmitter, _goodListener) { "use strict"; var _clipboardAction2 = _interopRequireDefault(_clipboardAction); var _tinyEmitter2 = _interopRequireDefault(_tinyEmitter); var _goodListener2 = _interopRequireDefault(_goodListener); function _interopRequireDefault (obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; } function _classCallCheck (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties (target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); function _possibleConstructorReturn (self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; } function _inherits (subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; } var Clipboard = function (_Emitter) { _inherits(Clipboard, _Emitter); /** * @param {String|HTMLElement|HTMLCollection|NodeList} trigger * @param {Object} options */ function Clipboard (trigger, options) { _classCallCheck(this, Clipboard); var _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Clipboard.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Clipboard)).call(this)); _this.resolveOptions(options); _this.listenClick(trigger); return _this; } /** * Defines if attributes would be resolved using internal setter functions * or custom functions that were passed in the constructor. * @param {Object} options */ _createClass(Clipboard, [{ key: "resolveOptions", value: function resolveOptions () { var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; this.action = typeof options.action === "function" ? options.action : this.defaultAction; this.target = typeof options.target === "function" ? options.target : this.defaultTarget; this.text = typeof options.text === "function" ? options.text : this.defaultText; } }, { key: "listenClick", value: function listenClick (trigger) { var _this2 = this; this.listener = (0, _goodListener2["default"])(trigger, "click", function (e) { return _this2.onClick(e); }); } }, { key: "onClick", value: function onClick (e) { var trigger = e.delegateTarget || e.currentTarget; if (this.clipboardAction) { this.clipboardAction = null; } this.clipboardAction = new _clipboardAction2["default"]({ action: this.action(trigger), target: this.target(trigger), text: this.text(trigger), trigger: trigger, emitter: this }); } }, { key: "defaultAction", value: function defaultAction (trigger) { return getAttributeValue("action", trigger); } }, { key: "defaultTarget", value: function defaultTarget (trigger) { var selector = getAttributeValue("target", trigger); if (selector) { return document.querySelector(selector); } } }, { key: "defaultText", value: function defaultText (trigger) { return getAttributeValue("text", trigger); } }, { key: "destroy", value: function destroy () { this.listener.destroy(); if (this.clipboardAction) { this.clipboardAction.destroy(); this.clipboardAction = null; } } }], [{ key: "isSupported", value: function isSupported () { var action = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : ["copy", "cut"]; var actions = typeof action === "string" ? [action] : action; var support = !!document.queryCommandSupported; actions.forEach(function (action) { support = support && !!document.queryCommandSupported(action); }); return support; } }]); return Clipboard; }(_tinyEmitter2["default"]); /** * Helper function to retrieve attribute value. * @param {String} suffix * @param {Element} element */ function getAttributeValue (suffix, element) { var attribute = "data-clipboard-" + suffix; if (!element.hasAttribute(attribute)) { return; } return element.getAttribute(attribute); } module.exports = Clipboard; }); }, {"./clipboard-action": 7, "good-listener": 4, "tiny-emitter": 6}] }, {}, [8])(8); }); } catch (e) { /* * zClip :: jQuery ZeroClipboard v1.1.1 * http://steamdev.com/zclip * * Copyright 2011, SteamDev * Released under the MIT license. * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * * Date: Wed Jun 01, 2011 */ (function ($) { $.fn.zclip = function (params) { if (typeof params === "object" && !params.length) { var settings = $.extend({ path: "ZeroClipboard.swf", copy: null, beforeCopy: null, afterCopy: null, clickAfter: true, setHandCursor: true, setCSSEffects: true }, params); return this.each(function () { var o = $(this); if (o.is(":visible") && (typeof settings.copy === "string" || $.isFunction(settings.copy))) { ZeroClipboard.setMoviePath(settings.path); var clip = new ZeroClipboard.Client(); if ($.isFunction(settings.copy)) { o.bind("zClip_copy", settings.copy); } if ($.isFunction(settings.beforeCopy)) { o.bind("zClip_beforeCopy", settings.beforeCopy); } if ($.isFunction(settings.afterCopy)) { o.bind("zClip_afterCopy", settings.afterCopy); } clip.setHandCursor(settings.setHandCursor); clip.setCSSEffects(settings.setCSSEffects); clip.addEventListener("mouseOver", function (client) { o.trigger("mouseenter"); }); clip.addEventListener("mouseOut", function (client) { o.trigger("mouseleave"); }); clip.addEventListener("mouseDown", function (client) { o.trigger("mousedown"); if (!$.isFunction(settings.copy)) { clip.setText(settings.copy); } else { clip.setText(o.triggerHandler("zClip_copy")); } if ($.isFunction(settings.beforeCopy)) { o.trigger("zClip_beforeCopy"); } }); clip.addEventListener("complete", function (client, text) { if ($.isFunction(settings.afterCopy)) { o.trigger("zClip_afterCopy"); } else { if (text.length > 500) { text = text.substr(0, 500) + "...\n\n(" + (text.length - 500) + " characters not shown)"; } o.removeClass("hover"); alert("Copied text to clipboard:\n\n " + text); } if (settings.clickAfter) { o.trigger("click"); } }); clip.glue(o[0], o.parent()[0]); $(window).bind("load resize", function () { clip.reposition(); }); } }); } else if (typeof params === "string") { return this.each(function () { var o = $(this); params = params.toLowerCase(); var zclipId = o.data("zclipId"); var clipElm = $("#" + zclipId + ".zclip"); if (params == "remove") { clipElm.remove(); o.removeClass("active hover"); } else if (params == "hide") { clipElm.hide(); o.removeClass("active hover"); } else if (params == "show") { clipElm.show(); } }); } }; })(jQuery); // ZeroClipboard // Simple Set Clipboard System // Author: Joseph Huckaby var ZeroClipboard = { version: "1.0.7", clients: {}, // registered upload clients on page, indexed by id moviePath: "ZeroClipboard.swf", // URL to movie nextId: 1, // ID of next movie $: function (thingy) { // simple DOM lookup utility function if (typeof(thingy) === "string") thingy = document.getElementById(thingy); if (!thingy.addClass) { // extend element with a few useful methods thingy.hide = function () { this.style.display = "none"; }; thingy.show = function () { this.style.display = ""; }; thingy.addClass = function (name) { this.removeClass(name); this.className += " " + name; }; thingy.removeClass = function (name) { var classes = this.className.split(/\s+/); var idx = -1; for (var k = 0; k < classes.length; k++) { if (classes[k] == name) { idx = k; k = classes.length; } } if (idx > -1) { classes.splice(idx, 1); this.className = classes.join(" "); } return this; }; thingy.hasClass = function (name) { return !!this.className.match(new RegExp("\\s*" + name + "\\s*")); }; } return thingy; }, setMoviePath: function (path) { // set path to ZeroClipboard.swf this.moviePath = path; }, dispatch: function (id, eventName, args) { // receive event from flash movie, send to client var client = this.clients[id]; if (client) { client.receiveEvent(eventName, args); } }, register: function (id, client) { // register new client to receive events this.clients[id] = client; }, getDOMObjectPosition: function (obj, stopObj) { // get absolute coordinates for dom element var info = { left: 0, top: 0, width: obj.width ? obj.width : obj.offsetWidth, height: obj.height ? obj.height : obj.offsetHeight }; if (obj && (obj != stopObj)) { info.left += obj.offsetLeft; info.top += obj.offsetTop; } return info; }, Client: function (elem) { // constructor for new simple upload client this.handlers = {}; // unique ID this.id = ZeroClipboard.nextId++; this.movieId = "ZeroClipboardMovie_" + this.id; // register client with singleton to receive flash events ZeroClipboard.register(this.id, this); // create movie if (elem) this.glue(elem); } }; ZeroClipboard.Client.prototype = { id: 0, // unique ID for us ready: false, // whether movie is ready to receive events or not movie: null, // reference to movie object clipText: "", // text to copy to clipboard handCursorEnabled: true, // whether to show hand cursor, or default pointer cursor cssEffects: true, // enable CSS mouse effects on dom container handlers: null, // user event handlers glue: function (elem, appendElem, stylesToAdd) { // glue to DOM element // elem can be ID or actual DOM element object this.domElement = ZeroClipboard.$(elem); // float just above object, or zIndex 99 if dom element isn't set var zIndex = 99; if (this.domElement.style.zIndex) { zIndex = parseInt(this.domElement.style.zIndex, 10) + 1; } if (typeof(appendElem) === "string") { appendElem = ZeroClipboard.$(appendElem); } else if (typeof(appendElem) === "undefined") { appendElem = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; } // find X/Y position of domElement var box = ZeroClipboard.getDOMObjectPosition(this.domElement, appendElem); // create floating DIV above element this.div = document.createElement("div"); this.div.className = "zclip"; this.div.id = "zclip-" + this.movieId; $(this.domElement).data("zclipId", "zclip-" + this.movieId); var style = this.div.style; style.position = "absolute"; style.left = "" + box.left + "px"; style.top = "" + box.top + "px"; style.width = "" + box.width + "px"; style.height = "" + box.height + "px"; style.zIndex = zIndex; if (typeof(stylesToAdd) === "object") { for (addedStyle in stylesToAdd) { style[addedStyle] = stylesToAdd[addedStyle]; } } // style.backgroundColor = '#f00'; // debug appendElem.appendChild(this.div); this.div.innerHTML = this.getHTML(box.width, box.height); }, getHTML: function (width, height) { // return HTML for movie var html = ""; var flashvars = "id=" + this.id + "&width=" + width + "&height=" + height; if (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE/)) { // IE gets an OBJECT tag var protocol = location.href.match(/^https/i) ? "https://" : "http://"; html += "<object classid=\"clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000\" codebase=\"" + protocol + "download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0\" width=\"" + width + "\" height=\"" + height + "\" id=\"" + this.movieId + "\" align=\"middle\"><param name=\"allowScriptAccess\" value=\"always\" /><param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"false\" /><param name=\"movie\" value=\"" + ZeroClipboard.moviePath + "\" /><param name=\"loop\" value=\"false\" /><param name=\"menu\" value=\"false\" /><param name=\"quality\" value=\"best\" /><param name=\"bgcolor\" value=\"#ffffff\" /><param name=\"flashvars\" value=\"" + flashvars + "\"/><param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\"/></object>"; } else { // all other browsers get an EMBED tag html += "<embed id=\"" + this.movieId + "\" src=\"" + ZeroClipboard.moviePath + "\" loop=\"false\" menu=\"false\" quality=\"best\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" width=\"" + width + "\" height=\"" + height + "\" name=\"" + this.movieId + "\" align=\"middle\" allowScriptAccess=\"always\" allowFullScreen=\"false\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" pluginspage=\"http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer\" flashvars=\"" + flashvars + "\" wmode=\"transparent\" />"; } return html; }, hide: function () { // temporarily hide floater offscreen if (this.div) { this.div.style.left = "-2000px"; } }, show: function () { // show ourselves after a call to hide() this.reposition(); }, destroy: function () { // destroy control and floater if (this.domElement && this.div) { this.hide(); this.div.innerHTML = ""; var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; try { body.removeChild(this.div); } catch (e) { } this.domElement = null; this.div = null; } }, reposition: function (elem) { // reposition our floating div, optionally to new container // warning: container CANNOT change size, only position if (elem) { this.domElement = ZeroClipboard.$(elem); if (!this.domElement) this.hide(); } if (this.domElement && this.div) { var box = ZeroClipboard.getDOMObjectPosition(this.domElement); var style = this.div.style; style.left = "" + box.left + "px"; style.top = "" + box.top + "px"; } }, setText: function (newText) { // set text to be copied to clipboard this.clipText = newText; if (this.ready) { this.movie.setText(newText); } }, addEventListener: function (eventName, func) { // add user event listener for event // event types: load, queueStart, fileStart, fileComplete, queueComplete, progress, error, cancel eventName = eventName.toString().toLowerCase().replace(/^on/, ""); if (!this.handlers[eventName]) { this.handlers[eventName] = []; } this.handlers[eventName].push(func); }, setHandCursor: function (enabled) { // enable hand cursor (true), or default arrow cursor (false) this.handCursorEnabled = enabled; if (this.ready) { this.movie.setHandCursor(enabled); } }, setCSSEffects: function (enabled) { // enable or disable CSS effects on DOM container this.cssEffects = !!enabled; }, receiveEvent: function (eventName, args) { // receive event from flash eventName = eventName.toString().toLowerCase().replace(/^on/, ""); // special behavior for certain events switch (eventName) { case "load": // movie claims it is ready, but in IE this isn't always the case... // bug fix: Cannot extend EMBED DOM elements in Firefox, must use traditional function this.movie = document.getElementById(this.movieId); if (!this.movie) { var self = this; setTimeout(function () { self.receiveEvent("load", null); }, 1); return; } // firefox on pc needs a "kick" in order to set these in certain cases if (!this.ready && navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox/) && navigator.userAgent.match(/Windows/)) { var self = this; setTimeout(function () { self.receiveEvent("load", null); }, 100); this.ready = true; return; } this.ready = true; try { this.movie.setText(this.clipText); } catch (e) { } try { this.movie.setHandCursor(this.handCursorEnabled); } catch (e) { } break; case "mouseover": if (this.domElement && this.cssEffects) { this.domElement.addClass("hover"); if (this.recoverActive) { this.domElement.addClass("active"); } } break; case "mouseout": if (this.domElement && this.cssEffects) { this.recoverActive = false; if (this.domElement.hasClass("active")) { this.domElement.removeClass("active"); this.recoverActive = true; } this.domElement.removeClass("hover"); } break; case "mousedown": if (this.domElement && this.cssEffects) { this.domElement.addClass("active"); } break; case "mouseup": if (this.domElement && this.cssEffects) { this.domElement.removeClass("active"); this.recoverActive = false; } break; } // switch eventName if (this.handlers[eventName]) { for (var idx = 0, len = this.handlers[eventName].length; idx < len; idx++) { var func = this.handlers[eventName][idx]; if (typeof(func) === "function") { // actual function reference func(this, args); } else if ((typeof(func) === "object") && (func.length == 2)) { // PHP style object + method, i.e. [myObject, 'myMethod'] func[0][func[1]](this, args); } else if (typeof(func) === "string") { // name of function window[func](this, args); } } // foreach event handler defined } // user defined handler for event } }; }/** * 复制 * Created by GUY on 2016/2/16. * @class BI.ClipBoard * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.ClipBoard = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ClipBoard.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-clipboard", copy: BI.emptyFn, afterCopy: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.ClipBoard.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, mounted: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; if (window.Clipboard) { this.clipboard = new Clipboard(this.element[0], { text: function () { return BI.isFunction(o.copy) ? o.copy() : o.copy; } }); this.clipboard.on("success", o.afterCopy); } else { this.element.zclip({ path: BI.resourceURL + "/ZeroClipboard.swf", copy: o.copy, beforeCopy: o.beforeCopy, afterCopy: o.afterCopy }); } }, destroyed: function () { this.clipboard && this.clipboard.destroy(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.clipboard", BI.ClipBoard);/** * 自定义选色 * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/17. * @class BI.CustomColorChooser * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.CustomColorChooser = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.CustomColorChooser.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-custom-color-chooser", width: 227, height: 245 }); }, _init: function () { BI.CustomColorChooser.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this; this.editor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.color_picker_editor" }); this.editor.on(BI.ColorPickerEditor.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(this.getValue()); }); this.farbtastic = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.farbtastic" }); this.farbtastic.on(BI.Farbtastic.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(this.getValue()); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vtape", element: this, items: [{ type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: this.editor, left: 10, top: 10, right: 10 }], height: 30 }, { type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: this.farbtastic, left: 15, right: 15, top: 10 }], height: 215 }] }); }, setValue: function (color) { this.editor.setValue(color); this.farbtastic.setValue(color); }, getValue: function () { return this.editor.getValue(); } }); BI.CustomColorChooser.EVENT_CHANGE = "CustomColorChooser.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.custom_color_chooser", BI.CustomColorChooser);/** * 选色控件 * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/17. * @class BI.ColorChooser * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.ColorChooser = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ColorChooser.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-color-chooser", el: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.ColorChooser.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", element: this, adjustLength: 1, el: BI.extend({ type: "bi.color_chooser_trigger", ref: function (_ref) { self.trigger = _ref; }, width: o.width, height: o.height }, o.el), popup: { el: { type: "bi.color_chooser_popup", ref: function (_ref) { self.colorPicker = _ref; }, listeners: [{ eventName: BI.ColorChooserPopup.EVENT_VALUE_CHANGE, action: function () { fn(); } }, { eventName: BI.ColorChooserPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, action: function () { fn(); self.combo.hideView(); } }] }, stopPropagation: false, minWidth: 202 }, value: o.value }); var fn = function () { var color = self.colorPicker.getValue(); self.trigger.setValue(color); var colors = BI.string2Array(BI.Cache.getItem("colors") || ""); var que = new BI.Queue(8); que.fromArray(colors); que.remove(color); que.unshift(color); BI.Cache.setItem("colors", BI.array2String(que.toArray())); }; this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () { self.colorPicker.setStoreColors(BI.string2Array(BI.Cache.getItem("colors") || "")); }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ColorChooser.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); }, isViewVisible: function () { return this.combo.isViewVisible(); }, hideView: function () { this.combo.hideView(); }, showView: function () { this.combo.showView(); }, setValue: function (color) { this.combo.setValue(color); }, getValue: function () { return this.combo.getValue(); } }); BI.ColorChooser.EVENT_CHANGE = "ColorChooser.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.color_chooser", BI.ColorChooser);/** * 选色控件 * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/17. * @class BI.ColorChooserPopup * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.ColorChooserPopup = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ColorChooserPopup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-color-chooser-popup", width: 200, height: 145 }); }, _init: function () { BI.ColorChooserPopup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.colorEditor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.color_picker_editor", value: o.value }); this.colorEditor.on(BI.ColorPickerEditor.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(this.getValue()); self.fireEvent(BI.ColorChooserPopup.EVENT_VALUE_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.storeColors = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.color_picker", items: [[{ value: "", disabled: true }, { value: "", disabled: true }, { value: "", disabled: true }, { value: "", disabled: true }, { value: "", disabled: true }, { value: "", disabled: true }, { value: "", disabled: true }, { value: "", disabled: true }]], width: 190, height: 25, value: o.value }); this.storeColors.on(BI.ColorPicker.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(this.getValue()[0]); self.fireEvent(BI.ColorChooserPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.colorPicker = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.color_picker", width: 190, height: 50, value: o.value }); this.colorPicker.on(BI.ColorPicker.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(this.getValue()[0]); self.fireEvent(BI.ColorChooserPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.customColorChooser = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.custom_color_chooser" }); var panel = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.popup_panel", buttons: [BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Cancel"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Save")], title: BI.i18nText("BI-Custom_Color"), el: this.customColorChooser, stopPropagation: false, bgap: -1, rgap: 1, lgap: 1, minWidth: 227 }); this.more = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", direction: "right,top", isNeedAdjustHeight: false, el: { type: "bi.text_item", cls: "color-chooser-popup-more bi-list-item", textAlign: "center", height: 20, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_More") + "..." }, popup: panel }); this.more.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW, function () { self.customColorChooser.setValue(self.getValue()); }); panel.on(BI.PopupPanel.EVENT_CLICK_TOOLBAR_BUTTON, function (index) { switch (index) { case 0: self.more.hideView(); break; case 1: self.setValue(self.customColorChooser.getValue()); self.more.hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.ColorChooserPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); break; } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vtape", element: this, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.absolute", cls: "bi-background bi-border-bottom", items: [{ el: this.colorEditor, left: 0, right: 0, top: 5 }] }, height: 30 }, { el: { type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: this.storeColors, left: 5, right: 5, top: 5 }] }, height: 30 }, { el: { type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: this.colorPicker, left: 5, right: 5, top: 5 }] }, height: 65 }, { el: this.more, height: 20 }] }); }, setStoreColors: function (colors) { if (BI.isArray(colors)) { var items = BI.map(colors, function (i, color) { return { value: color }; }); BI.count(colors.length, 8, function (i) { items.push({ value: "", disabled: true }); }); this.storeColors.populate([items]); } }, setValue: function (color) { this.colorEditor.setValue(color); this.colorPicker.setValue(color); this.storeColors.setValue(color); }, getValue: function () { return this.colorEditor.getValue(); } }); BI.ColorChooserPopup.EVENT_VALUE_CHANGE = "ColorChooserPopup.EVENT_VALUE_CHANGE"; BI.ColorChooserPopup.EVENT_CHANGE = "ColorChooserPopup.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.color_chooser_popup", BI.ColorChooserPopup);/** * 选色控件 * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/17. * @class BI.ColorChooserTrigger * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.ColorChooserTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.ColorChooserTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-color-chooser-trigger", height: 30 }); }, _init: function () { BI.ColorChooserTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.colorContainer = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "bi-card color-chooser-trigger-content" }); var down = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", disableSelected: true, cls: "icon-combo-down-icon trigger-triangle-font", width: 12, height: 8 }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.colorContainer, left: 3, right: 3, top: 3, bottom: 3 }, { el: down, right: 3, bottom: 3 }] }); if (this.options.value) { this.setValue(this.options.value); } }, setValue: function (color) { BI.ColorChooserTrigger.superclass.setValue.apply(this, arguments); if (color === "") { this.colorContainer.element.css("background-color", "").removeClass("trans-color-background").addClass("auto-color-background"); } else if (color === "transparent") { this.colorContainer.element.css("background-color", "").removeClass("auto-color-background").addClass("trans-color-background"); } else { this.colorContainer.element.css({"background-color": color}).removeClass("auto-color-background").removeClass("trans-color-background"); } } }); BI.ColorChooserTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE = "ColorChooserTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.color_chooser_trigger", BI.ColorChooserTrigger);/** * 简单选色控件按钮 * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/16. * @class BI.ColorPickerButton * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.ColorPickerButton = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.ColorPickerButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-color-picker-button bi-background bi-border-top bi-border-left" }); }, _init: function () { BI.ColorPickerButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.value) { this.element.css("background-color", o.value); var name = this.getName(); this.element.hover(function () { self._createMask(); if (self.isEnabled()) { BI.Maskers.show(name); } }, function () { if (!self.isSelected()) { BI.Maskers.hide(name); } }); } }, _createMask: function () { var o = this.options, name = this.getName(); if (this.isEnabled() && !BI.Maskers.has(name)) { var w = BI.Maskers.make(name, this, { offset: { left: -1, top: -1, right: -1, bottom: -1 } }); w.element.addClass("color-picker-button-mask").css("background-color", o.value); } }, setSelected: function (b) { BI.ColorPickerButton.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); if (b) { this._createMask(); } BI.Maskers[b ? "show" : "hide"](this.getName()); } }); BI.ColorPickerButton.EVENT_CHANGE = "ColorPickerButton.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.color_picker_button", BI.ColorPickerButton);/** * 简单选色控件 * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/16. * @class BI.ColorPicker * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.ColorPicker = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ColorPicker.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-color-picker", items: null }); }, _items: [ [{ value: "#ffffff" }, { value: "#f2f2f2" }, { value: "#e5e5e5" }, { value: "#d9d9d9" }, { value: "#cccccc" }, { value: "#bfbfbf" }, { value: "#b2b2b2" }, { value: "#a6a6a6" }, { value: "#999999" }, { value: "#8c8c8c" }, { value: "#808080" }, { value: "#737373" }, { value: "#666666" }, { value: "#4d4d4d" }, { value: "#333333" }, { value: "#000000" }], [{ value: "#d8b5a6" }, { value: "#ff9e9a" }, { value: "#ffc17d" }, { value: "#f5e56b" }, { value: "#d8e698" }, { value: "#e0ebaf" }, { value: "#c3d825" }, { value: "#bce2e8" }, { value: "#85d3cd" }, { value: "#bce2e8" }, { value: "#a0d8ef" }, { value: "#89c3eb" }, { value: "#bbc8e6" }, { value: "#bbbcde" }, { value: "#d6b4cc" }, { value: "#fbc0d3" }], [{ value: "#bb9581" }, { value: "#f37d79" }, { value: "#fba74f" }, { value: "#ffdb4f" }, { value: "#c7dc68" }, { value: "#b0ca71" }, { value: "#99ab4e" }, { value: "#84b9cb" }, { value: "#00a3af" }, { value: "#2ca9e1" }, { value: "#0095d9" }, { value: "#4c6cb3" }, { value: "#8491c3" }, { value: "#a59aca" }, { value: "#cc7eb1" }, { value: "#e89bb4" }], [{ value: "#9d775f" }, { value: "#dd4b4b" }, { value: "#ef8b07" }, { value: "#fcc800" }, { value: "#aacf53" }, { value: "#82ae46" }, { value: "#69821b" }, { value: "#59b9c6" }, { value: "#2a83a2" }, { value: "#007bbb" }, { value: "#19448e" }, { value: "#274a78" }, { value: "#4a488e" }, { value: "#7058a3" }, { value: "#884898" }, { value: "#d47596" }] ], _init: function () { BI.ColorPicker.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.colors = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button_group", element: this, items: BI.createItems(o.items || this._items, { type: "bi.color_picker_button", once: false }), layouts: [{ type: "bi.grid" }], value: o.value }); this.colors.on(BI.ButtonGroup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ColorPicker.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); }, populate: function (items) { var args = [].slice.call(arguments); args[0] = BI.createItems(items, { type: "bi.color_picker_button", once: false }); this.colors.populate.apply(this.colors, args); }, setValue: function (color) { this.colors.setValue(color); }, getValue: function () { return this.colors.getValue(); } }); BI.ColorPicker.EVENT_CHANGE = "ColorPicker.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.color_picker", BI.ColorPicker);/** * 简单选色控件 * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/16. * @class BI.ColorPickerEditor * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.ColorPickerEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ColorPickerEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-color-picker-editor", // width: 200, height: 20 }); }, _init: function () { BI.ColorPickerEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.colorShow = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "color-picker-editor-display bi-card", height: 20 }); var RGB = BI.createWidgets(BI.createItems([{text: "R"}, {text: "G"}, {text: "B"}], { type: "bi.label", cls: "color-picker-editor-label", width: 10, height: 20 })); var checker = function (v) { return BI.isNumeric(v) && (v | 0) >= 0 && (v | 0) <= 255; }; var Ws = BI.createWidgets([{}, {}, {}], { type: "bi.small_text_editor", cls: "color-picker-editor-input", validationChecker: checker, errorText: BI.i18nText("BI-Color_Picker_Error_Text"), allowBlank: true, value: 255, width: 32, height: 20 }); BI.each(Ws, function (i, w) { w.on(BI.TextEditor.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { if (self.R.isValid() && self.G.isValid() && self.B.isValid()) { self.colorShow.element.css("background-color", self.getValue()); self.fireEvent(BI.ColorPickerEditor.EVENT_CHANGE); } }); }); this.R = Ws[0]; this.G = Ws[1]; this.B = Ws[2]; this.none = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.checkbox", title: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Auto") }); this.none.on(BI.Checkbox.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { if (this.isSelected()) { self.lastColor = self.getValue(); self.setValue(""); } else { self.setValue(self.lastColor || "#000000"); } if (self.R.isValid() && self.G.isValid() && self.B.isValid()) { self.colorShow.element.css("background-color", self.getValue()); self.fireEvent(BI.ColorPickerEditor.EVENT_CHANGE); } }); this.transparent = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.checkbox", title: BI.i18nText("BI-Transparent_Color") }); this.transparent.on(BI.Checkbox.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { if (this.isSelected()) { self.lastColor = self.getValue(); self.setValue("transparent"); } else { self.setValue(self.lastColor || "#000000"); } if (self.R.isValid() && self.G.isValid() && self.B.isValid()) { self.colorShow.element.css("background-color", self.getValue()); self.fireEvent(BI.ColorPickerEditor.EVENT_CHANGE); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.htape", element: this, items: [{ el: this.colorShow, width: "fill" }, { el: RGB[0], lgap: 10, width: 16 }, { el: this.R, width: 32 }, { el: RGB[1], lgap: 10, width: 16 }, { el: this.G, width: 32 }, { el: RGB[2], lgap: 10, width: 16 }, { el: this.B, width: 32 }, { el: { type: "bi.center_adapt", items: [this.none] }, width: 18 }, { el: { type: "bi.center_adapt", items: [this.transparent] }, width: 18 }] }); }, setValue: function (color) { if (color === "transparent") { this.transparent.setSelected(true); this.none.setSelected(false); this.R.setValue(""); this.G.setValue(""); this.B.setValue(""); return; } if (!color) { color = ""; this.none.setSelected(true); } else { this.none.setSelected(false); } this.transparent.setSelected(false); this.colorShow.element.css("background-color", color); var json = BI.DOM.rgb2json(BI.DOM.hex2rgb(color)); this.R.setValue(BI.isNull(json.r) ? "" : json.r); this.G.setValue(BI.isNull(json.g) ? "" : json.g); this.B.setValue(BI.isNull(json.b) ? "" : json.b); }, getValue: function () { if (this.transparent.isSelected()) { return "transparent"; } return BI.DOM.rgb2hex(BI.DOM.json2rgb({ r: this.R.getValue(), g: this.G.getValue(), b: this.B.getValue() })); } }); BI.ColorPickerEditor.EVENT_CHANGE = "ColorPickerEditor.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.color_picker_editor", BI.ColorPickerEditor);/** * 选色控件 * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/16. * @class BI.Farbtastic * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.Farbtastic = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Farbtastic.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-farbtastic", width: 195, height: 195 }); }, _init: function () { BI.Farbtastic.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, mounted: function () { var self = this; this.farbtastic = $.farbtastic(this.element, function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.Farbtastic.EVENT_CHANGE, self.getValue(), self); }); }, setValue: function (color) { this.farbtastic.setColor(color); }, getValue: function () { return this.farbtastic.color; } }); BI.Farbtastic.EVENT_CHANGE = "Farbtastic.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.farbtastic", BI.Farbtastic);/** * Farbtastic Color Picker 1.2 * © 2008 Steven Wittens * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ jQuery.fn.farbtastic = function (callback) { $.farbtastic(this, callback); return this; }; jQuery.farbtastic = function (container, callback) { var container = $(container).get(0); return container.farbtastic || (container.farbtastic = new jQuery._farbtastic(container, callback)); }; jQuery._farbtastic = function (container, callback) { // Store farbtastic object var fb = this; // Insert markup $(container).html("<div class=\"farbtastic\"><div class=\"color\"></div><div class=\"wheel\"></div><div class=\"overlay\"></div><div class=\"h-marker marker\"></div><div class=\"sl-marker marker\"></div></div>"); var e = $(".farbtastic", container); fb.wheel = $(".wheel", container).get(0); // Dimensions fb.radius = 84; fb.square = 100; fb.width = 194; // Fix background PNGs in IE6 if (navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE [0-6]\./)) { $("*", e).each(function () { if (this.currentStyle.backgroundImage != "none") { var image = this.currentStyle.backgroundImage; image = this.currentStyle.backgroundImage.substring(5, image.length - 2); $(this).css({ backgroundImage: "none", filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(enabled=true, sizingMethod=crop, src='" + image + "')" }); } }); } /** * Link to the given element(s) or callback. */ fb.linkTo = function (callback) { // Unbind previous nodes if (typeof fb.callback === "object") { $(fb.callback).unbind("keyup", fb.updateValue); } // Reset color fb.color = null; // Bind callback or elements if (typeof callback === "function") { fb.callback = callback; } else if (typeof callback === "object" || typeof callback === "string") { fb.callback = $(callback); fb.callback.bind("keyup", fb.updateValue); if (fb.callback.get(0).value) { fb.setColor(fb.callback.get(0).value); } } return this; }; fb.updateValue = function (event) { if (this.value && this.value != fb.color) { fb.setColor(this.value); } }; /** * Change color with HTML syntax #123456 */ fb.setColor = function (color) { var unpack = fb.unpack(color); if (fb.color != color && unpack) { fb.color = color; fb.rgb = unpack; fb.hsl = fb.RGBToHSL(fb.rgb); fb.updateDisplay(); } return this; }; /** * Change color with HSL triplet [0..1, 0..1, 0..1] */ fb.setHSL = function (hsl) { fb.hsl = hsl; fb.rgb = fb.HSLToRGB(hsl); fb.color = fb.pack(fb.rgb); fb.updateDisplay(); return this; }; // /////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Retrieve the coordinates of the given event relative to the center * of the widget. */ fb.widgetCoords = function (event) { var x, y; var el = event.target || event.srcElement; var reference = fb.wheel; if (typeof event.offsetX !== "undefined") { // Use offset coordinates and find common offsetParent var pos = { x: event.offsetX, y: event.offsetY }; // Send the coordinates upwards through the offsetParent chain. var e = el; while (e) { e.mouseX = pos.x; e.mouseY = pos.y; pos.x += e.offsetLeft; pos.y += e.offsetTop; e = e.offsetParent; } // Look for the coordinates starting from the wheel widget. var e = reference; var offset = { x: 0, y: 0 }; while (e) { if (typeof e.mouseX !== "undefined") { x = e.mouseX - offset.x; y = e.mouseY - offset.y; break; } offset.x += e.offsetLeft; offset.y += e.offsetTop; e = e.offsetParent; } // Reset stored coordinates e = el; while (e) { e.mouseX = undefined; e.mouseY = undefined; e = e.offsetParent; } } else { // Use absolute coordinates var pos = fb.absolutePosition(reference); x = (event.pageX || 0 * (event.clientX + $("html").get(0).scrollLeft)) - pos.x; y = (event.pageY || 0 * (event.clientY + $("html").get(0).scrollTop)) - pos.y; } // Subtract distance to middle return { x: x - fb.width / 2, y: y - fb.width / 2 }; }; /** * Mousedown handler */ fb.click = function (event) { // Capture mouse // if (!document.dragging) { // $(document).bind('mousemove', fb.mousemove).bind('mouseup', fb.mouseup); // document.dragging = true; // } // Check which area is being dragged var pos = fb.widgetCoords(event); fb.circleDrag = Math.max(Math.abs(pos.x), Math.abs(pos.y)) * 2 > fb.square; // Process fb.mousemove(event); return false; }; /** * Mousemove handler */ fb.mousemove = function (event) { // Get coordinates relative to color picker center var pos = fb.widgetCoords(event); // Set new HSL parameters if (fb.circleDrag) { var hue = Math.atan2(pos.x, -pos.y) / 6.28; if (hue < 0) hue += 1; fb.setHSL([hue, fb.hsl[1], fb.hsl[2]]); } else { var sat = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, -(pos.x / fb.square) + .5)); var lum = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, -(pos.y / fb.square) + .5)); fb.setHSL([fb.hsl[0], sat, lum]); } return false; }; /** * Mouseup handler */ // fb.mouseup = function () { // // Uncapture mouse // $(document).unbind('mousemove', fb.mousemove); // $(document).unbind('mouseup', fb.mouseup); // document.dragging = false; // } /** * Update the markers and styles */ fb.updateDisplay = function () { // Markers var angle = fb.hsl[0] * 6.28; $(".h-marker", e).css({ left: Math.round(Math.sin(angle) * fb.radius + fb.width / 2) + "px", top: Math.round(-Math.cos(angle) * fb.radius + fb.width / 2) + "px" }); $(".sl-marker", e).css({ left: Math.round(fb.square * (.5 - fb.hsl[1]) + fb.width / 2) + "px", top: Math.round(fb.square * (.5 - fb.hsl[2]) + fb.width / 2) + "px" }); // Saturation/Luminance gradient $(".color", e).css("backgroundColor", fb.pack(fb.HSLToRGB([fb.hsl[0], 1, 0.5]))); // Linked elements or callback if (typeof fb.callback === "object") { // Set background/foreground color $(fb.callback).css({ backgroundColor: fb.color, color: fb.hsl[2] > 0.5 ? "#000" : "#fff" }); // Change linked value $(fb.callback).each(function () { if (this.value && this.value != fb.color) { this.value = fb.color; } }); } else if (typeof fb.callback === "function") { fb.callback.call(fb, fb.color); } }; /** * Get absolute position of element */ fb.absolutePosition = function (el) { var r = { x: el.offsetLeft, y: el.offsetTop }; // Resolve relative to offsetParent if (el.offsetParent) { var tmp = fb.absolutePosition(el.offsetParent); r.x += tmp.x; r.y += tmp.y; } return r; }; /* Various color utility functions */ fb.pack = function (rgb) { var r = Math.round(rgb[0] * 255); var g = Math.round(rgb[1] * 255); var b = Math.round(rgb[2] * 255); return "#" + (r < 16 ? "0" : "") + r.toString(16) + (g < 16 ? "0" : "") + g.toString(16) + (b < 16 ? "0" : "") + b.toString(16); }; fb.unpack = function (color) { if (color.length == 7) { return [parseInt("0x" + color.substring(1, 3)) / 255, parseInt("0x" + color.substring(3, 5)) / 255, parseInt("0x" + color.substring(5, 7)) / 255]; } else if (color.length == 4) { return [parseInt("0x" + color.substring(1, 2)) / 15, parseInt("0x" + color.substring(2, 3)) / 15, parseInt("0x" + color.substring(3, 4)) / 15]; } }; fb.HSLToRGB = function (hsl) { var m1, m2, r, g, b; var h = hsl[0], s = hsl[1], l = hsl[2]; m2 = (l <= 0.5) ? l * (s + 1) : l + s - l * s; m1 = l * 2 - m2; return [this.hueToRGB(m1, m2, h + 0.33333), this.hueToRGB(m1, m2, h), this.hueToRGB(m1, m2, h - 0.33333)]; }; fb.hueToRGB = function (m1, m2, h) { h = (h < 0) ? h + 1 : ((h > 1) ? h - 1 : h); if (h * 6 < 1) return m1 + (m2 - m1) * h * 6; if (h * 2 < 1) return m2; if (h * 3 < 2) return m1 + (m2 - m1) * (0.66666 - h) * 6; return m1; }; fb.RGBToHSL = function (rgb) { var min, max, delta, h, s, l; var r = rgb[0], g = rgb[1], b = rgb[2]; min = Math.min(r, Math.min(g, b)); max = Math.max(r, Math.max(g, b)); delta = max - min; l = (min + max) / 2; s = 0; if (l > 0 && l < 1) { s = delta / (l < 0.5 ? (2 * l) : (2 - 2 * l)); } h = 0; if (delta > 0) { if (max == r && max != g) h += (g - b) / delta; if (max == g && max != b) h += (2 + (b - r) / delta); if (max == b && max != r) h += (4 + (r - g) / delta); h /= 6; } return [h, s, l]; }; // Install mousedown handler (the others are set on the document on-demand) $("*", e).click(fb.click); // Init color fb.setColor("#000000"); // Set linked elements/callback if (callback) { fb.linkTo(callback); } };/** * Created by GUY on 2017/2/8. * * @class BI.BubbleCombo * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.BubbleCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _const: { TRIANGLE_LENGTH: 6 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.BubbleCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-bubble-combo", trigger: "click", toggle: true, direction: "bottom", // top||bottom||left||right||top,left||top,right||bottom,left||bottom,right isDefaultInit: false, destroyWhenHide: false, isNeedAdjustHeight: true, // 是否需要高度调整 isNeedAdjustWidth: true, stopPropagation: false, adjustLength: 0, // 调整的距离 // adjustXOffset: 0, // adjustYOffset: 10, hideChecker: BI.emptyFn, offsetStyle: "left", // left,right,center el: {}, popup: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.BubbleCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", element: this, trigger: o.trigger, toggle: o.toggle, direction: o.direction, isDefaultInit: o.isDefaultInit, destroyWhenHide: o.destroyWhenHide, isNeedAdjustHeight: o.isNeedAdjustHeight, isNeedAdjustWidth: o.isNeedAdjustWidth, adjustLength: this._getAdjustLength(), stopPropagation: o.stopPropagation, adjustXOffset: 0, adjustYOffset: 0, hideChecker: o.hideChecker, offsetStyle: o.offsetStyle, el: o.el, popup: BI.extend({ type: "bi.bubble_popup_view" }, o.popup) }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_EXPAND, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_EXPAND, arguments); }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_COLLAPSE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_COLLAPSE, arguments); }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_INIT, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_AFTER_INIT, arguments); }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, arguments); }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW, function () { self._showTriangle(); self.fireEvent(BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW, arguments); }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW, function () { self._hideTriangle(); self.fireEvent(BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW, arguments); }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW, arguments); }); }, _getAdjustLength: function () { return this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH + this.options.adjustLength; }, _createTriangle: function (direction) { var pos = {}, op = {}; var adjustLength = this.options.adjustLength; var offset = this.element.offset(); var left = offset.left, right = offset.left + this.element.outerWidth(); var top = offset.top, bottom = offset.top + this.element.outerHeight(); switch (direction) { case "left": pos = { top: top, height: this.element.outerHeight(), left: left - adjustLength - this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH }; op = {width: this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH}; break; case "right": pos = { top: top, height: this.element.outerHeight(), left: right + adjustLength }; op = {width: this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH}; break; case "top": pos = { left: left, width: this.element.outerWidth(), top: top - adjustLength - this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH }; op = {height: this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH}; break; case "bottom": pos = { left: left, width: this.element.outerWidth(), top: bottom + adjustLength }; op = {height: this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH}; break; default: break; } this.triangle && this.triangle.destroy(); this.triangle = BI.createWidget(op, { type: "bi.center_adapt", cls: "button-combo-triangle-wrapper", items: [{ type: "bi.layout", cls: "bubble-combo-triangle-" + direction + " bi-high-light-border" }] }); pos.el = this.triangle; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [pos] }); }, _createLeftTriangle: function () { this._createTriangle("left"); }, _createRightTriangle: function () { this._createTriangle("right"); }, _createTopTriangle: function () { this._createTriangle("top"); }, _createBottomTriangle: function () { this._createTriangle("bottom"); }, _showTriangle: function () { var pos = this.combo.getPopupPosition(); switch (pos.dir) { case "left,top": case "left,bottom": this._createLeftTriangle(); this.combo.getView().showLine("right"); break; case "right,top": case "right,bottom": this._createRightTriangle(); this.combo.getView().showLine("left"); break; case "top,left": case "top,right": this._createTopTriangle(); this.combo.getView().showLine("bottom"); break; case "bottom,left": case "bottom,right": this._createBottomTriangle(); this.combo.getView().showLine("top"); break; } }, _hideTriangle: function () { this.triangle && this.triangle.destroy(); this.triangle = null; this.combo.getView() && this.combo.getView().hideLine(); }, hideView: function () { this._hideTriangle(); this.combo && this.combo.hideView(); }, showView: function () { this.combo && this.combo.showView(); }, isViewVisible: function () { return this.combo.isViewVisible(); } }); BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE = "EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE"; BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_EXPAND = "EVENT_EXPAND"; BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_COLLAPSE = "EVENT_COLLAPSE"; BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_AFTER_INIT = "EVENT_AFTER_INIT"; BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW"; BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW"; BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW"; BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW = "EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW"; BI.shortcut("bi.bubble_combo", BI.BubbleCombo);/** * Created by GUY on 2017/2/8. * * @class BI.BubblePopupView * @extends BI.PopupView */ BI.BubblePopupView = BI.inherit(BI.PopupView, { _defaultConfig: function () { var config = BI.BubblePopupView.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(config, { baseCls: config.baseCls + " bi-bubble-popup-view" }); }, _init: function () { BI.BubblePopupView.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, showLine: function (direction) { var pos = {}, op = {}; switch (direction) { case "left": pos = { top: 0, bottom: 0, left: -1 }; op = {width: 3}; break; case "right": pos = { top: 0, bottom: 0, right: -1 }; op = {width: 3}; break; case "top": pos = { left: 0, right: 0, top: -1 }; op = {height: 3}; break; case "bottom": pos = { left: 0, right: 0, bottom: -1 }; op = {height: 3}; break; default: break; } this.line = BI.createWidget(op, { type: "bi.layout", cls: "bubble-popup-line bi-high-light-background" }); pos.el = this.line; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [pos] }); }, hideLine: function () { this.line && this.line.destroy(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.bubble_popup_view", BI.BubblePopupView); /** * Created by GUY on 2017/2/8. * * @class BI.BubblePopupBarView * @extends BI.BubblePopupView */ BI.BubblePopupBarView = BI.inherit(BI.BubblePopupView, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.BubblePopupBarView.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-bubble-bar-popup-view", buttons: [{value: BI.i18nText(BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Sure"))}, {value: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Cancel"), level: "ignore"}] }); }, _init: function () { BI.BubblePopupBarView.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, _createToolBar: function () { var o = this.options, self = this; var items = []; BI.each(o.buttons.reverse(), function (i, buttonOpt) { if(BI.isWidget(buttonOpt)) { items.push(buttonOpt); }else{ items.push(BI.extend({ type: "bi.button", height: 30, handler: function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.BubblePopupBarView.EVENT_CLICK_TOOLBAR_BUTTON, v); } }, buttonOpt)); } }); return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.right_vertical_adapt", height: 40, hgap: 10, bgap: 10, items: items }); } }); BI.BubblePopupBarView.EVENT_CLICK_TOOLBAR_BUTTON = "EVENT_CLICK_TOOLBAR_BUTTON"; BI.shortcut("bi.bubble_bar_popup_view", BI.BubblePopupBarView);/** * Created by Young's on 2016/4/28. */ BI.EditorIconCheckCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.EditorIconCheckCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseClass: "bi-check-editor-combo", width: 100, height: 24, chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE, validationChecker: BI.emptyFn, quitChecker: BI.emptyFn, allowBlank: true, watermark: "", errorText: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.EditorIconCheckCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.editor_trigger", items: o.items, height: o.height, validationChecker: o.validationChecker, quitChecker: o.quitChecker, allowBlank: o.allowBlank, watermark: o.watermark, errorText: o.errorText, value: o.value }); this.trigger.on(BI.EditorTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.popup.setValue(this.getValue()); self.fireEvent(BI.EditorIconCheckCombo.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_value_check_combo_popup", chooseType: o.chooseType, items: o.items, value: o.value }); this.popup.on(BI.TextValueCheckComboPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(self.popup.getValue()); self.editorIconCheckCombo.hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.EditorIconCheckCombo.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.popup.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.editorIconCheckCombo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", element: this, adjustLength: 2, el: this.trigger, popup: { el: this.popup, maxHeight: 300 } }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.editorIconCheckCombo.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.trigger.getValue(); }, populate: function (items) { this.options.items = items; this.editorIconCheckCombo.populate(items); } }); BI.EditorIconCheckCombo.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.editor_icon_check_combo", BI.EditorIconCheckCombo);/** * Created by GUY on 2016/2/2. * * @class BI.IconCombo * @extend BI.Widget */ BI.IconCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.IconCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-icon-combo", width: 24, height: 24, el: {}, popup: {}, minWidth: 100, maxWidth: "auto", maxHeight: 300, direction: "bottom", adjustLength: 3, // 调整的距离 adjustXOffset: 0, adjustYOffset: 0, offsetStyle: "left", chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE }); }, _init: function () { BI.IconCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.trigger = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.icon_combo_trigger", iconCls: o.iconCls, title: o.title, items: o.items, width: o.width, height: o.height, iconWidth: o.iconWidth, iconHeight: o.iconHeight, value: o.value }); this.popup = BI.createWidget(o.popup, { type: "bi.icon_combo_popup", chooseType: o.chooseType, items: o.items, value: o.value }); this.popup.on(BI.IconComboPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(self.popup.getValue()); self.iconCombo.hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.IconCombo.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.popup.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.iconCombo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", element: this, direction: o.direction, trigger: o.trigger, container: o.container, adjustLength: o.adjustLength, adjustXOffset: o.adjustXOffset, adjustYOffset: o.adjustYOffset, offsetStyle: o.offsetStyle, el: this.trigger, popup: { el: this.popup, maxWidth: o.maxWidth, maxHeight: o.maxHeight, minWidth: o.minWidth } }); }, showView: function () { this.iconCombo.showView(); }, hideView: function () { this.iconCombo.hideView(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.iconCombo.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.iconCombo.getValue(); }, populate: function (items) { this.options.items = items; this.iconCombo.populate(items); } }); BI.IconCombo.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.icon_combo", BI.IconCombo);/** * Created by GUY on 2016/2/2. * * @class BI.IconComboPopup * @extend BI.Pane */ BI.IconComboPopup = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.IconComboPopup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi.icon-combo-popup", chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE }); }, _init: function () { BI.IconComboPopup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, self = this; this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button_group", items: BI.createItems(o.items, { type: "bi.single_select_icon_text_item", height: 30 }), chooseType: o.chooseType, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }], value: o.value }); this.popup.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, val, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.IconComboPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, val, obj); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, items: [this.popup] }); }, populate: function (items) { BI.IconComboPopup.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); items = BI.createItems(items, { type: "bi.single_select_icon_text_item", height: 30 }); this.popup.populate(items); }, getValue: function () { return this.popup.getValue(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.popup.setValue(v); } }); BI.IconComboPopup.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.icon_combo_popup", BI.IconComboPopup);/** * Created by GUY on 2016/2/2. * * @class BI.IconComboTrigger * @extend BI.Widget */ BI.IconComboTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.IconComboTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-icon-combo-trigger", el: {}, items: [], iconCls: "", width: 25, height: 25, isShowDown: true, value: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.IconComboTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, self = this; var iconCls = ""; if(BI.isKey(o.value)){ iconCls = this._digest(o.value, o.items); } this.button = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.icon_change_button", cls: "icon-combo-trigger-icon " + iconCls, disableSelected: true, width: o.width, height: o.height, iconWidth: o.iconWidth, iconHeight: o.iconHeight, selected: BI.isNotEmptyString(iconCls) }); this.down = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", disableSelected: true, cls: "icon-combo-down-icon trigger-triangle-font", width: 12, height: 8, selected: BI.isNotEmptyString(iconCls) }); this.down.setVisible(o.isShowDown); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.button, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }, { el: this.down, right: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); }, _digest: function (v, items) { var iconCls = ""; v = BI.isArray(v) ? v[0] : v; BI.any(items, function (i, item) { if (v === item.value) { iconCls = item.iconCls; return true; } }); return iconCls; }, populate: function (items) { var o = this.options; this.options.items = items || []; this.button.setIcon(o.iconCls); this.button.setSelected(false); this.down.setSelected(false); }, setValue: function (v) { BI.IconComboTrigger.superclass.setValue.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; var iconCls = this._digest(v, this.options.items); v = BI.isArray(v) ? v[0] : v; if (BI.isNotEmptyString(iconCls)) { this.button.setIcon(iconCls); this.button.setSelected(true); this.down.setSelected(true); } else { this.button.setIcon(o.iconCls); this.button.setSelected(false); this.down.setSelected(false); } } }); BI.IconComboTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.icon_combo_trigger", BI.IconComboTrigger);/** * Created by Windy on 2017/12/12. * combo : icon + text + icon, popup : icon + text */ BI.IconTextValueCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.IconTextValueCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseClass: "bi-icon-text-value-combo", height: 30, value: "", el: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.IconTextValueCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.trigger = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.select_icon_text_trigger", items: o.items, height: o.height, text: o.text, value: o.value }); this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_text_value_combo_popup", items: o.items }); this.popup.on(BI.IconTextValueComboPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(self.popup.getValue()); self.textIconCombo.hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.IconTextValueCombo.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.popup.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.textIconCombo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", element: this, adjustLength: 2, el: this.trigger, popup: { el: this.popup, maxHeight: 300 } }); if (BI.isKey(o.value)) { this.setValue(o.value); } }, setValue: function (v) { this.textIconCombo.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.textIconCombo.getValue(); }, populate: function (items) { this.options.items = items; this.textIconCombo.populate(items); } }); BI.IconTextValueCombo.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.icon_text_value_combo", BI.IconTextValueCombo);/** * Created by Windy on 2017/12/12. */ BI.IconTextValueComboPopup = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.IconTextValueComboPopup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-icon-text-icon-popup" }); }, _init: function () { BI.IconTextValueComboPopup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, self = this; this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button_group", items: BI.createItems(o.items, { type: "bi.single_select_icon_text_item", height: 30 }), chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] }); this.popup.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, val, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.IconTextValueComboPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, val, obj); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, items: [this.popup] }); }, populate: function (items) { BI.IconTextValueComboPopup.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); items = BI.createItems(items, { type: "bi.single_select_icon_text_item", height: 30 }); this.popup.populate(items); }, getValue: function () { return this.popup.getValue(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.popup.setValue(v); } }); BI.IconTextValueComboPopup.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.icon_text_value_combo_popup", BI.IconTextValueComboPopup);/** * 单选combo * * @class BI.StaticCombo * @extend BI.Widget */ BI.StaticCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.StaticCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-static-combo", height: 24, text: "", el: {}, items: [], chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE }); }, _init: function () { BI.StaticCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.trigger = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.text_icon_item", cls: "bi-select-text-trigger bi-border pull-down-font", text: o.text, value: o.value, readonly: true, textLgap: 5, height: o.height - 2 }); this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_value_combo_popup", textAlign: o.textAlign, chooseType: o.chooseType, items: o.items, value: o.value }); this.popup.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.popup.on(BI.TextValueComboPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.combo.hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.StaticCombo.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", element: this, adjustLength: 2, el: this.trigger, popup: { el: this.popup } }); }, populate: function (items) { this.combo.populate(items); }, setValue: function (v) { this.combo.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.combo.getValue(); } }); BI.StaticCombo.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.static_combo", BI.StaticCombo);/** * @class BI.TextValueCheckCombo * @extend BI.Widget * combo : text + icon, popup : check + text */ BI.TextValueCheckCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.TextValueCheckCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseClass: "bi-text-value-check-combo", width: 100, height: 24, chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE, value: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.TextValueCheckCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.select_text_trigger", items: o.items, height: o.height, text: o.text, value: o.value }); this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_value_check_combo_popup", chooseType: o.chooseType, items: o.items, value: o.value }); this.popup.on(BI.TextValueCheckComboPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(self.popup.getValue()); self.textIconCheckCombo.hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.TextValueCheckCombo.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.popup.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.textIconCheckCombo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", element: this, adjustLength: 2, el: this.trigger, popup: { el: this.popup, maxHeight: 300 } }); if (BI.isKey(o.value)) { this.setValue(o.value); } }, setTitle: function (title) { this.trigger.setTitle(title); }, setValue: function (v) { this.textIconCheckCombo.setValue(v); }, setWarningTitle: function (title) { this.trigger.setWarningTitle(title); }, getValue: function () { return this.textIconCheckCombo.getValue(); }, populate: function (items) { this.options.items = items; this.textIconCheckCombo.populate(items); } }); BI.TextValueCheckCombo.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.text_value_check_combo", BI.TextValueCheckCombo);/** * @class BI.SmallTextValueCheckCombo * @extend BI.Widget * combo : text + icon, popup : check + text */ BI.SmallTextValueCheckCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SmallTextValueCheckCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { width: 100, height: 24, chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE, text: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.SmallTextValueCheckCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.small_select_text_trigger", items: o.items, height: o.height, text: o.text, value: o.value }); this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_value_check_combo_popup", chooseType: o.chooseType, items: o.items, value: o.value }); this.popup.on(BI.TextValueCheckComboPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(self.popup.getValue()); self.SmallTextIconCheckCombo.hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.SmallTextValueCheckCombo.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.popup.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.SmallTextIconCheckCombo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", element: this, adjustLength: 2, el: this.trigger, popup: { el: this.popup, maxHeight: 300 } }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.SmallTextIconCheckCombo.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.SmallTextIconCheckCombo.getValue(); }, populate: function (items) { this.options.items = items; this.SmallTextIconCheckCombo.populate(items); } }); BI.SmallTextValueCheckCombo.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.small_text_value_check_combo", BI.SmallTextValueCheckCombo);BI.TextValueCheckComboPopup = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.TextValueCheckComboPopup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-text-icon-popup", chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE }); }, _init: function () { BI.TextValueCheckComboPopup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, self = this; this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button_group", items: this._formatItems(o.items), chooseType: o.chooseType, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }], value: o.value }); this.popup.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, val, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.TextValueCheckComboPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, val, obj); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, items: [this.popup] }); }, _formatItems: function (items) { return BI.map(items, function (i, item) { return BI.extend({ type: "bi.icon_text_item", cls: "item-check-font bi-list-item", height: 30 }, item); }); }, populate: function (items) { BI.TextValueCheckComboPopup.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this.popup.populate(this._formatItems(items)); }, getValue: function () { return this.popup.getValue(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.popup.setValue(v); } }); BI.TextValueCheckComboPopup.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.text_value_check_combo_popup", BI.TextValueCheckComboPopup);/** * @class BI.TextValueCombo * @extend BI.Widget * combo : text + icon, popup : text * 参见场景dashboard布局方式选择 */ BI.TextValueCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.TextValueCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseClass: "bi-text-value-combo", height: 30, chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE, text: "", value: "", el: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.TextValueCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.trigger = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.select_text_trigger", items: o.items, height: o.height, text: o.text, value: o.value }); this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_value_combo_popup", chooseType: o.chooseType, value: o.value, items: o.items }); this.popup.on(BI.TextValueComboPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(self.popup.getValue()); self.textIconCombo.hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.TextValueCombo.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.popup.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.textIconCombo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", element: this, adjustLength: 2, el: this.trigger, popup: { el: this.popup, maxHeight: 300 } }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.textIconCombo.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.textIconCombo.getValue(); }, populate: function (items) { this.options.items = items; this.textIconCombo.populate(items); } }); BI.TextValueCombo.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.text_value_combo", BI.TextValueCombo);/** * @class BI.SmallTextValueCombo * @extend BI.Widget * combo : text + icon, popup : text * 参见场景dashboard布局方式选择 */ BI.SmallTextValueCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SmallTextValueCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { width: 100, height: 24, chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE, el: {}, text: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.SmallTextValueCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.trigger = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.small_select_text_trigger", items: o.items, height: o.height, text: o.text }); this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_value_combo_popup", chooseType: o.chooseType, items: o.items }); this.popup.on(BI.TextValueComboPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(self.popup.getValue()); self.SmallTextValueCombo.hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.SmallTextValueCombo.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.popup.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.SmallTextValueCombo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", element: this, adjustLength: 2, el: this.trigger, popup: { el: this.popup, maxHeight: 300 } }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.SmallTextValueCombo.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.SmallTextValueCombo.getValue(); }, populate: function (items) { this.options.items = items; this.SmallTextValueCombo.populate(items); } }); BI.SmallTextValueCombo.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.small_text_value_combo", BI.SmallTextValueCombo);BI.TextValueComboPopup = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.TextValueComboPopup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-text-icon-popup", chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE }); }, _init: function () { BI.TextValueComboPopup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, self = this; this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button_group", items: BI.createItems(o.items, { type: "bi.single_select_item", textAlign: o.textAlign, height: 30 }), chooseType: o.chooseType, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }], value: o.value }); this.popup.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, val, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.TextValueComboPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, val, obj); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, items: [this.popup] }); }, populate: function (items) { BI.TextValueComboPopup.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); items = BI.createItems(items, { type: "bi.single_select_item", height: 30 }); this.popup.populate(items); }, getValue: function () { return this.popup.getValue(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.popup.setValue(v); } }); BI.TextValueComboPopup.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.text_value_combo_popup", BI.TextValueComboPopup);/** * @class BI.TextValueDownListCombo * @extend BI.Widget */ BI.TextValueDownListCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.TextValueDownListCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-text-value-down-list-combo", height: 30 }); }, _init: function () { BI.TextValueDownListCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this._createValueMap(); var value; if(BI.isNotNull(o.value)){ value = this._digest(o.value); } this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.down_list_select_text_trigger", height: o.height, items: o.items, text: o.text, value: value }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.down_list_combo", element: this, chooseType: BI.Selection.Single, adjustLength: 2, height: o.height, el: this.trigger, value: BI.isNull(value) ? [] : [value], items: BI.deepClone(o.items) }); this.combo.on(BI.DownListCombo.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(self.combo.getValue()[0].value); self.fireEvent(BI.TextValueDownListCombo.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.combo.on(BI.DownListCombo.EVENT_SON_VALUE_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(self.combo.getValue()[0].childValue); self.fireEvent(BI.TextValueDownListCombo.EVENT_CHANGE); }); }, _createValueMap: function () { var self = this; this.valueMap = {}; BI.each(BI.flatten(this.options.items), function (idx, item) { if (BI.has(item, "el")) { BI.each(item.children, function (id, it) { self.valueMap[it.value] = {value: item.el.value, childValue: it.value}; }); } else { self.valueMap[item.value] = {value: item.value}; } }); }, _digest: function (v) { return this.valueMap[v]; }, setValue: function (v) { v = this._digest(v); this.combo.setValue([v]); this.trigger.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { var v = this.combo.getValue()[0]; return [v.childValue || v.value]; }, populate: function (items) { this.options.items = BI.flatten(items); this.combo.populate(items); this._createValueMap(); } }); BI.TextValueDownListCombo.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.text_value_down_list_combo", BI.TextValueDownListCombo);/** * 选择字段trigger, downlist专用 * 显示形式为 父亲值(儿子值) * * @class BI.DownListSelectTextTrigger * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.DownListSelectTextTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.DownListSelectTextTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-down-list-select-text-trigger", height: 24, text: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.DownListSelectTextTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.select_text_trigger", element: this, height: o.height, items: this._formatItemArray(o.items), text: o.text, value: BI.isNull(o.value) ? "" : o.value.childValue || o.value.value }); }, _formatItemArray: function () { var sourceArray = BI.flatten(BI.deepClone(this.options.items)); var targetArray = []; BI.each(sourceArray, function (idx, item) { if(BI.has(item, "el")) { BI.each(item.children, function (id, it) { it.text = item.el.text + "(" + it.text + ")"; }); targetArray = BI.concat(targetArray, item.children); }else{ targetArray.push(item); } }); return targetArray; }, setValue: function (vals) { this.trigger.setValue(vals.childValue || vals.value); }, populate: function (items) { this.trigger.populate(this._formatItemArray(items)); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.down_list_select_text_trigger", BI.DownListSelectTextTrigger);/** * 有清楚按钮的文本框 * Created by GUY on 2015/9/29. * @class BI.SmallTextEditor * @extends BI.SearchEditor */ BI.ClearEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.ClearEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: "bi-clear-editor", height: 24, errorText: "", watermark: "", validationChecker: BI.emptyFn, quitChecker: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.ClearEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.editor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.editor", height: o.height, watermark: o.watermark, allowBlank: true, errorText: o.errorText, validationChecker: o.validationChecker, quitChecker: o.quitChecker }); this.clear = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", stopEvent: true, cls: "search-close-h-font" }); this.clear.on(BI.IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(""); self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.STOPEDIT); self.fireEvent(BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_CLEAR); }); BI.createWidget({ element: this, type: "bi.htape", items: [ { el: this.editor }, { el: this.clear, width: 25 }] }); this.editor.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_FOCUS, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_FOCUS); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_BLUR, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_BLUR); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CLICK, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_CLICK); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self._checkClear(); self.fireEvent(BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN, function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN, v); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_SPACE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_SPACE); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_BACKSPACE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_BACKSPACE); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_VALID, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_VALID); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_ERROR, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_ERROR); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_ENTER, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_ENTER); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_RESTRICT, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_RESTRICT); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_EMPTY, function () { self._checkClear(); self.fireEvent(BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_EMPTY); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_REMOVE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_REMOVE); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_START, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_START); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_PAUSE); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_STOP); }); this.clear.invisible(); }, _checkClear: function () { if (!this.getValue()) { this.clear.invisible(); } else { this.clear.visible(); } }, focus: function () { this.editor.focus(); }, blur: function () { this.editor.blur(); }, getValue: function () { if (this.isValid()) { var res = this.editor.getValue().match(/[\S]+/g); return BI.isNull(res) ? "" : res[res.length - 1]; } }, setValue: function (v) { this.editor.setValue(v); if (BI.isKey(v)) { this.clear.visible(); } }, isValid: function () { return this.editor.isValid(); } }); BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS"; BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_BLUR = "EVENT_BLUR"; BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_CLICK = "EVENT_CLICK"; BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN = "EVENT_KEY_DOWN"; BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_SPACE = "EVENT_SPACE"; BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_BACKSPACE = "EVENT_BACKSPACE"; BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_CLEAR = "EVENT_CLEAR"; BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_VALID = "EVENT_VALID"; BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_ERROR = "EVENT_ERROR"; BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_ENTER = "EVENT_ENTER"; BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_RESTRICT = "EVENT_RESTRICT"; BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_REMOVE = "EVENT_REMOVE"; BI.ClearEditor.EVENT_EMPTY = "EVENT_EMPTY"; BI.shortcut("bi.clear_editor", BI.ClearEditor);/** * 带标记的文本框 * Created by GUY on 2016/1/25. * @class BI.ShelterEditor * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.ShelterEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.ShelterEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-shelter-editor", hgap: 4, vgap: 2, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, validationChecker: BI.emptyFn, quitChecker: BI.emptyFn, allowBlank: true, watermark: "", errorText: "", height: 24, textAlign: "left" }); }, _init: function () { BI.ShelterEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.editor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.editor", height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, value: o.value, validationChecker: o.validationChecker, quitChecker: o.quitChecker, allowBlank: o.allowBlank, watermark: o.watermark, errorText: o.errorText }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_button", cls: "shelter-editor-text", title: o.title, warningTitle: o.warningTitle, tipType: o.tipType, textAlign: o.textAlign, height: o.height, hgap: 4 }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.text, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); this.text.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { arguments[2] = self; self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.text.on(BI.TextButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_CLICK_LABEL); }); this.editor.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_FOCUS, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_FOCUS, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_BLUR, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_BLUR, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CLICK, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_CLICK, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN, function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_VALID, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_VALID, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { self._showHint(); self._checkText(); self.fireEvent(BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_START, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_START, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_PAUSE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_STOP, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_SPACE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_SPACE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_ERROR, function () { self._checkText(); self.fireEvent(BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_ERROR, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_ENTER, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_ENTER, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_RESTRICT, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_RESTRICT, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_EMPTY, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_EMPTY, arguments); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, element: this, items: [this.editor] }); this._showHint(); self._checkText(); }, _checkText: function () { var o = this.options; if (this.editor.getValue() === "") { this.text.setValue(o.watermark || ""); this.text.element.addClass("bi-water-mark"); } else { this.text.setValue(this.editor.getValue()); this.text.element.removeClass("bi-water-mark"); } }, _showInput: function () { this.editor.visible(); this.text.invisible(); }, _showHint: function () { this.editor.invisible(); this.text.visible(); }, setTitle: function (title) { this.text.setTitle(title); }, setWarningTitle: function (title) { this.text.setWarningTitle(title); }, focus: function () { this._showInput(); this.editor.focus(); }, blur: function () { this.editor.blur(); this._showHint(); this._checkText(); }, doRedMark: function () { if (this.editor.getValue() === "" && BI.isKey(this.options.watermark)) { return; } this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { if (this.editor.getValue() === "" && BI.isKey(this.options.watermark)) { return; } this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, isValid: function () { return this.editor.isValid(); }, setErrorText: function (text) { this.editor.setErrorText(text); }, getErrorText: function () { return this.editor.getErrorText(); }, isEditing: function () { return this.editor.isEditing(); }, getLastValidValue: function () { return this.editor.getLastValidValue(); }, setTextStyle: function (style) { this.text.setStyle(style); }, setValue: function (k) { this.editor.setValue(k); this._checkText(); }, getValue: function () { return this.editor.getValue(); }, getState: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setState: function (v) { this._showHint(); this.text.setValue(v); } }); BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS"; BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_BLUR = "EVENT_BLUR"; BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_CLICK = "EVENT_CLICK"; BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN = "EVENT_KEY_DOWN"; BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_CLICK_LABEL = "EVENT_CLICK_LABEL"; BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_VALID = "EVENT_VALID"; BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_ERROR = "EVENT_ERROR"; BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_ENTER = "EVENT_ENTER"; BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_RESTRICT = "EVENT_RESTRICT"; BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_SPACE = "EVENT_SPACE"; BI.ShelterEditor.EVENT_EMPTY = "EVENT_EMPTY"; BI.shortcut("bi.shelter_editor", BI.ShelterEditor);/** * Created by User on 2017/7/28. */ BI.SignInitialEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.SignInitialEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-sign-initial-editor", hgap: 4, vgap: 2, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, validationChecker: BI.emptyFn, quitChecker: BI.emptyFn, allowBlank: true, watermark: "", errorText: "", value: "", text: "", height: 24 }); }, _init: function () { BI.SignInitialEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.editor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.editor", height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, value: o.value, validationChecker: o.validationChecker, quitChecker: o.quitChecker, allowBlank: o.allowBlank, watermark: o.watermark, errorText: o.errorText }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_button", cls: "sign-editor-text", title: o.title, warningTitle: o.warningTitle, tipType: o.tipType, textAlign: "left", height: o.height, hgap: 4, handler: function () { self._showInput(); self.editor.focus(); self.editor.selectAll(); } }); this.text.on(BI.TextButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { BI.nextTick(function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_CLICK_LABEL); }); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.text, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); this.editor.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_FOCUS, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_FOCUS, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_BLUR, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_BLUR, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CLICK, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_CLICK, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN, function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_VALID, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_VALID, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { self._showHint(); self._checkText(); self.fireEvent(BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_START, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_START, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_PAUSE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_STOP, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_SPACE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_SPACE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_ERROR, function () { self._checkText(); self.fireEvent(BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_ERROR, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_ENTER, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_ENTER, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_RESTRICT, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_RESTRICT, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_EMPTY, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_EMPTY, arguments); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, element: this, items: [this.editor] }); this._showHint(); self._checkText(); }, _checkText: function () { var o = this.options; BI.nextTick(BI.bind(function () { if (this.editor.getValue() === "") { this.text.setValue(o.watermark || ""); this.text.element.addClass("bi-water-mark"); } else { var v = this.editor.getValue(); v = (BI.isEmpty(v) || v == o.text) ? o.text : v + "(" + o.text + ")"; this.text.setValue(v); this.text.element.removeClass("bi-water-mark"); } }, this)); }, _showInput: function () { this.editor.visible(); this.text.invisible(); }, _showHint: function () { this.editor.invisible(); this.text.visible(); }, setTitle: function (title) { this.text.setTitle(title); }, setWarningTitle: function (title) { this.text.setWarningTitle(title); }, focus: function () { this._showInput(); this.editor.focus(); }, blur: function () { this.editor.blur(); this._showHint(); this._checkText(); }, doRedMark: function () { if (this.editor.getValue() === "" && BI.isKey(this.options.watermark)) { return; } this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { if (this.editor.getValue() === "" && BI.isKey(this.options.watermark)) { return; } this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, isValid: function () { return this.editor.isValid(); }, setErrorText: function (text) { this.editor.setErrorText(text); }, getErrorText: function () { return this.editor.getErrorText(); }, isEditing: function () { return this.editor.isEditing(); }, getLastValidValue: function () { return this.editor.getLastValidValue(); }, setValue: function (v) { var o = this.options; this.editor.setValue(v.value); o.text = v.text || o.text; this._checkText(); }, getValue: function () { return { value: this.editor.getValue(), text: this.options.text }; }, getState: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setState: function (v) { var o = this.options; this._showHint(); v = (BI.isEmpty(v) || v == o.text) ? o.text : v + "(" + o.text + ")"; this.text.setValue(v); } }); BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS"; BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_BLUR = "EVENT_BLUR"; BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_CLICK = "EVENT_CLICK"; BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN = "EVENT_KEY_DOWN"; BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_CLICK_LABEL = "EVENT_CLICK_LABEL"; BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_VALID = "EVENT_VALID"; BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_ERROR = "EVENT_ERROR"; BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_ENTER = "EVENT_ENTER"; BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_RESTRICT = "EVENT_RESTRICT"; BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_SPACE = "EVENT_SPACE"; BI.SignInitialEditor.EVENT_EMPTY = "EVENT_EMPTY"; BI.shortcut("bi.sign_initial_editor", BI.SignInitialEditor);/** * 带标记的文本框 * Created by GUY on 2015/8/28. * @class BI.SignEditor * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.SignEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.SignEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-sign-editor", hgap: 4, vgap: 2, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, validationChecker: BI.emptyFn, quitChecker: BI.emptyFn, allowBlank: true, watermark: "", errorText: "", height: 24 }); }, _init: function () { BI.SignEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.editor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.editor", height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, value: o.value, validationChecker: o.validationChecker, quitChecker: o.quitChecker, allowBlank: o.allowBlank, watermark: o.watermark, errorText: o.errorText }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_button", cls: "sign-editor-text", title: o.title, warningTitle: o.warningTitle, tipType: o.tipType, textAlign: "left", height: o.height, hgap: 4, handler: function () { self._showInput(); self.editor.focus(); self.editor.selectAll(); } }); this.text.on(BI.TextButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { BI.nextTick(function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_CLICK_LABEL); }); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.text, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); this.editor.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_FOCUS, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_FOCUS, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_BLUR, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_BLUR, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CLICK, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_CLICK, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN, function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_VALID, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_VALID, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { self._showHint(); self._checkText(); self.fireEvent(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_START, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_START, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_PAUSE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_STOP, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_SPACE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_SPACE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_ERROR, function () { self._checkText(); self.fireEvent(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_ERROR, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_ENTER, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_ENTER, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_RESTRICT, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_RESTRICT, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_EMPTY, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_EMPTY, arguments); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, element: this, items: [this.editor] }); this._showHint(); self._checkText(); }, _checkText: function () { var o = this.options; BI.nextTick(BI.bind(function () { if (this.editor.getValue() === "") { this.text.setValue(o.watermark || ""); this.text.element.addClass("bi-water-mark"); } else { this.text.setValue(this.editor.getValue()); this.text.element.removeClass("bi-water-mark"); } }, this)); }, _showInput: function () { this.editor.visible(); this.text.invisible(); }, _showHint: function () { this.editor.invisible(); this.text.visible(); }, setTitle: function (title) { this.text.setTitle(title); }, setWarningTitle: function (title) { this.text.setWarningTitle(title); }, focus: function () { this._showInput(); this.editor.focus(); }, blur: function () { this.editor.blur(); this._showHint(); this._checkText(); }, doRedMark: function () { if (this.editor.getValue() === "" && BI.isKey(this.options.watermark)) { return; } this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { if (this.editor.getValue() === "" && BI.isKey(this.options.watermark)) { return; } this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, isValid: function () { return this.editor.isValid(); }, setErrorText: function (text) { this.editor.setErrorText(text); }, getErrorText: function () { return this.editor.getErrorText(); }, isEditing: function () { return this.editor.isEditing(); }, getLastValidValue: function () { return this.editor.getLastValidValue(); }, setValue: function (k) { this.editor.setValue(k); this._checkText(); }, getValue: function () { return this.editor.getValue(); }, getState: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setState: function (v) { this._showHint(); this.text.setValue(v); } }); BI.SignEditor.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.SignEditor.EVENT_FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS"; BI.SignEditor.EVENT_BLUR = "EVENT_BLUR"; BI.SignEditor.EVENT_CLICK = "EVENT_CLICK"; BI.SignEditor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN = "EVENT_KEY_DOWN"; BI.SignEditor.EVENT_CLICK_LABEL = "EVENT_CLICK_LABEL"; BI.SignEditor.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.SignEditor.EVENT_PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.SignEditor.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.SignEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.SignEditor.EVENT_VALID = "EVENT_VALID"; BI.SignEditor.EVENT_ERROR = "EVENT_ERROR"; BI.SignEditor.EVENT_ENTER = "EVENT_ENTER"; BI.SignEditor.EVENT_RESTRICT = "EVENT_RESTRICT"; BI.SignEditor.EVENT_SPACE = "EVENT_SPACE"; BI.SignEditor.EVENT_EMPTY = "EVENT_EMPTY"; BI.shortcut("bi.sign_editor", BI.SignEditor);/** * guy * 记录状态的输入框 * @class BI.StateEditor * @extends BI.Single */ BI.StateEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.StateEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-state-editor", hgap: 4, vgap: 2, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, validationChecker: BI.emptyFn, quitChecker: BI.emptyFn, allowBlank: true, watermark: "", errorText: "", height: 24 }); }, _init: function () { BI.StateEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.editor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.editor", height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, value: o.value, validationChecker: o.validationChecker, quitChecker: o.quitChecker, allowBlank: o.allowBlank, watermark: o.watermark, errorText: o.errorText }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_button", cls: "state-editor-infinite-text bi-disabled", textAlign: "left", height: o.height, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Unrestricted"), hgap: 4, handler: function () { self._showInput(); self.editor.focus(); self.editor.setValue(""); } }); this.text.on(BI.TextButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { BI.nextTick(function () { self.fireEvent(BI.StateEditor.EVENT_CLICK_LABEL); }); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.text, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); this.editor.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_FOCUS, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.StateEditor.EVENT_FOCUS, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_BLUR, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.StateEditor.EVENT_BLUR, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CLICK, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.StateEditor.EVENT_CLICK, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.StateEditor.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN, function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.StateEditor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_VALID, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.StateEditor.EVENT_VALID, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { self._showHint(); self.fireEvent(BI.StateEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_START, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.StateEditor.EVENT_START, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.StateEditor.EVENT_PAUSE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.StateEditor.EVENT_STOP, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_SPACE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.StateEditor.EVENT_SPACE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_ERROR, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.StateEditor.EVENT_ERROR, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_ENTER, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.StateEditor.EVENT_ENTER, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_RESTRICT, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.StateEditor.EVENT_RESTRICT, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_EMPTY, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.StateEditor.EVENT_EMPTY, arguments); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, element: this, items: [this.editor] }); this._showHint(); if(BI.isNotNull(o.text)){ this.setState(o.text); } }, doRedMark: function () { if (this.editor.getValue() === "" && BI.isKey(this.options.watermark)) { return; } this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { if (this.editor.getValue() === "" && BI.isKey(this.options.watermark)) { return; } this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, focus: function () { if (this.options.disabled === false) { this._showInput(); this.editor.focus(); } }, blur: function () { this.editor.blur(); this._showHint(); }, _showInput: function () { this.editor.visible(); this.text.invisible(); }, _showHint: function () { this.editor.invisible(); this.text.visible(); }, isValid: function () { return this.editor.isValid(); }, setErrorText: function (text) { this.editor.setErrorText(text); }, getErrorText: function () { return this.editor.getErrorText(); }, isEditing: function () { return this.editor.isEditing(); }, getLastValidValue: function () { return this.editor.getLastValidValue(); }, setValue: function (k) { this.editor.setValue(k); }, getValue: function () { return this.editor.getValue(); }, getState: function () { return this.editor.getValue().match(/[^\s]+/g); }, setState: function (v) { BI.StateEditor.superclass.setValue.apply(this, arguments); if (BI.isNumber(v)) { if (v === BI.Selection.All) { this.text.setText(BI.i18nText("BI-Select_All")); this.text.setTitle(""); this.text.element.removeClass("state-editor-infinite-text"); } else if (v === BI.Selection.Multi) { this.text.setText(BI.i18nText("BI-Select_Part")); this.text.setTitle(""); this.text.element.removeClass("state-editor-infinite-text"); } else { this.text.setText(BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Unrestricted")); this.text.setTitle(""); this.text.element.addClass("state-editor-infinite-text"); } return; } if (BI.isString(v)) { // if (BI.isEmpty(v)) { // this.text.setText(BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Unrestricted")); // this.text.setTitle(""); // this.text.element.addClass("state-editor-infinite-text"); // } else { this.text.setText(v); this.text.setTitle(v); this.text.element.removeClass("state-editor-infinite-text"); // } return; } if (BI.isArray(v)) { if (BI.isEmpty(v)) { this.text.setText(BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Unrestricted")); this.text.element.addClass("state-editor-infinite-text"); } else if (v.length === 1) { this.text.setText(v[0]); this.text.setTitle(v[0]); this.text.element.removeClass("state-editor-infinite-text"); } else { this.text.setText(BI.i18nText("BI-Select_Part")); this.text.setTitle(""); this.text.element.removeClass("state-editor-infinite-text"); } } } }); BI.StateEditor.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.StateEditor.EVENT_FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS"; BI.StateEditor.EVENT_BLUR = "EVENT_BLUR"; BI.StateEditor.EVENT_CLICK = "EVENT_CLICK"; BI.StateEditor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN = "EVENT_KEY_DOWN"; BI.StateEditor.EVENT_CLICK_LABEL = "EVENT_CLICK_LABEL"; BI.StateEditor.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.StateEditor.EVENT_PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.StateEditor.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.StateEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.StateEditor.EVENT_VALID = "EVENT_VALID"; BI.StateEditor.EVENT_ERROR = "EVENT_ERROR"; BI.StateEditor.EVENT_ENTER = "EVENT_ENTER"; BI.StateEditor.EVENT_RESTRICT = "EVENT_RESTRICT"; BI.StateEditor.EVENT_SPACE = "EVENT_SPACE"; BI.StateEditor.EVENT_EMPTY = "EVENT_EMPTY"; BI.shortcut("bi.state_editor", BI.StateEditor);/** * 无限制-已选择状态输入框 * Created by GUY on 2016/5/18. * @class BI.SimpleStateEditor * @extends BI.Single */ BI.SimpleStateEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.SimpleStateEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-simple-state-editor", hgap: 4, vgap: 2, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, validationChecker: BI.emptyFn, quitChecker: BI.emptyFn, mouseOut: false, allowBlank: true, watermark: "", errorText: "", height: 24 }); }, _init: function () { BI.SimpleStateEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.editor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.editor", height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, value: o.value, validationChecker: o.validationChecker, quitChecker: o.quitChecker, allowBlank: o.allowBlank, watermark: o.watermark, errorText: o.errorText }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_button", cls: "state-editor-infinite-text bi-disabled", textAlign: "left", height: o.height, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Unrestricted"), hgap: 4, handler: function () { self._showInput(); self.editor.focus(); self.editor.setValue(""); } }); this.text.on(BI.TextButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { BI.nextTick(function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_CLICK_LABEL); }); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.text, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); this.editor.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_FOCUS, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_FOCUS, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_BLUR, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_BLUR, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CLICK, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_CLICK, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN, function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_VALID, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_VALID, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { self._showHint(); self.fireEvent(BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_START, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_START, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_PAUSE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_STOP, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_SPACE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_SPACE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_ERROR, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_ERROR, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_ENTER, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_ENTER, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_RESTRICT, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_RESTRICT, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_EMPTY, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_EMPTY, arguments); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, element: this, items: [this.editor] }); this._showHint(); if(BI.isNotNull(o.text)){ this.setState(o.text); } }, doRedMark: function () { if (this.editor.getValue() === "" && BI.isKey(this.options.watermark)) { return; } this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { if (this.editor.getValue() === "" && BI.isKey(this.options.watermark)) { return; } this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, focus: function () { this._showInput(); this.editor.focus(); }, blur: function () { this.editor.blur(); this._showHint(); }, _showInput: function () { this.editor.visible(); this.text.invisible(); }, _showHint: function () { this.editor.invisible(); this.text.visible(); }, isValid: function () { return this.editor.isValid(); }, setErrorText: function (text) { this.editor.setErrorText(text); }, getErrorText: function () { return this.editor.getErrorText(); }, isEditing: function () { return this.editor.isEditing(); }, getLastValidValue: function () { return this.editor.getLastValidValue(); }, setValue: function (k) { this.editor.setValue(k); }, getValue: function () { return this.editor.getValue(); }, getState: function () { return this.editor.getValue().match(/[^\s]+/g); }, setState: function (v) { BI.SimpleStateEditor.superclass.setValue.apply(this, arguments); if (BI.isNumber(v)) { if (v === BI.Selection.All) { this.text.setText(BI.i18nText("BI-Already_Selected")); this.text.element.removeClass("state-editor-infinite-text"); } else if (v === BI.Selection.Multi) { this.text.setText(BI.i18nText("BI-Already_Selected")); this.text.element.removeClass("state-editor-infinite-text"); } else { this.text.setText(BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Unrestricted")); this.text.element.addClass("state-editor-infinite-text"); } return; } if (!BI.isArray(v) || v.length === 1) { this.text.setText(v); this.text.setTitle(v); this.text.element.removeClass("state-editor-infinite-text"); } else if (BI.isEmpty(v)) { this.text.setText(BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Unrestricted")); this.text.element.addClass("state-editor-infinite-text"); } else { this.text.setText(BI.i18nText("BI-Already_Selected")); this.text.element.removeClass("state-editor-infinite-text"); } } }); BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS"; BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_BLUR = "EVENT_BLUR"; BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_CLICK = "EVENT_CLICK"; BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN = "EVENT_KEY_DOWN"; BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_CLICK_LABEL = "EVENT_CLICK_LABEL"; BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_VALID = "EVENT_VALID"; BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_ERROR = "EVENT_ERROR"; BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_ENTER = "EVENT_ENTER"; BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_RESTRICT = "EVENT_RESTRICT"; BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_SPACE = "EVENT_SPACE"; BI.SimpleStateEditor.EVENT_EMPTY = "EVENT_EMPTY"; BI.shortcut("bi.simple_state_editor", BI.SimpleStateEditor);/** * 有确定取消按钮的弹出层 * @class BI.BarPopoverSection * @extends BI.PopoverSection * @abstract */ BI.BarPopoverSection = BI.inherit(BI.PopoverSection, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.BarPopoverSection.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { btns: [BI.i18nText(BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Sure")), BI.i18nText(BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Cancel"))] }); }, _init: function () { BI.BarPopoverSection.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, rebuildSouth: function (south) { var self = this, o = this.options; this.sure = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button", text: this.options.btns[0], warningTitle: o.warningTitle, height: 30, value: 0, handler: function (v) { self.end(); self.close(v); } }); this.cancel = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button", text: this.options.btns[1], height: 30, value: 1, level: "ignore", handler: function (v) { self.close(v); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.right_vertical_adapt", element: south, lgap: 10, items: [this.cancel, this.sure] }); }, setConfirmButtonEnable: function (v) { this.sure.setEnable(!!v); } });/** * 下拉框弹出层的多选版本,toolbar带有若干按钮, zIndex在1000w * @class BI.MultiPopupView * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.MultiPopupView = BI.inherit(BI.PopupView, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.MultiPopupView.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-multi-list-view", buttons: [BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Sure")] }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiPopupView.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, _createToolBar: function () { var o = this.options, self = this; if (o.buttons.length === 0) { return; } var text = []; // 构造[{text:content},……] BI.each(o.buttons, function (idx, item) { text.push({ text: item, value: idx }); }); this.buttongroup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button_group", cls: "list-view-toolbar bi-high-light bi-border-top", height: 30, items: BI.createItems(text, { type: "bi.text_button", once: false, shadow: true, isShadowShowingOnSelected: true }), layouts: [{ type: "bi.center", hgap: 0, vgap: 0 }] }); this.buttongroup.on(BI.ButtonGroup.EVENT_CHANGE, function (value, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiPopupView.EVENT_CLICK_TOOLBAR_BUTTON, value, obj); }); return this.buttongroup; } }); BI.MultiPopupView.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.MultiPopupView.EVENT_CLICK_TOOLBAR_BUTTON = "EVENT_CLICK_TOOLBAR_BUTTON"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_popup_view", BI.MultiPopupView);/** * 可以理解为MultiPopupView和Panel两个面板的结合体 * @class BI.PopupPanel * @extends BI.MultiPopupView */ BI.PopupPanel = BI.inherit(BI.MultiPopupView, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.PopupPanel.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-popup-panel", title: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.PopupPanel.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, _createTool: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var close = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "close-h-font", width: 25, height: 25 }); close.on(BI.IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setVisible(false); self.fireEvent(BI.PopupPanel.EVENT_CLOSE); }); return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.htape", cls: "popup-panel-title bi-background bi-border", height: 25, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", text: o.title, height: 25, lgap: 10 } }, { el: close, width: 25 }] }); } }); BI.PopupPanel.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.PopupPanel.EVENT_CLOSE = "EVENT_CLOSE"; BI.PopupPanel.EVENT_CLICK_TOOLBAR_BUTTON = "EVENT_CLICK_TOOLBAR_BUTTON"; BI.shortcut("bi.popup_panel", BI.PopupPanel);/** * list面板 * * Created by GUY on 2015/10/30. * @class BI.ListPane * @extends BI.Pane */ BI.ListPane = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.ListPane.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-list-pane", logic: { dynamic: true }, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, vgap: 0, hgap: 0, items: [], itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, hasNext: BI.emptyFn, onLoaded: BI.emptyFn, el: { type: "bi.button_group" } }); }, _init: function () { BI.ListPane.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.button_group = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.button_group", chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE, behaviors: {}, items: o.items, itemsCreator: function (op, calback) { if (op.times === 1) { self.empty(); BI.nextTick(function () { self.loading(); }); } o.itemsCreator(op, function () { calback.apply(self, arguments); op.times === 1 && BI.nextTick(function () { self.loaded(); }); }); }, hasNext: o.hasNext, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] }); this.button_group.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.ListPane.EVENT_CHANGE, value, obj); } }); this.check(); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(BI.Direction.Top), BI.extend({ scrolly: true, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, vgap: o.vgap, hgap: o.hgap }, o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(BI.Direction.Top, this.button_group) })))); }, hasPrev: function () { return this.button_group.hasPrev && this.button_group.hasPrev(); }, hasNext: function () { return this.button_group.hasNext && this.button_group.hasNext(); }, prependItems: function (items) { this.options.items = items.concat(this.options.items); this.button_group.prependItems.apply(this.button_group, arguments); this.check(); }, addItems: function (items) { this.options.items = this.options.items.concat(items); this.button_group.addItems.apply(this.button_group, arguments); this.check(); }, removeItemAt: function (indexes) { indexes = indexes || []; BI.removeAt(this.options.items, indexes); this.button_group.removeItemAt.apply(this.button_group, arguments); this.check(); }, populate: function (items) { var self = this, o = this.options; if (arguments.length === 0 && (BI.isFunction(this.button_group.attr("itemsCreator")))) {// 接管loader的populate方法 this.button_group.attr("itemsCreator").apply(this, [{times: 1}, function () { if (arguments.length === 0) { throw new Error("参数不能为空"); } self.populate.apply(self, arguments); }]); return; } BI.ListPane.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this.button_group.populate.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, empty: function () { this.button_group.empty(); }, setNotSelectedValue: function () { this.button_group.setNotSelectedValue.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, getNotSelectedValue: function () { return this.button_group.getNotSelectedValue(); }, setValue: function () { this.button_group.setValue.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, getValue: function () { return this.button_group.getValue.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, getAllButtons: function () { return this.button_group.getAllButtons(); }, getAllLeaves: function () { return this.button_group.getAllLeaves(); }, getSelectedButtons: function () { return this.button_group.getSelectedButtons(); }, getNotSelectedButtons: function () { return this.button_group.getNotSelectedButtons(); }, getIndexByValue: function (value) { return this.button_group.getIndexByValue(value); }, getNodeById: function (id) { return this.button_group.getNodeById(id); }, getNodeByValue: function (value) { return this.button_group.getNodeByValue(value); } }); BI.ListPane.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.list_pane", BI.ListPane);/** * 带有标题栏的pane * @class BI.Panel * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.Panel = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Panel.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-panel bi-border", title: "", titleButtons: [], el: {}, logic: { dynamic: false } }); }, _init: function () { BI.Panel.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("vertical", BI.extend(o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection("top", this._createTitle() , this.options.el) })))); }, _createTitle: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "panel-title-text", text: o.title, height: 30 }); this.button_group = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button_group", items: o.titleButtons, layouts: [{ type: "bi.center_adapt", lgap: 10 }] }); this.button_group.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.button_group.on(BI.ButtonGroup.EVENT_CHANGE, function (value, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Panel.EVENT_CHANGE, value, obj); }); return { el: { type: "bi.left_right_vertical_adapt", cls: "panel-title bi-border-bottom bi-background", height: 29, items: { left: [this.text], right: [this.button_group] }, lhgap: 10, rhgap: 10 }, height: 30 }; }, setTitle: function (title) { this.text.setValue(title); } }); BI.Panel.EVENT_CHANGE = "Panel.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.panel", BI.Panel);/** * 选择列表 * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/1. * @class BI.SelectList * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.SelectList = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SelectList.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-select-list", direction: BI.Direction.Top, // toolbar的位置 logic: { dynamic: true }, items: [], itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, hasNext: BI.emptyFn, onLoaded: BI.emptyFn, toolbar: { type: "bi.multi_select_bar" }, el: { type: "bi.list_pane" } }); }, _init: function () { BI.SelectList.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; // 全选 this.toolbar = BI.createWidget(o.toolbar); this.allSelected = false; this.toolbar.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { self.allSelected = this.isSelected(); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.setAllSelected(self.allSelected); self.fireEvent(BI.SelectList.EVENT_CHANGE, value, obj); } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.list = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.list_pane", items: o.items, itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { op.times === 1 && self.toolbar.setVisible(false); o.itemsCreator(op, function (items) { callback.apply(self, arguments); if (op.times === 1) { self.toolbar.setVisible(items && items.length > 0); self.toolbar.setEnable(items && items.length > 0); } self._checkAllSelected(); }); }, onLoaded: o.onLoaded, hasNext: o.hasNext }); this.list.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self._checkAllSelected(); self.fireEvent(BI.SelectList.EVENT_CHANGE, value, obj); } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(o.direction), BI.extend({ scrolly: true }, o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(o.direction, this.toolbar, this.list) })))); if (o.items.length <= 0) { this.toolbar.setVisible(false); this.toolbar.setEnable(false); } if(BI.isNotNull(o.value)){ this.setValue(o.value); } }, _checkAllSelected: function () { var selectLength = this.list.getValue().length; var notSelectLength = this.getAllLeaves().length - selectLength; var hasNext = this.list.hasNext(); var isAlreadyAllSelected = this.toolbar.isSelected(); var isHalf = selectLength > 0 && (notSelectLength > 0 || (!isAlreadyAllSelected && hasNext)); isHalf = isHalf || (notSelectLength > 0 && hasNext && isAlreadyAllSelected); this.toolbar.setHalfSelected(isHalf); !isHalf && this.toolbar.setSelected(selectLength > 0 && notSelectLength <= 0 && (!hasNext || isAlreadyAllSelected)); }, setAllSelected: function (v) { BI.each(this.getAllButtons(), function (i, btn) { (btn.setSelected || btn.setAllSelected).apply(btn, [v]); }); this.allSelected = !!v; this.toolbar.setSelected(v); this.toolbar.setHalfSelected(false); }, setToolBarVisible: function (b) { this.toolbar.setVisible(b); }, isAllSelected: function () { return this.allSelected; // return this.toolbar.isSelected(); }, hasPrev: function () { return this.list.hasPrev(); }, hasNext: function () { return this.list.hasNext(); }, prependItems: function (items) { this.list.prependItems.apply(this.list, arguments); }, addItems: function (items) { this.list.addItems.apply(this.list, arguments); }, setValue: function (data) { var selectAll = data.type === BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_ALL; this.setAllSelected(selectAll); this.list[selectAll ? "setNotSelectedValue" : "setValue"](data.value); this._checkAllSelected(); }, getValue: function () { if (this.isAllSelected() === false) { return { type: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_MULTI, value: this.list.getValue(), assist: this.list.getNotSelectedValue() }; } return { type: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_ALL, value: this.list.getNotSelectedValue(), assist: this.list.getValue() }; }, empty: function () { this.list.empty(); }, populate: function (items) { this.toolbar.setVisible(!BI.isEmptyArray(items)); this.toolbar.setEnable(!BI.isEmptyArray(items)); this.list.populate.apply(this.list, arguments); this._checkAllSelected(); }, _setEnable: function (enable) { BI.SelectList.superclass._setEnable.apply(this, arguments); this.toolbar.setEnable(enable); }, resetHeight: function (h) { var toolHeight = ( this.toolbar.element.outerHeight() || 25) * ( this.toolbar.isVisible() ? 1 : 0); this.list.resetHeight ? this.list.resetHeight(h - toolHeight) : this.list.element.css({"max-height": h - toolHeight + "px"}); }, setNotSelectedValue: function () { this.list.setNotSelectedValue.apply(this.list, arguments); this._checkAllSelected(); }, getNotSelectedValue: function () { return this.list.getNotSelectedValue(); }, getAllButtons: function () { return this.list.getAllButtons(); }, getAllLeaves: function () { return this.list.getAllLeaves(); }, getSelectedButtons: function () { return this.list.getSelectedButtons(); }, getNotSelectedButtons: function () { return this.list.getNotSelectedButtons(); }, getIndexByValue: function (value) { return this.list.getIndexByValue(value); }, getNodeById: function (id) { return this.list.getNodeById(id); }, getNodeByValue: function (value) { return this.list.getNodeByValue(value); } }); BI.SelectList.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.select_list", BI.SelectList);/** * Created by roy on 15/11/6. */ BI.LazyLoader = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _const: { PAGE: 100 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.LazyLoader.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-lazy-loader", el: {} }); }, _init: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; BI.LazyLoader.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var all = o.items.length; this.loader = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.loader", element: this, // 下面是button_group的属性 el: o.el, itemsCreator: function (options, populate) { populate(self._getNextItems(options)); }, hasNext: function (option) { return option.count < all; } }); this.loader.on(BI.Loader.EVENT_CHANGE, function (obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.LazyLoader.EVENT_CHANGE, obj); }); }, _getNextItems: function (options) { var self = this, o = this.options; var lastNum = o.items.length - this._const.PAGE * (options.times - 1); var lastItems = BI.last(o.items, lastNum); var nextItems = BI.first(lastItems, this._const.PAGE); return nextItems; }, populate: function (items) { this.loader.populate(items); }, addItems: function (items) { this.loader.addItems(items); }, empty: function () { this.loader.empty(); }, setNotSelectedValue: function () { this.loader.setNotSelectedValue.apply(this.loader, arguments); }, getNotSelectedValue: function () { return this.loader.getNotSelectedValue(); }, setValue: function () { this.loader.setValue.apply(this.loader, arguments); }, getValue: function () { return this.loader.getValue.apply(this.loader, arguments); }, getAllButtons: function () { return this.loader.getAllButtons(); }, getAllLeaves: function () { return this.loader.getAllLeaves(); }, getSelectedButtons: function () { return this.loader.getSelectedButtons(); }, getNotSelectedButtons: function () { return this.loader.getNotSelectedButtons(); }, getIndexByValue: function (value) { return this.loader.getIndexByValue(value); }, getNodeById: function (id) { return this.loader.getNodeById(id); }, getNodeByValue: function (value) { return this.loader.getNodeByValue(value); } }); BI.LazyLoader.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.lazy_loader", BI.LazyLoader);/** * 恶心的加载控件, 为解决排序问题引入的控件 * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/12. * @class BI.ListLoader * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.ListLoader = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ListLoader.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-list-loader", isDefaultInit: true, // 是否默认初始化数据 // 下面是button_group的属性 el: { type: "bi.button_group" }, items: [], itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, onLoaded: BI.emptyFn, // 下面是分页信息 count: false, next: {}, hasNext: BI.emptyFn }); }, _nextLoad: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this.next.setLoading(); o.itemsCreator.apply(this, [{times: ++this.times}, function () { self.next.setLoaded(); self.addItems.apply(self, arguments); }]); }, _init: function () { BI.ListLoader.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.itemsCreator === false) { o.next = false; } this.button_group = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.button_group", element: this, chooseType: 0, items: o.items, behaviors: {}, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] }); this.button_group.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.ListLoader.EVENT_CHANGE, obj); } }); if (o.next !== false) { this.next = BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ type: "bi.loading_bar" }, o.next)); this.next.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self._nextLoad(); } }); } BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, items: [this.next] }); o.isDefaultInit && BI.isEmpty(o.items) && BI.nextTick(BI.bind(function () { this.populate(); }, this)); if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(o.items)) { this.populate(o.items); } }, hasNext: function () { var o = this.options; if (BI.isNumber(o.count)) { return this.count < o.count; } return !!o.hasNext.apply(this, [{ times: this.times, count: this.count }]); }, addItems: function (items) { this.count += items.length; if (BI.isObject(this.next)) { if (this.hasNext()) { this.options.items = this.options.items.concat(items); this.next.setLoaded(); } else { this.next.setEnd(); } } this.button_group.addItems.apply(this.button_group, arguments); this.next.element.appendTo(this.element); }, populate: function (items) { var self = this, o = this.options; if (arguments.length === 0 && (BI.isFunction(o.itemsCreator))) { o.itemsCreator.apply(this, [{times: 1}, function () { if (arguments.length === 0) { throw new Error("参数不能为空"); } self.populate.apply(self, arguments); o.onLoaded(); }]); return; } this.options.items = items; this.times = 1; this.count = 0; this.count += items.length; if (BI.isObject(this.next)) { if (this.hasNext()) { this.next.setLoaded(); } else { this.next.invisible(); } } BI.DOM.hang([this.next]); this.button_group.populate.apply(this.button_group, arguments); this.next.element.appendTo(this.element); }, empty: function () { BI.DOM.hang([this.next]); this.button_group.empty(); this.next.element.appendTo(this.element); BI.each([this.next], function (i, ob) { ob && ob.setVisible(false); }); }, setNotSelectedValue: function () { this.button_group.setNotSelectedValue.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, getNotSelectedValue: function () { return this.button_group.getNotSelectedValue(); }, setValue: function () { this.button_group.setValue.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, getValue: function () { return this.button_group.getValue.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, getAllButtons: function () { return this.button_group.getAllButtons(); }, getAllLeaves: function () { return this.button_group.getAllLeaves(); }, getSelectedButtons: function () { return this.button_group.getSelectedButtons(); }, getNotSelectedButtons: function () { return this.button_group.getNotSelectedButtons(); }, getIndexByValue: function (value) { return this.button_group.getIndexByValue(value); }, getNodeById: function (id) { return this.button_group.getNodeById(id); }, getNodeByValue: function (value) { return this.button_group.getNodeByValue(value); } }); BI.ListLoader.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.list_loader", BI.ListLoader);/** * Created by GUY on 2016/4/29. * * @class BI.SortList * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.SortList = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SortList.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-sort-list", isDefaultInit: true, // 是否默认初始化数据 // 下面是button_group的属性 el: { type: "bi.button_group" }, items: [], itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, onLoaded: BI.emptyFn, // 下面是分页信息 count: false, next: {}, hasNext: BI.emptyFn // containment: this.element, // connectWith: ".bi-sort-list", }); }, _init: function () { BI.SortList.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.loader = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.list_loader", element: this, isDefaultInit: o.isDefaultInit, el: o.el, items: this._formatItems(o.items), itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { o.itemsCreator(op, function (items) { callback(self._formatItems(items)); }); }, onLoaded: o.onLoaded, count: o.count, next: o.next, hasNext: o.hasNext }); this.loader.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.SortList.EVENT_CHANGE, value, obj); } }); this.loader.element.sortable({ containment: o.containment || this.element, connectWith: o.connectWith || ".bi-sort-list", items: ".sort-item", cursor: o.cursor || "drag", tolerance: o.tolerance || "intersect", placeholder: { element: function ($currentItem) { var holder = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "bi-sortable-holder", height: $currentItem.outerHeight() }); holder.element.css({ "margin-left": $currentItem.css("margin-left"), "margin-right": $currentItem.css("margin-right"), "margin-top": $currentItem.css("margin-top"), "margin-bottom": $currentItem.css("margin-bottom"), margin: $currentItem.css("margin") }); return holder.element; }, update: function () { } }, start: function (event, ui) { }, stop: function (event, ui) { self.fireEvent(BI.SortList.EVENT_CHANGE); }, over: function (event, ui) { } }); }, _formatItems: function (items) { BI.each(items, function (i, item) { item = BI.stripEL(item); item.cls = item.cls ? item.cls + " sort-item" : "sort-item"; item.attributes = { sorted: item.value }; }); return items; }, hasNext: function () { return this.loader.hasNext(); }, addItems: function (items) { this.loader.addItems(items); }, populate: function (items) { if (items) { arguments[0] = this._formatItems(items); } this.loader.populate.apply(this.loader, arguments); }, empty: function () { this.loader.empty(); }, setNotSelectedValue: function () { this.loader.setNotSelectedValue.apply(this.loader, arguments); }, getNotSelectedValue: function () { return this.loader.getNotSelectedValue(); }, setValue: function () { this.loader.setValue.apply(this.loader, arguments); }, getValue: function () { return this.loader.getValue(); }, getAllButtons: function () { return this.loader.getAllButtons(); }, getAllLeaves: function () { return this.loader.getAllLeaves(); }, getSelectedButtons: function () { return this.loader.getSelectedButtons(); }, getNotSelectedButtons: function () { return this.loader.getNotSelectedButtons(); }, getIndexByValue: function (value) { return this.loader.getIndexByValue(value); }, getNodeById: function (id) { return this.loader.getNodeById(id); }, getNodeByValue: function (value) { return this.loader.getNodeByValue(value); }, getSortedValues: function () { return this.loader.element.sortable("toArray", {attribute: "sorted"}); } }); BI.SortList.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.sort_list", BI.SortList);/** * 有总页数和总行数的分页控件 * Created by Young's on 2016/10/13. */ BI.AllCountPager = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.AllCountPager.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-all-count-pager", height: 30, pages: 1, // 必选项 curr: 1, // 初始化当前页, pages为数字时可用, count: 1 // 总行数 }); }, _init: function () { BI.AllCountPager.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.editor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.small_text_editor", cls: "pager-editor", validationChecker: function (v) { return (self.rowCount.getValue() === 0 && v === "0") || BI.isPositiveInteger(v); }, hgap: 4, vgap: 0, value: o.curr, errorText: BI.i18nText("BI-Please_Input_Positive_Integer"), width: 35, height: 20 }); this.pager = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.pager", width: 36, layouts: [{ type: "bi.horizontal", hgap: 1, vgap: 1 }], dynamicShow: false, pages: o.pages, curr: o.curr, groups: 0, first: false, last: false, prev: { type: "bi.icon_button", value: "prev", title: BI.i18nText("BI-Previous_Page"), warningTitle: BI.i18nText("BI-Current_Is_First_Page"), height: 20, cls: "all-pager-prev column-pre-page-h-font" }, next: { type: "bi.icon_button", value: "next", title: BI.i18nText("BI-Next_Page"), warningTitle: BI.i18nText("BI-Current_Is_Last_Page"), height: 20, cls: "all-pager-next column-next-page-h-font" }, hasPrev: o.hasPrev, hasNext: o.hasNext, firstPage: o.firstPage, lastPage: o.lastPage }); this.editor.on(BI.TextEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { self.pager.setValue(BI.parseInt(self.editor.getValue())); self.fireEvent(BI.AllCountPager.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.pager.on(BI.Pager.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.AllCountPager.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.pager.on(BI.Pager.EVENT_AFTER_POPULATE, function () { self.editor.setValue(self.pager.getCurrentPage()); }); this.allPages = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", width: 30, title: o.pages, text: "/" + o.pages }); this.rowCount = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", height: o.height, hgap: 5, text: o.count, title: o.count }); var count = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.left", height: o.height, scrollable: false, items: [{ type: "bi.label", height: o.height, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Total"), width: 15 }, this.rowCount, { type: "bi.label", height: o.height, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Tiao_Data"), width: 50, textAlign: "left" }] }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", element: this, columnSize: ["", 35, 40, 36], items: [count, this.editor, this.allPages, this.pager] }); }, alwaysShowPager: true, setAllPages: function (v) { this.allPages.setText("/" + v); this.allPages.setTitle(v); this.pager.setAllPages(v); this.editor.setEnable(v >= 1); }, setValue: function (v) { this.pager.setValue(v); }, setVPage: function (v) { this.pager.setValue(v); }, setCount: function (count) { this.rowCount.setText(count); this.rowCount.setTitle(count); }, getCurrentPage: function () { return this.pager.getCurrentPage(); }, hasPrev: function () { return this.pager.hasPrev(); }, hasNext: function () { return this.pager.hasNext(); }, setPagerVisible: function (b) { this.editor.setVisible(b); this.allPages.setVisible(b); this.pager.setVisible(b); }, populate: function () { this.pager.populate(); } }); BI.AllCountPager.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.all_count_pager", BI.AllCountPager);/** * 显示页码的分页控件 * * Created by GUY on 2016/6/30. * @class BI.DirectionPager * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.DirectionPager = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.DirectionPager.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-direction-pager", height: 30, horizontal: { pages: false, // 总页数 curr: 1, // 初始化当前页, pages为数字时可用 hasPrev: BI.emptyFn, hasNext: BI.emptyFn, firstPage: 1, lastPage: BI.emptyFn }, vertical: { pages: false, // 总页数 curr: 1, // 初始化当前页, pages为数字时可用 hasPrev: BI.emptyFn, hasNext: BI.emptyFn, firstPage: 1, lastPage: BI.emptyFn } }); }, _init: function () { BI.DirectionPager.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var v = o.vertical, h = o.horizontal; this._createVPager(); this._createHPager(); this.layout = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", scrollable: false, element: this, items: [{ el: this.vpager, top: 5, right: 74 }, { el: this.vlabel, top: 5, right: 111 }, { el: this.hpager, top: 5, right: -9 }, { el: this.hlabel, top: 5, right: 28 }] }); }, _createVPager: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var v = o.vertical; this.vlabel = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", width: 24, height: 20, value: v.curr, title: v.curr, invisible: true }); this.vpager = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.pager", width: 76, layouts: [{ type: "bi.horizontal", scrollx: false, rgap: 24, vgap: 1 }], invisible: true, dynamicShow: false, pages: v.pages, curr: v.curr, groups: 0, first: false, last: false, prev: { type: "bi.icon_button", value: "prev", title: BI.i18nText("BI-Up_Page"), warningTitle: BI.i18nText("BI-Current_Is_First_Page"), height: 20, iconWidth: 16, iconHeight: 16, cls: "direction-pager-prev column-pre-page-h-font" }, next: { type: "bi.icon_button", value: "next", title: BI.i18nText("BI-Down_Page"), warningTitle: BI.i18nText("BI-Current_Is_Last_Page"), height: 20, iconWidth: 16, iconHeight: 16, cls: "direction-pager-next column-next-page-h-font" }, hasPrev: v.hasPrev, hasNext: v.hasNext, firstPage: v.firstPage, lastPage: v.lastPage }); this.vpager.on(BI.Pager.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.DirectionPager.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.vpager.on(BI.Pager.EVENT_AFTER_POPULATE, function () { self.vlabel.setValue(this.getCurrentPage()); self.vlabel.setTitle(this.getCurrentPage()); }); }, _createHPager: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var h = o.horizontal; this.hlabel = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", width: 24, height: 20, value: h.curr, title: h.curr, invisible: true }); this.hpager = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.pager", width: 76, layouts: [{ type: "bi.horizontal", scrollx: false, rgap: 24, vgap: 1 }], invisible: true, dynamicShow: false, pages: h.pages, curr: h.curr, groups: 0, first: false, last: false, prev: { type: "bi.icon_button", value: "prev", title: BI.i18nText("BI-Left_Page"), warningTitle: BI.i18nText("BI-Current_Is_First_Page"), height: 20, iconWidth: 16, iconHeight: 16, cls: "direction-pager-prev row-pre-page-h-font" }, next: { type: "bi.icon_button", value: "next", title: BI.i18nText("BI-Right_Page"), warningTitle: BI.i18nText("BI-Current_Is_Last_Page"), height: 20, iconWidth: 16, iconHeight: 16, cls: "direction-pager-next row-next-page-h-font" }, hasPrev: h.hasPrev, hasNext: h.hasNext, firstPage: h.firstPage, lastPage: h.lastPage }); this.hpager.on(BI.Pager.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.DirectionPager.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.hpager.on(BI.Pager.EVENT_AFTER_POPULATE, function () { self.hlabel.setValue(this.getCurrentPage()); self.hlabel.setTitle(this.getCurrentPage()); }); }, getVPage: function () { return this.vpager.getCurrentPage(); }, getHPage: function () { return this.hpager.getCurrentPage(); }, setVPage: function (v) { this.vpager.setValue(v); this.vlabel.setValue(v); this.vlabel.setTitle(v); }, setHPage: function (v) { this.hpager.setValue(v); this.hlabel.setValue(v); this.hlabel.setTitle(v); }, hasVNext: function () { return this.vpager.hasNext(); }, hasHNext: function () { return this.hpager.hasNext(); }, hasVPrev: function () { return this.vpager.hasPrev(); }, hasHPrev: function () { return this.hpager.hasPrev(); }, setHPagerVisible: function (b) { this.hpager.setVisible(b); this.hlabel.setVisible(b); }, setVPagerVisible: function (b) { this.vpager.setVisible(b); this.vlabel.setVisible(b); }, populate: function () { this.vpager.populate(); this.hpager.populate(); var vShow = false, hShow = false; if (!this.hasHNext() && !this.hasHPrev()) { this.setHPagerVisible(false); } else { this.setHPagerVisible(true); hShow = true; } if (!this.hasVNext() && !this.hasVPrev()) { this.setVPagerVisible(false); } else { this.setVPagerVisible(true); vShow = true; } this.setVisible(hShow || vShow); var num = [74, 111, -9, 28]; var items = this.layout.attr("items"); if (vShow === true && hShow === true) { items[0].right = num[0]; items[1].right = num[1]; items[2].right = num[2]; items[3].right = num[3]; } else if (vShow === true) { items[0].right = num[2]; items[1].right = num[3]; } else if (hShow === true) { items[2].right = num[2]; items[3].right = num[3]; } this.layout.attr("items", items); this.layout.resize(); }, clear: function () { this.vpager.attr("curr", 1); this.hpager.attr("curr", 1); } }); BI.DirectionPager.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.direction_pager", BI.DirectionPager);/** * 分页控件 * * Created by GUY on 2015/8/31. * @class BI.DetailPager * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.DetailPager = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.DetailPager.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-detail-pager", behaviors: {}, layouts: [{ type: "bi.horizontal", hgap: 10, vgap: 0 }], dynamicShow: true, // 是否动态显示上一页、下一页、首页、尾页, 若为false,则指对其设置使能状态 // dynamicShow为false时以下两个有用 dynamicShowFirstLast: false, // 是否动态显示首页、尾页 dynamicShowPrevNext: false, // 是否动态显示上一页、下一页 pages: false, // 总页数 curr: function () { return 1; }, // 初始化当前页 groups: 0, // 连续显示分页数 jump: BI.emptyFn, // 分页的回调函数 first: false, // 是否显示首页 last: false, // 是否显示尾页 prev: "上一页", next: "下一页", firstPage: 1, lastPage: function () { // 在万不得已时才会调用这个函数获取最后一页的页码, 主要作用于setValue方法 return 1; }, hasPrev: BI.emptyFn, // pages不可用时有效 hasNext: BI.emptyFn // pages不可用时有效 }); }, _init: function () { BI.DetailPager.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this; this.currPage = BI.result(this.options, "curr"); // 翻页太灵敏 this._lock = false; this._debouce = BI.debounce(function () { self._lock = false; }, 300); this._populate(); }, _populate: function () { var self = this, o = this.options, view = [], dict = {}; this.empty(); var pages = BI.result(o, "pages"); var curr = BI.result(this, "currPage"); var groups = BI.result(o, "groups"); var first = BI.result(o, "first"); var last = BI.result(o, "last"); var prev = BI.result(o, "prev"); var next = BI.result(o, "next"); if (pages === false) { groups = 0; first = false; last = false; } else { groups > pages && (groups = pages); } // 计算当前组 dict.index = Math.ceil((curr + ((groups > 1 && groups !== pages) ? 1 : 0)) / (groups === 0 ? 1 : groups)); // 当前页非首页,则输出上一页 if (((!o.dynamicShow && !o.dynamicShowPrevNext) || curr > 1) && prev !== false) { if (BI.isKey(prev)) { view.push({ text: prev, value: "prev", disabled: pages === false ? o.hasPrev(curr) === false : !(curr > 1 && prev !== false) }); } else { view.push(BI.extend({ disabled: pages === false ? o.hasPrev(curr) === false : !(curr > 1 && prev !== false) }, prev)); } } // 当前组非首组,则输出首页 if (((!o.dynamicShow && !o.dynamicShowFirstLast) || (dict.index > 1 && groups !== 0)) && first) { view.push({ text: first, value: "first", disabled: !(dict.index > 1 && groups !== 0) }); if (dict.index > 1 && groups !== 0) { view.push({ type: "bi.label", cls: "page-ellipsis", text: "\u2026" }); } } // 输出当前页组 dict.poor = Math.floor((groups - 1) / 2); dict.start = dict.index > 1 ? curr - dict.poor : 1; dict.end = dict.index > 1 ? (function () { var max = curr + (groups - dict.poor - 1); return max > pages ? pages : max; }()) : groups; if (dict.end - dict.start < groups - 1) { // 最后一组状态 dict.start = dict.end - groups + 1; } var s = dict.start, e = dict.end; if (first && last && (dict.index > 1 && groups !== 0) && (pages > groups && dict.end < pages && groups !== 0)) { s++; e--; } for (; s <= e; s++) { if (s === curr) { view.push({ text: s, value: s, selected: true }); } else { view.push({ text: s, value: s }); } } // 总页数大于连续分页数,且当前组最大页小于总页,输出尾页 if (((!o.dynamicShow && !o.dynamicShowFirstLast) || (pages > groups && dict.end < pages && groups !== 0)) && last) { if (pages > groups && dict.end < pages && groups !== 0) { view.push({ type: "bi.label", cls: "page-ellipsis", text: "\u2026" }); } view.push({ text: last, value: "last", disabled: !(pages > groups && dict.end < pages && groups !== 0) }); } // 当前页不为尾页时,输出下一页 dict.flow = !prev && groups === 0; if (((!o.dynamicShow && !o.dynamicShowPrevNext) && next) || (curr !== pages && next || dict.flow)) { view.push((function () { if (BI.isKey(next)) { if (pages === false) { return {text: next, value: "next", disabled: o.hasNext(curr) === false}; } return (dict.flow && curr === pages) ? {text: next, value: "next", disabled: true} : {text: next, value: "next", disabled: !(curr !== pages && next || dict.flow)}; } return BI.extend({ disabled: pages === false ? o.hasNext(curr) === false : !(curr !== pages && next || dict.flow) }, next); }())); } this.button_group = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button_group", element: this, items: BI.createItems(view, { cls: "page-item bi-border bi-list-item-active", height: 23, hgap: 10 }), behaviors: o.behaviors, layouts: o.layouts }); this.button_group.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { if (self._lock === true) { return; } self._lock = true; self._debouce(); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { var v = self.button_group.getValue()[0]; switch (v) { case "first": self.currPage = 1; break; case "last": self.currPage = pages; break; case "prev": self.currPage--; break; case "next": self.currPage++; break; default: self.currPage = v; break; } o.jump.apply(self, [{ pages: pages, curr: self.currPage }]); self._populate(); self.fireEvent(BI.DetailPager.EVENT_CHANGE, obj); } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.fireEvent(BI.DetailPager.EVENT_AFTER_POPULATE); }, getCurrentPage: function () { return this.currPage; }, setAllPages: function (pages) { this.options.pages = pages; }, hasPrev: function (v) { v || (v = 1); var o = this.options; var pages = this.options.pages; return pages === false ? o.hasPrev(v) : v > 1; }, hasNext: function (v) { v || (v = 1); var o = this.options; var pages = this.options.pages; return pages === false ? o.hasNext(v) : v < pages; }, setValue: function (v) { var o = this.options; v = v | 0; v = v < 1 ? 1 : v; if (o.pages === false) { var lastPage = BI.result(o, "lastPage"), firstPage = 1; this.currPage = v > lastPage ? lastPage : ((firstPage = BI.result(o, "firstPage")), (v < firstPage ? firstPage : v)); } else { v = v > o.pages ? o.pages : v; this.currPage = v; } this._populate(); }, getValue: function () { var val = this.button_group.getValue()[0]; switch (val) { case "prev": return -1; case "next": return 1; case "first": return BI.MIN; case "last": return BI.MAX; default : return val; } }, attr: function (key, value) { BI.DetailPager.superclass.attr.apply(this, arguments); if (key === "curr") { this.currPage = BI.result(this.options, "curr"); } }, populate: function () { this._populate(); } }); BI.DetailPager.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.DetailPager.EVENT_AFTER_POPULATE = "EVENT_AFTER_POPULATE"; BI.shortcut("bi.detail_pager", BI.DetailPager);/** * * Created by GUY on 2017/09/18. * @class BI.TextToolbar * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.RichEditorAction = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.RichEditorAction.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { width: 20, height: 20, command: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.RichEditorAction.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; o.editor.on(BI.NicEditor.EVENT_SELECTED, function (e) { self.setEnable(true); self.checkNodes(e.target); self.key(e); }); o.editor.on(BI.NicEditor.EVENT_BLUR, function () { self.setEnable(false); }); o.editor.on(BI.NicEditor.EVENT_KEYDOWN, BI.bind(this.keydown, this)); }, checkNodes: function (e) { if (!e) { return false; } var elm = e; do { if (this.options.tags && this.options.tags.contains(elm.nodeName)) { this.activate(); return true; } } while (elm = elm.parentNode && elm.className && elm.className.indexOf("bi-nic-editor") >= -1); elm = e; while (elm.nodeType == 3) { elm = elm.parentNode; } if (this.options.css) { for (var itm in this.options.css) { if ($(elm).css(itm) == this.options.css[itm]) { this.activate(); return true; } } } this.deactivate(); return false; }, start: function () { }, key: function () { }, keydown: function () { }, hideIf: function (e) { }, activate: function () { }, deactivate: function () { }, doCommand: function (args) { if (this.options.command) { this.options.editor.nicCommand(this.options.command, args); } } });/** * * Created by GUY on 2017/09/18. * @class BI.RichEditorParamAction * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.RichEditorParamAction = BI.inherit(BI.RichEditorAction, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.RichEditorParamAction.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {}); }, _init: function () { BI.RichEditorParamAction.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, _createBlankNode: function () { return $("<span>").html(" "); }, _addBlank: function ($param) { var o = this.options; var instance = o.editor.selectedInstance; var next = $param.next(); if (next.length === 0) { var nextNode = this._createBlankNode(); $param.after(nextNode); instance.setFocus(nextNode[0]); } else { instance.setFocus(next[0]); } }, addParam: function (param) { var o = this.options; var instance = o.editor.instance; var image = new Image(); var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); $("body").append(canvas); canvas.width = BI.DOM.getTextSizeWidth(param, 14) + 6; canvas.height = 16; var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.font = "14px Georgia"; ctx.fillStyle = "#ffffff"; ctx.fillText(param, 3, 14); image.src = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); image.alt = param; $(image).css({"background-color": "#3f8ce8", "vertical-align": "sub", "margin": "0 3px;"}); instance.getElm().element.append(image); this._addBlank($(image)); $(canvas).destroy(); } }); // /** // * // * Created by GUY on 2017/09/18. // * @class BI.RichEditorParamAction // * @extends BI.Widget // */ // BI.RichEditorParamAction = BI.inherit(BI.RichEditorAction, { // _defaultConfig: function () { // return BI.extend(BI.RichEditorParamAction.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {}); // }, // // _init: function () { // BI.RichEditorParamAction.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); // }, // // _isParam: function (sel) { // return sel.attr("data-type") === "param"; // }, // // _createBlankNode: function () { // return $("<span>").html(" "); // }, // // _addBlank: function ($param) { // var o = this.options; // var instance = o.editor.selectedInstance; // var next = $param.next(); // if (next.length === 0 || this._isParam(next)) { // var preNode = this._createBlankNode(); // var nextNode = this._createBlankNode(); // $param.before(preNode); // $param.after(nextNode); // instance.setFocus(nextNode[0]); // } else { // instance.setFocus(next[0]); // } // }, // // _get$Sel: function () { // var o = this.options; // var instance = o.editor.selectedInstance; // var sel = $(instance.selElm()); // if (sel[0].nodeType === 3 && this._isParam(sel.parent())) { // sel = sel.parent(); // } // return sel; // }, // // addParam: function (param) { // var o = this.options; // var sel = this._get$Sel(); // var $param = $("<span>").attr({ // "data-type": "param", // "data-value": param // }).css({ // color: "white", // backgroundColor: "#009de3", // padding: "0 5px" // }).text(param).keydown(function (e) { // if (e.keyCode === BI.KeyCode.BACKSPACE || e.keyCode === BI.KeyCode.DELETE) { // $param.destroy(); // } // e.stopEvent(); // return false; // }); // var wrapper = o.editor.instance.getElm().element; // if (wrapper.find(sel).length <= 0) { // wrapper.append($param); // } else { // sel.after($param); // } // this._addBlank($param); // }, // // keydown: function (e) { // var o = this.options; // var sel = this._get$Sel(); // if (e.keyCode === 229) {// 中文输入法 // if (this._isParam(sel)) { // this._addBlank(sel); // e.stopEvent(); // return false; // } // } // if (BI.Key[e.keyCode] || e.keyCode === BI.KeyCode.TAB || e.keyCode === BI.KeyCode.ENTER || e.keyCode === BI.KeyCode.SPACE) { // if (this._isParam(sel)) { // e.stopEvent(); // return false; // } // } // if (e.keyCode === BI.KeyCode.BACKSPACE || e.keyCode === BI.KeyCode.DELETE) { // if (this._isParam(sel)) { // sel.destroy(); // e.preventDefault(); // return false; // } // } // }, // // key: function (e) { // } // }); /** * 颜色选择 * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/26. * @class BI.RichEditorTextToolbar * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.RichEditorTextToolbar = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.RichEditorTextToolbar.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-rich-editor-text-toolbar bi-background", buttons: [ {type: "bi.rich_editor_size_chooser"}, {type: "bi.rich_editor_bold_button"}, {type: "bi.rich_editor_italic_button"}, {type: "bi.rich_editor_underline_button"}, {type: "bi.rich_editor_color_chooser"}, {type: "bi.rich_editor_background_color_chooser"}, {type: "bi.rich_editor_align_left_button"}, {type: "bi.rich_editor_align_center_button"}, {type: "bi.rich_editor_align_right_button"}, {type: "bi.rich_editor_param_button"} ], height: 28 }); }, _init: function () { BI.RichEditorTextToolbar.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var buttons = BI.createWidgets(BI.map(o.buttons, function (i, btn) { return BI.extend(btn, { editor: o.editor }); })); this.element.mousedown(function (e) { BI.each(buttons, function (i, btn) { btn.hideIf(e); }); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.left", element: this, items: buttons, hgap: 3, vgap: 3 }); }, mounted: function () { var self = this; if (BI.isIE9Below()) {// IE8下必须要设置unselectable才能不blur输入框 this.element.mousedown(function () { self._noSelect(self.element[0]); }); this._noSelect(this.element[0]); } }, _noSelect: function (element) { if (element.setAttribute && element.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "input" && element.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "textarea") { element.setAttribute("unselectable", "on"); } for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) { this._noSelect(element.childNodes[i]); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.rich_editor_text_toolbar", BI.RichEditorTextToolbar);/** * 富文本编辑器 * * Created by GUY on 2017/9/15. * @class BI.NicEditor * @extends BI.Widget */ !(function () { BI.NicEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.NicEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-nic-editor" }); }, _init: function () { BI.NicEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; $(document).bind("mousedown." + this.getName(), BI.bind(this.selectCheck, this)); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, items: [{ type: "bi.layout", height: 1 }, this.instance = this.addInstance()] }); }, addInstance: function () { var o = this.options; var conf = { ne: this, height: o.height - 1, maxHeight: o.maxHeight ? o.maxHeight : null }; if (this.element[0].contentEditable || !!window.opera) { var newInstance = new nicEditorInstance(conf); } else { console.error("不支持此浏览器"); } return newInstance; }, nicCommand: function (cmd, args) { if (this.selectedInstance) { this.selectedInstance.nicCommand(cmd, args); } }, selectCheck: function (e) { var t = e.target; var found = false; do { if (t.nodeName !== "svg" && t.className && t.className.indexOf(prefix) != -1) { return; // return false; } } while (t = t.parentNode); this.fireEvent("blur", t); this.lastSelectedInstance = this.selectedInstance; this.selectedInstance = null; // return false; }, setValue: function (v) { this.instance.setContent(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.instance.getContent(); }, destroyed: function () { $(document).unbind("mousedown." + this.getName()); } }); BI.NicEditor.EVENT_SELECTED = "selected"; BI.NicEditor.EVENT_BLUR = "blur"; BI.NicEditor.EVENT_KEYDOWN = "keydown"; BI.shortcut("bi.nic_editor", BI.NicEditor); var prefix = "niceditor-"; var nicEditorInstance = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, { isSelected: false, _init: function () { nicEditorInstance.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.ne = this.options.ne; this.elm = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", width: o.width - 8, scrollable: false }); this.elm.element.css({ margin: "4px", minHeight: (o.height - 8) + "px", outline: "none" }).html(o.value); this.element.css("maxHeight", (o.maxHeight) ? o.maxHeight + "px" : null); this.e = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", invisible: true, tagName: "textarea" }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.default", element: this, scrolly: true, items: [this.elm, this.e] }); this.ne.on("blur", BI.bind(this.blur, this)); this.start(); this.blur(); }, start: function () { this.elm.element.attr("contentEditable", true); if (this.getContent() == "") { // this.setContent("<br />"); } this.instanceDoc = document.defaultView; this.elm.element.on("mousedown", BI.bind(this.selected, this)); this.elm.element.on("keydown", BI.bind(this.keyDown, this)); this.elm.element.on("focus", BI.bind(this.selected, this)); this.elm.element.on("blur", BI.bind(this.blur, this)); this.elm.element.on("keyup", BI.bind(this.selected, this)); this.ne.fireEvent("add"); }, disable: function () { this.elm.element.attr("contentEditable", false); }, getSel: function () { return (window.getSelection) ? window.getSelection() : document.selection; }, getRng: function () { var s = this.getSel(); if (!s || s.rangeCount === 0) { return; } return (s.rangeCount > 0) ? s.getRangeAt(0) : s.createRange(); }, selRng: function (rng, s) { if (window.getSelection) { s.removeAllRanges(); s.addRange(rng); } else { rng.select(); } }, selElm: function () { var r = this.getRng(); if (!r) { return; } if (r.startContainer) { var contain = r.startContainer; if (r.cloneContents().childNodes.length == 1) { for (var i = 0; i < contain.childNodes.length; i++) { var rng = contain.childNodes[i].ownerDocument.createRange(); rng.selectNode(contain.childNodes[i]); if (r.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.START_TO_START, rng) != 1 && r.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.END_TO_END, rng) != -1) { return contain.childNodes[i]; } } } return contain; } return (this.getSel().type == "Control") ? r.item(0) : r.parentElement(); }, saveRng: function () { this.savedRange = this.getRng(); this.savedSel = this.getSel(); }, setFocus: function (el) { try { el.focus(); } catch (e) { } if (!window.getSelection) { var rng; try { el.focus(); } catch (e) { } rng = document.selection.createRange(); rng.moveStart("character", -el.innerText.length); var text = rng.text; for (var i = 0; i < el.innerText.length; i++) { if (el.innerText.substring(0, i + 1) == text.substring(text.length - i - 1, text.length)) { result = i + 1; } } } else { var range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(el); range.collapse(false); var sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); } }, restoreRng: function () { if (this.savedRange) { this.selRng(this.savedRange, this.savedSel); } }, keyDown: function (e, t) { this.ne.fireEvent("keydown", e); }, selected: function (e) { var t = e.target; if (!t && !(t = this.selElm())) { t = this.selElm(); } if (!e.ctrlKey) { var selInstance = this.ne.selectedInstance; if (selInstance != this) { if (selInstance) { this.ne.fireEvent("blur", e); } this.ne.selectedInstance = this; this.ne.fireEvent("focus", e); } this.ne.fireEvent("selected", e); this.isFocused = true; this.elm.element.addClass(prefix + "selected"); } // return false; }, blur: function () { this.isFocused = false; this.elm.element.removeClass(prefix + "selected"); }, saveContent: function () { this.ne.fireEvent("save"); this.e.element.value(this.getContent()); }, getElm: function () { return this.elm; }, getContent: function () { this.content = this.getElm().element.html(); this.ne.fireEvent("get"); return this.content; }, setContent: function (e) { this.content = e; this.ne.fireEvent("set"); this.elm.element.html(this.content); }, nicCommand: function (cmd, args) { document.execCommand(cmd, false, args); } }); }()); /** * 颜色选择trigger * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/26. * @class BI.RichEditorBackgroundChooserTrigger * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.RichEditorBackgroundChooserTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.RichEditorBackgroundChooserTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { width: 20, height: 20 }); }, _init: function () { BI.RichEditorBackgroundChooserTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.font = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "text-background-font" }); this.underline = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "text-color-underline-font" }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.font, top: 2, left: 2 }, { el: this.underline, top: 7, left: 2 }] }); }, setValue: function (color) { this.underline.element.css("color", color); }, getValue: function () { return this.font.element.css("color"); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.rich_editor_background_color_chooser_trigger", BI.RichEditorBackgroundChooserTrigger);/** * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/26. * @class BI.RichEditorAlignCenterButton * @extends BI.RichEditorAction */ BI.RichEditorAlignCenterButton = BI.inherit(BI.RichEditorAction, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.RichEditorAlignCenterButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { width: 20, height: 20, command: "justifycenter" }); }, _init: function () { BI.RichEditorAlignCenterButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.align = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", element: this, forceNotSelected: true, title: BI.i18nText("BI-Word_Align_Center"), height: 20, width: 20, cls: "text-toolbar-button bi-list-item-active text-align-center-font" }); this.align.on(BI.IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.doCommand(); }); }, activate: function () { }, deactivate: function () { } }); BI.shortcut("bi.rich_editor_align_center_button", BI.RichEditorAlignCenterButton);/** * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/26. * @class BI.RichEditorAlignLeftButton * @extends BI.RichEditorAction */ BI.RichEditorAlignLeftButton = BI.inherit(BI.RichEditorAction, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.RichEditorAlignLeftButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { width: 20, height: 20, command: "justifyleft" }); }, _init: function () { BI.RichEditorAlignLeftButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.align = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", element: this, forceNotSelected: true, title: BI.i18nText("BI-Word_Align_Left"), height: 20, width: 20, cls: "text-toolbar-button bi-list-item-active text-align-left-font" }); this.align.on(BI.IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.doCommand(); }); }, activate: function () { }, deactivate: function () { } }); BI.shortcut("bi.rich_editor_align_left_button", BI.RichEditorAlignLeftButton);/** * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/26. * @class BI.RichEditorAlignRightButton * @extends BI.RichEditorAction */ BI.RichEditorAlignRightButton = BI.inherit(BI.RichEditorAction, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.RichEditorAlignRightButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { width: 20, height: 20, command: "justifyright" }); }, _init: function () { BI.RichEditorAlignRightButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.align = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", element: this, forceNotSelected: true, title: BI.i18nText("BI-Word_Align_Right"), height: 20, width: 20, cls: "text-toolbar-button bi-list-item-active text-align-right-font" }); this.align.on(BI.IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.doCommand(); }); }, activate: function () { }, deactivate: function () { } }); BI.shortcut("bi.rich_editor_align_right_button", BI.RichEditorAlignRightButton);/** * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/26. * @class BI.RichEditorBoldButton * @extends BI.RichEditorAction */ BI.RichEditorBoldButton = BI.inherit(BI.RichEditorAction, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.RichEditorBoldButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { width: 20, height: 20, command: "Bold", tags: ["B", "STRONG"], css: {fontWeight: "bold"} }); }, _init: function () { BI.RichEditorBoldButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.bold = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", element: this, title: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Bold"), height: 20, width: 20, cls: "text-toolbar-button bi-list-item-active text-bold-font" }); this.bold.on(BI.IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.doCommand(); }); }, activate: function () { this.bold.setSelected(true); }, deactivate: function () { this.bold.setSelected(false); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.rich_editor_bold_button", BI.RichEditorBoldButton);/** * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/26. * @class BI.RichEditorItalicButton * @extends BI.RichEditorAction */ BI.RichEditorItalicButton = BI.inherit(BI.RichEditorAction, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.RichEditorItalicButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { width: 20, height: 20, command: "Italic", tags: ["EM", "I"], css: {fontStyle: "italic"} }); }, _init: function () { BI.RichEditorItalicButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.italic = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", element: this, title: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Italic"), height: 20, width: 20, cls: "text-toolbar-button bi-list-item-active text-italic-font" }); this.italic.on(BI.IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.doCommand(); }); }, activate: function () { this.italic.setSelected(true); }, deactivate: function () { this.italic.setSelected(false); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.rich_editor_italic_button", BI.RichEditorItalicButton);/** * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/26. * @class BI.RichEditorParamButton * @extends BI.RichEditorParamAction */ BI.RichEditorParamButton = BI.inherit(BI.RichEditorParamAction, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.RichEditorParamButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { width: 20, height: 20 }); }, _init: function () { BI.RichEditorParamButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.param = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button", element: this, level: "ignore", minWidth: 0, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Formula_Insert"), height: 20, width: 30 }); this.param.on(BI.Button.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.addParam("参数"); }); }, activate: function () { }, deactivate: function () { } }); BI.shortcut("bi.rich_editor_param_button", BI.RichEditorParamButton);/** * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/26. * @class BI.RichEditorItalicButton * @extends BI.RichEditorAction */ BI.RichEditorUnderlineButton = BI.inherit(BI.RichEditorAction, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.RichEditorUnderlineButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { width: 20, height: 20, command: "Underline", tags: ["U"], css: {textDecoration: "underline"} }); }, _init: function () { BI.RichEditorUnderlineButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.underline = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", element: this, title: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Underline"), height: 20, width: 20, cls: "text-toolbar-button bi-list-item-active text-underline-font" }); this.underline.on(BI.IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.doCommand(); }); }, activate: function () { this.underline.setSelected(true); }, deactivate: function () { this.underline.setSelected(false); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.rich_editor_underline_button", BI.RichEditorUnderlineButton);/** * 颜色选择trigger * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/26. * @class BI.RichEditorColorChooserTrigger * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.RichEditorColorChooserTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.RichEditorColorChooserTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { width: 20, height: 20 }); }, _init: function () { BI.RichEditorColorChooserTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.font = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "text-color-font" }); this.underline = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "text-color-underline-font" }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.font, top: 2, left: 2 }, { el: this.underline, top: 7, left: 2 }] }); }, setValue: function (color) { this.underline.element.css("color", color); }, getValue: function () { return this.font.element.css("color"); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.rich_editor_color_chooser_trigger", BI.RichEditorColorChooserTrigger);/** * 颜色选择 * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/26. * @class BI.RichEditorBackgroundColorChooser * @extends BI.RichEditorAction */ BI.RichEditorBackgroundColorChooser = BI.inherit(BI.RichEditorAction, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.RichEditorBackgroundColorChooser.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { width: 20, height: 20 }); }, _init: function () { BI.RichEditorBackgroundColorChooser.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.colorchooser = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.color_chooser", element: this, width: o.width, height: o.height, el: { type: "bi.rich_editor_background_color_chooser_trigger", title: BI.i18nText("BI-Widget_Background_Colour"), cls: "text-toolbar-button" } }); this.colorchooser.on(BI.ColorChooser.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { var backgroundColor = this.getValue(); o.editor.element.css({ backgroundColor: backgroundColor, color: BI.DOM.getContrastColor(backgroundColor) }); this.setValue(""); }); }, hideIf: function (e) { if(!this.colorchooser.element.find(e.target).length > 0) { this.colorchooser.hideView(); } }, deactivate: function () { } }); BI.shortcut("bi.rich_editor_background_color_chooser", BI.RichEditorBackgroundColorChooser);/** * 颜色选择 * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/26. * @class BI.RichEditorColorChooser * @extends BI.RichEditorAction */ BI.RichEditorColorChooser = BI.inherit(BI.RichEditorAction, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.RichEditorColorChooser.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { width: 20, height: 20, command: "foreColor" }); }, _init: function () { BI.RichEditorColorChooser.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.colorchooser = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.color_chooser", element: this, width: o.width, height: o.height, el: { type: "bi.rich_editor_color_chooser_trigger", title: BI.i18nText("BI-Font_Colour"), cls: "text-toolbar-button" } }); this.colorchooser.on(BI.ColorChooser.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.doCommand(this.getValue()); }); }, hideIf: function (e) { if(!this.colorchooser.element.find(e.target).length > 0) { this.colorchooser.hideView(); } }, deactivate: function () { this.colorchooser.setValue(""); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.rich_editor_color_chooser", BI.RichEditorColorChooser);/** * 字体大小选择 * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/26. * @class BI.RichEditorSizeChooser * @extends BI.RichEditorAction */ BI.RichEditorSizeChooser = BI.inherit(BI.RichEditorAction, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.RichEditorSizeChooser.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-rich-editor-size-chooser bi-border bi-card", command: "FontSize", width: 50, height: 20 }); }, _items: [{ value: 1, text: "1(8pt)" }, { value: 2, text: "2(10pt)" }, { value: 3, text: "3(12pt)" }, { value: 4, text: "4(14pt)" }, { value: 5, text: "5(18pt)" }, { value: 6, text: "6(24pt)" }], _init: function () { BI.RichEditorSizeChooser.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_trigger", readonly: true, height: o.height, triggerWidth: 16, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Font_Size") }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", element: this, el: this.trigger, adjustLength: 1, popup: { maxWidth: 70, minWidth: 70, el: { type: "bi.button_group", items: BI.createItems(this._items, { type: "bi.single_select_item" }), layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] } } }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { var val = this.getValue()[0]; self.doCommand(val); this.hideView(); this.setValue([]); }); }, hideIf: function (e) { if(!this.combo.element.find(e.target).length > 0) { this.combo.hideView(); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.rich_editor_size_chooser", BI.RichEditorSizeChooser);/** * 富文本编辑器 * * Created by GUY on 2017/9/15. * @class BI.RichEditor * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.RichEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.RichEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-rich-editor bi-card", toolbar: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.RichEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.editor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.nic_editor", width: o.width, height: o.height }); this.editor.on(BI.NicEditor.EVENT_BLUR, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.RichEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", element: this, toggle: false, direction: "top,left", isNeedAdjustWidth: false, isNeedAdjustHeight: false, adjustLength: 1, el: this.editor, popup: { el: BI.extend({ type: "bi.rich_editor_text_toolbar", editor: this.editor }, o.toolbar), height: 30, stopPropagation: true, stopEvent: true } }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW, function () { }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.editor.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.editor.getValue(); } }); BI.RichEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.shortcut("bi.rich_editor", BI.RichEditor);/** * 分段控件使用的button * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/7. * @class BI.SegmentButton * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.SegmentButton = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.SegmentButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-segment-button bi-list-item-active", shadow: true, readonly: true, hgap: 5 }); }, _init: function () { BI.SegmentButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var opts = this.options, self = this; // if (BI.isNumber(opts.height) && BI.isNull(opts.lineHeight)) { // this.element.css({lineHeight : (opts.height - 2) + 'px'}); // } this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", element: this, height: opts.height - 2, whiteSpace: opts.whiteSpace, text: opts.text, value: opts.value, hgap: opts.hgap }); }, setSelected: function () { BI.SegmentButton.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); }, setText: function (text) { BI.SegmentButton.superclass.setText.apply(this, arguments); this.text.setText(text); }, destroy: function () { BI.SegmentButton.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.segment_button", BI.SegmentButton);/** * 单选按钮组 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/7. * @class BI.Segment * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.Segment = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Segment.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-segment", items: [], height: 24 }); }, _init: function () { BI.Segment.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.buttonGroup = BI.createWidget({ element: this, type: "bi.button_group", items: BI.createItems(o.items, { type: "bi.segment_button", height: o.height - 2, whiteSpace: o.whiteSpace }), layout: [ { type: "bi.center" } ] }); this.buttonGroup.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.buttonGroup.on(BI.ButtonGroup.EVENT_CHANGE, function (value, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Segment.EVENT_CHANGE, value, obj); }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.buttonGroup.setValue(v); }, setEnabledValue: function (v) { this.buttonGroup.setEnabledValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.buttonGroup.getValue(); } }); BI.Segment.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.segment", BI.Segment);/** * 自适应宽度的表格 * * Created by GUY on 2016/2/3. * @class BI.AdaptiveTable * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.AdaptiveTable = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _const: { perColumnSize: 100 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.AdaptiveTable.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-adaptive-table", el: { type: "bi.resizable_table" }, isNeedResize: true, isNeedFreeze: false, // 是否需要冻结单元格 freezeCols: [], // 冻结的列号,从0开始,isNeedFreeze为true时生效 isNeedMerge: false, // 是否需要合并单元格 mergeCols: [], // 合并的单元格列号 mergeRule: BI.emptyFn, columnSize: [], minColumnSize: [], maxColumnSize: [], headerRowSize: 25, rowSize: 25, regionColumnSize: [], header: [], items: [], // 二维数组 // 交叉表头 crossHeader: [], crossItems: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.AdaptiveTable.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var data = this._digest(); this.table = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.resizable_table", element: this, width: o.width, height: o.height, isNeedResize: o.isNeedResize, isResizeAdapt: false, isNeedFreeze: o.isNeedFreeze, freezeCols: data.freezeCols, isNeedMerge: o.isNeedMerge, mergeCols: o.mergeCols, mergeRule: o.mergeRule, columnSize: data.columnSize, headerRowSize: o.headerRowSize, rowSize: o.rowSize, regionColumnSize: data.regionColumnSize, header: o.header, items: o.items, // 交叉表头 crossHeader: o.crossHeader, crossItems: o.crossItems }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_REGION_RESIZE, function () { o.regionColumnSize = this.getRegionColumnSize(); self._populate(); self.table.populate(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_REGION_RESIZE, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_COLUMN_RESIZE, function () { o.columnSize = this.getColumnSize(); self._populate(); self.table.populate(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_COLUMN_RESIZE, arguments); }); }, _getFreezeColLength: function () { var o = this.options; return o.isNeedFreeze === true ? BI.clamp(o.freezeCols.length, 0, o.columnSize.length) : 0; }, _digest: function () { var o = this.options; var columnSize = o.columnSize.slice(); var regionColumnSize = o.regionColumnSize.slice(); var freezeCols = o.freezeCols.slice(); var regionSize = o.regionColumnSize[0]; var freezeColLength = this._getFreezeColLength(); if (!regionSize || regionSize > o.width - 10 || regionSize < 10) { regionSize = (freezeColLength > o.columnSize.length / 2 ? 2 / 3 : 1 / 3) * o.width; } if (freezeColLength === 0) { regionSize = 0; } if (freezeCols.length >= columnSize.length) { freezeCols = []; } if (!BI.isNumber(columnSize[0])) { columnSize = o.minColumnSize.slice(); } var summaryFreezeColumnSize = 0, summaryColumnSize = 0; BI.each(columnSize, function (i, size) { if (i < freezeColLength) { summaryFreezeColumnSize += size; } summaryColumnSize += size; }); if (freezeColLength > 0) { columnSize[freezeColLength - 1] = BI.clamp(regionSize - (summaryFreezeColumnSize - columnSize[freezeColLength - 1]), o.minColumnSize[freezeColLength - 1] || 10, o.maxColumnSize[freezeColLength - 1] || Number.MAX_VALUE); } if (columnSize.length > 0) { columnSize[columnSize.length - 1] = BI.clamp(o.width - BI.GridTableScrollbar.SIZE - regionSize - (summaryColumnSize - summaryFreezeColumnSize - columnSize[columnSize.length - 1]), o.minColumnSize[columnSize.length - 1] || 10, o.maxColumnSize[columnSize.length - 1] || Number.MAX_VALUE); } regionColumnSize[0] = regionSize; return { freezeCols: freezeCols, columnSize: columnSize, regionColumnSize: regionColumnSize }; }, _populate: function () { var o = this.options; var data = this._digest(); o.regionColumnSize = data.regionColumnSize; o.columnSize = data.columnSize; this.table.setColumnSize(data.columnSize); this.table.setRegionColumnSize(data.regionColumnSize); this.table.attr("freezeCols", data.freezeCols); }, setWidth: function (width) { BI.AdaptiveTable.superclass.setWidth.apply(this, arguments); this.table.setWidth(width); }, setHeight: function (height) { BI.AdaptiveTable.superclass.setHeight.apply(this, arguments); this.table.setHeight(height); }, setColumnSize: function (columnSize) { this.options.columnSize = columnSize; }, getColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getColumnSize(); }, setRegionColumnSize: function (regionColumnSize) { this.options.regionColumnSize = regionColumnSize; }, getRegionColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getRegionColumnSize(); }, setVerticalScroll: function (scrollTop) { this.table.setVerticalScroll(scrollTop); }, setLeftHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { this.table.setLeftHorizontalScroll(scrollLeft); }, setRightHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { this.table.setRightHorizontalScroll(scrollLeft); }, getVerticalScroll: function () { return this.table.getVerticalScroll(); }, getLeftHorizontalScroll: function () { return this.table.getLeftHorizontalScroll(); }, getRightHorizontalScroll: function () { return this.table.getRightHorizontalScroll(); }, attr: function (key, value) { var v = BI.AdaptiveTable.superclass.attr.apply(this, arguments); if (key === "freezeCols") { return v; } return this.table.attr.apply(this.table, arguments); }, restore: function () { this.table.restore(); }, populate: function (items) { var self = this, o = this.options; this._populate(); this.table.populate.apply(this.table, arguments); }, destroy: function () { this.table.destroy(); BI.AdaptiveTable.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.adaptive_table", BI.AdaptiveTable);/** * * 层级树状结构的表格 * * Created by GUY on 2016/8/12. * @class BI.DynamicSummaryLayerTreeTable * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.DynamicSummaryLayerTreeTable = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.DynamicSummaryLayerTreeTable.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-dynamic-summary-layer-tree-table", el: { type: "bi.resizable_table" }, isNeedResize: true, // 是否需要调整列宽 isResizeAdapt: true, // 是否需要在调整列宽或区域宽度的时候它们自适应变化 isNeedFreeze: false, // 是否需要冻结单元格 freezeCols: [], // 冻结的列号,从0开始,isNeedFreeze为tree时生效 isNeedMerge: true, // 是否需要合并单元格 mergeCols: [], mergeRule: BI.emptyFn, columnSize: [], minColumnSize: [], maxColumnSize: [], headerRowSize: 25, footerRowSize: 25, rowSize: 25, regionColumnSize: [], // 行表头 rowHeaderCreator: null, headerCellStyleGetter: BI.emptyFn, summaryCellStyleGetter: BI.emptyFn, sequenceCellStyleGetter: BI.emptyFn, header: [], footer: false, items: [], // 交叉表头 crossHeader: [], crossItems: [] }); }, _getVDeep: function () { return this.options.crossHeader.length;// 纵向深度 }, _getHDeep: function () { var o = this.options; return Math.max(o.mergeCols.length, o.freezeCols.length, BI.TableTree.maxDeep(o.items) - 1); }, _createHeader: function (vDeep) { var self = this, o = this.options; var header = o.header || [], crossHeader = o.crossHeader || []; var items = BI.TableTree.formatCrossItems(o.crossItems, vDeep, o.headerCellStyleGetter); var result = []; BI.each(items, function (row, node) { var c = [crossHeader[row]]; result.push(c.concat(node || [])); }); if (header && header.length > 0) { var newHeader = this._formatColumns(header); var deep = this._getHDeep(); if (deep <= 0) { newHeader.unshift(o.rowHeaderCreator || { type: "bi.table_style_cell", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Row_Header"), styleGetter: o.headerCellStyleGetter }); } else { newHeader[0] = o.rowHeaderCreator || { type: "bi.table_style_cell", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Row_Header"), styleGetter: o.headerCellStyleGetter }; } result.push(newHeader); } return result; }, _formatItems: function (nodes, header, deep) { var self = this, o = this.options; var result = []; function track (node, layer) { node.type || (node.type = "bi.layer_tree_table_cell"); node.layer = layer; var next = [node]; next = next.concat(node.values || []); if (next.length > 0) { result.push(next); } if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.children)) { BI.each(node.children, function (index, child) { track(child, layer + 1); }); } } BI.each(nodes, function (i, node) { BI.each(node.children, function (j, c) { track(c, 0); }); if (BI.isArray(node.values)) { var next = [{ type: "bi.table_style_cell", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Summary_Values"), styleGetter: function () { return o.summaryCellStyleGetter(true); } }].concat(node.values); result.push(next); } }); return BI.DynamicSummaryTreeTable.formatSummaryItems(result, header, o.crossItems, 1); }, _formatColumns: function (columns, deep) { if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(columns)) { deep = deep || this._getHDeep(); return columns.slice(Math.max(0, deep - 1)); } return columns; }, _formatFreezeCols: function () { if (this.options.freezeCols.length > 0) { return [0]; } return []; }, _formatColumnSize: function (columnSize, deep) { if (columnSize.length <= 0) { return []; } var result = [0]; deep = deep || this._getHDeep(); BI.each(columnSize, function (i, size) { if (i < deep) { result[0] += size; return; } result.push(size); }); return result; }, _recomputeColumnSize: function () { var o = this.options; o.regionColumnSize = this.table.getRegionColumnSize(); var columnSize = this.table.getColumnSize().slice(); if (o.freezeCols.length > 1) { for (var i = 0; i < o.freezeCols.length - 1; i++) { columnSize.splice(1, 0, 0); } } o.columnSize = columnSize; }, _digest: function () { var o = this.options; var deep = this._getHDeep(); var vDeep = this._getVDeep(); var header = this._createHeader(vDeep); var data = this._formatItems(o.items, header, deep); var columnSize = o.columnSize.slice(); var minColumnSize = o.minColumnSize.slice(); var maxColumnSize = o.maxColumnSize.slice(); BI.removeAt(columnSize, data.deletedCols); BI.removeAt(minColumnSize, data.deletedCols); BI.removeAt(maxColumnSize, data.deletedCols); return { header: data.header, items: data.items, columnSize: this._formatColumnSize(columnSize, deep), minColumnSize: this._formatColumns(minColumnSize, deep), maxColumnSize: this._formatColumns(maxColumnSize, deep), freezeCols: this._formatFreezeCols() }; }, _init: function () { BI.DynamicSummaryLayerTreeTable.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var data = this._digest(); this.table = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.resizable_table", element: this, width: o.width, height: o.height, isNeedResize: o.isNeedResize, isResizeAdapt: o.isResizeAdapt, isNeedFreeze: o.isNeedFreeze, freezeCols: data.freezeCols, isNeedMerge: o.isNeedMerge, mergeCols: [], mergeRule: o.mergeRule, columnSize: data.columnSize, minColumnSize: data.minColumnSize, maxColumnSize: data.maxColumnSize, headerRowSize: o.headerRowSize, rowSize: o.rowSize, regionColumnSize: o.regionColumnSize, header: data.header, items: data.items }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_REGION_RESIZE, function () { self._recomputeColumnSize(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_REGION_RESIZE, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_COLUMN_RESIZE, function () { self._recomputeColumnSize(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_COLUMN_RESIZE, arguments); }); }, setWidth: function (width) { BI.DynamicSummaryLayerTreeTable.superclass.setWidth.apply(this, arguments); this.table.setWidth(width); }, setHeight: function (height) { BI.DynamicSummaryLayerTreeTable.superclass.setHeight.apply(this, arguments); this.table.setHeight(height); }, setColumnSize: function (columnSize) { this.options.columnSize = columnSize; }, getColumnSize: function () { return this.options.columnSize; }, setRegionColumnSize: function (columnSize) { this.options.regionColumnSize = columnSize; this.table.setRegionColumnSize(columnSize); }, getRegionColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getRegionColumnSize(); }, setVerticalScroll: function (scrollTop) { this.table.setVerticalScroll(scrollTop); }, setLeftHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { this.table.setLeftHorizontalScroll(scrollLeft); }, setRightHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { this.table.setRightHorizontalScroll(scrollLeft); }, getVerticalScroll: function () { return this.table.getVerticalScroll(); }, getLeftHorizontalScroll: function () { return this.table.getLeftHorizontalScroll(); }, getRightHorizontalScroll: function () { return this.table.getRightHorizontalScroll(); }, attr: function (key, value) { var self = this; if (BI.isObject(key)) { BI.each(key, function (k, v) { self.attr(k, v); }); return; } BI.DynamicSummaryLayerTreeTable.superclass.attr.apply(this, arguments); switch (key) { case "columnSize": case "minColumnSize": case "maxColumnSize": case "freezeCols": case "mergeCols": return; } this.table.attr.apply(this.table, [key, value]); }, restore: function () { this.table.restore(); }, populate: function (items, header, crossItems, crossHeader) { var o = this.options; if (items) { o.items = items; } if (header) { o.header = header; } if (crossItems) { o.crossItems = crossItems; } if (crossHeader) { o.crossHeader = crossHeader; } var data = this._digest(); this.table.setColumnSize(data.columnSize); this.table.attr("minColumnSize", data.minColumnSize); this.table.attr("maxColumnSize", data.maxColumnSize); this.table.attr("freezeCols", data.freezeCols); this.table.populate(data.items, data.header); }, destroy: function () { this.table.destroy(); BI.DynamicSummaryLayerTreeTable.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.dynamic_summary_layer_tree_table", BI.DynamicSummaryLayerTreeTable);/** * * 树状结构的表格 * * Created by GUY on 2015/8/12. * @class BI.DynamicSummaryTreeTable * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.DynamicSummaryTreeTable = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.DynamicSummaryTreeTable.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-dynamic-summary-tree-table", el: { type: "bi.resizable_table" }, isNeedResize: true, // 是否需要调整列宽 isResizeAdapt: true, // 是否需要在调整列宽或区域宽度的时候它们自适应变化 isNeedFreeze: false, // 是否需要冻结单元格 freezeCols: [], // 冻结的列号,从0开始,isNeedFreeze为tree时生效 isNeedMerge: true, // 是否需要合并单元格 mergeCols: [], mergeRule: BI.emptyFn, columnSize: [], minColumnSize: [], maxColumnSize: [], headerRowSize: 25, footerRowSize: 25, rowSize: 25, regionColumnSize: [], headerCellStyleGetter: BI.emptyFn, summaryCellStyleGetter: BI.emptyFn, sequenceCellStyleGetter: BI.emptyFn, header: [], footer: false, items: [], // 交叉表头 crossHeader: [], crossItems: [] }); }, _getVDeep: function () { return this.options.crossHeader.length;// 纵向深度 }, _getHDeep: function () { var o = this.options; return Math.max(o.mergeCols.length, o.freezeCols.length, BI.TableTree.maxDeep(o.items) - 1); }, _init: function () { BI.DynamicSummaryTreeTable.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var data = this._digest(); this.table = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.resizable_table", element: this, width: o.width, height: o.height, isNeedResize: o.isNeedResize, isResizeAdapt: o.isResizeAdapt, isNeedFreeze: o.isNeedFreeze, freezeCols: o.freezeCols, isNeedMerge: o.isNeedMerge, mergeCols: o.mergeCols, mergeRule: o.mergeRule, columnSize: o.columnSize, minColumnSize: o.minColumnSize, maxColumnSize: o.maxColumnSize, headerRowSize: o.headerRowSize, rowSize: o.rowSize, regionColumnSize: o.regionColumnSize, header: data.header, items: data.items }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_REGION_RESIZE, function () { o.regionColumnSize = this.getRegionColumnSize(); var columnSize = this.getColumnSize(); var length = o.columnSize.length - columnSize.length; o.columnSize = columnSize.slice(); o.columnSize = o.columnSize.concat(BI.makeArray(length, 0)); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_REGION_RESIZE, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_COLUMN_RESIZE, function () { o.regionColumnSize = this.getRegionColumnSize(); var columnSize = this.getColumnSize(); var length = o.columnSize.length - columnSize.length; o.columnSize = columnSize.slice(); o.columnSize = o.columnSize.concat(BI.makeArray(length, 0)); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_COLUMN_RESIZE, arguments); }); }, _digest: function () { var o = this.options; var deep = this._getHDeep(); var vDeep = this._getVDeep(); var header = BI.TableTree.formatHeader(o.header, o.crossHeader, o.crossItems, deep, vDeep, o.headerCellStyleGetter); var items = BI.DynamicSummaryTreeTable.formatHorizontalItems(o.items, deep, false, o.summaryCellStyleGetter); var data = BI.DynamicSummaryTreeTable.formatSummaryItems(items, header, o.crossItems, deep); var columnSize = o.columnSize.slice(); var minColumnSize = o.minColumnSize.slice(); var maxColumnSize = o.maxColumnSize.slice(); BI.removeAt(columnSize, data.deletedCols); BI.removeAt(minColumnSize, data.deletedCols); BI.removeAt(maxColumnSize, data.deletedCols); return { header: data.header, items: data.items, columnSize: columnSize, minColumnSize: minColumnSize, maxColumnSize: maxColumnSize }; }, setWidth: function (width) { BI.DynamicSummaryTreeTable.superclass.setWidth.apply(this, arguments); this.table.setWidth(width); }, setHeight: function (height) { BI.DynamicSummaryTreeTable.superclass.setHeight.apply(this, arguments); this.table.setHeight(height); }, setColumnSize: function (columnSize) { this.options.columnSize = columnSize; }, getColumnSize: function () { return this.options.columnSize; }, setRegionColumnSize: function (columnSize) { this.options.regionColumnSize = columnSize; this.table.setRegionColumnSize(columnSize); }, getRegionColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getRegionColumnSize(); }, setVerticalScroll: function (scrollTop) { this.table.setVerticalScroll(scrollTop); }, setLeftHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { this.table.setLeftHorizontalScroll(scrollLeft); }, setRightHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { this.table.setRightHorizontalScroll(scrollLeft); }, getVerticalScroll: function () { return this.table.getVerticalScroll(); }, getLeftHorizontalScroll: function () { return this.table.getLeftHorizontalScroll(); }, getRightHorizontalScroll: function () { return this.table.getRightHorizontalScroll(); }, attr: function (key) { BI.DynamicSummaryTreeTable.superclass.attr.apply(this, arguments); switch (key) { case "minColumnSize": case "maxColumnSize": return; } this.table.attr.apply(this.table, arguments); }, restore: function () { this.table.restore(); }, populate: function (items, header, crossItems, crossHeader) { var o = this.options; if (items) { o.items = items; } if (header) { o.header = header; } if (crossItems) { o.crossItems = crossItems; } if (crossHeader) { o.crossHeader = crossHeader; } var data = this._digest(); this.table.setColumnSize(data.columnSize); this.table.attr("minColumnSize", data.minColumnSize); this.table.attr("maxColumnSize", data.maxColumnSize); this.table.populate(data.items, data.header); }, destroy: function () { this.table.destroy(); BI.DynamicSummaryTreeTable.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.extend(BI.DynamicSummaryTreeTable, { formatHorizontalItems: function (nodes, deep, isCross, styleGetter) { var result = []; function track (store, node) { var next; if (BI.isArray(node.children)) { BI.each(node.children, function (index, child) { var next; if (store != -1) { next = store.slice(); next.push(node); } else { next = []; } track(next, child); }); if (store != -1) { next = store.slice(); next.push(node); } else { next = []; } if ((store == -1 || node.children.length > 1) && BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.values)) { var summary = { text: BI.i18nText("BI-Summary_Values"), type: "bi.table_style_cell", styleGetter: function () { return styleGetter(store === -1); } }; for (var i = next.length; i < deep; i++) { next.push(summary); } if (!isCross) { next = next.concat(node.values); } if (next.length > 0) { if (!isCross) { result.push(next); } else { for (var k = 0, l = node.values.length; k < l; k++) { result.push(next); } } } } return; } if (store != -1) { next = store.slice(); for (var i = next.length; i < deep; i++) { next.push(node); } } else { next = []; } if (!isCross && BI.isArray(node.values)) { next = next.concat(node.values); } if (isCross && BI.isArray(node.values)) { for (var i = 0, len = node.values.length; i < len - 1; i++) { if (next.length > 0) { result.push(next); } } } if (next.length > 0) { result.push(next); } } BI.each(nodes, function (i, node) { track(-1, node); }); // 填充空位 BI.each(result, function (i, line) { var last = BI.last(line); for (var j = line.length; j < deep; j++) { line.push(last); } }); return result; }, formatSummaryItems: function (items, header, crossItems, deep) { // 求纵向需要去除的列 var cols = []; var leaf = 0; function track (node) { if (BI.isArray(node.children)) { BI.each(node.children, function (index, child) { track(child); }); if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.values)) { if (node.children.length === 1) { for (var i = 0; i < node.values.length; i++) { cols.push(leaf + i + deep); } } leaf += node.values.length; } return; } if (node.values && node.values.length > 1) { leaf += node.values.length; } else { leaf++; } } BI.each(crossItems, function (i, node) { track(node); }); if (cols.length > 0) { var nHeader = [], nItems = []; BI.each(header, function (i, node) { var nNode = node.slice(); BI.removeAt(nNode, cols); nHeader.push(nNode); }); BI.each(items, function (i, node) { var nNode = node.slice(); BI.removeAt(nNode, cols); nItems.push(nNode); }); header = nHeader; items = nItems; } return {items: items, header: header, deletedCols: cols}; } }); BI.shortcut("bi.dynamic_summary_tree_table", BI.DynamicSummaryTreeTable);/** * Created by GUY on 2016/5/7. * @class BI.LayerTreeTableCell * @extends BI.Single */ BI.LayerTreeTableCell = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.LayerTreeTableCell.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-layer-tree-table-cell", layer: 0, text: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.LayerTreeTableCell.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", element: this.element, textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", height: o.height, text: o.text, value: o.value, lgap: 5 + 30 * o.layer, rgap: 5 }); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.layer_tree_table_cell", BI.LayerTreeTableCell);/** * * 层级树状结构的表格 * * Created by GUY on 2016/5/7. * @class BI.LayerTreeTable * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.LayerTreeTable = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.LayerTreeTable.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-layer-tree-table", el: { type: "bi.resizable_table" }, isNeedResize: false, // 是否需要调整列宽 isResizeAdapt: true, // 是否需要在调整列宽或区域宽度的时候它们自适应变化 isNeedFreeze: false, // 是否需要冻结单元格 freezeCols: [], // 冻结的列号,从0开始,isNeedFreeze为tree时生效 isNeedMerge: true, // 是否需要合并单元格 mergeCols: [], mergeRule: BI.emptyFn, columnSize: [], minColumnSize: [], maxColumnSize: [], headerRowSize: 25, rowSize: 25, regionColumnSize: [], rowHeaderCreator: null, headerCellStyleGetter: BI.emptyFn, summaryCellStyleGetter: BI.emptyFn, sequenceCellStyleGetter: BI.emptyFn, header: [], items: [], // 交叉表头 crossHeader: [], crossItems: [] }); }, _getVDeep: function () { return this.options.crossHeader.length;// 纵向深度 }, _getHDeep: function () { var o = this.options; return Math.max(o.mergeCols.length, o.freezeCols.length, BI.TableTree.maxDeep(o.items) - 1); }, _createHeader: function (vDeep) { var self = this, o = this.options; var header = o.header || [], crossHeader = o.crossHeader || []; var items = BI.TableTree.formatCrossItems(o.crossItems, vDeep, o.headerCellStyleGetter); var result = []; BI.each(items, function (row, node) { var c = [crossHeader[row]]; result.push(c.concat(node || [])); }); if (header && header.length > 0) { var newHeader = this._formatColumns(header); var deep = this._getHDeep(); if (deep <= 0) { newHeader.unshift(o.rowHeaderCreator || { type: "bi.table_style_cell", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Row_Header"), styleGetter: o.headerCellStyleGetter }); } else { newHeader[0] = o.rowHeaderCreator || { type: "bi.table_style_cell", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Row_Header"), styleGetter: o.headerCellStyleGetter }; } result.push(newHeader); } return result; }, _formatItems: function (nodes) { var self = this, o = this.options; var result = []; function track (node, layer) { node.type || (node.type = "bi.layer_tree_table_cell"); node.layer = layer; var next = [node]; next = next.concat(node.values || []); if (next.length > 0) { result.push(next); } if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.children)) { BI.each(node.children, function (index, child) { track(child, layer + 1); }); } } BI.each(nodes, function (i, node) { BI.each(node.children, function (j, c) { track(c, 0); }); if (BI.isArray(node.values)) { var next = [{ type: "bi.table_style_cell", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Summary_Values"), styleGetter: function () { return o.summaryCellStyleGetter(true); } }].concat(node.values); result.push(next); } }); return result; }, _formatColumns: function (columns, deep) { if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(columns)) { deep = deep || this._getHDeep(); return columns.slice(Math.max(0, deep - 1)); } return columns; }, _formatFreezeCols: function () { if (this.options.freezeCols.length > 0) { return [0]; } return []; }, _formatColumnSize: function (columnSize, deep) { if (columnSize.length <= 0) { return []; } var result = [0]; deep = deep || this._getHDeep(); BI.each(columnSize, function (i, size) { if (i < deep) { result[0] += size; return; } result.push(size); }); return result; }, _digest: function () { var o = this.options; var deep = this._getHDeep(); var vDeep = this._getVDeep(); return { header: this._createHeader(vDeep), items: this._formatItems(o.items), columnSize: this._formatColumnSize(o.columnSize, deep), minColumnSize: this._formatColumns(o.minColumnSize, deep), maxColumnSize: this._formatColumns(o.maxColumnSize, deep), freezeCols: this._formatFreezeCols() }; }, _init: function () { BI.LayerTreeTable.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var data = this._digest(); this.table = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.resizable_table", element: this, width: o.width, height: o.height, isNeedResize: o.isNeedResize, isResizeAdapt: o.isResizeAdapt, isNeedFreeze: o.isNeedFreeze, freezeCols: data.freezeCols, isNeedMerge: o.isNeedMerge, mergeCols: [], mergeRule: o.mergeRule, columnSize: data.columnSize, minColumnSize: data.minColumnSize, maxColumnSize: data.maxColumnSize, headerRowSize: o.headerRowSize, rowSize: o.rowSize, regionColumnSize: o.regionColumnSize, header: data.header, items: data.items }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_REGION_RESIZE, function () { o.regionColumnSize = this.getRegionColumnSize(); o.columnSize = this.getColumnSize(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_REGION_RESIZE, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_COLUMN_RESIZE, function () { o.regionColumnSize = this.getRegionColumnSize(); o.columnSize = this.getColumnSize(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_COLUMN_RESIZE, arguments); }); }, setWidth: function (width) { BI.LayerTreeTable.superclass.setWidth.apply(this, arguments); this.table.setWidth(width); }, setHeight: function (height) { BI.LayerTreeTable.superclass.setHeight.apply(this, arguments); this.table.setHeight(height); }, setColumnSize: function (columnSize) { this.options.columnSize = columnSize; }, getColumnSize: function () { var columnSize = this.table.getColumnSize(); var deep = this._getHDeep(); var pre = []; if (deep > 0) { pre = BI.makeArray(deep, columnSize[0] / deep); } return pre.concat(columnSize.slice(1)); }, setRegionColumnSize: function (columnSize) { this.options.regionColumnSize = columnSize; this.table.setRegionColumnSize(columnSize); }, getRegionColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getRegionColumnSize(); }, setVerticalScroll: function (scrollTop) { this.table.setVerticalScroll(scrollTop); }, setLeftHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { this.table.setLeftHorizontalScroll(scrollLeft); }, setRightHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { this.table.setRightHorizontalScroll(scrollLeft); }, getVerticalScroll: function () { return this.table.getVerticalScroll(); }, getLeftHorizontalScroll: function () { return this.table.getLeftHorizontalScroll(); }, getRightHorizontalScroll: function () { return this.table.getRightHorizontalScroll(); }, attr: function (key, value) { var self = this; if (BI.isObject(key)) { BI.each(key, function (k, v) { self.attr(k, v); }); return; } BI.LayerTreeTable.superclass.attr.apply(this, arguments); switch (key) { case "columnSize": case "minColumnSize": case "maxColumnSize": case "freezeCols": case "mergeCols": return; } this.table.attr.apply(this.table, [key, value]); }, restore: function () { this.table.restore(); }, populate: function (items, header, crossItems, crossHeader) { var o = this.options; o.items = items || []; if (header) { o.header = header; } if (crossItems) { o.crossItems = crossItems; } if (crossHeader) { o.crossHeader = crossHeader; } var data = this._digest(); this.table.setColumnSize(data.columnSize); this.table.attr("freezeCols", data.freezeCols); this.table.attr("minColumnSize", data.minColumnSize); this.table.attr("maxColumnSize", data.maxColumnSize); this.table.populate(data.items, data.header); }, destroy: function () { this.table.destroy(); BI.LayerTreeTable.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.layer_tree_table", BI.LayerTreeTable);/** * * Created by GUY on 2016/5/26. * @class BI.TableStyleCell * @extends BI.Single */ BI.TableStyleCell = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.TableStyleCell.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-table-style-cell", styleGetter: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.TableStyleCell.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", element: this, textAlign: "left", forceCenter: true, hgap: 5, text: o.text }); this._digestStyle(); }, _digestStyle: function () { var o = this.options; var style = o.styleGetter(); if (style) { this.text.element.css(style); } }, setText: function (text) { this.text.setText(text); }, populate: function () { this._digestStyle(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.table_style_cell", BI.TableStyleCell);/** * * 树状结构的表格 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/22. * @class BI.TableTree * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.TableTree = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.TableTree.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-table-tree", el: { type: "bi.resizable_table" }, isNeedResize: true, // 是否需要调整列宽 isResizeAdapt: true, // 是否需要在调整列宽或区域宽度的时候它们自适应变化 freezeCols: [], // 冻结的列号,从0开始,isNeedFreeze为tree时生效 isNeedMerge: true, // 是否需要合并单元格 mergeCols: [], mergeRule: BI.emptyFn, columnSize: [], minColumnSize: [], maxColumnSize: [], headerRowSize: 25, rowSize: 25, regionColumnSize: [], headerCellStyleGetter: BI.emptyFn, summaryCellStyleGetter: BI.emptyFn, sequenceCellStyleGetter: BI.emptyFn, header: [], items: [], // 交叉表头 crossHeader: [], crossItems: [] }); }, _getVDeep: function () { return this.options.crossHeader.length;// 纵向深度 }, _getHDeep: function () { var o = this.options; return Math.max(o.mergeCols.length, o.freezeCols.length, BI.TableTree.maxDeep(o.items) - 1); }, _init: function () { BI.TableTree.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var data = this._digest(); this.table = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.resizable_table", element: this, width: o.width, height: o.height, isNeedResize: o.isNeedResize, isResizeAdapt: o.isResizeAdapt, isNeedFreeze: o.isNeedFreeze, freezeCols: o.freezeCols, isNeedMerge: o.isNeedMerge, mergeCols: o.mergeCols, mergeRule: o.mergeRule, columnSize: o.columnSize, minColumnSize: o.minColumnSize, maxColumnSize: o.maxColumnSize, headerRowSize: o.headerRowSize, rowSize: o.rowSize, regionColumnSize: o.regionColumnSize, header: data.header, items: data.items }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_REGION_RESIZE, function () { o.regionColumnSize = this.getRegionColumnSize(); o.columnSize = this.getColumnSize(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_REGION_RESIZE, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_COLUMN_RESIZE, function () { o.regionColumnSize = this.getRegionColumnSize(); o.columnSize = this.getColumnSize(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_COLUMN_RESIZE, arguments); }); }, _digest: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var deep = this._getHDeep(); var vDeep = this._getVDeep(); var header = BI.TableTree.formatHeader(o.header, o.crossHeader, o.crossItems, deep, vDeep, o.headerCellStyleGetter); var items = BI.TableTree.formatItems(o.items, deep, false, o.summaryCellStyleGetter); return { header: header, items: items }; }, setWidth: function (width) { BI.TableTree.superclass.setWidth.apply(this, arguments); this.table.setWidth(width); }, setHeight: function (height) { BI.TableTree.superclass.setHeight.apply(this, arguments); this.table.setHeight(height); }, setColumnSize: function (columnSize) { this.options.columnSize = columnSize; this.table.setColumnSize(columnSize); }, getColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getColumnSize(); }, setRegionColumnSize: function (columnSize) { this.options.regionColumnSize = columnSize; this.table.setRegionColumnSize(columnSize); }, getRegionColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getRegionColumnSize(); }, setVerticalScroll: function (scrollTop) { this.table.setVerticalScroll(scrollTop); }, setLeftHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { this.table.setLeftHorizontalScroll(scrollLeft); }, setRightHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { this.table.setRightHorizontalScroll(scrollLeft); }, getVerticalScroll: function () { return this.table.getVerticalScroll(); }, getLeftHorizontalScroll: function () { return this.table.getLeftHorizontalScroll(); }, getRightHorizontalScroll: function () { return this.table.getRightHorizontalScroll(); }, attr: function () { BI.TableTree.superclass.attr.apply(this, arguments); this.table.attr.apply(this.table, arguments); }, restore: function () { this.table.restore(); }, populate: function (items, header, crossItems, crossHeader) { var o = this.options; if (items) { o.items = items || []; } if (header) { o.header = header; } if (crossItems) { o.crossItems = crossItems; } if (crossHeader) { o.crossHeader = crossHeader; } var data = this._digest(); this.table.populate(data.items, data.header); }, destroy: function () { this.table.destroy(); BI.TableTree.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.extend(BI.TableTree, { formatHeader: function (header, crossHeader, crossItems, hDeep, vDeep, styleGetter) { var items = BI.TableTree.formatCrossItems(crossItems, vDeep, styleGetter); var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < vDeep; i++) { var c = []; for (var j = 0; j < hDeep; j++) { c.push(crossHeader[i]); } result.push(c.concat(items[i] || [])); } if (header && header.length > 0) { result.push(header); } return result; }, formatItems: function (nodes, deep, isCross, styleGetter) { var self = this; var result = []; function track (store, node) { var next; if (BI.isArray(node.children)) { BI.each(node.children, function (index, child) { var next; if (store != -1) { next = store.slice(); next.push(node); } else { next = []; } track(next, child); }); if (store != -1) { next = store.slice(); next.push(node); } else { next = []; } if (/** (store == -1 || node.children.length > 1) &&**/ BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.values)) { var summary = { text: BI.i18nText("BI-Summary_Values"), type: "bi.table_style_cell", styleGetter: function () { return styleGetter(store === -1); } }; for (var i = next.length; i < deep; i++) { next.push(summary); } if (!isCross) { next = next.concat(node.values); } if (next.length > 0) { if (!isCross) { result.push(next); } else { for (var k = 0, l = node.values.length; k < l; k++) { result.push(next); } } } } return; } if (store != -1) { next = store.slice(); for (var i = next.length; i < deep; i++) { next.push(node); } } else { next = []; } if (!isCross && BI.isArray(node.values)) { next = next.concat(node.values); } if (isCross && BI.isArray(node.values)) { for (var i = 0, len = node.values.length; i < len - 1; i++) { if (next.length > 0) { result.push(next); } } } if (next.length > 0) { result.push(next); } } BI.each(nodes, function (i, node) { track(-1, node); }); // 填充空位 BI.each(result, function (i, line) { var last = BI.last(line); for (var j = line.length; j < deep; j++) { line.push(last); } }); return result; }, formatCrossItems: function (nodes, deep, styleGetter) { var items = BI.TableTree.formatItems(nodes, deep, true, styleGetter); return BI.unzip(items); }, maxDeep: function (nodes) { function track (deep, node) { var d = deep; if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.children)) { BI.each(node.children, function (index, child) { d = Math.max(d, track(deep + 1, child)); }); } return d; } var deep = 1; if (BI.isObject(nodes)) { BI.each(nodes, function (i, node) { deep = Math.max(deep, track(1, node)); }); } return deep; } }); BI.shortcut("bi.tree_table", BI.TableTree);/** * guy * 复选导航条 * Created by GUY on 2015/8/25. * @class BI.MultiSelectBar * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.MultiSelectBar = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiSelectBar.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-multi-select-bar", height: 25, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Select_All"), isAllCheckedBySelectedValue: BI.emptyFn, // 手动控制选中 disableSelected: true, isHalfCheckedBySelectedValue: function (selectedValues) { return selectedValues.length > 0; }, halfSelected: false }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiSelectBar.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var isSelect = o.selected === true; var isHalfSelect = !o.selected && o.halfSelected; this.checkbox = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.checkbox", stopPropagation: true, handler: function () { self.setSelected(self.isSelected()); }, selected: isSelect, invisible: isHalfSelect }); this.half = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.half_icon_button", stopPropagation: true, handler: function () { self.setSelected(true); }, invisible: isSelect || !isHalfSelect }); this.checkbox.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.CLICK, self.isSelected(), self); }); this.half.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.CLICK, self.isSelected(), self); }); this.half.on(BI.HalfIconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectBar.EVENT_CHANGE, self.isSelected(), self); }); this.checkbox.on(BI.Checkbox.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectBar.EVENT_CHANGE, self.isSelected(), self); }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHeight: o.height, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, keyword: o.keyword, value: o.value, py: o.py }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.htape", element: this, items: [{ width: 36, el: { type: "bi.center_adapt", items: [this.checkbox, this.half] } }, { el: this.text }] }); }, _setSelected: function (v) { this.checkbox.setSelected(!!v); }, // 自己手动控制选中 beforeClick: function () { var isHalf = this.isHalfSelected(), isSelected = this.isSelected(); if (isHalf === true) { this.setSelected(true); } else { this.setSelected(!isSelected); } }, setSelected: function (v) { this.checkbox.setSelected(v); this.setHalfSelected(false); }, setHalfSelected: function (b) { this.halfSelected = !!b; if (b === true) { this.checkbox.setSelected(false); this.half.visible(); this.checkbox.invisible(); } else { this.half.invisible(); this.checkbox.visible(); } }, isHalfSelected: function () { return !this.isSelected() && !!this.halfSelected; }, isSelected: function () { return this.checkbox.isSelected(); }, setValue: function (selectedValues) { BI.MultiSelectBar.superclass.setValue.apply(this, arguments); var isAllChecked = this.options.isAllCheckedBySelectedValue.apply(this, arguments); this._setSelected(isAllChecked); !isAllChecked && this.setHalfSelected(this.options.isHalfCheckedBySelectedValue.apply(this, arguments)); } }); BI.MultiSelectBar.EVENT_CHANGE = "MultiSelectBar.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_select_bar", BI.MultiSelectBar);/** * 表关联树 * * Created by GUY on 2015/12/15. * @class BI.BranchRelation * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.BranchRelation = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.BranchRelation.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-branch-relation-tree", items: [], centerOffset: 0, // 重心偏移量 direction: BI.Direction.Bottom, align: BI.VerticalAlign.Top }); }, _init: function () { BI.BranchRelation.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, // 树分层 _stratification: function () { var levels = []; this.tree.recursion(function (node, route) { // node.isRoot = route.length <= 1; node.leaf = node.isLeaf(); if (!levels[route.length - 1]) { levels[route.length - 1] = []; } levels[route.length - 1].push(node); }); return levels; }, // 计算所有节点的叶子结点个数 _calculateLeaves: function () { var count = 0; function track (node) { var c = 0; if (node.isLeaf()) { return 1; } BI.each(node.getChildren(), function (i, child) { c += track(child); }); node.set("leaves", c); return c; } count = track(this.tree.getRoot()); return count; }, // 树平移 _translate: function (levels) { var adjust = []; var maxLevel = levels.length; BI.each(levels, function (i, nodes) { if (!adjust[i]) { adjust[i] = []; } BI.each(nodes, function (j, node) { if (node.isLeaf() && i < maxLevel - 1) { var newNode = new BI.Node(BI.UUID()); // newNode.isEmptyRoot = node.isRoot || node.isEmptyRoot; newNode.isNew = true; // 把node向下一层移 var tar = 0; if (j > 0) { var c = nodes[j - 1].getLastChild(); tar = levels[i + 1].indexOf(c) + 1; } levels[i + 1].splice(tar, 0, node); // 新增一个临时树节点 var index = node.parent.getChildIndex(node.id); node.parent.removeChildByIndex(index); node.parent.addChild(newNode, index); newNode.addChild(node); adjust[i].push(newNode); nodes[j] = newNode; } else { adjust[i].push(node); } }); }); return adjust; }, // 树补白 _fill: function (levels) { var adjust = []; var maxLevel = levels.length; BI.each(levels, function (i, nodes) { if (!adjust[i]) { adjust[i] = []; } BI.each(nodes, function (j, node) { if (node.isLeaf() && i < maxLevel - 1) { var newNode = new BI.Node(BI.UUID()); newNode.leaf = true; newNode.width = node.width; newNode.height = node.height; newNode.isNew = true; // 把node向下一层移 var tar = 0; if (j > 0) { var c = nodes[j - 1].getLastChild(); tar = levels[i + 1].indexOf(c) + 1; } levels[i + 1].splice(tar, 0, newNode); // 新增一个临时树节点 node.addChild(newNode); } adjust[i].push(node); }); }); return adjust; }, // 树调整 _adjust: function (adjust) { while (true) { var isAllNeedAjust = false; BI.backEach(adjust, function (i, nodes) { BI.each(nodes, function (j, node) { if (!node.isNew) { var needAdjust = true; BI.any(node.getChildren(), function (k, n) { if (!n.isNew) { needAdjust = false; return true; } }); if (!node.isLeaf() && needAdjust === true) { var allChilds = []; BI.each(node.getChildren(), function (k, n) { allChilds = allChilds.concat(n.getChildren()); }); node.removeAllChilds(); BI.each(allChilds, function (k, c) { node.addChild(c); }); var newNode = new BI.Node(BI.UUID()); // newNode.isEmptyRoot = node.isRoot || node.isEmptyRoot; newNode.isNew = true; var index = node.parent.getChildIndex(node.id); node.parent.removeChildByIndex(index); node.parent.addChild(newNode, index); newNode.addChild(node); isAllNeedAjust = true; } } }); }); if (isAllNeedAjust === false) { break; } else {// 树重构 adjust = this._stratification(); } } return adjust; }, _calculateWidth: function () { var o = this.options; var width = 0; function track1 (node) { var w = 0; if (node.isLeaf()) { return node.width; } BI.each(node.getChildren(), function (i, child) { w += track1(child); }); return w; } function track2 (node) { var w = 0; if (node.isLeaf()) { return node.height; } BI.each(node.getChildren(), function (i, child) { w += track2(child); }); return w; } if (this._isVertical()) { width = track1(this.tree.getRoot()); } else { width = track2(this.tree.getRoot()); } return width; }, _isVertical: function () { var o = this.options; return o.direction === BI.Direction.Top || o.direction === BI.Direction.Bottom; }, _calculateHeight: function () { var o = this.options; var height = 0; function track1 (node) { var h = 0; BI.each(node.getChildren(), function (i, child) { h = Math.max(h, track1(child)); }); return h + (node.height || 0); } function track2 (node) { var h = 0; BI.each(node.getChildren(), function (i, child) { h = Math.max(h, track2(child)); }); return h + (node.width || 0); } if (this._isVertical()) { height = track1(this.tree.getRoot()); } else { height = track2(this.tree.getRoot()); } return height; }, _calculateXY: function (levels) { var o = this.options; var width = this._calculateWidth(); var height = this._calculateHeight(); var levelCount = levels.length; var allLeavesCount = this._calculateLeaves(); // 计算坐标 var xy = {}; var levelHeight = height / levelCount; BI.each(levels, function (i, nodes) { // 计算权重 var weights = []; BI.each(nodes, function (j, node) { weights[j] = (node.get("leaves") || 1) / allLeavesCount; }); BI.each(nodes, function (j, node) { // 求前j个元素的权重 var weight = BI.sum(weights.slice(0, j)); // 求坐标 var x = weight * width + weights[j] * width / 2; var y = i * levelHeight + levelHeight / 2; xy[node.id] = {x: x, y: y}; }); }); return xy; }, _stroke: function (levels, xy) { var height = this._calculateHeight(); var levelCount = levels.length; var levelHeight = height / levelCount; var self = this, o = this.options; switch (o.direction) { case BI.Direction.Top: BI.each(levels, function (i, nodes) { BI.each(nodes, function (j, node) { if (node.getChildrenLength() > 0 && !node.leaf) { var path = ""; var start = xy[node.id]; var split = start.y + levelHeight / 2; path += "M" + start.x + "," + (start.y + o.centerOffset) + "L" + start.x + "," + split; var end = []; BI.each(node.getChildren(), function (t, c) { var e = end[t] = xy[c.id]; path += "M" + e.x + "," + (e.y + o.centerOffset) + "L" + e.x + "," + split; }); if (end.length > 0) { path += "M" + BI.first(end).x + "," + split + "L" + BI.last(end).x + "," + split; } self.svg.path(path).attr("stroke", "#d4dadd"); } }); }); break; case BI.Direction.Bottom: BI.each(levels, function (i, nodes) { BI.each(nodes, function (j, node) { if (node.getChildrenLength() > 0 && !node.leaf) { var path = ""; var start = xy[node.id]; var split = start.y - levelHeight / 2; path += "M" + start.x + "," + (start.y - o.centerOffset) + "L" + start.x + "," + split; var end = []; BI.each(node.getChildren(), function (t, c) { var e = end[t] = xy[c.id]; path += "M" + e.x + "," + (e.y - o.centerOffset) + "L" + e.x + "," + split; }); if (end.length > 0) { path += "M" + BI.first(end).x + "," + split + "L" + BI.last(end).x + "," + split; } self.svg.path(path).attr("stroke", "#d4dadd"); } }); }); break; case BI.Direction.Left: BI.each(levels, function (i, nodes) { BI.each(nodes, function (j, node) { if (node.getChildrenLength() > 0 && !node.leaf) { var path = ""; var start = xy[node.id]; var split = start.y + levelHeight / 2; path += "M" + (start.y + o.centerOffset) + "," + start.x + "L" + split + "," + start.x; var end = []; BI.each(node.getChildren(), function (t, c) { var e = end[t] = xy[c.id]; path += "M" + (e.y + o.centerOffset) + "," + e.x + "L" + split + "," + e.x; }); if (end.length > 0) { path += "M" + split + "," + BI.first(end).x + "L" + split + "," + BI.last(end).x; } self.svg.path(path).attr("stroke", "#d4dadd"); } }); }); break; case BI.Direction.Right: BI.each(levels, function (i, nodes) { BI.each(nodes, function (j, node) { if (node.getChildrenLength() > 0 && !node.leaf) { var path = ""; var start = xy[node.id]; var split = start.y - levelHeight / 2; path += "M" + (start.y - o.centerOffset) + "," + start.x + "L" + split + "," + start.x; var end = []; BI.each(node.getChildren(), function (t, c) { var e = end[t] = xy[c.id]; path += "M" + (e.y - o.centerOffset) + "," + e.x + "L" + split + "," + e.x; }); if (end.length > 0) { path += "M" + split + "," + BI.first(end).x + "L" + split + "," + BI.last(end).x; } self.svg.path(path).attr("stroke", "#d4dadd"); } }); }); break; } }, _createBranches: function (levels) { var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.direction === BI.Direction.Bottom || o.direction === BI.Direction.Right) { levels = levels.reverse(); } var xy = this._calculateXY(levels); // 画图 this._stroke(levels, xy); }, _isNeedAdjust: function () { var o = this.options; return o.direction === BI.Direction.Top && o.align === BI.VerticalAlign.Bottom || o.direction === BI.Direction.Bottom && o.align === BI.VerticalAlign.Top || o.direction === BI.Direction.Left && o.align === BI.HorizontalAlign.Right || o.direction === BI.Direction.Right && o.align === BI.HorizontalAlign.Left; }, setValue: function (value) { }, getValue: function () { }, _transformToTreeFormat: function (sNodes) { var i, l; if (!sNodes) { return []; } if (BI.isArray(sNodes)) { var r = []; var tmpMap = []; for (i = 0, l = sNodes.length; i < l; i++) { tmpMap[sNodes[i].id] = sNodes[i]; } for (i = 0, l = sNodes.length; i < l; i++) { if (tmpMap[sNodes[i].pId] && sNodes[i].id != sNodes[i].pId) { if (!tmpMap[sNodes[i].pId].children) { tmpMap[sNodes[i].pId].children = []; } tmpMap[sNodes[i].pId].children.push(sNodes[i]); } else { r.push(sNodes[i]); } } return r; } return [sNodes]; }, populate: function (items) { var self = this, o = this.options; o.items = items || []; this.empty(); items = this._transformToTreeFormat(o.items); this.tree = new BI.Tree(); this.tree.initTree(items); this.svg = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.svg" }); // 树分层 var levels = this._stratification(); if (this._isNeedAdjust()) { // 树平移 var adjust = this._translate(levels); // 树调整 adjust = this._adjust(adjust); this._createBranches(adjust); } else { var adjust = this._fill(levels); this._createBranches(adjust); } var container = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", width: this._isVertical() ? this._calculateWidth() : this._calculateHeight(), height: this._isVertical() ? this._calculateHeight() : this._calculateWidth() }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: container, items: [{ el: this.svg, top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); if (this._isVertical()) { items = [{ type: "bi.handstand_branch_tree", expander: { direction: o.direction }, el: { layouts: [{ type: "bi.horizontal_adapt", verticalAlign: o.align }] }, items: items }]; } else { items = [{ type: "bi.branch_tree", expander: { direction: o.direction }, el: { layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }, { type: o.align === BI.HorizontalAlign.Left ? "bi.left" : "bi.right" }] }, items: items }]; } BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", element: container, items: items }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", scrollable: true, element: this, items: [container] }); } }); BI.BranchRelation.EVENT_CHANGE = "BranchRelation.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.branch_relation", BI.BranchRelation);/** * 倒立的Branch * @class BI.HandStandBranchExpander * @extend BI.Widget * create by young */ BI.HandStandBranchExpander = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.HandStandBranchExpander.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-handstand-branch-expander", direction: BI.Direction.Top, logic: { dynamic: true }, el: {type: "bi.label"}, popup: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.HandStandBranchExpander.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this._initExpander(); this._initBranchView(); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(o.direction), BI.extend({}, o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(o.direction, { type: "bi.center_adapt", items: [this.expander] }, this.branchView) })))); }, _initExpander: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this.expander = BI.createWidget(o.el); this.expander.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); }, _initBranchView: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this.branchView = BI.createWidget(o.popup, {}); this.branchView.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); }, populate: function (items) { this.branchView.populate.apply(this.branchView, arguments); }, getValue: function () { return this.branchView.getValue(); } }); BI.HandStandBranchExpander.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.handstand_branch_expander", BI.HandStandBranchExpander);/** * @class BI.BranchExpander * @extend BI.Widget * create by young */ BI.BranchExpander = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.BranchExpander.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-branch-expander", direction: BI.Direction.Left, logic: { dynamic: true }, el: {}, popup: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.BranchExpander.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this._initExpander(); this._initBranchView(); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(o.direction), BI.extend({}, o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(o.direction, this.expander, this.branchView) })))); }, _initExpander: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this.expander = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.label", width: 30, height: "100%" }); this.expander.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); }, _initBranchView: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this.branchView = BI.createWidget(o.popup, {}); this.branchView.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); }, populate: function (items) { this.branchView.populate.apply(this.branchView, arguments); }, getValue: function () { return this.branchView.getValue(); } }); BI.BranchExpander.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.branch_expander", BI.BranchExpander);/** * @class BI.HandStandBranchTree * @extends BI.Widget * create by young * 横向分支的树 */ BI.HandStandBranchTree = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.HandStandBranchTree.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-handstand-branch-tree", expander: {}, el: {}, items: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.HandStandBranchTree.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.branchTree = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.custom_tree", element: this, expander: BI.extend({ type: "bi.handstand_branch_expander", el: {}, popup: { type: "bi.custom_tree" } }, o.expander), el: BI.extend({ type: "bi.button_tree", chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_MULTI, layouts: [{ type: "bi.horizontal_adapt" }] }, o.el), items: this.options.items }); this.branchTree.on(BI.CustomTree.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.HandStandBranchTree.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.branchTree.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); }, populate: function () { this.branchTree.populate.apply(this.branchTree, arguments); }, getValue: function () { return this.branchTree.getValue(); } }); BI.HandStandBranchTree.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.handstand_branch_tree", BI.HandStandBranchTree);/** * @class BI.BranchTree * @extends BI.Widget * create by young * 横向分支的树 */ BI.BranchTree = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.BranchTree.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-branch-tree", expander: {}, el: {}, items: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.BranchTree.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.branchTree = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.custom_tree", element: this, expander: BI.extend({ type: "bi.branch_expander", el: {}, popup: { type: "bi.custom_tree" } }, o.expander), el: BI.extend({ type: "bi.button_tree", chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_MULTI, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] }, o.el), items: this.options.items }); this.branchTree.on(BI.CustomTree.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.BranchTree.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.branchTree.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); }, populate: function () { this.branchTree.populate.apply(this.branchTree, arguments); }, getValue: function () { return this.branchTree.getValue(); } }); BI.BranchTree.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.branch_tree", BI.BranchTree);/** * guy * 异步树 * @class BI.DisplayTree * @extends BI.TreeView */ BI.DisplayTree = BI.inherit(BI.TreeView, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.DisplayTree.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-display-tree" }); }, _init: function () { BI.DisplayTree.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, // 配置属性 _configSetting: function () { var setting = { view: { selectedMulti: false, dblClickExpand: false, showIcon: false, showTitle: false }, data: { key: { title: "title", name: "text" }, simpleData: { enable: true } }, callback: { beforeCollapse: beforeCollapse } }; function beforeCollapse (treeId, treeNode) { return false; } return setting; }, _dealWidthNodes: function (nodes) { nodes = BI.DisplayTree.superclass._dealWidthNodes.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; BI.each(nodes, function (i, node) { if (node.text == null) { if (node.count > 0) { node.text = node.value + "(" + BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Altogether") + node.count + BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Count") + ")"; } } }); return nodes; }, initTree: function (nodes, setting) { var setting = setting || this._configSetting(); this.nodes = $.fn.zTree.init(this.tree.element, setting, nodes); }, destroy: function () { BI.DisplayTree.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.DisplayTree.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.display_tree", BI.DisplayTree);/** * guy * 二级树 * @class BI.LevelTree * @extends BI.Single */ BI.LevelTree = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.LevelTree.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-level-tree", el: { chooseType: 0 }, expander: {}, items: [], value: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.LevelTree.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.initTree(this.options.items); }, _formatItems: function (nodes, layer) { var self = this; BI.each(nodes, function (i, node) { var extend = {layer: layer}; if (!BI.isKey(node.id)) { node.id = BI.UUID(); } if (node.isParent === true || BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.children)) { switch (i) { case 0 : extend.type = "bi.first_plus_group_node"; break; case nodes.length - 1 : extend.type = "bi.last_plus_group_node"; break; default : extend.type = "bi.mid_plus_group_node"; break; } BI.defaults(node, extend); self._formatItems(node.children, layer + 1); } else { switch (i) { case nodes.length - 1: extend.type = "bi.last_tree_leaf_item"; break; default : extend.type = "bi.mid_tree_leaf_item"; } BI.defaults(node, extend); } }); return nodes; }, _assertId: function (sNodes) { BI.each(sNodes, function (i, node) { if (!BI.isKey(node.id)) { node.id = BI.UUID(); } }); }, // 构造树结构, initTree: function (nodes) { var self = this, o = this.options; this.empty(); this._assertId(nodes); this.tree = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.custom_tree", element: this, expander: BI.extend({ el: {}, popup: { type: "bi.custom_tree" } }, o.expander), items: this._formatItems(BI.Tree.transformToTreeFormat(nodes), 0), value: o.value, el: BI.extend({ type: "bi.button_tree", chooseType: 0, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] }, o.el) }); this.tree.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, ob) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.LevelTree.EVENT_CHANGE, value, ob); } }); }, // 生成树方法 stroke: function (nodes) { this.tree.stroke.apply(this.tree, arguments); }, populate: function (items) { items = this._formatItems(BI.Tree.transformToTreeFormat(items), 0); this.tree.populate(items); }, setValue: function (v) { this.tree.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.tree.getValue(); }, getAllLeaves: function () { return this.tree.getAllLeaves(); }, getNodeById: function (id) { return this.tree.getNodeById(id); }, getNodeByValue: function (id) { return this.tree.getNodeByValue(id); } }); BI.LevelTree.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.level_tree", BI.LevelTree);/** * 简单的多选树 * * Created by GUY on 2016/2/16. * @class BI.SimpleTreeView * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.SimpleTreeView = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SimpleTreeView.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-simple-tree", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, items: null }); }, _init: function () { BI.SimpleTreeView.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.structure = new BI.Tree(); this.tree = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.tree_view", element: this, itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { var fn = function (items) { callback({ items: items }); self.structure.initTree(BI.Tree.transformToTreeFormat(items)); }; if (BI.isNotNull(o.items)) { fn(o.items); } else { o.itemsCreator(op, fn); } } }); this.tree.on(BI.TreeView.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SimpleTreeView.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(o.items)) { this.populate(); } if (BI.isNotNull(o.value)) { this.setValue(o.value); } }, populate: function (items, keyword) { if (items) { this.options.items = items; } this.tree.stroke({ keyword: keyword }); }, _digest: function (v) { v || (v = []); var self = this, map = {}; var selected = []; BI.each(v, function (i, val) { var node = self.structure.search(val, "value"); if (node) { var p = node; p = p.getParent(); if (p) { if (!map[p.value]) { map[p.value] = 0; } map[p.value]++; } while (p && p.getChildrenLength() <= map[p.value]) { selected.push(p.value); p = p.getParent(); if (p) { if (!map[p.value]) { map[p.value] = 0; } map[p.value]++; } } } }); return BI.makeObject(v.concat(selected)); }, setValue: function (v) { this.tree.setValue(this._digest(v)); }, _getValue: function () { var self = this, result = [], val = this.tree.getValue(); var track = function (nodes) { BI.each(nodes, function (key, node) { if (BI.isEmpty(node)) { result.push(key); } else { track(node); } }); }; track(val); return result; }, empty: function () { this.tree.empty(); }, getValue: function () { var self = this, result = [], val = this._getValue(); BI.each(val, function (i, key) { var target = self.structure.search(key, "value"); if (target) { self.structure._traverse(target, function (node) { if (node.isLeaf()) { result.push(node.value); } }); } }); return result; } }); BI.SimpleTreeView.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.simple_tree", BI.SimpleTreeView); /** * 文本输入框trigger * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/15. * @class BI.EditorTrigger * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.EditorTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { _const: { hgap: 4 }, _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.EditorTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-editor-trigger bi-border", height: 24, validationChecker: BI.emptyFn, quitChecker: BI.emptyFn, allowBlank: false, watermark: "", errorText: "" }); }, _init: function () { this.options.height -= 2; BI.EditorTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options, c = this._const; this.editor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.sign_editor", height: o.height, value: o.value, validationChecker: o.validationChecker, quitChecker: o.quitChecker, allowBlank: o.allowBlank, watermark: o.watermark, errorText: o.errorText }); this.editor.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.EditorTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); BI.createWidget({ element: this, type: "bi.htape", items: [ { el: this.editor }, { el: { type: "bi.trigger_icon_button", cls: "bi-border-left", width: o.triggerWidth || o.height }, width: o.triggerWidth || o.height } ] }); }, getValue: function () { return this.editor.getValue(); }, setValue: function (value) { this.editor.setValue(value); }, setText: function (text) { this.editor.setState(text); } }); BI.EditorTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE = "BI.EditorTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.editor_trigger", BI.EditorTrigger);/** * 图标按钮trigger * * Created by GUY on 2015/10/8. * @class BI.IconTrigger * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.IconTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.IconTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-icon-trigger", el: {}, height: 24 }); }, _init: function () { var o = this.options; BI.IconTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.iconButton = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.trigger_icon_button", element: this, width: o.width, height: o.height }); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.icon_trigger", BI.IconTrigger);/** * 文字trigger * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/15. * @class BI.IconTextTrigger * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.IconTextTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { _const: { hgap: 4 }, _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.IconTextTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-text-trigger", height: 24 }); }, _init: function () { BI.IconTextTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options, c = this._const; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", height: o.height, text: o.text, title: function () { return o.text; }, hgap: c.hgap }); this.trigerButton = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.trigger_icon_button", cls: "bi-border-left", width: o.triggerWidth || o.height }); BI.createWidget({ element: this, type: "bi.htape", ref: function (_ref) { self.wrapper = _ref; }, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.icon_change_button", cls: "icon-combo-trigger-icon " + o.iconCls, ref: function (_ref) { self.icon = _ref; }, disableSelected: true }, width: BI.isEmptyString(o.iconCls)? 0 : (o.triggerWidth || o.height) }, { el: this.text }, { el: this.trigerButton, width: o.triggerWidth || o.height } ] }); }, setValue: function (value) { this.text.setValue(value); }, setIcon: function (iconCls) { var o = this.options; this.icon.setIcon(iconCls); var iconItem = this.wrapper.attr("items")[0]; if(BI.isNull(iconCls) || BI.isEmptyString(iconCls)) { if(iconItem.width !== 0) { iconItem.width = 0; this.wrapper.resize(); } }else{ if(iconItem.width !== (o.triggerWidth || o.height)) { iconItem.width = (o.triggerWidth || o.height); this.wrapper.resize(); } } }, setText: function (text) { this.text.setText(text); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.icon_text_trigger", BI.IconTextTrigger);/** * Created by Windy on 2017/12/12. */ BI.SelectIconTextTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SelectIconTextTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-select-text-trigger bi-border", height: 24 }); }, _init: function () { this.options.height -= 2; BI.SelectIconTextTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var obj = this._digist(o.value, o.items); this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_text_trigger", element: this, text: obj.text, iconCls: obj.iconCls, height: o.height }); }, _digist: function (vals, items) { var o = this.options; vals = BI.isArray(vals) ? vals : [vals]; var result; var formatItems = BI.Tree.transformToArrayFormat(items); BI.any(formatItems, function (i, item) { if (BI.deepContains(vals, item.value)) { result = { text: item.text || item.value, iconCls: item.iconCls }; return true; } }); if (BI.isNotNull(result)) { return { text: result.text, iconCls: result.iconCls }; } else { return { text: o.text, iconCls: "" }; } }, setValue: function (vals) { var obj = this._digist(vals, this.options.items); this.trigger.setText(obj.text); this.trigger.setIcon(obj.iconCls); }, populate: function (items) { this.options.items = items; } }); BI.shortcut("bi.select_icon_text_trigger", BI.SelectIconTextTrigger);/** * 文字trigger * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/15. * @class BI.TextTrigger * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.TextTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { _const: { hgap: 4 }, _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.TextTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-text-trigger", height: 24 }); }, _init: function () { BI.TextTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options, c = this._const; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", height: o.height, text: o.text, title: function () { return o.text; }, hgap: c.hgap, readonly: o.readonly }); this.trigerButton = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.trigger_icon_button", cls: "bi-border-left", width: o.triggerWidth || o.height }); BI.createWidget({ element: this, type: "bi.htape", items: [ { el: this.text }, { el: this.trigerButton, width: o.triggerWidth || o.height } ] }); }, setText: function (text) { this.text.setText(text); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.text_trigger", BI.TextTrigger);/** * 选择字段trigger * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/15. * @class BI.SelectTextTrigger * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.SelectTextTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SelectTextTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-select-text-trigger bi-border", height: 24 }); }, _init: function () { this.options.height -= 2; BI.SelectTextTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_trigger", element: this, height: o.height, text: this._digest(o.value, o.items) }); }, _digest: function(vals, items){ var o = this.options; vals = BI.isArray(vals) ? vals : [vals]; var result = []; var formatItems = BI.Tree.transformToArrayFormat(items); BI.each(formatItems, function (i, item) { if (BI.deepContains(vals, item.value) && !result.contains(item.text || item.value)) { result.push(item.text || item.value); } }); if (result.length > 0) { return result.join(","); } else { return o.text; } }, setValue: function (vals) { this.trigger.setText(this._digest(vals, this.options.items)); }, populate: function (items) { this.options.items = items; } }); BI.shortcut("bi.select_text_trigger", BI.SelectTextTrigger);/** * 选择字段trigger小一号的 * * @class BI.SmallSelectTextTrigger * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.SmallSelectTextTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SmallSelectTextTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-small-select-text-trigger bi-border", height: 20 }); }, _init: function () { this.options.height -= 2; BI.SmallSelectTextTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var obj = this._digest(o.text, o.items); this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.small_text_trigger", element: this, height: o.height - 2, text: obj.text, cls: obj.cls }); }, _digest: function(vals, items){ var o = this.options; vals = BI.isArray(vals) ? vals : [vals]; var result = []; var formatItems = BI.Tree.transformToArrayFormat(items); BI.each(formatItems, function (i, item) { if (BI.deepContains(vals, item.value) && !result.contains(item.text || item.value)) { result.push(item.text || item.value); } }); if (result.length > 0) { return { cls: "", text: result.join(",") } } else { return { cls: "bi-water-mark", text: o.text } } }, setValue: function (vals) { this.trigger.setText(this._digest(vals, this.options.items)); }, populate: function (items) { this.options.items = items; } }); BI.shortcut("bi.small_select_text_trigger", BI.SmallSelectTextTrigger);/** * 文字trigger(右边小三角小一号的) == * * @class BI.SmallTextTrigger * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.SmallTextTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { _const: { hgap: 4 }, _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.SmallTextTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-text-trigger", height: 20 }); }, _init: function () { BI.SmallTextTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options, c = this._const; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", height: o.height, text: o.text, hgap: c.hgap }); this.trigerButton = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.trigger_icon_button", width: o.triggerWidth || o.height }); BI.createWidget({ element: this, type: "bi.htape", items: [ { el: this.text }, { el: this.trigerButton, width: o.triggerWidth || o.height } ] }); }, setValue: function (value) { this.text.setValue(value); }, setText: function (text) { this.text.setText(text); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.small_text_trigger", BI.SmallTextTrigger);/** * * Created by GUY on 2016/5/26. * @class BI.SequenceTableTreeNumber * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.SequenceTableTreeNumber = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SequenceTableTreeNumber.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-sequence-table-tree-number", isNeedFreeze: false, startSequence: 1, // 开始的序号 scrollTop: 0, headerRowSize: 25, rowSize: 25, sequenceHeaderCreator: null, header: [], items: [], // 二维数组 // 交叉表头 crossHeader: [], crossItems: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.SequenceTableTreeNumber.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.vCurr = 1; this.hCurr = 1; this.tasks = []; this.renderedCells = []; this.renderedKeys = []; this.container = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", width: 60, scrollable: false }); this.scrollContainer = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrollable: false, scrolly: false, items: [this.container] }); this.headerContainer = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", cls: "bi-border", width: 58, scrollable: false }); this.layout = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vtape", element: this, items: [{ el: this.headerContainer, height: this._getHeaderHeight() - 2 }, {el: {type: "bi.layout"}, height: 2}, { el: this.scrollContainer }] }); // 缓存第一行对应的序号 this.start = this.options.startSequence; this.cache = {}; this._nextState(); this._populate(); }, _getNextSequence: function (nodes) { var self = this; var start = this.start; var cnt = this.start; function track (node) { // 如果已经有缓存了就不改计数了,复杂表会出现这种情况 self.cache[node.text || node.value] || (self.cache[node.text || node.value] = cnt); cnt++; } BI.each(nodes, function (i, node) { if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.children)) { BI.each(node.children, function (index, child) { if (index === 0) { if (self.cache[child.text || child.value]) { start = cnt = self.cache[child.text || child.value]; } } track(child); }); } }); this.start = cnt; return start; }, _getStart: function (nodes) { var self = this; var start = this.start; BI.some(nodes, function (i, node) { if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.children)) { return BI.some(node.children, function (index, child) { if (index === 0) { if (self.cache[child.text || child.value]) { start = self.cache[child.text || child.value]; return true; } } }); } }); return start; }, _formatNumber: function (nodes) { var self = this, o = this.options; var result = []; var count = this._getStart(nodes); function getLeafCount (node) { var cnt = 0; if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.children)) { BI.each(node.children, function (index, child) { cnt += getLeafCount(child); }); if (/** node.children.length > 1 && **/BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.values)) { cnt++; } } else { cnt++; } return cnt; } var start = 0, top = 0; BI.each(nodes, function (i, node) { if (BI.isArray(node.children)) { BI.each(node.children, function (index, child) { var cnt = getLeafCount(child); result.push({ text: count++, start: start, top: top, cnt: cnt, index: index, height: cnt * o.rowSize }); start += cnt; top += cnt * o.rowSize; }); if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.values)) { result.push({ text: BI.i18nText("BI-Summary_Values"), start: start++, top: top, cnt: 1, isSummary: true, height: o.rowSize }); top += o.rowSize; } } }); return result; }, _layout: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var headerHeight = this._getHeaderHeight() - 2; var items = this.layout.attr("items"); if (o.isNeedFreeze === false) { items[0].height = 0; items[1].height = 0; } else if (o.isNeedFreeze === true) { items[0].height = headerHeight; items[1].height = 2; } this.layout.attr("items", items); this.layout.resize(); try { this.scrollContainer.element.scrollTop(o.scrollTop); } catch (e) { } }, _getHeaderHeight: function () { var o = this.options; return o.headerRowSize * (o.crossHeader.length + (o.header.length > 0 ? 1 : 0)); }, _nextState: function () { var o = this.options; this._getNextSequence(o.items); }, _prevState: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var firstChild; BI.some(o.items, function (i, node) { if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.children)) { return BI.some(node.children, function (j, child) { firstChild = child; return true; }); } }); if (firstChild && BI.isNotEmptyObject(this.cache)) { this.start = this.cache[firstChild.text || firstChild.value]; } else { this.start = 1; } this._nextState(); }, _getMaxScrollTop: function (numbers) { var cnt = 0; BI.each(numbers, function (i, number) { cnt += number.cnt; }); return Math.max(0, cnt * this.options.rowSize - (this.options.height - this._getHeaderHeight()) + BI.DOM.getScrollWidth()); }, _createHeader: function () { var o = this.options; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this.headerContainer, items: [{ el: o.sequenceHeaderCreator || { type: "bi.table_style_cell", cls: "sequence-table-title-cell", styleGetter: o.headerCellStyleGetter, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Number_Index") }, left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); }, _calculateChildrenToRender: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var renderedCells = [], renderedKeys = []; var numbers = this._formatNumber(o.items); var intervalTree = BI.PrefixIntervalTree.uniform(numbers.length, 0); BI.each(numbers, function (i, number) { intervalTree.set(i, number.height); }); var scrollTop = BI.clamp(o.scrollTop, 0, this._getMaxScrollTop(numbers)); var index = intervalTree.greatestLowerBound(scrollTop); var offsetTop = -(scrollTop - (index > 0 ? intervalTree.sumTo(index - 1) : 0)); var height = offsetTop; var bodyHeight = o.height - this._getHeaderHeight(); while (height < bodyHeight && index < numbers.length) { renderedKeys.push(index); offsetTop += numbers[index].height; height += numbers[index].height; index++; } BI.each(renderedKeys, function (i, key) { var index = BI.deepIndexOf(self.renderedKeys, key); if (index > -1) { if (numbers[key].height !== self.renderedCells[index]._height) { self.renderedCells[index]._height = numbers[key].height; self.renderedCells[index].el.setHeight(numbers[key].height); } if (numbers[key].top !== self.renderedCells[index].top) { self.renderedCells[index].top = numbers[key].top; self.renderedCells[index].el.element.css("top", numbers[key].top + "px"); } renderedCells.push(self.renderedCells[index]); } else { var child = BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ type: "bi.table_style_cell", cls: "sequence-table-number-cell bi-border-left bi-border-right bi-border-bottom", width: 60, styleGetter: numbers[key].isSummary === true ? function () { return o.summaryCellStyleGetter(true); } : function (key) { return function () { return o.sequenceCellStyleGetter(key); }; }(numbers[key].index) }, numbers[key])); renderedCells.push({ el: child, left: 0, top: numbers[key].top, _height: numbers[key].height }); } }); // 已存在的, 需要添加的和需要删除的 var existSet = {}, addSet = {}, deleteArray = []; BI.each(renderedKeys, function (i, key) { if (BI.deepContains(self.renderedKeys, key)) { existSet[i] = key; } else { addSet[i] = key; } }); BI.each(this.renderedKeys, function (i, key) { if (BI.deepContains(existSet, key)) { return; } if (BI.deepContains(addSet, key)) { return; } deleteArray.push(i); }); BI.each(deleteArray, function (i, index) { self.renderedCells[index].el.destroy(); }); var addedItems = []; BI.each(addSet, function (index) { addedItems.push(renderedCells[index]); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this.container, items: addedItems }); this.renderedCells = renderedCells; this.renderedKeys = renderedKeys; this.container.setHeight(intervalTree.sumUntil(numbers.length)); }, _restore: function () { BI.each(this.renderedCells, function (i, cell) { cell.el.destroy(); }); this.renderedCells = []; this.renderedKeys = []; }, _populate: function () { var self = this; BI.each(this.tasks, function (i, task) { task.apply(self); }); this.tasks = []; this.headerContainer.empty(); this._createHeader(); this._layout(); this._calculateChildrenToRender(); }, setVerticalScroll: function (scrollTop) { if (this.options.scrollTop !== scrollTop) { this.options.scrollTop = scrollTop; try { this.scrollContainer.element.scrollTop(scrollTop); } catch (e) { } } }, getVerticalScroll: function () { return this.options.scrollTop; }, setVPage: function (v) { if (v <= 1) { this.cache = {}; this.start = this.options.startSequence; this._restore(); this.tasks.push(this._nextState); } else if (v === this.vCurr + 1) { this.tasks.push(this._nextState); } else if (v === this.vCurr - 1) { this.tasks.push(this._prevState); } this.vCurr = v; }, setHPage: function (v) { if (v !== this.hCurr) { this.tasks.push(this._prevState); } this.hCurr = v; }, restore: function () { this._restore(); }, populate: function (items, header, crossItems, crossHeader) { var o = this.options; if (items && items !== this.options.items) { o.items = items; this._restore(); this.tasks.push(this._prevState); } if (header && header !== this.options.header) { o.header = header; } if (crossItems && crossItems !== this.options.crossItems) { o.crossItems = crossItems; } if (crossHeader && crossHeader !== this.options.crossHeader) { o.crossHeader = crossHeader; } this._populate(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.sequence_table_tree_number", BI.SequenceTableTreeNumber);/** * 自适应布局 * * 1、resize * 2、吸附 * 3、当前组件在最上方 * 4、可以撤销 * 5、上下之间插入组件 * * Created by GUY on 2016/2/23. * @class BI.AdaptiveArrangement * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.AdaptiveArrangement = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.AdaptiveArrangement.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-adaptive-arrangement", resizable: true, layoutType: BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.FREE, items: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.AdaptiveArrangement.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.arrangement = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.arrangement", element: this, layoutType: o.layoutType, items: o.items }); this.arrangement.on(BI.Arrangement.EVENT_SCROLL, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.AdaptiveArrangement.EVENT_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.zIndex = 0; BI.each(o.items, function (i, item) { self._initResizable(item.el); }); $(document).mousedown(function (e) { BI.each(self.getAllRegions(), function (i, region) { if (region.el.element.find(e.target).length === 0) { region.el.element.removeClass("selected"); } }); }); BI.ResizeDetector.addResizeListener(this, function () { self.arrangement.resize(); self.fireEvent(BI.AdaptiveArrangement.EVENT_RESIZE); }); }, _isEqual: function () { return this.arrangement._isEqual.apply(this.arrangement, arguments); }, _setSelect: function (item) { if (!item.element.hasClass("selected")) { item.element.css("zIndex", ++this.zIndex); BI.each(this.getAllRegions(), function (i, region) { region.el.element.removeClass("selected"); }); item.element.addClass("selected"); } }, _initResizable: function (item) { var self = this, o = this.options; item.element.css("zIndex", ++this.zIndex); item.element.mousedown(function () { self._setSelect(item); }); }, _getScrollOffset: function () { return this.arrangement._getScrollOffset(); }, getClientWidth: function () { return this.arrangement.getClientWidth(); }, getClientHeight: function () { return this.arrangement.getClientHeight(); }, addRegion: function (region, position) { this._initResizable(region.el); this._setSelect(region.el); var self = this, flag; var old = this.arrangement.getAllRegions(); if (flag = this.arrangement.addRegion(region, position)) { this._old = old; } return flag; }, deleteRegion: function (name) { var flag; var old = this.getAllRegions(); if (flag = this.arrangement.deleteRegion(name)) { this._old = old; } else { this._old = this.getAllRegions(); this.relayout(); } return flag; }, setRegionSize: function (name, size) { var flag; var old = this.getAllRegions(); if (flag = this.arrangement.setRegionSize(name, size)) { this._old = old; } return flag; }, setPosition: function (position, size) { var self = this; return this.arrangement.setPosition(position, size); }, setRegionPosition: function (name, position) { var region = this.getRegionByName(name); return this.arrangement.setRegionPosition(name, position); }, setDropPosition: function (position, size) { return this.arrangement.setDropPosition(position, size); }, scrollInterval: function (e, isBorderScroll, isOverflowScroll, cb) { // var self = this; // var map = { // top: [-1, 0], // bottom: [1, 0], // left: [0, -1], // right: [0, 1] // }; // var clientWidth = this.arrangement.getClientWidth(); // var clientHeight = this.arrangement.getClientHeight(); // // function scrollTo(direction, callback) { // if (direction === "") { // self.lastActiveRegion = ""; // if (self._scrollInterval) { // clearInterval(self._scrollInterval); // self._scrollInterval = null; // } // return; // } // if (self.lastActiveRegion !== direction) { // self.lastActiveRegion = direction; // if (self._scrollInterval) { // clearInterval(self._scrollInterval); // self._scrollInterval = null; // } // var count = 0; // self._scrollInterval = setInterval(function () { // count++; // if (count <= 3) { // return; // } // var offset = self._getScrollOffset(); // var t = offset.top + map[direction][0] * 40; // var l = offset.left + map[direction][1] * 40; // if (t < 0 || l < 0) { // return; // } // callback({ // offsetX: map[direction][1] * 40, // offsetY: map[direction][0] * 40 // }); // self.scrollTo({ // top: t, // left: l // }); // }, 300); // } // } cb({ offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 }); // var offset = this.element.offset(); // var p = { // left: e.pageX - offset.left, // top: e.pageY - offset.top // }; // //向上滚 // if (isBorderScroll && p.top >= 0 && p.top <= 30) { // scrollTo("top", cb) // } // //向下滚 // else if (isBorderScroll && p.top >= clientHeight - 30 && p.top <= clientHeight) { // scrollTo("bottom", cb) // } // //向左滚 // else if (isBorderScroll && p.left >= 0 && p.left <= 30) { // scrollTo("left", cb) // } // //向右滚 // else if (isBorderScroll && p.left >= clientWidth - 30 && p.left <= clientWidth) { // scrollTo("right", cb) // } else { // if (isOverflowScroll === true) { // if (p.top < 0) { // scrollTo("top", cb); // } // else if (p.top > clientHeight) { // scrollTo("bottom", cb); // } // else if (p.left < 0) { // scrollTo("left", cb); // } // else if (p.left > clientWidth) { // scrollTo("right", cb); // } else { // scrollTo("", cb); // } // } else { // scrollTo("", cb); // } // } }, scrollEnd: function () { this.lastActiveRegion = ""; if (this._scrollInterval) { clearInterval(this._scrollInterval); this._scrollInterval = null; } }, scrollTo: function (scroll) { this.arrangement.scrollTo(scroll); }, zoom: function (ratio) { this.arrangement.zoom(ratio); }, resize: function () { this.arrangement.resize(); }, relayout: function () { return this.arrangement.relayout(); }, setLayoutType: function (type) { var self = this; this.arrangement.setLayoutType(type); }, getLayoutType: function () { return this.arrangement.getLayoutType(); }, getLayoutRatio: function () { return this.arrangement.getLayoutRatio(); }, getHelper: function () { return this.arrangement.getHelper(); }, getRegionByName: function (name) { return this.arrangement.getRegionByName(name); }, getAllRegions: function () { return this.arrangement.getAllRegions(); }, revoke: function () { if (this._old) { this.populate(BI.toArray(this._old)); } }, populate: function (items) { var self = this; BI.each(items, function (i, item) { self._initResizable(item.el); }); this.arrangement.populate(items); } }); BI.AdaptiveArrangement.EVENT_ELEMENT_START_RESIZE = "AdaptiveArrangement.EVENT_ELEMENT_START_RESIZE"; BI.AdaptiveArrangement.EVENT_ELEMENT_RESIZE = "AdaptiveArrangement.EVENT_ELEMENT_RESIZE"; BI.AdaptiveArrangement.EVENT_ELEMENT_STOP_RESIZE = "AdaptiveArrangement.EVENT_ELEMENT_STOP_RESIZE"; BI.AdaptiveArrangement.EVENT_RESIZE = "AdaptiveArrangement.EVENT_RESIZE"; BI.AdaptiveArrangement.EVENT_SCROLL = "AdaptiveArrangement.EVENT_SCROLL"; BI.shortcut("bi.adaptive_arrangement", BI.AdaptiveArrangement);/** * Arrangement的block面板 * * Created by GUY on 2016/3/1. * @class BI.ArrangementBlock * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.ArrangementBlock = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ArrangementBlock.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-arrangement-block bi-mask" }); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.arrangement_block", BI.ArrangementBlock);/** * Arrangement的drop面板 * * Created by GUY on 2016/3/1. * @class BI.ArrangementDroppable * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.ArrangementDroppable = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ArrangementDroppable.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-arrangement-droppable bi-resizer" }); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.arrangement_droppable", BI.ArrangementDroppable);/** * 布局 * * Created by GUY on 2016/2/23. * @class BI.Arrangement * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.Arrangement = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Arrangement.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-arrangement", layoutType: BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.GRID, items: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.Arrangement.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.arrangement = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.arrangement_droppable", cls: "arrangement-block", invisible: true }); this.block = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.arrangement_block", invisible: true }); this.container = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", scrollable: true, cls: "arrangement-container", items: o.items.concat([this.block, this.arrangement]) }); this.container.element.scroll(function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Arrangement.EVENT_SCROLL, { scrollLeft: self.container.element.scrollLeft(), scrollTop: self.container.element.scrollTop(), clientWidth: self.container.element[0].clientWidth, clientHeight: self.container.element[0].clientHeight }); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.container, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); this.regions = {}; if (o.items.length > 0) { BI.nextTick(function () { self.populate(o.items); }); } }, // //初始化操作//// _calculateRegions: function (items) { var self = this, o = this.options; this.regions = {}; BI.each(items, function (i, item) { var region = self._createOneRegion(item); self.regions[region.id] = region; }); }, _isEqual: function (num1, num2) { return Math.abs(num1 - num2) < 2; }, _isLessThan: function (num1, num2) { return num1 < num2 && !this._isEqual(num1, num2); }, _isMoreThan: function (num1, num2) { return num1 > num2 && !this._isEqual(num1, num2); }, _isLessThanEqual: function (num1, num2) { return num1 <= num2 || this._isEqual(num1, num2); }, _isMoreThanEqual: function (num1, num2) { return num1 >= num2 || this._isEqual(num1, num2); }, // 获取占有的最大Region _getRegionOccupied: function (regions) { var self = this, o = this.options; if (BI.size(regions || this.regions) <= 0) { return { left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; } var minLeft = BI.MAX, maxLeft = BI.MIN, minTop = BI.MAX, maxTop = BI.MIN; BI.each(regions || this.regions, function (id, region) { minLeft = Math.min(minLeft, region.left); maxLeft = Math.max(maxLeft, region.left + region.width); minTop = Math.min(minTop, region.top); maxTop = Math.max(maxTop, region.top + region.height); }); return { left: minLeft, top: minTop, width: maxLeft - minLeft, height: maxTop - minTop }; }, // 两个区域的交叉面积 _getCrossArea: function (region1, region2) { if (region1.left <= region2.left) { if (region1.top <= region2.top) { if (region1.top + region1.height > region2.top && region1.left + region1.width > region2.left) { if (this._isEqual(region1.top + region1.height, region2.top) || this._isEqual(region1.left + region1.width, region2.left)) { return 0; } return (region1.top + region1.height - region2.top) * (region1.left + region1.width - region2.left); } } else { if (region2.top + region2.height > region1.top && region1.left + region1.width > region2.left) { if (this._isEqual(region2.top + region2.height, region1.top) || this._isEqual(region1.left + region1.width, region2.left)) { return 0; } return (region2.top + region2.height - region1.top) * (region1.left + region1.width - region2.left); } } } else { if (region1.top <= region2.top) { if (region1.top + region1.height > region2.top && region2.left + region2.width > region1.left) { if (this._isEqual(region1.top + region1.height, region2.top) || this._isEqual(region2.left + region2.width, region1.left)) { return 0; } return (region1.top + region1.height - region2.top) * (region2.left + region2.width - region1.left); } } else { if (region2.top + region2.height > region1.top && region2.left + region2.width > region1.left) { if (this._isEqual(region2.top + region2.height, region1.top) || this._isEqual(region2.left + region2.width, region1.left)) { return 0; } return (region2.top + region2.height - region1.top) * (region2.left + region2.width - region1.left); } } } return 0; }, // 是否有覆盖的组件 _isRegionOverlay: function (regions) { var reg = []; BI.each(regions || this.regions, function (id, region) { reg.push(new BI.Region(region.left, region.top, region.width, region.height)); }); for (var i = 0, len = reg.length; i < len; i++) { for (var j = i + 1; j < len; j++) { var area1 = { left: reg[i].x, top: reg[i].y, width: reg[i].w, height: reg[i].h }; var area2 = { left: reg[j].x, top: reg[j].y, width: reg[j].w, height: reg[j].h }; if (reg[i].isIntersects(reg[j]) && this._getCrossArea(area1, area2) > 1) { return true; } } } return false; }, // 布局是否是优良的 _isArrangeFine: function (regions) { switch (this.options.layoutType) { case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.FREE: return true; case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.GRID: // if (this._isRegionOverlay()) { // return false; // } } return true; }, _getRegionNames: function (regions) { var names = []; BI.each(regions || this.regions, function (i, region) { names.push(region.id || region.attr("id")); }); return names; }, _getRegionsByNames: function (names, regions) { names = BI.isArray(names) ? names : [names]; regions = regions || this.regions; if (BI.isArray(regions)) { var result = []; BI.each(regions, function (i, region) { if (names.contains(region.id || region.attr("id"))) { result.push(region); } }); } else { var result = {}; BI.each(names, function (i, name) { result[name] = regions[name]; }); } return result; }, _cloneRegion: function (regions) { var clone = {}; BI.each(regions || this.regions, function (id, region) { clone[id] = {}; clone[id].el = region.el; clone[id].id = region.id; clone[id].left = region.left; clone[id].top = region.top; clone[id].width = region.width; clone[id].height = region.height; }); return clone; }, // 测试合法性 _test: function (regions) { var self = this; return !BI.any(regions || this.regions, function (i, region) { if (BI.isNaN(region.width) || BI.isNaN(region.height) || region.width <= 21 || region.height <= 21) { return true; } }); }, _getScrollOffset: function () { return { left: this.container.element[0].scrollLeft, top: this.container.element[0].scrollTop }; }, // //操作//// _createOneRegion: function (item) { var el = BI.createWidget(item.el); el.setVisible(true); return { id: el.attr("id"), left: item.left, top: item.top, width: item.width, height: item.height, el: el }; }, _applyRegion: function (regions) { var self = this, o = this.options; BI.each(regions || this.regions, function (i, region) { region.el.element.css({ left: region.left, top: region.top, width: region.width, height: region.height }); }); this._applyContainer(); this.ratio = this.getLayoutRatio(); }, _renderRegion: function () { var items = BI.toArray(this.regions); BI.each(items, function (i, item) { if (BI.isNotNull(item.el)) { item.el.options.key = item.id; } else { item.key = item.id; } }); if (BI.isNull(this.wrapper)) { this.wrapper = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this.container }); } this.wrapper.addItems(items); }, getClientWidth: function () { return this.container.element[0].clientWidth; }, getClientHeight: function () { return this.container.element[0].clientHeight; }, _applyContainer: function () { var occupied = this._getRegionOccupied(); return occupied; }, _modifyRegion: function (regions) { BI.each(this.regions, function (id, region) { if (regions[id]) { region.left = regions[id].left; region.top = regions[id].top; region.width = regions[id].width; region.height = regions[id].height; } }); }, _addRegion: function (item) { var region = this._createOneRegion(item); this.regions[region.id] = region; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this.container, items: [region] }); }, _deleteRegionByName: function (name) { this.regions[name].el.setVisible(false); delete this.regions[name]; }, _setArrangeSize: function (size) { this.arrangement.element.css({ left: size.left, top: size.top, width: size.width, height: size.height }); }, // Grid _getOneWidthPortion: function () { return this.getClientWidth() / BI.Arrangement.PORTION; }, _getOneHeightPortion: function () { return this.getClientHeight() / BI.Arrangement.H_PORTION; }, _getGridPositionAndSize: function (position) { var perWidth = this._getOneWidthPortion(); var perHeight = this._getOneHeightPortion(); var widthPortion = Math.round(position.width / perWidth); var leftPortion = Math.round(position.left / perWidth); var topPortion = Math.round(position.top / perHeight); var heightPortion = Math.round(position.height / perHeight); // if (leftPortion > BI.Arrangement.PORTION) { // leftPortion = BI.Arrangement.PORTION; // } // if (widthPortion > BI.Arrangement.PORTION) { // widthPortion = BI.Arrangement.PORTION; // } // if (leftPortion + widthPortion > BI.Arrangement.PORTION) { // leftPortion = BI.Arrangement.PORTION - widthPortion; // } if (widthPortion === 0) { widthPortion = 1; } if (heightPortion === 0) { heightPortion = 1; } return { x: leftPortion, y: topPortion, w: widthPortion, h: heightPortion }; }, _getBlockPositionAndSize: function (position) { var perWidth = this._getOneWidthPortion(); var perHeight = this._getOneHeightPortion(); return { left: position.x * perWidth, top: position.y * perHeight, width: position.w * perWidth, height: position.h * perHeight }; }, _getLayoutsByRegions: function (regions) { var self = this; var result = []; BI.each(regions || this.regions, function (id, region) { result.push(BI.extend(self._getGridPositionAndSize(region), { i: region.id })); }); return result; }, _getLayoutIndexByName: function (layout, name) { return BI.findIndex(layout, function (i, l) { return l.i === name; }); }, _setBlockPositionAndSize: function (size) { this.block.element.css({ left: size.left, top: size.top, width: size.width, height: size.height }); }, _getRegionsByLayout: function (layout) { var self = this; var regions = {}; BI.each(layout, function (i, ly) { regions[ly.i] = BI.extend(self._getBlockPositionAndSize(ly), { id: ly.i }); }); return regions; }, _setRegionsByLayout: function (regions, layout) { var self = this; regions || (regions = this.regions); BI.each(layout, function (i, ly) { if (regions[ly.i]) { BI.extend(regions[ly.i], self._getBlockPositionAndSize(ly)); } }); return regions; }, _moveElement: function (layout, l, x, y, isUserAction) { var self = this; if (l._static) { return layout; } if (l.y === y && l.x === x) { return layout; } var movingUp = y && l.y > y; if (typeof x === "number") { l.x = x; } if (typeof y === "number") { l.y = y; } l.moved = true; var sorted = this._sortLayoutItemsByRowCol(layout); if (movingUp) { sorted = sorted.reverse(); } var collisions = getAllCollisions(sorted, l); for (var i = 0, len = collisions.length; i < len; i++) { var collision = collisions[i]; if (collision.moved) { continue; } if (l.y > collision.y && l.y - collision.y > collision.h / 4) { continue; } if (collision._static) { layout = this._moveElementAwayFromCollision(layout, collision, l, isUserAction); } else { layout = this._moveElementAwayFromCollision(layout, l, collision, isUserAction); } } return layout; function getAllCollisions (layout, layoutItem) { return BI.filter(layout, function (i, l) { return self._collides(l, layoutItem); }); } }, _sortLayoutItemsByRowCol: function (layout) { return [].concat(layout).sort(function (a, b) { if (a.y > b.y || (a.y === b.y && a.x > b.x)) { return 1; } return -1; }); }, _collides: function (l1, l2) { if (l1 === l2) { return false; } // same element if (l1.x + l1.w <= l2.x) { return false; } // l1 is left of l2 if (l1.x >= l2.x + l2.w) { return false; } // l1 is right of l2 if (l1.y + l1.h <= l2.y) { return false; } // l1 is above l2 if (l1.y >= l2.y + l2.h) { return false; } // l1 is below l2 return true; // boxes overlap }, _getFirstCollision: function (layout, layoutItem) { for (var i = 0, len = layout.length; i < len; i++) { if (this._collides(layout[i], layoutItem)) { return layout[i]; } } }, _moveElementAwayFromCollision: function (layout, collidesWith, itemToMove, isUserAction) { if (isUserAction) { var fakeItem = { x: itemToMove.x, y: itemToMove.y, w: itemToMove.w, h: itemToMove.h, i: "-1" }; fakeItem.y = Math.max(collidesWith.y - itemToMove.h, 0); if (!this._getFirstCollision(layout, fakeItem)) { return this._moveElement(layout, itemToMove, undefined, fakeItem.y); } } return this._moveElement(layout, itemToMove, undefined, itemToMove.y + 1); }, _compactItem: function (compareWith, l, verticalCompact) { if (verticalCompact) { while (l.y > 0 && !this._getFirstCollision(compareWith, l)) { l.y--; } } var collides; while ((collides = this._getFirstCollision(compareWith, l))) { l.y = collides.y + collides.h; } return l; }, compact: function (layout, verticalCompact) { var compareWith = getStatics(layout); var sorted = this._sortLayoutItemsByRowCol(layout); var out = []; for (var i = 0, len = sorted.length; i < len; i++) { var l = sorted[i]; if (!l._static) { l = this._compactItem(compareWith, l, verticalCompact); compareWith.push(l); } out[layout.indexOf(l)] = l; l.moved = false; } return out; function getStatics (layout) { return BI.filter(layout, function (i, l) { return l._static; }); } }, // //公有方法//// getRegionByName: function (name) { var obj = {}; obj[name] = this.regions[name]; return this._cloneRegion(obj)[name]; }, getAllRegions: function () { return BI.toArray(this._cloneRegion()); }, getHelper: function () { var helper = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", width: 18, height: 18, cls: "arrangement-helper bi-border" }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [helper] }); return helper; }, _start: function () { if (this.options.layoutType === BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.GRID) { this.block.setVisible(true); } else { this.arrangement.setVisible(true); } }, _stop: function () { this.arrangement.setVisible(false); this.block.setVisible(false); }, // //公有操作//// setLayoutType: function (type) { var self = this, o = this.options; if (type !== o.layoutType) { o.layoutType = type; switch (o.layoutType) { case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.FREE: break; case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.GRID: this.relayout(); break; } } }, getLayoutType: function () { return this.options.layoutType; }, getLayoutRatio: function () { var occupied = this._getRegionOccupied(); var width = this.getClientWidth(), height = this.getClientHeight(); return { x: BI.parseFloat(BI.contentFormat((occupied.left + occupied.width) / width, "#.##;-#.##")), y: BI.parseFloat(BI.contentFormat((occupied.top + occupied.height) / height, "#.##;-#.##")) }; }, addRegion: function (region, position) { if (position) { this.setPosition(position, region); } var self = this, o = this.options; if (!this.position) { return false; } var test = this._cloneRegion(); BI.each(this.position.regions, function (i, region) { test[region.id].left = region.left; test[region.id].top = region.top; test[region.id].width = region.width; test[region.id].height = region.height; }); var item = BI.extend({}, region, { left: this.position.insert.left, top: this.position.insert.top, width: this.position.insert.width, height: this.position.insert.height }); var added = this._createOneRegion(item); test[added.id] = added; if (this._test(test)) { delete test[added.id]; this._modifyRegion(test); this._addRegion(item); this._populate(this.getAllRegions()); return true; } return false; }, deleteRegion: function (name) { if (!this.regions[name]) { return false; } var self = this, o = this.options; switch (o.layoutType) { case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.FREE: this._deleteRegionByName(name); this._populate(this.getAllRegions()); return true; case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.GRID: this._deleteRegionByName(name); this._populate(this.getAllRegions()); this.resize(); return true; } return false; }, setRegionSize: function (name, size) { var self = this, o = this.options; var flag = false; switch (o.layoutType) { case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.FREE: var clone = this._cloneRegion(); BI.extend(clone[name], { width: size.width, height: size.height }); if (this._test(clone)) { this._modifyRegion(clone); flag = true; } break; case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.GRID: var clone = this._cloneRegion(); BI.extend(clone[name], { width: size.width, height: size.height }); if (this._test(clone)) { var layout = this._getLayoutsByRegions(clone); layout = this.compact(layout, true); var regions = this._getRegionsByLayout(layout); this._modifyRegion(regions); flag = true; } break; } this._applyRegion(); return flag; }, setPosition: function (position, size) { var self = this, o = this.options; var insert, regions = [], cur; if (position.left < 0 || position.top < 0) { switch (o.layoutType) { case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.FREE: break; case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.GRID: this.resize(); break; } this._stop(); this.position = null; return null; } var offset = this._getScrollOffset(); position = { left: position.left + offset.left, top: position.top + offset.top }; switch (o.layoutType) { case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.FREE: var insert = { top: position.top < 0 ? 0 : position.top, left: position.left < 0 ? 0 : position.left, width: size.width, height: size.height }; this.position = { insert: insert }; this._setArrangeSize(insert); this._start(); break; case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.GRID: var p = { top: position.top < 0 ? 0 : position.top, left: position.left < 0 ? 0 : position.left, width: size.width, height: size.height }; this._setArrangeSize(p); var cur = this._getGridPositionAndSize(p); var layout = [{ x: 0, y: BI.MAX, w: cur.w, h: cur.h, i: cur.i }].concat(this._getLayoutsByRegions()); layout = this._moveElement(layout, layout[0], cur.x, cur.y, true); layout = this.compact(layout, true); var regions = this._setRegionsByLayout(this._cloneRegion(), layout); var insert = this._getBlockPositionAndSize(layout[0]); this.position = { insert: insert, regions: regions }; this._applyRegion(regions); this._setBlockPositionAndSize(insert); this._start(); break; } return this.position; }, setRegionPosition: function (name, position) { var self = this, o = this.options; var offset = this._getScrollOffset(); position = BI.extend(position, { left: position.left + offset.left, top: position.top + offset.top }); switch (o.layoutType) { case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.FREE: BI.extend(this.regions[name], { left: position.left < 0 ? 0 : position.left, top: position.top < 0 ? 0 : position.top }); this._applyRegion(); break; case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.GRID: if (!position.stop) { BI.extend(this.regions[name], { left: position.left < 0 ? 0 : position.left, top: position.top < 0 ? 0 : position.top }); var cloned = this._cloneRegion(); var cur = this._getGridPositionAndSize(BI.extend(cloned[name], { left: position.left < 0 ? 0 : position.left, top: position.top < 0 ? 0 : position.top })); var x = cur.x, y = cur.y; cur = BI.extend(cur, { x: 0, y: BI.MAX, i: -1 }); delete cloned[name]; var layout = this._getLayoutsByRegions(cloned); layout = this._moveElement([cur].concat(layout), cur, x, y, true); layout = this.compact(layout, true); var regions = this._getRegionsByLayout(layout); this._modifyRegion(regions); this._applyRegion(); this._setBlockPositionAndSize(this._getBlockPositionAndSize(cur)); this.block.setVisible(true); } else { BI.extend(this.regions[name], { left: position.left < 0 ? 0 : position.left, top: position.top < 0 ? 0 : position.top }); var cloned = this._cloneRegion(); var layout = this._getLayoutsByRegions(cloned); layout = this.compact(layout, true); var regions = this._getRegionsByLayout(layout); this._modifyRegion(regions); this._applyRegion(); this.block.setVisible(false); } break; } }, setDropPosition: function (position, size) { var self = this; this.arrangement.setVisible(true); var offset = this._getScrollOffset(); this._setArrangeSize(BI.extend({}, size, { left: position.left + offset.left, top: position.top + offset.top })); return function () { self.arrangement.setVisible(false); }; }, scrollTo: function (scroll) { this.container.element.scrollTop(scroll.top); this.container.element.scrollLeft(scroll.left); }, zoom: function (ratio) { var self = this, o = this.options; if (!ratio) { return; } var occupied = this._applyContainer(); switch (this.getLayoutType()) { case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.FREE: if (this._isArrangeFine()) { var width = this.getClientWidth(); var xRatio = (ratio.x || 1) * width / (occupied.left + occupied.width); // var yRatio = ratio.y * height / (occupied.top + occupied.height); var regions = this._cloneRegion(); BI.each(regions, function (i, region) { region.left = region.left * xRatio; // region.top = region.top * yRatio; region.width = region.width * xRatio; // region.height = region.height * yRatio; }); if (this._test(regions)) { this._modifyRegion(regions); this._applyRegion(); } this.resize(); // } else { this.relayout(); } break; case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.GRID: if (this._isArrangeFine()) { var width = this.getClientWidth(), height = this.getClientHeight(); var xRatio = (ratio.x || 1) * width / (occupied.left + occupied.width); var yRatio = (ratio.y || 1) * height / (occupied.top + occupied.height); var regions = this._cloneRegion(); BI.each(regions, function (i, region) { region.left = region.left * xRatio; region.width = region.width * xRatio; region.top = region.top * yRatio; region.height = region.height * yRatio; // 做一下自适应布局到网格布局的兼容 var perWidth = self._getOneWidthPortion(); var widthPortion = Math.round(region.width / perWidth); var leftPortion = Math.round(region.left / perWidth); var comparePortion = Math.round((region.width + region.left) / perWidth); if (leftPortion + widthPortion !== comparePortion) { region.left = leftPortion * perWidth; region.width = comparePortion * perWidth - region.left; } }); if (this._test(regions)) { var layout = this._getLayoutsByRegions(regions); layout = this.compact(layout, true); regions = this._getRegionsByLayout(layout); this._modifyRegion(regions); this._applyRegion(); } } else { this.relayout(); } break; } }, resize: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; switch (o.layoutType) { case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.FREE: break; case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.GRID: this.zoom(this.ratio); var regions = this._cloneRegion(); var layout = this._getLayoutsByRegions(regions); layout = this.compact(layout, true); regions = this._getRegionsByLayout(layout); this._modifyRegion(regions); this._applyRegion(); break; } }, relayout: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; switch (o.layoutType) { case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.FREE: break; case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.GRID: if (!this._isArrangeFine()) { var perHeight = this._getOneHeightPortion(); var width = this.getClientWidth(), height = this.getClientHeight(); var regions = this._cloneRegion(); var clone = BI.toArray(regions); clone.sort(function (r1, r2) { if (self._isEqual(r1.top, r2.top)) { return r1.left - r2.left; } return r1.top - r2.top; }); var count = clone.length; var cols = 4, rows = Math.floor((count - 1) / 4 + 1); var w = width / cols, h = height / rows; var store = {}; BI.each(clone, function (i, region) { var row = Math.floor(i / 4), col = i % 4; BI.extend(region, { top: row * perHeight * 6, left: col * w, width: w, height: perHeight * 6 }); if (!store[row]) { store[row] = {}; } store[row][col] = region; }); // 非4的倍数 // if (count % 4 !== 0) { // var lasts = store[rows - 1]; // var perWidth = width / (count % 4); // BI.each(lasts, function (i, region) { // BI.extend(region, { // left: BI.parseInt(i) * perWidth, // width: perWidth // }); // }); // } if (this._test(clone)) { var layout = this._getLayoutsByRegions(regions); layout = this.compact(layout, true); regions = this._getRegionsByLayout(layout); this._modifyRegion(regions); this._populate(clone); } } else { this.resize(); } break; } }, _populate: function (items) { this._stop(); this._calculateRegions(items); this._applyRegion(); }, populate: function (items) { // this.regions = {}; var self = this; BI.each(this.regions, function (name, region) { var exist = BI.some(items, function (i, item) { return item.el.attr("id") === name; }); if (!exist) { self.regions[name].el.setVisible(false); } delete self.regions[name]; }); this._populate(items); this._renderRegion(); } }); BI.Arrangement.EVENT_SCROLL = "EVENT_SCROLL"; BI.extend(BI.Arrangement, { PORTION: 36, H_PORTION: 18, LAYOUT_TYPE: { GRID: 0, FREE: 1 } }); BI.shortcut("bi.arrangement", BI.Arrangement);/** * 日期控件中的月份下拉框 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/7. * @class BI.MonthDateCombo * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.MonthDateCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend( BI.MonthDateCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-month-combo", height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.MonthDateCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.date_triangle_trigger" }); this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.month_popup" }); this.popup.on(BI.YearPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(self.popup.getValue()); }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", offsetStyle: "center", element: this, isNeedAdjustHeight: false, isNeedAdjustWidth: false, el: this.trigger, popup: { minWidth: 85, stopPropagation: false, el: this.popup } }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.combo.hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.MonthDateCombo.EVENT_CHANGE); }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.trigger.setValue(v + 1); this.popup.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.popup.getValue(); } }); BI.MonthDateCombo.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.month_date_combo", BI.MonthDateCombo);/** * 年份下拉框 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/7. * @class BI.YearDateCombo * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.YearDateCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend( BI.YearDateCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-year-combo", min: "1900-01-01", // 最小日期 max: "2099-12-31", // 最大日期 height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.YearDateCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.date_triangle_trigger" }); this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.year_popup", min: o.min, max: o.max }); this.popup.on(BI.YearPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(self.popup.getValue()); self.combo.hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.YearDateCombo.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", offsetStyle: "center", element: this, isNeedAdjustHeight: false, isNeedAdjustWidth: false, el: this.trigger, popup: { minWidth: 85, stopPropagation: false, el: this.popup } }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.YearDateCombo.EVENT_CHANGE); }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.trigger.setValue(v); this.popup.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.popup.getValue(); } }); BI.YearDateCombo.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.year_date_combo", BI.YearDateCombo);/** * Created by GUY on 2015/9/7. * @class BI.DatePicker * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.DatePicker = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.DatePicker.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: "bi-date-picker bi-background", height: 25, min: "1900-01-01", // 最小日期 max: "2099-12-31" // 最大日期 }); }, _init: function () { BI.DatePicker.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this._year = Date.getDate().getFullYear(); this._month = Date.getDate().getMonth(); this.left = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "pre-page-h-font", width: 25, height: 25 }); this.left.on(BI.IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { if (self._month === 0) { self.setValue({ year: self.year.getValue() - 1, month: 11 }); } else { self.setValue({ year: self.year.getValue(), month: self.month.getValue() - 1 }); } self.fireEvent(BI.DatePicker.EVENT_CHANGE); self._checkLeftValid(); self._checkRightValid(); }); this.right = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "next-page-h-font", width: 25, height: 25 }); this.right.on(BI.IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { if (self._month === 11) { self.setValue({ year: self.year.getValue() + 1, month: 0 }); } else { self.setValue({ year: self.year.getValue(), month: self.month.getValue() + 1 }); } self.fireEvent(BI.DatePicker.EVENT_CHANGE); self._checkLeftValid(); self._checkRightValid(); }); this.year = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.year_date_combo", min: o.min, max: o.max }); this.year.on(BI.YearDateCombo.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue({ year: self.year.getValue(), month: self.month.getValue() }); self.fireEvent(BI.DatePicker.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.month = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.month_date_combo" }); this.month.on(BI.MonthDateCombo.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue({ year: self.year.getValue(), month: self.month.getValue() }); self.fireEvent(BI.DatePicker.EVENT_CHANGE); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.htape", element: this, items: [{ el: this.left, width: 25 }, { type: "bi.center_adapt", items: [{ type: "bi.horizontal", width: 100, items: [this.year, this.month] }] }, { el: this.right, width: 25 }] }); this.setValue({ year: this._year, month: this._month }); }, _checkLeftValid: function () { var o = this.options; var valid = !(this._month === 0 && this._year === Date.parseDateTime(o.min, "%Y-%X-%d").getFullYear()); this.left.setEnable(valid); return valid; }, _checkRightValid: function () { var o = this.options; var valid = !(this._month === 11 && this._year === Date.parseDateTime(o.max, "%Y-%X-%d").getFullYear()); this.right.setEnable(valid); return valid; }, setValue: function (ob) { this._year = ob.year; this._month = ob.month; this.year.setValue(ob.year); this.month.setValue(ob.month); this._checkLeftValid(); this._checkRightValid(); }, getValue: function () { return { year: this.year.getValue(), month: this.month.getValue() }; } }); BI.DatePicker.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.date_picker", BI.DatePicker);/** * Created by GUY on 2015/9/7. * @class BI.DateCalendarPopup * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.DateCalendarPopup = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.DateCalendarPopup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: "bi-date-calendar-popup", min: "1900-01-01", // 最小日期 max: "2099-12-31", // 最大日期 selectedTime: null }); }, _createNav: function (v) { var date = BI.Calendar.getDateJSONByPage(v); var calendar = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.calendar", logic: { dynamic: true }, min: this.options.min, max: this.options.max, year: date.year, month: date.month, day: this.selectedTime.day }); return calendar; }, _init: function () { BI.DateCalendarPopup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.today = Date.getDate(); this._year = this.today.getFullYear(); this._month = this.today.getMonth(); this._day = this.today.getDate(); this.selectedTime = o.selectedTime || { year: this._year, month: this._month, day: this._day }; this.datePicker = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.date_picker", min: o.min, max: o.max }); this.calendar = BI.createWidget({ direction: "top", element: this, logic: { dynamic: true }, type: "bi.navigation", tab: this.datePicker, cardCreator: BI.bind(this._createNav, this), afterCardCreated: function () { }, afterCardShow: function () { this.setValue(self.selectedTime); } }); this.datePicker.on(BI.DatePicker.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.selectedTime = self.datePicker.getValue(); self.selectedTime.day = 1; self.calendar.setSelect(BI.Calendar.getPageByDateJSON(self.selectedTime)); }); this.calendar.on(BI.Navigation.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.selectedTime = self.calendar.getValue(); self.setValue(self.selectedTime); self.fireEvent(BI.DateCalendarPopup.EVENT_CHANGE); }); }, setValue: function (timeOb) { this.datePicker.setValue(timeOb); this.calendar.setSelect(BI.Calendar.getPageByDateJSON(timeOb)); this.calendar.setValue(timeOb); this.selectedTime = timeOb; }, getValue: function () { return this.selectedTime; } }); BI.DateCalendarPopup.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.date_calendar_popup", BI.DateCalendarPopup);/** * 日期控件中的年份或月份trigger * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/7. * @class BI.DateTriangleTrigger * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.DateTriangleTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { _const: { height: 25, iconWidth: 16, iconHeight: 13 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend( BI.DateTriangleTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-date-triangle-trigger pull-down-ha-font cursor-pointer", height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.DateTriangleTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, c = this._const; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "list-item-text", textAlign: "right", text: o.text, value: o.value, height: c.height }); this.icon = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon", width: c.iconWidth, height: c.iconHeight }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", element: this, items: [{ type: "bi.center_adapt", width: 50, height: c.height, items: [this.text, this.icon] }] }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.text.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function (v) { this.text.setText(v); }, getText: function () { return this.item.getText(); }, getKey: function () { } }); BI.shortcut("bi.date_triangle_trigger", BI.DateTriangleTrigger);/** * 日期下拉框 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/7. * @class BI.DateCombo * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.DateCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.DateCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-date-combo bi-border", height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.DateCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.date_trigger" }); this.trigger.on(BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_TRIGGER_CLICK, function () { self.combo.toggle(); }); this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.date_calendar_popup" }); this.popup.on(BI.DateCalendarPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(self.popup.getValue()); }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", toggle: false, element: this, isNeedAdjustHeight: false, isNeedAdjustWidth: false, el: this.trigger, popup: { width: 270, el: this.popup, stopPropagation: false } }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.trigger.setValue(v); this.popup.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.popup.getValue(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.date_combo", BI.DateCombo);BI.DateTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { _const: { hgap: 4, vgap: 2, yearLength: 4, yearMonthLength: 7 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.DateTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-date-trigger", min: "1900-01-01", // 最小日期 max: "2099-12-31", // 最大日期 height: 24 }); }, _init: function () { BI.DateTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options, c = this._const; this.editor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.sign_editor", height: o.height, validationChecker: function (v) { var date = v.match(/\d+/g); self._autoAppend(v, date); return self._dateCheck(v) && Date.checkLegal(v) && self._checkVoid({ year: date[0], month: date[1], day: date[2] }); }, quitChecker: function () { return false; }, hgap: c.hgap, vgap: c.vgap, allowBlank: true, watermark: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Unrestricted"), errorText: function () { if (self.editor.isEditing()) { return BI.i18nText("BI-Date_Trigger_Error_Text"); } return BI.i18nText("BI-Year_Trigger_Invalid_Text"); } }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_KEY_DOWN); }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_FOCUS, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_FOCUS); }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_STOP); }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_VALID, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_VALID); }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_ERROR, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_ERROR); }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { var value = self.editor.getValue(); if (BI.isNotNull(value)) { self.editor.setState(value); } if (BI.isNotEmptyString(value)) { var date = value.split("-"); self.store_value = { type: BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_CALENDAR, value: { year: date[0] | 0, month: date[1] - 1, day: date[2] | 0 } }; } self.fireEvent(BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_SPACE, function () { if (self.editor.isValid()) { self.editor.blur(); } }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_START, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_START); }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.htape", element: this, items: [{ el: BI.createWidget(), width: 30 }, { el: this.editor }] }); }, _dateCheck: function (date) { return Date.parseDateTime(date, "%Y-%x-%d").print("%Y-%x-%d") == date || Date.parseDateTime(date, "%Y-%X-%d").print("%Y-%X-%d") == date || Date.parseDateTime(date, "%Y-%x-%e").print("%Y-%x-%e") == date || Date.parseDateTime(date, "%Y-%X-%e").print("%Y-%X-%e") == date; }, _checkVoid: function (obj) { return !Date.checkVoid(obj.year, obj.month, obj.day, this.options.min, this.options.max)[0]; }, _autoAppend: function (v, dateObj) { var self = this; var date = Date.parseDateTime(v, "%Y-%X-%d").print("%Y-%X-%d"); var yearCheck = function (v) { return Date.parseDateTime(v, "%Y").print("%Y") == v && date >= self.options.min && date <= self.options.max; }; var monthCheck = function (v) { return Date.parseDateTime(v, "%Y-%X").print("%Y-%X") == v && date >= self.options.min && date <= self.options.max; }; if (BI.isNotNull(dateObj) && Date.checkLegal(v)) { switch (v.length) { case this._const.yearLength: if (yearCheck(v)) { this.editor.setValue(v + "-"); } break; case this._const.yearMonthLength: if (monthCheck(v)) { this.editor.setValue(v + "-"); } break; } } }, setValue: function (v) { var type, value, self = this; var date = Date.getDate(); this.store_value = v; if (BI.isNotNull(v)) { type = v.type || BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_CALENDAR; value = v.value; if(BI.isNull(value)) { value = v; } } var _setInnerValue = function (date, text) { var dateStr = date.print("%Y-%x-%e"); self.editor.setState(dateStr); self.editor.setValue(dateStr); self.setTitle(text + ":" + dateStr); }; switch (type) { case BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_PREV: var text = value + BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_PREV]; date = Date.getDate((date.getFullYear() - 1 * value), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()); _setInnerValue(date, text); break; case BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_AFTER: var text = value + BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_AFTER]; date = Date.getDate((date.getFullYear() + 1 * value), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()); _setInnerValue(date, text); break; case BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_BEGIN: var text = BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_BEGIN]; date = Date.getDate(date.getFullYear(), 0, 1); _setInnerValue(date, text); break; case BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_END: var text = BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_END]; date = Date.getDate(date.getFullYear(), 11, 31); _setInnerValue(date, text); break; case BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_PREV: var text = value + BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_PREV]; date = Date.getDate().getBeforeMulQuarter(value); _setInnerValue(date, text); break; case BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_AFTER: var text = value + BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_AFTER]; date = Date.getDate().getAfterMulQuarter(value); _setInnerValue(date, text); break; case BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_BEGIN: var text = BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_BEGIN]; date = Date.getDate().getQuarterStartDate(); _setInnerValue(date, text); break; case BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_END: var text = BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_END]; date = Date.getDate().getQuarterEndDate(); _setInnerValue(date, text); break; case BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_PREV: var text = value + BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_PREV]; date = Date.getDate().getBeforeMultiMonth(value); _setInnerValue(date, text); break; case BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_AFTER: var text = value + BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_AFTER]; date = Date.getDate().getAfterMultiMonth(value); _setInnerValue(date, text); break; case BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_BEGIN: var text = BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_BEGIN]; date = Date.getDate(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1); _setInnerValue(date, text); break; case BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_END: var text = BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_END]; date = Date.getDate(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), (date.getLastDateOfMonth()).getDate()); _setInnerValue(date, text); break; case BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_PREV: var text = value + BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_PREV]; date = date.getOffsetDate(-7 * value); _setInnerValue(date, text); break; case BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_AFTER: var text = value + BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_AFTER]; date = date.getOffsetDate(7 * value); _setInnerValue(date, text); break; case BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_DAY_PREV: var text = value + BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_DAY_PREV]; date = date.getOffsetDate(-1 * value); _setInnerValue(date, text); break; case BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_DAY_AFTER: var text = value + BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_DAY_AFTER]; date = date.getOffsetDate(1 * value); _setInnerValue(date, text); break; case BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_DAY_TODAY: var text = BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_DAY_TODAY]; date = Date.getDate(); _setInnerValue(date, text); break; default: if (BI.isNull(value) || BI.isNull(value.day)) { this.editor.setState(""); this.editor.setValue(""); this.setTitle(""); } else { var dateStr = value.year + "-" + (value.month + 1) + "-" + value.day; this.editor.setState(dateStr); this.editor.setValue(dateStr); this.setTitle(dateStr); } break; } }, getKey: function () { return this.editor.getValue(); }, getValue: function () { return this.store_value; } }); BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_PREV = 1; BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_AFTER = 2; BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_BEGIN = 3; BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_END = 4; BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_PREV = 5; BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_AFTER = 6; BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_BEGIN = 7; BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_END = 8; BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_PREV = 9; BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_AFTER = 10; BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_BEGIN = 11; BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_END = 12; BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_PREV = 13; BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_AFTER = 14; BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_DAY_PREV = 15; BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_DAY_AFTER = 16; BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_DAY_TODAY = 17; BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_PARAM = 18; BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_CALENDAR = 19; BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM = {}; BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_PREV] = BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Year_Prev"); BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_AFTER] = BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Year_Next"); BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_BEGIN] = BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Year_Begin"); BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_END] = BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Year_End"); BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_PREV] = BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Quarter_Prev"); BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_AFTER] = BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Quarter_Next"); BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_BEGIN] = BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Quarter_Begin"); BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_END] = BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Quarter_End"); BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_PREV] = BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Month_Prev"); BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_AFTER] = BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Month_Next"); BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_BEGIN] = BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Month_Begin"); BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_END] = BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Month_End"); BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_PREV] = BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Week_Prev"); BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_AFTER] = BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Week_Next"); BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_DAY_PREV] = BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Day_Prev"); BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_DAY_AFTER] = BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Day_Next"); BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_SEGMENT_NUM[BI.DateTrigger.MULTI_DATE_DAY_TODAY] = BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Today"); BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS"; BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_VALID = "EVENT_VALID"; BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_ERROR = "EVENT_ERROR"; BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_TRIGGER_CLICK = "EVENT_TRIGGER_CLICK"; BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_KEY_DOWN = "EVENT_KEY_DOWN"; BI.shortcut("bi.date_trigger", BI.DateTrigger);/** * Created by zcf on 2017/2/20. */ BI.DatePaneWidget = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.DatePaneWidget.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: "bi-date-pane", min: "1900-01-01", // 最小日期 max: "2099-12-31", // 最大日期 selectedTime: null }); }, _init: function () { BI.DatePaneWidget.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.today = Date.getDate(); this._year = this.today.getFullYear(); this._month = this.today.getMonth(); this.selectedTime = o.selectedTime || { year: this._year, month: this._month }; this.datePicker = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.date_picker", min: o.min, max: o.max }); this.datePicker.on(BI.DatePicker.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.selectedTime = self.datePicker.getValue(); // self.selectedTime.day = 1; self.calendar.setSelect(BI.Calendar.getPageByDateJSON(self.selectedTime)); }); this.calendar = BI.createWidget({ direction: "top", element: this, logic: { dynamic: false }, type: "bi.navigation", tab: this.datePicker, cardCreator: BI.bind(this._createNav, this) // afterCardCreated: function () { // // }, // // afterCardShow: function () { // // this.setValue(self.selectedTime); // } }); this.calendar.on(BI.Navigation.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.selectedTime = self.calendar.getValue(); self.calendar.empty(); self.setValue(self.selectedTime); self.fireEvent(BI.DateCalendarPopup.EVENT_CHANGE); }); }, _createNav: function (v) { var date = BI.Calendar.getDateJSONByPage(v); var calendar = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.calendar", logic: { dynamic: false }, min: this.options.min, max: this.options.max, year: date.year, month: date.month, day: this.selectedTime.day }); return calendar; }, _getNewCurrentDate: function () { var today = Date.getDate(); return { year: today.getFullYear(), month: today.getMonth() }; }, _setCalenderValue: function (date) { this.calendar.setSelect(BI.Calendar.getPageByDateJSON(date)); this.calendar.setValue(date); this.selectedTime = date; }, _setDatePicker: function (timeOb) { if (BI.isNull(timeOb) || BI.isNull(timeOb.year) || BI.isNull(timeOb.month)) { this.datePicker.setValue(this._getNewCurrentDate()); } else { this.datePicker.setValue(timeOb); } }, _setCalendar: function (timeOb) { if (BI.isNull(timeOb) || BI.isNull(timeOb.day)) { this.calendar.empty(); this._setCalenderValue(this._getNewCurrentDate()); } else { this._setCalenderValue(timeOb); } }, setValue: function (timeOb) { this._setDatePicker(timeOb); this._setCalendar(timeOb); }, getValue: function () { return this.selectedTime; } }); BI.shortcut("bi.date_pane", BI.DatePaneWidget);/** * Created by Urthur on 2017/7/14. */ BI.DateTimeCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { constants: { popupHeight: 290, popupWidth: 270, comboAdjustHeight: 1, border: 1, DATE_MIN_VALUE: "1900-01-01", DATE_MAX_VALUE: "2099-12-31" }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.DateTimeCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-date-time-combo bi-border", width: 200, height: 24 }); }, _init: function () { BI.DateTimeCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, opts = this.options; var date = Date.getDate(); this.storeValue = { year: date.getFullYear(), month: date.getMonth(), day: date.getDate(), hour: date.getHours(), minute: date.getMinutes(), second: date.getSeconds() }; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.date_time_trigger", min: this.constants.DATE_MIN_VALUE, max: this.constants.DATE_MAX_VALUE }); this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.date_time_popup", min: this.constants.DATE_MIN_VALUE, max: this.constants.DATE_MAX_VALUE }); self.setValue(this.storeValue); this.popup.on(BI.DateTimePopup.BUTTON_CANCEL_EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(self.storeValue); self.hidePopupView(); self.fireEvent(BI.DateTimeCombo.EVENT_CANCEL); }); this.popup.on(BI.DateTimePopup.BUTTON_OK_EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.storeValue = self.popup.getValue(); self.setValue(self.storeValue); self.hidePopupView(); self.fireEvent(BI.DateTimeCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.popup.on(BI.DateTimePopup.CALENDAR_EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.trigger.setValue(self.popup.getValue()); self.fireEvent(BI.DateTimeCombo.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", toggle: false, isNeedAdjustHeight: false, isNeedAdjustWidth: false, el: this.trigger, adjustLength: this.constants.comboAdjustHeight, popup: { el: this.popup, maxHeight: this.constants.popupHeight, width: this.constants.popupWidth, stopPropagation: false } }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () { self.popup.setValue(self.storeValue); self.fireEvent(BI.DateTimeCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW); }); var triggerBtn = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "bi-trigger-icon-button date-font bi-border-right", width: 24, height: 24 }); triggerBtn.on(BI.TriggerIconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { if (self.combo.isViewVisible()) { self.combo.hideView(); } else { self.combo.showView(); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.htape", element: this, items: [{ type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: this.combo, top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }, { el: triggerBtn, top: 0, left: 0 }] }] }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.storeValue = v; this.popup.setValue(v); this.trigger.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.storeValue; }, hidePopupView: function () { this.combo.hideView(); } }); BI.DateTimeCombo.EVENT_CANCEL = "EVENT_CANCEL"; BI.DateTimeCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.DateTimeCombo.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.DateTimeCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW = "BI.DateTimeCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW"; BI.shortcut("bi.date_time_combo", BI.DateTimeCombo); /** * Created by Urthur on 2017/7/14. */ BI.DateTimePopup = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.DateTimePopup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-date-time-popup", width: 268, height: 290 }); }, _init: function () { BI.DateTimePopup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, opts = this.options; this.cancelButton = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_button", forceCenter: true, cls: "multidate-popup-button bi-border-top bi-border-right", shadow: true, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Cancel") }); this.cancelButton.on(BI.TextButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.DateTimePopup.BUTTON_CANCEL_EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.okButton = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_button", forceCenter: true, cls: "multidate-popup-button bi-border-top", shadow: true, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_OK") }); this.okButton.on(BI.TextButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.DateTimePopup.BUTTON_OK_EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.dateCombo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.date_calendar_popup", min: self.options.min, max: self.options.max }); self.dateCombo.on(BI.DateCalendarPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.DateTimePopup.CALENDAR_EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.dateSelect = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical_adapt", cls: "bi-border-top", items: [{ type: "bi.label", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Time"), width: 45 }, { type: "bi.date_time_select", max: 23, min: 0, width: 60, height: 30, listeners: [{ eventName: BI.DateTimeSelect.EVENT_CONFIRM, action: function () { self.fireEvent(BI.DateTimePopup.CALENDAR_EVENT_CHANGE); } }], ref: function (_ref) { self.hour = _ref; } }, { type: "bi.label", text: ":", width: 15 }, { type: "bi.date_time_select", max: 59, min: 0, width: 60, height: 30, listeners: [{ eventName: BI.DateTimeSelect.EVENT_CONFIRM, action: function () { self.fireEvent(BI.DateTimePopup.CALENDAR_EVENT_CHANGE); } }], ref: function (_ref) { self.minute = _ref; } }, { type: "bi.label", text: ":", width: 15 }, { type: "bi.date_time_select", max: 59, min: 0, width: 60, height: 30, listeners: [{ eventName: BI.DateTimeSelect.EVENT_CONFIRM, action: function () { self.fireEvent(BI.DateTimePopup.CALENDAR_EVENT_CHANGE); } }], ref: function (_ref) { self.second = _ref; } }] }); var date = Date.getDate(); this.dateCombo.setValue({ year: date.getFullYear(), month: date.getMonth(), day: date.getDate() }); this.hour.setValue(date.getHours()); this.minute.setValue(date.getMinutes()); this.second.setValue(date.getSeconds()); this.dateButton = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.grid", items: [[this.cancelButton, this.okButton]] }); BI.createWidget({ element: this, type: "bi.vtape", items: [{ el: this.dateCombo }, { el: this.dateSelect, height: 50 }, { el: this.dateButton, height: 30 }] }); }, setValue: function (v) { var value = v, date; if (BI.isNull(value)) { date = Date.getDate(); this.dateCombo.setValue({ year: date.getFullYear(), month: date.getMonth(), day: date.getDate() }); this.hour.setValue(date.getHours()); this.minute.setValue(date.getMinutes()); this.second.setValue(date.getSeconds()); } else { this.dateCombo.setValue({ year: value.year, month: value.month, day: value.day }); this.hour.setValue(value.hour); this.minute.setValue(value.minute); this.second.setValue(value.second); } }, getValue: function () { return { year: this.dateCombo.getValue().year, month: this.dateCombo.getValue().month, day: this.dateCombo.getValue().day, hour: this.hour.getValue(), minute: this.minute.getValue(), second: this.second.getValue() }; } }); BI.DateTimePopup.BUTTON_OK_EVENT_CHANGE = "BUTTON_OK_EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.DateTimePopup.BUTTON_CANCEL_EVENT_CHANGE = "BUTTON_CANCEL_EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.DateTimePopup.CALENDAR_EVENT_CHANGE = "CALENDAR_EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.date_time_popup", BI.DateTimePopup); /** * Created by Urthur on 2017/7/14. */ BI.DateTimeSelect = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.DateTimeSelect.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-date-time-select bi-border", max: 23, min: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.DateTimeSelect.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.editor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.sign_editor", value: this._alertInEditorValue(o.min), allowBlank: false, errorText: BI.i18nText("BI-Please_Input_Natural_Number"), validationChecker: function (v) { return BI.isNaturalNumber(v); } }); this.editor.on(BI.TextEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { self._finetuning(0); self.fireEvent(BI.DateTimeSelect.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.topBtn = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "column-pre-page-h-font top-button bi-border-left bi-border-bottom" }); this.topBtn.on(BI.IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self._finetuning(1); self.fireEvent(BI.DateTimeSelect.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.bottomBtn = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "column-next-page-h-font bottom-button bi-border-left" }); this.bottomBtn.on(BI.IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self._finetuning(-1); self.fireEvent(BI.DateTimeSelect.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this._finetuning(0); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.htape", element: this, items: [this.editor, { el: { type: "bi.grid", columns: 1, rows: 2, items: [{ column: 0, row: 0, el: this.topBtn }, { column: 0, row: 1, el: this.bottomBtn }] }, width: 30 }] }); }, _alertOutEditorValue: function (v) { if (v > this.options.max) { v = this.options.min; } if (v < this.options.min) { v = this.options.max; } return BI.parseInt(v); }, _alertInEditorValue: function (v) { if (v > this.options.max) { v = this.options.min; } if (v < this.options.min) { v = this.options.max; } v = v < 10 ? "0" + v : v; return v; }, _finetuning: function (add) { var v = BI.parseInt(this._alertOutEditorValue(this.editor.getValue())); this.editor.setValue(this._alertInEditorValue(v + add)); }, getValue: function () { var v = this.editor.getValue(); return this._alertOutEditorValue(v); }, setValue: function (v) { this.editor.setValue(this._alertInEditorValue(v)); this._finetuning(0); } }); BI.DateTimeSelect.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.shortcut("bi.date_time_select", BI.DateTimeSelect);/** * Created by Urthur on 2017/7/14. */ BI.DateTimeTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { _const: { hgap: 4 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.DateTimeTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-date-time-trigger", min: "1900-01-01", // 最小日期 max: "2099-12-31", // 最大日期 height: 24, width: 200 }); }, _init: function () { BI.DateTimeTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options, c = this._const; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", height: o.height, width: o.width, hgap: c.hgap }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.htape", element: this, items: [{ el: BI.createWidget(), width: o.height }, { el: this.text }] }); }, _printTime: function (v) { return v < 10 ? "0" + v : v; }, setValue: function (v) { var self = this; var value = v, dateStr; if(BI.isNull(value)) { value = Date.getDate(); dateStr = value.print("%Y-%X-%d %H:%M:%S"); } else { var date = Date.getDate(value.year, value.month, value.day, value.hour, value.minute, value.second); dateStr = date.print("%Y-%X-%d %H:%M:%S"); } this.text.setText(dateStr); this.text.setTitle(dateStr); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.date_time_trigger", BI.DateTimeTrigger);/** * 带有方向的pathchooser * * Created by GUY on 2016/4/21. * @class BI.DirectionPathChooser * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.DirectionPathChooser = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _const: { lineColor: "#808080", selectLineColor: "#009de3" }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.DirectionPathChooser.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-excel-table", items: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.DirectionPathChooser.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.pathChooser = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.path_chooser", element: this, items: o.items }); this.pathChooser.on(BI.PathChooser.EVENT_CHANGE, function (start, index) { // self._unselectAllArrows(); self._setValue(start, index); self.fireEvent(BI.DirectionPathChooser.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this._drawArrows(); }, _unselectAllArrows: function () { var self = this, lineColor = this._const.lineColor; BI.each(this.arrows, function (region, rs) { BI.each(rs, function (idx, arrows) { BI.each(arrows, function (i, arrow) { arrow.attr({fill: lineColor, stroke: lineColor}); }); }); }); }, _drawOneArrow: function (dot, direction) { // 0,1,2,3 上右下左 var lineColor = this._const.lineColor; var selectLineColor = this._const.selectLineColor; var svg = this.pathChooser.svg; var path = ""; switch (direction) { case 0: path = "M" + dot.x + "," + dot.y + "L" + (dot.x - 3) + "," + (dot.y + 5) + "L" + (dot.x + 3) + "," + (dot.y + 5) + "L" + dot.x + "," + dot.y; break; case 1: path = "M" + dot.x + "," + dot.y + "L" + (dot.x - 5) + "," + (dot.y - 3) + "L" + (dot.x - 5) + "," + (dot.y + 3) + "L" + dot.x + "," + dot.y; break; case 2: path = "M" + dot.x + "," + dot.y + "L" + (dot.x - 3) + "," + (dot.y - 5) + "L" + (dot.x + 3) + "," + (dot.y - 5) + "L" + dot.x + "," + dot.y; break; case 3: path = "M" + dot.x + "," + dot.y + "L" + (dot.x + 5) + "," + (dot.y - 3) + "L" + (dot.x + 5) + "," + (dot.y + 3) + "L" + dot.x + "," + dot.y; break; } return svg.path(path).attr({fill: lineColor, stroke: lineColor}); }, _drawArrows: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var routes = this.pathChooser.routes; var pathes = this.pathChooser.pathes; var cache = this.pathChooser.cache; this.arrows = {}; BI.each(routes, function (region, ps) { self.arrows[region] = []; BI.each(ps, function (idx, path) { self.arrows[region][idx] = []; var dots = pathes[region][idx]; BI.each(dots, function (i, dot) { if (i > 0 && i < dots.length - 1) { var arrow; if (dot.y === dots[i - 1].y) { if (dots[i + 1].y != dot.y) { if (cache[path[path.length - 2]].direction === -1) { if (i - 1 > 0) { arrow = self._drawOneArrow(dots[i - 1], 3); } } else { arrow = self._drawOneArrow(dots[i], 1); } } } else if (dot.x === dots[i - 1].x) { if (dot.y > dots[i - 1].y) { if (cache[BI.first(path)].direction === -1) { arrow = self._drawOneArrow(dots[i - 1], 0); } else { arrow = self._drawOneArrow(dot, 2); } } else { if (cache[path[path.length - 2]].direction === -1) { arrow = self._drawOneArrow(dots[i - 1], 2); } else { arrow = self._drawOneArrow(dot, 0); } } } if (arrow) { self.arrows[region][idx].push(arrow); } } }); BI.each(path, function (i, node) { if (i !== 0) { var arrow; var from = path[i - 1]; if (cache[from].direction === -1) { var regionIndex = self.pathChooser.getRegionIndexById(from); var x = getXoffsetByRegionIndex(regionIndex, -1); var y = getYByXoffset(dots, x); arrow = self._drawOneArrow({x: x, y: y}, 3); } else { var regionIndex = self.pathChooser.getRegionIndexById(node); var x = getXoffsetByRegionIndex(regionIndex); var y = getYByXoffset(dots, x); arrow = self._drawOneArrow({x: x, y: y}, 1); } if (arrow) { self.arrows[region][idx].push(arrow); } } }); }); }); function getXoffsetByRegionIndex (regionIndex, diregion) { if (diregion === -1) { return 100 * (regionIndex + 1) - 20; } return 100 * regionIndex + 20; } function getYByXoffset (dots, xoffset) { var finded = BI.find(dots, function (i, dot) { if (i > 0) { if (dots[i - 1].x < xoffset && dots[i].x > xoffset) { return true; } } }); return finded.y; } }, _setValue: function (start, index) { var self = this; var lineColor = this._const.lineColor; var selectLineColor = this._const.selectLineColor; var routes = this.pathChooser.routes; var starts = this.pathChooser.start; var each = [start]; if (starts.contains(start)) { each = starts; } BI.each(each, function (i, s) { BI.each(self.arrows[s], function (j, arrows) { BI.each(arrows, function (k, arrow) { arrow.attr({fill: lineColor, stroke: lineColor}).toFront(); }); }); }); BI.each(this.arrows[start][index], function (i, arrow) { arrow.attr({fill: selectLineColor, stroke: selectLineColor}).toFront(); }); var current = BI.last(routes[start][index]); while (current && routes[current] && routes[current].length === 1) { BI.each(self.arrows[current][0], function (i, arrow) { arrow.attr({fill: selectLineColor, stroke: selectLineColor}).toFront(); }); current = BI.last(routes[current][0]); } }, setValue: function (v) { this.pathChooser.setValue(v); this._unselectAllArrows(); var routes = this.pathChooser.routes; var nodes = BI.keys(routes), self = this; var result = [], array = []; BI.each(v, function (i, val) { if (BI.contains(nodes, val)) { if (array.length > 0) { array.push(val); result.push(array); array = []; } } array.push(val); }); if (array.length > 0) { result.push(array); } // 画这n条路径 BI.each(result, function (idx, path) { var start = path[0]; var index = BI.findIndex(routes[start], function (idx, p) { if (BI.isEqual(path, p)) { return true; } }); if (index >= 0) { self._setValue(start, index); } }); }, getValue: function () { return this.pathChooser.getValue(); }, populate: function (items) { this.pathChooser.populate(items); this._drawArrows(); } }); BI.DirectionPathChooser.EVENT_CHANGE = "DirectionPathChooser.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.direction_path_chooser", BI.DirectionPathChooser);/** * Created by roy on 15/8/14. */ BI.DownListCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.DownListCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-down-list-combo", height: 24, items: [], adjustLength: 0, direction: "bottom", trigger: "click", container: null, stopPropagation: false, el: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.DownListCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.popupview = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.down_list_popup", items: o.items, chooseType: o.chooseType, value: o.value }); this.popupview.on(BI.DownListPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function (value) { self.fireEvent(BI.DownListCombo.EVENT_CHANGE, value); self.downlistcombo.hideView(); }); this.popupview.on(BI.DownListPopup.EVENT_SON_VALUE_CHANGE, function (value, fatherValue) { self.fireEvent(BI.DownListCombo.EVENT_SON_VALUE_CHANGE, value, fatherValue); self.downlistcombo.hideView(); }); this.downlistcombo = BI.createWidget({ element: this, type: "bi.combo", trigger: o.trigger, isNeedAdjustWidth: false, container: o.container, adjustLength: o.adjustLength, direction: o.direction, stopPropagation: o.stopPropagation, el: BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.icon_trigger", extraCls: o.iconCls ? o.iconCls : "pull-down-font", width: o.width, height: o.height }), popup: { el: this.popupview, stopPropagation: true, maxHeight: 1000 } }); this.downlistcombo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.DownListCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW); }); }, hideView: function () { this.downlistcombo.hideView(); }, showView: function () { this.downlistcombo.showView(); }, populate: function (items) { this.popupview.populate(items); }, setValue: function (v) { this.popupview.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.popupview.getValue(); } }); BI.DownListCombo.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.DownListCombo.EVENT_SON_VALUE_CHANGE = "EVENT_SON_VALUE_CHANGE"; BI.DownListCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW"; BI.shortcut("bi.down_list_combo", BI.DownListCombo);/** * Created by roy on 15/9/6. */ BI.DownListGroup = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { constants: { iconCls: "check-mark-ha-font" }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.DownListGroup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-down-list-group", items: [ { el: {} } ] }); }, _init: function () { BI.DownListGroup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, self = this; this.downlistgroup = BI.createWidget({ element: this, type: "bi.button_tree", items: o.items, chooseType: 0, // 0单选,1多选 layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical", hgap: 0, vgap: 0 }], value: o.value }); this.downlistgroup.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if(type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.DownListGroup.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); } }); }, getValue: function () { return this.downlistgroup.getValue(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.downlistgroup.setValue(v); } }); BI.DownListGroup.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.down_list_group", BI.DownListGroup);BI.DownListItem = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.DownListItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: "bi-down-list-item bi-list-item-active", cls: "", height: 25, logic: { dynamic: true }, selected: false, iconHeight: null, iconWidth: null, textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.DownListItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_text_item", element: this, height: o.height, text: o.text, value: o.value, logic: o.logic, selected: o.selected, disabled: o.disabled, iconHeight: o.iconHeight, iconWidth: o.iconWidth, textHgap: o.textHgap, textVgap: o.textVgap, textLgap: o.textLgap, textRgap: o.textRgap, father: o.father }); this.text.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.text.on(BI.IconTextItem.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.DownListItem.EVENT_CHANGE); }); // this.setSelected(o.selected); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, isSelected: function () { return this.text.isSelected(); }, setSelected: function (b) { this.text.setSelected(b); // if (b === true) { // this.element.addClass("dot-e-font"); // } else { // this.element.removeClass("dot-e-font"); // } }, setValue: function (v) { this.text.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); } }); BI.DownListItem.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.down_list_item", BI.DownListItem);BI.DownListGroupItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.DownListGroupItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-down-list-group-item", logic: { dynamic: false }, // invalid: true, iconCls1: "dot-e-font", iconCls2: "pull-right-e-font" }); }, _init: function () { BI.DownListGroupItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; var self = this; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "list-group-item-text", textAlign: "left", text: o.text, value: o.value, height: o.height }); this.icon1 = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: o.iconCls1, width: 25, forceNotSelected: true, selected: this._digest(o.value) }); this.icon2 = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: o.iconCls2, width: 25, forceNotSelected: true }); var blank = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", width: 25 }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.icon2, top: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0 }] }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("horizontal", BI.extend(o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection("left", this.icon1, this.text, blank) })))); this.element.hover(function () { if (self.isEnabled()) { self.hover(); } }, function () { if (self.isEnabled()) { self.dishover(); } }); }, _digest: function (v) { var self = this, o = this.options; v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; return BI.any(v, function (idx, value) { return BI.contains(o.childValues, value); }); }, hover: function () { BI.DownListGroupItem.superclass.hover.apply(this, arguments); this.icon1.element.addClass("hover"); this.icon2.element.addClass("hover"); }, dishover: function () { BI.DownListGroupItem.superclass.dishover.apply(this, arguments); this.icon1.element.removeClass("hover"); this.icon2.element.removeClass("hover"); }, doClick: function () { BI.DownListGroupItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.DownListGroupItem.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue()); } }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, setValue: function (v) { this.icon1.setSelected(this._digest(v)); } }); BI.DownListGroupItem.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.down_list_group_item", BI.DownListGroupItem);/** * Created by roy on 15/9/8. * 处理popup中的item分组样式 * 一个item分组中的成员大于一时,该分组设置为单选,并且默认状态第一个成员设置为已选择项 */ BI.DownListPopup = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, { constants: { nextIcon: "pull-right-e-font", height: 25, iconHeight: 12, iconWidth: 12, hgap: 0, vgap: 0, border: 1 }, _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.DownListPopup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: "bi-down-list-popup", items: [], chooseType: BI.Selection.Multi }); }, _init: function () { BI.DownListPopup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.singleValues = []; this.childValueMap = {}; this.fatherValueMap = {}; var self = this, o = this.options, children = this._createChildren(o.items); this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button_tree", items: BI.createItems(children, {}, { adjustLength: -2 } ), layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical", hgap: this.constants.hgap, vgap: this.constants.vgap }], value: this._digest(o.value), chooseType: o.chooseType }); this.popup.on(BI.ButtonTree.EVENT_CHANGE, function (value, object) { var changedValue = value; if (BI.isNotNull(self.childValueMap[value])) { changedValue = self.childValueMap[value]; self.fireEvent(BI.DownListPopup.EVENT_SON_VALUE_CHANGE, changedValue, self.fatherValueMap[value]); } else { self.fireEvent(BI.DownListPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, changedValue, object); } if (!self.singleValues.contains(changedValue)) { var item = self.getValue(); var result = []; BI.each(item, function (i, valueObject) { if (valueObject.value != changedValue) { result.push(valueObject); } }); self.setValue(result); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, items: [this.popup] }); }, _createChildren: function (items) { var self = this, result = []; BI.each(items, function (i, it) { var item_done = { type: "bi.down_list_group", items: [] }; BI.each(it, function (i, item) { if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(item.children) && !BI.isEmpty(item.el)) { item.type = "bi.combo_group"; item.cls = "down-list-group"; item.trigger = "hover"; item.isNeedAdjustWidth = false; item.el.title = item.el.title || item.el.text; item.el.type = "bi.down_list_group_item"; item.el.logic = { dynamic: true }; item.el.height = self.constants.height; item.el.iconCls2 = self.constants.nextIcon; item.popup = { lgap: 4, el: { type: "bi.button_tree", chooseType: 0, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] } }; item.el.childValues = []; BI.each(item.children, function (i, child) { var fatherValue = BI.deepClone(item.el.value); var childValue = BI.deepClone(child.value); self.singleValues.push(child.value); child.type = "bi.down_list_item"; child.extraCls = " child-down-list-item"; child.title = child.title || child.text; child.textRgap = 10; child.isNeedAdjustWidth = false; child.logic = { dynamic: true }; child.father = fatherValue; self.fatherValueMap[self._createChildValue(fatherValue, childValue)] = fatherValue; self.childValueMap[self._createChildValue(fatherValue, childValue)] = childValue; child.value = self._createChildValue(fatherValue, childValue); item.el.childValues.push(child.value); }); } else { item.type = "bi.down_list_item"; item.title = item.title || item.text; item.textRgap = 10; item.isNeedAdjustWidth = false; item.logic = { dynamic: true }; } var el_done = {}; el_done.el = item; item_done.items.push(el_done); }); if (self._isGroup(item_done.items)) { BI.each(item_done.items, function (i, item) { self.singleValues.push(item.el.value); }); } result.push(item_done); if (self._needSpliter(i, items.length)) { var spliter_container = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", items: [{ el: { type: "bi.layout", cls: "bi-down-list-spliter bi-border-top cursor-pointer", height: 0 } }], cls: "bi-down-list-spliter-container cursor-pointer", lgap: 10, rgap: 10 }); result.push(spliter_container); } }); return result; }, _isGroup: function (i) { return i.length > 1; }, _needSpliter: function (i, itemLength) { return i < itemLength - 1; }, _createChildValue: function (fatherValue, childValue) { return fatherValue + "_" + childValue; }, _digest: function (valueItem) { var self = this; var valueArray = []; BI.each(valueItem, function (i, item) { var value; if (BI.isNotNull(item.childValue)) { value = self._createChildValue(item.value, item.childValue); } else { value = item.value; } valueArray.push(value); } ); return valueArray; }, _checkValues: function (values) { var self = this; var value = []; BI.each(this.options.items, function (idx, itemGroup) { BI.each(itemGroup, function (id, item) { if(BI.isNotNull(item.children)){ var childValues = BI.pluck(item.children, "value"); if(BI.contains(childValues, values[idx])){ value.push(values[idx]); } }else{ if(item.value === values[idx]){ value.push(values[idx]); } } }) }); return value; }, populate: function (items) { BI.DownListPopup.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); var self = this; self.childValueMap = {}; self.fatherValueMap = {}; self.singleValues = []; var children = self._createChildren(items); var popupItem = BI.createItems(children, {}, { adjustLength: -2 } ); self.popup.populate(popupItem); }, setValue: function (valueItem) { this.popup.setValue(this._digest(valueItem)); }, getValue: function () { var self = this, result = []; var values = this._checkValues(this.popup.getValue()); BI.each(values, function (i, value) { var valueItem = {}; if (BI.isNotNull(self.childValueMap[value])) { var fartherValue = self.fatherValueMap[value]; valueItem.childValue = self.childValueMap[value]; valueItem.value = fartherValue; } else { valueItem.value = value; } result.push(valueItem); }); return result; } }); BI.DownListPopup.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.DownListPopup.EVENT_SON_VALUE_CHANGE = "EVENT_SON_VALUE_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.down_list_popup", BI.DownListPopup);/** * Created by roy on 15/9/14. */ BI.SearchEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.SearchEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: "bi-search-editor bi-border", height: 24, errorText: "", watermark: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Search"), validationChecker: BI.emptyFn, quitChecker: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { this.options.height -= 2; BI.SearchEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.editor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.editor", height: o.height, watermark: o.watermark, allowBlank: true, errorText: o.errorText, validationChecker: o.validationChecker, quitChecker: o.quitChecker }); this.clear = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", stopEvent: true, cls: "search-close-h-font" }); this.clear.on(BI.IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(""); self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.STOPEDIT); self.fireEvent(BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_CLEAR); }); BI.createWidget({ element: this, type: "bi.htape", items: [ { el: { type: "bi.center_adapt", cls: "search-font", items: [{ el: { type: "bi.icon" } }] }, width: 25 }, { el: self.editor }, { el: this.clear, width: 25 } ] }); this.editor.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_FOCUS, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_FOCUS); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_BLUR, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_BLUR); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CLICK, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_CLICK); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self._checkClear(); self.fireEvent(BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN, function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN, v); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_SPACE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_SPACE); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_BACKSPACE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_BACKSPACE); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_VALID, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_VALID); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_ERROR, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_ERROR); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_ENTER, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_ENTER); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_RESTRICT, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_RESTRICT); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_EMPTY, function () { self._checkClear(); self.fireEvent(BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_EMPTY); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_REMOVE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_REMOVE); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_START, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_START); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_PAUSE); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_STOP); }); this.clear.invisible(); }, _checkClear: function () { if (!this.getValue()) { this.clear.invisible(); } else { this.clear.visible(); } }, focus: function () { this.editor.focus(); }, blur: function () { this.editor.blur(); }, getValue: function () { if (this.isValid()) { var res = this.editor.getValue().match(/[\S]+/g); return BI.isNull(res) ? "" : res[res.length - 1]; } }, getLastValidValue: function () { return this.editor.getLastValidValue(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.editor.setValue(v); if (BI.isKey(v)) { this.clear.visible(); } }, isEditing: function () { return this.editor.isEditing(); }, isValid: function () { return this.editor.isValid(); } }); BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS"; BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_BLUR = "EVENT_BLUR"; BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_CLICK = "EVENT_CLICK"; BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN = "EVENT_KEY_DOWN"; BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_SPACE = "EVENT_SPACE"; BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_BACKSPACE = "EVENT_BACKSPACE"; BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_CLEAR = "EVENT_CLEAR"; BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_VALID = "EVENT_VALID"; BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_ERROR = "EVENT_ERROR"; BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_ENTER = "EVENT_ENTER"; BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_RESTRICT = "EVENT_RESTRICT"; BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_REMOVE = "EVENT_REMOVE"; BI.SearchEditor.EVENT_EMPTY = "EVENT_EMPTY"; BI.shortcut("bi.search_editor", BI.SearchEditor);/** * 小号搜索框 * Created by GUY on 2015/9/29. * @class BI.SmallSearchEditor * @extends BI.SearchEditor */ BI.SmallSearchEditor = BI.inherit(BI.SearchEditor, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.SmallSearchEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-small-search-editor", height: 24 }); }, _init: function () { BI.SmallSearchEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.small_search_editor", BI.SmallSearchEditor);/** * guy * @class BI.TextEditor * @extends BI.Single */ BI.TextEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.TextEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { extraCls: "bi-text-editor bi-border", hgap: 4, vgap: 2, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, validationChecker: BI.emptyFn, quitChecker: BI.emptyFn, allowBlank: false, watermark: "", errorText: "", height: 24 }); }, _init: function () { BI.TextEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; if (BI.isNumber(o.height)) { this.element.css({height: o.height - 2}); } if (BI.isNumber(o.width)) { this.element.css({width: o.width - 2}); } this.editor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.editor", height: o.height - 2, hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, value: o.value, title: o.title, tipType: o.tipType, validationChecker: o.validationChecker, quitChecker: o.quitChecker, allowBlank: o.allowBlank, watermark: o.watermark, errorText: o.errorText }); this.editor.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_FOCUS, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.TextEditor.EVENT_FOCUS); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_BLUR, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.TextEditor.EVENT_BLUR); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CLICK, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.TextEditor.EVENT_CLICK); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.TextEditor.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN, function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.TextEditor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_SPACE, function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.TextEditor.EVENT_SPACE); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_BACKSPACE, function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.TextEditor.EVENT_BACKSPACE); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_VALID, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.TextEditor.EVENT_VALID); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.TextEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_REMOVE, function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.TextEditor.EVENT_REMOVE); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_START, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.TextEditor.EVENT_START); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.TextEditor.EVENT_PAUSE); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.TextEditor.EVENT_STOP); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_ERROR, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.TextEditor.EVENT_ERROR, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_ENTER, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.TextEditor.EVENT_ENTER); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_RESTRICT, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.TextEditor.EVENT_RESTRICT); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_EMPTY, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.TextEditor.EVENT_EMPTY); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, element: this, items: [this.editor] }); }, focus: function () { this.editor.focus(); }, blur: function () { this.editor.blur(); }, setErrorText: function (text) { this.editor.setErrorText(text); }, getErrorText: function () { return this.editor.getErrorText(); }, isValid: function () { return this.editor.isValid(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.editor.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.editor.getValue(); } }); BI.TextEditor.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.TextEditor.EVENT_FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS"; BI.TextEditor.EVENT_BLUR = "EVENT_BLUR"; BI.TextEditor.EVENT_CLICK = "EVENT_CLICK"; BI.TextEditor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN = "EVENT_KEY_DOWN"; BI.TextEditor.EVENT_SPACE = "EVENT_SPACE"; BI.TextEditor.EVENT_BACKSPACE = "EVENT_BACKSPACE"; BI.TextEditor.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.TextEditor.EVENT_PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.TextEditor.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.TextEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.TextEditor.EVENT_VALID = "EVENT_VALID"; BI.TextEditor.EVENT_ERROR = "EVENT_ERROR"; BI.TextEditor.EVENT_ENTER = "EVENT_ENTER"; BI.TextEditor.EVENT_RESTRICT = "EVENT_RESTRICT"; BI.TextEditor.EVENT_REMOVE = "EVENT_REMOVE"; BI.TextEditor.EVENT_EMPTY = "EVENT_EMPTY"; BI.shortcut("bi.text_editor", BI.TextEditor);/** * 小号搜索框 * Created by GUY on 2015/9/29. * @class BI.SmallTextEditor * @extends BI.SearchEditor */ BI.SmallTextEditor = BI.inherit(BI.TextEditor, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.SmallTextEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-small-text-editor", height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.SmallTextEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.small_text_editor", BI.SmallTextEditor);/** * 文件管理控件组 * * Created by GUY on 2015/12/11. * @class BI.FileManagerButtonGroup * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.FileManagerButtonGroup = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.FileManagerButtonGroup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-file-manager-button_group", items: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.FileManagerButtonGroup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.button_group = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button_tree", element: this, chooseType: BI.Selection.Multi, items: this._formatItems(o.items), layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] }); this.button_group.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); }, _formatItems: function (items) { var self = this, o = this.options; BI.each(items, function (i, item) { if (item.children && item.children.length > 0) { item.type = "bi.file_manager_folder_item"; } else { item.type = "bi.file_manager_file_item"; } }); return items; }, setValue: function (v) { this.button_group.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.button_group.getValue(); }, getNotSelectedValue: function () { return this.button_group.getNotSelectedValue(); }, getAllLeaves: function () { return this.button_group.getAllLeaves(); }, getAllButtons: function () { return this.button_group.getAllButtons(); }, getSelectedButtons: function () { return this.button_group.getSelectedButtons(); }, getNotSelectedButtons: function () { return this.button_group.getNotSelectedButtons(); }, populate: function (items) { this.button_group.populate(this._formatItems(items)); } }); BI.FileManagerButtonGroup.EVENT_CHANGE = "FileManagerButtonGroup.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.file_manager_button_group", BI.FileManagerButtonGroup);/** * 文件管理控件 * * Created by GUY on 2015/12/11. * @class BI.FileManager * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.FileManager = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.FileManager.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-file-manager", el: {}, items: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.FileManager.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.tree = new BI.Tree(); var items = BI.Tree.transformToTreeFormat(o.items); this.tree.initTree(items); this.selectedValues = []; this.nav = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.file_manager_nav", items: BI.deepClone(items) }); this.nav.on(BI.FileManagerNav.EVENT_CHANGE, function (value, obj) { if (value == "-1") {// 根节点 self.populate({children: self.tree.toJSON()}); } else { var node = self.tree.search(obj.attr("id")); self.populate(BI.extend({id: node.id}, node.get("data"), {children: self.tree.toJSON(node)})); } self.setValue(self.selectedValues); }); this.list = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.file_manager_list", items: items }); this.list.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, selected, obj) { if (type === BI.Events.CHANGE) { var node = self.tree.search(obj.attr("id")); self.populate(BI.extend({id: node.id}, node.get("data"), {children: self.tree.toJSON(node)})); } else if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { var values = []; if (obj instanceof BI.MultiSelectBar) { var t = self.list.getValue(); selected = t.type === BI.Selection.All; values = BI.concat(t.assist, t.value); } else { values = obj.getAllLeaves(); } BI.each(values, function (i, v) { if (selected === true) { self.selectedValues.pushDistinct(v); } else { self.selectedValues.remove(v); } }); } self.setValue(self.selectedValues); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.list, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 10 }, { el: this.nav, left: 40, right: 100, top: 0 }] }); }, setValue: function (value) { this.selectedValues = value || []; this.list.setValue(this.selectedValues); }, getValue: function () { var obj = this.list.getValue(); var res = obj.type === BI.Selection.All ? obj.assist : obj.value; res.pushDistinctArray(this.selectedValues); return res; }, _populate: function (items) { this.list.populate(items); }, getSelectedValue: function () { return this.nav.getValue()[0]; }, getSelectedId: function () { return this.nav.getId()[0]; }, populate: function (node) { var clone = BI.deepClone(node); this._populate(node.children); this.nav.populate(clone); } }); BI.FileManager.EVENT_CHANGE = "FileManager.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.file_manager", BI.FileManager);/** * 文件管理控件 * * Created by GUY on 2015/12/11. * @class BI.FileManagerFileItem * @extends BI.Single */ BI.FileManagerFileItem = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.FileManagerFileItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-file-manager-file-item bi-list-item bi-border-bottom", height: 30 }); }, _init: function () { BI.FileManagerFileItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.checked = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_select_bar", text: "", width: 36, height: o.height }); this.checked.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { arguments[2] = self; self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.htape", element: this, items: [{ el: this.checked, width: 36 }, { el: { type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "create-by-me-file-font" }, width: 20 }, { el: { type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", height: o.height, text: o.text, value: o.value } }] }); }, getAllLeaves: function () { return [this.options.value]; }, isSelected: function () { return this.checked.isSelected(); }, setSelected: function (v) { this.checked.setSelected(v); } }); BI.FileManagerFileItem.EVENT_CHANGE = "FileManagerFileItem.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.file_manager_file_item", BI.FileManagerFileItem);/** * 文件管理控件 * * Created by GUY on 2015/12/11. * @class BI.FileManagerFolderItem * @extends BI.Single */ BI.FileManagerFolderItem = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.FileManagerFolderItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-file-manager-folder-item bi-list-item bi-border-bottom", height: 30 }); }, _init: function () { BI.FileManagerFolderItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.checked = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_select_bar", text: "", width: 36, height: o.height }); this.checked.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { arguments[2] = self; self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.button = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_button", textAlign: "left", height: o.height, text: o.text, value: o.value }); this.button.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.CHANGE, o.value, self); }); this.tree = new BI.Tree(); this.tree.initTree([{ id: o.id, children: o.children }]); this.selectValue = []; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.htape", element: this, items: [{ el: this.checked, width: 36 }, { el: { type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "create-by-me-folder-font" }, width: 20 }, { el: this.button }] }); }, setAllSelected: function (v) { this.checked.setSelected(v); this.selectValue = []; }, setHalfSelected: function (v) { this.checked.setHalfSelected(v); if(!v) { this.selectValue = []; } }, setValue: function (v) { var self = this, o = this.options; var isHalf = false; var selectValue = []; this.tree.traverse(function (node) { if (node.isLeaf()) { if (BI.contains(v, node.get("data").value)) { selectValue.push(node.get("data").value); } else { isHalf = true; } } }); this.setAllSelected(selectValue.length > 0 && !isHalf); this.setHalfSelected(selectValue.length > 0 && isHalf); if (this.checked.isHalfSelected()) { this.selectValue = selectValue; } }, getAllButtons: function () { return [this]; }, getAllLeaves: function () { var o = this.options; var res = []; this.tree.traverse(function (node) { if (node.isLeaf()) { res.push(node.get("data").value); } }); return res; }, getNotSelectedValue: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var res = []; var isAllSelected = this.checked.isSelected(); if (isAllSelected === true) { return res; } var isHalfSelected = this.checked.isHalfSelected(); this.tree.traverse(function (node) { if (node.isLeaf()) { var v = node.get("data").value; if (isHalfSelected === true) { if (!BI.contains(self.selectValue, node.get("data").value)) { res.push(v); } } else { res.push(v); } } }); return res; }, getValue: function () { var res = []; if (this.checked.isSelected()) { this.tree.traverse(function (node) { if (node.isLeaf()) { res.push(node.get("data").value); } }); return res; } if (this.checked.isHalfSelected()) { return this.selectValue; } return []; } }); BI.FileManagerFolderItem.EVENT_CHANGE = "FileManagerFolderItem.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.file_manager_folder_item", BI.FileManagerFolderItem);/** * 文件管理控件列表 * * Created by GUY on 2015/12/11. * @class BI.FileManagerList * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.FileManagerList = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.FileManagerList.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-file-manager-list", el: {}, items: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.FileManagerList.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.list = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.select_list", element: this, items: o.items, toolbar: { type: "bi.multi_select_bar", height: 40, text: "" }, el: { type: "bi.list_pane", el: BI.isWidget(o.el) ? o.el : BI.extend({ type: "bi.file_manager_button_group" }, o.el) } }); this.list.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.list.setValue({ value: v }); }, getValue: function () { return this.list.getValue(); }, populate: function (items) { this.list.populate(items); this.list.setToolBarVisible(true); } }); BI.FileManagerList.EVENT_CHANGE = "FileManagerList.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.file_manager_list", BI.FileManagerList);/** * 文件管理导航按钮 * * Created by GUY on 2015/12/11. * @class BI.FileManagerNavButton * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.FileManagerNavButton = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _const: { normal_color: "#ffffff", select_color: "#eff1f4" }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.FileManagerNavButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-file-manager-nav-button", selected: false, height: 40 }); }, _init: function () { BI.FileManagerNavButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options, c = this._const; this.button = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_button", cls: "file-manager-nav-button-text bi-card", once: true, selected: o.selected, text: o.text, title: o.text, value: o.value, height: o.height, lgap: 20, rgap: 10 }); this.button.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { arguments[2] = self; self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); var svg = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.svg", cls: "file-manager-nav-button-triangle", width: 15, height: o.height }); var path = svg.path("M0,0L15,20L0,40").attr({ stroke: c.select_color, fill: o.selected ? c.select_color : c.normal_color }); this.button.on(BI.TextButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { if (this.isSelected()) { path.attr("fill", c.select_color); } else { path.attr("fill", c.normal_color); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.default", element: this, items: [this.button] }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: svg, right: -15, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); }, isSelected: function () { return this.button.isSelected(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.button.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.button.getValue(); }, populate: function (items) { } }); BI.FileManagerNavButton.EVENT_CHANGE = "FileManagerNavButton.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.file_manager_nav_button", BI.FileManagerNavButton);/** * 文件管理导航 * * Created by GUY on 2015/12/11. * @class BI.FileManagerNav * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.FileManagerNav = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.FileManagerNav.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-file-manager-nav bi-border-left", height: 40, items: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.FileManagerNav.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.tree = new BI.Tree(); this.refreshTreeData(o.items); this.tree.getRoot().set("data", { text: BI.i18nText("BI-Created_By_Me"), value: BI.FileManagerNav.ROOT_CREATE_BY_ME, id: BI.FileManagerNav.ROOT_CREATE_BY_ME }); this.button_group = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button_group", element: this, items: [{ type: "bi.file_manager_nav_button", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Created_By_Me"), selected: true, id: BI.FileManagerNav.ROOT_CREATE_BY_ME, value: BI.FileManagerNav.ROOT_CREATE_BY_ME }], layouts: [{ type: "bi.horizontal" }] }); this.button_group.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.button_group.on(BI.ButtonGroup.EVENT_CHANGE, function (value, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.FileManagerNav.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); }, _getAllParents: function (id) { var node, res = []; if (!id) { node = this.tree.getRoot(); } else { node = this.tree.search(id); } while (node.parent) { res.push(node); node = node.parent; } res.push(node); return res.reverse(); }, _formatNodes: function (nodes) { var res = []; BI.each(nodes, function (i, node) { res.push(BI.extend({ type: "bi.file_manager_nav_button", id: node.id }, node.get("data"))); }); BI.last(res).selected = true; return res; }, getValue: function () { return this.button_group.getValue(); }, getId: function () { var ids = []; BI.each(this.button_group.getSelectedButtons(), function (i, btn) { ids.push(btn.attr("id")); }); return ids; }, refreshTreeData: function (items) { this.tree.initTree(BI.Tree.transformToTreeFormat(items)); this.tree.getRoot().set("data", { text: BI.i18nText("BI-Created_By_Me"), value: BI.FileManagerNav.ROOT_CREATE_BY_ME, id: BI.FileManagerNav.ROOT_CREATE_BY_ME }); }, populate: function (node) { var parents = BI.isNull(node) ? [this.tree.getRoot()] : this._getAllParents(node.id); this.button_group.populate(this._formatNodes(parents)); } }); BI.extend(BI.FileManagerNav, { ROOT_CREATE_BY_ME: "-1" }); BI.FileManagerNav.EVENT_CHANGE = "FileManagerNav.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.file_manager_nav", BI.FileManagerNav);/** * 交互行为布局 * * * Created by GUY on 2016/7/23. * @class BI.InteractiveArrangement * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.InteractiveArrangement = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.InteractiveArrangement.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-interactive-arrangement", resizable: true, layoutType: BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.GRID, items: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.InteractiveArrangement.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.arrangement = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive_arrangement", element: this, resizable: o.resizable, layoutType: o.layoutType, items: o.items }); this.arrangement.on(BI.AdaptiveArrangement.EVENT_SCROLL, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.InteractiveArrangement.EVENT_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.arrangement.on(BI.AdaptiveArrangement.EVENT_RESIZE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.InteractiveArrangement.EVENT_RESIZE, arguments); }); this.arrangement.on(BI.AdaptiveArrangement.EVENT_ELEMENT_RESIZE, function (id, size) { var p = self._getRegionClientPosition(id); self.draw({ left: p.left, top: p.top }, size, id); }); this.arrangement.on(BI.AdaptiveArrangement.EVENT_ELEMENT_STOP_RESIZE, function (id, size) { self.stopDraw(); self.setRegionSize(id, size); }); this.tags = []; }, _isEqual: function (num1, num2) { return this.arrangement._isEqual(num1, num2); }, _getScrollOffset: function () { return this.arrangement._getScrollOffset(); }, _positionAt: function (position, regions) { var self = this; regions = regions || this.getAllRegions(); var left = [], center = [], right = [], top = [], middle = [], bottom = []; BI.each(regions, function (i, region) { var client = self._getRegionClientPosition(region.id); if (Math.abs(client.left - position.left) <= 3) { left.push(region); } if (Math.abs(client.left + client.width / 2 - position.left) <= 3) { center.push(region); } if (Math.abs(client.left + client.width - position.left) <= 3) { right.push(region); } if (Math.abs(client.top - position.top) <= 3) { top.push(region); } if (Math.abs(client.top + client.height / 2 - position.top) <= 3) { middle.push(region); } if (Math.abs(client.top + client.height - position.top) <= 3) { bottom.push(region); } }); return { left: left, center: center, right: right, top: top, middle: middle, bottom: bottom }; }, _getRegionClientPosition: function (name) { var region = this.getRegionByName(name); var offset = this.arrangement._getScrollOffset(); return { top: region.top - offset.top, left: region.left - offset.left, width: region.width, height: region.height, id: region.id }; }, _vAlign: function (position, regions) { var self = this; var vs = this._positionAt(position, regions); var positions = []; var l; if (vs.left.length > 0) { l = this._getRegionClientPosition(vs.left[0].id).left; } else if (vs.right.length > 0) { var temp = this._getRegionClientPosition(vs.right[0].id); l = temp.left + temp.width; } else if (vs.center.length > 0) { var temp = this._getRegionClientPosition(vs.center[0].id); l = temp.left + temp.width / 2; } var rs = vs.left.concat(vs.right).concat(vs.center); BI.each(rs, function (i, region) { var p = self._getRegionClientPosition(region.id); if (self._isEqual(p.left, l) || self._isEqual(p.left + p.width, l) || self._isEqual(p.left + p.width / 2, l)) { var topPoint = { top: p.top + p.height / 2, left: l }; positions.push({ id: region.id, start: topPoint, end: { left: l, top: position.top } }); } }); return positions; }, _leftAlign: function (position, size, regions) { var self = this; return this._vAlign({ left: position.left, top: position.top + size.height / 2 }, regions); }, _rightAlign: function (position, size, regions) { var self = this; return this._vAlign({ left: position.left + size.width, top: position.top + size.height / 2 }, regions); }, _hAlign: function (position, regions) { var self = this; var hs = this._positionAt(position, regions); var positions = []; var t; if (hs.top.length > 0) { var temp = this._getRegionClientPosition(hs.top[0].id); t = temp.top; } else if (hs.bottom.length > 0) { var temp = this._getRegionClientPosition(hs.bottom[0].id); t = temp.top + temp.height; } else if (hs.middle.length > 0) { var temp = this._getRegionClientPosition(hs.middle[0].id); t = temp.top + temp.height / 2; } var rs = hs.top.concat(hs.bottom).concat(hs.middle); BI.each(rs, function (i, region) { var p = self._getRegionClientPosition(region.id); if (self._isEqual(p.top, t) || self._isEqual(p.top + p.height, t) || self._isEqual(p.top + p.height / 2, t)) { var leftPoint = { top: t, left: p.left + p.width / 2 }; positions.push({ id: p.id, start: leftPoint, end: { left: position.left, top: t } }); } }); return positions; }, _topAlign: function (position, size, regions) { var self = this; return this._hAlign({ left: position.left + size.width / 2, top: position.top }, regions); }, _bottomAlign: function (position, size, regions) { var self = this; return this._hAlign({ left: position.left + size.width / 2, top: position.top + size.height }, regions); }, _centerAlign: function (position, size, regions) { var self = this; return this._vAlign({ left: position.left + size.width / 2, top: position.top + size.height / 2 }, regions); }, _middleAlign: function (position, size, regions) { var self = this; return this._hAlign({ left: position.left + size.width / 2, top: position.top + size.height / 2 }, regions); }, _drawOneTag: function (start, end) { var s = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", // invisible: true, width: 13, height: 13, cls: "drag-tag-font interactive-arrangement-dragtag-icon" }); var e = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", // invisible: true, width: 13, height: 13, cls: "drag-tag-font interactive-arrangement-dragtag-icon" }); if (this._isEqual(start.left, end.left)) { var line = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", // invisible: true, cls: "interactive-arrangement-dragtag-line", width: 1, height: Math.abs(start.top - end.top) }); } else { var line = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", // invisible: true, cls: "interactive-arrangement-dragtag-line", height: 1, width: Math.abs(start.left - end.left) }); } BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: s, left: start.left - 6, top: start.top - 7 }, { el: e, left: end.left - 6, top: end.top - 7 }, { el: line, left: Math.min(start.left, end.left), top: Math.min(start.top, end.top) }] }); this.tags.push(s); this.tags.push(e); this.tags.push(line); }, stopDraw: function () { BI.each(this.tags, function (i, w) { w.destroy(); }); this.tags = []; }, _getRegionExcept: function (name, regions) { var other = []; BI.each(regions || this.getAllRegions(), function (i, region) { if (!(name && region.id === name)) { other.push(region); } }); return other; }, getClientWidth: function () { return this.arrangement.getClientWidth(); }, getClientHeight: function () { return this.arrangement.getClientHeight(); }, getPosition: function (name, position, size) { var regions = this.getAllRegions(); var me; if (name) { me = this._getRegionClientPosition(name); } var other = this._getRegionExcept(name, regions); position = position || { left: me.left, top: me.top }; size = size || { width: me.width, height: me.height }; var left = this._leftAlign(position, size, other); var right = this._rightAlign(position, size, other); var top = this._topAlign(position, size, other, other); var bottom = this._bottomAlign(position, size, other); var center = this._centerAlign(position, size, other); var middle = this._middleAlign(position, size, other); BI.each(center, function (i, pos) { position.left = pos.end.left - size.width / 2; }); BI.each(right, function (i, pos) { position.left = pos.end.left - size.width; }); BI.each(left, function (i, pos) { position.left = pos.end.left; }); BI.each(middle, function (i, pos) { position.top = pos.end.top - size.height / 2; }); BI.each(bottom, function (i, pos) { position.top = pos.end.top - size.height; }); BI.each(top, function (i, pos) { position.top = pos.end.top; }); return position; }, // position不动 变size getSize: function (name, position, size) { var regions = this.getAllRegions(); var me; if (name) { me = this._getRegionClientPosition(name); } var other = this._getRegionExcept(name, regions); position = position || { left: me.left, top: me.top }; size = size || { width: me.width, height: me.height }; var left = this._leftAlign(position, size, other); var right = this._rightAlign(position, size, other); var top = this._topAlign(position, size, other, other); var bottom = this._bottomAlign(position, size, other); var center = this._centerAlign(position, size, other); var middle = this._middleAlign(position, size, other); BI.each(center, function (i, pos) { size.width = (pos.end.left - position.left) * 2; }); BI.each(right, function (i, pos) { size.width = pos.end.left - position.left; }); BI.each(left, function (i, pos) { }); BI.each(middle, function (i, pos) { size.height = (pos.end.top - position.top) * 2; }); BI.each(bottom, function (i, pos) { size.height = pos.end.top - position.top; }); BI.each(top, function (i, pos) { }); return size; }, draw: function (position, size, name) { var self = this; this.stopDraw(); switch (this.getLayoutType()) { case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.FREE: var other = this._getRegionExcept(name); var left = this._leftAlign(position, size, other); var right = this._rightAlign(position, size, other); var top = this._topAlign(position, size, other); var bottom = this._bottomAlign(position, size, other); var center = this._centerAlign(position, size, other); var middle = this._middleAlign(position, size, other); BI.each(center, function (i, pos) { self._drawOneTag(pos.start, pos.end); }); BI.each(right, function (i, pos) { self._drawOneTag(pos.start, pos.end); }); BI.each(left, function (i, pos) { self._drawOneTag(pos.start, pos.end); }); BI.each(middle, function (i, pos) { self._drawOneTag(pos.start, pos.end); }); BI.each(bottom, function (i, pos) { self._drawOneTag(pos.start, pos.end); }); BI.each(top, function (i, pos) { self._drawOneTag(pos.start, pos.end); }); break; case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.GRID: break; } }, addRegion: function (region, position) { this.stopDraw(); return this.arrangement.addRegion(region, position); }, deleteRegion: function (name) { return this.arrangement.deleteRegion(name); }, setRegionSize: function (name, size) { size = this.getSize(name, null, size); return this.arrangement.setRegionSize(name, size); }, setPosition: function (position, size) { var self = this; this.stopDraw(); if (position.left > 0 && position.top > 0) { switch (this.getLayoutType()) { case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.FREE: position = this.getPosition(null, position, size); this.draw(position, size); break; case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.GRID: break; } } var at = this.arrangement.setPosition(position, size); return at; }, setRegionPosition: function (name, position) { if (position.left > 0 && position.top > 0) { switch (this.getLayoutType()) { case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.FREE: position = this.getPosition(name, position); break; case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.GRID: break; } } return this.arrangement.setRegionPosition(name, position); }, setDropPosition: function (position, size) { var self = this; this.stopDraw(); if (position.left > 0 && position.top > 0) { switch (this.getLayoutType()) { case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.FREE: position = this.getPosition(null, position, size); this.draw(position, size); break; case BI.Arrangement.LAYOUT_TYPE.GRID: break; } } var callback = self.arrangement.setDropPosition(position, size); return function () { callback(); self.stopDraw(); }; }, scrollInterval: function () { this.arrangement.scrollInterval.apply(this.arrangement, arguments); }, scrollEnd: function () { this.arrangement.scrollEnd.apply(this.arrangement, arguments); }, scrollTo: function (scroll) { this.arrangement.scrollTo(scroll); }, zoom: function (ratio) { this.arrangement.zoom(ratio); }, resize: function () { return this.arrangement.resize(); }, relayout: function () { return this.arrangement.relayout(); }, setLayoutType: function (type) { this.arrangement.setLayoutType(type); }, getLayoutType: function () { return this.arrangement.getLayoutType(); }, getLayoutRatio: function () { return this.arrangement.getLayoutRatio(); }, getHelper: function () { return this.arrangement.getHelper(); }, getRegionByName: function (name) { return this.arrangement.getRegionByName(name); }, getAllRegions: function () { return this.arrangement.getAllRegions(); }, revoke: function () { return this.arrangement.revoke(); }, populate: function (items) { var self = this; this.arrangement.populate(items); } }); BI.InteractiveArrangement.EVENT_RESIZE = "InteractiveArrangement.EVENT_RESIZE"; BI.InteractiveArrangement.EVENT_SCROLL = "InteractiveArrangement.EVENT_SCROLL"; BI.shortcut("bi.interactive_arrangement", BI.InteractiveArrangement);/** * Created by zcf on 2016/9/26. */ BI.IntervalSlider = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _constant: { EDITOR_WIDTH: 58, EDITOR_R_GAP: 60, EDITOR_HEIGHT: 30, SLIDER_WIDTH_HALF: 15, SLIDER_WIDTH: 30, SLIDER_HEIGHT: 30, TRACK_HEIGHT: 24 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.IntervalSlider.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-interval-slider bi-slider-track", digit: false, unit: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.IntervalSlider.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this; var c = this._constant; this.enable = false; this.valueOne = ""; this.valueTwo = ""; this.calculation = new BI.AccurateCalculationModel(); // this.backgroundTrack = BI.createWidget({ // type: "bi.layout", // cls: "background-track", // height: c.TRACK_HEIGHT // }); this.grayTrack = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "gray-track", height: 6 }); this.blueTrack = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "blue-track bi-high-light-background", height: 6 }); this.track = this._createTrackWrapper(); this.labelOne = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.sign_text_editor", cls: "slider-editor-button", text: this.options.unit, errorText: "", allowBlank: false, width: c.EDITOR_WIDTH, validationChecker: function (v) { return self._checkValidation(v); } }); this.labelOne.element.hover(function () { self.labelOne.element.removeClass("bi-border").addClass("bi-border"); }, function () { self.labelOne.element.removeClass("bi-border"); }); this.labelOne.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { var v = BI.parseFloat(this.getValue()); self.valueOne = v; var percent = self._getPercentByValue(v); var significantPercent = BI.parseFloat(percent.toFixed(1));// 分成1000份 self._setLabelOnePosition(significantPercent); self._setSliderOnePosition(significantPercent); self._setBlueTrack(); self.fireEvent(BI.IntervalSlider.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.labelTwo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.sign_text_editor", cls: "slider-editor-button", errorText: "", text: this.options.unit, allowBlank: false, width: c.EDITOR_WIDTH, validationChecker: function (v) { return self._checkValidation(v); } }); this.labelTwo.element.hover(function () { self.labelTwo.element.removeClass("bi-border").addClass("bi-border"); }, function () { self.labelTwo.element.removeClass("bi-border"); }); this.labelTwo.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { var v = BI.parseFloat(this.getValue()); self.valueTwo = v; var percent = self._getPercentByValue(v); var significantPercent = BI.parseFloat(percent.toFixed(1)); self._setLabelTwoPosition(significantPercent); self._setSliderTwoPosition(significantPercent); self._setBlueTrack(); self.fireEvent(BI.IntervalSlider.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.sliderOne = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.single_slider_button" }); this.sliderTwo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.single_slider_button" }); this._draggable(this.sliderOne, true); this._draggable(this.sliderTwo, false); this._setVisible(false); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.vertical", items: [{ type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: this.track, width: "100%", height: c.TRACK_HEIGHT }] }], hgap: 7, height: c.TRACK_HEIGHT }, top: 23, left: 0, width: "100%" }, this._createLabelWrapper(), this._createSliderWrapper() ] }); }, _rePosBySizeAfterMove: function (size, isLeft) { var o = this.options; var percent = size * 100 / (this._getGrayTrackLength()); var significantPercent = BI.parseFloat(percent.toFixed(1)); var v = this._getValueByPercent(significantPercent); v = this._assertValue(v); v = o.digit === false ? v : v.toFixed(o.digit); if(isLeft) { this._setLabelOnePosition(significantPercent); this._setSliderOnePosition(significantPercent); this.labelOne.setValue(v); this.valueOne = v; }else{ this._setLabelTwoPosition(significantPercent); this._setSliderTwoPosition(significantPercent); this.labelTwo.setValue(v); this.valueTwo = v; } this._setBlueTrack(); }, _rePosBySizeAfterStop: function (size, isLeft) { var percent = size * 100 / (this._getGrayTrackLength()); var significantPercent = BI.parseFloat(percent.toFixed(1)); isLeft ? this._setSliderOnePosition(significantPercent) : this._setSliderTwoPosition(significantPercent); }, _draggable: function (widget, isLeft) { var self = this, o = this.options; var startDrag = false; var size = 0, offset = 0, defaultSize = 0; var mouseMoveTracker = new BI.MouseMoveTracker(function (deltaX) { if (mouseMoveTracker.isDragging()) { startDrag = true; offset += deltaX; size = optimizeSize(defaultSize + offset); widget.element.addClass("dragging"); self._rePosBySizeAfterMove(size, isLeft); } }, function () { if (startDrag === true) { size = optimizeSize(size); self._rePosBySizeAfterStop(size, isLeft); size = 0; offset = 0; defaultSize = size; startDrag = false; } widget.element.removeClass("dragging"); mouseMoveTracker.releaseMouseMoves(); self.fireEvent(BI.IntervalSlider.EVENT_CHANGE); }, document); widget.element.on("mousedown", function (event) { if(!widget.isEnabled()) { return; } defaultSize = this.offsetLeft; optimizeSize(defaultSize); mouseMoveTracker.captureMouseMoves(event); }); function optimizeSize (s) { return BI.clamp(s, 0, self._getGrayTrackLength()); } }, _createLabelWrapper: function () { var c = this._constant; return { el: { type: "bi.vertical", items: [{ type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: this.labelOne, top: 0, left: "0%" }] }, { type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: this.labelTwo, top: 0, left: "100%" }] }], rgap: c.EDITOR_R_GAP, height: 70 }, top: 0, left: 0, width: "100%" }; }, _createSliderWrapper: function () { var c = this._constant; return { el: { type: "bi.vertical", items: [{ type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: this.sliderOne, top: 0, left: "0%" }] }, { type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: this.sliderTwo, top: 0, left: "100%" }] }], hgap: c.SLIDER_WIDTH_HALF, height: c.SLIDER_HEIGHT }, top: 20, left: 0, width: "100%" }; }, _createTrackWrapper: function () { return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: { type: "bi.vertical", items: [{ type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: this.grayTrack, top: 0, left: 0, width: "100%" }, { el: this.blueTrack, top: 0, left: 0, width: "0%" }] }], hgap: 8, height: 8 }, top: 8, left: 0, width: "100%" }] }); }, _checkValidation: function (v) { var o = this.options; var valid = false; // 像90.这样的既不属于整数又不属于小数,是不合法的值 var dotText = (v + "").split(".")[1]; if (BI.isEmptyString(dotText)) { }else{ if (BI.isNumeric(v) && !(BI.isNull(v) || v < this.min || v > this.max)) { if(o.digit === false) { valid = true; }else{ dotText = dotText || ""; valid = (dotText.length === o.digit); } } } return valid; }, _checkOverlap: function () { var labelOneLeft = this.labelOne.element[0].offsetLeft; var labelTwoLeft = this.labelTwo.element[0].offsetLeft; if (labelOneLeft <= labelTwoLeft) { if ((labelTwoLeft - labelOneLeft) < 90) { this.labelTwo.element.css({top: 40}); } else { this.labelTwo.element.css({top: 0}); } } else { if ((labelOneLeft - labelTwoLeft) < 90) { this.labelTwo.element.css({top: 40}); } else { this.labelTwo.element.css({top: 0}); } } }, _setLabelOnePosition: function (percent) { this.labelOne.element.css({left: percent + "%"}); this._checkOverlap(); }, _setLabelTwoPosition: function (percent) { this.labelTwo.element.css({left: percent + "%"}); this._checkOverlap(); }, _setSliderOnePosition: function (percent) { this.sliderOne.element.css({left: percent + "%"}); }, _setSliderTwoPosition: function (percent) { this.sliderTwo.element.css({left: percent + "%"}); }, _setBlueTrackLeft: function (percent) { this.blueTrack.element.css({left: percent + "%"}); }, _setBlueTrackWidth: function (percent) { this.blueTrack.element.css({width: percent + "%"}); }, _setBlueTrack: function () { var percentOne = this._getPercentByValue(this.labelOne.getValue()); var percentTwo = this._getPercentByValue(this.labelTwo.getValue()); if (percentOne <= percentTwo) { this._setBlueTrackLeft(percentOne); this._setBlueTrackWidth(percentTwo - percentOne); } else { this._setBlueTrackLeft(percentTwo); this._setBlueTrackWidth(percentOne - percentTwo); } }, _setAllPosition: function (one, two) { this._setSliderOnePosition(one); this._setLabelOnePosition(one); this._setSliderTwoPosition(two); this._setLabelTwoPosition(two); this._setBlueTrack(); }, _setVisible: function (visible) { this.sliderOne.setVisible(visible); this.sliderTwo.setVisible(visible); this.labelOne.setVisible(visible); this.labelTwo.setVisible(visible); }, _setErrorText: function () { var errorText = BI.i18nText("BI-Please_Enter") + this.min + "-" + this.max + BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_De") + BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Number"); this.labelOne.setErrorText(errorText); this.labelTwo.setErrorText(errorText); }, _getGrayTrackLength: function () { return this.grayTrack.element[0].scrollWidth; }, // 其中取max-min后保留4为有效数字后的值的小数位数为最终value的精度 _getValueByPercent: function (percent) {// return (((max-min)*percent)/100+min) var sub = this.calculation.accurateSubtraction(this.max, this.min); var mul = this.calculation.accurateMultiplication(sub, percent); var div = this.calculation.accurateDivisionTenExponent(mul, 2); if(this.precision < 0) { var value = BI.parseFloat(this.calculation.accurateAddition(div, this.min)); var reduceValue = Math.round(this.calculation.accurateDivisionTenExponent(value, -this.precision)); return this.calculation.accurateMultiplication(reduceValue, Math.pow(10, -this.precision)); } return BI.parseFloat(this.calculation.accurateAddition(div, this.min).toFixed(this.precision)); }, _getPercentByValue: function (v) { return (v - this.min) * 100 / (this.max - this.min); }, _setDraggableEnable: function (enable) { this.sliderOne.setEnable(enable); this.sliderTwo.setEnable(enable); }, _getPrecision: function () { // 计算每一份值的精度(最大值和最小值的差值保留4为有效数字后的精度) // 如果差值的整数位数大于4,toPrecision(4)得到的是科学计数法123456 => 1.235e+5 // 返回非负值: 保留的小数位数 // 返回负值: 保留的10^n精度中的n var sub = this.calculation.accurateSubtraction(this.max, this.min); var pre = sub.toPrecision(4); // 科学计数法 var eIndex = pre.indexOf("e"); var arr = []; if(eIndex > -1) { arr = pre.split("e"); var decimalPartLength = BI.size(arr[0].split(".")[1]); var sciencePartLength = BI.parseInt(arr[1].substring(1)); return decimalPartLength - sciencePartLength; } arr = pre.split("."); return arr.length > 1 ? arr[1].length : 0; }, _assertValue: function (value) { if(value <= this.min) { return this.min; } if(value >= this.max) { return this.max; } return value; }, getValue: function () { if (this.valueOne <= this.valueTwo) { return {min: this.valueOne, max: this.valueTwo}; } return {min: this.valueTwo, max: this.valueOne}; }, setMinAndMax: function (v) { var minNumber = BI.parseFloat(v.min); var maxNumber = BI.parseFloat(v.max); if ((!isNaN(minNumber)) && (!isNaN(maxNumber)) && (maxNumber >= minNumber )) { this.min = minNumber; this.max = maxNumber; this.valueOne = minNumber; this.valueTwo = maxNumber; this.precision = this._getPrecision(); this._setDraggableEnable(true); } if (maxNumber === minNumber) { this._setDraggableEnable(false); } }, setValue: function (v) { var o = this.options; var valueOne = BI.parseFloat(v.min); var valueTwo = BI.parseFloat(v.max); valueOne = o.digit === false ? valueOne : valueOne.toFixed(o.digit); valueTwo = o.digit === false ? valueTwo : valueTwo.toFixed(o.digit); if (!isNaN(valueOne) && !isNaN(valueTwo)) { if (this._checkValidation(valueOne)) { this.valueOne = valueOne; } if (this._checkValidation(valueTwo)) { this.valueTwo = valueTwo; } if (valueOne < this.min) { this.valueOne = this.min; } if (valueTwo > this.max) { this.valueTwo = this.max; } } }, reset: function () { this._setVisible(false); this.enable = false; this.valueOne = ""; this.valueTwo = ""; this.min = NaN; this.max = NaN; this._setBlueTrackWidth(0); }, populate: function () { if (!isNaN(this.min) && !isNaN(this.max)) { this.enable = true; this._setVisible(true); this._setErrorText(); if ((BI.isNumeric(this.valueOne) || BI.isNotEmptyString(this.valueOne)) && (BI.isNumeric(this.valueTwo) || BI.isNotEmptyString(this.valueTwo))) { this.labelOne.setValue(this.valueOne); this.labelTwo.setValue(this.valueTwo); this._setAllPosition(this._getPercentByValue(this.valueOne), this._getPercentByValue(this.valueTwo)); } else { this.labelOne.setValue(this.min); this.labelTwo.setValue(this.max); this._setAllPosition(0, 100); } } } }); BI.IntervalSlider.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.interval_slider", BI.IntervalSlider);/** * Created by zcf on 2017/3/1. * 万恶的IEEE-754 * 使用字符串精确计算含小数加法、减法、乘法和10的指数倍除法,支持负数 */ BI.AccurateCalculationModel = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.AccurateCalculationModel.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.AccurateCalculationModel.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, _getMagnitude: function (n) { var magnitude = "1"; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { magnitude += "0"; } return BI.parseInt(magnitude); }, _formatDecimal: function (stringNumber1, stringNumber2) { if (stringNumber1.numDecimalLength === stringNumber2.numDecimalLength) { return; } var magnitudeDiff = stringNumber1.numDecimalLength - stringNumber2.numDecimalLength; if (magnitudeDiff > 0) { var needAddZero = stringNumber2; } else { var needAddZero = stringNumber1; magnitudeDiff = (0 - magnitudeDiff); } for (var i = 0; i < magnitudeDiff; i++) { if (needAddZero.numDecimal === "0" && i === 0) { continue; } needAddZero.numDecimal += "0"; } }, _stringNumberFactory: function (num) { var strNum = num.toString(); var numStrArray = strNum.split("."); var numInteger = numStrArray[0]; if (numStrArray.length === 1) { var numDecimal = "0"; var numDecimalLength = 0; } else { var numDecimal = numStrArray[1]; var numDecimalLength = numStrArray[1].length; } return { numInteger: numInteger, numDecimal: numDecimal, numDecimalLength: numDecimalLength }; }, _accurateSubtraction: function (num1, num2) {// num1-num2 && num1>num2 var stringNumber1 = this._stringNumberFactory(num1); var stringNumber2 = this._stringNumberFactory(num2); // 整数部分计算 var integerResult = BI.parseInt(stringNumber1.numInteger) - BI.parseInt(stringNumber2.numInteger); // 小数部分 this._formatDecimal(stringNumber1, stringNumber2); var decimalMaxLength = getDecimalMaxLength(stringNumber1, stringNumber2); if (BI.parseInt(stringNumber1.numDecimal) >= BI.parseInt(stringNumber2.numDecimal)) { var decimalResultTemp = (BI.parseInt(stringNumber1.numDecimal) - BI.parseInt(stringNumber2.numDecimal)).toString(); var decimalResult = addZero(decimalResultTemp, decimalMaxLength); } else {// 否则借位 integerResult--; var borrow = this._getMagnitude(decimalMaxLength); var decimalResultTemp = (borrow + BI.parseInt(stringNumber1.numDecimal) - BI.parseInt(stringNumber2.numDecimal)).toString(); var decimalResult = addZero(decimalResultTemp, decimalMaxLength); } var result = integerResult + "." + decimalResult; return BI.parseFloat(result); function getDecimalMaxLength (num1, num2) { if (num1.numDecimal.length >= num2.numDecimal.length) { return num1.numDecimal.length; } return num2.numDecimal.length; } function addZero (resultTemp, length) { var diff = length - resultTemp.length; for (var i = 0; i < diff; i++) { resultTemp = "0" + resultTemp; } return resultTemp; } }, _accurateAddition: function (num1, num2) {// 加法结合律 var stringNumber1 = this._stringNumberFactory(num1); var stringNumber2 = this._stringNumberFactory(num2); // 整数部分计算 var integerResult = BI.parseInt(stringNumber1.numInteger) + BI.parseInt(stringNumber2.numInteger); // 小数部分 this._formatDecimal(stringNumber1, stringNumber2); var decimalResult = (BI.parseInt(stringNumber1.numDecimal) + BI.parseInt(stringNumber2.numDecimal)).toString(); if (decimalResult !== "0") { if (decimalResult.length <= stringNumber1.numDecimal.length) { decimalResult = addZero(decimalResult, stringNumber1.numDecimal.length); } else { integerResult++;// 进一 decimalResult = decimalResult.slice(1); } } var result = integerResult + "." + decimalResult; return BI.parseFloat(result); function addZero (resultTemp, length) { var diff = length - resultTemp.length; for (var i = 0; i < diff; i++) { resultTemp = "0" + resultTemp; } return resultTemp; } }, _accurateMultiplication: function (num1, num2) {// 乘法分配律 var stringNumber1 = this._stringNumberFactory(num1); var stringNumber2 = this._stringNumberFactory(num2); // 整数部分计算 var integerResult = BI.parseInt(stringNumber1.numInteger) * BI.parseInt(stringNumber2.numInteger); // num1的小数和num2的整数 var dec1Int2 = this._accurateDivisionTenExponent(BI.parseInt(stringNumber1.numDecimal) * BI.parseInt(stringNumber2.numInteger), stringNumber1.numDecimalLength); // num1的整数和num2的小数 var int1dec2 = this._accurateDivisionTenExponent(BI.parseInt(stringNumber1.numInteger) * BI.parseInt(stringNumber2.numDecimal), stringNumber2.numDecimalLength); // 小数*小数 var dec1dec2 = this._accurateDivisionTenExponent(BI.parseInt(stringNumber1.numDecimal) * BI.parseInt(stringNumber2.numDecimal), (stringNumber1.numDecimalLength + stringNumber2.numDecimalLength)); return this._accurateAddition(this._accurateAddition(this._accurateAddition(integerResult, dec1Int2), int1dec2), dec1dec2); }, _accurateDivisionTenExponent: function (num, n) {// num/10^n && n>0 var stringNumber = this._stringNumberFactory(num); if (stringNumber.numInteger.length > n) { var integerResult = stringNumber.numInteger.slice(0, (stringNumber.numInteger.length - n)); var partDecimalResult = stringNumber.numInteger.slice(-n); } else { var integerResult = "0"; var partDecimalResult = addZero(stringNumber.numInteger, n); } var result = integerResult + "." + partDecimalResult + stringNumber.numDecimal; return BI.parseFloat(result); function addZero (resultTemp, length) { var diff = length - resultTemp.length; for (var i = 0; i < diff; i++) { resultTemp = "0" + resultTemp; } return resultTemp; } }, accurateSubtraction: function (num1, num2) { if (num1 >= 0 && num2 >= 0) { if (num1 >= num2) { return this._accurateSubtraction(num1, num2); } return -this._accurateSubtraction(num2, num1); } if (num1 >= 0 && num2 < 0) { return this._accurateAddition(num1, -num2); } if (num1 < 0 && num2 >= 0) { return -this._accurateAddition(-num1, num2); } if (num1 < 0 && num2 < 0) { if (num1 >= num2) { return this._accurateSubtraction(-num2, -num1); } return this._accurateSubtraction(-num1, -num2); } }, accurateAddition: function (num1, num2) { if (num1 >= 0 && num2 >= 0) { return this._accurateAddition(num1, num2); } if (num1 >= 0 && num2 < 0) { return this.accurateSubtraction(num1, -num2); } if (num1 < 0 && num2 >= 0) { return this.accurateSubtraction(num2, -num1); } if (num1 < 0 && num2 < 0) { return -this._accurateAddition(-num1, -num2); } }, accurateMultiplication: function (num1, num2) { if (num1 >= 0 && num2 >= 0) { return this._accurateMultiplication(num1, num2); } if (num1 >= 0 && num2 < 0) { return -this._accurateMultiplication(num1, -num2); } if (num1 < 0 && num2 >= 0) { return -this._accurateMultiplication(-num1, num2); } if (num1 < 0 && num2 < 0) { return this._accurateMultiplication(-num1, -num2); } }, accurateDivisionTenExponent: function (num1, n) { if (num1 >= 0) { return this._accurateDivisionTenExponent(num1, n); } return -this._accurateDivisionTenExponent(-num1, n); } });/** * 月份下拉框 * * Created by GUY on 2015/8/28. * @class BI.MonthCombo * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.MonthCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MonthCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-month-combo", behaviors: {}, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.MonthCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.month_trigger" }); this.trigger.on(BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_CONFIRM, function (v) { if (self.combo.isViewVisible()) { return; } if (this.getKey() && this.getKey() !== self.storeValue) { self.setValue(this.getValue()); } else if (!this.getKey()) { self.setValue(); } self.fireEvent(BI.MonthCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.trigger.on(BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_FOCUS, function () { self.storeValue = this.getKey(); }); this.trigger.on(BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_START, function () { self.combo.hideView(); }); this.trigger.on(BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_STOP, function () { if (!self.combo.isViewVisible()) { self.combo.showView(); } }); this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.month_popup", behaviors: o.behaviors }); this.popup.on(BI.MonthPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(self.popup.getValue()); self.combo.hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.MonthCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", element: this, isNeedAdjustHeight: false, isNeedAdjustWidth: false, el: this.trigger, popup: { minWidth: 85, el: this.popup } }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MonthCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW); }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.trigger.setValue(v); this.popup.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.popup.getValue(); } }); BI.MonthCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.MonthCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW"; BI.shortcut("bi.month_combo", BI.MonthCombo);/** * 月份展示面板 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/2. * @class BI.MonthPopup * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.MonthPopup = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MonthPopup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-month-popup", behaviors: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.MonthPopup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; // 纵向排列月 var month = [0, 6, 1, 7, 2, 8, 3, 9, 4, 10, 5, 11]; var items = []; items.push(month.slice(0, 2)); items.push(month.slice(2, 4)); items.push(month.slice(4, 6)); items.push(month.slice(6, 8)); items.push(month.slice(8, 10)); items.push(month.slice(10, 12)); items = BI.map(items, function (i, item) { return BI.map(item, function (j, td) { return { type: "bi.text_item", cls: "bi-list-item-active", textAlign: "center", whiteSpace: "nowrap", once: false, forceSelected: true, height: 23, width: 38, value: td, text: td + 1 }; }); }); this.month = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button_group", element: this, behaviors: o.behaviors, items: BI.createItems(items, {}), layouts: [BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("table", BI.extend({ dynamic: true }, { columns: 2, rows: 6, columnSize: [1 / 2, 1 / 2], rowSize: 25 })), { type: "bi.center_adapt", vgap: 1, hgap: 2 }] }); this.month.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.MonthPopup.EVENT_CHANGE); } }); }, getValue: function () { return this.month.getValue()[0]; }, setValue: function (v) { this.month.setValue([v]); } }); BI.MonthPopup.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.month_popup", BI.MonthPopup);/** * 月份trigger * * Created by GUY on 2015/8/21. * @class BI.MonthTrigger * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.MonthTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { _const: { hgap: 4, vgap: 2, errorText: BI.i18nText("BI-Month_Trigger_Error_Text") }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MonthTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-month-trigger bi-border", height: 24 }); }, _init: function () { BI.MonthTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options, c = this._const; this.editor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.sign_editor", height: o.height, validationChecker: function (v) { return v === "" || (BI.isPositiveInteger(v) && v >= 1 && v <= 12); }, quitChecker: function (v) { return false; }, hgap: c.hgap, vgap: c.vgap, allowBlank: true, errorText: c.errorText }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_FOCUS, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_FOCUS); }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { var value = self.editor.getValue(); if (BI.isNotNull(value)) { self.editor.setValue(value); self.editor.setTitle(value); } self.fireEvent(BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_SPACE, function () { if (self.editor.isValid()) { self.editor.blur(); } }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_START, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_START); }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_STOP); }); BI.createWidget({ element: this, type: "bi.htape", items: [ { el: this.editor }, { el: { type: "bi.text_button", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Month"), baseCls: "bi-trigger-month-text", width: o.height }, width: o.height }, { el: { type: "bi.trigger_icon_button", width: o.height }, width: o.height } ] }); }, setValue: function (v) { if(BI.isNotNull(v)) { this.editor.setState(v + 1); this.editor.setValue(v + 1); this.editor.setTitle(v + 1); return; } this.editor.setState(""); this.editor.setValue(""); this.editor.setTitle(""); }, getKey: function () { return this.editor.getValue() | 0; }, getValue: function () { return this.editor.getValue() - 1; } }); BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS"; BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.month_trigger", BI.MonthTrigger);/** * 普通控件 * * @class BI.MultiDateCard * @extends BI.Widget * @abstract */ BI.MultiDateCard = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { constants: { lgap: 80, itemHeight: 35, defaultEditorValue: "1" }, _defaultConfig: function () { return $.extend(BI.MultiDateCard.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {}); }, dateConfig: function () { }, defaultSelectedItem: function () { }, _init: function () { BI.MultiDateCard.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, opts = this.options; this.label = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", height: this.constants.itemHeight, textAlign: "left", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Relative_Current_Time"), cls: "bi-multidate-inner-label bi-tips" }); this.radioGroup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button_group", chooseType: 0, items: BI.createItems(this.dateConfig(), { type: "bi.multidate_segment", height: this.constants.itemHeight }), layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] }); this.radioGroup.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CONFIRM) { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiDateCard.EVENT_CHANGE); } }); this.radioGroup.on(BI.ButtonGroup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(self.getValue()); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiDateCard.EVENT_CHANGE); }); BI.createWidget({ element: this, type: "bi.center_adapt", lgap: this.constants.lgap, items: [{ type: "bi.vertical", items: [this.label, this.radioGroup] }] }); }, getValue: function () { var button = this.radioGroup.getSelectedButtons()[0]; var type = button.getValue(), value = button.getInputValue(); return { type: type, value: value }; }, _isTypeAvaliable: function (type) { var res = false; BI.find(this.dateConfig(), function (i, item) { if (item.value === type) { res = true; return true; } }); return res; }, setValue: function (v) { var self = this; if (BI.isNotNull(v) && this._isTypeAvaliable(v.type)) { this.radioGroup.setValue(v.type); BI.each(this.radioGroup.getAllButtons(), function (i, button) { if (button.isEditorExist() === true && button.isSelected()) { button.setInputValue(v.value); } else { button.setInputValue(self.constants.defaultEditorValue); } }); } else { this.radioGroup.setValue(this.defaultSelectedItem()); BI.each(this.radioGroup.getAllButtons(), function (i, button) { button.setInputValue(self.constants.defaultEditorValue); }); } }, getCalculationValue: function () { var valueObject = this.getValue(); var type = valueObject.type, value = valueObject.value; switch (type) { case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_DAY_PREV: return Date.getDate().getOffsetDate(-1 * value); case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_DAY_AFTER: return Date.getDate().getOffsetDate(value); case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_DAY_TODAY: return Date.getDate(); case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_PREV: return Date.getDate().getBeforeMultiMonth(value); case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_AFTER: return Date.getDate().getAfterMultiMonth(value); case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_BEGIN: return Date.getDate(Date.getDate().getFullYear(), Date.getDate().getMonth(), 1); case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_END: return Date.getDate(Date.getDate().getFullYear(), Date.getDate().getMonth(), (Date.getDate().getLastDateOfMonth()).getDate()); case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_PREV: return Date.getDate().getBeforeMulQuarter(value); case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_AFTER: return Date.getDate().getAfterMulQuarter(value); case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_BEGIN: return Date.getDate().getQuarterStartDate(); case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_END: return Date.getDate().getQuarterEndDate(); case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_PREV: return Date.getDate().getOffsetDate(-7 * value); case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_AFTER: return Date.getDate().getOffsetDate(7 * value); case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_PREV: return Date.getDate((Date.getDate().getFullYear() - 1 * value), Date.getDate().getMonth(), Date.getDate().getDate()); case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_AFTER: return Date.getDate((Date.getDate().getFullYear() + 1 * value), Date.getDate().getMonth(), Date.getDate().getDate()); case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_BEGIN: return Date.getDate(Date.getDate().getFullYear(), 0, 1); case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_END: return Date.getDate(Date.getDate().getFullYear(), 11, 31); } } }); BI.MultiDateCard.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; /** * 日期控件 * @class BI.MultiDateCombo * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.MultiDateCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { constants: { popupHeight: 259, popupWidth: 270, comboAdjustHeight: 1, border: 1, DATE_MIN_VALUE: "1900-01-01", DATE_MAX_VALUE: "2099-12-31" }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiDateCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multidate-combo bi-border", height: 24 }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiDateCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, opts = this.options; this.storeTriggerValue = ""; var date = Date.getDate(); this.storeValue = null; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.date_trigger", min: this.constants.DATE_MIN_VALUE, max: this.constants.DATE_MAX_VALUE }); this.trigger.on(BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_KEY_DOWN, function () { if (self.combo.isViewVisible()) { self.combo.hideView(); } }); this.trigger.on(BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_STOP, function () { if (!self.combo.isViewVisible()) { self.combo.showView(); } }); this.trigger.on(BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_TRIGGER_CLICK, function () { self.combo.toggle(); }); this.trigger.on(BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_FOCUS, function () { self.storeTriggerValue = self.trigger.getKey(); if (!self.combo.isViewVisible()) { self.combo.showView(); } self.fireEvent(BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_FOCUS); }); this.trigger.on(BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_ERROR, function () { self.storeValue = { year: date.getFullYear(), month: date.getMonth() }; self.popup.setValue(); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_ERROR); }); this.trigger.on(BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_VALID, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_VALID); }); this.trigger.on(BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.trigger.on(BI.DateTrigger.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { if (self.combo.isViewVisible()) { return; } var dateStore = self.storeTriggerValue; var dateObj = self.trigger.getKey(); if (BI.isNotEmptyString(dateObj) && !BI.isEqual(dateObj, dateStore)) { self.storeValue = self.trigger.getValue(); self.setValue(self.trigger.getValue()); } else if (BI.isEmptyString(dateObj)) { self.storeValue = null; self.trigger.setValue(); } self.fireEvent(BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multidate_popup", min: this.constants.DATE_MIN_VALUE, max: this.constants.DATE_MAX_VALUE }); this.popup.on(BI.MultiDatePopup.BUTTON_CLEAR_EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(); self.combo.hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.popup.on(BI.MultiDatePopup.BUTTON_lABEL_EVENT_CHANGE, function () { var date = Date.getDate(); self.setValue({ year: date.getFullYear(), month: date.getMonth(), day: date.getDate() }); self.combo.hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.popup.on(BI.MultiDatePopup.BUTTON_OK_EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(self.popup.getValue()); self.combo.hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.popup.on(BI.MultiDatePopup.CALENDAR_EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(self.popup.getValue()); self.combo.hideView(); // self.fireEvent(BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_CHANGE); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", toggle: false, isNeedAdjustHeight: false, isNeedAdjustWidth: false, el: this.trigger, adjustLength: this.constants.comboAdjustHeight, popup: { el: this.popup, maxHeight: this.constants.popupHeight, width: this.constants.popupWidth, stopPropagation: false } }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () { self.popup.setValue(self.storeValue); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW); }); var triggerBtn = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "bi-trigger-icon-button date-font", width: 24, height: 24 }); triggerBtn.on(BI.TriggerIconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { if (self.combo.isViewVisible()) { self.combo.hideView(); } else { self.combo.showView(); } }); this.changeIcon = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "bi-trigger-icon-button date-change-h-font", width: 24, height: 24 }); var leftPart = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: this.combo, top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }, { el: triggerBtn, top: 0, left: 0 }] }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.htape", element: this, items: [leftPart, { el: this.changeIcon, width: 30 }], ref: function (_ref) { self.comboWrapper = _ref; } }); }, _checkDynamicValue: function (v) { var type = null; if (BI.isNotNull(v)) { type = v.type; } switch (type) { case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_PREV: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_AFTER: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_BEGIN: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_END: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_PREV: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_AFTER: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_BEGIN: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_END: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_PREV: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_AFTER: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_BEGIN: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_END: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_PREV: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_AFTER: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_DAY_PREV: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_DAY_AFTER: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_DAY_TODAY: this.changeIcon.setVisible(true); this.comboWrapper.attr("items")[1].width = 30; this.comboWrapper.resize(); break; default: this.comboWrapper.attr("items")[1].width = 0; this.comboWrapper.resize(); this.changeIcon.setVisible(false); break; } }, setValue: function (v) { this.storeValue = v; this.popup.setValue(v); this.trigger.setValue(v); this._checkDynamicValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.storeValue; }, getKey: function () { return this.trigger.getKey(); }, hidePopupView: function () { this.combo.hideView(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.multidate_combo", BI.MultiDateCombo); BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS"; BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_VALID = "EVENT_VALID"; BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_ERROR = "EVENT_ERROR"; BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW = "BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW"; BI.extend(BI.MultiDateCombo, { MULTI_DATE_YMD_CARD: 1, MULTI_DATE_YEAR_CARD: 2, MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_CARD: 3, MULTI_DATE_MONTH_CARD: 4, MULTI_DATE_WEEK_CARD: 5, MULTI_DATE_DAY_CARD: 6 }); BI.extend(BI.MultiDateCombo, { DATE_TYPE: { MULTI_DATE_YEAR_PREV: 1, MULTI_DATE_YEAR_AFTER: 2, MULTI_DATE_YEAR_BEGIN: 3, MULTI_DATE_YEAR_END: 4, MULTI_DATE_MONTH_PREV: 5, MULTI_DATE_MONTH_AFTER: 6, MULTI_DATE_MONTH_BEGIN: 7, MULTI_DATE_MONTH_END: 8, MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_PREV: 9, MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_AFTER: 10, MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_BEGIN: 11, MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_END: 12, MULTI_DATE_WEEK_PREV: 13, MULTI_DATE_WEEK_AFTER: 14, MULTI_DATE_DAY_PREV: 15, MULTI_DATE_DAY_AFTER: 16, MULTI_DATE_DAY_TODAY: 17, MULTI_DATE_PARAM: 18, MULTI_DATE_CALENDAR: 19, YEAR_QUARTER: 20, YEAR_MONTH: 21, YEAR_WEEK: 22, YEAR_DAY: 23, MONTH_WEEK: 24, MONTH_DAY: 25, YEAR: 26, SAME_PERIOD: 27, LAST_SAME_PERIOD: 28 } }); /** * 普通控件 * * @class BI.DayCard * @extends BI.MultiDateCard */ BI.DayCard = BI.inherit(BI.MultiDateCard, { _defaultConfig: function () { return $.extend(BI.DayCard.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multidate-daycard" }); }, _init: function () { BI.DayCard.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, dateConfig: function () { return [{ isEditorExist: true, selected: true, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Day_Prev"), value: BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_DAY_PREV }, { isEditorExist: true, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Day_Next"), value: BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_DAY_AFTER }, { isEditorExist: false, value: BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_DAY_TODAY, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Today") }]; }, defaultSelectedItem: function () { return BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_DAY_PREV; } }); BI.DayCard.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.daycard", BI.DayCard); /** * 普通控件 * * @class BI.MonthCard * @extends BI.MultiDateCard */ BI.MonthCard = BI.inherit(BI.MultiDateCard, { _defaultConfig: function () { return $.extend(BI.MonthCard.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multidate-monthcard" }); }, _init: function () { BI.MonthCard.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, dateConfig: function () { return [{ selected: true, isEditorExist: true, value: BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_PREV, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Month_Prev") }, { isEditorExist: true, value: BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_AFTER, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Month_Next") }, { value: BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_BEGIN, isEditorExist: false, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Month_Begin") }, { value: BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_END, isEditorExist: false, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Month_End") }]; }, defaultSelectedItem: function () { return BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_PREV; } }); BI.MonthCard.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.monthcard", BI.MonthCard); /** * 日期控件 * @class BI.MultiDatePopup * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.MultiDatePopup = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { constants: { tabHeight: 30, tabWidth: 42, titleHeight: 27, itemHeight: 30, triggerHeight: 24, buttonWidth: 90, buttonHeight: 25, cardHeight: 229, cardWidth: 270, popupHeight: 259, popupWidth: 270, comboAdjustHeight: 1, ymdWidth: 58, lgap: 2, border: 1 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiDatePopup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multidate-popup", width: 268, height: 260 }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiDatePopup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, opts = this.options; this.storeValue = ""; this.textButton = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_button", forceCenter: true, cls: "bi-multidate-popup-label bi-border-left bi-border-right bi-border-top", shadow: true, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Today") }); this.textButton.on(BI.TextButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiDatePopup.BUTTON_lABEL_EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.clearButton = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_button", forceCenter: true, cls: "bi-multidate-popup-button bi-border-top", shadow: true, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Clear") }); this.clearButton.on(BI.TextButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiDatePopup.BUTTON_CLEAR_EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.okButton = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_button", forceCenter: true, cls: "bi-multidate-popup-button bi-border-top", shadow: true, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_OK") }); this.okButton.on(BI.TextButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiDatePopup.BUTTON_OK_EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.dateTab = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.tab", tab: { cls: "bi-multidate-popup-tab bi-border-bottom", height: this.constants.tabHeight, items: BI.createItems([{ text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_YMD"), value: BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_YMD_CARD, width: this.constants.ymdWidth }, { text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Year"), value: BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_CARD }, { text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Quarter"), value: BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_CARD }, { text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Month"), value: BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_CARD }, { text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Week"), value: BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_CARD }, { text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Day"), value: BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_DAY_CARD }], { width: this.constants.tabWidth, textAlign: "center", height: this.constants.itemHeight, cls: "bi-multidate-popup-item bi-list-item-active" }), layouts: [{ type: "bi.left" }] }, cardCreator: function (v) { switch (v) { case BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_YMD_CARD: self.ymd = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.date_calendar_popup", min: self.options.min, max: self.options.max }); self.ymd.on(BI.DateCalendarPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiDatePopup.CALENDAR_EVENT_CHANGE); }); return self.ymd; case BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_CARD: self.year = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.yearcard" }); self.year.on(BI.MultiDateCard.EVENT_CHANGE, function (v) { self._setInnerValue(self.year, v); }); return self.year; case BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_CARD: self.quarter = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.quartercard" }); self.quarter.on(BI.MultiDateCard.EVENT_CHANGE, function (v) { self._setInnerValue(self.quarter, v); }); return self.quarter; case BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_CARD: self.month = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.monthcard" }); self.month.on(BI.MultiDateCard.EVENT_CHANGE, function (v) { self._setInnerValue(self.month, v); }); return self.month; case BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_CARD: self.week = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.weekcard" }); self.week.on(BI.MultiDateCard.EVENT_CHANGE, function (v) { self._setInnerValue(self.week, v); }); return self.week; case BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_DAY_CARD: self.day = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.daycard" }); self.day.on(BI.MultiDateCard.EVENT_CHANGE, function (v) { self._setInnerValue(self.day, v); }); return self.day; } } }); this.dateTab.setSelect(BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_YMD_CARD); this.cur = BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_YMD_CARD; this.dateTab.on(BI.Tab.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { var v = self.dateTab.getSelect(); switch (v) { case BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_YMD_CARD: var date = this.getTab(self.cur).getCalculationValue(); self.ymd.setValue({ year: date.getFullYear(), month: date.getMonth(), day: date.getDate() }); self._setInnerValue(self.ymd); break; case BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_CARD: self.year.setValue(self.storeValue); self._setInnerValue(self.year); break; case BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_CARD: self.quarter.setValue(self.storeValue); self._setInnerValue(self.quarter); break; case BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_CARD: self.month.setValue(self.storeValue); self._setInnerValue(self.month); break; case BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_CARD: self.week.setValue(self.storeValue); self._setInnerValue(self.week); break; case BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_DAY_CARD: self.day.setValue(self.storeValue); self._setInnerValue(self.day); break; } self.cur = v; }); this.dateButton = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.grid", items: [[this.clearButton, this.textButton, this.okButton]] }); BI.createWidget({ element: this, type: "bi.vtape", items: [{ el: this.dateTab }, { el: this.dateButton, height: 30 }] }); }, _setInnerValue: function (obj) { if (this.dateTab.getSelect() === BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_YMD_CARD) { this.textButton.setValue(BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Today")); this.textButton.setEnable(true); } else { var date = obj.getCalculationValue(); date = date.print("%Y-%x-%e"); this.textButton.setValue(date); this.textButton.setEnable(false); } }, _checkValueValid: function (value) { return BI.isNull(value) || BI.isEmptyObject(value) || BI.isEmptyString(value); }, setValue: function (v) { this.storeValue = v; var self = this, date; var type, value; if (BI.isNotNull(v)) { type = v.type || BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_CALENDAR; value = v.value; if (BI.isNull(value)) { value = v; } } switch (type) { case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_PREV: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_AFTER: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_BEGIN: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_END: this.dateTab.setSelect(BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_CARD); this.year.setValue({type: type, value: value}); this.cur = BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_CARD; self._setInnerValue(this.year); break; case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_PREV: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_AFTER: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_BEGIN: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_END: this.dateTab.setSelect(BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_CARD); this.cur = BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_CARD; this.quarter.setValue({type: type, value: value}); self._setInnerValue(this.quarter); break; case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_PREV: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_AFTER: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_BEGIN: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_END: this.dateTab.setSelect(BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_CARD); this.cur = BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_CARD; this.month.setValue({type: type, value: value}); self._setInnerValue(this.month); break; case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_PREV: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_AFTER: this.dateTab.setSelect(BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_CARD); this.cur = BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_CARD; this.week.setValue({type: type, value: value}); self._setInnerValue(this.week); break; case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_DAY_PREV: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_DAY_AFTER: case BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_DAY_TODAY: this.dateTab.setSelect(BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_DAY_CARD); this.cur = BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_DAY_CARD; this.day.setValue({type: type, value: value}); self._setInnerValue(this.day); break; default: if (this._checkValueValid(value)) { var date = Date.getDate(); this.dateTab.setSelect(BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_YMD_CARD); this.ymd.setValue({ year: date.getFullYear(), month: date.getMonth(), day: date.getDate() }); this.textButton.setValue(BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Today")); } else { this.dateTab.setSelect(BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_YMD_CARD); this.ymd.setValue(value); this.textButton.setValue(BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Today")); } this.textButton.setEnable(true); break; } }, getValue: function () { var tab = this.dateTab.getSelect(); switch (tab) { case BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_YMD_CARD: return this.ymd.getValue(); case BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_CARD: return this.year.getValue(); case BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_CARD: return this.quarter.getValue(); case BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_MONTH_CARD: return this.month.getValue(); case BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_CARD: return this.week.getValue(); case BI.MultiDateCombo.MULTI_DATE_DAY_CARD: return this.day.getValue(); } } }); BI.MultiDatePopup.BUTTON_OK_EVENT_CHANGE = "BUTTON_OK_EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.MultiDatePopup.BUTTON_lABEL_EVENT_CHANGE = "BUTTON_lABEL_EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.MultiDatePopup.BUTTON_CLEAR_EVENT_CHANGE = "BUTTON_CLEAR_EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.MultiDatePopup.CALENDAR_EVENT_CHANGE = "CALENDAR_EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.multidate_popup", BI.MultiDatePopup); /** * 普通控件 * * @class BI.QuarterCard * @extends BI.MultiDateCard */ BI.QuarterCard = BI.inherit(BI.MultiDateCard, { _defaultConfig: function () { return $.extend(BI.QuarterCard.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multidate-quartercard" }); }, _init: function () { BI.QuarterCard.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, dateConfig: function () { return [{ selected: true, value: BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_PREV, isEditorExist: true, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Quarter_Prev") }, { value: BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_AFTER, isEditorExist: true, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Quarter_Next") }, { value: BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_BEGIN, isEditorExist: false, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Quarter_Begin") }, { value: BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_END, isEditorExist: false, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Quarter_End") }]; }, defaultSelectedItem: function () { return BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_QUARTER_PREV; } }); BI.QuarterCard.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.quartercard", BI.QuarterCard); /** * 普通控件 * * @class BI.MultiDateSegment * @extends BI.Single */ BI.MultiDateSegment = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { constants: { itemHeight: 24, maxGap: 15, minGap: 10, textWidth: 60, defaultEditorValue: "1" }, _defaultConfig: function () { return $.extend(BI.MultiDateSegment.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multidate-segment", text: "", height: 30, isEditorExist: true, selected: false, defaultEditorValue: "1" }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiDateSegment.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, opts = this.options; this.radio = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.radio", selected: opts.selected }); this.radio.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.textEditor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_editor", value: this.constants.defaultEditorValue, title: function () { return self.textEditor.getValue(); }, tipType: "success", cls: "bi-multidate-editor", width: this.constants.textWidth, height: this.constants.itemHeight }); this.textEditor.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", cls: "bi-multidate-normal-label", text: opts.text, height: this.constants.itemHeight }); this._createSegment(); }, _createSegment: function () { if (this.options.isEditorExist === true) { return BI.createWidget({ element: this, type: "bi.left", items: [{ el: { type: "bi.center_adapt", items: [this.radio], height: this.constants.itemHeight }, lgap: 0 }, { el: { type: "bi.center_adapt", items: [this.textEditor], widgetName: "textEditor" }, lgap: this.constants.maxGap }, { el: this.text, lgap: this.constants.minGap }] }); } return BI.createWidget({ element: this, type: "bi.left", items: [{ el: { type: "bi.center_adapt", items: [this.radio], height: this.constants.itemHeight }, lgap: 0 }, { el: this.text, lgap: this.constants.maxGap }] }); }, setSelected: function (v) { if (BI.isNotNull(this.radio)) { this.radio.setSelected(v); this.textEditor.setEnable(v); } }, isSelected: function () { return this.radio.isSelected(); }, getValue: function () { return this.options.value; }, getInputValue: function () { return this.textEditor.getValue() | 0; }, setInputValue: function (v) { this.textEditor.setValue(v); }, isEditorExist: function () { return this.options.isEditorExist; } }); BI.MultiDateSegment.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.multidate_segment", BI.MultiDateSegment);/** * 普通控件 * * @class BI.WeekCard * @extends BI.MultiDateCard */ BI.WeekCard = BI.inherit(BI.MultiDateCard, { _defaultConfig: function () { return $.extend(BI.WeekCard.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multidate-weekcard" }); }, _init: function () { BI.WeekCard.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, dateConfig: function () { return [{ selected: true, isEditorExist: true, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Week_Prev"), value: BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_PREV }, { isEditorExist: true, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Week_Next"), value: BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_AFTER }]; }, defaultSelectedItem: function () { return BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_WEEK_PREV; } }); BI.WeekCard.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.weekcard", BI.WeekCard); /** * 普通控件 * * @class BI.YearCard * @extends BI.MultiDateCard */ BI.YearCard = BI.inherit(BI.MultiDateCard, { _defaultConfig: function () { return $.extend(BI.YearCard.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multidate-yearcard" }); }, _init: function () { BI.YearCard.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, dateConfig: function () { return [{ selected: true, isEditorExist: true, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Year_Prev"), value: BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_PREV }, { isEditorExist: true, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Year_Next"), value: BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_AFTER }, { isEditorExist: false, value: BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_BEGIN, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Year_Begin") }, { isEditorExist: false, value: BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_END, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Year_End") }]; }, defaultSelectedItem: function () { return BI.MultiDateCombo.DATE_TYPE.MULTI_DATE_YEAR_PREV; } }); BI.YearCard.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.yearcard", BI.YearCard); /** * @class BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeCombo * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multilayer_select_tree-combo", isDefaultInit: false, height: 30, text: "", items: [], value: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.single_tree_trigger", text: o.text, height: o.height, items: o.items, value: o.value }); this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multilayer_select_tree_popup", isDefaultInit: o.isDefaultInit, items: o.items, value: o.value }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", element: this, adjustLength: 2, el: this.trigger, popup: { el: this.popup } }); this.combo.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.popup.on(BI.MultiLayerSelectTreePopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(self.popup.getValue()); self.combo.hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeCombo.EVENT_CHANGE); }); }, setValue: function (v) { v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; this.trigger.setValue(v); this.popup.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.popup.getValue(); }, populate: function (items) { this.combo.populate(items); } }); BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeCombo.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.multilayer_select_tree_combo", BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeCombo);/** * guy * 二级树 * @class BI.MultiLayerSelectLevelTree * @extends BI.Select */ BI.MultiLayerSelectLevelTree = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiLayerSelectLevelTree.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multilayer-select-level-tree", isDefaultInit: false, items: [], itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, value: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiLayerSelectLevelTree.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.initTree(this.options.items); }, _formatItems: function (nodes, layer) { var self = this; BI.each(nodes, function (i, node) { var extend = {}; node.layer = layer; if (!BI.isKey(node.id)) { node.id = BI.UUID(); } if (node.isParent === true || BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.children)) { switch (i) { case 0 : extend.type = "bi.multilayer_select_tree_first_plus_group_node"; break; case nodes.length - 1 : extend.type = "bi.multilayer_select_tree_last_plus_group_node"; break; default : extend.type = "bi.multilayer_select_tree_mid_plus_group_node"; break; } BI.defaults(node, extend); self._formatItems(node.children, layer + 1); } else { switch (i) { case nodes.length - 1: extend.type = "bi.multilayer_single_tree_last_tree_leaf_item"; break; default : extend.type = "bi.multilayer_single_tree_mid_tree_leaf_item"; } BI.defaults(node, extend); } }); return nodes; }, _assertId: function (sNodes) { BI.each(sNodes, function (i, node) { node.id = node.id || BI.UUID(); }); }, // 构造树结构, initTree: function (nodes) { var self = this, o = this.options; this.empty(); this._assertId(nodes); this.tree = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.custom_tree", element: this, expander: { type: "bi.select_tree_expander", isDefaultInit: o.isDefaultInit, el: {}, popup: { type: "bi.custom_tree" } }, items: this._formatItems(BI.Tree.transformToTreeFormat(nodes), 0), itemsCreator: o.itemsCreator, value: o.value, el: { type: "bi.button_tree", chooseType: BI.Selection.Single, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] } }); this.tree.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiLayerSelectLevelTree.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); } }); }, populate: function (nodes) { this.tree.populate(this._formatItems(BI.Tree.transformToTreeFormat(nodes), 0)); }, setValue: function (v) { this.tree.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.tree.getValue(); }, getAllLeaves: function () { return this.tree.getAllLeaves(); }, getNodeById: function (id) { return this.tree.getNodeById(id); }, getNodeByValue: function (id) { return this.tree.getNodeByValue(id); } }); BI.MultiLayerSelectLevelTree.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.multilayer_select_level_tree", BI.MultiLayerSelectLevelTree);/** * Created by GUY on 2016/1/26. * * @class BI.MultiLayerSelectTreePopup * @extends BI.Pane */ BI.MultiLayerSelectTreePopup = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiLayerSelectTreePopup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multilayer-select-tree-popup", tipText: BI.i18nText("BI-No_Selected_Item"), isDefaultInit: false, itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, items: [], value: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiLayerSelectTreePopup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.tree = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multilayer_select_level_tree", isDefaultInit: o.isDefaultInit, items: o.items, value: o.value, itemsCreator: o.itemsCreator }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, scrollable: true, element: this, items: [this.tree] }); this.tree.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.tree.on(BI.MultiLayerSelectLevelTree.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiLayerSelectTreePopup.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.check(); }, getValue: function () { return this.tree.getValue(); }, setValue: function (v) { v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; this.tree.setValue(v); }, populate: function (items) { BI.MultiLayerSelectTreePopup.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this.tree.populate(items); } }); BI.MultiLayerSelectTreePopup.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.multilayer_select_tree_popup", BI.MultiLayerSelectTreePopup);/** * 加号表示的组节点 * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/27. * @class BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeFirstPlusGroupNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeFirstPlusGroupNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeFirstPlusGroupNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { extraCls: "bi-multilayer-select-tree-first-plus-group-node bi-list-item-active", layer: 0, // 第几层级 id: "", pId: "", readonly: true, open: false, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeFirstPlusGroupNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.node = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.select_tree_first_plus_group_node", cls: "bi-list-item-none", stopPropagation: true, logic: { dynamic: true }, id: o.id, pId: o.pId, open: o.open, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.node.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { self.setSelected(self.isSelected()); self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); var items = []; BI.count(0, o.layer, function () { items.push({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "base-line-conn-background", width: 13, height: o.height }); }); items.push(this.node); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.td", element: this, columnSize: BI.makeArray(o.layer, 13), items: [items] }); }, isOnce: function () { return true; }, doRedMark: function () { this.node.doRedMark.apply(this.node, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.node.unRedMark.apply(this.node, arguments); }, isSelected: function () { return this.node.isSelected(); }, setSelected: function (b) { BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeFirstPlusGroupNode.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); this.node.setSelected(b); }, doClick: function () { BI.NodeButton.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.node.setSelected(this.isSelected()); }, setOpened: function (v) { BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeFirstPlusGroupNode.superclass.setOpened.apply(this, arguments); this.node.setOpened(v); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.multilayer_select_tree_first_plus_group_node", BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeFirstPlusGroupNode);/** * 加号表示的组节点 * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/27. * @class BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeLastPlusGroupNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeLastPlusGroupNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeLastPlusGroupNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { extraCls: "bi-multilayer-select-tree-last-plus-group-node bi-list-item-active", layer: 0, // 第几层级 id: "", pId: "", readonly: true, open: false, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeLastPlusGroupNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.node = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.select_tree_last_plus_group_node", cls: "bi-list-item-none", stopPropagation: true, logic: { dynamic: true }, id: o.id, pId: o.pId, open: o.open, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.node.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { self.setSelected(self.isSelected()); self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); var items = []; BI.count(0, o.layer, function () { items.push({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "base-line-conn-background", width: 13, height: o.height }); }); items.push(this.node); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.td", element: this, columnSize: BI.makeArray(o.layer, 13), items: [items] }); }, doRedMark: function () { this.node.doRedMark.apply(this.node, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.node.unRedMark.apply(this.node, arguments); }, isSelected: function () { return this.node.isSelected(); }, setSelected: function (b) { BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeLastPlusGroupNode.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); this.node.setSelected(b); }, doClick: function () { BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeLastPlusGroupNode.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.node.setSelected(this.isSelected()); }, setOpened: function (v) { BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeLastPlusGroupNode.superclass.setOpened.apply(this, arguments); this.node.setOpened(v); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.multilayer_select_tree_last_plus_group_node", BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeLastPlusGroupNode);/** * 加号表示的组节点 * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/27. * @class BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeMidPlusGroupNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeMidPlusGroupNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeMidPlusGroupNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { extraCls: "bi-multilayer-select-tree-mid-plus-group-node bi-list-item-active", layer: 0, // 第几层级 id: "", pId: "", readonly: true, open: false, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeMidPlusGroupNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.node = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.select_tree_mid_plus_group_node", cls: "bi-list-item-none", stopPropagation: true, logic: { dynamic: true }, id: o.id, pId: o.pId, open: o.open, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.node.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { self.setSelected(self.isSelected()); self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); var items = []; BI.count(0, o.layer, function () { items.push({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "base-line-conn-background", width: 13, height: o.height }); }); items.push(this.node); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.td", element: this, columnSize: BI.makeArray(o.layer, 13), items: [items] }); }, doRedMark: function () { this.node.doRedMark.apply(this.node, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.node.unRedMark.apply(this.node, arguments); }, isSelected: function () { return this.node.isSelected(); }, setSelected: function (b) { BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeMidPlusGroupNode.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); this.node.setSelected(b); }, doClick: function () { BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeMidPlusGroupNode.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.node.setSelected(this.isSelected()); }, setOpened: function (v) { BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeMidPlusGroupNode.superclass.setOpened.apply(this, arguments); this.node.setOpened(v); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.multilayer_select_tree_mid_plus_group_node", BI.MultiLayerSelectTreeMidPlusGroupNode);/** * 多层级下拉单选树 * Created by GUY on 2016/1/26. * * @class BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multilayer-singletree-combo", isDefaultInit: false, height: 30, text: "", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, items: [], value: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.single_tree_trigger", text: o.text, height: o.height, items: o.items, value: o.value }); this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multilayer_single_tree_popup", isDefaultInit: o.isDefaultInit, items: o.items, value: o.value }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", element: this, adjustLength: 2, el: this.trigger, popup: { el: this.popup } }); this.combo.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.popup.on(BI.MultiLayerSingleTreePopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(self.popup.getValue()); self.combo.hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo.EVENT_CHANGE); }); }, setValue: function (v) { v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; this.trigger.setValue(v); this.popup.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.popup.getValue(); }, populate: function (items) { this.combo.populate(items); } }); BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.multilayer_single_tree_combo", BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo);/** * guy * 二级树 * @class BI.MultiLayerSingleLevelTree * @extends BI.Single */ BI.MultiLayerSingleLevelTree = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiLayerSingleLevelTree.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multilayer-single-level-tree", isDefaultInit: false, items: [], itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiLayerSingleLevelTree.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.initTree(this.options.items); }, _formatItems: function (nodes, layer) { var self = this; BI.each(nodes, function (i, node) { var extend = {}; node.layer = layer; if (!BI.isKey(node.id)) { node.id = BI.UUID(); } if (node.isParent === true || BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.children)) { switch (i) { case 0 : extend.type = "bi.multilayer_single_tree_first_plus_group_node"; break; case nodes.length - 1 : extend.type = "bi.multilayer_single_tree_last_plus_group_node"; break; default : extend.type = "bi.multilayer_single_tree_mid_plus_group_node"; break; } BI.defaults(node, extend); self._formatItems(node.children, layer + 1); } else { switch (i) { case nodes.length - 1: extend.type = "bi.multilayer_single_tree_last_tree_leaf_item"; break; default : extend.type = "bi.multilayer_single_tree_mid_tree_leaf_item"; } BI.defaults(node, extend); } }); return nodes; }, _assertId: function (sNodes) { BI.each(sNodes, function (i, node) { node.id = node.id || BI.UUID(); }); }, // 构造树结构, initTree: function (nodes) { var self = this, o = this.options; this.empty(); this._assertId(nodes); this.tree = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.custom_tree", element: this, expander: { isDefaultInit: o.isDefaultInit, el: {}, popup: { type: "bi.custom_tree" } }, items: this._formatItems(BI.Tree.transformToTreeFormat(nodes), 0), value: o.value, itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { o.itemsCreator(op, function (items) { callback(BI.Tree.transformToTreeFormat(items), 0); }); }, el: { type: "bi.button_tree", chooseType: BI.Selection.Single, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] } }); this.tree.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, v) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiLayerSingleLevelTree.EVENT_CHANGE, v); } }); }, populate: function (nodes) { this.tree.populate(this._formatItems(BI.Tree.transformToTreeFormat(nodes), 0)); }, setValue: function (v) { this.tree.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.tree.getValue(); }, getAllLeaves: function () { return this.tree.getAllLeaves(); }, getNodeById: function (id) { return this.tree.getNodeById(id); }, getNodeByValue: function (id) { return this.tree.getNodeByValue(id); } }); BI.MultiLayerSingleLevelTree.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.multilayer_single_level_tree", BI.MultiLayerSingleLevelTree); /** * Created by GUY on 2016/1/26. * * @class BI.MultiLayerSingleTreePopup * @extends BI.Pane */ BI.MultiLayerSingleTreePopup = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiLayerSingleTreePopup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multilayer-singletree-popup", tipText: BI.i18nText("BI-No_Selected_Item"), isDefaultInit: false, itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, items: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiLayerSingleTreePopup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.tree = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multilayer_single_level_tree", isDefaultInit: o.isDefaultInit, items: o.items, itemsCreator: o.itemsCreator, value: o.value }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, scrollable: true, element: this, items: [this.tree] }); this.tree.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.tree.on(BI.MultiLayerSingleLevelTree.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiLayerSingleTreePopup.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.check(); }, getValue: function () { return this.tree.getValue(); }, setValue: function (v) { v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; this.tree.setValue(v); }, populate: function (items) { BI.MultiLayerSingleTreePopup.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this.tree.populate(items); } }); BI.MultiLayerSingleTreePopup.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.multilayer_single_tree_popup", BI.MultiLayerSingleTreePopup);/** * 加号表示的组节点 * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/27. * @class BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeFirstPlusGroupNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeFirstPlusGroupNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeFirstPlusGroupNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { extraCls: "bi-multilayer-single-tree-first-plus-group-node bi-list-item", layer: 0, // 第几层级 id: "", pId: "", open: false, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeFirstPlusGroupNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.node = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.first_plus_group_node", cls: "bi-list-item-none", logic: { dynamic: true }, id: o.id, pId: o.pId, open: o.open, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.node.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) {// 本身实现click功能 return; } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); var items = []; BI.count(0, o.layer, function () { items.push({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "base-line-conn-background", width: 13, height: o.height }); }); items.push(this.node); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.td", element: this, columnSize: BI.makeArray(o.layer, 13), items: [items] }); }, doRedMark: function () { this.node.doRedMark.apply(this.node, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.node.unRedMark.apply(this.node, arguments); }, doClick: function () { BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeFirstPlusGroupNode.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.node.setSelected(this.isSelected()); }, setOpened: function (v) { BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeFirstPlusGroupNode.superclass.setOpened.apply(this, arguments); if (BI.isNotNull(this.node)) { this.node.setOpened(v); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.multilayer_single_tree_first_plus_group_node", BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeFirstPlusGroupNode);/** * 加号表示的组节点 * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/27. * @class BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeLastPlusGroupNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeLastPlusGroupNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeLastPlusGroupNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { extraCls: "bi-multilayer-single-tree-last-plus-group-node bi-list-item", layer: 0, // 第几层级 id: "", pId: "", open: false, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeLastPlusGroupNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.node = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.last_plus_group_node", cls: "bi-list-item-none", logic: { dynamic: true }, id: o.id, pId: o.pId, open: o.open, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.node.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) {// 本身实现click功能 return; } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); var items = []; BI.count(0, o.layer, function () { items.push({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "base-line-conn-background", width: 13, height: o.height }); }); items.push(this.node); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.td", element: this, columnSize: BI.makeArray(o.layer, 13), items: [items] }); }, doRedMark: function () { this.node.doRedMark.apply(this.node, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.node.unRedMark.apply(this.node, arguments); }, doClick: function () { BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeLastPlusGroupNode.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.node.setSelected(this.isSelected()); }, setOpened: function (v) { BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeLastPlusGroupNode.superclass.setOpened.apply(this, arguments); if (BI.isNotNull(this.node)) { this.node.setOpened(v); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.multilayer_single_tree_last_plus_group_node", BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeLastPlusGroupNode);/** * 加号表示的组节点 * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/27. * @class BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeMidPlusGroupNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeMidPlusGroupNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeMidPlusGroupNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { extraCls: "bi-multilayer-single-tree-mid-plus-group-node bi-list-item", layer: 0, // 第几层级 id: "", pId: "", open: false, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeMidPlusGroupNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.node = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.mid_plus_group_node", cls: "bi-list-item-none", logic: { dynamic: true }, id: o.id, pId: o.pId, open: o.open, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.node.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) {// 本身实现click功能 return; } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); var items = []; BI.count(0, o.layer, function () { items.push({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "base-line-conn-background", width: 13, height: o.height }); }); items.push(this.node); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.td", element: this, columnSize: BI.makeArray(o.layer, 13), items: [items] }); }, doRedMark: function () { this.node.doRedMark.apply(this.node, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.node.unRedMark.apply(this.node, arguments); }, doClick: function () { BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeMidPlusGroupNode.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.node.setSelected(this.isSelected()); }, setOpened: function (v) { BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeMidPlusGroupNode.superclass.setOpened.apply(this, arguments); if (BI.isNotNull(this.node)) { this.node.setOpened(v); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.multilayer_single_tree_mid_plus_group_node", BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeMidPlusGroupNode);/** * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/27. * @class BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeFirstTreeLeafItem * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeFirstTreeLeafItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeFirstTreeLeafItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-multilayer-single-tree-first-tree-leaf-item bi-list-item-active", logic: { dynamic: false }, layer: 0, id: "", pId: "", height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeFirstTreeLeafItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.item = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.first_tree_leaf_item", cls: "bi-list-item-none", logic: { dynamic: true }, id: o.id, pId: o.pId, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.item.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) {// 本身实现click功能 return; } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); var items = []; BI.count(0, o.layer, function () { items.push({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "base-line-conn-background", width: 13, height: o.height }); }); items.push(this.item); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.td", element: this, columnSize: BI.makeArray(o.layer, 13), items: [items] }); }, doRedMark: function () { this.item.doRedMark.apply(this.item, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.item.unRedMark.apply(this.item, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.item.doHighLight.apply(this.item, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.item.unHighLight.apply(this.item, arguments); }, getId: function () { return this.options.id; }, getPId: function () { return this.options.pId; }, doClick: function () { BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeFirstTreeLeafItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.item.setSelected(this.isSelected()); }, setSelected: function (v) { BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeFirstTreeLeafItem.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); this.item.setSelected(v); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.multilayer_single_tree_first_tree_leaf_item", BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeFirstTreeLeafItem);/** * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/27. * @class BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeLastTreeLeafItem * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeLastTreeLeafItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeLastTreeLeafItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-multilayer-single-tree-last-tree-leaf-item bi-list-item-active", logic: { dynamic: false }, layer: 0, id: "", pId: "", height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeLastTreeLeafItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.item = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.last_tree_leaf_item", cls: "bi-list-item-none", logic: { dynamic: true }, id: o.id, pId: o.pId, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.item.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) {// 本身实现click功能 return; } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); var items = []; BI.count(0, o.layer, function () { items.push({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "base-line-conn-background", width: 13, height: o.height }); }); items.push(this.item); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.td", element: this, columnSize: BI.makeArray(o.layer, 13), items: [items] }); }, doRedMark: function () { this.item.doRedMark.apply(this.item, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.item.unRedMark.apply(this.item, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.item.doHighLight.apply(this.item, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.item.unHighLight.apply(this.item, arguments); }, getId: function () { return this.options.id; }, getPId: function () { return this.options.pId; }, doClick: function () { BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeLastTreeLeafItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.item.setSelected(this.isSelected()); }, setSelected: function (v) { BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeLastTreeLeafItem.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); this.item.setSelected(v); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.multilayer_single_tree_last_tree_leaf_item", BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeLastTreeLeafItem);/** * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/27. * @class BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeMidTreeLeafItem * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeMidTreeLeafItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeMidTreeLeafItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-multilayer-single-tree-mid-tree-leaf-item bi-list-item-active", logic: { dynamic: false }, layer: 0, id: "", pId: "", height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeMidTreeLeafItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.item = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.mid_tree_leaf_item", cls: "bi-list-item-none", logic: { dynamic: true }, id: o.id, pId: o.pId, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.item.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) {// 本身实现click功能 return; } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); var items = []; BI.count(0, o.layer, function () { items.push({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "base-line-conn-background", width: 13, height: o.height }); }); items.push(this.item); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.td", element: this, columnSize: BI.makeArray(o.layer, 13), items: [items] }); }, doRedMark: function () { this.item.doRedMark.apply(this.item, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.item.unRedMark.apply(this.item, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.item.doHighLight.apply(this.item, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.item.unHighLight.apply(this.item, arguments); }, getId: function () { return this.options.id; }, getPId: function () { return this.options.pId; }, doClick: function () { BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeMidTreeLeafItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.item.setSelected(this.isSelected()); }, setSelected: function (v) { BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeMidTreeLeafItem.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); this.item.setSelected(v); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.multilayer_single_tree_mid_tree_leaf_item", BI.MultiLayerSingleTreeMidTreeLeafItem);/** * * @class BI.MultiSelectCheckPane * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.MultiSelectCheckPane = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { constants: { height: 25, lgap: 10, tgap: 5 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiSelectCheckPane.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multi-select-check-pane bi-background", items: [], itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn, onClickContinueSelect: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiSelectCheckPane.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, opts = this.options; this.storeValue = opts.value || {}; this.display = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.display_selected_list", items: opts.items, itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { op = BI.extend(op || {}, { selectedValues: self.storeValue.value }); if (self.storeValue.type === BI.Selection.Multi) { callback({ items: BI.map(self.storeValue.value, function (i, v) { var txt = opts.valueFormatter(v) || v; return { text: txt, value: v, title: txt }; }) }); return; } opts.itemsCreator(op, callback); } }); this.continueSelect = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_button", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Continue_Select"), cls: "multi-select-check-selected bi-high-light" }); this.continueSelect.on(BI.TextButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { opts.onClickContinueSelect(); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vtape", element: this, items: [{ height: this.constants.height, el: { type: "bi.left", cls: "multi-select-continue-select", items: [ { el: { type: "bi.label", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Selected_Data") }, lgap: this.constants.lgap, tgap: this.constants.tgap }, { el: this.continueSelect, lgap: this.constants.lgap, tgap: this.constants.tgap }] } }, { height: "fill", el: this.display }] }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.storeValue = v || {}; }, empty: function () { this.display.empty(); }, populate: function () { this.display.populate.apply(this.display, arguments); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.multi_select_check_pane", BI.MultiSelectCheckPane);/** * * * 查看已选弹出层的展示面板 * @class BI.DisplaySelectedList * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.DisplaySelectedList = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, { constants: { height: 25, lgap: 10 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.DisplaySelectedList.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-display-list", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, items: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.DisplaySelectedList.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, opts = this.options; this.hasNext = false; this.button_group = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.list_pane", element: this, el: { type: "bi.loader", isDefaultInit: false, logic: { dynamic: true, scrolly: true }, items: this._createItems(opts.items), chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_MULTI, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical", lgap: 10 }] }, itemsCreator: function (options, callback) { opts.itemsCreator(options, function (ob) { self.hasNext = !!ob.hasNext; callback(self._createItems(ob.items)); }); }, hasNext: function () { return self.hasNext; } }); }, _createItems: function (items) { return BI.createItems(items, { type: "bi.icon_text_item", cls: "cursor-default check-font display-list-item bi-tips", once: true, invalid: true, selected: true, height: this.constants.height, logic: { dynamic: true } }); }, empty: function () { this.button_group.empty(); }, populate: function (items) { if (arguments.length === 0) { this.button_group.populate(); } else { this.button_group.populate(this._createItems(items)); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.display_selected_list", BI.DisplaySelectedList);/** * * @class BI.MultiSelectInsertCombo * @extends BI.Single */ BI.MultiSelectInsertCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiSelectInsertCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multi-select-insert-combo", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn, height: 28 }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiSelectInsertCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var assertShowValue = function () { BI.isKey(self._startValue) && self.storeValue.value[self.storeValue.type === BI.Selection.All ? "remove" : "pushDistinct"](self._startValue); self.trigger.getSearcher().setState(self.storeValue); self.trigger.getCounter().setButtonChecked(self.storeValue); }; this.storeValue = {}; // 标记正在请求数据 this.requesting = false; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_select_trigger", height: o.height, // adapter: this.popup, masker: { offset: { left: 1, top: 1, right: 2, bottom: 33 } }, valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { o.itemsCreator(op, function (res) { if (op.times === 1 && BI.isNotNull(op.keywords)) { // 预防trigger内部把当前的storeValue改掉 self.trigger.setValue(BI.deepClone(self.getValue())); } callback.apply(self, arguments); }); }, value: o.value }); this.trigger.on(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_START, function () { self._setStartValue(""); this.getSearcher().setValue(self.storeValue); }); this.trigger.on(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_STOP, function () { self._setStartValue(""); }); this.trigger.on(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { // if (this.getSearcher().hasMatched()) { var keyword = this.getSearcher().getKeyword(); self._join({ type: BI.Selection.Multi, value: [keyword] }, function () { // 如果在不选的状态下直接把该值添加进来 if (self.storeValue.type === BI.Selection.Multi) { self.storeValue.value.pushDistinct(keyword); } self.combo.setValue(self.storeValue); self._setStartValue(keyword); assertShowValue(); self.populate(); self._setStartValue(""); }); // } }); this.trigger.on(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_SEARCHING, function (keywords) { var last = BI.last(keywords); keywords = BI.initial(keywords || []); if (keywords.length > 0) { self._joinKeywords(keywords, function () { if (BI.isEndWithBlank(last)) { self.combo.setValue(self.storeValue); assertShowValue(); self.combo.populate(); self._setStartValue(""); } else { self.combo.setValue(self.storeValue); assertShowValue(); } }); } }); this.trigger.on(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE, function (value, obj) { if (obj instanceof BI.MultiSelectBar) { self._joinAll(this.getValue(), function () { assertShowValue(); }); } else { self._join(this.getValue(), function () { assertShowValue(); }); } }); this.trigger.on(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_BEFORE_COUNTER_POPUPVIEW, function () { this.getCounter().setValue(self.storeValue); }); this.trigger.on(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_COUNTER_CLICK, function () { if (!self.combo.isViewVisible()) { self.combo.showView(); } }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", toggle: false, el: this.trigger, adjustLength: 1, popup: { type: "bi.multi_select_popup_view", ref: function () { self.popup = this; self.trigger.setAdapter(this); }, listeners: [{ eventName: BI.MultiSelectPopupView.EVENT_CHANGE, action: function () { self.storeValue = this.getValue(); self._adjust(function () { assertShowValue(); }); } }, { eventName: BI.MultiSelectPopupView.EVENT_CLICK_CONFIRM, action: function () { self._defaultState(); } }, { eventName: BI.MultiSelectPopupView.EVENT_CLICK_CLEAR, action: function () { self.setValue(); self._defaultState(); } }], itemsCreator: o.itemsCreator, valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, onLoaded: function () { BI.nextTick(function () { self.combo.adjustWidth(); self.combo.adjustHeight(); self.trigger.getCounter().adjustView(); self.trigger.getSearcher().adjustView(); }); } }, value: o.value, hideChecker: function (e) { return triggerBtn.element.find(e.target).length === 0; } }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () { this.setValue(self.storeValue); BI.nextTick(function () { self.populate(); }); }); // 当退出的时候如果还在处理请求,则等请求结束后再对外发确定事件 this.wants2Quit = false; this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW, function () { // important:关闭弹出时又可能没有退出编辑状态 self.trigger.stopEditing(); if (self.requesting === true) { self.wants2Quit = true; } else { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectInsertCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); } }); var triggerBtn = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.trigger_icon_button", width: o.height, height: o.height, cls: "multi-select-trigger-icon-button bi-border-left" }); triggerBtn.on(BI.TriggerIconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.trigger.getCounter().hideView(); if (self.combo.isViewVisible()) { self.combo.hideView(); } else { self.combo.showView(); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.combo, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }, { el: triggerBtn, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); }, _defaultState: function () { this.trigger.stopEditing(); this.combo.hideView(); }, _assertValue: function (val) { val || (val = {}); val.type || (val.type = BI.Selection.Multi); val.value || (val.value = []); }, _makeMap: function (values) { return BI.makeObject(values || []); }, _joinKeywords: function (keywords, callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; this._assertValue(this.storeValue); this.requesting = true; o.itemsCreator({ type: BI.MultiSelectInsertCombo.REQ_GET_ALL_DATA, keywords: keywords }, function (ob) { var values = BI.pluck(ob.items, "value"); digest(values); }); function digest (items) { var selectedMap = self._makeMap(items); BI.each(keywords, function (i, val) { if (BI.isNotNull(selectedMap[val])) { self.storeValue.value[self.storeValue.type === BI.Selection.Multi ? "pushDistinct" : "remove"](val); } }); self._adjust(callback); } }, _joinAll: function (res, callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; this._assertValue(res); this.requesting = true; o.itemsCreator({ type: BI.MultiSelectInsertCombo.REQ_GET_ALL_DATA, keywords: [this.trigger.getKey()] }, function (ob) { var items = BI.pluck(ob.items, "value"); if (self.storeValue.type === res.type) { var change = false; var map = self._makeMap(self.storeValue.value); BI.each(items, function (i, v) { if (BI.isNotNull(map[v])) { change = true; delete map[v]; } }); change && (self.storeValue.value = BI.values(map)); self._adjust(callback); return; } var selectedMap = self._makeMap(self.storeValue.value); var notSelectedMap = self._makeMap(res.value); var newItems = []; BI.each(items, function (i, item) { if (BI.isNotNull(selectedMap[items[i]])) { delete selectedMap[items[i]]; } if (BI.isNull(notSelectedMap[items[i]])) { newItems.push(item); } }); self.storeValue.value = newItems.concat(BI.values(selectedMap)); self._adjust(callback); }); }, _adjust: function (callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; adjust(); callback(); function adjust () { if (self.wants2Quit === true) { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectInsertCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); self.wants2Quit = false; } self.requesting = false; } }, _join: function (res, callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; this._assertValue(res); this._assertValue(this.storeValue); if (this.storeValue.type === res.type) { var map = this._makeMap(this.storeValue.value); BI.each(res.value, function (i, v) { if (!map[v]) { self.storeValue.value.push(v); map[v] = v; } }); var change = false; BI.each(res.assist, function (i, v) { if (BI.isNotNull(map[v])) { change = true; delete map[v]; } }); change && (this.storeValue.value = BI.values(map)); self._adjust(callback); return; } this._joinAll(res, callback); }, _setStartValue: function (value) { this._startValue = value; this.popup.setStartValue(value); }, setValue: function (v) { this.storeValue = v || {}; this._assertValue(this.storeValue); this.combo.setValue(this.storeValue); }, getValue: function () { return BI.deepClone(this.storeValue); }, populate: function () { this.combo.populate.apply(this.combo, arguments); } }); BI.extend(BI.MultiSelectInsertCombo, { REQ_GET_DATA_LENGTH: 0, REQ_GET_ALL_DATA: -1 }); BI.MultiSelectInsertCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_select_insert_combo", BI.MultiSelectInsertCombo);/** * * @class BI.MultiSelectCombo * @extends BI.Single */ BI.MultiSelectCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiSelectCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multi-select-combo", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn, height: 28 }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiSelectCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var assertShowValue = function () { BI.isKey(self._startValue) && self.storeValue.value[self.storeValue.type === BI.Selection.All ? "remove" : "pushDistinct"](self._startValue); self.trigger.getSearcher().setState(self.storeValue); self.trigger.getCounter().setButtonChecked(self.storeValue); }; this.storeValue = o.value || {}; this._assertValue(this.storeValue); // 标记正在请求数据 this.requesting = false; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_select_trigger", height: o.height, // adapter: this.popup, masker: { offset: { left: 1, top: 1, right: 2, bottom: 33 } }, valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { o.itemsCreator(op, function (res) { if (op.times === 1 && BI.isNotNull(op.keywords)) { // 预防trigger内部把当前的storeValue改掉 self.trigger.setValue(BI.deepClone(self.getValue())); } callback.apply(self, arguments); }); }, value: this.storeValue }); this.trigger.on(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_START, function () { self._setStartValue(""); this.getSearcher().setValue(self.storeValue); }); this.trigger.on(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_STOP, function () { self._setStartValue(""); }); this.trigger.on(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { if (this.getSearcher().hasMatched()) { var keyword = this.getSearcher().getKeyword(); self._join({ type: BI.Selection.Multi, value: [keyword] }, function () { self.combo.setValue(self.storeValue); self._setStartValue(keyword); assertShowValue(); self.populate(); self._setStartValue(""); }); } }); this.trigger.on(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_SEARCHING, function (keywords) { var last = BI.last(keywords); keywords = BI.initial(keywords || []); if (keywords.length > 0) { self._joinKeywords(keywords, function () { if (BI.isEndWithBlank(last)) { self.combo.setValue(self.storeValue); assertShowValue(); self.combo.populate(); self._setStartValue(""); } else { self.combo.setValue(self.storeValue); assertShowValue(); } }); } }); this.trigger.on(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE, function (value, obj) { if (obj instanceof BI.MultiSelectBar) { self._joinAll(this.getValue(), function () { assertShowValue(); }); } else { self._join(this.getValue(), function () { assertShowValue(); }); } }); this.trigger.on(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_BEFORE_COUNTER_POPUPVIEW, function () { this.getCounter().setValue(self.storeValue); }); this.trigger.on(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_COUNTER_CLICK, function () { if (!self.combo.isViewVisible()) { self.combo.showView(); } }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", toggle: false, el: this.trigger, adjustLength: 1, popup: { type: "bi.multi_select_popup_view", ref: function () { self.popup = this; self.trigger.setAdapter(this); }, listeners: [{ eventName: BI.MultiSelectPopupView.EVENT_CHANGE, action: function () { self.storeValue = this.getValue(); self._adjust(function () { assertShowValue(); }); } }, { eventName: BI.MultiSelectPopupView.EVENT_CLICK_CONFIRM, action: function () { self._defaultState(); } }, { eventName: BI.MultiSelectPopupView.EVENT_CLICK_CLEAR, action: function () { self.setValue(); self._defaultState(); } }], itemsCreator: o.itemsCreator, valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, onLoaded: function () { BI.nextTick(function () { self.combo.adjustWidth(); self.combo.adjustHeight(); self.trigger.getCounter().adjustView(); self.trigger.getSearcher().adjustView(); }); } }, value: o.value, hideChecker: function (e) { return triggerBtn.element.find(e.target).length === 0; } }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () { this.setValue(self.storeValue); BI.nextTick(function () { self.populate(); }); }); // 当退出的时候如果还在处理请求,则等请求结束后再对外发确定事件 this.wants2Quit = false; this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW, function () { // important:关闭弹出时又可能没有退出编辑状态 self.trigger.stopEditing(); if (self.requesting === true) { self.wants2Quit = true; } else { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); } }); var triggerBtn = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.trigger_icon_button", width: o.height, height: o.height, cls: "multi-select-trigger-icon-button bi-border-left" }); triggerBtn.on(BI.TriggerIconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.trigger.getCounter().hideView(); if (self.combo.isViewVisible()) { self.combo.hideView(); } else { self.combo.showView(); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.combo, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }, { el: triggerBtn, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); }, _defaultState: function () { this.trigger.stopEditing(); this.combo.hideView(); }, _assertValue: function (val) { val || (val = {}); val.type || (val.type = BI.Selection.Multi); val.value || (val.value = []); }, _makeMap: function (values) { return BI.makeObject(values || []); }, _joinKeywords: function (keywords, callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; this._assertValue(this.storeValue); this.requesting = true; o.itemsCreator({ type: BI.MultiSelectCombo.REQ_GET_ALL_DATA, keywords: keywords }, function (ob) { var values = BI.pluck(ob.items, "value"); digest(values); }); function digest (items) { var selectedMap = self._makeMap(items); BI.each(keywords, function (i, val) { if (BI.isNotNull(selectedMap[val])) { self.storeValue.value[self.storeValue.type === BI.Selection.Multi ? "pushDistinct" : "remove"](val); } }); self._adjust(callback); } }, _joinAll: function (res, callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; this._assertValue(res); this.requesting = true; o.itemsCreator({ type: BI.MultiSelectCombo.REQ_GET_ALL_DATA, keywords: [this.trigger.getKey()] }, function (ob) { var items = BI.pluck(ob.items, "value"); if (self.storeValue.type === res.type) { var change = false; var map = self._makeMap(self.storeValue.value); BI.each(items, function (i, v) { if (BI.isNotNull(map[v])) { change = true; delete map[v]; } }); change && (self.storeValue.value = BI.values(map)); self._adjust(callback); return; } var selectedMap = self._makeMap(self.storeValue.value); var notSelectedMap = self._makeMap(res.value); var newItems = []; BI.each(items, function (i, item) { if (BI.isNotNull(selectedMap[items[i]])) { delete selectedMap[items[i]]; } if (BI.isNull(notSelectedMap[items[i]])) { newItems.push(item); } }); self.storeValue.value = newItems.concat(BI.values(selectedMap)); self._adjust(callback); }); }, _adjust: function (callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; if (!this._count) { o.itemsCreator({ type: BI.MultiSelectCombo.REQ_GET_DATA_LENGTH }, function (res) { self._count = res.count; adjust(); callback(); }); } else { adjust(); callback(); } function adjust () { if (self.storeValue.type === BI.Selection.All && self.storeValue.value.length >= self._count) { self.storeValue = { type: BI.Selection.Multi, value: [] }; } else if (self.storeValue.type === BI.Selection.Multi && self.storeValue.value.length >= self._count) { self.storeValue = { type: BI.Selection.All, value: [] }; } if (self.wants2Quit === true) { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); self.wants2Quit = false; } self.requesting = false; } }, _join: function (res, callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; this._assertValue(res); this._assertValue(this.storeValue); if (this.storeValue.type === res.type) { var map = this._makeMap(this.storeValue.value); BI.each(res.value, function (i, v) { if (!map[v]) { self.storeValue.value.push(v); map[v] = v; } }); var change = false; BI.each(res.assist, function (i, v) { if (BI.isNotNull(map[v])) { change = true; delete map[v]; } }); change && (this.storeValue.value = BI.values(map)); self._adjust(callback); return; } this._joinAll(res, callback); }, _setStartValue: function (value) { this._startValue = value; this.popup.setStartValue(value); }, setValue: function (v) { this.storeValue = v || {}; this._assertValue(this.storeValue); this.combo.setValue(this.storeValue); }, getValue: function () { return BI.deepClone(this.storeValue); }, populate: function () { this._count = null; this.combo.populate.apply(this.combo, arguments); } }); BI.extend(BI.MultiSelectCombo, { REQ_GET_DATA_LENGTH: 0, REQ_GET_ALL_DATA: -1 }); BI.MultiSelectCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_select_combo", BI.MultiSelectCombo);/** * 多选加载数据面板 * Created by guy on 15/11/2. * @class BI.MultiSelectLoader * @extends Widget */ BI.MultiSelectLoader = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiSelectLoader.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multi-select-loader", logic: { dynamic: true }, el: { height: 400 }, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn, itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, onLoaded: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiSelectLoader.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, opts = this.options; var hasNext = false; this.storeValue = opts.value || {}; this._assertValue(this.storeValue); this.button_group = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.select_list", element: this, logic: opts.logic, el: BI.extend({ onLoaded: opts.onLoaded, el: { type: "bi.loader", isDefaultInit: false, logic: { dynamic: true, scrolly: true }, el: { chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_MULTI, behaviors: { redmark: function () { return true; } }, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] } } }, opts.el), itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { var startValue = self._startValue; self.storeValue && (op = BI.extend(op || {}, { selectedValues: BI.isKey(startValue) && self.storeValue.type === BI.Selection.Multi ? self.storeValue.value.concat(startValue) : self.storeValue.value })); opts.itemsCreator(op, function (ob) { hasNext = ob.hasNext; var firstItems = []; if (op.times === 1 && self.storeValue) { var json = BI.map(self.storeValue.value, function (i, v) { var txt = opts.valueFormatter(v) || v; return { text: txt, value: v, title: txt, selected: self.storeValue.type === BI.Selection.Multi }; }); if (BI.isKey(self._startValue) && !self.storeValue.value.contains(self._startValue)) { var txt = opts.valueFormatter(startValue) || startValue; json.unshift({ text: txt, value: startValue, title: txt, selected: true }); } firstItems = self._createItems(json); } callback(firstItems.concat(self._createItems(ob.items)), ob.keyword || ""); if (op.times === 1 && self.storeValue) { BI.isKey(startValue) && self.storeValue.value[self.storeValue.type === BI.Selection.All ? "remove" : "pushDistinct"](startValue); self.setValue(self.storeValue); } (op.times === 1) && self._scrollToTop(); }); }, hasNext: function () { return hasNext; }, value: this.storeValue }); this.button_group.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.button_group.on(BI.SelectList.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectLoader.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); }, _createItems: function (items) { return BI.createItems(items, { type: "bi.multi_select_item", logic: this.options.logic, height: 25, selected: this.isAllSelected() }); }, _scrollToTop: function () { var self = this; BI.delay(function () { self.button_group.element.scrollTop(0); }, 30); }, isAllSelected: function () { return this.button_group.isAllSelected(); }, _assertValue: function (val) { val || (val = {}); val.type || (val.type = BI.Selection.Multi); val.value || (val.value = []); }, setStartValue: function (v) { this._startValue = v; }, setValue: function (v) { this.storeValue = v || {}; this._assertValue(this.storeValue); this.button_group.setValue(this.storeValue); }, getValue: function () { return this.button_group.getValue(); }, getAllButtons: function () { return this.button_group.getAllButtons(); }, empty: function () { this.button_group.empty(); }, populate: function (items) { this.button_group.populate.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, resetHeight: function (h) { this.button_group.resetHeight(h); }, resetWidth: function (w) { this.button_group.resetWidth(w); } }); BI.MultiSelectLoader.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_select_loader", BI.MultiSelectLoader);/** * 带加载的多选下拉面板 * @class BI.MultiSelectPopupView * @extends Widget */ BI.MultiSelectPopupView = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiSelectPopupView.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multi-select-popup-view", maxWidth: "auto", minWidth: 135, maxHeight: 400, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn, itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, onLoaded: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiSelectPopupView.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, opts = this.options; this.loader = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_select_loader", itemsCreator: opts.itemsCreator, valueFormatter: opts.valueFormatter, onLoaded: opts.onLoaded, value: opts.value }); this.popupView = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_popup_view", stopPropagation: false, maxWidth: opts.maxWidth, minWidth: opts.minWidth, maxHeight: opts.maxHeight, element: this, buttons: [BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Clears"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Sure")], el: this.loader, value: opts.value }); this.popupView.on(BI.MultiPopupView.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectPopupView.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.popupView.on(BI.MultiPopupView.EVENT_CLICK_TOOLBAR_BUTTON, function (index) { switch (index) { case 0: self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectPopupView.EVENT_CLICK_CLEAR); break; case 1: self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectPopupView.EVENT_CLICK_CONFIRM); break; } }); }, isAllSelected: function () { return this.loader.isAllSelected(); }, setStartValue: function (v) { this.loader.setStartValue(v); }, setValue: function (v) { this.popupView.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.popupView.getValue(); }, populate: function (items) { this.popupView.populate.apply(this.popupView, arguments); }, resetHeight: function (h) { this.popupView.resetHeight(h); }, resetWidth: function (w) { this.popupView.resetWidth(w); } }); BI.MultiSelectPopupView.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.MultiSelectPopupView.EVENT_CLICK_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CLICK_CONFIRM"; BI.MultiSelectPopupView.EVENT_CLICK_CLEAR = "EVENT_CLICK_CLEAR"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_select_popup_view", BI.MultiSelectPopupView);/** * * 复选下拉框 * @class BI.MultiSelectTrigger * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.MultiSelectTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { constants: { height: 14, rgap: 4, lgap: 4 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multi-select-trigger bi-border", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn, searcher: {}, switcher: {}, adapter: null, masker: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiSelectTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.height) { this.setHeight(o.height - 2); } this.searcher = BI.createWidget(o.searcher, { type: "bi.multi_select_searcher", height: o.height, itemsCreator: o.itemsCreator, valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, popup: {}, adapter: o.adapter, masker: o.masker, value: o.value }); this.searcher.on(BI.MultiSelectSearcher.EVENT_START, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_START); }); this.searcher.on(BI.MultiSelectSearcher.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_PAUSE); }); this.searcher.on(BI.MultiSelectSearcher.EVENT_SEARCHING, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_SEARCHING, arguments); }); this.searcher.on(BI.MultiSelectSearcher.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_STOP); }); this.searcher.on(BI.MultiSelectSearcher.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.numberCounter = BI.createWidget(o.switcher, { type: "bi.multi_select_check_selected_switcher", valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, itemsCreator: o.itemsCreator, adapter: o.adapter, masker: o.masker, value: o.value }); this.numberCounter.on(BI.MultiSelectCheckSelectedSwitcher.EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_COUNTER_CLICK); }); this.numberCounter.on(BI.MultiSelectCheckSelectedSwitcher.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_BEFORE_COUNTER_POPUPVIEW); }); var wrapNumberCounter = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.right_vertical_adapt", hgap: 4, items: [{ el: this.numberCounter }] }); var wrapper = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.htape", element: this, items: [ { el: this.searcher, width: "fill" }, { el: wrapNumberCounter, width: 0 }, { el: BI.createWidget(), width: 30 }] }); this.numberCounter.on(BI.Events.VIEW, function (b) { BI.nextTick(function () {// 自动调整宽度 wrapper.attr("items")[1].width = (b === true ? self.numberCounter.element.outerWidth() + 8 : 0); wrapper.resize(); }); }); this.element.click(function (e) { if (self.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e) && !self.numberCounter.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e)) { self.numberCounter.hideView(); } }); }, getCounter: function () { return this.numberCounter; }, getSearcher: function () { return this.searcher; }, stopEditing: function () { this.searcher.stopSearch(); this.numberCounter.hideView(); }, setAdapter: function (adapter) { this.searcher.setAdapter(adapter); this.numberCounter.setAdapter(adapter); }, setValue: function (ob) { this.searcher.setValue(ob); this.numberCounter.setValue(ob); }, getKey: function () { return this.searcher.getKey(); }, getValue: function () { return this.searcher.getValue(); } }); BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_TRIGGER_CLICK = "EVENT_TRIGGER_CLICK"; BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_COUNTER_CLICK = "EVENT_COUNTER_CLICK"; BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_SEARCHING = "EVENT_SEARCHING"; BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_BEFORE_COUNTER_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_COUNTER_POPUPVIEW"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_select_trigger", BI.MultiSelectTrigger);/** * 多选加载数据搜索loader面板 * Created by guy on 15/11/4. * @class BI.MultiSelectSearchLoader * @extends Widget */ BI.MultiSelectSearchLoader = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiSelectSearchLoader.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multi-select-search-loader", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, keywordGetter: BI.emptyFn, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiSelectSearchLoader.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, opts = this.options; var hasNext = false; this.storeValue = BI.deepClone(opts.value); this.button_group = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.select_list", element: this, logic: { dynamic: false }, value: opts.value, el: { tipText: BI.i18nText("BI-No_Select"), el: { type: "bi.loader", isDefaultInit: false, logic: { dynamic: true, scrolly: true }, el: { chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_MULTI, behaviors: { redmark: function () { return true; } }, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] } } }, itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { self.storeValue && (op = BI.extend(op || {}, { selectedValues: self.storeValue.value })); opts.itemsCreator(op, function (ob) { var keyword = ob.keyword = opts.keywordGetter(); hasNext = ob.hasNext; var firstItems = []; if (op.times === 1 && self.storeValue) { var json = self._filterValues(self.storeValue); firstItems = self._createItems(json); } callback(firstItems.concat(self._createItems(ob.items)), keyword); if (op.times === 1 && self.storeValue) { self.setValue(self.storeValue); } }); }, hasNext: function () { return hasNext; } }); this.button_group.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.button_group.on(BI.SelectList.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectSearchLoader.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); }, _createItems: function (items) { return BI.createItems(items, { type: "bi.multi_select_item", logic: { dynamic: false }, height: 25, selected: this.isAllSelected() }); }, isAllSelected: function () { return this.button_group.isAllSelected(); }, _filterValues: function (src) { var o = this.options; var keyword = o.keywordGetter(); var values = BI.deepClone(src.value) || []; var newValues = BI.map(values, function (i, v) { return { text: o.valueFormatter(v) || v, value: v }; }); if (BI.isKey(keyword)) { var search = BI.Func.getSearchResult(newValues, keyword); values = search.matched.concat(search.finded); } return BI.map(values, function (i, v) { return { text: v.text, title: v.text, value: v.value, selected: src.type === BI.Selection.All }; }); }, setValue: function (v) { // 暂存的值一定是新的值,不然v改掉后,storeValue也跟着改了 this.storeValue = BI.deepClone(v); this.button_group.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.button_group.getValue(); }, getAllButtons: function () { return this.button_group.getAllButtons(); }, empty: function () { this.button_group.empty(); }, populate: function (items) { this.button_group.populate.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, resetHeight: function (h) { this.button_group.resetHeight(h); }, resetWidth: function (w) { this.button_group.resetWidth(w); } }); BI.MultiSelectSearchLoader.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_select_search_loader", BI.MultiSelectSearchLoader);/** * * 在搜索框中输入文本弹出的面板 * @class BI.MultiSelectSearchPane * @extends Widget */ BI.MultiSelectSearchPane = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { constants: { height: 25, lgap: 10, tgap: 5 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiSelectSearchPane.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multi-select-search-pane bi-card", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn, keywordGetter: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiSelectSearchPane.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.tooltipClick = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", invisible: true, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Click_Blank_To_Select"), cls: "multi-select-toolbar", height: this.constants.height }); this.loader = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_select_search_loader", keywordGetter: o.keywordGetter, valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { o.itemsCreator.apply(self, [op, function (res) { callback(res); self.setKeyword(o.keywordGetter()); }]); }, value: o.value }); this.loader.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.resizer = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vtape", element: this, items: [{ el: this.tooltipClick, height: 0 }, { el: this.loader }] }); this.tooltipClick.setVisible(false); }, setKeyword: function (keyword) { var btn; var isVisible = this.loader.getAllButtons().length > 0 && (btn = this.loader.getAllButtons()[0]) && (keyword === btn.getValue()); if (isVisible !== this.tooltipClick.isVisible()) { this.tooltipClick.setVisible(isVisible); this.resizer.attr("items")[0].height = (isVisible ? this.constants.height : 0); this.resizer.resize(); } }, isAllSelected: function () { return this.loader.isAllSelected(); }, hasMatched: function () { return this.tooltipClick.isVisible(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.loader.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.loader.getValue(); }, empty: function () { this.loader.empty(); }, populate: function (items) { this.loader.populate.apply(this.loader, arguments); } }); BI.MultiSelectSearchPane.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_select_search_pane", BI.MultiSelectSearchPane);/** * 查看已选按钮 * Created by guy on 15/11/3. * @class BI.MultiSelectCheckSelectedButton * @extends BI.Single */ BI.MultiSelectCheckSelectedButton = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _const: { checkSelected: BI.i18nText("BI-Check_Selected") }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiSelectCheckSelectedButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multi-select-check-selected-button bi-high-light", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiSelectCheckSelectedButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.numberCounter = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_button", element: this, hgap: 4, text: "0", textAlign: "center", textHeight: 15 }); this.numberCounter.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.numberCounter.on(BI.TextButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectCheckSelectedButton.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.numberCounter.element.hover(function () { self.numberCounter.setTag(self.numberCounter.getText()); self.numberCounter.setText(self._const.checkSelected); }, function () { self.numberCounter.setText(self.numberCounter.getTag()); }); this.setVisible(false); if(BI.isNotNull(o.value)){ this.setValue(o.value); } }, setValue: function (ob) { var self = this, o = this.options; ob || (ob = {}); ob.type || (ob.type = BI.Selection.Multi); ob.value || (ob.value = []); if (ob.type === BI.Selection.All) { o.itemsCreator({ type: BI.MultiSelectCombo.REQ_GET_DATA_LENGTH }, function (res) { var length = res.count - ob.value.length; BI.nextTick(function () { self.numberCounter.setText(length); self.setVisible(length > 0); }); }); return; } BI.nextTick(function () { self.numberCounter.setText(ob.value.length); self.setVisible(ob.value.length > 0); }); }, getValue: function () { } }); BI.MultiSelectCheckSelectedButton.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_select_check_selected_button", BI.MultiSelectCheckSelectedButton);/** * 多选输入框 * Created by guy on 15/11/3. * @class BI.MultiSelectEditor * @extends Widget */ BI.MultiSelectEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _const: { checkSelected: BI.i18nText("BI-Check_Selected") }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiSelectEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multi-select-editor", el: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiSelectEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.editor = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.state_editor", element: this, height: o.height, watermark: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Search"), allowBlank: true, value: o.value }); this.editor.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.StateEditor.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectEditor.EVENT_PAUSE); }); this.editor.on(BI.StateEditor.EVENT_CLICK_LABEL, function () { }); }, focus: function () { this.editor.focus(); }, blur: function () { this.editor.blur(); }, setState: function (state) { this.editor.setState(state); }, setValue: function (v) { this.editor.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { var v = this.editor.getState(); if (BI.isArray(v) && v.length > 0) { return v[v.length - 1]; } return ""; }, getKeywords: function () { var val = this.editor.getLastValidValue(); var keywords = val.match(/[\S]+/g); if (BI.isEndWithBlank(val)) { return keywords.concat([" "]); } return keywords; }, populate: function (items) { } }); BI.MultiSelectEditor.EVENT_PAUSE = "MultiSelectEditor.EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_select_editor", BI.MultiSelectEditor);/** * searcher * Created by guy on 15/11/3. * @class BI.MultiSelectSearcher * @extends Widget */ BI.MultiSelectSearcher = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiSelectSearcher.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multi-select-searcher", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, el: {}, popup: {}, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn, adapter: null, masker: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiSelectSearcher.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.editor = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.multi_select_editor", height: o.height }); this.searcher = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.searcher", element: this, height: o.height, isAutoSearch: false, isAutoSync: false, onSearch: function (op, callback) { callback(); }, el: this.editor, popup: BI.extend({ type: "bi.multi_select_search_pane", valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, keywordGetter: function () { return self.editor.getValue(); }, itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { op.keyword = self.editor.getValue(); this.setKeyword(op.keyword); o.itemsCreator(op, callback); }, value: o.value }, o.popup), adapter: o.adapter, masker: o.masker }); this.searcher.on(BI.Searcher.EVENT_START, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectSearcher.EVENT_START); }); this.searcher.on(BI.Searcher.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { if (this.hasMatched()) { } self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectSearcher.EVENT_PAUSE); }); this.searcher.on(BI.Searcher.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectSearcher.EVENT_STOP); }); this.searcher.on(BI.Searcher.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectSearcher.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.searcher.on(BI.Searcher.EVENT_SEARCHING, function () { var keywords = this.getKeywords(); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectSearcher.EVENT_SEARCHING, keywords); }); if(BI.isNotNull(o.value)){ this.setState(o.value); } }, adjustView: function () { this.searcher.adjustView(); }, isSearching: function () { return this.searcher.isSearching(); }, stopSearch: function () { this.searcher.stopSearch(); }, getKeyword: function () { return this.editor.getValue(); }, hasMatched: function () { return this.searcher.hasMatched(); }, hasChecked: function () { return this.searcher.getView() && this.searcher.getView().hasChecked(); }, setAdapter: function (adapter) { this.searcher.setAdapter(adapter); }, setState: function (ob) { var o = this.options; ob || (ob = {}); ob.value || (ob.value = []); if (ob.type === BI.Selection.All) { if (ob.value.length === 0) { this.editor.setState(BI.Selection.All); } else if (BI.size(ob.assist) <= 20) { var state = ""; BI.each(ob.assist, function (i, v) { if (i === 0) { state += "" + (o.valueFormatter(v + "") || v); } else { state += "," + (o.valueFormatter(v + "") || v); } }); this.editor.setState(state); } else { this.editor.setState(BI.Selection.Multi); } } else { if (ob.value.length === 0) { this.editor.setState(BI.Selection.None); } else if (BI.size(ob.value) <= 20) { var state = ""; BI.each(ob.value, function (i, v) { if (i === 0) { state += "" + (o.valueFormatter(v + "") || v); } else { state += "," + (o.valueFormatter(v + "") || v); } }); this.editor.setState(state); } else { this.editor.setState(BI.Selection.Multi); } } }, setValue: function (ob) { this.setState(ob); this.searcher.setValue(ob); }, getKey: function () { return this.editor.getValue(); }, getValue: function () { return this.searcher.getValue(); }, populate: function (items) { this.searcher.populate.apply(this.searcher, arguments); } }); BI.MultiSelectSearcher.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW"; BI.MultiSelectSearcher.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.MultiSelectSearcher.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.MultiSelectSearcher.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.MultiSelectSearcher.EVENT_PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.MultiSelectSearcher.EVENT_SEARCHING = "EVENT_SEARCHING"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_select_searcher", BI.MultiSelectSearcher);/** * 查看已选switcher * Created by guy on 15/11/3. * @class BI.MultiSelectCheckSelectedSwitcher * @extends Widget */ BI.MultiSelectCheckSelectedSwitcher = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiSelectCheckSelectedSwitcher.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multi-select-check-selected-switcher", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn, el: {}, popup: {}, adapter: null, masker: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiSelectCheckSelectedSwitcher.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.button = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.multi_select_check_selected_button", itemsCreator: o.itemsCreator, value: o.value }); this.button.on(BI.Events.VIEW, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Events.VIEW, arguments); }); this.switcher = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.switcher", toggle: false, element: this, el: this.button, popup: BI.extend({ type: "bi.multi_select_check_pane", valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, itemsCreator: o.itemsCreator, onClickContinueSelect: function () { self.switcher.hideView(); }, value: o.value }, o.popup), adapter: o.adapter, masker: o.masker }); this.switcher.on(BI.Switcher.EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectCheckSelectedSwitcher.EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE); }); this.switcher.on(BI.Switcher.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectCheckSelectedSwitcher.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW); }); this.switcher.on(BI.Switcher.EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW, function () { var me = this; BI.nextTick(function () { me.populate(); }); }); this.switcher.element.click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); }, adjustView: function () { this.switcher.adjustView(); }, hideView: function () { this.switcher.empty(); this.switcher.hideView(); }, setAdapter: function (adapter) { this.switcher.setAdapter(adapter); }, setValue: function (v) { this.switcher.setValue(v); }, setButtonChecked: function (v) { this.button.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { }, populate: function (items) { this.switcher.populate.apply(this.switcher, arguments); } }); BI.MultiSelectCheckSelectedSwitcher.EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE = "MultiSelectCheckSelectedSwitcher.EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE"; BI.MultiSelectCheckSelectedSwitcher.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW = "MultiSelectCheckSelectedSwitcher.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_select_check_selected_switcher", BI.MultiSelectCheckSelectedSwitcher);/** * Created by zcf_1 on 2017/5/2. */ BI.MultiSelectInsertList = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiSelectInsertList.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multi-select-insert-list", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiSelectInsertList.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.storeValue = {}; var assertShowValue = function () { BI.isKey(self._startValue) && self.storeValue.value[self.storeValue.type === BI.Selection.All ? "remove" : "pushDistinct"](self._startValue); // self.trigger.setValue(self.storeValue); }; this.adapter = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_select_loader", cls: "popup-multi-select-list bi-border-left bi-border-right bi-border-bottom", itemsCreator: o.itemsCreator, valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, logic: { dynamic: false }, // onLoaded: o.onLoaded, el: {} }); this.adapter.on(BI.MultiSelectLoader.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.storeValue = this.getValue(); assertShowValue(); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectInsertList.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.searcherPane = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_select_search_pane", cls: "bi-border-left bi-border-right bi-border-bottom", valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, keywordGetter: function () { return self.trigger.getKeyword(); }, itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { op.keyword = self.trigger.getKeyword(); this.setKeyword(op.keyword); o.itemsCreator(op, callback); } }); this.searcherPane.setVisible(false); this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.searcher", isAutoSearch: false, isAutoSync: false, onSearch: function (op, callback) { callback(); }, adapter: this.adapter, popup: this.searcherPane, height: 200, masker: false, listeners: [{ eventName: BI.Searcher.EVENT_START, action: function () { self._showSearcherPane(); self._setStartValue(""); this.setValue(BI.deepClone(self.storeValue)); } }, { eventName: BI.Searcher.EVENT_STOP, action: function () { self._showAdapter(); self._setStartValue(""); self.adapter.setValue(self.storeValue); // 需要刷新回到初始界面,否则搜索的结果不能放在最前面 self.adapter.populate(); } }, { eventName: BI.Searcher.EVENT_PAUSE, action: function () { var keyword = this.getKeyword(); if (this.hasMatched()) { self._join({ type: BI.Selection.Multi, value: [keyword] }, function () { if (self.storeValue.type === BI.Selection.Multi) { self.storeValue.value.pushDistinct(keyword); } self._showAdapter(); self.adapter.setValue(self.storeValue); self._setStartValue(keyword); assertShowValue(); self.adapter.populate(); self._setStartValue(""); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectInsertList.EVENT_CHANGE); }); } else { if (self.storeValue.type === BI.Selection.Multi) { self.storeValue.value.pushDistinct(keyword); } self._showAdapter(); self.adapter.setValue(self.storeValue); self.adapter.populate(); if (self.storeValue.type === BI.Selection.Multi) { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectInsertList.EVENT_CHANGE); } } } }, { eventName: BI.Searcher.EVENT_SEARCHING, action: function () { var keywords = this.getKeyword(); var last = BI.last(keywords); keywords = BI.initial(keywords || []); if (keywords.length > 0) { self._joinKeywords(keywords, function () { if (BI.isEndWithBlank(last)) { self.adapter.setValue(self.storeValue); assertShowValue(); self.adapter.populate(); self._setStartValue(""); } else { self.adapter.setValue(self.storeValue); assertShowValue(); } }); } } }, { eventName: BI.Searcher.EVENT_CHANGE, action: function (value, obj) { if (obj instanceof BI.MultiSelectBar) { self._joinAll(this.getValue(), function () { assertShowValue(); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectInsertList.EVENT_CHANGE); }); } else { self._join(this.getValue(), function () { assertShowValue(); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectInsertList.EVENT_CHANGE); }); } } }] }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vtape", element: this, items: [{ el: this.trigger, height: 24 }, { el: this.adapter, height: "fill" }] }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.searcherPane, top: 30, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0 }] }); }, _showAdapter: function () { this.adapter.setVisible(true); this.searcherPane.setVisible(false); }, _showSearcherPane: function () { this.searcherPane.setVisible(true); this.adapter.setVisible(false); }, _defaultState: function () { this.trigger.stopEditing(); }, _assertValue: function (val) { val || (val = {}); val.type || (val.type = BI.Selection.Multi); val.value || (val.value = []); }, _makeMap: function (values) { return BI.makeObject(values || []); }, _joinKeywords: function (keywords, callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; this._assertValue(this.storeValue); if (!this._allData) { o.itemsCreator({ type: BI.MultiSelectInsertList.REQ_GET_ALL_DATA }, function (ob) { self._allData = BI.pluck(ob.items, "value"); digest(self._allData); }); } else { digest(this._allData); } function digest (items) { var selectedMap = self._makeMap(items); BI.each(keywords, function (i, val) { if (BI.isNotNull(selectedMap[val])) { self.storeValue.value[self.storeValue.type === BI.Selection.Multi ? "pushDistinct" : "remove"](val); } }); callback(); } }, _joinAll: function (res, callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; this._assertValue(res); o.itemsCreator({ type: BI.MultiSelectInsertList.REQ_GET_ALL_DATA, keyword: self.trigger.getKeyword() }, function (ob) { var items = BI.pluck(ob.items, "value"); if (self.storeValue.type === res.type) { var change = false; var map = self._makeMap(self.storeValue.value); BI.each(items, function (i, v) { if (BI.isNotNull(map[v])) { change = true; delete map[v]; } }); change && (self.storeValue.value = BI.values(map)); callback(); return; } var selectedMap = self._makeMap(self.storeValue.value); var notSelectedMap = self._makeMap(res.value); var newItems = []; BI.each(items, function (i, item) { if (BI.isNotNull(selectedMap[items[i]])) { delete selectedMap[items[i]]; } if (BI.isNull(notSelectedMap[items[i]])) { newItems.push(item); } }); self.storeValue.value = newItems.concat(BI.values(selectedMap)); callback(); }); }, _join: function (res, callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; this._assertValue(res); this._assertValue(this.storeValue); if (this.storeValue.type === res.type) { var map = this._makeMap(this.storeValue.value); BI.each(res.value, function (i, v) { if (!map[v]) { self.storeValue.value.push(v); map[v] = v; } }); var change = false; BI.each(res.assist, function (i, v) { if (BI.isNotNull(map[v])) { change = true; delete map[v]; } }); change && (this.storeValue.value = BI.values(map)); callback(); return; } this._joinAll(res, callback); }, _setStartValue: function (value) { this._startValue = value; this.adapter.setStartValue(value); }, isAllSelected: function () { return this.adapter.isAllSelected(); }, resize: function () { // this.trigger.getCounter().adjustView(); // this.trigger.adjustView(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.storeValue = v || {}; this._assertValue(this.storeValue); this.adapter.setValue(this.storeValue); this.trigger.setValue(this.storeValue); }, getValue: function () { return BI.deepClone(this.storeValue); }, populate: function () { this._count = null; this._allData = null; this.adapter.populate.apply(this.adapter, arguments); this.trigger.populate.apply(this.trigger, arguments); } }); BI.extend(BI.MultiSelectInsertList, { REQ_GET_DATA_LENGTH: 0, REQ_GET_ALL_DATA: -1 }); BI.MultiSelectInsertList.EVENT_CHANGE = "BI.MultiSelectInsertList.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_select_insert_list", BI.MultiSelectInsertList);/** * Created by zcf_1 on 2017/5/2. */ BI.MultiSelectList = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiSelectList.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multi-select-list", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiSelectList.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.storeValue = {}; var assertShowValue = function () { BI.isKey(self._startValue) && self.storeValue.value[self.storeValue.type === BI.Selection.All ? "remove" : "pushDistinct"](self._startValue); // self.trigger.setValue(self.storeValue); }; this.adapter = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_select_loader", cls: "popup-multi-select-list bi-border-left bi-border-right bi-border-bottom", itemsCreator: o.itemsCreator, valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, logic: { dynamic: false }, // onLoaded: o.onLoaded, el: {} }); this.adapter.on(BI.MultiSelectLoader.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.storeValue = this.getValue(); self._adjust(function () { assertShowValue(); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectList.EVENT_CHANGE); }); }); this.searcherPane = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_select_search_pane", cls: "bi-border-left bi-border-right bi-border-bottom", valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, keywordGetter: function () { return self.trigger.getKeyword(); }, itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { op.keyword = self.trigger.getKeyword(); this.setKeyword(op.keyword); o.itemsCreator(op, callback); } }); this.searcherPane.setVisible(false); this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.searcher", isAutoSearch: false, isAutoSync: false, onSearch: function (op, callback) { callback(); }, adapter: this.adapter, popup: this.searcherPane, height: 200, masker: false, listeners: [{ eventName: BI.Searcher.EVENT_START, action: function () { self._showSearcherPane(); self._setStartValue(""); this.setValue(BI.deepClone(self.storeValue)); } }, { eventName: BI.Searcher.EVENT_STOP, action: function () { self._showAdapter(); self._setStartValue(""); self.adapter.setValue(self.storeValue); // 需要刷新回到初始界面,否则搜索的结果不能放在最前面 self.adapter.populate(); } }, { eventName: BI.Searcher.EVENT_PAUSE, action: function () { var keyword = this.getKeyword(); if (this.hasMatched()) { self._join({ type: BI.Selection.Multi, value: [keyword] }, function () { self._showAdapter(); self.adapter.setValue(self.storeValue); self._setStartValue(keyword); assertShowValue(); self.adapter.populate(); self._setStartValue(""); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectList.EVENT_CHANGE); }); } } }, { eventName: BI.Searcher.EVENT_SEARCHING, action: function () { var keywords = this.getKeyword(); var last = BI.last(keywords); keywords = BI.initial(keywords || []); if (keywords.length > 0) { self._joinKeywords(keywords, function () { if (BI.isEndWithBlank(last)) { self.adapter.setValue(self.storeValue); assertShowValue(); self.adapter.populate(); self._setStartValue(""); } else { self.adapter.setValue(self.storeValue); assertShowValue(); } }); } } }, { eventName: BI.Searcher.EVENT_CHANGE, action: function (value, obj) { if (obj instanceof BI.MultiSelectBar) { self._joinAll(this.getValue(), function () { assertShowValue(); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectList.EVENT_CHANGE); }); } else { self._join(this.getValue(), function () { assertShowValue(); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectList.EVENT_CHANGE); }); } } }] }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vtape", element: this, items: [{ el: this.trigger, height: 24 }, { el: this.adapter, height: "fill" }] }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.searcherPane, top: 30, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0 }] }); }, _showAdapter: function () { this.adapter.setVisible(true); this.searcherPane.setVisible(false); }, _showSearcherPane: function () { this.searcherPane.setVisible(true); this.adapter.setVisible(false); }, _defaultState: function () { this.trigger.stopEditing(); }, _assertValue: function (val) { val || (val = {}); val.type || (val.type = BI.Selection.Multi); val.value || (val.value = []); }, _makeMap: function (values) { return BI.makeObject(values || []); }, _joinKeywords: function (keywords, callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; this._assertValue(this.storeValue); if (!this._allData) { o.itemsCreator({ type: BI.MultiSelectList.REQ_GET_ALL_DATA }, function (ob) { self._allData = BI.pluck(ob.items, "value"); digest(self._allData); }); } else { digest(this._allData); } function digest (items) { var selectedMap = self._makeMap(items); BI.each(keywords, function (i, val) { if (BI.isNotNull(selectedMap[val])) { self.storeValue.value[self.storeValue.type === BI.Selection.Multi ? "pushDistinct" : "remove"](val); } }); self._adjust(callback); } }, _joinAll: function (res, callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; this._assertValue(res); o.itemsCreator({ type: BI.MultiSelectList.REQ_GET_ALL_DATA, keyword: self.trigger.getKeyword() }, function (ob) { var items = BI.pluck(ob.items, "value"); if (self.storeValue.type === res.type) { var change = false; var map = self._makeMap(self.storeValue.value); BI.each(items, function (i, v) { if (BI.isNotNull(map[v])) { change = true; delete map[v]; } }); change && (self.storeValue.value = BI.values(map)); self._adjust(callback); return; } var selectedMap = self._makeMap(self.storeValue.value); var notSelectedMap = self._makeMap(res.value); var newItems = []; BI.each(items, function (i, item) { if (BI.isNotNull(selectedMap[items[i]])) { delete selectedMap[items[i]]; } if (BI.isNull(notSelectedMap[items[i]])) { newItems.push(item); } }); self.storeValue.value = newItems.concat(BI.values(selectedMap)); self._adjust(callback); }); }, _adjust: function (callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; if (!this._count) { o.itemsCreator({ type: BI.MultiSelectList.REQ_GET_DATA_LENGTH }, function (res) { self._count = res.count; adjust(); callback(); }); } else { adjust(); callback(); } function adjust () { if (self.storeValue.type === BI.Selection.All && self.storeValue.value.length >= self._count) { self.storeValue = { type: BI.Selection.Multi, value: [] }; } else if (self.storeValue.type === BI.Selection.Multi && self.storeValue.value.length >= self._count) { self.storeValue = { type: BI.Selection.All, value: [] }; } } }, _join: function (res, callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; this._assertValue(res); this._assertValue(this.storeValue); if (this.storeValue.type === res.type) { var map = this._makeMap(this.storeValue.value); BI.each(res.value, function (i, v) { if (!map[v]) { self.storeValue.value.push(v); map[v] = v; } }); var change = false; BI.each(res.assist, function (i, v) { if (BI.isNotNull(map[v])) { change = true; delete map[v]; } }); change && (this.storeValue.value = BI.values(map)); self._adjust(callback); return; } this._joinAll(res, callback); }, _setStartValue: function (value) { this._startValue = value; this.adapter.setStartValue(value); }, isAllSelected: function () { return this.adapter.isAllSelected(); }, resize: function () { // this.trigger.getCounter().adjustView(); // this.trigger.adjustView(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.storeValue = v || {}; this._assertValue(this.storeValue); this.adapter.setValue(this.storeValue); this.trigger.setValue(this.storeValue); }, getValue: function () { return BI.deepClone(this.storeValue); }, populate: function () { this._count = null; this._allData = null; this.adapter.populate.apply(this.adapter, arguments); this.trigger.populate.apply(this.trigger, arguments); } }); BI.extend(BI.MultiSelectList, { REQ_GET_DATA_LENGTH: 0, REQ_GET_ALL_DATA: -1 }); BI.MultiSelectList.EVENT_CHANGE = "BI.MultiSelectList.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_select_list", BI.MultiSelectList);/** * Created by zcf_1 on 2017/5/11. */ BI.MultiSelectTree = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiSelectTree.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multi-select-tree", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiSelectTree.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.storeValue = {value: {}}; this.adapter = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_select_tree_popup", itemsCreator: o.itemsCreator }); this.adapter.on(BI.MultiSelectTreePopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { if (self.searcher.isSearching()) { self.storeValue = {value: self.searcherPane.getValue()}; } else { self.storeValue = {value: self.adapter.getValue()}; } self.setSelectedValue(self.storeValue.value); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectTree.EVENT_CHANGE); }); // 搜索中的时候用的是parttree,同adapter中的synctree不一样 this.searcherPane = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_tree_search_pane", cls: "bi-border-left bi-border-right bi-border-bottom", keywordGetter: function () { return self.searcher.getKeyword(); }, itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { op.keyword = self.searcher.getKeyword(); o.itemsCreator(op, callback); } }); this.searcherPane.setVisible(false); this.searcher = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.searcher", isAutoSearch: false, isAutoSync: false, onSearch: function (op, callback) { callback({ keyword: self.searcher.getKeyword() }); }, adapter: this.adapter, popup: this.searcherPane, masker: false, listeners: [{ eventName: BI.Searcher.EVENT_START, action: function () { self._showSearcherPane(); // self.storeValue = {value: self.adapter.getValue()}; // self.searcherPane.setSelectedValue(self.storeValue.value); } }, { eventName: BI.Searcher.EVENT_STOP, action: function () { self._showAdapter(); // self.storeValue = {value: self.searcherPane.getValue()}; // self.adapter.setSelectedValue(self.storeValue.value); BI.nextTick(function () { self.adapter.populate(); }); } }, { eventName: BI.Searcher.EVENT_CHANGE, action: function () { if (self.searcher.isSearching()) { self.storeValue = {value: self.searcherPane.getValue()}; } else { self.storeValue = {value: self.adapter.getValue()}; } self.setSelectedValue(self.storeValue.value); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectTree.EVENT_CHANGE); } }, { eventName: BI.Searcher.EVENT_PAUSE, action: function () { self._showAdapter(); } }] }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vtape", element: this, items: [{ el: this.searcher, height: 24 }, { el: this.adapter, height: "fill" }] }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.searcherPane, top: 30, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0 }] }); }, _showAdapter: function () { this.adapter.setVisible(true); this.searcherPane.setVisible(false); }, _showSearcherPane: function () { this.searcherPane.setVisible(true); this.adapter.setVisible(false); }, resize: function () { }, setSelectedValue: function (v) { this.storeValue.value = v || {}; this.adapter.setSelectedValue(v); this.searcherPane.setSelectedValue(v); this.searcher.setValue({ value: v || {} }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.adapter.setValue(v); }, stopSearch: function () { this.searcher.stopSearch(); }, updateValue: function (v) { this.adapter.updateValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.storeValue.value; }, populate: function () { this.searcher.populate.apply(this.searcher, arguments); this.adapter.populate.apply(this.adapter, arguments); } }); BI.MultiSelectTree.EVENT_CHANGE = "BI.MultiSelectTree.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_select_tree", BI.MultiSelectTree);/** * Created by zcf on 2016/12/21. */ BI.MultiSelectTreePopup = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiSelectTreePopup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multi-select-tree-popup bi-border-left bi-border-right bi-border-bottom", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiSelectTreePopup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.async_tree", element: this, itemsCreator: o.itemsCreator }); this.popup.on(BI.TreeView.EVENT_AFTERINIT, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectTreePopup.EVENT_AFTER_INIT); }); this.popup.on(BI.TreeView.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectTreePopup.EVENT_CHANGE); }); }, hasChecked: function () { return this.popup.hasChecked(); }, getValue: function () { return this.popup.getValue(); }, setValue: function (v) { v || (v = {}); this.popup.setValue(v); }, setSelectedValue: function (v) { v || (v = {}); this.popup.setSelectedValue(v); }, updateValue: function (v) { this.popup.updateValue(v); this.popup.refresh(); }, populate: function (config) { this.popup.stroke(config); } }); BI.MultiSelectTreePopup.EVENT_AFTER_INIT = "BI.MultiSelectTreePopup.EVENT_AFTER_INIT"; BI.MultiSelectTreePopup.EVENT_CHANGE = "BI.MultiSelectTreePopup.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_select_tree_popup", BI.MultiSelectTreePopup);/** * * @class BI.MultiTreeCheckPane * @extends BI.Pane */ BI.MultiTreeCheckPane = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, { constants: { height: 25, lgap: 10, tgap: 5 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiTreeCheckPane.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multi-tree-check-pane bi-background", onClickContinueSelect: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiTreeCheckPane.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, opts = this.options; this.selectedValues = {}; var continueSelect = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_button", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Continue_Select"), cls: "multi-tree-check-selected" }); continueSelect.on(BI.TextButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { opts.onClickContinueSelect(); BI.nextTick(function () { self.empty(); }); }); var backToPopup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.left", cls: "multi-tree-continue-select", items: [ { el: { type: "bi.label", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Selected_Data") }, lgap: this.constants.lgap, tgap: this.constants.tgap }, { el: continueSelect, lgap: this.constants.lgap, tgap: this.constants.tgap }] }); this.display = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.display_tree", cls: "bi-multi-tree-display", itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { op.type = BI.TreeView.REQ_TYPE_GET_SELECTED_DATA; opts.itemsCreator(op, callback); }, value: (opts.value || {}).value }); this.display.on(BI.Events.AFTERINIT, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Events.AFTERINIT); }); this.display.on(BI.TreeView.EVENT_INIT, function () { backToPopup.setVisible(false); }); this.display.on(BI.TreeView.EVENT_AFTERINIT, function () { backToPopup.setVisible(true); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vtape", element: this, items: [{ height: this.constants.height, el: backToPopup }, { height: "fill", el: this.display }] }); }, empty: function () { this.display.empty(); }, populate: function (configs) { this.display.stroke(configs); }, setValue: function (v) { v || (v = {}); this.display.setSelectedValue(v.value); }, getValue: function () { } }); BI.MultiTreeCheckPane.EVENT_CONTINUE_CLICK = "EVENT_CONTINUE_CLICK"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_tree_check_pane", BI.MultiTreeCheckPane);/** * * @class BI.MultiTreeCombo * @extends BI.Single */ BI.MultiTreeCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { constants: { offset: { top: 1, left: 1, right: 2, bottom: 33 } }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiTreeCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multi-tree-combo", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiTreeCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var isInit = false; var want2showCounter = false; this.storeValue = {value: o.value || {}}; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_select_trigger", height: o.height, // adapter: this.popup, masker: { offset: this.constants.offset }, searcher: { type: "bi.multi_tree_searcher", itemsCreator: o.itemsCreator }, switcher: { el: { type: "bi.multi_tree_check_selected_button" }, popup: { type: "bi.multi_tree_check_pane", itemsCreator: o.itemsCreator } }, value: {value: o.value || {}} }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", toggle: false, el: this.trigger, adjustLength: 1, popup: { type: "bi.multi_tree_popup_view", ref: function () { self.popup = this; self.trigger.setAdapter(this); }, listeners: [{ eventName: BI.MultiTreePopup.EVENT_AFTERINIT, action: function () { self.trigger.getCounter().adjustView(); isInit = true; if (want2showCounter === true) { showCounter(); } } }, { eventName: BI.MultiTreePopup.EVENT_CHANGE, action: function () { change = true; var val = { type: BI.Selection.Multi, value: this.hasChecked() ? this.getValue() : {} }; self.trigger.getSearcher().setState(val); self.trigger.getCounter().setButtonChecked(val); } }, { eventName: BI.MultiTreePopup.EVENT_CLICK_CONFIRM, action: function () { self.combo.hideView(); } }, { eventName: BI.MultiTreePopup.EVENT_CLICK_CLEAR, action: function () { clear = true; self.setValue(); self._defaultState(); } }], itemsCreator: o.itemsCreator, onLoaded: function () { BI.nextTick(function () { self.trigger.getCounter().adjustView(); self.trigger.getSearcher().adjustView(); }); } }, value: {value: o.value || {}}, hideChecker: function (e) { return triggerBtn.element.find(e.target).length === 0; } }); var change = false; var clear = false; // 标识当前是否点击了清空 var isSearching = function () { return self.trigger.getSearcher().isSearching(); }; var isPopupView = function () { return self.combo.isViewVisible(); }; this.trigger.on(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_START, function () { self.storeValue = {value: self.combo.getValue()}; this.setValue(self.storeValue); }); this.trigger.on(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.storeValue = {value: this.getValue()}; self.combo.setValue(self.storeValue); BI.nextTick(function () { if (isPopupView()) { self.combo.populate(); } }); }); function showCounter () { if (isSearching()) { self.storeValue = {value: self.trigger.getValue()}; } else if (isPopupView()) { self.storeValue = {value: self.combo.getValue()}; } self.trigger.setValue(self.storeValue); } this.trigger.on(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_BEFORE_COUNTER_POPUPVIEW, function () { if (want2showCounter === false) { want2showCounter = true; } if (isInit === true) { want2showCounter = null; showCounter(); } }); this.trigger.on(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_TRIGGER_CLICK, function () { self.combo.toggle(); }); this.trigger.on(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_COUNTER_CLICK, function () { if (!self.combo.isViewVisible()) { self.combo.showView(); } }); this.trigger.on(BI.MultiSelectTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { var checked = this.getSearcher().hasChecked(); var val = { type: BI.Selection.Multi, value: checked ? {1: 1} : {} }; this.getSearcher().setState(checked ? BI.Selection.Multi : BI.Selection.None); this.getCounter().setButtonChecked(val); }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () { if (isSearching()) { return; } if (change === true) { self.storeValue = {value: self.combo.getValue()}; change = false; } self.combo.setValue(self.storeValue); self.populate(); }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW, function () { if (isSearching()) { self.trigger.stopEditing(); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiTreeCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); } else { if (isPopupView()) { self.trigger.stopEditing(); self.storeValue = {value: self.combo.getValue()}; if (clear === true) { self.storeValue = {value: {}}; } self.fireEvent(BI.MultiTreeCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); } } clear = false; change = false; }); var triggerBtn = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.trigger_icon_button", width: o.height, height: o.height, cls: "multi-select-trigger-icon-button bi-border-left" }); triggerBtn.on(BI.TriggerIconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.trigger.getCounter().hideView(); if (self.combo.isViewVisible()) { self.combo.hideView(); } else { self.combo.showView(); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.combo, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }, { el: triggerBtn, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); }, _defaultState: function () { this.trigger.stopEditing(); this.combo.hideView(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.storeValue.value = v || {}; this.combo.setValue({ value: v || {} }); }, getValue: function () { return this.storeValue.value; }, populate: function () { this.combo.populate.apply(this.combo, arguments); } }); BI.MultiTreeCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM = "MultiTreeCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_tree_combo", BI.MultiTreeCombo);/** * 带加载的多选下拉面板 * @class BI.MultiTreePopup * @extends BI.Pane */ BI.MultiTreePopup = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiTreePopup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multi-tree-popup", maxWidth: "auto", minWidth: 100, maxHeight: 400, onLoaded: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiTreePopup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, opts = this.options; this.selectedValues = {}; this.tree = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.async_tree", height: 400, cls: "popup-view-tree", itemsCreator: opts.itemsCreator, onLoaded: opts.onLoaded, value: opts.value || {} }); this.popupView = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_popup_view", element: this, stopPropagation: false, maxWidth: opts.maxWidth, minWidth: opts.minWidth, maxHeight: opts.maxHeight, buttons: [BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Clears"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Sure")], el: this.tree }); this.popupView.on(BI.MultiPopupView.EVENT_CLICK_TOOLBAR_BUTTON, function (index) { switch (index) { case 0: self.fireEvent(BI.MultiTreePopup.EVENT_CLICK_CLEAR); break; case 1: self.fireEvent(BI.MultiTreePopup.EVENT_CLICK_CONFIRM); break; } }); this.tree.on(BI.TreeView.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiTreePopup.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.tree.on(BI.TreeView.EVENT_AFTERINIT, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiTreePopup.EVENT_AFTERINIT); }); }, getValue: function () { return this.tree.getValue(); }, setValue: function (v) { v || (v = {}); this.tree.setSelectedValue(v.value); }, populate: function (config) { this.tree.stroke(config); }, hasChecked: function () { return this.tree.hasChecked(); }, resetHeight: function (h) { this.popupView.resetHeight(h); }, resetWidth: function (w) { this.popupView.resetWidth(w); } }); BI.MultiTreePopup.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.MultiTreePopup.EVENT_CLICK_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CLICK_CONFIRM"; BI.MultiTreePopup.EVENT_CLICK_CLEAR = "EVENT_CLICK_CLEAR"; BI.MultiTreePopup.EVENT_AFTERINIT = "EVENT_AFTERINIT"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_tree_popup_view", BI.MultiTreePopup);/** * * 在搜索框中输入文本弹出的面板 * @class BI.MultiTreeSearchPane * @extends BI.Pane */ BI.MultiTreeSearchPane = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiTreeSearchPane.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multi-tree-search-pane bi-card", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, keywordGetter: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiTreeSearchPane.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, opts = this.options; this.partTree = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.part_tree", element: this, tipText: BI.i18nText("BI-No_Select"), itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { op.keyword = opts.keywordGetter(); opts.itemsCreator(op, callback); }, value: opts.value }); this.partTree.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.partTree.on(BI.TreeView.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiTreeSearchPane.EVENT_CHANGE); }); }, hasChecked: function () { return this.partTree.hasChecked(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.setSelectedValue(v.value); }, setSelectedValue: function (v) { v || (v = {}); this.partTree.setSelectedValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.partTree.getValue(); }, empty: function () { this.partTree.empty(); }, populate: function (op) { this.partTree.stroke.apply(this.partTree, arguments); } }); BI.MultiTreeSearchPane.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.MultiTreeSearchPane.EVENT_CLICK_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CLICK_CONFIRM"; BI.MultiTreeSearchPane.EVENT_CLICK_CLEAR = "EVENT_CLICK_CLEAR"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_tree_search_pane", BI.MultiTreeSearchPane);/** * 查看已选按钮 * Created by guy on 15/11/3. * @class BI.MultiTreeCheckSelectedButton * @extends BI.Single */ BI.MultiTreeCheckSelectedButton = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _const: { checkSelected: BI.i18nText("BI-Check_Selected") }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiTreeCheckSelectedButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multi-tree-check-selected-button", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiTreeCheckSelectedButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this; this.indicator = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "check-font trigger-check-selected", width: 15, height: 15, stopPropagation: true }); this.checkSelected = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_button", cls: "trigger-check-selected", invisible: true, hgap: 4, text: this._const.checkSelected, textAlign: "center", textHeight: 15 }); this.checkSelected.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.checkSelected.on(BI.TextButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectCheckSelectedButton.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.horizontal", element: this, items: [this.indicator, this.checkSelected] }); this.element.hover(function () { self.indicator.setVisible(false); self.checkSelected.setVisible(true); }, function () { self.indicator.setVisible(true); self.checkSelected.setVisible(false); }); this.setVisible(false); }, setValue: function (v) { v || (v = {}); this.setVisible(BI.size(v.value) > 0); } }); BI.MultiTreeCheckSelectedButton.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_tree_check_selected_button", BI.MultiTreeCheckSelectedButton);/** * searcher * Created by guy on 15/11/3. * @class BI.MultiTreeSearcher * @extends Widget */ BI.MultiTreeSearcher = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.MultiTreeSearcher.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-multi-tree-searcher", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, popup: {}, adapter: null, masker: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.MultiTreeSearcher.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.editor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_select_editor", height: o.height, el: { type: "bi.simple_state_editor", height: o.height } }); this.searcher = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.searcher", element: this, isAutoSearch: false, isAutoSync: false, onSearch: function (op, callback) { callback({ keyword: self.editor.getValue() }); }, el: this.editor, popup: BI.extend({ type: "bi.multi_tree_search_pane", keywordGetter: function () { return self.editor.getValue(); }, itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { op.keyword = self.editor.getValue(); o.itemsCreator(op, callback); }, value: o.value }, o.popup), adapter: o.adapter, masker: o.masker }); this.searcher.on(BI.Searcher.EVENT_START, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiTreeSearcher.EVENT_START); }); this.searcher.on(BI.Searcher.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { if (this.hasMatched()) { } self.fireEvent(BI.MultiTreeSearcher.EVENT_PAUSE); }); this.searcher.on(BI.Searcher.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiTreeSearcher.EVENT_STOP); }); this.searcher.on(BI.Searcher.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultiTreeSearcher.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); if (BI.isNotNull(o.value)) { this.setState(o.value); } }, adjustView: function () { this.searcher.adjustView(); }, setAdapter: function (adapter) { this.searcher.setAdapter(adapter); }, isSearching: function () { return this.searcher.isSearching(); }, stopSearch: function () { this.searcher.stopSearch(); }, getKeyword: function () { return this.editor.getValue(); }, hasMatched: function () { return this.searcher.hasMatched(); }, hasChecked: function () { return this.searcher.getView() && this.searcher.getView().hasChecked(); }, setState: function (ob) { ob || (ob = {}); ob.value || (ob.value = {}); if (BI.isNumber(ob)) { this.editor.setState(ob); } else if (BI.size(ob.value) === 0) { this.editor.setState(BI.Selection.None); } else { var text = ""; BI.each(ob.value, function (name, children) { var childNodes = getChildrenNode(children); text += name + (childNodes === "" ? "" : (":" + childNodes)) + "; "; }); this.editor.setState(text); } function getChildrenNode (ob) { var text = ""; var index = 0, size = BI.size(ob); BI.each(ob, function (name, children) { index++; var childNodes = getChildrenNode(children); text += name + (childNodes === "" ? "" : (":" + childNodes)) + (index === size ? "" : ","); }); return text; } }, setValue: function (ob) { this.setState(ob); this.searcher.setValue(ob); }, getKey: function () { return this.editor.getValue(); }, getValue: function () { return this.searcher.getValue(); }, populate: function (items) { this.searcher.populate.apply(this.searcher, arguments); } }); BI.MultiTreeSearcher.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW"; BI.MultiTreeSearcher.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.MultiTreeSearcher.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.MultiTreeSearcher.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.MultiTreeSearcher.EVENT_PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.shortcut("bi.multi_tree_searcher", BI.MultiTreeSearcher);/** * Created by windy on 2017/3/13. * 数值微调器 */ BI.NumberEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.NumberEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-number-editor bi-border", validationChecker: function () { return true; }, valueFormatter: function (v) { return v; }, value: 0, allowBlank: false, errorText: "", step: 1 }); }, _init: function () { BI.NumberEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.editor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.sign_editor", height: o.height, allowBlank: o.allowBlank, value: o.valueFormatter(o.value), validationChecker: o.validationChecker, errorText: o.errorText }); this.editor.on(BI.TextEditor.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { o.value = this.getValue(); self.fireEvent(BI.NumberEditor.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.editor.on(BI.TextEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.NumberEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.topBtn = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", trigger: "lclick,", cls: "column-pre-page-h-font top-button bi-border-left bi-border-bottom" }); this.topBtn.on(BI.IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self._finetuning(o.step); self.fireEvent(BI.NumberEditor.EVENT_CHANGE); self.fireEvent(BI.NumberEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.bottomBtn = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", trigger: "lclick,", cls: "column-next-page-h-font bottom-button bi-border-left bi-border-top" }); this.bottomBtn.on(BI.IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self._finetuning(-o.step); self.fireEvent(BI.NumberEditor.EVENT_CHANGE); self.fireEvent(BI.NumberEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.htape", element: this, items: [this.editor, { el: { type: "bi.grid", columns: 1, rows: 2, items: [{ column: 0, row: 0, el: this.topBtn }, { column: 0, row: 1, el: this.bottomBtn }] }, width: 23 }] }); }, // 微调 _finetuning: function (add) { var v = BI.parseFloat(this.getValue()); this.setValue(v.add(add)); }, setUpEnable: function (v) { this.topBtn.setEnable(!!v); }, setDownEnable: function (v) { this.bottomBtn.setEnable(!!v); }, getValue: function () { return this.options.value; }, setValue: function (v) { var o = this.options; o.value = v; this.editor.setValue(o.valueFormatter(v)); } }); BI.NumberEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.NumberEditor.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.number_editor", BI.NumberEditor);// 小于号的值为:0,小于等于号的值为:1 // closeMIn:最小值的符号,closeMax:最大值的符号 /** * Created by roy on 15/9/17. * */ BI.NumberInterval = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { constants: { typeError: "typeBubble", numberError: "numberBubble", signalError: "signalBubble", editorWidth: 114, columns: 5, width: 30, rows: 1, numberErrorCls: "number-error", border: 1, less: 0, less_equal: 1, numTip: "" }, _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.NumberInterval.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { extraCls: "bi-number-interval", height: 25, validation: "valid" }); }, _init: function () { var self = this, c = this.constants, o = this.options; BI.NumberInterval.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.smallEditor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.editor", height: o.height - 2, watermark: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Unrestricted"), allowBlank: true, value: o.min, level: "warning", tipType: "warning", quitChecker: function () { return false; }, validationChecker: function (v) { if (!BI.isNumeric(v)) { self.smallEditorBubbleType = c.typeError; return false; } return true; }, cls: "number-interval-small-editor bi-border-top bi-border-bottom bi-border-left" }); this.smallTip = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", text: o.numTip, height: o.height - 2, invisible: true }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this.smallEditor.element, items: [{ el: this.smallTip, top: 0, right: 5 }] }); this.bigEditor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.editor", height: o.height - 2, watermark: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Unrestricted"), allowBlank: true, value: o.max, level: "warning", tipType: "warning", quitChecker: function () { return false; }, validationChecker: function (v) { if (!BI.isNumeric(v)) { self.bigEditorBubbleType = c.typeError; return false; } return true; }, cls: "number-interval-big-editor bi-border-top bi-border-bottom bi-border-right" }); this.bigTip = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", text: o.numTip, height: o.height - 2, invisible: true }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this.bigEditor.element, items: [{ el: this.bigTip, top: 0, right: 5 }] }); // this.smallCombo = BI.createWidget({ // type: "bi.number_interval_combo", // cls: "number-interval-small-combo", // height: o.height, // value: o.closemin ? 1 : 0, // offsetStyle: "left" // }); // // this.bigCombo = BI.createWidget({ // type: "bi.number_interval_combo", // cls: "number-interval-big-combo", // height: o.height, // value: o.closemax ? 1 : 0, // offsetStyle: "left" // }); this.smallCombo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_combo", cls: "number-interval-small-combo bi-border", height: o.height - 2, items: [{ text: "(" + BI.i18nText("BI-Less_Than") + ")", iconCls: "less-font", value: 0 }, { text: "(" + BI.i18nText("BI-Less_And_Equal") + ")", value: 1, iconCls: "less-equal-font" }] }); if (o.closemin === true) { this.smallCombo.setValue(1); } else { this.smallCombo.setValue(0); } this.bigCombo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_combo", cls: "number-interval-big-combo bi-border", height: o.height - 2, items: [{ text: "(" + BI.i18nText("BI-Less_Than") + ")", iconCls: "less-font", value: 0 }, { text: "(" + BI.i18nText("BI-Less_And_Equal") + ")", value: 1, iconCls: "less-equal-font" }] }); if (o.closemax === true) { this.bigCombo.setValue(1); } else { this.bigCombo.setValue(0); } this.label = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Value"), textHeight: o.height - c.border * 2, width: c.width - c.border * 2, height: o.height - c.border * 2, level: "warning", tipType: "warning" }); this.left = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.htape", items: [{ el: self.smallEditor }, { el: self.smallCombo, width: c.width - c.border * 2 }] }); this.right = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.htape", items: [{ el: self.bigCombo, width: c.width - c.border * 2 }, { el: self.bigEditor }] }); BI.createWidget({ element: self, type: "bi.center", hgap: 15, height: o.height, items: [ { type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: self.left, left: -15, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }, { type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: self.right, left: 0, right: -15, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] } ] }); BI.createWidget({ element: self, type: "bi.horizontal_auto", items: [ self.label ] }); self._setValidEvent(self.bigEditor, c.bigEditor); self._setValidEvent(self.smallEditor, c.smallEditor); self._setErrorEvent(self.bigEditor, c.bigEditor); self._setErrorEvent(self.smallEditor, c.smallEditor); self._setBlurEvent(self.bigEditor); self._setBlurEvent(self.smallEditor); self._setFocusEvent(self.bigEditor); self._setFocusEvent(self.smallEditor); self._setComboValueChangedEvent(self.bigCombo); self._setComboValueChangedEvent(self.smallCombo); self._setEditorValueChangedEvent(self.bigEditor); self._setEditorValueChangedEvent(self.smallEditor); }, _checkValidation: function () { var self = this, c = this.constants, o = this.options; self._setTitle(""); BI.Bubbles.hide(c.typeError); BI.Bubbles.hide(c.numberError); BI.Bubbles.hide(c.signalError); if (!self.smallEditor.isValid() || !self.bigEditor.isValid()) { self.element.removeClass("number-error"); o.validation = "invalid"; return c.typeError; } if (BI.isEmptyString(self.smallEditor.getValue()) || BI.isEmptyString(self.bigEditor.getValue())) { self.element.removeClass("number-error"); o.validation = "valid"; return ""; } var smallValue = parseFloat(self.smallEditor.getValue()), bigValue = parseFloat(self.bigEditor.getValue()), bigComboValue = self.bigCombo.getValue(), smallComboValue = self.smallCombo.getValue(); if (bigComboValue[0] === c.less_equal && smallComboValue[0] === c.less_equal) { if (smallValue > bigValue) { self.element.addClass("number-error"); o.validation = "invalid"; return c.numberError; } self.element.removeClass("number-error"); o.validation = "valid"; return ""; } if (smallValue > bigValue) { self.element.addClass("number-error"); o.validation = "invalid"; return c.numberError; } else if (smallValue === bigValue) { self.element.addClass("number-error"); o.validation = "invalid"; return c.signalError; } self.element.removeClass("number-error"); o.validation = "valid"; return ""; }, _setTitle: function (v) { var self = this; self.bigEditor.setTitle(v); self.smallEditor.setTitle(v); self.label.setTitle(v); }, _setFocusEvent: function (w) { var self = this, c = this.constants; w.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_FOCUS, function () { self._setTitle(""); switch (self._checkValidation()) { case c.typeError: BI.Bubbles.show(c.typeError, BI.i18nText("BI-Numerical_Interval_Input_Data"), self, { offsetStyle: "center" }); break; case c.numberError: BI.Bubbles.show(c.numberError, BI.i18nText("BI-Numerical_Interval_Number_Value"), self, { offsetStyle: "center" }); break; case c.signalError: BI.Bubbles.show(c.signalError, BI.i18nText("BI-Numerical_Interval_Signal_Value"), self, { offsetStyle: "center" }); break; default : return; } }); }, _setBlurEvent: function (w) { var c = this.constants, self = this; w.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_BLUR, function () { BI.Bubbles.hide(c.typeError); BI.Bubbles.hide(c.numberError); BI.Bubbles.hide(c.signalError); switch (self._checkValidation()) { case c.typeError: self._setTitle(BI.i18nText("BI-Numerical_Interval_Input_Data")); break; case c.numberError: self._setTitle(BI.i18nText("BI-Numerical_Interval_Number_Value")); break; case c.signalError: self._setTitle(BI.i18nText("BI-Numerical_Interval_Signal_Value")); break; default: self._setTitle(""); } }); }, _setErrorEvent: function (w) { var c = this.constants, self = this; w.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_ERROR, function () { self._checkValidation(); BI.Bubbles.show(c.typeError, BI.i18nText("BI-Numerical_Interval_Input_Data"), self, { offsetStyle: "center" }); self.fireEvent(BI.NumberInterval.EVENT_ERROR); }); }, _setValidEvent: function (w) { var self = this, c = this.constants; w.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_VALID, function () { switch (self._checkValidation()) { case c.numberError: BI.Bubbles.show(c.numberError, BI.i18nText("BI-Numerical_Interval_Number_Value"), self, { offsetStyle: "center" }); self.fireEvent(BI.NumberInterval.EVENT_ERROR); break; case c.signalError: BI.Bubbles.show(c.signalError, BI.i18nText("BI-Numerical_Interval_Signal_Value"), self, { offsetStyle: "center" }); self.fireEvent(BI.NumberInterval.EVENT_ERROR); break; default: self.fireEvent(BI.NumberInterval.EVENT_VALID); } }); }, _setEditorValueChangedEvent: function (w) { var self = this, c = this.constants; w.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { switch (self._checkValidation()) { case c.typeError: BI.Bubbles.show(c.typeError, BI.i18nText("BI-Numerical_Interval_Input_Data"), self, { offsetStyle: "center" }); break; case c.numberError: BI.Bubbles.show(c.numberError, BI.i18nText("BI-Numerical_Interval_Number_Value"), self, { offsetStyle: "center" }); break; case c.signalError: BI.Bubbles.show(c.signalError, BI.i18nText("BI-Numerical_Interval_Signal_Value"), self, { offsetStyle: "center" }); break; default : break; } self.fireEvent(BI.NumberInterval.EVENT_CHANGE); }); }, _setComboValueChangedEvent: function (w) { var self = this, c = this.constants; w.on(BI.IconCombo.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { switch (self._checkValidation()) { case c.typeError: self._setTitle(BI.i18nText("BI-Numerical_Interval_Input_Data")); self.fireEvent(BI.NumberInterval.EVENT_ERROR); break; case c.numberError: self._setTitle(BI.i18nText("BI-Numerical_Interval_Number_Value")); self.fireEvent(BI.NumberInterval.EVENT_ERROR); break; case c.signalError: self._setTitle(BI.i18nText("BI-Numerical_Interval_Signal_Value")); self.fireEvent(BI.NumberInterval.EVENT_ERROR); break; default : self.fireEvent(BI.NumberInterval.EVENT_CHANGE); self.fireEvent(BI.NumberInterval.EVENT_VALID); } }); }, isStateValid: function () { return this.options.validation === "valid"; }, setMinEnable: function (b) { this.smallEditor.setEnable(b); }, setCloseMinEnable: function (b) { this.smallCombo.setEnable(b); }, setMaxEnable: function (b) { this.bigEditor.setEnable(b); }, setCloseMaxEnable: function (b) { this.bigCombo.setEnable(b); }, showNumTip: function () { this.smallTip.setVisible(true); this.bigTip.setVisible(true); }, hideNumTip: function () { this.smallTip.setVisible(false); this.bigTip.setVisible(false); }, setNumTip: function (numTip) { this.smallTip.setText(numTip); this.bigTip.setText(numTip); }, getNumTip: function () { return this.smallTip.getText(); }, setValue: function (data) { data = data || {}; var self = this, combo_value; if (BI.isNumeric(data.min) || BI.isEmptyString(data.min)) { self.smallEditor.setValue(data.min); } if (!BI.isNotNull(data.min)) { self.smallEditor.setValue(""); } if (BI.isNumeric(data.max) || BI.isEmptyString(data.max)) { self.bigEditor.setValue(data.max); } if (!BI.isNotNull(data.max)) { self.bigEditor.setValue(""); } if (!BI.isNull(data.closemin)) { if (data.closemin === true) { combo_value = 1; } else { combo_value = 0; } self.smallCombo.setValue(combo_value); } if (!BI.isNull(data.closemax)) { if (data.closemax === true) { combo_value = 1; } else { combo_value = 0; } self.bigCombo.setValue(combo_value); } }, getValue: function () { var self = this, value = {}, minComboValue = self.smallCombo.getValue(), maxComboValue = self.bigCombo.getValue(); value.min = self.smallEditor.getValue(); value.max = self.bigEditor.getValue(); if (minComboValue[0] === 0) { value.closemin = false; } else { value.closemin = true; } if (maxComboValue[0] === 0) { value.closemax = false; } else { value.closemax = true; } return value; } }); BI.NumberInterval.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.NumberInterval.EVENT_VALID = "EVENT_VALID"; BI.NumberInterval.EVENT_ERROR = "EVENT_ERROR"; BI.shortcut("bi.number_interval", BI.NumberInterval);/** * * 表格 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/22. * @class BI.PageTableCell * @extends BI.Single */ BI.PageTableCell = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.PageTableCell.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-page-table-cell", text: "", title: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.PageTableCell.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var label = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", element: this, textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", height: this.options.height, text: this.options.text, title: this.options.title, value: this.options.value, lgap: 5, rgap: 5 }); if (BI.isNotNull(this.options.styles) && BI.isObject(this.options.styles)) { this.element.css(this.options.styles); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.page_table_cell", BI.PageTableCell);/** * 分页表格 * * Created by GUY on 2016/2/15. * @class BI.PageTable * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.PageTable = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _const: { scrollWidth: 18, minScrollWidth: 100 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.PageTable.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-page-table", el: { type: "bi.sequence_table" }, pager: { horizontal: { pages: false, // 总页数 curr: 1, // 初始化当前页, pages为数字时可用 hasPrev: BI.emptyFn, hasNext: BI.emptyFn, firstPage: 1, lastPage: BI.emptyFn }, vertical: { pages: false, // 总页数 curr: 1, // 初始化当前页, pages为数字时可用 hasPrev: BI.emptyFn, hasNext: BI.emptyFn, firstPage: 1, lastPage: BI.emptyFn } }, itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, isNeedFreeze: false, // 是否需要冻结单元格 freezeCols: [], // 冻结的列号,从0开始,isNeedFreeze为true时生效 isNeedMerge: false, // 是否需要合并单元格 mergeCols: [], // 合并的单元格列号 mergeRule: BI.emptyFn, columnSize: [], minColumnSize: [], maxColumnSize: [], headerRowSize: 25, rowSize: 25, regionColumnSize: [], headerCellStyleGetter: BI.emptyFn, summaryCellStyleGetter: BI.emptyFn, sequenceCellStyleGetter: BI.emptyFn, header: [], items: [], // 二维数组 // 交叉表头 crossHeader: [], crossItems: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.PageTable.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.hCurr = 1; this.vCurr = 1; this.table = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.sequence_table", width: o.width, height: o.height && o.height - 30, isNeedResize: true, isResizeAdapt: false, isNeedFreeze: o.isNeedFreeze, freezeCols: o.freezeCols, isNeedMerge: o.isNeedMerge, mergeCols: o.mergeCols, mergeRule: o.mergeRule, columnSize: o.columnSize, minColumnSize: o.minColumnSize, maxColumnSize: o.maxColumnSize, headerRowSize: o.headerRowSize, rowSize: o.rowSize, regionColumnSize: o.regionColumnSize, headerCellStyleGetter: o.headerCellStyleGetter, summaryCellStyleGetter: o.summaryCellStyleGetter, sequenceCellStyleGetter: o.sequenceCellStyleGetter, header: o.header, items: o.items, // 交叉表头 crossHeader: o.crossHeader, crossItems: o.crossItems }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_REGION_RESIZE, function () { o.regionColumnSize = this.getRegionColumnSize(); o.columnSize = this.getColumnSize(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_REGION_RESIZE, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_COLUMN_RESIZE, function () { o.regionColumnSize = this.getRegionColumnSize(); o.columnSize = this.getColumnSize(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_COLUMN_RESIZE, arguments); }); this.pager = BI.createWidget(o.pager, { type: "bi.direction_pager", height: 30 }); this.pager.on(BI.Pager.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { var vpage = this.getVPage && this.getVPage(); if (BI.isNull(vpage)) { vpage = this.getCurrentPage(); } var hpage = this.getHPage && this.getHPage(); o.itemsCreator({ vpage: vpage, hpage: hpage }, function (items, header, crossItems, crossHeader) { self.table.setVPage ? self.table.setVPage(vpage) : self.table.setValue(vpage); self.table.setHPage && self.table.setHPage(hpage); self.populate.apply(self, arguments); }); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.table, left: 0, top: 0 }, { el: this.pager, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); }, setHPage: function (v) { this.hCurr = v; this.pager.setHPage && this.pager.setHPage(v); this.table.setHPage && this.table.setHPage(v); }, setVPage: function (v) { this.vCurr = v; this.pager.setVPage && this.pager.setVPage(v); this.table.setVPage && this.table.setVPage(v); }, getHPage: function () { var hpage = this.pager.getHPage && this.pager.getHPage(); if (BI.isNotNull(hpage)) { return hpage; } hpage = this.pager.getCurrentPage && this.pager.getCurrentPage(); if (BI.isNotNull(hpage)) { return hpage; } return this.hpage; }, getVPage: function () { var vpage = this.pager.getVPage && this.pager.getVPage(); if (BI.isNotNull(vpage)) { return vpage; } vpage = this.pager.getCurrentPage && this.pager.getCurrentPage(); if (BI.isNotNull(vpage)) { return vpage; } return this.vpage; }, setWidth: function (width) { BI.PageTable.superclass.setWidth.apply(this, arguments); this.table.setWidth(width); }, setHeight: function (height) { BI.PageTable.superclass.setHeight.apply(this, arguments); var showPager = false; if (this.pager.alwaysShowPager) { showPager = true; } else if (this.pager.hasHNext && this.pager.hasHNext()) { showPager = true; } else if (this.pager.hasHPrev && this.pager.hasHPrev()) { showPager = true; } else if (this.pager.hasVNext && this.pager.hasVNext()) { showPager = true; } else if (this.pager.hasVPrev && this.pager.hasVPrev()) { showPager = true; } else if (this.pager.hasNext && this.pager.hasNext()) { showPager = true; } else if (this.pager.hasPrev && this.pager.hasPrev()) { showPager = true; } this.table.setHeight(height - (showPager ? 30 : 0)); }, setColumnSize: function (columnSize) { this.options.columnSize = columnSize; this.table.setColumnSize(columnSize); }, getColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getColumnSize(); }, setRegionColumnSize: function (columnSize) { this.options.columnSize = columnSize; this.table.setRegionColumnSize(columnSize); }, getRegionColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getRegionColumnSize(); }, getVerticalScroll: function () { return this.table.getVerticalScroll(); }, setLeftHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { this.table.setLeftHorizontalScroll(scrollLeft); }, setRightHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { this.table.setRightHorizontalScroll(scrollLeft); }, setVerticalScroll: function (scrollTop) { this.table.setVerticalScroll(scrollTop); }, restore: function () { this.table.restore(); }, attr: function () { BI.PageTable.superclass.attr.apply(this, arguments); this.table.attr.apply(this.table, arguments); }, populate: function () { this.pager.populate(); this.table.populate.apply(this.table, arguments); }, destroy: function () { this.table.destroy(); this.pager && this.pager.destroy(); BI.PageTable.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.page_table", BI.PageTable);/** * 路径选择 * * Created by GUY on 2015/12/4. * @class BI.PathChooser * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.PathChooser = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _const: { lineColor: "#d4dadd", selectLineColor: "#3f8ce8" }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.PathChooser.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-path-chooser", items: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.PathChooser.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _createRegions: function (regions) { var self = this; this.regions = BI.createWidgets(BI.map(regions, function (i, region) { return { type: "bi.path_region", title: self.texts[region] || region }; })); this.regionMap = {}; BI.each(regions, function (i, region) { self.regionMap[region] = i; }); this.container = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.horizontal", verticalAlign: "top", scrollx: false, scrolly: false, hgap: 10, items: this.regions }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical_adapt", element: this, scrollable: true, hgap: 10, items: [this.container] }); }, getRegionIndexById: function (id) { var node = this.cache[id]; var regionType = node.get("region"); return this.regionMap[regionType]; }, _drawPath: function (start, offset, index) { var self = this; var starts = []; if (BI.contains(this.start, start)) { starts = this.start; } else { starts = [start]; } BI.each(starts, function (i, s) { BI.each(self.radios[s], function (i, rad) { rad.setSelected(false); }); BI.each(self.lines[s], function (i, line) { line.attr("stroke", self._const.lineColor); }); BI.each(self.regionIndexes[s], function (i, idx) { self.regions[idx].reset(); }); }); BI.each(this.routes[start][index], function (i, id) { var regionIndex = self.getRegionIndexById(id); self.regions[regionIndex].setSelect(offset + index, id); }); var current = BI.last(this.routes[start][index]); while (current && this.routes[current] && this.routes[current].length === 1) { BI.each(this.routes[current][0], function (i, id) { var regionIndex = self.getRegionIndexById(id); self.regions[regionIndex].setSelect(0, id); }); this.lines[current][0].attr("stroke", self._const.selectLineColor).toFront(); current = BI.last(this.routes[current][0]); } this.lines[start][index].attr("stroke", self._const.selectLineColor).toFront(); this.radios[start] && this.radios[start][index] && this.radios[start][index].setSelected(true); }, _drawRadio: function (start, offset, index, x, y) { var self = this; var radio = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.radio", cls: "path-chooser-radio", selected: offset + index === 0, start: start, index: index }); radio.on(BI.Radio.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self._drawPath(start, offset, index); self.fireEvent(BI.PathChooser.EVENT_CHANGE, start, index); }); if (!this.radios[start]) { this.radios[start] = []; } this.radios[start].push(radio); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this.container, items: [{ el: radio, left: x - 6.5, top: y - 6.5 }] }); }, _drawLine: function (start, lines) { var self = this; if (!this.lines[start]) { this.lines[start] = []; } if (!this.pathes[start]) { this.pathes[start] = []; } var startRegionIndex = this.getRegionIndexById(start); // start所在的位置,然后接着往下画其他的路径 var offset = this.regions[startRegionIndex].getIndexByValue(start); BI.each(lines, function (i, line) { self.pathes[start][i] = []; var idx = i + offset; var path = ""; var stop = 47.5 + 29 * idx; var sleft = 50 + 100 * startRegionIndex; var radioStartX = sleft, radioStartY = stop; var etop = stop; var endRegionIndex = self.getRegionIndexById(BI.last(line)); var endOffset = self.regions[endRegionIndex].getIndexByValue(BI.last(line)); var eleft = 50 + 100 * endRegionIndex; if (BI.contains(self.start, start)) { radioStartX = sleft - 50; path += "M" + (sleft - 50) + "," + stop; self.pathes[start][i].push({ x: sleft - 50, y: stop }); } else if (idx === 0) { radioStartX = sleft + 50; path += "M" + sleft + "," + stop; self.pathes[start][i].push({ x: sleft, y: stop }); } else { radioStartX = sleft + 50; path += "M" + sleft + "," + 47.5 + "L" + (sleft + 50) + "," + 47.5 + "L" + (sleft + 50) + "," + stop; self.pathes[start][i].push({ x: sleft, y: 47.5 }); self.pathes[start][i].push({ x: sleft + 50, y: 47.5 }); self.pathes[start][i].push({ x: sleft + 50, y: stop }); } if (idx > 0) { var endY = endOffset * 29 + 47.5; path += "L" + (eleft - 50) + "," + etop + "L" + (eleft - 50) + "," + endY + "L" + eleft + "," + endY; self.pathes[start][i].push({ x: eleft - 50, y: etop }); self.pathes[start][i].push({ x: eleft - 50, y: endY }); self.pathes[start][i].push({ x: eleft, y: endY }); } else { path += "L" + eleft + "," + etop; self.pathes[start][i].push({ x: eleft, y: etop }); } var graph = self.svg.path(path) .attr({ stroke: idx === 0 ? self._const.selectLineColor : self._const.lineColor, "stroke-dasharray": "-" }); self.lines[start].push(graph); if (lines.length > 1) { self.lines[start][0].toFront(); } // 第一个元素无论有多少个都要显示radio if (BI.contains(self.start, start)) { self.lines[self.regions[0].getValueByIndex(0)][0].toFront(); } if (lines.length > 1 || BI.contains(self.start, start)) { self._drawRadio(start, offset, i, radioStartX, radioStartY); } }); }, _drawLines: function (routes) { var self = this; this.lines = {}; this.pathes = {}; this.radios = {}; this.regionIndexes = {}; BI.each(routes, function (k, route) { if (!self.regionIndexes[k]) { self.regionIndexes[k] = []; } BI.each(route, function (i, rs) { BI.each(rs, function (j, id) { var regionIndex = self.getRegionIndexById(id); if (!BI.contains(self.regionIndexes[k], regionIndex)) { self.regionIndexes[k].push(regionIndex); } }); }); }); BI.each(routes, function (k, route) { self._drawLine(k, route); }); }, _pushNodes: function (nodes) { var self = this; var indexes = []; for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var id = nodes[i]; var index = self.getRegionIndexById(id); indexes.push(index); var region = self.regions[index]; if (i === nodes.length - 1) { if (!region.hasItem(id)) { region.addItem(id, self.texts[id]); } break; } if (i > 0 || BI.contains(self.start, id)) { region.addItem(id, self.texts[id]); } } for (var i = BI.first(indexes); i < BI.last(indexes); i++) { if (!BI.contains(indexes, i)) { self.regions[i].addItem(""); } } }, _createNodes: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this.cache = {}; this.texts = {}; this.start = []; this.end = []; BI.each(o.items, function (i, item) { self.start.push(BI.first(item).value); self.end.push(BI.last(item).value); }); this.start = BI.uniq(this.start); this.end = BI.uniq(this.end); var regions = []; var tree = new BI.Tree(); var branches = {}, max = 0; BI.each(o.items, function (i, items) { BI.each(items, function (j, item) { if (!BI.has(branches, item.value)) { branches[item.value] = 0; } branches[item.value]++; max = Math.max(max, branches[item.value]); var prev = {}; if (j > 0) { prev = items[j - 1]; } var parent = self.cache[prev.value || ""]; var node = self.cache[item.value] || new BI.Node(item.value); node.set(item); self.cache[item.value] = node; self.texts[item.value] = item.text; self.texts[item.region] = item.regionText; parent = BI.isNull(parent) ? tree.getRoot() : parent; if (parent.getChildIndex(item.value) === -1) { tree.addNode(parent, node); } }); }); // 算出区域列表 tree.traverse(function (node) { BI.each(node.getChildren(), function (i, child) { if (BI.contains(regions, child.get("region"))) { var index1 = BI.indexOf(regions, node.get("region")); var index2 = BI.indexOf(regions, child.get("region")); // 交换区域 if (index1 > index2) { var t = regions[index2]; for (var j = index2; j < index1; j++) { regions[j] = regions[j + 1]; } regions[index1] = t; } } else { regions.push(child.get("region")); } }); }); this._createRegions(regions); // 算出节点 BI.each(branches, function (k, branch) { if (branch < max) { delete branches[k]; } }); // 过滤节点 var nodes = []; var n = tree.getRoot(); while (n && n.getChildrenLength() === 1) { if (BI.has(branches, n.getChildren()[0].id)) { delete branches[n.getChildren()[0].id]; n = n.getChildren()[0]; } else { n = null; } } tree.traverse(function (node) { if (BI.has(branches, node.id)) { nodes.push(node.id); delete branches[node.id]; } }); // 填充节点 var routes = {}; var s, e; for (var i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len + 1; i++) { if (len === 0) { s = []; BI.each(this.start, function (i, id) { s.push(tree.search(id)); }); e = []; BI.each(this.end, function (i, id) { e.push(tree.search(id)); }); } else if (i === len) { s = e; e = []; BI.each(this.end, function (i, id) { e.push(tree.search(id)); }); } else if (i === 0) { s = []; BI.each(this.start, function (i, id) { s.push(tree.search(id)); }); e = [tree.search(nodes[i])]; } else { s = [tree.search(e[0] || tree.getRoot(), nodes[i - 1])]; e = [tree.search(s[0], nodes[i])]; } BI.each(s, function (i, n) { tree._recursion(n, [n.id], function (node, route) { if (BI.contains(e, node)) { if (!routes[n.id]) { routes[n.id] = []; } routes[n.id].push(route); self._pushNodes(route); if (e.length <= 1) { return true; } } }); }); } this.routes = routes; this._drawLines(routes); }, _unselectAllPath: function () { var self = this; BI.each(this.radios, function (idx, rad) { BI.each(rad, function (i, r) { r.setSelected(false); }); }); BI.each(this.lines, function (idx, line) { BI.each(line, function (i, li) { li.attr("stroke", self._const.lineColor); }); }); BI.each(this.regions, function (idx, region) { region.reset(); }); }, populate: function (items) { this.options.items = items || []; var self = this; this.empty(); if (this.options.items.length <= 0) { return; } this.svg = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.svg" }); this._createNodes(); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this.container, items: [{ el: this.svg, top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); }, setValue: function (v) { this._unselectAllPath(); var nodes = BI.keys(this.routes), self = this; var result = [], array = []; BI.each(v, function (i, val) { if (BI.contains(nodes, val)) { if (array.length > 0) { array.push(val); result.push(array); array = []; } } array.push(val); }); if (array.length > 0) { result.push(array); } // 画这n条路径 BI.each(result, function (idx, path) { var start = path[0]; var index = BI.findIndex(self.routes[start], function (idx, p) { if (BI.isEqual(path, p)) { return true; } }); if (index >= 0) { var startRegionIndex = self.getRegionIndexById(start); var offset = self.regions[startRegionIndex].getIndexByValue(start); self._drawPath(start, offset, index); } }); }, getValue: function () { var path = []; BI.each(this.regions, function (i, region) { var val = region.getValue(); if (BI.isKey(val)) { path.push(val); } }); return path; } }); BI.PathChooser.EVENT_CHANGE = "PathChooser.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.path_chooser", BI.PathChooser);/** * 路径选择区域 * * Created by GUY on 2015/12/4. * @class BI.PathRegion * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.PathRegion = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.PathRegion.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-path-region bi-background", width: 80, title: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.PathRegion.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.zIndex = 100; var title = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", text: o.title, title: o.title, height: 30 }); title.element.css("zIndex", this.zIndex--); this.items = []; this.vertical = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, bgap: 5, hgap: 10, items: [title] }); }, hasItem: function (val) { return BI.any(this.items, function (i, item) { return val === item.getValue(); }); }, addItem: function (value, text) { if (BI.isKey(value)) { var label = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "path-region-label bi-card bi-border bi-list-item-select", text: text, value: value, title: text || value, height: 24 }); } else { var label = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", height: 24 }); } label.element.css("zIndex", this.zIndex--); this.items.push(label); this.vertical.addItem(label); if (this.items.length === 1) { this.setSelect(0, value); } }, reset: function () { BI.each(this.items, function (i, item) { item.element.removeClass("active"); }); }, setSelect: function (index, value) { this.reset(); if (this.items.length <= 0) { return; } if (this.items.length === 1) { this.items[0].element.addClass("active"); return; } if (this.items[index].attr("value") === value) { this.items[index].element.addClass("active"); } }, setValue: function (value) { this.setSelect(this.getIndexByValue(value), value); }, getValueByIndex: function (idx) { return this.items[idx].attr("value"); }, getIndexByValue: function (value) { return BI.findIndex(this.items, function (i, item) { return item.attr("value") === value; }); }, getValue: function () { var res; BI.any(this.items, function (i, item) { if (item.element.hasClass("active")) { res = item.getValue(); return true; } }); return res; } }); BI.PathRegion.EVENT_CHANGE = "PathRegion.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.path_region", BI.PathRegion);/** * 预览表列 * * Created by GUY on 2015/12/25. * @class BI.PreviewTableCell * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.PreviewTableCell = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.PreviewTableCell.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-preview-table-cell", text: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.PreviewTableCell.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", element: this, textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "normal", height: this.options.height, text: this.options.text, value: this.options.value }); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.preview_table_cell", BI.PreviewTableCell);/** * 预览表 * * Created by GUY on 2015/12/25. * @class BI.PreviewTableHeaderCell * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.PreviewTableHeaderCell = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.PreviewTableHeaderCell.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-preview-table-header-cell", text: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.PreviewTableHeaderCell.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", element: this, textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "normal", height: this.options.height, text: this.options.text, value: this.options.value }); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.preview_table_header_cell", BI.PreviewTableHeaderCell);/** * 预览表 * * Created by GUY on 2015/12/25. * @class BI.PreviewTable * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.PreviewTable = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.PreviewTable.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-preview-table", isNeedFreeze: false, freezeCols: [], rowSize: null, columnSize: [], headerRowSize: 30, header: [], items: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.PreviewTable.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.table = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.table_view", element: this, isNeedResize: false, isResizeAdapt: false, isNeedFreeze: o.isNeedFreeze, freezeCols: o.freezeCols, rowSize: o.rowSize, columnSize: o.columnSize, headerRowSize: o.headerRowSize, header: BI.map(o.header, function (i, items) { return BI.map(items, function (j, item) { return BI.extend({ type: "bi.preview_table_header_cell" }, item); }); }), items: BI.map(o.items, function (i, items) { return BI.map(items, function (j, item) { return BI.extend({ type: "bi.preview_table_cell" }, item); }); }) }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_INIT, function () { self._adjustColumns(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_INIT, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_RESIZE, function () { self._adjustColumns(); }); }, // 是否有自适应调节的列,即列宽为"" _hasAdaptCol: function (columnSize) { return BI.any(columnSize, function (i, size) { return size === ""; }); }, _isPercentage: function (columnSize) { return columnSize[0] <= 1; }, _adjustColumns: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.isNeedFreeze === true) { // 如果存在百分比的情况 if (this._isPercentage(o.columnSize)) { if (this._hasAdaptCol(o.columnSize)) { var findCols = [], remain = 0; BI.each(o.columnSize, function (i, size) { if (size === "") { findCols.push(i); } else { remain += size; } }); remain = 1 - remain; var average = remain / findCols.length; BI.each(findCols, function (i, col) { o.columnSize[col] = average; }); } var isRight = BI.first(o.freezeCols) !== 0; var freezeSize = [], notFreezeSize = []; BI.each(o.columnSize, function (i, size) { if (o.freezeCols.contains(i)) { freezeSize.push(size); } else { notFreezeSize.push(size); } }); var sumFreezeSize = BI.sum(freezeSize), sumNotFreezeSize = BI.sum(notFreezeSize); BI.each(freezeSize, function (i, size) { freezeSize[i] = size / sumFreezeSize; }); BI.each(notFreezeSize, function (i, size) { notFreezeSize[i] = size / sumNotFreezeSize; }); this.table.setRegionColumnSize(isRight ? ["fill", sumFreezeSize] : [sumFreezeSize, "fill"]); this.table.setColumnSize(isRight ? (notFreezeSize.concat(freezeSize)) : (freezeSize.concat(notFreezeSize))); } } else { // 如果存在自适应宽度的列或者是百分比计算的列,需要将整个表宽设为100% if (this._hasAdaptCol(o.columnSize) || this._isPercentage(o.columnSize)) { this.table.setRegionColumnSize(["100%"]); } } }, setColumnSize: function (columnSize) { return this.table.setColumnSize(columnSize); }, getColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getColumnSize(); }, getCalculateColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getCalculateColumnSize(); }, setHeaderColumnSize: function (columnSize) { return this.table.setHeaderColumnSize(columnSize); }, setRegionColumnSize: function (columnSize) { return this.table.setRegionColumnSize(columnSize); }, getRegionColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getRegionColumnSize(); }, getCalculateRegionColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getCalculateRegionColumnSize(); }, getCalculateRegionRowSize: function () { return this.table.getCalculateRegionRowSize(); }, getClientRegionColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getClientRegionColumnSize(); }, getScrollRegionColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getScrollRegionColumnSize(); }, getScrollRegionRowSize: function () { return this.table.getScrollRegionRowSize(); }, hasVerticalScroll: function () { return this.table.hasVerticalScroll(); }, setVerticalScroll: function (scrollTop) { return this.table.setVerticalScroll(scrollTop); }, setLeftHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { return this.table.setLeftHorizontalScroll(scrollLeft); }, setRightHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { return this.table.setRightHorizontalScroll(scrollLeft); }, getVerticalScroll: function () { return this.table.getVerticalScroll(); }, getLeftHorizontalScroll: function () { return this.table.getLeftHorizontalScroll(); }, getRightHorizontalScroll: function () { return this.table.getRightHorizontalScroll(); }, getColumns: function () { return this.table.getColumns(); }, populate: function (items, header) { this.table.populate(items, header); } }); BI.PreviewTable.EVENT_CHANGE = "PreviewTable.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.preview_table", BI.PreviewTable);/** * 季度下拉框 * * Created by GUY on 2015/8/28. * @class BI.QuarterCombo * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.QuarterCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.QuarterCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-quarter-combo", behaviors: {}, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.QuarterCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.storeValue = ""; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.quarter_trigger" }); this.trigger.on(BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_FOCUS, function () { self.storeValue = this.getKey(); }); this.trigger.on(BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_START, function () { self.combo.isViewVisible() && self.combo.hideView(); }); this.trigger.on(BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_STOP, function () { if (!self.combo.isViewVisible()) { self.combo.showView(); } }); this.trigger.on(BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { if (self.combo.isViewVisible()) { return; } if (this.getKey() && this.getKey() !== self.storeValue) { self.setValue(this.getKey()); } else if (!this.getKey()) { self.setValue(); } self.fireEvent(BI.QuarterCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.quarter_popup", behaviors: o.behaviors }); this.popup.on(BI.QuarterPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(self.popup.getValue()); self.combo.hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.QuarterCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", element: this, isNeedAdjustHeight: false, isNeedAdjustWidth: false, el: this.trigger, popup: { minWidth: 85, el: this.popup } }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.QuarterCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW); }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.trigger.setValue(v); this.popup.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.popup.getValue() || ""; } }); BI.QuarterCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.QuarterCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW"; BI.shortcut("bi.quarter_combo", BI.QuarterCombo);/** * 季度展示面板 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/2. * @class BI.QuarterPopup * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.QuarterPopup = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.QuarterPopup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-quarter-popup", behaviors: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.QuarterPopup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var items = [{ text: Date._QN[01], value: 1 }, { text: Date._QN[2], value: 2 }, { text: Date._QN[3], value: 3 }, { text: Date._QN[4], value: 4 }]; items = BI.map(items, function (j, item) { return BI.extend(item, { type: "bi.text_item", cls: "bi-list-item-active", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", once: false, forceSelected: true, height: 25 }); }); this.quarter = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button_group", element: this, behaviors: o.behaviors, items: BI.createItems(items, {}), layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] }); this.quarter.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.MonthPopup.EVENT_CHANGE); } }); }, getValue: function () { return this.quarter.getValue()[0]; }, setValue: function (v) { this.quarter.setValue([v]); } }); BI.QuarterPopup.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.quarter_popup", BI.QuarterPopup);/** * 季度trigger * * Created by GUY on 2015/8/21. * @class BI.QuarterTrigger * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.QuarterTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { _const: { hgap: 4, vgap: 2, textWidth: 40, errorText: BI.i18nText("BI-Quarter_Trigger_Error_Text") }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.QuarterTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-quarter-trigger bi-border", height: 24 }); }, _init: function () { BI.QuarterTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options, c = this._const; this.editor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.sign_editor", height: o.height, validationChecker: function (v) { return v === "" || (BI.isPositiveInteger(v) && v >= 1 && v <= 4); }, quitChecker: function (v) { return false; }, hgap: c.hgap, vgap: c.vgap, allowBlank: true, errorText: c.errorText }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_FOCUS, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_FOCUS); }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { var value = self.editor.getValue(); if (BI.isNotNull(value)) { self.editor.setValue(value); self.editor.setTitle(value); } self.fireEvent(BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_SPACE, function () { if (self.editor.isValid()) { self.editor.blur(); } }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_START, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_START); }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_STOP); }); BI.createWidget({ element: this, type: "bi.htape", items: [ { el: this.editor }, { el: { type: "bi.text_button", baseCls: "bi-trigger-quarter-text", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Quarter"), width: c.textWidth }, width: c.textWidth }, { el: { type: "bi.trigger_icon_button", width: o.height }, width: o.height } ] }); }, setValue: function (v) { v = v || ""; this.editor.setState(v); this.editor.setValue(v); this.editor.setTitle(v); }, getKey: function () { return this.editor.getValue(); } }); BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS"; BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.shortcut("bi.quarter_trigger", BI.QuarterTrigger);/** * 关联视图字段Item * * Created by GUY on 2015/12/23. * @class BI.RelationViewItem * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.RelationViewItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.RelationViewItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-relation-view-item bi-list-item-active", hoverIn: BI.emptyFn, hoverOut: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.RelationViewItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.element.hover(o.hoverIn, o.hoverOut); o.text = BI.isArray(o.text) ? o.text : [o.text]; var body = []; var header = { type: "bi.vertical_adapt", cls: "primary-key-font", items: [] }; if (o.isPrimary) { header.items.push({ type: "bi.icon", width: 12, height: 16, title: BI.i18nText("BI-Primary_Key") }); } header.items.push({ type: "bi.label", text: o.text.length > 1 ? BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Union_Relation") : o.text[0], value: o.value, height: 25, textAlign: "left", width: o.isPrimary ? 70 : 90, lgap: o.isPrimary ? 0 : 10 }); if(o.text.length > 1){ body = BI.map(o.text, function (idx, text) { return { type: "bi.label", text: text, value: o.value, height: 25, textAlign: "left", width: 70, lgap: 15 } }) } BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, items: BI.concat([header], body) }); }, enableHover: function (opt) { BI.RelationViewRegion.superclass.enableHover.apply(this, [{ container: "body" }]); }, setSelected: function (b) { this.element[b ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("active"); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.relation_view_item", BI.RelationViewItem);/** * 关联视图 * * Created by GUY on 2015/12/22. * @class BI.RelationView * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.RelationView = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _const: { lineColor: "#c4c6c6", selectLineColor: "#009de3" }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.RelationView.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-relation-view", items: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.RelationView.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.populate(this.options.items); }, _calculateWidths: function () { var widths = []; BI.each(this.views, function (i, items) { BI.each(items, function (j, obj) { if (!widths[j]) { widths[j] = BI.MIN; } widths[j] = Math.max(widths[j], obj.getWidth()); }); }); return widths; }, _calculateHeights: function () { var heights = BI.makeArray(BI.size(this.views), BI.MIN); BI.each(this.views, function (i, items) { BI.each(items, function (j, obj) { heights[i] = Math.max(heights[i], obj.getHeight()); }); }); return heights; }, _hoverIn: function (target) { var self = this, c = this._const; BI.each(this.relations, function (start, rs) { BI.each(rs, function (end, relation) { if (relation[0].primary.value === target || relation[0].foreign.value === target) { self.lines[start][end].attr("stroke", c.selectLineColor).toFront(); self.storeViews[start].setValue(relation[0].primary.value); self.storeViews[end].setValue(relation[0].foreign.value); } }); }); }, _hoverOut: function (target) { var self = this, c = this._const; BI.each(this.relations, function (start, rs) { BI.each(rs, function (end, relation) { if (relation[0].primary.value === target || relation[0].foreign.value === target) { self.lines[start][end].attr("stroke", c.lineColor); self.storeViews[start].setValue([]); self.storeViews[end].setValue([]); } }); }); }, previewRelationTables: function (relationTables, show) { if (!show) { BI.each(this.storeViews, function (i, view) { view.toggleRegion(true); view.setPreviewSelected(false); }); BI.each(this.lines, function (i, lines) { BI.each(lines, function (j, line) { line.show(); }); }); return; } BI.each(this.storeViews, function (id, view) { if (!relationTables.contains(id)) { view.toggleRegion(false); } else { view.setPreviewSelected(true); } }); BI.each(this.lines, function (id, lines) { BI.each(lines, function (cId, line) { if (!relationTables.contains(id) || !relationTables.contains(cId)) { line.hide(); } }); }); }, doRedMark: function (keyword) { BI.each(this.storeViews, function (idx, view) { view.doRedMark(keyword); }); }, populate: function (items) { var self = this, o = this.options, c = this._const; o.items = items || []; this.empty(); this.svg = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.svg" }); // 算出所有的区域和关联 var regions = this.regions = {}, relations = this.relations = {}; BI.each(items, function (i, item) { var pr = item.primary.region, fr = item.foreign && item.foreign.region; if (pr && !relations[pr]) { relations[pr] = {}; } if (pr && fr && !relations[pr][fr]) { relations[pr][fr] = []; } if (pr && !regions[pr]) { regions[pr] = []; } if (fr && !regions[fr]) { regions[fr] = []; } if (pr && !BI.deepContains(regions[pr], item.primary)) { regions[pr].push(item.primary); } if (fr && !BI.deepContains(regions[fr], item.foreign)) { regions[fr].push(item.foreign); } pr && fr && relations[pr][fr].push(item); }); // 求拓扑 var topology = []; var rs = BI.clone(regions), store = {}; while (!BI.isEmpty(rs)) { var clone = BI.clone(rs); BI.each(o.items, function (i, item) { if (!store[item.primary.region]) { delete clone[item.foreign && item.foreign.region]; } }); topology.push(BI.keys(clone)); BI.extend(store, clone); BI.each(clone, function (k, v) { delete rs[k]; }); } // 构建视图 var views = this.views = {}, storeViews = this.storeViews = {}, indexes = this.indexes = {}; var verticals = []; BI.each(topology, function (i, items) { if (!views[i]) { views[i] = {}; } var horizontal = []; BI.each(items, function (j, region) { var items = regions[region]; views[i][j] = storeViews[region] = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.relation_view_region_container", value: region, header: items[0].regionTitle, text: items.length > 0 ? items[0].regionText : "", handler: items.length > 0 ? items[0].regionHandler : BI.emptyFn, items: items, disabled: items[0].disabled, belongPackage: items.length > 0 ? items[0].belongPackage : true }); if (BI.isNotNull(items[0]) && BI.isNotNull(items[0].keyword)) { views[i][j].doRedMark(items[0].keyword); } views[i][j].on(BI.RelationViewRegionContainer.EVENT_HOVER_IN, function (v) { self._hoverIn(v); }); views[i][j].on(BI.RelationViewRegionContainer.EVENT_HOVER_OUT, function (v) { self._hoverOut(v); }); views[i][j].on(BI.RelationViewRegionContainer.EVENT_PREVIEW, function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.RelationView.EVENT_PREVIEW, region, v); }); indexes[region] = {i: i, j: j}; horizontal.push(views[i][j]); }); verticals.push({ type: "bi.horizontal", items: horizontal }); }); // 求每一行的高度 var heights = this._calculateHeights(); // 求每一列的宽度 var widths = this._calculateWidths(); // 求相对宽度和高度 var offsetWidths = [0], offsetHeights = [0]; BI.each(heights, function (i, h) { if (i === 0) { return; } offsetHeights[i] = offsetHeights[i - 1] + heights[i - 1]; }); BI.each(widths, function (i, w) { if (i === 0) { return; } offsetWidths[i] = offsetWidths[i - 1] + widths[i - 1]; }); // 画线 var lines = this.lines = {};// 缓存所有的线 BI.each(relations, function (start, rs) { BI.each(rs, function (end, relation) { var startIndex = indexes[start], endIndex = indexes[end]; var top = 0, right = 1, bottom = 2, left = 3; var startDirection = bottom, endDirection = top; // if (startIndex.j > endIndex.j) { // startDirection = left; // endDirection = right; // } else if (startIndex.j < endIndex.j) { // startDirection = right; // endDirection = left; // } else if (startIndex.i < endIndex.i) { // startDirection = bottom; // endDirection = top; // } else if (startIndex.i > endIndex.i) { // startDirection = top; // endDirection = bottom; // } var draw = function (i, j, direction, isForeign) { var x = offsetWidths[j] + (widths[j] - views[i][j].getWidth()) / 2; var y = offsetHeights[i]; var path = "", position; switch (direction) { case top: position = isForeign ? views[i][j].getTopRightPosition() : views[i][j].getTopLeftPosition(); x += position.x; y += position.y; path = "M" + x + "," + y + "L" + x + "," + (y - 10); y -= 10; break; case right: position = views[i][j].getRightPosition(); x += position.x; y += position.y; path = "M" + x + "," + y + "L" + (x + 10) + "," + y; x += 10; break; case bottom: position = views[i][j].getBottomPosition(); x += position.x; y += position.y; path = "M" + x + "," + y + "L" + x + "," + (y + 10); y += 10; break; case left: position = views[i][j].getLeftPosition(); x += position.x; y += position.y; path = "M" + x + "," + y + "L" + (x - 10) + "," + y; x -= 10; break; } return {x: x, y: y, path: path}; }; var path = ""; var si = draw(startIndex.i, startIndex.j, startDirection); var ei = draw(endIndex.i, endIndex.j, endDirection, true); path += si.path + ei.path; if (!lines[start]) { lines[start] = {}; } path += "M" + si.x + "," + si.y + "L" + ei.x + "," + ei.y; var line = lines[start][end] = self.svg.path(path) .attr({stroke: c.lineColor, "stroke-width": "2"}) .hover(function () { line.attr("stroke", c.selectLineColor).toFront(); storeViews[start].setValue(relation[0].primary.value); storeViews[end].setValue(relation[0].foreign.value); }, function () { line.attr("stroke", c.lineColor); storeViews[start].setValue([]); storeViews[end].setValue([]); }); }); }); var container = BI.createWidget(); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: container, items: verticals }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: container, items: [{ el: this.svg, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", scrollable: true, element: this, items: [container] }); } }); BI.RelationView.EVENT_CHANGE = "RelationView.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.RelationView.EVENT_PREVIEW = "EVENT_PREVIEW"; BI.shortcut("bi.relation_view", BI.RelationView);/** * Created by Young's on 2017/3/10. */ BI.RelationViewRegionContainer = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.RelationViewRegionContainer.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-relation-view-region-container", width: 200 }); }, _init: function () { BI.RelationViewRegionContainer.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.region = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.relation_view_region", value: o.value, width: o.width, header: o.header, text: o.text, handler: o.handler, disabled: o.disabled, items: o.items, belongPackage: o.belongPackage }); this.region.on(BI.RelationViewRegion.EVENT_PREVIEW, function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.RelationViewRegionContainer.EVENT_PREVIEW, v); }); this.region.on(BI.RelationViewRegion.EVENT_HOVER_IN, function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.RelationViewRegionContainer.EVENT_HOVER_IN, v); }); this.region.on(BI.RelationViewRegion.EVENT_HOVER_OUT, function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.RelationViewRegionContainer.EVENT_HOVER_OUT, v); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, items: [this.region], width: this.region.getWidth(), height: this.region.getHeight() }); }, doRedMark: function () { this.region.doRedMark.apply(this.region, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.region.unRedMark.apply(this.region, arguments); }, getWidth: function () { return this.region.getWidth(); }, getHeight: function () { return this.region.getHeight(); }, // 获取上方开始划线的位置 getTopLeftPosition: function () { return this.region.getTopLeftPosition(); }, getTopRightPosition: function () { return this.region.getTopRightPosition(); }, getBottomPosition: function () { return this.region.getBottomPosition(); }, getLeftPosition: function () { return this.region.getLeftPosition(); }, getRightPosition: function () { return this.region.getRightPosition(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.region.setValue(v); }, toggleRegion: function (v) { v === true ? this.region.element.fadeIn() : this.region.element.fadeOut(); }, setPreviewSelected: function (v) { this.region.setPreviewSelected(v); } }); BI.RelationViewRegionContainer.EVENT_HOVER_IN = "RelationViewRegion.EVENT_HOVER_IN"; BI.RelationViewRegionContainer.EVENT_HOVER_OUT = "RelationViewRegion.EVENT_HOVER_OUT"; BI.RelationViewRegionContainer.EVENT_PREVIEW = "RelationViewRegion.EVENT_PREVIEW"; BI.shortcut("bi.relation_view_region_container", BI.RelationViewRegionContainer);/** * 关联视图 * * Created by GUY on 2015/12/23. * @class BI.RelationViewRegion * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.RelationViewRegion = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.RelationViewRegion.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-relation-view-region cursor-pointer", width: 150, text: "", value: "", header: "", items: [], belongPackage: true }); }, _init: function () { BI.RelationViewRegion.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.preview = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "relation-table-preview-font", width: 25, height: 25, stopPropagation: true }); this.preview.on(BI.IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.RelationViewRegion.EVENT_PREVIEW, this.isSelected()); }); this.title = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", height: 25, width: 70, text: o.text, value: o.value, textAlign: "left" }); // title放body上 if (BI.isKey(o.header)) { this.title.setTitle(o.header, { container: "body" }); } this.button_group = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button_group", items: this._createItems(o.items), layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, items: [{ type: "bi.vertical", cls: "relation-view-region-container bi-card bi-border " + (o.belongPackage ? "" : "other-package"), items: [{ type: "bi.vertical_adapt", cls: "relation-view-region-title bi-border-bottom bi-background", items: [this.preview, this.title] }, this.button_group] }], hgap: 25, vgap: 20 }); }, _createItems: function (items) { var self = this; return BI.map(items, function (i, item) { var texts = BI.isArray(item.text) ? item.text : [item.text]; return BI.extend(item, { type: "bi.relation_view_item", height: texts.length > 1 ? (texts.length + 1) * 25 : 25, hoverIn: function () { self.setValue(item.value); self.fireEvent(BI.RelationViewRegion.EVENT_HOVER_IN, item.value); }, hoverOut: function () { self.setValue([]); self.fireEvent(BI.RelationViewRegion.EVENT_HOVER_OUT, item.value); } }); }); }, doRedMark: function () { this.title.doRedMark.apply(this.title, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.title.unRedMark.apply(this.title, arguments); }, getWidth: function () { return this.options.width; }, getHeight: function () { var height = 0; BI.each(this.button_group.getAllButtons(), function (idx, button) { height += button.getHeight(); }); return height + 25 + 2 * 20 + 3; }, // 获取上方开始划线的位置 getTopLeftPosition: function () { return { x: 25 + 10, y: 20 }; }, getTopRightPosition: function () { return { x: this.getWidth() - 25 - 10, y: 20 }; }, getBottomPosition: function () { return { x: 25 + 10, y: this.getHeight() - 20 }; }, getLeftPosition: function () { return { x: 25, y: 20 + 10 }; }, getRightPosition: function () { return { x: this.getWidth() - 25, y: 20 + 10 }; }, setValue: function (v) { this.button_group.setValue(v); }, setPreviewSelected: function (v) { this.preview.setSelected(v); } }); BI.RelationViewRegion.EVENT_HOVER_IN = "RelationViewRegion.EVENT_HOVER_IN"; BI.RelationViewRegion.EVENT_HOVER_OUT = "RelationViewRegion.EVENT_HOVER_OUT"; BI.RelationViewRegion.EVENT_PREVIEW = "RelationViewRegion.EVENT_PREVIEW"; BI.shortcut("bi.relation_view_region", BI.RelationViewRegion);/** * 自适应宽度的表格 * * Created by GUY on 2016/2/3. * @class BI.ResponisveTable * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.ResponisveTable = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _const: { perColumnSize: 100 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ResponisveTable.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-responsive-table", isNeedFreeze: false, // 是否需要冻结单元格 freezeCols: [], // 冻结的列号,从0开始,isNeedFreeze为true时生效 isNeedMerge: false, // 是否需要合并单元格 mergeCols: [], // 合并的单元格列号 mergeRule: function (row1, row2) { // 合并规则, 默认相等时合并 return BI.isEqual(row1, row2); }, columnSize: [], headerRowSize: 25, footerRowSize: 25, rowSize: 25, regionColumnSize: false, header: [], footer: false, items: [], // 二维数组 // 交叉表头 crossHeader: [], crossItems: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.ResponisveTable.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.table = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.table_view", element: this, isNeedFreeze: o.isNeedFreeze, freezeCols: o.freezeCols, isNeedMerge: o.isNeedMerge, mergeCols: o.mergeCols, mergeRule: o.mergeRule, columnSize: o.columnSize, headerRowSize: o.headerRowSize, footerRowSize: o.footerRowSize, rowSize: o.rowSize, regionColumnSize: o.regionColumnSize, header: o.header, footer: o.footer, items: o.items, // 交叉表头 crossHeader: o.crossHeader, crossItems: o.crossItems }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_INIT, function () { self._initRegionSize(); self.table.resize(); self._resizeHeader(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_INIT, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_RESIZE, function () { self._resizeRegion(); self._resizeHeader(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_RESIZE, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_BEFORE_REGION_RESIZE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_BEFORE_REGION_RESIZE, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_REGION_RESIZE, function () { // important:在冻结并自适应列宽的情况下要随时变更表头宽度 if (o.isNeedResize === true && self._isAdaptiveColumn()) { self._resizeHeader(); } self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_REGION_RESIZE, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_REGION_RESIZE, function () { self._resizeHeader(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_REGION_RESIZE, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_BEFORE_COLUMN_RESIZE, function () { self._resizeBody(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_BEFORE_COLUMN_RESIZE, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_COLUMN_RESIZE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_COLUMN_RESIZE, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_COLUMN_RESIZE, function () { self._resizeRegion(); self._resizeHeader(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_COLUMN_RESIZE, arguments); }); }, _initRegionSize: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.isNeedFreeze === true) { var regionColumnSize = this.table.getRegionColumnSize(); var maxWidth = this.table.element.width(); if (!regionColumnSize[0] || (regionColumnSize[0] === "fill") || regionColumnSize[0] > maxWidth || regionColumnSize[1] > maxWidth) { var freezeCols = o.freezeCols; if (freezeCols.length === 0) { this.table.setRegionColumnSize([0, "fill"]); } else if (freezeCols.length > 0 && freezeCols.length < o.columnSize.length) { var size = maxWidth / 3; if (freezeCols.length > o.columnSize.length / 2) { size = maxWidth * 2 / 3; } this.table.setRegionColumnSize([size, "fill"]); } else { this.table.setRegionColumnSize(["fill", 0]); } } } }, _getBlockSize: function () { var o = this.options; var columnSize = this.table.getCalculateColumnSize(); if (o.isNeedFreeze === true) { var columnSizeLeft = [], columnSizeRight = []; BI.each(columnSize, function (i, size) { if (o.freezeCols.contains(i)) { columnSizeLeft.push(size); } else { columnSizeRight.push(size); } }); // 因为有边框,所以加上数组长度的参数调整 var sumLeft = BI.sum(columnSizeLeft) + columnSizeLeft.length, sumRight = BI.sum(columnSizeRight) + columnSizeRight.length; return { sumLeft: sumLeft, sumRight: sumRight, left: columnSizeLeft, right: columnSizeRight }; } return { size: columnSize, sum: BI.sum(columnSize) + columnSize.length }; }, _isAdaptiveColumn: function (columnSize) { return !(BI.last(columnSize || this.table.getColumnSize()) > 1.05); }, _resizeHeader: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.isNeedFreeze === true) { // 若是当前处于自适应调节阶段 if (this._isAdaptiveColumn()) { var columnSize = this.table.getCalculateColumnSize(); this.table.setHeaderColumnSize(columnSize); } else { var regionColumnSize = this.table.getClientRegionColumnSize(); var block = this._getBlockSize(); var sumLeft = block.sumLeft, sumRight = block.sumRight; var columnSizeLeft = block.left, columnSizeRight = block.right; columnSizeLeft[columnSizeLeft.length - 1] += regionColumnSize[0] - sumLeft; columnSizeRight[columnSizeRight.length - 1] += regionColumnSize[1] - sumRight; var newLeft = BI.clone(columnSizeLeft), newRight = BI.clone(columnSizeRight); newLeft[newLeft.length - 1] = ""; newRight[newRight.length - 1] = ""; this.table.setColumnSize(newLeft.concat(newRight)); block = self._getBlockSize(); if (columnSizeLeft[columnSizeLeft.length - 1] < block.left[block.left.length - 1]) { columnSizeLeft[columnSizeLeft.length - 1] = block.left[block.left.length - 1]; } if (columnSizeRight[columnSizeRight.length - 1] < block.right[block.right.length - 1]) { columnSizeRight[columnSizeRight.length - 1] = block.right[block.right.length - 1]; } self.table.setColumnSize(columnSizeLeft.concat(columnSizeRight)); } } else { if (!this._isAdaptiveColumn()) { var regionColumnSize = this.table.getClientRegionColumnSize(); var block = this._getBlockSize(); var sum = block.sum; var size = block.size; size[size.length - 1] += regionColumnSize[0] - sum; var newSize = BI.clone(size); newSize[newSize.length - 1] = ""; this.table.setColumnSize(newSize); block = this._getBlockSize(); if (size[size.length - 1] < block.size[block.size.length - 1]) { size[size.length - 1] = block.size[block.size.length - 1]; } this.table.setColumnSize(size); } } }, _resizeBody: function () { if (this._isAdaptiveColumn()) { var columnSize = this.table.getCalculateColumnSize(); this.setColumnSize(columnSize); } }, _adjustRegion: function () { var o = this.options; var regionColumnSize = this.table.getCalculateRegionColumnSize(); if (o.isNeedFreeze === true && o.freezeCols.length > 0 && o.freezeCols.length < o.columnSize.length) { var block = this._getBlockSize(); var sumLeft = block.sumLeft, sumRight = block.sumRight; if (sumLeft < regionColumnSize[0] || regionColumnSize[0] >= (sumLeft + sumRight)) { this.table.setRegionColumnSize([sumLeft, "fill"]); } this._resizeRegion(); } }, _resizeRegion: function () { var o = this.options; var regionColumnSize = this.table.getCalculateRegionColumnSize(); if (o.isNeedFreeze === true && o.freezeCols.length > 0 && o.freezeCols.length < o.columnSize.length) { var maxWidth = this.table.element.width(); if (regionColumnSize[0] < 15 || regionColumnSize[1] < 15) { var freezeCols = o.freezeCols; var size = maxWidth / 3; if (freezeCols.length > o.columnSize.length / 2) { size = maxWidth * 2 / 3; } this.table.setRegionColumnSize([size, "fill"]); } } }, resize: function () { this.table.resize(); this._resizeRegion(); this._resizeHeader(); }, setColumnSize: function (columnSize) { this.table.setColumnSize(columnSize); this._adjustRegion(); this._resizeHeader(); }, getColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getColumnSize(); }, getCalculateColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getCalculateColumnSize(); }, setHeaderColumnSize: function (columnSize) { this.table.setHeaderColumnSize(columnSize); this._adjustRegion(); this._resizeHeader(); }, setRegionColumnSize: function (columnSize) { this.table.setRegionColumnSize(columnSize); this._resizeHeader(); }, getRegionColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getRegionColumnSize(); }, getCalculateRegionColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getCalculateRegionColumnSize(); }, getCalculateRegionRowSize: function () { return this.table.getCalculateRegionRowSize(); }, getClientRegionColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getClientRegionColumnSize(); }, getScrollRegionColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getScrollRegionColumnSize(); }, getScrollRegionRowSize: function () { return this.table.getScrollRegionRowSize(); }, hasVerticalScroll: function () { return this.table.hasVerticalScroll(); }, setVerticalScroll: function (scrollTop) { this.table.setVerticalScroll(scrollTop); }, setLeftHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { this.table.setLeftHorizontalScroll(scrollLeft); }, setRightHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { this.table.setRightHorizontalScroll(scrollLeft); }, getVerticalScroll: function () { return this.table.getVerticalScroll(); }, getLeftHorizontalScroll: function () { return this.table.getLeftHorizontalScroll(); }, getRightHorizontalScroll: function () { return this.table.getRightHorizontalScroll(); }, getColumns: function () { return this.table.getColumns(); }, attr: function () { BI.ResponisveTable.superclass.attr.apply(this, arguments); this.table.attr.apply(this.table, arguments); }, populate: function (items) { var self = this, o = this.options; this.table.populate.apply(this.table, arguments); if (o.isNeedFreeze === true) { BI.nextTick(function () { self._initRegionSize(); self.table.resize(); self._resizeHeader(); }); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.responsive_table", BI.ResponisveTable);/** * 加号表示的组节点 * Created by GUY on 2015/9/6. * @class BI.SelectTreeFirstPlusGroupNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.SelectTreeFirstPlusGroupNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.SelectTreeFirstPlusGroupNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-select-tree-first-plus-group-node bi-list-item-active", logic: { dynamic: false }, id: "", pId: "", readonly: true, open: false, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.SelectTreeFirstPlusGroupNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.checkbox = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.first_tree_node_checkbox", stopPropagation: true }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHeight: o.height, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.checkbox.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { if (this.isSelected()) { self.triggerExpand(); } else { self.triggerCollapse(); } } }); var type = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(BI.Direction.Left); var items = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(BI.Direction.Left, { width: 25, el: this.checkbox }, this.text); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(type, BI.extend(o.logic, { items: items })))); }, isOnce: function () { return true; }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doClick: function () { BI.NodeButton.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); }, setOpened: function (v) { BI.SelectTreeFirstPlusGroupNode.superclass.setOpened.apply(this, arguments); if (BI.isNotNull(this.checkbox)) { this.checkbox.setSelected(v); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.select_tree_first_plus_group_node", BI.SelectTreeFirstPlusGroupNode);/** * 加号表示的组节点 * Created by GUY on 2015/9/6. * @class BI.SelectTreeLastPlusGroupNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.SelectTreeLastPlusGroupNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.SelectTreeLastPlusGroupNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-select-tree-last-plus-group-node bi-list-item-active", logic: { dynamic: false }, id: "", pId: "", readonly: true, open: false, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.SelectTreeLastPlusGroupNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.checkbox = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.last_tree_node_checkbox", stopPropagation: true }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHeight: o.height, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.checkbox.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { if (this.isSelected()) { self.triggerExpand(); } else { self.triggerCollapse(); } } }); var type = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(BI.Direction.Left); var items = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(BI.Direction.Left, { width: 25, el: this.checkbox }, this.text); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(type, BI.extend(o.logic, { items: items })))); }, isOnce: function () { return true; }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doClick: function () { BI.NodeButton.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); }, setOpened: function (v) { BI.SelectTreeLastPlusGroupNode.superclass.setOpened.apply(this, arguments); if (BI.isNotNull(this.checkbox)) { this.checkbox.setSelected(v); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.select_tree_last_plus_group_node", BI.SelectTreeLastPlusGroupNode);/** * 加号表示的组节点 * Created by GUY on 2015/9/6. * @class BI.SelectTreeMidPlusGroupNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.SelectTreeMidPlusGroupNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.SelectTreeMidPlusGroupNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-select-tree-mid-plus-group-node bi-list-item-active", logic: { dynamic: false }, id: "", pId: "", readonly: true, open: false, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.SelectTreeMidPlusGroupNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.checkbox = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.mid_tree_node_checkbox", stopPropagation: true }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHeight: o.height, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py }); this.checkbox.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { if (this.isSelected()) { self.triggerExpand(); } else { self.triggerCollapse(); } } }); var type = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(BI.Direction.Left); var items = BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(BI.Direction.Left, { width: 25, el: this.checkbox }, this.text); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(type, BI.extend(o.logic, { items: items })))); }, isOnce: function () { return true; }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doClick: function () { BI.NodeButton.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); }, setOpened: function (v) { BI.SelectTreeMidPlusGroupNode.superclass.setOpened.apply(this, arguments); if (BI.isNotNull(this.checkbox)) { this.checkbox.setSelected(v); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.select_tree_mid_plus_group_node", BI.SelectTreeMidPlusGroupNode);/** * @class BI.SelectTreeCombo * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.SelectTreeCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SelectTreeCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-select-tree-combo", height: 30, text: "", items: [], value: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.SelectTreeCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.single_tree_trigger", text: o.text, height: o.height, items: o.items, value: o.value }); this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.select_level_tree", items: o.items, value: o.value }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", element: this, adjustLength: 2, el: this.trigger, popup: { el: this.popup } }); this.combo.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.popup.on(BI.SingleTreePopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(self.popup.getValue()); self.combo.hideView(); }); }, setValue: function (v) { v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; this.trigger.setValue(v); this.popup.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.popup.getValue(); }, populate: function (items) { this.combo.populate(items); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.select_tree_combo", BI.SelectTreeCombo);/** * @class BI.SelectTreeExpander * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.SelectTreeExpander = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SelectTreeExpander.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-select-tree-expander", trigger: "click", toggle: true, direction: "bottom", isDefaultInit: true, el: {}, popup: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.SelectTreeExpander.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.trigger = BI.createWidget(BI.extend({stopPropagation: true}, o.el)); this.trigger.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { if (this.isSelected()) { self.expander.setValue([]); } } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.expander = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.expander", element: this, trigger: o.trigger, toggle: o.toggle, direction: o.direction, isDefaultInit: o.isDefaultInit, el: this.trigger, popup: o.popup }); this.expander.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.trigger.setSelected(false); } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); }, setValue: function (v) { if (BI.contains(v, this.trigger.getValue())) { this.trigger.setSelected(true); this.expander.setValue([]); } else { this.trigger.setSelected(false); this.expander.setValue(v); } }, getValue: function () { if (this.trigger.isSelected()) { return [this.trigger.getValue()]; } return this.expander.getValue(); }, populate: function (items) { this.expander.populate(items); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.select_tree_expander", BI.SelectTreeExpander);/** * @class BI.SelectTreePopup * @extends BI.Pane */ BI.SelectTreePopup = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SelectTreePopup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-select-level-tree", tipText: BI.i18nText("BI-No_Selected_Item"), items: [], value: "" }); }, _formatItems: function (nodes, layer) { var self = this; BI.each(nodes, function (i, node) { var extend = {layer: layer}; node.id = node.id || BI.UUID(); if (node.isParent === true || BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.children)) { switch (i) { case 0 : extend.type = "bi.select_tree_first_plus_group_node"; break; case nodes.length - 1 : extend.type = "bi.select_tree_last_plus_group_node"; break; default : extend.type = "bi.select_tree_mid_plus_group_node"; break; } BI.defaults(node, extend); self._formatItems(node.children); } else { switch (i) { case nodes.length - 1: extend.type = "bi.last_tree_leaf_item"; break; default : extend.type = "bi.mid_tree_leaf_item"; } BI.defaults(node, extend); } }); return nodes; }, _init: function () { BI.SelectTreePopup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.tree = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.level_tree", expander: { type: "bi.select_tree_expander", isDefaultInit: true }, items: this._formatItems(BI.Tree.transformToTreeFormat(o.items)), value: o.value, chooseType: BI.Selection.Single }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, items: [this.tree] }); this.tree.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.tree.on(BI.LevelTree.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SelectTreePopup.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.check(); }, getValue: function () { return this.tree.getValue(); }, setValue: function (v) { v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; this.tree.setValue(v); }, populate: function (items) { BI.SelectTreePopup.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this.tree.populate(this._formatItems(BI.Tree.transformToTreeFormat(items))); } }); BI.SelectTreePopup.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.select_level_tree", BI.SelectTreePopup);/** * * Created by GUY on 2016/8/10. * @class BI.SequenceTableDynamicNumber * @extends BI.SequenceTableTreeNumber */ BI.SequenceTableDynamicNumber = BI.inherit(BI.SequenceTableTreeNumber, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SequenceTableDynamicNumber.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-sequence-table-dynamic-number" }); }, _init: function () { BI.SequenceTableDynamicNumber.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, _formatNumber: function (nodes) { var self = this, o = this.options; var result = []; var count = this._getStart(nodes); function getLeafCount (node) { var cnt = 0; if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.children)) { BI.each(node.children, function (index, child) { cnt += getLeafCount(child); }); if (node.children.length > 1 && BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.values)) { cnt++; } } else { cnt++; } return cnt; } var start = 0, top = 0; BI.each(nodes, function (i, node) { if (BI.isArray(node.children)) { BI.each(node.children, function (index, child) { var cnt = getLeafCount(child); result.push({ text: count++, start: start, top: top, cnt: cnt, index: index, height: cnt * o.rowSize }); start += cnt; top += cnt * o.rowSize; }); if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.values)) { result.push({ text: BI.i18nText("BI-Summary_Values"), start: start++, top: top, cnt: 1, isSummary: true, height: o.rowSize }); top += o.rowSize; } } }); return result; } }); BI.shortcut("bi.sequence_table_dynamic_number", BI.SequenceTableDynamicNumber);/** * * Created by GUY on 2016/5/26. * @class BI.SequenceTableListNumber * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.SequenceTableListNumber = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SequenceTableListNumber.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-sequence-table-list-number", isNeedFreeze: false, scrollTop: 0, startSequence: 1, // 开始的序号 headerRowSize: 25, rowSize: 25, sequenceHeaderCreator: null, header: [], items: [], // 二维数组 // 交叉表头 crossHeader: [], crossItems: [], pageSize: 20 }); }, _init: function () { BI.SequenceTableListNumber.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.start = o.startSequence; this.renderedCells = []; this.renderedKeys = []; this.container = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", width: 60, scrollable: false }); this.scrollContainer = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrollable: false, scrolly: false, items: [this.container] }); this.headerContainer = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", cls: "bi-border", width: 58, scrollable: false }); this.layout = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vtape", element: this, items: [{ el: this.headerContainer, height: o.headerRowSize * o.header.length - 2 }, { el: {type: "bi.layout"}, height: 2 }, { el: this.scrollContainer }] }); this._populate(); }, _layout: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var headerHeight = o.headerRowSize * o.header.length - 2; var items = this.layout.attr("items"); if (o.isNeedFreeze === false) { items[0].height = 0; items[1].height = 0; } else if (o.isNeedFreeze === true) { items[0].height = headerHeight; items[1].height = 2; } this.layout.attr("items", items); this.layout.resize(); this.container.setHeight(o.items.length * o.rowSize); try { this.scrollContainer.element.scrollTop(o.scrollTop); } catch (e) { } }, _createHeader: function () { var o = this.options; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this.headerContainer, items: [{ el: o.sequenceHeaderCreator || { type: "bi.table_style_cell", cls: "sequence-table-title-cell", styleGetter: o.headerCellStyleGetter, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Number_Index") }, left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); }, _calculateChildrenToRender: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var scrollTop = BI.clamp(o.scrollTop, 0, o.rowSize * o.items.length - (o.height - o.header.length * o.headerRowSize) + BI.DOM.getScrollWidth()); var start = Math.floor(scrollTop / o.rowSize); var end = start + Math.floor((o.height - o.header.length * o.headerRowSize) / o.rowSize); var renderedCells = [], renderedKeys = []; for (var i = start, cnt = 0; i <= end && i < o.items.length; i++, cnt++) { var index = BI.deepIndexOf(this.renderedKeys, this.start + i); var top = i * o.rowSize; if (index > -1) { if (o.rowSize !== this.renderedCells[index]._height) { this.renderedCells[index]._height = o.rowSize; this.renderedCells[index].el.setHeight(o.rowSize); } if (this.renderedCells[index].top !== top) { this.renderedCells[index].top = top; this.renderedCells[index].el.element.css("top", top + "px"); } renderedCells.push(this.renderedCells[index]); } else { var child = BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ type: "bi.table_style_cell", cls: "sequence-table-number-cell bi-border-left bi-border-right bi-border-bottom", width: 60, height: o.rowSize, text: this.start + i, styleGetter: function (index) { return function () { return o.sequenceCellStyleGetter(self.start + i - 1); }; }(cnt) })); renderedCells.push({ el: child, left: 0, top: top, _height: o.rowSize }); } renderedKeys.push(this.start + i); } // 已存在的, 需要添加的和需要删除的 var existSet = {}, addSet = {}, deleteArray = []; BI.each(renderedKeys, function (i, key) { if (BI.deepContains(self.renderedKeys, key)) { existSet[i] = key; } else { addSet[i] = key; } }); BI.each(this.renderedKeys, function (i, key) { if (BI.deepContains(existSet, key)) { return; } if (BI.deepContains(addSet, key)) { return; } deleteArray.push(i); }); BI.each(deleteArray, function (i, index) { self.renderedCells[index].el.destroy(); }); var addedItems = []; BI.each(addSet, function (index) { addedItems.push(renderedCells[index]); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this.container, items: addedItems }); this.renderedCells = renderedCells; this.renderedKeys = renderedKeys; }, _populate: function () { this.headerContainer.empty(); this._createHeader(); this._layout(); this._calculateChildrenToRender(); }, setVerticalScroll: function (scrollTop) { if (this.options.scrollTop !== scrollTop) { this.options.scrollTop = scrollTop; try { this.scrollContainer.element.scrollTop(scrollTop); } catch (e) { } } }, getVerticalScroll: function () { return this.options.scrollTop; }, setVPage: function (v) { v = v < 1 ? 1 : v; var o = this.options; this.start = (v - 1) * o.pageSize + 1; }, _restore: function () { var o = this.options; BI.each(this.renderedCells, function (i, cell) { cell.el.destroy(); }); this.renderedCells = []; this.renderedKeys = []; }, restore: function () { this._restore(); }, populate: function (items, header) { var o = this.options; if (items && items !== this.options.items) { o.items = items; this._restore(); } if (header && header !== this.options.header) { o.header = header; } this._populate(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.sequence_table_list_number", BI.SequenceTableListNumber);/** * 带有序号的表格 * * Created by GUY on 2016/5/26. * @class BI.SequenceTable * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.SequenceTable = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SequenceTable.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-sequence-table", el: { type: "bi.adaptive_table" }, sequence: {}, isNeedResize: true, isResizeAdapt: false, isNeedFreeze: false, // 是否需要冻结单元格 freezeCols: [], // 冻结的列号,从0开始,isNeedFreeze为true时生效 isNeedMerge: false, // 是否需要合并单元格 mergeCols: [], // 合并的单元格列号 mergeRule: BI.emptyFn, columnSize: [], minColumnSize: [], maxColumnSize: [], headerRowSize: 25, rowSize: 25, regionColumnSize: [], headerCellStyleGetter: BI.emptyFn, summaryCellStyleGetter: BI.emptyFn, sequenceCellStyleGetter: BI.emptyFn, header: [], items: [], // 二维数组 // 交叉表头 crossHeader: [], crossItems: [], showSequence: false, startSequence: 1// 开始的序号 }); }, _init: function () { BI.SequenceTable.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.sequence = BI.createWidget(o.sequence, { type: "bi.sequence_table_list_number", invisible: o.showSequence === false, startSequence: o.startSequence, isNeedFreeze: o.isNeedFreeze, header: o.header, items: o.items, crossHeader: o.crossHeader, crossItems: o.crossItems, headerRowSize: o.headerRowSize, rowSize: o.rowSize, width: 60, height: o.height && o.height - BI.GridTableScrollbar.SIZE, headerCellStyleGetter: o.headerCellStyleGetter, summaryCellStyleGetter: o.summaryCellStyleGetter, sequenceCellStyleGetter: o.sequenceCellStyleGetter }); this.table = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.adaptive_table", width: o.showSequence === true ? o.width - 60 : o.width, height: o.height, isNeedResize: o.isNeedResize, isResizeAdapt: o.isResizeAdapt, isNeedFreeze: o.isNeedFreeze, freezeCols: o.freezeCols, isNeedMerge: o.isNeedMerge, mergeCols: o.mergeCols, mergeRule: o.mergeRule, columnSize: o.columnSize, minColumnSize: o.minColumnSize, maxColumnSize: o.maxColumnSize, headerRowSize: o.headerRowSize, rowSize: o.rowSize, regionColumnSize: o.regionColumnSize, headerCellStyleGetter: o.headerCellStyleGetter, summaryCellStyleGetter: o.summaryCellStyleGetter, sequenceCellStyleGetter: o.sequenceCellStyleGetter, header: o.header, items: o.items, // 交叉表头 crossHeader: o.crossHeader, crossItems: o.crossItems }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, function (scroll) { if (self.sequence.getVerticalScroll() !== this.getVerticalScroll()) { self.sequence.setVerticalScroll(this.getVerticalScroll()); self.sequence.populate(); } self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_SCROLL, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_REGION_RESIZE, function () { o.regionColumnSize = this.getRegionColumnSize(); o.columnSize = this.getColumnSize(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_REGION_RESIZE, arguments); }); this.table.on(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_COLUMN_RESIZE, function () { o.regionColumnSize = this.getRegionColumnSize(); o.columnSize = this.getColumnSize(); self.fireEvent(BI.Table.EVENT_TABLE_AFTER_COLUMN_RESIZE, arguments); }); this.htape = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.sequence, left: 0, top: 0 }, { el: this.table, top: 0, left: o.showSequence === true ? 60 : 0 }] }); this._populate(); }, _populate: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.showSequence === true) { this.sequence.setVisible(true); this.table.element.css("left", "60px"); this.table.setWidth(o.width - 60); } else { this.sequence.setVisible(false); this.table.element.css("left", "0px"); this.table.setWidth(o.width); } }, setWidth: function (width) { BI.PageTable.superclass.setWidth.apply(this, arguments); this.table.setWidth(this.options.showSequence ? width - 60 : width); }, setHeight: function (height) { BI.PageTable.superclass.setHeight.apply(this, arguments); this.table.setHeight(height); this.sequence.setHeight(height - BI.GridTableScrollbar.SIZE); }, setColumnSize: function (columnSize) { this.options.columnSize = columnSize; this.table.setColumnSize(columnSize); }, getColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getColumnSize(); }, setRegionColumnSize: function (columnSize) { this.options.columnSize = columnSize; this.table.setRegionColumnSize(columnSize); }, getRegionColumnSize: function () { return this.table.getRegionColumnSize(); }, hasLeftHorizontalScroll: function () { return this.table.hasLeftHorizontalScroll(); }, hasRightHorizontalScroll: function () { return this.table.hasRightHorizontalScroll(); }, setLeftHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { this.table.setLeftHorizontalScroll(scrollLeft); }, setRightHorizontalScroll: function (scrollLeft) { this.table.setRightHorizontalScroll(scrollLeft); }, setVerticalScroll: function (scrollTop) { this.table.setVerticalScroll(scrollTop); this.sequence.setVerticalScroll(scrollTop); }, getVerticalScroll: function () { return this.table.getVerticalScroll(); }, setVPage: function (page) { this.sequence.setVPage && this.sequence.setVPage(page); }, setHPage: function (page) { this.sequence.setHPage && this.sequence.setHPage(page); }, attr: function () { BI.SequenceTable.superclass.attr.apply(this, arguments); this.table.attr.apply(this.table, arguments); this.sequence.attr.apply(this.sequence, arguments); }, restore: function () { this.table.restore(); this.sequence.restore(); }, populate: function (items, header, crossItems, crossHeader) { var o = this.options; if (items) { o.items = items; } if (header) { o.header = header; } if (crossItems) { o.crossItems = crossItems; } if (crossHeader) { o.crossHeader = crossHeader; } this._populate(); this.table.populate.apply(this.table, arguments); this.sequence.populate.apply(this.sequence, arguments); this.sequence.setVerticalScroll(this.table.getVerticalScroll()); }, destroy: function () { this.table.destroy(); BI.SequenceTable.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.sequence_table", BI.SequenceTable);/** * 单选加载数据搜索loader面板 * Created by guy on 15/11/4. * @class BI.SingleSelectSearchLoader * @extends Widget */ BI.SingleSelectSearchLoader = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SingleSelectSearchLoader.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-single-select-search-loader", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, keywordGetter: BI.emptyFn, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.SingleSelectSearchLoader.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, opts = this.options; var hasNext = false; this.button_group = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.single_select_list", element: this, logic: { dynamic: false }, el: { tipText: BI.i18nText("BI-No_Select"), el: { type: "bi.loader", isDefaultInit: false, logic: { dynamic: true, scrolly: true }, el: { chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE, behaviors: { redmark: function () { return true; } }, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] } } }, itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { self.storeValue && (op = BI.extend(op || {}, { selectedValues: [self.storeValue] })); opts.itemsCreator(op, function (ob) { var keyword = ob.keyword = opts.keywordGetter(); hasNext = ob.hasNext; var firstItems = []; if (op.times === 1 && self.storeValue) { var json = BI.map([self.storeValue], function (i, v) { var txt = opts.valueFormatter(v) || v; return { text: txt, value: v, title: txt, selected: false }; }); firstItems = self._createItems(json); } callback(firstItems.concat(self._createItems(ob.items)), keyword); if (op.times === 1 && self.storeValue) { self.setValue(self.storeValue); } }); }, hasNext: function () { return hasNext; } }); this.button_group.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.button_group.on(BI.SingleSelectList.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectSearchLoader.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); }, _createItems: function (items) { return BI.createItems(items, { type: "bi.single_select_radio_item", logic: { dynamic: false }, height: 25, selected: false }); }, _filterValues: function (src) { var o = this.options; var keyword = o.keywordGetter(); var values = BI.deepClone(src.value) || []; var newValues = BI.map(values, function (i, v) { return { text: o.valueFormatter(v) || v, value: v }; }); if (BI.isKey(keyword)) { var search = BI.Func.getSearchResult(newValues, keyword); values = search.matched.concat(search.finded); } return BI.map(values, function (i, v) { return { text: v.text, title: v.text, value: v.value, selected: false }; }); }, setValue: function (v) { // 暂存的值一定是新的值,不然v改掉后,storeValue也跟着改了 this.storeValue = v; this.button_group.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.button_group.getValue(); }, getAllButtons: function () { return this.button_group.getAllButtons(); }, empty: function () { this.button_group.empty(); }, populate: function (items) { this.button_group.populate.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, resetHeight: function (h) { this.button_group.resetHeight(h); }, resetWidth: function (w) { this.button_group.resetWidth(w); } }); BI.SingleSelectSearchLoader.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.single_select_search_loader", BI.SingleSelectSearchLoader);/** * * 在搜索框中输入文本弹出的面板 * @class BI.SingleSelectSearchPane * @extends Widget */ BI.SingleSelectSearchPane = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { constants: { height: 25, lgap: 10, tgap: 5 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SingleSelectSearchPane.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-single-select-search-pane bi-card", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn, keywordGetter: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.SingleSelectSearchPane.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.tooltipClick = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", invisible: true, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Click_Blank_To_Select"), cls: "single-select-toolbar", height: this.constants.height }); this.loader = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.single_select_search_loader", keywordGetter: o.keywordGetter, valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { o.itemsCreator.apply(self, [op, function (res) { callback(res); self.setKeyword(o.keywordGetter()); }]); } }); this.loader.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.resizer = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vtape", element: this, items: [{ el: this.tooltipClick, height: 0 }, { el: this.loader }] }); this.tooltipClick.setVisible(false); }, setKeyword: function (keyword) { var btn; var isVisible = this.loader.getAllButtons().length > 0 && (btn = this.loader.getAllButtons()[0]) && (keyword === btn.getValue()); if (isVisible !== this.tooltipClick.isVisible()) { this.tooltipClick.setVisible(isVisible); this.resizer.attr("items")[0].height = (isVisible ? this.constants.height : 0); this.resizer.resize(); } }, hasMatched: function () { return this.tooltipClick.isVisible(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.loader.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.loader.getValue(); }, empty: function () { this.loader.empty(); }, populate: function (items) { this.loader.populate.apply(this.loader, arguments); } }); BI.SingleSelectSearchPane.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.single_select_search_pane", BI.SingleSelectSearchPane);/** * * @class BI.SingleSelectCombo * @extends BI.Single */ BI.SingleSelectCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SingleSelectCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-single-select-combo", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn, height: 28 }); }, _init: function () { BI.SingleSelectCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var assertShowValue = function () { BI.isKey(self._startValue) && (self.storeValue = self._startValue); self.trigger.getSearcher().setState(self.storeValue); }; this.storeValue = ""; // 标记正在请求数据 this.requesting = false; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.single_select_trigger", height: o.height, // adapter: this.popup, masker: { offset: { left: 1, top: 1, right: 2, bottom: 33 } }, valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { o.itemsCreator(op, function (res) { if (op.times === 1 && BI.isNotNull(op.keywords)) { // 预防trigger内部把当前的storeValue改掉 self.trigger.setValue(self.getValue()); } callback.apply(self, arguments); }); } }); this.trigger.on(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_START, function () { self._setStartValue(""); this.getSearcher().setValue(self.storeValue); }); this.trigger.on(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_STOP, function () { self._setStartValue(""); }); this.trigger.on(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { if (this.getSearcher().hasMatched()) { var keyword = this.getSearcher().getKeyword(); self._join({ type: BI.Selection.Multi, value: [keyword] }, function () { self.combo.setValue(self.storeValue); self._setStartValue(keyword); assertShowValue(); self.populate(); self._setStartValue(""); }); } }); this.trigger.on(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_SEARCHING, function (keywords) { var last = BI.last(keywords); keywords = BI.initial(keywords || []); if (keywords.length > 0) { self._joinKeywords(keywords, function () { if (BI.isEndWithBlank(last)) { self.combo.setValue(self.storeValue); assertShowValue(); self.combo.populate(); self._setStartValue(""); } else { self.combo.setValue(self.storeValue); assertShowValue(); } }); } }); this.trigger.on(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE, function (value, obj) { self.storeValue = this.getValue(); assertShowValue(); }); this.trigger.on(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_COUNTER_CLICK, function () { if (!self.combo.isViewVisible()) { self.combo.showView(); } }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", toggle: false, el: this.trigger, adjustLength: 1, popup: { type: "bi.single_select_popup_view", ref: function () { self.popup = this; self.trigger.setAdapter(this); }, listeners: [{ eventName: BI.SingleSelectPopupView.EVENT_CHANGE, action: function () { self.storeValue = this.getValue(); self._adjust(function () { assertShowValue(); }); } }, { eventName: BI.SingleSelectPopupView.EVENT_CLICK_CONFIRM, action: function () { self._defaultState(); } }, { eventName: BI.SingleSelectPopupView.EVENT_CLICK_CLEAR, action: function () { self.setValue(); self._defaultState(); } }], itemsCreator: o.itemsCreator, valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, onLoaded: function () { BI.nextTick(function () { self.combo.adjustWidth(); self.combo.adjustHeight(); self.trigger.getSearcher().adjustView(); }); } }, hideChecker: function (e) { return triggerBtn.element.find(e.target).length === 0; } }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () { this.setValue(self.storeValue); BI.nextTick(function () { self.populate(); }); }); // 当退出的时候如果还在处理请求,则等请求结束后再对外发确定事件 this.wants2Quit = false; this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW, function () { // important:关闭弹出时又可能没有退出编辑状态 self.trigger.stopEditing(); if (self.requesting === true) { self.wants2Quit = true; } else { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); } }); var triggerBtn = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.trigger_icon_button", width: o.height, height: o.height, cls: "single-select-trigger-icon-button bi-border-left" }); triggerBtn.on(BI.TriggerIconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { if (self.combo.isViewVisible()) { self.combo.hideView(); } else { self.combo.showView(); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.combo, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }, { el: triggerBtn, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); }, _defaultState: function () { this.trigger.stopEditing(); this.combo.hideView(); }, _assertValue: function (val) { val || (val = ""); }, _makeMap: function (values) { return BI.makeObject(values || []); }, _joinKeywords: function (keywords, callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; this._assertValue(this.storeValue); this.requesting = true; o.itemsCreator({ type: BI.SingleSelectCombo.REQ_GET_ALL_DATA, keywords: keywords }, function (ob) { var values = BI.pluck(ob.items, "value"); digest(values); }); function digest (items) { var selectedMap = self._makeMap(items); BI.each(keywords, function (i, val) { if (BI.isNotNull(selectedMap[val])) { self.storeValue.value["remove"](val); } }); self._adjust(callback); } }, _joinAll: function (res, callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; this._assertValue(res); this.requesting = true; o.itemsCreator({ type: BI.SingleSelectCombo.REQ_GET_ALL_DATA, keywords: [this.trigger.getKey()] }, function (ob) { var items = BI.pluck(ob.items, "value"); if (self.storeValue.type === res.type) { var change = false; var map = self._makeMap(self.storeValue.value); BI.each(items, function (i, v) { if (BI.isNotNull(map[v])) { change = true; delete map[v]; } }); change && (self.storeValue.value = BI.values(map)); self._adjust(callback); return; } var selectedMap = self._makeMap(self.storeValue.value); var notSelectedMap = self._makeMap(res.value); var newItems = []; BI.each(items, function (i, item) { if (BI.isNotNull(selectedMap[items[i]])) { delete selectedMap[items[i]]; } if (BI.isNull(notSelectedMap[items[i]])) { newItems.push(item); } }); self.storeValue.value = newItems.concat(BI.values(selectedMap)); self._adjust(callback); }); }, _adjust: function (callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; if (!this._count) { o.itemsCreator({ type: BI.SingleSelectCombo.REQ_GET_DATA_LENGTH }, function (res) { self._count = res.count; adjust(); callback(); }); } else { adjust(); callback(); } function adjust () { if (self.wants2Quit === true) { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); self.wants2Quit = false; } self.requesting = false; } }, _join: function (res, callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; this._assertValue(res); this._assertValue(this.storeValue); if (this.storeValue.type === res.type) { var map = this._makeMap(this.storeValue.value); BI.each(res.value, function (i, v) { if (!map[v]) { self.storeValue.value.push(v); map[v] = v; } }); var change = false; BI.each(res.assist, function (i, v) { if (BI.isNotNull(map[v])) { change = true; delete map[v]; } }); change && (this.storeValue.value = BI.values(map)); self._adjust(callback); return; } this._joinAll(res, callback); }, _setStartValue: function (value) { this._startValue = value; this.popup.setStartValue(value); }, setValue: function (v) { this.storeValue = v || ""; this._assertValue(this.storeValue); this.combo.setValue(this.storeValue); }, getValue: function () { return this.storeValue; }, populate: function () { this._count = null; this.combo.populate.apply(this.combo, arguments); } }); BI.extend(BI.SingleSelectCombo, { REQ_GET_DATA_LENGTH: 0, REQ_GET_ALL_DATA: -1 }); BI.SingleSelectCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.shortcut("bi.single_select_combo", BI.SingleSelectCombo);/** * 选择列表 * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/1. * @class BI.SingleSelectList * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.SingleSelectList = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SingleSelectList.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-select-list", direction: BI.Direction.Top, // toolbar的位置 logic: { dynamic: true }, items: [], itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, hasNext: BI.emptyFn, onLoaded: BI.emptyFn, el: { type: "bi.list_pane" } }); }, _init: function () { BI.SingleSelectList.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.list = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.list_pane", items: o.items, itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { o.itemsCreator(op, function (items) { callback.apply(self, arguments); }); }, onLoaded: o.onLoaded, hasNext: o.hasNext }); this.list.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectList.EVENT_CHANGE, value, obj); } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(o.direction), BI.extend({ scrolly: true }, o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(o.direction, this.list) })))); }, hasPrev: function () { return this.list.hasPrev(); }, hasNext: function () { return this.list.hasNext(); }, prependItems: function (items) { this.list.prependItems.apply(this.list, arguments); }, addItems: function (items) { this.list.addItems.apply(this.list, arguments); }, setValue: function (v) { this.list.setValue([v]); }, getValue: function () { return this.list.getValue()[0]; }, empty: function () { this.list.empty(); }, populate: function (items) { this.list.populate.apply(this.list, arguments); }, resetHeight: function (h) { this.list.resetHeight ? this.list.resetHeight(h) : this.list.element.css({"max-height": h + "px"}); }, setNotSelectedValue: function () { this.list.setNotSelectedValue.apply(this.list, arguments); }, getNotSelectedValue: function () { return this.list.getNotSelectedValue(); }, getAllButtons: function () { return this.list.getAllButtons(); }, getAllLeaves: function () { return this.list.getAllLeaves(); }, getSelectedButtons: function () { return this.list.getSelectedButtons(); }, getNotSelectedButtons: function () { return this.list.getNotSelectedButtons(); }, getIndexByValue: function (value) { return this.list.getIndexByValue(value); }, getNodeById: function (id) { return this.list.getNodeById(id); }, getNodeByValue: function (value) { return this.list.getNodeByValue(value); } }); BI.SingleSelectList.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.single_select_list", BI.SingleSelectList);/** * 单选加载数据面板 * Created by guy on 15/11/2. * @class BI.SingleSelectLoader * @extends Widget */ BI.SingleSelectLoader = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SingleSelectLoader.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-single-select-loader", logic: { dynamic: true }, el: { height: 400 }, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn, itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, onLoaded: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.SingleSelectLoader.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, opts = this.options; var hasNext = false; this.button_group = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.single_select_list", element: this, logic: opts.logic, el: BI.extend({ onLoaded: opts.onLoaded, el: { type: "bi.loader", isDefaultInit: false, logic: { dynamic: true, scrolly: true }, el: { chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE, behaviors: { redmark: function () { return true; } }, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] } } }, opts.el), itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { var startValue = self._startValue; self.storeValue && (op = BI.extend(op || {}, { selectedValues: [self.storeValue] })); opts.itemsCreator(op, function (ob) { hasNext = ob.hasNext; var firstItems = []; if (op.times === 1 && self.storeValue) { var json = BI.map([self.storeValue], function (i, v) { var txt = opts.valueFormatter(v) || v; return { text: txt, value: v, title: txt, selected: false }; }); firstItems = self._createItems(json); } callback(firstItems.concat(self._createItems(ob.items)), ob.keyword || ""); if (op.times === 1 && self.storeValue) { BI.isKey(startValue) && (self.storeValue = startValue); self.setValue(self.storeValue); } (op.times === 1) && self._scrollToTop(); }); }, hasNext: function () { return hasNext; } }); this.button_group.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.button_group.on(BI.SingleSelectList.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectLoader.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); }, _createItems: function (items) { return BI.createItems(items, { type: "bi.single_select_radio_item", logic: this.options.logic, height: 25, selected: false }); }, _scrollToTop: function () { var self = this; BI.delay(function () { self.button_group.element.scrollTop(0); }, 30); }, _assertValue: function (val) { val || (val = ""); }, setStartValue: function (v) { this._startValue = v; }, setValue: function (v) { this.storeValue = v || ""; this._assertValue(this.storeValue); this.button_group.setValue(this.storeValue); }, getValue: function () { return this.button_group.getValue(); }, getAllButtons: function () { return this.button_group.getAllButtons(); }, empty: function () { this.button_group.empty(); }, populate: function (items) { this.button_group.populate.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, resetHeight: function (h) { this.button_group.resetHeight(h); }, resetWidth: function (w) { this.button_group.resetWidth(w); } }); BI.SingleSelectLoader.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.single_select_loader", BI.SingleSelectLoader);/** * 带加载的单选下拉面板 * @class BI.SingleSelectPopupView * @extends Widget */ BI.SingleSelectPopupView = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SingleSelectPopupView.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-single-select-popup-view", maxWidth: "auto", minWidth: 135, maxHeight: 400, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn, itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, onLoaded: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.SingleSelectPopupView.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, opts = this.options; this.loader = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.single_select_loader", itemsCreator: opts.itemsCreator, valueFormatter: opts.valueFormatter, onLoaded: opts.onLoaded }); this.popupView = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_popup_view", stopPropagation: false, maxWidth: opts.maxWidth, minWidth: opts.minWidth, maxHeight: opts.maxHeight, element: this, buttons: [BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Clears"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Sure")], el: this.loader }); this.popupView.on(BI.MultiPopupView.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectPopupView.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.popupView.on(BI.MultiPopupView.EVENT_CLICK_TOOLBAR_BUTTON, function (index) { switch (index) { case 0: self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectPopupView.EVENT_CLICK_CLEAR); break; case 1: self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectPopupView.EVENT_CLICK_CONFIRM); break; } }); }, setStartValue: function (v) { this.loader.setStartValue(v); }, setValue: function (v) { this.popupView.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.popupView.getValue(); }, populate: function (items) { this.popupView.populate.apply(this.popupView, arguments); }, resetHeight: function (h) { this.popupView.resetHeight(h); }, resetWidth: function (w) { this.popupView.resetWidth(w); } }); BI.SingleSelectPopupView.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.SingleSelectPopupView.EVENT_CLICK_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CLICK_CONFIRM"; BI.SingleSelectPopupView.EVENT_CLICK_CLEAR = "EVENT_CLICK_CLEAR"; BI.shortcut("bi.single_select_popup_view", BI.SingleSelectPopupView);/** * * 单选下拉框 * @class BI.SingleSelectTrigger * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.SingleSelectTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { constants: { height: 14, rgap: 4, lgap: 4 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-single-select-trigger bi-border", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn, searcher: {}, switcher: {}, adapter: null, masker: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.SingleSelectTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.height) { this.setHeight(o.height - 2); } this.searcher = BI.createWidget(o.searcher, { type: "bi.single_select_searcher", height: o.height, itemsCreator: o.itemsCreator, valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, popup: {}, adapter: o.adapter, masker: o.masker }); this.searcher.on(BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_START, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_START); }); this.searcher.on(BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_PAUSE); }); this.searcher.on(BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_SEARCHING, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_SEARCHING, arguments); }); this.searcher.on(BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_STOP); }); this.searcher.on(BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); var wrapper = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.htape", element: this, items: [ { el: this.searcher, width: "fill" }, { el: BI.createWidget(), width: 30 }] }); }, getSearcher: function () { return this.searcher; }, stopEditing: function () { this.searcher.stopSearch(); }, setAdapter: function (adapter) { this.searcher.setAdapter(adapter); }, setValue: function (v) { this.searcher.setValue(v); }, getKey: function () { return this.searcher.getKey(); }, getValue: function () { return this.searcher.getValue(); } }); BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_TRIGGER_CLICK = "EVENT_TRIGGER_CLICK"; BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_COUNTER_CLICK = "EVENT_COUNTER_CLICK"; BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_SEARCHING = "EVENT_SEARCHING"; BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_BEFORE_COUNTER_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_COUNTER_POPUPVIEW"; BI.shortcut("bi.single_select_trigger", BI.SingleSelectTrigger);/** * 单选输入框 * Created by guy on 15/11/3. * @class BI.SingleSelectEditor * @extends Widget */ BI.SingleSelectEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _const: { checkSelected: BI.i18nText("BI-Check_Selected") }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SingleSelectEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-single-select-editor", el: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.SingleSelectEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.editor = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.state_editor", element: this, height: o.height, watermark: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Search"), allowBlank: true }); this.editor.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.StateEditor.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectEditor.EVENT_PAUSE); }); this.editor.on(BI.StateEditor.EVENT_CLICK_LABEL, function () { }); }, focus: function () { this.editor.focus(); }, blur: function () { this.editor.blur(); }, setState: function (state) { this.editor.setState(state); }, setValue: function (v) { this.editor.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { var v = this.editor.getState(); if (BI.isArray(v) && v.length > 0) { return v[v.length - 1]; } return ""; }, getKeywords: function () { var val = this.editor.getLastValidValue(); var keywords = val.match(/[\S]+/g); if (BI.isEndWithBlank(val)) { return keywords.concat([" "]); } return keywords; }, populate: function (items) { } }); BI.SingleSelectEditor.EVENT_PAUSE = "SingleSelectEditor.EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.shortcut("bi.single_select_editor", BI.SingleSelectEditor);/** * searcher * Created by guy on 15/11/3. * @class BI.SingleSelectSearcher * @extends Widget */ BI.SingleSelectSearcher = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SingleSelectSearcher.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-single-select-searcher", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, el: {}, popup: {}, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn, adapter: null, masker: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.SingleSelectSearcher.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.editor = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.single_select_editor", height: o.height }); this.searcher = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.searcher", element: this, height: o.height, isAutoSearch: false, isAutoSync: false, onSearch: function (op, callback) { callback(); }, el: this.editor, popup: BI.extend({ type: "bi.single_select_search_pane", valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, keywordGetter: function () { return self.editor.getValue(); }, itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { op.keyword = self.editor.getValue(); this.setKeyword(op.keyword); o.itemsCreator(op, callback); } }, o.popup), adapter: o.adapter, masker: o.masker }); this.searcher.on(BI.Searcher.EVENT_START, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_START); }); this.searcher.on(BI.Searcher.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { if (this.hasMatched()) { } self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_PAUSE); }); this.searcher.on(BI.Searcher.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_STOP); }); this.searcher.on(BI.Searcher.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.searcher.on(BI.Searcher.EVENT_SEARCHING, function () { var keywords = this.getKeywords(); self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_SEARCHING, keywords); }); }, adjustView: function () { this.searcher.adjustView(); }, isSearching: function () { return this.searcher.isSearching(); }, stopSearch: function () { this.searcher.stopSearch(); }, getKeyword: function () { return this.editor.getValue(); }, hasMatched: function () { return this.searcher.hasMatched(); }, hasChecked: function () { return this.searcher.getView() && this.searcher.getView().hasChecked(); }, setAdapter: function (adapter) { this.searcher.setAdapter(adapter); }, setState: function (v) { var o = this.options; v || (v = ""); if (v === "") { this.editor.setState(BI.Selection.None); } else { this.editor.setState(o.valueFormatter(v + "") || (v + "")); } }, setValue: function (ob) { this.setState(ob); this.searcher.setValue(ob); }, getKey: function () { return this.editor.getValue(); }, getValue: function () { return this.searcher.getValue(); }, populate: function (items) { this.searcher.populate.apply(this.searcher, arguments); } }); BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW"; BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_SEARCHING = "EVENT_SEARCHING"; BI.shortcut("bi.single_select_searcher", BI.SingleSelectSearcher);/** * 单选加载数据搜索loader面板 * Created by guy on 15/11/4. * @class BI.SingleSelectSearchLoader * @extends Widget */ BI.SingleSelectSearchLoader = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SingleSelectSearchLoader.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-single-select-search-loader", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, keywordGetter: BI.emptyFn, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.SingleSelectSearchLoader.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, opts = this.options; var hasNext = false; this.button_group = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.single_select_list", element: this, logic: { dynamic: false }, el: { tipText: BI.i18nText("BI-No_Select"), el: { type: "bi.loader", isDefaultInit: false, logic: { dynamic: true, scrolly: true }, el: { chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE, behaviors: { redmark: function () { return true; } }, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] } } }, itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { self.storeValue && (op = BI.extend(op || {}, { selectedValues: [self.storeValue] })); opts.itemsCreator(op, function (ob) { var keyword = ob.keyword = opts.keywordGetter(); hasNext = ob.hasNext; var firstItems = []; if (op.times === 1 && self.storeValue) { var json = BI.map([self.storeValue], function (i, v) { var txt = opts.valueFormatter(v) || v; return { text: txt, value: v, title: txt, selected: false }; }); firstItems = self._createItems(json); } if(keyword) { var flag = false; for(var i = 0; i < ob.items.length; i++) { if(BI.contains(ob.items[i], keyword)) { flag = true; } } if(!flag) { var preItems = self._createItems([{ text: keyword, value: keyword, title: keyword, selected: false }]); firstItems = firstItems.concat(preItems); } } callback(firstItems.concat(self._createItems(ob.items)), keyword); if (op.times === 1 && self.storeValue) { self.setValue(self.storeValue); } }); }, hasNext: function () { return hasNext; } }); this.button_group.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.button_group.on(BI.SingleSelectList.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectSearchLoader.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); }, _createItems: function (items) { return BI.createItems(items, { type: "bi.single_select_radio_item", logic: { dynamic: false }, height: 25, selected: false }); }, _filterValues: function (src) { var o = this.options; var keyword = o.keywordGetter(); var values = BI.deepClone(src.value) || []; var newValues = BI.map(values, function (i, v) { return { text: o.valueFormatter(v) || v, value: v }; }); if (BI.isKey(keyword)) { var search = BI.Func.getSearchResult(newValues, keyword); values = search.matched.concat(search.finded); } return BI.map(values, function (i, v) { return { text: v.text, title: v.text, value: v.value, selected: false }; }); }, setValue: function (v) { // 暂存的值一定是新的值,不然v改掉后,storeValue也跟着改了 this.storeValue = v; this.button_group.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.button_group.getValue(); }, getAllButtons: function () { return this.button_group.getAllButtons(); }, empty: function () { this.button_group.empty(); }, populate: function (items) { this.button_group.populate.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, resetHeight: function (h) { this.button_group.resetHeight(h); }, resetWidth: function (w) { this.button_group.resetWidth(w); } }); BI.SingleSelectSearchLoader.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.single_select_search_add_loader", BI.SingleSelectSearchLoader);/** * * 在搜索框中输入文本弹出的面板 * @class BI.SingleSelectSearchPane * @extends Widget */ BI.SingleSelectSearchPane = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { constants: { height: 25, lgap: 10, tgap: 5 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SingleSelectSearchPane.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-single-select-search-pane bi-card", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn, keywordGetter: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.SingleSelectSearchPane.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.tooltipClick = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", invisible: true, text: BI.i18nText("BI-Click_Blank_To_Select"), cls: "single-select-toolbar", height: this.constants.height }); this.loader = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.single_select_search_add_loader", keywordGetter: o.keywordGetter, valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { o.itemsCreator.apply(self, [op, function (res) { callback(res); self.setKeyword(o.keywordGetter()); }]); } }); this.loader.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.resizer = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vtape", element: this, items: [{ el: this.tooltipClick, height: 0 }, { el: this.loader }] }); this.tooltipClick.setVisible(false); }, setKeyword: function (keyword) { var btn; var isVisible = this.loader.getAllButtons().length > 0 && (btn = this.loader.getAllButtons()[0]) && (keyword === btn.getValue()); if (isVisible !== this.tooltipClick.isVisible()) { this.tooltipClick.setVisible(isVisible); this.resizer.attr("items")[0].height = (isVisible ? this.constants.height : 0); this.resizer.resize(); } }, hasMatched: function () { return this.tooltipClick.isVisible(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.loader.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.loader.getValue(); }, empty: function () { this.loader.empty(); }, populate: function (items) { this.loader.populate.apply(this.loader, arguments); } }); BI.SingleSelectSearchPane.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.single_select_search_add_pane", BI.SingleSelectSearchPane);/** * * @class BI.SingleSelectCombo * @extends BI.Single */ BI.SingleSelectCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SingleSelectCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-single-select-combo", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn, height: 28 }); }, _init: function () { BI.SingleSelectCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var assertShowValue = function () { BI.isKey(self._startValue) && (self.storeValue = self._startValue); self.trigger.getSearcher().setState(self.storeValue); }; this.storeValue = ""; // 标记正在请求数据 this.requesting = false; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.single_select_add_trigger", height: o.height, // adapter: this.popup, masker: { offset: { left: 1, top: 1, right: 2, bottom: 33 } }, valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { o.itemsCreator(op, function (res) { if (op.times === 1 && BI.isNotNull(op.keywords)) { // 预防trigger内部把当前的storeValue改掉 self.trigger.setValue(self.getValue()); } callback.apply(self, arguments); }); } }); this.trigger.on(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_START, function () { self._setStartValue(""); this.getSearcher().setValue(self.storeValue); }); this.trigger.on(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_STOP, function () { self._setStartValue(""); }); this.trigger.on(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { if (this.getSearcher().hasMatched()) { var keyword = this.getSearcher().getKeyword(); self._join({ type: BI.Selection.Multi, value: [keyword] }, function () { self.combo.setValue(self.storeValue); self._setStartValue(keyword); assertShowValue(); self.populate(); self._setStartValue(""); }); } }); this.trigger.on(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_SEARCHING, function (keywords) { var last = BI.last(keywords); keywords = BI.initial(keywords || []); if (keywords.length > 0) { self._joinKeywords(keywords, function () { if (BI.isEndWithBlank(last)) { self.combo.setValue(self.storeValue); assertShowValue(); self.combo.populate(); self._setStartValue(""); } else { self.combo.setValue(self.storeValue); assertShowValue(); } }); } }); this.trigger.on(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE, function (value, obj) { self.storeValue = this.getValue(); assertShowValue(); }); this.trigger.on(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_COUNTER_CLICK, function () { if (!self.combo.isViewVisible()) { self.combo.showView(); } }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", toggle: false, el: this.trigger, adjustLength: 1, popup: { type: "bi.single_select_popup_view", ref: function () { self.popup = this; self.trigger.setAdapter(this); }, listeners: [{ eventName: BI.SingleSelectPopupView.EVENT_CHANGE, action: function () { self.storeValue = this.getValue(); self._adjust(function () { assertShowValue(); }); } }, { eventName: BI.SingleSelectPopupView.EVENT_CLICK_CONFIRM, action: function () { self._defaultState(); } }, { eventName: BI.SingleSelectPopupView.EVENT_CLICK_CLEAR, action: function () { self.setValue(); self._defaultState(); } }], itemsCreator: o.itemsCreator, valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, onLoaded: function () { BI.nextTick(function () { self.combo.adjustWidth(); self.combo.adjustHeight(); self.trigger.getSearcher().adjustView(); }); } }, hideChecker: function (e) { return triggerBtn.element.find(e.target).length === 0; } }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () { this.setValue(self.storeValue); BI.nextTick(function () { self.populate(); }); }); // 当退出的时候如果还在处理请求,则等请求结束后再对外发确定事件 this.wants2Quit = false; this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW, function () { // important:关闭弹出时又可能没有退出编辑状态 self.trigger.stopEditing(); if (self.requesting === true) { self.wants2Quit = true; } else { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); } }); var triggerBtn = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.trigger_icon_button", width: o.height, height: o.height, cls: "single-select-trigger-icon-button bi-border-left" }); triggerBtn.on(BI.TriggerIconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { if (self.combo.isViewVisible()) { self.combo.hideView(); } else { self.combo.showView(); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.combo, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }, { el: triggerBtn, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); }, _defaultState: function () { this.trigger.stopEditing(); this.combo.hideView(); }, _assertValue: function (val) { val || (val = ""); }, _makeMap: function (values) { return BI.makeObject(values || []); }, _joinKeywords: function (keywords, callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; this._assertValue(this.storeValue); this.requesting = true; o.itemsCreator({ type: BI.SingleSelectCombo.REQ_GET_ALL_DATA, keywords: keywords }, function (ob) { var values = BI.pluck(ob.items, "value"); digest(values); }); function digest (items) { var selectedMap = self._makeMap(items); BI.each(keywords, function (i, val) { if (BI.isNotNull(selectedMap[val])) { self.storeValue.value["remove"](val); } }); self._adjust(callback); } }, _joinAll: function (res, callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; this._assertValue(res); this.requesting = true; o.itemsCreator({ type: BI.SingleSelectCombo.REQ_GET_ALL_DATA, keywords: [this.trigger.getKey()] }, function (ob) { var items = BI.pluck(ob.items, "value"); if (self.storeValue.type === res.type) { var change = false; var map = self._makeMap(self.storeValue.value); BI.each(items, function (i, v) { if (BI.isNotNull(map[v])) { change = true; delete map[v]; } }); change && (self.storeValue.value = BI.values(map)); self._adjust(callback); return; } var selectedMap = self._makeMap(self.storeValue.value); var notSelectedMap = self._makeMap(res.value); var newItems = []; BI.each(items, function (i, item) { if (BI.isNotNull(selectedMap[items[i]])) { delete selectedMap[items[i]]; } if (BI.isNull(notSelectedMap[items[i]])) { newItems.push(item); } }); self.storeValue.value = newItems.concat(BI.values(selectedMap)); self._adjust(callback); }); }, _adjust: function (callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; if (!this._count) { o.itemsCreator({ type: BI.SingleSelectCombo.REQ_GET_DATA_LENGTH }, function (res) { self._count = res.count; adjust(); callback(); }); } else { adjust(); callback(); } function adjust () { if (self.wants2Quit === true) { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); self.wants2Quit = false; } self.requesting = false; } }, _join: function (res, callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; this._assertValue(res); this._assertValue(this.storeValue); if (this.storeValue.type === res.type) { var map = this._makeMap(this.storeValue.value); BI.each(res.value, function (i, v) { if (!map[v]) { self.storeValue.value.push(v); map[v] = v; } }); var change = false; BI.each(res.assist, function (i, v) { if (BI.isNotNull(map[v])) { change = true; delete map[v]; } }); change && (this.storeValue.value = BI.values(map)); self._adjust(callback); return; } this._joinAll(res, callback); }, _setStartValue: function (value) { this._startValue = value; this.popup.setStartValue(value); }, setValue: function (v) { this.storeValue = v || ""; this._assertValue(this.storeValue); this.combo.setValue(this.storeValue); }, getValue: function () { return this.storeValue; }, populate: function () { this._count = null; this.combo.populate.apply(this.combo, arguments); } }); BI.extend(BI.SingleSelectCombo, { REQ_GET_DATA_LENGTH: 0, REQ_GET_ALL_DATA: -1 }); BI.SingleSelectCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.shortcut("bi.single_select_add_combo", BI.SingleSelectCombo);/** * * 单选下拉框 * @class BI.SingleSelectTrigger * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.SingleSelectTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { constants: { height: 14, rgap: 4, lgap: 4 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-single-select-trigger bi-border", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn, searcher: {}, switcher: {}, adapter: null, masker: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.SingleSelectTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.height) { this.setHeight(o.height - 2); } this.searcher = BI.createWidget(o.searcher, { type: "bi.single_select_add_searcher", height: o.height, itemsCreator: o.itemsCreator, valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, popup: {}, adapter: o.adapter, masker: o.masker }); this.searcher.on(BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_START, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_START); }); this.searcher.on(BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_PAUSE); }); this.searcher.on(BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_SEARCHING, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_SEARCHING, arguments); }); this.searcher.on(BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_STOP); }); this.searcher.on(BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); var wrapper = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.htape", element: this, items: [ { el: this.searcher, width: "fill" }, { el: BI.createWidget(), width: 30 }] }); }, getSearcher: function () { return this.searcher; }, stopEditing: function () { this.searcher.stopSearch(); }, setAdapter: function (adapter) { this.searcher.setAdapter(adapter); }, setValue: function (v) { this.searcher.setValue(v); }, getKey: function () { return this.searcher.getKey(); }, getValue: function () { return this.searcher.getValue(); } }); BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_TRIGGER_CLICK = "EVENT_TRIGGER_CLICK"; BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_COUNTER_CLICK = "EVENT_COUNTER_CLICK"; BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_SEARCHING = "EVENT_SEARCHING"; BI.SingleSelectTrigger.EVENT_BEFORE_COUNTER_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_COUNTER_POPUPVIEW"; BI.shortcut("bi.single_select_add_trigger", BI.SingleSelectTrigger);/** * searcher * Created by guy on 15/11/3. * @class BI.SingleSelectSearcher * @extends Widget */ BI.SingleSelectSearcher = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SingleSelectSearcher.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-single-select-searcher", itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, el: {}, popup: {}, valueFormatter: BI.emptyFn, adapter: null, masker: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.SingleSelectSearcher.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.editor = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.single_select_editor", height: o.height }); this.searcher = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.searcher", element: this, height: o.height, isAutoSearch: false, isAutoSync: false, onSearch: function (op, callback) { callback(); }, el: this.editor, popup: BI.extend({ type: "bi.single_select_search_add_pane", valueFormatter: o.valueFormatter, keywordGetter: function () { return self.editor.getValue(); }, itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { op.keyword = self.editor.getValue(); this.setKeyword(op.keyword); o.itemsCreator(op, callback); } }, o.popup), adapter: o.adapter, masker: o.masker }); this.searcher.on(BI.Searcher.EVENT_START, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_START); }); this.searcher.on(BI.Searcher.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { if (this.hasMatched()) { } self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_PAUSE); }); this.searcher.on(BI.Searcher.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_STOP); }); this.searcher.on(BI.Searcher.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.searcher.on(BI.Searcher.EVENT_SEARCHING, function () { var keywords = this.getKeywords(); self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_SEARCHING, keywords); }); }, adjustView: function () { this.searcher.adjustView(); }, isSearching: function () { return this.searcher.isSearching(); }, stopSearch: function () { this.searcher.stopSearch(); }, getKeyword: function () { return this.editor.getValue(); }, hasMatched: function () { return this.searcher.hasMatched(); }, hasChecked: function () { return this.searcher.getView() && this.searcher.getView().hasChecked(); }, setAdapter: function (adapter) { this.searcher.setAdapter(adapter); }, setState: function (v) { var o = this.options; v || (v = ""); if (v === "") { this.editor.setState(BI.Selection.None); } else { this.editor.setState(o.valueFormatter(v + "") || (v + "")); } }, setValue: function (ob) { this.setState(ob); this.searcher.setValue(ob); }, getKey: function () { return this.editor.getValue(); }, getValue: function () { return this.searcher.getValue(); }, populate: function (items) { this.searcher.populate.apply(this.searcher, arguments); } }); BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW"; BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.SingleSelectSearcher.EVENT_SEARCHING = "EVENT_SEARCHING"; BI.shortcut("bi.single_select_add_searcher", BI.SingleSelectSearcher);/** * Created by User on 2017/11/16. */ BI.SignTextEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.SignTextEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-sign-initial-editor", hgap: 4, vgap: 2, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, validationChecker: BI.emptyFn, quitChecker: BI.emptyFn, allowBlank: true, watermark: "", errorText: "", text: "", height: 24 }); }, _init: function () { BI.SignTextEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.editor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.editor", height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, value: o.value, validationChecker: o.validationChecker, quitChecker: o.quitChecker, allowBlank: o.allowBlank, watermark: o.watermark, errorText: o.errorText }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_button", cls: "sign-editor-text", title: o.title, warningTitle: o.warningTitle, tipType: o.tipType, textAlign: "left", height: o.height, hgap: 4, handler: function () { self._showInput(); self.editor.focus(); self.editor.selectAll(); } }); this.text.on(BI.TextButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { BI.nextTick(function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SignTextEditor.EVENT_CLICK_LABEL); }); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.text, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); this.editor.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { self._showHint(); self._checkText(); self.fireEvent(BI.SignTextEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_ERROR, function () { self._checkText(); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, element: this, items: [this.editor] }); this._showHint(); self._checkText(); }, _checkText: function () { var o = this.options; BI.nextTick(BI.bind(function () { if (this.editor.getValue() === "") { this.text.setValue(o.watermark || ""); this.text.element.addClass("bi-water-mark"); } else { var v = this.editor.getValue(); v = (BI.isEmpty(v) || v == o.text) ? o.text : v + o.text; this.text.setValue(v); this.text.element.removeClass("bi-water-mark"); } }, this)); }, _showInput: function () { this.editor.visible(); this.text.invisible(); }, _showHint: function () { this.editor.invisible(); this.text.visible(); }, setTitle: function (title) { this.text.setTitle(title); }, setWarningTitle: function (title) { this.text.setWarningTitle(title); }, focus: function () { this._showInput(); this.editor.focus(); }, blur: function () { this.editor.blur(); this._showHint(); this._checkText(); }, doRedMark: function () { if (this.editor.getValue() === "" && BI.isKey(this.options.watermark)) { return; } this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { if (this.editor.getValue() === "" && BI.isKey(this.options.watermark)) { return; } this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, isValid: function () { return this.editor.isValid(); }, setErrorText: function (text) { this.editor.setErrorText(text); }, getErrorText: function () { return this.editor.getErrorText(); }, isEditing: function () { return this.editor.isEditing(); }, getLastValidValue: function () { return this.editor.getLastValidValue(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.editor.setValue(v); this._checkText(); }, getValue: function () { return this.editor.getValue(); }, getState: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setState: function (v) { var o = this.options; this._showHint(); v = (BI.isEmpty(v) || v == o.text) ? o.text : v + o.text; this.text.setValue(v); } }); BI.SignTextEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.SignTextEditor.EVENT_CLICK_LABEL = "EVENT_CLICK_LABEL"; BI.shortcut("bi.sign_text_editor", BI.SignTextEditor);/** * Created by zcf on 2016/9/22. */ BI.SliderIconButton = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SliderIconButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-single-slider-button" }); }, _init: function () { BI.extend(BI.SliderIconButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments)); this.slider = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "slider-icon slider-button", iconWidth: 14, iconHeight: 14, height: 14, width: 14 }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.slider, top: 7, left: -7 }], width: 0, height: 14 }); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.single_slider_button", BI.SliderIconButton);/** * Created by zcf on 2016/9/22. */ BI.SingleSlider = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _constant: { EDITOR_WIDTH: 90, EDITOR_HEIGHT: 30, SLIDER_WIDTH_HALF: 15, SLIDER_WIDTH: 30, SLIDER_HEIGHT: 30, TRACK_HEIGHT: 24 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SingleSlider.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-single-slider bi-slider-track", digit: false, unit: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.SingleSlider.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var c = this._constant; this.enable = false; this.value = ""; this.grayTrack = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "gray-track", height: 6 }); this.blueTrack = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "blue-track bi-high-light-background", height: 6 }); this.track = this._createTrackWrapper(); this.slider = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.single_slider_button" }); this._draggable(this.slider); var sliderVertical = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", items: [{ type: "bi.absolute", items: [this.slider] }], hgap: c.SLIDER_WIDTH_HALF, height: c.SLIDER_HEIGHT }); sliderVertical.element.click(function (e) { if (self.enable) { var offset = e.clientX - self.element.offset().left - c.SLIDER_WIDTH_HALF; var trackLength = self.track.element[0].scrollWidth; var percent = 0; if (offset < 0) { percent = 0; } if (offset > 0 && offset < (trackLength - c.SLIDER_WIDTH)) { percent = offset * 100 / self._getGrayTrackLength(); } if (offset > (trackLength - c.SLIDER_WIDTH)) { percent = 100; } var significantPercent = BI.parseFloat(percent.toFixed(1)); self._setAllPosition(significantPercent); var v = self._getValueByPercent(significantPercent); v = o.digit === false ? v : v.toFixed(o.digit); self.label.setValue(v); self.value = v; self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSlider.EVENT_CHANGE); } }); this.label = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.sign_text_editor", cls: "slider-editor-button", errorText: "", text: o.unit, width: c.EDITOR_WIDTH - 2, allowBlank: false, validationChecker: function (v) { return self._checkValidation(v); } }); this.label.element.hover(function () { self.label.element.removeClass("bi-border").addClass("bi-border"); }, function () { self.label.element.removeClass("bi-border"); }); this.label.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { var v = BI.parseFloat(this.getValue()); var percent = self._getPercentByValue(v); var significantPercent = BI.parseFloat(percent.toFixed(1)); self._setAllPosition(significantPercent); this.setValue(v); self.value = v; self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSlider.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this._setVisible(false); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.vertical", items: [{ type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: this.track, width: "100%", height: c.TRACK_HEIGHT }] }], hgap: 7, height: c.TRACK_HEIGHT }, top: 23, left: 0, width: "100%" }, { el: sliderVertical, top: 20, left: 0, width: "100%" }, { el: { type: "bi.vertical", items: [{ type: "bi.absolute", items: [this.label] }], rgap: c.EDITOR_WIDTH, height: c.EDITOR_HEIGHT }, top: 0, left: 0, width: "100%" }] }); }, _draggable: function (widget) { var self = this, o = this.options; var startDrag = false; var size = 0, offset = 0, defaultSize = 0; var mouseMoveTracker = new BI.MouseMoveTracker(function (deltaX) { if (mouseMoveTracker.isDragging()) { startDrag = true; offset += deltaX; size = optimizeSize(defaultSize + offset); widget.element.addClass("dragging"); var percent = size * 100 / (self._getGrayTrackLength()); var significantPercent = BI.parseFloat(percent.toFixed(1));// 直接对计算出来的百分数保留到小数点后一位,相当于分成了1000份。 self._setBlueTrack(significantPercent); self._setLabelPosition(significantPercent); self._setSliderPosition(significantPercent); var v = self._getValueByPercent(significantPercent); v = o.digit === false ? v : v.toFixed(o.digit); self.label.setValue(v); self.value = v; self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSlider.EVENT_CHANGE); } }, function () { if (startDrag === true) { size = optimizeSize(size); var percent = size * 100 / (self._getGrayTrackLength()); var significantPercent = BI.parseFloat(percent.toFixed(1)); self._setSliderPosition(significantPercent); size = 0; offset = 0; defaultSize = size; startDrag = false; } widget.element.removeClass("dragging"); mouseMoveTracker.releaseMouseMoves(); self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSlider.EVENT_CHANGE); }, document); widget.element.on("mousedown", function (event) { if(!widget.isEnabled()) { return; } defaultSize = this.offsetLeft; optimizeSize(defaultSize); mouseMoveTracker.captureMouseMoves(event); }); function optimizeSize (s) { return BI.clamp(s, 0, self._getGrayTrackLength()); } }, _createTrackWrapper: function () { return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: { type: "bi.vertical", items: [{ type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: this.grayTrack, top: 0, left: 0, width: "100%" }, { el: this.blueTrack, top: 0, left: 0, width: "0%" }] }], hgap: 8, height: 8 }, top: 8, left: 0, width: "100%" }] }); }, _checkValidation: function (v) { var o = this.options; var valid = false; if (BI.isNumeric(v) && !(BI.isNull(v) || v < this.min || v > this.max)) { if(o.digit === false) { valid = true; }else{ var dotText = (v + "").split(".")[1] || ""; valid = (dotText.length === o.digit); } } return valid; }, _setBlueTrack: function (percent) { this.blueTrack.element.css({width: percent + "%"}); }, _setLabelPosition: function (percent) { this.label.element.css({left: percent + "%"}); }, _setSliderPosition: function (percent) { this.slider.element.css({left: percent + "%"}); }, _setAllPosition: function (percent) { this._setSliderPosition(percent); this._setLabelPosition(percent); this._setBlueTrack(percent); }, _setVisible: function (visible) { this.slider.setVisible(visible); this.label.setVisible(visible); }, _getGrayTrackLength: function () { return this.grayTrack.element[0].scrollWidth; }, _getValueByPercent: function (percent) { var thousandth = BI.parseInt(percent * 10); return (((this.max - this.min) * thousandth) / 1000 + this.min); }, _getPercentByValue: function (v) { return (v - this.min) * 100 / (this.max - this.min); }, getValue: function () { return this.value; }, setValue: function (v) { var o = this.options; v = BI.parseFloat(v); v = o.digit === false ? v : v.toFixed(o.digit); if ((!isNaN(v))) { if (this._checkValidation(v)) { this.value = v; } if (v > this.max) { this.value = this.max; } if (v < this.min) { this.value = this.min; } } }, setMinAndMax: function (v) { var minNumber = BI.parseFloat(v.min); var maxNumber = BI.parseFloat(v.max); if ((!isNaN(minNumber)) && (!isNaN(maxNumber)) && (maxNumber > minNumber )) { this.min = minNumber; this.max = maxNumber; } }, reset: function () { this._setVisible(false); this.enable = false; this.value = ""; this.min = 0; this.max = 0; this._setBlueTrack(0); }, populate: function () { if (!isNaN(this.min) && !isNaN(this.max)) { this._setVisible(true); this.enable = true; this.label.setErrorText(BI.i18nText("BI-Please_Enter") + this.min + "-" + this.max + BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_De") + BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Number")); if (BI.isNumeric(this.value) || BI.isNotEmptyString(this.value)) { this.label.setValue(this.value); this._setAllPosition(this._getPercentByValue(this.value)); } else { this.label.setValue(this.max); this._setAllPosition(100); } } } }); BI.SingleSlider.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.single_slider", BI.SingleSlider);/** * Created by Urthur on 2017/9/12. */ BI.SingleSliderLabel = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _constant: { EDITOR_WIDTH: 90, EDITOR_HEIGHT: 20, HEIGHT: 20, SLIDER_WIDTH_HALF: 15, SLIDER_WIDTH: 30, SLIDER_HEIGHT: 30, TRACK_HEIGHT: 24 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SingleSliderLabel.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-single-slider-label bi-slider-track", digit: false, unit: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.SingleSliderLabel.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var c = this._constant; this.enable = false; this.value = ""; this.grayTrack = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "gray-track", height: 6 }); this.blueTrack = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "blue-track bi-high-light-background", height: 6 }); this.track = this._createTrackWrapper(); this.slider = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.single_slider_button" }); this._draggable(this.slider); var sliderVertical = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", items: [{ type: "bi.absolute", items: [this.slider] }], hgap: c.SLIDER_WIDTH_HALF, height: c.SLIDER_HEIGHT }); sliderVertical.element.click(function (e) { if (self.enable) { var offset = e.clientX - self.element.offset().left - c.SLIDER_WIDTH_HALF; var trackLength = self.track.element[0].scrollWidth; var percent = 0; if (offset < 0) { percent = 0; } if (offset > 0 && offset < (trackLength - c.SLIDER_WIDTH)) { percent = offset * 100 / self._getGrayTrackLength(); } if (offset > (trackLength - c.SLIDER_WIDTH)) { percent = 100; } var significantPercent = BI.parseFloat(percent.toFixed(1)); self._setAllPosition(significantPercent); var v = self._getValueByPercent(significantPercent); v = o.digit === false ? v : v.toFixed(o.digit); self.label.setText(v + o.unit); self.value = v; self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSliderLabel.EVENT_CHANGE); } }); this.label = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", height: c.HEIGHT, width: c.EDITOR_WIDTH - 2 }); this._setVisible(false); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.vertical", items: [{ type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: this.track, width: "100%", height: c.TRACK_HEIGHT }] }], hgap: 7, height: c.TRACK_HEIGHT }, top: 13, left: 0, width: "100%" }, { el: sliderVertical, top: 10, left: 0, width: "100%" }, { el: { type: "bi.vertical", items: [{ type: "bi.absolute", items: [this.label] }], rgap: c.EDITOR_WIDTH, height: c.EDITOR_HEIGHT }, top: 0, left: 0, width: "100%" }] }); }, _draggable: function (widget) { var self = this, o = this.options; var startDrag = false; var size = 0, offset = 0, defaultSize = 0; var mouseMoveTracker = new BI.MouseMoveTracker(function (deltaX) { if (mouseMoveTracker.isDragging()) { startDrag = true; offset += deltaX; size = optimizeSize(defaultSize + offset); widget.element.addClass("dragging"); var percent = size * 100 / (self._getGrayTrackLength()); var significantPercent = BI.parseFloat(percent.toFixed(1));// 直接对计算出来的百分数保留到小数点后一位,相当于分成了1000份。 self._setBlueTrack(significantPercent); self._setLabelPosition(significantPercent); self._setSliderPosition(significantPercent); var v = self._getValueByPercent(significantPercent); v = o.digit === false ? v : v.toFixed(o.digit); self.label.setValue(v); self.value = v; self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSliderLabel.EVENT_CHANGE); } }, function () { if (startDrag === true) { size = optimizeSize(size); var percent = size * 100 / (self._getGrayTrackLength()); var significantPercent = BI.parseFloat(percent.toFixed(1)); self._setSliderPosition(significantPercent); size = 0; offset = 0; defaultSize = size; startDrag = false; } widget.element.removeClass("dragging"); mouseMoveTracker.releaseMouseMoves(); self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSliderLabel.EVENT_CHANGE); }, document); widget.element.on("mousedown", function (event) { if(!widget.isEnabled()) { return; } defaultSize = this.offsetLeft; optimizeSize(defaultSize); mouseMoveTracker.captureMouseMoves(event); }); function optimizeSize (s) { return BI.clamp(s, 0, self._getGrayTrackLength()); } }, _createTrackWrapper: function () { return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: { type: "bi.vertical", items: [{ type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: this.grayTrack, top: 0, left: 0, width: "100%" }, { el: this.blueTrack, top: 0, left: 0, width: "0%" }] }], hgap: 8, height: 8 }, top: 8, left: 0, width: "100%" }] }); }, _checkValidation: function (v) { return BI.isNumeric(v) && !(BI.isNull(v) || v < this.min || v > this.max); }, _setBlueTrack: function (percent) { this.blueTrack.element.css({width: percent + "%"}); }, _setLabelPosition: function (percent) { this.label.element.css({left: percent + "%"}); }, _setSliderPosition: function (percent) { this.slider.element.css({left: percent + "%"}); }, _setAllPosition: function (percent) { this._setSliderPosition(percent); this._setLabelPosition(percent); this._setBlueTrack(percent); }, _setVisible: function (visible) { this.slider.setVisible(visible); this.label.setVisible(visible); }, _getGrayTrackLength: function () { return this.grayTrack.element[0].scrollWidth; }, _getValueByPercent: function (percent) { var thousandth = BI.parseInt(percent * 10); return (((this.max - this.min) * thousandth) / 1000 + this.min); }, _getPercentByValue: function (v) { return (v - this.min) * 100 / (this.max - this.min); }, getValue: function () { return this.value; }, setValue: function (v) { var o = this.options; v = BI.parseFloat(v); v = o.digit === false ? v : v.toFixed(o.digit); if ((!isNaN(v))) { if (this._checkValidation(v)) { this.value = v; } if (v > this.max) { this.value = this.max; } if (v < this.min) { this.value = this.min; } } }, setMinAndMax: function (v) { var minNumber = BI.parseFloat(v.min); var maxNumber = BI.parseFloat(v.max); if ((!isNaN(minNumber)) && (!isNaN(maxNumber)) && (maxNumber > minNumber )) { this.min = minNumber; this.max = maxNumber; } }, reset: function () { this._setVisible(false); this.enable = false; this.value = ""; this.min = 0; this.max = 0; this._setBlueTrack(0); }, populate: function () { var o = this.options; if (!isNaN(this.min) && !isNaN(this.max)) { this._setVisible(true); this.enable = true; if (BI.isNumeric(this.value) || BI.isNotEmptyString(this.value)) { this.label.setValue(this.value + o.unit); this._setAllPosition(this._getPercentByValue(this.value)); } else { this.label.setValue(this.max + o.unit); this._setAllPosition(100); } } } }); BI.SingleSliderLabel.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.single_slider_label", BI.SingleSliderLabel);/** * normal single slider * Created by Young on 2017/6/21. */ BI.SingleSliderNormal = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _constant: { HEIGHT: 28, SLIDER_WIDTH_HALF: 15, SLIDER_WIDTH: 30, SLIDER_HEIGHT: 30, TRACK_HEIGHT: 24 }, props: { baseCls: "bi-single-slider-normal bi-slider-track", minMax: { min: 0, max: 100 } // color: "#3f8ce8" }, render: function () { var self = this; var c = this._constant; var track = this._createTrack(); this.slider = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.single_slider_button" }); this._draggable(this.slider); var sliderVertical = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", items: [{ type: "bi.absolute", items: [this.slider] }], hgap: c.SLIDER_WIDTH_HALF, height: c.SLIDER_HEIGHT }); sliderVertical.element.click(function (e) { if (self.enable) { var offset = e.clientX - self.element.offset().left - c.SLIDER_WIDTH_HALF; var trackLength = self.track.element[0].scrollWidth; var percent = 0; if (offset < 0) { percent = 0; } if (offset > 0 && offset < (trackLength - c.SLIDER_WIDTH)) { percent = offset * 100 / self._getGrayTrackLength(); } if (offset > (trackLength - c.SLIDER_WIDTH)) { percent = 100; } var significantPercent = BI.parseFloat(percent.toFixed(1)); self._setAllPosition(significantPercent); var v = self._getValueByPercent(significantPercent); self.value = v; self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSlider.EVENT_CHANGE); } }); return { type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.vertical", items: [{ type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: track, width: "100%", height: c.TRACK_HEIGHT }] }], hgap: 7, height: c.TRACK_HEIGHT }, top: 3, left: 0, width: "100%" }, { el: sliderVertical, top: 0, left: 0, width: "100%" }] }; }, _draggable: function (widget) { var self = this, o = this.options; var startDrag = false; var size = 0, offset = 0, defaultSize = 0; var mouseMoveTracker = new BI.MouseMoveTracker(function (deltaX) { if (mouseMoveTracker.isDragging()) { startDrag = true; offset += deltaX; size = optimizeSize(defaultSize + offset); widget.element.addClass("dragging"); var percent = size * 100 / (self._getGrayTrackLength()); var significantPercent = BI.parseFloat(percent.toFixed(1));// 直接对计算出来的百分数保留到小数点后一位,相当于分成了1000份。 self._setBlueTrack(significantPercent); self._setSliderPosition(significantPercent); var v = self._getValueByPercent(significantPercent); v = o.digit === false ? v : v.toFixed(o.digit); self.value = v; self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSliderNormal.EVENT_DRAG, v); } }, function () { if (startDrag === true) { size = optimizeSize(size); var percent = size * 100 / (self._getGrayTrackLength()); var significantPercent = BI.parseFloat(percent.toFixed(1)); self._setSliderPosition(significantPercent); size = 0; offset = 0; defaultSize = size; startDrag = false; } widget.element.removeClass("dragging"); mouseMoveTracker.releaseMouseMoves(); self.fireEvent(BI.SingleSlider.EVENT_CHANGE); }, document); widget.element.on("mousedown", function (event) { if(!widget.isEnabled()) { return; } defaultSize = this.offsetLeft; optimizeSize(defaultSize); mouseMoveTracker.captureMouseMoves(event); }); function optimizeSize (s) { return BI.clamp(s, 0, self._getGrayTrackLength()); } }, _createTrack: function () { var self = this; var c = this._constant; this.grayTrack = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "gray-track", height: 6 }); this.blueTrack = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", cls: "blue-track bi-high-light-background", height: 6 }); if (this.options.color) { this.blueTrack.element.css({"background-color": this.options.color}); } return { type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: { type: "bi.vertical", items: [{ type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: this.grayTrack, top: 0, left: 0, width: "100%" }, { el: this.blueTrack, top: 0, left: 0, width: "0%" }] }], hgap: 8, height: 8 }, top: 8, left: 0, width: "100%" }], ref: function (ref) { self.track = ref; } }; }, _checkValidation: function (v) { return !(BI.isNull(v) || v < this.min || v > this.max); }, _setBlueTrack: function (percent) { this.blueTrack.element.css({width: percent + "%"}); }, _setSliderPosition: function (percent) { this.slider.element.css({left: percent + "%"}); }, _setAllPosition: function (percent) { this._setSliderPosition(percent); this._setBlueTrack(percent); }, _setVisible: function (visible) { this.slider.setVisible(visible); }, _getGrayTrackLength: function () { return this.grayTrack.element[0].scrollWidth; }, _getValueByPercent: function (percent) { var thousandth = BI.parseInt(percent * 10); return (((this.max - this.min) * thousandth) / 1000 + this.min); }, _getPercentByValue: function (v) { return (v - this.min) * 100 / (this.max - this.min); }, getValue: function () { return this.value; }, setValue: function (v) { var value = BI.parseFloat(v); if ((!isNaN(value))) { if (this._checkValidation(value)) { this.value = value; } if (value > this.max) { this.value = this.max; } if (value < this.min) { this.value = this.min; } } }, setMinAndMax: function (v) { var minNumber = BI.parseFloat(v.min); var maxNumber = BI.parseFloat(v.max); if ((!isNaN(minNumber)) && (!isNaN(maxNumber)) && (maxNumber > minNumber )) { this.min = minNumber; this.max = maxNumber; } }, reset: function () { this._setVisible(false); this.enable = false; this.value = ""; this.min = 0; this.max = 0; this._setBlueTrack(0); }, populate: function () { if (!isNaN(this.min) && !isNaN(this.max)) { this._setVisible(true); this.enable = true; if (BI.isNumeric(this.value) || BI.isNotEmptyString(this.value)) { this._setAllPosition(this._getPercentByValue(this.value)); } else { this._setAllPosition(100); } } } }); BI.SingleSliderNormal.EVENT_DRAG = "EVENT_DRAG"; BI.shortcut("bi.single_slider_normal", BI.SingleSliderNormal);/** * @class BI.SingleTreeCombo * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.SingleTreeCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SingleTreeCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-single-tree-combo", trigger: {}, height: 24, text: "", items: [], value: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.SingleTreeCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.trigger = BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ type: "bi.single_tree_trigger", text: o.text, height: o.height, items: o.items, value: o.value }, o.trigger)); this.popup = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.single_level_tree", items: o.items, value: o.value }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", element: this, adjustLength: 2, el: this.trigger, popup: { el: this.popup } }); this.combo.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleTreeCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, arguments); }); this.popup.on(BI.SingleTreePopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.setValue(self.popup.getValue()); self.combo.hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.SingleTreeCombo.EVENT_CHANGE); }); }, populate: function (items) { this.combo.populate(items); }, setValue: function (v) { v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; this.trigger.setValue(v); this.popup.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.popup.getValue(); } }); BI.SingleTreeCombo.EVENT_CHANGE = "SingleTreeCombo.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.SingleTreeCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW"; BI.shortcut("bi.single_tree_combo", BI.SingleTreeCombo);/** * @class BI.SingleTreePopup * @extends BI.Pane */ BI.SingleTreePopup = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SingleTreePopup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-single-level-tree", tipText: BI.i18nText("BI-No_Selected_Item"), items: [], value: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.SingleTreePopup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.tree = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.level_tree", expander: { isDefaultInit: true }, items: o.items, value: o.value, chooseType: BI.Selection.Single }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, items: [this.tree] }); this.tree.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.tree.on(BI.LevelTree.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SingleTreePopup.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.check(); }, getValue: function () { return this.tree.getValue(); }, setValue: function (v) { v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; this.tree.setValue(v); }, populate: function (items) { BI.SingleTreePopup.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this.tree.populate(items); } }); BI.SingleTreePopup.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.single_level_tree", BI.SingleTreePopup);/** * @class BI.SingleTreeTrigger * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.SingleTreeTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SingleTreeTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-single-tree-trigger", height: 24, text: "", items: [], value: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.SingleTreeTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.select_text_trigger", element: this, text: o.text, items: o.items, height: o.height, value: o.value }); }, _checkTitle: function () { var self = this, val = this.getValue(); BI.any(this.options.items, function (i, item) { if (val.contains(item.value)) { self.trigger.setTitle(item.text || item.value); return true; } }); }, setValue: function (v) { v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; this.options.value = v; this.trigger.setValue(v); this._checkTitle(); }, getValue: function () { return this.options.value || []; }, populate: function (items) { BI.SingleTreeTrigger.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); this.trigger.populate(items); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.single_tree_trigger", BI.SingleTreeTrigger);/** * 可以单选多选切换的树 * * Created by GUY on 2015/12/21. * @class BI.SwitchTree * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.SwitchTree = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.SwitchTree.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-switch-tree", items: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.SwitchTree.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.tab = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.tab", element: this, tab: null, defaultShowIndex: BI.SwitchTree.SelectType.SingleSelect, cardCreator: BI.bind(this._createTree, this) }); }, _createTree: function (type) { var self = this, o = this.options; switch (type) { case BI.SwitchTree.SelectType.SingleSelect: this.levelTree = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multilayer_single_level_tree", isDefaultInit: true, items: BI.deepClone(o.items), value: o.value }); this.levelTree.on(BI.LevelTree.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SwitchTree.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); return this.levelTree; case BI.SwitchTree.SelectType.MultiSelect: this.tree = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.simple_tree", items: this._removeIsParent(BI.deepClone(o.items)), value: o.value }); this.tree.on(BI.SimpleTreeView.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.SwitchTree.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); return this.tree; } }, _removeIsParent: function (items) { BI.each(items, function (i, item) { BI.isNotNull(item.isParent) && delete item.isParent; }); return items; }, switchSelect: function () { switch (this.getSelect()) { case BI.SwitchTree.SelectType.SingleSelect: this.setSelect(BI.SwitchTree.SelectType.MultiSelect); break; case BI.SwitchTree.SelectType.MultiSelect: this.setSelect(BI.SwitchTree.SelectType.SingleSelect); break; } }, setSelect: function (v) { this.tab.setSelect(v); }, getSelect: function () { return this.tab.getSelect(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.storeValue = v; switch (this.getSelect()) { case BI.SwitchTree.SelectType.SingleSelect: this.levelTree.setValue(v); break; case BI.SwitchTree.SelectType.MultiSelect: this.tree.setValue(v); break; } }, getValue: function () { return this.tab.getValue(); }, populate: function (items) { this.options.items = items; if (BI.isNotNull(this.levelTree)) { this.levelTree.populate(BI.deepClone(items)); } if (BI.isNotNull(this.tree)) { this.tree.populate(this._removeIsParent(BI.deepClone(items))); } } }); BI.SwitchTree.EVENT_CHANGE = "SwitchTree.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.SwitchTree.SelectType = { SingleSelect: BI.Selection.Single, MultiSelect: BI.Selection.Multi }; BI.shortcut("bi.switch_tree", BI.SwitchTree); /** * Created by Baron on 2015/10/19. */ BI.TimeInterval = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { constants: { height: 25, width: 25, lgap: 15, offset: -15, timeErrorCls: "time-error", DATE_MIN_VALUE: "1900-01-01", DATE_MAX_VALUE: "2099-12-31" }, _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.TimeInterval.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { extraCls: "bi-time-interval" }); }, _init: function () { var self = this; BI.TimeInterval.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.left = this._createCombo(); this.right = this._createCombo(); this.label = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", height: this.constants.height, width: this.constants.width, text: "-" }); BI.createWidget({ element: self, type: "bi.center", hgap: 15, height: this.constants.height, items: [{ type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: self.left, left: this.constants.offset, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }, { type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: self.right, left: 0, right: this.constants.offset, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }] }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.horizontal_auto", element: this, items: [ self.label ] }); }, _createCombo: function () { var self = this; var combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multidate_combo" }); combo.on(BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_ERROR, function () { self._clearTitle(); self.element.removeClass(self.constants.timeErrorCls); self.fireEvent(BI.TimeInterval.EVENT_ERROR); }); combo.on(BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_VALID, function () { BI.Bubbles.hide("error"); var smallDate = self.left.getKey(), bigDate = self.right.getKey(); if (self._check(smallDate, bigDate) && self._compare(smallDate, bigDate)) { self._setTitle(BI.i18nText("BI-Time_Interval_Error_Text")); self.element.addClass(self.constants.timeErrorCls); BI.Bubbles.show("error", BI.i18nText("BI-Time_Interval_Error_Text"), self, { offsetStyle: "center" }); self.fireEvent(BI.TimeInterval.EVENT_ERROR); } else { self._clearTitle(); self.element.removeClass(self.constants.timeErrorCls); } }); combo.on(BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_FOCUS, function () { BI.Bubbles.hide("error"); var smallDate = self.left.getKey(), bigDate = self.right.getKey(); if (self._check(smallDate, bigDate) && self._compare(smallDate, bigDate)) { self._setTitle(BI.i18nText("BI-Time_Interval_Error_Text")); self.element.addClass(self.constants.timeErrorCls); BI.Bubbles.show("error", BI.i18nText("BI-Time_Interval_Error_Text"), self, { offsetStyle: "center" }); self.fireEvent(BI.TimeInterval.EVENT_ERROR); } else { self._clearTitle(); self.element.removeClass(self.constants.timeErrorCls); } }); combo.on(BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () { self.left.hidePopupView(); self.right.hidePopupView(); }); // combo.on(BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { // BI.Bubbles.hide("error"); // var smallDate = self.left.getKey(), bigDate = self.right.getKey(); // if (self._check(smallDate, bigDate) && self._compare(smallDate, bigDate)) { // self._setTitle(BI.i18nText("BI-Time_Interval_Error_Text")); // self.element.addClass(self.constants.timeErrorCls); // BI.Bubbles.show("error", BI.i18nText("BI-Time_Interval_Error_Text"), self, { // offsetStyle: "center" // }); // self.fireEvent(BI.TimeInterval.EVENT_ERROR); // } else { // self._clearTitle(); // self.element.removeClass(self.constants.timeErrorCls); // } // }); combo.on(BI.MultiDateCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { BI.Bubbles.hide("error"); var smallDate = self.left.getKey(), bigDate = self.right.getKey(); if (self._check(smallDate, bigDate) && self._compare(smallDate, bigDate)) { self._setTitle(BI.i18nText("BI-Time_Interval_Error_Text")); self.element.addClass(self.constants.timeErrorCls); self.fireEvent(BI.TimeInterval.EVENT_ERROR); }else{ self._clearTitle(); self.element.removeClass(self.constants.timeErrorCls); self.fireEvent(BI.TimeInterval.EVENT_CHANGE); } }); return combo; }, _dateCheck: function (date) { return Date.parseDateTime(date, "%Y-%x-%d").print("%Y-%x-%d") == date || Date.parseDateTime(date, "%Y-%X-%d").print("%Y-%X-%d") == date || Date.parseDateTime(date, "%Y-%x-%e").print("%Y-%x-%e") == date || Date.parseDateTime(date, "%Y-%X-%e").print("%Y-%X-%e") == date; }, _checkVoid: function (obj) { return !Date.checkVoid(obj.year, obj.month, obj.day, this.constants.DATE_MIN_VALUE, this.constants.DATE_MAX_VALUE)[0]; }, _check: function (smallDate, bigDate) { var smallObj = smallDate.match(/\d+/g), bigObj = bigDate.match(/\d+/g); return this._dateCheck(smallDate) && Date.checkLegal(smallDate) && this._checkVoid({ year: smallObj[0], month: smallObj[1], day: smallObj[2] }) && this._dateCheck(bigDate) && Date.checkLegal(bigDate) && this._checkVoid({ year: bigObj[0], month: bigObj[1], day: bigObj[2] }); }, _compare: function (smallDate, bigDate) { smallDate = Date.parseDateTime(smallDate, "%Y-%X-%d").print("%Y-%X-%d"); bigDate = Date.parseDateTime(bigDate, "%Y-%X-%d").print("%Y-%X-%d"); return BI.isNotNull(smallDate) && BI.isNotNull(bigDate) && smallDate > bigDate; }, _setTitle: function (v) { this.left.setTitle(v); this.right.setTitle(v); this.label.setTitle(v); }, _clearTitle: function () { this.left.setTitle(""); this.right.setTitle(""); this.label.setTitle(""); }, setValue: function (date) { date = date || {}; this.left.setValue(date.start); this.right.setValue(date.end); }, getValue: function () { return {start: this.left.getValue(), end: this.right.getValue()}; } }); BI.TimeInterval.EVENT_VALID = "EVENT_VALID"; BI.TimeInterval.EVENT_ERROR = "EVENT_ERROR"; BI.TimeInterval.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.time_interval", BI.TimeInterval);/** * 年份下拉框 * * Created by GUY on 2015/8/28. * @class BI.YearCombo * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.YearCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.YearCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-year-combo", behaviors: {}, min: "1900-01-01", // 最小日期 max: "2099-12-31", // 最大日期 height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.YearCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.storeValue = ""; this.trigger = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.year_trigger", min: o.min, max: o.max }); this.trigger.on(BI.YearTrigger.EVENT_FOCUS, function () { self.storeValue = this.getKey(); }); this.trigger.on(BI.YearTrigger.EVENT_START, function () { self.combo.isViewVisible() && self.combo.hideView(); }); this.trigger.on(BI.YearTrigger.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.combo.showView(); }); this.trigger.on(BI.YearTrigger.EVENT_ERROR, function () { self.combo.isViewVisible() && self.combo.hideView(); }); this.trigger.on(BI.YearTrigger.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { if (self.combo.isViewVisible()) { return; } if (this.getKey() && this.getKey() !== self.storeValue) { self.setValue(this.getKey()); } else if (!this.getKey()) { self.setValue(); } self.fireEvent(BI.YearCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", element: this, destroyWhenHide: true, isNeedAdjustHeight: false, isNeedAdjustWidth: false, el: this.trigger, popup: { minWidth: 85, stopPropagation: false, el: { type: "bi.year_popup", ref: function () { self.popup = this; }, listeners: [{ eventName: BI.YearPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, action: function () { self.setValue(self.popup.getValue()); self.combo.hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.YearCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); } }], behaviors: o.behaviors, min: o.min, max: o.max } } }); this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () { var value = self.trigger.getKey(); if (BI.isNotNull(value)) { self.popup.setValue(value); } else if (!value && value !== self.storeValue) { self.popup.setValue(self.storeValue); } else { self.setValue(); } self.fireEvent(BI.YearCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW); }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.combo.setValue(v || ""); }, getValue: function () { return this.popup.getValue(); } }); BI.YearCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.YearCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW"; BI.shortcut("bi.year_combo", BI.YearCombo);/** * 年份展示面板 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/2. * @class BI.YearPopup * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.YearPopup = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.YearPopup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-year-popup", behaviors: {}, min: "1900-01-01", // 最小日期 max: "2099-12-31" // 最大日期 }); }, _createYearCalendar: function (v) { var o = this.options, y = this._year; var calendar = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.year_calendar", behaviors: o.behaviors, min: o.min, max: o.max, logic: { dynamic: true }, year: y + v * 12 }); calendar.setValue(this._year); return calendar; }, _init: function () { BI.YearPopup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this; this.selectedYear = this._year = Date.getDate().getFullYear(); var backBtn = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "pre-page-h-font", width: 25, height: 25, value: -1 }); var preBtn = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "next-page-h-font", width: 25, height: 25, value: 1 }); this.navigation = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.navigation", element: this, single: true, logic: { dynamic: true }, tab: { cls: "year-popup-navigation bi-high-light bi-border-top", height: 25, items: [backBtn, preBtn] }, cardCreator: BI.bind(this._createYearCalendar, this), afterCardShow: function () { this.setValue(self.selectedYear); var calendar = this.getSelectedCard(); backBtn.setEnable(!calendar.isFrontYear()); preBtn.setEnable(!calendar.isFinalYear()); } }); this.navigation.on(BI.Navigation.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.selectedYear = this.getValue(); self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); self.fireEvent(BI.YearPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, self.selectedYear); }); }, getValue: function () { return this.selectedYear; }, setValue: function (v) { var o = this.options; if (Date.checkVoid(v, 1, 1, o.min, o.max)[0]) { v = Date.getDate().getFullYear(); this.selectedYear = ""; this.navigation.setSelect(BI.YearCalendar.getPageByYear(v)); this.navigation.setValue(""); } else { this.selectedYear = v; this.navigation.setSelect(BI.YearCalendar.getPageByYear(v)); this.navigation.setValue(v); } } }); BI.YearPopup.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.year_popup", BI.YearPopup);/** * 年份trigger * * Created by GUY on 2015/8/21. * @class BI.YearTrigger * @extends BI.Trigger */ BI.YearTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, { _const: { hgap: 4, vgap: 2, errorText: BI.i18nText("BI-Please_Input_Positive_Integer"), errorTextInvalid: BI.i18nText("BI-Year_Trigger_Invalid_Text") }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.YearTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-year-trigger bi-border", min: "1900-01-01", // 最小日期 max: "2099-12-31", // 最大日期 height: 24 }); }, _init: function () { BI.YearTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options, c = this._const; this.editor = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.sign_editor", height: o.height, validationChecker: function (v) { self.editor.setErrorText(!BI.isPositiveInteger(v) ? c.errorText : c.errorTextInvalid); return v === "" || (BI.isPositiveInteger(v) && !Date.checkVoid(v, 1, 1, o.min, o.max)[0]); }, quitChecker: function (v) { return false; }, hgap: c.hgap, vgap: c.vgap, allowBlank: true, errorText: c.errorText }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_FOCUS, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.YearTrigger.EVENT_FOCUS); }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.YearTrigger.EVENT_STOP); }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { var value = self.editor.getValue(); if (BI.isNotNull(value)) { self.editor.setValue(value); self.editor.setTitle(value); } self.fireEvent(BI.YearTrigger.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_SPACE, function () { if (self.editor.isValid()) { self.editor.blur(); } }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_START, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.YearTrigger.EVENT_START); }); this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_ERROR, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.YearTrigger.EVENT_ERROR); }); BI.createWidget({ element: this, type: "bi.htape", items: [ { el: this.editor }, { el: { type: "bi.text_button", baseCls: "bi-trigger-year-text", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Year"), width: o.height }, width: o.height }, { el: { type: "bi.trigger_icon_button", width: o.height }, width: o.height } ] }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.editor.setState(v); this.editor.setValue(v); this.editor.setTitle(v); }, getKey: function () { return this.editor.getValue() | 0; } }); BI.YearTrigger.EVENT_FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS"; BI.YearTrigger.EVENT_ERROR = "EVENT_ERROR"; BI.YearTrigger.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.YearTrigger.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.YearTrigger.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.shortcut("bi.year_trigger", BI.YearTrigger);/** * 年份 + 月份下拉框 * * @class BI.YearMonthCombo * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.YearMonthCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.YearMonthCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-year-month-combo", yearBehaviors: {}, monthBehaviors: {}, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.YearMonthCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.year = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.year_combo", behaviors: o.yearBehaviors }); this.month = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.month_combo", behaviors: o.monthBehaviors }); this.year.on(BI.YearCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.YearMonthCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.year.on(BI.YearCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.YearMonthCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW); }); this.month.on(BI.MonthCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.YearMonthCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.month.on(BI.MonthCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.YearMonthCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center", element: this, hgap: 5, items: [this.year, this.month] }); }, setValue: function (v) { v = v || {}; this.month.setValue(v.month); this.year.setValue(v.year); }, getValue: function () { return { year: this.year.getValue(), month: this.month.getValue() }; } }); BI.YearMonthCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.YearMonthCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW"; BI.shortcut("bi.year_month_combo", BI.YearMonthCombo);/** * 年份 + 月份下拉框 * * @class BI.YearQuarterCombo * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.YearQuarterCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.YearQuarterCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-year-quarter-combo", yearBehaviors: {}, quarterBehaviors: {}, height: 25 }); }, _init: function () { BI.YearQuarterCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.year = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.year_combo", behaviors: o.yearBehaviors }); this.quarter = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.quarter_combo", behaviors: o.quarterBehaviors }); this.year.on(BI.YearCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.YearQuarterCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.year.on(BI.YearCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.YearQuarterCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW); }); this.quarter.on(BI.QuarterCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.YearQuarterCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); this.quarter.on(BI.QuarterCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.YearQuarterCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center", element: this, hgap: 5, items: [this.year, this.quarter] }); }, setValue: function (v) { v = v || {}; this.quarter.setValue(v.quarter); this.year.setValue(v.year); }, getValue: function () { return { year: this.year.getValue(), quarter: this.quarter.getValue() }; } }); BI.YearQuarterCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.YearQuarterCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW"; BI.shortcut("bi.year_quarter_combo", BI.YearQuarterCombo);/** * 简单的复选下拉框控件, 适用于数据量少的情况, 与valuechooser的区别是allvaluechooser setValue和getValue返回的是所有值 * 封装了字段处理逻辑 * * Created by GUY on 2015/10/29. * @class BI.AbstractAllValueChooser * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.AbstractAllValueChooser = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _const: { perPage: 100 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.AbstractAllValueChooser.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { width: 200, height: 30, items: null, itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, cache: true }); }, _valueFormatter: function (v) { var text = v; if (BI.isNotNull(this.items)) { BI.some(this.items, function (i, item) { if (item.value === v) { text = item.text; return true; } }); } return text; }, _itemsCreator: function (options, callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; if (!o.cache || !this.items) { o.itemsCreator({}, function (items) { self.items = items; call(items); }); } else { call(this.items); } function call (items) { var keywords = (options.keywords || []).slice(); if (options.keyword) { keywords.push(options.keyword); } BI.each(keywords, function (i, kw) { var search = BI.Func.getSearchResult(items, kw); items = search.matched.concat(search.finded); }); if (options.selectedValues) {// 过滤 var filter = BI.makeObject(options.selectedValues, true); items = BI.filter(items, function (i, ob) { return !filter[ob.value]; }); } if (options.type === BI.MultiSelectCombo.REQ_GET_ALL_DATA) { callback({ items: items }); return; } if (options.type === BI.MultiSelectCombo.REQ_GET_DATA_LENGTH) { callback({count: items.length}); return; } callback({ items: items, hasNext: false }); } } });/** * 简单的复选下拉框控件, 适用于数据量少的情况, 与valuechooser的区别是allvaluechooser setValue和getValue返回的是所有值 * 封装了字段处理逻辑 * * Created by GUY on 2015/10/29. * @class BI.AllValueChooserCombo * @extends BI.AbstractAllValueChooser */ BI.AllValueChooserCombo = BI.inherit(BI.AbstractAllValueChooser, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.AllValueChooserCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-all-value-chooser-combo", width: 200, height: 30, items: null, itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, cache: true }); }, _init: function () { BI.AllValueChooserCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; if (BI.isNotNull(o.items)) { this.items = o.items; } this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_select_combo", element: this, itemsCreator: BI.bind(this._itemsCreator, this), valueFormatter: BI.bind(this._valueFormatter, this), width: o.width, height: o.height, value: { type: BI.Selection.Multi, value: o.value || [] } }); this.combo.on(BI.MultiSelectCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.AllValueChooserCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.combo.setValue({ type: BI.Selection.Multi, value: v || [] }); }, getValue: function () { var val = this.combo.getValue() || {}; if (val.type === BI.Selection.All) { return val.assist; } return val.value || []; }, populate: function () { this.combo.populate.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.AllValueChooserCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM = "AllValueChooserCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.shortcut("bi.all_value_chooser_combo", BI.AllValueChooserCombo);/** * 简单的复选下拉框控件, 适用于数据量少的情况, 与valuechooser的区别是allvaluechooser setValue和getValue返回的是所有值 * 封装了字段处理逻辑 * * Created by GUY on 2015/10/29. * @class BI.AllValueChooserPane * @extends BI.AbstractAllValueChooser */ BI.AllValueChooserPane = BI.inherit(BI.AbstractAllValueChooser, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.AllValueChooserPane.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-all-value-chooser-pane", width: 200, height: 30, items: null, itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, cache: true }); }, _init: function () { BI.AllValueChooserPane.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; if (BI.isNotNull(o.items)) { this.items = o.items; } this.list = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_select_list", element: this, itemsCreator: BI.bind(this._itemsCreator, this), valueFormatter: BI.bind(this._valueFormatter, this), width: o.width, height: o.height }); this.list.on(BI.MultiSelectList.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.AllValueChooserPane.EVENT_CHANGE); }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.list.setValue({ type: BI.Selection.Multi, value: v || [] }); }, getValue: function () { var val = this.list.getValue() || {}; if (val.type === BI.Selection.All) { return val.assist; } return val.value || []; }, populate: function () { this.list.populate.apply(this.list, arguments); } }); BI.AllValueChooserPane.EVENT_CHANGE = "AllValueChooserPane.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.all_value_chooser_pane", BI.AllValueChooserPane);BI.AbstractTreeValueChooser = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _const: { perPage: 100 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.AbstractTreeValueChooser.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { items: null, itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn }); }, _initData: function (items) { this.items = items; var nodes = BI.Tree.treeFormat(items); this.tree = new BI.Tree(); this.tree.initTree(nodes); }, _itemsCreator: function (options, callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; if (!this.items) { o.itemsCreator({}, function (items) { self._initData(items); call(); }); } else { call(); } function call () { switch (options.type) { case BI.TreeView.REQ_TYPE_INIT_DATA: self._reqInitTreeNode(options, callback); break; case BI.TreeView.REQ_TYPE_ADJUST_DATA: self._reqAdjustTreeNode(options, callback); break; case BI.TreeView.REQ_TYPE_SELECT_DATA: self._reqSelectedTreeNode(options, callback); break; case BI.TreeView.REQ_TYPE_GET_SELECTED_DATA: self._reqDisplayTreeNode(options, callback); break; default : self._reqTreeNode(options, callback); break; } } }, _reqDisplayTreeNode: function (op, callback) { var self = this; var result = []; var selectedValues = op.selectedValues; if (selectedValues == null || BI.isEmpty(selectedValues)) { callback({}); return; } doCheck([], this.tree.getRoot(), selectedValues); callback({ items: result }); function doCheck (parentValues, node, selected) { if (selected == null || BI.isEmpty(selected)) { BI.each(node.getChildren(), function (i, child) { var newParents = BI.clone(parentValues); newParents.push(child.value); var llen = self._getChildCount(newParents); createOneJson(child, node.id, llen); doCheck(newParents, child, {}); }); return; } BI.each(selected, function (k) { var node = self._getTreeNode(parentValues, k); var newParents = BI.clone(parentValues); newParents.push(node.value); createOneJson(node, node.parent && node.parent.id, getCount(selected[k], newParents)); doCheck(newParents, node, selected[k]); }); } function getCount (jo, parentValues) { if (jo == null) { return 0; } if (BI.isEmpty(jo)) { return self._getChildCount(parentValues); } return BI.size(jo); } function createOneJson (node, pId, llen) { result.push({ id: node.id, pId: pId, text: node.text + (llen > 0 ? ("(" + BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Altogether") + llen + BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Count") + ")") : ""), value: node.value, open: true }); } }, _reqSelectedTreeNode: function (op, callback) { var self = this; var selectedValues = BI.deepClone(op.selectedValues); var notSelectedValue = op.notSelectedValue || {}; var keyword = op.keyword || ""; var parentValues = op.parentValues || []; if (selectedValues == null || BI.isEmpty(selectedValues)) { callback({}); return; } dealWithSelectedValues(selectedValues); callback(selectedValues); function dealWithSelectedValues (selectedValues) { var p = parentValues.concat(notSelectedValue); // 存储的值中存在这个值就把它删掉 // 例如选中了中国-江苏-南京, 取消中国或江苏或南京 if (canFindKey(selectedValues, p)) { // 如果搜索的值在父亲链中 if (isSearchValueInParent(p)) { // 例如选中了 中国-江苏, 搜索江苏, 取消江苏 // 例如选中了 中国-江苏, 搜索江苏, 取消中国 self._deleteNode(selectedValues, p); } else { var searched = []; var finded = search(parentValues, notSelectedValue, [], searched); if (finded && BI.isNotEmptyArray(searched)) { BI.each(searched, function (i, arr) { var node = self._getNode(selectedValues, arr); if (node) { // 例如选中了 中国-江苏-南京,搜索南京,取消中国 self._deleteNode(selectedValues, arr); } else { // 例如选中了 中国-江苏,搜索南京,取消中国 expandSelectedValue(selectedValues, arr, BI.last(arr)); } }); } } } // 存储的值中不存在这个值,但父亲节点是全选的情况 // 例如选中了中国-江苏,取消南京 // important 选中了中国-江苏,取消了江苏,但是搜索的是南京 if (isChild(selectedValues, p)) { var result = [], finded = false; // 如果parentValues中有匹配的值,说明搜索结果不在当前值下 if (isSearchValueInParent(p)) { finded = true; } else { // 从当前值开始搜 finded = search(parentValues, notSelectedValue, result); p = parentValues; } if (finded === true) { // 去掉点击的节点之后的结果集 expandSelectedValue(selectedValues, p, notSelectedValue); // 添加去掉搜索的结果集 if (result.length > 0) { BI.each(result, function (i, strs) { self._buildTree(selectedValues, strs); }); } } } } function expandSelectedValue (selectedValues, parents, notSelectedValue) { var next = selectedValues; var childrenCount = []; var path = []; // 去掉点击的节点之后的结果集 BI.some(parents, function (i, v) { var t = next[v]; if (t == null) { if (i === 0) { return true; } if (BI.isEmpty(next)) { var split = parents.slice(0, i); var expanded = self._getChildren(split); path.push(split); childrenCount.push(expanded.length); // 如果只有一个值且取消的就是这个值 if (i === parents.length - 1 && expanded.length === 1 && expanded[0] === notSelectedValue) { for (var j = childrenCount.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (childrenCount[j] === 1) { self._deleteNode(selectedValues, path[j]); } else { break; } } } else { BI.each(expanded, function (m, child) { if (i === parents.length - 1 && child.value === notSelectedValue) { return true; } next[child.value] = {}; }); } next = next[v]; } else { return true; // next = {}; // next[v] = {}; } } else { next = t; } }); } function search (parents, current, result, searched) { var newParents = BI.clone(parents); newParents.push(current); if (self._isMatch(parents, current, keyword)) { searched && searched.push(newParents); return true; } var children = self._getChildren(newParents); var notSearch = []; var can = false; BI.each(children, function (i, child) { if (search(newParents, child.value, result, searched)) { can = true; } else { notSearch.push(child.value); } }); if (can === true) { BI.each(notSearch, function (i, v) { var next = BI.clone(newParents); next.push(v); result.push(next); }); } return can; } function isSearchValueInParent (parentValues) { for (var i = 0, len = parentValues.length; i < len; i++) { if (self._isMatch(parentValues.slice(0, parentValues.length - 1), parentValues[i], keyword)) { return true; } } return false; } function canFindKey (selectedValues, parents) { var t = selectedValues; for (var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) { var v = parents[i]; t = t[v]; if (t == null) { return false; } } return true; } function isChild (selectedValues, parents) { var t = selectedValues; for (var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) { var v = parents[i]; if (!BI.has(t, v)) { return false; } t = t[v]; if (BI.isEmpty(t)) { return true; } } return false; } }, _reqAdjustTreeNode: function (op, callback) { var self = this; var result = []; var selectedValues = op.selectedValues; if (selectedValues == null || BI.isEmpty(selectedValues)) { callback({}); return; } BI.each(selectedValues, function (k, v) { result.push([k]); }); dealWithSelectedValues(selectedValues, []); var jo = {}; BI.each(result, function (i, strs) { self._buildTree(jo, strs); }); callback(jo); function dealWithSelectedValues (selected, parents) { if (selected == null || BI.isEmpty(selected)) { return true; } var can = true; BI.each(selected, function (k, v) { var p = BI.clone(parents); p.push(k); if (!dealWithSelectedValues(selected[k], p)) { BI.each(selected[k], function (nk, nv) { var t = BI.clone(p); t.push(nk); result.push(t); }); can = false; } }); return can && isAllSelected(selected, parents); } function isAllSelected (selected, parents) { return BI.isEmpty(selected) || self._getChildCount(parents) === BI.size(selected); } }, _reqInitTreeNode: function (op, callback) { var self = this; var result = []; var keyword = op.keyword || ""; var selectedValues = op.selectedValues; var lastSearchValue = op.lastSearchValue || ""; var output = search(); BI.nextTick(function () { callback({ hasNext: output.length > self._const.perPage, items: result, lastSearchValue: BI.last(output) }); }); function search () { var children = self._getChildren([]); var start = children.length; if (lastSearchValue !== "") { for (var j = 0, len = start; j < len; j++) { if (children[j].value === lastSearchValue) { start = j + 1; break; } } } else { start = 0; } var output = []; for (var i = start, len = children.length; i < len; i++) { if (output.length < self._const.perPage) { var find = nodeSearch(1, [], children[i].value, false, result); } else if (output.length === self._const.perPage) { var find = nodeSearch(1, [], children[i].value, false, []); } if (find[0] === true) { output.push(children[i].value); } if (output.length > self._const.perPage) { break; } } return output; } function nodeSearch (deep, parentValues, current, isAllSelect, result) { if (self._isMatch(parentValues, current, keyword)) { var checked = isAllSelect || isSelected(parentValues, current); createOneJson(parentValues, current, false, checked, !isAllSelect && isHalf(parentValues, current), true, result); return [true, checked]; } var newParents = BI.clone(parentValues); newParents.push(current); var children = self._getChildren(newParents); var can = false, checked = false; var isCurAllSelected = isAllSelect || isAllSelected(parentValues, current); BI.each(children, function (i, child) { var state = nodeSearch(deep + 1, newParents, child.value, isCurAllSelected, result); if (state[1] === true) { checked = true; } if (state[0] === true) { can = true; } }); if (can === true) { checked = isCurAllSelected || (isSelected(parentValues, current) && checked); createOneJson(parentValues, current, true, checked, false, false, result); } return [can, checked]; } function createOneJson (parentValues, value, isOpen, checked, half, flag, result) { var node = self._getTreeNode(parentValues, value); result.push({ id: node.id, pId: node.pId, text: node.text, value: node.value, title: node.title, isParent: node.getChildrenLength() > 0, open: isOpen, checked: checked, halfCheck: half, flag: flag }); } function isHalf (parentValues, value) { var find = findSelectedObj(parentValues); if (find == null) { return null; } return BI.any(find, function (v, ob) { if (v === value) { if (ob != null && !BI.isEmpty(ob)) { return true; } } }); } function isAllSelected (parentValues, value) { var find = findSelectedObj(parentValues); if (find == null) { return null; } return BI.any(find, function (v, ob) { if (v === value) { if (ob != null && BI.isEmpty(ob)) { return true; } } }); } function isSelected (parentValues, value) { var find = findSelectedObj(parentValues); if (find == null) { return false; } return BI.any(find, function (v) { if (v === value) { return true; } }); } function findSelectedObj (parentValues) { var find = selectedValues; if (find == null) { return null; } BI.every(parentValues, function (i, v) { find = find[v]; if (find == null) { return false; } return true; }); return find; } }, _reqTreeNode: function (op, callback) { var self = this; var result = []; var times = op.times; var checkState = op.checkState || {}; var parentValues = op.parentValues || []; var selectedValues = op.selectedValues || {}; var valueMap = {}; // if (judgeState(parentValues, selectedValues, checkState)) { valueMap = dealWidthSelectedValue(parentValues, selectedValues); // } var nodes = this._getChildren(parentValues); for (var i = (times - 1) * this._const.perPage; nodes[i] && i < times * this._const.perPage; i++) { var state = getCheckState(nodes[i].value, parentValues, valueMap, checkState); result.push({ id: nodes[i].id, pId: nodes[i].pId, value: nodes[i].value, text: nodes[i].text, times: 1, isParent: nodes[i].getChildrenLength() > 0, checked: state[0], halfCheck: state[1] }); } BI.nextTick(function () { callback({ items: result, hasNext: nodes.length > times * self._const.perPage }); }); function judgeState (parentValues, selected_value, checkState) { var checked = checkState.checked, half = checkState.half; if (parentValues.length > 0 && !checked) { return false; } return (parentValues.length === 0 || (checked && half) && !BI.isEmpty(selected_value)); } function dealWidthSelectedValue (parentValues, selectedValues) { var valueMap = {}; BI.each(parentValues, function (i, v) { selectedValues = selectedValues[v] || {}; }); BI.each(selectedValues, function (value, obj) { if (BI.isNull(obj)) { valueMap[value] = [0, 0]; return; } if (BI.isEmpty(obj)) { valueMap[value] = [2, 0]; return; } var nextNames = {}; BI.each(obj, function (t, o) { if (BI.isNull(o) || BI.isEmpty(o)) { nextNames[t] = true; } }); valueMap[value] = [1, BI.size(nextNames)]; }); return valueMap; } function getCheckState (current, parentValues, valueMap, checkState) { var checked = checkState.checked, half = checkState.half; var tempCheck = false, halfCheck = false; if (BI.has(valueMap, current)) { // 可能是半选 if (valueMap[current][0] === 1) { var values = BI.clone(parentValues); values.push(current); var childCount = self._getChildCount(values); if (childCount > 0 && childCount !== valueMap[current][1]) { halfCheck = true; } } else if (valueMap[current][0] === 2) { tempCheck = true; } } var check; if (!checked && !halfCheck && !tempCheck) { check = BI.has(valueMap, current); } else { check = ((tempCheck || checked) && !half) || BI.has(valueMap, current); } return [check, halfCheck]; } }, _getNode: function (selectedValues, parentValues) { var pNode = selectedValues; for (var i = 0, len = parentValues.length; i < len; i++) { if (pNode == null) { return null; } pNode = pNode[parentValues[i]]; } return pNode; }, _deleteNode: function (selectedValues, values) { var name = values[values.length - 1]; var p = values.slice(0, values.length - 1); var pNode = this._getNode(selectedValues, p); if (pNode != null && pNode[name]) { delete pNode[name]; // 递归删掉空父节点 while (p.length > 0 && BI.isEmpty(pNode)) { name = p[p.length - 1]; p = p.slice(0, p.length - 1); pNode = this._getNode(selectedValues, p); if (pNode != null) { delete pNode[name]; } } } }, _buildTree: function (jo, values) { var t = jo; BI.each(values, function (i, v) { if (!BI.has(t, v)) { t[v] = {}; } t = t[v]; }); }, _isMatch: function (parentValues, value, keyword) { var node = this._getTreeNode(parentValues, value); var finded = BI.Func.getSearchResult([node.text || node.value], keyword); return finded.finded.length > 0 || finded.matched.length > 0; }, _getTreeNode: function (parentValues, v) { var self = this; var findedParentNode; var index = 0; this.tree.traverse(function (node) { if (self.tree.isRoot(node)) { return; } if (index > parentValues.length) { return false; } if (index === parentValues.length && node.value === v) { findedParentNode = node; return false; } if (node.value === parentValues[index]) { index++; return; } return true; }); return findedParentNode; }, _getChildren: function (parentValues) { if (parentValues.length > 0) { var value = BI.last(parentValues); var parent = this._getTreeNode(parentValues.slice(0, parentValues.length - 1), value); } else { var parent = this.tree.getRoot(); } return parent.getChildren(); }, _getChildCount: function (parentValues) { return this._getChildren(parentValues).length; } });/** * 简单的复选下拉树控件, 适用于数据量少的情况 * * Created by GUY on 2015/10/29. * @class BI.TreeValueChooserCombo * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.TreeValueChooserCombo = BI.inherit(BI.AbstractTreeValueChooser, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.TreeValueChooserCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-tree-value-chooser-combo", width: 200, height: 30, items: null, itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.TreeValueChooserCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; if (BI.isNotNull(o.items)) { this._initData(o.items); } this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_tree_combo", element: this, itemsCreator: BI.bind(this._itemsCreator, this), width: o.width, height: o.height }); this.combo.on(BI.MultiTreeCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.TreeValueChooserCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.combo.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.combo.getValue(); }, populate: function () { this.combo.populate.apply(this.combo, arguments); } }); BI.TreeValueChooserCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM = "TreeValueChooserCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.shortcut("bi.tree_value_chooser_combo", BI.TreeValueChooserCombo);/** * 简单的复选下拉树控件, 适用于数据量少的情况 * * Created by GUY on 2015/10/29. * @class BI.TreeValueChooserPane * @extends BI.AbstractTreeValueChooser */ BI.TreeValueChooserPane = BI.inherit(BI.AbstractTreeValueChooser, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.TreeValueChooserPane.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-tree-value-chooser-pane", items: null, itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.TreeValueChooserPane.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.pane = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_select_tree", element: this, itemsCreator: BI.bind(this._itemsCreator, this) }); this.pane.on(BI.MultiSelectTree.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.TreeValueChooserPane.EVENT_CHANGE); }); if (BI.isNotNull(o.items)) { this._initData(o.items); this.populate(); } }, setSelectedValue: function (v) { this.pane.setSelectedValue(v); }, setValue: function (v) { this.pane.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.pane.getValue(); }, populate: function () { this.pane.populate.apply(this.pane, arguments); } }); BI.TreeValueChooserPane.EVENT_CHANGE = "TreeValueChooserPane.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.tree_value_chooser_pane", BI.TreeValueChooserPane);/** * 简单的复选下拉框控件, 适用于数据量少的情况 * 封装了字段处理逻辑 * * Created by GUY on 2015/10/29. * @class BI.AbstractValueChooser * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.AbstractValueChooser = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _const: { perPage: 100 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.AbstractValueChooser.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { items: null, itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, cache: true }); }, _valueFormatter: function (v) { var text = v; if (BI.isNotNull(this.items)) { BI.some(this.items, function (i, item) { if (item.value === v) { text = item.text; return true; } }); } return text; }, _getItemsByTimes: function (items, times) { var res = []; for (var i = (times - 1) * this._const.perPage; items[i] && i < times * this._const.perPage; i++) { res.push(items[i]); } return res; }, _hasNextByTimes: function (items, times) { return times * this._const.perPage < items.length; }, _itemsCreator: function (options, callback) { var self = this, o = this.options; if (!o.cache || !this.items) { o.itemsCreator({}, function (items) { self.items = items; call(items); }); } else { call(this.items); } function call (items) { var keywords = (options.keywords || []).slice(); if (options.keyword) { keywords.push(options.keyword); } BI.each(keywords, function (i, kw) { var search = BI.Func.getSearchResult(items, kw); items = search.matched.concat(search.finded); }); if (options.selectedValues) {// 过滤 var filter = BI.makeObject(options.selectedValues, true); items = BI.filter(items, function (i, ob) { return !filter[ob.value]; }); } if (options.type === BI.MultiSelectCombo.REQ_GET_ALL_DATA) { callback({ items: items }); return; } if (options.type === BI.MultiSelectCombo.REQ_GET_DATA_LENGTH) { callback({count: items.length}); return; } callback({ items: self._getItemsByTimes(items, options.times), hasNext: self._hasNextByTimes(items, options.times) }); } } });/** * 简单的复选下拉框控件, 适用于数据量少的情况 * 封装了字段处理逻辑 * * Created by GUY on 2015/10/29. * @class BI.ValueChooserCombo * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.ValueChooserCombo = BI.inherit(BI.AbstractValueChooser, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ValueChooserCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-value-chooser-combo", width: 200, height: 30, items: null, itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, cache: true }); }, _init: function () { BI.ValueChooserCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; if (BI.isNotNull(o.items)) { this.items = o.items; } this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_select_combo", element: this, itemsCreator: BI.bind(this._itemsCreator, this), valueFormatter: BI.bind(this._valueFormatter, this), width: o.width, height: o.height }); this.combo.on(BI.MultiSelectCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ValueChooserCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM); }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.combo.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { var val = this.combo.getValue() || {}; return { type: val.type, value: val.value }; }, populate: function () { this.combo.populate.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.ValueChooserCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM = "ValueChooserCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.shortcut("bi.value_chooser_combo", BI.ValueChooserCombo);/** * 简单的复选下拉框控件, 适用于数据量少的情况 * 封装了字段处理逻辑 * * Created by GUY on 2015/10/29. * @class BI.ValueChooserPane * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.ValueChooserPane = BI.inherit(BI.AbstractValueChooser, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ValueChooserPane.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-value-chooser-pane", items: null, itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, cache: true }); }, _init: function () { BI.ValueChooserPane.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.list = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.multi_select_list", element: this, itemsCreator: BI.bind(this._itemsCreator, this), valueFormatter: BI.bind(this._valueFormatter, this) }); this.list.on(BI.MultiSelectList.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.ValueChooserPane.EVENT_CHANGE); }); if (BI.isNotNull(o.items)) { this.items = o.items; this.populate(); } }, setValue: function (v) { this.list.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { var val = this.list.getValue() || {}; return { type: val.type, value: val.value }; }, populate: function () { this.list.populate.apply(this.list, arguments); } }); BI.ValueChooserPane.EVENT_CHANGE = "ValueChooserPane.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.value_chooser_pane", BI.ValueChooserPane);(function () { var Events = { // Bind an event to a `callback` function. Passing `"all"` will bind // the callback to all events fired. on: function (name, callback, context) { if (!eventsApi(this, "on", name, [callback, context]) || !callback) return this; this._events || (this._events = {}); var events = this._events[name] || (this._events[name] = []); events.push({callback: callback, context: context, ctx: context || this}); return this; }, // Bind an event to only be triggered a single time. After the first time // the callback is invoked, it will be removed. once: function (name, callback, context) { if (!eventsApi(this, "once", name, [callback, context]) || !callback) return this; var self = this; var once = _.once(function () { self.off(name, once); callback.apply(this, arguments); }); once._callback = callback; return this.on(name, once, context); }, // Remove one or many callbacks. If `context` is null, removes all // callbacks with that function. If `callback` is null, removes all // callbacks for the event. If `name` is null, removes all bound // callbacks for all events. off: function (name, callback, context) { if (!this._events || !eventsApi(this, "off", name, [callback, context])) return this; // Remove all callbacks for all events. if (!name && !callback && !context) { this._events = void 0; return this; } var names = name ? [name] : _.keys(this._events); for (var i = 0, length = names.length; i < length; i++) { name = names[i]; // Bail out if there are no events stored. var events = this._events[name]; if (!events) continue; // Remove all callbacks for this event. if (!callback && !context) { delete this._events[name]; continue; } // Find any remaining events. var remaining = []; for (var j = 0, k = events.length; j < k; j++) { var event = events[j]; if ( callback && callback !== event.callback && callback !== event.callback._callback || context && context !== event.context ) { remaining.push(event); } } // Replace events if there are any remaining. Otherwise, clean up. if (remaining.length) { this._events[name] = remaining; } else { delete this._events[name]; } } return this; }, un: function () { this.off.apply(this, arguments); }, // Trigger one or many events, firing all bound callbacks. Callbacks are // passed the same arguments as `trigger` is, apart from the event name // (unless you're listening on `"all"`, which will cause your callback to // receive the true name of the event as the first argument). trigger: function (name) { if (!this._events) return this; var args = slice.call(arguments, 1); if (!eventsApi(this, "trigger", name, args)) return this; var events = this._events[name]; var allEvents = this._events.all; if (events) triggerEvents(events, args); if (allEvents) triggerEvents(allEvents, arguments); return this; }, fireEvent: function () { this.trigger.apply(this, arguments); }, // Inversion-of-control versions of `on` and `once`. Tell *this* object to // listen to an event in another object ... keeping track of what it's // listening to. listenTo: function (obj, name, callback) { var listeningTo = this._listeningTo || (this._listeningTo = {}); var id = obj._listenId || (obj._listenId = _.uniqueId("l")); listeningTo[id] = obj; if (!callback && typeof name === "object") callback = this; obj.on(name, callback, this); return this; }, listenToOnce: function (obj, name, callback) { if (typeof name === "object") { for (var event in name) this.listenToOnce(obj, event, name[event]); return this; } if (eventSplitter.test(name)) { var names = name.split(eventSplitter); for (var i = 0, length = names.length; i < length; i++) { this.listenToOnce(obj, names[i], callback); } return this; } if (!callback) return this; var once = _.once(function () { this.stopListening(obj, name, once); callback.apply(this, arguments); }); once._callback = callback; return this.listenTo(obj, name, once); }, // Tell this object to stop listening to either specific events ... or // to every object it's currently listening to. stopListening: function (obj, name, callback) { var listeningTo = this._listeningTo; if (!listeningTo) return this; var remove = !name && !callback; if (!callback && typeof name === "object") callback = this; if (obj) (listeningTo = {})[obj._listenId] = obj; for (var id in listeningTo) { obj = listeningTo[id]; obj.off(name, callback, this); if (remove || _.isEmpty(obj._events)) delete this._listeningTo[id]; } return this; } }; // Regular expression used to split event strings. var eventSplitter = /\s+/; // Implement fancy features of the Events API such as multiple event // names `"change blur"` and jQuery-style event maps `{change: action}` // in terms of the existing API. var eventsApi = function (obj, action, name, rest) { if (!name) return true; // Handle event maps. if (typeof name === "object") { for (var key in name) { obj[action].apply(obj, [key, name[key]].concat(rest)); } return false; } // Handle space separated event names. if (eventSplitter.test(name)) { var names = name.split(eventSplitter); for (var i = 0, length = names.length; i < length; i++) { obj[action].apply(obj, [names[i]].concat(rest)); } return false; } return true; }; // A difficult-to-believe, but optimized internal dispatch function for // triggering events. Tries to keep the usual cases speedy (most internal // BI events have 3 arguments). var triggerEvents = function (events, args) { var ev, i = -1, l = events.length, a1 = args[0], a2 = args[1], a3 = args[2]; switch (args.length) { case 0: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]).callback.call(ev.ctx); return; case 1: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]).callback.call(ev.ctx, a1); return; case 2: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]).callback.call(ev.ctx, a1, a2); return; case 3: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]).callback.call(ev.ctx, a1, a2, a3); return; default: while (++i < l) (ev = events[i]).callback.apply(ev.ctx, args); return; } }; // BI.Router // --------------- // Routers map faux-URLs to actions, and fire events when routes are // matched. Creating a new one sets its `routes` hash, if not set statically. var Router = BI.Router = function (options) { options || (options = {}); if (options.routes) this.routes = options.routes; this._bindRoutes(); this._init.apply(this, arguments); }; // Cached regular expressions for matching named param parts and splatted // parts of route strings. var optionalParam = /\((.*?)\)/g; var namedParam = /(\(\?)?:\w+/g; var splatParam = /\*\w+/g; var escapeRegExp = /[\-{}\[\]+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g; // Set up all inheritable **BI.Router** properties and methods. _.extend(Router.prototype, Events, { // _init is an empty function by default. Override it with your own // initialization logic. _init: function () { }, // Manually bind a single named route to a callback. For example: // // this.route('search/:query/p:num', 'search', function(query, num) { // ... // }); // route: function (route, name, callback) { if (!_.isRegExp(route)) route = this._routeToRegExp(route); if (_.isFunction(name)) { callback = name; name = ""; } if (!callback) callback = this[name]; var router = this; BI.history.route(route, function (fragment) { var args = router._extractParameters(route, fragment); if (router.execute(callback, args, name) !== false) { router.trigger.apply(router, ["route:" + name].concat(args)); router.trigger("route", name, args); BI.history.trigger("route", router, name, args); } }); return this; }, // Execute a route handler with the provided parameters. This is an // excellent place to do pre-route setup or post-route cleanup. execute: function (callback, args, name) { if (callback) callback.apply(this, args); }, // Simple proxy to `BI.history` to save a fragment into the history. navigate: function (fragment, options) { BI.history.navigate(fragment, options); return this; }, // Bind all defined routes to `BI.history`. We have to reverse the // order of the routes here to support behavior where the most general // routes can be defined at the bottom of the route map. _bindRoutes: function () { if (!this.routes) return; this.routes = _.result(this, "routes"); var route, routes = _.keys(this.routes); while ((route = routes.pop()) != null) { this.route(route, this.routes[route]); } }, // Convert a route string into a regular expression, suitable for matching // against the current location hash. _routeToRegExp: function (route) { route = route.replace(escapeRegExp, "\\$&") .replace(optionalParam, "(?:$1)?") .replace(namedParam, function (match, optional) { return optional ? match : "([^/?]+)"; }) .replace(splatParam, "([^?]*?)"); return new RegExp("^" + route + "(?:\\?([\\s\\S]*))?$"); }, // Given a route, and a URL fragment that it matches, return the array of // extracted decoded parameters. Empty or unmatched parameters will be // treated as `null` to normalize cross-browser behavior. _extractParameters: function (route, fragment) { var params = route.exec(fragment).slice(1); return _.map(params, function (param, i) { // Don't decode the search params. if (i === params.length - 1) return param || null; return param ? decodeURIComponent(param) : null; }); } }); // History // ---------------- // Handles cross-browser history management, based on either // [pushState](http://diveintohtml5.info/history.html) and real URLs, or // [onhashchange](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/window.onhashchange) // and URL fragments. If the browser supports neither (old IE, natch), // falls back to polling. var History = function () { this.handlers = []; _.bindAll(this, "checkUrl"); // Ensure that `History` can be used outside of the browser. if (typeof window !== "undefined") { this.location = window.location; this.history = window.history; } }; // Cached regex for stripping a leading hash/slash and trailing space. var routeStripper = /^[#\/]|\s+$/g; // Cached regex for stripping leading and trailing slashes. var rootStripper = /^\/+|\/+$/g; // Cached regex for stripping urls of hash. var pathStripper = /#.*$/; // Has the history handling already been started? History.started = false; // Set up all inheritable **BI.History** properties and methods. _.extend(History.prototype, Events, { // The default interval to poll for hash changes, if necessary, is // twenty times a second. interval: 50, // Are we at the app root? atRoot: function () { var path = this.location.pathname.replace(/[^\/]$/, "$&/"); return path === this.root && !this.getSearch(); }, // In IE6, the hash fragment and search params are incorrect if the // fragment contains `?`. getSearch: function () { var match = this.location.href.replace(/#.*/, "").match(/\?.+/); return match ? match[0] : ""; }, // Gets the true hash value. Cannot use location.hash directly due to bug // in Firefox where location.hash will always be decoded. getHash: function (window) { var match = (window || this).location.href.match(/#(.*)$/); return match ? match[1] : ""; }, // Get the pathname and search params, without the root. getPath: function () { var path = decodeURI(this.location.pathname + this.getSearch()); var root = this.root.slice(0, -1); if (!path.indexOf(root)) path = path.slice(root.length); return path.charAt(0) === "/" ? path.slice(1) : path; }, // Get the cross-browser normalized URL fragment from the path or hash. getFragment: function (fragment) { if (fragment == null) { if (this._hasPushState || !this._wantsHashChange) { fragment = this.getPath(); } else { fragment = this.getHash(); } } return fragment.replace(routeStripper, ""); }, // Start the hash change handling, returning `true` if the current URL matches // an existing route, and `false` otherwise. start: function (options) { if (History.started) throw new Error("BI.history has already been started"); History.started = true; // Figure out the initial configuration. Do we need an iframe? // Is pushState desired ... is it available? this.options = _.extend({root: "/"}, this.options, options); this.root = this.options.root; this._wantsHashChange = this.options.hashChange !== false; this._hasHashChange = "onhashchange" in window; this._wantsPushState = !!this.options.pushState; this._hasPushState = !!(this.options.pushState && this.history && this.history.pushState); this.fragment = this.getFragment(); // Normalize root to always include a leading and trailing slash. this.root = ("/" + this.root + "/").replace(rootStripper, "/"); // Transition from hashChange to pushState or vice versa if both are // requested. if (this._wantsHashChange && this._wantsPushState) { // If we've started off with a route from a `pushState`-enabled // browser, but we're currently in a browser that doesn't support it... if (!this._hasPushState && !this.atRoot()) { var root = this.root.slice(0, -1) || "/"; this.location.replace(root + "#" + this.getPath()); // Return immediately as browser will do redirect to new url return true; // Or if we've started out with a hash-based route, but we're currently // in a browser where it could be `pushState`-based instead... } else if (this._hasPushState && this.atRoot()) { this.navigate(this.getHash(), {replace: true}); } } // Proxy an iframe to handle location events if the browser doesn't // support the `hashchange` event, HTML5 history, or the user wants // `hashChange` but not `pushState`. if (!this._hasHashChange && this._wantsHashChange && (!this._wantsPushState || !this._hasPushState)) { var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.src = "javascript:0"; iframe.style.display = "none"; iframe.tabIndex = -1; var body = document.body; // Using `appendChild` will throw on IE < 9 if the document is not ready. this.iframe = body.insertBefore(iframe, body.firstChild).contentWindow; this.iframe.document.open().close(); this.iframe.location.hash = "#" + this.fragment; } // Add a cross-platform `addEventListener` shim for older browsers. var addEventListener = window.addEventListener || function (eventName, listener) { return attachEvent("on" + eventName, listener); }; // Depending on whether we're using pushState or hashes, and whether // 'onhashchange' is supported, determine how we check the URL state. if (this._hasPushState) { addEventListener("popstate", this.checkUrl, false); } else if (this._wantsHashChange && this._hasHashChange && !this.iframe) { addEventListener("hashchange", this.checkUrl, false); } else if (this._wantsHashChange) { this._checkUrlInterval = setInterval(this.checkUrl, this.interval); } if (!this.options.silent) return this.loadUrl(); }, // Disable BI.history, perhaps temporarily. Not useful in a real app, // but possibly useful for unit testing Routers. stop: function () { // Add a cross-platform `removeEventListener` shim for older browsers. var removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener || function (eventName, listener) { return detachEvent("on" + eventName, listener); }; // Remove window listeners. if (this._hasPushState) { removeEventListener("popstate", this.checkUrl, false); } else if (this._wantsHashChange && this._hasHashChange && !this.iframe) { removeEventListener("hashchange", this.checkUrl, false); } // Clean up the iframe if necessary. if (this.iframe) { document.body.removeChild(this.iframe.frameElement); this.iframe = null; } // Some environments will throw when clearing an undefined interval. if (this._checkUrlInterval) clearInterval(this._checkUrlInterval); History.started = false; }, // Add a route to be tested when the fragment changes. Routes added later // may override previous routes. route: function (route, callback) { this.handlers.unshift({route: route, callback: callback}); }, // Checks the current URL to see if it has changed, and if it has, // calls `loadUrl`, normalizing across the hidden iframe. checkUrl: function (e) { var current = this.getFragment(); // If the user pressed the back button, the iframe's hash will have // changed and we should use that for comparison. if (current === this.fragment && this.iframe) { current = this.getHash(this.iframe); } if (current === this.fragment) return false; if (this.iframe) this.navigate(current); this.loadUrl(); }, // Attempt to load the current URL fragment. If a route succeeds with a // match, returns `true`. If no defined routes matches the fragment, // returns `false`. loadUrl: function (fragment) { fragment = this.fragment = this.getFragment(fragment); return _.any(this.handlers, function (handler) { if (handler.route.test(fragment)) { handler.callback(fragment); return true; } }); }, // Save a fragment into the hash history, or replace the URL state if the // 'replace' option is passed. You are responsible for properly URL-encoding // the fragment in advance. // // The options object can contain `trigger: true` if you wish to have the // route callback be fired (not usually desirable), or `replace: true`, if // you wish to modify the current URL without adding an entry to the history. navigate: function (fragment, options) { if (!History.started) return false; if (!options || options === true) options = {trigger: !!options}; // Normalize the fragment. fragment = this.getFragment(fragment || ""); // Don't include a trailing slash on the root. var root = this.root; if (fragment === "" || fragment.charAt(0) === "?") { root = root.slice(0, -1) || "/"; } var url = root + fragment; // Strip the hash and decode for matching. fragment = decodeURI(fragment.replace(pathStripper, "")); if (this.fragment === fragment) return; this.fragment = fragment; // If pushState is available, we use it to set the fragment as a real URL. if (this._hasPushState) { this.history[options.replace ? "replaceState" : "pushState"]({}, document.title, url); // If hash changes haven't been explicitly disabled, update the hash // fragment to store history. } else if (this._wantsHashChange) { this._updateHash(this.location, fragment, options.replace); if (this.iframe && (fragment !== this.getHash(this.iframe))) { // Opening and closing the iframe tricks IE7 and earlier to push a // history entry on hash-tag change. When replace is true, we don't // want this. if (!options.replace) this.iframe.document.open().close(); this._updateHash(this.iframe.location, fragment, options.replace); } // If you've told us that you explicitly don't want fallback hashchange- // based history, then `navigate` becomes a page refresh. } else { return this.location.assign(url); } if (options.trigger) return this.loadUrl(fragment); }, // Update the hash location, either replacing the current entry, or adding // a new one to the browser history. _updateHash: function (location, fragment, replace) { if (replace) { var href = location.href.replace(/(javascript:|#).*$/, ""); location.replace(href + "#" + fragment); } else { // Some browsers require that `hash` contains a leading #. location.hash = "#" + fragment; } } }); // Create the default BI.history. BI.history = new History; }());BI.servletURL = "https://fanruan.coding.me/fineui/dist/"; BI.resourceURL = "https://fanruan.coding.me/fineui/dist/resource/"; BI.i18n = { "BI-Multi_Date_Quarter_End": "季度末", "BI-Multi_Date_Month_Begin": "月初", "BI-Multi_Date_YMD": "年/月/日", "BI-Custom_Color": "自定义颜色", "BI-Numerical_Interval_Input_Data": "请输入数值", "BI-Please_Input_Natural_Number": "请输入非负整数", "BI-No_More_Data": "无更多数据", "BI-Basic_Altogether": "共", "BI-Basic_Sunday": "星期日", "BI-Widget_Background_Colour": "组件背景", "BI-Color_Picker_Error_Text": "请输入0~255的正整数", "BI-Multi_Date_Month": "月", "BI-No_Selected_Item": "没有可选项", "BI-Multi_Date_Year_Begin": "年初", "BI-Quarter_1": "第1季度", "BI-Quarter_2": "第2季度", "BI-Quarter_3": "第3季度", "BI-Quarter_4": "第4季度", "BI-Multi_Date_Year_Next": "年后", "BI-Multi_Date_Month_Prev": "个月前", "BI-Month_Trigger_Error_Text": "请输入1~12的正整数", "BI-Less_And_Equal": "小于等于", "BI-Year_Trigger_Invalid_Text": "请输入有效时间", "BI-Multi_Date_Week_Next": "周后", "BI-Font_Size": "字号", "BI-Basic_Total": "共", "BI-Already_Selected": "已选择", "BI-Formula_Insert": "插入", "BI-Select_All": "全选", "BI-Basic_Tuesday": "星期二", "BI-Multi_Date_Month_End": "月末", "BI-Load_More": "点击加载更多数据", "BI-Basic_September": "九月", "BI-Current_Is_Last_Page": "当前已是最后一页", "BI-Basic_Auto": "自动", "BI-Basic_Count": "个", "BI-Basic_Value": "值", "BI-Basic_Unrestricted": "无限制", "BI-Quarter_Trigger_Error_Text": "请输入1~4的正整数", "BI-Basic_More": "更多", "BI-Basic_Wednesday": "星期三", "BI-Basic_Bold": "加粗", "BI-Basic_Simple_Saturday": "六", "BI-Multi_Date_Month_Next": "个月后", "BI-Basic_March": "三月", "BI-Current_Is_First_Page": "当前已是第一页", "BI-Basic_Thursday": "星期四", "BI-Basic_Prompt": "提示", "BI-Multi_Date_Today": "今天", "BI-Multi_Date_Quarter_Prev": "个季度前", "BI-Row_Header": "行表头", "BI-Date_Trigger_Error_Text": "日期格式示例:2015-3-11", "BI-Basic_Cancel": "取消", "BI-Basic_January": "一月", "BI-Basic_June": "六月", "BI-Basic_July": "七月", "BI-Basic_April": "四月", "BI-Multi_Date_Quarter_Begin": "季度初", "BI-Multi_Date_Week": "周", "BI-Click_Blank_To_Select": "点按\"空格键\"选中匹配项", "BI-Basic_August": "八月", "BI-Word_Align_Left": "文字居左", "BI-Basic_November": "十一月", "BI-Font_Colour": "字体颜色", "BI-Multi_Date_Day_Prev": "天前", "BI-Select_Part": "部分选择", "BI-Multi_Date_Day_Next": "天后", "BI-Less_Than": "小于", "BI-Basic_February": "二月", "BI-Multi_Date_Year": "年", "BI-Number_Index": "序号", "BI-Multi_Date_Week_Prev": "周前", "BI-Next_Page": "下一页", "BI-Right_Page": "向右翻页", "BI-Numerical_Interval_Signal_Value": "前后值相等,请将操作符改为“≤”", "BI-Basic_December": "十二月", "BI-Basic_Saturday": "星期六", "BI-Basic_Simple_Wednesday": "三", "BI-Multi_Date_Quarter_Next": "个季度后", "BI-Basic_October": "十月", "BI-Basic_Simple_Friday": "五", "BI-Primary_Key": "主键", "BI-Basic_Save": "保存", "BI-Numerical_Interval_Number_Value": "请保证前面的数值小于/等于后面的数值", "BI-Previous_Page": "上一页", "BI-No_Select": "搜索结果为空", "BI-Basic_Clears": "清空", "BI-Created_By_Me": "我创建的", "BI-Basic_Simple_Tuesday": "二", "BI-Word_Align_Right": "文字居右", "BI-Summary_Values": "汇总", "BI-Basic_Clear": "清除", "BI-Upload_File_Size_Error": "文件大小不支", "BI-Up_Page": "向上翻页", "BI-Basic_Simple_Sunday": "日", "BI-Multi_Date_Relative_Current_Time": "相对当前时间", "BI-Selected_Data": "已选数据:", "BI-Multi_Date_Quarter": "季度", "BI-Check_Selected": "查看已选", "BI-Basic_Search": "搜索", "BI-Basic_May": "五月", "BI-Continue_Select": "继续选择", "BI-Please_Input_Positive_Integer": "请输入正整数", "BI-Upload_File_Type_Error": "文件类型不支持", "BI-Basic_Friday": "星期五", "BI-Down_Page": "向下翻页", "BI-Basic_Monday": "星期一", "BI-Left_Page": "向左翻页", "BI-Transparent_Color": "透明", "BI-Basic_Simple_Monday": "一", "BI-Multi_Date_Year_End": "年末", "BI-Time_Interval_Error_Text": "请保证前面时间小于/等于后面的时间", "BI-Basic_Time": "时间", "BI-Basic_OK": "确定", "BI-Basic_Sure": "确定", "BI-Basic_Simple_Thursday": "四", "BI-Multi_Date_Year_Prev": "年前", "BI-Tiao_Data": "条数据", "BI-Basic_Italic": "斜体", "BI-Basic_Union_Relation": "联合关联" };