diff --git a/src/widget/date/calendar/popup.month.js b/src/widget/date/calendar/popup.month.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..658642b21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/widget/date/calendar/popup.month.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * 月份展示面板
+ *
+ * Created by GUY on 2015/9/2.
+ * @class BI.MonthPopup
+ * @extends BI.Trigger
+ */
+BI.MonthPopup = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
+    _defaultConfig: function () {
+        return BI.extend(BI.MonthPopup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {
+            baseCls: "bi-month-popup",
+            behaviors: {}
+        });
+    },
+    _init: function () {
+        BI.MonthPopup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments);
+        var self = this, o = this.options;
+        // 纵向排列月
+        var month = [1, 7, 2, 8, 3, 9, 4, 10, 5, 11, 6, 12];
+        var items = [];
+        items.push(month.slice(0, 2));
+        items.push(month.slice(2, 4));
+        items.push(month.slice(4, 6));
+        items.push(month.slice(6, 8));
+        items.push(month.slice(8, 10));
+        items.push(month.slice(10, 12));
+        items = BI.map(items, function (i, item) {
+            return BI.map(item, function (j, td) {
+                return {
+                    type: "bi.text_item",
+                    cls: "bi-list-item-select",
+                    textAlign: "center",
+                    whiteSpace: "nowrap",
+                    once: false,
+                    forceSelected: true,
+                    height: 23,
+                    width: 38,
+                    value: td,
+                    text: td
+                };
+            });
+        });
+        this.month = BI.createWidget({
+            type: "bi.button_group",
+            element: this,
+            behaviors: o.behaviors,
+            items: BI.createItems(items, {}),
+            layouts: [BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("table", BI.extend({
+                dynamic: true
+            }, {
+                columns: 2,
+                rows: 6,
+                columnSize: [1 / 2, 1 / 2],
+                rowSize: 25
+            })), {
+                type: "bi.center_adapt",
+                vgap: 1,
+                hgap: 2
+            }],
+            value: o.value
+        });
+        this.month.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) {
+            self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments);
+            if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) {
+                self.fireEvent(BI.MonthPopup.EVENT_CHANGE);
+            }
+        });
+    },
+    getValue: function () {
+        return this.month.getValue()[0];
+    },
+    setValue: function (v) {
+        v = BI.parseInt(v);
+        this.month.setValue([v]);
+    }
+BI.shortcut("bi.month_popup", BI.MonthPopup);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/widget/month/__test__/month.test.js b/src/widget/month/__test__/month.test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index af8800d76..000000000
--- a/src/widget/month/__test__/month.test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- * @author windy
- * @version 2.0
- * Created by windy on 2019/9/12
- */
-describe("month", function () {
-    /**
-     * test_author_windy
-     */
-    it("setValue", function () {
-        var combo = BI.Test.createWidget({
-            type: "bi.month_combo",
-        });
-        combo.setValue(11);
-        expect(combo.getValue()).to.equal(11);
-    });
-    /**
-     * test_author_windy
-     */
-    it("getValue", function () {
-        var combo = BI.Test.createWidget({
-            type: "bi.month_combo",
-            value: 1
-        });
-        expect(combo.getValue()).to.equal(1);
-    });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/widget/month/combo.month.js b/src/widget/month/combo.month.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a83b8a5e0..000000000
--- a/src/widget/month/combo.month.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
- * 月份下拉框
- *
- * Created by GUY on 2015/8/28.
- * @class BI.MonthCombo
- * @extends BI.Trigger
- */
-BI.MonthCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
-    _defaultConfig: function () {
-        return BI.extend(BI.MonthCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {
-            baseCls: "bi-month-combo",
-            behaviors: {},
-            height: 24
-        });
-    },
-    _init: function () {
-        BI.MonthCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments);
-        var self = this, o = this.options;
-        this.trigger = BI.createWidget({
-            type: "bi.month_trigger",
-            value: o.value
-        });
-        this.trigger.on(BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_CONFIRM, function (v) {
-            if (self.combo.isViewVisible()) {
-                return;
-            }
-            if (this.getKey() && this.getKey() !== self.storeValue) {
-                self.setValue(this.getValue());
-            } else if (!this.getKey()) {
-                self.setValue();
-            }
-            self.fireEvent(BI.MonthCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM);
-        });
-        this.trigger.on(BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_FOCUS, function () {
-            self.storeValue = this.getKey();
-        });
-        this.trigger.on(BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_START, function () {
-            self.combo.hideView();
-        });
-        this.trigger.on(BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_STOP, function () {
-            if (!self.combo.isViewVisible()) {
-                self.combo.showView();
-            }
-        });
-        this.popup = BI.createWidget({
-            type: "bi.month_popup",
-            behaviors: o.behaviors,
-            value: o.value
-        });
-        this.popup.on(BI.MonthPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () {
-            self.setValue(self.popup.getValue());
-            self.combo.hideView();
-            self.fireEvent(BI.MonthCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM);
-        });
-        this.combo = BI.createWidget({
-            type: "bi.combo",
-            container: o.container,
-            element: this,
-            isNeedAdjustHeight: false,
-            isNeedAdjustWidth: false,
-            el: this.trigger,
-            popup: {
-                minWidth: 85,
-                el: this.popup
-            }
-        });
-        this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () {
-            self.fireEvent(BI.MonthCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW);
-        });
-    },
-    setValue: function (v) {
-        this.trigger.setValue(v);
-        this.popup.setValue(v);
-    },
-    getValue: function () {
-        if (BI.isNull(this.popup)) {
-            return this.options.value || "";
-        } else {
-            return this.popup.getValue() || "";
-        }
-    }
-BI.shortcut("bi.month_combo", BI.MonthCombo);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/widget/month/trigger.month.js b/src/widget/month/trigger.month.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fa800603..000000000
--- a/src/widget/month/trigger.month.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
- * 月份trigger
- *
- * Created by GUY on 2015/8/21.
- * @class BI.MonthTrigger
- * @extends BI.Trigger
- */
-BI.MonthTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, {
-    _const: {
-        hgap: 4,
-        vgap: 2
-    },
-    _defaultConfig: function () {
-        return BI.extend(BI.MonthTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {
-            extraCls: "bi-month-trigger bi-border",
-            height: 24
-        });
-    },
-    _init: function () {
-        BI.MonthTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments);
-        var self = this, o = this.options, c = this._const;
-        this.editor = BI.createWidget({
-            type: "bi.sign_editor",
-            height: o.height,
-            validationChecker: function (v) {
-                return v === "" || (BI.isPositiveInteger(v) && v >= 1 && v <= 12);
-            },
-            quitChecker: function (v) {
-                return false;
-            },
-            hgap: c.hgap,
-            vgap: c.vgap,
-            allowBlank: true,
-            errorText: BI.i18nText("BI-Month_Trigger_Error_Text")
-        });
-        this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_FOCUS, function () {
-            self.fireEvent(BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_FOCUS);
-        });
-        this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_CHANGE, function () {
-            self.fireEvent(BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE);
-        });
-        this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () {
-            var value = self.editor.getValue();
-            if (BI.isNotNull(value)) {
-                self.editor.setValue(value);
-                self.editor.setTitle(value);
-            }
-            self.fireEvent(BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_CONFIRM);
-        });
-        this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_SPACE, function () {
-            if (self.editor.isValid()) {
-                self.editor.blur();
-            }
-        });
-        this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_START, function () {
-            self.fireEvent(BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_START);
-        });
-        this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_STOP, function () {
-            self.fireEvent(BI.MonthTrigger.EVENT_STOP);
-        });
-        BI.createWidget({
-            element: this,
-            type: "bi.htape",
-            items: [
-                {
-                    el: this.editor
-                }, {
-                    el: {
-                        type: "bi.text_button",
-                        text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Month"),
-                        baseCls: "bi-trigger-month-text",
-                        width: o.height
-                    },
-                    width: o.height
-                }, {
-                    el: {
-                        type: "bi.trigger_icon_button",
-                        width: o.height
-                    },
-                    width: o.height
-                }
-            ]
-        });
-        this.setValue(o.value);
-    },
-    setValue: function (v) {
-        if(BI.isNotNull(v)) {
-            this.editor.setState(v + 1);
-            this.editor.setValue(v + 1);
-            this.editor.setTitle(v + 1);
-            return;
-        }
-        this.editor.setState("");
-        this.editor.setValue("");
-        this.editor.setTitle("");
-    },
-    getKey: function () {
-        return this.editor.getValue() | 0;
-    },
-    getValue: function () {
-        return this.editor.getValue() - 1;
-    }
-BI.shortcut("bi.month_trigger", BI.MonthTrigger);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/widget/multilayerdownlist/__test__/downlist.test.js b/src/widget/multilayerdownlist/__test__/downlist.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94f847dad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/widget/multilayerdownlist/__test__/downlist.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * @author windy
+ * @version 2.0
+ * Created by windy on 2019/9/18
+ */
+describe("multi_layer_down_list_combo", function () {
+    /**
+     * test_author_windy
+     */
+    it("defaultValue", function () {
+        var downListCombo = BI.Test.createWidget({
+            type: "bi.multi_layer_down_list_combo",
+            items: [[{"el":{"text":"column 1111","iconCls1":"dot-e-font","value":12},"children":[{"text":"column 1.1","value":21,"cls":"dot-e-font"},{"text":"column 1.2","value":22,"cls":"dot-e-font"}]}],[{"el":{"text":"column 1111","iconCls1":"dot-e-font","value":11},"children":[{"text":"column 1.1","value":21,"cls":"dot-e-font", children: [{"text":"column 1.1","value":21,"cls":"dot-e-font"}]},{"text":"column 1.2","value":22,"cls":"dot-e-font"}]}]]
+        });
+        downListCombo.setValue([{value: 12, childValue: 21}]);
+        expect(downListCombo.getValue()).to.deep.equal([ { childValue: 21, value: 12 } ]);
+        downListCombo.destroy();
+    });
+    /**
+     * test_author_windy
+     */
+    it("点击父亲选值", function (done) {
+        var downListCombo = BI.Test.createWidget({
+            type: "bi.multi_layer_down_list_combo",
+            height: 30,
+            width: 30,
+            items: [[{"el":{"text":"column 1111","iconCls1":"dot-e-font","value":12},"children":[{"text":"column 1.1","value":21,"cls":"dot-e-font"},{"text":"column 1.2","value":22,"cls":"dot-e-font"}]}],[{"el":{"text":"column 1111","iconCls1":"dot-e-font","value":11},"children":[{"text":"column 1.1","value":21,"cls":"dot-e-font"},{"text":"column 1.2","value":22,"cls":"dot-e-font"}]}], [{"text": "column 1122", value: 32}, {"text": "column 1133", value: 33}]]
+        });
+        downListCombo.element.children(".pull-down-font").click();
+        BI.nextTick(function () {
+            downListCombo.element.find(".bi-down-list-group:last-child .bi-down-list-item").click();
+            expect(downListCombo.getValue()).to.deep.equal([ { value: 33 } ]);
+            done();
+        });
+    });
+    /**
+     * test_author_windy
+     */
+    it("点击儿子选值", function (done) {
+        var downListCombo = BI.Test.createWidget({
+            type: "bi.multi_layer_down_list_combo",
+            height: 30,
+            width: 30,
+            items: [[{"el":{"text":"column 1111","iconCls1":"dot-e-font","value":12},"children":[{"text":"column 1.1","value":21,"cls":"dot-e-font"},{"text":"column 1.2","value":22,"cls":"dot-e-font"}]}],[{"el":{"text":"column 1111","iconCls1":"dot-e-font","value":11},"children":[{"text":"column 1.1","value":21,"cls":"dot-e-font"},{"text":"column 1.2","value":22,"cls":"dot-e-font"}]}]]
+        });
+        downListCombo.element.children(".pull-down-font").click();
+        BI.Test.triggerMouseover(downListCombo.element.find(".bi-down-list-group:first-child .bi-down-list-group-item"), function () {
+            BI.nextTick(function () {
+                downListCombo.element.find(".child-down-list-item:first-child").click();
+                expect(downListCombo.getValue()).to.deep.equal([ { childValue: 21, value: 12 } ]);
+                downListCombo.destroy();
+                done();
+            });
+        });
+    });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/widget/multilayerselecttree/__test__/multilayerselecttree.combo.test.js b/src/widget/multilayerselecttree/__test__/multilayerselecttree.combo.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8674a4f8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/widget/multilayerselecttree/__test__/multilayerselecttree.combo.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ * @author windy
+ * @version 2.0
+ * Created by windy on 2019/9/18
+ */
+describe("multilayer_select_tree", function () {
+    var items = [{id: -1, pId: -2, value: "根目录", text: "根目录"},
+        {id: 1, pId: -1, value: "第一级目录1", text: "第一级目录1"},
+        {id: 11, pId: 1, value: "第二级文件1", text: "第二级文件1"},
+        {id: 12, pId: 1, value: "第二级目录2", text: "第二级目录2"},
+        {id: 121, pId: 12, value: "第三级目录1", text: "第三级目录1"},
+        {id: 122, pId: 12, value: "第三级文件1", text: "第三级文件1"},
+        {id: 1211, pId: 121, value: "第四级目录1", text: "第四级目录1"},
+        {
+            id: 12111,
+            pId: 1211,
+            value: "第五级文件1",
+            text: "第五级文件111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
+        },
+        {id: 2, pId: -1, value: "第一级目录2", text: "第一级目录2"},
+        {id: 21, pId: 2, value: "第二级目录3", text: "第二级目录3"},
+        {id: 22, pId: 2, value: "第二级文件2", text: "第二级文件2"},
+        {id: 211, pId: 21, value: "第三级目录2", text: "第三级目录2"},
+        {id: 212, pId: 21, value: "第三级文件2", text: "第三级文件2"},
+        {id: 2111, pId: 211, value: "第四级文件1", text: "第四级文件1"}];
+    /**
+     *   test_author_windy
+     **/
+    it("defaultValue_allowEdit", function () {
+        var tree = BI.Test.createWidget({
+            type: "bi.multilayer_select_tree_combo",
+            width: 300,
+            height: 24,
+            allowEdit: true,
+            items: BI.deepClone(items),
+            value: "第一级目录2"
+        });
+        expect(tree.getValue()).to.equal("第一级目录2");
+        tree.destroy();
+    });
+    /**
+     *   test_author_windy
+     **/
+    it("defaultValue_not_allowEdit", function () {
+        var tree = BI.Test.createWidget({
+            type: "bi.multilayer_select_tree_combo",
+            width: 300,
+            height: 24,
+            items: BI.deepClone(items),
+            value: "第一级目录2"
+        });
+        expect(tree.getValue()).to.equal("第一级目录2");
+        tree.destroy();
+    });
+    /**
+     *   test_author_windy
+     **/
+    it("点选选值", function (done) {
+        var tree = BI.Test.createWidget({
+            type: "bi.multilayer_select_tree_combo",
+            width: 300,
+            height: 24,
+            allowEdit: true,
+            items: BI.deepClone(items),
+            value: "第一级目录2"
+        });
+        tree.element.find(".bi-multi-layer-select-tree-trigger").click();
+        BI.nextTick(function () {
+            tree.element.find(".bi-select-tree-plus-group-node").click();
+            expect(tree.getValue()[0]).to.equal("根目录");
+            tree.destroy();
+            done();
+        });
+    });
+    /**
+     *   test_author_windy
+     **/
+    it("搜索选值", function (done) {
+        var tree = BI.Test.createWidget({
+            type: "bi.multilayer_select_tree_combo",
+            width: 300,
+            height: 24,
+            allowEdit: true,
+            items: BI.deepClone(items)
+        });
+        BI.nextTick(function () {
+            tree.element.find(".bi-multi-layer-select-tree-trigger .tip-text-style").click();
+            // 这边为啥要加呢,因为input的setValue中有nextTick
+            BI.nextTick(function () {
+                BI.Test.triggerKeyDown(tree.element.find(".bi-multi-layer-select-tree-trigger .bi-input"), "2", 50, function () {
+                    BI.nextTick(function () {
+                        tree.element.find(".bi-select-tree-mid-plus-group-node").click();
+                        expect(tree.getValue()[0]).to.equal("第一级目录2");
+                        tree.destroy();
+                        done();
+                    });
+                });
+            });
+        });
+    });
+    /**
+     *   test_author_windy
+     **/
+    it("新增值", function (done) {
+        var tree = BI.Test.createWidget({
+            type: "bi.multilayer_select_tree_combo",
+            width: 300,
+            height: 24,
+            allowEdit: true,
+            allowInsertValue: true,
+            items: BI.deepClone(items)
+        });
+        BI.nextTick(function () {
+            tree.element.find(".bi-multi-layer-select-tree-trigger .tip-text-style").click();
+            // 这边为啥要加呢,因为input的setValue中有nextTick
+            BI.nextTick(function () {
+                BI.Test.triggerKeyDown(tree.element.find(".bi-multi-layer-select-tree-trigger .bi-input"), "z", 50, function () {
+                    BI.nextTick(function () {
+                        tree.element.find(".bi-text-button:contains(+点击新增\"z\")").click();
+                        expect(tree.getValue()[0]).to.equal("z");
+                        tree.destroy();
+                        done();
+                    });
+                });
+            });
+        });
+    });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/widget/multilayersingletree/__test__/multilayersingletree.combo.test.js b/src/widget/multilayersingletree/__test__/multilayersingletree.combo.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82b67d29d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/widget/multilayersingletree/__test__/multilayersingletree.combo.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ * @author windy
+ * @version 2.0
+ * Created by windy on 2019/9/18
+ */
+describe("multilayer_single_tree", function () {
+    var items = [{id: -1, pId: -2, value: "根目录", text: "根目录", open: true},
+        {id: 1, pId: -1, value: "第一级目录1", text: "第一级目录1", open: true},
+        {id: 11, pId: 1, value: "第二级文件1", text: "第二级文件1"},
+        {id: 12, pId: 1, value: "第二级目录2", text: "第二级目录2", open: true},
+        {id: 121, pId: 12, value: "第三级目录1", text: "第三级目录1", open: true},
+        {id: 122, pId: 12, value: "第三级文件1", text: "第三级文件1"},
+        {id: 1211, pId: 121, value: "第四级目录1", text: "第四级目录1", open: true},
+        {
+            id: 12111,
+            pId: 1211,
+            value: "第五级文件1",
+            text: "第五级文件111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
+        },
+        {id: 2, pId: -1, value: "第一级目录2", text: "第一级目录2", open: true},
+        {id: 21, pId: 2, value: "第二级目录3", text: "第二级目录3", open: true},
+        {id: 22, pId: 2, value: "第二级文件2", text: "第二级文件2"},
+        {id: 211, pId: 21, value: "第三级目录2", text: "第三级目录2", open: true},
+        {id: 212, pId: 21, value: "第三级文件2", text: "第三级文件2"},
+        {id: 2111, pId: 211, value: "第四级文件1", text: "第四级文件1"}];
+    /**
+     *   test_author_windy
+     **/
+    it("defaultValue_allowEdit", function () {
+        var tree = BI.Test.createWidget({
+            type: "bi.multilayer_single_tree_combo",
+            width: 300,
+            height: 24,
+            allowEdit: true,
+            items: BI.deepClone(items),
+            value: "第二级文件1"
+        });
+        expect(tree.getValue()).to.equal("第二级文件1");
+        tree.destroy();
+    });
+    /**
+     *   test_author_windy
+     **/
+    it("defaultValue_not_allowEdit", function () {
+        var tree = BI.Test.createWidget({
+            type: "bi.multilayer_single_tree_combo",
+            width: 300,
+            height: 24,
+            items: BI.deepClone(items),
+            value: "第二级文件1"
+        });
+        expect(tree.getValue()).to.equal("第二级文件1");
+        tree.destroy();
+    });
+    /**
+     *   test_author_windy
+     **/
+    it("点选选值", function (done) {
+        var tree = BI.Test.createWidget({
+            type: "bi.multilayer_single_tree_combo",
+            width: 300,
+            height: 24,
+            allowEdit: true,
+            items: BI.deepClone(items)
+        });
+        tree.element.find(".bi-multi-layer-single-tree-trigger").click();
+        BI.nextTick(function () {
+            tree.element.find(".bi-multilayer-single-tree-mid-tree-leaf-item").click();
+            expect(tree.getValue()[0]).to.equal("第二级文件1");
+            tree.destroy();
+            done();
+        });
+    });
+    /**
+     *   test_author_windy
+     **/
+    it("搜索选值", function (done) {
+        var tree = BI.Test.createWidget({
+            type: "bi.multilayer_single_tree_combo",
+            width: 300,
+            height: 24,
+            allowEdit: true,
+            items: BI.deepClone(items)
+        });
+        BI.nextTick(function () {
+            tree.element.find(".bi-multi-layer-single-tree-trigger .tip-text-style").click();
+            // 这边为啥要加呢,因为input的setValue中有nextTick
+            BI.nextTick(function () {
+                BI.Test.triggerKeyDown(tree.element.find(".bi-multi-layer-single-tree-trigger .bi-input"), "2", 50, function () {
+                    BI.nextTick(function () {
+                        tree.element.find(".bi-multilayer-single-tree-mid-tree-leaf-item").click();
+                        expect(tree.getValue()[0]).to.equal("第二级文件1");
+                        tree.destroy();
+                        done();
+                    });
+                });
+            });
+        });
+    });
+    /**
+     *   test_author_windy
+     **/
+    it("新增值", function (done) {
+        var tree = BI.Test.createWidget({
+            type: "bi.multilayer_single_tree_combo",
+            width: 300,
+            height: 24,
+            allowEdit: true,
+            allowInsertValue: true,
+            items: BI.deepClone(items)
+        });
+        BI.nextTick(function () {
+            tree.element.find(".bi-multi-layer-single-tree-trigger .tip-text-style").click();
+            // 这边为啥要加呢,因为input的setValue中有nextTick
+            BI.nextTick(function () {
+                BI.Test.triggerKeyDown(tree.element.find(".bi-multi-layer-single-tree-trigger .bi-input"), "z", 50, function () {
+                    BI.nextTick(function () {
+                        tree.element.find(".bi-text-button:contains(+点击新增\"z\")").click();
+                        expect(tree.getValue()[0]).to.equal("z");
+                        tree.destroy();
+                        done();
+                    });
+                });
+            });
+        });
+    });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/widget/multiselect/__test__/multiselect.loader.nobar.test.js b/src/widget/multiselect/__test__/multiselect.loader.nobar.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..324598714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/widget/multiselect/__test__/multiselect.loader.nobar.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ * @author windy
+ * @version 2.0
+ * Created by windy on 2019/9/18
+ */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/widget/multiselect/__test__/multiselect.loader.test.js b/src/widget/multiselect/__test__/multiselect.loader.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..324598714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/widget/multiselect/__test__/multiselect.loader.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ * @author windy
+ * @version 2.0
+ * Created by windy on 2019/9/18
+ */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/widget/multiselect/__test__/multiselectcombo.test.js b/src/widget/multiselect/__test__/multiselectcombo.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..324598714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/widget/multiselect/__test__/multiselectcombo.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ * @author windy
+ * @version 2.0
+ * Created by windy on 2019/9/18
+ */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/widget/multiselect/__test__/multiselectinsert.combo.test.js b/src/widget/multiselect/__test__/multiselectinsert.combo.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..324598714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/widget/multiselect/__test__/multiselectinsert.combo.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ * @author windy
+ * @version 2.0
+ * Created by windy on 2019/9/18
+ */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/widget/quarter/combo.quarter.js b/src/widget/quarter/combo.quarter.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 588931fa4..000000000
--- a/src/widget/quarter/combo.quarter.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
- * 季度下拉框
- *
- * Created by GUY on 2015/8/28.
- * @class BI.QuarterCombo
- * @extends BI.Widget
- */
-BI.QuarterCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
-    _defaultConfig: function () {
-        return BI.extend(BI.QuarterCombo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {
-            baseCls: "bi-quarter-combo",
-            behaviors: {},
-            height: 25
-        });
-    },
-    _init: function () {
-        BI.QuarterCombo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments);
-        var self = this, o = this.options;
-        this.storeValue = "";
-        this.trigger = BI.createWidget({
-            type: "bi.quarter_trigger",
-            value: o.value
-        });
-        this.trigger.on(BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_FOCUS, function () {
-            self.storeValue = this.getKey();
-        });
-        this.trigger.on(BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_START, function () {
-            self.combo.isViewVisible() && self.combo.hideView();
-        });
-        this.trigger.on(BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_STOP, function () {
-            if (!self.combo.isViewVisible()) {
-                self.combo.showView();
-            }
-        });
-        this.trigger.on(BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () {
-            if (self.combo.isViewVisible()) {
-                return;
-            }
-            if (this.getKey() && this.getKey() !== self.storeValue) {
-                self.setValue(this.getKey());
-            } else if (!this.getKey()) {
-                self.setValue();
-            }
-            self.fireEvent(BI.QuarterCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM);
-        });
-        this.popup = BI.createWidget({
-            type: "bi.quarter_popup",
-            behaviors: o.behaviors,
-            value: o.value
-        });
-        this.popup.on(BI.QuarterPopup.EVENT_CHANGE, function () {
-            self.setValue(self.popup.getValue());
-            self.combo.hideView();
-            self.fireEvent(BI.QuarterCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM);
-        });
-        this.combo = BI.createWidget({
-            type: "bi.combo",
-            container: o.container,
-            element: this,
-            isNeedAdjustHeight: false,
-            isNeedAdjustWidth: false,
-            el: this.trigger,
-            popup: {
-                minWidth: 85,
-                el: this.popup
-            }
-        });
-        this.combo.on(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, function () {
-            self.fireEvent(BI.QuarterCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW);
-        });
-    },
-    setValue: function (v) {
-        this.trigger.setValue(v);
-        this.popup.setValue(v);
-    },
-    getValue: function () {
-        if (BI.isNull(this.popup)) {
-            return this.options.value || "";
-        } else {
-            return this.popup.getValue() || "";
-        }
-    }
-BI.shortcut("bi.quarter_combo", BI.QuarterCombo);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/widget/quarter/popup.quarter.js b/src/widget/quarter/popup.quarter.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 474799141..000000000
--- a/src/widget/quarter/popup.quarter.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
- * 季度展示面板
- *
- * Created by GUY on 2015/9/2.
- * @class BI.QuarterPopup
- * @extends BI.Trigger
- */
-BI.QuarterPopup = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
-    _defaultConfig: function () {
-        return BI.extend(BI.QuarterPopup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {
-            baseCls: "bi-quarter-popup",
-            behaviors: {}
-        });
-    },
-    _init: function () {
-        BI.QuarterPopup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments);
-        var self = this, o = this.options;
-        var items = [{
-            text: BI.Date._QN[1],
-            value: 1
-        }, {
-            text: BI.Date._QN[2],
-            value: 2
-        }, {
-            text: BI.Date._QN[3],
-            value: 3
-        }, {
-            text: BI.Date._QN[4],
-            value: 4
-        }];
-        items = BI.map(items, function (j, item) {
-            return BI.extend(item, {
-                type: "bi.text_item",
-                cls: "bi-list-item-active",
-                textAlign: "left",
-                whiteSpace: "nowrap",
-                once: false,
-                forceSelected: true,
-                height: 25
-            });
-        });
-        this.quarter = BI.createWidget({
-            type: "bi.button_group",
-            element: this,
-            behaviors: o.behaviors,
-            items: BI.createItems(items, {}),
-            layouts: [{
-                type: "bi.vertical"
-            }],
-            value: o.value
-        });
-        this.quarter.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) {
-            self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments);
-            if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) {
-                self.fireEvent(BI.MonthPopup.EVENT_CHANGE);
-            }
-        });
-    },
-    getValue: function () {
-        return this.quarter.getValue()[0];
-    },
-    setValue: function (v) {
-        this.quarter.setValue([v]);
-    }
-BI.shortcut("bi.quarter_popup", BI.QuarterPopup);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/widget/quarter/trigger.quarter.js b/src/widget/quarter/trigger.quarter.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6afd8c49d..000000000
--- a/src/widget/quarter/trigger.quarter.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- * 季度trigger
- *
- * Created by GUY on 2015/8/21.
- * @class BI.QuarterTrigger
- * @extends BI.Trigger
- */
-BI.QuarterTrigger = BI.inherit(BI.Trigger, {
-    _const: {
-        hgap: 4,
-        vgap: 2,
-        textWidth: 40
-    },
-    _defaultConfig: function () {
-        return BI.extend(BI.QuarterTrigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {
-            extraCls: "bi-quarter-trigger bi-border",
-            height: 24
-        });
-    },
-    _init: function () {
-        BI.QuarterTrigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments);
-        var self = this, o = this.options, c = this._const;
-        this.editor = BI.createWidget({
-            type: "bi.sign_editor",
-            height: o.height,
-            validationChecker: function (v) {
-                return v === "" || (BI.isPositiveInteger(v) && v >= 1 && v <= 4);
-            },
-            quitChecker: function (v) {
-                return false;
-            },
-            hgap: c.hgap,
-            vgap: c.vgap,
-            allowBlank: true,
-            errorText: BI.i18nText("BI-Quarter_Trigger_Error_Text")
-        });
-        this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_FOCUS, function () {
-            self.fireEvent(BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_FOCUS);
-        });
-        this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_CHANGE, function () {
-            self.fireEvent(BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_CHANGE);
-        });
-        this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () {
-            var value = self.editor.getValue();
-            if (BI.isNotNull(value)) {
-                self.editor.setValue(value);
-                self.editor.setTitle(value);
-            }
-            self.fireEvent(BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_CONFIRM);
-        });
-        this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_SPACE, function () {
-            if (self.editor.isValid()) {
-                self.editor.blur();
-            }
-        });
-        this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_START, function () {
-            self.fireEvent(BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_START);
-        });
-        this.editor.on(BI.SignEditor.EVENT_STOP, function () {
-            self.fireEvent(BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_STOP);
-        });
-        BI.createWidget({
-            element: this,
-            type: "bi.htape",
-            items: [
-                {
-                    el: this.editor
-                }, {
-                    el: {
-                        type: "bi.text_button",
-                        baseCls: "bi-trigger-quarter-text",
-                        text: BI.i18nText("BI-Multi_Date_Quarter"),
-                        width: c.textWidth
-                    },
-                    width: c.textWidth
-                }, {
-                    el: {
-                        type: "bi.trigger_icon_button",
-                        width: o.height
-                    },
-                    width: o.height
-                }
-            ]
-        });
-        this.setValue(o.value);
-    },
-    setValue: function (v) {
-        v = v || "";
-        this.editor.setState(v);
-        this.editor.setValue(v);
-        this.editor.setTitle(v);
-    },
-    getKey: function () {
-        return this.editor.getValue();
-    }
-BI.QuarterTrigger.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP";
-BI.shortcut("bi.quarter_trigger", BI.QuarterTrigger);
\ No newline at end of file