forked from fanruan/fineui
18 changed files with 1972 additions and 1881 deletions
@ -1,374 +1,374 @@
!(function () { |
var needHideWhenAnotherComboOpen = {}; |
var currentOpenedCombos = {}; |
/** |
* @class BI.Combo |
* @extends BI.Widget |
*/ |
/** |
* @class BI.Combo |
* @extends BI.Widget |
*/ |
BI.Combo = BI.inherit(BI.Bubble, { |
_const: { |
}, |
_defaultConfig: function () { |
var conf = BI.Combo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); |
import { shortcut, Widget, Controller, extend, createWidget, nextTick, bind, isNotNull, isNull, isFunction, each } from "../../core"; |
import Bubble from "./bubble"; |
import { Resizers } from "../0.base"; |
return BI.extend(conf, { |
baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-combo" + (BI.isIE() ? " hack" : ""), |
attributes: { |
tabIndex: -1, |
}, |
trigger: "click", // click || hover || click-hover || ""
toggle: true, |
direction: "bottom", // top||bottom||left||right||top,left||top,right||bottom,left||bottom,right||right,innerRight||right,innerLeft||innerRight||innerLeft
logic: { |
dynamic: true, |
}, |
container: null, // popupview放置的容器,默认为this.element
isDefaultInit: false, |
destroyWhenHide: false, |
hideWhenBlur: true, |
hideWhenAnotherComboOpen: false, |
hideWhenClickOutside: true, |
showArrow: false, |
isNeedAdjustHeight: true, // 是否需要高度调整
isNeedAdjustWidth: true, |
stopEvent: false, |
stopPropagation: false, |
adjustLength: 0, // 调整的距离
adjustXOffset: 0, |
adjustYOffset: 0, |
supportCSSTransform: true, |
hideChecker: BI.emptyFn, |
offsetStyle: "", // "",center,middle
el: {}, |
popup: {}, |
comboClass: "bi-combo-popup", |
hoverClass: "bi-combo-hover", |
belowMouse: false, |
}); |
}, |
let needHideWhenAnotherComboOpen = {}; |
let currentOpenedCombos = {}; |
render: function () { |
var self = this, o = this.options; |
this._initCombo(); |
// 延迟绑定事件,这样可以将自己绑定的事情优先执行
BI.nextTick(() => { |
!this.isDestroyed() && this._initPullDownAction(); |
}); |
this.combo.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { |
if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid()) { |
if (type === BI.Events.TOGGLE) { |
self._toggle(); |
} |
if (type === BI.Events.EXPAND) { |
self._popupView(); |
} |
if (type === BI.Events.COLLAPSE) { |
self._hideView(); |
} |
if (type === BI.Events.EXPAND) { |
self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); |
self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_EXPAND); |
} |
if (type === BI.Events.COLLAPSE) { |
self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); |
self.isViewVisible() && self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_COLLAPSE); |
} |
if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { |
self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE, obj); |
} |
} |
}); |
@shortcut() |
export default class Combo extends Bubble { |
static xtype = "bi.combo"; |
self.element.on("mouseenter." + self.getName(), function (e) { |
if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.combo.isEnabled() && self.combo.isValid()) { |
self.element.addClass(o.hoverClass); |
_defaultConfig() { |
const conf = super._defaultConfig(arguments); |
return extend(conf, { |
baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-combo" + (BI.isIE() ? " hack" : ""), |
attributes: { |
tabIndex: -1, |
}, |
trigger: "click", // click || hover || click-hover || ""
toggle: true, |
direction: "bottom", // top||bottom||left||right||top,left||top,right||bottom,left||bottom,right||right,innerRight||right,innerLeft||innerRight||innerLeft
logic: { |
dynamic: true, |
}, |
container: null, // popupview放置的容器,默认为this.element
isDefaultInit: false, |
destroyWhenHide: false, |
hideWhenBlur: true, |
hideWhenAnotherComboOpen: false, |
hideWhenClickOutside: true, |
showArrow: false, |
isNeedAdjustHeight: true, // 是否需要高度调整
isNeedAdjustWidth: true, |
stopEvent: false, |
stopPropagation: false, |
adjustLength: 0, // 调整的距离
adjustXOffset: 0, |
adjustYOffset: 0, |
supportCSSTransform: true, |
hideChecker: BI.emptyFn, |
offsetStyle: "", // "",center,middle
el: {}, |
popup: {}, |
comboClass: "bi-combo-popup", |
hoverClass: "bi-combo-hover", |
belowMouse: false, |
}); |
} |
render() { |
const { hoverClass, logic, isDefaultInit } = this.options; |
this._initCombo(); |
// 延迟绑定事件,这样可以将自己绑定的事情优先执行
nextTick(() => { |
!this.isDestroyed() && this._initPullDownAction(); |
}); |
this.combo.on(Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, (type, value, obj, ...args) => { |
if (this.isEnabled() && this.isValid()) { |
if (type === BI.Events.TOGGLE) { |
this._toggle(); |
} |
}); |
self.element.on("mouseleave." + self.getName(), function (e) { |
if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.combo.isEnabled() && self.combo.isValid()) { |
self.element.removeClass(o.hoverClass); |
if (type === BI.Events.EXPAND) { |
this._popupView(); |
} |
}); |
BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ |
element: this, |
scrolly: false, |
}, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("vertical", BI.extend(o.logic, { |
items: [ |
{ el: this.combo } |
], |
})))); |
o.isDefaultInit && (this._assertPopupView()); |
BI.Resizers.add(this.getName(), BI.bind(function (e) { |
// 如果resize对象是combo的子元素,则不应该收起,或交由hideChecker去处理
if (this.isViewVisible()) { |
BI.isNotNull(e) ? this._hideIf(e) : this._hideView(); |
if (type === BI.Events.COLLAPSE) { |
this._hideView(); |
} |
if (type === BI.Events.EXPAND) { |
this.fireEvent(Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, type, value, obj, ...args); |
this.fireEvent(Combo.EVENT_EXPAND); |
} |
if (type === BI.Events.COLLAPSE) { |
this.fireEvent(Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, type, value, obj, ...args); |
this.isViewVisible() && this.fireEvent(Combo.EVENT_COLLAPSE); |
} |
if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { |
this.fireEvent(Combo.EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE, obj); |
} |
}, this)); |
}, |
_assertPopupView: function () { |
var self = this, o = this.options; |
if (BI.isNull(this.popupView)) { |
this.popupView = BI.createWidget(BI.isFunction(this.options.popup) ? this.options.popup() : this.options.popup, { |
type: "bi.popup_view", |
showArrow: o.showArrow, |
value: o.value, |
}, this); |
this.popupView.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { |
if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { |
self.combo.setValue(self.getValue()); |
self.fireEvent(BI.Bubble.EVENT_CHANGE, value, obj); |
} |
self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); |
}); |
this.popupView.setVisible(false); |
BI.nextTick(function () { |
self.fireEvent(BI.Bubble.EVENT_AFTER_INIT); |
}); |
} |
}, |
}); |
_hideView: function (e) { |
var o = this.options; |
this.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW); |
if (this.options.destroyWhenHide === true) { |
this.popupView && this.popupView.destroy(); |
this.popupView = null; |
this._rendered = false; |
} else { |
this.popupView && this.popupView.invisible(); |
this.element.on("mouseenter." + this.getName(), (e) => { |
if (this.isEnabled() && this.isValid() && this.combo.isEnabled() && this.combo.isValid()) { |
this.element.addClass(hoverClass); |
} |
if (!e || !this.combo.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e)) { |
this.element.removeClass(this.options.hoverClass); |
// 应对bi-focus-shadow在收起时不失焦
this.element.blur(); |
}); |
this.element.on("mouseleave." + this.getName(), (e) => { |
if (this.isEnabled() && this.isValid() && this.combo.isEnabled() && this.combo.isValid()) { |
this.element.removeClass(hoverClass); |
} |
}); |
this.element.removeClass(this.options.comboClass); |
delete needHideWhenAnotherComboOpen[this.getName()]; |
delete currentOpenedCombos[this.getName()]; |
o.hideWhenClickOutside && BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).unbind("mousedown." + this.getName()).unbind("mousewheel." + this.getName()); |
BI.EVENT_BLUR && o.hideWhenBlur && BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(window).unbind("blur." + this.getName()); |
this.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW, e); |
}, |
createWidget(extend({ |
element: this, |
scrolly: false, |
}, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("vertical", extend(logic, { |
items: [ |
{ el: this.combo } |
], |
})))); |
isDefaultInit && (this._assertPopupView()); |
Resizers.add(this.getName(), bind((e) => { |
// 如果resize对象是combo的子元素,则不应该收起,或交由hideChecker去处理
if (this.isViewVisible()) { |
isNotNull(e) ? this._hideIf(e) : this._hideView(); |
} |
}, this)); |
} |
_popupView: function (e) { |
var self = this, o = this.options; |
this._assertPopupViewRender(); |
this.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW); |
// popupVisible是为了获取其宽高, 放到可视范围之外以防止在IE下闪一下
this.popupView.css({ left: -99999, top: -99999 }); |
this.popupView.visible(); |
BI.each(needHideWhenAnotherComboOpen, function (i, combo) { |
if (i !== self.getName()) { |
if (combo && combo._hideIf(e, true) === true) { |
delete needHideWhenAnotherComboOpen[i]; |
} |
_assertPopupView() { |
const { showArrow, value, hideWhenClickOutside, hideWhenBlur } = this.options; |
if (isNull(this.popupView)) { |
this.popupView = createWidget(isFunction(this.options.popup) ? this.options.popup() : this.options.popup, { |
type: "bi.popup_view", |
showArrow, |
value, |
}, this); |
this.popupView.on(Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, (type, value, obj, ...args) => { |
if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { |
this.combo.setValue(this.getValue()); |
this.fireEvent(Bubble.EVENT_CHANGE, value, obj); |
} |
this.fireEvent(Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, type, value, obj, ...args); |
}); |
this.popupView.setVisible(false); |
nextTick(() => { |
this.fireEvent(Bubble.EVENT_AFTER_INIT); |
}); |
currentOpenedCombos[this.getName()] = this; |
this.options.hideWhenAnotherComboOpen && (needHideWhenAnotherComboOpen[this.getName()] = this); |
this.adjustWidth(e); |
this.adjustHeight(e); |
} |
} |
this.element.addClass(this.options.comboClass); |
o.hideWhenClickOutside && BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).unbind("mousedown." + this.getName()).unbind("mousewheel." + this.getName()); |
o.hideWhenClickOutside && BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).unbind("mousewheel." + this.getName()); |
BI.EVENT_BLUR && o.hideWhenBlur && BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(window).unbind("blur." + this.getName()); |
_hideView(e) { |
const { hideWhenClickOutside, hideWhenBlur } = this.options; |
this.fireEvent(Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW); |
if (this.options.destroyWhenHide === true) { |
this.popupView && this.popupView.destroy(); |
this.popupView = null; |
this._rendered = false; |
} else { |
this.popupView && this.popupView.invisible(); |
} |
o.hideWhenClickOutside && BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).bind("mousedown." + this.getName(), BI.bind(this._hideIf, this)).bind("mousewheel." + this.getName(), BI.bind(this._hideIf, this)); |
o.hideWhenClickOutside && BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).bind("mousewheel." + this.getName(), BI.bind(this._hideIf, this)); |
BI.EVENT_BLUR && o.hideWhenBlur && BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(window).bind("blur." + this.getName(), BI.bind(this._hideIf, this)); |
this.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW); |
}, |
if (!e || !this.combo.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e)) { |
this.element.removeClass(this.options.hoverClass); |
// 应对bi-focus-shadow在收起时不失焦
this.element.blur(); |
} |
adjustHeight: function (e) { |
var o = this.options, p = {}; |
if (!this.popupView) { |
return; |
} |
var isVisible = this.popupView.isVisible(); |
this.popupView.visible(); |
var combo = (o.belowMouse && BI.isNotNull(e)) ? { |
element: { |
0: BI.extend({},, { |
getBoundingClientRect: function () { |
return { |
left: e.pageX, |
top: e.pageY, |
width: 0, |
height: 0, |
}; |
} |
}), |
offset: function () { |
return { |
left: e.pageX, |
top: e.pageY, |
}; |
}, |
}, |
} : this.combo; |
this.element.removeClass(this.options.comboClass); |
delete needHideWhenAnotherComboOpen[this.getName()]; |
delete currentOpenedCombos[this.getName()]; |
var positionRelativeElement = BI.DOM.getPositionRelativeContainingBlock( |
BI.isNull(o.container) |
? this.element[0] |
: BI.isWidget(o.container) |
? o.container.element[0] |
: BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(BI.isFunction(o.container) ? o.container() : o.container)[0] |
); |
hideWhenClickOutside && Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).unbind("mousedown." + this.getName()).unbind("mousewheel." + this.getName()); |
BI.EVENT_BLUR && hideWhenBlur && Widget._renderEngine.createElement(window).unbind("blur." + this.getName()); |
this.fireEvent(Combo.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW, e); |
} |
switch (o.direction) { |
case "bottom": |
case "bottom,right": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset, (o.adjustYOffset + o.adjustLength) + (o.showArrow ? this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["bottom", "top", "right", "left"], o.offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "top": |
case "top,right": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset, (o.adjustYOffset + o.adjustLength) + (o.showArrow ? this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["top", "bottom", "right", "left"], o.offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "left": |
case "left,bottom": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, (o.adjustXOffset + o.adjustLength) + (o.showArrow ? this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), o.adjustYOffset, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["left", "right", "bottom", "top"], o.offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "right": |
case "right,bottom": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, (o.adjustXOffset + o.adjustLength) + (o.showArrow ? this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), o.adjustYOffset, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["right", "left", "bottom", "top"], o.offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "top,left": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset, (o.adjustYOffset + o.adjustLength) + (o.showArrow ? this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["top", "bottom", "left", "right"], o.offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "bottom,left": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset, (o.adjustYOffset + o.adjustLength) + (o.showArrow ? this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["bottom", "top", "left", "right"], o.offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "left,top": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, (o.adjustXOffset + o.adjustLength) + (o.showArrow ? this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), o.adjustYOffset, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["left", "right", "top", "bottom"], o.offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "right,top": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, (o.adjustXOffset + o.adjustLength) + (o.showArrow ? this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), o.adjustYOffset, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["right", "left", "top", "bottom"], o.offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "right,innerRight": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, (o.adjustXOffset + o.adjustLength) + (o.showArrow ? this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), o.adjustYOffset, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["right", "left", "innerRight", "innerLeft", "bottom", "top"], o.offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "right,innerLeft": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, (o.adjustXOffset + o.adjustLength) + (o.showArrow ? this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), o.adjustYOffset, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["right", "left", "innerLeft", "innerRight", "bottom", "top"], o.offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "innerRight": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, (o.adjustXOffset + o.adjustLength) + (o.showArrow ? this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), o.adjustYOffset, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["innerRight", "innerLeft", "right", "left", "bottom", "top"], o.offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "innerLeft": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, (o.adjustXOffset + o.adjustLength) + (o.showArrow ? this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), o.adjustYOffset, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["innerLeft", "innerRight", "left", "right", "bottom", "top"], o.offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "top,custom": |
case "custom,top": |
p = BI.DOM.getTopAdaptPosition(combo, this.popupView, (o.adjustYOffset + o.adjustLength) + (o.showArrow ? this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), o.isNeedAdjustHeight); |
p.dir = "top"; |
break; |
case "custom,bottom": |
case "bottom,custom": |
p = BI.DOM.getBottomAdaptPosition(combo, this.popupView, (o.adjustYOffset + o.adjustLength) + (o.showArrow ? this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), o.isNeedAdjustHeight); |
p.dir = "bottom"; |
break; |
case "left,custom": |
case "custom,left": |
p = BI.DOM.getLeftAdaptPosition(combo, this.popupView, (o.adjustXOffset + o.adjustLength) + (o.showArrow ? this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0)); |
delete; |
delete p.adaptHeight; |
p.dir = "left"; |
break; |
case "custom,right": |
case "right,custom": |
p = BI.DOM.getRightAdaptPosition(combo, this.popupView, (o.adjustXOffset + o.adjustLength) + (o.showArrow ? this._const.TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0)); |
delete; |
delete p.adaptHeight; |
p.dir = "right"; |
break; |
default: |
break; |
_popupView(e) { |
const { hideWhenClickOutside, hideWhenBlur } = this.options; |
this._assertPopupViewRender(); |
this.fireEvent(Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW); |
// popupVisible是为了获取其宽高, 放到可视范围之外以防止在IE下闪一下
this.popupView.css({ left: -99999, top: -99999 }); |
this.popupView.visible(); |
each(needHideWhenAnotherComboOpen, (i, combo) => { |
if (i !== this.getName()) { |
if (combo && combo._hideIf(e, true) === true) { |
delete needHideWhenAnotherComboOpen[i]; |
} |
} |
}); |
currentOpenedCombos[this.getName()] = this; |
this.options.hideWhenAnotherComboOpen && (needHideWhenAnotherComboOpen[this.getName()] = this); |
this.adjustWidth(e); |
this.adjustHeight(e); |
var width = this.combo.element.outerWidth(); |
var height = this.combo.element.outerHeight(); |
this.popupView.setDirection && this.popupView.setDirection(p.dir, { |
width: width, |
height: height, |
offsetStyle: o.offsetStyle, |
adjustXOffset: o.adjustXOffset, |
adjustYOffset: o.adjustYOffset, |
offset: this.combo.element.offset(), |
}); |
this.element.addClass(this.options.comboClass); |
hideWhenClickOutside && Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).unbind("mousedown." + this.getName()).unbind("mousewheel." + this.getName()); |
hideWhenClickOutside && Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).unbind("mousewheel." + this.getName()); |
BI.EVENT_BLUR && hideWhenBlur && Widget._renderEngine.createElement(window).unbind("blur." + this.getName()); |
if (o.supportCSSTransform) { |
hideWhenClickOutside && Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).bind("mousewheel." + this.getName(), bind(this._hideIf, this)); |
hideWhenClickOutside && Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).bind("mousedown." + this.getName(), bind(this._hideIf, this)).bind("mousewheel." + this.getName(), bind(this._hideIf, this)); |
BI.EVENT_BLUR && hideWhenBlur && Widget._renderEngine.createElement(window).bind("blur." + this.getName(), bind(this._hideIf, this)); |
this.fireEvent(Combo.EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW); |
} |
var positonedRect = positionRelativeElement.getBoundingClientRect(); |
adjustHeight(e) { |
const { belowMouse, supportCSSTransform, container, direction, adjustXOffset, adjustYOffset, adjustLength, showArrow, isNeedAdjustHeight, offsetStyle } = this.options; |
let p = {}; |
if (!this.popupView) { |
return; |
} |
const isVisible = this.popupView.isVisible(); |
this.popupView.visible(); |
const combo = (belowMouse && isNotNull(e)) ? { |
element: { |
0:, |
offset: () => { |
return { |
left: e.pageX, |
top: e.pageY, |
}; |
}, |
bounds: () => { |
// offset为其相对于父定位元素的偏移
return { |
x: e.offsetX, |
y: e.offsetY, |
width: 0, |
height: 24, |
}; |
}, |
outerWidth: () => { |
return 0; |
}, |
outerHeight: () => { |
return 24; |
}, |
}, |
} : this.combo; |
const positionRelativeElement = supportCSSTransform ? BI.DOM.getPositionRelativeContainingBlock(isNull(container) ? this.element[0] : Widget._renderEngine.createElement(isFunction(container) ? container() : container)[0]) : null; |
const TRIANGLE_LENGTH = 12; |
switch (direction) { |
case "bottom": |
case "bottom,right": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, adjustXOffset, (adjustYOffset + adjustLength) + (showArrow ? TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), isNeedAdjustHeight, ["bottom", "top", "right", "left"], offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "top": |
case "top,right": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, adjustXOffset, (adjustYOffset + adjustLength) + (showArrow ? TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), isNeedAdjustHeight, ["top", "bottom", "right", "left"], offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "left": |
case "left,bottom": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, (adjustXOffset + adjustLength) + (showArrow ? TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), adjustYOffset, isNeedAdjustHeight, ["left", "right", "bottom", "top"], offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "right": |
case "right,bottom": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, (adjustXOffset + adjustLength) + (showArrow ? TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), adjustYOffset, isNeedAdjustHeight, ["right", "left", "bottom", "top"], offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "top,left": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, adjustXOffset, (adjustYOffset + adjustLength) + (showArrow ? TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), isNeedAdjustHeight, ["top", "bottom", "left", "right"], offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "bottom,left": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, adjustXOffset, (adjustYOffset + adjustLength) + (showArrow ? TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), isNeedAdjustHeight, ["bottom", "top", "left", "right"], offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "left,top": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, (adjustXOffset + adjustLength) + (showArrow ? TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), adjustYOffset, isNeedAdjustHeight, ["left", "right", "top", "bottom"], offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "right,top": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, (adjustXOffset + adjustLength) + (showArrow ? TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), adjustYOffset, isNeedAdjustHeight, ["right", "left", "top", "bottom"], offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "right,innerRight": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, (adjustXOffset + adjustLength) + (showArrow ? TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), adjustYOffset, isNeedAdjustHeight, ["right", "left", "innerRight", "innerLeft", "bottom", "top"], offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "right,innerLeft": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, (adjustXOffset + adjustLength) + (showArrow ? TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), adjustYOffset, isNeedAdjustHeight, ["right", "left", "innerLeft", "innerRight", "bottom", "top"], offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "innerRight": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, (adjustXOffset + adjustLength) + (showArrow ? TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), adjustYOffset, isNeedAdjustHeight, ["innerRight", "innerLeft", "right", "left", "bottom", "top"], offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "innerLeft": |
p = BI.DOM.getComboPosition(combo, this.popupView, (adjustXOffset + adjustLength) + (showArrow ? TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), adjustYOffset, isNeedAdjustHeight, ["innerLeft", "innerRight", "left", "right", "bottom", "top"], offsetStyle, positionRelativeElement); |
break; |
case "top,custom": |
case "custom,top": |
p = BI.DOM.getTopAdaptPosition(combo, this.popupView, (adjustYOffset + adjustLength) + (showArrow ? TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), isNeedAdjustHeight); |
p.dir = "top"; |
break; |
case "custom,bottom": |
case "bottom,custom": |
p = BI.DOM.getBottomAdaptPosition(combo, this.popupView, (adjustYOffset + adjustLength) + (showArrow ? TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0), isNeedAdjustHeight); |
p.dir = "bottom"; |
break; |
case "left,custom": |
case "custom,left": |
p = BI.DOM.getLeftAdaptPosition(combo, this.popupView, (adjustXOffset + adjustLength) + (showArrow ? TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0)); |
delete; |
delete p.adaptHeight; |
p.dir = "left"; |
break; |
case "custom,right": |
case "right,custom": |
p = BI.DOM.getRightAdaptPosition(combo, this.popupView, (adjustXOffset + adjustLength) + (showArrow ? TRIANGLE_LENGTH : 0)); |
delete; |
delete p.adaptHeight; |
p.dir = "right"; |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} |
var scaleX = positonedRect.width / positionRelativeElement.offsetWidth; |
var scaleY = positonedRect.height / positionRelativeElement.offsetHeight; |
if ("adaptHeight" in p) { |
this.resetListHeight(p.adaptHeight); |
} |
|||| && ( = Math.round( / scaleY + positionRelativeElement.scrollTop)); |
p.left && (p.left = Math.round(p.left / scaleX + positionRelativeElement.scrollLeft)); |
const width = this.combo.element.outerWidth(); |
const height = this.combo.element.outerHeight(); |
this.popupView.setDirection && this.popupView.setDirection(p.dir, { |
width, |
height, |
offsetStyle, |
adjustXOffset, |
adjustYOffset, |
offset: this.combo.element.offset(), |
}); |
p.adaptHeight && (p.adaptHeight = Math.round(p.adaptHeight / scaleY)); |
} |
if (supportCSSTransform) { |
if ("adaptHeight" in p) { |
this.resetListHeight(p.adaptHeight); |
} |
const positonedRect = positionRelativeElement.getBoundingClientRect(); |
if ("left" in p) { |
this.popupView.element.css({ |
left: p.left, |
}); |
} |
if ("top" in p) { |
this.popupView.element.css({ |
top:, |
}); |
} |
this.position = p; |
this.popupView.setVisible(isVisible); |
}, |
const scaleX = positonedRect.width / positionRelativeElement.offsetWidth; |
const scaleY = positonedRect.height / positionRelativeElement.offsetHeight; |
destroyed: function () { |
BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document) |
.unbind("click." + this.getName()) |
.unbind("mousedown." + this.getName()) |
.unbind("mousewheel." + this.getName()) |
.unbind("mouseenter." + this.getName()) |
.unbind("mouseleave." + this.getName()); |
BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(window) |
.unbind("blur." + this.getName()); |
BI.Resizers.remove(this.getName()); |
this.popupView && this.popupView._destroy(); |
delete needHideWhenAnotherComboOpen[this.getName()]; |
delete currentOpenedCombos[this.getName()]; |
}, |
}); |
BI.Combo.closeAll = function () { |
BI.each(currentOpenedCombos, function (i, combo) { |
if (combo) { |
combo.hideView(); |
} |
}); |
currentOpenedCombos = {}; |
needHideWhenAnotherComboOpen = {}; |
}; |
|||| && ( = / scaleY); |
p.left && (p.left = p.left / scaleX); |
} |
if ("left" in p) { |
this.popupView.element.css({ |
left: p.left, |
}); |
} |
if ("top" in p) { |
this.popupView.element.css({ |
top:, |
}); |
} |
this.position = p; |
this.popupView.setVisible(isVisible); |
} |
destroyed() { |
Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document) |
.unbind("click." + this.getName()) |
.unbind("mousedown." + this.getName()) |
.unbind("mousewheel." + this.getName()) |
.unbind("mouseenter." + this.getName()) |
.unbind("mouseleave." + this.getName()); |
Widget._renderEngine.createElement(window) |
.unbind("blur." + this.getName()); |
Resizers.remove(this.getName()); |
this.popupView && this.popupView._destroy(); |
delete needHideWhenAnotherComboOpen[this.getName()]; |
delete currentOpenedCombos[this.getName()]; |
} |
} |
BI.shortcut("bi.combo", BI.Combo); |
}()); |
Combo.closeAll = () => { |
each(currentOpenedCombos, (i, combo) => { |
if (combo) { |
combo.hideView(); |
} |
}); |
currentOpenedCombos = {}; |
needHideWhenAnotherComboOpen = {}; |
}; |
Reference in new issue