You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* 分页控件
* Created by GUY on 2015/8/31.
* @class BI.DetailPager
* @extends BI.Widget
BI.DetailPager = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
_defaultConfig: function () {
return BI.extend(BI.DetailPager.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {
baseCls: "bi-detail-pager",
behaviors: {},
layouts: [{
type: "bi.horizontal",
7 years ago
dynamicShow: true, // 是否动态显示上一页、下一页、首页、尾页, 若为false,则指对其设置使能状态
// dynamicShow为false时以下两个有用
dynamicShowFirstLast: false, // 是否动态显示首页、尾页
dynamicShowPrevNext: false, // 是否动态显示上一页、下一页
pages: false, // 总页数
curr: function () {
return 1;
7 years ago
}, // 初始化当前页
groups: 0, // 连续显示分页数
jump: BI.emptyFn, // 分页的回调函数
7 years ago
first: false, // 是否显示首页
last: false, // 是否显示尾页
prev: "上一页",
next: "下一页",
firstPage: 1,
7 years ago
lastPage: function () { // 在万不得已时才会调用这个函数获取最后一页的页码, 主要作用于setValue方法
return 1;
7 years ago
hasPrev: BI.emptyFn, // pages不可用时有效
hasNext: BI.emptyFn // pages不可用时有效
_init: function () {
BI.DetailPager.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments);
var self = this;
this.currPage = BI.result(this.options, "curr");
7 years ago
// 翻页太灵敏
this._lock = false;
this._debouce = BI.debounce(function () {
self._lock = false;
}, 300);
_populate: function () {
var self = this, o = this.options, view = [], dict = {};
var pages = BI.result(o, "pages");
var curr = BI.result(this, "currPage");
var groups = BI.result(o, "groups");
var first = BI.result(o, "first");
var last = BI.result(o, "last");
var prev = BI.result(o, "prev");
var next = BI.result(o, "next");
if (pages === false) {
groups = 0;
first = false;
last = false;
} else {
groups > pages && (groups = pages);
7 years ago
// 计算当前组
dict.index = Math.ceil((curr + ((groups > 1 && groups !== pages) ? 1 : 0)) / (groups === 0 ? 1 : groups));
7 years ago
// 当前页非首页,则输出上一页
if (((!o.dynamicShow && !o.dynamicShowPrevNext) || curr > 1) && prev !== false) {
if (BI.isKey(prev)) {
text: prev,
value: "prev",
disabled: pages === false ? o.hasPrev(curr) === false : !(curr > 1 && prev !== false)
7 years ago
} else {
disabled: pages === false ? o.hasPrev(curr) === false : !(curr > 1 && prev !== false)
}, prev));
7 years ago
// 当前组非首组,则输出首页
if (((!o.dynamicShow && !o.dynamicShowFirstLast) || (dict.index > 1 && groups !== 0)) && first) {
text: first,
value: "first",
disabled: !(dict.index > 1 && groups !== 0)
if (dict.index > 1 && groups !== 0) {
type: "bi.label",
cls: "page-ellipsis",
text: "\u2026"
7 years ago
// 输出当前页组
dict.poor = Math.floor((groups - 1) / 2);
dict.start = dict.index > 1 ? curr - dict.poor : 1;
dict.end = dict.index > 1 ? (function () {
var max = curr + (groups - dict.poor - 1);
return max > pages ? pages : max;
}()) : groups;
7 years ago
if (dict.end - dict.start < groups - 1) { // 最后一组状态
dict.start = dict.end - groups + 1;
var s = dict.start, e = dict.end;
if (first && last && (dict.index > 1 && groups !== 0) && (pages > groups && dict.end < pages && groups !== 0)) {
for (; s <= e; s++) {
if (s === curr) {
text: s,
value: s,
selected: true
7 years ago
} else {
text: s,
value: s
7 years ago
7 years ago
// 总页数大于连续分页数,且当前组最大页小于总页,输出尾页
if (((!o.dynamicShow && !o.dynamicShowFirstLast) || (pages > groups && dict.end < pages && groups !== 0)) && last) {
if (pages > groups && dict.end < pages && groups !== 0) {
type: "bi.label",
cls: "page-ellipsis",
text: "\u2026"
text: last,
value: "last",
disabled: !(pages > groups && dict.end < pages && groups !== 0)
7 years ago
7 years ago
// 当前页不为尾页时,输出下一页
dict.flow = !prev && groups === 0;
if (((!o.dynamicShow && !o.dynamicShowPrevNext) && next) || (curr !== pages && next || dict.flow)) {
view.push((function () {
if (BI.isKey(next)) {
if (pages === false) {
7 years ago
return {text: next, value: "next", disabled: o.hasNext(curr) === false};
return (dict.flow && curr === pages)
7 years ago
{text: next, value: "next", disabled: true}
7 years ago
{text: next, value: "next", disabled: !(curr !== pages && next || dict.flow)};
7 years ago
return BI.extend({
disabled: pages === false ? o.hasNext(curr) === false : !(curr !== pages && next || dict.flow)
}, next);
this.button_group = BI.createWidget({
type: "bi.button_group",
element: this,
items: BI.createItems(view, {
8 years ago
cls: "page-item bi-border bi-list-item-active",
3 years ago
height: 23
behaviors: o.behaviors,
layouts: o.layouts
this.button_group.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) {
if (self._lock === true) {
self._lock = true;
if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) {
var v = self.button_group.getValue()[0];
switch (v) {
case "first":
self.currPage = 1;
case "last":
self.currPage = pages;
case "prev":
case "next":
self.currPage = v;
o.jump.apply(self, [{
pages: pages,
curr: self.currPage
self.fireEvent(BI.DetailPager.EVENT_CHANGE, obj);
self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments);
getCurrentPage: function () {
return this.currPage;
setAllPages: function (pages) {
this.options.pages = pages;
hasPrev: function (v) {
v || (v = 1);
var o = this.options;
var pages = this.options.pages;
return pages === false ? o.hasPrev(v) : v > 1;
hasNext: function (v) {
v || (v = 1);
var o = this.options;
var pages = this.options.pages;
return pages === false ? o.hasNext(v) : v < pages;
setValue: function (v) {
var o = this.options;
v = v || 0;
v = v < 1 ? 1 : v;
if (o.pages === false) {
var lastPage = BI.result(o, "lastPage"), firstPage = 1;
this.currPage = v > lastPage ? lastPage : ((firstPage = BI.result(o, "firstPage")), (v < firstPage ? firstPage : v));
} else {
v = v > o.pages ? o.pages : v;
this.currPage = v;
getValue: function () {
var val = this.button_group.getValue()[0];
switch (val) {
case "prev":
return -1;
case "next":
return 1;
case "first":
return BI.MIN;
case "last":
return BI.MAX;
default :
return val;
attr: function (key, value) {
BI.DetailPager.superclass.attr.apply(this, arguments);
if (key === "curr") {
this.currPage = BI.result(this.options, "curr");
populate: function () {
3 years ago
BI.shortcut("bi.detail_pager", BI.DetailPager);