You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

116 lines
4.7 KiB

// 工程配置
BI.prepares.push(function () {
// 注册布局
// adapt类布局优先级规则
// 1、在非IE且支持flex的浏览器下使用flex布局
// 2、IE或者不支持flex的浏览器下使用inline布局
// 3、在2的情况下如果布局的items大于1的话使用display:table的布局
// 4、在3的情况下如果IE版本低于8使用table标签布局
var _isSupportFlex;
var isSupportFlex = function () {
if (_isSupportFlex == null) {
_isSupportFlex = !!(BI.isSupportCss3 && BI.isSupportCss3("flex"));
return _isSupportFlex;
BI.Plugin.configWidget("bi.horizontal", function (ob) {
var isIE = BI.isIE(), supportFlex = isSupportFlex(), isLessIE8 = isIE && BI.getIEVersion() < 8;
if (isLessIE8) {
return ob;
if (ob.items && ob.items.length > 1) {
return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.table_adapt"});
if (!IE && supportFlex) {
return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.flex_horizontal"});
return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.table_adapt"});
BI.Plugin.configWidget("bi.center_adapt", function (ob) {
var isIE = BI.isIE(), supportFlex = isSupportFlex(), justOneItem = (ob.items && ob.items.length <= 1);
if (!isIE && supportFlex && justOneItem) {
return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.flex_center_adapt"});
// 一个item的情况下inline布局睥睨天下
if (justOneItem) {
return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.inline_center_adapt"});
return ob;
BI.Plugin.configWidget("bi.vertical_adapt", function (ob) {
var isIE = BI.isIE(), supportFlex = isSupportFlex();
if (!isIE && supportFlex) {
return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.flex_vertical_center_adapt"});
return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.inline_vertical_adapt"});
BI.Plugin.configWidget("bi.horizontal_adapt", function (ob) {
if (ob.verticalAlign === BI.VerticalAlign.TOP && ob.items && ob.items.length <= 1) {
return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.horizontal_auto"});
return ob;
BI.Plugin.configWidget("bi.float_center_adapt", function (ob) {
if (!BI.isIE() && isSupportFlex()) {
return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.flex_center_adapt"});
return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.inline_center_adapt"});
BI.Plugin.configWidget("bi.flex_horizontal", function (ob) {
if (ob.scrollable === true || ob.scrollx === true || ob.scrolly === true) {
return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.flex_scrollable_horizontal"});
BI.Plugin.configWidget("bi.flex_vertical", function (ob) {
if (ob.scrollable === true || ob.scrollx === true || ob.scrolly === true) {
return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.flex_scrollable_vertical"});
BI.Plugin.configWidget("bi.flex_horizontal_adapt", function (ob) {
if (ob.scrollable === true || ob.scrollx === true || ob.scrolly === true) {
return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.flex_scrollable_horizontal_adapt"});
BI.Plugin.configWidget("bi.flex_vertical_adapt", function (ob) {
if (ob.scrollable === true || ob.scrollx === true || ob.scrolly === true) {
return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.flex_scrollable_vertical_adapt"});
BI.Plugin.configWidget("bi.flex_horizontal_center_adapt", function (ob) {
if (ob.scrollable === true || ob.scrollx === true || ob.scrolly === true) {
return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.flex_scrollable_horizontal_adapt"});
BI.Plugin.configWidget("bi.flex_vertical_center_adapt", function (ob) {
if (ob.scrollable === true || ob.scrollx === true || ob.scrolly === true) {
return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.flex_scrollable_vertical_adapt"});
BI.Plugin.configWidget("bi.flex_center_adapt", function (ob) {
if (ob.scrollable === true || ob.scrolly === true || ob.scrollx === true) {
return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.flex_scrollable_center_adapt"});
BI.Plugin.configWidget("", function (ob) {
if (BI.isIE() && BI.getIEVersion() < 9) {
return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.image_radio"});
return ob;
BI.Plugin.configWidget("bi.checkbox", function (ob) {
if (BI.isIE() && BI.getIEVersion() < 9) {
return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.image_checkbox"});
return ob;
BI.Plugin.configWidget("bi.half_icon_button", function (ob) {
if (BI.isIE() && BI.getIEVersion() < 9) {
return ob;
return BI.extend(ob, {type: "bi.half_button"});